Work From Home Better: 10 Steps To Help You

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10 Steps To Help You Work From Home Better

Working from home is becoming more and more common place. Whether this is stuffing envelopes, proof reading or as an e-business the number of people working from home is growing with people’s needs for flexibility. When you first attempt working from home you can find that you get distracted and struggle to get what you want done. Here are 10 steps to getting you started and ensuring your success as soon as possible: Step one - Create a work space This does not have to be an office. After all, this is one of the things you are trying to get away from right? Look at this as a designated area where you can focus. Take this away from your distractions (TV, kids, music). Create an area that enables you to get into the right frame of mind. Step two – Identify a work schedule We all have times when we work well and when you don’t. Make sure you are as productive as possible by structuring your day around when you are naturally productive. Identify time slots (say, an hour) and put them into a physical schedule. Most importantly – stick to it!! This allows more scheduled time off to do the things you want to do. Step three – Explain to your loved ones Share what you are doing with your friends and family. This ensures that they know when it is time to play or time to knuckle down and work. Otherwise, they may expect other things from you - chores or favours. Help them to help you by explaining what is happening in your life. Step four - Make your ‘To Do’ List ‘To Do’ lists allow you to prioritise and focus on the tasks that you HAVE to do. Create a list of all the things you need ‘To Do’. Afterwards, prioritise them to create an order to work through them. This is simple stuff but effective. This is exactly what you need when you work from home. Step five – Set some targets By now you know what you need to complete (In your ‘To do’ list) and how long you are working for (through your schedule). Now set yourself some targets for the day, week or even month. This will help you stay focused on the task in hand and make the long road to success seem more achievable if they are in bite size chunks. Step six – Know when your breaks are Ovid said “Take rest; A field that has rested gives a beautiful crop”. Having plenty of rest is a great way of making sure that you stay in tip top condition when you are working. This allows you to be more productive when you work from home. It also focuses your mind if we break things into smaller ‘bite-size’ chunks. Step seven - Don’t quit if it gets too hard We all have those days when it gets on top of us. When you work from home it is easy to throw in the towel for the day thinking ‘I’ll work extra hard tomorrow’. Refocus on what you need to do by taking a break. Once your done get straight back on that task. To be successful you need to keep going.

Step eight - Track your progress Make sure you know how you are doing. Give yourself regular appraisals when you work from home. You are your boss and the employee so be honest so that you can make the changes going forward to make it better in the future. Look at the targets you have set and identify whether you are on target or not. If not, adjust your schedule or your expectations. Step nine - Stay positive When you feel down or are not as productive as normal try and pick yourself up. Working from home can be rewarding but also hard. Use some inspirational music, cds or poetry to get you refocused. Personally, I use quotes from famous, successful people. It helps me realise where I want to be and stops me feeling sorry for myself. Step ten - Once you’re done, you’re done! When you finish for the day don’t go back to your work. Use the time to relax and refocus your energies. Use the time you have scheduled to do work and the rest as free time. Write anything down on a pad and come back to it tomorrow in your ‘work’ frame of mind.

Jon-Marc Spatcher an internet worked hisdaunting way up the financial When you work fromishome it is themarketer start to aand newmentor. era. It isHe exciting and at the same services time. The more corporate ladder before deciding that it was no longer for him he set up his own online business. Since help you get to guide you through the many challenges the better. I hope these steps help you on your way this life changing decision he has ‘worked’ from home trying to inspire and educate others to leverage the through this exciting and rewarding journey. power of the internet and generate traffic and income to achieve their own success. Jon-Marc enjoys socialising, football, golf and generally any sport going. He is a keen networker and enjoys the simple delights of family and friends. Most of all, he believes in positivity and living life to the full. For a FREE 7 DAY BOOTCAMP visit Jon-Marc's website where you can receive a free set of video marketing tips which will show you how to market on the internet and improve your chances of online success. This will also give you unique access to all his latest blog posts. Alternatively, catch up with his previous posts here.

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