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Jain’s business savvy paying o as DECA VP

Ishana Sharma Staf Writer @CHSCampusNews

Senior Executive Vice President Vrishti Jain has been in Coppell High School’s DECA chapter since her Freshman year with this year being her fourth and final year.


Inspired by her sister Aditi Jain, a 2018 CHS graduate, Jain decided that she too would take up a career in the business pathway.

“I knew that I wanted to go into the business endorsement, and that I wanted to see how competition would work, especially how I can use my skills and my experience to create a project,” Jain said. “My sister made DECA Internationals so I wanted to follow in her footsteps and see how far I could go.”

As Senior Executive Vice President, Jain inputs data for all the major items, and implements, which means monitoring and adjusting plans. The executive vice presidents report to Jain, who works with the president, Tavishka Arora and the CEO, Dilan Patel to make decisions and regulate those concerns.

“A lot falls on Vrishti to work on administrative duties and to take care of the day-to-day items of the chapter from working on financial documents of who’s paid for what items to registration and other administrative duties as well as delegating other items to other departments in

DECA,” DECA sponsor Richard Chamberlain said.

Being vice president comes with challenging responsibilities, but Jain handles them gracefully.

“She is very dependable and organized,” senior DECA President Tavishka Arora said “She is the person that checks their email the most and responds very quickly, so sheis the frst person to get onto tasks which is very nice.”

Jain’s passion and pride in DECA is refected in her actions as she does what is best for the organization as a whole, regardless of her title.

“She gets tasks accomplished,” Chamberlain said. “I was so impressed with her willingness to come work before the [DECA oficer] elections and before she had a title as an oficer, to show that it wasn’t about the title or being an oficial oficer. It was about doing the best thing for the chapter and accomplishing what was needed. I think her biggest strength is that I know that I can go to her for anything, from A to Z, one to infnity, and that she will hop right on it and get it accomplished at the highest levels.”

Jain displays other leadership qualities apart from her known dependability.

“She’s very systematic and an easy person to get along with,” senior DECA Written Event Coordinator Nischintha Srinivasan said. “She is very determined to fnish a task, but at the same time she is not strict.” senior DECA oficer Nischintha Srinivasan said.

Being the Vice President comes with the thrill of playing a key role in the organization, but Jain still enjoys the other aspects of being in DECA.

“I look forward to just collaborating with like-minded people and having conversations about growing up as seniors, and going from freshman year to now, and working alongside each other and having these memories,” Jain said. “I enjoy going in and knowing that what I am doing is helping and afecting such a large number of people.”

In addition to creating cherishable memories and special bonds with her fellow team members, the DECA experience for Jain has taught her how to deal with business issues and learn new information as one would in the real world.

“You have to learn how to deal with rejections and failures from companies, and you have to learn how to problem solve with diferent areas,” Jain said. “You are learning about issues that exist within a company that you have to work around, and you really have to improvise. That has taught me how to deal with issues and setbacks.”

Jain participated in the International Career Development Conference (ICDC), a worldwide DECA conference at the highest level, in her sophomore and junior years of high school. In this competition, there are about seven countries as well as 10,000 other members from the nation who are competing.

“The actual experience of going to internationals in person is so much more of a learning curve because you are learning to live with the people who you are rooming with,” Jain said. “It can be daunting, but it’s really fun when you go to a different city because it’s also reaping the rewards of what you’ve been working towards the entire year.”

After high school, Jain has ambitious plans of diving further into the world of business by starting up new initiatives that can help numerous people.

“I want to help others and create a service for others that could possibly beneft a large number of people, just like how we do in DECA as well,” Jain said. “I want to go toward the more philanthropic side of [business] as well with whatever profts I make or whatever rewards I reap from it. I want to make sure that’s helping a cause that is underprivileged and doesn’t have that much of a voice.”

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