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Volume 83, No. Xy :fXZ_\j :fie\i XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy Classical education Ni`k\ Pfli Fne Afb\ ?\i\ Dominant ?bg] hnm fhk^ Z[hnm phf^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee a^Z]
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Keeping an Eye NM: `^ml Z hg^&lmhi Lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^ on Austin iZk^gm lahi \^gm^k 81st Legislature
JKL;<EK 8==8@IJ ONLINE EXTRAS What to expect this week ...
This is an occasional series covering the current Texas Legislature
pbma g^p \^kmbÖ \Zmbhg
What you might have missed...
and will end June 1. Several bills have nce the ballot went the _hkfZmbhg Z[hnm into ahnlbg`% \Zfinl K_\ GXi\ekj =Xd`cp :\ek\i ^o^gml% iZkdbg` on _^^l% eleck^`blmkZmbhg already been filed, and more are conbox for state officials Xejn\ij e\n DXm\i`Zb gXi\ekjË Zg] Zk^Zl hg \Zfinl bl k^Z]ber Ma^ `kZ]nZm^l \hfie^m^] ma^ JfZ`Xc nfib jkl[\ekj Xi\ k_\ stantly being submitted by the lawtion day, the people spoke. Now Visit hl\jk`fej Xe[ ZfeZ\iej% ZoZbeZ[e^ pbma a^ei _khf \^gm^k ^f& /)&ahnk Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ ]`ijk kf ^iX[lXk\ n`k_ ]fZlj\[ for daily updates. makers that represent districts around those they electediehr^^l% will lZb] get<Zl^r down to ma^ @hgsZe^l% Ma^kZir \^kmb_b\Zmbhg ikh`kZf Yi`\] k_\iXgp Z\ik`]`ZXk\j% 9P D<::8 8C@ IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k ]bk^\mhk' h__^k^] makhn`a ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl the state, including those covering business with their bills and politics.
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie Pa^g Z iZk^gm \Zeel hk \hf^l The 81st Legislature started Jan. 13 the IZk^gml ghp aZo^ Z ieZ\^ mh `^m bgmh ma^ h__b\^ l^Zk\abg` _hk Zee ma^ Zglp^kl' Zglp^kl% ma^ \^gm^k pbee mkZgl_^k hk Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl \k^Zm^] ma^ ]bk^\m ma^f mh ma^ \hkk^\m Zk^Z _hk Sen. Royce IZk^gml ?Zfber B_ maZm West Zk^Z WHO TO<^gm^k WATCHmh a^ei maZm li^\b_b\ jn^lmbhg' Zee^obZm^ ma^ _knlmkZmbhgl h_ \hg& \ZgÍm [^ k^Z\a^] hk eh\Zm^]% ma^ _nl^] iZk^gml Zg] _Zfber f^f[^kl lmZ__^kl pbee l^Zk\a _hk ma^ bg_hkfZ& West represents Along with a few key players, pa^g mkrbg` like mh `^m bg_hkfZmbhg hg the newly elected Speaker of District 23 in DalZ oZkb^mr h_ the ngbo^klbmr Bg&and Gov. Rick @E=F Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * las. He graduated House l^kob\^l' Joe Straus
Perry, the university has people representing it — some who descended from UTA. Students will hear their names in the news often this session. Here are some faces to know and look for: Rep. Diane Patrick
She represents District 94, the university’s district, and was an education professor at the university from 1994 to 2007. She has introduced bills that dealt with education like HB 3509, which related to the creation of a task force to evaluate redistribution of surplus textbooks owned by the State of Texas. This is her second legislative session. One bill she authored is HB 130, which relates to an enhancedquality full-day prekindergarten program provided by public school districts in conjunction with community providers. Sen. Chris Harris He represents District 9, the university’s district. He served in the House 1985-1990 and in the Senate since 1991. In the previous session, he served on various committees and serves as Vice Chairman on the Business and Commerce Committee. One bill he wrote is SB 272, which relates to the creation of an additional judicial district in Tarrant County. :FDDLE@:8K@FE
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L^o^g lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^] _khf ma^ L\ahhe h_ Lh\bZe Phkd eZlm fhgma pbma Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ maZm aZl ghm [^^g h__^k^] [^_hk^ bg ma^ N'L'% lZb] I^m^k E^afZgg% lh\bZe phkd Zllh\bZm^ ikh_^llhk'
from UTA and was elected Student Congress president in 1974 and has served in the Texas Senate since 1993. One bill he authored is SB 430, which relates to the higher education facilities as authorized projects in a public improvement district.
WHAT TO WATCH Along with the key players, students may want to keep track of various bills that could change the university community. Here are five bills to keep an eye on: HB 21 — Proposes a fixed tuition rate for universities and lower-division institutions of higher education. SB 105 — Proposes to limit increases in fees and designated tuition. SB 226 — Proposes student members of a state university system board of regents or a state university be given voting rights. SB 22 — Proposes tax-free textbooks for college students during a limited period. HB 51 — Proposes looking into Tier One university funding and if any new ones should be named.
<hgmbgnbg` >]n\Zmbhg =^iZkmf^gm% pab\a [^`Zg eZlm r^Zk% a^ lZb]' Lmn]^gml bg ma^ lh\bZe phkd% ilr\aheh`r% gnklbg` Zg] f^]b& \bg^ _b^e]l e^Zkg ldbeel mh \hg]n\m ^__^\mbo^ bgm^kob^pl maZm [kbg` hnm \eb^gmlÍ lmk^g`mal Zg] k^lhnk\^l% Zg] ]^o^ehi `hh] `hZel% E^afZgg lZb]' ÊMa^ Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_
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For more on the legislature
K_\ J_fik_fie1 D`Z_X\c I\kk`^
I\XZ_`e^ K_\`i ;\jk`eXk`fej
see page 3
AP Photo
E\njZXjkj Xe[ jgfikj ^Xd\j ARLINGTON n`cc ile fe Z_Xee\c 00 Y\^`ee`e^ N\[e\j[Xp e`^_k%
‘College town’ plan moves toward reality 9P D8I@JJ8 ?8CC
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
have begun moving into the area, while other small businesses will have to wait on the university to finalize construction plans and the economy to turn around. “People in the downtown area, the people on my board and the people with the city recognize that there’s 25,000 students and there’s all this
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8 IXZ`e^ I\[\j`^e
STORY BY BRYAN BASTIBLE ;khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml mh Ö ef m^e^\Zlml _hk \Z[e^ \aZgg^e
Mabl l^f^lm^k% [khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml pbee `^m fhk^ aZg]l&hg ^qi^kb^g\^ [r _befbg` g^pl\Zlml Zg] \ho^kbg` ngbo^k& lbmr lihkml' ;^`bggbg` g^qm fhgma% lmn]^gml pbee lahhm p^^der g^pl\Zlml _hk ngbo^k& Businesses moving near lmn]^gml lbmr \Z[e^ \aZgg^e 22' Lhf^ pbee _bef [^`bggbg` pbma UTAZelh is key tolihkml the Campus ma^ f^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee `Zf^ P^]g^l]Zr Master Plan materializing. gb`am' @Zf^l pbee [^ ihlm^] bg ma^bk ^gmbk^& SARAH LUTZ mr hg ma^ BY ngbo^klbmr Zmae^mb\l P^[ lbm^ The `Zf^ Shorthorn staff Zehg` pbma ab`aeb`aml% lZb] :g& ]k^p <eZkd% \hffngb\Zmbhg ZllblmZgm Small steps toward a colikh_^llhk Zg] [khZ]\Zlm ]bk^\mhk' lege town atmosphere have alÊB_ p^ cnlm inm as kZp _hhmZ`^ ready been taken the cam- h_ ma^ `Zf^% bmÍl \hg\^boZ[e^ bm \hne] [^ hg ma^ pus and the city work together P^[ lbm^ Zg ahnk hk mph Z_m^k ma^ `Zf^%Ë — while more drastic changes <eZkd lZb]' will;khZ]\Zlm have to wait. l^gbhk =Zob] FZgg^kbg` Maggie Campbell, DownZgghng\^l _hk ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl kZ]bh lmZ& town Arlington Management mbhg% Zg] abl \hff^gmZkr \Zg ieZr pbma Corporation president and ma^ `Zf^ hgebg^' <eZkd lZb] some ma^r pbee mkr mh \ho^k Zl CEO, said restaurants
Ma^kZir Ikh`kZf [^\Zf^ ihineZk Zg] a^ei_ne _hk hma^kl bg hma^k \hngmkb^l ln\a Zl Mhkhgmh% Lbg`Zihk^ Zg] Ehg]hg% >g`eZg]%Ë E^afZgg lZb]' @kZ]nZm^ IZf^eZ Chaglhg lZb] la^ ahi^l ma^ \^kmb_b\Zm^ fZd^l a^k fhk^ dghpe^]`^Z[e^' ÊBm pZl o^kr ^q\bmbg` k^\^bobg` ma^ _bklm \^kmb_b\Zm^ bg ma^ N'L'%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊBm aZl bg\k^Zl^] fr dghpe^]`^ Zg]
Mph gnklbg` ]h\mhkZe lmn]^gml mkZo^e ehg` ]blmZg\^l mh [^ ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Ö klm
Branching Out
ROTC cadet cast in Super Bowl ad 9P D8KK?<N I<8>8E
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
Ma^ L\ahhe h_ Gnklbg` l^m Z eZg]fZkd _hk bml ikh& `kZf mabl iZlm =^\^f[^k' BY MARK BAUER “The Army is fun. It’s[^\Zf^ the only place you can run FZqbg^ :]^`[heZ Zg] @ehkbZ <Zkk ma^ _bklm The Shorthorn staff mh k^\^bo^ ]h\mhkZe ]^`k^^l bg gnklbg` Zm ma^ ngbo^klbmr' around and get dirty — and get paid for it.” It’s not uncommon for h_ ]^]b\Zm^] k^l^Zk\a% \hngme^ll ]bll^kmZ& :_m^k r^Zkl students to havembhg ik^l^gmZmbhgl Zg] in[eb\Zmbhgl% Zg] ^o^g ^qmk^f^ part-time Ted Kuchta, jobs, but Ted \hffnmbg`% Kuchta’s ma^r k^\^bo^] ma^bk mh [^\hf^ interdisciplinary studies]h\mhkZm^l senior >cfi`X :Xii# has taken him around the gnkl^ l\b^gmblml' Ma^r got [^`Zg ma^ ikh`kZf mh`^ma^k bg +)), Zl ma^ elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ world and recently l\ahheÍl _bklm ]h\mhkZe \Zg]b]Zm^l Zg] _bgbla^] mh`^ma^k him in a national ad cam- that he and his wife of four two hours talking to me paign scheduledZm =^\^f[^kÍl `kZ]nZmbhg \^k^fhgr' to air dur- years, Michelle, are taking one time.” :emahn`a :]^`[heZ [^`Zg a^k gnklbg` bg Kuchta portrays himself ballroom dancing classes.^]n\Zmbhg ing Super Bowl XLIII. CZfZb\Z Zg] <Zkk He bg F^fiabl% M^gg'% K_\ J_fik_fie1 8e[i\n 9lZbc\p in the 30-second clip. The applied for the [hma role `kZ]nZm^l Kuchta, a nontraditionaZo^ mZd^g lbfbeZk iZmal mh k^Z\a ma^ NM: ikh`kZf' al interdisciplinary studies on a whim. When every- scene, 16 seconds in, shows 9ifX[ZXjk`e^ e\nj j\e`fi 8ife Dfi^Xe j_ffkj k_\ DXm\i`Zbj ^Xd\ K_lij[Xp e`^_k `e ;hma k^\^bo^] ma^ Dr[Z ?^eehplabi bg a student morphing him as one ?^kg^ else G^pfZg in his battalion K\oXj ?Xcc% K_`j nXj k_\ ]`ijk ^Xd\ kf Y\ k\c\m`j\[ Yp k_\ YifX[ZXjk`e^ jkl[\ekj ]fi k_\ senior who briefly attendGnklbg`% Zg] [hma p^k^ l^e^\m^] Zl Êf^gm^^lË [r ma^ Xk_c\k`Zj N\Y j`k\% dismissed a casting e-mail into a soldier in a library. ed Arlington High School, GZmbhgZe <hZebmbhg h_ >magb\ Fbghkbmr Gnkl^ :llh\bZ& was selected late last year sent in September as junk “Where can a student stay mbhgl' ma^ of four Army re- mail, Kuchta said he de- in school while expanding fZgr ahf^ `Zf^l _hk f^gÍl Zg] phf& ]^gml fZr _bef [Zl^[Zee `Zf^l as bg one Ma^ mph Zk^ gh lmkZg`^kl mh mkZo^ebg` _hk ma^bk ^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee Zl ma^r \Zg [nm maZm ma^ likbg`' his la^ education beyond the cided mk^dd^] it was at least worth pa^k^ servists to participate in:]^`[heZ ^]n\Zmbhg' _khf CZfZb\Z% MO K^ihkmbg` * Zg] + \eZll^l pbee `Zf^ \ho^kZ`^ ]^i^g]l hg ma^ gnf[^k classroom?” the narrator a shot. k^\^bo^] a^k ]biehfZ bg gnklbg`% mh Angm^k <hee^`^ bg DXo`e\ 8[\^YfcX# the latest Army Reserve h_ lmn]^gml ZoZbeZ[e^' Ma^r fZr Zelh elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ He sent his application asks. recruitment ad campaign. \ho^k lhf^ ZpZr `Zf^l% Zg] lhf^ lmn& The Shorthorn: 9IF8;:8JK Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ ELIJ@E> Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * Michael Rettig
Popular franchise Fuzzy’s Taco Shop will open on Abram Street on Jan. 26. The restaurant is part of a revitalization of the downtown area.
creative energy and all these youth, but we don’t get them up here because we don’t have enough to draw,” she said. Campbell said Babe’s Chicken Dinner House, an all-you-can-eat, family-style
restaurant will open in the summer and Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, a successful franchise near Texas Christian University and University of North TOWN continues on page 6
The commercial already aired during the Bowl Championship Series at the beginning of the year and has since replayed on most major television networks. But “Mr. Hollywood,” as U.S. Army Maj. Ricardo Diaz calls him, would much rather talk about his two daughters or the fact
and got a callback 20 minutes later. “ ‘We got your application, it came across our desk,’ ” Kuchta remembers the caller saying on the other end. That original phone call sparked a series of “rigorous” phone interviews. “People were feeling me out,” he said. “They spent
While Kuchta said other reservists in his battalion have more interesting stories, it’s his school status and involvement with ROTC that interested those responsible for casting. Ironically, it was also his student status that CADET continues on page 6
YOUR DAY Friday January 23, 2009
Partly Sunny • High 81°F • Low 39°F
Mostly Cloudy • High 43°F • Low 35°F
Mostly Sunny • High 55°F • Low 41°F
40% Chance Rain • High 55°F • Low 44°F — National Weather Service at
33 students earn spots on the UTA Dance Ensemble team
Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to
Planetarium Shows: 7 and 8 p.m., Chemistry and Physics Building. “Seven Wonders” at 7 p.m., “Rock Hall of Fame” at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 adults, $4 children and seniors, $3 faculty, staff and alumni and $2 UTA students. For information, contact Levent Gurdemir at 817272-0123 or planetarium@
Regional Future City Competition: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Nedderman Hall atrium. Free. For information, contact Jean Eason at 817-9231032 or Planetarium Shows: 1 and 2:30 p.m., Chemistry and Physics Building. “Destination Pluto” at 1 p.m., “Microcosm” at 2 p.m. Tickets $5 adults, $4 children and seniors, $3 faculty, staff and alumni and $2 UTA students. For information, contact Levent Gurdemir at 817272-0123 or planetarium@
Above: Criminal justice senior Alexandra Guio auditions for the UTA Dance Ensemble on Thursday night in the Swift Center. Students were given almost two hours to learn three dances and were judged on their performances.
Making the Team
UTA Dance Ensemble director Liza Grove clapped her hands in time, then flew across the floor as more than 33 students spun, leaped and scrunched their faces trying to mimic her every move at last night’s dance ensemble auditions. Students were given two hours to learn three different dances. They then auditioned twice on each — ballet, jazz and modern styles. All 33 students auditioning made the ensemble. Biology junior Rajani Pathak auditioned for her first time at the university and in the country. “I have only done dancing in my country, Nepal,” she said. “The hardest was the ballet, because it was so different. I’ve never done it in my life before.” Mechanical engineering junior Meeseon Nagel also auditioned for her first time with the company. “In the ballet ensemble I got really confused,” she said. “I had a hard time learning the steps.” She said her confidence around the seasoned veterans was low with only a
Planetarium Shows: 1 and 2:30 p.m., Chemistry and Physics Building. “Destination Pluto” at 1 p.m., “Microcosm” at 2 p.m. Tickets $5 adults, $4 children and seniors, $3 faculty, staff and alumni and $2 UTA students. For information, contact Levent Gurdemir at 817- 272-0123 or Walvoord Faculty Violin Recital: 3 p.m., Irons Recital Hall. Free. For information, contact the Music Department at 817-272-3471 or
JAN. Regional Future City Competition: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. For information, contact Jean Eason at 817-923-1032 or j.eason@
For the full calendar, visit
Bring factual errors to The Shorthorn’s attention via e-mail to editor.shorthorn@ or call 817-272-3188. A correction or clarification will be printed in this space.
News Front Desk ......................... 817-272-3661 News after 5 p.m........................ 817-272-3205 Advertising ................................. 817-272-3188 Fax ............................................. 817-272-5009 UC Lower Level Box 19038, Arlington, TX 76019 Editor in chief .............................. Joan Khalaf Managing Editor........................... Justin Rains
freshman jazz class at UT-El Paso as experience. “I know I had to cover up my mistakes but I didn’t,” she said. “I made those faces that show that I messed up, so I feel bad, but it’s already done so what can I do?” Interior design senior Kayla Richardson, auditioning for her sixth semester with the dance ensemble, said no one is immune to the pre-audition jitters. “No matter how long you’ve been in the ensemble, you still get nervous when you audition, just because it’s a new dance,” she said. “Nobody knows anything so it’s a fresh start for everyone. There have been instances when old members don’t make it again, so it’s still kind of nerve racking.” Once accepted into the ensemble, new members are automatically part of the family, Richardson said. “So the things that you learn at this studio are things that you would never learn at any other college experience or organization because it’s so much like a family,” she said. Richardson said the performances at
For video coverage, visit
THE SHORTHORN .com the end of the semester will be student choreographed and student-led in a diverse style range. “We do tons of hip-hop and ballet, and that’s completely opposite ends of the spectrum,” she said. “So if you’re ballet technique, you flip around and learn hip-hop and get amazing at it. If you’re the opposite, you learn ballet, and ballet technique helps anybody.” Director Liza Grove said the audition saw a great turnout of new and returning dancers. “It is always encouraging to know how much the dancers love it because they keep coming back,” she said. “And as far as our new additions, we are always happy to welcome them to the family.” SARAH LUTZ
STORY BY SARAH LUTZ | PHOTOS BY STEPHANIE GODDARD POLICE REPORT This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the university’s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.
Right: Students audition for the UTA Dance Ensemble on Thursday night at the Swift Center. Returning members were required to try out alongside new hopefuls.
Theft $50-500 A student contacted police to report that his Apple 8GB iTouch was stolen from the Maverick Activities Center at 500 W. Nedderman Drive. Police valued the property at $250. News Editor ................................. Jason Boyd Assistant News Editor ................ Mark Bauer Design Editor .............................. Marissa Hall Copy Desk Chief ................... Drew Williamson Sports Editor ......................... Stephen Peters
Wednesday Burglary of a Habitation Police responded at Arbor Oaks apartments, 1008 Greek Row Drive, to take a report that a student’s apartment was burglarized. The student told police he returned home at about 10:38 p.m. to find that a TV, laptop, projector and home theater system were taken while he was gone. Police reported the estimated value of the missing items at just under $5,000. Scene Editor .............................Emily Toman Opinion Editor ................................ Cohe Bolin Photo Editor .................................... Rasy Ran Webmaster ........................... Troy Buchwalter News Clerk ................................ Jeanne Lopez
Suspicious Person Police met with a student at Centennial Court apartments, 705 W. Mitchell St., regarding a possible suspicious person who was seen around her apartment over the weekend. Vehicle tow Police responded to faculty Lot 36, at 211 Cooper St., for a report of a vehicle parked in a reserved space. Police determined the vehicle was parked in the space without authorization, and the vehicle was Student Ad Manager .............. Colleen Hurtzig Ad Representatives ........................ Dondria Bowman, Shannon Edwards, Matthew Harper, Eric Lara, Mike Love, Pax Salinas, Kasey Tomlinson, Linley Wilson Ad Artists ............................. Antonina Doescher, Robert Harper, Benira Miller Receptionists ............................ Monica
towed. Accident A student at 600 S. Pecan St. called police to report that the side window of her Jeep Grand Cherokee had been damaged after being struck by a rock ejected from a trimmer being used by a university grounds worker. It occurred while the student was in the turnaround at Arlington Hall, at 600 S. Pecan St.
Misdemeanor Warrant Service Police stopped a vehicle in the 1000 block of Greek Row Drive for an expired inspection sticker. The officer learned that the student driving the vehicle had an outstanding misdemeanor traffic warrant for speeding in Arlington. Police arrested and booked the driver into the Arlington Police Department jail.
For a crime map, visit
Barbery, Hillary Green Courier ................................. Taylor Frizzelle
FIRST COPY FREE ADDITIONAL COPIES 25 CENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON 90TH YEAR, © THE SHORTHORN 2009 All rights reserved. All content is the property of The Shorthorn and may not be
reproduced, published or retransmitted in any form without written permission from UTA Student Publications. The Shorthorn is the student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published in the UTA Office of Student Publications. Opinions expressed in The Shorthorn are not necessarily those of the university administration.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Having the Know-How Former mayor, EPA administrator teaches at UTA By Ali MustAnsir Contributor to The Shorthorn
He helped lead the region during Hurricanes Katrina and Ike, now he’ll tell those tales and more about his life in public service at the School of Urban and Public Affairs. Richard Greene, former Arlington mayor and Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 administrator, returned to teach his first class in six years this Thursday. He was an adjunct professor at the university before his EPA appointment. Greene said he intends to use his experiences as building blocks for his classes. He teaches urban environmental policy this semester and will also teach a class in the fall about managing a modern city through a mayor’s eyes. “We feel exceptionally fortunate to have Richard Greene,” said SUPA Dean Barbara Becker. “He brings to SUPA invaluable experience both at the local level with his experience as mayor of Arlington and at the regional level with the EPA.” Greene said he realized the university’s importance during his time as mayor, citing that the university has a larger economic impact than the entertainment and recreation industries in Arlington. But the economic impact, he said, isn’t everything. “What is more important is the intangible value of being a city that houses a great school,” he said. Greene was appointed as the Region 6 administrator by former President George W. Bush in March 2003. His appointment ended after President Barack Obama’s inauguration Tuesday. During his time with the EPA, he faced the Hurricane Katrina tragedy. “Richard Greene’s time at the Environmental Protection Agency was marked by tremendous challenges, which he met with strong and steady leadership,” Acting Regional Administrator Larry Starfield said in a statement. Starfield was also Deputy Regional Administrator to Greene. Greene began his public service career in 1977. He spent nine years as Chairman of The Planning and Zoning Committee, three years on the Arlington City Council, then 10 years as Arlington mayor. As mayor, he played a major role in the development of the Rangers Ballpark and assembled the plan that allowed Arlington to keep the General Motors plant. This experience will show in his teaching, Greene said.
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The ShorThorn
New legislature leadership brings change to Austin New bills in the current 81st Legislative session could affect the university. By BryAn BAstiBle The Shorthorn staff
The Shorthorn: Meghan Williams
Richard Greene, former Arlington mayor and Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 administrator, teaches an environmental policy course at the university. He will also teach a city management course in the fall.
HigHligHts froM A life in tHe puBlic’s service 1987 – Elected mayor of Arlington, served five terms 1997 – Became associate publisher for the Arlington Star-Telegram and adjunct professor at UTA 2000 – Lead the project to bring the 2012 Olympics to Dallas 2003 – Appointed Region 6 administrator personally by former President George W. Bush 2009 – Returns to UTA to share his public service experiences with urban and public affairs students
Communication lecturer O.K. Carter said he and Greene came to Arlington around the same time and now live three blocks away. They worked together on the Arlington Star-Telegram editorial board. “[It’s] experience you can’t replicate,” Carter said. “It’s unique.” Ali MustAnsir
The year 2009 represents not only a change for Washington, D.C., but for Austin. This legislative session sees a change in the Democratic minority numbers, a new speaker of the House and bills that could be important to higher education. On the first day of the 81st Legislative session, Rep. Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, was elected as speaker of the House, replacing Tom Craddick. Governmental Relations Director Kate Kettles said things will change with the new man-
agement. “It will be different with new leadership in the House,” she said in an e-mail. “Many new House members in charge of committees — things will be different, but who knows exactly how?” Political science professor Jose Angel Gutierrez said the new speaker of the House should make things more efficient for both parties. He said Straus didn’t have much experience, but people were wanting someone who could reach across the aisle. Another change is the Democrats’ winning another seat in the state Senate. Political science professor Joseph Ignagni said this session will be different because Democrats and Republicans are more likely to work
together. “It’s more bipartisanship than the ones we have seen in the last few sessions,” he said. The change shouldn’t mean anything to the university, because Sen. Chris Harris, R-Arlington, is still in a great position, Kettles said. But bipartisanship in the House can’t be discerned yet, because committee assignments haven’t been decided, she said. “But we believe our lawmakers will have good committee assignments,” she said. Some of the bills that could affect the university if passed concern Tier One universities, a tuition freeze and the university’s budget. BryAn BAstiBle
ELB construction noise tolerable Students and staff on the same floor as Soria. second floor have adapted “Sometimes it’s scary when to loud work above them. there’s banging above you,” By Dustin l. DAngli The Shorthorn staff
Wearing ear plugs in an office may seem like an oddity, but those orange pieces of foam help Amanda Soria zone out the construction above her head. Along with several other staff and students, the support specialist works on the second floor of the Engineering Lab Building. Construction for a third floor has been going on since the middle of last semester, and the addition greets those who visit the second floor with drilling, pounding and other construction noises. Administrative assistant Cindy Bradfield works on the
Bradfield said. “But you get used to it.” She said the construction workers are thoughtful and notify those working on the second floor when it’s about to be loud and suggest that they move their work to a new space. The construction crew also gives out the ear plugs, which Soria uses on a regular basis. Exposure made everything better for bioengineering sophomore Khaushik Subramanian, who said he now doesn’t mind working in the building, though at first, he couldn’t stand all the hammering and pounding. Soria seconds that sentiment. “It takes time and exposure,” she said. Other construction inconve-
niences are a lack of parking, fewer entrances and exits and, at times, the crew needs to cut the power and water. But Soria said those on the second floor break room get front-row seats to watch the Engineering Research Complex’s construction — she likes to watch the claw on the crane outside of her window as it sways in the wind. They’ve also adapted to the noise through subtle changes, like talking louder. Bradfield said she doesn’t mind working on the level until construction is complete in August, even downplaying the noise situation. “It’s like being in a house full of kids,” she said. Dustin l. DAngli
World VieW
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The ShorThorn
Friday, January 23, 2009
in texas
Board drops intelligent design mandate for now
Obama to close Guantanamo
AUSTiN â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The State Board of education tentatively decided to amend school science curriculum standards Thursday, dropping a 20-year-old requirement that critics say is used to undermine the theory of evolution. The change in curriculum drops the mandate that science teachers address both â&#x20AC;&#x153;strengths and weaknessesâ&#x20AC;? of scientific theory. it would be in place for the next decade. A panel of science teachers had recommended that the language be dropped.
in the nation
Ill. governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawyer: I might sue to stop trial CHiCAGo â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Facing almost certain defeat in a Senate impeachment trial, Gov. rod Blagojevich might ask the courts to step in and block a proceeding that he considers â&#x20AC;&#x153;a sham,â&#x20AC;? a lawyer for the democratic governor said Thursday. Attorney Samuel e. Adam told The Associated Press on Thursday that a lawsuit challenging what he called â&#x20AC;&#x153;completely unfairâ&#x20AC;? Senate trial rules is being prepared and could be filed to the state Supreme Court within days, pending a final decision on whether to move forward. Blagojevichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trial is set to begin Monday.
in the world
Castro says heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll probably not be around in 4 years HAVANA â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fidel Castro said Thursday he doubts heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make it to the end of Barack obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four-year term and instructed Cuban officials to start making their decisions without taking him into account. in an online column titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;reflections of Comrade Fidel,â&#x20AC;? the 82-year-old Cuban leader suggested his days are numbered, saying Cuban officials â&#x20AC;&#x153;shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel bound by my occasional reflections, my state of health or my death.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Associated Press
the associated press
WASHiNGToN â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Breaking forcefully with Bush anti-terror policies, President Barack obama ordered major changes Thursday that he said would halt the torture of suspects, close down the Guantanamo detention center, ban secret CiA prisons overseas and fight terrorism â&#x20AC;&#x153;in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We intend to win this fight. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to win it on our terms,â&#x20AC;? obama declared, turning U.S. policy abruptly on just his second full day in
office. He also put a fresh emphasis on diplomacy, naming veteran troubleshooters for Middle east hotspots. The policies and practices that obama said he was reversing have been widely reviled overseas, by U.S. allies as well as in less-friendly Arab countries. President George W. Bush said the policies were necessary to protect the nation after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks â&#x20AC;&#x201D; though he, too, had said he wanted Guantanamo closed at some point. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A new era of American leadership is at hand,â&#x20AC;?
obama said. executive orders signed by the new president would order the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, shut within a year, require the closure of any remaining secret CiA â&#x20AC;&#x153;black siteâ&#x20AC;? prisons abroad and bar CiA interrogators of detainees from using harsh techniques already banned for military questioners. That includes physical abuse such as waterboarding, a technique that creates the sensation of drowning and has been termed torture by critics at home and
abroad. For the signing ceremony, obama was flanked in the oval office by retired senior U.S. military leaders who had pressed for the changes. Underscoring the new administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s point, the admirals and generals said in a statement: â&#x20AC;&#x153;President obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actions today will restore the moral authority and strengthen the national security of the United States.â&#x20AC;? Not everyone felt that way. Criticism surfaced immediately from republicans and others who said obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
policy changes would jeopardize U.S. ability to get intelligence about terrorist plans or to prevent attacks. House Minority leader John Boehner was among a group of GoP lawmakers who quickly introduced legislation seeking to bar federal courts from ordering Guantanamo detainees to be released into the United States. Boehner, r-ohio, said it â&#x20AC;&#x153;would be irresponsible to close this terrorist detainee facilityâ&#x20AC;? before answering such important questions as where the detainees would be sent.
UN to raise Gaza emergency repair funds the associated press
GAZA CiTY, Gaza Strip â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The United Nations will quickly raise money for emergency repairs in the Gaza Strip, the world bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s humanitarian chief promised Thursday after witnessing what he called shocking destruction from the three-week war between israel and Hamas. But U.N. aid chief John Holmes and another senior U.N. official acknowledged they have no fallback plan if reconstruction is snagged by the power struggle between Gazaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s militant Hamas rulers and their moderate Palestinian rivals in the West Bank. Hamas, which seized power in Gaza by force in June 2007, insisted Thursday that it will not share control over reconstruction projects that initial estimates have said could cost up to $2 billion. The international community, however, is reluctant to funnel huge sums to Hamas, calling for the group for the group to form a joint government with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Prospects for such a deal remain slim.
israel has said one of the key objectives of its offensive against Hamas was to halt weapons smuggling. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets at southern israel over the past eight years, and israel says most of the weapons and explosives came in through smugglersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tunnels from egypt. Any cease-fire deal will be durable only if the basic demands of both sides are met. israel insists on anti-smuggling guarantees, while Hamas wants open Gaza borders to ensure delivery of vital supplies. President Barack obama addressed both stands Thursday, saying his administration supported implementation of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;credibleâ&#x20AC;? system for stopping smuggling and calling for Gazaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s borders to be opened for aid shipments, with â&#x20AC;&#x153;appropriate monitoring.â&#x20AC;? He said Hamas must stop attacking israel. Hamas criticized obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comments, saying his approach will bring the U.S. failure in the region. â&#x20AC;&#x153;obama is still on the same path as previous leaders and also will make the same mistakes as Bush that ignited the region in-
AP Photo: Kevin Frayer
A Palestinian youth boils tea on a fire Thursday in the rubble of his family home that was destroyed in the recent Israeli army offensive in the eastern part of Jebaliya, northern Gaza Strip.
stead of bringing stability,â&#x20AC;? osama Hamdan, the Hamas spokesman in Beirut, lebanon, told Al-Jazeera television. Holmes and robert Serry, the U.N. envoy for the Middle east peace process, toured
some of Gazaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most damaged areas Thursday, including a small industrial zone in the Jebaliya refugee camp. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What i saw was actually more shocking than i expected, both in its extent and its nature,â&#x20AC;? Holmes said, speak-
ing at a U.N. compound that was damaged on the second day of israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offensive when an airstrike hit an adjacent guest house of the Palestinian government. The strike damaged the roof of Holmesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; local office and four U.N. jeeps.
Tax breaks pushed through committee the associated press
WASHiNGToN â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Amid grim new evidence of economic weakness, legislation at the heart of President Barack obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recovery plan advanced in Congress Thursday over the persistent opposition of republicans seeking deeper tax cuts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very pleased with the progress,â&#x20AC;? said Speaker Nancy Pelosi, d-Calif., after
$275 billion in tax cuts cleared the House Ways and Means Committee on a party-line vote of 24-13. democratic leaders have promised the measure will be ready for obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature by midFebruary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;it will create jobs immediately, and it will also lay the foundation for economic stability as we go forward,â&#x20AC;? Pelosi added.
is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the Spring Semester;
'ET A JOB DESCRIPTION AND AN APPLICATION 4/$!9 3TUDENT 0UBLICATIONS $EPT University Center, lower level. Also available online at: WWW 4HE3HORTHORN COM All are paid positions for UTA students. For more information call; 817-272-3188
But republicans said there was no reliable estimate of the billâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impact on employment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The American people deserve to know what they are getting for their nearly $1 trillion,â&#x20AC;? said rep. dave Camp of Michigan, the top republican on the tax-writing committee. in all, the measure costs $825 billion, a total expected to grow as it makes its way through Congress.
ABOUT OPINION Cohe Bolin, editor Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. Friday, January 23, 2009
America counts down the DTV broadcast transition as health care costs climb
REMEMBER The Shorthorn invites students, university employees and alumni to submit guest columns to the Opinion page. Page 5
A Journey into the Unknown Tier One legislation discussed, some say money is tight The Texas Legislature is back in session and legislators will have their eyes on Texas universities and funding. Governmental Relations Director Kate Kettles said the university is looking for funding for its budget and funding a few special items. The special items in order of priority are: 1. Funding to complete the Engineering Research Complex 2. More funds for nursing education 3. Funding for the UTA Fort Worth Center 4. Funding for graduation and retention 5. A new Tuition Revenue Bond for updates to the Nanofab center
The Shorthorn: Robert Villarreal
009 will be a year of transition that will certainly be remembered in history. The first of these is the passing of power from the Bush administration to the new, hopeful Obama administration. The inauguration ceremony was a mix of hope for the coming four years. A significant moment because it is the first SYLVAIN REY in which a black president took the oath of office. The other transition that will surely affect our daily lives in ways seldom yet realized is the transition to digital TV. This event is so important that Congress had to step in and pass a law mandating digital broadcast by Feb. 17 this year. It is in fact so important, that
not even the issues of weapons and social inequalities have been tackled with such determination and careful planning by the federal legislative body. The law indeed has ensured that all kinds of problems are unlikely to happen. It gave us, for example, several years to adapt and make the transition smooth, and we are bombarded daily with commercials to reiterate to our forgetful minds of the necessity of this change. Perhaps the greatest initiative to make DTV a product available to all consumers — regardless of their income — is the federal program to provide up to two $40 coupons to help purchase the needed analog-to-digital converter box. The importance of digital television has made this program absolutely necessary. Not even health care has been helped with such a widespread law that would make medical aid and medicine available to citizens — DTV must be a better cure.
All this for an innovation that will make us, the consumers, happier and enjoying the benefits of this new technology to its fullest. Now, thanks to DTV’s availability to every one of us consumers, it is no longer one program per channel, but two, three, and more. Those who enjoy “couchpotatoing” and “channel surfing” will surely find their pleasure. And don’t forget about the improved sound and picture quality. It will make us feel as if we are in the action! Thanks to DTV, ennui is going to disappear. Perhaps it will also make us forget our mechanical lives and help us toward salvation from economic and social difficulties. The problem with digital television is: Who cares? There really is no need for a government mandate to use digital TV and providing financial aid for it — analog works fine, even though program quality is not enhanced.
On the other hand, 37.3 million Americans lived in poverty in 2007, not even able to afford health insurance or proper medicine. But Congress apparently thinks that digital TVs are more important and useful, and that should be made available to all, not health care. A sad fact is that we are no better than “consumers,” as the official governmental Web site constantly hammers. After an important election, which represented the pinnacle of citizenship, we quickly go back, just a month after, to being simply that, “consumers.” With this mind-set, nothing will get better. Technology is not our savior, yet we are lured by it. Color TV has not made our lives better. It has not made us wiser or prevented economic crises. Neither will digital television.
- Sylvain Rey is an anthropology senior and a columnist for The Shorthorn
A Lesson in Juggling
“Ultimately, we would want to have the criteria developed for Tier One funding,” Kettles said. The Dallas MornEDITORIAL ing News has presented conflicting ROUNDUP statements from Gov. The issue: Rick Perry and Lt. The university is looking Gov. David Dewhurst to see what the on the possibility of budgetary situation a Tier One institution will look like before the Texas Legislature’s 140 being named in this days is up. legislative session. The DMN ran a story Jan. We suggest: 15 with a headline that Stating the case for our said the Legislature university that will help is unlikely to name UTA secure the necesa university as Tier sary funding to propel it One in this session. to Tier One status. But a Jan. 21 editorial quotes Dewhurst as saying “strengthening the research status of state universities” should start now. The university has been vocal in its desire to become a Tier One facility. The Engineering Research Complex, with its state-of-the-art facilities, could be vital in tempting prominent researchers to come to Arlington and in attracting more graduate and Ph.D. programs. Tier One status for Texas universities is on the minds of quite a few Texas lawmakers, according to the Austin American Statesman. But at a journalist briefing sponsored by The Associated Press, House Appropriations Chairman Warren Chisum said a lot of penny-pinching would be in this year’s budget, and Tier One status may not be addressed for that reason, the Statesman said. “It’s going to be a pretty thin budget. I don’t think we’re going to have a lot of new money to spread around,” he said, according to the Statesman . A couple of relative measures that will be addressed include the creation of a commission that will have the responsibility for deciding which schools should be eligible for Tier One status proposed by Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin. Another is additional funding for potential flagship universities, put forth by Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas. So, expect a bumpy ride with the Legislature while it crunches numbers to decide what funding will go where during this session. Let’s just hope the Legislature looks at UT Arlington, as the university is in the midst of its metamorphosis into a top research center and destination college town, and decide that Arlington is worth the investment.
— The Shorthorn editorial board
With classes beginning, students must prioritize so they won’t drop the ball
t’s not uncommon to see students performing circus acts around campus. With classes back in full swing, many of us are adding school into our already hectic juggling routine. Most of us took it easy and enjoyed the holidays with family and friends and now that we are getting back into putting our focus on school, priorities are revolving around our classes. But it’s important to remember that, one way or another, everything can fit into the priority puzzle. Don’t think that just because school is back in session, your free time is over. School is important, but procrastination is too. Be on top of what you have to do and allow plenty of time to get it done, and that includes scheduling “me” time. Some of us are ready to start back, see friends and get the semester going. We feel rejuvenated thanks to the month-long vacation. On the other hand, some of us are dreading the thought of studying, essays and class assignments.
to get done allows you to see what No matter how we feel, we’re assignments must be finished thinking of how to fit school back and in what time frame. into our agenda. But family, work • Save your biggest task for and friends are important too, last. Knock out those easy items and it can get overwhelming if first and work your way up the you don’t know how to keep all list. your juggling balls in the air. • Give yourself enough time With so many things to study. Small study sessions, happening at once, it’s no wonder instead of a night of cramming, that students have become help you retain more and feel multitasking professionals. prepared. Time management is MACY GALVAN • Use a planner. Writing down not one of my strong points. what you have going on lets you Procrastination is my middle name, but that actually works to my plan your week and see when you can relax. • Most importantly, give yourself time to advantage. Class, a job and a social life are things I incorporate into my own one- zone out. If you overload yourself too fast, woman juggling show, and it has taught me too soon, one of those balls you’re juggling something: Making the time to procrastinate will fly out of your hand, making it hard to and relax is just as important as class work. throw it back into the circus act. You will thank yourself later. If you are having trouble readjusting to school and are feeling swamped with stress, use these tips to get centered: - Macy Galvan is an English senior and • Prioritize. Making a list of what needs a columnist for The Shorthorn
The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published four times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of individual student writers or editors,
CANNON FODDER by Isaac Erickson
Shorthorn advisers or university administration. LETTERS should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous statements. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, letters also must include the writer’s full name, address and telephone number, although the address and tele-
phone number will not be published. Students should include their classification, major and their student ID number, which is for identification purposes. The student ID number will not be published. Signed columns and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts or opinions of interest to The Shorthorn’s readers.
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Friday, January 23, 2009
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Texas, will open Jan. 26. Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, located at Mary and Abram streets, is owned and operated by university alumni Eddie White and Clint Bixler. “We’re really lucky they have this affinity for UTA and they really get it,” Campbell said. “They get that the students are here. They get that the students are hungry. They want entertainment, they want places to go that aren’t chains.” White, who along with Bixler were Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity brothers and real estate students, said they wanted to bring the Fuzzy’s atmosphere to students and downtown residents. Campbell said businesses — like a Bikram Yoga Studio, a health food store and a boarding kennel for pets — have contacted her about moving into the downtown area but she has no space to accommodate. “Until the economy turns around and banks are loaning money again, we’ve got to figure out how to keep the momentum going,” she said. John Hall, Administration and Campus Operations vice
could have prevented him from traveling to Chesapeake, Va. to shoot the commercial, which took place during a week in the middle of the semester. But Lt. Col. Albert Alba said Kuchta is an “outstanding ROTC cadet” and had no problem approving his absences. “I think he missed three of my classes,” he said. “He made up the work. He’s an ‘A’ student, so I had no problem with that.” Diaz echoed the sentiment. “He’s a tremendous cadet, very reliable,” he said. “More mature than usual cadets.” Kuchta returned to school after a stint in the reserves, where he still serves. He left Texas Tech University, where he met his wife, just 15 hours shy of graduating, citing burnout as the main reason for his departure. A couple of years after Sept. 11, his daughter, Victoria Danielle, asked him how people were capable of doing something like that. He told her there were bad people in the world. Three days later, he enlisted. “For me, I just wanted to know I did my part to help out with it,” he said about the war. As a Human Intelligence Collector, Kuchta can’t talk about the sensitive nature of his job, which requires him to blend in with the local civilian population, even growing a beard to fit in with the Afghanistan
The Shorthorn: Brad Borgerding
president, said some apartments have been purchased along Center Street. He will not know until late February or early March what will happen to the area along Pecan and Center streets between Lot 40 and Mitchell. “We’re working with the landscape architect that’s doing the trail system and the city because they’re about ready,” he said. “In the spring they’ll start on this second phase. As we talk about the redevelopment of this edge of the campus it could have some implications in regards to the college town too.”
Hall said most of the Campus Master Plan attention is being placed on completing the third floor addition to the Engineering Lab Building and outdoor spaces along First Street — scheduled to be completed in August. The new Engineering Research Building is expected to be finished in 2010. Once the Engineering Research Complex is completed, construction will begin on a parking garage and a row of businesses along UTA Boulevard. SARAH LUTZ
Event offers opportunity to learn about financial aid Financial Aid Night, an event designed to answer students’ questions about financial aid, is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 27 in the University Center. The event is geared toward prospective freshmen and transfer students, said Financial Aid director Karen Krause. The event is an opportunity to learn about financial aid at the university. The night will consist of presentations to teach students to apply for financial aid. “We will discuss the financial aid application process as well as the types of
financial aid that are available to students who attend UT Arlington,” Krause said. Representatives from the Financial Aid Office will be available to help answer questions about the FAFSA and awards available to help pay for college. Admissions counselors will also be present to help answer questions for prospective students. “There are 75 students signed up to attend, and we anticipate there will be more through Tuesday,” Krause said. “This event is not new and has been held for the past several years, and the feedback has
been positive from those in attendance.” Accounting sophomore Manita Shrestha said she is familiar with confusion associated with the financial aid process. “I wish I would have attended something like this to have a better understanding of my options,” she said. Students can register for the Financial Aid Night at https:// TAIBA SHEERIN AHMAD
The Shorthorn: Monica Lopez
ROTC Cadet Ted Kuchta was selected in September to be in the newest U.S. Army Reserve commercial. Now playing on major television networks, it can also be seen during Super Bowl XLIII on Feb. 1.
citizens. But it’s a line of work he enjoys. “The Army is fun,” he said. “It’s the only place you can run around and get dirty — and get paid for it. When you work eight hours a day, and it doesn’t feel like a job, it’s the greatest thing in the world.” Kuchta’s unit is scheduled to return to Afghanistan later this year but because of officer training, he can’t go. “You worry about your
soldiers,” he said. “These guys are your friends. You’ve grown up together. I want to make sure they have all the tools to fulfill their mission.” And that’s why he’s at the university, he said: to educate himself to become an officer so he can impart to his men the tools they need to fulfill their mission. MARK BAUER
“He’s a tremendous cadet, very reliable. More mature than usual cadets.” Ricardo Diaz, U.S. Army Major
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Friday, January 23, 2009
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Personals I lost my invisibility cloak this weekend. If found please contact Mike Love as soon as possible. Found - Invisibility Cloak, found in locker room. Call to identify.
Miscellaneous Beatles cover band seeks Ringo. Must have drums and able to practice weekly. Great Fun!
EMPLOYMENT Childcare EXTENDED CARE Ages 5-12. Small private school. M-Th. 3:00-6:00. F 2:00-6:00. $8.00/ hr. Send resume to or call Dian at (817) 534-2189 HELPER WANTED: pick up a boy after school, bring to swimming class or home to grandparents (no watching needed). Female, UTA student preferred. $90/ wk, $360/ month, Email "".
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Page 7
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DR. RUTH Q: I have been married for 15 years and I have a problem getting aroused, and I don't know what to do. My husband is a great lover. He wants to have sex all the time, but I don't. I have tried watching movies; it helps a little. I do not have a great sex drive. I need to know what to do.
concentrate on that fantasy and see what happens. If you discover that sex is more to your liking, then you'll have discovered a good method of increasing your desire for sex. If not, then you should see a sex therapist in order to find out what the problem is.
Q: I would like to A: There could be a know if you can become number of reasons for pregnant if you have this, but rather than try to already gotten your tubes diagnose what's happencut and tied. It has been ing, let me offer you one Dr. Ruth 11 years since I had the possible solution and let's Send your operation, and I am two see if it works for you. questions to Dr. months late for my periWhat I want you to do is Ruth Westheimer od. I have never been late spend the next week or so c/o King before. I took a pregnanworking out a sexual fan- Features cy test and it is saying I tasy that you find very Syndicate, 235 E. am not, but I was wonarousing. Do not tell your 45th St., New dering if you can be preghusband what you are York, NY 10017 nant in your tubes. doing or thinking about. And do not be inhibited. A: You don't give your Go ahead and fantasize about age, but if you had this surgery something that you would never done 11 years ago, it could be that dare to do in real life, as long as you're entering perimenopause, if you find it arousing. As long as not actual menopause, and that's you keep such fantasies in your why your period is late. My advice head and don't talk about them, is to go to a gynecologist, but I there's no risk. So, develop a fanta- don't believe that there is any sy that you really find arousing, chance that you are pregnant. and then when you're having sex,
CROSSWORD PUZZLE Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
Solution Solution, tips and computer program at
ABOUT SPORTS Stephen Peters, editor Sports publishes Tuesday through Friday. Page 8
REMEMBER Check for “Sports Short” podcasts about the week that was in UTA sports. Friday, January 23, 2009
UTA SPORTS CALENDAR Friday Women’s tennis vs. Arkansas State Time: 9 a.m. Place: Jonesboro, Ark. Men’s tennis vs. UT-Dallas Time: 10 a.m. Place: UTA Tennis Center
BY CODY MCCLENDON Contributor to The Shorthorn
Women’s basketball vs. Sam Houston State Time: 4 p.m. Place: Texas Hall Men’s basketball vs. Sam Houston State Time: 7 p.m. Place: Huntsville Men’s track at Razorback Invitational Time: all day Place: Fayetteville, Ark. Sunday Men’s tennis vs. Tulsa Time: 5 p.m. Place: Tulsa, Okla. Monday Men’s tennis vs. Radford Time: 2 p.m. Place: UTA Tennis Center
Combined home record for the men’s and women’s basketball teams
Women’s Standings
West Lamar UTA UTSA Sam Houston State Texas State Texas A&M Corpus Christi
SLC 3-1 3-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2
Overall 10-6 10-7 7-9 9-7 5-12 0-15
Overall 11-5 9-8 8-9 7-9 8-9 8-10
West Texas A&M Corpus Christi UTA UTSA Sam Houston State Lamar Texas State
SLC 4-0 3-1 2-1 2-1 1-3 1-3
Overall 10-9 10-7 11-5 8-8 10-7 8-9
When her best friend, junior guard Kiarra Shofner, went down with an injury, Cedar Hill native Meghan Nelson has filled the stat box with back-to-back 20-point performances against UTSA and Stephen F. Austin. The junior guard has more than doubled her point production from last season and is third on the team with 10.5 a game. She is also third on the team with 2.4 assists per game and has a teamhigh 26 steals this season. Nelson talked with The Shorthorn after Thursday’s practice to discuss teammates, Texas Hall and her personality.
The Shorthorn: Meghan Williams
Basketball star Meghan Nelson meets the demands of her call to leadership BY STEPHEN PETERS
Men’s Standings SLC 3-1 2-2 2-2 1-2 1-3 0-3
Sophomore forward Shalyn Martin, right, and junior guard Meghan Nelson dribble through a cone weave drill during Thursday’s practice at Texas Hall. The 9-8 Mavericks take on Sam Houston State at 4 p.m. Saturday at Texas Hall.
The Shorthorn sports editor
Overall 12-5 9-8 9-7 5-11 8-8 6-10
East Stephen F. Austin Nicholls State Southeastern Louisiana McNeese State Central Arkansas Northwestern State
The Shorthorn: Jacob Adkisson
You’ve had these 20-point outbursts the past two games, where does it stem from? What is the motivation behind it? When our starting point guard went down, coach had a talk with
us that she was going to need more from everybody. So somebody had to step up, so I just kind of took it upon myself. She is my best friend, I figured I’d cover for her. Is she your favorite teammate, too? She’s my best friend, we’re roommates. I love everybody. Describe your life outside of playing basketball and going to school. What do you do to let loose? I just hang with my friends. We just go to the movies and the mall — just goof around and laugh all day. What does “goofing around” entail? MN: Just saying stupid stuff, laughing all day at Shay [Shalyn Martin]. She says off-the-wall stuff all the time, and we just laugh at it.
Mavericks vs. Sam Houston State Bearkats 4 p.m. Saturday, Texas Hall;; KHYI-FM (95.3) Scouting the Bearkats (11-4, 3-0) Junior Brittany Brooks leads the Southland Conference in assist to turnover ratio averaging 4.3 assists per game and 1.7 turnovers per game. Scouting the Mavericks (9-8, 2-1) The Mavericks lead the 12-team conference with 68.4 points per game, and are second in defensive rebounds with 27.7 boards per game. Senior guard Candice Champion leads the league in free-throw percentage, making all 22 of her attempts during the conference season.
For the complete interview, visit
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Women’s tennis vs. Arkansas-Little Rock Time: 11:30 a.m. Place: Little Rock, Ark.
After back-to-back wins against conference rivals UTSA and Stephen F. Austin, the women’s basketball team looks to keep its two-game winning streak alive against Sam Houston State this at 4 p.m. at 4 p.m. at Texas Hall. The game marks the first of two meetings this season between the Mavericks (9-8, 3-1) and the Bearkats (5-11, 2-1). The Mavs currently hold a 13-game win streak against the Bearkats and lead the overall series 38-11. UTA won both games against Sam Houston State by an average of 38.5 points per game, including a 97-53 win at home Jan. 31, 2008. Head coach Samantha Morrow stressed in practice this week that players need to “take care of the little things.” “They’re [Sam Houston State] the most improved team in conference this year,” she said. Sam Houston State finished last year 1-28 overall and 0-16 in conference play. Since implementing a 3-2 zone against UTSA last Saturday, the Mavs have held their last two opponents to an average of 62 points per game on 33 percent shooting. At practice, coaches have kept focus strictly on defense and team rebounding on the defensive and offensive ends of the floor. Senior forward Erin Dixon, who leads the team with 10.3 rebounds per game,
practice,” Dixon said prior to Thursday’s practice. Junior guard Meghan Nelson has been on a shooting spree the last two games, averaging 22 points per game while shooting more than 58 percent since being inserted into the starting lineup in the absence of junior guard Kiarra Shofner. “Before, when I was coming off the bench, I focused on bringing energy and defense momentum,” Nelson said. “Now, as a starter, I just continue to bring the momentum so we can all play harder.” The Bearkats enter Saturday’s matchup averaging 62.6 points per game, good for eighth in the conference. However, they allow the second most points in the SLC at 77.6 points per game — a stat the Mavs hope to capitalize on as they lead the league in scoring at 68.4 points per game. UTA enters with three players scoring double-digit points, led by senior forward Candice Champion’s 16.8. No Bearkat averages more than 8.4 points per game. The Mavericks are tied with Lamar (12-5, 3-1) for first in the Southland’s West Division and are 4-0 at Texas Hall this season. Something Nelson said keeps the Mavs focused during home games. “We want to go undefeated at home this season,” she said.
Men’s track at Razorback Invitational Time: all day Place: Fayetteville, Ark.
SLC 2-1 2-2 2-2 1-2 1-3 0-4
Mavs look to extend 13-game winning streak against ‘Kats says the mental preparation The team is focusing on as important. defense in preparation for is just “We have to stay focused the game this Saturday. on our goal and produce in
Men’s tennis vs. DePaul Time: 6 p.m. Place: UTA Tennis Center
East Northwestern State Southeastern Louisiana Stephen F. Austin McNeese State Central Arkansas Nicholls State
Chalk Talk
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