Fresh Start Weight Loss Magazine - Issue Eight

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See what you could lose inside...

Find out more about Semaglutide!



overeat this No need to inter! Autumn & W

PLUS – Amazing Testimonials, Portion Control Advice, Weight Loss Quiz, 7 Day Meal Planner & More!

WELCOME and thank you for downloading our Fresh Start bumper Autumn/Winter 2021 edition! We know it has been another strange year for most of us and there hasn’t been much normal about 2021 so we want to make sure your weight loss journey doesn’tstrayo“trackthisautumn/winterandyou head into 2022 healthier, happier and more positive. Our newest magazine issue is designed to support you through the toughest dieting months and show you that Autumn and Winter are the seasons of change! We know that as the weather turns colder, it can be harder to stay loyal to your weight loss diet, so hopefully the articles in here will inspire you to end the year feeling incredible and see real changes to your health. We’ve got a quiz designed to see if you’re ready to lose weight (page 8) and how you can keep your appetite in control (page 54) and ways you can plan for December, knowing that it is a dieting nightmare month! (page 60) And with loads more like the basics of nutrition, more on our weight loss medications and how to lose weight without exercise, there is bound to be something in here that will teach you something you didn’t know! So, sit back, pull up a comfy chair, get the heating on and spend 10 minutes with our Fresh Start Issue #8 Bumper Issue!

“I lost

2st 3lbs” Jessica


Inside this issue: PAGE 04






















































o t k Bac s c i Bas TION I R T U N

When it comes to heading back to the basics of nutrition, the easiest thing to do is to take what we are eating, one meal at a time. With each meal, we should make it up of some basic components, so let’s look at those components in more detail and why they should be part of our diet!

Fruits and Vegetables

Always start your daily food intake with fruit and vegetables when you are thinking of healthier eating and weight loss. When it comes to fruit and vegetables, you should aim for around 5 x 80g of vegetables and fruit daily, as a minimum. Try to have as many varieties of Protein fruit and vegetables as possible and try not to have the samefruitandvegallthetime.Aimtohavedi“erent 03 varieties over the week. Protein is essential in our diet as it is needed for growth and development, and body cell renewal. Protein also This is because vegetables and fruit are great sources of helps build your muscles, ligaments, cartilage and skin. water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C, antioxidants, poly When it comes to protein in your diet, the key is diversity phenols which are all important to support and protect – so make sure that you have variety and not just chicken your body. Ideally you want to steam, stir fry, roast your in your diet. Sources of protein are meat, ‹sh, chicken, vegetables and if you are boiling you veg you want to do beans, lentils, pulses, dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt) tofu, it in as little water as possible, so you keep the nutrients tempeh, quorn, nuts and seeds. You could also try having in. If you are not keen on veg include more fruit and vice di“erent types of ‹sh, shell‹sh, red meat, white meat versa – but make sure you’re keeping your varieties up and legumes! and ‘eating the rainbow’. If you are really not keen to eat them, you can add them to soups and smoothies – but Agreatthingaboutproteinisthatitalso‹llsyouups theywon’thaveasmuch‹llingpowerinthisform. including it in meals and helps keep you fuller for longer.



Carbohydrates Carbohydrates get a bad reputation and are often left out when we are on a weight loss diet, but carbohydrates are really important in our diet! So, to get the most out of your carbohydrates, it is about having wholemeal, wholegrain varieties and trying to stay away from over processed kinds like white varieties.

By now, you probably know that not all fat is equal some fats are much better for us than others. We should limit our intake of saturated fat like butter, processed fats, lard, animal fats and increase our intake of plant fats, oily ‹sh and monounsaturated fats. When looking to add fats, some better fats for us are olive oil, rapeseed oil, avocados, seeds, nuts and oily ‹sh these are al Goodcarbohydratesarefullof‹breand‹brehelpslower cardiovascular protective. cholesterol levels, protect us from bowel cancer, support our gut microbiome which in turn supports our immune When you’re on a weight loss diet with The Slimming system, so carbs are really important in our diet. Good Clinic we do not advocate no fat - we encourage a lower sources of carbohydrate are wholemeal bread, pasta, fat diet if you are trying to lose weight as fat is so key to wholegrain rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, oatcakes, rye your health. The great thing about fat is that it also makes bread and crackers. Remember where you can aim for foodtasteniceasitisafiavourcarrier,anditisimpor wholemeal and you will get more nutrition for your carb to get food satisfaction so using fat in moderation can source. make food much more enjoyable!

Dairy / Plant based Dairy intake is recommended as part of a balanced diet as it is a great source of calcium, protein, magnesium, and phosphorus which are all needed to protect and develop our bones. The recommendations are for most of the population 3 portions of dairy per day So, a portion is: •

1 glass of milk

30g of cheese

Hydration As humans we are made of about 60% water and some of our major organs like our brain and our heart are over 70% water so it is vital to be well hydrated. When thinking about how much water to drink, The Slimming Clinic recommends about 30ml per Kg of body weight, but this does also depend on how warm your environment is and if you are exercising that day.

As a general rule of thumb, you do not wait until you are thirsty and watch the colour of your urine - you are looking for a pale straw coloured to say how well hydrated you If you are vegetarian or vegan, you need to make sure are. Additionally, we do recommend that you try to limit that you are taking in forti‹ed plant-based milks. They fiuidsthatdehydrateyoulikeco“ee,carbonateddrin are good sources of the vitamins and minerals required like cola and energy drinks. from cows’ milk, but they naturally tend to be lower in protein. Lactofree milk and yoghurt again has the same properties as normal milk and yoghurts but it has had lactaseenzymeaddedtoitandthen‹lteredtoremove any lactose. •

1 pot of yoghurt

When you start on a weight loss diet…

…make sure that you are including all the comp onents above! But if you’re worried you just don’t know how to get your diet right, give us a call at The Slimming Clinic . Our weight loss doctors are experts in nutrition and weight loss diets and can support you with making small susta inable dietary changes. They’ll also educate you along the way about food and nutrition, meaning when you reach your goals with us, you’ll know exactly what to do to maintain them! We’re here, ready for you!

0800 917 9334


Our Weight Loss Medications The vast majority of patients at The Slimming Clinic, we support them with an appetite supressing medication to help them lose weight.

Therearedi“erencesinhowthesedi“erentmedicationsworkand you take that medication on a daily basis. But to understand a bit more abouthowappetitesuppressingmedicationworks,we‹rstneedto understand how the body controls appetite.

Appetite Control Within our body is a complex set of hormone and nervous system signals that travel between the stomach and intestines, the fat tissue in the body and the appetite control centre of the brain, which is what regulates the desire to eat or our appetite. When we eat, our stomach, intestines, and pancreas all release signals that go to the appetite control centre of the brain to indicate that we have taken in energy, we’ve taken in food, and therefore can reduce our appetite. As the food we eat is digested and stored, further signals from the fat tissue go back to the brain to say that we have created energy stores, we’re storing the food that we’ve digested, and furthermore, we can reduce appetite and thatwearefullandsatis‹ed. So key in this process of appetite control is the centre in the brain where the appetite control happens, which is called the hypothalamus, and this is one of the older parts of our brain. It receives all those hormone and nervous system signals that come from the body and it then controls appetite, either through stimulating appetite suppressing signals or appetite stimulating signals. Therefore, appetite suppressing medication works by augmenting these hormone and nervous system signals to control appetite and hunger.


What do we prescribe at The Slimming Clinic? At The Slimming Clinic, we have two types of appetite suppressing medication. The appetite suppressing tablet medication we prescribe works on the appetite suppressing nerves in the hypothalamus of the brain.It stimulates these nerves continuously throughout the day, therefore helping you feel less hungry and making you feel fuller when you eat. They are a class of drug called centrallyacting appetite suppressants and we have been prescribing this type of medication at The Slimming Clinic for over 30 years. The appetite suppressing daily injection we prescribe also works on the appetite suppressing nerves in the hypothalamus. The injection is a mimic of a normal hormone that’s released by the stomach when we eat, GLP-1. This hormone sends signals to the appetite suppressing nerves in the brain but it also has anextrae“ectonthestomach.Itslowsdownhowquickythefoodleavesour stomach after being eaten, and thereby increases our level of fullness, so we feel fuller and our appetite is further suppressed. This is in an injection you give yourselfeachday,usingaverysmall‹neneedle,andyouinjectitintothelayer of fat under the skin on either your stomach, thigh or upper arm. We do prescribe one other medication, that can be used either alone or in conjunction with appetite suppressing medication, called Xenical. Xenical works to reduce the absorption of 30% of the fat you eat in a meal, so you take Xenical alongside having a meal and by reducing the amount of fat absorbed by the body,itcanhelpyoutoincreasethecaloriede‹cityouhavethatday.Weknow that fat has the most calories per gram, at 9 calories per gram, compared to proteinandcarbohydrates,soithelpsyoutoachievethecaloriede‹cityou need to achieve your weight loss.

How does the medication work with our weight loss programmes?

Prescriptive appetite suppressing medication is able to help with hunger reduction by helping you stick to a healthy eating plan, making you feel less hungry during the day, so maybe you’ll be less prone to snacking or grazing, and it also helps you feel fuller when you eat,whichhelpsreduceportionsize.Weknowthattoe“ectivelyloseweight,younee reduce the amount of calories you take in on a daily basis and that is to help you achieve that overalldailycaloriede‹cit.Butwerecommendthatwecombinethatnotonlywith the number of daily food calories coming in, but combining it with an increased amount of calories burned through movement. We know that moving more on a daily basis not only uses up those daily calories, but it also helps you to get to your weight loss goal quicker and also changes how your body looks and works. When we work our body and our muscles in exercise, you can help to build muscles and get a toned and strong body which you’ll start to notice as your weight loss increases. So it is important to understand that the medication alone will not give you all the results you want. You do need to combine the hunger reduction support the medication gives you with maintaining a good number of balanced calories each day, increasing your daily movement and working on your mindset and behaviours that allow you to both lose and maintain your weight loss. This is where our treatment programmes come in and support you alongside the medication. It gives you ability to make those other changes so that you can have those longlasting results.



? 1.

You’ve decided you need to lose weight, give your weight loss diet a boost and you want to feel and look better. That is wonderful news!

I have really considered my eating habits and physical activities and I know what I need to do to change and lose weight.




I have accepted that in order to lose weight successfully, I need to make permanent changes my diet and activity level.




I have accepted that the most sustainable way to lose weight is slowly, in a controlled and supervised way.




I am now losing weight because I want to and for valid reasons, not because someone else is telling me to.




I know there will be ups and downs on my weight loss journey, butIwillnotallowmyselftogiveupatthe‹rsthurdle.

Y 8


But are you actually ready and have you got what it takes to lose weight?! It might sound silly‘being readytoloseweight’but decidingtoloseweightisjustthe‹rstofmany steps to reaching your weight loss goals. Losing weight itself takes determination, willpower and commitment and if you’re not ready to put your all into it, you might not be successful. Try our test to see if you are really ready to lose weight for good!


I am ready to change my mindset, with support from my weight loss doctor and weight loss experts to make my weight loss as successful as I can.




I am willing to address the directions in my life that have been stopping my weight loss journey being a success in the past.




I will look to address any emotional eating habits I have, not allowing emotions to control my weight loss diet.




I am willing to reach out for support from The Slimming Clinic and their weight loss programmes so I have regular help and encouragement whenever I need it.




I understand that a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic is a short-term ‹nancialoutlay,foralifetimeofbetterhealth,morecon‹denceandfeelingbetter.


N So, did you answer ‘yes’ to all or most of the se?

If you did – you’re absolutely ready to be on a weight loss journey and we cannot wait to get you started on a weight loss journey with us! Give our Initial Video Consultation a go now and see if your life could be changed in just a short time!

SLIMMER SUCCESS STORY Name: Kimberley Baker Age: 22 ent / Store Manager Occupation: Full Time Stud Starting Weight: 16st 8lbs Current Weight: 13st 8lbs : 3st Total Weight Loss to Date


KIMBERLEY STARTED with The Slimming Clinic in September 2020 and in that short amount of time, she has lost a fantastic 3stone on her i-Change weight loss programme!


ind out how losing weight has shown her how to be body con‹dent and that her own family and friends didn’t recognise her after she came out of lockdown, due to her amazing weight loss results!

WHY DID YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO START A WEIGHT LOSS DIET? I decided to start a weight loss diet because I felt unhappy and uncomfortable with my weight, and I had no body con‹denceatall.


Whereas with The Slimming Clinic i-change weight loss programme, I have noticed my portion control and cravings have been supressed thanks to the weight loss medication which has helped a lot to stick with the diet!

How did you hear about The Slimming Clinic and why did you choose to lose weight with us?

Tell us about any previous weight loss diet attempts you have made?

I heard about The Slimming Clinic because a family member had previously tried their weight loss programmes and recommended it as they were successful and lost a few stone.

In the past I have tried a few weight loss diets and groups and after a while I lost interest and I was bored. I only lost about 1.5 st in total and then I put the weight on again and more!

Once I had looked into the programmes at The Slimming Clinic, I noticed how successful other people have been with their weight loss.

I felt restricted in those weight loss groups as there were strict plans which I struggled to follow, and this is what made me become bored as I was eating the same foods all the time.

Also, I was pleased with how much weight loss expert quality support and resources were available which gave me more motivation to join.


WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT YOUR I-CHANGE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMME? The best thing about my i-Change weight loss programme is all the weight loss expert resources I received! My Qardio scales and arm monitor have been fantastic and the Qardio app is very easy to use and it has helped me keep track of my health and weight throughout. The support from my phone call appointments with my weight loss doctor has been so great for the advice.

WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT AND WHAT DO YOU DO NOW, THAT YOU DIDN’T DO BEFORE? The best thing about losing 3 stone is feeling great aboutyourself,thecon‹denceisamazing!Myjourney started during the second hit of the pandemic lockdowns, so my friends, family and peers did not see memuchwhichmeantwhentheydid‹nallyseeme after all this weight loss their reactions and support were amazing! People didn’t recognise me as I look so di“erent! Before I joined The Slimming Clinic weight loss programme,Idrankalotof‹zzydrinks.NowIdrink loads of water throughout the day, I have completely ditched‹zzydrinksandothersugarydrinksasIprefer water.Iusedtodrinkalotof‹zzybeforeIstartedand that was a habit I thought I couldn’t break but I cannot even attempt to drink it now which is perfect! Also I rarely snack on snacks like crisps and chocolate bars etc anymore, I don’t fancy them or even consider them anymore.Ihaveevenstartedtoturndowno“ersof chocolate cakes or treats from family members as I’m not bothered about them anymore.

Was there anything you struggled with on your weight loss journey, and how did you overcome that? I did struggle a lot of with remembering to take the medication before meals throughout the day as I have a busy schedule with being a student and having a job. However, my family were always reminding me and were a great help, also I keep reminders on my phone to help.

What would you say to anyone thinking of joining a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic?

If anyone is thinking of joining a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic, I would tell them it is 100% worth it! The Slimming Clinic has helped me change my weight, eating habits and has turned my life around as I feel ten times better and healthier for it! If you are wanting to try adi“erentonlineweightlossdietlikethis,thenjustgo it!


SEMAGLUTIDE A new miracle weight loss injection? A study of almost 2000 people published in February 2021 has shown that a new, once-a-week weight loss injection can help patients with obesity signi‹cantlyreducetheirbodyweight and improve their health! The study, undertaken by University College London, found that 32% of people who took semaglutide were able to reduce their overall body weight 20%, in just 15 months.

What is semaglutide? Semaglutide, much like liraglutide (Saxenda), is an injectable weight loss medication that works on the appetite receptors in the brain to reduce feelings of hunger and cravings. The injection imitates GLP1 – a naturally occurring hormone in your body – which is released after you eat and indicates to your brain that you are full. These medications also work to slow the emptying of your stomach, which leads to feelings of fullness for longer after you have eaten. Prior to this trial, semaglutide was used for the purposes of treating those with type 2 diabetes, to enable them to control their condition, but the study was undertaken to assess if the medication would be a suitable treatment for weight loss for thosesu“eringfromobesityoroverweight.

What was the trial? The trial was measured on patients with BMIs over 30, or patients with BMIs over 27 who have a weight-related condition. The trial took 1,961 adults and gave 2 out 3 of the participants the semaglutide injection and the remaining third received a placebo injection.

What were the results of the trial?

In those who took part in the trial, almost 70% of the participants on the semaglutide injection lost between 10 and 15% of their starting body weight, compared with just 12% who lost this amount using the placebo injection. An amazing 32% of those taking semaglutide loss in excess of 20% of their body weight when only 1.7% of people lost this on the The trial wanted to see if semaglutide could prove to have a placebo drug. positiveandlastinga“ectonthehealthandweightofthose who have obesity, when used alongside healthy lifestyle Across the entire study, those taking semaglutide alongside changes, compared to simply changing diet. their healthy lifestyle changes had an average weight loss of 14.9% of their body weight compared with 2.4% without the Each participant was also given access to a dietitian on a medication. The semaglutide group also saw improvements monthly basis to review their progress and support their in their cardiovascular health compared to the placebo group, lifestyle and eating habit changes. meaning they have lowered their risks of developing heart conditions and other obesity related illnesses.


“Weight loss with semaglutide was accompanied by greater improvements… with respect to cardiometabolic risk factors, including reductions in waist circumference, blood pressure, glycated haemoglobin levels, and lipid levels…” the researchers explain. Dr CharlotteNorton,MedicalDirectorforThe SlimmingClinic,tellsuswhatthe‹ndings ofthisstudymeaninthe‹ghtagainst obesity: “The results of the semaglutide trial are encouraging for the advancement oftreatmentoptionsforthosea“ected byobesity.Thisisasigni‹cantincreasein the amount of weight loss achievable in comparison to current medication options. We hope the future addition of semaglutide to our available medications will yield even better results for our patients at The Slimming Clinic.”

Howissemaglutidedi“erentto Liraglutide (Saxenda)?

In comparison, looking to the new semaglutide study, of the patients taking the medication: •

86% lost at least 5% of their body weight.

69% lost more than 10%.

50% lost over 15% of their body weight.

32% of patients lost a staggering 20% of their body weight.

From this, we can see that whilst the Saxenda weight loss injections yielded excellent weight loss results in the 2015 trial, the once-a-week semaglutide injection has shown to produce even better weight loss results, when it is paired with weight loss support and advice.

Whilst both are injectable weight loss medication,thebene‹tofsemaglutideisthat it only needs to be injected once a week in ordertohavethee“ectsrequiredtosupport weight loss. Currently Saxenda (liraglutide) is the only anti-obesity drug that is approved by NICE National ( Institute for Health and Care Excellence) in the UK and requires being administered by the patient a number of times a day, based on their requirements. The introduction of semaglutide could improve treatment as it only requires the patient to take it once a week – thus they are less likely to forget to take it!

How does semaglutide compare to Saxenda in terms of weight loss? Back in, 5 1 the 02 New England Journey of Medicine released the ‹ndings of a study on Saxenda. Much like this new semaglutide study, it took patients who were overweight or obese and gave two thirds of patients a course of Saxenda weight loss injections and the remaining third received a placebo pen. Over the course of this trial, of the patients taking Saxenda: •

63% lost at least 5% of their body weight.

33% lost more than 10%.

14% lost over 15% of their body weight.

Overall 92% of those taking Saxenda lost weight and improved their health.

What is next for semaglutide? Based on the ‹ndings of this study, the evidence of the positive e“ects that semaglutide injections have on weight loss havebeensubmittedtoNICE,forapprovalto use the once-weekly medication to support those who are su“ering with obesity or overweight lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.DrNortonexplainstheprocess,“With any new medication, regulators need to ensure theevidencebaseissuflcienttosupportthe prescription of the medication to the wider public.NICEwillreviewtheavailabledataand make a recommendation on how and where semaglutide can be prescribed. It is likely it will initially be available in specialist NHS weight loss clinics or on private prescription in private weight loss clinics such as The Slimming Clinic.”

In the meantime, if you are looking for suppor t and guidance to a healthier lifestyle, get in contact.

We have a number of brand-new weight loss programmes and weight loss medications that ensure thatthereisaservicetosuitanyone whoneedsourhelp.To‹ndoutmorevisi , tourweightlos programmes page, or book a call back from one of our wonderful Patient Support Team .

FORM BETTER HABIT TIPS Why is it so easy to form bad habits, but so hard to form good habits?

Well truth is, bad habits are usually things we allow to happen because they are so easy to form and maintain. Things like, allowing ourselves to stop our movement and exercise regime – it is SO much easier to sit on the sofa and watch TV than get out of the house and have a walk or run, or put on a YouTube exercise video.

But these habits don’t help us, in fact, they tend to hinder our health and well-being, and over the long term, can really be detrimental to not just our physical health, but our mental health too.

And when it comes to eating, it is much simpler to pop a pizza in the oven or order a takeaway than think about being in the kitchen cooking and then having to clean up afterwards.

We know that by exercising, we will not only feel better physically, but will also feel better mentally too. The same can be said for eating habits, we know healthy, home-cooked food will make us feel better, but it just requires that little bit more e“ort.

Our mindset allows us to pick up these negative habits as they just make life easier. Which is why it can be really hard to break the cycle of these negative habits and change them into good habits.


The Slimm ing Clinic c an be your w illpower a nd motivation when you need it most.

Call today

0800 917


9334 SO JUST HOW CAN WE BREAK THE CYCLE OF NEGATIVE BEHAVIOURS AND FORM BETTER HABITS? One of the best ways to form better habits is to have some time away from any distractions and re-evaluate where we are right now and where we want to be at some realistic point in the future. We then ask ourselves the steps we would need to take to get there and challenge any bad habits we have developed along the way. The past couple of years have certainly been like no others and whilst various lockdowns have given many of us time to think and perhaps re-evaluate future goals, it has left others developing bad habits, poor time management and a lack of focus. So,ifwe‹ndourselvesinthelatterofthesetwogroups,now is the perfect opportunity to get back on track with some welldeserved self-care and attention leaving our bad habits behind ready for the 2022! One of our biggest motivations in goal setting is to look at any wasted time due to procrastination or lack of direction.

WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS AND WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SMALL CHANGES WE CAN MAKE NOW TO GET OURSELVES MOVING AGAIN? Firstly, write down what has been happening for us over the past few months or year and any bad habits we wish to leave behind in 2021 and work towards developing healthier habits again.Remembertokeepitbitesizeso,forexample,ifwe‹nd ourselves drinking more alcohol than we would like, snacking more than usual, a lack in exercise or avoiding any form of socialising amongst friends and family, begin cutting down or building up whatever it is to rid ourselves of those bad habits and feel more positive again. If we focus each day on choosing some healthier, maintainable habits, it allows us to kick start a better routine for the future months. Secondly, write down how you will achieve this. How will you leave your bad habits behind and what do you have to do to achieve them? Remember, habit forming does take time and discipline, it isn’t something that can happen overnight, and it will take some determination to make your new, better habits stick. BUT if you start now, it will set you in really good stead to start 2022 feeling happier, more positive and embracing your better habits for improved health! If you need a little more support with forming healthy habits and want help from experts, do give us a call.



R E W O P WILL Make a food list:

When we begin a weight loss journey, we set out with the best intentions. We do a food shop full of healthy items, we stick rigidly to the plan for a week, two weeks, maybe a month. Then something hits us, something knocks us o“ track. Perhaps it’s a meal out, or a few drinks, or that comforting family-sized bar of chocolate and slowly but surely, the bad eating habits we have spent the last few weeks trying to work on go well and truly out the window. So when you fall o“ track, how do you react? Do you put it down to one bad meal or day and get right back on track? Or, do you fall *really* o“ track and blow all your hand work out of the window?

Using your willpower means starting back at the very beginning, by trying to avoid buying the unhealthy snacks and foods in the ‹rstplace.

So,the‹rstpointofcallcomesonourvisitorinternetshopt the supermarket and whilst there to consider and give thought to our long-term goal. When making your shopping list, note down which healthy foods you enjoy the most and stock up on those. If you notice there are a number of unhealthy foods on your list, try limiting those and reducing the temptation to have them in the house.

Set yourself a goal: Whathasshowntoreallybene‹tusatthisstageisifwehave some form of screensaver on our mobile phones reminding us of the goal we wish to reach.

If you’re the second, we are pleased to say that there is a really easy way to tackle this and that you don’t have to throw away all the hard work and weight you have lost already.

This can either be in pictorial form or text of your choice that you feel would encourage you on your weight loss journey. It could also be in the form of some kind of reward, for example a picture of the hotel you would be treating yourself to when you reach your desired goal.

So where do we begin?

A quick glance at a reminder of what we are hoping to achieve or reward ourselves with (staying away from foods as a reward) can really help in making healthier choices.


Take Photographs: Taking progress photos is a really e“ective way of seeing how far you have come and reminding yourself where you don’t want to be. Physically seeing where you started and where you are now is a fantastic reminder of what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.

Allow yourself time away from your healthy eating: For some, it is easier to avoid temptation all together, but for lots of us, we need that incentive to help us stay on track. In a lot of cases, your incentive might be a cheat meal or day, or night out. Something you have been building up towards and means you can really enjoy yourself.

Planning is key if you intend to incentivise yourself with cheat days. It is best to plan it for a time when you know you are more likely to crave higher-calorie foods, such as the weekend or special occasions. This way you can ‹titaroundyourhealthylifestyle,andit’sgreattohav something to look forward to, giving you that extra motivation to do well during the week.

Find What Motivates You: Before you started your weight loss journey, you must have had a reason for why you wanted to begin. The ‹rst stages of your weight loss journey are when you’re most determined and your willpower is strongest. However, as we get further into a weight loss journey, ourwillpowerdoeswaneandwe‹ndithardertostick to it. The important thing when you feel your motivation lacking is to ask yourself ‘why am I doing this and what do I want to achieve?’ and write this answer down. Take it with you everywhere you go or, put it somewhere you will see it every day to remind you of why you’re on this journey. If you remind yourself of your motivation when you want to give up, you’ll be less likely to!

Ultimately, the simple answer to keeping your willpower boosted is to ensure that you use as much willpower as possible.

The easiest way to view it is it to see your willpower as a physical muscle - The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Ultimately, the success of your diet depends on you. Sticking to your goals and continuing to work towards them when times get hard is incredibly inspirational, but the best part is, you already have theabilitytosticktothem.Youjustneedtofiexyo willpower muscle!


Our Weight Loss Programmes When you are thinking about what weight loss programme is best for you, what is your priority? We know that for a lot of people, the answer will be the easiest, quickest and cheapest route for them – rather than taking into consideration what is best for their health. There are lots of weight loss programmes out there designed to help you reach your weight loss goals, but deciding what weight loss programme is bestforyoucanbediflcult.Whenitcomestoweight loss programmes from The Slimming Clinic, we like to thinkwedothingsalittledi“erently!

What makes The Slimming Clinic di“erenttootherweightloss programmes?

Pros of The Slimming Clinic •

Remote appointments mean you can have

AtTheSlimmingClinic,weo“eranumberofweight your appointment wherever you are, 6 days loss programmes that are designed around you, with a week. access to real, trained professionals with additional • All our weight loss experts are just that – weight loss medication, where appropriate. Using 1-toEXPERTS! 1 remote appointments with weight loss doctors, we build weight loss programmes that suit your lifestyle • All patients get access to our medical and weight loss goals. Rather than focusing on certain weight loss experts, depending on the diets or activities, we talk to you and get to know you. programme you select. Our GMC-registered weight loss doctors recommend the best ways for you to lose weight and diet plans to • 1-to-1 appointments only – no groups to follow.Alongsidethis,weo“erweightlossmedication. attend or weighing in in front of others. Safeande“ective,weightlossmedicationisprescribed • Regular 1-to-1 appointments mean we after we have ascertained your suitability. If suitable, can update your weight loss programme our medical experts prescribe weight loss medication to help suppress your appetite and curb cravings, whenever you need it. We can adapt to suit which will assist you and support your weight loss diet your needs, no matter what direction life changes. takes you in! Whatever level of weight loss programme you join with • The Slimming Clinic, you will get access to our weight loss experts too – to support you in every way that can a“ectaweightlossjourney.Allourmedicalweight • loss experts are fully trained in their professions and their sole purpose within The Slimming Clinic is to help • youloseweightandkeepito“forgood.Ourteamof experts is made up of Dietitians, Mind Coaches, Level 4 Personal Trainers, Psychologists and Doctors. All these roles require years of training and require them to be expertsintheir‹eld.


Weight loss medication to support your journey and help you feel fuller for longer. Our services and programmes outweigh the cost that you pay. Teach you ways to lose weight and also ensure you have the tools to maintain your weight loss for good.

Cons of The Slimming Clinic •

More expensive than traditional ‘High Street’ weight loss programmes. We can only treat those with BMIs over 27.

So, which is the best weight loss programme for you? Overall, when you are looking for the best weight loss programme for you, whether you choose a high street weight loss group, app or The Slimming Clinic, these are our top tips for what to look for and questions you should ask:

Doesmyweightlossprogrammeo“era wealth of information to support my weight loss?

Does it look at external factors like sleep, stress, mindset and willpower and show you ways to support these areas?

Doesmyweightlossprogrammeo“er ongoing care and support for the full duration?

Can you access professional support from your weight loss provider, when you need it most via telephone or online?

Is my weight loss programme delivered by professionally trained experts in diet, mindset, movement and, if appropriate, medicine?

Doesmyweightlossprogrammeo“er realistic weight loss goals of 1-2lbs per weekandnoto“erfast,fadweightlossdiet solutions?

Doesmyweightlossprogrammeo“er supportforkeepingweighto“long-term, once you are at target?

If you’re a fter a new way to los e weight, then speak to o ur team w ho can talk to you about o bespoke w ur eight loss p la ns – tailored for you!

0800 917



7 DAY Meal Planner Monday






Porridge & mixed berries made with water

Grilled Chicken breast and mixed salad with low fat salad dressing

Grilled steak with homemade sweet potato wedges & green vegetables

• Apple • Watermelon



No added sugar muesli with semi skimmed milk

semi skimmed milk & chopped banana

Baked potato with tuna in lowest-fat mayo and sweetcorn with salad

Baked salmon with new potatoes & broccoli

• 4 squares of dark chocolate • Low fat yoghurt with berries

Hummus, rocket and roasted peppers in a wholemeal wrap with a packet of low- calorie baked crisps Homemade spaghetti bolognese with 5% mince, Wholemeal pasta & 30g grated cheddar • • Flapjack slice • • Orange

Thursday 2 slices of wholemeal toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter Homemade minestrone soup & 3 salted rice crackers

Friday Parsley and basil omelette with 3 large tomatoes

Ham salad sandwich on wholemeal bread

Saturday One small can of reduced sugar baked beans on 1 slice of wholemeal toast

Giant couscous with roasted peppers, spring onion, tomatoes & 30g feta

Sunday Scrambled eggs made with semi skimmed milk with grilled tomatoes & 2 slices of wholemeal toast Broccoli pesto pasta salad

Fish pie made with ‹shpiemixtopped with mashed potato made with semi skimmed milk with green beans

Lean pork chops with glass noodles, stir fry vegetables tossed in low salt soy sauce and chillifiakes

Stu“edpeppers with turkey mince topped with 30g grated mozzarella

Roast chicken & roast potatoes in low fat cooking spray with carrots, kale & peas

Guacamole with ½ wholemeal pitta

• Small handful of unsalted nuts • Mixed berries

175ml glass of red wine

2 chocolate digestives




WHEN YOU BEGIN a weight loss programme, you set out with the best intentions. You are motivated, determined and your willpower is strong – it must be to have started your weight loss journey! Usually, you will see excellent weight loss results in the ‹rst few weeks of a weight loss diet, as your body adjusts to the healthy changes you have implemented in your lifestyle. So, when your weight loss slows or stops, do you ever consider the reason? Or do you just give up, thinking, ‘I just can’t lose weight no matter what!’ So why aren’t you losing weight? The Slimming Clinic looks at 5 reasons why you might be struggling to lose weight and how you can overcome those reasons!

1. You’re eating too much, or you’re eating mindlessly This one might seem obvious, but when we ‹rst begin a weight loss diet, we are really good at measuring, counting calories and making sure we’re not over-eating. However, as you get more comfortable with your weight loss diet, you might stop counting and measuring and start eating and cooking by eye. You might *think* you’re only eating 75g pasta with dinner, but without measuring, how can you be sure? And what about that little chunk of cheese you ate whilst you were cooking dinner last night? If your weight loss has slowed, or come to a halt, take time to write down everything you are eating, over the course of a couple of days. Measure your food and track your calories, you might be surprised to ‹nd you are over-eating! Also consider everything you eat. Before you eat something, think to yourself – ‘Am I hungry? Do I really need this?’

2. Calories are too low This one is a little bit unusual, but it could be that you are eating too little on your diet plan for weight loss! Whilstamodestcaloriede‹citisimportantforaweightlossdiet, if you under-fuel your body, it holds onto a lot more fat, as it could be going into starvation mode. When your body enters starvation mode, your metabolism slows and as such, it is a lot harder to lose weight. Remember, calories are not your enemy and eating too few is not the best way to lose weight! Your body needs a certain number of calories to function properly. When considering your calorie intake, it should be adjusted only as low as to support you losing about 1-2lbs a week. This will mean your calorie intake will vary based on you, your lifestyle and your metabolism.


3. Not getting enough sleep How often have you had a bad night’s sleep and the next day, eaten everything in sight just to comfort yourself? When we’re tired, we make much poorer food decisions and ‹nd ourselves straying away from our weight loss programme in search of unhealthier, convenience foods. However, whilst these foods might bring a small amount of comfort when we’re lacking in the ZZZs, they won’t be doing our healthy lifestyle any good at all! In fact, they often provide a quick spike in energy, then an even bigger come down in energy and leave us feeling lethargic. So whilst we can’t predict when we’re going to have a sleepless night, we can be prepared, just in case that occurs. Why not prep some of your favourite weight loss diet meals and have them in the freezer ready to eat when you feel the need for convenience food? Or, make a meal plan at the beginning of the week that you know you have to stick to!

4. Not Moving enough If you’re a sedentary person, who works at a desk all day, or someonewho‹ndsthemselvesseatedforlongperiodsofthe day, it might be time to look at introducing some exercise for weight loss. Ifyouare‹ndingthatyoureallycan’tloseweight,despitehaving a good diet plan for weight loss, it could be that adding in some simple, easy movement to your day could really help! By exercise, we don’t mean anything super strenuous either. It could be something as small as a 30-minute walk at lunchtime or yoga class. If you’re already exercising, but not strenuously, maybe it is time to up the intensity? Try something a little more heart-pumping like a HIIT session, swimming or spinning at the gym. Whilst it is possible to lose weight without exercise, adding it in could also see you speedupyoure“ortstoo!

5. Not drinking enough water Water is so important when you are trying to lose weight! Whilst it doesn’t hold any nutritional qualities, we all know that water is essential for our health and, in turn, our weight loss diet. As adults, we should be drinking about 8 glasses – 2 litres – of water a day to be fully hydrated. Water supports your diet for weight loss as it improves digestion and can decrease your appetite – a natural appetite suppressant! If you’re feeling hungrier recently, or just can’t stop snacking, try drinking a glass of water when those feelings arise and seeing if it reduces your cravings and hunger pangs.

In Summary we know that a weight loss diet isn’t always easy, and there are many reasons it can come to a standstill. What is important though, is when your weight loss does slow or stop, if how you react. Do you give up completely and allow yourself to gain weight again, or, do you try someth ing new to continue your weight loss success? At The Slimming Clinic, we have years of experience in this area and our expert weight loss doctors can not only help you get to the bottom of the reason you are not losing weight, but will also help you overcome it. Our medical weight loss programmes ensure that you are able to not only lose weight and reach your weight loss goals, but also ensure you don’tgainitback!Ifyou’relookingformoresupportandtotry somethingnew–giveusacalland‹ndoutmoreabout our online weight loss programmes!


INITIAL VIDEO CONSULTATION The Slimming Clinic would like to invite you to an Initial Video Consultation with a GMC-Registered weight loss doctor!

If you are new patient, or you have not had an appointment with The Slimming Clinic for over 12 months, your journey to better health and weight loss begins with an Initial Video Consultation.

By having an online video consultation, you don’t have to wait to start losing weight, you can begin today! 24

Having heard that patients were struggling to get to physical health assessments and wanting to ensure everyone has the chance to change their life and health, The Slimming Clinic have reworked the way you can join our online weight loss programmes. So, with patient care at the forefront, and ensuring that you will still be appropriately assessed before commencing any weight loss treatments or programmes with us, The Slimming Clinic introduced our Initial Video Consultations. Our Initial Video Consultations are the most convenient and comprehensive way to start a weight loss programme youcan‹ndandfor £50 includes: • A thorough health and weight loss video consultation where you will spend quality 1-to-1 time with a weight loss doctor, who will take the time to get to know you and advise you more on your health and lifestyle for weight loss. • A Blood Pressure Monitor to take your reading ready for your initial video consultation. • Immediate access to two weeks of exclusive weight loss advice, delivered in modules and written exclusively for patients of The Slimming Clinic by our experts in diet, mindset and movement. • The best part, as soon as your consultation is booked, you will get access to the weight loss advice, meaning you can start your weight loss right now! • A £50 refund of your initial video consultation fee when you join a weight loss programme with us.

We know that getting to a location to start your weight loss can be time-consuming and inconvenient and we wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to lose weight.

TheconvenienceofournewInitialVideoConsultationisprovingitselfwithpatients‹ndingiteasierandquickertos loss journey. Just like our online weight loss programmes, you can have your Initial Video Consultation wherever you are, as long as you have Wi-Fi or signal, can be stationary for approximately 50 minutes and have access to a device with camera and video call capabilities. If you want to start your weight loss programme as soon as you are ready, you can, with our online Initial Video Consultations with our weight loss doctors!

To‹ndoutmoreabouthowTheSlimmingClinicwillsupportyouto achieving your weight loss goals, call us today on 0800 917 9334.




We know that joining The Slimming Clinic for the ‹rst time can be a big step. So, the apprehension of not knowing what to expect at your initial video weight loss consultation can be a little daunting.

you are suitable, they will give you more information about the medication recommended to help your weight loss journey and any side e“ects to look for.

We want to take away any worry you might be feeling and put your mind at rest by detailing exactly what happens at your ‹rst appointment! Remember, our specialist weight loss doctors are friendly, understanding, professional and their main aim is that they want to help you achieve your goal of losing weight!

Once you have discussed possible medications, your medical weight loss doctor will go into more detail about your individual weight loss programme and how the medication will be monitored. As well as this, they will recommend diet and lifestyle changes to ensure you get the most out of your time at The Slimming Clinic. At the end of your weight loss consultation, they will pass you over to a member of our Patient Support Team who will go through a bit more detail about our weight loss programmes with you.

What will happen at my initial video weight loss consultation?

When the time comes to have your initial video weight loss consultation, you will receive a live invite to join a Zoom meeting with our weight loss doctor. Following that, you will meet one of our weight loss doctors on the Zoom meeting. They will start o“ by getting to know you, including any major struggles you might be facing in terms of your weight. The doctor will also ask you about your medical history and any other medication you may already be on. They will note down your weight, height, BMI and blood pressure reading too, so please have these measurements to hand. This helps them to assess your suitability for our prescription medication and if


ormation For more inf to about what weight expect at a ation, loss consult on give us a call


0800 917 93

What will the doctor be checking during my consultation?

During the consultation, your weight loss doctor will be looking for any reasons that would deem you unsuitable for treatment, such as medications that cannot be taken alongside appetite suppressants or any health-related issues.They will also measure your height and starting weight to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and take down your blood pressure reading.

How long is my consultation?

Your initial video consultation with The Slimming Clinic doctor is approximately 50 minutes.

What will the doctor want to discuss with me at my initial video weight loss consultation?

What are the requirements for my initial video consultation?

The requirements for your initial video consultation are:

Be in a location where you can be stationary for the duration of your video consultation (approximately 50 minutes).

Have access to your email – as that is how the zoom link will be sent at the start of your appointment.

Have your blood pressure machine and a set of weighing scales available as the doctor will need to see your weight and blood pressure on the video consultation.

The most important part of the weight loss • Have access to a computer/tablet/smart consultation with your doctor is to build trust, whilst phone with a camera and video capabilities. ensuring you are treated with respect and dignity. Your weight loss specialist doctor will ask you about • You will need to ‘allow’ Zoom to access your weight struggles in the past and your reasons your camera. for joining The Slimming Clinic.They will also be interested to ‹nd out about any weight loss methods • Your photo ID to show the weight loss you have previously tried and how you found them, doctor. as well as any activity you are currently partaking in. This will help your doctor to build a bigger picture • It’s also helpful if you have to hand an upabout you and enable them to build a treatment plan to-date prescription of any medication you that is completely tailored to your needs. Following currently take, as well as any medical notes this conversation, the doctor will discuss what being or doctor letters that may be relevant. a patient at The Slimming Clinic entails, what the However, this is not essential at your treatment plans are and the prescription medication options are available to you individually. appointment.

What happens in future weight loss consultations? Following your initial weight loss consultation, we will invite you for regular appointments with your weight loss doctor or practitioner to discuss your progress. These follow up appointments are crucial to your weight loss journey, as they allow us to track your progress and make amendments to your programme where necessary.Alongside a discussion about your progress, your doctor will take down your up-todate weight and take any other measurements as necessary. They will discuss the changes you’ve implemented to your lifestyle and how they have worked for you. Our weight loss doctors can help with any questions you have about the medication and dispense your next prescription of your appetite suppressants.


E S O L O T E L IB S S O P IT IS WEIGHT WITHOUT EXERCISE? We get this question a lot and we want to tell you that, yes, it is completely possible to lose weight without exercise! We have a lot of patients who come to us and haven’t exercised for years, don’t enjoy exercise and don’t know where to start to incorporate exercise for weight loss into their lives. So, when it comes to just starting out, sometimes, we don’t even look at adding exercise to a weight loss journey, especially if it is not something you are comfortable doing, we can start with your weight loss diet! However, if you want the fastest way to lose weight, we do suggest combining movement and activity with your healthy weight loss diet. Find out how adding movement slowly and consistently could be the best way to lose weight for you!



Firstly, no matter how much exercise you do, if you haven’t got your diet plan for weight loss correct, you will never Once you have been able to implement changes to your diet lose weight. In fact, they say that up to 80% of a weight loss for weight loss and are comfortable with the adjustments journey is determined by the food you eat, not how much you have made, the next stage of your healthy weight loss you move or exercise. It doesn’t matter how much you move programme is to begin to add light, easy movement into orexercise,ifyouareeatingmorecaloriesthanyouburnyour o“, life. The easiest way to do this is to think about the you will not lose weight. movement you already make in your life and see where you could make small, incremental changes to add more That is why the ‹rst thing we look at when starting an movement. online weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic is a nutrition plan for weight loss. Getting your nutrition right • Do you drive to work? Could you park a little further and making sure you are eating a healthy, balanced diet is away and walk in? Could you cycle? the best way to kickstart a new healthier lifestyle and will startthepoundsdroppingo“! • Do you walk the dog? Could you take them on a longer route tonight? Some top tips for losing weight without exercise to begin with are: • Do you take the lift? Could you take the stairs? •

Eat three healthy, balanced meals a day packed with vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Have two healthy snacks a day such as fruit or nuts.

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Water is a natural appetite suppressant and can keep you feeling full when you get the urge to snack.


Get plenty of sleep as when you are well rested, you make better decisions and are more likely to choose foods that support your weight loss diet.

Are you seated for most of the day? Could you get up every 30 minutes and walk around for 5 minutes?

BUT WHAT IS THE BEST EXERCISE TO LOSE WEIGHT? Once you have added some movement into your life at a comfortable level and you are seeing your weight decrease, it might be time to start ramping up the intensity. Really, there is no best exercise to lose weight as it is a very personal thingtoeveryone.Thisiswhereyouneedto‹ndsomething you enjoy that raises your heart rate substantially, gets your blood pumping faster and makes you sweaty!


Our online

weight loss programmes

are designed around you to help you to lose weight e“ectively and safely, all under the watchful guidance of our weight loss doctors.

At The Slimming Clinic, we know that it is possible to lose weight without exercise, but we want you to reach your goals quickly and safely. As part of our medical weight loss programmes, you can get support from our online weight loss coaches in Movement, Diet and Mindset.

The key to exercise for weight loss is ‹nding something that you know you can keep doing and don’t mind doing 3-4 times a week. This could be a mixture of activities such as Zumba, running, HIIT, weight lifting or simply fast walking.

They work with you to give you tailored tips on how to adjust your activities, nutrition and willpower, based on your lifestyle, how much time you have and your limitations. They will never push you or make you feel you are doing too much, but they will simply show you how you can adjust your habits to make sure you are able to ‹nd the best way to lose weight

Whatever you enjoy, make sure you are scheduling in 20-30 minutes of it 3-4 times a week alongside your weight loss diet and soon you will begin to see your weight loss really speed up!

If you need more help and advice with movement, mindset or with your diet, contact The Slimming Clinic. You can begin your journey with an Initial Video Consultation with a doctor – today! 29

JOANNE’S STORY “I lost 2st 7lbs” Joanne Kane has lost an amazing 2 and a half stone with us at The Slimming Clinic on our Transform programme. She sat down with Carol, our Marketing Director, to talk more about her journey and Before how her weight loss has bene‹ttedherlife.


ou can scroll to the bottom to watch her video, or read some of the highlights of their chat in this article about how her weight loss programme has really changed how she lives!

How Joanne feels about her incredible 2 and a half stone weight loss:

years-time when I am still carrying around this extra weight and what is it going to do to my bones and insides?’

I am absolutely delighted, over the moon (to have lost 2 and a half stone) – it’s the best thing I have done in a long time so yeah, I couldn’t be happier!

Then,withthe‹rstlockdown,likealotofpeople,Ithought my weight had been stable but I had actually put on the best part of half a stone and was struggling to get into all my clothes. I had got to the point of convincing myself that I was ok at the weight I was previously as I could disguise it pretty well with the clothes I was wearing but when I went to the Health Assessment the result was that my body composition was 48% fat. This was a real moment of ‘I have just got to do something about this’ and it made me determined that I was going to do it.

On why she decided to lose weight: Since I had my daughters, I knew I was several stone heavier than I was pre-pregnancies and I had been carrying that around for a while. There was also the fact that in 2020 I turned 50 and it makes you think about ‘what am I going to be like in 10 or 20



SLIMMER SUCCESS STORY How Joanne has tried to lose weight before: I had tried to lose weight about 20 years ago and lost 2 and half stone that time with the biggest slimming organisation in the UK but it had taken the best part of a year and it was hard work and slow. When it came to this weight loss, I couldn’t face the thought of points counting again and think being older, I just needed something new and so decided to try The Slimming Clinic.

How the remote appointments worked for her being a busy working mum:

The appointments were really fiexible in terms of being able to arrange to speak to the coaches when we were both available and there was never any problems ‹tting it Having the appointments booked in with the coaches is also a good incentive as it makes you think ‘Well, I really need to do XY’ or ‘I shouldn’t eat that’ as you know someone will be What she enjoyed the most about questioning why you did or didn’t do something! I even had a call scheduled with Phil (the Movement Coach) on 27th her weight loss programme: December and I actually lost weight over Christmas because of their support. Very early on (in the programme) it was very apparent that it wasn’t just about losing weight, it was de‹nitely an investmentforlife.Itwasmuchmoreaboutmakingyou‹tter and stronger and working on once you’ve lost your weight.

WHAT JOANNE THINKS IS THE BEST THING ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT: HOW JOANNE FOUND HER TIME WITH THE HOLISTIC COACHES: I did have sessions with all the coaches to start o“ with (in Mindset, Diet and Movement) and I decided to focus on two areas and that was movement and diet. The Dietitian and Movement Coach are the ones that have helped me the most. On the diet side, for the last 20 years I’ve had IBS so thathasalwaysa“ectedhowwellI’vesleptandifI sleptbadly,thatwouldalwaysa“ecthowI’veeaten the next day and my energy. So Lesley really helped me resolve some IBS issues and it’s been transformative in terms of how I feel when I get up the next day and I’ve had a decent night’s sleep. It sounds corny but it’s been a revelation in terms of how much better I feel all-round.

Just how it makes you feel – it just makes you have a better outlook on life. I obviously have more energy and feel a lot happier in myself that I have previously. Everybody knows what it feels like and it does just feel fantastic having lost weight. I’m looking forward to this summer and hopefully seeing some people I haven’t seen in a while and hopefully getting one or two compliments.

On what she would say to anyone thinking of joining The Slimming Clinic: Just do it – as the famous advert says! I had procrastinated for a good two years and I should have just got on with it and doneitagesago.Ican’trecommenditenough.Itisde‹nitelya fantastic investment in your future life.

If she had any struggles on her weight loss journey: HaveIstruggled?Notparticularly.Ithinkithasgoneextremely well.Ithas‹ttedinreallywellandIwouldn’tsaythereareany drawbacks to the programme at all to be honest!

Watch the full video here:


d o o g g n i Is fast for you? EARLIER THIS YEAR, we spoke to Dietitian, Lesley Reid to talk about the latest craze in the dieting world – Fasting. She spoke about intermittent fasting, the types of fasting for weight loss you can do and if fasting holds any weight lossbene‹tsforyou. Here are a few highlights of what she was talking about, or, if you’d like to see thefullvideothatLesley‹lmed,headto the bottom of this article to watch!

What is intermittent fasting? The basis of the intermittent fasting involves periods of normal food consumption with planned times of food abstinence for weight loss. Intermittent fasting is not just that you’ve missed your lunch but more about you’ve planned a period where you’re not going to eat. Most of us will do a degree of this. Most of us will fast overnight and will break our fast with our breakfast in the morning and that’s really how ‘breakfast’ got its name.

Whatarethehealthbene‹tsoffasting? Like all weight loss diets, intermittent fasting is capable of putting your body intocaloriede‹citwhichcancauseashort-termweightloss. When I looked at the information out there, the best evidence came from about eleven random controlled trials at intermittent fasting and nine out of those eleven trials showed no clinical signi‹cant di“erence between the groups in terms of weight and fat loss. Itappearedthattherewasn’tanyextrabene‹ttofastingforweightloss. The people in the study didn’t appear to lose any more weight than the standard way of losing weight and, potentially, there wasn’t any better long term weight lossresultswithintermittentfastingcomparedtonormalcaloriede‹citdietand healthy lifestyle.


Arethereanysidee“ects What should I be doing, I want to try fasting? with intermittent fasting? As with any weight loss diet, there are some If you’re planning to try fasting for weight loss, do side e“ects with intermittent fasting, but really your research and see which fasting diet could be depends on the person. best for you. So, for myself when I’ve tried to do intermittent fasting, What I would say is you need to make sure that every my body doesn’t like it. I also have had clients who’ve meal counts so you need to make sure that you’re not tried intermittent fasting and a few of them have said just eating anything, but getting good quality in your they feel it a“ects their mood. They ‹nd that they’re meals, to help with your periods of fasting. Get your ‘hangry’andthey‹ndithardtoconcentrate.And that main part of meals based on protein so that’s beans, just means that those clients respond di“erently lentilsto and pulses, tofu, Quorn, meat, ‹sh, chicken, when there’s lower blood sugar levels so maybe don’t yoghurts, eggs because you get more from protein. It function just as well on this type of weight loss diet. will give you a degree of satiety. However, on the other hand, I’ve also had clients that have said that they feel that they had increase in concentration, they could think clearer, they felt that their mood was better. So it really just depends on the individual and whether you feel that it’s something that you can tolerate.

If you’ve got a higher amount of protein in meals, you’re going to feel fuller, so you’re not going to feel just as hungry when you’re fasting. Also maximise your vegetables and especially your green, leafy vegetables. And if you are going to have any carbohydrates, you want to make sure that they’re whole grain. Things like oats, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal rice, things like quinoa, buckwheat, pearl barley, they will give you carbohydrates, but they will also give you ‹bre and they’ll take longer to be released. And that combinationof‹breplusproteinisgoingtomakeyou feel fuller for longer.

Is fasting right for you? If fasting is right for you, is a question you need to pose to yourself. If you’re considering trying, answer these questions:

Who should or shouldn't fast?

What does your natural pattern of eating look like?

How do you enjoy eating?

Where does your hunger come in as well?

Are you going to keep it up long-term?

Will this be something you will be doing in a years’ time?

Again, as intermittent fasting can cause side • e“ects, there are some people who should be • cautious when it comes to fasting for weight loss.

Or is this a short term thing? How are you going to maintain that weight loss when you go back to a degree of normal eating?

If you have somebody who’s thinking about conceiving, so if you’re thinking about falling pregnant, if you are currently pregnant or if you’re breast feeding, I wouldn’t advise intermittent fasting. If you have in the past had an issue with eating and you have had maybe a degree of underlying disordered eating that Fundamentally, fasting has got to work you’ve had in the past, you have to be very careful in with your lifestyle long ter m. when you’re bring in things like fasting because you Waoftch Lesley ’s full fasting vid justhavetomakesurethatitdoesn’ttriggero“any eo here: those negative connotations with eating. And also if you’re on medication that requires to be taken at speci‹c times with food, again this is something you’d have to discuss with your doctor. Is it suitable for you and for your medication?



Tracker WEEK





Weight Lbs Change

Waist Hips RIGHT





Thighs Upper Arms

Weekly Comments Please use the below space to detail how you get on week-by-week, taking note of your mood and how you felt.






Here is your weight loss tracker for 8 weeks! Use it to document your changing weight and measurements and note down any comments on how you feel week-by-week!


















Hidden Menace Behind Our Moods

What do you think of, when you hear the word ‘hormones’? When you mention the word hormones, what image many of us would think of?

Get your n ext appointme nt booked in !

0800 917 9334

IfwewereoldenoughtoremembertheHarryEn‹eldepisodes, maybe we would have the image of the ‘Kevin’ character Whatever thoughts we have towards hormones, they are not becoming a ‘typical teenager’ and the clip that emphasizes often met with love for them but rather absolute dread of the the e“ects of hormones, using humour to exaggerate the inevitable rollercoaster we face at various points in our own extreme change in personality as soon as Kevin hits puberty. life, or of those close to us that we also have to endure. This clip captivated its audience as many of us could relate, in someway,tothee“ectofhormonesonthehumanbodyand how it can alter our mood and the mood of others around us.


Let’s look a little further into the hidden menace behind our moods, the facts and symptoms, what to expect with some common hormone conditions and a few self-help measures.

So, what exactly are hormones and why do they impact us at various points in our life?

Lookingbriefiyatthebiologybehindthis,hormonesareproducedbythe Youmightbeirritable,anxious,su“erfrompalpitationsandhavemood endocrine system to help regulate processes that occur in the body, like swings for example. When the body isn’t making enough of those hunger, blood pressure, movement and sexual desire. They are essential hormones,hypothyroidism) ( you , maysu“erdepression,feeltired,su“er to reproduction and fundamental to all systems in the body. Hormones from muscle ache and weight gain. include adrenaline; insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones but the ones Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is another hormonal disorder, that seem to be most notable when out of balance are the sex hormones which can cause bloating, fatigue, irritability, hair loss or excessive hair oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. However, as hormonal mood swings, weight gain, problems with blood sugar, trouble infiuencesaresofundamentaltothefunctioningofthehumanbody,growth, we concentrating and possible infertility. There are, in fact, so many hormonal canexperiencemanyotherhormonefiuctuationsandconditions,often disordersandconditionsa“ectingtheendocrinesystemthattherew needing interventions to control or manage. be too many to list, so this is where we move onto our best self help The thyroid makes hormones that tell the body how fast or slow to work. measures to ease the discomfort and misery of hormonal fiuctuations If it makes too many of these, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), we and disturbances. can feel like we are going at 100 miles an hour.

So how can we help ourselves, if our hormones are taking over? As many of us have already experienced, knowledge is power, so the more we know about the cause of our concerns, imbalance or disorder the better. Ensuring that we focus on our own symptoms, rather than catastrophising on the possible problems that may happen, we can build a better understanding of what we are experiencing. We are our own best experts so if something doesn’t feel quite right or we are experiencing changes in our mood that we don’t believe is due directly to our mental well-being then it is very possible we could be looking at hormonal infiuencesbeingthecause. Although some disorders may need some medical intervention to ease and manage our symptoms, many can be treated with some relatively easy self-care measures. These include exercise, diet, looking after your gut health, magnesium to ease the symptoms of stress, getting enough sleep and rest, vitamins and mineral intake and ensuring some extra care and attention to ourselves when we aren’t feeling the best. Often, we allow ourselves to let our hormones control how we feel so much, that we allow ourselves to ‘emotionally’ eat and use food as our emotional crutch, when our hormones are out of balance.

Do you find you want to eat more at certain times of the month? Aswehaveseenataglimpse,ourhormonescana“ectnearlyallaspects of our health and well-being but with awareness and attention to our physical and emotional well-being we can address, correct or at the very least ease the symptoms of the menace behind our moods. If you’re concerned your hormones might be causing havoc with your life and well-being balance, speak to your Slimming Clinic doctor at your next appointment. They could have some suggestions on how changing your diet, or lifestyle could help balance your hormones out.



Ever heard the phrase, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day…’ – we bet that most of you have. But did you know that the English playwright John Heywood continued the phrase – ‘…but they were laying bricks every day.’

• How many diets have you tried over time?

The main point of the phrase insinuates that good things take time, but you have got to make small progress, or ‘lay bricks’, every day to build the bigger picture!

• Or perhaps it was too restrictive on your food?

We couldn’t help but think that this phrase is incredibly relevant when it comes to your weight loss. You might have heard us say a number of times before that those who commit to a weight loss programme long-term, stand more chance of success, and you know, we’re not just saying it for fun! One of the most crucial parts of weight loss is giving yourself enough time to form new, better lifestyle and healthy eating habits, ‘laying the bricks’, for your weight loss journey.

• Didyou‹ndsomethingthathelpedyoulose weight, but wasn’t sustainable in the long run?

Or perhaps your willpower was lacking, and you just couldn’t stick to a diet and weight loss plan for long enough to get real results? Whatever the reason you gave up, we can bet it stems back to not allowing yourself the time to build and form the habits you need to successfully drop the pounds for good. With our weight loss programmes at The SlimmingClinic,wespendtimewithyou‹nding the right balance of lifestyle, diet, movement and mindset to ensure you are on the best, most sustainable weight loss programme for you.

We don’t prescribe you restrictive meal plans, or over-exerting exercise programmes or tell you what you can and can’t eat, but we do look at However,becauseweareallsoverydi“erent, you, as a person, and what you want to achieve. the time it takes to form and build new habits can range from a few weeks to a few months and thus, you need to commit to a long term programme to ensure you give yourself the best chance of losing weight.


Thereares 0 1 ofdi“erentwaystoloseweight but working with you and your lifestyle ensures weareableto‹ndtherightonethatwillwork and help you lose weight for good.

But, like all good things, this takes time! In order to build the very best weight loss programme for you, weneedtimetoworkwithyou,‹ndoutwhathelpsyoulose weight and is enjoyable and manageable for life. For example, it might be that fasting helps you lose weight, but makes you low in energy, and isn’t sustainable forever. In this instance, we would use our regular 1-to-1 appointments with you and your feedback to the doctor and experts and devise something else that is more sustainable for you.

But,weneedthetimetoworkwithyouto‹ndthis out! If you try for a month and it doesn’t seem to work and you give up, you will never ‹nd out what works for you and you may remain in a constant cycle of gaining and losing weight, which isn’t good for your health. Giving us time to work with you also gives us more of an insight into your eating and movement habits and enables us to work out what might trigger a lapse on a weight loss journey and what keeps you motivated. The great news is, that we recognise the need to build your weight loss journey brick-by-brick. We know it can take a little while for weight loss results to seem impressive and we are here to support you every step of the way. This is why we have devised our new online 3-month weight loss programmes!WeknowthatOctober,NovemberandDecember can be tough on a weight loss journey, so use the rest of the year to really commit to building the foundations of your weight loss.

build your ‘Rome’. Make a phone call today that could help you nt to your weight loss and health now. Make the commitme


National Fitness


September sees the UK mark National Fitness Day and at The Slimming Clinic we would love to see you to get active! Asweallknow‹tnessplaysalargeroleinourhealth,so making sure you get that 30 minutes of exercise, 5 times a week,isessentialtolivingahealthylife.National‹tnessday encouragesthenationtocelebratethefunsideof‹tness and physical activity, so why not get your families and coworkers to get involved too? Below are just a few ideas to make sure you’ll be getting yourdailydoseofexerciseevenifyou’rebehindanoflce desk. Don’t forget that exercise isn’t just going to the gym, there’splentyotherFUNwaystoenjoyworkingout.


Walk or bike to work or cycling to work to Instead of driving try walking burn those extra calories.

2. Family park day

Take the kids for a couple of hours in the park, make sure to bring a foo tball with you!



Try a HIIT Circuit

g. These High Intensity Interval Trainin sn’t plateau doe y bod r you e sur ke circuits ma ries calo se during exercise, burning tho quicklyande“ectively!



Boxing Try a boxing class this international ‹tnessday.Boxingisamassive stress reliever, not only will you be a sweaty betty but you’ll also be having a stress relief session without realising!


t way to g is a grea s you’re Swimmin sa e ri lo of ca burn a lot all your body parts. ut working o

4. Rock climbing

This is quite an unorthodox way of gettingyour‹tnessinbut letustell you that rock climbing is one of the best arm and back workouts ever!

6. coDoffnee’t meet for Whensomebodyasksyouto goforaco“ee try suggesting something act ive e.g. hiking, volleyball, tossing a frisbee.

8. clTryassa new exercise Use today as an excuse to try something new. Try a dance or yoga clas s to mix it up.

Hopefully these ideas will inspire you to try something new today.

However, if you feel as if you would like an extra push to aid you in your weight loss journey, why not get in contact with us at The Slimming Clinic and see how we can design a bespoke weight loss programme tailored to you, no matter your levels of ‹tness? To‹ndoutmoreinformationonourtailoredonlineweightlossprogrammes contact us on 0800 917 9334!


Fad diets

Can you see yourself doing it in 3-6 months-time? How about in a year? If your answer is no, approach your weight loss differently.

Your inbox and social media feeds will be inundated with the latest “miracle diet” this time of year ready for the start of a new year, and it can be tempting to jump on the latest “quick ‹x”thatmakesunrealisticweightlosspromiseswhenyou’ve gained weight over the autumn and winter. Unfortunately, there is no magic solution to losing weight, mostofthese“diets”areo“eringashort-term‹xtoalongterm problem. So let The Slimming Clinic show you how to spot a fad diet and what are the basic guidelines when trying to lose weight.

So, what is a fad diet? Fad diets tend to be a weight loss plan where you eliminate certain food groups or have a restricted food types or have strange food combinations or rules. They often cause a quick weight loss, and they are not designed to be used over the long term. The issue is that due to the over restrictions in food or combinations of food they can get a bit tedious and are reallydiflculttomaintaintherestrictions,resultingina return to previous eating pattern and the weight generally going back on.

But, how can you tell fact from fiction with a fad diet? •

They promise rapid weight loss.

If you are losing weight rapidly it is more likely to be glycogen stores (stored energy in the muscles) or muscle tissue itself. If the diet is promising more than 2lbs a week weight loss, it is likely to be a fad diet.

If they promise you that you can do this without changing your lifestyle in anyway - it’s a fad.

At The Slimming Clinic, we want you to change your lifestyle over the long-term, as this is what will keep theweighto“forgood,ratherthanitbeingaweight loss yoyo cycle of losing and then gaining again.

If the plan recommends some magical fat burning e“ects,itislikelyafad.

We have lots of patients who come to us with strange mythical beliefs of certain food i.e hot water and lemon or apple cider vinegar in the morning has more fatburningbene‹ts.Thisis,unfortunately,nottrue!

A fad diet often recommends that you eliminate food groups, but without medical reasoning.


Fad d

How C Spot T

The diet will recommend groups such as dairy and wheat and will tell you to supplement them with a lot of expensive alternative and supplements tomakeupthedi“erence.Eliminatingwheatordairythemselvesshould not be the reason you are gaining weight it maybe the portion size but not the food itself!

Another fad diet we’ve seen is that you should eat a certain way for your blood type.

Thereisnoscienti‹cevidencethateatingforyourbloodtypeaids weight loss. Your body can regulate itself the PH of your blood the types of foods you eat do not dictate the acidity of your body and weight gain.

If a diet plan recommends the need to detox or take supplements/ teas to help your body get rid of toxins and weight, it is likely a fad.


Can We Them?

There is no need to take anything to detox your body you have a liver and kidneys that perform these functions for you naturally. These supplements may make you pass more urine, but will not detox your body any better.

If there is no evidence, or the only recommendation is from a celebrity.

Often these celebrities have been paid to endorse the diet plan. You should be carefulofunquali‹edcelebritieswhomaybe o“eringunproventechniquesforweight loss.

Do you remember the Atkins, The South Beach, The Grapefruit diet, The Cabbage Soup diet or the Zone diet?

If you have tried all these you know the pitfalls of fad diets! They are unsustainable, magic bullet diets, short term, promise laden and sadly, whilst they may work quickly, they are not designed for long term.

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is!!


So, how do you lose weight for good, without follo wing a fad?

Keep track of how much you are moving and jot down

By tracking you will begin to see if there are any

Look at your portion sizes

Check the fat content of the food you are eating and how much fats you are cooking or putting on food

Keep active aim for a minimum of 30 mins activity

Set yourself realistic weight loss goals, this way we know that it is sustainable and more likely to be body fat.

what you are eating

problem areas

5 days a week

It is hard not to be lured by the promises and shinin ess of fad diets, my advice is before you commit your time, money and energy into the newest fad diet do your research and think about if you could sustain this diet.


Portion Distortion It’s one thing to say “I’ll only have two slices of pizza” and another to act on it (and not eat the whole thing). Portioncontrolisextremelydiflcult,let’sfaceit, and those large restaurant and takeaway servings don’t help either. Pasta is probably one of the hardest foods to correctly portion with most people having double or even three times more than they should be. But eating the right amount of food is incredibly important for good health and maintaining or losing weight. And it applies to healthy food, too. Nomatterhowhealthilyyoueat,youcanstillput on weight if you’re eating too much. Therefore, portion control is a key factor for weight loss. Many of us don’t know what makes a normal portion – a problem known as ‘portion distortion’.

e simple tips: Regain some portion control with these nin 1. Eat with smaller plates and bowls. You’ll have a smallerportionbutstillfeelsatis‹ed.Thistricksyour brain into thinking you are eating a bigger meal. 2. Having two portions of vegetables on your plate

helpstocoveritwithhealthyand‹llingfood,leaving less room for higher-calorie ingredients.

3. Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you’re full.

4. Turno“theTV.EatinginfrontoftheTVcanmean you eat more without noticing or enjoying your food.

5. Weigh your food. Using kitchen scales to weigh your ingredients before you cook will make sure you are cooking the correct amount of ingredients.


Dining out advice:

Thefearofeatingoutwh wants to undo all the hard endietingisscary.Nobody week to lose weight. Belowwork they have done all tips to help you keep controare some portion control l of your diet whist eating out:

• Avoid appetisers includ ing bread, nuts and olives. • Stay clear of ‘Supersize ’ or ‘Go large’ options, and instead opt for ‘Skinn options which are still jus y’ or ‘Low Calorie’ t as tasty. • If you’re having a desse rt, share it and go for fruit-based options. • Choose a starter inste of a main course – for example if you are ad cra a bruschetta rather than ving a pizza opt for a pizza. • Stop eating when you are no longer hungry NOTwhenyou’ve‹nishe deverythingonyour plate!

6. Eat small regular portions. Don’t starve yourself during the day as you might end up overindulging in the evening.

7. Don’t double your carbs. If you already have some carbs with your meal,

do you need extra bread or naan aswell? You could be doubling your portion, so if you like to have some bread on the side, you’ll need to cut down the amount of carbs on your plate accordingly.

8. Be selective with your seconds. Finish your meal with fruit rather than chocolate cake.

9. 20-minute rule: Think you haven’t had enough? Wait for about 20

minutes before reaching for a second helping. It can take a little while for you to feel full after you have eaten. So avoid the temptation to keep eating and see if you get that feeling.

For help losing weight please call 08009179334 to book an initial video weight loss consultation with one of our doctors!


SLIMMER SUCCESS STORY Name: Abigail Kirk Age: 23 ioner Occupation: Nursery Practit s Starting Weight: 18st 10lb Current Weight: 12st : 6st 10lbs Total Weight Loss to Date

When Abigail Kirk decided to join The Slimming Clinic in March 2020, she weighed 18stone 10lbs. Abigail had previously lost an incredible 6 stone on Slimming World but found that her weight loss began to slow down and eventually came to a stop.


bigail decided she needed more support on her journey to reach her target and today, thanks to her willpower and some support from The Slimming Clinic, Abigail weighs 12stone and, we think you’ll agree, she looks absolutely fantastic.

Why did you make the decision to lose weight? I have always been big, and it was making me very selfconscious on nights out with my friends. I wanted to feel con‹dentandbeautiful,andIdidn’tatmystartingpointof4 2 stone. As I work with children, it is a very active job and I wanted to be able to run around with them and have fun with the children in my care without getting out of breath in a short space of time!

How did you hear about The Slimming Clinic and why did you choose your weight loss journey with us? My mum and aunt had told me about the Slimming Clinic and



told me how well they had both done on the weight loss diets and weight loss medication The Slimming Clinic had prescribed to them. After being on Slimming World for 10 months and losing 6 stone with them, my weight loss has completely stopped and I needed extra help to continue to lose weight, as I was still weighing nearly 19 stone.

TELL US ABOUT ANY PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS YOU HAVE MADE TO LOSE WEIGHT? I started on Slimming World in January 2019 with a weight of 24st 6lbs. After a year, I had successfully lost just over 6 stone in weight on their weight loss diet, but I got very frustrated as I couldn’t seem to lose any more weight no matter how little or much I ate and despite how much exercise I was doing. So, after recommendation, called The Slimming Clinic and decided to see what I could achieve with them!

Howdidyou‹ndyourregular,to-1 1 appointments with the weight loss doctor?


WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMME? The best thing I about my weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic is the continued support I have received from the weight loss experts. Due to COVID-19 I haven’t been able to go into the clinic, but I have had a thorough remote monthly catch up with one of the doctors who have been really helpful.What’s even better is that my weight loss doctor is genuinely interested in how I am doing personally! It isn’t just a money making scheme for them they genuinely care about their patients and their health and weight loss journey.

Was there anything you struggled with on your weight loss journey, and how did you overcome that? I love cooking but because of the weight loss medication giving me appetite loss, I felt a little like I was missing out on one of my biggest hobbies and doing what makes me very happy.

My appointments with the weight loss doctor were really helpful. Knowing that I had a remote consultation coming up helped me to stay on the right path, whereas if it was just me trying to do a weight loss diet on my own, I probably wouldn’t have done as well as I have!

What is the best thing about losing weight and what do you do now, that you didn’t do before? The best thing about losing weight is having so much more energy than I did before. When I weighed more, I was very lethargic, and I struggled to get motivated to do anything active.NowIwillhappilygoonlongwalkswithmyboyfriend or go to the gym (when COVID-19 allows it) and having this extraenergyanddrivetobeactivehasrubbedo“onmyloved ones, as they too have become more active with me!


DO IT! You will not regret it! The support you get from the weight loss experts is brilliant. However, I would However, I overcame this by cooking for my mum and say to just make sure you are fully committed to your boyfriendathomeandbakingforthesta“atworktoallowweight loss programme as it can be on the expensive me to continue doing something I love - even though it was side, but it is a healthy lifestyle change that does very hard to resist the home baked goodies! actually work and that speaks volumes and makes it completely worth the cost.


TRICKS OR Treats? Chocolate ‘Goo-Head’ Egg 178 Calories

25g BAG of jelly sweets 100 Calories Refresher Lolly (9g) 38 Calories 48

WE KNOW THAT HALLOWEEN can be a really ‘tricky’ time when it comes to

‘treats’ and it can be a hard test of your willpower to not eat every sweet thing in sight. We want you to be able to make an informed decision about your weight loss and what you choose to snack on this Halloween, so below are some Halloween treats andtheircalori‹cintake!Remember,havingsmallamountsofsweetsandtreats moderation is important on a weight loss journey, as deprivation can lead to episodes of bingeing and make your weight loss unsustainable. But, if you want to be good this Halloween, turn the page to see some healthier pumpkin recipes that mean you can still enjoy yourself!

Double Lolly (50g) 41 Calories

75g Halloween Chocolate Balls 390 Calories

Toffee Apple 170 Calories



Halloweeeeeen! WITH OCTOBER hosting the spookiest night of the year – Halloween – we often‹ndourselvescarving pumpkins with the kids or big kids! But once you’ve carved a scary face into one, what on earth do you do withthepumpkinfiesh? We know that Halloween can be a mine‹eld for sweet temptations too, so why not try one of our brilliant pumpkin recipes instead!

Pumpkin Hummus

INGREDIENTS 1 small pumpkin Olive oil (for roasting) 2 garlic cloves Juice of ½ a lemon 2 tbsp tahini paste

400g can chickpeas (drained) 1 red pepper (deseeded and sliced) 1 yellow pepper (deseeded and sliced) Carrot and cucumber batons


1. Cutthetopo“thepumpkin,abouttwo-thirdsofthewayup.Remove the pumpkin seeds (keep hold of those pumpkin seeds for another recipe lateron),andthenscoopthefieshoutofthebottomandthelid. 2. Heatovento180C/gasmark6.Cutthepumpkinfieshintopiecesandput in a roasting tin with the garlic and a small amount of oil. Season, then bake for 45 mins until very tender. Leave to cool. 3. Tip the pumpkin into a food processor with any juices from the roasting tin and the garlic. Add the lemon juice, tahini paste and chickpeas. Season with salt and blend to a paste – add a little more oil if it’s too thick. Scoop the hummus back into the pumpkin and serve with the peppers, carrots and cucumber.

Pumpkin Cupcakes

INGREDIENTS 175mlsunfioweroil

1 orange (grated zest)

175g sugar

2 tsp ground cinnamon

3 large eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 200g coarsely grated pumpkin

20gself-raisingfiour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

100g sultanas

1. Heat oven to 160C/gas 4 and line a 12-hole muflntraywithpapercases. 2. Pour the oil into a large bowl and add the sugar, eggs and vanilla. Beat together, and then add the grated pumpkin, sultanas and orange zest. 3. Stirinthecinnamon,fiourandbicarbonateof soda, the mixture will be quite wet. Spoon into the cases. 4. Bakefor25minsuntil‹rmandspringytothe touch and a skewer inserted in the centre of a cupcake comes out clean. Cool completely on a wire rack.

Salt & Vinegar Pumpkin Seeds INGREDIENTS 1 pumpkins worth of pumpkin seeds 200ml distilled white vinegar 1 egg white, beaten until frothy 1 teaspoon salt

INSTEAD OF wasting those high protein pumpkin seeds, try our easy recipe for salt and vinegar pumpkin seeds to save you from picking on a bag of crisps.

1. P ut the pumpkin seeds and the vinegar in a medium bowl. Leave to soak for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

2. P reheat oven to 160C/gas4. Coat a large baking tray with cooking spray. 3. D rain the seeds and wipe the bowl dry. Return the pumpkin seeds to the dry bowl and add the egg white and salt. 4. C ook for 45-55 minutes until golden brown, stirring once. Leave to cool completely before serving. Also… Did you know you can burn up to 200-300 calories walking for an hour? So if your little ones want to go trick or treating this Halloween put your trainers on and make a workout of it!

If you need extra help this Halloween sticking to your weight loss goals, book an online appointmentwithTheSlimmingClinicand‹ndouthowwecanhelpyou! 51

e h t r e b m e m e R , Remember


t h of November

WHEN THE COUNTRY IS getting ready to celebrate Bon‹re Night in Novemberinfrontofa‹reworksdisplay,someofyoumightbethinking of how to stay healthy on special nights like these when all you want is a warm hot chocolate and something sweet to heat you up!

The Slimming Clinic is here to help you save your weight loss diet by giving you some top tips this season!

1. If you’re going to an event, try eating a protein packed meal with a good serving of complex carbohydrates to keep you full through the entirety of the show, so you don’t end up binging on those hot dogs and burgers.

2. Wrap up warm as it’ll be chilly outside. Eating a meal with some good complex carbs like brown rice or pasta, will give you the energy to keep you warm for the whole night, helping you to skip the sugary hot drinks.


3. If you are craving a warm drink, try a tea or a low-calorie hot chocolate in a travel fiask if they don’t provide them at the food stands.

4. Organising your own ‹reworks party? Try serving hot and spicy foods to keep your guests warm. For example a healthy spicy bean chilli would be a perfect addition to your‹reworksnight.

5. Ifyou’reattendinga‹reworkspartyandare drinking, try going for the spirits instead of the beers and wine. Give a Gin & Slim Line Tonic ago or if you really need that glass of wine, try to go for a white wine that is light and sweet.*

We hope our calorie saving tips will help you to make those healthy food choices easier, but if you feel as if you need an extra push in your weight loss journey, The Slimming Clinic is here to help. We offer a variety of slimming treatments, including weight loss injections and weight loss tablet medication that can support you.

To find out more about our treatments

head to page 6 call 0800 917 9334 or ‹ndoutmore! ofthismagazineto

*Remember, you cannot drink alcohol when on our prescription weight loss medications.



r u o y l o r to cont

e t i t e p p A er

t n i W


r eat more is stronge We know the urge to re you have stock in winter, so make su ws and low-calorie ste of healthy soups, ed zen for when we ne dinners made and fro . something satisfying


Try making o r looking for healthier vers of your go-to ions unhealthy co mfort foods that you can enjoy without racking up th calories. e


! t‹ndones yoursnacksBu Yes–stillenjoy d gar levels steady an that will keep your su n de r-la ga su high-fat, stop you craving the . ing nt wa e treats you’r

Sun… We know sunn y days are fe w and far between in w inter, but they do happen! When the su n shines, get outside and tr and expose so y me larger area so your legs and forearms to th f skin, like e sun to keep your vitamin D and happy hormone leve topped up. ls



Mostofusknowthatweeatheavier,morecarb-fuelled,heartiermealsinwinterandmostofus‹ndour hungrier during the colder weather, but why is that and what can we do to stop it? There are a number of reasonsweeatmoreinwinterand‹ndourselvesreachingforhigh-calorieoptions–

• Eating warms us up • Winter can stimulate feelings of sadness and low mood meaning we turn to food to make us happier • We spend more time indoors in the colder months, meaning there is lesstodo–sowe‹llourtimewitheating • The heating being on all the time dehydrates us • We allow ourselves to gain weight in the colder times of the year, and coverourselveswithbaggier,com‹erclothes

So with the weather against us, what can we do to stop over-eating in winter and having to detox in spring? How can we stay healthy and well in the cold months, so we are healthy all year around?


ou can p when y p u ls e v le and sto r activity Keep you prove your mood an’t im h. If you c l – as it wil ting quite so muc e m o ea ome h you from about, try doing s nd get out a ! ts u worko

Comfort …

If you fee l like you ’re comfort, think abo turning to food fo ut r things th at make y other non-food re ou happie lated somethin r. g simple like cudd It could be oralov ling the d edoneo , rgoingfo og could be raco“ee planning O . r it a nd going Whateve on a day r makes y out. ou happy – do it!


SLIMMER SUCCESS STORY Name: Lynn Johnson Age: 68 Before

Occupation: Retired Starting Weight: 18st Current Weight: 15st : 3st Total Weight Loss to Date

LYNNE REALISED she needed to drop some weight when her health started tosu“erbecauseshewasoverweight.


ot wanting to miss out on playing with her grandchildren, Lynn contacted The Slimming Clinic and decided it was time to change her lifestyle for the better and has shown that you can lose weight at any age!

WHY DID YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO LOSE WEIGHT? I made the decision to lose weight for my health. I started to notice that I couldn’t walk very far at all without having to stop to catch my breath.

What is the best thing about your weight loss programme?

I also have grandchildren and I wanted to be able to play with them without struggling or feeling exhausted and out of breath. I wanted to change how I felt and generally feel much healthier.

The best thing about my weight loss programme is thatIlookbetter!Ican‹nally‹tintonicerclothe again and I feel so much healthier having lost 3 stone.

Howdidyou‹ndyourregular,to-1 1 appointments with the weight loss doctor? How did you hear about The Slimming Clinic and why did you choose your weight loss journey with us? Many years ago, I saw an advert for The Slimming Clinic. Having been a yo-yo dieter, I decided that it was time to do something properly about my weight so I joined The Slimming Clinic for my weight loss diet.


Having regular, 1-to-1 appointments with the weight loss doctor is just what I needed to spur me on and ensure I lost weight. Knowing I had appointments with the doctor coming up gave me focus, especially when I know I have to be weighed!


WAS THERE ANYTHING YOU STRUGGLED WITH ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY, AND HOW DID YOU OVERCOME THAT? The only thing I struggled with on my weight loss journey was getting going! It can be hard to get going when you are so used to eating and drinking whatever you wanted. Changing your diet for weight loss can be hard but as soon as you see the lbs going down, it really motivates you to stick to it.

What would you say to anyone thinking of joining a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic? What is the best thing about losing weight and what do you do now, that you didn’t do before? The best thing about losing weight is just being much, much healthier. I can now walk for miles and actually enjoy the walking, where before, I really couldn’t enjoy it for being uncomfortable and out of breath. As well as this, looking betterisabigbene‹tasIamdress 3 sizessmaller!

Initially, you might think that joining a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic is expensive, but it is really worth the cost. When you see the scales going down and your health and well-being improving on your new weight loss lifestyle, you realised the service and weight loss programme is worth every penny spent.


How much could you lose by

CHRISTMAS? WE KNOW THAT the end of the year is coming, so, have you had a think about how much you could lose before then, if you really put your mind to it? At time of publication, we have about 14 weeks until Christmas, but depending on when you’re reading this, we’ve put together this handy table of how much you could lose between this very moment and Christmas!


Whilst we advocate a healthy, sustainable loss of 1-2lbs per week, there is no reason that some weeks you might lose more! And just for context, here is what you can expect when you reach some weight loss milestones!

5lbs lost Your fat cells are shrinking! Asyouconsumefewercaloriesthanyouburno“,your body has to get the energy from somewhere, so it begins burning fat cells – meaning you get smaller!

7lbs lost When you hit that half a stone mark, you’ll certainly start seeing your clothes feeling smaller and less snug. You might even have dropped into a new dress size, if you were on the cusp of one!

10lbs lost Youmight‹ndyourselfwithmoreenergy, feeling less lethargic and reaching for the afternoon snacks less for an energy boost.

“I lost 5st 7bs” Shivon

14lbs (1 stone) lost You should be noticing an improvement in your mood by now! You’re ‹nding you have better concentration, more focus and now stronger willpower. You’ll also have a more positive outlook on life!


When you lose any weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle, you are on the road to improving your overall health. By losing weight, you’re reducing your risk of ailments like Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and high bloodpressure.You’ll‹ndyourjointsacheless,yourmobilityisimproved,andyouhaveheapsmor – you may even start adding in exercise! Whether you have a lot to lose, or a little, losing any weight will support your health and well-being and any weight loss should be celebrated!



g n i n n Pla

e to make a The 31 days in December are a long tim or negative. di“erencein your weight loss, positive Those 31 days...

THE END OF 2021 is‹nallyinsight and to be honest, it’s been another tough year, right? With various lockdowns at the start of the year, then normality returning midway through the year, it has felt like a real rollercoaster! So when it comes to our health and weight loss, when December rolls around, most of us resign ourselves to the fact that we aren’t going to be sticking to any diet and that it’s better just to start again with a new year’s resolution in January.


couldbethedi“erencebetweengoinginto20feeling amazing about yourself or feeling worse about yourself. Youwouldn’tgoo“planforawholemonthanyother time of the year, so why do it in December? There is no doubt that December is a really challenging month to maintain weight, let alone lose weight, as there are so many disruptions to our schedules and delicious, highcalorie temptations all around us. Thecoldweathercanputuso“activitiesandmake us liable to hibernate on the sofa, when we know we should be out and moving more in the fresh winter air. So how can we even go about looking to maintain or lose weight as we approach Christmas?

One of the best ways... to tackle December and maintain your hard-earned weight loss, is to create a plan. Take a look at your diary for December - what social plans do you have that might impact your weight loss? It could be some meals out, or drinks with friends? Pop those events in your calendar and then, on the quieter days in the month, you know you can eat well and try to ‹tinsomeactivity.Byplanninginwhenyouaregoingto potentially over-indulge, it will make you more likely to stick to the days when you are planning to be healthy!

Remember, December is about... Make sure you have plenty of fresh... healthy foods in the house and don’t be tempted to buy high-calorie Christmas treats when you’re at the supermarket. Limit the amounts of unhealthy things you buy when you’re shopping, so you can’t eat them in a moment of weakness! But, it’s important to remember that if you do have a moment of weakness not to beat yourself up about it and then allow a bad meal, to become a bad day, to become a bad week, to become a bad month.

striking the balance between not completely overindulging, but still being able to enjoy yourself. It is about working to ensure you don’t undo all your hard work, but also don’t limit yourself so much that you feel you’ve missed out. By maintaining your regime as much as possible over December of eating well and keeping up your activity levels, it means you don’t need to ‘start again’ in January. In fact, if you can master your weight in December, think about how easy it will be to master the rest of your weight loss journey!

Sneaking a mince pie here or there won’t completely sabotage your weight loss or stop you reaching your goals, but it might just start a spiral of mindless eating. Before you eat during December, look at what you are about to consume, particularly when it comes to snacks, and think ‘Do I need to eat this?’ Being more focussed on what you eat, may help you cut down on unnecessary snacking and calories.

If you want support and help during December and are worried about how you can stay on track during festive period, then give us a call and book your FREE Initial Video Consultation call with our GMC-registered doctors, who are here to help you reach your weight loss goals, no matter the season!

: S A M T S I R H C F O S P I T 2 1


CHRISTMAS ; THE SEASON of family, happiness, good TV and eating LOTS of food. This is the time of year when any diet becomes… what diet!?

Want you r 12 tips of Ch ristma ‹tnesst s i You’re in lu ps? ck – simply tur n the page! The average Brit eats an extra 3000 calories on Christmas day and can gain up to 4lbs during the festive season, and often we are still desperately struggling to shed those pounds all the way through until Easter! From Christmas dinner, to work parties, to family get-togethers, food is unfortunately the centrepiece of all celebrations. But it doesn’t have to be like that! The Slimming Clinic can help you achieve your weight loss goals quickly and e“ectively.ReadourdailydiettipsformakingDecember, one to remember!


Day 1 To all mince pie lovers, reduce the calorie content of your favourite festive food, by simply removing the pastry topping! Pastry is pretty fattening so cutting it out where you can will help trim down your overall daily consumption. Or if you’re a culinary queen and you make yourownmincepies,optfor‹lopastryinstead.Onepu“ pastrysheethas620calories,whereastwosheetsof‹lo pastry are 80 calories, a sure easy winner!

Day 2 BeforepouringyourChristmastipple,‹rstaddcubes 5 of ice. This way the drink won’t be as strong, one glass will seem larger and ice cold water will aid hydration.

Day 3

Day 8

Christmas time is about friends, family and spreading Whenyou’reo“ered‹ngerfoodanddips,alwaysensurehappiness. So focus on the company that you are in, the spirit of the season and try to put the importance of you go for a tomato-based dip like salsa rather than a food to the bottom of your priority list. cheesy/sour cream dip. At 110 calories and 11.3g of fat for 2 tablespoons of sour cream versus 20 calories and Day 9 only a trace of fat for the same amount of salsa, there’s no comparison! Take the bull by the horns and throw your own Christmas party – this way you’ll be in charge of what goes onto Day 4 the table. Swap breaded chicken bites for marinated chickenbites,keepdipstotomato-based,ando“er Mix your mulled wine with 50% orange juice – this way cocktail shrimp, smoked salmon, salads or vegetable you can enjoy the traditional warming Christmas drink platters, and nuts and fruit for dessert. Healthy food withaddedvitaminC,ahigherfruityfiavourandonly 1 can be exciting. calories for 175 ml.

Day 5

Day 10

If you are at a party and can’t/don’t want to completely Don’t let this time of year put you o“ your diet or give avoid alcohol – a Cosmopolitan is a great cocktail option. you an excuse to pig out on rubbish. You can still join With a lower calorie content than other drinks plus a high in the festive fun with healthy seasonal snacks such number of anti-oxidants from the cranberry and lime as Satsuma’s which are high in Vitamin C and roasted juice, the Cosmopolitan is a better option of alcoholic chestnuts which are low in fat. beverage.*

Day 6

Allow yourself a glass of bubbly….just because you’re being careful, don’t miss out on the celebratory drink – as the glass is smaller, you’ll be drinking less than opting foracocktailandthebubbleswill‹llyouupquicker meaning you won’t want to drink as much. At 100 calories per glass just ensure that you have planned for it in your daily calorie allowance.*

Day 7

Day 11

You’reataChristmasparty,abu“etislaidoutinfront Don’t be tempted to pick and constantly eat leftovers of you, but you don’t want to ruin all of your hard work this is what a freezer, friends and family are for! Send ORlooklikeapartypooper.Followthesebrilliant–bu“et loved ones away from Christmas day with ‘care-packages’ rules to keep on track: of food and freeze what you don’t eat for late in the year! • If you don’t really love it – don’t eat it. •

Put two small spoonfus on your plate at a time, Day 12 leave your food to digest for 20 minutes, then go Buyagorgeousout‹tforyourNewYear’sEve backtothebu“etagainifyouwantmoreandare celebration, even if it is at home this year! Try it on still hungry! each week to keep it at the forefront of your mind and Try only new foods and skip the same old options visualise how you want to feel when you wear it when that you can cook at home. the clock strikes midnight into 2022.

*Please consult your Slimming Clinic doctor before drinking on your weight loss diet and medication.


: s a m t s i r h 2 TIPS of C



And now you have the diet tips for the 12 days of Christmas, try out these movement tips too. How many do you think you will try?

Day 1


Go Christmas sh

lories – t way to burn ca Walking is a grea presents ny ma so g e buyin rk especially if you’r olesleigh.Pa wh s a’ d‹llSant an th thatyoucoul re cent m the shopping e further away fro ensure you get th to t jus , uld wo b fa you usually k loo to rkout you can best shopping wo s.Thebestpart stmasout‹t ri Ch w ne inyour esn’t even do d an and festive about it – it’s fun feel like exercise.

Day 2 Get your skates on and hit the ice. Ice skating for just 10 minutes can burn 84 calories, plus you’ll be using muscles that you usually wouldn’t think about. So treat the kids to a festive family afternoon on the rink and they won’t be the only ones to gain from it!

Day 3

n If you’re not one for going outdoors whe temperatures reach below 20°,

ing rope and jump (if your ceilings are high enough) grab a skipp ating weight loss; facilit for great It’s day! a es minut 10 for d aroun exercise is also This es. calori 135 to up burn in 10 minutes you can brilliant for improving muscle tone too!

Day 4 Spinning is the go-to class if you want to tone your glutes,

thighs, calves and even your stomach whilst burning 400-600 calories in 45 minutes! Spinning classes provide an energising atmosphere, upbeat music and inspiring instructors to add variety and fun to your workout.


“I lost 2st 2lbs” Charlotte

Day 6

Day 5

Check out your local Park Run here!

If we are lucky enough

Park Runs are free 5km circuits held on Satur day mornings all over a sprinkling of the the UK. Usually they will host festive-based (or unlucky, whichever side you’re on) to get ones in December and and l loca or en gard the idein are great fun to do with friends and family sparklywhitestu“thisyear,getouts . them keep will it ing, sledd go or en, build snowmen with the childr n a real family occasion. entertained and help make this festive seaso

Day 8

Find your local wal

Day 7

king spot

At the work Christmas party this year,

the bethe‹rstoneshakingyourwayonto e danc your into put you more dancefioor.The moves the more you’ll get out – through a higher calorie burn and higher enjoyment levels.

(something we’ve probably all discove red in the previous lockdowns! ) and head outside . Getting outdoors and soak ing up the winter ray s lowers your cravings to ea t so grab your frien ds, your family or even borro w the dog from ne xt door for a crisp, Christm as ramble.

Day 10

Be the life

and soul

on Christm and get ever as day yo charades, Tw ne to join in with som e active ga ister or even m es like This will be organise a at the usua Wii-Fit com l TV maratho petition! active rath n and keep er than cras everyone hing in fron t of the tele vision.

Day 9

ur local gym Get down to yo ass this and join a new cl week!

ed to but u’ve always want Try something yo were too or r fo e tim de ma perhaps haven’t brave and do it! worried to go. Be

Day 12

Day 11

Update your playlists with festive beats

“Jingle Bell and dance at home with yourself to songs like pumping as well as Rock” and “Santa Baby”. It’ll get your blood to workout at the getting you in the Christmas spirit. Use them that extra buzz you give can style song gym too! The change in Christmas. that you’ll need to keep you motivated this

Laughing for a few minutes a day can use enou gh calories to burn 5 lbs of fat a year! So make sure you ha ve bundles of fun thi s Christmas and sprea d the festive joy; yo u may want to stock up on your Christm as cracker jokes.

We know you don’t want to head into 2022 feeling worse than you did last 2021. We know how frustrating it can be to have good intentions but never really be able to stick to them. BUT, we are here to support you. Whether you want to start today, or on January 1st 2022, give us a call and see what we can do to help you, your health and your weight loss journey!


Our Other Guides LOOKING FOR YOUR NEXT READ? Look no further – as we have a guide to suit everyone. Sowhetheryouarestrugglingwithmindset,con‹dence, want a Christmas day recipe booklet or want to countdown to Christmas day with your weight loss, click the links below to read our other guides!

8 Week Countdown to Christmas Weight Loss Guide Healthy Recipes for Christmas Day Your Little Book of Mindset Guide Love Yourself Confidence Guide Grow Your Own Gardening Guide Distraction Techniques Weight Loss Guide


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