4 minute read

Sreehitha Moravaneni

Since August of 2020, there has been a quiet yet powerful force within the Sidekick: one that I have had the pleasure of knowing as a colleague ,but more importantly as a family friend. I can attest to her unparalleled capacity to meticulously yet joyously craft chocolate truffles topped in oreo crumbs with ease, and I too can admit that I have eaten one too many of them. It’s easy for me to joke with and around Sreehitha. Perhaps it is because of her light attitude that knows when to be serious but loves to also have a good time.

Sreehitha tells stories with intention shouldering each word she puts on the page. In detailing former Coppell High School tennis coach Anthony Smith or examining the return of retro culture amongst teens, Moravaneni does her due diligence, and, as a result, I am entranced.


That is precisely the effect she has on her audience, her friends and her family alike. Her bubbly ever-positive attitude is a light in any room, leaving an indelible mark on everyone she and her stories touch. I am proud to say that I am just one of those very people.

- Student Life Editor Shrayes Gunna

Torie Peck

With a Zach Bryan and Taylor Swift playlist on shuffle and a Canes meal in hand, Torie and I drive around Coppell, ranting about what we thought at the time was the end of the world. If not that, we are colorguard rehearsals or covering a sporting event. But no matter what we’re doing, we always found a way to make it fun.

I got to watch Torie flourish into a wonderful friend as well as a great writer with a love for sports. I remember how excited she would get about finding a unique story angle and how that excitement would turn into fuel for a fabulous story. Not only was it wholesome to watch her work, but it also made me more excited about taking photos and making excellent products. I envy her ability to crank out a story within an hour and I’m going to miss our expressive and spirited conversations.

Torie, you have made high school worthwhile and I am absolutely positive that with your drive and work ethic you will thrive at Texas A&M. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors and I’m excited to experience all the great things you will do.

Last October, Shreya and I were tasked with covering a football game at Plano West. We were both nervous as it was both of our first football coverage assignments. It didn’t help that, at first, we went to the wrong location. Immediately, we ran to my car, punched in the correct address and went on a frantic drive with just minutes to spare before kickoff.

It was during that game, however, that we bonded, both as friends and as a coverage team. We signed up to cover many more games together, with moments equally as stupid and fun as the first.

From time to time, we would even switch roles, and I’ve been able to see her grow into an incredible sports writer. However, this never surprised me. Shreya isn’t just someone who’ll back down from a challenge, but one who actively seeks it out with the intention of excelling at it. It’s the reason why she’s one of the most talented and consistent photographers on staff. You’d be hard pressed to scroll through the homepage of coppellstudentmedia.com without finding at least one of Shreya’s photos prominently displayed.

But Shreya’s most important trait is that she’ll be there when you need her. Whether it’s advice about something, a last-minute ride somewhere or just being there to talk to while walking to lunch when you’re “feeling tired” over absolutely nothing (a recurring conversation starter for us). Shreya is there with her sarcastic, yet somehow simultaneously genuine, demeanor. It’s this quality of hers that has taken The Sidekick to great heights and has given me some of the most memorable moments of my senior year.

Thank you, Shreya, for always being there—to capture a moment, and to make a moment.

- Executive Design/Interactive Editor

Araceli Reynoso

Srihari Yechangunja

Araceli and I met on our first day on The Sidekick, both of us nervous about being two of the three first-year members in the entire class. However, our worries faded quick as our friendship grew quicker.

Throughout the year, I was able to experience the things that make up Araceli. She is strong, steadfast, down-to-earth and most importantly a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. Her grounding presence and everlasting affability has helped me feel at peace even in the most stressful situations. From traversing PetSmart during our Person, Place or Thing assignment, to covering the community tailgate together, I saw not only she is a great friend, but also a great journalist.

Something that will always stick with me is when Araceli spent a good 10 minutes in our hotel room at ILPC explaining the rules of football to me. Though it was a small moment, it felt big because of how determined she was to make sure I understood everything (I still don’t). That is the thing about Araceli; she doesn’t give up.

So, thank you Araceli for being there.

- Staff Writer Sahasra Chakilam

BetsyprogramKrenek director

“My favorite part of KCBY-TV has been the people. I love spending time with them and it is always a lot of fun. We have our own community. KCBY has given me the opportunity to grow into who I am as a person while giving me more confidence and leadership skills.”

“My favorite part of KCBY-TV is having class with my best friends and favorite teacher for almost three hours every day. We have fostered such great relationships by being together and sharing a passion.”

“My favorite part of KCBY has been the opportunities forwarded to me in the sense of being able to tackle our own projects and spaces within the program. We have been given so much freedom in terms of what stories we tackle. I reside in the special features section as director, which has given me free reign over what I express and allowed me to have fun.”

“KCBY-TV has helped me learn time management skills and how to maintain a good work ethic.”

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