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Energy balance and weight loss

For your body to function normally, you need the right amount of energy and nutrients. The energy of food is measured as calories. Your daily energy balance is the amount of energy (or calories) you consume through food and drink compared to the energy (or calories) your use up through physical activity.

Our bodies use a certain amount of energy each day performing the functions that keep us alive; your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your gut digesting your food.

This is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and is the total number of calories your body needs to perform basic, life-sustaining functions. Everybody’s BMR differs with gender, age, height and weight.

Your body then uses additional energy for any physical activity you do whether it be walking, swimming, jogging, cycling or playing with your children in the garden.

If the amount of energy you take in from food is more than the amount of energy you burn, over time this will lead to weight gain and conversion of this energy into body fat stores. To lose weight you therefore need to reduce the amount of energy you take in from food and drink, as well as increase the amount of energy you use through physical activity.

Once you create an energy deficit in the body, your body will start to break down body fat stores and you will begin to lose weight. Your energy balance does not have to be exact every day.

It is more important to learn how to balance your energy over time that will lead to long term weight loss and maintenance. Your doctor can help discuss your energy balance during your consultations.

Healthy well-balanced diet

A healthy diet should be well-balanced with a wide variety of food eaten in the right proportions. How well our body works, our energy levels and our well-being are all linked to the food and nutrients we put into it. There are 3 major food groups that should make up the majority of your diet.

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