1 minute read
MSU Presidential Candidate Platform Overview: Sam Abbot
Kate O’Melia News Reporter
cw: mentions of sexual assault support the eventual return of the Maroons, but only if there is a shift in the culture of the organization during its hiatus.
Sam Abbott is a second-year environmental science student running for the role of the McMaster Students Union president.
In an email to the Silhouette, Abbott stated that his three-pillar platform aims to increase student engagement with the MSU, address issues with MSU Maroons and increase the quality of the student experience at McMaster University.
Abbot stated that his three pillar platform aims to increase student engagement with the MSU, address issues with Maroons and increase the quality of the student experience.
In his email, Abbott described his campaign as not very serious and based on a joke between friends; however, he also stated that he is passionate about solving issues on campus.
Abbott plans to accomplish his frst platform point, increasing student engagement with the MSU, by providing more money to MSU clubs. He believes that extracurricular involvement leads to more balanced lifestyles and positive university experiences.
The third pillar of Abbott’s platform focuses on increasing the quality of service provided by the university. He aims to achieve this by advocating for a pedestrian-focused campus, amplifying student voices on the university planning committee and working with McMaster to bott’s platform, visit his Instagram profle.
Abbot stated
Voting for the MSU presidential election takes place from Jan. 24 to Jan. 26 using the Simply Voting platform and more information about the election can be found on the MSU Elections website.
Abbott’s second platform point is to address issues with the MSU Maroons, specifcially those related to the allegations of sexual assault that came to light in 2018. To accomplish this platform point, if elected Abbott stated that he plans to remove the MSU Maroons from campus events. He also said he would