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Who’s who?
In the last Shropshire Shuffle Bob Turner nominated Des Lee for this issue’s ‘Who’s Who?’! Des will then in turn nominate another shuffler and carry on the chain…
Name: Desmond Lee Age: 82 Occupation: Retired
What made you join the Shufflers? My son Simon convinced me to give it a try and I became addicted.
What’s your favourite run or race ever? I haven’t really got a favourite race; I just take it as it comes.
What’s your biggest achievement in running? Finishing a run without tripping over counts as an achievement for me. I’ve taken to carrying bandages with me - joking.
What are your future goals and aspirations? I am hoping to run on my 90th birthday; maybe I will be able, maybe not.
Favourite running song? My favourite running song is Coldplay Viva la Vida (aka Death and all his friends) -live in Buenos Aires; the energy from the arena is very infectious.
Best bit of kit or equipment? My favourite bit of kit is my new running shoes. They cost me the price of a small house and far too good to actually wear.
Favourite post run food or drink? My favourite food is porridge, I eat mostly raw spinach and rocket for breakfast.
If you could race anywhere in the world where would you go? They attract a huge number of runners to the park run in Durban Point in South Africa, so running there would be an interesting experience.
If you could run alongside anyone dead or alive who would you choose? Rosie Swale Pope is a woman of immense courage who ran around the world over five years. She encountered many hardships; too many to list here. It would be an honour to meet her. Perhaps a little of her zest for life might rub off on me.
Nominate the next Shuffler to be interviewed and your reason why: I nominate Kate Bentham; she is a run leader I run with and I would like to have her take.