Volume 25 Issue 6

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MAY 2014














THE COST OF COLLEGE With tuition costs soaring, students fight against lofty debt

see page 3

Photo by Regan Sullivan

Andy Brown to be renovated; meetings for park redesign underway The Life Safety Park

Created to educate Coppell about fire safety, weather responses and pedestrian caution


Estimated Completion: June 2015 Location: Old Town Coppell

Ci ty

of Co pp


Cost: $5,416,000


This month, the City of Coppell will be holding meetings to discuss new plans for two parks; the redevelopment of Andy Brown Parks and the Coppell Life Safety Park. The Coppell Life Safety Park will be a project intended to provide educational opportunities to help students, families and community members. The topics presented will discuss life safety programs such as severe weather response, fire-safety procedures and pedestrian caution. There will also be a museum, party room and public classrooms for educational purposes. The new safety park will not only be used by families and students, but also by the fire and police departments to hold academy courses. The fire department will host its community CPR course, while the police department will use it to hold its self-defense and awareness classes. The Andy Brown Redevelopment Project will bring fresh greens and active areas for small

facilities to bring them more in line with the quality of the other facilities in Coppell and our neighboring communities.” Coppell High School sophomore Morgan Salazar used to go to Andy Brown Park everyday as a child. She just recently started going back again because she wants to start running. Even though the parks are in the process of reconstruction, Salazar is still looking ahead at other features they could add to the parks. She wants the parks to last a lifetime, so children from generations can come and play there. “Bikes that people could rent and ride around would be a cool addition,” Salazar said. “Some people do not like running, so renting bikes could really be beneficial.” In the end she wants what is best for her life, and the community. She thinks the park being re-done could help out, and really bring people together. “It is really good for the park,” Salazar said. “It is a big improvement and it will only better our community.”


w r i t e r

group and family outings. “If the current conceptual plan for Andrew Brown Parks is approved, there will be a complete reconstruction of Andrew Brown West, significant redevelopment at Andrew Brown East and some modifications to Andrew Brown Central,” Director of Parks and Recreation Brad Reid said. Andy Brown West will become the prime athletic venue on the north side of town, while Andy Brown East will become a more passive area with improved hike and bike trails, water access, pavilions, special event areas and open spaces to enjoy a restful day at the park. Andy Brown Park Central will have better visibility and add to the entrance way into the city. Completion will take around three years. “There are several reasons for the need to redevelop the Andrew Brown Park system,” Reid said. “Primarily, the city is responding to the Coppell 2030 Strategic Plan, which calls for large community gathering areas at Andrew Brown Park, and the renovation of the athletic


s t a ff


So urc


Meetings for the redevelopment of the Andy Brown Parks will begin at the end of May. Photo by Sandy Iyer.

Hankins retires; Poullard eager to take place as assistant principal A I S H A

s t a ff


w r i t e r

Anthony Poullard, with his jokes and funny personality, is a familiar sight around the Coppell High School campus. An Academy and preAP Spanish t e a c h e r, Poullard teaches a

Anthony Poullard

Photo by Aisha Espinosa.

-Commonly goes by Señor Poullard -Taught Spanish at Coppell Middle School West -Moved to Coppell High School just last year - Before beginning his Spanish career, he traveled to South America to work for charity and apply the Spanish he learned in college - Was the University of Texas mascot, Hook ‘Em

2 news

wide range of students and loves interacting with students of all ages. With current assistant principal Sherri Hankins retiring, he has taken the challenge of joining the administrative team and will serve as another assistant principal for CHS come fall. “I think he is a perfect fit for the job,” sophomore Peyton Borel said. “He is always happy and excited, and loves working with us students.” The sudden change in position did not surprise his students. Of those that have known him for a long time, the fact that he wanted a position on an administration team was common knowledge. “I have always wanted to be an assistant principal,” Poullard said, on his decision to apply for the position. “It is a little weird. I was one of these kids that always wanted to do it. “I am living the dream.” He described his past five years teaching in the district fondly, mentioning that he had the incredible experience to watch some of his students go from middle schoolers to high school seniors about to tackle the real world. “I have seen the some of the

learners grow up to be amazing young men and women,” Poullard said. “And I’ll definitely miss it. I don’t think you’re ever really ready to leave the classroom. But I like to think of this as moving to another classroom, just bigger.” Though nostalgic, he expressed his excitement for the upcoming school year. He has already begun to integrate himself into the duties of an assistant principal, missing a couple days of teaching in order to more familiarize himself with what is expected of him. “It has been a little crazy around here,” Poullard said. “It is already starting. I am excited, and ready to hit the ground running.” Once the next school year starts, he will be interacting with students and faculty nonstop. Though he will not exactly know what is coming on a day to day basis, he is expecting to schedule meetings with parents after school, handle detentions and oversee academic and athletic events throughout the entire year. “I just want to learn all I can from the administration here. I am ready,” he said. “I love this campus, and I cannot think of a better place to be.”

Variety of financial aid options help seniors beat debt E L I Z A B E T H S I M S enterprise editor

Despite all of the fun and festivities of senior year, one concern has been lingering in the minds of each graduating student and their parents: money. With interest rates on undergraduate loans expected to rise from 3.86 to 4.66 percent within the next year, according to a recently released article from CNNMoney, and the average loan debt already resting around $20,000, the race to find money to pay for college has been all the more urgent to avoid a lifetime of paying back student loan debt. “About 90 percent of the money students use to go to college either comes from the federal government through filling out [the Free Application for Federal Student Aid], Pell grants and work/study. The other part of that comes from the schools they attend,” Coppell High School counselor John Crook said. “That is why it is important that students research the schools they attend, and that they are not only hitting the admissions tab to see what it takes to get in but looking at the scholarships offered and knowing the deadlines for those.” While taking out at least some student loans is inevitable for most, students have found ways to cushion the impact beyond applying for countless scholarships, hoping for a little boost from FAFSA or attending community college to get the basic classes done before transferring to a university. For senior Haley Powell, this cushion came in the form of the GI Bill. Her father, Colice Powell, received these education benefits for his 27 years of duty in the Army, and he was allowed to

transfer it to his family members. “I am a recipient of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which made me eligible for up to 36 months of college or other educational benefits. The 36 months are divisible pretty much any way you want,” Mr. Powell said. “We had a lot of money saved for college and Auburn [Haley’s older sister] got some academic scholarships. We determined that we had this covered for Auburn so we were going to push on and use the entire benefit for Haley as long as she keeps her grades up.” Though the bill gives the Powells financial backing for Haley’s education, they discovered not all colleges accept the assistance equally. This ended up playing a big role as Haley decided between the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma Baptist University. “I had grown up loving OU and always thought I was going to go there, and my sister going to OBU really brought it into the decision making process. OU didn’t allow the GI Bill to cover all the expenses, whereas OBU did,” Haley said. “The money was a large part of my decision but not ultimately what it was based on.” Haley decided to attend OBU to study anthropology, and found that with it being a private university in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) rather than the NCAA, she could stack other scholarships she received on top of her benefits from the GI Bill. Senior John Herubin signed to play football and pursue an electrical engineering degree at Yale University in New Haven, Conn. on Feb. 5. With this commitment came a hefty price tag of over $60,000 per year. However, the football team had a manda-

Freshmen Financial aid profileBythe Numbers

Local scholarship recipients seniors Holly Swaldi, Corey Oesch, Ali Martinez and Mikki Hoffman accept their awards from the Coppell Community Development Foundation at the Senior Awards Ceremony on May 19. Photo by Nicole Messer. Students have also found tory work/study program to help the cutoff was 218, and I had a score of 220,” Jett said. “I think seeking aid beyond the borders of Herubin pay for his education. “It was mandatory, but I I’m looking at about $121,000 their home state can help. While wanted to work during school. from OU, which consists of full the thought of out-of-state tuition I’ve done it throughout most of tuition for five years and about initially seems like a deterrent, it high school, and it seems even $25,000 in other areas, like hous- can be worked around and stumore important during college ing and study abroad. It isn’t dents can earn scholarships to reto pay the bills,” Herubin said. quite a full ride, but with the duce the cost based on test scores. “Each year about 40 percent “I’m not entirely sure what I’ll $6,000 I’ve gotten from other be doing, but the football coach- sources it’s close. It should be of our students go out of state. es are going to set up everything about $4,000 total per year for They apply for scholarships and look for ways to absorb the cost. for me with different jobs in the everything.” Though he received near- They also apply to schools where community part time.” Senior Sam Jett earned ly a full ride to OU, Jett still had they can receive in state tuition money for five years of college other options to consider before based on SAT or ACT test scores,” Crook said. based on his National Merit making his final decision. “I was accepted to [the No matter if they are attendstanding alone. “The National Merit cutoff University of Texas at Austin] ing a public or private universiscore changes each year, along honors engineering with a $2,500 ty, in state or out, students have with the relative difficulty of the one time scholarship, but I liked found ways to cover the ever-intest. They try to keep it so that the atmosphere at OU better. UT creasing cost of college to enjoy only one percent of test takers just seemed too crowded,” Jett the experience and pursue a higher education. will receive the award. This year said. Graphic by Shivani Burra Information from collegedata.com

UT Austin

Texas A&M


Financial Aid Applicants

6,126 (75.7%) of freshmen

5,591 (77.9 %) of freshmen

2,485 (76.4 %) of freshmen

Found to Have Financial Need

3,868 (63.1%) of applicants

3,554 (63.4 %) of applicants

1,982 (79.8%) of applicants

Received Financial Aid

3,865 (99.9%) of applicants with finanical need

3,489 (98.4 %) of applicants with finanical need

1,976 (99.7%) of applicants with finanical need

1,864 (53.4 %) of aid recipients

253 (12.3%) of aid recipients



Need Fully Met

1,235 (32%) of aid recipients

Average Award


news 3


Current residents, students must embrace changes to come

From the iPad initiation movement, construction of Cypress Waters, House Bill 5 implementation to the overall CHS expansion, it is evident that changes have been and will continue to be made. Some are embracing the changes that Coppell is currently undergoing, while others have found it affecting the school atmosphere and believe these drastic changes may result in a recipe for disaster; however, this is not

the case. Coppell has been around for over 50 years, and in its beginning stages was probably nothing at all similar to how the town is now. Changes were made, schools were added and neighborhood sizes increased, and despite all of those changes, Coppell still stood strong, and was able to maintain the “small town, big family” feel that most Coppellians appreciate. After this school year, physical changes will be made to CHS

as construction begins this summer, and the addition of new housing around Coppell will increase the population; however, this is no reason for current Coppell residents and students to fear. Going along with changes, the most recent being the iPad distribution to each student this year, many were hesitant about this change in this approach from learning, but many positives have come from this. Because of iPads, students that did not have prior

access to 21st century technology now have immediate access. It is also easier for students in several classes to carry an iPad than lug around three to four textbooks. Change can lead to new experiences, new forms of learning and new ways to prepare students for a world of technology and innovation in their future careers. As the Class of 2014 leaves CHS, change is upon them as these student enter either college or the work force. Students and

residents must learn how to embrace the new experiences regardless of how nerve-racking it may seem at first. Seniors in this instance cannot shy away from the opportunities outside CHS’ doors, just as how current residents, students and teachers should not feel hesitant about new additions to our beloved small town. As Coppellians, we must embrace the future changes upon us as good can, and most likely will, come from it.

Salako hits pause on music, sees beauty of column writing T O L U S A L A K O editorial page editor

I hate public speaking or anything that has to do with me talking in front of people. Small talk infuriates me and new situations where I must “socialize” make me feel sick to my stomach. I joke that I was and still am quite antisocial and awkward, but if I could have described myself in two words from the ages of 11 through 15, I would not even hesitate to use those two words. By middle school thankfully, I got over this fear of socializing, but one of the biggest aids to getting to that point was music: more specifically band. Music was my thing. Piano, guitar, percussion even trying the violin, music was always my thing. Rain or shine, day or night when I was not spending my time at either school or the ice rink, I could be found listening, making or practicing music with friends in the band hall. It was through band that I found my middle school best friends and I was so excited to continue my band career into high school. However, with a busy schedule, trying to juggle competitive figure skating and trying to start building my college resume with other extra curricular activities, there was in no way I could squeeze band into my schedule.

So I dropped band and I reluctantly signed up for journalism freshman year: a blow off class, I assumed, but I was surely mistaken. Barely knowing anyone on the first day, I started to dread going to that class every second period. Here I was, stuck in D115 where all I did was write in a room full of freshmen who thought of themselves as a bit too cool for high school and a teacher that claimed that I talked too much in class and thus emailed my parents about my behavior (which was a bit ironic honestly). Writing was not my thing. I wrote for a number, and if that number was under a 90, I would fight for those points back, and was usually successful. I never saw the joy of just writing with no number grade attached, but after three years of newspaper plus that nice year of journalism, I eventually learned that writing was actually my thing. I put down the marimba mallets and the guitar pic and picked up my Macbook Pro instead and started to write. I always thought that I could “express myself through music” or listen to those artists that “caught me in the feels,” as my friends would say and soak up all the lyrics in the comfort of my own bedroom; however, as high

school went on, good ol’ Mr. Wofford taught me the beauty of column writing in that ninth grade journalism class. Some may not see it, but my columns have almost felt like an open journal that so happened to be published online and in print where readers consistently disagreed (and if I was lucky, agreed) with any viewpoints and thoughts I had, no matter what the topic was, no matter how controversial it was. Writing made me more comfortable with myself and I was no longer that weird kid that just kept to herself in the back of the classroom. Column writing gave me a voice, a rather opinionated one, and I could not imagine my high school experience without the joy I have when I somehow find words on a blank page, trying to convey my view, be it regarding affirmative action process, my view on Christianity being a bit too materialistic amongst students to finally trying to nicely sum up my amazing, and sometimes stressful, four years in D115 in a nice 800 words or so. But the only thing I can reiterate, no matter how completely corny and cheesy it may sound, I would not be who I was in high school if it were not for being part of an amazing staff for the past three years. My personality

2013-2014 SIDEKICK STAFF Staff Writers Executive Leadership

Stephanie Gross Alex Irizarry Tuulia Koponen Pranathi Chitta Allison Arnold Annie Wen Alex Nicoll Kara Hallam Summer Crawford Sloane Samberson

Chase Wofford Adviser Kristen Shepard Editor-in-Chief

Christina Burke Managing Editor Elizabeth Sims Enterprise Editor

Caroline Carter News Editor Jena Seidemann Student Life Editor Sophie Nauyokas Design Editor Regan Sullivan Photography Editor John Loop Sports Editor

Tolu Salako Editorial Page Editor Stephanie Alexander Entertainment Editor Jordan Bickham Design Editor Graphic Shivani Burra Emerging Media Manager Julia Bordonaro Josh Martin

Sandy Iyer Alyssa Frost

Nicole Messer Shannon Wilkinson

Editorial Leadership


4 opinions

Henriikka Niemi Shannon Morgan Amy Roh Shruthika Ponchampally Gabby Sahm Mark Slette Alex Dalton Aisha Espinosa George Fairchild


Rachel Buigas-Lopez

Business/PR Staff

Mabry Culp Business Manager Jay Carroll Business Staff

Braden Creel Business Manager

Senior Tolu Salako will attend Southern Methodist University as a Biology and Psychology major

Photo by Regan Sullivan

5 Things about TOLU SALAKO

Dream Job: CNN Medical Correspondent Favorite Band: The Drums Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cookies n’ Cream Celebrity Crush: Ian Harding Favorite Movie: A Beautiful Mind evolved in such a short amount of time from being downright socially awkward to being the editorial page editor where I am known to make my viewpoint heard regardless of who may or may not agree. I made my closest friends in D115 and the opportunities that The Sidekick has given me have been farther than satisfactory.

So thank you to all of those who read my columns, to past editors who helped me shape my writing style, to my fellow staff members for being such great friends and finally to Mr. Wofford for putting up with me for four years and helping me shape who I am today and for being such a major part of a great high school experience.

The Sidekick is the student newspaper for Coppell High School and is published six times per school year.

Adverstisements are sold as full, 1/2 page, 1/4 page and 1/8 page sizes in black and white or color.

The newspaper is a member of National Scholastic Press Association, Journalism Education Association and Interscholastic League Press Conference. The editorials and columns presented in this paper reflect the views of its student writers and not Coppell High Schoool or Coppell Independent School District.

The Sidekick welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters can be emailed to cwofford@coppellisd. com or delivered to the D115 newsroom at Coppell High School. A current email address and first and last name for the writer must be included for a letter to be considered for publication. Contact The Sidekick: 214-496-6239 cwofford@coppellisd.com

Graphics by Sophie Nauyokas

FUTURE LONGHORNS Burke, Shepard reminisce on time in Coppell

Life lessons from high school to carry Burke into future CHRISTINA BURKE managing editor

As I reflect upon my high school experience, I realize that I have learned a lot of things in my four years at Coppell High School - not just the names of all the United States Presidents in order to the tune of Yankee Doodle, (special thanks to Mrs. F u r nish), but I have also learned many things

about the person I am and the

person I want to be when I migrate out of the Coppell bubble. First of all, I have learned a lot about friendship. People always say that you meet your lifelong best friends in college, and in response to that all I can say is I hope that this is not entirely true. Though my very best friends and I will be at different schools next year, I will never forget the late night giggles and crazy adventures we shared in our years together. The most important thing I have taken out of the friendships I developed in Coppell is that great friends make each other better people. I can say confidently that my best friends have had such a positive i m pact on my life and they played such a big role in making me the person I turned out to be, and for that I thank them. The next thing I took out of high school was never to give up on my dreams. I know that sounds completely cliche, but the thing you will find as you continue through life is that you can actually accomplish pretty much anything you set your mind to.

It has been a long, frankly never-ending, four years at CHS, and I have worked long and hard in school for the last 12 years for the purpose of attaining one goal: college. It has not always been easy and I frequently fell short of my short-term goals, but when I got my acceptance letter to the University of Texas at Austin this year, everything I had ever done had seemed so worth it, and anyone who ever told me I could not do it had been proved wrong. Another lesson I learned from getting older and being able to make my own decisions was not let anybody tell you what to do or who to be. Be yourself. I know I am different than most people, and that is totally OK. I love the person I turned out to be. Honestly, the best quality that a person can have is a great personality, and if you have that, I would say you are doing life pretty well. I am forever thankful for the 18 wonderful years I was given in Coppell and the four I spent at CHS. I am grateful for the opportunity to have written for The Sidekick all these years and I hope I made an impact on you.

Photo by Regan Sullivan

Senior Christina Burke will attend the University of Texas as a Journalism major.

5 Things about Christina Burke Favorite song: “Chasing Cars” - Snow Patrol Favorite place in Coppell: Biggby Favorite teacher: Kim Pearce Favorite movie: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Favorite year in high school: Senior year

Shepard finds lifelong blessings from hometown Senior Kristen Shepard will attend the University of Texas this coming fall as a Business Major

Photo by Nicole Messer

5 Things about kristen shepard Favorite TV show: “Law & Order SVU” Favorite Coppell Tradition: Holiday House Favorite Clothing Store: Nordstrom Favorite Music Genre: Country Favorite Animal: Ducks




It seems like a plague of Coppell hatred has slowly been spreading throughout the senior class. Maybe because we live in a town where driving five miles per hour over the speed limit nearly guarantees a ticket or the way everyone seems to know all the latest rumors. But, in a way, maybe this kept us grounded. In reality, I would not have wanted to grow up anywhere else. We live in a town where you cannot walk into a grocery store or gym without seeing someone you know, where you would not miss the Lariette Spaghetti dinner or Holiday House for anything and where you buy your neighbor’s football coupon cards without fail every single year. And for the times that we get tired of the close knit and nosey aura of Coppell, we forgot how good we have it. Next year, when I am off

at school, I will look forward to coming back to visit my hometown. I will look forward to visiting J Macklin’s, Whataburger and (inevitably) Donut Palace, and it will be special, because I will be able to reminisce on the memories I have made in each place. And sure, I will make similar memories in college, but the connectedness found in Coppell runs deeper than these lighthearted memories. This community wraps its arms around those experiencing loss, and binds together to support those in pain. I will never forget how it felt to have Coppell come together after Taylor Storch died. And again for Jacob Logan and Jonah Blackwell. And for the Heidtke and the Reid families. And though it could never take away the incredible pain of losing a loved one, we hope we can at least express our support. We live in a community wanting to build up others. A community that is united in prayer and support. Where

the church youth leaders from different denominations meet to talk about bettering their programs, and where churches tailgate before Friday night football games. And for CHS, we are quick to complain about how crowded the halls are or how the iPads distract us, but we overlook how incredible Coppell High School really is. We go to a school where the coaches care just as much about making you a better person as they doing about making you a better athlete. Where teachers push you to succeed in and out of the classroom. Where community service is integrated into virtually every extra-curricular program. We go to a high school that consistently ranks high scholastically and athletically. Maybe it just takes a while to realize we live in a community that has given more to us than we can ever repay. They say that it takes a village to raise a child, and I could not be more thankful to call Coppell my village.

senior columns 5

Past four years serve as learning experience for business staff Culp seeks better experience beyond high school walls M A B R Y C U L P business manager

As I have progressed through my senior year, I have received an abundance of advice. Ranging from simple things like

Mabry Culp at age 5 enjoys an ice cream sandwich for Redeemer Monetssori School’s in Irving Thanksgiving celebration. Photo courtesy of Phoebe Culp. “make sure you keep your dorm room clean” to more abstract musings like “the more perfume you wear, the less people like you.” Most commonly though I heard, “relish senior year because it’s the best time of your life.” Although people have good intentions, when they imply these are the best years, I have never found myself in greater disagreement. When I thought of high school, I dreamt of Troy Bolton in High School Musical and linking arms in chorus with the rest of the Coppell High School cafeteria. As I got to CHS and quickly realized that a Disney musical was not going to be my experience, I finally found myself. I went through some traumatizing scenes in four years. Combining traumatic situations like the loss of my father with raging hormones and peer pressure, it was a balancing act that was bound to fail. I was thrust into situations posing questions to my ethics. My self-confidence was shattered. I cried more tears than I could produce, and I felt a gaping hole in my heart from an unrecoverable loss. But, I also had some of the most joyous moments. I saw first hand what sacrificial love from friends and family looks like. I felt the soothing touch of time as it healed wounds. I laughed myself into tears and my heart swells with confidence and love where holes had been left. My confidence no longer comes

from clothes or Instagram likes, but from the deep understanding that I am worthy and deserving. Knowing what true heartbreak is, I will never take for granted the opportunities to love others well. Lessons like this have a value that could never be priced. Now that I have a strong base rooted in good principles and wisdom, I am hoping life only grows from that. I am eternally grateful for the deepest moments of darkness and the sunny high points of joy that I found in these walls, but those were merely memories of self-discovery and character building. When I encounter situations that shake my foundation, I will be strong and never lose sight of who I am. When I encounter moments of happiness and love, I will relish them. Now that I am moving on to a new state with new faces, I have a n unparalleled sense of serenity. I am confident in who I am and I cannot wait to grow and discover all the other countless moments of hardship and bliss. My little brother, Jackson, is a current freshman, and as I pass down useless musings of advice to him like “make sure you wear deodorant” and “girls don’t like slobs,” I make sure to throw in there the most valuable advice that I discovered. Make mistakes, discover joy and love others well, because high school is about laying a firm foundation for the future, that way you can only go up from there.

J A Y C A R R O L L business staff

“War Eagle!” That is the cry I so often cheered and screamed growing up. Both of my parents graduated from Auburn University, and I have been visiting Auburn, Ala. for 17 years now, whether it is for football games or just a trip down there when I am visiting family in Birmingham. Auburn is where I have wanted to go to school since I was born and I loved everything about Auburn: the fans, the traditions (Tiger Walk, the rolling of Toomer’s Corner after every football win, the pregame eagle flight), the atmosphere, and I also wanted to go back to the state of Alabama seeing as I was born in Montgomery and have a lot of family in the Birmingham area. I know anyt hing and everything about A u burn. I could say the fight song in less than 30 seconds, I know the creed like the back of my hand and have actually lived by words from the creed for a large portion of my life, lines from the creed such as “Because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it!” have had a huge effect on

Business manager Mabry Culp will be attending Belmont University and plans to major in Journalism and Mass Communications. Business Staff Member Jay Carroll will be attending University of Arkansas and plans to major in Financial Management and Investment. Photo by Regan Sullivan

5 Things about MABRY CULP

Favorite Book: Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell Favorite Hashtag: #casual Favorite Album: “Overnight” by Parachute Favorite Drink: Peach Tea Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

6 senior columns

Auburn roots resonate as Carroll heads to University of Arkansas my life. And when I was accepted to Auburn University in Sept. I was as happy as can be. However, I will not be attending Auburn University next year, instead I will be going to the University of Arkansas. At first

Jay Carroll and his sister, CHS 2011 graduate Beth Anne, attend an Auburn football game against the University of Tennessee in 2003. Photo courtesy of Anne Carroll. I was hesitant about my decision, but now I am fully embracing becoming a Razorback. The University of Arkansas has everything I want. It is in the Southeastern Conference, it has a great business school and I have a number of good friends that go there. However, I will never forget my everlasting memories that I have from my time as a diehard Auburn fan, whether it is memorable football games (2004 LSU-Auburn, 2013 Georgia-Auburn, 2010 and 2013 Iron Bowls against rival Alabama, 2010 National Championship game, just to name a few). I will never forget those moments wearing orange and blue standing and cheering next to my family and friends. I still get into arguments about Auburn sports even though I will not be going there next year. The orange and blue runs deep in my blood, and it will not just run out of me in a couple of months. Arkansas travels to Auburn for the first football game of the year this August, and while I will be cheering for Arkansas, I will certainly be happy for Auburn if they win. While I will certainly miss going to games at Auburn, I will definitely be going back to visit, except I will be cheering for the Hogs instead of the Tigers. Auburn will always have a place in my heart, and the memories I have created as an Auburn fan are unbelievable and I will never forget them. But I am looking forward to making new memories as a Hog. “Woo Pig Sooie!”

5 Things about JAY CARROLL

Favorite place to eat in Coppell: Guero’s Favorite food: Sausage Spaghetti Favorite band: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Favorite sport: Football Favorite president: Ronald Reagan

18 senior issue

senior issue 7

Passion for journalism found through experiences in D115 Senior Elizabeth Sims will attend the University of Oklahoma as a journalism major.

Photo by Sandy Iyer

E L I ZABE T H SI M S enterprise editor

Though my four years of high school have been a whirlwind of experiences, assignments and activities, one thing has remained constant: D115, more specifically The Sidekick newspaper’s classroom. Ironically, I almost did not join The Sidekick staff at all. I came into high school wanting to join KCBY, but applied to be on the yearbook staff for my sophomore year. For one reason or another, I did not want to tap into my writing skills, and I avoided even picking up an application for the newspaper at all costs. I simply was not interested. Fortunately, my adviser Chase Wofford saw my potential and literally slapped an application on my desk while I was taking my sophomore year advanced reporting class. Though I was reluctant at the time, I will be forever grateful for this push.


Q U O T A B L E S “I’ll miss being close by my family and the friends that I’ve grown up going to school and playing football with.” -Chris Adkins “I’m going to miss the family we had, whether it was the volleyball team, the softball team or the community in general.” -Lindsay Stivers “I’m going to miss IB class because IB truly resembles a family.” -Derek John “I’ll miss the band community and spending so much time with people working hard towards the same goal.” -Natalie Kersey “What I’ll miss most about high school are my teachers, especially the ones who had a huge impact on my development. I feel comfortable here and will always come back to visit.” -Carina Zhao “I’m going to miss playing baseball with my teammates of four years because I think of them as my family and my brothers. The traditions that we had on that team are always going to have a special place in my heart.” -Drew Hanson “I’m going to miss going to school everyday with my siblings. We’ve had to share cars for almost two years now and it’s going to be weird not riding with them.” -Allie Zill “I’m going to miss Texas.” -Jennifer Chong

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I would have missed out on a myriad of memorable experiences if I did not join The Sidekick staff. I would not have found where my passion lies or have met a fraction of the incredible people I now know. Through my involvement, I traveled to San Antonio and Boston to attend national high school journalism conventions, where I attended sessions hosted by leaders in the media field and explored the cities to dig up stories that could go untold. I made lasting friendships on these trips and discovered I wanted to pursue journalism as a career. While the trips are fun and great learning opportunities, my favorite part of working on this publication has been the opportunity to tell stories. I have connected with so many people in the community just by sitting down for a 15 minute interview with them. I have been able to draw attention to certain issues such as sharing the roads with cy-

clists through coverage of the local Ride of Silence. I have only been on The Sidekick staff for the last two years, but I have had more challenges thrown at me during that short time than I ever expected in school. All have been for my benefit in the long run, and all were instigated by Wofford. He was never afraid to tell me where I needed to improve a story. He pushed me to apply for an editor position despite the fact I considered myself to be too inexperienced. Most of all, he was my advocate and stood behind my decisions and story pursuits no matter how odd they seemed. I consider him to be a role model for these reasons, and I hold him up with the utmost respect. My time on The Sidekick was not always easy, but it was certainly life changing. I will always consider D115 the place my journalism career began.

Round-Up staff turns final page of high school experiences

STEPHANIE GROSS staff writer

At fall football games most students cheer in the stands but the Round-Up yearbook staff rushes along the sidelines capturing each moment. This is how much of the Round-Up senior staff has experienced most of their high school years: behind the lens of a camera. “It has been a stressful but great experience. There is always a lot of work to do over a condensed amount of time but it always pays off,” senior photo manager Sarah Gibbons said. Not only have the staff members had a great experience on staff but also Round-Up advis-

er Sallyanne Harris has been able to take so many things away from her senior staff members. “I have seen the girls take their creativity to new levels and seen them develop their talents into what could be future careers as well,” Harris said. “I will miss the seniors’ presence, wisdom and talents. They have been wonderful additions to the staff.” Staff members work daily during their class periods to get the yearbook put together. Since CHS is such a large school, there are 468 pages in the book that have to be completed by a certain deadline. With a distribution date of May 29, the staff comes together to meet these deadlines. For senior Round-Up pho-

to manager Francesca Graham, photography is something that will always be part of her life. “I have always loved taking pictures but I really started doing it a lot more when I signed up for digital photojournalism,” Graham said. “I learned a ton of tips and tricks and really fell in love with the photography process and then signed up for yearbook and have been in it and loving it ever since.” Other than using their skills in photography in college, some staff members plan to carry on photography as a hobby. “I know that I will still use my camera for different things such as vacations and college,” senior staff member Caroline Over-

Photo by Sandy Iyer

man said. “It is nice to know that I will always know how to use my camera.” Senior sports editor Carlie Russell also plans to continue photography as a hobby. “It is a lot of fun. I joined yearbook originally to be a photographer and then I became very passionate about writing and it is really cool to combine it all,” Russell said. Being on the Round-Up staff has given the senior staff members a variety of opportunities to experience different school events by getting to capture moments that will last a long time. “I loved going to all of the school events to take photos. Now that I think about it, I have

seen most of my high school career through a lens. I was never just in the stands, I was down in the action. That is something that is really cool and a great experience,” Graham said. Not only does the yearbook give staff members the opportunity to capture different high school moments, but it is also something for the students of CHS to be able to go back and reflect on in years to come. “When we are making the book, it is our job to keep in mind that people will looks at the books forever and everything has to be almost timeless,” Russell said. “People will [use the yearbook to] remember exactly how their high school years were.” Graphics by Rachel Buigas-Lopez

Final credits roll for dedicated staff

and set her commercials so you could say I got my basic training from that.” Having a media background, KCBY seniors have been documenting their high school Mrs. Schulz knows the KCBY procareer and are now headed across gram is beneficial to anyone interthe country to pursue the careers ested in the industry. “In any business, experience of their dreams. They are checking out of Coppell High School’s is key and knowledge is powerful. hallways and moving on to bigger KCBY offers students both,” Mrs. Schulz said. “KCBY is real-world, campuses. Senior KCBY member Kris- hands on media training. The program has laid the foundation tin Schulz will be attending the and provides necessary University of Alabama skills to grow from in this fall, pursuing pursuit of a career in both arts and film. “KCBY has media.” “The dream prois to produce and defined my life” gramSeniordirector choreograph muHamin Kim will be sic videos, but I - Delanie Majors, attending Colomwould love to do senior bia College Chicago anything with telein the fall. vision,” Schulz said. “Visual arts is all “[KCBY adviser Irma I have ever wanted to do,” Kennedy] has helped me Kim said. “My ultimate goal is to focus and hone in on my skills.” Schulz’s mom, Dina, was an earn respect from other cinemaexecutive producer at WFAA in tographers, [and] work on a film Dallas and CNBC in New York, so that would matter to others.” Kim is thankful for the exjournalism runs in the family. “I basically grew up in the perience he has gained during his newsroom,” Schulz said. “I would tenure with KCBY. “KCBY has helped me with always go on the set with her and communicating when she did radio I would record responsibility, STEPHANIE ALEXANDER entertainment editor

Photo by Alyssa Frost

and dealing with people, especially being a program director,” Kim said. The seniors are prepared for the transition from studio A105 to the world of media. Senior sports director Delanie Majors plans to attend Baylor University in the fall. Majors has gained more than a competitive edge from KCBY. “KCBY has defined my life,” Majors said. “All my closest friends are KCBY people. It has helped me envision where I want to be and what I want to do. I cannot imag-

ine it not being in my high school career.” If KCBY adviser Irma Kennedy had to describe the 2014 seniors in her class with one word, it would be “journalistic.” “I knew the minute that this group came in to lead that it would change,” Kennedy said. “In years past we have had more of an emphasis on the entertainment aspect. We have slowly moved toward making it back into a news show. The entertainment aspect is important, but it is not the reason

why we are here.” The Interscholastic League Press Conference, the Texas UIL Journalism agency, has recognized their hard work and dedication as KCBY was awarded second place in Broadcast Individual Achievement award for news broadcast. “This is that first step towards the [National Scholastic Press Association] Pacemaker award, which is the top journalism award you can receive in high school,” Kennedy said. “I think we actually have a shot at it now.”

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Valedictorian tells of growth in high school, shares college plans S H R U T H I K A P O C H A M PA L LY

staff writer

Unlike most high school students, Coppell High School Class of 2014 valedictorian Harry Ahn has never had an issue with managing his time and priorities. “My mom always says, ‘to get a good job, you have to go to a good school, because then you get more opportunities. So if you work hard for the next ten years, you have a peaceful, comfortable life for the next 50 years of your life,’” Ahn said. “That kind of mindset is all I need.” Ahn, who moved from Korea in seventh

grade, had to learn English as a second language. “GT/AP English IV is the hardest class I’ve had to take in all of high school,” Ahn said. “Learning a foreign language and being in a different environment was hard. But it’s why I am who I am now - a better person.” Ahn’s English IV teacher, Matthew Bowden, says Ahn understands the importance of high school education, not grade point averages. “Harry is great when he isn’t playing Wrestle Jump or 2048 on his iPad,” Bowden said. “He has obviously made education a priority. Yet he has never seemed too focused on his grades or GPA but rather has a genuine desire to learn and grow.” Ahn’s ability to value his knowledge rather his rank are what make him an exceptional student, according to Bowden.

Photos by Regan Sullivan

“I believe he has figured out that if one simply engages and listens and questions, the rest will follow,” Bowden said. Ahn recommends to “not worry too much about all the numbers - GPA, and SAT scores”. “Colleges are looking for your potential, and that can be academic, or music or sports,” Ahn said. “Just do what you are good at and you will get into wherever you want.” Also like all high school students, Ahn has regrets over the past four years. His biggest regret, he said, was not being as socially involved. “Freshman year, I was a shy student,” Ahn said “Throughout the school year, I met all these friends [who] are outgoing. That kind of changed me. I became more open to people.” One difference between most high school students and Ahn however, is that Ahn always made sure to put his health first. “I would work about two to three hours a day throughout junior year. I was always get-

ting enough sleep,” Ahn said. “I learned how to manage my time wisely in high school. Time management and efficiency skills are very important.” Like most high achievers, Ahn also thinks he could have gone to a better school. “[Duke University] was not my first choice, but it was one of my top choices,” Ahn said. “I’m planning to do pre-med, and Duke is good for pre-med. It’s fine, though; I can go to a [better] grad school.” Ahn says though he is excited for college, he will miss his friends. “Harry is a really nice guy and has always been willing to help out,” CHS senior Shashwat Chaturvedi said. “He maintained his integrity when most around him lost it, and his intellectual accomplishments are nonetheless for it. He is p r o b a b l y the best at math in t h i s school.”

Those who know Ahn have high expectations for his future, regardless of where he goes to school. “I expect the shy and awkward individual I met four years ago to do great things,” Chaturvedi said. “Led by his chill and relaxed attitude towards life, he’ll cure cancer one day.” Similar to all high school students, Ahn has experienced life lessons his high school years. “I would tell incoming freshman to not procrastinate,” Ahn said. “It’s not good for your health. Just spend one hour a day on it, then you can still relax but finish your work at the same time. Balance it wisely.”

Cha follows motto of “No regrets”, graduates as salutatorian S H R U T H I K A P O C H A M PA L LY

staff writer

“No regrets” has been Coppell High School’s Class of 2014 salutatorian Daniel Cha’s motto for the past four years. Cha, who will be attending the University of Texas at Austin’s Engineering Honors for Aerospace program, also hopes to double major in business. “I didn’t tell myself anything to motivate me: I just did it,” Cha said. “One thing is, I want to do my best, so I won’t say I regret it after when I look back.” Though he has tried his hardest to have no regrets, Cha says that regrets are inevitable, especially as a high

school student. “I have plenty of regrets from high school,” Cha said. “I regret not doing sports. I wanted to, but I also focused on getting the GPA and I missed out on a lot of things.” Cha says that he was stressed throughout high school because he attempted to handle too many things at once. “I was trying to study, but I was also trying to hang out with friends, while also trying to work on college essays,” Cha said. “I didn’t have my priorities straight and I was juggling too many things at once.” Cha is the president of Coppell High School’s dance team, Air Crew, and has started his own non-profit charity First Step outside of school. He says that having practices almost every day also added to his workload. “Freshman and sophomore year, we almost had

practice every day for two hours, and that really took a lot of time, and when I got home I was tired,” Cha said. One benefit of Cha’s increased workload, however, was that his parents trusted him to complete all of his work on his own. “My parents are proud, of course,” Cha said. “But they never stressed me [out] about academics. They did until middle school and then let me go, and I got here by myself.” AP Physics B teacher Clint Rushing agrees Cha is an independent person who does not require much encouragement. “He just operated on his own and did his own thing and turned everything in,” Rushing said. “He was really smart and never asked many questions.” Cha says Coppell is an extremely competitive school, which can often be beneficial.

However, competition can be harmful as well. According to Cha, it has the capability to bring out the worst in you. “I have seen people cheat their way out,” Cha said. “Many people cheat and end up going to a better college than they actually could have, and they struggle. It’s probably going to be the worst years of their life.” Cha says the only way he was able to balance his heavy workload was to cut d o w n on sleep. Cha advises current

high school students to not procrastinate. “That is obvious advice,” Cha said. “But also ask your upperclassmen for help with classes and college. Don’t choose your classes without knowing what you’re taking.” Cha’s advice is something he realized not after his high school years, but throughout, which is how he is able to graduate ranked two in his class. “Daniel is really fun and creative, as well as supportive and intelligent,” senior Derek John said. John, who has been in Air Crew with Cha for the past few years, expects Cha to be successful in everything he does in life. “I hope I am still friends with him when he gets famous,” John said.

Graphics by Josh Martin

academics 11


1 Harry ahn

School: Duke Major: Neuroscience

Favorite place in the world: California Student I admire most: Shashwat Chaturvedi Worst required reading: The Scarlet Letter Guilty pleasure: Reading Manga Golden moment: My last home swim meet

School: UT Austin Major: aerospace engineering


4 School: University of Pennsylvania Major: Management and Technology

daniel cha


Motto: “Work hard while playing hard” Student I admire most: Danny Bush Average hours of sleep: 3-4; 10 as a senior Celebrity crush: Miranda Kerr Favorite teacher: Ian Vanderschee

Favorite TV show: “The Walking Dead” Celebrity crush: Chris Hemsworth Study Tip: Don’t have Reddit open Motto: “Success is the best revenge” Hardest class: AP physics B

TOP TEN 2014


School: UT Austin Major: electrical engineering

benson huang Biggest fear: Disappointing people Study tip: Collaborate at your own risk Guilty pleasure: The Food Network Golden moment: Being ranked fourth like my siblings Pet peeve: The color purple


School: UT Austin Major: Business and Plan II Finance

By Kristen Shepard and Caroline Carter

cejay zhu

After four memorable years at Coppell High School, the class of 2014 embarks on a new journey. For the top 10 students in the class, their time at CHS has been nothing short of exciting. From late night studying to competing in national contests, these students have had a busy four years. The Sidekick’s editor-in-chief Kristen Shepard and news editor Caroline Carter got the inside scoop on this year’s top 10 students. The Sidekick wishes these students the best in their future endeavors.

School: UT Austin Major: electrical engineering

Pet peeve: Grammar mistakes Special talent: Memorizing things Favorite place in the world: Tokyo, Japan Dream job: Anime director Motto: “Never give up”


School: UT Austin Major: biology


9 School: Dartmouth Major: Economics and computer science

Kevin chow

Dream job: Marine biologist Celebrity crush: Kristen Bell or Emma Watson Favorite place in the world: Hawaii Guilty pleasure: Watching Frozen Favorite teacher: Jared Stansel

12 centerspread

Shashwat chaturvedi Worst required reading: Kafka on the Shore Favorite food: Naan bread Special talent: Taekwondo kick Favorite teacher: Zach Sherman Pet peeve: People saying “like”

sneha jain

brandy sun

Pet peeve: Slow walkers Favorite show: “The Colbert Report” Celebrity crush: Joseph Gordon Levitt Motto: “Live your life laughing” Bucket list: Scuba diving

10 School: UT Austin Major: Chemical engineering

Little known fact: Blackbelt in karate Dream job: Product tester for matresses Bucket list: Climb Mount Everest Favorite teacher: Monica Winters Favorite place: Home

School: Northwestern Major: Music Performance and biology

Alisha punjwani Most used app: Netflix Guilty pleasure: Korean dramas Average hours of sleep: 5 Study tip: Procrastination works Motto: “Fake it ‘til you make it”

centerspread 13

EMAC, PSA seniors graduate as first academy class A M Y R O H staff writer

A legacy is born from the trail blazers that pave the way to success, especially for the graduating seniors of the Coppell Academies. In fact, this sentiment seems to be the heralding song of their departure from high school. By June 5 seniors of the EMAC (Emerging Media and Communications) and PSA (Public Service Academy) will be the first graduating class of the Academies at CHS. For STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math), this will be their second. “Because this year’s seniors were the first group to choose to go into the Academies and to go all the way through, they have been the tip of the sphere,” Academies Instructional Coach Clara Caussey said. “Everything that we’ve done, they’ve been paving the way.” The EMAC and PSA Academies were first launched in the fall of 2010 and have since provided CHS students with a small learning community geared toward specific career paths. It has

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not only helped students grow men and women that they are through the Academies. Because it is such a small community of academically, but has helped now.” Likewise for students, this students and faculty, it has althem make connections with lowed seniors to be more daring seems to be the case. like minded individuals. “I’m an emotional person and flexible in their learning. “PSA has allowed me to “It’s that small learning gain experience as a leader and so it’s bittersweet that I’m the allowed me, due to the many first class to start it and I’m leav- community atmosphere,” STEM changes within the academy, to ing soon, but it’s also pretty awe- Academy Coordinator Mike learn how to deal with change in some that I’ve had the opportu- Yakubovsky said. “It gives them a healthy, productive way,” se- nity to blaze a path and make the chance to be more daring, to nior PSA president Sarah Rob- my education to what I want it try new things. It gives them a to be,” senior EMAC president chance to experiment a little bit inson said. because there’s that little bit of It is also a milestone in the Mark Slette said. safety.” Making your education Academy program that is bitAs a result, want it tersweet for all. Four years of into what you working for four working together have created to be is a years in the same close bonds between both stu- common field has given them thread dents and teachers. more preparation t h a t “Because I’ve been for the future. Beruns with them since they cause of this, were freshmen, it’s pretS T E M ty emotional,” Causshas reey said. “I am really ceived proud of all of them. $1.2 It’s been fun and remilwarding for me lion in as a teacher to scholwatch them a r grow from ships people who f o r are shy and t h e not necessarSenior Academy presidents Sarah Robinson (PSA), Clayton entire ily confident Howeth (STEM) and Mark Slette (EMAC) all look forward to the senior into the concolleges they will be attending. Photo by Regan Sullivan. class, fident young

which makes for $45,000 per graduate. It is among the many things that have been accomplished by Academy seniors this year. “Anything that we throw at them, they’re willing to do,” Caussey said. “The Academies have changed greatly, from the time that they first started and what they signed up for is not what the Academies are now, but they have been willing to do whatever it takes to continue to be a part of the community and to build the community.” As for the second generation, there will be large shoes to fill once the senior class is gone. Now that the trial period has ended, it has given them a path to follow. With their last hurrah, Academy seniors will be walking away with the first legacy for years to come. “Some of them were shorter than we are and now they’re towering over us in their height, alone,” EMAC leader Irma Kennedy said. “Their intelligence has increased, their wisdom, they are much more skilled and knowledgeable in media, so I’m just really proud of them.”

Schantz pictures future at Punjwani plays her way to University of the Arts London Northwestern to pursue oboe music and sleep.” This has not distracted Alisha from her academics, as she is ranked 10th in her Playing the same instrument for sev- class. To guide her, Alisha has had major en years never tired senior Alisha Pun- help from her private lesson teacher, Sally jwani. She has been playing oboe since Bohls. “I have learned so much under Mrs. sixth grade, even though it was not her first Bohls. She has never made it stressful for choice of instrument. Before trying out for oboe, Punjwani me, which is why many of her other stuattempted the flute, but could not play a dents never quit playing oboe,” Alisha said. sound. Playing the flute seemed so small “I never had a reason to quit with her.” Bohls taught Alisha since sixth grade. and compact, which attracted Punjwani, “She tended to be a scattered girl but her inability to play forced her to try when she was in sixth grade, like others,” something else. “[Coppell Middle School North band Bohls said. “But when Alisha got to sevinstructor Joel Ashbrook] took over and enth grade, some switch turned on for her. asked me to blow on a reed which released Suddenly everything made sense for her.” Bohls’ guidance and Alisha’s acaa good sound,” Punjwani said. “At that point, a double reed instrument was a yes.” demic drive led her to her dream school, At the beginning of sixth grade, band Northwestern University in Chicago. “At Northwestern, I’m going to be students learn how to read music and finger their instrument, but for Punjwani, these studying under two professors and oboists under the Chicago Symphony skills were second nature since she Orchestra and a professor who started piano at 5 years old with plays in the Chicago Lyric Orthe inspiration of her mother. “When my mom lived “Music is a part chestra,” Alisha said. Alisha’s satisfaction in Pakistan, she would go of my future” with her acceptance to to restaurants and there Northwestern Universiwould always be a pia- Alisha Punjwani, ty could not be contained. no player, and she really senior Bohls was the second perloved the piano player, so son Alisha called after Mrs. she promised herself that she Punjwani. would make her children learn “I am sure she will have best to play the piano,” Punjwani said. experiences in Northwestern UniversiPunjwani’s mother, Shahnila Punjwani, is very supportive and proud of her ty, and a bright future ahead of her,” Mrs. Punjwani said. daughter. At Northwestern, Alisha is planning “When Alisha decided to play oboe, knowing Alisha’s willpower and confi- to double major in biology and music and dence, I was sure she would do her best and is still unsure of which career path she go far to achieve a musical career,” Mrs. wants to pursue. “Whatever I end up doing, it will still Punjwani said. With playing the oboe, Alisha has be dependent on the other,” Alisha said. “My chances of getting into medical won many awards and achieved many acschool or music school will be incomplishments. terdependent.” “Junior year, I made all-state Alisha is not only looking orchestra, making second chair on forward to the wonderful teachEnglish horn, which was my bigings from her professors, but also gest accomplishment,” Alisha said. the different people that she will “I also got outstanding soloist at meet in Chicago, which does not the state solo and ensemble conseem to surprise her mother, eitest that year for English horn.” ther. Even with the amount “I am not scared of dedication Alisha puts at all for her,” Mrs. into music, her academPunjwani said. “I ics still take precedent. am really confident Many students believe about her bright caband students have reer and I know she difficulty balancing will always strive for academics and their her best future.” instrument, but AliIn addition to sha thinks differentinterning at a gynecolly. ogy clinic this summer, “There is only Alisha hopes to make time to fit two things reeds and learn more in your schedule, about the oboe. but you have to “I can’t imagine do three things,” myself quitting it,” Alisha Alisha said. said. “Music is a part of “For me, it’s my future.” academics, P R A N A T H I C H I T T A staff writer

Senior Kimberley Schantz works on a jewlery art project in Tamera Westervelt’s AP 3-D design class. Schantz will be attending University of the Arts London in the fall. Photo by Shannon Wilkinson. SHANNON WILKINSON photographer

While the class of 2014 at Coppell High School is becoming anxious for their college journeys all over the United States, one student in particular is ready for her adventure in London. Senior Kimberley Schantz will be attending University of the Arts London in the fall. “I have always been interested in traveling so what better way than studying at a four year college in Europe,” Schantz said. “In London, there is the possibility I make a future and it is so close to many other opportunities.” London has not always been at the top of the list for Schantz, art has. “I did not take art seriously until I started high school,” Schantz said. “I realized that I could make art a serious part of my life and it was something more than just a hobby.” Some parents worry about their children going so far away, but with the benefit of her mom being a flight attendant, Kimberley and her mom are not worried. “I hope Kimberley gains all the knowledge she needs for her passion in the arts and to continually grow,” mother Jeannie Schantz said. “I want her to take advantage of being able to travel and that she will also focus on learning about other cultures.”

Schantz plans to come home during her winter and summer break, but also hopes to visit Poland or France during her spring break. Becoming accustomed to the food and time change is something Schantz had to take into consideration, but decided that attending University of the Arts London was too big of an opportunity to pass up. “I really did take into consideration that there is no language barrier there and how much I will miss southern food like Canes and Babes,” Kimberley said. “Of course I will miss my mom, dad and other friends and family as well.” While Schantz is excited yet anxious to begin her journey in London, her mother is looking forward to sending her on her way. “I was so excited when I found out she got in because my desire is to have her excel in her talents,” Ms. Schantz said. “I really am going to miss telling her to clean her room and doing spur of the moment things like shopping.” With her decision made and the readiness to leave for London, Schantz is finishing up her CHS career and packing her bags. “Everyone should look into this opportunity because there is so much the world has to offer and we need to take advantage of it,” Kimberley said. “If you have the opportunity, take it. There is so much we can all learn from each other.”

Senior Alisha Punjwani will continue playing oboe at Northwestern University in Chicago in the fall. Punjwani began playing instruments at the age of 5. Photo by Shannon Wilkinson. Photo by Shannon Wilkinson

fine arts 15

MILITARY ACADEMIES Graduating students seize opportunity to join fighting forces

Navy H E N R I I K K A N I E M I s t a f f w r i t e r

Starting July 1, senior Danny Bush will begin a six week long boot camp to prepare for his first year at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. “I wanted to serve, and when I did the research, the best way to do that was to be an officer,” Bush said. “ I got interested as a freshman when I met a senior midshipman at an information session. That was when I first learned what the Academy was and after that, I was hooked.” For the first year, students take both general courses and others over Naval history and leadership. Furthermore, students are required to participate in athletics. Bush plans to play tennis and build on his experience from the high school team. “I’ve had a plaque by my sink ever since he was young that says ‘Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.’ I have believed that, but I am really needing to live it these days,” Danny’s mother Linda Bush said. “I am happy to know that his dream has come true, that he will get an excellent education, meet many wonderful people and be able to fly and travel the world.” Bush intends to major in aerospace engineering, and hopes to be selected for naval aviation after graduation.

Danny Bush Dream job? Fighter pilot for the U.S. Navy Favorite band? Phoenix Dream vacation? A trip to Europe

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Senior Rosemary Brinegar will attend the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Newport, R.I. from August through May, which will feed directly into the Naval Academy the following year. The prep school primarily aids students with academics to ensure they are not struggling during their four years at the Academy, which is among the most academically challenging colleges in the nation. “Rosemary has always enjoyed being active and involvedinitially in athletics and later in many areas at school,” mother Christina Brinegar said. “The physical demands of the service academies would be a negative to many potential applicants, but I think she finds that appealing. Her father and I are very proud of her decision to serve our country through Naval service.” During a family college tour last March, Brinegar visited the Air Force Academy and later attended the service academy forum at Coppell High School, eventually applying to both academies. She grew to prefer the Naval Academy after visiting the campus last fall. “The Academy is very structured and I’m definitely that kind of person,” Brinegar said. “During the summer, you try all these different things within the Navy to see what you want to do. It’s a place to challenge you and make you grow as a leader.”

Rosemary Brinegar Dream location? Greece Favorite movie? Hunger Games Triology Favorite music? Country

Air Force S H I V A N I B U R R A emerging media manager

Discipline and training awaits the three 2014 Coppell High School seniors going into the Air Force Academy and continuing their education while learning the skills necessary to serve their country. “It is huge to give back to the country that has given me so much,” senior Nick Hruby said. “To serve my country while receiving one of the greatest educations in the world, along with playing the sport I love [lacrosse].” Even though Hruby is going to the Air Force for lacrosse, his foundation of discipline and training can be credited in part to former CHS football coach Joe McBride. “Coach McBride did a great job in training and teaching us that you can give a little more even when you are tired,” Hruby said. “A lot of the Air Force is breaking you down and building you back up, and playing football and lacrosse at Coppell has taught me to allow myself to be broken down so that I can build myself back up.” The academic rigor at the Air Force Academy is thought to be one of the toughest in the nation and is not something one can jump into without any experience and prior training. International Baccalaureate seniors Luke Farrell and Terrence Yi are also joining the Air Force Academy. The expe-

rience of being in a rigorous academic program such as IB will be beneficial with to them as they head to college. “It is hard to say how well I will do there because everything is based on how your grades are so what you do is based on well you do,” Farrell said. “Taking a rigorous course in high school, like IB has definitely helped me learn the skill needed to succeed [at Air Force].” Farrell has not only prepared himself for the academic rigor but the training that will be prominent throughout his first year. “I have prepared myself by working hard in school, and making sure that I can cope with the academic rigors at the service academy,” Farrell said. “Along with practicing the functional movements for basic training and getting into shape to face the challenges ahead of me.” Everyone who enters a military academy has to have a physical exam done by their high school coach which includes pullups, situps, crunches and a mile all within a certain perimeter in order to pass. Head tennis coach Rich Foster has two athletes going into a military academy and sees certain qualities in Farrell that will make him successful. “Luke knew at the beginning of the year he was not going to be in the playing line up but he did not let that get him

down,” Foster said. “Perseverance is something you have to have in the academy, you can not give up simply because you did not get the position you wanted.” Hruby plans to use the degree he receives at the academy to help him do what he loves after graduating. “Air Force is a job, so right after my four years of college, I will have a job and a good starting salary,” Hruby said. “I am looking into aviation because there is a huge job opportunity in pilots. I think it would be such a fun and amazing thing to be flying a plane everyday.” He was not always adamant on pursuing an education and training from the Air Force. “My dad always said he saw me being in this regiment style since I was a kid and he really thought the air force would be a good fit for me,” Ye said. “At first I was going against it because there is a lot of duty while you are over there, but then I realized I get out of those really hard four years I am going to be the best version of myself.” The Air Force Academy has an huge impact on the students that enter the program; shaping their character and developing their work ethic and skills. “I am looking forward to being shaped by the Air Force Academy and see what I turn out like after the next four years,” Hruby said.

Nick Hruby

Terrence Yi

Luke Farrell

Favorite movie? Friday Night Lights

Favorite band? Weezer Favorite T.V. show? “Breaking Bad” Dream job? Engineer for Google

Favorite T.V. show? “Game of Thrones” Dream location? Bora Bora Favorite band? Grouplove

Dream location? Bora Bora Favorite sport? Lacrosse

Graphics by Jordan Bickham

d e n Sig F o o t b a l l

Cowboys, Cowgirls joining college ranks By sports editor John Loop Graphics by Julia Bordonaro

Mary-Kate Marshall Oregon State University

V o l

John Herubin Yale University Major: Electrical engineering Sports played: soccer, baseball, swimming, football, basketball, track Hobby: Hiking at Grapevine Lake Interesting fact: Has three sisters, all of whom are Coppell High School grads Quote: “Carpe diem” - my mom

Carson Vickroy University of Kansas




y b a l l

Major: Pre-physical therapy Sports played: Volleyball, basketball, soccer, track, dance Hobby: Hanging out with friends Interesting fact: She danced for 10 years Quote: “If you forget where you came from, it becomes difficult to see where you need to go.” - Ruth Nelson

Erika Zimmer Missouri State University c k

& X C

Major: Meteorology Sports played: Baseball, football, basketball, soccer Hobby: Fishing Interesting fact: Loves weather Quote: “To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” - Steve Prefontaine

l e





b a l l

Major: Pre-physical therapy Sports played: Softball, gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, track, basketball Hobby: Rock climbing and swimming Interesting fact: Favorite food is parsley Quote: Various Bible verses

CHS Senior Commits

Boys Basketball Landon Goesling - Considering University of Oklahoma, University of Houston, Abilene Christian, UC Davis, Sacremento State, Loyola Marymount, Appalachian State, Tarleton State Simi Socks - Prep Year (Bridgton Academy in Maine or The Hun School of Princeton (N.J.) *The basketball signing period ends May 21, which was after press time.

Boys Soccer Chris Madden - Trinity University Kellen Reid - Trinity University Frank Smith - University of Incarnate Word Girls Soccer Riley Spudic - Centenary College Track/Cross Country Carson Vickroy- University of Kansas George Fairchild - Trinity University

Golf Taylor Icenberger - Texas Wesleyan University Hannah Jiao - Texas A&M International Softball Erika Zimmer- Missouri State University Volleyball Kate Dicken - University of North Texas Mary-Kate Marshall- Oregon State University Alex Silver - Texas State University Sarah Peterson - Newman University Ali Kennedy - Austin College Wrestling Cara Romeike – Oklahoma City University Roger Moe – Williams Baptist University

Football Chris Adkins - Southern Illinois University Bryan Berens - Grand View University Adam Centers - Wake Forest University Kevin Gray - Southeastern Oklahoma University John Herubin- Yale University Blake Mahon - Baylor University Collins Okotcha - Sam Houston State University Troy Parker - Southeastern Oklahoma University Solomon Thomas - Stanford University Elliott Tostrud - Rhodes College Bill Weber - University of Toledo Stone Ormand- Hardin Simmons Baseball Drew Hanson - Abilene Christian University Cal Hernandez - Dallas Baptist University Quinn Moser - Ouachita Baptist University

senior sports 17

entertainment 19

Long-lasting bonds, friendships formed from CHS Theater S H R U T H I K A P O C H A M PA L LY

staff writer Just like many of the clubs and programs at Coppell High School, the theater program will surely be shedding some tears at the end of the year when they let go of their beloved seniors, many of whom have been up on the CHS stages since their first day of freshman year. “I knew I wanted to be an actress someday, so I decided that next year I

could deal with the competitiveness [of professional theater]. I don’t feel like I’d be good enough.” Lisa Tabor, head of the theater department at Coppell High School, accredits the senior showcase, and most student theater showcases to the students themselves. “Personally, it’s not work for me,” Tabor said. “I nudge them along the ways as to what they’re doing. It’s mainly all them.” The annual Senior Showcase is one

Sixteen seniors will graduate from Lisa Tabor’s theater program. Many of the students will continue theater after high school. Photo courtesy Lisa Tabor. was going to take a year off and try auditioning professionally,” senior Kristen West said. “If I’m able to find work and enjoy being a working actress then I will probably keep doing that because that is my dream.” For many students who actively participated in theater throughout high school, acting for a living is a dream come true. For others, CHS theater has prepared them for the behind-thescenes of showbiz. “For college I am going the technical route because I want to do sound recording and technology,” senior Saige Holst said. “I want to move to [Los Angeles] and work behind the scenes, but I still plan on auditioning for Community Theater. I have many big plans.” While many theater students plan on continuing to work in the acting industry, there are also some students who are leaving their memories of theater behind and taking on a different career path. “I am going to the University of Texas at Austin into the College of Natural Sciences to become a doctor,” senior Travis Chin said. “I love theater and I’m definitely going to continue doing community theater, but I don’t feel like I

20 entertainment

of the most important productions for senior theater students, as they are allowed the chance to produce their own one-man acts. Seniors began preparing their acts from the beginning of the year, during their fourth period classes, and finally had the chance to display their acts to the audiences in April. Regardless of what school or what career these students choose, they all admit that theater is what they will miss most about high school. The CHS theater department’s tight-knit bonds are what make the program so enjoyable for every student involved. “I know once I walk out that door after my last line in that last show, I am going to turn around and think back to freshman year when I first entered that stage,” senior Roberto Williams said. “Before then I was kind of drifting around and now I’ve come into something where I feel like I belong. Everyone is so accepting; you don’t have to put on a mask. Everybody knows you who are, everybody wants to be your friend.” With the senior showcase wrapped up and graduation within three weeks, many senior members of CHS theater have been reflecting on the past four years of their acting.

Kiva to host first ever art, music festival at City Plaza S L O A N E


staff writer When it comes to talent, the city of Coppell has plenty of it. Local artists, dancers, vocalists and musicians will be gathering at Town City Plaza in Coppell to show off their artistic talents May 24 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. This free event will have a variety of events occurring while artists showcase their work. There will be food and drinks, beach volleyball, fiber art, Zumba, jugglers, raffles, sidewalk chalk and a cakewalk. “We are hoping the artists there will bring art they have created to sell, and musicians the music they have produced,” Coppell High School IB economics teacher Donnette Alexander. Alexander is excited about the live artwork featured at the festival. Artists will create paintings and sculptures right in front of a live audience, showing viewers what it takes to create masterpieces. There will be student run clubs from Coppell High School at the festival collecting money to be donated to two non-profit organizations of their choice. “Kiva, the micro financing club here at CHS, is designed to help people in developing countries start businesses. They loan money to people, then later on they pay off these loans. We hope by doing this, it will raise their standard of living,” Alexander said. I Dare To B, is the other CHS club attending the festival. The group exists in order to make IB student relationships better because not all students connect easily when in the IB program. “IB students will be attending the festival in order to bring creativity and service to the community. By doing this we will earn CAS (creativity, action and service) hours, to get credit as IB students. All IB students must earn CAS hours by participating in projects

Graphic courtesy Sagar Ramesh

that encompass creativity and service,” I Dare To B president Amir Javeri said. Designed by junior Sagar Ramesh, T-shirts will be sold at stands around festival grounds. “The T-shirt design incorporates significant icons of both art and music. For example, the word ‘Art’ in the logo is composed of artistic utensils,” Ramesh said. “When closely examined, there is a pencil and a paintbrush that creates the ‘A’ in ‘Art’. For the word ‘Music’, there is a similar incorporation of musical elements; the ‘M’ is made of an eighth note and a treble clef replaces the ‘s’.” Preparing for this festival was not a walk in the park. “Recently we got the news that the person who was supposed to run the sound system will be out of town for a wedding so we have to find a new person to run that. We have also been frantically looking for more art because not as many people are participating as hoped. We also still have to order T-shirts and distribute them,” Alexander said. As the festival approaches go-time, Alexander and students begin to prepare for the big day. “Right now we are checking with each other what needs to be done and setting up a work schedule for the 130 students helping out. We are beginning to communicate with vendors and going all out with advertising. We are also coordinating trucks to carry tables and seating for the festival,” Alexander said. The festival will be a big affair for art and music lovers. All attendees of the festival will be greatly appreciated for showing their support of local musicians and artists.

sports 21

Ultimate team throws in second state championship M A B R Y C U L P business manager

As Coppell High School’s Ultimate Frisbee team players rushed the field this past weekend, all that was distinguishable amongst the shouts of joy was the unified chant “I believe that we have won”. That win was the second consecutive state championship title. At the beginning of the season in March, CHS coach Jared Stansel’s expectations were low. Losing key players from last year’s team to graduation, the team had its work cut out for them, but responded to the challenge with an impressive undefeated season record. “It’s amazing that we went undefeated,” Stansel said. “The competition was much higher this season, so I didn’t have that guarantee [win] like we did last year.” The USA Ultimate State Tournament took place in Waco on May 9-10 where Coppell entered as the No. 1 overall seed.

Coppell defeated Richardson Pearce, 11-8, and Kingwood, 1211, before defeating Highland Park, 12-11, in the championship game. After two hours of intense lead changes, the game ended up tied 9-9. The teams were now playing “ultimate point” or sudden death as time expired. CHS junior Chris Sheldon chunked the disc toward the end zone where senior Clayton Howeth laid out and caught it for the win. “That was the most surreal moment, watching [Howeth] fall to the ground with the disc,” senior captain Connor Savard said. “It was the most relieving feeling to know we just claimed the title for the second year in a row.” Stansel credits the Coppell defense for his team’s second consecutive state championship. “It was our defense that really helped us win,” Stansel said. “We had five or six defensive schemes versus the one or two we had last year, making us more dimensional and I think that confused a lot more offenses through-

out the year.” Although the defensive schemes shut out opponents, Coppell’s ability to handle the disc up the field in a manor that was relaxed, yet affective, helped them to score consistently. “We always shout ‘chili’ to each other, which means chill out,” senior captain Daniel Gray said. “When we stress out on the field and panic, we make mistakes, but we all just tried to relax so we could make smarter decisions with the disc instead of impulsive errors.” The players have developed this year not just in the sport, but their character as well. “It’s amazing not only to watch them become better ultimate players, but seeing them incorporate the lessons they learn [from ultimate] into their everyday lives,” Stansel said. “They want to do well, not because people are watching, but because they are motivating themselves. That’s what I want to instill [in the players], an intrinsic desire to be successful.”

Seniors Justin Todd and Jack Burns

Senior Justin Todd Senior Justin Senior JackTodd Burns Senior Jack Burns

Photos by Mark Slette

22 sports

Junior Chris Sheldon and senior Abishek Ramani em brace Here is an example of a caption. font Frisbee should be avenir in excitment after winning the 2014 The Ultimate State black. Photos by Mark Slette. Championship. Photo by Nicole Messer.

2014 Spring All-District Honors All District Boys 3Track

Sr.-Jake Braem Sr.-Matt Olson Sr.-Geoff Yut Sr.-Elliot Tostrud Sr.-Roger Moe

Jr.-Marcus Mitchell Sr.-Troy Parker Jr.-Bo Anderson So.-Colin Echols All District Girls Jr.-Esere Nesiama Track Sr.-Chibu Osuji Jr.-Charles West Jr.-Andrea Abel Jr.-Jacob Murray Jr.-Sierra Andres Jr.-Matthew Difrancesco So.-Claire Barden Fr.-Zach Dicken Jr.-Grace Barden Jr.-Alex Abalos Jr.-Bailey Bedichek Sr.-Rosemary Brinegar All District So.-Selase Buatsi Wrestling Fr.-Lauren CunningBoys and Girls ham Sr.-Alex Fuselier Girls: So.-Sydney Gainer Jr.-Anna Woo Jr.-Rachel Johnson Sr.-Charlotte Lee Jr.-Paola Lozano Sr.-Cara Romeike So.-Marian McRae Jr.- Heli Dave Sr.-Anna Novosadova Sr.-Erika Lozano Jr.-Adaiwu Nwaiwu Sr.-Anna Novosadova Jr.-Kylie Pickrell Sr.-Leisa Hernandez So.-Koa Moe All District First and Second Team Boys: Boys Soccer Jr.-Krystain Gonzalez Jr.-Jesse McPherson Sr.-Justin Todd Jr.-Greg Ludden Jr.-Austin Michaelis Jr.-David Murillo Jr.-Roberto Arguello

Sr.-Nick Price Sr.-Jack Burns Jr.-Drew Brinda Sr.-Corey Oesch Jr.-Ryan Brinda Jr.-Jackson Toney So.- Eric Beneson All-District Teams Jr.-Grace Vowell Jr.-Cami Studebaker Sr.-Jackie Nichols So.-Kristen Racz Jr.-Madeline Guderian So.-Shay Johnson So.-Emma Jett Jr.-McKenna DeLong Jr.-Rachel Johnson Sr.-Riley Spudic 1st Team All State Fr.-Sarah Houchin 2nd Team All-State Jr.-Sarah King

Socks electing to take skills to preparatory school SHANNON MORGAN staff writer

Most seniors who are going to college for sports are choosing to go the conventional route of a four year university, but there are some going on a different path. Among them is Coppell High School senior forward Simi Socks, who has decided to play basketball at a preparatory school before attending a college. “I’m choosing to go to a preparatory school for one year to mature as a player and get my recruiting level up,” Socks said. Socks has not made a decision on which school he is attending yet, but he has narrowed it down to two choices: Bridgton Academy in Maine and The Hun School of Princeton in New Jersey. “The deciding factor [in choosing a school] will probably be where I’ll get the most exposure to other colleges,” Socks said. Both of these schools are considered preparatory, with a minor difference. The Hun School of Princeton is only postgraduate, which means only high school graduates are allowed to attend. While Bridgton Academy is a post-grad school, it is a high

school as well. “Those are the best schools that I’ve heard about from coaches that have recruited me, and coaches that wanted me to go to their schools,” Socks said. When a post-grad goes to a preparatory school, it is usually to continue their education in either academics sports, or in some cases, both. Socks will be going for basketball, where he hopes to spend a year growing as a player and advancing in his skills. “It excites me. I think it’s a decision that will help him meet his goals,” Coppell boys basketball coach Kit Pehl said. “His goal is to be a division one basketball player, and [prep] will help him meet them. It will get him where he wants to go.” Socks also wants to become more mature academically and athletically, and he believes spending a year at a prep school rather than a college will provide him what he needs to achieve this goal. “With a prep scenario you have the opportunity to get stronger and work on your game, almost exclusively,” Pehl said. “Typically if you’re already a qualified athlete you, academically, are only doing SAT and ACT prep.

So it really lets you concentrate on your game, and it will just give him a year to mature physically and that’s obviously a bonus for him. And [Socks] will not lose a year of eligibility, so it’s a winwin.” Senior Landon Goesling, who has played alongside Socks for two years on varsity, thinks a prep school for Socks is a good choice. “The prep route will give [Socks] a year to adapt to the college level,” Goesling said. “Wherever he decides to go I know he’ll do great because of his dedication and hard work, and I’m happy for him. Hopefully being there for one year will open up bigger opportunities, which I know he’s going for.” While Bridgeton and The Hun School both have their pros and cons, in the end Socks will decide which school he believes is best for him, and which school will lay out his future the way he wants it. “My coach supports my decision [to go to a prep school]. He wants whatever I feel comfortable with, and he’s always got my back,” Socks said. “My parents just want me to be happy, and will support me in whatever I do.”

Senior Simi Socks played forward for the Coppell Cowboys during the 2013-14 season. Photos by Sandy Iyer and Alyssa Frost.

Trinity University welcomes three CHS athletes A L E X D A L T O N staff writer

Photo by Elizabeth Sims

Photo by Shannon Wilkinson

Photo by Sandy Iyer Seniors George Fairchild (top left), Kellen Reid (top right) and Chris Madden (bottom) will attend Trinity University and join their athletics department.

As a senior attempting to gain acceptance into a good college with the intentions of a sport, the competition can rattle the brains of even the toughest champions. Three senior boys have braved through the hard challenges for the ultimate payoff of getting to play their sport at the school of their choice. Senior soccer players Kellen Reid and Chris Madden will be heading to Trinity University in San Antonio to add to their soccer team. Reid and Madden have won three district championships, two regional championships, won a state championship and followed it up with another state final appearance this year. They were given the option of large schools, but they ended up picking Trinity for its championship-winning soccer record. Varsity soccer coach Chad Rakestraw is happy to be seeing them attend such a academically and athletically renowned school, but is not shocked in the least. “What sets them apart from most top players is their character; they are great leaders for their team, school and community. Their friendship is great, they have

played together for a really long time and that is huge for chemistry on the field,” Rakestraw said. “They are getting a combo of two of the best players in the state of Texas, and they will be great for Trinity. They will really enjoy the experience, and having each other to lean on will be greatly beneficial.” Reid plans on focusing on academics, possibly majoring in business. He still maintains soccer is something he wants to play for as long as possible because he has grown comfortable with commitment and hardwork. “Talking to some older players that I’ve played with and some of the players at Trinity told me how much they enjoyed it. Soccer has been a large part of my life and I wanted to continue playing in college,” Reid said. “Playing both club and high school demands a lot of practices and games, just as the college level does. Playing both of these at the same time contributed to my preparation and I’m excited to still play with Chris because we’ve been playing together for 10 years.” Senior George Fairchild will be enduring those physical pressures, but as a part of the cross country team. “I’m excited for college because Trinity is so great academ-

ically and athletically, I will be improving as an athlete,” Fairchild said. “With all of the intense workouts and no nonsense policy for cross country at CHS, I know that I will be able to adapt with the speed of Trinity.” Cross country coach Roxanne Farris agrees Fairchild will be a hit at Trinity due to it being a small school that is still competitive, but maintains that he will have to fight to stay there. “George is so purpose driven, that with work ethic that is instilled in him he won’t take a day off because he knows what his goal is,” Farris said. “If you’re going to run at college, you have to stay focused otherwise you might not get asked back, but I think if he’s serious it is absolutely achievable.” Although the workload can be stressful, Fairchild knows what is expected of him. “I’m not just going to let this opportunity fly past me. Being an athlete, you have a lot more resting on your shoulders,” Fairchild said. “But I am ready for the responsibility because I am not going to be average.” With the big opportunity in front of these CHS students, there are no plans to misrepresent their beloved school.

sports 23

The Sidekick is proud to recognize this year’s retiring teachers and administrators as the May Teacher of the Issue. As of May 14,assistant principal Sherri Hankins, art teacher Monica Winters and chemistry teacher Bob White have all announced their retirement. These teachers have transformed education at the high school and have touched the lives of many students who have attended CHS. Though their careers at CHS are coming to an end, the legacy they are leaving will stay at CHS forever. Thank you retiring teachers for all that you have done to impact students over the years.

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