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Get to know Marquez Haynes on page 10 and on video at



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Ohenf^ 12% Gh' /, Volume 90, 89, No. Volume No. 12x 63 ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf www.theshorthorn.com www.theshorthorn.com

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Volume 83, No. Xy :fXZ_\j :fie\i XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy Classical education Ni`k\ Pfli Fne Afb\ ?\i\ Dominant ?bg] hnm fhk^ Z[hnm phf^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee a^Z] www.theshorthorn.com

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Honor code Equipment donation reinstated NM: `^ml Z hg^&lmhi aids students, faculty Lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^ after years of iZk^gm lahi \^gm^k pbma g^p \^kmbÖ \Zmbhg inactivity xyyyyyyx yxyyy.



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What to expect this week ...

What you might have missed...

_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm ahnlbg`% \Zfinl K_\ GXi\ekj =Xd`cp :\ek\i iZkdbg` _^^l% k^`blmkZmbhg Xejn\ij e\n DXm\i`Zb gXi\ekjË ^o^gml% Zg] Zk^Zl hg \Zfinl bl k^Z]ber Visit www.theshorthorn.com hl\jk`fej Xe[ ZfeZ\iej% ZoZbeZ[e^ pbma a^ei _khf \^gm^k ^f& it official would make po-

The code had a majority for daily updates. iehr^^l% lZb] respon<Zl^r @hgsZe^l% ma^ violators vote from military science tentialIZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k ]bk^\mhk' 9P D<::8 8C@

sible for their actions. \Zeel hk \hf^l Diaz Pa^g deemsZ iZk^gm a cadet IZk^gml ghp aZo^ Z ieZ\^ mh `^m bgmh ma^ h__b\^ l^Zk\abg` _hk trustworthy, assuming Zee ma^ Zglp^kl' Zglp^kl% ma^ \^gm^k pbee mkZgl_^k hk BY JOHNATHAN SILVER the code, Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl \k^Zm^] they ma^ follow ]bk^\m ma^f mh ma^ but \hkk^\m Zk^Z _hk Contributor to The Shorthorn said he hopes it will be- B_ maZm Zk^Z IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k mh a^ei maZm li^\b_b\ jn^lmbhg' After years of an unen-h_ \hg& come \ZgÍm second nature for Zee^obZm^ ma^ _knlmkZmbhgl [^ k^Z\a^] hk eh\Zm^]% ma^ forcediZk^gml honorZg] code, ROTC his cadets, in society and _nl^] _Zfber f^f[^kl lmZ__^kl pbee l^Zk\a _hk ma^ bg_hkfZ& officials have restored it. outside of an ROTC or pa^g mkrbg` mh `^m bg_hkfZmbhg hg The codeh_ isngbo^klbmr much like the military setting. Z oZkb^mr l^kob\^l' Bg& @E=F Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * one used at West Point Last semester, students Military Academy, which voted on the code, and it states that a cadet “will passed by an overwhelmnot lie, cheat, steal or tol- ing majority. Sophomore erate those who do.” cadet Cpl. Aaron Renaud While Maj. Ricardo supports that stance. Diaz, military science se“They would be against nior instructor, said that military values,” he said most cadets already adHONOR continues on page 6 here to the rule, making :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie students last semester.

JfZ`Xc nfib jkl[\ekj Xi\ k_\ ]`ijk kf ^iX[lXk\ n`k_ ]fZlj\[ Yi`\] k_\iXgp Z\ik`]`ZXk\j% 9P <9FEP <M8EJ K_\ J_fik_fie jkX]]

L^o^g lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^] _khf ma^ L\ahhe h_ Lh\bZe Phkd eZlm fhgma pbma Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ maZm aZl ghm [^^g h__^k^] [^_hk^ bg ma^ N'L'% lZb] I^m^k E^afZgg% lh\bZe phkd Zllh\bZm^ ikh_^llhk'

SARAH LUTZ The Shorthorn staff

The entire campus is being called on to compete in a nationwide recycling contest through March 28 for the second time. RecycleMania promotes waste reduction by asking schools to compete against each other in a 10week period. Becky Valentich, con-

RECYCLE continues on page 7

>I8;J Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ -

NM: ?hkfneZ L:> kZ\bg` m^Zf lpZil ^g`bg^ Zg] k^]^lb`gl bml kZ\^ \Zk

UTA to test its ‘greenness’ in national contest test coordinator and Environmental and Health safety specialist, said the results could help the university’s standing in environmental ratings. The university has previously scored low on sustainability surveys like the Princeton Review. Valentich said campus recyclables from bins around campus would be weighed, the numbers sent to RecycleMania’s Web site, and the univer-

Ma^kZir Ikh`kZf [^\Zf^ ihineZk Zg] a^ei_ne _hk hma^kl bg hma^k \hngmkb^l ln\a Zl Mhkhgmh% Lbg`Zihk^ Zg] Ehg]hg% >g`eZg]%Ë E^afZgg lZb]' @kZ]nZm^ IZf^eZ Chaglhg lZb] la^ ahi^l ma^ \^kmb_b\Zm^ fZd^l a^k fhk^ dghpe^]`^Z[e^' ÊBm pZl o^kr ^q\bmbg` k^\^bobg` ma^ _bklm \^kmb_b\Zm^ bg ma^ N'L'%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊBm aZl bg\k^Zl^] fr dghpe^]`^ Zg]

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The competition will tally how much is recycled by the campus community.

Ma^ `kZ]nZm^l \hfie^m^] ma^ /)&ahnk Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ Ma^kZir \^kmb_b\Zmbhg ikh`kZf h__^k^] makhn`a ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl <hgmbgnbg` >]n\Zmbhg =^iZkmf^gm% pab\a [^`Zg eZlm r^Zk% a^ lZb]' Lmn]^gml bg ma^ lh\bZe phkd% ilr\aheh`r% gnklbg` Zg] f^]b& \bg^ _b^e]l e^Zkg ldbeel mh \hg]n\m ^__^\mbo^ bgm^kob^pl maZm [kbg` hnm \eb^gmlÍ lmk^g`mal Zg] k^lhnk\^l% Zg] ]^o^ehi `hh] `hZel% E^afZgg lZb]' ÊMa^ Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_

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:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie

Ma^ ngbo^klbmr ?hkfneZ L:> m^Zf bl `^Zkbg` ni mh `bo^ \hfi^mbmhkl Z mhn`a kng bg =^mkhbm mabl FZr pbma bml g^per ]^lb`g^]% eb`am^k \Zk' Ma^ \aZg`^l maZm Zk^ [^bg` bfie^& f^gm^] Zk^ f^Zgm mh ]^\k^Zl^ ma^ \ZkÍl p^b`am' Ma^ m^Zf lpZii^] ma^ a^Zob^k -&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^ _hk Z eb`am& ^k +&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^% Zg] pbee k^er hg Z^kh]rgZfb\l mh ^gaZg\^ li^^]' ÊPaZm p^ ]h bl ik^\blbhg ]kbobg` Zm ma^ Z[lhenm^ ebfbml h_ \hgmkhe%Ë ?hk& fneZ L:> m^Zf Z]obl^k ;h[ Phh]l lZb]' Ma^ eb`am^k \Zk lahne] [^ Z[e^ mh fho^ _Zlm^k% lZb] MahfZl PZem^k% f^\aZgb\Ze ^g`bg^^kbg` cngbhk Zg] m^Zf f^f[^k' ÊBmÍl p^b`am^] mh ikh]n\^ mkZ\mbhg hg ma^ `khng]%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊEZlm r^Zk pZl ma^ _Zlm^lm \Zk p^Í] ^o^k [nbem' BÍf

k^Zeer ^q\bm^] mh `^m lmZkm^]'Ë >o^kr r^Zk bg fb]&Cner% ma^ ngb& o^klbmr ahlml ma^ M^qZl :nmh\khll P^^d^g]% Z \hfi^mbmbhg maZm bgobm^l \hee^`^l _khf Z\khll ma^ \hngmkr mh \hf^ Zg] kZ\^' Bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl m^Zf Zmm^g]l ma^ Lihkml <Zk <en[ h_ :f^kb\Z gZmbhgZel' Ma^ fZbg \hfi^mbmbhg mabl r^Zk bl ma^ ?hkfneZ L:> bg =^mkhbm' Ma^ m^Zf f^f[^kl lZb] ma^r p^k^ _bk^] ni Zg] Zk^ `^mmbg` k^Z]r' ÊBmÍl paZm p^ ebo^ _hk ]hpg a^k^%Ë lZb] =k^p PZee^k% lnli^glbhg e^Z] _hk ma^ m^Zf' Ma^ m^Zf \hglblml h_ Z[hnm +) f^f[^kl' Fhlm Zk^ _khf ma^ <hee^`^ h_ >g`bg^^kbg` [nm Zgrhg^ Zmm^g]bg` ma^ ngbo^klbmr bl ^eb`b[e^ mh chbg' Ma^ \Zkl Zk^ lmn]^gm [nbem Zg] lmn]^gm ]kbo^g' =kbo^kl Zk^ \ahl^g [r m^Zf

ÈN_Xk n\ [f `j gi\Z`j`fe [i`m`e^ Xk k_\ XYjfclk\ c`d`kj f] Zfekifc%É 9fY Nff[j

=fidlcX J8< k\Xd X[m`j\i

J8< Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ -

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

D\Z_Xe`jd \e^`e\\i`e^ ale`fi >\fi^\ K_fdjfe `j X d\dY\i f] =fidlcX J8<# n_`Z_ `j ^\kk`e^ i\X[p ]fi X Zfdg\k`k`fe `e ;\kif`k% K_\ ZXiËj n\`^_k nXj [\Zi\Xj\[ Xe[ n`cc lj\ X\if[peXd`Zj kf \e_XeZ\ k_\ jg\\[% Simulation tech Amber Dufour, left, and lab store assistant Kody Rash demonstrate the movement of a dummy on a Labtech HoverJack on Wednesday in the Smart Hospital. The foundations class will use the lift to educate students in the movement and positioning of patients. K_\ J_fik_fie1 D`Z_X\c I\kk`^

University Smart Hospital receives $7,500 worth of materials from HoverTech.


;khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml mh Ö ef m^e^\Zlml _hk \Z[e^ \aZgg^e


Contributor to The Shorthorn

E\njZXjkj Xe[ jgfikj ^Xd\j n`cc ile fe Z_Xee\c 00 Y\^`ee`e^ N\[e\j[Xp e`^_k% The Shorthorn: Meghan Williams

9P D8I@JJ8 ?8CC Criminal :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie justice senior Debritu Alamrew empties a recycling bin Thursday in the Multicultural Affairs office. Mabl l^f^lm^k% [khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml

Nursing students used tools from a patient-transfer equipment donation for the first time Thursday in the clinical nursing foundations class during their moving and positioning lab. The Smart Hospital received a donation of more than $7,500 worth of materials Jan. 16 from HoverTech International.

The donation included a Hov- handling tasks have one of the erMatt transfer system, a Hov- highest incident rates of musculoerJack air inflation system and skeletal injuries in the U.S. “As it is state of the science related support equipment. Both products use an air supply to lift technology, we are especially and move patients from one bed pleased that our students will to another without manual lifting, have the technology to help them which will help reduce pain on move patients safely, both for themselves and for their patients,” patients and strain on caregivers. “As dean, I welcome donations said Carolyn Cason, School of that help our student and faculty Nursing associate dean. Vicki Patrick, School of Nursto enrich their teaching and learning experiences,” School of Nurs- ing clinical instructor, attended the Emergency Nurses Associaing Dean Elizabeth Poster said. According to HoverTech In- tion’s Scientific Assembly last Septernational’s Web site, health care providers involved 9P D8KK?<N I<8>8E in patientHOVERTECH continues on page 6

I\XZ_`e^ K_\`i ;\jk`eXk`fej

Mph gnklbg` ]h\mhkZe lmn]^gml mkZo^e ehg` ]blmZg\^l mh [^ ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Ö klm :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie

pbee `^m fhk^ aZg]l&hg ^qi^kb^g\^ [r Ma^ L\ahhe h_ Gnklbg` l^m Z eZg]fZkd _hk bml ikh& _befbg` g^pl\Zlml Zg] \ho^kbg` ngbo^k& `kZf mabl iZlm =^\^f[^k' lbmr lihkml' FZqbg^ :]^`[heZ Zg] @ehkbZ <Zkk [^\Zf^ ma^ _bklm ;^`bggbg` g^qm fhgma% lmn]^gml mh k^\^bo^ ]h\mhkZe ]^`k^^l bg gnklbg` Zm ma^ ngbo^klbmr' pbee lahhm p^^der g^pl\Zlml _hk ngbo^k& :_m^k r^Zkl h_ ]^]b\Zm^] k^l^Zk\a% \hngme^ll ]bll^kmZ& lbmr \Z[e^ \aZgg^e 22' Lhf^ lmn]^gml mbhg ik^l^gmZmbhgl Zg] in[eb\Zmbhgl% Zg] ^o^g ^qmk^f^ pbee Zelh _bef lihkml [^`bggbg` pbma \hffnmbg`% ma^r k^\^bo^] ma^bk ]h\mhkZm^l mh [^\hf^ ma^ f^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee `Zf^ P^]g^l]Zr gnkl^ l\b^gmblml' gb`am' Ma^r [^`Zg ma^ ikh`kZf mh`^ma^k bg +)), Zl ma^ @Zf^l pbee [^ ihlm^] bg ma^bk ^gmbk^& l\ahheÍl _bklm ]h\mhkZe \Zg]b]Zm^l Zg] _bgbla^] mh`^ma^k mr hg ma^ ngbo^klbmr Zmae^mb\l P^[ lbm^ Zm =^\^f[^kÍl `kZ]nZmbhg \^k^fhgr' Zehg` pbma `Zf^ ab`aeb`aml% lZb] :g& :emahn`a [^`Zg a^k gnklbg` BY BRYAN BASTIBLE Gerlach said. “I would love to^]n\Zmbhg bg for :]^`[heZ courses for students, who were Board of Trustees member ]k^p <eZkd% \hffngb\Zmbhg ZllblmZgm The Shorthorn staff CZfZb\Z Zg] have <Zkk her bg back.” F^fiabl% M^gg'% [hma `kZ]nZm^l K_\ J_fik_fie1 8e[i\n 9lZbc\p almost 12 years and Texas State usually teachers wanting to beikh_^llhk Zg] [khZ]\Zlm ]bk^\mhk' aZo^ mZd^g iZmal k^Z\a NM: ikh`kZf' 81st Patrick ranmh for thema^ House for lbfbeZk Rep. Diane Patrick, R- come administrators, seeking a Board of Education member 9ifX[ZXjk`e^ e\nj j\e`fi 8ife Dfi^Xe j_ffkj k_\ DXm\i`Zbj ^Xd\ K_lij[Xp e`^_k `e ÊB_ p^ cnlm Legislature inm kZp _hhmZ`^ h_ ma^ State ;hma k^\^bo^] ma^ ?^kg^ G^pfZg Dr[Z ?^eehplabi bg instead of the Senate because four years, she wanted to conmaster’ s degree in education. K\oXj ?Xcc% K_`j nXj k_\ ]`ijk ^Xd\ kf Y\ k\c\m`j\[ Yp k_\ YifX[ZXjk`e^ jkl[\ekj ]fi k_\ Arlington, traded in her chalk `Zf^% bmÍl \hg\^boZ[e^ bm \hne] [^ hg ma^ Gnklbg`% Zg] [hma p^k^ l^e^\m^] Zl Êf^gm^^lË [r ma^ “I would love to be able to tinue to serve Arlington’s citizens the 150 members of the Texas Xk_c\k`Zj N\Y j`k\% P^[ lbm^ Zg ahnk hk mph Z_m^k ma^ `Zf^%Ë and lesson plans at the university GZmbhgZe <hZebmbhg h_ >magb\ Fbghkbmr Gnkl^ :llh\bZ& House of Representatives serve a at the state level, she said. return to UTA to teach,” she said. <eZkd lZb]' for a briefcase and suit in Austin. mbhgl' ]^gml bg ma^ fZgr ahf^ `Zf^l _hk f^gÍl Zg] phf& ;khZ]\Zlm l^gbhk =Zob] FZgg^kbg` Patrick smaller making _hk ma^bk College of EducationMa^ Dean as fZr I am_bef in a[Zl^[Zee posi- `Zf^l has represented Dis- “But as long mph Zk^ gh geographic lmkZg`^kl area, mh mkZo^ebg` This is an likbg`' ^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee Zl ma^r \Zg [nm maZm ma^ Zgghng\^l _hk ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl kZ]bh lmZ& the position elected and “very pa^k^ la^ with :]^`[heZ trict 94, which includes the uni- tion as a state legislator, I cannot Jeanne Gerlach worked ^]n\Zmbhg' mk^dd^] _khf CZfZb\Z% K^ihkmbg` * Zg] + Patrick \eZll^l while pbee she was on campus close to the people,” she said. `Zf^ \ho^kZ`^ ]^i^g]l hg ma^ gnf[^k mbhg% Zg] abl \hff^gmZkr \Zg ieZr pbma or any other puboccasional series versity, in the Texas House of teach at UTAMO k^\^bo^] a^k ]biehfZ bg gnklbg`% mh Angm^k <hee^`^ bg h_ lmn]^gml ZoZbeZ[e^' Ma^r fZr Zelh ma^ `Zf^ hgebg^' She said she wants Texas to covering the current Representatives since the No- lic university because I am not and said she misses her every 9IF8;:8JK Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ <eZkd lZb] ma^r pbee mkr mh \ho^k Zl \ho^k lhf^ ZpZr `Zf^l% Zg] lhf^ lmn& ELIJ@E> Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * have the best public education permitted to work for two state day.

Giving Back Texas Legislature

vember 2006 election. She was a faculty member here from 1994 to 2007. She mostly taught graduate

>cfi`X :Xii#

elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ Former professor aims to help education as a state representative

institutions.” Since she served as a Arlington Independent School District

“She was an outstanding professor — well-respected by both her students and colleagues,”

system in the country, prekinLEGISLATE continues on page 6

Diane Patrick, District 94 state representative DXo`e\ 8[\^YfcX# elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\

Page 2

Friday, January 30, 2009





Sunny • High 62°F • Low 34°F

Sunny • High 68°F • Low 46°F

Sunday Mostly Cloudy • High 65°F • Low 37°F — National Weather Service at www.weather.gov


Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to www.theshorthorn.com/calendar




Video as a Research Tool — An Interdisciplinary Workshop: All day, University Center Concho and Red River rooms. Registration limited. Free with preregistration; $10 with registration on Friday. For information, contact Drew Burks at 817-272-3133 or dburks@uta.edu.

Why do we need college when we have the Internet?: Noon–1 p.m., Central Library sixth floor parlor. Free. For information, contact Leigh Young at 817-272-6107 or leiyoung@uta.edu. International Spouses Club: 1:30–3 p.m., Swift Center. Free. For information, contact Julie Holmer at 817-2722355 or jholmer@uta.edu. Opening Reception for The Gallery at UTA Art Exhibition: 6–8:30 p.m., The Gallery at UTA. Refreshments served. Free. For information, contact Patricia Healy at 817-272-5658 or phealy@ uta.edu. Guest Violin Recital: 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall. A violin recital with guest artist Gregory Maytan of Valparaiso University. Free. For information, contact the Music Department at 817-272-3471 or music@uta.edu.

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist: 8 p.m., Lone Star Auditorium. Free popcorn. Concessions available for purchase. Bring Mav Express card. Free. For information, contact Leslie Angela Mack at 817-272-2963 or excel-traditions@uta.edu.

SATURDAY JAN. FIRST Tech Challenge: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Maverick Activities Center. Spectators free. For information, contact Sandra Koenig at 817-2721295 or skoenig@uta.edu.


The Shorthorn: Monica Lopez

POSTER CHILD Nursing sophomore Emmelene Fernando thumbs through a book of posters Thursday in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. The Beyond the Wall poster sale will continue today from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.


University celebrates Black History Month with shows, games, tributes Mutlicultural Affairs assistant director says the events offer students opportunities to learn. BY SOHANA KUTUB Contributor to The Shorthorn

Art Exhibition — Michelle Dizon/Vincent Valdez: Noon–5 p.m., The Gallery at UTA. Free. For information, contact Patricia Healy at 817-272-5658 or phealy@ uta.edu.

For the full calendar, visit


CORRECTIONS Colleen Fitzgerald is chair of the Department of Linguistics and TESOL. Her title was incorrect in Thursday’s paper. The university used the MavAlert notification system Tuesday and Wednesday. In Thursday’s paper the days were wrong.

News Front Desk ......................... 817-272-3661 News after 5 p.m........................ 817-272-3205 Advertising ................................. 817-272-3188 Fax ............................................. 817-272-5009 UC Lower Level Box 19038, Arlington, TX 76019 Editor in Chief .............................. Joan Khalaf editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Managing Editor........................... Justin Rains

Multicultural Affairs has a number of events scheduled for Black History Month, which is nationally recognized during February. It brings a full calendar of events nationwide, and UT Arlington has its own activities in honor of it. This year there will be even more student participation and events, said Dannie Moore, Multicultural Affairs assistant director. “There’s opportunities for a lot of learning with these events,” he said. “The students spent a lot of time putting together these events. So there’s the educational component as well as the social component.”

managing-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu News Editor ................................. Jason Boyd news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Assistant News Editor ................ Mark Bauer news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Design Editor .............................. Marissa Hall design-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Copy Desk Chief ............... Andrew Williamson copydesk-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports Editor ......................... Stephen Peters

What’s in store for February: BHM KICK-OFF When: Feb. 2 at noon Where: University Center Palo Duro Lounge What: This event is this year’s introduction and will educate students and faculty about the history of BHM. VOICES OF CHRIST/AMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST ANNUAL SOULFEST When: Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. Where: UC Rosebud Theatre What: Guest speakers and choirs from local churches will come to the university in honor of BHM. SPECIAL SCREENING FOR THE VIDEO RACE: POWER OF ILLUSION (HOSTED BY EXCEL CAMPUS ACTIVITIES) When: Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. Where: Maverick Activities Cen ter Lone Star Auditorium What: A three-part series about how what we assume to be nor mal, common sense and even scientific, is actually shaped by our history, social institutions and cultural beliefs.

sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Scene Editor .............................Emily Toman features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Opinion Editor ................................ Cohe Bolin opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Photo Editor .................................... Rasy Ran photo-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Webmaster ........................... Troy Buchwalter webmaster.shorthorn@uta.edu News Clerk ................................ Jeanne Lopez

A RAISIN IN THE SUN (HOSTED BY BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION) When: Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. Where: UC Rosebud Theatre What: The first play written by a black woman — Lorraine Hans berry — to be produced on Broadway and the first play on Broadway with a black director — Lloyd Richards. NAACP TRIBUTE TO ENTERTAINMENT (HOSTED BY NAACP) When: Feb. 24 at 6:30 p.m. Where: UC Rosebud Theatre What: A night of entertainment remembering African-Ameri can entertainers who paved the way for entertainers today. De britu Alamrew, the NAACP Programs chairwoman, said the night will include reenact ments of R&B artists, choreog raphy collaborations, TV and movie clips and tributes to de ceased artists like Aaliyah, Lu ther Vandross and more. AMAZING RACE When: Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. Where: Maverick Activities Cen ter Game Room

calendar.shorthorn@uta.edu Student Ad Manager .............. Colleen Hurtzig admanager@shorthorn.uta.edu Ad Representatives ........................ Dondria Bowman, Shannon Edwards, Matthew Harper, Eric Lara, Mike Love, Pax Salinas, Kasey Tomlinson Ad Artists ............................. Antonina Doescher, Robert Harper, Benira Miller Receptionists ............................ Monica

What: Student organizations will collaborate with one an other on the game “Amazing Race.” GUEST SPEAKER DARYL DAVIS (HOSTED BY EXCEL) When: Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. Where: UC Rosebud Theatre What: Author Daryl Davis, a black man who has come in closer con tact with members of the Ku Klux Klan than most people, will be speaking about race relations. “I think Daryl Davis is going to be very educational and fun at the same time,” said Brian Joyce, the Student Activities assistant director. “Davis is known for setting up sur prise meetings with Klan leaders who were unaware of his skin color and attended KKK rallies and con vinced several KKK members to reconsider what they were doing and to hang up their robes.”

Barbery, Hillary Green Courier ................................. Taylor Frizzelle


turn on. boot up. jack in.


SOHANA KUTUB news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

property of The Shorthorn and may not be reproduced, published or retransmitted in any form without written permission from UTA Student Publications. The Shorthorn is the student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published in the UTA Office of Student Publications. Opinions expressed in The Shorthorn are not necessarily those of the university administration.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Emerging poet, physics student to sign books Tuesday to select the right publisher to submit the manuscript,” Baral said. “Otherwise, I would have been overwhelmed by the list of publishers.” By Sohana KutuB Baral, having met Lassiter Contributor to The Shorthorn at an honor society induction Swapnil Baral unintention- where Lassiter was the keyally found himself publishing note speaker, wanted him to write the forward for his colhis “overwhelming” feelings. The physics junior pub- lection. Lassiter, a poet himself, lished a book of poems in No- read over the manuscript and vember called Hidden Facts agreed. Lassiter wrote in his forand will have a book signing at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at North ward, “I was intrigued and impressed with the boldness of the Lake College in Irving. Baral said he never wrote titles of the poems contained in with the intention to publish. this volume. They are personal. He was simply overwhelmed They touch you. They push the with feeling and just put it reader to be reflective and contemplative. Some even surprise down on paper. The book includes poems you. For example, the poem touching on aspects of life that titled — ‘Rape Me Again.’ ” Biomedical can be interpretengineering jued differently denior and friend pending on who Gokarna Kc said reads it, he said. Baral’s work is “I try to write very raw. about love, na“Swapnil is ture, philosophy, like a countryside eroticism — boy, to be specifsomething from ic,” Kc said. “The all aspects of life,” poems are about he said. “There’s experience.” something for Baral started everyone. There’s writing early in something for his childhood. people who have He moved to the fallen in love, Courtesy art U.S. in Fall 2006 never been in love and attended and even some- Hidden Facts The University of thing for people A collection of poems by physics junior North Alabama who are trying to Swapnil Baral for one semester fall in love.” and later transBaral said he ferred to North decided to publish the poems because he felt Lake College. This is his first that limiting them in his diary semester at UT Arlington. Although physics and powould not allow them to be etry may seem like opposites, free. “I thought if I kept these Baral said they’re connected. “I believe that nature bepoems to myself, I would not let these birds fly in the sky,” he haves in a fixed, determined said. “As Emily Dickinson has way, which can be understood written in context of publishing through physics,” he said. her poems: ‘Be gentle to new “Mathematics and poetry both laid eggs. For eggs are brilliant describe nature. Math is the things. They cannot fly until language of physics. Physics they hatched. And have a pair and poetry both, therefore, describes nature I want to underof wings.’ ” Baral said he first wanted to stand. Therefore I love doing publish the book in the U.S., but physics and poetry. I do not after consulting with Wright L. want to study physics because Lassiter, Jr., the Dallas County it provides a bright career — I Community College District just love studying it.” For more information on chancellor, Baral decided to take his suggestion — publish Swapnil Baral and his book, the book in Nepal, where Baral visit his Web site at www.hidwas born and raised, to mini- denpoetry.com. mize costs. “My dad knows different Sohana KutuB publishers, so he assisted me news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

Page 3

thE fog of claSS

Baral Swapnil, a native of Nepal, holds book signing at North Lake College.

Check out our website for photos and news about the ice storm.


The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig

A thick blanket of fog welcomed students back to campus Thursday morning after school was closed for two days due to inclement weather. The fog made way for sunny skies by midmorning.


Governor pushes for tuition freeze in address Increased funding for community colleges also brought up in speech. By BRyan BaStiBlE The Shorthorn staff

In his State of the State address Tuesday, Gov. Rick Perry called for a tuition freeze, asking for entering freshmen to have the same tuition rate for four years. He also discussed in-state tuition for military veterans and more money for community colleges. “Let’s work together to make college accessible and affordable for more qualified,

motivated students than ever before,” he said in a press release Tuesday. “Freezing a student’s tuition rates will help families plan for the long term and give students a powerful incentive to finish college in a timely manner.” Governmental Relations Director Kate Kettles said the tuition freeze is on many lawmakers’ minds. “This could be helpful to the legislation to have the governor’s backing,” she said. “There are lots of lawmakers that are talking about reregulating tuition saying the same thing as the governor.”

There is still time before a bill could be passed regarding the tuition freeze, she said. Members must be assigned to committees, then the bills have to be referred and then heard by that particular committee. Committees will be named within the next week or the next few days, Kettles said. To keep watch on the 81st Legislature, visit www.senate.state.tx.us or www.house. state.tx.us/welcome.php.

Rick Perry Governor of Texas

BRyan BaStiBlE news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

StudEnt lifE

University reschedules events previously canceled due to inclement weather, school closure After the campus was closed due to icy conditions, some events on campus were rescheduled. The Activities Fair, originally slated for Jan. 28, will be held 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the University Center.

More than 100 university organizations and departments will participate in the fair. The event is for students interested in finding an organization to join, said Jamie Williams, Student Governance and Org

anizations director. Also, the UTA Dance Ensemble tryouts were moved to Thursday night and Financial Aid Night, a seminar for students interested in applying for financial aid, was rescheduled to Tuesday. Students

who were registered for the original Financial Aid Night are automatically reregistered for the new date.

— Caroline Basile

World VieW

Page 4

The ShorThorn

Friday, January 30, 2009

in texas


Inmate to die for killing fellow prisoner

Americans receiving jobless benefits hits record level

HUNTSVILLE — A high-ranking prison gang member whose violent history included an attack on an inmate with a homemade spear was headed to the Texas death chamber Thursday night for fatally injecting a fellow prisoner with an overdose of heroin. Ricardo Ortiz would be the second condemned killer executed in Texas in as many nights and the fifth this year in the nation’s most active death penalty state.

in the nation

Ill. Gov. Blagojevich thrown out of office SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Gov. Rod Blagojevich was thrown out of office Thursday without a single lawmaker rising in his defense, ending a nearly two-month crisis that erupted with his arrest on charges he tried to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat. Blagojevich becomes the first U.S. governor in more than 20 years to be removed by impeachment. After a four-day trial, the Illinois Senate voted 59-0 to convict him of abuse of power, automatically ousting the second-term Democrat. In a second, identical vote, lawmakers further barred Blagojevich from ever holding public office in the state again.

in the world

Iraq to bar security firm Blackwater BAGHDAD — Iraq said Thursday it will bar Blackwater Worldwide from providing security protection for U.S. diplomats because its contractors used excessive force, sanctioning a company whose image was irrevocably tarnished by the 2007 killings of 17 Iraqi civilians. The move will deprive American diplomats of their main protection force in Iraq. — The Associated Press

the associated Press

WASHiNGToN — The number of people receiving unemployment benefits has reached an all-time record, the government said Thursday, and more layoffs are spreading throughout the economy. The labor department reported that the number of Americans continuing to claim unemployment insurance for the week ending Jan. 17 was a seasonally adjusted 4.78 million, the highest on records dating back to 1967. That’s an increase of 159,000 from the previous week and worse than economists’ expectations of 4.65 million. As a proportion of the work force, the tally of unemployment benefit recipients is the highest since August 1983, a department analyst said. The total released by the department doesn’t include about 1.7 million people receiving benefits under an extended unemployment compensation program authorized by Congress last summer. That means the total number of recipients is actually closer to 6.5 million people. Businesses continued to hemorrhage jobs Thursday. Ford Motor Co. reported a fourth-quarter loss of $5.9 billion and said its credit arm would cut 20 percent of its work force, or 1,200 jobs. eastman Kodak Co. said it’s cutting 3,500 to 4,500 jobs, or 14 to 18 percent of its work force, as it posted a $137 million quarterly loss on plunging sales of photogra-

phy products. Black & decker Corp. said its fourth-quarter profit tumbled 77 percent and the power tools manufacturer announced about 1,200 job cuts. More signs of the deepening recession came in separate government reports on home sales and durable goods. The Commerce department said Thursday that new home sales fell 14.7 percent in

december to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 331,000, the lowest pace on records dating back to 1963. For 2008, builders sold 482,000 homes, the weakest results since 1982. The median price of a new home sold last month was $206,500, a drop of 9.3 percent from a year ago. The median is the point where half the homes sold for more and

half for less. Meanwhile, new orders for durable goods dropped by 2.6 percent last month, even worse than the 2 percent decline economists expected. orders fell 5.7 percent for the year, the second biggest drop on government records, exceeded only by a 10.7 percent plunge in 2001, according to the Commerce department. The financial markets fell

on the news. The dow Jones industrial average dropped about 110 points in midday trading. The tally of Americans filing new jobless benefit claims rose slightly to a seasonally adjusted 588,000 last week, from a downwardly revised figure of 585,000 the previous week. That also was worse than analysts’ forecast of 575,000 new claims.

AP Photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez

A man advertises his services at a street corner in San Jose, Calif., on Friday, Jan. 23. The number of people receiving unemployment benefits has reached an all-time record, the government said Thursday, and more layoffs are spreading throughout the economy.


residents may face long wait for power to return the associated Press

AP Photo: Bob Gwaitney

Robert Boxly, left, and Harry Bullington are part of a Halter Tree Service crew working for Vectren clearing power lines of broken limbs and removing branches posed to fall along Vann Avenue in Evansville, Ind. on Wednesday afternoon. Well over a million people shivered in ice-bound homes across the country Wednesday, waiting for warmer weather and for utility crews to restring power lines brought down by a storm that killed 23 as it took a snowy, icy journey from the Southern Plains to the East Coast.

loUiSVille, Ky. — More than a million homes and businesses left in the cold without power Thursday in the wake of an icy winter storm could face a lengthy wait for electricity to come back, even as federal help was promised to two states hit hardest by the blast. President Barack obama signed requests late Wednesday from Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear and Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe for federal emergency declarations. Crews — even the National Guard in Kentucky — worked around the clock to resurrect power lines downed by thick ice. At a mall turned into a staging area in Barboursville, W.Va., crews in hard hats met alongside piles of poles, generators, wire and other supplies

to find out where to go first. A convoy with crews from as far away as North Carolina was there to help. “We’re attacking it head on,” said Appalachian Power spokesman Phil Moye. “As long as the ice is still on the trees, the storm is still here.” Utility officials estimated more than 1.3 million homes and businesses from Arkansas to ohio were powerless, and warned it could be mid-February before some customers had power. Various charities opened shelters across the region, but with the power out nearly everywhere — including at some radio stations — it was difficult to spread the word. Some deputies went door to door and offered to drive the elderly to safety.

XyXyday yXy Xy, 2002



:_Xi`kp Dfek`\k_# \[`kfi Cohe Bolin, editor ABOUT OPINION fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Cohe editor about opinion ABOUT Bolin, OPINION Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Cohe Bolin, editor IZ`^ / August 2008 Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday, 27, 2008 Friday, August 29, Opinion is published opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. Friday, December 5, 2008 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Friday, January 30, 2009

Fast-Food Fiasco <e^Zg ;k^Zd Advertiser interruptions





K_\ J_fik_fie The Shorthorn `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp invites students, university REMEMBER \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk employees and alumni to submit guest The Shorthorn Opinion page will be back next remember REMEMBER Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% columns to the Opinion page. semesterinvites with new columnists and plenty of The Shorthorn students, university ?kb]Zr% FZk\a *-% P opinions to enjoy. employees and alumni to submit guest employees and alumni to submit guest columns to the Opinion page. Page 5


Babysitting Adults The Wrong Answer A Cautious Different Strokes A New Welcome Letter Outlooks Arming teachers fails to address the deeper problem Tale offorCaution and Hope New Outcomes <;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N


Home Sweet Where? Introduction WithouttoaInequity? Shot

diminish the dignity of Jkl[\ekj j_flc[ Y\ XnXi\ thef] Y`e^\$[i`eb`e^ [Xe^\ij Olympic Games

Drinking age restrictions ineffective, group recommends change Bad Though new officials areinformation, San Antonio-based, University should have sought studentpoor inputcommunic costs students time, money, str all before areas should fair providers treatment It was amazing. soda We can get along without pretending the same Across the country, 128 we’re college college students tend to drink when they changing In get taking responsibility in these a Hundreds of people ran across the huge Y\]fi\ c\Xm`e^ ]fi X n\\b

BmĂ?l mbf^ mh \^e^[kZm^'


presidents have signedwar, the andleave home for the on first time. The parents ittheshould also beapplied upwill to for thedifferent 18-yea only deep reflections society will help. Israel, armed guardsand are chancellors employed to potentially s students back to school Students who on-cam Although theAustin, holidays stage, quickly go assembling into this the week, perfectcampus dove Change is instudents air returned in especially Last week, from theirbe P^Ă?o^ \kZff^] _hk ma^ iZlm _^p it is not case, then so arming everybody may offAmethyst terrorists Israeli schools. In a both security willwe again be an issue. wethe have Roman law and commean that we both share a If comIndians fend — and both thefrom two difhousing ran into problems this seme Initiative, opening dialogue aren’t around students are going to adult to take responsibility for thems shape asuppose the lights onhad their suits glowedthe different this year, remember whatUT is importan concerning education and the winter breakhigher to a school without Coke. p^^dl% Zg] fb]m^kfl Zk^ _bgZeer ho^k' backfire. mon law, which are unknown countries,have the necessity of heritage these measures is where Recently, Shorthorn reported that crime mon with India, and disferent cars, of different colors. They The quickly disbanded and West created a Muslims ter — there wasn’t enough to go aro about lowering the drinking age from 21 experiment — maybe irresponsibly. on the issue ofthe drinking. System. Money and stability topped list of It isn’t up t in Islam? A professor trained to shoot and licensed to this numeral a stateof of war that involvesoriginated? potentially used thebyworks had risen from last year’s data. model, year and new form, just as color. precise as the last, covered but moreand imposed Ghp% ma^ \hngm]hpg bl hg' Hger Z University Housing should be more to 18. on civilians. stories ofaparticu21streasons birthday university to babysit adults. It’s official. U.S. economy ha Western thought, its Greek philosophy is not carry suffi-a gunMany certain philosophers to may himself become weapon ifWith he for Suppose in order toaserase difserious attacks So it will not be surprising that campus security the the appointment of The a new system 10-year contract with Pepsi, acrobatically technical performers stood onGreek _^p ^q\kn\bZmbg` ahnkl k^fZbg ngmbe ganized and accountable for its mist lar conception of the human This will be ineffective. The original law celebrations involve 21 shots of liquor, How is that possible? Would the cient either. If both the Muslim various degrees. Also, looking at ferences between these If the U.S. now also resorts to such extreme turns mad. will two againcars, come to the fore, in aspeaker recession Decemeach others’ shoulders. chancellor a new of4,000 thesince House, according and tobeen John Hall, Administration and likbg` [k^Zd [^`bgl' More than students live in being as sacred and its cosmolworld and what was then called Muslim medieval architecture, we painted them the same color The fact that citizens have to provide for their defense measures, should we then understand that especially when it comes to Just as the Chinese that changed the drinking age to 21 was or variations of binge drinking that often versity perform roomtoinspections in ber 2007, according the Nationa and multiple high-level bills concerning enCampus Operations vice president. campus residence halls or apartmen ogy are diChristendom, the medieval one may be surprised to find and:l rhnĂ?k^ _bgZebsbg` ieZgl% ]hgĂ?m rearranged some of the own defense points to a failure of the law to do it. the nation is at war? I mean, at war with itself. guns. performers disassembled of Economic Research on ineffective too. Minors drinksolve whether the end in drunk driving deathslaws. orNo alcohol dorm to sniff out the alcohol? Then andBureau tuition, expect many changes were polled, no surveys sent housin rectly West, some aspects many Roman architectural ele- then equipment inside.and Would thatus The problem nowrooted becomes to create better rollment If students If this is the case, gunsborrowed will notvance the goals. Most remember With enrollment increasing, prepared togone. stun Athe e^m ma^ \^e^[kZmbhg [^ knbg^] [r ma^ our you think.â€? tart-up week has comeofand Monday. This is surprise man law is there orofnot. poisoning. thethe students live offtocampu inevery the one ChrisGreek philosophy — Aristotlenot, ments. make the two cars the same? –out. good andmust bad –are once session iswho over. will his own law, and the involving That not rank high onno the conremain an issue. audience with another eye- As we witnessed history unfold We will see classes differently andenforce atduring good way to startincident this semester and \hgl^jn^g\^l h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg`' tian faith that in particular — it doesn’t mean But do those similarities students who have financial obligaObviously not. They would still the Constitution itself will be the final victim Mothers Against Drunk Driving is Parents and MADD say university what would the protocol be then? a student allegedly feat,minds, it happened. Oneconsideration area of the list. UT reported System that seems tract The waiting list number new year is boggling to renew our get a the inauguration of the first black Ameri- tend them more often. We won’t be scared Bm fZr [^ _nggr mh pZm\a ma^ defined reached the same conclumake us similar? be of a different brand and year —officials ithas willand become useless. carrying a gun intohis other than tuition like suppor “Is itthink possible fit hopping madthey about the initiative, saying are not taking responsibility fortions dents andconcise parents would not be toh to take tests any longer because our minds can president whose campaign message fresh start the way we ofin ourselves ear in President Barack and your earathat the nation is complishedâ€? around talking poised to see good changes is San Antonio. weren’t — some students Although we can foresee administrators the West a for sion. They We don’t, and andand would still look different. Possessing weapon is not in itself deadly, car last semester, which ]kngd^g ^l\ZiZ]^l h_ Z _kb^g]% [nm square peg into a round are renewed. was “Change Can Believe In,â€? we have others. ing a family or mortgage payments Obama, combat under attack, sitting with a “major the to astudents’ few people underage is an that drinking age drinking.guns College about their university becoming ap apartments off-campus i Francisco Cigarroa, thenow new UTthen, System a beverage every and it’sand didn’t so long. Both Christian“Start-upâ€? and invites Muslim they not lowering suffiYet this is our hole?â€? attitude neither is shooting for fun. But whenneeding revived talks of an group annoying, now becomes “bring it itonâ€? seek thisare change first from our minds. January is gunnot bmĂ?l gh eZn`abg` fZmm^k pa^g abl Congratulations! operations have of kidstofor seven min- alcohol-related inspection. It and also With the Christmas holidays comin form housing so the list was incorre presidents proponents of the initiative state. more fatalities. This conphilosophers used it to express cient to do so. when we try to erase is the who former of the UT mainly arepresident going to be affected areto associated madness and lackchancellor, of self- students friendly on countrified voice said from showyou offwith our new Let’s look to at ourselves in a better light and because we are ready everyone’s favorite As of Tuesday, you are thepolicies mean. Genutes and continuing read endedâ€? shows that care. bgmhqb\Zmbhg ikh`k^ll^l mh Ze\hahe everyone issimple struggling financially ception does very different categories of If we share differences between said Matthew Hendricks, control, they become deadly and no one can our own campus. The The law was at 18 years old until say minors will find a way The fact remains: theO Health Science Center at San Antonio. He Housing by this choice, so they deserve a say in their mind and attitude to friends and faculty. hope for the best. the TV. “Well, if that square month, but it is the 44th President of the Unit- “The Pet Goatâ€? isn’t the erally thought speaking, best This summary of RAYcultures EDWARD not exist in ihblhgbg`' and reached very difa common two inpeg predict madness. and should consider moderation in memory of Virginia erations assistant director. SYLVAIN REY This semester already looks beautiful, genesis of this year.new is Whataburger’s no matter what doesn’t Thelead factanthat the Minimum Drinking will befate. charged withwork. helping or- it is illegal softnow drink ed States. Africanwhen casualty rates decision. We understand the National the Bush years could BUFFINGTON IV first Islam, which ferent conclusions. heritage beorder to The make The question to ask should be: Why are Tech is still fresh in our ;^\Znl^ fhlm i^hie^ pah [bg`^ and with the right mind-set and attitude Starting the year — Humphrey Klobodu is an engineerHe said the list now comprises fe that round Christmas shopping. American to holdpatty the melt, office,anddesire increase, the misto not scare the cause chil- Act go on forever, Mr. ganization includes nine universities and more ent the law says. even make seem Age of 1984. Like most laws phiNow thethat university will bedrinking stuck with has taken a forinSYLVAIN If knowledge ofgraduate Greek we them look simithere school shootings America? minds. we can take charge of any situation to adright will definitely ing student and a columnist REY hole is your kisser, you ]kbgd Zk^gĂ?m Ze\hahe&]^i^g]^gm% 100 who students, and housing is sa isn’t accomdren by jumping up andCongress runObama, but way. those Atothan Bloomberg.com article states health institutions. different losophy in Islam was limited took sion the lartoo. to try Sosix where minors feel that it’s passes, this one Pepsi fordoes 10 years. Students won’tmight have the In Switzerland, It This is—to avoid such violence thening Harrold boost in like the building’s The Shorthorn betcha.â€? isthem historic, but that asconfidence plished to and major and a few others, years out are over. We where every single available at Centennial Court and J ma^ ikh[e^f bl ^Zlr mh ]blfbll' ;nm this year’s Thanksgiving sales rose If we both Aristotle it zero from to make Two are San Antonio, thelike aforemenhousehold owns a weapon — the everyresponsibility person school aone smallonce nearon Wichita chance to beinasked what they’d to drink to rebel. was a combat little ambiguous. themany coming months. Thisdistrict, was ofdistrict commercial George Santayana said, operations fire. Maybe a “Something’s have a newthe era to look son Creek apartments. have influence of Greek phi- are much more far-reaching in A r a b s , was more respectable g^Zker hg^&mabk] h_ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml less than one pe is a citizen-soldier, no such shootings Falls, has, with Gov. Rick Perry’s support, Letting go of negationed Health Science Center at San Antonio interruptions inserted periodically throughout for another decade. A person under 21West, is notwhere the influence MADD sayssaid drunk-driving accid “Those who do not learn from come up. I have to go,â€? would haven’t ended. forward to. As a canK_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ losophers, our interpretation the does it to each other. Hendricks his department rob Morton reported. The problem then lies in the heart passed a decision that makes Harrold the thoughts and pbee ^g`Z`^ bg [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Zm e^Zlm centthe during the“w the four-hour 2008 Beijing Olympics opening history are doomed totive repeat •While we’re work. didate PresidentandThere UT-San areAntonio. benefits from the contract. have decreased since lawfor has allowed to buy alcohol EDITORIAL of and them was ultimately shaped of the medieval Greeks and the This attitude continue to monitor demand ho forming new ones of American society. first school district in the nation to pass such ceremony on NBC. many thinking about talking about the three day period hg\^ ]nkbg` likbg` [k^Zd% Z\\hk]bg` it.â€? So letbroadcast ustoday take a moment to I know •When elect,byyou out The new ourlaid diverging conception Our sports teams getabout rediscovery prevalent iningeffect, andstate’s Nationwide Insur or possess alcohol, but of Plato and Latin about this historyIf schools, which were founded to make aismeasure. and make decisions build ROUNDUP people out there may be super excited about some of the mistakes what countries to invade, war in authors Iraq, let’scombined discuss in- some very lofty HUMPHREY the holida mh ma^ GZmbhgZe Bglmbmnm^ hg :e\hahe of goals. man andare his themselves relationship toEditorial thebetter inreview the relationship of based theafter House, Gatorade drinks and making year victims of The resolution, passed lastcow-and-meltedweek, allows EDITORIAL produced a survey saying that 72 pe does notgathering. prohibit This isto shape morespeaker housing on the number Whataburger’s fancy new the outgoing Bush administhink about the reasons the longlawtelligence •You want to citizens, get us out of is what makes KLOBODU the divine. This Renaissance. between Islam and compared to las :[nl^ Zg] sounds social violence,not then they have failed inrounduP their The issue: teachers to carry guns at school ifgood. they have a Going intodrinking Joe Straus, is also Gatorade equipment, cheese-on-bread creation, and this revelation ROUNDUP students int of adults think lowering the drin alcohol. tration has made in hopes that an important part of prewar and hard. the Iraq, but responsibly, in Westshootings and Islam different. Philosophy strongly in-role.the the West, and itdistrict may not The seyear’s numbers. School and violence If are the state permit and authorization. :e\haheblf' may have had a few of them in their cars on their Christmas is The issue: from San Antonio. and Student Activiyou don’t do the same. planning. Some guy saying country that harbors people one fell swoop. <;@KFI@8C ested in livi The issue: Of course, there is the early Chris-most age will make alcohol more accessib wedramatic faced military fromillness. fluenced be The thelogic best solumester has enough tests halfway andis simple: symptomsthreats of a deeper behind the decision EDITORIAL Both the new UT Sysway toSome the fast-food restaurant The article also are big, some areBm mZd^l ma^ nuclearthrough whothrough murdered 2,998 Ameri- that someone else hastianity •You to strengthen coming — and The university made Don’t think this won’t ties gets some Pepsi China, would wecure. also try to find on campus.â€? theplan tion. IFLE;LG assignments and life itself has B pZl ma^bk [Z] bg_en^g\^' r \abe]ahh] pZl Z lbfie^ mbf^ pa^g ma^ Bg maZm fhf^gm B iZll^] bgmh ma^ phke] minor exception. In Texas, if minors. And guns are not the If licensed teachers carry weapons, defense tem Chancellorto and thesmall commercial. But everyone’s priorities a commitment only ROUNDUP and some are just funny, weapons doesn’t necessarily cans? OK. invading a country the civil rights laws that we states the obvi“common originsâ€? Greek Ebg^l language Indeed, everyone is the murderer [h]r mph ahnkl allow for some favorSome stu loads heavy-weight punches freebies. Ghp% BĂ?f ghm lZrbg` B pZl ma^ mrib\Z phke] pZl [eZ\d Zg] pabm^' p^k^ h_ ln[c^\mbobmr É between ma^ phke]% pa^k^ the Speaker of the Only a deeper analysis of Z]nem the Chiroots and against a of potential will whose bechoose made with a guardian, Yet we also have to consider that th serve Pepsi products are different. Personally, would K_\ `jjl\1 but they allus affect how I the prove it. or Find more than one onlya crime against us parents have. nese and Western civilizations, — this is absent West has ous: “Cautiousâ€? coming at from different diHouse are from San The issue: financially db]'Ă‹ K^eZmbo^er li^Zdbg`% ahp^o^k% B pZl ghm [enkk^] pbma ma^ laZ]^l h_ `kZr maZm ^o^krmabg` bl ghm Zl bm l^^fl' B aZ] bf[b[^]% hg Zo^kZ`^ mh dents felt th able results for the two conditions of social violence will provide easier and quicker. Then there’s sponfor the next ten years. quadrennial universal event over fast-food. Jgi`e^ Yi\Xb is allowed. If you marry country and president areto is a leader who liked todrinking talk source. •You wisheven to fixif the econ- rewriting his-Antonio — this couldthat raised the drinking age was pass it involved taken the rections. Weits have theguns power fbl\ab^ohnl maZg fr _kb^g]l pah are p^k^ bg_^lm fr eb_^ ghp' ;Z\d ma^g% from hg^ Islam. mabg` pZl an ng]^k ma^ `nbl^ h_ \ah\heZm^ fbed% ma^ fhlm strapped. consumers We suggest: Students on—waitexplanation and shape better, long-term But, the very fact that are now allowed department ]b`^lm Zg] _neer San Antonio schools. It’s no surprise that advertising has taken Z\c\YiXk`fej ZXe c\X[ kf sorship a question viewed. •One thing, wordyou smack about your dad?someone Not have aninput appearance tory?surrounded Ifomy we and re-policies. number whomore is over 21the while are a lists time when thema^bk laws]Zber concer decidezero how much Getting from 1984, ]h\be^ shf[b^l [r mkn^% hg^ mabg` pZl \^kmZbg' ]^lib\Z[e^ _Zel^ ikhia^m h_ ]Zbkr signal mk^Zml lbg\^ in schools, where our importance children ing weren’t inshrinking Y`e^\ [i`eb`e^% them spend theHo ru over ourthe lives. Everywhere wetheoretically turn, we are Webgmh suggest: So, without further delay nuclear is pronounced noo- ally so much. yourself with smart people to k^\ho^k _khf Cigarroa seems to of favorability to the that students were Being different does not are the from students before making we assign to these challenges. A^Zkbg` ma^f lZr ĂŠFhk^ HoZembg^% ie^Zl^ MaZm mabg` pZl \ah\heZm^ fbed' G^lme^ Jnbd É HoZembg^' not yet 21, you also get to drink. alcohol were generally more relaxed. And America will avoid an undeclared, receive the education they need to be a part of formed of housing N\ jl^^\jk1 exposed to hundreds of ads or gimmicks to ing this year an two institutions located around. At and The in —nobattleground particular order, clee-er. •We understand that this accomplish that. Don’t spend such decisions because mean we must slit each other’s same, then Arabs ishg^ ]kbgd% Z\& your be towing the never asked. Inwas acom\k^^ir' :l Z initiative [hr B ^gchr^] \ah\heZm^ fbed bg eZk`^ underground HoZembg^ pZl h_ ting war. Zg] bl ma^ Zgmbma^lbl society, worrying — even scary. Befn k_\ j`^ej f] says the current law aavailability DWI in 1984 aentation cakewalk there. make usisare want toyou buy. Ironically, we have even and had here former President •When one of the country’s country has oil interests The in •Best you are acivil comthey are the onestoo whomuch, in throats and send armies against why doof all, big spenders who took mind, and are the\hk]bg` mh ma^ comkeep B pZl ma^ db] pahl^ ahnl^ ma^r phne] jnZgmbmb^l' Bm pZl lh lbfie^' B phne] cnlm fbq ^o^krmabg` maZm \ah\heZm^ pany line. In a Jan. 9 school funded mainly Only Thailand and Israel have policies We suggest: XcZf_fc gf`jfe`e^ Y\]fi\ become walking ads with our iPods, labeled will be affected. to find other places George W. Bush’s best flubs coolest cities is all but wiped the Middle East, but 4,226 mander in chief eager to hear isn’t working. Students turn to binge pared to what a person goes through each other. it from mander in chief. Your responsione freshma have curbed the pa^g ma^r pZgm^] mh pZm\a Z fhob^ hk Z \ni h_ fbed pbma Zg bghk]bgZm^ Zfhngm h_ fbed lmZg]l The _hk' Chancellor ?bklm% bm expectations and [i`eb`e^ XcZf_fc% allowing armed protection ininto schools. called by taxrelease, dollarshe and <^gm^kl _hk shirts and jeans, sports hats and otherdoesn’t “look sound like a good that you want toregiments take out by a hurricane, flying over and listen to citizens’ ideas. topress live. But artificially erasingebd^ difbility ismay to assign andlives drinking, can ZpZr lead tophne] dangerous which is actually a good thing. who asked n Speaker should ensure `Zf^ ]^^f^] mhh obhe^gm hk i^ko^kl^ _hk \ah\heZm^ which lrkni Zg] B kb]^ hg Z lhng]l Z senior ik^l\kbimbhg holiday In Thailand, it is to defend students and — Sylvain Rey is an anthropology low and find crewhat I boughtâ€? paraphernalia. UT payments, System “a budgets Wethe suggest: student consideration: price for petroleum. We trade it in Air Force One doesn’t Things areferences looking up. is dishonest, with thethat all 15 institutionsik^\bhnl ebmme^ fbg]l' GZmnkZeer% mabl e^] m battalions of emotions,=bl^Zl^ <hg& energy, in According _ZgmZlmb\ ln`Zk ab`a h_ ]^eb\bhnlg^ll' ]kn`' L^\hg]% bmĂ?l gnmkbmbhnl' to be named consequences. to the Alcohol Policy I faculty against Muslim separatists who have and columnist for The Shorthorn because What irksyour me chief is that trodforon inexpen•When of advertisers staff money constitute an inspection. Acoil — not blood. Best of luck you, Mr.— but especial-we’d University otherto culture and strength. leader inHousing higher edu- of knoc the UT System willative, beh_ [eZf^ makhpg bg fr ]bk^\mbhg' like to think that all of our school commkhe Zg] Ik^o^gmbhg' FZgr [^eb^o^ Ma^g B `k^p he]^k' ObmZfbgl Zg] fbg^kZel% The Shorthorn: Eduardo Villagrana been waging a bloody war since 2004. In was told by Students also choose to drink mation System, about 5,000 unde sacred ground infiltrating and thewhat “Mission Acenters and whispers tually landing, taking a look Obama. Don’t screw it up. driven to higher they’ve taken in We cannot Wea room arebyresponsible for tarnishing chan-• Learn sive ideas. commucation, health care, remunity wouldstanhavegift ashould choice in who sponHg^ mbf^ bg iZkmb\neZk% B receptionist pZl k^Zf^] Bg ma^ pZgbg` r^Zkl h_ fr ^e^f^gmZkr l\ahhe ly with ourselves.l^kbhnler8 Pah lebii^] maZm [eZ\d \h__^^% Z \he] lahp^k% ceremony sales pitches. dards while utilizing drinking illegally rather than wait for the big related deaths occur ann nelingwith our 30-second feelings toward friends, pretend to promote friendship nicate better with the stock marke — Rob Morton is an mahl^ bg ma^k^8 _hk ^qihlbg` abl hk a^k \abe] mh F \Zk^^k% B obob]er k^f^f[^k ieZrbg` Gbgm^g]h Zm and service.â€? sors us.MaZmĂ?l available resources. iZk^gm search Since the summer Olympics take and placeenonce pZedbg` hk le^^ibg` pbee lh[^k Z no wait list acquaintances, lecturers, bosses where studies there seis dishonesty and interdisciplinary 21. The initiative says that lowering from car accidents to homicide or su students to prevent Irmahg _befl bg ma^ _hnkma `kZ]^' Hhil' Zefhlm Zl ik^ihlm^khnl Zl fr _kb^g]Ă?l ahnl^ pa^g abl fhma^k% bg Z ĂŠE^Zo^ declines. local after loyalties every four years, thecontrol rare occurrence warrants Hall said the decision But was made emies. We have of our emotions. falsehood. ]kngd fhk^ jnb\der' Ma^l^ Zk^ frmal' isted at all. nior and a columnist for The confusion in the NembfZm^er% B ]hgĂ?m _^^e mhh [hma^k^] _bg]bg` iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel bg Bm mh ;^Zo^kĂ‹ _Zlabhg% Zld^] nl b_ p^Ă?] ebd^ lhf^ the age limits will curb binge drinking President James Spaniolo says a lower dosage ofwhen advertising exposure. We determine we cry and laugh andI’m do not die easily and, SheEvan all three soft drink put forthCharles Shorthorn rhnk pZm^k lniier' was Ma^ hger mabg` maZm pbee k^o^kl^ ma^ fr companies k^o^eZmbhg' B Reserve ]hgĂ?m iZkmb\neZker fbg \ah\heZm^ fbed' B eZn`a^] Zm _bklm% Zllnfbg` la^ future. and clashes with the law — making more research needs to be done befor aware thatwe the Chicago Federal Bank pres when arebroadcast happy anddidn’t sad. come for free, -Sylvain Rey is an more likely He than not, UTSA andwas thestrictly Health proposals. said the decision The Shorthorn: Antonina Doescher a letter that iZlm Zl ma^ [Z] bg_en^g\^' B `hm mh lah ;^rhg] fr jnZefl pbma pZl Zldbg` Z ka^mhkb\Ze jn^lmbhg' ^__^\ml h_ Ze\hahe bl mbf^' but a different couldwe have We alsomoney-making determine thetactic activities anthropologyma^ senior and a gnmkbmbhgZe underage drinking seem less glamorous university canh_ take aaposition. dent, wasalhf^ quoted in Reuters artic Science Center will see good share of favor_kb^g]l ma^ _nggb^lm fZm^kbZe Z mZlm^ Zg] La^ pZlgĂ?m' business and was made based on which to show up been followed. Often, movies broadcast for the ;nm mbf^ blgĂ?m hg rhnk lb]^ b_ rhn channel energy into, like sports or dancG?@CC@G 9FN;<E columnist for The Shorthorn The Shorthorn: Eduardo Villagrana lie? since it would be legal. Most college students areable over 18,would sothat Underage drinking istonot going toa the economy is “contracting pZr [^_hk^ ma^rĂ?] _bgZeer [k^Zd ma^ laZ\d oZen^ h_ HoZembg^ É Zg] Ebd^ Zgr *)&r^Zk&he] pbma Z [kZbg Zg] Zg the first day of classes attempt legislation by the end of the session. proposal give back more to the unifirst time on noncable stations are presented ing lessons. lnli^\m Ze\hahe ihblhgbg`' Dghpbg` ma^bk iZk^gmlĂ? bg_en^g\^ Zg] l^^ bm ma^fl^ bml adults. _Z\Z]^ They h_ eb^l É tovote, B be pZl Z\abg` ikhi^glbmr ^q\bm^]er markedlyâ€? consumers planni Some minors get_hk fake\Zobmb^l% IDs orB get older they are considered can More areroom notSpanitheare solution. grablaws aifas dorm from no-show st commercial-free, tolevels the ofparticular Like a utility,thanks we assign imporit’s expected. President versity. ma^ lb`gl Zg] pa^g mh l^^d f^]b\Ze B ]hgĂ?m dghp b_ ma^r ^o^k jnbm maZm Ho abm pbma Z lmnggbg` k^o^eZmbhg Z[hnm fr lZb] r^l' Fbgnm^l iZll^]% Zg] la^ k^Zii^Zk^] to spend less and jobless rates rise. tancewho to every information that goes sponsor chosebit toofthrow in the cash. Surely friends or classmates to buy the alcohol, get married, buy tobacco, serve in the could be a part of the problem. dents on a first-come first-serve ba olo The were thedrink newly electedhappened chancellorduring or Rep. soft switch mahn`a' BmĂ?l Z [Z] l\^g^% fZg' iZk^gml pbma mph `eZll^l maZm `Zo^ ^o^kr bfik^llbhg h_ k^eZmbhglabil pbma fr _kb^g]l pahl^ a^ei \hne] [^ ma^ ]b__^k^g\^ [^mp^^g into our minds. The amount of emotions, the Olympics opening ceremony deserves Priorities should precedent seems like atake chaotic situation Theannouncement. Shorthorn editorial board but almost \ah\heZm^ everyonefbed' agrees that underage military and live alone. -This Chris Turner, D-Burleson, were the newly the break without an While _hk\^] ma^f bgmh ma^bk ZihlmZlr h_ ink^ \hgmZbgbg` B Z\\^im^] Z `eZll energy, and strength topremiere an event of better treatment than theassigned television Ç G_`cc`g 9fn[\e `j X Zfdglk\i jZ`\e eb_^ Zg] ]^Zma' when deciding a budget and giftK_\ J_ lis show up, wait around and get assig \ah\heZm^ fbed' Zg] [khn`am bm jnb\der mh fr ebil' minted speaker of thePepsi House, those affiliated students were away, vans wheeled in Xe[ Zfclde`jk ]fi determines its Dresses.â€? level of importance to us. “Superbadâ€? or “27 Ohfbmbg` bl hg^ h_ ma^ ^Zkeb^lm to a room if someone doesn’t show this holiday season. More This the makes us was powerful. WeWith canan with UTAmachines. would expect things to go theirthan like Granted, telecast not live. vending lb`gl% Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ GB:::' She settled for an to channel moretime energy and emotions into many people will have sacrificeap average 12-hour difference from China, waySome too. students on campus this springoff-campus ontraditional students attest to the value students sign up for a certain number of slower than most students are, and the Bursar’s strengths and goals we want to accom;^\Znl^ Ze\hahe bl Z lmhfZ\a bkkbmZgm% ment, living alone, which is more Americans were just beginning their days when a less-lavish gift giveaway Atoffthe same time, it is essential that were confused and asked, “Where’s theCigar-this year of post-secondary education. A degree class hours, and the result is posted in the office is less than diligent about skimming plish this year and reduce the importance expensive. She said she feels less sa China’s former Olympian Li Ning ran around ohfbmbg` bl _Zbker \hffhg% ahp^o^k% but it’s important to keep can mean the edge difference university system. the university’s percentage before sending the roa, Straus and the rest ofitthe andin mind Coke?â€? They didn’t realize wasmovers gone until we assign things webetween have no retirement control the top inside to of the now-famous Bird’s than she would on campus. But at ohfbmbg` [^\hf^l iZkmb\neZker thatenough feeding andthe sheltering fa or pushing the tea cart at Luby’s Cafeteria. Financial aid, however, does not consult leftovers to the eager student. C<KK<IJ shakers Austin payfound careful attention to yourinst they gotin thirsty during Mav solution Nestover. arena to light the Olympic flame and she a definitive Younger people with degrees are far more likely the documented plan of the student and base Standing in line at the start of a semester ]Zg`^khnl Z_m^k iZllbg` hnm' prime outweighs any gift. end theBenjamin ceremony.Disraeli, Because former the event many asily a whole, not just as aitexpensive concerns Market’s hours to hunt down machine. ^iflg kf jfcm\ Zfdgc\o gifYc\dj Xi\ k_\ ^i\ <e^c`j_ dXafij Xe[# jligi`j`e^cp# _`^_\i k_Xe \Zf$ of just showing up the first day an to get three or four jobs inKingdom, their careers decisions on this information. at the Bursar’s office, or sitting with aeducation “now off minister ofwas the prerecorded, United said,that disbursement DXk_ dXb\j \oZ\cc\ek dXafij# Hma^k lb`gl mh pZm\a _hk bg\en]^ It would be wise to keep the gift Americans saw it lost viewing being late to your 8 a.m. classatsucks, any classes or instructors. n the past two years, I’ve experienced San Antonio. Xjj\kj f] X dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe% efd`Zj Xe[ Z_\d`jkip dXafij% Then, in addition to being she foiled include annual vacation onRather, the system assumes a full course loadstillservingâ€? number slip in hand the Financial hoping gotinatheir spot. “Nurture your mind with great thoughts, value. Footage editors had time to sift through f^gmZe \hg_nlbhg% l^bsnk^l% lehp hk giving toSome a minimum. Some may de getting respect your Oneawards thing said to mescholarships in the good and loansas does South bygo Southwest festival, d`efij ]fi afY jXk`j]XZk`fe @ek\iej_`g# i\j\XiZ_ Xe[ fk_\i fggfikle`k 8ZZfi[`e^ kf k_\ jXcXip jlim\p ]fi Zfcc\^\ [\$ Bothchoice, UTA andrealized UT-Dallas arewasn’t fighting time and health and grants, Aid not office, reveals thatfor this flawed concept drink they astudents dollar forAustin’s you will never any higher thancare, who decided to s the entire ceremony to cut out sections they felt ol’ Fine Arts Building that has stuck ^i\\j i\gfik\[ Xk “athleticismâ€? while others on the team were# k_\ d\Xe cidedXk_\dXk`Zj dXafij `eZcl[\ jlg\im`j\[ jldd nnn%gXpjZXc\%Zfd been a part of President Bush’s press bkk^`neZk [k^Zmabg`% Zg] iZe^ hk [en^ to give gifts only to immediate rather than two or three to cover the maximum possible expenditure frustrates the best plans of the most-prepared to become One universities, receiving enough anyTier more. at home and commute are sufferin would slots to give their paying with me is when a professor called me i\j\XiZ_ `e I\j\XiZ_ <og\i`\eZ\j ]fi Le[\i^ jXcXip f] X [\^i\\ _fc[\i n`k_ X 9XZ_\cfij f] 8ik heavily scouted and giftedstudent. by the pros. corps be forappropriate a few hoursjob inchanges Houston and =fi LK8 le[\i^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj n_f Xi\ per year with of a full-time student. The most likely logic and forward-thinking family. Once again, priorities come ldbg' The Shorthorn: Robert Villarreal credit for their dedication to research and from gas prices, and the inconveni advertisers a chance to push their wares. They must carry a pocketful of metal now Xk\j gif^iXdj fe mXi`flj le`m\ij`kp ZXdglj\ `e dXk_ `j .-#-'/ `] _\ fi j_\ nfibj Xj Xe XZklXip# We Nontraditional all know time’s students precious, often but unlike contemplated my future at 4 a.m. on a while presumptuous. k_`eb`e^ f] af`e`e^ k_\ nfib]fiZ\ X]k\i ^iX[lXk`fe# @ no paid vacation for this is to make certain that the full-time have much into play when being frugal this ye B_ Ze\hahe ihblhgbg` bl ngmk^Zm^]% President Bush’s Washington, State of the D.C. Union was `ek\iej_`gj Xk E8J8 Xe[ fk_\i ^fm\ied\ek cX 0/#/+. ]fi Xe `e]fidXk`fe k\Z_efcf^p dXeX^\i# of aincrease. commute. degree programs. Other money, itexperience comes freein to the everyone. Isector spent than agraduate/doctorate That professor was probably right to stoop. to pay for the 25-cent Students jl^^\jk X dXk_ dXafi# X [lXc dXafi n`k_ dXk_ Y\`e^ enduring fixable health student has every centime available to get his more private in broadcast commercial-free. boring clus- say that, but kfi`\j# Xkk\e[XeZ\ Xk dXk_ d\\k`e^j Xe[ Zfe] Xe[ 0-#0*( ]fi X j\e`fi jf]knXi\ \e^`e\\i% Keeping expensive lifema^ ob\mbf \Zg \ahd^ hg abl hk good of it down inwould damn it, aI new don’tlook think regret I stillThat wonder The Shorthorn Confusion like this could havewb \`k_\i k_\ gi`dXip fi j\Zfe[Xip dXafi# fi Xk c\Xjk institutions alsojust need the up proper funding to are section struggling as much aswith everyone else While some say the news is Let’s take at IThe Shorthorn . amountand problems that just worsen or her semester rolling. academia other government bureaucracies. launch its new \j# d\dY\ij_`gj `e dXk_ jfZ`\k`\j Xe[ `e[`m`[ ter of hours certainlywhat’s deserved a Whataburger Gif]\jj`feXc ^iX[lXk\ jZ_ffcj `e Ylj`e\jj# cXn# anything done here. ahead for me basement, and when I could get away, I styles should be thrown out the win X dXk_ d`efi% a^k hpg ohfbm hk [k^Zmabg` hk avoided if housing communicated the brains, opinion section ishow definitely The student-run hasfull two goals guide from neglect. If a student has chosen newspaper not to attend For many, it’s quite the a culture shock to see continue providing thecrisis, caliber education during this economic andofaentertainment 25 peri\j\XiZ_ le[\i ]XZlckp jlg\im`j`fe% Xe[ d\[`Z`e\ cfm\ Xggc`ZXekj n`k_ Xe le[\i^iX[lXk\ break. My and college stay was more challenging after I graduate from made surethe to enjoy dancing inShorthorn Dallas, late dow. We are in critical times. heart of — to present accurate information about will cover issues, cu The . We’ll tell the A degree is a time made the decision clear by registering lenient university administration is toward students efficiently. a^Zkm[^Zm fZr \^Zl^' B_ ma^ ob\mbf Lek`c XYflk ('$(, p\Xij X^f# k_\ afY gifjg\Zkj speaks and without resourcK_\ LK8 jkl[\ek Z_Xgk\i f] k_\ DXk_\dXk cent increase onof, a soda addsmore up the over time. dXk_ dXafi% The main thing the lostuniversity in the commercialand worthwhile having worked ascommunity a she is still this nights at Waffle House and just talking to Cigarroa issues connected to the and proand events on and be facts, state our stance and solicit feedback — profound benefit in for less-than-full-time hours, he or mediocre, and worse, performance. The Shorthorn: Robert Villarreal lack of communication crea With that comes struggle, which 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] 8d\i`ZX _Xj Y`n\\bcp d\\k`e^j LK8Ă‹j DXk_\dXk`Zj ;\gXikd\ek f]]\ij gif^iXdj ebo^l% Zg Ze\hahe ho^k]hl^ \Zg e^Z] mh ridden ceremony, besides five minute chunks reporter, ]fi dXk_ dXafij n\i\ \`k_\i efk m\ip ^ff[ fi c`d$ es, it’sto impossible. This take intoThe account what ancampus. inScene and in We chief at use month. friends andthat’s family —most I love you your vide a editor forumfunds, for editor readers. will every our where youimportant comeall,in.forWe want knowbrings America. Sadly, formal issued the full-time and when financial One of the lessons adoesn’t `k\[% Efn# \m\ipk_`e^ `j [`]]\i\ek% @ nflc[ Xi^l\ k_Xk effe kf ()1,' g%d% N\[e\j[Xpj `e G`ZbXi[ ?X ]fi le[\i^iX[lXk\j c\X[`e^ kf 9XZ_\cfi f] 8ikj fi a negative experience for incoming out the best in people — be that were tossed aside to put in fast-food One thing’s for chides, support and sometimes for your The Shorthorn , even if some on the outside CLIFF HALE bkk^o^klb[e^ [kZbg ]ZfZ`^' Bias against the disabled in early 20th emanated from It is vital the San Antonio duo to sports? convenience it is tonew pay $1.25 — before, you section in its the papercentury to accomplish just that. Not into what youatthink. Send is usthe your letters, writefor education is primarily aid decides to do homework after the fact, student can get a university collateral k_\i\ _Xj e\m\i Y\\e X Y\kk\i k`d\ kf Y\ X dXk_ n_\i\ Zlii\ek Xe[ gifjg\Zk`m\ dXk_ dXafij 9XZ_\cfi f] JZ`\eZ\# Xe[ fli dXafij `e k_\j\ gif$ freshmen and other students livin commercials, was respect. Apparently when it certain: None of the simple presence. only knows me as their friend’s cousin it creativity or unity. Finding inexB_ rhn l^^ Zgr h_ ma^l^ pZkgbg` injust mind other systembill institutions, just as Let’s look at what matters to you: another look the se a^iXdj i\Z\`m\ i`^fiflj kiX`e`e^ `e XYjkiXZk Xe[ cf^`$ guest column,poor lookand for good. weeklykeep polls on the found in academia — an it discovers thattake it and hasafully funded a part-time education of example, Before dXafi# Xe[ LK8 `j X m\ip ^ff[ gcXZ\ ]fi `k% could shove a dollar into the majfd\ dXk_ ^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj Xe[ ]XZlckp ^Xk lack compassion comes to making theabove big bucks, even acould world oforinformation highlights I’ll misspage theinto ’horn and the university, but that guy in theirin class that’s somehow campus. Accountability for mistak pensive gift ideas can stretch atosho AfY jXk`j]XZk`fe `j Xdfe^ k_\ _`^_\jk ]fi dXk_ surviving today’s economy, the inevitable There’s more ath andthe vote online. This isbeyour forum. institution that has a venerable and deserved student and snaps the money back again. launching private sector, certain `e]fidXccp kf \eafp k_\ ]i\\ cleZ_# c`jk\e kf `e[ ZXc i\Xjfe`e^# Zi`k`ZXc k_`eb`e^# dXk_\dXk`ZXc XeXcp$ lb`gZel% \Zee 2** bff^]bZm^er' would those institutions to keep chine, now expect you have to hunt for change too. event fails to garner ahave littlehappened bit of appreciation if I it’ll be nice to do those things without so they graduating. made will give the University Hou [\^i\\ _fc[\ij% @e k_\ (000 \[`k`fe f] AfYj IXk\[ question after graduation, “What now?â€?, than player statistics Take a look at www.theshorthorn.com . It reputation for incompetence. Financial Aid Office notifies the Bursar’s to know that this management style is budget. Make homemade food basdXk_\dXk`Z`Xej kXcb XYflk ZXi\\i fggfikle`k` j`j# gifYc\d jfcm`e^# Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc j`dlcXk`fej% mothers, brothers The institutions ime for a history lesson. Matlin has been deaf since she mind the more situation were reversed. and=hgĂ?m pZbm _hk rhnk _kb^g] mh lh[^k a four-hour moment of atadvertising It’sintoo lateifnow. We can do all the polls trying to di didn’t work conflicting tasks and responsibilitiesthem For those just what I got from The 8cdXeXZ # k_\ dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe iXeb\[ ]`]k_ f] ),' credibility when sane amount, in a stressful environment and, From the U.S. pres continues expand with multimedia One example is thethatridiculous UTAto enforce office ofstaying theasking award and the Bursarmany only in tothe specialized bubble of tellingketsc\Xie XYflk `ek\iej_`gj Xe[ `ek\iXZk n`k_ \XZ_ K_\p Xi\ n\cc$gi\gXi\[ ]fi X n`[\ iXe^\ f] ZXi\\ij andbetter sisters. designated Did you know it, and was 18effective months old. filled with baked goods or trin silence. in the back of my head. the ’horn, it taught me how to Shorthorn there’s EMILY TOMAN The old saying goes: Together we stand, ni hk _hk fhk^ lrfimhfl mh Zii^Zk' and surveys we want, but it won’t change gif]\jj`fej YXj\[ fe k_\ j`o Zi`k\i`X f] `eZfd\# ANTHONYused WILLIAMS `e `e[ljkip# ]`eXeZ\# \[lZXk`fe# Xe[ ^fm\ied\ek% of course, making and sense of election coverage to the Student Con compelling stories about what’s happening fk_\i% financial aid system. withholds owed tuition fees and only academia. the situation. It doesn’t matter them were still to be illegal in the • Richard Pryor was a wellUntil advertisers come to their sensesupand observe and report what I learned from even more coming kets. some copies ofitphotos of jki\jj# g_pj`ZXc [\dXe[j# gfk\ek`Xc ^ifnk_# afY divided fall. TheTake reputation ofPepsi, the UTlike Systhings. We’re locked down with Kf c\Xie dfi\ XYflk ZXi\\i# `ek\iej_`g# Xe N_`c\ fYkX`e`e^ dXk_ [\^i\\j ]ifd fli [\gXik$ =hgĂ?m phkkr maZm rhnk _kb^g] fZr `^m every day. president, it’s sem in the college community. It’s your we stop Students typically plan their semesters far late disburses the out remaining to or the Andcomedian if you want a career where if amount you are staff a man a — functioning as inthrown United States for anyone known and actor. He incompetence Better communication anda mor leave our brainwashed heads with and empty wallets general — fellow students, because of my time here aspeople Anthony Williams has written j\Zli`kp Xe[ nfib \em`ifed\ek% @e ]XZk# k_\ XZklXip your family and friends and som fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi dXk_ dXafij# gc\Xj\ Z d\ek# n\ jkife^cp \eZfliX^\ fli dXafij kf [\m\cfg We’ll tackle issues that affect your pocket new leaders and ideas.in So joinuse us in t for election coverage steer and clear updates thatBut will in advance. Many are required get advising student. When a pupil getseducation lovely, lifeis not grounds for dismissal, of not. the or if you aremore 1983. Eventually, does not restof with one or two institutions, disability to to marry and haveto had multiple or even the Pepsi lovers among us nil^m hk ^f[ZkkZll^] [^\Znl^ rhn proactive measures anticipation alone, I’m going go get myself a patty melt. and the administration. I got an woman at aour award-winning student newspaper. than 130 sclerosis. articles, columns, reviews tem jfd\fe\ n_f [f\j i`jb XeXcpj`j iXebj j\Zfe[% k_\ c`ebj Xk k_\ jkife^ fiXc Xe[ ni`kk\e Zfddle`ZXk`fe jb`ccj# ^X`e _kkg1&&fd\^X%lkX%\[l&uXbkfjl inexpensive frames to give a meme book, education andreasonably overall well-being. We’ll a new look at highlight student involvement and break The Shorthorn — the o before registering, then they must do so well in saving check, he or she can assume private sector and get a cushy position in an black or white. And governing bodies of children? It’s true. • Christopher Reeve was an lies have in theacombined reputation of all 15.make the back little[\i^iX[lXk\j grimace they realize \Zee^] _hk a^ei' through them, hearing stories and But where does one begin writing their and more in his six semesters with The itmay such awhen scenario will K_\ )'', EXk`feXc 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] :fcc\^\j Xe[ XeXcpk`ZXc Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc jb`ccj# Xe[ c\Xie kf # fi m`j`k k_\ ]flik_ ]cffi f] G`Zb put to rest the election rumors that float down key issues. And when breaking news for it all. advance of the start of the semester. Students that tuition and fees are covered, and must institution of higher education. it doesn’t matter if the nation did wake At the end of the 19th and actor and director best known to that marks a good memory. them together for others to final Shorthorn,XeXcpq\ gifYc\dj n`k_ X dXk_\dXk`Z`XeĂ‹j gi\Z`j`fe# with help from God and Shirleywe had no choice —Shorthorn Ray Edwardpiece? Buffington IV is a print jour- packaging<dgcfp\ij jlim\p ZfdgXi\[ Xm\iX^\ jkXik`e^ inschool the matter. transition much easier. :g] fhlm bfihkmZgmer% ]hgĂ?m e^m ?Xcc% in national news. shedorlight you disabled happens, you canThe find it there too. decide theyrepeating can afford to be full or budget around the check received forare aWe’ll semester’s up.part time, hopefully beginning 20th centuries, foronin playing Superman. Hebroadcast Craft-making is theboard best way to notice while they listen halfI’m if only others, Caesar the tough times. Thethe Shorthorn nalism senior and columnist forbut jXcXi`\j ]fi jkl[\ekj Yp le[\i^iX[lXk\ dXafi# Xe[ X g_pj`Z`jkĂ‹j `ekl`k`fe Xe[ Xe \e^`e\\iĂ‹j giXZk`ZXc`kp% editorial — The -Shorthorn not. rhnk \^e^[kZmbhg mnkg bgmh Z mkZ`^]r' The last laws were passed to prevent became quadriplegic after a important research happening here and what But let’s not forget to take a look at Emily Toman is a journalism senio then make job decisions accordingly. worth of books, rent, ramen soup, etc. — Cliff Hale is a film junior and a copy Ç KleZXp 8bkfjle `j X gif]\jjfi f] dXk_\dXk`Z heartedly]fi dXk_ dXafij `k nXj *.%. g\iZ\ek _`^_\i k_Xe ]fi to a lecture. ’horn was my classroom here. I should news senior will be remembered for his go because it shows the receiver tha 9\`e^ XYc\ kf `ek\iXZk n`k_ fk_\ij Xe[ nfib `e X — The Shorthorn b Disabilities do movements were inpresident the mentally and physically horse riding accident. it could mean to you. entertainment. Thefor Shorthorn will soon The Shor editor-in-chief ofeditorial Before financial aid decisions are made, Regretfully, thecourse financial aid my process iseagle The editor editorial board — The Shorthorn Read entertainment, sports and opinion on BeyoncĂŠ our Web hbe e 81st Legislature isof in my session, the first black Was the obstacle that was probably a little ashamed GPA, eyes, hisblogs love for and hisShorthorn love and hard work went into their not define the people the last twenty years. challenged from further These people are just the site, where staffers write on those topics. has just taken office and believe it or not, many at the life always fun? Hardly. Sleeping under but I learned so much covering Maverick timeliness. them. Still not smallest fraction of famous 1990, PresidentelectionROB “pollutingâ€? the American gene Init. The fastatwith box scores university willeven be affected is aMORTON gift. Those on your gift list will unyour desk after lateGet night work and and see our February softball/baseball Country that it’s not worth by it to hatepresidential CANNON FODDER by Isaac Erickson yet?section. Let’s Find George Bush pool. These laws were enforced people, and an smaller the Sports out what you even can do this over, but ongoing issuesH.W. still exist to be ham- preview in awake derstand — the Hardaway economy affects evdiscoMbobulation by Houston put another shot of signed the Americans by segregation, andmered in some fraction of people around the weekend that you didn’t know about in The Shorthorn’s Thursday out and discussed. eryone. espresso in that societal coffee. with Disabilities Act, designed cases, forced sterilization world with disabilities. There are That’sof where insert, The Shorthorn comes in. to entertainment Pulse . :8EEFE =F;;<I Yp @jXXZ <i`Zbjfe Gifts are overrated. Spending the This a short list of famous THE USUAL BY TAYLOR EMERSON GIBBONS against people with conditions many more. Getfrom news prohibit tailoreddiscrimination just for you — from TheisShorthorn provides greatCANNON opportunity for journalism FODDER byGIBBONS Isaacand Erickson BY TAYLOR EMERSON Results names that have or had a it’s not employment. deafness to Down syndrome to the disabled Although the government a UT Arlington student,in faculty or staff nonjournalism students — but just a learning tool. The extra time with family and friends Wednesday’s Poll: is a representation of the from disability: In have September 2008, multiple sclerosis. member. If you don’t hasuniversity passed voice. laws to prevent time to Results pick up publication more important than gifts received you check think the • Franklin Roosevelt W. Bush A host of laws were passed of the disabled, a copy of ThePresident The Opinion D. section is uniquediscrimination in that it allows you to let ShorthornGeorge , Do please outlegal drinking Wednesday’s Poll: or given. wasto the 32nd President of the Amendments with the mentality that anyone signed the, ADA they can’twithout legislatestepping against what’s 10,000 readers know what’s on your mind outwww.theshorthorn.com where you be don’t age should lowered 18? Ăˆ;feĂ‹k [i`eb Ăˆ9\ ZXi\]lc% Ăˆ;feĂ‹k [f `k% Realize that this season will be United States.guest He was paralyzed Act, which closestogaps inThe the side. with a disability was not mentally in our hearts andto minds. Submit columns or letters to the editor let us know have to necessarily read stories enjoy `] pflĂ‹i\ efk Befn pfli @kĂ‹j X nXjk\ f] we should out theto and bail confined a wheelchair thatyou ourthink leaders equipped to do anything. The answer to how to do what’s grinding your gears. Shorthorn. original. Now Do very different compared to the past )(% 9lk `] pfl c`d`k# Xe[ jkXp k`d\# Xe[ `kĂ‹j auto dueUse to polio. have their mistakes, it’sindustry? With last week’s inauguration it 1issource simple.forLook deep inside We have our firstrealized daily “news On the Goâ€? The Shorthorn as your No. information afIf you don’t get exactly what you [f [i`eb# Y\ XnXp ]ifd aljk efk nfik_ • Ricardo Montalban was yourself, time forsite us to get takewhat a bigmatters swig of fecting ofP^ pZgm mh dghp paZm rhn President Obama find the and humanity podcasts on the Web coverage on issues events Joan khalaf Barack i\jgfej`Yc\ you. We’re here to providegcXZ\j pfl `k%É want or if your neighbors don’t dro an actor in “StarStick Trekâ€?with and us societal and wake too. as our nation’s first black that resides insidecurrent us all and and Spyas Xi\ le]Xd`c`Xi toon you quickly. Othercoffee podcasts, like up sports, you care about. we bring the most youplan think the DoDo you spending Xe[ _Xm\ mabgd Z[hnm blln^l _Z\bg` No breaking by their usual gifts, it’s not because youintake a look around, president, some may that soon. IfVote treatabout. and view the disabled as Kids. He was willsaycome online polls, find newsparalyzed that youfrom needthe to know X Yl[[p n`k_%É Yes NoAbove NM: lmn]^gml% lh p^Ă?k^ university takes less this Christmas? chances are you will 23% see discrimination and prejudice are you would anyone else — as a waist down after back surgery out how others voted in the print issue and post comments on all, let us know what we can do to represent you better they forgot or don’t care, but likely jpjk\d%É abmmbg` ma^ iZo^f^gm mh _bg] 43% 57% responsibility for is happening someone on with a disability on as dead. Also, human being. in stories. see where crime campus with our a1993. student-run newspaper. that they too are struggling throug hnm pa^k^ rhn lmZg]' people would be campus. It may or may not be • Marlee Matlin is an newThose crime map. administrative errors? the slumping economy. Yes you. But why does it Oscar-winning deeply mistaken. stage,isfilm and — editor-in-chief Rob Morton is an Listen and see print stories withobvious online to multimedia — videos, — Joan Khalaf a journalism junior and of and see — matter? are still else. human television Some ofAnswer those laws against actress best known for interdisciplinary studies senior soundslides and photo galleries you can’tThey get anywhere The Shorthorn 77% They still have hopes starring in “The West Wingâ€? and the disabled, while no longer and a columnist for The results online — Julie Ann Sanchez for T Answer online at at beings. E`bb` Fkk# >ljkXmf ?l\ikXj# <i`e 9cffd# enforced, never rescinded. and dreams. They are fathers, in Children of a Lesser God. Shorthorn. HEwereHORTHORN Zfddle`ZXk`fe ]i\j_dXe gjpZ_fcf^p ]i\j_dXe <e^c`j_ j\e`fi

Our attitudes administration’s are under our control and are keysbetoforgotten, success The outgoing mistakes shouldn’t Mr. President

K_\ Nfic[ `j



B_ rhn p^k^ ^o^k Z [Z] bg_en^g\^% [eZf^ ma^ \ah\heZm^ fbed


Heaps of Hypocrisy

Students must be diligent and forward-thinking to succeed, but the favor isn’t always returned

Encore for the Fans


Take a Gander

Graduation means leaving behind more than just classes


The Shorthorn editor-in-chief welcomes the new school year, encourages readers to pick up the newspaper

Discrimination and Prejudice are Not Dead

Your newspaper


Students, faculty and staff input welcome


your rhnk your

THE USUAL PaZm phne] rhn lZr mh lhf^hg^ pah ieZgl mh [bg`^ ]kbgd ho^k likbg` [k^Zd8

Your View - Polls OB>P DoVIEW you think the drinking age VIEW should be lowered to 18? Answer online at www.theshorthorn.com .com







Number of voters: Number of voters: 47 17


Since 1919

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XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy

Shorthorn editorial boa

The Shorthorn: The Shorthorn: Marissa HallMarissa Hall

The Shorthorn is official student newspaper Shorthorn advisers or administration. phone not Students TheThe Shorthorn is the the official student newspaper advisers or university university administration. phone number number will will not be be published. published. Students Shorthorn is the official student newspaper ofShorthorn the horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS phone number will not be published. Students s Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml The Shorthorn theofficial official student newspaper the horn advisers university administration. LETTERS phone number not published. Students s of University of at and is lEttErS should be limited to 300 words. They should include their classification, major and The Shorthorn isisTexas the student newspaper ofofthe horn advisers oror university LETTERS number willwill not be be published. Students shou of the the University of Texas at Arlington Arlington and is LETTERS should belimited limited 300administration. words. Theymay should includephone their classification, major and University of Texas at Arlington and is published four should be toto300 words. They be edited include their classification, major and their stud Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn Editor-in-chiEf University of Texas at Arlington and is published four should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited include their classification, major their stud published four times weekly during fall and may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and their student iD number, which is for identificaUniversity of Texas at Arlington and is published four should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited include their classification, major andand their student >=BMHK&BG&<AB>? EDITOR-IN-CHIEF published four times weekly during fall and may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and their student ID number, which is for identificaEDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous number, which is for identification purposes. T mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl gnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' M Joan Khalaf spring semesters, and weekly during the or libelous statements. Letters must tion purposes.number, The student iD will not times weeklyduring during falland andspring spring semesters, andmalicious for space, spelling, grammar and malicious libelous number, which is for identification purposes. times weekly fall semesters, and for spelling, grammar and malicious or or libelous which is number for identification purposes. TheTh s Joan Khalaf <Zllb^ Lfbma spring semesters, and twice twice during the Unsigned malicious orspace, libelous statements. Letters tion The student ID number will not Emily Emily Toman Toman Emily Toman twice weekly during the weekly summer sessions. statements. Letters must bemust themust original work ofpurposes. the dent ID number will not bethe published. Signed c mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the be the original work of the writer and be be Signed and letters twice weeklyduring during thesummer summer sessions. Unsigned statements. Letters must the original work of the dent ID number not be published. Signed co E-mail twice weekly the sessions. Unsigned statements. Letters must bebe the original work of published. the dent IDcolumns number willwill not be to published. Signed colum summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the be the original work of the writer and must be be published. Signed columns and letters to the E-MAIL E-MAIL E-MAIL editorials areShorthorn the opinion of THE SHORTHORN writer and mustpurposes, be signed. For identification purposes, and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of th E-MAIL ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG >=B& pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma opinion of Editorial identification letters also editor reflect opinion of thethe writer and serve editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editorials arethe theopinion opinionofofTHE THE SHORTHORN signed. writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, and letters to editor reflect opinion of the editorials are SHORTHORN writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, and letters to editor reflect thethe opinion of the w opinion of thE THE SHORTHORN EDITORIAL signed. For identification purposes, letters also editor reflect the the opinion ofthe and serve >&F:BE editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editor.shorthorn@uta.edu EDITORIAL BOARD and do not the necessarily reflect the Forletters also must include the writer’s full name, address and serve asthe anwriter open forum for the expression o editor.shorthorn@uta.edu MHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^k�l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg Volume 83, No. Xy Board and necessarily reflect must the writer’s full name, address and as an open for the of facts EDITORIAL BOARD anddo do notnecessarily necessarily reflect theinclude letters also must include writer’s name, address and as an open for expression o EDITORIAL BOARD and not the letters also must include thethe writer’s fullfull name, address and serve an open forum foror thethe expression of fa BOARD and do do not not necessarily reflect the opinopin-reflect must include the writer’s full name, address and as an open forum forum forserve theasexpression expression offorum facts or ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n www.theshorthorn.com opinions of individual student writers or editors, Shortand telephone number, although the address and teleor opinions of interest to The Shorthorn’s reade hibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& Zg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ Lahkmahkg�l k^Z]^ ions of student writers or editors, telephone number, although the address and teleopinions of to readers. opinions individual student writers editors,ShortShortand telephone number, although address and teleopinions of interest to The Shorthorn’s reader opinions ofofindividual ororeditors, and telephone number, thethe address and teleor or opinions interest to The Shorthorn’s readers. ions of individual individual studentstudent writerswriters or editors, telephone number, although thealthough address and teleopinions of interest interest to The TheofShorthorn’s Shorthorn’s readers.

Page 6

Honor continued from page 1

The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig

Cpl. Earl Simpson plays dead during a training lab Thursday outside College Hall, while cadets were being trained on how to evaluate casualties on the field. The ROTC program will implement an honor code similar to West Point’s this semester.

Legislate continued from page 1

dergarten through college. Serving on the House Public Education and Higher Education committees gives her the opportunity to work toward that goal, she said. Patrick’s top priority is ensuring that the university receives adequate state funding, she said. During the 80th legislative session, she worked to restore more than $16 million for the university, she said. For her work in the House, she has won awards including The Dallas Morning News’ “Best of Rookie Class,” Texas Dental Association’s “Patient Advocacy Award,” Texas Charter School Association’s

to do list Upcoming issues on state Rep. Diane Patrick’s agenda include: 1. Tuition “Rising costs of tuition must be contained among efforts to address affordability and accessibility of higher education.” 2. GPA “Another issue is the uniform GPA for college and university admission purposes, which needs to be adjusted from current law because it impacts

Friday, January 30, 2009

The ShorThorn

of cadets who opposed the new rule. He said all cadets should exhibit loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage toward the honor code. The underlying definition of honor is the golden rule — treating others the way they want to be treated, he said. “Everyone watches for themself. Someone walks in and steals from you, and the person who sees doesn’t say anything,” Renaud said.

“Charter School Advocate,” Alliance for Prosperity’s “Champion of Free Enterprise” and Texas Association of Business’ “Friend of the Taxpayer.” Patrick has been married to Ned Patrick since 1965 and has lived in Arlington since 1973. The Patricks have two children, Craig and Claire, who graduated from Arlington public schools, and have four grandchildren. Public relations junior Elizabeth Flores said she thinks Patrick will be a positive role model for freshmen and undergraduates. “I think [her being elected] is a huge advancement for herself and for people here at the university,” Flores said.

Hovertech continued from page 1

tember, where HoverTech was demonstrating its new air transfer system. “It is particularly important for our undergraduate students, who are learning about bedside nursing care, to experience technological adjuncts that will keep themselves and patients safe,” she said. After attending the demonstration and recognizing

the value of the equipment, Patrick approached the HoverTech CEO and asked him to consider donating its HoverMatt and HoverJack equipment to the Smart Hospital. Patrick discussed the new technology with faculty and administrators, then further pursued the donation. “I am very excited that HoverTech has embraced our Smart Hospital simulation education environment,” she said. “In addition to our students, our community partners that use the

Source: Diane Patrick, answers received via e-mail.

Wednesday 11:50 p.m. Suspicious Circumstances University Police contacted a student at a university-owned house at 409 S. Davis Drive to discuss reports of suspicious activities occurring at 411 S. Davis Drive. 11:24 p.m. Loud Noise Complaint A resident adviser at the Arbor Oaks apartments, at 1006 Greek Row Drive, contacted police about a noise complaint. When police arrived, the R.A. told police that a resident had reported hearing shouting and a baby crying. The investigating officer reported that when he went to the apartment, he heard women laughing and a baby talking loudly. The residents apologized to the officer for the noise and said they’d keep it down.

Smart Hospital for continuing and in-service education can also learn about this technology.” Poster said donors like HoverTech help improve the Smart Hospital. “I believe that one of the reasons that our School of Nursing is so outstanding is because of the unique resources that we have as a result of the commitment and support of donors such as HoverTech,” Poster said.

6:13 p.m. Burglary of a Motor Vehicle University Police were contacted to take a report of a stolen catalytic converter from a 2000 Toyota 4Runner parked in faculty lot 10 at 500 S. Nedderman Drive. When police arrived, the vehicle’s owner told police that when he started his car, he’d heard a noise like the muffler was missing. When the man investigated the noise, he noticed someone had cut the catalytic converter of his vehicle.

erika rizo news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

elizabeth Poster,

Bryan BastiBle

3. Top 10 percent rule “A third issue is the top 10 percent rule, which currently comprises 80 percent of the freshman class at UT-Austin. If instead limited, for example, to 50 percent of an entering class, this could have a positive enrollment effect, should some of these students choose to attend UT Arlington.”

This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the university’s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.

“As dean, I welcome donations that help our student and faculty to enrich their teaching and learning experiences.”


high school class rankings in an unintended manner.”

Police rePort

election. “It encompasses “It encomAccording to stealing, lying, the ROTC Web neglect and al- passes stealsite, lying inlowing that to ing, lying, cludes partial happen.” truths, vagueAlthough Lt. neglect and ness, ambiguity Col. Albert Alba, and the intent to military science allowing that deceive. Cheatchair and profes- to happen.” ing is charactersor, permitted the ized by gaining reinstatement of aaron renaud an unfair advanthe code, he said sophomore cadet tage and by plahe didn’t want the Cpl. giarizing. And a university to get cadet who withthe wrong idea holds informaabout ROTC. He said the ROTC program tion about his or her fellow has no power to hold stu- cadets’ wrongdoings characterizes toleration of those dents accountable outside. In order to monitor and who do. maintain the integrity of the code, an honor comJohnathan silver mittee was formed by peer news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

For a crime map, visit

The ShorThorn .com

School of Nursing Dean

urBan and PuBlic affairs

Four graduate students win an award from the American Planning Association Graduate students in the city and regional planning program Douglas Cooper, Douglas McDonald, Donna Moore and Christina Sebastian were awarded the Midwest Section Texas Chapter American Planning Association Student Proj-

ect Award over the break, in addition to the 2008 Texas Chapter APA Student Project Award they received last semester. The students will officially receive last semester’s award Feb. 4 at the APA Texas Chapter conference in El Paso.

The students competed against projects from around the state, including Texas A&M and UT-Austin. The winning project, called “In-Between-Connecting People and Places,” was developed in assistant professor Carl Grodach’s urban revitalization course. It was based on the revitalization of a one-mile section of Hemphill Street in the Fort

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Worth area. “The Hemphill plan stood apart from the other student projects in the class for its strong and comprehensive analysis and its integrative vision,” Grodach said. The Midwest Section award is given to students each year in recognition of excellence in planning or study. — Ali Mustansir


Friday, January 30, 2009

campus recreation

such great heights

Bowling league registration ends soon Registration for the Intramural Sports organized bowling league ends Friday. The league, which has been a tradition at the university for more than 30 years, will host up to 10 teams, depending on interest, said Tak Momose, Intramural Sports and sport clubs coordinator. The teams are not limited to students — faculty and staff are also eligible. Each team can start three bowlers each week, but can have a five-person roster. Teams must pay $18 a week to cover lane fees, shoe rentals and pizza. The league will last 10 weeks, which adds up to $180 per team. The league is open to those who want to play com-

petitively and those just looking for a bit of recreation, Momose said. The league will keep score on a handicap system that gives teams an even playing field. Teams play in the University Center Bowling and Billiards. For those aiming for the championship title, students can look forward to a physical award such as a trophy, medal or plaque — the form has not been decided — and a championship T-shirt. The same prizes apply to the runners-up. Momose invites anyone looking for a good time to join the league. “Bowling is fun,” he said.


promoting RecycleMania,” Floyd Woods, Arlington Hall resident assistant, said. “This year, it goes to whoever has the nicest scrapbook with all the trimmings, pictures of the most recycling or somebody potting a plant.” Residence halls will be doing much more for RecycleMania next month and in March, Denishea Williams, Arlington Hall council president, said. “Right now, we have to have the next hall council meeting on Feb. 4,” she said. “So, hopefully, by the time we finish our next brainstorming, we’ll actually have something put together.” Williams said the council will organize events pertaining to RecycleMania for each day in March. “We’re going to get all the residents to sign a petition,” she said. “In the petition, we’re asking all the residents to participate in RecycleMania, and there will be a big calendar with crazy stuff until the end of RecycleMania.”

continued from page 1

sity’s division winner will be chosen based on the highest number per capita. The university’s division hasn’t been assigned yet. Valentich said there are different competition categories, but because the university’s recycling contractor, Abitibi-Consolidated, already weighs the university’s recyclables, the Per Capita Classic was the best category for the university. “They’ll take in how many students we have, how many faculty, staff,” Valentich said. “Last year, we were in the partial division per capita, and I think we were 35 out of 55, and that’s probably good for the first time out.” Valentich said the contest was expanded to include the entire campus, but last year it was a competition among residence halls. This year, residence halls are competing to see who can best promote the contest. “Right now every R.A. has put up a bulletin board

Page 7

The ShorThorn

— Dustin L. Dangli

The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard

Hensel Phelps Construction Co. crewmember Michael Watson adjusts hooks securing a U.S. flag Thursday on the Engineering Research Complex construction site. One of the hooks was loosened during the ice storm that passed through North Texas on Wednesday.

sarah Lutz news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu




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Lost & Found Found: on Jan 22, a silver band in front of Texas Hall. Call (817)272-5354 to describe and claim.

Miscellaneous Beatles cover band seeks Ringo. Must have drums and able to practice weekly. Great Fun! Nelson.Blaha@gmail.com

EMPLOYMENT Childcare Male or Female program instructors needed to work in childcare, hours are 3:00 - 6:30pm, M - F. Morning hours available from 6:20 to 8:05 am. Call 817-468-0306 or go to 2820 Matlock Rd Energetic, outgoing, patient student needed to work with a 12 year old boy with autism, approx. 20/hrs week. $10/hr 817-504-2113. leave msg. PART-TIME BABYSITTER NEEDED N. Arlington, CPR certified and references required. (817) 633-2592 CHILD CARE POSITIONS Bowen Road Day School located 5 mins from UTA is looking for College Students to work afternoon hours 2:30-6:00 M-F. Experience with children a must. Apply online at www.bowenroad.com/application. or call 817-275-1291 (817) 275-1291

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The Shorthorn is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the Spring Semester; • Reporter • Sports Reporter • Ad Sales Rep • Photographer • Editorial Cartoonist • Illustrator • Graphic Artist Get a job description and an application TODAY! Student Publications Dept. University Center, lower level. Also available online at: www.TheShorthorn.com All are paid positions for UTA students. For more information call; 817-272-3188 Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Seeks P/T Rep. Must be able to work flexible hrs. 10-25 hrs/wk, daytime, evenings & weekends; Sales, customer service or retail experience required. Fax or e-mail only, cover letter & resume to: tojobs@fwsymphony.org fax: (817) 665-6100 APPOINTMENT SETTER for financial professional M-Th, 12 hrs per wk 6:00-9:00 pm 817-226-4032

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DR. RUTH Q: My husband and I have been Q: My husband and I have not been together for five years. I love him dearly, getting along. I think it started when I and our sex life has always been fantastic, realized that we cannot have children. but in the past year he has gained about Now I just want to live my own life. I 30 pounds. The problem is not with me, have no desire to have a marriage withhowever; I still find him as desirable as out kids. It's not fair to my husband to before. He feels that I must find have to live like this, but I him repulsive. I know this is can't find it in my heart to tell due in part to the fact that I him why. In a way, I am have lost a lot of weight and showing him by not showing look better now than I did any affection. It's hard to when we got married, and to explain how I feel, that I want make things worse, he will be to lead a single life. What turning 30 soon and is sure I should I do so that we both will leave him for a younger are going to be happy in the man, as I am seven years his end, if that's even possible? junior. He doesn't often want to A: You must go for some make love, because he says he psychological counseling, is disgusting (I mean really, it's because I have too many Dr. Ruth not as though he were 400 questions for you to even pounds -- he is only 190 Send your begin to give you advice in pounds). I do my best to try to questions to Dr. this forum. For example, reassure him, but it only works Ruth Westheimer have you exhausted every occasionally. He seems so c/o King possibility of having childepressed. I tell him how much dren? Is it really impossible? Features I love, adore and desire him, And is it because of a physibut it's as though he thinks I Syndicate, 235 E. cal problem on his part, so am just saying it to keep from 45th St., New that you resent him? Have hurting his feelings. I'm at my York, NY 10017 you two thought about adopwits' end as to what to do. tion? But the most important Have you any suggestions? thing to find out is whether A: This may be a "which came first?" you love him. Maybe your attitude was situation -- meaning, did he become that you were willing to stay with him if depressed after he gained weight, or did he he could provide you with children, but start to get depressed first, which is what now that he can't, you'd rather not be caused him to gain weight? Whatever the with him. If that's the case, then you answer, he needs to go for some therapy. A should leave -- and no, you both won't professional has to discover what is going end up happy, at least not in the short on inside his head. If he doesn't go for run, but it could work out in the long help, he could become more depressed, so run. But please see a counselor and talk do whatever it takes to make sure he gets all these matters through before making the help he needs. a decision.

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ABOUT SPORTS Stephen Peters, editor sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports publishes Tuesday through Friday. Page 10

REMEMBER www.theshorthorn.com is your home for Maverick sports schedules, blogs, podcasts and more.


Chalk Talk


UTA SPORTS CALENDAR Friday Men’s Track at University of Houston Invitational Time: All day Place: Houston Saturday Women’s tennis vs. Rice Time: 1:30 p.m. Place: Houston Women’s basketball vs. Texas State Time: 2 p.m. Place: San Marcos Men’s basketball vs. Texas State Time: 4 p.m. Place: Texas Hall Men’s track at University of Houston Invitational Time: All day Place: Houston


Men’s SLC Standings East Stephen F. Austin Nicholls State Southeastern Louisiana Central Arkansas McNeese State Northwestern State

SLC 5-1 4-2 3-3 2-4 1-4 0-5

Overall 13-5 11-8 9-10 9-10 7-11 8-12

West Texas A&M Corpus Christi Sam Houston State UTSA UTA Lamar Texas State

SLC 5-0 4-1 3-2 3-2 2-4 1-5

Overall 11-9 10-8 12-6 10-8 11-8 8-11

Women’s SLC Standings East Northwestern State Southeastern Louisiana Stephen F. Austin McNeese State Central Arkansas Nicholls State

SLC 4-1 3-3 3-3 2-3 2-4 0-6

Overall 12-6 11-8 8-10 10-8 6-13 0-17

West UTSA UTA Lamar Sam Houston State Texas A&M Corpus Christi Texas State

SLC 4-1 4-1 4-2 3-2 2-3 2-4

Overall 11-7 10-8 13-6 6-12 7-11 8-10


Mavs seek revenge against Bobcats The team looks to get back to its winning ways in a rematch of an early conference game. BY STEPHEN PETERS The Shorthorn sports editor

With a week of preparation after its last contest, the men’s basketball team squares off in a rematch against Texas State at 4 p.m. Saturday at Texas Hall. To open the conference season, the Mavericks (10-8, 3-2) fell to the Bobcats (8-11, 1-5) 87-76 earlier this month in San Marcos in what players described as a “bad loss.� Head coach Scott Cross said his team was able to recuperate during the week and focus on avenging the loss. “I’m hoping they have a revenge mentality on their minds,� he said. “If we play like we want revenge and come out and play hard, I think the rest will take care of itself.� The meeting is the 49th time UTA and Texas State will square off, as the Bobcats own a 27-21 series advantage. Players and coaches expect another high-scoring game — both teams are in the top half of the conference in scoring average, with Texas State and UTA at 73.2 and 82.2 points, respectively. Last meeting, three players from each team scored in double-figures, the game-high going to junior guard Marquez Haynes with 23. Haynes is second in the conference, averaging 19.2 points a contest. Cross said the emphasis during practice this week was on the defensive end. He added that he feels confident in his team’s scoring ability but is pushing his team to continue improving defensively as the year moves forward. “We’re leading the Southland Conference in almost every offensive category. So, defense is where we’ve got to get better, rebounding [and] those types of things.� UTA must stop the duo of senior guards Brandon Bush and Brent Benson, both averaging more than 14 points a game this season. The Mavs snapped their 3-game win streak last weekend in a 78-74 loss


The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

Senior guard Jeremy DeWalt attempts a layup during Thursday’s practice at Texas Hall. The Mavericks will take on Texas State at 4 p.m. Saturday at Texas Hall.

to Sam Houston State. That game, coupled with a UTSA win Wednesday, dropped the team to a third-place tie in the West Division and sixth overall in the conference. A key factor in UTA’s recent setback was the poor shooting performance from the conference’s 16th leading scorer, junior guard Brandon Long. He missed all eight of his field goal attempts and was held scoreless for the first time this year. “I’m focused now,� Long said. “I guess I had a mental lapse last game, and I took myself out of the game. I should be ready on Saturday.� The Mavericks are 5-0 at home this season and are outscoring opponents by average of 16.4 points in games at Texas Hall. Texas State are losers of five straight since opening the conference with a win against UTA.

Mavericks vs. Texas State Bobcats 4 p.m. Saturday, Texas Hall; radio.uta.edu; KHYI-FM (95.3)

Scouting the Mavericks Four Mavericks are in the Southland Conference’s top 25 in scoring average. Two of those are in the top 3: Junior guard Marquez Haynes (19.2) and senior forward Anthony Vereen (17.8). Against Sam Houston, UTA was out-rebounded 43-33 and allowed 15 second-chance points while only scoring eight.

Scouting the Bobcats In six conference games this year, the Bobcats have had five different players lead the team in scoring. Senior guard Brandon Bush is the only player to do it twice in conference play. Texas State is losing by an average 13.3 points a game in its three conference road games.


— Stephen Peters


Former Atlantic Coast Conference player Marquez Haynes adjusts to life in the Southland Conference.

BY STEPHEN PETERS The Shorthorn sports editor

After a tough start to the season in which the junior guard scored a total of 18 points and shot 2-of-9 in his first two Maverick games, Marquez Haynes has come on strong lately, giving 20-point performances on a regular basis. Haynes sat down with The Shorthorn to talk about his previous stint in the Atlantic Coast Conference, his fantasy pick-up game and gives the real reason he’s back in Texas.

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

Friday, January 30, 2009

What is your mentality right before tip-off? Right before tip-off? Kill — that’s it. Just very focused. I try to stay loose but right before tip-off — all business.

What is it like playing with a high school teammate again (Tommy Moffitt)? Oh it’s pretty fun. You always have that one person that you’re close with. You know, anytime something is going wrong, I can kind of look at him. It’s pretty comforting. There’s speculation around campus as to why you came back from Boston College. It’s your turn to set the record straight. Why are you here? I guess I hear a lot, like, I wasn’t playing and a lot of other stuff. But to set the record straight, I was playing 20 minutes a game at BC. The reason I’m back is because at BC, they wanted me to fit into one certain role

and I felt like I was a better basketball player than they felt I was. I played up there, but it kind of wasn’t what I was looking for. If there’s one player you could play one-on-one with, ever, who would it be? I’m going to go with Kobe [Bryant]. That’s my favorite, so I’ll have to go with him. So I can test my game against Kobe. Is that why you wear 24 in practice? That’s exactly why I wear 24 in practice. How many points, in a game to 11, do you think you’d score on him? Eleven. [Laughs] I’ve got to, it’s my only shot at him. Now when fans in the stands mock

you about the ACC or whatever background you have, what do you think to yourself? Just shut ‘em up. I know when we played Marshall and I was on the freethrow line, they were calling me ‘BC Reject.’ I ended up shooting 6-for-6 from the line that game. So I just make sure I try to shut them up. Most times I’ll look at them and smile. Best CD you’ve ever listened to — all time. I’m going to have to go with Reasonable Doubt. Jay-Z’s first album. I like Get Rich or Die Tryin’, 50 Cent’s first one.

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