Fresh Start Issue 3

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AUTUMN Activities


It’s a great time to get out and about and increase your activity levels.

s b l 9 t s 6 “I lost ng” i d d e w y m before g Success in m m li S s s’ e c n ra F Read

Fake Away Recipes Try our fantastic takeaway alternatives


The Hidden Benefits SS OF WEIGHT LO

FOLLOW US Facebook: TheSlimmingClinicUK Twitter: TheSlimClinic Instagram: TheSlimClinic

WELCOME to issue 3 of Fresh Start Magazine. Summer has officially been and gone and in this issue of Fresh Start magazine, we’re welcoming Autumn! Autumn has to be the best season for getting back on track with your weight loss journey in readiness for the festive season, where, let’s face it, things can sometimes go a little awry when it comes to diets! With that in mind, we have some fab ideas to keep you motivated as the months cool down and nights draw in. As the stifling heat of summer passes, getting active during September and October becomes much easier and we’ve got a great array of autumnal activities on pages 12 & 13 to help you get moving. We’re also giving you an insight into what happens at one of our weight loss consultations with helpful information from our medical experts to help ease any nerves you might have about coming into clinic - pages 16 & 17. If you’re curious about exactly how our appetite suppressant medication works, on pages 18 & 19 you’ll find some FAQs answered by our Medical Director to help understand how they can help you with your weight loss journey. We also have fab ideas for dieting with your family (24 & 25), recipes to rival your favourite takeaways (26 & 27) and how to handle setbacks on your journey (38 & 39). And if you know any men who want to slim with us, we have some incredible inspiration and tips to help get them underway on their journey. All this is alongside our usual mix of brilliant transformation stories, information fact sheets and competitions.

Happy reading

h a n Han

Fresh Start Editor


“We lost 14st 11lbs” Amanda & Lorraine



FIND OUT how you can make the most of your slimming journey with us and ensure it is a success!

SAMMY’S CONFIDENCE and self-esteem is soaring after her weight loss journey. Read her inspirational story and find out what it was that spurred her on to make the change!



STACIE TELLS US how she lost a fabulous 1st 4lbs with her local clinic in Crawley and how it’s changed her life.

FINDING IT HARD to diet with friends and family who aren’t on the same journey? Keep yourself on track with our advice.



EVER WONDERED what your body shape means for your health and wellbeing? We’ve got more info on the health repercussions of your physique.

MISSING YOUR favourite take-out foods? Been craving something for a little while? Satisfy your urges with our recipes that contain much fewer calories.



GET THE LOW-DOWN on our brand-new treatment plans! Designed to give you the best chance to lose weight – for good!

ONE OF the hardest parts of a weight loss journey can be dealing with cravings. Make sure you get on top of those needs with 5 top tips on how to handle them.



GET MOVING this autumn with helpful hints and ideas on activities for you and your loved ones, no matter your fitness levels!

OUR COVER STAR, Frances, tells us how she lost a whopping 6st 9lbs for her big day and shares some of her beautiful wedding photos with us.



WE’RE GIVING you an insight into what happens at a weight loss consultation – find out what to expect when you come to see us in clinic.

FIND OUT how The Slimming Clinic has helped Sean and Michael lose almost 8 stone between them – slimming isn’t just for women!



DR JANE GLAZEBROOK answers your questions about our prescription medications. Find out exactly how they work from our medical expert.

A SLIMMING JOURNEY isn’t easy, but we’ve got ways to help you get over any mental hurdles you could be facing. Cut out our motivational quotes and pop them in places you will see for an extra little boost!



SAFE, EFFECTIVE & HEALTHY Weight loss solutions The Slimming Clinic is the largest medical weight loss group in the UK aiming to provide safe, effective and healthy weight loss solutions to our patients. All The Slimming Clinics are CQC registered and our doctors are all qualified, GMC registered and supported by caring, knowledgeable and friendly clinic staff. Our clinics are welcoming and encourage long-term lifestyle changes to promote health and wellbeing. Appetite suppressant medication is an effective addition to a calorie-controlled diet in helping you to lose weight. By reducing your appetite, the medication makes you feel fuller and less hungry thereby helping you to eat less food and consequently lose weight. After taking a medical history and a weight loss health check your The Slimming Clinic doctor will advise on the best medication and dose for you.

Am I overweight? THERE IS AN EASY WAY to find out whether you are obese or overweight. This is by working out your Body Mass Index (BMI). You can check your BMI by using our calculator on our website. If your BMI is over 30, you are classified as obese. You need to have a BMI of 27 or over for us to help you.

How does it work? MEDICAL SLIMMING TREATMENT includes a professional doctor consultation and discussion of medical history, prescription medication, a dieting and exercise plan alongside a weekly support programme.

Are slimming pills safe? OUR DOCTORS only prescribe safe and effective medication with a history of success to help achieve weight loss and treat obesity. All of our clinics are registered and regulated with the Care Quality Commission to ensure the highest standards of patient care. The Slimming Clinic has successfully helped hundreds of thousands of patients lose weight over the last 35 years.

It is important to remember that appetite suppressants are only part of your weight loss treatment. You still need to follow a healthy eating plan and increase your physical activity to reach your weight loss goals. Your The Slimming Clinic doctor will work with you to advise on a healthy way of eating that fits your lifestyle.

At The Slimming Clinic we offer a wide range of slimming treatments to help you on your weight loss journey. These include: • Appetite Suppressants • Xenical Fat Blockers • GZ12 • Chromium • Weight loss injections


To find out more about our treatments or to book a FREE consultation call us on 0800 917 9334

Your STEPS to


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FROM YOUR FIRST VISIT you will be assigned your own personal doctor who will discuss your weight concerns and design a personalised weight loss programme to suit your lifestyle. As part of your free 30 minute consultation the doctor will carry out a free weight loss health check on yourself, that will include: BMI Waist to hip ratio Body fat % Body water % Blood sugar Blood pressure Heart rate

STEP 1: Book your FREE weight loss consultation and health check

This health check will help the doctor decide which slimming programme is suitable for you. At The Slimming Clinic we offer a variety of slimming treatments including appetite suppressants, weight loss injections, Xenical and chromium. Once you have decided on the slimming treatment most suitable for you, you will meet with your doctor on a weekly basis for consultations, weigh-ins, examinations and constant support. In a survey of 947 patients, The Obesity Management Association found that those following a medical slimming programme lost 9% of their body weight in just 12 weeks. Research shows that constant support through doctor consultations is the most effective approach to weight loss and produces the best results.

STEP 2: 1-to-1 consultation with our resident doctor STEP 3: Agree a weight loss programme to suit your goals STEP 4: We encourage you to attend a weekly support appointment


STACIE’S STORY “I lost 1st 4lbs” WHY DID YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO LOSE WEIGHT? I HAD recently become engaged and bought a wedding dress that was very snug. I then over-indulged at Christmas and on various holidays and found my dress no longer fitted. I was very upset and didn’t want to get it made bigger, so I knew I had to do something.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR PREVIOUS WEIGHT LOSS EXPERIENCES. I HAVE probably tried every diet there is from weight loss groups, to tracking calories and drinking shakes. Sometimes these have worked when I have been strict, but I find it difficult to have the willpower to stick to it.


SLIMMER SUCCESS STORY HAVE YOU ALWAYS HAD A PROBLEM WITH YOUR WEIGHT, OR HAS IT BECOME A MORE RECENT ISSUE? I TEND to go up and down with my weight. I can be really healthy for a month but then I can be really bad. More recently I have got into a lot of unhealthy habits that have caused me to gain weight.

HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US AND WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO LOSE WEIGHT WITH THE SLIMMING CLINIC? MY MUM works at the Crawley clinic and a colleague of mine also attends. I have always thought I shouldn’t take pills for weight loss but after reading more about the clinic online and seeing the results of my colleague I thought I would give it a try.

WHAT HAS YOUR WEIGHT LOSS EXPERIENCE WITH THE SLIMMING CLINIC BEEN LIKE AND HOW HAVE THE STAFF HELPED YOU ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY? IT HAS been great. I have found no pressure to have to a certain amount of weight each week, it’s all at my own pace. I find that the staff are always very helpful and friendly, congratulating you when you have lost weight, which gives you even more reason to come back and continue trying hard!

WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY THINK OF YOUR WEIGHT LOSS ACHIEVEMENTS? MY FAMILY and friends think I have done really well and most people notice that I have lost weight without me mentioning it!


THE BEST thing about losing weight has been attending my wedding dress fitting to find my dream dress fits perfectly and seeing my photos after my wedding day. I am so proud I could achieve my goal weight in time for my big day. It was all thanks to the help of The Slimming Clinic.

HAVING lost weight I am feeling so much happier because I am able to wear nice things again that had been getting too uncomfortable. I was even confident enough to wear a bikini for the first time in years on my honeymoon. I am healthier in every way and sleep better too.


Starting weight: 12st

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Current weigh t:

10st 10lbs



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What does your body shape say about your health? WHILST IT is our genes, hormones and certain lifestyle factors that form our body shapes, where you carry your excess weight can tell you about your overall health.



People who are pear-shaped tend to have a lower risk of heart disease, especially for women. Storing your fat on your hips and thighs stops it gathering around your vital organs and causing long-term health issues. It means your liver is at less risk of gathering fat, which in turn protects against insulin resistance, which is a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease.


Consuming less fat and eating more foods with grains, cereals, beans and lentils.


Apple shapes tend to be the riskiest body shape. Apple shapes are linked to higher levels of liver fat and greater insulin resistance due to their weight being carried around their middle. Even if you are not considered obese, apple shapes still have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure due to where the fat gathers in their body.


Cutting back on heavy, simple carbs and basing meals around lean proteins like chicken, turkey or Quorn.


In general, the hourglass figure is considered to be the healthiest as they gain weight evenly all over their bodies. Hourglass figures have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, gallbladder and kidney disease, certain cancers, greater stress resistance and lower levels of depression.


Limiting processed foods such as sugar and caffeine and consuming more healthy fats like avocados, salmon and nuts.


Typically, most men are broad shouldered and chested and have narrow hips, this is due to the higher levels of the hormone, testosterone. The wedge shape shows less instances of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Building your lower body up with strength exercises and eating more protein from fish and poultry.




We want to ensure that every patient who walks into one of our clinics is given the best chance to succeed with their health and well-being goals.

This is why we’ve introduced our new CHANGE programme to clinics. The 3-month plan is aimed at supporting you for a longer period of time, giving you more structure to achieve your weight loss goal. Our Change programme comes with a host of amazing new benefits and support tools to make sure your journey keeps moving forward. Based on research and feedback among our patients, the Change programme is designed to reflect the fact that those who commit longer term to a weight loss programme have a greater chance of achieving their goals quicker and remaining motivated and driven.


Our Change package includes: 3-month treatment programme • Commitment to your weight loss journey will increase your chance of success Weekly appointments with doctor • To keep you on track and ensure you are getting the care and attention you deserve Up to 3 months of medication • Based on your requirements, the doctor will prescribe medication at your weekly appointments Motivational mindset support via The Slimming Clinic App Lite • BRAND NEW! Our new app gives you 24/7 access to like-minded patients on the same journey, as well as coaches who can help with any struggles you might be facing in between your clinic appointments Monthly supplement - GZ12 • EXCLUSIVE TO THE SLIMMING CLINIC – GZ12 is ONLY available through The Slimming Clinic and on our Change programme. It is used by The Slimming Clinic to help appetite control and weight loss in conjunction with a healthy nutrition and lifestyle programme Monthly supplement - Chromium • Chromium is a mineral that is considered essential, meaning we cannot make it in our bodies so it must be obtained from our diet. • Several studies have indicated that taking chromium supplements can help obesity by reducing food intake, hunger and cravings and reduce the frequency of binge eating episodes Body Composition Analysis monthly • Monthly comprehensive weigh ins on our body composition scales that measure areas such as body and water %, body fat % and much more – to help you see the changes outside of just your weight

The introduction of Change and Pay As You Slim programmes replaces our current pay weekly payment programme and gives you a better opportunity to reach the aims you came to us to accomplish in the first place. We will help you look better, feel better and achieve your dreams! For more information on Change come into clinic or call us on 0800 917 9334 *Treatment Programmes and prices may vary by clinic



Activities AUTUMN is a great time to get out and about and increase your activity levels. The days are cooler, and this means you can be out more without overheating or risk becoming really dehydrated.


Here are some easy ideas to get your movement up with seasonally appropriate activities!

Walks through woodland Who doesn’t love the colours of Autumn? Woodland walks are always a lovely pastime, but they seem extra special when the trees are changing colour and the sun is streaming through their branches. Pop on your wellies and a scarf and take your kids, partner, pets or friends out wandering.

Conker collecting and pumpkin picking Nothing screams Autumn in the UK like conkers and pumpkins. Head to your local park and pick a load of conkers (mind the prickles!) to freeze ready for conker fights. Or maybe you’ve grown out of conker fights and need something a bit more adult. Pumpkin patches are everywhere and carrying your newly acquired squash back to the car is great as a resistance and strength exercise. Bonus points for taking it home and get your arms working with some carving too!

Raking the leaves

We all know running is a brilliant way to get aerobic exercise into our lives, but it doesn’t come naturally to all of us. Luckily, there are lots of ways to get into running nowadays. Why not try out a ‘Couch to 5k’ programme that helps you to run 5km with its simple and effective approach to building up your stamina!

And if the nights become too cool or dark for outdoor activities, why not find something you can do inside, that you can continue during winter? Try out some indoor racket sports like badminton or squash, or if you’re looking for something less active, why not follow some online videos like yoga or pilates? Remember, activity doesn’t have to be strenuous all the time, a raised heartrate or a little added intensity is enough to get your movement levels up.

The beautiful reds and golds of the trees don’t just have to be viewed to be enjoyed. Pick up a rake and build a huge pile of leaves – if you’re feeling adventurous, why not try jumping in! Raking is a fantastic aerobic activity.

Couch to 5km

Find an indoor pursuit

Prep a bonfire Try chopping wood to build a solid base for your fire and gathering up your garden cuttings and trimmings to burn on it. Once it’s alight, why not satisfy your sweet tooth by toasting a couple of small marshmallows on it.

Pop on your wellies and a scarf and take your kids, partner, pets or friends out wandering.


NEW Hunger Buster

& Mineral Supplement • G lucomannan is the only herbal ingredient that has proven weight loss attributions with a European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) endorsement. It is a filling agent that absorbs water in the stomach to make you feel fuller and less hungry.

GZ12 GZ12 is a combined supplement of Glucomannan, zinc oxide and vitamin B12. It is used by The Slimming Clinic to help appetite control and weight loss in conjunction with a healthy nutrition and lifestyle programme.

• V itamin B12 contributes to normal energy levels which is vital when the patient is on a restricted diet. It is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce. • Z inc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism and the normal metabolism of fatty acids.

e to Exclusiv ing m m i l S e Th Clinic Where applicable, The Slimming Clinic advises patients to take 6 capsules per day spread out in three separate doses (2 capsules half an hour before breakfast, 2 capsules half an hour before lunch and 2 capsules half an hour before your evening meal).


CHROMIUM Chromium is a mineral that is considered essential, meaning we cannot make it in our bodies so it must be obtained from our diet. Chromium can be found in many foods including meat, potatoes (especially the skins), egg yolk, lentils, whole-grain bread, fresh fruit and vegetables especially broccoli and green beans. However, it is only found in very small amounts, can be affected by agricultural and manufacturing processes and is poorly absorbed in our digestive tract. Chromium helps the hormone insulin perform its actions in the body. Insulin, a hormone released by the pancreas, is necessary for your body’s metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Chromium deficiency impairs the body’s ability to use glucose to meet its energy needs and raises insulin requirements. Chromium deficient individuals may crave sweet food, suffer constant hunger pangs due to the fact glucose is being stored as fat. Several studies have indicated that taking chromium supplements can help: • O besity by reducing food intake, hunger and cravings and reduce the frequency of binge-eating episodes • G lucose intolerance by improving blood glucose control in those with type 2 diabetes or help control the glucose and insulin responses in those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. • Depression by improving the symptoms of low mood. Where applicable, The Slimming Clinic advises patients to take Chromium picolinate 200 microgram tablet once daily. Chromium picolinate is only part of your treatment program in conjunction with your personalised nutrition, exercise and lifestyle plan.


What happens at a

WEIGHT LOSS CONSULTATION WE KNOW that coming in for your first appointment at our clinics can be a big step and the apprehension of not knowing what will happen at your initial weight loss consultation can be a little daunting. We wanted to take away any of the worry you may be feeling and put your mind at rest about exactly what goes on! What will happen at my initial weight loss consultation? You will be welcomed by one of our brilliant clinic team and given a form for registering your details. Following that, you will meet The Slimming Clinic Doctor who will ask you more about you and any struggles you might be facing with your weight. The Doctor will ask you about your medical history and any other medication you may already be on. These questions will assess your suitability for our prescription medication and if you are suitable, they will give you more information about the medication recommended to help your weight loss journey and any side effects to look out for. Your Doctor will go into more detail about your individual weight loss journey and how your medication will be monitored as well as the diet and lifestyle changes they suggest to make the most of your time with The Slimming Clinic. Once you and your Doctor have discussed the best course of treatment, they will take you through a consent form and the benefits of informing your GP of your new treatment plan (although this is not mandatory) and prescribe your medication.

What will the doctor be checking during my consultation? During the consultation, your Doctor will be looking for any reasons you might not be suitable for treatment, such as medications that cannot be taken alongside appetite suppressants or any health-related issues. They will also measure your height and starting weight and use these to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) as well as a simple physical exam including an assessment of your heart and lung health.


How long is my consultation? Your initial consultation with The Slimming Clinic doctor will be around 30 minutes.

What will the doctor want to discuss with me at my consultation? The most important part of the consultation with your Doctor is to build trust and to ensure you are treated with respect and dignity. The Doctor will ask you about your weight struggles in the past and your reasons for joining The Slimming Clinic. They will enquire about any weight loss treatments you have tried in the past and how you got on with those methods, as well as any activity you may be doing. This will help them to build a bigger picture about you and enable them to build a treatment plan around you as an individual, rather than a generic plan. Following this conversation, the Doctor will discuss what being a patient at The Slimming Clinic entails, what the treatment plans are, what prescription medication options are available to you individually.

What do I need to bring to my first consultation? The most important thing to bring (apart from yourself!) is your photo identification. You can’t be seen at your initial weight loss consultation without it. It’s also helpful to The Slimming Clinic Doctor if you can bring a copy of an up to date prescription of any medication you currently take, any medical notes or doctor letters you feel may be relevant. However, this is not essential at your appointment.

What should I wear? It’s important that you are comfortable from your initial consultation with us. For your consultations, we recommend wearing light and loose clothing to ensure we get as accurate a measurement of you as possible. We do suggest that you avoid heavy jewellery, belts and watches and you should be prepared to remove your shoes and socks to be weighed on our scales.

What happens in future consultations? Following your initial weight loss consultation, you will come back to clinic weekly for an appointment with the Doctor. These follow up appointments are crucial to your weight loss journey as they allow us to track your progress and make amendments to your programme where necessary. Alongside a discussion with you about your week, the Doctor will weigh you and take any other measurements necessary. They will discuss the changes you’ve implemented to your lifestyle and how they have worked for you.

Didn’t find your question answered here? We are here to help – call a member of our friendly customer service team on

0800 917 9334

They can help with any questions you have about the medication and dispense your next prescription of your appetite suppressants.




Treatments Explained HAVE YOU ever wondered how our medication works? We asked Dr Jane Glazebrook, our Bournemouth clinic doctor to debunk some myths around our appetite suppressants and answer some FAQs from you about them.

HOW DO APPETITE SUPPRESSANT TABLETS WORK? PHENTERMINE AND DIETHYLPROPRION (our tablet medication) alter the release of chemical messengers within the appetite control centre of the brain called the hypothalamus, leading to appetite suppression and reduced hunger perception. You therefore have more control of your hunger, helping you to eat less food and thereby lose weight.

HOW DO SAXENDA INJECTIONS WORK? SAXENDA contains the active drug liraglutide which is similar to a naturally occurring hormone (GLP-1) that is released by the digestive system after eating. It works in a very similar way to our tablets by acting on receptors in the appetite control centre of the brain to help control your hunger. Additionally, Saxenda also delays the emptying of your stomach, so you feel fuller quicker and for longer periods of time.


Q&A with Dr Jane Glazebrook

HOW QUICKLY DOES THE MEDICATION TAKE EFFECT? YOU SHOULD feel the effects of the treatments from day one.

WILL THEY COMPLETELY SUPPRESS MY APPETITE? THEY ARE NOT prescribed to completely take away your appetite but to suppress/reduce it, so you have more control of your hunger and, therefore, diet. The medication is a tool to aid behaviour changes so you can concentrate on getting the right balance of the health and lifestyle changes necessary to lose weight for good.

Your clinic Doctor will advise you on the length of any medication treatment they prescribe throughout your weight loss journey. HOW LONG SHOULD I TAKE APPETITE SUPPRESSANTS FOR? THE LENGTH of appetite suppressant treatment is on a patient by patient basis. If you meet the criteria for appetite suppressant prescription, it can be a part of your treatment plan until you meet your target weight/healthy BMI. Your clinic Doctor will advise you on the length of any medication treatment they prescribe throughout your weight loss journey.

ARE THE APPETITE SUPPRESSANTS SCARY? MANY INDIVIDUALS are understandably apprehensive about medication for weight loss. However, by choosing to be a part of The Slimming Clinic you can be assured that your fully qualified clinic Doctor will fully guide you through your weight loss journey. They will only prescribe medication that is safe and effective for you. They will explain how the medication will help with your weight loss and any potential side effects you may experience. They will also monitor you closely throughout your weight loss journey to ensure you are getting the best and safest results.

Want to ask the doctor a question? email:



“I los 3st 7 t lbs”

Sammy’s reasons for joining The Slimming Clinic will be oh-so familiar with many of you. Finding that her confidence and self-esteem were at an all time low after seeing an unflattering photo of herself, with her goddaughter, Sammy knew she had to make a change.


rom a very young age I have always suffered with being overweight and I was also bullied a lot in school because of my weight. By the time I was in my mid-20s I was at my heaviest, weighing almost 20 stone. It was then I saw a picture of myself that was taken by my best friend whilst in the park with my goddaughter and it was my wake-up call. I looked uncomfortable in my own body and I barely recognised myself. It was that moment that I realised how unhappy I was and needed to make changes in my life, and quickly.


When it comes to dieting, I have good intentions and a clear mindset to reach a goal and I start off well, but then get easily persuaded to give in to my cravings. I then get bored and start to slump into my old habits of eating badly, binge-eating, large portions and quantities. I feel like I am always trying new diets and always trying to watch what I eat. I have tried many dieting solutions and supplements bought from high street chemists to aid my weight loss. Many were unsuccessful as they were not ideal for someone with a bigger appetite or heavy >

Sammy Support Worker

I realised how unhappy I was and needed to make changes in my life, and quickly


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For a very long time, food and smoking had a control over me, but now I can say I am the one in control > build and I constantly felt hungry, which made me give into my cravings and binge eat again. My main downfall was always my sweet tooth! Cakes and chocolate are a huge weakness of mine and I can’t just have one square or one slice of cake and end up eating the whole pack. As well as this, at my heaviest, I was also a smoker and had all the typical health issues that came with that.

The staff at the clinic all make me feel very comfortable and are always welcoming, friendly and I never feel judged. I found it very daunting when I first went in and it took a lot of courage to overcome my stubborn nature to get the help, so it was a huge step for me. I am so glad I took the step though as the staff were lovely and made me want to come back. I have now been with the clinic for three years and I have had my ups and downs, comfort eating at times, however the benefits are huge, and I have lost almost four stone as well as being able to give up smoking.

After my wake-up call, I was chatting to my friend about losing weight and they suggested I try The Slimming Clinic. I had always been apprehensive about taking tablets for weight loss, so I did some research into the products used by the clinics, the success stories and thought I had nothing to lose but the weight and so I booked an appointment!

My energy levels are much higher, and I can run around with my goddaughters and niece and nephew now. For a very long time, food and smoking had a control over me, but now I can say I am the one in control. Just like smoking – food is an addiction and I have to be strong-minded to say no and have the willpower to go for the healthier options and not give into cravings all the time.

Like all diets, it has its good days and bad days but I have finally found the diet that is working for me and seeing someone face-to-face regularly who wanted to help and listened, in a discreet environment, had a huge positive impact to my mindset and will to want to lose weight.

st 4lbs

Current weight: 16


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Weight loss injection Saxenda® is a weight loss treatment containing the medication liraglutide. Saxenda® offers effective and reliable weight loss by controlling appetite, curbing hunger and reducing cravings for sweet and fatty foods. The Saxenda® injection works by acting on receptors in the appetite control centre of the brain making you feel fuller and less hungry. By reducing your appetite Saxenda® will help you keep to a calorie-controlled diet and achieve your weight loss goals. Medical studies have shown patients treated with Saxenda® achieve significantly more weight loss and maintain that loss compared to patients dieting alone. Saxenda® is very similar to a naturally occurring hormone in the body that the intestine releases after eating and therefore has minimal side-effects and strain on the body. Through the weight loss achieved, it can help to improve any weight-related health issues you may have.

“I lost 6st” Lisa

How does Saxenda® work? SAXENDA® IS a daily injection of the medication liraglutide that reduces appetite by working on receptors in the appetite centre of the brain.

How is Saxenda® administered? YOU WILL receive a pre-filled injection pen for you to inject yourself daily. Your doctor will teach you how to do this on your initial appointment. The best places to inject in are your stomach, the front of your thigh or upper arm.

Is Saxenda® safe? SAXENDA® IS a UK licensed and FDA-approved prescription only medication, only prescribed by doctors in CQC-registered clinics.

What are the side-effects of Saxenda®? THERE ARE MINIMAL side-effects, which usually settle within the first weeks of treatment if they occur. Your doctor will be able to help you manage these if they occur.

Do I still need to diet if I’m using Saxenda®? YES, Saxenda® is an aid to help you reduce your calorie intake. You still need to follow a healthy eating plan and increase your physical activity.

I have lost 15lbs in four weeks on Saxenda! The most I have ever lost on any diet plan. Absolutely delighted. On the whole Saxenda has helped me make good food choices. The Slimming Clinic in Southampton are fab A*!

To find out more about our treatments or to book a FREE consultation call us on 0800 917 9334 22

e d i u G y d A Han e z i S n o i t to Por ONE IN THREE people say they find it difficult to measure their portion sizes and, because of this, they are often over-eating. For so many of our patients, this is a major cause of their weight gain. Take the hassle out of working out your servings for each meal by using The Slimming Clinic’s guide. Find out how you can keep your portions under control by measuring your servings with just your hands.




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HOW TO DIET WITH FRIENDS & FAMILY PICTURE THIS, you’ve taken the big step to embark on your weight loss journey with The Slimming Clinic, you’re motivated, know your goals and are ready to lose weight and improve your health for good. Only for it to then be scuppered by friends or family who aren’t taking your journey as seriously as you.

We know that friends and family have great intentions, but sometimes, they can cause unnecessary stress and temptation when we are trying to be good. Your closest network has a big impact on your lifestyle, so if they aren’t following the same plan, it can influence how quickly you achieve your desired results. Whilst you can’t force your friends and family to take up the same journey as you, what you can do is make your intentions clear and ask for their support along the way.


Try creating a meal plan

We know that friends and family have great intentions, but sometimes, they can cause unnecessary stress and temptation when we are trying to be good

Here are some ways to get your nearest and dearest on-board with your new lifestyle! SPEAKING TO THEM and telling them of your intentions is key to losing weight! Letting friends, family, colleagues, know that buying you treats or trying to persuade you to have that pudding at dinner isn’t helpful for your new lifestyle changes. Being open with them will show them how serious you are about your health and wellbeing. MEAL PLANNING is a hugely effective way to stay on track. If you’re not the main chef in the house, creating a meal plan will ensure you know what you’re having to eat each day. Planning what you’re eating reduces the risk of getting to 5pm each day and wondering what you’re going to have for dinner and the temptation to simply buy a takeaway for ease. PICK UP a chalkboard meal planner in a communal space and plot in every day so there are no excuses for anyone at home not to know what’s on the menu!


HIDING THE HIGH calorie, fattening foods is great way to avoid temptation. So, whilst your loved ones might not be on the same journey, getting them to put anything that might cause you to veer off track in a cupboard out of reach, or hidden in the house can make it easier to keep up your good work. INVOLVING THEM in your journey and getting them to come out and about with you during activities will show them the effort you are taking over your journey. Once they see how much hard work you are putting into your new lifestyle, they will get an appreciation for what it is you want to achieve! What’s more, if friends and family see your weight melting away on your journey, they might even accompany you on it. Whether they have a lot or little weight to lose themselves, they can definitely benefit from a healthier lifestyle and eating plan. IF YOU are finding it hard to stay on track around loved ones, make sure you are coming to clinic every week for support and encouragement from our wonderful clinic staff and doctor. Check out our Weekly Meal Planner on page 31


Fake Away Recipes HOW OFTEN do you get to a Friday or Saturday night and think, “I want a takeaway?” The temptation to head to the local chippy or curry house can sometimes be overbearing, especially if you’re trying to keep to a healthier eating plan. Whilst it’s absolutely OK to indulge in a takeaway or two once in a while, for those times you really want to be angelic, we’ve got some quick and easy recipes that are bound to rival your favourite take-out, but for a fraction of the calories.


Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 20 Mins


Serves 6 388 calories per serving

1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling 1 red onion, finely chopped 500g lean minced beef or turkey 1 egg 12 cream crackers, bashed to fine crumbs 2 tsp chilli paste 2 tsp garlic paste 1 tsp each, tomato ketchup and brown sauce 2 tbsp plain flour 6 hamburger rolls, toasted, to serve

1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for about 5 mins or until soft. Leave to cool slightly. When cool, put the onion in a large bowl with the mince, egg, bashed crackers, chilli, garlic, ketchup and brown sauce, and mix well to combine. Divide the mince into 6, roll into balls and flatten each into a nice fat burger. 2. Put the flour on a plate, dab each burger to the flour on both sides, then transfer to a baking tray. Wrap with cling film and pop in the fridge for a couple of hours. 3. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6, drizzle the burgers with a little olive oil and put them in the oven to cook with the wedges for the remaining 20-30 mins, flipping them halfway. Why not try serving with some sweet potato fries as a healthier replacement for regular chips?


450g potatoes, peeled and cut into chips 1 tbsp olive oil, plus a little extra for brushing 2 white fish fillets about 140g/5oz each 1 lemon, grated zest and juice Parsley leaves, a small handful chopped 1 tbsp capers, chopped 2 heaped tbsp 0% Greek yogurt A lemon wedge, to serve

Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: 40 Mins Serves 2 373 calories per serving

1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Toss chips in oil. Spread over a baking sheet in an even layer, bake for 40 mins until browned and crisp. Put the fish in a shallow dish, brush lightly with oil, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with half the lemon juice, bake for 12-15 mins. After 10 mins sprinkle over a little parsley and lemon zest to finish cooking. 2. Meanwhile, mix the capers, yogurt, remaining parsley and lemon juice together, set aside and season if you wish. To serve, divide the chips between plates, lift the fish onto the plates and serve with a spoonful of yogurt mix.



Serves 2 479 calories per serving

Prep Time: 20 Mins

Prep Time: 15 Mins

Cook Time: 12 Mins

Cook Time: 20 Mins

100g each strong white and strong wholewheat flour 1 tsp or 7g sachet easy-blend dried yeast 125ml warm water For the topping 200g can chopped tomato, juice drained Handful cherry tomatoes, halved 1 large courgette, thinly sliced using a peeler 25g mozzarella, torn into pieces 1 tsp capers in brine, drained 8 green olives, roughly chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 1 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp chopped parsley, to serve 1. Mix the flours and yeast with a pinch of salt in a food processor fitted with a dough blade. Pour in the water and mix to a soft dough, then work for 1 min. Remove the dough and roll out on a lightly floured surface to a round about 30cm across. Lift onto an oiled baking sheet. 2. Spread the canned tomatoes over the dough to within 2cm of the edges. Arrange the cherry tomatoes and courgettes over the top, then scatter with the mozzarella. Mix the capers, olives and garlic, then scatter over the top. Drizzle evenly with the oil. Leave to rise for 20 mins. Heat oven to 240C/ fan 220C/gas 9 or the highest setting. 3. Bake the pizza for 10-12 mins until crisp and golden around the edges. Scatter with the parsley to serve.

Serves 4 234 calories per serving

150g pot low-fat natural yogurt 2 tbsp hot curry paste 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed 250g pack cherry tomatoes 4 wholemeal chapatis, warmed, to serve For the cucumber salad ½ cucumber, halved lengthways, deseeded and sliced 1 red onion, thinly sliced handful chopped coriander leaves 1 lemon juice 50g pack lamb’s lettuce or pea shoots 1. Put 8 wooden skewers in a bowl of water to soak. Mix the yogurt and curry paste together in a bowl, then add the chicken (if you have time, marinate for an hr or so). In a large bowl, toss together the cucumber, red onion, coriander and lemon juice. Chill until ready to serve. 2. Shake off any excess marinade, then thread the chicken pieces and cherry tomatoes onto the pre-soaked skewers. Cook under a medium grill for 15-20 mins, turning from time to time, until cooked through and nicely browned. 3. Stir the lettuce or pea shoots into the salad, then divide between 4 plates. Top each serving with 2 chicken tikka skewers and serve with the warm chapatis.

? help combat cravings to s ea id k ac sn r fo g Lookin nd out more… Turn to page 29 to fi 27

1. Keep Distracted



! S G N I CRAV CRAVINGS ARE a dieting nightmare. You’ve had your meal, but you’re still feeling the need for something, or maybe you’re between meals needing a snack to tide you over? The intense desires we feel for specific foods are stronger than normal hunger and tend to be for high-fat, junk food that we don’t need. Here are some ideas on how to get those urges under control!


How many times have you been guilty of snacking because you’re bored and you’ve nothing better to do? Making sure you are distracted with work, calling a friend, doing bits around the house or even a small activity break can help your mind ignore the temptation of taking treats.

2. Drink More Oftentimes, the need to eat is related to increased thirst. If you find yourself feeling hungry, think about the last time you had a drink. Increasing your intake of decaffeinated drinks can act as a natural appetite suppressant, so before you reach for the snack cupboard, try drinking a glass of water and seeing how you feel after. The water is likely to fill you up and decrease the need to eat.


3. Sleep Well

Done Well

Sleep has a huge impact on your cravings. Not getting enough can lead to fluctuations in your appetite regulation and increase your need for high-sugar, highsalt junk foods. Making sure you are getting a regular 6 – 9 hours of sleep each night will help keep those urges at bay.

4. Eat Your Meals When embarking on a healthy eating routine and looking to reduce calorie intake, it can be tempting to skip meals, but this can prove to be very detrimental to your weight loss journey.

DESPITE OUR best efforts, sometimes our cravings and need for snacks can be overwhelming. So, when you still feel the need for something, why not try out these ideas before reaching for the high-calorie options? 3 tbsp reduced-fat hummus and carrot sticks 3 rye crispbreads with 1tbsp of reduced-fat soft cheese

Making sure you are having your three meals a day can reduce the need to snack between them and if you do still need to snack, it can help you make more informed decisions about the snacks you are having.

1 cup of lowcalorie instant hot chocolate 3 mugs of air-popped plain popcorn

5. Think long-term

5 tbsp tzatziki and cucumber sticks

When you are fighting the need for something highfat or high-sugar, take the time to think about if you REALLY need it.

8 tbsp of salsa and sliced peppers

Sometimes we snack on autopilot, but consciously taking the time to consider the want versus the need of whatever you are craving can help with reducing the urge to eat it. Before you snack, ask yourself these questions and then decide if you still want it:

1 pot of low-fat yoghurt and a few almonds or 2 handfuls of blueberries

• Am I truly hungry? • Do I need the snack? • How will I feel once I’ve eaten it? • How will it affect my weight loss journey?

1 thin slice wholemeal toast with 1 tsp of peanut butter






INGREDIENTS 1 head of broccoli, chopped into florets 1 garlic clove, unpeeled 2 tbsp olive oil 250g pasta shells ½ small pack parsley ½ small pack basil 30g toasted pine nuts ½ lemon, zested and juiced 30g parmesan(or vegetarian alternative), plus extra to serve


WITH THE end of the summer holidays here, it can be hard to readjust to the school routine and as life gets busy, meal planning, prep and healthy eating can fall by the wayside. Finding time to get a home-cooked meal on the table can be more of a challenge but luckily, we’ve got some super quick meals that can be knocked up in no time after the school run and all the family will love them!

INGREDIENTS 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 400g can chopped tomatoes 1 tsp light soft brown sugar Few sprigs of thyme, leaves stripped 1 tbsp soy sauce 2 cod fillets (or another white flaky fish, such as pollock)

1. Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Toss the broccoli and garlic in 1 tbsp of the olive oil on a roasting tray and roast in the oven for 10-12 mins.

1. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a frying pan 2. Add chopped onion and fry for 5-8 mins until lightly browned. 3. Stir in a 400g can chopped tomatoes 4. Add 1 heaped tsp light soft brown sugar, few sprigs of thyme leaves and a dash of soy sauce 5. Bring to the boil then simmer 5 mins 6. Add 2 cod fillets into the sauce 7. Cover and gently cook for 8-10 mins until the cod flakes easily 8. Serve with a large salad of your choice


2. Boil pasta shells in a pan of salted water. Cook according to packet instructions and drain. 3. Tip the parsley, basil, garlic, pine nuts, lemon juice, parmesan and cooked broccoli (set aside a few of the smaller pieces) into a blender, pulse to a pesto and season well. 4. Toss the pasta with the pesto. Add the reserved broccoli florets, split between two bowls and top with the lemon zest and black pepper, if you like.

INGREDIENTS 2 tsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 1 tbsp paprika 2 garlic cloves, crushed 300g mixed mushroom, chopped 150ml low-sodium beef or vegetable stock 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, or vegetarian alternative 3 tbsp half-fat soured cream small bunch parsley, roughly chopped 250g pouch cooked wild rice

1. Heat 2 tsp olive oil in a non-stick frying pan and soften 1 finely chopped onion for about 5 mins. 2. Add 1 tbsp paprika and 2 crushed garlic cloves, then cook for 1 min more. 3. Add mixed mushrooms and cook on a high heat, stirring often, for 5 mins. 4. Pour in 150ml low-sodium beef stock and 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce. 5. Bring to the boil, bubble for 5 mins until the sauce thickens, then take off the heat and stir through 3 tbsp half-fat soured cream and most of the small bunch of roughly chopped parsley. 6. Heat pouch cooked wild rice following pack instructions, then stir through the remaining chopped parsley and serve with the stroganoff.

30 ifty Meal P Why not use our n

page to plot in lanner on the next


your weekly meal

Weekly Meal Planner What to eat

Shopping List


Eggs Tinned Beans Onions Fish Potatoes

Breakfast: Boiled egg Lunch: Mixed bean soup

Dinner: White fish & boiled potatoes Monday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Tuesday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Wednesday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Thursday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Friday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Saturday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Sunday Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner:



“I lost 6st 9lbs”

WHEN FRANCES joined our Bournemouth clinic, she had been suffering from constant exhaustion and headaches. After just a year with the clinic, Frances had lost a huge 6st 9lbs and not only has her health improved, but since our photoshoot, Frances has also managed to fit into a very special dress.

WHAT WAS THE TRIGGER FOR YOU TO JOIN THE SLIMMING CLINIC? INITIALLY I joined the clinic as I constantly suffered from headaches and migraines and I was always tired. I kept going back to the doctors and I was told in the end if I lost weight, I might feel less tired and my headaches / migraines may lessen.


Francis Maxiliofacial Nurse


When I have lost weight before, it’s always been short term and I was always starving. I felt deprived and gave up again and again. I had tried a number of high street weight loss solutions such as groups, meal replacements, shakes and more but The Slimming Clinic has been the only programme that has given me the tools to succeed without being starving and keep weight off successfully.

Frances! tion her transforma g in d n e tt a ce in S ces has also had n ra F t, o o sh to o ph sion – on 28th a cc o l a ci e sp ry a ve t married! June Frances go ccessfully

inic and su The Slimming Cl Having attended into her dream e was able to fit to fit her new losing weight, sh amended in style be to d ha ch hi oks absolutely dress, w u’ll agree, she lo yo k in th e w d an shape ratulations! beautiful! Cong

What has your weight loss experience been like at the clinic? My experience has been absolutely fantastic, as the doctors are so kind and knowledgeable. I actually truly understand the science behind losing weight now – the balance between portion control and activity as well as a helping hand from the appetite suppressants. As well as this, the reception ladies at the clinic are so professional, sweet and encouraging!

Have you had a problem with your weight, or has it become a more recent issue? My weight has gone up and down for years after yo-yo dieting. The only programme I’ve ever continued to lose weight consistently is The Slimming Clinic! How did you hear about The Slimming Clinic? My mum and auntie both had amazing success with The Slimming Clinic and seeing their amazing transformations persuaded me to give it a go! Having tried other methods, I decided to try it for myself.


What do your friends and family think of your weight loss achievements? They all can see I’m actually happy now whereas before they could see I used to put on a brave face and say “It’s fine I’m just curvy.” They think it’s absolutely brilliant, as I’m now a more well-rounded person, metaphorically of course!

What benefits are you experiencing having lost weight? The main benefit for me is that I no longer experience headaches or feel so tired all the time. Previously I would eat through boredom but the programme has shown me that I don’t need to do that now and I only eat when I am truly hungry and the time is right for me. What are your top 3 dieting tips? • Never go into a supermarket hungry, otherwise you’ll impulse buy things you don’t need. • If you want a bag of crisps or a piece of chocolate eat them before 12pm, then you have more of your day to burn it off. • Portion control – make sure on your dinner plate that the vegetables are the biggest food group!

What’s been the best thing about losing weight? That’s such an easy question to answer! I love being able to go into a shop and know a size 10 dress will fit me when I used to be an 18-20. I love going out in the evenings with friends now, something I used to avoid as I felt like the fat friend.



HALF THE MEN they used to be EVERY YEAR, we help thousands of men to lose weight and feel better! Weight loss can be a hard subject to broach with men, so we wanted to break down the stigma and share a couple of inspirational stories from just some of the men we have given a helping hand to, to lose weight and change their lives.



Weight Lost: 3st 3lbs Edinburgh Clinic I was trying to lose the weight I had gained after having an accident which meant I needed two operations, leaving me unable to walk for several months. Once I had regained my mobility, the weight I had gained made it impossible to exercise because the excess weight was causing pain to my ankle and knee. I was trying to lose the weight but was struggling to put pressure on my legs so was ordering takeaways instead of having to stand and cook dinner for the family. My daughter was already a member of the clinic so once I started to see her results, I knew I needed to do something to lose the weight. I have found it easy to stick to it and I enjoy eating fresh healthy food. I looked forward to going to my appointment just to find out how I had done. The staff are helpful always giving me tips, new ideas and encouragement to reach my goal. After losing the weight I have a new lease life being able to go out with my daughters and grandchildren. My knee and ankle are so much better now there isn’t so much weight pushing down on them. I recommend this to everyone as I have tried a few diets in the past and every time nothing has come from it. I can say that joining the clinic was the best thing I could have done for my own health. I am a lot happier and healthier now.


“I lost 3st 3lbs” Sean


“ ”

Once you’ve found a routine, its fairly easy and I know I can always get support from the guys at the The Slimming Clinic if I need it

MICHAEL’S STORY Weight Lost: 4st 9lbs Bournemouth Clinic My weight has gone up and down several times over the years. I’ve always been a bit overweight, but I’ve been obese at least twice in the past. I used to feel short of energy. Confidence in both my personal and work life was completely shot to pieces and at the weekends when I should have been going out, making the most of the beautiful surrounding area, socialising with friends or relaxing with family, all I wanted was to stay in bed or sit in front of the TV. There just seemed to be so many reasons to just do nothing. Chief amongst them though was after hard and stressful week at work why shouldn’t I be able to “relax”.

“I lost 4st 9lbs” Michael

I think I managed to really take action before my weight became too much of a problem to my overall health, however lethargy had started to lead me towards breathing problems, pain when walking, joint pains, physical exertion normally ended in pulled muscles and I seemed to be much more susceptible to cold and illness during down time. Eventually one day it hit me, I’ve had enough of this I want to see things and experience more than just work, there has to be more to life. Everyone at The Slimming Clinic has proved invaluable. I thought the medication was the The Slimming Clinic answer, but it proved to only be a small part of what they offered. The most important aspect was the service they provide, where they give a unbiased third party point of view, consider general body condition and give guidance on healthy eating. I found the key was to never question their advice, it’s a simple exchange.


If you ask a question, the qualified staff who have helped thousands, will always give you a straight answer so that you can then accept it and work with it. I plan to keep the weight off in the same way I lost it; by constantly maintaining the balance between what I eat and how I exercise. Once you’ve found a routine, its fairly easy and I know I can always get support from the guys at The Slimming Clinic if I need it.


The Hidden Benefits S S O L T H G OF WEI

“I lost 3st 6lbs” WE ALL KNOW the main benefits of losing weight, such as heart health, keeping diabetes under control and fitting into smaller clothes just to mention a few. We wanted to explore the more unusual benefits of weight loss and how it’s not all about the obvious when it comes to dropping the lbs.


Michelle Unexpected energy boosts are frequently reported in our clinics from patients who have lost weight. Carrying less weight means you use less energy doing day-to-day activities, therefore meaning you have bags more energy to do extra things during the day and will be less exhausted after you’ve done them! Your joints will ache less, and you might get more mobility back into them. Losing just a fraction of your body weight will ease pressure on crucial parts of your body and stop feeling quite so sore from taking part in simple activities. >

> Naturally when things hurt less, working out becomes enjoyable and not a chore too. Your new-found energy levels and less aching limbs might also help you to really enjoy your workouts and activities, wherever you do them. Your sleeping will likely improve too, and you could find yourself being better rested as a result. Losing weight means that there is less physically to restrict your airways when lying down and causing issues with your sleep. On top of that, getting a good night’s sleep means that you are more likely to have improved willpower, more energy and boosted mood. Improvement in your mental health is another positive side effect we hear about a lot. Many patients report a huge lift in the way they feel mentally when they have lost weight. Things such as improved self-esteem and confidence in yourself is something we always love to hear about.

Unexpected energy boosts are frequently reported in our clinics from patients who have lost weight

Improve your nights sleep

Improve self-esteem & confidence

In more serious cases, being overweight can be a cause of cancer. Obesity is now the UK’s second biggest cause of cancer, causing 6% of all cancer cases in the country. However, the good news is that by losing some of your excess body weight, you can decrease your risk of developing a variety of cancers. You can increase your chances of getting pregnant too and even reverse the effects of polycystic ovary syndrome. Weight loss can restore the normal functioning of your ovaries and help with stabilising hormone production meaning increased fertility.

New-found energy levels

If you are worried about the effect of being overweight and want to know how you can improve your health and wellbeing by losing some unwanted lbs, book your appointment in clinic and speak with one of our friendly, qualified doctors.



HAVE YOU seen a bit of a halt in your weight loss recently, or maybe the scales have even gone up despite your best efforts to shake off the weight? For various reasons, sometimes those stubborn scales do just not want to get any lower. Whilst we encourage you to look for the little victories off the scales, not just on, sometimes the fact that your weight loss seems to have stalled can have a knock-on effect on your mentality and even throw you off plan completely.

We’ve included some quotes below for you to cut out and keep wherever necessary to remind you to keep moving forward on your journey!

Strive for p rogress, not perfect ion


le in Don’t let a stumb of d n e e h t e b d a o r the your journey

6 TOP TIPS What can be done to keep yourself motivated and on track when the scales aren’t reflecting your hard work? to be realistic with yourself 1 Try Some weeks you will lose multiple lbs, and others, nothing. Remembering that your weight loss is a marathon not a sprint will keep your mind focussed and your goals realistic.

to friends and family 2 Talk Use your support network to help keep you encouraged and motivated. Loved ones are always happy to dish out the compliments and tell you how brilliantly you are doing – accept the praise and use them to keep your mood positive!

a food diary 3 Keep Tracking your daily food and drink intake can change your mindset completely. What might have seemed like a perfectly healthy day can often have a few hidden sneaky snacks, here or there. Nibbled on that birthday cake in the office? Had a few fullfat lattes from the coffee shop when you felt tired? It all adds up so write it down!

a photo of yourself today 4 Take Use this photo to compare to your starting photos. More often than not, you will be completely shocked by how far you have come and that is a great motivator to keep you going.

beat yourself up 5 Don’t One of the easiest things to do when the scales haven’t moved is turn your back on your journey and feel like giving up, but don’t! Think about your journey so far and how you don’t want to go back to where you started.

each day as it comes 6 Take One bad meal doesn’t ruin a day. One bad day does not ruin a week. Use each night to reset your mind and start again afresh the next.

t, e i d a t It’s no estyle if l a s ’ it e chang

Be stronger than your excuses

el e f u o y n e Wh g, n i t t i u q e k li hy w t u o b a k n thi d you starte





NEW Glasgow



Find your nearest clinic





With our network of clinics around the country there’s sure to be one near you!

York Bradford Coming So on Manchest er




Swansea Cardiff


Staines Basingsto





Portsmou th


Hounslow Crawley

Southam outh

“I lost 4st”




NEW GLASGOW CLINIC AT THE SLIMMING CLINIC, we pride ourselves on being able to offer fantastic service with support from brilliant staff and qualified doctors. We want to ensure that every patient who walks into one of our clinics is given the best chance to succeed with their health and wellbeing goals. After reviewing many patient stories and feedback from you, we have decided to expand our services to give you a more well-rounded and comprehensive treatment programme in clinic. To help you get the most from your time at our brand-new weight loss centres and achieve your health and wellbeing goals, we are thrilled to say that all new clinics will offer the following services, all on a 1-to-1 basis with our specialists:


Group Support




on! More NEW Clinics coming so chester41 an M • d En t es W ow sg la G • Edinburgh Morningside


Reduces the amount of fat absorbed from food. What is the dose of Xenical? XENICAL should be taken with water either just before, during or within 1 hour after a meal containing fat. It can be taken before any of the 3 main meals, or it can be used occasionally with certain meals that have a higher fat content. If there is little to no fat in the meal then it may not be necessary to take a dose. Do not exceed 3 per day.

Can Xenical be taken with appetite suppressants? YOU CAN take both Xenical and appetite suppressants if you and your The Slimming Clinic doctor feel that both medications will help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Is it necessary to take a multivitamin with Xenical?


Xenical reduces the number of calories taken in by the body


Xenical is a slimming treatment offered here at The Slimming Clinic. Xenical works by blocking the uptake of up to 30% of dietary fat in each meal. Fat has the highest calories per gram of any of the major food groups with 9 calories per gram compared to 4 calories per gram in protein and carbohydrates. By reducing the amount of fat absorbed, Xenical reduces the number of calories taken in by the body for that meal. This helps you to achieve your required calorie deficit to help with your weight loss. You should aim to eat three main meals each day and your diet should be rich in fruit and vegetables, with your daily intake of fat, carbohydrates and protein distributed over these three main meals. Xenical should be taken before, during or within 1 hour of these meals.

IF YOU are using Xenical regularly then it is advisable that you take a multivitamin containing the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K before bed.

Can anyone use Xenical? XENICAL can only be prescribed to those with a BMI of over 27. Your The Slimming Clinic doctor will provide you with more information.

To find out more about our treatments or to book a FREE consultation call us on 0800 917 9334 42

GET Connected Head online and check out our website!

We’ve got amazing tools that help support you on your weight loss journey like our BMI calculator, a food diary and clinic information. Still not enough? Why not take a look around our great blog that is full of success stories, recipes, fitness advice and so much more! Want more information on something? Why not suggest our next blog post subject? Drop us an email:

OR MAYBE you’re more of a social butterfly? Our new social media pages are now up and running and we want to hear from YOU.

What’s more, you’ll get loads of lovely content to help support and inspire you on your own journey!

FOLLOW US Facebook: TheSlimmingClinicUK Twitter: TheSlimClinic Instagram: TheSlimClinic

Don’t forget to tag us in your posts too using the hashtag


We love to hear stories of successes, on or off the scales, encouragement and tips – so head over to our new pages to share them with us!






































































































































































































































“I lost 1st 13lbs” Shareen Massage Therapist


DID YOU KNOW, transformation photos provide inspiration for thousands? Without you sharing your incredible stories, many would never have taken the first steps on their weight loss journey.

That’s why this issue’s competition is all about you and your transformation with us! You could win £100 Love2Shop vouchers just from sharing your weight loss tips.


“I lost 5st 9lbs” Louise Admin Assistant

All you have to do to enter is follow us on Instagram (@TheSlimClinic) and upload your before and after photos using the hashtag #TheSlimmingClinicTransformation to be in with a chance of winning.* Competition closes on 1st November 2019 – Good Luck! *By uploading your photos, you are consenting to The Slimming Clinic using your photos for marketing purposes.

ic @TheSlimClin nsformation ra T ic n li C g in m m li S e #Th


g n i n i o J y c n Fa

The Slimming Clinic Team? We are the largest group of slimming clinics in the UK and have been in business for 35 years. We have a number of job opportunities becoming available so if you want a new challenge then contact us now!

Email: with your CV 46

Our Promise To You We will help people to look better, feel better and achieve their dreams. We believe in simple science - proven effective treatments, delivered without over complication. We will take personal responsibility for being the best you can be - every day is a fresh start, another chance to be better than yesterday. We believe that for us, it’s personal - your success is ours.


INSIDE THE NEXT ISSUE: Festive fun, keeping motivated through the darker months, healthy winter recipes ... and much more!

! 9 1 0 2 R E B M E V COMING NO “I lost 5st 1lbs” Registered with

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