Spring into Summer Weight Loss Guide 2021

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“I lost 2st” Shareen

FOLLOW US Facebook: TheSlimmingClinicUK Twitter: TheSlimClinic Instagram: TheSlimClinic WE KNOW THAT the warmer times can strike fear into the hearts of some, as we have to pack away our baggy cover-all winter clothes and start looking to the shorts and t-shirts we pushed to the back of our wardrobes last year.

However, with the promise of lifted restrictions, more freedom and may be even some travel allowed, we don’t want you to worry this summer and want to ensure you have the best summer ever – you deserve it after the last 12 months! So, what will it take for you to really relax and enjoy yourself? If you’re worried about how you look or feel, you’re in the right place. Our Spring into Summer booklet is here to show you ways to help start on the path to feeling amazing for the coming spring and summer. From looking at your mindset, to confidence, a 12-week route to a healthier life as well as how you can do some activities if you’re planning a holiday, we’ve got it all! Remember, you can enjoy the summer, no matter where you are on your health journey.

“I lost 2st” Shareen

So for now, sit back, relax and enjoy our Spring into Summer tips…

Book your spring appointment to feel amazing for summer 2

Inside this issue PAGE 04

5 WAYS TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR HEALTH WE LIST our top 5 tips to get you healthy for Spring!


WHAT SPRING AND SUMMER CAN DO FOR YOUR WEIGHT LOSS MINDSET ANDREA ROSE talks about the importance of mindset in this Expert article.


WAYS TO FIND YOUR CONFIDENCE ARE YOU full of confidence? Or do you find yours is often lacking?




BEGINNERS 2 WEEK EXERCISE PLAN FOR SPRING & SUMMER OUR MOVEMENT COACH, Phil, has put together some great exercises, for you to try this Spring.


FIND A FRIEND GET A £25 DISCOUNT when you refer a friend!



FIND OUT what comes with our new 14-day Explore programme!.



WHAT HEALTHY recipes are you going to try this Spring?

GOING ON HOLIDAY? Discover how you can enjoy yourself and still keep on track with your weight loss.



12 WEEK WEIGHT LOSS TRACKER RECORD YOUR goals and track your weight loss with our helpful tracker!


WITH THE SLIMMING CLINIC, there is no reason you cannot be your own transformation.


WEIGHT LOSS ROUTE USE THIS route as your 12-week journey to weight loss!


MEASURING SUCCESS OFF THE SCALES SUCCESS DOESN'T just have to be about the number on the scales!

0800 917 9334 theslimmingclinic.com



ways to...

Spring Clean Your Health AFTER A YEAR at home for a lot of us, it's probably about time to have a spring clear out of our houses isn't it?! We’ve really started accumulating a lot of stuff that we don’t need and spring is a great chance to de-clutter and overhaul our living spaces to leave us feeling fresh and renewed. But how many of us use a spring clean as a chance to overhaul our health and well-being too? Have you been living in stretchy clothes for a little too long and are now worried about getting back into your work clothes, jeans or summer clothing? Or have you got a wedding, birthday or event that's rapidly approaching that you want to look and feel your best for? Don’t let the panic set it and go on an unadvisable starvation or low-calorie diet, instead, read our 5 top tips for spring cleaning your health, that can give you a boost with your weight loss.

is the time to act and e of your health slip, maybe now car ing tak or t, igh we ing los let spring clean of your and put the effort in with a te tra cen con lly rea you en see what you can do wh lifestyle? ! We know you can! you feel, so let's do this now how r tte ma no ing com is r The rest of the yea




Prepare better for sleep


Mentally de-clutter


When we aren’t well rested, we make poor food choices as we are tired and often in need of carbs or sugar to boost our energy. Over the coming weeks, do some things before bed to ensure you get into a healthy sleep routine, like, getting into bed 10 minutes earlier to do a calming meditation or mindfulness practice, putting your phone away or stop using technology 30 minutes before you are due to sleep or don’t eat or drink within 1 hour of sleeping.

Stress can really play havoc with our healthy living. When we feel low, stressed or anxious, we tend to comfort ourselves in food or alcohol that we don’t need and during summer, it can be oh-too-easy to start reaching for a cool alcoholic beverage. If you have found the last 12 months have taken a toll on your mentality, try writing down your cluttered, stressful or anxious thoughts on paper, as a way to get them out of your head. From there, look at ways you can control or tackle the problems. If you aren’t able to directly tackle the problem, try and find ways that you can either stem the worry, or, get support with tackling it.

Get fit

As weather gets better, it is a great excuse to get out and get more activities in. This could be anything to an after-work walk, exercise class, YouTube video in the garden. Whenever you exercise, you get your endorphins pumping, which are your feelgood hormones, meaning you’ll feel amazing just from getting your blood pumping a few times a week for 30 minutes.


Increase your Vitamin D


Cupboard clear out

During the cold, dark winter months, it is hard to get your full dose of Vitamin D and so, our resources become depleted. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, immunity, hormone balance and other bodily functions. The easiest way to get our dose of Vitamin D, is to get sun exposure. Allowing areas such as your forearms, face and legs to get sunlight on them is a quick way to top up your levels. Remember, if you are exposing skin to the sun, please wear sunscreen!

The act of physically getting rid of unhealthy foods and doing a healthy, clean shop can really give your health a boost. Take a look through your kitchen cupboards, did you buy too many biscuits or crisps or fizzy drinks when you were feeling drained and low last month? Or maybe there is a cupboard full of convenient, high-fat, high-salt meals that are there for those ‘I can’t be bothered to cook’ nights? Have a good clear out and consider donating the foods that you just don’t need and doing a fresher, cleaner food shop!



EXPERT ARTICLE , Andrea Rose at Mind Coach g The Slimmin Clinic

What Spring and Summer can do for your Weight Loss Mindset With the spring weather already upon us and summer just around the corner, what better time to either start your weight loss programme or bring extra focus to the one you are already on. We often hear of how the seasons can affect our moods, with the winter season, perhaps being the most challenging. This is due to the lack of vitamin D from the sunshine and the colder weather, shorter daylight hours and dark evenings encouraging us to hibernate. Spring, however, sees the warmer days approaching, new energies, lighter evenings and longer days. We just need to take a glimpse at nature for a moment to see how we often mirror plant and animal activity throughout the year. For instance, spring is full of energy, new beginnings, buds blooming, animals awakening adding a general sense of rejuvenation. So with this in mind let’s look at some top tips for our spring and summer mindset.


Utilise the moment The spring weather allows for a natural increase in energy levels and with this increase, we have a tendency to become more focused, driven and generally happier. Therefore, we want to utilise the natural occurrences that spring brings and couple this with an action plan for the months ahead. Remember to focus on what we want to achieve and what that looks like, incorporate a holistic approach to weight loss so be kind to your body and be mindful of what goes into it. Look at the spring season as a new opportunity to outperform yourself, achieving new goals, an even better version of you that is happier, healthier and fitter than before. Throughout any weight loss programme, take a moment to re evaluate and take stock of where you are and where you’re heading. Look at, perhaps, tweaking a few areas here and there to ensure we are on track with what we want to achieve. So use this time to re evaluate, adjust where necessary and get going again with even more energy and focus than previously, knowing exactly what your target is.

Body image Many of us may lose confidence, particularly during the colder season. This is partially due to the lack of sunshine and vitamin D that can trigger a lower mood and in turn lower our self-esteem. We often have less energy during winter, suffer a lack of motivation and movement whilst also having a tendency to eat more than we would do in the summer. So with this in mind, we may not feel too inclined to get the shorts and t-shirt out as soon as we feel the first hint of sunshine. However, to ensure we don’t feed any insecurity further we need to battle against any lack of confidence as much as possible. Let’s look at raising our confidence; potentially, buying something new to wear, focusing on the colours and styles that suit us best. This can work wonders on our self-esteem and something easy and simple to do. Allocate some time just for you to nurture your body, moisturise your skin etc., and build on some simple selfcare routines and incorporate these into your day. This focuses the mind into care and attention and in turn helps to build some self love back to you.

Boosting your time management Utilise this springtime to schedule some new activities - plan ahead for the summer and make changes if necessary so we can transition successfully from one season to another. This may include a change in exercise from indoor to outdoors or the actual activity itself. Remember that exercise releases endorphins adding to that feel good factor and when we feel fitter, we feel better about ourselves. Make smart choices about how you fill your time so don’t spread yourself too thin that you become overwhelmed. Look at the lifestyle you have currently, workload, family responsibilities and plan accordingly ensuring you also have time to relax and do nothing for a while too. Take smaller steps rather than taking on the world. Use a diary so that you have a visual record of your time management throughout the week. Focus on your achievements and then in a months’ time you can look back at how far you’ve come and whether anything is causing some resistance or blocks along the way. We may have an ultimate goal in sight but break this down into much smaller goals. This ensures that you can be flexible from week to week depending on demands, energy levels and lifestyle changes. Remember that our goals need to be maintainable in the long term so introducing a healthier lifestyle should be something enjoyable rather than a chore to get through. Perspective is essential in maintaining a happy and healthy mindset so as much as possible look forward to the coming months focusing on what you can achieve rather than what you can’t. Include projects that you’ve been putting off for a while, get out and about, contact friends and include as much variety into your day as possible. The spring and summer can do a lot for our weight loss mindset, but we need to have a realistic action plan to implement this.



r u o y d ys to fin


! E C N E D I


WHEN IT COMES TO CONFIDENCE, ARE YOU FULL OF IT, OR DO YOU FIND YOURS IS OFTEN LACKING? One thing we hear from patients when they have lost weight is the unexpected, but not unwelcome, surprise of finding their confidence and feeling so much better about themselves. But if you’re on a weight loss journey, how do you find your confidence on the way? What can you do to feel better about yourself, outside of losing weight?

u think Change the way yo

ange the way you way to do this is to ch ple sim ly ing em se A sy to be critical of t yourself. It is so ea think and speak abou the mirror. like what you see in yourself, if you don’t oughts about allow our negative th However, when we e confidence. at is when we can los th er, ov ke ta to s ourselve even don’t the things you like, or of te no a g kin ma Today, try s on thinking them down and focu t Jo lf. se ur yo t ou ab mind, t yourself. more positively abou

Smile more A smile can take you a mile! Even if you’re not feeling particularly confident, smiling of ten leads others to think you are confident. If enough people be lieve you’re smile is confidence, soon you will start believing it too!

Let us help you find your confidence again with our weight loss programmes. 8

doesn’t exist n io ct e rf e p t a th t p Acce see around us, or

others we mpare ourselves to ages So many times we co the perfect lives or im pt ce It is easy to ac t! ne It is er o. int to e th life on at , th worse we don’t have y wh er nd wo d an are we see as the norm e else’s life and comp snapshot of someon e! se to us nt wa le easy to see the small peop ly see the parts that ourselves. But, we on eryone has issues eryone has flaws, ev ev at th pt ce ac u yo er you will find The quicker perfection, the quick as ing th ch su no is path to finding your and there u are, and be on the yo o wh in n tio fac tis more sa confidence again!

Find your comfort zone

Find what you love an d what makes you fe el comfortable. It could be cooking, music, re ading or a TV show you lov e and use your time inside your comfort zone to recharge, relax and improve your mood . You aren’t inside yo ur comfort zone to hid e away, but it is a lovely place to spend some time making yourself feel like you.

lf to try small things Now, challenge yourse zone outside your comfort cause

m or not partake in be ght typically shy away fro Find something you mi alone, going out on your , eating in a restaurant be ld cou It ce. en fid of your con up for a promotion? bike, or putting yourself a not open yourself up to really rather avoid, why uld wo u yo ce. nk en thi fid u yo con Anything have on your the amazing effect it can new experience and see

Don’t try too much , too


Every path you take requires you to take the first step. Finding your confide nce is the same! Don’t try taking on to o many things at on ce to try and achieve your confide nce. Take baby steps , one at time, and soon you’ll start seeing your progress. Remember, progress is still progress, no ma tter how small.

Find out more on our website. theslimmingclinic.com


Eat the

! g n i r p S

EXPERT ARTICLE Lesley Reid , Dietitian a t The Slimm ing Clinic

As we leave winter behind there is nothing better than looking forward to delving into spring’s delicious ingredients. This time of year, I get so excited about the flavours, colours and taste that spring produces. We can finally move away from the root veggies, cauliflowers, brussels and potatoes and look forward to the delights of spring.

urite foods Some of my favo are: that spring produces • Beetroot • New potato • Kale • Mushrooms • Rocket • Peas • Peppers • Radishes • Spring greens • Spring onions


These are all delicious key ingredients for exciting meals and can be made into incredible things like soups, salads and bakes! Spring gives us reasons to have BBQs and picnics and as the weather changes, we don’t want to be spending hours cooking hearty meals but tend to be drawn towards light fresher easy to cook meals as the nights extend and get lighter.

Making the most out of your Spring larder When preparing Spring meals I like them to be as colourful as possible, this is really important as we eat with all our senses and not just taste. So, when something looks bright and colou rful it is much more appealing to more of our senses. It is also important to give the meals a variety of textures, as this helps give your food satisfaction and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. The other benefit from having as much colour in our diet is that it offers us more fibre, antioxidants, polyphenols. These elements are hidden in vegetables and fruits which offer support to our immune system and protection for the body against oxidative damage from our environment.

So what can we do with Spring ingredient


Roast up the veggies like peppers, courgettes , mushrooms with some olive oil and mixed herbs and have them with chicken, fish, smoked tofu or quorn. Make them into soup s or risottos like Pea, Mint and Ham soup or pea risotto.

: Layer up your salad by using Spinach, Rocket, Spring

• •

• • • •

Greens or Kale

beans, tofu, Chicken, tuna, prawns, mixed Salmon, or cold meat eet potato, Add roasted veggies like swt, courgette oo etr be broccoli, cauliflower, or peppers. beans, spring Add broad beans, edamame wn lentils. onions, peas, chickpeas, bro s, cucumber, Grate radishes, ribbon carrot dice tomatoes s, gherkins, Use sundried tomatoes, pickle olives. ds, pumpkin Sprinkle with sesame seecashew nuts, seeds, chopped walnuts, brazil nuts.

Then dress w •


Sesame seed sauce 1tbsp, g oil 1 tbsp, soya rated ginger garlic and

1tbsp lemon olive oil, 1 tb juice, 2 tbsp of black pepper sp of water and to taste • Zest and ju ice of olive oil of a lime, 2 tbsp finely choppeand a red chilli d. • 125g of fat cucumber chfree yoghurt, ½ lemon juice, opped, 1 tsp grated, pepp 1 clove of garlic er to taste (b all ingredients lend together)

ns you can make with spring There are endless combinatio at are you going to make? ingredients, the question is wh



12 Week


s s o L t h g i e W r e k c a Tr


to set your intentions for the next 12 weeks – think about why you’re doing this and what you want to achieve.



MEASURE YOUR SUCCESS: Use these charts to note down the differences in your measurements and weight!

Weight Loss Route


Use this route as your 12-week journey to weight loss! Take our route and each week come back and answer our question to think about how you are feeling and how the week has gone. It is always great to look back on your journey and see where you’ve had successes and where has been tougher, but how you overcame it!


g n i r u s a e M f f O s s e c c u S


Non-Scale victories, or NSVs as you might have seen them called, are just as important on a weight loss journey as seeing your weight go down. But why do so many of us focus so heavily on the number we see on the scale? Most weeks, we tentatively step on it, only to see the numbers aren’t telling us we haven’t miraculously reached target in a week. It can be really frustrating when we let the scale rule our lives and ultimately, for some of us, it can stop our weight loss all together! When we rely on the scales to tell us our worth, it masks us from being able to see other victories we might be having because of our healthy lifestyle and without knowing, you could be giving up on some amazing improvements in life, that you’ve not even realised you’ve made. Coming into summer, we’ve put together some of the amazing NSVs that you could be about to see, or are already seeing, even if the scales are totally reflecting your weight loss efforts!


Boosted Moods

e are an instant mood Spring, summer and sunshin April showers, you’ve started booster, but if, even during most positive about things, to notice you’re happier and r weight loss is helping your you this is a sure-fire sign that mood! vement and exercise release This is no coincidence as mo orphins. These are the your feel-good hormones, end py, warm, fuzzy feeling hap t tha hormones that give you l health and ability to deal inside and boost your menta od and anxiety. with conditions like low mo

“I lost 5st 3lbs” Winnie

The Slimming Clinic will help you achieve your non-scale victories! 16

2. Activities Become Easier

It could be that you’re walking further, sweating less during activities, taking the stairs qui cker or running around afte r your kids, but simple things that might have put you off activit ies in the warmer weather, are now a think of the past.

3. CHheaoltichesy One of the best NSVs you can experience on a weight loss journey is your boosted willpower. You r willpower is a muscle, and the more you use it, the stronge r it gets. During spring and sum mer, it seems easier to eat healthi ly, with the abundance of fresh fruits and veggies we see on disp lay, and your willpower letting you choose these, instead of chip s or ice creams, is a big sign that your weight loss journey is workin g! We tend to underestimate how much mental resilience we develo p, even after only a short time. Think of a time you’ve resisted the urg e to do something the ‘old’ you would have done. That’s your willpow er at work!

Losing weight also takes all kinds of strains off your bod y that you might have felt before. For every pound you carry, it adds 4 pounds of pressure to your knees, so those aches disappe aring in your joints and that feeling of moving more freely can be a real motivational boost on a we ight loss journey!


Better Fitting Clothes

lf really, doesn’t Well this one speaks for itse mer clothes, sum r it? Did you hibernate you you wouldn’t r, me sum t nex worrying that by t-shirts you fit in some of the shorts and surprised how be were packing away? You’ll ents on rem asu me quickly a few smaller how your to nce ere diff big a ke you can ma es off here inch clothes fit. It only takes a few able to fort com l fee gs or there to make thin wear again! ents at the Did you take your measurem many How beginning of your journey? y? bod r you from inches have you lost ller sma ing buy ter, bet ing Clothes fitt ents shrinking clothing and your measurem see just how to s way are all fantastic visual ight loss we a on ng doi are brilliantly you y. journe


5. Dreamy Sleep

One of the lesser-known ben efits of losing weight is that you are able to sleep longer, and you get a better quality of slee p too. Sleep is essential for us on a weight loss journey, as if you aren’t well rested, you make poorer food choices out of tiredness and convenience. We know that as the weather hots up, sleep can become harder with the nights staying warm and stic ky, but as you lose weight, your bod y is able to regulate your inte rnal temperature better, meanin g you’ll feel cooler at night and feel more rested. But, if you not ice that you’re able to snooze with ease now, that could be thanks to your healthier lifestyle!

Feeling Good This one is one you need to really stop and think about. It could be your digestion has improved, your skin is healthier or you’re not as worried about being seen on the beach anymore. But, something inside you just feels different to who you were before you started your weight loss journey, and it feels brilliant. Take time now. Stop for one minute and assess how you feel. We bet it is much better than before you started losing weight! However you measure your weight loss success, be sure to see it as just that, success. Celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come. Don’t spend your summer dwelling on the scales, your hard work shows up in different ways that you might not have thought about.

Now, tell us, what’s your best non-scale victory?

Find out how we can do that by calling: 0800 917 9334 theslimmingclinic.com


Beginners 2 Wee for Spring &

Week 1

Notes from Phil: Start easy and if you have to, make sure you reduce the number of repetitions or time you spend exercising. It’s important that you start as a beginner, or at a level you feel you can achieve and maintain. This plan is just an example of a workout programme that you can follow for two weeks, but feel free to add in other types of activities that you love too! When doing the exercises, select the correct footwear and ensure that you are hydrated and keep hydrated during and after your workout. Don’t forget to spend five minutes warming up and cooling down at the end of every exercise session too, to prevent injury and pain.



1. 15 x Sit-ups

1. 15 x Sit-ups

2. 15 x Jumping Jacks

2. 15 x Jumping Jacks

3. 15 x Press-ups

3. 15 x Press-ups

4. 25 Sec Plank

4. 25 Sec Plank

5. 20 min Walk /Jog

5. 60 min Walk / Jog




1. 10 x Sit-ups

1. 20 x Squats


2. 10 x Jumping Jacks

2. 20 x Mountain climbers

3. 10 x Press-ups

3. 15 x Shoulder presses

4. 20 Sec Plank

4. 20 x Crunch sit-ups

5. 20 min Walk / Jog

5. 30 min Walk



1. 15 x Squats

1. Walk, Swim or Cycle 40 min

2. 15 x Mountain climbers 3. 12 x Shoulder presses 4. 15 x Crunch sit-ups 5. 20 min Walk


ek Exercise Plan & Summer1

Week 2




1. 20x Sit-ups

1. 25 x Squats


2. 20 x Jumping Jacks

2. 25x Mountain climbers

3. 20 x Press-ups

3. 20 x Shoulder presses

4. 30 Sec Plank

4. 25 x Crunch sit-ups

5. 30 min Walk / Jog

5. 40 min Walk



1. 20 x Squats

1. Walk, Swim or Cycle 60 min

2. 20 x Mountain climbers 3. 15 x Shoulder presses 4. 20 x Crunch sit-ups 5. 30 min Walk



1. 15 x Sit-ups

1. 15 x Sit-ups

2. 20 x Jumping Jacks

2. 15 x Jumping Jacks

3. 20 x Press-ups

3. 15 x Press-ups

4. 30 Sec Plank

4. 25 Sec Plank

5. 30 min Walk /Jog

5. 90 min Walk / Jog



FIND A FRIEND! Picture this, you’ve taken the big step to embark on your weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic. You’re motivated, know your goals and are ready to lose weight and improve your health for good. But, friends or family who aren’t on the same journey can have a negative influence on your weight loss. That’s why it’s important to get the right weight loss support and encouragement you really need from your loved ones. We know that friends and family have great intentions, but sometimes, they can cause unnecessary stress and temptation when we are trying to be good. Your closest network has a big impact on your lifestyle, so if they aren’t following the same plan, it can influence how quickly you achieve your desired results. So whilst you can’t force all those you love onto a weight loss journey like you, perhaps you could find one or two people who do want to start a healthier lifestyle.

alth and weight Studies have shown that being on a he your results loss journey with someone can enhance sful. and make your weight loss more succes

Why is this though?

1. They are they to support you when you need it

Weight loss isn’t a straight, downward line. It will have natural ups and downs. So when your downs are taking over, they can be there to pick you up again.

2. They understand your journey

Whilst not everyone will be a pillar of support or understand your healthy changes, your weight loss buddy will! They can be a source of comfort and it helps knowing you are not alone.


“I lost 5st 1lbs” Lorraine

3. It can make your weight 0800 917 9334

loss more fun

4. They offer

The more enjoyable your weight loss journey, the more likely you are to stick to it. Adding in little buddy challenges and creative ways to help each other will make you more likely to get to goal!

5. They make you successes

tangible help

Need dinner inspiration? Need someone to watch the kids whilst you do a workout class? Your weight loss buddy can support you in more ways than one!

even better

Imagine having someone to celebrate your incredible achievements who really understands them? Having someone know how much certain milestones mean to you can make all the difference.

But what should you look for when you’re looking for a weight loss buddy? Finding your weight loss buddy shouldn’t be too difficult for you! But when narrowing down your criteria, consider the following:

Someone you like spending your time with

Someone with a positive attitude and strong willpower

Someone with similar goals

Someone who is motivated in the same way as you

Also, remember, once you have found your weight loss buddy, keep in mind that you are different people! Your metabolism, weight loss rates, current weight and gender will affect your journey, so don’t expect to slim down at the same rate and resist comparing yourselves.

“I lost 9st 10lbs” Amanda

Always compare you, to you! Set your own goals and support each other through thick and thin! If you’re not sure what your individual goals should be, you can always call us at The Slimming Clinic. Not only do we have GMCregistered doctors, Dietitians, Mind Coaches and Movement Coaches to help you set your targets and reach them, but we also have a Refer a Friend scheme that means, for everyone you refer to us who joins a weight loss journey, you and the person who joins us, will get £25 discount on your weight loss programme with us! So, the more people you get as weight loss buddies, the more money you save!

l? There is £25 saving and Why not find a friend and give us a cal end of the phone for you. unending support just waiting at the



Our New Programme!

xplore Our 14-day E the very is e m m a r g o r p our weight y o t t r a t s t s e b loss possible.

WE BELIEVE ONE one of the most fundamental parts of a weight loss journey is being equipped with the best knowledge and advice on how to lose weight, from the very first day you join. This is why we developed our 14day Explore programme. We know that often, it is hard to know where to start when it comes to a weight loss journey, so Explore will give you all the tools you need to begin and be successful in reaching your health and weight targets. 22

What comes with Explore? •

Initial Consultation call with a Doctor

During your initial consultation with the doctor, they will talk to you about your goals for weight loss, what you would like to achieve, and how we can help you achieve them! Whilst on the call, the doctor will assess your suitability for our weight loss programmes and ensure that joining with The Slimming Clinic is the appropriate weight loss route for you and your lifestyle requirements. •

Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment in a location closest to you

Once you have had a consultation call with our weight loss doctor, you will have a Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment that comes in two parts. During the first part of your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment, you will have a 10-minute, non-invasive physical health screening with a Health Assessor at a health assessment centre. Checks include: •

Blood pressure

Heart rate


Body Fat %


Muscle Mass

The second part of your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment is a remote appointment with our one of our weight loss doctors. The doctor will take time to discuss your weight or health concerns, your lifestyle and your goals for joining The Slimming Clinic. Following your weight loss diagnosis with the doctor, you will design a personalised online weight loss programme to suit your lifestyle and aims. •

Immediate access to our 14-day Facebook group with every piece of advice we think you’ll need to get started on your weight loss journey

All the advice and tips in our Explore group are written exclusively by our weight loss experts in diet, mindset and movement as well as by our GMC-registered doctors. Delivered in daily modules, each day you will gain access to a new piece of content that will support you on your journey to becoming healthier, happier and slimmer. You cannot find this content anywhere else within The Slimming Clinic! •

Blood pressure monitor, where applicable


The best part about Explore is that you can get access to the group full of content and start TODAY! That’s right - No waiting for appointments or medication, you can begin your journey and start implementing the small, achievable lifestyle changes right now.

For more information on Explore, or any of our weight loss programmes, call us today on

0800 917 9334


KEEPING ACTIVE ON HOLIDAY Let’s face it, after the last 12 months, nearly every single one of us is in need of an exotic getaway where we can escape life for a little while and relax. With the potential of international travel on the horizon and staycations back available to us in the UK, wherever you might be taking a break this year, anywhere can offer fantastic chances to keep up your activity! Remember, holidays and mini-breaks do not mean you have to give up on your healthier lifestyle, but they also do give you an opportunity to relax a little more, if you’ve been really strict with yourself. If you’re looking to combine a more relaxed approach, whilst not having the dreaded weigh in post-holiday where you feel the effects of falling off the wagon, have a look at these amazing activities you can try whilst you’re away! Remember - you can enjoy yourself and still keep on track with your weight loss.

LIFE’S A BEACH…. If you’re headed to the seaside this summer, there are lots of fun things you can do to keep you on your feet and moving! Here are some great beachy activities ideas to get you energetic on the sand:

• Bat and ball • Beach volleyball • Frisbee • Kite flying • Tennis And when it all gets a bit too hot, why not get in the sea and cool off with some swimming, a fantastic aerobic exercise!


EXPLORATION... Staying somewhere new to you? Get exploring in the local area. Wandering and touring is the perfect way to get your activity levels and step count up. Ask at your hotel/B&B/holiday cottage if they know a good walking or jogging route – somewhere you can take in the scenery, so you don’t realise you’re even exercising!

USE THE FACILITIES… Or maybe you’re an avid gym bunny that needs to keep up your fitness routine. If you’re lucky enough to be staying in a hotel with gym facilities, why not give it a go? Most hotel gyms have basic equipment that you can use free of charge. You might even be lucky enough to be staying in a place with a swimming pool, so you could fit in some quick laps of the pool before the crowds descend!

DO IT YOURSELF… If there’s no gym where you are staying, why not try a YouTube HIIT work out to really get your heart rate up and blood pumping? Even body weight exercises such as squats, lunges, press ups and dips in your hotel room or B&B are simple to do, but super effective! You could even take some resistance bands with you, for added weight and difficulty!


as the weather heats up, make sure you replenish your fluids and take on plenty of water when doin g activities – don’t dehydrate! Or if you’re choosing to relax your fitne ss and healthy-eating over your holid ay – don’t worry! We all need to have time off to really enjoy ourselves. If that is the case, we’re here for whe n you get back to help and support you and get you right back on track.





We’ve all heard the phrase ‘a picture tells a thousand words’ – but have you ever stopped to think about what it means? For us at The Slimming Clinic, we use this phrase a lot when we see the amazing transformations of our wonderful patients who have lost weight with us. Without having to read their inspiration stories, we can see how brilliant their transformations are, just by looking at their before and after photos. When it comes to weight loss transformations, there really is nothing more powerful than seeing side by side images of someone who has lost a lot of weight and changed their life for the better.

oked How often have you lo age at a transformation im them? and wished you were Do you spend hours scrolling through images of people who have dropped pounds and dress sizes, in a bid to feel inspired into your own health kick? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re just the same as the amazing transformations we see every day here at The Slimming Clinic. We hear so often about patients who have seen a someone change their life and it has been the catalyst that gives them the motivation to start their own weight loss journey! If you’ve been struggling with your weight and think you could never be a weight loss success story of your own, we’re here to tell you how wrong you are! Every single patient we have had as a testimonial has told us how they have struggled with hitting ‘walls’ or plateauing, or gaining weight on their journey and have felt like just giving up on ever trying to lose weight! They tell us they have tried multiple avenues for losing weight, only to struggle a few weeks or months in and have simply stopped attending their weight loss classes or refuse to face the scales again and head back to an unhealthy lifestyle that means their weight goes spiralling out of control again. Losing weight can be hard. We know this.


You might have already tried slimming groups, or perhaps intermittent fasting? Maybe you’ve done meal replacement shakes or an ambitious workout regime? Whatever you’ve tried in the past, have you ever stopped to think about why it hasn’t worked for you? Were you setting yourself unattainable goals? Or did you have unrealistic expectations of how quickly you should be losing weight? Maybe you let your emotions take back control of your eating habits again?

But we have news for you. Losing weight doesn’t HAVE to be hard. The hardest part is being motivated to make the decision to change! And we have thousands of successful patients who will prove to you that weight loss with The Slimming Clinic isn’t hard at all – that it is achievable, can be easy and once you’ve lost the weight, you will be left with the tools and know-how for how to keep your health and weight maintained for the future. At The Slimming Clinic, we have a way to support every aspect of your weight loss. Maybe your mindset is never in the right place – work with our Mind Coach to figure out why you’re emotionally eating, or your motivation is dipping. If you’re finding it hard cutting out bad food choices, speak to our Dietitian. They will give you simple tweaks to your diet, not huge changes that feel insurmountable, slowly shifting your eating habits to enable a healthier lifestyle. Or perhaps you’re not moving enough? We have Movement Coaches who work with you to help you get more activity into your lifestyle, based on your current fitness levels. If your previous issues have been medical, talk to our doctor, someone who is an expert in weight loss and medical health and can guide you through your weight loss in a safe and methodical manner, supporting you weekly to ensure your health is a priority at all times. And if your downfall has been unsupportive friends, family or others, we have a wonderful online community where you can go and get 24/7 motivation from people who are on the same weight loss programme as you. With The Slimming Clinic, there is no reason you cannot be your own transformation before and after, it just takes the motivation to join us. Success is what comes after you survive your past failures and accept them instead of dwelling on them. Don’t scold yourself for previous failed attempts - learn from them.

“I lost 5st 7lbs” Shivon


If you’re feeli ng inspired, con tact us today and find out how we c an and WILL help yo u lose weight.


Feeling inspired? Putting in the effort this spring means that by summer, you could be reaping the rewards of your hard work! We are here whenever you are ready to start, so why not now? 0800 917 9334

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