Slovenia Summer Guide 2013

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Essential information


Slovenia has been an independent democratic republic since 1991.

For up to date traffic information check: Speed limits: 50 km/hr in towns and villages, 90 on main roads, 130 on highways. Cars in Slovenia must use their headlights at all times. The car must contain spare wheel, warning triangle, a spare lightbulb and first aid kit. On the Slovenian highways you must use a vignette. For cars there are weekly (15 euro), monthly (30 euro) and annual (95 euro) vignettes. Weekly vignettes are valid for seven consecutive days, from and including the day of purchase. Monthly vignettes are valid from the moment of purchase up until the end of the day with the same number one month after the day of purchase. Annual vignettes are valid till the 31st of January the next year, so this year till 31 Januar 2014. Don’t take a risk with the vignettes. For driving on a motorway without a valid vignette sticker, a fine of 300 to 800 euros is envisaged. Railways: Slovenian Railways:

The country has been a member of the European Union since 2004. Slovenia is one of the smallest countries in Europe (20.273 square kilometres). It’s half the size of Switzerland, which isn’t particularly big either. But Slovenia compensates its small surface with a lot of vertical kilometres; it’s the most mountainous country in Europe. Slovenia is also the third most forested country in Europe and with 27.000 kilometres of rivers it is also rich of water. Slovenia has two million inhabitants which is the same as the city of Paris. Thus, it’s a very sparsely populated country. Average height above sea level: 556.8 m

Opening hours: Banks: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm generally with a lunch break at 12. Shops: Mon–Fri 7.00 am/9.00 am – 7.00 pm/9.00 pm Sat 7.00 am/9.00 am – 1.00 pm/3.00 pm Sun 9.00 am/1.00 pm (only large shopping centres) All Slovenian cities now have large shopping centres on their outskirts.

Eating: Restaurants go by the names of restavracija and gostilna. A restavracija is mainly for lunch and dinner. A gostilna is more casual. It’s also a place you can go to for a coffee, for example. Both are usually opened all day.

Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings. That includes bars, hotels and restaurants. You must be 18 years of age or older to buy cigarettes.

Important telephone numbers 112 113 080 12 00 1987 080 1900 2

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Emergency services (urgent medical help, firefighters, veterinary help, rescue teams) Police (emergency) Police (reporting offenders, anonymous phone line) AMZS – roadside assistance and towing Tourist telephone - free line for tourists and tourism workers to report their comments, complaints, criticism and suggestions 24 hours a day

be Active & stay Healthy in Slovenian Spas Slovenian natural Spas take care of your wellbeing with their natural healing resources and thermal waters. Experience the wealth of offers in their Aqua Fun - Water Parks, outdoor and indoor pools, where a lot of new attractions are waiting for you to explore also this year. And don’t forget the richest and complex Wellness offer in Slovenia! Make sure you search and surf through the best offer of 15 Health and Spa Resorts on:


6 Map of Slovenia

8 WEST – In the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

9 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 24 26 26 27 28 30 34 35 38 40 41 42 44 46 47 48 50 54 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 60

Koper The Emerald Trail Bovec Tolmin and Kobarid Kanal Nova Gorica Šempeter-Vrtojba Renče-Vogrsko Ajdovščina Vipava Idrija The Krast and Brkini Sežana Divača Hrpelje – Kozina Komen – Štanjel Miren –Kostanjevica Škocjan Caves Lipica The Green Karst Križna Jama (Cross Cave) Notranjska Museum in Postojna Loška Dolina Pivka – Park of Military History Postojna Cave NORTH – King Matjaž sleeps and sleeps and ... Gorenjska Kranjska Gora Jesenice Jezersko Bled Radovljica Naklo Cerklje Tržič Škofja Loka Activities in Slovenia – Special adventures The Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley Golte Gornji grad Topolšica Velenje Ljubno Luče The Solčava-Logar Valley Koroška

Summer Guide 2013


62 63 64 66 68 69 70 71 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 84 85 85 86 88 92 94 96 97 98 99 99


CENTER – How a Greek hero founded Ljubljana Ljubljana Specialties from the Hearth of Slovenia The Ljubljana Moors Kamnik The Heart of Slovenia – Srce Slovenije SOUTH – The home of superman Peter Klepec Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko – Ribniško Dolenjska Temeniška in Mirna Valley Suha Krajina Kočevsko Bela Krajina Kostel Ribniško Osilnica Posavje Brežice Krško Sevnica Kostanjevica na Krki Radeče EAST – Cradle of Slovenia’s most powerful family The Land of Celje Celje region Obostelje & Kozjansko Dravinjsko The Lower Savinja valley Maribor – Pohorje: Slovenian Styria Ptuj Pomurje Moravske Toplice Murska Sobota Veržej Turnišče Gornja Radgona – Negova Radenci Dictionary

Summer Guide 2013 A special edition by The Slovenia Times Edited by Mark Koghee Translations Andrea Jadrzyk Design & Layout Marko Pentek, Marketing & Distribution by Goran Mladenović

Published by Domus, založba in trgovina d.o.o., Dunajska 5, 1000 Ljubljana CEO Brane Krajnik Contact: T: +386 (0)1 520 50 84

Editorial What word would define Slovenia the best? Is it Green, a word the country is often associated with and now promoted with by its tourism board? Is it Mountains, because there are so plenty of? Is it friendliness, a trait of many people? Is it Fairytales because of the many tales, rich history and not in the least the picturesque scenes? I would say that the word that defines Slovenia the best might is Everything. The tiny spot on the planet Earth that we call Slovenia really has it all. Mountains and sea, meadows and lakes, cities and villages, forests and caves. To put it a little exaggerated, the only natural phenomenon that Slovenia lacks is desert. The other day I spoke with a man who told me he went skiing in the morning. We spoke in the evening in the centre of Ljubljana at the end of a sunny day in late spring. ,,And in the afternoon I was at the beach’’, he said to my surprise. Mountain, sea, city, this country has it all in just a short drive. On the next pages you will find a selection of ‘everything’. Use it as your treasure map to discover what gems this country has for you. You might not have heard about Slovenia a lot, but after exploring the country with this guide at hand, you will sure never forget it. Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley: The picturesque and colourfully vegetal landscape, rich with natural and cultural attractions, offers many opportunities for exploration and relaxation in a peaceful, natural environment.

Gorenjska: Big mountains with green slopes, savage high rock walls and even sometimes in summertime a small blanket of snow draped around the highest peaks.

Emerald Trail: The Soča has been an inspiration for poets, the frontline in the First World War and the location for a scene in the Disney movie ‘Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’.

Centre: THE HEART OF SLOVENIA is an area in central Slovenia, East of Ljubljana, where modern life intertwines with the traditional pulse of the countryside.

Me Kranjska Hrušica Gora Mojstrana

Črna na Koroškem



Bohinjska Bistrica





Kamniška Bistrica Preddvor








The Karst and Birkini: The people of the Karst region invite you to their wine cellars for Teran and prosciutto. You can choose to spend the night on a homestead or in an apartment.

Ljubno ob Savinji









Vrhnika Grosuplje




Stična Ivančna Gorica

Vipava Štanjel

Coast: Koper, one of the oldest cities in Slovenia, developed from a rocky island into an important tourist destination.


Sežana Lipica

Pivka Škocjan


K Ilirska Bistrica


Piran/Pirano Portorož/Portorose


Kost Hrastovlje

Green Karst: Within the embrace of wide forests, an astonishing world of karstic wonders, roaring underground and calm surface water awaits you.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013




Pomurje: Welcome to the dreamy Pomurje, a land of storks, vineyards, healing waters and energy points, windrattles, floating mills, original traditions and dialects.

Koroška: Its plentiful gems are scattered throughout numerous little towns, villages and the surrounding valleys stretching far below the mighty mountain peaks, which dominate the skyline.

Ravne na Koroškem





Zreče Dobrna

Zagorje ob Savi


Rogaška Slatina






Središče ob Dravi

Ptuj: From the Stone Age to this day, history has written a chronicle in stone in the Ptuj region, where roads meet that linked sunny Italy with the Pannonian lowlands and the Alps with the Balkans.


CELJE Podčetrtek



Lendava/ Lendva



Slovenske Konjice



Slovenska Bistrica

Dobrovnik/ Dobronak


Lenart v Slov. goricah






Lovrenc na Pohorju

Slovenj Gradec

Gornja Radgona Radenci



Moravske Toplice

Šentilj v Slov. goricah

Radlje ob Dravi


Rimske Toplice Radeče

Podsreda Sevnica

Maribor – Pohorje: Maribor is the second largest town in Slovenia with a unique old centre that provides rich events and is filled with attractions and pubs.



Krško Brežice

Trebnje Šmarješke Toplice





Dežela Celjska: A visit to the region in the summer is the time to experience good vibes, be it at medieval events, open-air concerts, local festivals or sporting events.

Dolenjske Toplice



Posavje: A green world at the confluence of the Sava and Krka, thermal springs, vineyards and castles;


tel Vinica

Dolenjska: When you think you know what “new” is in Novo mesto (New City), you can experience a different Dolenjska. Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



,,The beautiful colours of the Soča river, that differ from emerald to turquoise, are all natural. The Soča gets it beautiful tints of greens thanks to the limestone that’s on the river’s bed.’’

In the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway



It was the worst of times in the west of Slovenia between 1915 and 1918. The First World War held the region in a violent and tight grip. Legend says that the emerald green water of Slovenia’s natural crown jewel, river Soča, turned red. Among the thousands of soldiers that were engaged in gruelling battles was the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway who wrote his novel A Farewell to Arms based on his experiences here. Hemingway volunteered as an ambulance driver in the Italian Army that was fighting the Austrians

along the Soča. Back in those days the region was Austrian territory as Slovenia was part of Austria-Hungary. Hemingway describes the horror and pointlessness of war and the characters that are caught up in it. It was war in a beautiful setting. The way Hemingway describes the surroundings makes one want to visit them (in peacetime though). The novelist was for some time stationed in Kobarid, then known as Caporetto. ,,I remembered it as a little white town with a campanile in a valley.’’ Hemingway wrote. ,,It was a clean little town

WWI museum in Kobarid; Photo: Bobo

WWI trenches

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Ernest Hemingway

Napoleon’s bridge; Photo: LTO Sotočje

and there was a fine fountain in the square.’’ Hemingway saw the Soča river many times: ,,There were trees along both sides of the road and through the right line of trees I saw the river, the water clear, fast and shallow.’’ Hemingway started to write A Farewell to Arms back home in the United States. The book was published in 1929 and it became his first bestseller. The whole west of Slovenia fell into Italian hands after the war. The Italian influence is still present today. After the Second World War the region became part of Yugoslavia before finally be one of the regions of the republic of Slovenia. The west of Slovenia is one of the most diverse regions of the country. It harbours mountains and Slovenia’s 40 kilometre long Adriatic coast. The region has a long and rich history. Culture and architecture are influenced by the powers of the former Republic of Venice and Austria-Hungary that ruled here.

West – Coast

Hrastovlje; Photo: U. Trnkoczy

Koper – Tito Square

Visit Koper

and its enchanting surroundings Koper, one of the oldest cities in Slovenia, developed from a rocky island into an important tourist destination. Together with its hinterland, it offers great opportunities to discover the characteristics of the Slovenian Istria. Experience Koper and Hrastovlje with the combined tickets Visitors can now discover the heart of the city centre of Koper with the combined ticket. It includes visits to the renowned Praetorian Palace, the Tito Square and the Cathedral of St. Mary’s Assumption. Experienced guides will present the rich history, geographical features and other interesting facts connected to this friendly Mediterranean city. The visit to the city tower at the end will astonish everybody with a beautiful panorama over the city and its surroundings. To upgrade the city experience, visitors are invited to discover the authentic Istrian

hinterland where a number of small villages are hidden. Among them is also Hrastovlje. A trip to this unique village under the Karst edge can become a real experience. The combined ticket offers guided visits of the village with a presentation of historical, natural and cultural features of the area, visits to the two local galleries and visits to the church of the Holy Trinity, where the famous frescos are hidden. The discovery of the village will continue with two traditional food and wine tastings. Additional information, schedules and price lists are available on the website Welcome to Koper, welcome to Hrastovlje, welcome to the Slovenian Istria!

Hrastovlje –Frescoes

•Ljubljana 10

m 7k


EVENTS  Summer events in Koper 5th to 7th July: Fešta Kalamarov (Kalamari Festival) > Pleasant atmosphere, a full plate of squid, local wines, sunset by the sea and Mediterranean music. This is Fešta Kalamarov. 4th to 10 th September: EuroBasket 2013 > Koper is one of the hosting cities of the European basketball Championship, EuroBasket 2013. The Bonifika Hall will see the preliminary matches played by countries of the Group D (Finland, Greece, Russia, Italy, Sweden and Turkey). 21st and 22nd September: Sweet Istria 2013 > For an entire weekend, the streets of Koper will be transformed into the biggest venue of deserts and sweet products in Slovenia. Tastings, workshops, lectures and children’s program will diversify the rich festival program.

Tourist information centre Koper Tito Square 3 6000 Koper, Slovenia T: +386 5 6646 403 Črni Kal

Koper; Photo: Jaka Jeraša

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


Hrast ovlje

DOŽIVI VIVI EXPERIENCE KENNENLERNEN Spoznaj Hrastovlje s SKUPNO VSTOPNICO Scoprite Hrastovlje acquistando IL BIGLIETTO COMBINATO Discover Hrastovlje with the COMBINED TICKET Hrastovlje mit der einheitlichen EINTRITTSKARTE KENNENLERNEN

GSM: +386 41 398 368



Capodist ria

Spoznaj Titov trg s SKUPNO VSTOPNICO Scoprite Piazza Tito acquistando IL BIGLIETTO COMBINATO Discover Tito Square with the COMBINED TICKET Tito-Platz mit der einheitlichen EINTRITTSKARTE KENNENLERNEN

Tel.: +386 5 6646 403

West – The Emerald Trail

Paragliding; Photo: Suby Lutolf, Archive LTO Sotočje

The Emerald Trail Treasure hunt on the Emerald Trail

are the lowest and southernmost entry point into the Triglav National Park and offer a surreal fairy-tale like sight.

It runs past high snow-capped mountains, through surreal gorges and under monumental stone arch bridges. But it is its emerald green water that makes river Soča so astonishing. The Soča has been an inspiration for poets, the frontline in the First World War and the location for a scene in the Disney movie ‘Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’. And now it’s also the centre of a route past some of Slovenia’s biggest treasures; the Emerald Trail. The trail connects all tourist destinations in the basin of the Soča river, that also includes rivers Idrijca, Vipava and Tolminka. The Emerald Trail binds the mountainous worlds of Bovec, Kobarid and Tolmin with the hills and vineyards of Gorica, Brda and Vipava and the mountains of the Upper Soča Region towards Idrija and Cerkno.

Palette of activities

Natural treasures On the Emerald Trail you can go on a quest to the most stunning natural treasures. Near the town Idrija the Wild Lake awaits discovery. The green lake, a natural monument, lies between trees and a hundred metre high rock wall. Near Nova Gorica the Kostanjevica monastery holds the world’s biggest collection of Bourbon roses. The roses blossom during the months of May and June. The Tolmin gorges are another true natural treasure. The gorges


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The diverse country side along the Emerald Trail offers a palette of activities. Get an adrenaline kick when you go paragliding from Stol, Lijak or Kobala or canyoning under the guidance of experienced guides on the Pršjak, Kozjak, Sušec, Fratarica, Mrzlipotok, Mlinarica or Predelica streams. The rivers also offer rafting, kayaking and hydro speed. And if you want to take it a bit slower you can go fly fishing and try to catch the famous Soča trout. There are innumerable hiking and biking trails.

Soča; Photo: Bogdan Kladnik, Archive LTO Sotočje

Vineyards; Photo: Oton Naglost, Archive LTO Sotočje

The First World War Along the Emerald Trail traces of the First World War are everywhere. You can hike the Walk of Peace in the Upper Soča region. The route passes trenches, fortifications, caves, memorials, cemetries and chapels. The walk starts at Log pod Mangartom, at the entrance to the mine shaft Štoln, and it ends at the outdoor museum on Mengore hill near Most na Soči. In Kobarid the Kobarid Museum tells many stories of the war. The museum shows two and a half years of static fighting and portrays in detail the 12 th Isonzo battle, also known as the Caporetto breakthrough. The latter is one of the major battles in the history of mankind having taken place in hilly terrain.

Divje jezero; Photo: Samo Trebižan, Archive LTO Sotočje

RDO Smaragdna pot Petra Skalarja 4 5220 Tolmin T: +386 5 380 04 86

West – The Emerald Trail •Bovec 13 3



EVENTS  Summer in Bovec is not only known for outdoor activities, but also for open-air events. Photo: Arhiv LTO Bovec, David Štulc Zornik

In July, young musicians flock to Bovec for the Orkesterkamp summer camp and demonstrate their improved musical knowledge through their performances. The rich intangible heritage of the Trenta Valley is presented during the last weekend in July. The Trenta Fair is an opportunity to view, taste and purchase the products of local vendors and creators accompanied by a musical programme with entertaining shepherd and other games that recreate life in Trenta.

Photo: Arhiv LTO Bovec, Leonardo Olmi


Be active in the Valleys of Inspiration and be curious in the exploration of heritage The landscape along the emerald Soča River and in the neighbouring valleys is inspiring in its abundance. The natural sights will amaze you: Boka, the mightiest Slovene waterfall, trips to Krn Lake, Slovenia’s largest highaltitude lake, the ascent to the Mangart Pass on the country’s highest-lying road and Vršič, Slovenia’s highest mountain pass. Wherever you turn in Bovec, you will be faced with beautiful views of Alpine scenery with a touch of Mediterranean influence. The heritage also shows the fascinating combination of influences. Cultural and historical paths take us past historical points such as the Kluže fortress and the Štoln mine tunnel as well as past typical architecture and sheep pastures. The excellent Bovec cheese can be purchased in the mountains and at local cheese shops. Cheese and skuta (a sort of cottage cheese) often accompany local dishes and are followed by a dessert of bovski krafi (dumplings) filled with pears. The best way to explore Bovec is through sports activities. Besides the very popular

Photo: Arhiv LTO Bovec, David Štulc Zornik

Photo: Arhiv LTO Bovec, David Štulc Zornik

‘In August Čomparska noč (The Potato Night) attracts numerous visitors. During the Čomparska noč on the 10 th of August, local groups revive the cultural heritage through dance, songs and games in the centre of Bovec. Bovec’ culinary offer will satisfy the gourmet taste with dishes such as “frika” (a potato and cheese dish), “čompe” (potato), Bovec cheese and other specialities. The Farm Games present the traditions of Bovec in a very particular way, spiced up with a humorous note. There’s fun waiting for you on the 17th of August in Čezsoča, as teams compete in games that humorously portray farm work such as “delanje in pospravljanje strgač” (making haystacks and gathering hay), “pubiranje čomp” (gathering potatoes) and “od japke do mošta” (from apples to must).

hiking and water sports, such as rafting and canyoning, one can also choose something from the extraordinary offer. Take a ride down into the valley on a metal cable in one of the largest zip-line parks in Europe or perhaps with the unusual Monster roller scooter. E-bike on the other hand will guarantee a relaxed ride around Bovec land. Events by the Soča river will be vibrant from spring to fall. But there are still innumerable nooks for those who seek peace and tranquility. Seek them out through active excursions on the mountain slopes, river banks, water or in the air.

TIC Bovec Trg golobarskih žrtev 22, SI-5230 Bovec T: +386 (0)5 384 1919 M: +386 (0)31 388 700

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – The Emerald Trail

Bear’s head; Photo: Matevž Lenarčič

Nadiža; Photo: Serdjan Živulović

Tolmin and Kobarid A Valley of Numerous Faces Photo: Matevž Lenarčič

Along the Emerald Trail and under the peaks of the Julian Alps, the towns of Kobarid and Tolmin. The First World War made the greatest impact on this area, although of extreme interest is also the ethnological heritage of the old villages, revealing the way of life in the valley in the past. The unspoilt nature, one of the greatest assets of the area, offers numerous sporting options and exquisite local culinary delights. Valley of Action

Kozjak waterfall; Photo: Fabio Ferrari

Valley of Festivals

Kobarid••Tolmin 12 1040 km km


LTO Sotočje TIC Tolmin Petra Skalarja 4 5220 Tolmin T: +386 5 380 04 80


Active holidays are the main magnet drawing visitors to the Soča valley. Be it hiking or cycling, the possibilities are unlimited. The brave can opt for paragliding and view the stunning valley from a bird’s perspective while those in favour of action can hit the emerald Soča river, a synonym for adrenaline water sports and fishing.

TIC Kobarid Trg svobode 16 5222 Kobarid T: +386 5 380 04 90

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The numerous events of the Soča valley are a blend of tradition and nature. You can find them at www. Musical spectacles such as Metalcamp, Sajeta, Punk Rock Holiday and the Weekend of Popular Folk Music attract people from all over the world to the confluence of Tolminka and Soča. The area also boasts interesting culinary events, such as the Štrukljada and Frika day, both celebrating the two most typical local delicacies, whilst hikers should note the Hiking Festival in September.

Valley of Discovery and Energy You are invited to discover the mysteries of the past and the beauty of nature while filling up with energy. The Walk of Peace will take you to the remnants of the Isonzo Front, including the memorial church of the Holy Spirit in Javorca. Two pearls of nature, the Kozjak waterfall and the Tolmin gorges will enchant you, while families can enjoy swimming in the Nadiža River. On the mountain pastures you can taste the famous Tolminc cheese and enjoy the gourmet offer of the restaurants appreciated by the Kobarid Gastronomic Circle.

West – The Emerald Trail Neptune’s Fountain Neptune‘s Fountain was produced in 1815 with the help of the Count Coronini. It is believed that it is a work by the sculptor M. Chierigin from Padova. In the past, it was used for water collecting. The women used to take the water from this fountain with water containers made of wood.

Kanal –

in the heart of nature and culture

The Municipality of Kanal ob Soči is situated in the central Soča Valley at the border with Italy. Its location between the hills of the Kanalski Kolovrat and the plateau Banjška planota offers visitors several possibilities for recreation; relaxation, cycling, hiking, hunting, fishing, and swimming. The heart of the municipality is Kanal, a small medieval town with a rich cultural heritage.

The Famous Bridge Kanal’s bridge was first made of wood in 1580 and following numerous turbulent historical events, including the First and Second World War, the bridge was reconstructed into the stone arch we can see

today. It is the symbol of Kanal and it attracts the attention of many artists and visitors from far and beyond, especially during traditional events such as the bridge diving.


127 km


EVENTS 2 – 3 Aug > Bukafest, Vrhavč 4 Aug > Donkey Races, Levpa 10 Aug > Summer party, Kanal 18 Aug > Bridge Diving, Kanal 13 Oct > Chestnut festival, Lig

TIC KANAL Pionirska 2, 5213 Kanal T: +386 5 39 81 213

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – The Emerald Trail EVENTS Summer Adventures in Nova Gorica > July and August Mohorjevo Event > Šempas, July 13th and 14th Summer Polenta > Šmihel, July 15th The Polenta Festival > Ozeljan, July 21st The Hay Harvest Festival > Banjšice, July 27th Solkan bridge; Photo: M. Bijuklič

The Peach Festival > Prvačina, August 3rd and 4th B’ndimska kvaternica > Branik, 25th August Photo: M. Močivnik

Nova Gorica

New Adventures

Nova Gorica is surrounded by stunning nature and numerous sights; the Kostanjevica Monastery, Sveta Gora (Holy Mountain), Kromberk Castle, the Solkan Bridge and Europe Square. The town is bordered by the TrnovoBanjška Plateau, a wonderful world with an entirely different climate, full of folk traditions and natural sights.

Photo: M. Močivnik

The green, viniferous Vipava Valley stretches out towards the east above which the wings of parachutists and hang-gliders are spread. This friendly area is the home of excellent wine of the autochthonous variety, which pairs harmoniously with the flavours of Vipava’s dishes. Sporting activities include hiking trails, kayaking on the Soča River, the Soča Fun Park adventure park, bungee jumping and several other sports. The area offers a whole new world of experiences to enjoy.

Turistična zveza - TIC Nova Gorica Delpinova ulica 18 b 5000 Nova Gorica T: +386 (0)5 33 04 600 F: +386 (0)5 33 04 606

Nova Gorica • • Šempeter Vrtojba

109 km 105 km



The municipality of Šempeter-Vrtojba is situated where the Vrtojba-Bilje knolls meet the fertile plain. Green forests, vineyards, fields and meadows make the region colourful and vivacious. The Vrtojba-Bilje hills offer the best conditions for growing grapes, fruit, vegetables and flowers, which is why the region is known as the Garden of Goriška. Visitors can enjoy the lush landscape and climb the hill Markov Hrib above Šempeter pri Gorici and the St. Ot hill, which offer marvellous views of the nearby surroundings. The municipality offers a wide variety of pursuits for active holidaymakers all year round. As a matter of fact the choice of recreation and outings is so vast that even


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

the most active tourists will not be able to take advantage of them all. Among other activities, visitors can choose from cycling, golf, hiking and even testing their driving capabilities at the Kart Track in Vrtojba. At 800 metres long and 10 metres wide with a total of 9 turns, the track is located on the former Vrtojba International Border Crossing. Besides championships and international races as well as various performances, carts are available for all adrenaline enthusiasts to rent. We offer a wide variety of carts including weaker ones for children. All of the carts provide a high level of protection, allowing for a safe and fun ride. More information at:

EVENTS 21. 6. – 26. 7. 2013 > “Poletje na placu” summer festival in Šempeter pri Gorici with a wide range of events 6. 7. 2013 > Trio Eroika, concert 18. – 24. 8. 2013 > Plesno poletje (A Summer of Dance), Šempeter pri Gorici Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba Trg Ivana Roba 3 a Šempeter pri Gorici T: +386 5 335 10 00

West – The Emerald Trail riding are popular options. History lovers can enjoy the cemetary, monuments and bunkers of this former front line between the two world wars. Naturalists can observe the various forms of vegetation and wild life in the woods. Fisherman have the Vipava River or Lake Vogršček to choose from. The Paquito Casino in Volčja Draga is definitely for those who like to try their luck, while others may prefer to see the Roman remains in Bukovica.

Tales from the valley

saplings, natural fruit juices and local spirits can also be found here. And if you want to stay a bit longer; there is a wide selection of lodgings to choose from.

m 101 k


Vogrsko• •Renče

Local Products The friendly people of Renče-Vogrsko will be pleased to offer you their products and services. Wine merchants have a wine selection for you to taste and/or buy. Beekeepers sell products made with honey or beeswax. And, of course, items such as fruit, vegetables, goat milk products,

EVENTS August > traditional Summer Festival in Bukovec September > performances for the opening of the Vzorčnega vrta in Volčja Draga For more information:

The municipality of Renče-Vogrsko lies on the border between the Vipava Valley and Kras. Our beautiful unspoiled nature and friendly people create their own tales, tales from the valley.

Contact Information: Občina Renče-Vogrsko Bukovica 43 5293 Volčja Draga T: + 386 5 33 84 500

The calm surroundings of the countryside offer tourists a variety of ways to enjoy their holidays. Short walks, cycling or horseback

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West – The Emerald Trail

Ajdovščina, A land of active experiences


Ajdovščina is situated in the heart of the Vipava Valley, a green and fertile land, which provides visitors with a wide palette of experiences for people of all tastes. Discover the beauty of the Vipava Valley from the seat of a bicycle: ride along the Hubelj and Vipava Rivers, cycle through orchards and vineyards over the Vipava Hills or climb the Trnovo Plateau and Hrušica. Discover the Gora Plateau, a number of hiking trails intertwine here and the area’s natural features will enchant you: from caves and basins to the diverse world of animal and plant life. Explore the Vipava valley through the Otliško okno (the Otlica Window), a large natural opening in the edge of the plateau. Take off from Ajdovščina’s airport in a powered parachute or paraglider accompanied by experienced pilots and experience an unforgettable panoramic flight

Days of the Gora Plateau > July 13 th – Tiha dolina na Predmeji Vodice Night > July 27th – Vodice pri Colu

over the Vipava Valley. Fly from the Kvok on the Gora Plateau airfield for tandem skydiving and discover the magic of flight. Try our excellent Vipava wine, especially the autochthonous types, Pinela and Zelen. Sweeten things up with some of our juicy Vipava fruit and taste our typical dishes at tourist farms and in restaurants. Spend the night in a hotel in the centre of Ajdovščina, a youth hostel on the edge of the town, in a campsite, in a modern apartment or at a tourist farm in the countryside.

Forester’s Fair and Horse Races in Gozd > August 17th and 18th – Gozd pri Colu Recreational Cycling Race in Predmeja > September 1st – start at Lavričev trg (Lavrič Square), Ajdovščina

TIC Ajdovščina Cesta IV. Prekomorske 61 a 5270 Ajdovščina T: +386 5 36 59 140,

Welcome! 83 km •Ljubljana m Ajdovščina• 78 k •Vipava

come into contact with the rich natural and cultural heritage of Vipava and its surroundings, including the mighty Lanthieri Manor in the centre of Vipava.

The Vipava wine specialities, Zelen and Pinela, in the Vipava wine shop

Vipava Cycling trails Vipava Valley’s mild climate allows for outdoor sports and recreational activities all year round. A number of macadam and paved trails, which wind between the viniferous Vipava hills and through the Nanos Plateau, provide many opportunities for cycling. On the seven circular trails, you will


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Discover the Vipava autochthonous wines, Pinela and Zelen, at the Main Square in Vipava near the Tourist Information Centre (TIC Vipava). We offer wine tastings every day between 9:00am and 7:00pm. Taste the rich simplicity of the Vipava countryside at a number of wine cellars and tourist farms, serving top-notch wine and food.

Where to spend the night? Those wishing to stay with us for a few days will find a wide selection of options in both Vipava and the countryside. We recommend that nature lovers visit Camp Tura, situated beneath the immense climbing walls of the Nanos Plateau or Camp Vrhpolje, which can be found in the heart of the Vrhpolje vineyards. You can choose to spend the night in Vipava’s rooms and apartments or at one of the nearby tourist farms.

EVENTS Summer Cultural Performance IMAGO SLOVENIAE (Spring Water and the Voice of the Heart) > in July and August in Vipava at Pavel Rust Square (Trg Pavla Rusta). September 6th – 8th, 2013 > Vipavska trgatev (Vipava Grape Harvest) TIC VIPAVA Glavni trg 1, 5271 VIPAVA T: +386 (0)5 368 70 41 +386 (0)51 215 226

West – The Emerald Trail

Photo: Samo Trebižan



The oldest Slovenian mining town on UNESCO’s list Idrija, the Alpine and EDEN town of 2011, is known for one of the largest mercury mines in the world, which, while it was in operation, attracted researchers and travellers from all over Europe. Last year the mine was put on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

Photo: Jani Peternelj

60 km


Photo: Jani Peternelj

Idrija is also known for its enchanting bobbin lace that is held in high esteem all over the world. Today Idrija bobbin lace is a significant Slovenian decoration and business gift while modern lace accessories adorn the wardrobe of every modern woman. The culinary offer is also rich, particularly the local specialty ‘idrijski žlikrofi’ (dough with a potato filling), which has been protected as a traditional specialty by the European Union. Idrija will inspire you with its unspoiled nature and it is a true paradise for hikers, cyclists, mushroom pickers, fishermen, photographers and the inquisitive who want a break from their everyday concerns and to relax in nature’s picturesque embrace.

Experience and taste • take a trip to the Antonijev rov Tourist Mine. Look out for the mischievous gnome, Perkmandeljc! • check out the collections of the Idrija Town Museum, at the beautiful Gewerkenegg Castle. • explore nature with a hike along the Rake Natural Trail and Learning Path • visit the Idrija Geopark, enter into hidden nooks, narrow ravines and gorges and get to know our unique geological heritage • visit the most beautiful and bio diverse public aquarium in Slovenia. Photo: Dunja Wedam

EVENTS  International TANGO Festival > 12 th July - The event is hosted by various musicians, who deal with this sort of music. Expect performances by soloists, musical groups and acclaimed foreign musicians. The International ALTER ART Festival > 9 th August - The festival presents performers from the areas of amateur culture, alternative youth subcultures and ‘serious’ culture, young alternative musical groups from Slovenia and abroad, art exhibitions and photographic artists, dance performances and literary evenings. The Assumption aka Prfarski štrukljevc > 15th August - Attracting a great number of visitors and pilgrims, the Church of Mary on the Rock is the stage for an annual holy mass. During this holiday, štruklje and wreaths are made alongside dancing and singing.


Information and reservations for guided tour groups: TIC Idrija Vodnikova 3, Idrija T: +386 (0)5 37 43 916,

Photo: Jani Peternelj

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – The Karst and Brkini

Sežana The Karstic Capital…

Take off on a trip to the enchanting karst underground and the oldest tourist cave in Europe; Vilenica Cave. Rediscover your inner child at the Shepherd Games on the Pliskina Educational Trail. Get to know the craft of stonemasonry and then enjoy a relaxing stay at the best Slovenian youth lodging; Pliskovica Hostel. History buffs may be interested in the cemetery and Tabor War Museum, while those preferring the beauty of nature may enjoy visiting the area’s karstic and botanical gardens. The wealth of the region can also be experienced through cuisine, namely the Teran red wine and local prosciutto. A word of advice: the region is best explored by bicycle or on foot.

EVENTS Summer in Pliskovica > June 13 – August 31: Etno festival Maldifest > July 5 – 21: Youth festival Festival of Teran and Prosciutto > August 4 -11 Sežana Day > August 23 – 31 Contact information: Tourist Information Centre Sežana T: +386 5 7310-128


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Divača A world rich of

nature and culture A big part of our area is part of the limestone landscape of the Karst plateau. Here, besides the magnificent Škocjan caves, a number of karstic caves, collapsed caves, sinkholes and, opposite this, the Senožeta, Vremščica and Brkina hills can be found. Our world is rich with natural and cultural heritage, which allows for hiking, culinary evenings near a farm, restaurants, a descent into the dark and silent world of the caves, a study of our traditions, culture, performances... The Škrateljnova homestead, the home of the Museum of Slovenian Film Actors, can be found in the centre of Divača. It is an excellent example of traditional karstic architecture. The museum offers insight into the country’s film heritage, while emphasizing the art of acting itself.

EVENTS Summer Events: The first week in July > multiple performances as a part of the Municipal Holiday From the end of June to September > open-air cinema (Museum of Slovenian Film Actors) Various ethnological performances > the Shepherd Games FOLLOW US THROUGH THE ENCHANTING PATHS OF KRAS AND BRKINI Contact information: Razvojni center Divača T: + 386 (0)5 / 7310-941, /7310-949

Hrpelje – Kozina One municipality; three worlds

The municipality of Hrpelje – Kozina is situated at a junction of roads leading from Trieste (IT) to Reka (CRO) and from Ljubljana to Koper and, in a way, is a juncture of three worlds: the Brkini Hills, Ćićarija, and Mali Kras. On Brkini Hill’s border with the Materija Valley, you will come face-to face with a picturesque landscape of streams and karstic features (Dimnice Cave). There are many trails available for cycling and walks amidst our breath taking natural sights. Friendly, traditional restaurants and tourist farms will offer you relaxation as well as local specialties. The pleasant climate is particularly good for growing fruit (the Brkini Fruit Road). The jewel of Mali Kras is Krajinski Park of Glinščica and its numerous recreational trails. Time stands still at the Ćićarija border with Croatia taking you back in time with its historical details.

EVENTS The Brkini Apple Holiday in Tatre > An entertainment programme based on the ethnological characteristics of Brkini Chestnut fest > Rodik 19.10. Contact: Občina Hrpelje - Kozina T: + 386 (0)5 6800 150

West – The Karst and Brkini

Škocjan Caves Komen Miren – Don't pass without a stop in Štanjel Kostanjevica When you travel through this part of Kras you cannot pass without stopping at Štanjel, which is one of the oldest and most picturesque settlements in this region. Štanjel is known for its quality design, history and the architecture of its town centre as well as its prehistorical foundations. The famous architect and urban planner, Maks Fabiani, designed the town's Ferrari Garden, which is still popular with tourists. Visitors cycling from Štanjel through the vinyards can expect to encounter tourist farms, restaurants, friendly locals and a number of religious structures and WWI remains (Gorjansko, Brestovica pri Komnu).

Life in the municipality pulses between Miren and Kostanjevica in the Karst. Going for a break in nature could include taking a walk, cycling or horseback riding along the Poti miru (Walk of Peace) in the surroundings of the Memorial to the Defenders of Slovenian Soil in Cerje, which offers an amazing view of the Gulf of Trieste, the Julian Alps and the Vipava Valley. Caterers are especially proud of their asparagus dishes in the month of May, as the last weekend in the month is the traditional asparagus festival in Orehovlje. The people of the Karst region invite you to their wine cellars for Teran and prosciutto. You can choose to spend the night on a homestead or in an apartment.

EVENTS EVENTS Štanjel is waking up – a series of performances: Summer Festival AlterSLO (July 12th – 14th) Medieval Day (August 31st) > The Knight Games, medieval dancing, music, and a market. TIC Štanjel T: +386 (0)5 7690056 +386 (0)41 383986

June 7th, 8th & 9th > Opekarski Dnevi – a three day event with a variety of things to choose from such as: lectures, art exhibitions, a workshop for children, food tastings... June 24 > Midsummer’s Day celebration at 8:30pm (food, music, a bonfire and fun for everyone!) More information at: TIC Temnica T: +386 (0) 5 308 00 40 +386 (0) 31 310 800 TIC Miren T: +386 (0) 51 202 060

One of the world’s underground treasures On the crossroads of the impenetrable flysch rock of the Brkini highland and the valley of river Reka lies one of Earth’s natural treasures; the Škocjan Caves. In the caves near the town of Divača you can see the karst phenomena at its best. The Škocjan Caves are not just caves. They have been on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1986 because of an incredible subterranean canyon, pioneering research into karst phenomena and rich archeological heritage and great biodiversity. The cave system consists of many individual caves, tunnels, streams, natural bridges and karst sinks. Already in prehistoric times people lived around the caves.

A walk through the caves A visit to the caves is possible with an experience guide. During the summer a tour of the museum collections is included in the ticket for the Škocjan Caves Park. This tour lasts about an hour. Visitors can see an ethnological collection in the J’kopin barn, a karst collection in the Jurij barn and a biological, geological and archeological collection in the natural science learning centre – the Delez house.

Education Trail At any time it’s possible to walk the Education Trail around the Škocjan Caves Park. The trail, which was voted the best thematic trail in Slovenia in 2011, begins and ends in front of the information Centre in Matavun. The trail is two kilometres long.

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – The Karst and Brkini


The Cradle of the Lipizzaner White pearl A picturesque experience

•Ljubljana 87



SCHEDULE April – October, from 9am to 6pm > guided tours in different languages May – September: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday, 3pm > performance of the classical riding school April – October, Daily, 10am > training of the classical riding school, except on monday Also available > riding for children, carriage ride, riding courses, Lipikum – Museum of Lipizzaner horses

Lipica Stud Farm Lipica 5, Sežana T: +386 5 739 15 80


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The Lipica Stud Farm is one of the most beautiful cultural-historical monuments in Slovenia. This cradle of the famous white Lipizzaner horses has a tradition of over 400 years and today you can find a rich offer of various unforgettable experiences and a comfortable accommodation. It was already in 1578 when Archduke Charles decided to build a stud farm in the Karst region with Spanish horses which were known for their strength and agility. In the 18th century the famous white Lipizzaner breed was developed here. Lipizzaners now feature in films and books, but if you really want to know about them; you have to visit Lipica and let yourself be enticed with a unique charm and Karst delicacies.

Trainings and performances. Astonishing The Classical Riding School is the pride and success of the Lipica Stud Farm. Select stallions will delight you with their elegant walk, turns and other surprising elements. Take a look at the training of the Classical Riding School and do not miss out on one of the numerous performances. You will certainly enjoy it.

Lipikum Museum of the Lipizzaner. Interactive You will discover everything you ever wanted to know about Lipizzaner horses and Lipica in the museum. It is based on modern museuological principles. A variety of classical and interactive approaches turns the visit into an interesting and playful experience for children.

Guided tours Take a walk around the estate of the stud farm in the company of a friendly guide, who will lead you through the world of Lipizzaners. Apart from Slovenian, the tour is also available in English, Italian, German, Croatian and French.

Carriage ride. Unforgettable Enjoy a unique experience. Take a tour on the estate of the Lipica Stud Farm with a carriage and enjoy beautiful moments. The friendly carriage-drivers and elegant Lipizzaner will be happy to take you on a ride along the trails, an experience you are sure not to forget.

Business events. Tailored to your every wish The comprehensive offer of the Lipica Stud Farm includes a rich business tourism programme. Its offer comprises coordination of all types of informal activities and full catering services. The surroundings will give business meetings, seminars, employee training seminars, press conferences, new product presentations, international congresses and protocol visits a distinguishing mark.

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – Green Karst visited attraction the Postojna Caves, the Cave under the Predjama Castle, Cross Cave and Planina Cave reveal the astonishing splendour of stalagmites, subterranean lakes with calcareous sinter and the largest confluence of subterranean rivers in Europe. In the caves you can encounter miraculous species like the ‘human fish’ that can live to be a hundred.


Photo: Archive Notranjski regijski park

Two Faces of a Single World

The value of Green Karst’s exceptional nature is accentuated by the fact that 54 per cent of the region’s surface is listed as a protected Natura 2000 area. Natura 2000 aims to protect unique species. In the Green Karst you can, amongst others, find the Carniolan Lily, Pyramidal Orchic and the ural owl, the stage beetle and fire salamander, the freshwater Shrimp and Smooth Snake and the brown bear, lynx and wolf. The Green Karst was the first Slovenian region to focus on sustainable tourism. The result is that the Green Karst will be as it always was; green and quiet.

Castle in a cave Historical monuments stand proudly in the area, such as Snežnik Castle, Prem Castle and Predjama Castle near Postojna. Predjama shines in splendour underneath a cliff. The castle, that’s built in a cave, was once the home of the notorious knight and robber Erazem Lueg.

The intertwined surface and underground world of the Green Karst Within the embrace of wide forests, an astonishing world of karstic wonders, roaring underground and calm surface water awaits you. Venture out from the hustle and bustle of the city to the most secret corner of Slovenia, Zeleni kras or Green Karst. If you’re coming from Ljubljana, you can be here in less than an hour. Photo: Tomaž Penko

The exceptional interlaced surface and underground karstic world gives the InnerKarst region characteristics that are entirely its own. The intermittent Lake Cerknica is the largest lake of its kind in Europe and a sight to behold all year round. Forests cover more than seventy per cent of the region that is extremely sparsely populated.

Underground wonders In the Green Karst the world below the surface is just as fascinating. The region boasts the most beautiful, world-renowned Slovenian karstic caves. Slovenia’s most


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

West – Green Karst The castles are one of the remnants of the Green Karst’s thousands of years old military history. Ruins of fortifications from the Bronze Age to the Second World War still tell a story today. A part of this past is brought back to life by The Pivka Park of

Military History that at an altitude of over 500 metres is home to a submarine!

Get active The Green Karst landscape is not only nice to look at. It invites you to get active.

Photo: Archive Postojnska jama d.d., Miha Krivic

Get moving in the Green Karst countryside and go: riding horses, driving a horse team or hay cart, bird and bear watching, cycling, fishing, hiking and cave trekking. The Great Krpan Hiking Trail is a 91 kilometre long route that will take you all across the Green Karst. The trail begins at the railway station of Pivka and leads the way over the Javornik mountain chain to Lake Cerknica through the Loška Dolina by the Snežnik Castle and ascends to the Bloke Plateau. From there it descends along Mount Slivnica to Lake Cerknica and takes you to the Rakov Škocjan Valley. In the last section, the path ascends over Mount Kalič and towards the town of Postojna where it ends at the railway station. There is a wide variety of bike routes. From Postojna you can follow the Castle Path or take the Cave Path through five caves around Postojna.




Photo: Tomaž Penko

Postojna• •Cerknica Green Karst

EVENTS  Furmanski praznik (‘Carting Day’) in Postojna, July 7th, 2013 > A traditional allday ethnological performance, which revives old customs from the land of horse and cart drivers. A procession of vehicles of various types with horse teams diversifies the programme with a demonstration of old Slovenian crafts connected to horse and cart driving. Turistično društvo Postojna

Photo: Archive Notranjski regijski park

Photo: Tomaž Penko

Zmaj ‘ma mlade (The Dragon has Young), Postojna, August 20th – September 1st, 2013 > A traditional festival of cultural events (music, films, theatre) Zveza društev mladinski center Postojna (Postojna Youth Centre)

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – Green Karst

First Lake, Photo: Gašper Modic


Port of Venice, Photo: Boštjan Burger

Križna Jama (Cross Cave)

A primeval attraction of the underground world Križna Jama (Cross Cave) is a world renowned karstic active cave. Its main attractions are its crystal clear underwater lakes with barriers of calcareous sinter. The cave also contains a site filled with cave bear bones, which are among the oldest in Europe. Cross Cave is the fourth largest cave ecosystem in the world by biodiversity.



•Križna jama

MAY - SEPTEMBER > Every day from 11am – 6pm

(karstic) region. The exhibitions are arranged by theme: Memory is at Home in the Museum, a multimedia presentation of the ‘human fish’, The Living Underground World and Photographs of the Eternal Darkness: Postojna Cave. On the ground floor of the museum, visitors can also see a brown bear and the skeleton of a cave bear. The museum is a five minute drive from the world famous Postojna Cave. The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

CONTACT INFORMATION Križna Jama T: +386-41-632-153


The new representative building contains the broad history as well as the cultural and natural heritage of the Inner Carniolan


FOUR HOUR TOUR OF THE ACTIVE SECTION OF THE CAVE – FOR TRUE CAVE LOVERS In order to protect the cave, this section can only be visited by one group of up to 4 visitors per day. The tour is approximately 3.5 – 4 hours. Tours must be booked in advance.


Notranjska Museum in Postojna

A ONE HOUR TOUR OF THE DRY SECTION OF THE CAVE – GROUP TOUR April, May, June > on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at 3:00pm July, August > every day at 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm and 5:00pm September > every day at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm

OCTOBER - APRIL > Monday – Friday: from 9am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday: from 11am – 4pm The museum is also wheelchair accessible. CONTACT INFORMATION Notranjski muzej Postojna Kolodvorska c. 3, Postojna T: +386 05 7211 090

56 km

West – Green Karst

Loška Dolina The Land of ostrnice

In the south-west of Slovenia, in the midst of a vast forest, the secret karstic world of Loška Dolina is revealed. Here you can still experience the authenticity of life in the countryside and the diversity of natural beauty. A thousand year old look back in history focuses on a rich cultural heritage which has drawn silhuettes of “ostrnice”, a unique method of drying hay and agricultural produce in Loška Dolina. Local hosts will serve you traditional home-made food. Various forms of lodging are also on offer: sleeping in a hay loft, in a tent, in apartments or in comfortably equipped rooms.

Main Offers: The Snežnik Castle is a unique museum of living culture in the 19th century and one of the rarest castles in Slovenia, boasting its original furniture and fittings. The imposing Renaissance structure, with a touch of the romantic, is situated in a park designed in the regional style and composed of a number of promenades, clearings, water features and walking paths. The Hunting Collection and Dormouse Museum, which was hunted for its pelt, can be found in the castle manor house. The underground karstic world conceals one of the most beautiful water-filled caves, Križna jama. It was named after the Church of the Holy Cross, which is situated on a nearby hill. Its most interesting features are the crystal clear, underground lakes divided by a calcareous sinter that can be explored

by boat. The cave is known for the diversity of its cave organisms and also as a dwelling place for bats. The cave also contains a cave bear bones site. Loška Dolina offers a number of possibilities for outdoor activities. Hikers can take off through the mountain and themed trails, climb nearby hills or the prominent Mt. Snežnik (1796 m). Cyclists can choose a trail based on their capabilities and wishes, horse lovers may prefer an unforgettable ride or merely enjoy a ride in a carriage, hay cart or sledge during the winter months.


•Stari trg pri Ložu Loška dolina

EVENTS  Summer Events: In the Land of Ostrnice > a selection of ethnological performances, the most important of which are: “Igre med ostrnicami” (Games among the Hayricks) and Medieval Day – from May 23rd – 26th, 2013 at Castle Snežnik Loška Night > June 8th, 2013, Lož International Archery Competition 3D Ring > June 22nd, 2013, in the vicinity of Castle Snežnik Lož Kovinoplastika Wind Instrument Orchestra on Statehood Day > June 25th, 2013, Stari trg pri Ložu The Gallop Races > July 13 th, 2013, in the vicinity of the village of Nadlesk 15th ZAPIK Festival > September 13th, 14th and 15th, 2013, Castle Snežnik Lož Grass Skiing > September 14th, 2013, Loška dolina The Open Municipal Championship in Accelerated Chess > September 22nd, 2013, Stari trg pri Ložu Performance as part of the European Heritage Days > September 28th – October 10 th, 2013, Loška dolina

Tourist Office Contact Information: Lož Tourist Information Centre Cesta 19. oktobra 49 1386 Stari trg pri Ložu T: +386 (0)81 602 853

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – Green Karst Slovenian war of independence A special place in the collection belongs to the T-55 tank which entered Slovenian streets on 26 June 1991 from the barracks of what is today the Military Park, and opposed the Yugoslav army over the just liberated Republic of Slovenia. This event has made the location of the Park very symbolic as it was where the war for Slovenia’s independence began and it was also the first armed conflict in Europe after WW2. A reminder of the dramatic events of 1991 is the gazelle TO-001 Velenje helicopter, the first aircraft of the Slovenian armed forces. Photos: Simon Avsec, Andrej Kogovšek

Park of Military History Pivka

A unique museum and tourist centre

Throughout the centuries many empires, kingdoms and countries have tried to subordinate and fortify the broader area of the Postojna Gate (also known as the Gate of Italy) as this has always represented one of the most important strategic points in Europe. The rich military history of the area is now exhibited in Pivka and includes a vast national tank artillery collection containing examples of American, Soviet and Yugoslav tanks, and cannons left behind by various armies on the territory of what is today the Republic of Slovenia. The Park of Military History Pivka is a unique museum and tourist centre in Central Europe offering its visitors an outstanding experience and an insight into the diverse history of this part of the world. WW2 exhibits The most interesting exhibits date back to the Second World War. You can see the famous Soviet T-34 tank, the most typical armoured vehicle of the eastern front and the American Stuart and Sherman tanks from the western front.

Zeta submarine The Park is also home to a submarine. The largest and heaviest exhibit of the museum, a P-913 Zeta submarine, represents an important engineering legacy of Slovenia. The inside of the submarine can also be seen making the entire experience truly unforgettable. Visitors can learn about its mysterious operations and experience how it was to live in a small, cramped place deep under the sea.

Where history meets nature Visitors who would like to learn about history in the embrace of unspoilt nature should walk the Circular Trail of Military History. Hikers can see the former Italian fortress at Primož and continue to the Šilentabor Castle where the largest Slovenian fort, used against the Turks, stood. Continuing through the tourist village of Narin visitors then return to the starting point - the Park of Military History Pivka.





Park of Military History Pivka Kolodvorska cesta 51, Pivka T: +386 5 721 21 80,


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

FRESHNESS ON THE GO in Marché® restaurants in Slovenia A1




















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More information: Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


West – Postojna Cave ,,Postojna Cave is the only cave where you can take a special train and ride under magnificent underground arches.’’

Postojna Cave

The most popular tourist attraction in Slovenia About half way between Ljubljana and the coast – or if you like, between Vienna and Venice – lies one of the most beautiful corners of this world – the Slovenian Kras. This is an unusual world of rocks and water interwoven with numerous specific surface and underground phenomena which have always stirred our imagination and attracted many visitors and researchers with their mysterious character. One of the most recognizable and beautiful natural sights which has brought international fame to Kras, is the Postojna Cave which has attracted visitors from far and wide for centuries; and in the last two centuries in great masses. Kras is also a world of exciting culture and castles, such as Predjama Castle ranked among the 10 most fascinating castles in the world.

Postojna Cave Postojna Cave, the underground cathedral where centuries mean nothing, is one of the longest caves with 21 kilometres of explored tunnels and sits in the elite group of underground caves with the greatest number of stalactites. It is extremely well equipped for tourists and easily accessible by anyone. Its beauty has been admired by more than 35 million visitors who are taken into the mysterious subterranean world by the cave train while the kind and qualified cave guides safely lead them along the illuminated tunnels. For 140 years, the Postojna Cave, as the only cave in the world, offers a unique and adventurous ride with a special train, which will take you into the cave, under spectacular underground arches, which are embellished with chandellier look-alike stalactites, through a beautiful subterranean world full of playful limestone sculptures. The enchanting halls will take your breath away and the thrillingly narrow tunnels will raise your heart rate.

Proteus Cave with vivarium Since the middle of the 17th century, Postojna Cave has been of interest to natural scientists and is therefore considered the cradle of speleobiology, the science of subterranean life. The Postojna underground world is inhabited by around 150 different animal species. Visit the Proteus Vivarium in Postojna cave to discover the peculiarities of the subterranean environment, the history of karstology and speleobiology. Apart from


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Predjama Castle and cave under the castle Only 10km from Postojna Cave, nestled in a 123m high rock wall, sits one of the most picturesque wonders of human history – the Predjama Castle which has been a

dominant feature for more than 700 years. It is massive, threatening and unconquerable. It was perfect as the secret domicile of the daring, stubborn and persistent Erasmus Lueger (Erazem Predjamski) who is described in a romantic and beautiful story about a robber. Underneath Predjama Castle the subterranean river, Lokva, formed an underground cave, the tunnels of which are arranged in four discernible storeys. Visitors can choose a variety of ways to see it – from the interesting tourist walk to more demanding tours suitable for experienced cavers.



the, olm (Proteus anguinus), you can see other species of cave animals. The most fascinating among them, the Olms, have been exciting people’s imaginations for centuries, and it was once believed that they were the offspring of a dragon. They are blind and can live up to 100 years.


West – Postojna Cave


EVENTS  Visitor Information > Postojna cave is open all year in July and August from 9am - 6pm, in June and September from 9am - 5pm. Tours of the cave last approximately 90 minutes. No special equipment is needed, however comfortable footwear and some warm clothing is recommended; the cave has a constant temperature of 10°C. Audioguides are available in 15 languages.

Postojnska jama, d. d. Postojna Jamska cesta 30, Postojna

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North Mountain Peca opens up and king Matjaž and his soldiers enter. They are safe. After the mountain closes again, Matjaž and his soldiers sink into a deep sleep. But just wait, one day they will wake up again and rescue Slovenia from who- or whatever it needs rescuing from. Now, hundreds of years later Matjaž, who is cast in bronze, is still sleeping in the cave. Any progress on the growth of his beard as, unfortunately, yet to be seen. The cave can be found near the top of the mountain Mala Peca. There are many versions of the tale of King Matjaž. It is still the most popular tale in the north of Slovenia.

Aljaž’s Tower on Triglav – Slovenia’s Highest Peak (2864m)

King Matjaž sleeps and sleeps and sleeps On top of the Mala Peca in the Karavanke mountain range a man sits at a table in a cave. It’s King Matjaž and he is sleeping with his head resting on his right arm. When his beard will have wrapped itself nine times around the pillar of the table Matjaž will wake up. When Matjaž rules over Cartinthia (Koroška) in the north of Slovenia, life is good. In fact, it was never better. The compassionate and generous Matjaž hands out golden coins as if they were crumbs of bread. Krn Castle near Klagenfurt is the King’s home and the doors of the castle are always open for people who need his help. But the happy times don’t last in Koroška. The Turks are coming from the east. And one night when Matjaž is out fighting the Turks, the sultan and his men attack the king’s castle where Matjaž’ wife Alenka is sleeping. The sultan kidnaps her. Alenka disappears in the night with the sultan and not knowing of the events in the castle Matjaž fights on. The next morning the king returns home, tired from a fierce battle, to find his castle

Bled; Photo: Luka Esenko

empty. Then Matjaž finds a scared and wounded stable boy who’s wandering around the castle’s square. ,,Majesty, oh majesty, it’s terrible’’, the boy cries while he throws himself on his knees in front of Matjaž. ,,It was the sultan. He and his men came during the night and took the queen.’’ After the king handed the boy some coins he jumps on his horse again. Matjaž and his men, the black army, ride all day before they find the Turkish camp. They surround it and at night they attack. Matjaž rescues his Alenka from the tent of the sultan. Together they ride back to Koroška. In absence of the king though, the envious rulers of surrounding kingdoms forged a plan to defeat king Matjaž and conquer Koroška. An enemy army is waiting in a field for the arrival of Matjaž who got wind of the plan. Matjaž and his best soldiers storm, their swords raised high, towards their new enemy. But the opposition is strong, too strong. Matjaž loses many of his soldiers and with the leftovers of his black army he flees to the Karavanke mountains where they get stuck. And then a miracle happens. King Matjaž sleeping; Photo: STO


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

,,Every Saturday morning there are free run trainings around Lake Bled. Point of gathering is the terrace of Grand Hotel Toplice. The trainings start at 9, except in July and August when the start is at 8.’’

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps valley was the first place in the Triglav National Park that got a protected status.

Gorges and waterfalls

Gorje; Photo: Jošt Gantar, Picture Slovenia

Enchanted by a marvellous mountain panorama Big mountains with green slopes, savage high rock walls and even sometimes in summertime a small blanket of snow draped around the highest peaks. Places in the Gorenjska-region (Upper Carnolia) share a beautiful mountain panorama. But don’t just stare at it; go and discover the treasures that lie in between.

Lakes and ponds No region in Slovenia features so many lakes as Gorenjska. Slovenia’s only island in the middle of Lake Bled creates such a picturesque scene that Bled got nominated as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. A few dozen of kilometres further than Bled lies Slovenia’s biggest natural permanent lake; Lake Bohinj. Bohinj is a place ‘too beautiful for murder’ said murder mystery author Agatha Christie when she was on holiday here. On the plain near Šenčur, Trboje Lake is home to no less than 140 species of water birds. In the Završnica valley in Žirovnica a lake was created after damming the

Završnica stream for Slovenia’s first hydropower plant in 1914. The plant is closed, its location a popular tourist destination. In Jezersko locals created the heartshaped lake Planšarsko to commemorate a glacial lake that disappeared. In Preddvor the Črnava Lake is a popular place for fishing or a boat trip. A fishing top spot you can find in Bistrica near Naklo. Here in the Žeje fish ponds you can fish all year long. Near Žiri is the Račevsko Lake. It’s one of the smallest lakes in the country and once a year it falls dry. And not to forget the seven lakes of the Triglav Lake Valley that lie between a height of 1294 metres and 1993 metres. The

Water is showing its enormous strength on several places in gorges and waterfalls. In Triglav National Park you can find the 78 metre high Savica waterfall in Bohinj and near Kranjska Gora the Martuljek waterfalls and the Peričnik waterfall. In Gorenja VasPoljane the Slatuški waterfalls fall down. There are seven waterfalls located at the source of the Slatuška stream. Close to Besnica near Kranj is the Šum waterfall. The Vintgar Gorge in Gorje is a surreal natural phenomenon. A 1.6 kilometre long path of bridges and galleries runs through this wild landscape of pools, rapids and a 13 metre high waterfall. Nearby is the dry Pokljuka Gorge. It’s one of the most impressive gorges of the region and with 2 kilometres the longest one in Slovenia. The Dovžanova Gorge near Tržič is a unique geological site. Along a geological nature trail you can find rock that dates back almost 300 million years.

Lake Bohinj; Photo: STO

Kukova Špica; Photo: Jošt Gantar, Picture Slovenia

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps Jesenice is and always has been a city of steelworkers. Now it’s the home of Slovenia’s biggest steel factory. Ironworks started here already in the middle ages. Stara Sava, a protected industrial area of the former ironworks settlement, is open for visitors. The small town of Železniki was once a centre of iron smelting. In the town you can find preserved ironworker’s houses and the only example of a blast furnace to be preserved in Europe.

Škofja Loka

Where history comes alive

Jesenice; Photo: Jošt Gantar

Kranj – Kranfest

During a visit to the towns and villages of Gorenjska history comes alive. Archaeological finds in museum collections can take you back as far as prehistory and in Gorenjska old city centres you feel as if you are walking in the period of their construction; the middle ages. The city of Kranj, the ‘capital’ of Gorenjska, has a history that goes back some 1500 years when Slav tribes arrived. Their jewellery can now be seen in Kranj’s regional museum. Underneath Kranj more recent history comes to life in the network of tunnels and shelters, built during the Second World War. During the German occupation a 1300 metre long air raid shelter was built. The underground world can now be visited. On Bled’s island remains are found from prehistory. Bled Castle on the hill along the lake is one the oldest castles of the country. More recent history had more effect here though. In the 19 th century Swiss therapist Arnold Rikli established the foundations of spa tourism in Bled and that was the start of organised tourism here.

Medieval Seated on top of a hill, the centre of Radovljica still breathes the middle ages. The restored medieval centre and the castle


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

park are protected features. Along the original city walls the only surviving moat in the country can be found. If you walk over Škofja Loka’s upper square Mestni Trg or lower square Spodnji Trg you get the feeling a knight on a horse might pass you any moment. The town is one of the most carefully preserved medieval towns in Slovenia. Outside of the city walls a trail leads to the Škofja Loka Castle.


Industrial heritage The little town Tržič near the Austrian border was for a long time known as Neumarkt, now it’s a little gem that’s sometimes called the ‘Venice of Gorenjska’. The town has a long history in shoemaking and related industries. It’s also the only European town where the houses have door- and window shutters made of forged metal. A much more industrial setting you can see in the city of Jesenice, that is tucked in between steep Karavanke mountains.

Bled Castle

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps

Lake Bled; Photo: Rožle Bregar

Be active

Gorenjska’s beautiful nature invites you to get moving. Options to hike and bike are almost endless; from routes on the plains around Kranj, to journeys to the mountaintops. One of Slovenia’s most exceptional bike routes is the bike path that lies on the foundation of a decommissioned railroad in the north of Gorenjska, connecting Jesenice with Italian Tarvisio and passing Mojstrana, Kranjska Gora and Rateče. Winter sport paradise Kranjska Gora offers in summer a toboggan run, an adrenaline cycling park and alpine climbing and hiking routes. For children there is Kekec Land; an adventure park named after a popular hero from books and television. Also the ski-resort Krvavec in Cerklje offers summer activities. In Bled you can play golf on one of the most beautiful courses in Central Europe, on the lakes you can go rowing, fishing and swimming

Memorable mountains Slovenia’s highest mountains lie in the Julian Alps. Among them is the country’s highest mountain pass Vrsic (1611metres). The pass, which has 48 hairpins, offers great views. Take note of the cobblestones in the hairpins on the northern slope. Russian

Cycling around Lake Bohinj

prisoners of war laid them during the First World War. Along the road is a Russian chapel. In the north the Karavanke mountains separate Slovenia from Austria. For a great view over Jezersko you can drive or hike up Jezerski Vrh. The 1218 metre high mountain pass is one of the road connections between Slovenia and Austria. In the east of Gorenjska lie the KamnikSavinje Alps. Mountain Krvavec, that is part of this range, is a true challenge for cyclists with gradients of almost twenty per cent. In the south of Gorenjska the rugged mountains have passed over in the green Škofjeloško and Polhograjsko mountain range.

Mystical mountain On 26 June 1991, the eve of Slovenia’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia, two mountaineers hiked to the top of Mount Triglav. Upon arrival they unfurled a new flag; the colours white, blue and red and in it a coat of arms with very prominently a drawing of the three headed

Triglav; Photo: STO

Kranjska Gora

peak of Triglav. The 2864 metre high Triglav is much more than Slovenia’s highest mountain. Triglav is literally and figuratively Slovenia’s biggest symbol. The mountain is the centrepiece of Slovenia’s only national park, Triglav National Park, which has more than a thousand valuable natural features. It’s also the home of Goldhorn (Zlatorog); an immortal buck from a famous Slovenian tale that teaches us to respect nature. Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps

Kranjska Gora

In the Kingdom of the Goldhorn

In the northwest of Slovenia there is a fairy tale land which offers thousands of pleasures on the snow in winter and an escape from the unbearable heat to a pleasant shade for everyone who wants an active holiday full of experiences in summer. We are, of course, speaking about one of the most beautiful mountain jewels – KRANJSKA GORA. In summer and winter Kranjska Gora offers a wide range of active experiences. You may choose from hiking, cycling, Nordic walking, golf, fishing, horseback riding, Alpine climbing, skiing, crosscountry skiing, sledding, ski touring and ice skating.

Photo: Photo collection LTO Kranjska Gora, foto Matevž Lenarčič

Photo: Photo collection of LTO Kranjska Gora

Cycling You can decide for a lazy pedalling style or for more demanding journeys into the heart of the Alpine valleys. You will work up a sweat and get a tan on the steep slopes of the Karavanke range. On the bicycle trail of three countries, which starts at the threecountry border with Austria and Italy, a visit to Bled through the valley Radovna is highly recommended. A bicycle route map and lunch in your backpacks might be the best way to get to know the Zgornjesavska valley. The trail is in perfect condition all the way until Mojstrana. You can also take many detours from this main trail. If you are an adrenaline buff, then the Kranjska Gora bike park with its courses offers everything you could wish for, including the children’s bike park.

Hiking events Hiking is definitely amongst the most popular summer activities. There are plenty


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Photo: Photo collection of LTO Kranjska Gora, foto B. Kladnik

of trails for everyone, from the easiest recreational hikes to serious Alpine tours, which demand experience, appropriate equipment and a mountain guide. The first wonderful trail can be found in the confines of the Triglav National Park – The Triglavska Bistrica trail in Vrata is a true experience of nature – the Peričnik waterfall, the galleries, the gable of the Vrata and the mighty Triglav northern wall. Conquering Triglav via this wall is a real achievement. You can also have mysterious experiences in the valley Kot, from where the road along the Radovna valley leads you to the Gorge (Vintgar).

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps •Kranjska Gora km

POCAR FARM, ZG. RADOVNA The house has been turned into museum and is one of the oldest homesteads in the Triglav National Park. Through its appearance, rich exhibition and the story told by the guide it introduces the visitor to the life, work and architectural heritage of the past centuries.


Those who enjoy the sight of a precipice have to experience the challenging trail to Prisank from Vršič. Those who like safer sights can discover the road to Slemenova špica, the meditative solitude of the panoramic forest walk from Vršič to the lakes with a view of the magnificent Jalovec. Perhaps the most beautiful trail in the Zgornjesavska valley is the trail to the first and second Martuljek waterfall.



Nordic walking Kranjska Gora offers many opportunities for this ever more popular version of simple walking. There are instructors available and you can also borrow poles.

Cultural sights

Photo: Photo collection LTO Kranjska Gora, foto Matjaž Vidmar

SLOVENIAN ALPINE MUSEUM, MOJSTRANA In the Slovenian Alpine Museum the past and present walk together. A rich collection of objects with versatile historical backgrounds, versatile photographic and archival material and a comprehensive technical library offer visitors an insight into the mass appeal and importance of Alpine activities in Slovenia.

THE KAJŽNK HOUSE, RATEČE It belongs in the category of renovated objects with a very much preserved folk architecture. In it you can see a reconstruction of the equipment from a black kitchen and pantry, exhibitions of the Rateče folk garb and local history, old films on the still preserved customs and the Planica ski jumping competition and an exhibition of handiwork made by members of the Rateče-Planica Tourist Association.

Photo: Photo collection of Slovenian Alpine Museum Photo: Photo collection of Gornjesavski muzej esenice, foto Silvo Kokalj

THE LIZNJEK HOUSE, KRANJSKA GORA The Liznjek house is a genuine Slovenian Alpine house, which was renovated and refurbished in 1983 and adapted into an ethnological museum. The cellar features a permanent exhibition about the life and work of children’s author Josip Vandot (18841944) and a temporary gallery.

TIC Kranjska Gora Ulica Dr. Josipa Tičarja 2 SI - 4280 Kranjska Gora T: +386 (0)4 580 94 40,

15 Jun – 18 Sep > Triglav fairytales 20 Jun – 23 Jun > 120 th Anniversary of PGD Mojstrana 22 Jun > 3th Assault on “Dovška Baba” 23 Jun – 30 Jun > 12. Kekec Days 25 Jun > 19. Vršič Mountain Pass Run 29 Jun > Alpine Convention Day 4 Jul – 29 Aug > Slovenian evenings Dovje and Mojstrana 3 Jul – 25 Aug > Vitranc Summer Festival 6 Jul > “Pa damačem” in Rute 10 Jul > Alenka Gotar students 11 Jul > Ansambel Zupan Concert 12 Jul > Nuška Drašček and Blaž Jurjevič Concert 13 Jul > Village evening in Dovje 17 Jul > MC Trio Concert 19 Jul > Iva Stanič Concert 20 Jul > SOLUM: Divine valley, divine food 25 Jul > Ansambel Zupan Concert 26 Jul > Katrinas Concert 26 Jul – 4 Aug > Charcoal days 27 Jul > Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka Choir from St. Petersburg Concert 28 Jul > Memorial celebration by the Russian Chapel 2 Aug > Duo Igmar Jenner and Borut Mori Concert 3 Aug > SOLUM: Divine valley, divine food 3 Aug > Fireman party »Pod lipo« 6 Aug > The Municipality of Kranjska Gora celebrating holiday 7 Aug > Tulio Furlanič and Milko Cočev 8 Aug > Ansambel Zupan Concert 9 Aug > Ditka Haberl Concert 10 Aug > SOLUM: Divine valley, divine food 14 Aug > The Users Concert 15 Aug – 18 Aug > Zgornjesavska valley picnic 15 Aug > Village day in Rateče 15 Aug > The running event Kranjskogorska 10-ka 23 Aug – 24 Aug > Škerlj’s Days 23 Aug – 25 Aug > The Aljaž event 7 Sep > 35rd Ascent up Vršič 8 Sep > The Tree-country border meeting 20 – 23 Sep > 3tour VITRANC – 1st Recreational Cycling Congress We hold the right to change the program.

Photo: Photo collection LTO Kranjska Gora, foto Iztok Noč

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps


65 km

The town of Jesenice, located on the sunny side of the Alps, is well known for its traditional ironworking and steel industry. Sports enthusiasts, aboveall, consider Jesenice a Slovene hockey town due to the boldness of its players and fans. Jesenice also boasts one of the most beautiful and well-kept town centers including the 'Old Sava', a former setlement now officially part of the town, which unites cultural heritage with modern industrial architecture.



Adventures and Activities in Jesenice: Jesenice is enveloped in a shroud of natural beauty including stunning mountain hamlets, the proximity to the peaks of Karavanke, rivers and streams, ski slopes and forest trails. For tourists who are curious and eager to learn, Jesenice will entice and enchant you while filling you with new strength. Jesenice's point of interest are the Bucelleni-Ruard Manor which is a museum about the iron-industry, the Kasarna Residential House where in the 18th century soldiers where housed, the Church of the Assumption of the Mary from the 16th century and the former heart of the ironindustry Plavž.

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Check Summer Guide 2013 at

• • • • • • •

hiking cycling trips skating swimming the ‘trim’ Žerjavec footpath themed trails guided and independent trip

TIC Jesenice Cesta maršala Tita 18, 4270 Jesenice T: + 386 4 586 31 78

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps Themed walking path

Where nature is at its best. Experience unforgettable mountain scenery Jerzersko’s surroundings have long been attractive to hikers and nature lovers, due to its untouched wild life, refreshing climate and numerous natural attractions. You can experience the wealth of nature here all year round as the valley is encircled by lovely mountains, peaks and walls of rock. Its location and accessibility makes it an ideal destination for all those wishing to enjoy their holidays in nature’s most beautiful form.

The Shepherd‘s Ball (the second Sunday in August) The Shepherd’s Ball is the oldest ethnographical performance in Slovenia. Here you can witness the droving of sheep from the mountains, the life and customs of the alpine shepherds and dairymen as well as the shearing of sheep and processing of wool. At the performances, we will spoil you with the authentic food of the shepherds and pleasant local music.

Jezersko• 56 km


While walking through the Ravenska Kočna Valley, you can stop and take a peek at the past of the beautiful mountainous landscape, observe how a glacier once shaped its surface and how natural forces have changed the landscape right before our eyes. The unassuming path goes along the Jezernica stream through pastures, over which it opens to a magnificent view of the northern walls of the Kamnik – Savinja Alps. On the way, you will learn about the emergence of the valley’s wealth of animals and plants as well as the other attractions that make Ravenska Kočna worth a trip.


EVENTS  Vox Laci Music Festival > June - August Jezerska štorja, Ethnographic Weekend > July 25th – 28th The Shepherd›s Ball > Sunday, August 11th


TIC Jezersko Zg. Jezersko 57 4206 Zg. Jezersko T: +386 51 219 282


Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps

Photo: Bled Tourist Board Arhive

•Bled 58 km

Photo: Jošt Gantar, Picture Slovenia

Bled: Slovenia’s tourist hot spot

,,When you visit Bled, be sure to try the famous kremšnita. This cream cake was invented in Bled and is celebrating its 60th birthday this year.’’

Slovenia’s most picturesque scene A lake surrounded by mountains that have their tops covered in snow, a small island in the lake with a white church that sticks its head out above the trees and next to the lake Slovenia’s oldest castle shining its splendour on top of a hill. There you have Lake Bled, Slovenia’s most pictured scene and tourist hot spot number one. The little overgrown rock in Lake Bled is Slovenia’s only island, but it is quite some island! The main building is the Church of the Assumption of Mary. There is a staircase with 99 steps leading to the church. Tradition has it that grooms have to carry their brides up these stairs.When visiting the church, make sure to ring the Wishing Bell from 1534. Those who ring the bell three times will have their wish come true.

An eventful summer Health tourism was the driving force that, from the second half of the 19 th century, made Bled Slovenia’s most popular tourist destination. The picturesque little town has the thermal springs, mild climate and surroundings for a proper health holiday. But today it offers much more. This summer a series of events is scheduled, that will make a visit to Bled more than worthwhile.


EVENTS  From 1 July till 18 July violins will sound everywhere on the 18th International Music Festival Bled. > It’s one of the biggest violin festivals in central Europe. Expect concerts every evening in Bled’s Festival Hall, St. Martin’s Church and Vila Bled, workshops, master classes and a violin competition. The performed music is a crossover of Jazz and Classical. When the sounds of violins have faded another festival starts. From 19 till 21 July Bled Days and Bled Night will be. > On this event there will be local art craft and concerts on the promenade of Bled. And the highlight will be during Bled Night when 15,000 lights are lit in Lake Bled and fireworks will be set off from Bled Castle. The 23rd Okarina Ethno Festival Bled will again bring music to Bled. > In the first two weekends of August (2-4 August and 9-11 August) music from all over the world will sound in Bled Castle and Spa Park. Slovenian ethno musicians as well as renowned ethno musicians from the rest of the world will perform. Other popular events this summer in Bled are: 13 July > Night’s 10 (A 10 kilometre run around the lake at night) 24-25 August > Firefighter Combat Challenge Slovenia 1 - 3 September > Bled Strategic Forum 7 September > Triathlon Bled 21 September > 23rd National Rowing Championship TIC Bled Cesta svobode 10, Bled T: +386 4 574 11 22

Photo: Bled Tourist Board Arhive


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Photo: Bled Tourist Board Arhive

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps Begunje na Gorenjskem Beneath the foot of Karavanke’s mountain crest, the village of Begunje na Gorenjskem can be found. Begunje is the home of Oberkrainer music and the Elan ski company as well as hiking paths leading to mountain pastures and the peaks of the Karavanke mountain range. The village is also the home of the Avsenik Museum devoted to the most famous Oberkrainer ensemble as well as the Hostage Museum. Entrance to the Draga Valley beneath the Karavanke is protected by the mighty ruins of Kamen Castle. Not far away is the village of Brezje with its basilica of the Virgin Mary, Slovenia’s largest pilgrimage centre.


Radol’ca, honestly sweet

Radovljica The attractive medieval town centre of Radovljica will inspire you with its many tales hiding behind the walls of charming houses from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. To this day, the town is the home of potters and gingerbread makers and in the museums, you can acquaint yourself with beekeeping, the first Slovenian dramatist and bourgeois houses. The crowning points of the central square are the exquisite Baroque manor and the stunning view, which from behind the


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Near the foothills of the forested Jelovica plateau you can find the green Lipniška Valley, where, in the 14th century, blacksmithing began to develop in Kropa and Kamna Gorica. Kropa, the cradle of Slovenian blacksmithing, is unique in its preservation of our architectural and technical heritage testifying to centuries of hand forging. The Blacksmith Museum offers visitors an insight into the rich tradition of iron-forgery in Kropa. Today, this tradition is still being continued by companies and individuals from the area who forge exquisite works of art from precious iron.

•Radovljica m

Radovljica and its surroundings are known as Radol’ca, which, with its nature and traditions intertwined, offers many historical, cultural, natural and traditional experiences. Discover the traditions of beekeeping and blacksmithing, which have continued to produce their precious creations for centuries without interruption. We invite you to discover the “local” Slovenia through our excellent cuisine, recreational options and numerous sweet forms of self-indulgence.


k 51

Less than an hour’s drive from the capital, just before Lake Bled, is the charming town of Radovljica, its surroundings presenting a destination of numerous sweet experiences and discoveries.

town walls opens out towards the valley of the Sava River and the Julian Alps.


EVENTS  Every Tuesday and Friday between 1 july and 16th August > Hop On Hop Off Radol’ca, Tourist Bus: Bled–Radovljica– Begunje–Kropa – Radovljica - Bled Every Tuesday at 10:00am > guided tour of Radovljica July 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th > Musical Thursdays at Linhartov Square, Radovljica July 7th, August 4th, September 1st > Flea Market, Radovljica July 6th > Iron Forging Festival, Kropa August 4th > Medieval Market, Radovljica August 10 th–25th > Festival Radovljica (old music festival), Radovljica August 23rd–25th > Festival Avsenik, Begunje

Turizem Radovljica Linhartov trg 9, 4240 Radovljica T: +386 531 51 12

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps

Naklo – Air View

Confluence of Sava river and Tržiška Bistrica

It’s happening in the village


It’s happening in the village! Aleksander Mežek expressed his wish, in one of his poems, for a country road to lead him to Upper Carniola. Should you also be carried away to the Upper Carniolan paradise between the grey mountains and the green rivers, make sure you stop in Naklo. Come and see the relaxed pulse of our municipality for yourselves!

Vogvarjeva House in Duplje Vogvarjeva House in Spodnje Duplje, is definitely worth visiting. It is a well preserved ethnological monument filled with a variety of internal fittings and a ‘black kitchen’, which demonstrates the 18th century housing culture of the countryside. The rich, age-old tradition of shoemaking in Duplje is revived through shoemaking workshops with all of the original tools and equipment.

Our Lady of Sorrows in Podbrezje The Our Lady of Sorrows Church captivates us from its place on the hill. With its pointed bell tower built in the Gothic style, the church was once protected by an anti-Turk encampment. Its picturesque beauty has appeared in its share of global cinematography. Its rich interior contains, among others, the painting Immaculate Virgin Mary by the artist Ivana Kobilica as well as Layer’s painting The Death of St. Francis Xavier.

Naklo• km

Local attractions:

The Duplje Manor Spodnje Duplje also boasts a manor built in the 13th century by the “Knights of Duplje”. The small countryside manor has seen many different owners such as the Mauser family who, according to historical sources, renovated the manor. Visitors are also invited to stroll through the galley and the museum corner.


There’s something for everyone in Naklo. Nature lovers can visit the camp near Tržiška Bistrica, recreation enthusiasts can release their energy in the Udinboršt forest, enjoy horseback riding, cycle on our cycling trails, go fishing or visit the nearby mountains. Perhaps, though, you would prefer to listen to the gentle murmur of Tržiška Bistrica and the Sava River or instead fall in love with the peaceful green forests.

The Duplje Manor


EVENTS  The most beautiful blossom of the municipality can be seen right around the time of the municipal holiday on Saturday, June 22nd, 2013. > The performances will begin at 11am in Podbrezje at the Church of St. Jacob, where we will reveal the memorial dedicated to the writer Mimi Malenšek. The tourist bus “Happy Janez” with its band of local musicians will again connect the surrounding villages where craftsmen, entrepreneurs and farmers will display their products.

Contact Information Občina Naklo Stara cesta 61 4202 Naklo T: + 386 4 277 11 00 Vogvarjeva House in Duplje


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Lady of Sorrows Church

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps


Go to Cerklje? Why not?


Among the colourful fields and the diverse hills beneath the slope of Krvavec, the beautiful town of Cerklje na Gorenjskem has attracted visitors for years. Its rich cultural and historical heritage, marked cycling and hiking trails, vibrant culinary offer and beneficent climate of gives you a reason to visit us again and again. In Cerklje and surroundings the past and the present walk hand in hand. The centre of Cerklje is dominated by the Parish Church of the Assumption of Mary, the cemetery with its small vestibule, the birth house of Ignacij Borštnik and the summer residence of the former mayor of Ljubljana, Ivan Hribar. You will also come across Petrovc House with the library and the museum. If you take the path from Cerklje to Adergas, you will pass by Castle Strmol. A

27 km



walk through the grounds of the completely renovated castle is an unforgettable experience. The village of Adergas was once the home of the famous Velesovo Dominican Monestary. It is now better known as the Parish Church of the Annunciation of Mary and also houses catacombs and the oldest statue of Mary in Slovenia. The Sports Centre of Krvavec offers hiking and adrenaline sports in summer.

July 13th > the 2nd birthday of the Summer Park in Krvavec August 17th > Rok’s Fair and Folklore Festival in Cerklje August 24th > Cycling climb for the king and queen of Krvavec September 23th > Celebration of the Municipality Cerklje na Gorenjskem October 12th > The best crop of the year 2013 Contact: Turistično informativni center Cerklje (Tourist Information Centre) Krvavška 1b Cerklje na Gorenjskem T: +386 4 28 15 822

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps


The town where the Radetzky March began What in Tržič was so heavenly, that the famous Marshal Radetzky, whose famous march is played by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra every New Year’s Day, took time out during the battle with Napoleon for a wedding and even bought a castle from his miserable mother-in-law in this place for 60,000 Goldinars? He liked it! Believe it! He was a man with taste! Main attractions

The old city centre The old town centre of Tržič, with its restored streets, still whispers stories of shoemakers, stocking makers, leather workers and blacksmiths who used the hydraulic power of the Mošenik and the Tržiška Bistrica as well as the proximity of the busy trade route over Loibel to earn a living. The rich heritage of


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Dovžan Gorge On the edge of Tržič, approximately 2 kilometers away from the centre of Tržič, the remarkable Dovžan Gorge can be found. It is here that the wild current of Tržiška Bistrica has excavated the deep gorge for millennia and thus exposed stoneware, which testifies to its long, interesting geological history.

Performances Tržič is known in Slovenia and around the world for its Shoemaker’s Sunday, which has taken place for more than 45 years on the first Sunday in September. This is the day when the shoemaking apprentices, the “jungri, were accepted as assistants, the “ksele”. The summer pulse of the town is meant for children and adults alike, as

Saturday mornings are reserved for children’s performances and workshops while Saturday evenings are reserved for theatre performances…for adults. The programme sticks to its slogan: “There’s something for everyone! Come and take a look!”

Tržič• km 47

Hills, alpine pastures and mountains The peaks of Karavanke and the KamnikSavinja Alps, which rise above the landscape of Tržič, have long been an attractive goal for mountaineers. From here, the view opens up to two provinces, Carniola and Carinthia, and two countries, Slovenia and Austria. The Alpine pasture trails in the hills of Tržič will satisfy the most demanding mountaineer as much as lovers of interesting walks through forests and high-mountain pastures, due to the large number of alpine posts and herdsmen, which are also interesting for longer mountaineering trips.

craftsmen is loyally preserved in the Tržič Museum. On a walk through the Trg svobode (Freedom Square), you will be able to see signs of these limited trades in the drying spaces of roofs, porches with the engraved initials of the landlord and guildsmen’s signs.


CONTACT INFORMATION Tourist Information Center Tržič Trg svobode 18 SI-4290 Tržič Tel: +386 4 59 71 536, +386 51 627 057

2015 ©kofja Loka

In Lent and Easter time 2015, in ©kofja Loka, the town of the passion play, one can once again experience the magnificent performance, which brings the spirit of another time and the fascination of ancient days. After a six-year break, scenes and images of the oldest Slovenian drama, written upon biblical stories, will once again be moving in front of you.

Tourist Board Škofja Loka Kidričeva cesta 1a

SI-4220 Škofja Loka, Slovenia T: +386 4 517 06 00

M: +386 51 427 827

In March and April 2015, the Passion Play of ©kofja Loka PROCESSIO LOCOPOLITANA will set out on its way along the streets and squares of the medieval town as it did in ancient year 1721, when it was written by Romuald MarušiË, Capuchin friar from ©kofja Loka. The performance in the open air can be experienced by daylight when the town is surrounded by sunshine, or by night when torch flames cover the town with mysterious expectation.


With its spectacularity and expressive power, the Passion Play of ©kofja Loka is not just one of the most beautiful passion plays in the world but it is first of all a live story, which carries a strong message on the meaning of human life with it.

Experience it with us!

F: +386 4 517 06 05


North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps

Škofja Loka

One meadow, two valleys, three mountain ranges, infinite stories

In writing, Škofja Loka is the best preserved medieval town in Slovenia as it inspired many stories. The curious of heart are invited from far and wide to witness a rich tradition of guilds, echoes of the past, which reverberates in the age-old squares and streets as well as a mosaic of annual performances in the town beneath the mighty Škofja Loka Castle.

Photo: Škofja Loka (Jana Jocif)

The beauty of the thousand-year old town is supplemented by the Selška and Poljanska Valleys, which preserve the tradition of the nearly forgotten crafts and inspire visitors with their unique natural and cultural features and a palette of activities. In the past, the Selška Valley was marked by ironworking. The area is also known for its rich tradition of trade, especially the production of ‘dražgoški kruhki’ (hand-made gingerbread biscuits) and bobbin lace. To this day, the bobbin lace and shoemaking trades are preserved in the Poljanska Valley and in Žiri.

Be active and curious! The green hills of Škofja Loka and fields of Sorsko Polje offer an abundance of options for hiking, cycling and excursions. The trails vary in difficulty. The marked trails lead you through the vast forests and over flowering fields to scenic hill tops and friendly villages. To really feel the hospitality of the locals, stop by one of the tourist farms, where you can try home-made baked goods, ecologically produced fruit and vegetables, home-made juices and spirits. While wandering through the diverse hills of Škofja Loka, don’t miss “Rupnikova linija” (the Rupnik Line); a system of underground fortifications. An experienced guide will reveal its secrets.

Photo: Rupnikova linija

Photo: Tavčarjev dvorec (Izidor Jesenko)


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Photo: Cycling (Jana Jocif)

North – Gorenjska / Slovenian Alps

Škofja Loka•




EVENTS  Historial Škofja Loka Festival of History Škofja Loka, 22nd June, 9:00am - 8:00pm

Photo: Crngrob (Urška Potrebuješ)

Uncover tales of the past Just a short distance from the medieval town, visitors can set off on one of the themed hiking trails. ‘’Poti treh gradov’’ (Three Castle Trail) takes you from the Loški Castle past the ruins of the defence Tower on Krancelj Hill all the way to the secret ruins of the Old Castle or Wildlack Castle. The “Path to Puštal” will walk you through fascinating tales of how the “Puštuci” used to live and their connection to the devil, combs, frogs and why the wooden footbridge across the Sora River is named after an ancient account of the devil in this place. Both themed trails begin at the information board in front of Martinova hiša (Martin’s House) in the town square. The third themed trail “Path to Crngrob” takes you out of Škofja Loka, through the picturesque trails between fields and forests and past Stare Loke, Papirnice and Pevna to a former Pilgrim’s Church of the Annunciation of Mary in Crngrob. If a walk to Crngrob seems too short, you can always continue on to Planica and Križna Gora. The trail is also appropriate for cyclists as it is partially connected to the Loški cycling ring.

Photo: Hike by Rapalska meja in Žiri (Vlasta Pečelin)

Indulge in a variety of experiences The motley buildings of Škofja Loka set the stage for the numerous open air performances that offer visitors a unique cultural, artistic or musical experience. The main town event is the June Historial, during which the streets and squares bring the medieval spirit back to life. The numerous ethnological, cultural, entertaining and sports performances affirm the jovial pulse of the area’s green surroundings. Welcome to the kingdom of infinite stories!

TOURIST BOARD ŠKOFJA LOKA Kidričeva cesta 1a 4220 Škofja Loka T: +386 4 517 06 00 M: +386 51 427 827

• The Fair was Alive > Town Square / 9:00am – 8:00pm • Culinary Offer > Town Square / 9:00am – 8:00pm • Promenade > Town Square / 10:00am • Central Event – Drama Play: A Blackmoor with a Crown > Town Square / 1 11:00am and 6:00pm • Performances of Musical Groups and Knights from Twin Towns (Freising, Medicina, Tabor) > Town and Cankar Square / 9:00am – 8:00pm • Handicraft Workshops and Children Games > Cankar Square / 10:00am – 7:00pm • Horseback Riding for Children and a Little Garden of Domestic Animals > Hill below Loka Castle / 10:00am – 6:00pm • Visit of the Capuchin Library > 1:00pm – 2:00pm • Visit of Nace’s House with Handicraft Workshops for Children and Fairy-tale > 3:00pm – 5:00pm • Evening Concert with Singers of the Musical School Škofja Loka > Sokol Home / 8:00pm • Sunday, 23. June 2013: Opening of new Theme trail: Path to Crngrob > Škofja Loka – Crngrob / 10:00am – 1:00pm Free Entrance Motley Meadow, Škofja Loka, July and August > The Cycle of Summer Concerts. It really is beautiful in the countryside at harvest time, Žirovski vrh, 27. and 28. July > Traditional Performance with a demonstration of work on the farm. Charcol Burner’s Day, Stari vrh, 4. August > Ethnographic presentation with a demonstration of erecting charcol piles and charcol burning. Musica Locopolitana, Škofja Loka, 28. August - 1. September > The International Summer Academy for Old Music Hike by Rapalska meja, Žiri, 15. September > A traditional sports performance with a cultural programme.

Photo: Historial Škofja Loka (Jana Jocif)

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


Activities in Slovenia

,,Slovenia is also a great place to relax. The east and south are famous for their magnificent spa-resorts and all around the country you can plunge yourself in the tranquil vibes of the country life at tourist farms and vineyard cottages.’’ Steam Train; Photo: STO, Leon Hmeljak

Special adventures Mountains, sea, wild rivers, caves, fields and forests. Slovenia has the natural infrastructure for the wildest and rarest activities. If leaning back, watching time go by is not for you, then we have some unique Slovenian activities here for you. The bear safari Sure, you can watch a bear in the circus or see a bunch of them in the zoo. But what about watching bears in the wild? Slovenia has a vital brown bear population and there are several possibilities to visit them in their natural habitat. The best way is to go, under the guidance of an expert, to an observation post from where you can see bears feeding themselves. There are possibilities to spend the night among the bears or you can go on a trip during the day. Marko Gorše of the Lovska družina Lož-Stari Trg says spotting a bear requires patience, but the satisfaction


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

of seeing one is grand. ,,It’s like climbing Mount Everest. When you see a bear, it’s like reaching the top.’’

Brown Bear

Slovenia Forest Service T: +386 (0)41 65 7 31 2 ‘Na meji’ Tourist Farm T: +386 (0)41 648 9 60 Tuam Vinetou T: +386 (0)40 8 05 761 Lož-Stari trg Hunting Ground T: +386 (0)41 53 6 949 Iga vas Hunting Ground T: +386 (0)41 225 015 Cave Biking Under Mount Peca

Activities in Slovenia Cave biking Slovenia is full of beautiful cycling routes but there is one without comparison; the underground bike trail. Under Mount Peca in Koroška there is a 5 kilometre long illuminated path through tunnels and caves. Bike tours in the mountain are guided. The starting point for this adventure is the Mežica Mining Museum. The Mount Peca bike route is the only bike route in Slovenia where a rainless ride is guaranteed. The cave is 500 metres below the surface and has a constant air temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Bikers need to wear a helmet with headlamp which they can rent. Bike Nomad T: + 386 2870 30 60

Paragliding Fly like a bird. In Slovenia it’s possible on several places. Para-gliding flights from mountain Krvavec near Ljubljana, Vogel in the Julian Alps and around the Vipava valley offer incredible views and there are many more mountains where it’s possible sail down. And you don’t have to be an experienced paraglider to enjoy the birdviews over Slovenia. Several agencies offer tandemflights.

Ride the steam train Weee weee…., Here comes the steam train! Take a trip to long gone days and travel

through the Julian Alps by steam train. The German built August Borsig locomotive from 1930 sets of regularly in summer from the station in Jesenice. It rides all the way to Kanal on the other side of the Julian Alps. The two hour journey will take the passengers past Lake Bled and the Soča River. The train will pass through tunnels and drive past gorges and plains. Departures dates: June (22), July (13, 27), August (10, 24), September (7, 14, 21), October (5, 9), November (9). Tickets and information: Slovenian Railways T. 01 29 13 391or

focus on climbing. Especially high rope parks are popular. Here the adventurers have to complete a course that hangs 14 metres above the ground. Adrenaline parks can be found in Ježica (the north suburb of Ljubljana), Postonja, near Tolmin, near the town of Tržič, Maribor, Bohinj and Zreče. For a good dose of adrenaline there are also downhill bike parks. Here you can descend mountains by mountainbike. But be careful, besides courage you will need good skills, lots of experience and protective gear. If you are an avid downhiller though, than these parks you shouldn’t miss. Bike parks can be found in Kranjska Gora, Maribor, Kanin and Koper.

(Almost) Anybody can be mountaineer Climb to the top of the highest mountain of an Alpine country. That sounds like a job for a seasoned mountaineer. In Slovenia it isn’t though. The three headed top of the 2,864 metre high mount Triglav is reachable for anyone with hiking experience and a good health. Triglav is accessible from the Vrata valley in the north, The Krma valley in the East and the Trenta Valley in the West. A nice starting point is Mojstrana in the north. Mojstrana is home to the Slovenian Alpine Museum. In this museum is the Triglav information centre. Never go without having informed yourself of the weather and equipment to take along. If you are not at home in the Slovenian mountains it is advised to climb Triglav with a guide.

Paragliding – Vipava; Photo: STO

Adrenaline rushes For a good adrenaline rush you can visit one of the adrenaline parks in Slovenia. The parks offer thrilling activities, with a large Adrenalin Park at Pohorje – Maribor; Photo: Dušan Vrban

Almost at the top of Triglav

Descending with mountainbike; Photo: Marko Pentek

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – The Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley

Logarska Valley Terme Topolšica

The Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley A region of wonderful variety

Terme Topolšica


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The region of Savinja and Šalek is an area which enchants with its unexpected variety, a region with numerous faces and images of vivid colour. Visitors can discover the unique contrasts, seemingly incompatible combinations and mosaic structures. Trails take them from underground depths to alpine peaks, from serene lakes to lively little torrents, from flat meadows to vast alpine forests, from villages to towns, from traditional handicrafts to the latest in technology. An area of thousands of images which merge into a perfect mosaic of experiences waiting to be discovered.

North – The Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley



The Golte Tourist Centre can be found in the high-mountain plateau at the start of the Zgornja Savinjska Valley. The surroundings offer many outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, mountaineering, climbing and zip-lining for lovers of adrenaline sports. Access to Golte is possible by cable car, which will have you at

Gornji grad

Nature in its prime Gornji Grad lies in the heart of the foothills of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps giving it a Gornji Grad


ABBA Revival Press Photo

the hotel in 8 minutes, but you can also take the road to the peak. After an active day, enjoy some rest and relaxation at our new 4 star hotel, located at an altitude of 1,410m. The hotel offers comfortable rooms with balconies, a wellness centre with saunas, a fitness centre, a congress hall, 2 restaurants and the rental of sports equipment. Golte Tourist Centre T: +386 3 839 11 00

specific microclimate and classifying it among the members of the European Climate Association. The area has a lot to offer to tourists. Our pristine nature makes many activities possible such as: hiking, mountaineering, climbing and cycling. In Gornji Grad, we are very proud of our heritage, especially the Cathedral of St. Mohor and Fortunatus, the largest in the country and a jewel of Baroque architecture in Slovenia. The former Benedictine monastery now houses seven museum collections including the collection of a local artist and inventor considered Gornje Grad‘s Leonardo da Vinci. Tourist Information Center Gornji Grad T: +386 7 039 7 979


Welness in the valley of the moon Terme Topolšica can be found in the valley of the moon, surrounded by lush greenery. The once predominantly centered health complex with the capacity of two hotels has grown into a modern spa with large pools, “Ocepkov gaj”; a new apartment settlement with a comprehensive wellness offer. In the

Zala Wellness Centre, you will be welcomed with open arms and royally papered. We will also enchant you with the availability of private spaces, unforgettable massages and saunas with magnificent terraces. The above standard apartments provide you with a second home, pool complex and playground as well as excursions that are sure to make your holiday unforgettable.


Summer cultural highlights in Velenje During the summer months, as a part of the 29 th Summer Cultural Performance in Velenje, our town will play host to over 50 cultural events in different locations around the town. The full programme is available at Get caught in the wave of summer fun in the urban centre‘s mosaic of experiences.

EVENTS  21. 6. 2013 > Novi fosili (CRO) 27. 6. 2013 > Bossa de Novo (SLO) 10. 7. 2013 > Perpetuum Jazzile (SLO) 12. 7. 2013 > Panergya (A) Drum project (Carribean Music) 16. 7. 2013 > The Klezmatics (USA) 26. 7. 2013 > ABBA revival (CZ) 1. 8. 2013 > La Follia di Circolya (IT) Acrobatic Circus 19. – 21. 8. > 25. Zitherist Festival

Festival Velenje T: +386 3 898 25 70

Golte • •Topolšica • Velenje

Gornji Grad• Ljubljana•



Terme Topolšica d.d. T: +386 3 896 3 106, +386 3 896 3 100

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – The Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley


The jewel of the Upper Savinja Valley This region, surrounded by beautiful peaks along the Savinja River, has a great deal to offer.

Tourist Information Center Ljubno T: +386 3 839 17 83;

Luče; Photo: Matevž Lenarčič

Logar Valley – Strelovec


The Solčava-Logar Valley

Tourist Information Center Luče T: +386 3 839 35 55

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The Solčava-Logar Valley tourist region, surrounded by the Kamnik – Savinja Alps, was awarded the coveted title European Destination of Excellence. The Logar Valley Landscape Park and Robanov kot offer a wide variety of activities for hiking and other outdoor activities. Embraced by forests, the view from the Solčavske Panoramic Road extends over the valley and peaks of the Alps, providing visitors with a true connection to nature. It is not difficult to find a peaceful place to stay in this region. Tourist farms, hotels, rooms, apartments and mountain homes are all available from which you can explore the jewels of the Alps.

Center Rinka – Visitor Centre T: +386 3 839 07 10 Solčava• Luče••Ljubno km

The picturesque and colourfully vegetal landscape, rich with natural and cultural attractions, offers many opportunities for exploration and relaxation in a peaceful, natural environment. Luče is an excellent departure point for trips to the alpine peaks, which are popular with mountaineers and climbers. The Savinja River, one of the most beautiful alpine rivers, is authentically delightful for fishermen while adrenaline enthusiasts may prefer to get acquainted with its rapids and pools from a raft or kayak.

Life in the embrace of the Alps


The magical prealpine village of Luče lies in the upper basin of the Savinja River, at the very edge of the Savinja Alps.


All those who visit us are impressed by the beauty of our nature and quickly see how much is possible in such a small place. From cultural attractions (a treasure trove of vestments in the Church of St. Francis Xavier, Raftsmen’s Museum…) to recreational activities (hiking, cycling, rafting, fishing, camping by the Savinja River – one of the most beautiful Slovenian rivers). We are also proud of our local cuisine, which you are welcome to taste in our hotel, restaurants and tourist farms. We invite you experience our natural paradise.


Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


North – Koroška

Koroška Takes you by surprise

In the north of Slovenia, next to the border with Austria, lies the region of Koroška. The area consists of three valleys: Meža, Drava and Mislinja as well as three mountain ranges: Pohorje, Karavanke and the Savinja Alps. It may be one of the smaller regions in Slovenia, but it is all the more diverse and picturesque. Its plentiful gems are scattered throughout numerous little towns, villages and the surrounding valleys stretching far below the mighty mountain peaks, which dominate the skyline.

Ribniško jezero lake at Pohorje


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013


Discover nature

Cyclists’ paradise

Koroška is one of the hilliest and most forested regions in Slovenia. It is marked by white stones and the soft edges of the hills which form its distinctive vista with green forest tones of the deep, dark and at some points, nearly impenetrable woods. Koroška is perfect for hikers as they have many options to choose from such as the European Long Distance Path E6 or the Slovenian Mountain Trail, which cut through the region. Trails popular with hikers include the Koroška Alpine Trail, the peaks of Uršlja Gora, Pohorje, Kozjak and Smerkovec as well as the more demanding ascents to Peca, Olševa and Raduha. There are many interesting thematic trails not far from the towns, which are suitable for relaxing walks, fun physical activities oradventurous walking. The experience of unspoiled nature is enhanced by the solitude. You will almost never stumble upon hordes of mountaineers. One of the most stunning natural highlights in Koroška is the amazing Topla regional Park below Mt. Peca. The main outdoor activity and ski center, Kope – Ribniško Pohorje, can be found at the western and highest part of Pohorje.

Koroška boasts more than 1,000 kilometres of marked (either on the ground or with maps) cycling tracks indicating the various terrains and difficulty levels. There is also a unique underground biking trail, a number of outstanding single trails for mountain bikers, the international Drava River Cycling Route, the first Mountain Bike Park in Slovenia, the Pohorje Hills Biking Trail, the Bike Trail along the Mislinja Valley and many more. You can create unlimited combinations for a tour up, down, between or even through the mountains.

Koroška forest

Woodrafting on the Drava river

Cultural and artistic vibe The strategic position of the turbulent border region has always dictated the lively cultural and artistic vibe of Koroška, which can be viewed through its rich heritage. The medieval core of Slovenj Gradec, the Peace Messenger city, is home to the seat of the Koroška Regional Museum, the Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts and the memorial museum in the house where the composer Hugo Wolf was born. There is a unit of the regional museum located in Ravne na Koroškem housing interesting collections.

North – Koroška

On a forest trail

At Ojstrica

Numerous other collections and exhibitions are housed across the entire region. Ravne is also home to the Dr. Franc Sušnik Central Library of Koroška.

The highest church in Slovenia Koroška is also famous for its rich Christian heritage. Just beneath the peak of Uršlja Gora (1699 m), the highest church in Slovenia, the Church of St Ursula, can be found. The picturesque and diverse architecture of the succursal churches located on nearly every hilltop, reflects numerous local features and keeps the landscape of Koroška recognizable and places it amongst the most culturally enticing parts of Slovenia.

Unique activities Today, activities of the past are getting a bit of a facelift. In previous centuries, the area was dotted with mines. Today, the former mine in Mežica has been transformed into a tourist mine and a museum which offers unique activities including underground biking and kayaking in the disused tunnels under the mysterious Mt. Peca. Additionally, rafting, formerly the most important economic activity of the Drava Valley, is still possible using the original rafts, which are now generally reserved for tourists.

Typical food – Kvočevi nudlni

Slovenj Gradec

the entire region. Local hospitality can be experienced at the numerous tourist farms dotted across the countryside. Natural, homemade and traditional are the perfect words to describe the local cuisine; the best of which is the tasty brown or rye bread and the excellent cider made from age-old varieties of apple.

RDO Koroška Meža 10, Dravograd T: +386 59 085 190

Natural, homemade and traditional Koroška boasts farms of the highest altitude in Slovenia, which are dispersed throughout


12 1k


Dravograd• •Radlje ob Dravi •Ravne na Koroškem •Slovenj Gradec

Kayaking Underground of Mt. Peca

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



,,In Slovenia, movies are not dubbed. So if there are movies out in a language you speak, you can consider a trip to the cinema. Movie under the Stars at the square of the Ljubljana Castle is a very special movie experience in summer.’’

How a Greek hero founded Ljubljana They came with their boat Argo over the Danube and the Sava onto the Ljubljanica and there they stopped to overwinter. And thus Jason, the Greek hero from antiquity, and his Argonauts became the founders of Ljubljana, in those days known as Emona. The story of Jason and his Argonauts is an ancient Greek myth about the heroic voyage of Jason and the Argonauts. The story has many versions and Jason’s routes vary in all. In the third century before Christ poet Apollonius Rhodius described a route for Jason that must have passed through Slovenia. In the 5th century historian Sozomen wrote for the first time that the Argonauts founded Emona.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The story of Jason starts when Jason’s uncle Pelias kills Jason’s father who is the king of Iolkos. Pelias takes the throne and Jason is brought to the mountain Pelion where a centaur (half man, half horse) raises him. When Jason is 20 years old he returns to Iolkos to demand the throne. Pelias tells Jason that he needs to complete one task for that to happen; Jason has to retrieve the Golden Fleece that is kept beyond the edge of the world in a place called Cochlis along the Black Sea. Jason picks a group of heroes, the Argonauts, and with their ship Argo, they set sail to the end of the world. After a journey full of adventures they reach Cochlis where Jason and the Argonauts steel the Golden

Fleece. They have to flee and take another route. The Argo sails north and takes Jason and the Argonauts through the rivers Danube and Sava until they the reach the Ljubljanica where they pass the winter and build a city, which they call Emona. When spring comes, Jason and the Argonauts take the Argo apart and carry it over land to the Adriatic coast. In the Ljubljana marshes they encounter a dragon. After a long and furious fight, Jason kills the monster. He and his Argonauts can continue to the Adriatic Sea. Eventually they will reach Cochlis again but Jason will never be king. The story of Jason’s heroic fight with the dragon is one possible explanation for the fact that the dragon became a symbol of Ljubljana. There is a dragon in the city’s Coat of Arms and on the Zmajski most (Dragon Bridge) in the centre stand big dragons guard. There are more explanations why the dragon became a symbol for Slovenia’s capital. The legends of Saint George could be a source or the Slavic mythology in which the dragon represents the god Veles. Despite the ferocious dragon as city symbol, the not so elegant nickname for people from Ljubljana is frog.



Vibrant city with something for everyone

In the evening, while the sun slowly sinks behind the mountains, people fill the centre of Ljubljana for the daily grand finale of a vivacious day. The sound of thousands of conversations and laughter from the terraces mixes with the tunes of dozens of street performances to a long song carried through the city by river Ljubljanica; it’s the Ljubljana Vibe.

Ljubljana – panorama; Photo: Janez Kotar

Ljubljana may not be big, compared to other European capitals, but its spirit more than makes up for that. Ljubljana is a unique city. It’s a town with village friendliness, a small city where there is no shortage of anything and where there isn’t too much of anything; the perfect size.


Boat on the Ljubljanica river; Photo: Dunja Wedam

Gallery on Jakopič promenade; Photo: Miran Kambič

River Ljubljanica streams straight through the centre of Ljubljana. A number of special bridges connect the two sides. Among others Dragon Bridge with its large statues of dragons, Butcher’s Bridge with its padlocks of lovers, the wooden bridge and last but not least the famous Three Bridges. Ljubljana’s bridges are a must see. For a special look at Ljubljana, the Ljubljanica and the bridges you can make a boat trip on the river. There are even tours in the evening.

Castle Ljubljana Castle is one of the must-sees of Ljubljana. Of course, when visiting Ljubljana it will be hard not to see it with its location on the hill high above the city. Already in the bronze age settlers have been on the hill. The current castle dates back to the early middle ages but its distinctive outlook tower was not built until 1848. A funicular can take you to the castle from the centre but there is also a hiking path going up the hill. From the castle you have a great view over Ljubljana and the surroundings. Ljubljana has several museums and during summer there are many events in the city. Also don’t forget to take a look in Tivoli Park, starting already near the centre. More about the attractions and events in Ljubljana:

A city in the city

Artish; Photo: Dunja Wedam Hanging flower pot; Photo: Dunja Wedam

In Ljubljana there is a city in the city. Metelkova City is even maybe more than that. The inhabitants call it a self-declared autonomous culture zone and it occupies the pre-independence Yugoslav Army barracks in the city. Metelkova is an internationally renowned alternative culture community. It is a site full of clubs, bars, live music spaces, art galleries and artist studios. There is also a former prison which has been transformed into one of the most unique hotels in the world; the many times awarded Celica (the cell). Numerous events are happening in Metelkova all year round. With its colourful painted walls and other street art it’s always worth a look.


Turistični informacijski center Ljubljana - TIC Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 2, 1000 Ljubljana T: +386 (0)1 306 12 15

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Fried chicken drumstics and wings

Long culinary tradition

Ljubljana – Central part of the Market; Photo: J. Skok

Specialties from the Hearth of Slovenia A tasteful journey

Great views, different sounds, strange smells, good feelings; travelling is an experience absorbed by many senses. But let’s not forget to put our taste to the test and explore the flavours of the destinations. The Hearth of Slovenia invites you to join the table. In Slovenia there are no less than 24 gastronomic regions, represented by almost 200 dishes. In the centre of the country it all comes together. The restaurants and traditional gostilnas in Ljubljana and its 25 surrounding municipalities serve a fine selection of national and local dishes.

Ljubljana has a long culinary tradition. Already hundreds of years ago you could buy fish from the Adriatic Sea as well as fish from the Danube on the Ljubljana market. Besides that there was also plenty of fresh fruit from the coast. In 1799 Valentin Vodnik wrote the first Slovenian cookbook. He is now commemorated with a statue on the Ljubljana market. The Central Market in Ljubljana is still the centrepiece of Ljubljana’s culinary scene. Every Friday morning at 11 a renowned chef cooks in the open air kitchen of the market’s outdoor restaurant. The open kitchen is opened every Friday from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening until October. In history many specialties were developed in the kitchens of Ljubljana, like the Ljubljana cottage cheese pancakes with a cottage-cheese and tarragon filling. A popular dish of the people of Ljubljana has always been boiled and marinated beef tongue with horseradish. It would be served as a Sunday afternoon treat in autumn and winter. Other Ljubljana specialties are the Ljubljana egg dish, frog legs from the Ljubljana Moors, Ljubljana strudel, fried chicken drumsticks (very popular as a snack with workers on river Ljubljanica) and of course the Ljubljana Cake. Legend has it that the cake was first created by a cook that wanted to cheer up the sad daughter of the lord of Ljubljana Castle. Today you can find something for everyone’s culinary liking in Ljubljana. The city has many restaurants and their offer varies from traditional Slovenian to Asian food.

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Kranjska klobasa

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Štruklji rolls


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Ljubljaan cottage chees pancakes


Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Vodnik lamb’s lettuce salad

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Trojane doughnuts

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Trnič cheese from Velika planina

Travel along tastes

Ašič (1906–1992) of the monastery in Stična developed medicinal teas which are now incorporated in a successful brand. In Velike Lašče moderation was the rule, even on festive days. Nonetheless does the municipality have its own specialty; Poprtnik Christmas Bread. Specialties of Grosuplje are available anywhere. The Pekarna Grosuplje bakery bakes for the Mercator supermarkets in Slovenia. In Škofljica Čot žlinkrofi dumplings of Gostilna Čot are worth a try or the moorland game meat of gostilna Petkovšek. Ig commemorates the pile dwellers that once lived here with a Pile dweller’s platter. Cereals, vegetables and carrots are part of

it. Borovnica is known for its American blueberries. Each year at the end of July there is Bilberry Day here. The Logatec area’s speciality is the moist anddelicious wine štruklji roll. In Vrhnika štruklji rolls with prune filling are the local delicacy. In Log-Dragomer apple sticks are the local variety of apple strudel. In the many family run gostilnas in Brezovica veal stew is often a house special. In DobrovaPolhov Gradec honey delights can be found in the Božnar House of Honey. The village Sora pri Medvodah is home to the annual Carniolan Sausage Festival. No wonder then that the Carnolian sausage is a specialty in Medvode.

In Dol pri Ljubljani, the Pr’ Krač tourist farm dominates the culinary scene of Dol. Specialty of the house is juicy roast knuckle of veal. Trzin is a village of butchers. No surprise then that a heavily smoked meat sausage is the local piece de resistance. Domžale stuffed pig stomach is the dish of Domžale. Mengeš is home to a thick and delicious local stew. In pottery village Komenda tripe stew and vampi goulash is a popular dish. In Vodice, the Vodice pretzel is the local treat. Near Kamnik you can find VelikaPlanina, where the salty Trnič cheese is from. Balls of this cheese were only made in pairs because their shape resembled women breasts. ‘World famous’ in Slovenia are the doughnuts (krofi) from hill Trojane near Lukovica. In Moravče the former horse carriage driver’s inn gostilna Pr’ Frfrau is known for its pig stomach stuffed with chopped pieces of pork meat and pearl millet. Liver sausages are common in Slovenia but in Litija they are more popular than elsewhere. The recipe came supposedly from Czechs who built the railway here. In Šmartno pri Litiji the Valvasor platter at Gostilna Pri Mačku reminds us of Janez Valvasor of Bogenšperk Castle whose writings gave us insight in the dietary habits of the nobility in the 17th century. Where there is forest, there are mushrooms. No wonder that in forested Dobrepolje mushroom soup with žganci is a specialty. In Ivančna Gorica father Simon

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Ljubljana Cake

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Čot žlinkrofi dumplings

Photo: Tomo Jeseničnik; Mushroom soup with žganci

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



Photo: Rok Godec; The Ljubljana Marshes

Photo: Branko Čeak; Ljubljanica River: The main watercourse of the Barje Plains is the Ljubljanica River, the source of which is numerous karstic springs near Vrhnika.

Ljubljansko Barje

(The Ljubljana Moors) The co-existence of man and nature The Ljubljana Moors is a unique combination of meadows, fields, hedges and ditches, where the green surface comes into contact with the sky and the Ljubljanica River, which, over time, helped to create the marshes. It is known as one of the most important natural regions in Slovenia.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Due to the traditional method of farming, a great deal of the biotical and regional biodiversity can be observed. Wet meadows, flooded woods and kilometres of canals invite in the moisture loving representatives of the living world. The Ljubljana Moors see over 200 species of birds fly overhead along with a large number of butterflies. The underground world is also rich as, to this day, over 40 pile-dwellings, which had been resting beneath the surface of the Ljubljana Moors for millennia, have been discovered. It is for this reason that they have also been included on the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List.

Photo: Aleš Smrekar- Canoeists: The calm, slow current of the Ljubljanica River is perfect for various forms of water recreation.

Most attractive local points: On the 3 educational trails in the central part of the park, you can discover the exceptionally rich world of animals and plants, the mysterious soil and water of the marshdwellers as well as follow the presence of man in this place through history. Bird lovers can walk along the circular Corn Crake educational trail near Brest. In the immediate vicinity you can find the Iška river educational trail which reveals the mysterious 13 km trail of the River Iška. The rich treasures of the Ljubljanica River are revealed through the 6 km circular Bevke educational trail. The Barje plain is the home of a remarkably rich cultural heritage. In Ig you can, in the vicinity of The pile-dwellers remains included on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, find 2 information boards in the centre of the settlement and a permanent collection of pile-dwellers of the Great Lake. In Črna Vas you can visit Plečnik›s Church of St. Michael. In Bistra, the numerous springs of the Bistra River greet the former Carthusian monastery, which was later used as a castle and is now the Slovenian Technical Museum.

Photo: Branko Čeak; Plečnik’s Church of St. Michael in Črna Vas was built with the wet and inadequate weight bearing properties of the marsh soil in mind.

EVENTS  Professional tour through Ljubljansko barje Nature Park > prepared in cooperation with recognized experts and locals: 15. 6. 2013 Herbalism in the Ljubljana Moors, 14. 9. 2013 Non-native invasive species in the Ljubljana Moors, 5. 10. 2013 Farming on the Ljubljana Moors. 17. 8. 2013 > Pile-Dwelling Day in Ig, conjure up the everyday life of the piledwellers through a number of workshops appropriate for the whole family. 20. 7.2013 > Blueberry Day in Borovnica, where you can buy your own basket of blueberries or other local specialties. Information: NP Ljubljansko barje, Podpeška cesta 380 1357 Notranjske Gorice T: +386 8 20 52 350;

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Velika Planina; Photo: Aleš Frelih




Kamnik is known as being one of the oldest and most beautiful medieval towns in Slovenia, embraced by the Kamnik - Savinja Alps. The town prides itself on its numerous cultural and religious monuments. Kamnik’s appeal also lies in its beautiful surroundings, only 25 km away from Ljubljana and 10 km away from the Jože Pučnik Airport.

Breathtaking nature Get to know the unspoiled alpine world, visit the Kamniška Bistrica valley, take off into our mountains and spend a few days at the one of a kind Velika Planina, which boasts the oldest preserved herder settlement. The combination of sunny weather and the desire to socialize in the


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013



In the arms of the Kamnik-Savinja alps

Transform into a herder and help milk cows at Velika Planina. Take a walk through the lovely town streets and get to know Kamnik’s rich history. Take in a show! Visit the Budnar museumhause and knead your own dough. Replenish your energy at Zdravilni gaj Tunjice, open-air healing resort or indulge yourself at Terme Snovik. Learn to play golf and don’t forget to visit the Volčji Potok Arboretum.

Terme Snovik

EVENTS  20.6. – Taste Kamnik > Terme Snovik 5. in 6.7. – Ana Desetnica in Kamnik > Street festival 7.7. – Cycling marathon Alpe > Kamnik

fresh air is an excellent opportunity to take a walk and get away to Velika Planina. Though beautiful in any season, it is particularly stunning in summe.

Health and Wellness tourism In the authentic Tuhinj Valley, you can indulge in Terme Snovik’s eco-world of thermal delights and spend your holidays in an apartment settlement, which was the first to receive the EU Eco Label, the EU Flower Emblem, for tourist accommodation. Enjoy your new energy to the fullest in the Holistic Healing Centre in Tunjice or perhaps take a walk among the spring flowers in the Volčji Potok Arboretum. Not far from the park is a pine forest extending out towards the popular Golf Arboretum golf course.

24.8. – Traditional Prangerjada fest > Motnik August 11th, Velika planina > Cheese(»trnič«)-Making Workshop August 16th and 17th, Terme Snovik > Tradicional ethnological performance September 1st, Volčji Potok Arboretum > A Magical Day (Children Festival) September 5th – 9th, Kamnik > Days of National Costume and Clothing Heritage

Contact: Zavod za turizem in šport v občini Kamnik Glavni trg 2 1241 Kamnik T: +386 (0)1 831 82 50


Srce Slovenije

,,If you are an avid cyclist and you want to go for a group ride near Ljubljana, then every Wednesday at 4 in the afternoon the so called Dol-ride starts at the Mercator in Dol pri Ljubljana. Even real professionals sometimes go along.’’

The Heart of Slovenia

THE HEART OF SLOVENIA is an area in central Slovenia, East of Ljubljana, where modern life intertwines with the traditional pulse of the countryside. Unforgettable experiences can include delicious local dishes, excellent local wine, a rich cultural heritage and socialising in the countryside. Summer cycling through the Heart of slovenia Treat yourself to a cycling trip on the family (družinski), mountain (gorski) or road (cestni) line, explore different areas and collect stickers during your breaks at tourist providers in the region. The cycling guide S kolesi po Srcu Slovenije (Cycling in the Heart of Slovenia), published by the Development Centre of the

Heart of Slovenia, includes a collection of 32 cycling trails with detailed maps of the trails. Visitors can also enlist the aid of a QR connection on their mobile phones to receive the GPS coordinates of an individual cycling line, which runs through the municipalities of Dol pri Ljubljani, Ivančna Gorica, Kamnik, Litija, Lukovica, Mengeš, Šentrupert and Šmartno pri Litiji. Altogether, 1,448 kilometres are available to visitors, adding up to a possible 91 hours of cycling.

38 km

Ljubljana• •Litija Heart of Slovenia

EVENTS  Recreational Event: A DAY OF CYCLING THROUGH THE HEART OF SLOVENIA Beginning of the cycling season > Saturday, June 15th, 2013 in Litija End of the cycling season > Saturday, September 21st, 2013 in Dol pri Ljubljani

Info point: Srca Slovenije Tourist Point Valvazorjev trg 10, 1270 Litija T: +386 59 940 503 M: +386 51 312 739

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



,,If you want to go for a swim; river Kolpa in the most southern part of Slovenia is the warmest river in the country. It can reach a temperature of 30 degrees in summer.’’

Kolpa river; Photo: Dunja Wedam

The home of superman

Peter Klepec Tucked in between the steep green mountainsides near what is now the border of Slovenia and Croatia lived once, along the meandering river Kolpa, Peter Klepec; a hardworking young sheepherder. Peter was a weak boy until a fairy gave him superpowers with which he would scare off the Turks. The tale of Peter Klepec is one of the most well-known tales in Slovenia. It originates from the south of the country where the story is being told from generation to generation since the 16th or 17th century. Peter is a boy from the tiny village of Osilnica on the bank of the river Kolpa, all the way in the south of Slovenia. He comes from a family of farmers and after the death of his father he lives alone with his mother. They have problems making ends meet and that’s why Peter’s mother gets him a job as shepherd.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Peter is a hard working shepherd who meticulously looks after his flock that grazes on the grassy hills around the Kolpa. But life just won’t go easy on him. Other shepherds bully him. Being the smallest and the weakest of all, Peter is an easy target. Not a day goes by without being tormented. One hot summer day things take a turn for the better. While Peter is working along the Kolpa, he sees a young woman lying in the grass. Peter steps between her and the sun and creates a shadow for her. The woman turns out to be a fairy and Peter’s action pleased her so much that, as a token of her gratitude, she offers the gallant shepherd one wish. Peter wishes to be strong. And so will be. After his wish, Peter walks to the first tree he sees and with his bare hands he pulls it out of the ground and throws it metres away. He’s not a weak shepherd anymore but a boy

with superpowers. Peter goes to his bullies and, while he stands in front of them, he pulls another tree out of the ground. The bullies ran away in shock. Then Peter goes home. There he removes all the rocks from the garden so his mother has good soil to grow crops. Peter’s days as a sheepherder are over. He is a superman now whose daytime job it is to help the people in his region. And when the Turks start invading the south Peter chases them back to Constantinople. If you travel along de Kolpa river you will meet Peter Klepec. He is standing next to road near the tiny village of Ribjek and with his arms he’s holding a tree above his head.

South - Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko – Ribniško

Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko – Ribniško Come to the hills of Lower Carniola to rest the soul, activate the body and exchange energy in the best possible company. Experience yourself.

South-eastern Slovenia: vibrant, green, sparkling, calm and sociable, openly boastful and mysteriously sophisticated. Here you will find a landscape of meadows and forests, pretty green rivers, a cradle of picturesque places and sincere, hospitable people. Placidly sited in south-eastern Slovenia, between the Ljubljana basin and the Sava River, the region has many surprising faces. The varied relief, numerous streams, karst features and biodiversity create its unforgettable dynamic. Through the local landscapes the region boasts deep green forests, whose primeval remains and giant trees are absolutely breath-taking. The river valleys of sparkling beauty, the Krka, Mirna, Kolpa and Lahinja Rivers, are the homes of rare plant and animal species and invite visitors into their quiet retreats. Sun-kissed grapes ripen on the slopes of its hills, which, once they are in the wine cellars, mature into veritable poetry whose verses run inwards. Restorative and healing thermal waters bubble in the bosom of its deep springs. Our rich heritage refines the hamlets, villages and towns of Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko and Ribniško. Just when you thought you knew Slovenia … Dolenjska, different experiences.


71 k


Kostanjevica na Krki • Mesto Otočec• •Novo •Ribnica Kočevje• •Osilnica Kostel•

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


South - Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko – Ribniško

Dolenjska When you think you know what “new” is in Novo mesto (New City), you can experience a different Dolenjska. Novo Mesto is in the centre of Dolenjska, just big enough for a new culture, new theaters and new energy - and manageable enough to retain all the qualities of Dolenjska: contact with nature, the river, and especially the people, their smiles, wine and local delicacies. In the centre of Dolenjska, the best connection of a positive attitude to life can be found through a rich cultural heritage, vibrant cultural events, the indulgence of the spirit and pampering of the body in the nearby spa. Here, health and well-being really go hand in hand with different experiences. For more information please contact: Tourist information center Novo mesto T: +386(7) 393 92 63

Kočevsko Experience your inner strength in the home of the Kočevje bear and Martin Krpan.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Temeniška in Suha Krajina Mirna Valley If you would like to see heaven, you needn’t go too high. Heaven can be reached at a height of 602 meters. The Mirna Valley, together with the Temeniška Valley, in the area around Mirna peč, forms an idyllic landscape, where picturesque churches intertwine with well-preserved hayracks, fields and vineyards. Similarly, as the Mirna and Temenica Rivers offer nearly as much pleasure as the much more famous Krka and Kolpa Rivers. This is a place of tranquil heritage, local restaurants, vineyards and wine routes – an ideal place for hiking and cycling or multi-day rides. This is not a joke. It is a part of the different experience.

At the lower Temenica River, in the southern part of the Šentviška basin and below Stična, water begins to move under the earth’s surface. There it creates mysterious dwellings in the inaccessible depths of earth. There the young Krka River hides, caught in the bosom of the karst subfield, which penetrates to life for the first time in Suha Krajina and decisively heads towards its future, to new rivers and seas. Otherwise, Suha Krajina is, in all respects, anything but dry. Karst caves, fields and ravines, picturesque wine-growing areas, ancient architecture and rich history, set in the present day rhythm. Here taste buds come alive, the mind is calm and the heart is filled with happiness at all the different experiences.

For more information please contact: Tourist information center Trebnje T: +386(7) 348 11 28

For more information please contact: The Suha krajina Tourist Association T: +386(7) 388 51 84

Kočevska inspired the tales of the bold and independent Martin Krpan, drawn by Fran Levstik from the cheerful, clever, witty and honest character of the local people and thus, despite the weight of Slovenian history, symbolically highlighted the nation’s power and indestructibility. The intact heritage of Kočevska is also an inexhaustible source of inspiration to present generations. The hidden corners of nature in Kočevska reveal educational and hiking trails. They run past the forest reserves, the ruins of the disappeared villages, forest giants, karst caves, panoramas, and reveal hidden wildlife. There are opportunities for hikes and walks, alone or in a company. Parks, monuments, architectural and art heritage wait to be discovered. Forests offer hunting and safaris, and galleries, rich with art, will satisfy even the most demanding tourists.

Bela Krajina As Zeleni Jurij (Green George) awakens our senses in spring, similarly Bela Krajina revives old experiences and adventures. Bela Krajina is a land of ancient traditions

South - Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko – Ribniško



The sharp valley that the Kolpa River carved in the landscape a long time ago presents a linguistic and political division, which gently but permanently touches your heart. Mountain diversity, intact forest reserves, karst caves and a castle with a handful of settlements in its lap are admired by travellers as well as locals. The vast landscape is home to the brown bear and many other animal and plant species. It is also the home of friendly people who live in harmony with our beautiful nature and with each other. The Kostelsko landscape with the Kostel Castle and the Nežica and Kolpa Rivers, are endowed with a mysterious beauty and pervaded with many ancient legends. Stories of the past reflect in the present and inspire generations to come.

In the middle of the Ribniško Plain, between the slopes of Mala and Velika Gora, and along the Bistrica River, there lies the lovely and inviting Ribniška Valley. The poetic natural environment has always been an inspiration to many Slovenian artists. Even Primož Trubar spent his time there in order to spread the word of the bible. In the middle of the valley, in all its glittering splendour, we find Ribnica, one of the oldest Slovenian towns, enriched by Plečnik’s parish church steeples, Miklova house, a library and a craft centre with a gallery and a museum. The kind environment, endowed with a rich religious, artistic and historical heritage, invites you to discover the gifts of the past and awards the soul with the beauty of the present.

For more information please contact: Culture and Tourism institute Kostel T: +386(1) 894 80 70

For more information please contact: Ribnica handicraft centre T: +386(1) 346 11 04

and people who carry their hearts in their hands, as Toni Gašperšič wrote. Lahinja joins the Kolpa and the two form an ideal environment for, at this moment, probably the most innovative educational programs far and wide, in an environment that is a treasure trove of wisdom and freshness that is made alive each year by Green George. He can also be found in Bela Krajina.


For more information please contact: Tourist information center Črnomelj T: +386(7) 305 65 30 Tourist information center Semič T: +386(7) 35 65 200 Tourist information center Metlika T: +386(7) 363 54 70

Although only a tiny jewel on the map of Slovenia, Osilnica inherited the power of its hero Peter Klepec: the power for growth and development, the power to respect the past, to honour the present and open up to the future as well as the power to extract its very best and divide it between those who find it and visit it. Ancient, Roman, medieval and modern history have granted it the values of the past, while a lively image of the present gives it a sense of modernity. Osilnica recognizes and respects its natural beauty. The high mountains, wild rocky overhangs, numerous streams, among them the most beautiful Mirtoviški Stream, are its timeless jewels. And Kolpa, the green beauty, is

Health and Well-being Health is the trademark of the region; we are all aware that welfare is a source of health. Not only the spas with a tradition such as Spa Dolenjske toplice and Spa Šmarješke toplice, but all of Dolenjska with its gentle waves and kind residents, local delicacies and opportunities for all types of sport, as a genuine source of health. The Krka and Kolpa allow for the primal connection with the relaxing nature. The life cycle among homemade delicacies, activities in the most wooded part of Slovenia and unwinding among countless forms of thermal relaxation is only disturbed by the fact that there are almost too many options to pick from. However, a spiritual release also provides the answer to this question.

especially generous in this part. To immerse the body in its depth, to feel the power of its flow in a raft, kayak or a hydro speed, to relax on its banks while fishing, to inhale the scents of trees while hiking or cycling and to taste its culinary gifts are unforgettable experiences that gently erase the memories of a hard day and also give strength for a new day. For more information please contact: Local tourist guide Mrs. Alenka Kovač T: +386(0) 31 65 03 62

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


South - Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kočevsko – Ribniško Natural and Cultural Heritage From prehistory to today Destination Dolenjska has been unique, different. The Dolenjska Museum in Novo mesto contains important finds from the 10th century BC onwards, particularly outstanding are finds from the Hallstatt period, the Late Iron Age. At the time of the Roman Empire Trebnje hosted the only military post in Slovenia. In the times of Christianization and the Middle Ages, Dolenjska became a province dominated by numerous fortresses and castles, some of them still being wellpreserved. These picturesque images from the past are surrounded by farms, vineyards, cottages, craft shops and granaries full of local delicacies, which, together with the good people of Dolenjska, give the region its kind-heartedness: a wide smile and a warm embrace. All of this is accessible by car, bike, horse or a local can take you for a ride along the winding roads that follow the contours of the hills of Dolenjska.

Adventures & Recreation Although Destination Dolenjska is gently undulating and ideal for non-aggressive recreation, the unspoiled nature and lively character of Dolenjska allow for some adrenaline experiences for those who crave an additionally seasoned experience. That’s why the whole region of Dolenjska can serve as an adventure park. An evening experience in a cottage requires some courage - at least as much as to allow for the possibility to spend one or more nights alone or with a family in the solitude of the Dolenjska forests. The Kočevje primeval forest, the only primeval forest far and wide, is more likely to raise the adrenaline with its silence than with its bears. Destinaton Dolenjska is practically made for various forms of outdoor recreation, since it is less congested and has just the right dynamic for cycling. Because it is so lushly forested, is ideal for hiking. Krka, Kolpa and other rivers and lakes provide swimming in natural pools, trips with kayaks, canoes, and rafting, as well as create idyllic natural beaches. Not only experienced, but also amateur fishermen agree that the rivers and waters of Dolenjska are a picturesque and an inexhaustible place for relaxation.

Cottages and wine tours Dolenjska and Bela Krajina is a country of cottages. Many of them, crisscrossed by numerous wine routes, have now been converted into comfortable, yet unabridged posts, which offer a unique experience for a


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

few days living the Dolenjska and Bela krajina lifestyle. For a person from Dolenjska and Bela krajina, one’s cottage is not one’s second but first home. Working in the vineyard and on the fruits of the vineyard is not only an enjoyable use of leisure time, but a responsibility passed

down by the ancestors who developed this way of life. Experiences in vineyard cottages are not only different, but they cannot be compared to anything in this world. Photos: Archive RDO, Terme Krka, Municipality of Sodražica, Tomaž Ovčak, Alenka Lamovšek, Rudi Vlašič, Jošt Gantar

SUMMER EVENTS  Črnomelj 2. - 4. 8. 2013 > Schengenfest in Vinica pri Črnomlju 16. - 31. 8. 2013 > Črnfest, in the atrium of Črnomelj Castle Dolenjske Toplice 20.7.2013 > Topliška noč 28.7.2013 > Pond Picnic Kočevje Every Thursday in July and August at 8pm > Summer evenings at the town platform 13.7.2013 > “Prangerjada” ethnological performance in Predgrad Kostel 23.6.2013 > MIK Festival (Melodies of Istria and Kvarner) 14.-15. 8.2013 > Tamburanje va Kostele, traditional cultural ethnological performance Loški Potok 29. - 30. 6. 2013 > 10 th Anniversary of the Art Colony 18.8.2013 > Games without Borders – the Farm Games in Retje Metlika 15. - 21. 7. 2013 > Culture Week at the Partizan Square in Metlika June, July, August 2013 > An Evening at the Castle, the Castle courtyard Mirna 29.6.2013 > Recreational Sports Performance “Mirna on the Move” 31.8.2013 > TRIM PODARIM Charity Performance as part of the Trim steza Mirna Performance Mirna Peč 22.6.2013 at 11am > Hike along the Slakova in Pavček’s Youth Trails 22. 6. 2013 at 6:30pm > Procession of Mirna Peč’s Clubs at the Mirna Peč Square and festivities Mokronog Trebelno 22.6.2013 at 10am > The 8th Cycling Marathon through the Mirna River Valley Novo mesto 19. - 24. 8. 2013 > Jazzinty – international music workshop and festival 31.8.2013 > Night on the Krka River Osilnica 29.6.2013 > Municipal performance “Petruvu in the Land of Peter Klepec” Ribnica 31.8.2013 > Bean Day in Hrovača 1. 9 2013 > Hand-made Household Utensils and Pottery Fair Semič 12. - 14. 7. 2013 > The 19 th Semič Wedding at the Semič Firehouse 8. - 10. 11. 2013 > The 7th Semič Celebration of Autumn in Bela Krajina , in the Semič Cultural Centre

Sodražica 29.6.2013 > Psoglavski Days (a day of sports and a village evening in the square) 30.6.2013 > Psoglavski Days (market day) Straža 24.7.2013 > Day on the Krka River 31.8. - 9.9.2013 > The 27th Autumn in Straža Šentjernej 15.8.2013 > Cycling Marathon August 13, 2013 > Jernejevo (name day of St. Bartholomew and the Šentjernej municipal holiday) Šentrupert 20.7.2013 > Summer in Šentrupert – concert: More from Split (Barbo Manor on Vesela gora) 24.8.2013 > Jernejevo – Herbalist Day in the Land of the Hayracks (Dežela kozolcev, Šentrupert) Škocjan 25.6.2013 > Market Day in Bučka (in the vicinity of the Cultural Centre) 28. - 30. 6. 2013 > KNOBLEHARJEVO 2013 (in front of the municipal building) Šmarješke Toplice 16.6.2013 > Šmarješke Toplice Run: 8 and 2 km long tracks, suitable for children 31.8.2013 > Concert: Uroš Perich and the Bluenote Quartet Trebnje 14.-16.6.2013 > The 25th Tourist, Sport and Ethnological Performance “Iz trebanjskega koša” (From Trebnje’s Basket) 19. - 20. 7. 2013 > The 11th ŠVIC Festival in Čatež pri Trebnjem Žužemberk 5. - 15. 7. 2013 > Market Days and the15th Medieval Day in Žužemberk 9. and 16. 8., 13. 9. 2013 > The 17th Summer Castle Performance Regional destination organization Dolenjska, Bela krajina & Kočevsko Razvojni center Novo Mesto, d.o.o. Ljubljanska cesta 26, 8000 Novo mesto T: +386 (7) 337 29 90 F: +386 (7) 337 29 81

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South - Posavje


Where winemaking became an art It’s a moment to look forward to every year. Around the end of each year a friend from the south of Slovenia comes for a visit with the trunk of the car full of the finest treasures of the Posavje region; Modra Frankinja wine in large bottles with labels that only carry the text: Screčno novo leto (happy new year).

In the south-west of Slovenia, leaning against Croatia and around river Sava, lies the Posavje region. Posavje is one of three big wine regions in the country. The Posavje wineworld is characterized by a large number of independent wine producers, like our friend’s father who made winemaking an unpaid art. The winemakers in Posavje grow different types of grapes. The unique Slovenian Cviček wine was born over 200 years ago in Posavje. Cvicek is a combination of red grapes (modra frankinja and žametna črnina) and white ones (kralkevina, laški rizling, rumeni plavec, zeleni silvanec).

can discover the secrets and the tastes of the Modra Frankinja, Žametna Črnina and the Cviček. On the Bizeljsko-Sremiška wine road you can see the repnice caves, that were dug out 200 years ago and were used as food storage. Due to their high humidity and a constant low temperature the caves are used for maturing and storing wine. There are 150 caves, but less than 30 are used permanently. The Bizeljsko-Sremič district is seen as the best wine-growing region in Posavje.

Wine routes

To spend some more time between the Posavje wines, and get in the real vineyard mood, you can stay at a vineyard cottage. There are several in the area. These cottages are usually on the edge of the vineyards where they offer magnificent views over the undulating countryside. The vineyard cottages were traditionally places to invite friends but now several farmers opened them for anyone in search of the delights of the quiet (wine) country life. And, if you don’t have a wine producing friend yet from Posavje, this might be an excellent way to make one here.

To learn all about the Posavje wines and, of course, get a taste of them, you can travel along three wine routes: the Bizeljsko-Sremič, the Gornjedolenjska and the Podgorjanska vine roads. The roads cut through vineyards and pass by vineyard cottages, log cabins and wineries and winecaves. The Gornjedolenska wine road is with 64 kilometres one of the longest wine roads in the country. It extends from the Trebnje district through the Sevnica and Krško community up to Škocjan. On the route you

Vineyard cottages

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


South – Posavje gladly await you in their vineyard cottages. Today, Brežice is known for its variety of cultural events. Every summer, the old centre of town glows with rich entertaining, cultural, sports and, last but not least, ever more tourist centred performances such as “Brežice, My Town” (22. 6. – 30. 6. 2013), which gathers more than 10,000 visitors to the old town centre every year. This year, visitors will enjoy a diverse, colourful palette of various genre performances, exhibitions, street music, stand up acts (Tin Vodopivec) and free pop concerts (Perpetuum Jazzile, Mi2, Bajaga, Nina Pušlar). As a part of the performances, the traditional “Primož Kozmus Run” is back again this year. The weekend before the main events, Brežice hosts the AC Milan Soccar School for children and the last Sunday afternoon in June a live act is prepared at First Wake Park in Boršt.


A town with a 660 year tradition! A green world at the confluence of the Sava and Krka, thermal springs, vineyards and castles; Brežice, many call it the place where different worlds connect.


104 km


Zavod za podjetništvo, turizem in mladino Brežice Gubčeva 10a, 8250 Brežice T: + 386 5 90 83 790


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

The municipality of Brežice is situated above a fault line and is extremely rich with springs of thermal water, which were discovered 200 years ago near the banks of the Sava River. Brežice boasts a number of thermal springs, which have been put to good use. Praise is especially owed to the largest thermal complex in the country, Terme Čatež, as well as to the newest thermal Riviera in Slovenia, Terme Paradiso in Dobova. Either of the two are an excellent choice for those wanting rest and relaxation as the Wellness Centres of both will attend most graciously to your needs. Those more courageous guests can opt to leave the boundaries of the pool and instead enjoy a cycling or hiking trip though the surrounding hills. Bicycles are available for rent at both locations. A ramble through the hilly municipality of Brežice is not limited to the interest of hiking and cycling enthusiasts, but also to those who revel in wonderful gastronomic experiences. Two wine roads wind through the hills, Podgorjanska and BizeljskoSremiška, and with them you can expect to encounter friendly locals and wineries, where guests are kindly served local delicacies and excellent wines. Depending on how well you would like to get to know the Bizeljsko-Sremiška wine road, we can organize guided tours through the renowned natural caves of Bizeljsko Repnice, a unique curiosity of the area, which is complemented by the kindness of the locals and the excellent selection of wine stored there. We also organize tours of the birthplace of Cviček wine, Gadova peč, where the locals

Just a few more reasons not to miss out on a trip to Brežice this year! (for more information about the festival:

South – Posavje Adrenaline day – meant for both younger and older visitors looking for adrenaline adventures (photo 2)



A mosaic of experiences

The municipality of Krško lies in the centre of the Posavje region and is easily accessible from Ljubljana (45 minutes), Maribor (1 hour) and Zagreb (45 minutes). Posavje is a popular tourist destination mostly due to its natural, cultural and historical wealth. Besides the beautiful castles, guests are also captivated by the thermal springs. The region has a rich tradition of food and wine, which is complemented by the events of the countryside and the entertainment of the town. 2

Enjoy a day in the adrenaline park and test your skills in a go-kart racing or safe driving course. We also offer programmes, which conjure up the true spirit of racing and allow visitors to organize races for both small and large groups. Our team will take you through the qualifications and all the way to the final lap, after which an award ceremony will be held. There’s something for everyone from adrenaline junkies and speedway lovers to spectators and ex-drivers. The high point of this year’s speedway season will be the Speedway Grand Prix racing series on the 7th of September.

Historical and cultural points of interest – The Bounty of our Forefathers (photo 1) Castle Rajhenburg is a monument of national pride, recently having undergone a complete renovation. With the discovery of the earliest Romanesque and Gothic construction elements the significance of the castle in the development of Slovenia’s architecture and society is reinforced. A seal of great importance was left on the castle by the Trappists, who were in possession of the structure as of 1881. The Trappists had a great influence on the cultivation of cereal grains, fruit farming, beekeeping, cattle farming, cheese trade, viticulture and the production of chocolate and liqueurs. It was in keeping with this historical legacy that a hiking trail designated THE TRAPPIST TRAIL was created, which takes us along the Trappist trails in Sremič and Grmada to the Church of St. Mohor and back into the valley before leading up to Castle Rajhenburg. We invite you to visit Castle Rajhenburg with its fascinating permanent display, temporary exhibits and summer events. Join us for The Days of European Cultural Heritage, with the Grand Opening at Castle Rajhenburg on the 28. 9. 2013.

exploring the mystic forests. New thematic trails are also being developed, namely hiking and viticultural trails. The countryside is also a treat for gourmets as the rich flavours of traditional cuisine and the wide variety of wine will not fail to impress. House, local and regional specialties made with local ingredients are offered at tourist and excursion farms as well as in restaurants.

Lodging – Make yourself at home. (photo 4) The many options for accommodation allow visitors to enjoy a pleasant stay whether in the city or countryside. For those who prefer the pulse of the city, hotels, guest houses and youth hostels are on offer, while nature lovers and more active types may be more inclined towards our wide selection of countryside accommodation, particularly the authentic holidays offered by vineyard cottages. ( 4


99 km


A world of natural sights including experience in wine and food (photo 3) 3

The variety of the region offers numerous opportunities to visit our natural peculiarities and enjoy an active day in the countryside with hiking, cycling, water sports, jogging in nature, hunting and fishing to relaxing and

TIC (Tourist Information Centre) Krško CKŽ 46, 8270 Krško T: +386 (0)7 490 22 21, (0)8 205 18 00,

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


South – Posavje

Source: KŠTM Sevnica

Grad Sevnica castle

Source: KŠTM Sevnica


A beautiful municipality to visit The municipality of Sevnica invites you to explore a region offering both active and relaxing ways to enjoy your holidays. We believe that our offers, a selection of which will be presented further on, will give you something to get excited about. You are welcome here.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Sevnica Castle is situated on a hill with a magnificent view of the old town centre. The existing structure was built over the remains of a castle that was most likely constructed during the first half of the twelfth century. The castle was first mentioned in written records in 1309 as “castellum Liechtenwalde”. During the Croatian – Slovenian peasant revolt of 1573, the structure amazingly managed to avoid destruction unlike many other buildings of the time. It is very likely that the Lutheran Cellar was also built during this period, which was supposedly periodically visited by Jurij Dalmatin (approx. 1547 – 1589), the first person to translate the Bible into the Slovenian language. The cellar later became a tomb for several nobleman of Sevnica. Today, concerts and other events take place in its acoustic spaces. The castle and the surrounding area have undergone numerous renovations in recent years and, as such, the castle and the old town centre beneath it provide the area with a marvellous medieval landscape. The contents of the castle are especially rich: • Visitors to the castle are invited to watch a short film about Sevnica, the history of the castle and the famed Ajdovski gradec acheological park. • Various exhibitions (a Baroque hall, a tower decorated with frescoes, a wedding

• • • • •

and conference hall, a school museum, a firefighter’s museum, a museum of Exiles, a chapel, a collection of decorative art by Ivan Razboršek, an exhibition of a collection of “talking stones”, galleries of artwork...) The Sevnica Castle Puppet Theatre provides workshops and performances for children. The castle vineyard is located on the hillside terrace and boasts 500 Modra Frankinja vines. The Castle Winery offers a wide selection of wines. The Castle Coffeehouse. The Castle Granery and Chocolate Shop. The Castle Park with labelled energy points and immense trees. Wedding ceremonies can also be performed at the castle. The most beautiful and magnificent weddings take place in the Castle Park in warm weather. An animated programme for children provides them with an opportunity to see what life was like at the Sevnica Castle in the 17th century, when it was occupied by the Baron Moscon and his entourage.

During the summer, the traditional Summer at Sevnica Castle Festival takes place, which includes various cultural and entertainment events. For more information on events and programmes, visit us at

South – Posavje Active recreation for tourists and families Sevnica and its surroundings offer a variety of options for those wishing to spend their free time in a more active way. The northern part of the municipality ascends into a sequence of mountain peaks including Veliko Kozje (993 m), Lovrenc (721 m), Lisca (948 m) and Bohor (1022 m). These peaks of the Sava Hills are interwoven with the maintained mountain and hiking trails while dirt tracks and side trails are popular with both mountain bikers and regular cyclists alike. Lisca is extremely popular among mountain cyclists as it is a wellknown hiking spot as well as being an excellent take off point for paragliders and hang-gliders.

The ethnological and culinary wealth of the countryside The catering and accommodation on the tourist farms and in the vineyard cottages near the Upper Dolenjska and Bizeljsko Sremič wine road is second to none. Hills

strewn with vineyards, vineyard cottages and wineries blend the distinctive look of the countryside with a connection to the kind and straightforward locals. Throughout the year every village attends to such gourmet pleasures in their own unique way. You are invited to confirm the quality of our combination of the way we combine natural diversity into a harmony of authentic experiences and adventures. Salami, bread from a wood-fired oven, Cviček and Modra Frankinja... Or perhaps brown trout and a stew of wild game... Potica with cracklings, ajdovi žganci and štruklji of all kinds... The treasures of the countryside may be simple, but that is what makes for a tasty and authentic culinary adventure. Choose a holiday, which includes lodging in the peaceful countryside and the opportunity to visit various tourist and cultural events of the societies, which operate within the municipality of Sevnica. An event schedule can be found at

Interesting group offer including: • Sevnica Castle • the old town square • flosarska malica (rafter’s meal) • natural sights in the area • a late lunch A guide meets the group at a previously agreed upon location and takes them to the castle slope. With the aid of the tourist guide, visitors examine the Sevnica Castle and its captivating details. The rafter’s meals are prepared in an old market pub, followed by a tour of the town as well as the opportunity to purchase items from small retailers. Price: 25 €/ per person, guided tour 77 € per group (The price includes the general tour, entrance fees, guided tours at specific points, a snack and lunch). The accordionists are not included. Additional payment may be required.

Welcome! Source: KŠTM Sevnica

The one and two-day excursions are described and priced in more detail in the Tourist Catalogue (www.dozivljaj. si/izleti.php).

Ljubljana• 106



Source: KŠTM Sevnica

For further information: The Sevnica Institute for Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Activities Glavni trg 19, 8290 SEVNICA T: +386 7 81 61 070, Doživljaj Tourist Agency Trg svobode 10, 8290 SEVNICA T: +386 7 81 65 462, +386 51 680 287, Sevnica Castle Cesta na grad 17, 8290 Sevnica T: +386 7 81 61 075, +386 51 680 289,

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


South – Posavje

Kostanjevica na Krki

An historical landmark on a river island

Kostanjevica na Krki, a town situated on a river island, was first mentioned in written sources in the Judenburg documents in 1252. Throughout its 760 year history, the town has played an important role under the ownership of Count Speinheim. During this period, Kostanjevica even had its own source of money. In 1997, the town centre was pronounced a cultural and historical landmark. Today, it is the heart of a municipality that was founded in 2007. The river island is 15 hectares in size with a population of 194. Important cultural landmarks include: the St. Jacob Parish Church, the St. Nicholas Parish Church, the former ministerial hall and wooden bridges.

Božidar Jakac Art Museum The Božidar Jakac Art Museu, established in 1974, is one of the largest art museums in Slovenia. Its permanent exhibitions present works of Slovene Expressionist painters, while temporary exhibitions cover the work

of the most important contemporary artists from Slovenia and abroad. The Forma Viva sculpture park, as part of the Božidar Jakac Art Museum, presents work by international artists and participants of the biennial symposiums with the same name. In accordance with natural resources, the symposium focuses on sculpting oak wood.

Kostanjevica Cave The Kostanjevica Cave was formed due to the karst area next to the Gorjanci Hills in the Dolenjska region. It was additionally transformed by the movement of tectonic plates, creating forms of extraordinary beauty. Officially opened to the public in 1971, it is, at present, equipped with an

electric lightning system and offers around 300 metres of charted routes. The guided tour, also suitable for children and seniors, lasts 45 minutes. The cave is open from April 15th – October 31st (Sat, Sun) with daily tours in July /August (10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm). The constant temperature of the cave remains 12 degrees Celsius.

Krakovo Forest The 3,000 hectares big Krakovo forest lies in the area north of the Krka river, between the Krka and Sava rivers. Its well-preserved primeval core contains numerous pedunculate oak trees, some as many as 300 years old and up to 40 metres high. At the edge of the forest (Malence) is the Cvelbar oak which has the third largest girth in the country. In addition to being home to interesting flora, this forest is also a nesting area of European significance to some rare species of birds, as well as a spawning ground for certain increasingly threatened amphibians. At the beginning of the 19th century, the forest was surveyed by engineer Josef Ressel (1793–1857), a pioneer in the development of the screw propeller.


92 k m

Kostanjevica na Krki•

TIC Kostanjevica na Krki Galerija Božidar Jakac Grajska cesta 45 8311 Kostanjevica na Krki T: + 386 7 49 88 150 F: + 386 7 49 88 151


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

South – Posavje


Timber rafting cruise

group, while a humorous initiation ceremony rounds off a memorable trip.

The Radeče rafter receive you at the Savus pier and, as a traditional Slavic welcome, offer you salt, bread and a small bottle of homemade blueberry schnapps. During the enjoyable cruise, the captain’s fascinating commentary will take you deep into the adventures and traditions of the Sava rafters. The rafters also make sure that you don’t go hungry or thirsty on the cruise, serving up Rafters’ Goulash and offering you a drop or two of something homemade along the way. The sounds of the accordion accompany a set of dances performed by a local folklore

The Savus trail The Savus trail is based on an innovative interpretation of natural and cultural heritage and shows the great importance of water, flora and fauna to the area. A local guide will unravel the history of the Sava and its significance for the surrounding population. You’ll learn why water is so important to us and our environment, and get a little help identifying some of the main species of trees in the park.

“Where time flies differently” Ljubljana• 77,5 km

Radeče today is a small town of around 2,300 people, situated on the banks of the River Sava. It was once a rafting town and the story of rafting remains alive here to this day. The tales of the locals are matched by excellent food, superb local wine and the fascinating Savus Trail, which runs alongside one of the longest and most beautiful angling trails in Europe.


KTRC Radeče Ulica Milana Majcna 1 1433 Radeče Slovenija (EU) T: + 386 3 56 87 941

Your Daily Source of Information Check Summer Guide 2013 at


Cradle of Slovenia’s most powerful family Three stars in the flag of Slovenia still remind us today of a long forgotten European power; the Counts of Celje who had their cradle in the east of Slovenia. Through heroic actions, clever politics and strategic marriages the dynasty from Celje became a substantial power in the late middle ages. In the 14th century the Lords of Žovnek from the Savinja valley moved to Celje Castle after inheriting the town of Celje. The castle on top of the rock that towers high above the city became the centre from where the dynasty began its march to a central European superpower. In 1341 emperor Louis IV of Bavaria granted the Slovenian family the title of Counts. In the second half of the 14th century the Counts of Celje started to expand their power to Eastern Europe, a region the more powerful Habsburgs didn’t seem to have much interest in. The Habsburg had most of


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Europe, including the west of Slovenia and Ljubljana, under their control. After a series of marriages, the dynasty from Celje owned more than twenty castles in Slovenia and the rest of Central and East Europe and had influence throughout all of Europe. At the end of the 14th century Herman II was the sole master of the Celje dynasty. During a battle against the Turks, Herman rescued Hungarian king Sigismund of Luxemburg from the river Danube. For Herman’s heroic action the house of Celje was rewarded even more property in present day Hungary and Croatia. Herman’s successor, his son Ulrich II, became the most powerful count of Celje. Ulrich fought wars against the Habsburgs which ended with a peace agreement according to which the dynasties would inherit each other’s estates when one would die out.

,,In Prekmurje you have to try some Prekmurska gibanca. This cake with poppy seeds, walnuts, apples and raisins is a local specialty with a protected status from the EU.”

For the Celje dynasty the end would come soon. On the morning of 9 October 1456 Ulrich and his Hungarian rival Ladislaus Hunjadi were in the Castle of Belgrade. In the castle it came to a fight between Ulrich and Ladislaus. It became a long fight that ended when Ladislaus beheaded Ulrich. The last Count of Celje had already outlived his children, thus came the mighty dynasty from Celje to a violent end in Belgrade. The people in the east of Slovenia weren’t unhappy with the death of Ulrich. The Counts of Celje were known as tyrants. At the funeral of Ulrich in Celje people shouted: ‘Counts of Celje today and never again’. All estates and properties of the Counts went to the Habsburgs who since then ruled over the current Slovenia. Slovenia never had people as powerful as the Counts of Celje again.

East - Dežela Celjska



Budapest Vienna Graz




350 km 280 km 110 km



Slovenske Konjice



Celje LJ




Rogaška Slatina

Šentjur pri Celju




Ljubljana Trieste Venice Milan



Zagreb Beograd

Rimske Toplice

71 km 200 km 350 km 620 km

THE LAND OF CELJE IN SLOVENIA Madrid 1556 km London 1235 km Paris 1300 km Brussels 930 km Zürich 740 km Frankfurt 751 km Munich 470 km

Berlin Prague Vienna Graz



115 km 500 km

The Land of Celje Dežela Celjska, or the Land of Celje, is a year-round tourist destination comprising 21 separate municipalities all centred around Slovenia’s third largest city, Celje. Stretching over 75km from east to west and nearly as far from north to south, the region is geographically diverse with valleys surrounded on three sides by mountains and high hills. There is much that ties it together though. Six large modern thermal spas are found here, which already receive more than one million visitors every year, but outside of the healing waters, four-star accommodation and state-of-the-art facilities that these resorts offer there are countless things to see and do.

771 km 590 km 280 km 110 km



Trieste Udine Milan Venice

200 km 250 km 620 km 350 km

Zagreb Budapest

115 km 350 km

RDO Dežela Celjska Krekov trg 3, Celje T: +386 3 428 79 30

This advertisement of destination Dežela Celjska is co-financed under the RDO Dežela Celjska project from the European Regional Development Fund

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


East - Dežela Celjska

Celje region

Attractive mix of culture and wellness The region of Celje is extremely picturesque and diversified. You can enjoy the rich history and culture of the third largest city in Slovenia – Celje and its surrounding cities; Laško, Dobrna, Štore and Vojnik. The experience of a visit to a local farmhouse, sampling tasty delicacies and chatting with the locals will last forever. A visit to the region in the summer is the time to experience good vibes, be it at medieval events, open-air concerts, local festivals or sporting events. Allow yourself to be charmed! RDO Dežela Celjska Krekov trg 3, Celje T: +386 3 428 79 30,

Šmartinsko Lake

Celje Regional Museum

Hotel Celjska Koča

Obostelje & Kozjansko Where the soul feels at home

The local hills of Obsotelje and Kozjansko are still largely undiscovered so take the time to pay a visit. The flavour of the local wine is rich and the homemade bread crumbles in your mouth in a different way. This is the place where the soul feels at home. Obsotelje and Kozjansko are areas close to the Slovenian-Croatian border. The municipalities of Šmarje pri Jelšah, Rogaška Slatina, Rogatec, Podčetrtek, Kozje, Šentjur and Dobje all boast a well preserved natural and cultural heritage and a number of activities for visitors including trips on the Šmarje-Virštanj wine road (VTC 10) which is also very suitable for hiking and biking. Development Agency Sotla Šmarje pri Jelšah T: +386 3 817 18 60, TIC Šentjur T: +386 3 749 25 23 This advertisement of destination Dežela Celjska is co-financed under the RDO Dežela Celjska project from the European Regional Development Fund

Church of St. Rok with Calvary


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Olimje Monastry

East - Dežela Celjska


Where tradition and the future hold hands

Žiče Charterhouse

The Dravinjsko area (Vitanje, Slovenske Konjice and Zreče) is a destination which is full of surprises, offers a number of diverse ways for quality leisure time and holds the special power of putting a spell on its visitors, urging them to return time and time again. A rich tradition of handicrafts resounds at every step while the merging of tradition with contemporary in each of the three municipalities gives Dravinjsko its soul and rhythm. TIC Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 27, Slovenske Konjice T: +386 3 759 31 10

KSEVT Museum


LTO Rogla-Zreče Cesta na Roglo 13b, Zreče T: +386 3 759 04 70

The Lower Savinja valley The valley of green gold

Travellers who journey around the Lower Savinja Valley are always greeted by the densely growing hop plantations which have resulted in the name: “the valley of the green gold”. This noble plant colours the landscape with its unique tone of green making it so very special. Tourism in the area is created by the Žalec, Polzela, Braslovče, Vransko, Tabor and Prebold municipalities, each in their own unique way contributing to the variety of the tourist offer. TIC Žalec Šlandrov trg 25, Žalec T: +386 3 710 04 34 This advertisement of destination Dežela Celjska is co-financed under the RDO Dežela Celjska project from the European Regional Development Fund

Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry

Komenda Castle

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


East - Maribor – Pohorje, Slovenian Styria

Maribor – Lent; Photo: STO – Matej Vranič

Maribor – Pohorje: Slovenian Styria Colour your day!


Pohorje – Lobnica; Photo: Jurij Pivka

hospitable and relaxed nature of the locals or Štajerci. As of 2013 Maribor also boasts the title of European Youth Capital. Maribor is an excellent departure point for exploring Slovenia: Ljubljana is just over an hour away by car and 2 hours away by train and it is 150km to Jože Pučnik Airport in Slovenia, 60 km to Graz Airport in Austria and 130 km to Zagreb Airport in Croatia.

Maribor was put on the world tourist map in 2012 when it became the European Capital of Culture, the site of the World Youth Chess Championship and one of the Top 10 tourist destinations in the world.

Our offer:

Maribor also boasts the world's oldest grapevine, which is over 400 years old! It is easy to imagine then that the town has a rich wine culture as well as excellent traditional and modern cuisine, which inspires lovers of wine and food. This can not only be said for the town, but also for the picturesque winegrowing hills and green slopes of Pohorje, which embraces the town. Maribor is the second largest town in Slovenia with a unique old centre that provides rich events and is filled with attractions and pubs. The fusion of the town

with the green countryside of the Slovenske Gorice, the forests of Pohorje, the Drava River basin inspire many enthusiastic travellers looking for valuable cultural and ethnological village treasuries and wellpreserved nature. Its diversity offers exactly what lovers of active holidays, hikers, cyclists and adrenaline freaks are looking for as well as providing for those looking for a little peace and quiet. Maribor-Pohorje features sunny weather, lush nature, healthy drinking water and a serene way of life as well as the open,

It could be a short walk through the centre of Maribor, a walk from vineyard to vineyard or you could indulge in a tasting of Slovenian Styria’s wine and food amidst the vineyards of the Meranovo Estate, which rises above the town. Those who prefer the countryside need only visit one of the picturesque villages, such as Zgornja Velka, to enjoy nature, cultural attractions and try the local delicacies. For those more active visitors, we recommend a culinary cycling trip to the botanical garden in Pivola, a family ramble through Pohorje, an excursion to Ptuj,

Maribor – Square Grajski trg; Photo: Bogdan Zelnik

Love in wine growing hills; Photo: Karmen Razlag

Maribor – The Oldest Grapevine in The World; Photo: Vesna Male

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

We’ll take you on a trip!

East - Maribor – Pohorje, Slovenian Styria Slovenia’s oldest town, and much more... An excursion programme is available at the Maribor Tourist Information Centre (TIC).

The oldest grapevine in the World Highlight of this destination is certainly Guinness Record’s oldest vine, growing up the façade of the Old Vine House, functioning as a wine museum and wine shop at Maribor’s Lent. Over 400 year old grapevine is celebrated every year at the Old Vine Festival. This rich wine tradition is reflected in Styria’s excellent wines. You can put our claim to the test on a walk along the City Wine Path where three best wine experiences are on offer from 9 EUR.

Maribor : a town of culture and entertainment The lively centre offers everything from topnotch cultural experiences to smaller events taking place in the streets and squares. Exceptional cultural establishments, such as the Regional Museum, Art Gallery, Slovenian National Theatre, Puppet Theatre and Synagogue, inspire even the most doubting visitor. Entertainment can also be found on the town train, carriage rides or trips onto the Drava River in either a boat or a traditional raft.

A green holiday Welcome to a green destination, adorned with the hilly vineyards of the sunny Slovenske Gorice and the green forests of Pohorje criss-crossed with a number of hiking and cycling trails! What do we recommend? The kayak and bike Green Adventure (for adrenaline lovers), the culinary cycling excursion to the botanical garden or a family trip through Pohorje... Boat on the river Drava; Photo: Domen Groegl

Black Lake - Hiking; Photo: Aleš Fevžer


8k 12



SUMMER EVENTS  21-6. – 6-7 > Festival Lent, the International Multicultural Festival, largest Slovene open-air festival and one of the largest in Europe, floating stage and 40 venues 3-8. - 2-9 > Summer puppet Pier, 24th International Puppet Festival best from the puppet world 13 – 22-9 > Old Vine Festival, top gastronomic, cultural and wine festival and the biggest tourist event in autumn 5 – 15-9 > Festival Maribor, Festival of SERIOUSly fantastic MUSIC, with Richard Tognetti one of the most important European Festival 12. 7. - 30. 8. > every friday from 17. to 20.00 hours, Summer on the courtyard in the Old Vine House 13. 7., 10. 8., 14. 9., 12. 10. > from 9. to 19.00 hours, Grajski trg, ArtMar, creative performance and selling exhibition

Adrenaline Park Betnava; Photo: Anka

Numerous entertaining ethnological events in the countryside

For families with children The destination of Maribor-Pohorje, Slovenian Styria offers families the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful holiday. Take in a show at one of the most modern puppet theatres in the world or visit the creatures that inhabit the Aquariumterrarium in the beautiful Town Park. Children are always excited to ride the Jurček Train, which is a fun way to acquaint yourself with the town’s main attractions. Of course, if you prefer something more exciting, try the Betnava Adventure Park or Bolfenk Fairy tale Village. The Old Vine-House; Photo: Matjaž Ledinek

Cycling through wine growing hills; Photo: Aleš Fevžer

Zavod za turizem Maribor – Pohorje (Maribor Pohorje Tourist Board) Website:, TIC Maribor (Maribor Tourist Information Centre) Partizanska 6A T: +386 (0)2 234 66 11 Skype: touristinformationmaribor Hiša Stare trte (The Old Vine House) Vojašniška 8 T: +386 (0)2 25 15 100

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


East - Ptuj


The oldest Slovenian town From the Stone Age to this day, history has written a chronicle in stone in the Ptuj region, where roads meet that linked sunny Italy with the Pannonian lowlands and the Alps with the Balkans. In the place where the Amber Trail crosses the river, a busy, strategically and economically significant settlement grew, which played a perceivable role not only in politics and administration, but also in art and culture.


Ptuj – The Roman Games

The Roman Petoviona, first mentioned in written sources in connection to events of the year 69, became one of the largest and most important towns in the Roman provinces. The town became one of the most important trade centres in central Europe. The tradition of annual medieval fairs is revived every year at the St. George’s Day Fair, Oswald’s Fair and Katarina’s Fair. The entire centre of Ptuj is preserved as a historical monument. The rich collections and interesting exhibits of the Ptuj-Ormoz Regional Museum are displayed at Ptuj Castle, the old town jails, the Arts Salon and the Mihelič Gallery while a Roman kiln and the Mishra Shrine III are preserved on site. The treasures are maintained by the churches and monasteries and by one of the most beautiful libraries in Europe. The theatre, with its appearance and attractive programme, completes the picture of the old town centre.

Another type of treasure is kept in a number of wine cellars, continuing the tradition of winemaking as wine shops have always been very important in Ptuj. The Ptuj Cellar, the oldest working wine cellar in the country, stores Slovenia‘s oldest wines, produced in 1917. The image of the town, which has been described, praised, and commended by numerous authors, was also shaped by the Drava River, which has protected the town for a millennium and linking it to lands both near and far. Of course, Ptuj is not an island. There is a strong connection between the town and its surroundings. This can be seen in the rich ethnological heritage and traditions. Kurentovanje in Ptuj is one of the most important traditional events in Slovenia and in central Europe. Ptuj hosts every year in August the National Music Festival, which, for more than 40 years, has invited lovers of

local tunes to town. The list of performances in the town and its surroundings is varied and rich. A lively, artistic, international environment in summer is created by the International Festival of Modern Art, Art Stays, while the Arsana Festival offers a variety of musical delights. Lovers of literature and wine gather in the second half of August, when the town comes to life during the Days of Poetry and Wine. In June, visitors can also enjoy the traditional Castle Games, improved by the Castle Wine Holiday, and the Roman games in August, which has become a popular event. Also popular are The Ballooning Festival, a variety of sports and entertainment events at the Ranca Marina on Lake Ptuj as well as performances by the Ptuj Students’ Club and other organizers. In summer, Ptuj changes into an experience for people of every taste and age.

Hotel Primus and Ptuj with Castle in background

Days of Poetry and Wine; Photo: Igor Benčevič

Medieval games

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

East - Ptuj The autumn months are marked by the harvest of sprouts from the oldest grapevine at the Ptuj Castle as well as those of the town vineyards and Mestni Vrh, Krčevina and Grajenščak. The harvest is completed around St. Martin’s Day and is already tied to next year’s carnival with the selection of a Carnival Prince. The people of Ptuj live in above standard cultural circumstances. Their lives revolve around the spirit and heritage of the past. Everything they happily and hospitably share with visitors is to help them feel, discover and enjoy the wealth of beauty and delicacies of the ancient town by the Drava River. In the past, Ptuj was known for its restaurants and hotels just as it is today. New and centuries-old structures offer both

a number of delicacies and the total comfort expected by the modern guest. The benefits of water, massages, warm air, sunlight, aromatic oils and salts were discovered centuries before us. Today, Ptuj happily spoils its guests in ‘old’ and new ways in the spas and salons. A colourful experience is guaranteed at Lake Ptuj, where you can choose from a number of adrenaline sports and explore the Ptuj and its ‘seaside’ from a tourist boat. A peaceful, yet active experience awaits you at the golf course, which has received many awards for orderliness and hospitality and also offers magnificent views of Ptuj and its castle. Whether you’re looking for an active or relaxing experience, it is guaranteed in the ‘treasury of well-being’!

Terme Ptuj Ptuj Wine Cellar

•Ptuj km 138



Ptuj Golfcourse

Oberkrainer Music Festival; Photo: Črtomir Goznik

June 15, 2013 > POLI MARATHON –Bike marathon June 23, 2013 > THE 5TH TRADITIONAL PTUJ PARTNER TOWN RUN 2013 June 21 – 23, 2013 > THE 11TH PTUJ CASTLE GAMES July 24 – August 2, 2013 > ARSANA SUMMER FESTIVAL – INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL July 24 – September 1, 2013 > THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART FESTIVAL: ART STAYS August 3, 2013 > Lake Ptuj (Ranca Marina) August 22 – 25, 2013 > THE ROMAN GAMES August 20 – 25, 2013 > DAYS OF POETRY AND WINE August 30, 2013 > OBERKRAINER MUSIC FESTIVAL

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


summer energic! festivaly hot!

activ positively! Booking:;;

Photograps: archive RDO, archives of partners RDO, Ciril Ambrož, Matija Brodnjak, Vid Ponikvar, Črtomir Goznik, Rado Škrjanec, Gregor Brodnjak, Foto Tone, Foto Žalar, Aljoša Videtič – project Mura–Drava bike, fototeka Pokrajinskega muzeja Ptuj - Ormož, Foto Langerholc, Aleš Fevžer – project Biking & Hiking, Domen Grögl – archive Vinocool, Tomo Jeseničnik, Zmago Kokol, Vanja Bučar, Boris Voglar

East – Pomurje

Photo: Pomurska turistična zveza


A different Slovenia In the northeast of Slovenia you enter a different world. There is flatland here, surrounded by green rounded hills. Welcome to the dreamy Pomurje, a land of storks, vineyards, healing waters and energy points, wind-rattles, floating mills, original traditions and dialects. Pomurje is part of the Pannonian plain. Slovenians call the countryside flat which is hard to imagine if you are from, let’s say, the Netherlands or Belgium or any other country that doesn’t have high mountains. Pomurje has endless rows of, Tuscany like, green rounded hills that are covered in vineyards, but it lacks real mountains that are always present in the rest of Slovenia. In Pomurje you can see the horizon, instead of another mountain in the distance.

A touch of the country life Between the Pomurje hills are wide fields where farmers grow crops. The region is Slovenia’s food barn. It’s the largest agricultural region of the country. For a touch of the Pomurje country life and a taste of the local dishes, you can stay at one of the dozens of farmers who started a tourist farm.

More to offer Pomurje is probably most known for its thermal health resorts; Terme Radenci, Photo: Center za zdravje in razvoj Murska Sobota / Aleš Fevžar


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Terme Lendava, Terme Banovci, Terme 3000, Terme Vivat and Bioterme Mala Nedelja. There is much more to offer though. The region is excellent for a bike ride. The roads are quiet and the variety of flat and hilly countryside offers routes for any type of cyclist. Other activities are horseback riding, hiking, golf, hot air balloon flights and on the Gajševsko lake it’s even possible to surf. And don’t forget the Mura, the river along which Pomurje is situated. Here you will find floating mills and wooden ferries with which you can cross from the west side (Prlekija) to the east (Prekmurje).

The 365 rooms of Castle Grad Pomurje is home to Slovenia’s largest castle, Grad in Goričko. The triangular castle is from at least the 11th century. It has as many Photo: Pomurska turistična zveza

Photo: Bojan Kar

rooms as there are days in a year (365). Legend has it that the Knights Templar built the castle as a temporary residence. Later Hungarian lords owned the castle. In the castle should live a dragon with a golden crown and the ground under the castle releases energy.

The other Jerus(z)alem Was it the view on the green rolling hills that stretched till the horizon or was it all the wine made from the vineyards? In the 11th century something must have sparked crusaders to name a settlement in Pomurje Jeruzalem. As the story goes, the crusaders where going to the real Jerusalem in present day Israel. But when they arrived on a picturesque hill in Pomurje, they never left again. They named the settlement Jeruzalem and the hills that surrounded it were named after apostles.

Prekmurska gibanica is a speciality among desserts and is one of the national culinary delicacies of the Slovenes. This festive and ceremonial dish was named after the word g端ba (wrinkle) and originated from the region around the river Mura in ancient times. Originally, the ingredients of the pie were different from the ones that are being used today. Through the centuries new enriched layers were added and the prekmurska gibanica slowly became the dessert we now know. The base is made of short pastry and different stuffing is layered upon it in this order walnut, cottage, cheese, poppy seed and apple stuffing. A thin layer of strudel dough is placed on top of each of the four layers of stuffing, which are then layered in the exact same order a second time. On top there is a last layer of strudel dough, covered with sour cream and yolk gravy or coated with a fatty spread.

Please find locations which serve prekmurska gibanica under the following link:


European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas.


East – Pomurje

Photo: Akleksander Krpič

A collage of sensory experiences from

Slovenia’s Prekmurje Region An outstanding selection of indulgences in Moravske Toplice and its surroundings

In summer when one’s senses are awakening, venture to north-eastern Slovenia in the heart of idyllic Prekmurje; Moravske Toplice. Here, a source of healing thermal mineral water bubbles from the earth to be utilized by Terme 3000 and Terme Vivat. This location also serves as a departure point for recreation and other exploits. Let curiosity be your guide. You can expect more than storks within the vicinity of Moravske Toplice as numerous opportunities to enjoy precious moments arise, embellished with Prekmurja’s patina. It is under the Moravske Toplice trademark that we introduce the tourist attractions of Moravske Toplice and the surrounding area. 94

The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

East – Pomurje A harmony for the eyes and a symphony for the ears Recreation in Moravske Toplice and the Surrounding Area The vast fertile fields and pastures, fertile orchards, photogenic flat and partly hilly landscape is an ideal departure point for various forms of recreation such as cycling, hiking and Nordic walking. Unwind to the clattering of storks, the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets! 11 thematic hiking trails, 10 cycling trails, 2 cycling marathons, more than 10 hiking trails and the new “trim” footpath await you at Moravske Toplice!

The temptation of Pannonian tastes and scents Culinary treasures The carefully protected recipes of Prekmurje’s “vertinj” and “sakačic” and locally sourced ingredients add succulence to Prekmurje’s cuisine. A treasure trove of Pannonian flavours, which is combined with the contemporary and harmoniously flavourful food and wine of Prekmurje, is offered by tourist farms, wineries and guesthouses within the vicinity of Moravske Toplice. To this day, a large number of traditional Prekmurje meals are still served in traditional clay pots. You can also expect to see certain local novelties such as the chocolate shop (The Passero Chocolate Shop) as well as the various food items on offer by local manufacturers and farmers (pumpkin oil, pumpkin seeds, grape marmalade and honey).

of Goričko’s famed cheese and experience the area’s untouched splendour. Other products possessing the “art craft” certificate can be found at the tourist market in Moravske Toplice.

Moravske Toplice• k 201



Architectural treasures Visit the Romanesque rotunda in Selo, Plečnik’s masterpiece in Bogojina (white dove) or the Church of St. Martin in Martjanci. For those who seek spiritual relaxation, we recommend the Spiritual Centre in Kančevci. The open air museum is also worth visiting (Magda’s House in Filovci and Časar’s Mill in Berkovci).

Reasons to visit Besides the numerous performances, which will be carried out during Moravske Toplice’s 50 th anniversary of tourism, a rich summer concert programme is expected to take place in Terme 3000 (28. 6. – Boris Novković, 10. 7. - Modrijani, 20. 7. – Siddharta, 24. 8. – Tabu). Moravske Toplice lays the foundations for amazing flavours and indulgence that promise to awaken the senses. Don’t let them oversleep! For more information concerning the entire tourist offer, lodgings and events, do not hesitate to contact the Moravske Toplice Tourist Information Center (TIC Moravske Toplice), which is located in the centre of town. The office is open every day of the year.

EVENTS  The Prekmurska Gibanica and Prekmurska Ham Festival in Terme 3000 > 14. 6. And 15. 6. 2013, M. Toplice The Ajda Cycling Marathon > 16. 6. 2013, M. Toplice Statehood Day Hike > 25. 6. 2013, Filovci Festival of Wine and Food > 22. 6. 2013, Filovci Summer Tourist Market > July and August, (Thurs - Sun), M. Toplice BBQ-athon > 17. 8. 2013, M. Toplice Ivanocy Hike > 31. 8. 2013, Ivanovci Marič Pub Culinary Hike > 7. 9. 2013, Sebeborci Greengrocer’s Day > 7. 9. 2013, Ivanci Lax Grinding Event > 8. 9. 2013, Bogojina The Moravske Toplice Cycling Marathon > 8. 9. 2013, M. Toplice Cultural Heritage Hike > 14. 9. 2013, Bogojina Corn Shucking Event > 20. 9. – 21. 9. 2013, Selo, near the Romanesque rotund The Tourist Potato Market > During the socalled ‘potato holidays’ (28. 10. – 1. 11.), M. Toplice Martin’s Hike > 9. 11. 2013, M. Toplice – Ivanovci

The sights – a touch of the natural and perpetual Talent – artistic masters of traditional and local crafts Try your hand at making pottery (Lončarska vas Filovci), decorate your own licitar heart with a visit to a honey vender’s workshop (Medičarstvo Celec Ratkovci) or have a taste Photo: Archive Terme 3000 and archive TIC Moravske Toplice

TIC MORAVSKE TOPLICE Kranjčeva 3 9226 Moravske Toplice T: + 386 (0)2 538 15 20 The Selo Tourist Information Centre (TIC Selo) is in the immediate neighborhood of the Romanesque rotund. We offer guided tours of the rotund. For information: TIC Moravske Toplice

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times


East – Pomurje

Murska Sobota•

k 178



EVENTS June Sobota Race > a traditional race through the streets of Murska Sobota. 8 th June. Museum Summer Night > no entry fees for the visits of the regional Museum and the Gallery. From 9pm on the 15th June. Festival Soboški dnevi > a greeting to the summer with a rich musical and cultural program for all ages and musical preferences. From the 21st to 24th June. Water Games 2013 > traditional competition based on water sports between all local communities of the municipality of Murska Sobota. 22nd June. June-August Sobota Summer > enjoy a treat for your ears and eyes every Friday evening at the Culture Square in Murska Sobota. Experience diversity of musical genres and performing artists from all corners of the world. Children entertainment program every Saturday morning. August Fish picnic at Sobota lake > a traditional musical entertainment event with a rich array of fish dishes. Festival Front@ modern dance > international festival of modern dance, from the 27th to 31st August.

TIC Murska Sobota, Zvezna ulica 10 9000 Murska Sobota T: +386 2 534 11 30


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

Murska Sobota

Summer times in Murska Sobota The beauty of the mighty centuries-old oaks in the park, the old historical buildings in the centre of Murska Sobota don’t change the fact that you are about to visit a young spirited and vibrant town on the margin of the Pannonian Plain. The proximity of neighbouring countries with their different cultures and the millennium old unbreakable bond to the river Mura infused the people with a uniqueness that is visible in every aspect of our lives. Despite the fast modern life, our people still know when to stop and enjoy the small pleasures of daily life. This is shown in the various events that we host, our unique local cuisine and the genuine hospitality and friendliness of our people. The attractions The small Pannonian town is marked by two religions and their churches, the RomanCatholic Church and the Protestant Church, rising in front of the Victory monument, a symbol of the victory against fascism. From there you can take a stroll through the beautiful park and admire the renaissance castle amongst the centuries-old oaks that give witness to our history and heritage. The castle is now the residence of the regional museum, which received a high ranked European Museum-of-the-year award for his permanent exhibition. The castle square is a place of culture. The space between the old walls of the castle, underneath the star filled sky produces a magical atmosphere that

makes every cultural event a highlight. The river Mura is the essence that binds and connects the people and all living things in Pomurje. Its banks are teeming with life but are also of soothing tranquillity. They provide the ideal place to just let go of your daily troubles and relax or actively engage in sports like fishing, kayaking, canoeing and rafting. Tracking and cycling have dedicated marked cross-country routs. Moreover, one can indulge in panoramic hot air balloon flights, skydiving and horseback riding. You are invited to discover more of the beauty Murska Sobota can offer.

Unique local cuisine The region, with Murska Sobota as its centre, is well known by the distinctive tradition-rooted cuisine. Several excellent restaurants in the surroundings of the town really stand out with high quality food and regional specialties. Amongst the traditional dishes, the most famous ones are Prekmurje dried pork ham, a meat stew called bograč, and the layered pastry called prekmurska gibanica. Based upon this rich culinary tradition, a trade-mark of high quality food Smells of Prekmurje has been established. There are nearly 200 restaurants and catering businesses in the municipality thus the gastronomic and culinary offer is diverse and of high quality.

East – Pomurje The institution of Marianum Veržej, which is a centre for handcraft as well as tourist information point, awaits you.

Veržej• km 174

Penzion Mavrica (private hotel) Enjoy a HOME away from home while on holiday! A selection of tidy rooms available for families, individuals and groups. We also offer an interesting animated programme in Pomurje, thermal springs, gastronomic specialties, top-notch wines as well as a number of handicrafts workshops.


Center Duo

The Institution of Marianum Veržej – Your home away from home…on holiday Veržej is a home where you aren’t forced to choose between the traditional and the modern world. In the embrace of our unspoiled nature, the majestic colours of the seasons can almost be felt in the air.


SUMMER EVENTS Spend your holidays with our craftsmen > Camp for animators, June 30 th – July 4th, 2013 Camp for families > July 5th – 12 th, 2013 Camp for children > July 14th – 18th, 2013

(local and artistic crafts): • A rich selection of hand-made items. • Traditional products of the Pomurje region. • Handicrafts workshops. • Camping. Zavod Marianum Veržej – Center DUO Puščenjakova ulica 1| 9241 Veržej T: +386 51 370 377

The DUO Promotional Information Centre, will gladly let you in on the best kept secrets of this beautiful region!

On Holiday in Hotel DIANA in Murska Sobota •

• •

Attractive and affordable packages to choose from (2, 5, and 7 day Well-Being Holiday Packages, a Romantic Holiday Package, 'A Glimpse of Prekmurje' Holiday Package, a Cycling Holiday Package and the list goes on...) ASK ABOUT OUR SUMMER HOLIDAY SPECIAL PACKAGE OFFERS... Culinary traditions and modern flavours, relaxation in the Wellness Centre... Prekmurje, a region of mysteries and self-indulgence (countless possibilities for enticing trips and unforgettable experiences)

| The Slovenia Times guide 2013 97 Site:; Reservations and information at: Tel: 00386 (0)2 5141Summer 200; E-mail:

East – Pomurje


Turnišče• km 188

Discover why Turnišče isn’t a town but a varas The municipality of Turnišče historically possessed the market rights and characteristics of a town. The municipality is located in the heart of the Eastern region Prekmurje between Lendava and Murska Sobota. The terrain is typically Pannonian and the development of trade, particularly shoemaking, enabled the inhabitants to trade and to be recognizable within the wider area. We warmly welcome you to Turnišče, where we offer an insight into our culture, our natural resources, our culinary arts and our traditions of one of the oldest urban areas in Pomurje.

Our treasures: • The Pilgrim Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Shoemaker Museum, the Homestead of Štefan Kovač, Ancova Gallery and the Poultry Farming Museum all testify to the history and significance of the municipality to the wider region. • The rare Siberian Iris and Snake’s Head Fritillary decorate the fields of the typical Pannonian region. • Nature walks, fishing and the use of our rich sports infrastructure allow for active leisure time.

Your Daily Source of Information Check Summer Guide 2013 at


EVENTS Koušta Tourism 17. 8. > singing competition, sports, seniors’ meeting, musical programme, presentation of folk traditions Summer camp for children 19. 8. – 24. 8. It’s a Corny Life! 5. 10. > corn shucking, cultural programme, food and items made from corn, musical programme. Ferenc’s Fair 6. 10. > fairground offer of local products

Zavod za negospodarske dejavnosti KOUŠTA Štefana Kovača 73 9224 Turnišče T: +386 (0)2 573 50 40

East – Pomurje

A monument of national importance

In its long history Negova Castle, at the border of Slovenia and Austria, withstood invasions of Turks and Hungarians. Today the castle is an architectural, tourist and commercial venue suitable for business meetings, educational activities, various events, celebrations and weddings.

The old castle originates from the 2nd half of the 14th century. Inside you can find an 80-meter deep well which is supposedly dug by two prisoners sentenced to death who won their freedom that way. Legend has it that there’s also a “Turkish head” in the castle; the head of the first Turk who climbed

over the castle wall during the Turkish invasion and was bricked up alive. The Negova Castle area has been declared a cultural monument of national importance. On the outside is a beautiful herb garden. In the castle courtyard, the visitors may enjoy homemade delicacies and beverages. Castle Negova is part of the Apollonia Trail, which can be visited by bike, car or tourist train. It leads to wine cellars, the Remembrance Park, the Pannonian house, the learning trail along the Mura River, and the Friendship Bridge leading to Austria. The visitors are accompanied by Apollonia, the herbalist and intercessor for health and love. The castle is open from 1 April to 31 October, from Thursday to Sunday.

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in promocijo Gornja Radgona Partizanska cesta 11 SI-9250 Gornja Radgona T: +386(0)2 564 89 07 F: +386(0)2 564 89 08

go Ne






Radenci • •Negova



In Radenci three hearts await you Along river Mura and between the vineyards and thermal springs of Pomurje lies the small town of Radenci; since the discovery of a mineral spring in 1833 a popular health resort. Radenci’s mineral water Radenska is one of the biggest Slovenian brands. When visiting Slovenia, you can’t avoid noticing the bottle labels with Radenci’s trademark; three hearts.

53 va 1

ci den

EVENTS 21-26 June > Municipal holiday. Cooking Styrian sour soup and hiking on the Atilla Trail 3 -6 July > Rekreakcija and Radenska Night, Radenci.

In Radenci these famous three hearts are waiting to pamper you. The first heart of Radenci is given to those who enjoy finding out about the natural and cultural heritage, are enthusiastic about sightseeing and celebrate the traditions with us. The second heart is to satisfy even the most demanding sportspeople and enthusiasts who swear by exercising in unspoiled nature alone or with a group. The third heart has been enabling families and individuals to maintain and restore their health for more than 130 years. Radenci’s four natural healing resources satisfy even the most demanding guests.

15 August > Holiday of Traminer and raising the wind rattle (klopotec), Kapelski Vrh. 25 August > Bicycle marathon ‘Tri srca’ (Three hearts), Radenci

Zavod za turizem in šport Radenci Radenci Info: Turisticna pisarna Radenci T: +386 2 565 18 89

Summer guide 2013 | The Slovenia Times



Green. Active. Healthy. The inspiration for a more active lifestyle can be found in this land of woods and water. Familiarize yourself with the scenery of winners!





Slovenia’s Olympic marathon hopeful is a multiple champion on the streets of Ljubljana.

The 2011 canoe slalom world champion loves to train on the Soča river.

Organise equestrian competitions on the world famous Slovenian Karst.

The European swimming silver medallist takes time out at Slovenia’s health resorts.








The best female skier on the world is at home on Slovenian’s ski slopes.

Our 2008 Olympic sailing silver medallist trains in the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of Slovenia.

Slovenia’s world-record holding ultracyclist trains in the beautiful Logarska valley.

The first Slovenian gold medal winner at Sydney 2000 rows on Lake Bled.

The first Slovenian to make the European tour has a choice of world-class courses at home.

Our Olympic cross-country skiing medallist loves Pohorje.

hoose your experience at



Good day > Dober dan Good evening > Dober večer Hello > Zdravo Thank you > Hvala Please > Prosim Goodbye > Nasvidenje Yes > Ja No > Ne Sorry > Oprostite What’s your name? > Kako ti je ime? My name is > Jaz sem… Where is…? > Kje je ... ? How much is…? > Koliko stane ...? Where are you from? > Od kod ste? Do you speak English? > Govorite angleško? I (don’t) understand > (Ne) razumem Is there someone here who speaks English? > Je tukaj kdo, ki govori angleško? Wow, that’s beautiful! > Vau, to je lepo! I adore this country > Obožujem to deželo! Would you like to dance with me? > Bi radi plesali z mano? (inf) Smem prositi za ples? (frm) I love you > Ljubim te

Zero > nič One > ena Two > dva Tree > tri Four > štiri Five > pet Six > šest Seven > sedem Eight > osem Nine > devet Ten > deset Monday > Ponedeljek Tueday > Torek Wednesday > Sreda Thursday > Četrtek Friday > Petek Saturday > Sobota Sunday > Nedelja

Eating A table for one person/two people, please. > Mizo za enega/dva, prosim. Can I look at the menu, please? > Ali lahko vidim jedilnik, prosim? Is there a local specialty? > Ali obstaja lokalno posebnost? I’m a vegetarian > Sem vegetarijanec. ,,Slovenia’s own soft-drink Cockta is not a I don’t eat pork. > Ne jem svinjine. fake cola. It’s an original drink developed in I only eat kosher food. > Jem samo košer hrano. the 1950s to compete with soft-drinks Water > voda from abroad, like cola.’’ Beer > pivo red/white wine > rdeče/belo vino May I have some _____? > Ali lahko dobim_____? Salt > sol black pepper > črni poper Excuse me, waiter?[m]/waitress?[f] > Oprostite, natakar?[m]/natakarica?[f] I’m finished. > Jaz sem končal. It was delicious. > Bilo je odlično. The check, please. > Račun, prosim.

Lodging Do you have any rooms available? > Ali imate prosto sobo? How much is a room for one person/two people? > Kakšna je cena enoposteljne/dvoposteljne sobe? Bedsheets > rjuhe Bathroom > kopalnica Toilet > stranišče May I see the room first? > Si lahko ogledam sobo? Do you have a quieter room? > Imate kakšno mirnejšo sobo? OK, I’ll take it. > Prav, vzel jo bom. Can you suggest another hotel? > Mi lahko priporočite drug hotel? Is breakfast included? > Ali je zajtrk vključen? What time is breakfast? > Ob kateri uri je zajtrk? Please clean my room. > Prosim, počistite mojo sobo. Can you wake me at 7? > Me lahko zbudite ob sedmih? I want to check out. > Rad bi se odjavil.


The Slovenia Times | Summer guide 2013

At the heArt of your experience Ljubljana, 27. 6. – 10. 9. 2013 27. 6.

Musical and visual performance with Ars Electronica

28. 6.

2Cellos and Slovenian Philharmonic

1. 7.

Romeo and Juliet, ballet Slovene National Theatre Maribor and Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra

4. 7. 9. 7.

Béjart Ballet Verdi: Requiem Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Slovenian Chamber Choir, Opera Choir of the SNT Maribor

11. 7.

Verdi gala: Concert of Opera Arias with Soloists of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala

18. 7.

Flamenco Evening: María Pagés

25. 7.

Mikhail I. Glinka Choir and Vladislav Chernushenko

30. 7.

Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg and Valery Gergiev

19. – 22. 8. Grease, production Bronowski Musical from West End, London

28. – 29. 8. Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig and Riccardo Chailly Mahler and Beethoven: Symphony No. 9

2. – 3. 9.

Richard Wagner: The Rhine Gold and The Valkyr from the Tetralogy The Ring of the Nibelung

Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg and Valery Gergiev

9.- 10. 9.

The Karamazovs

St. Petersburg’s Boris Eifman State Ballet Theatre

Ticket sales and information, Križanke Box Office, Info Point of the Ljubljana Festival (Mestni trg 17), Eventim sales points, Petrol service stations, Pošta Slovenije post offices. SponSorS of the feStival:

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official airline:

jubljana Festival Partners:

The LjubLjana FesTivaL was Founded by:

The honorary sponsor of hte Ljubljana Festival 2013 i s the Mayor of the Municipality of Ljubljana Zoran Janković.

Experience Best Slovenian Restaurants With Restaurant Club See Slovenia through the eyes of a gourmet! Restaurant Club guide introduces you to the 350 best Slovenian and Croatian restaurants with scores ranging from 4.00 to 5.00, with added gold forks as a sign of special excellence. You can demonstrate the status of a true gourmet with our Restaurant Club Premium Card which will bring you recognition at the restaurant and save you money at the same time. This summer, enjoy your fine dining in seven of Slovenia's hidden culinary gems:

JB (Ljubljana) One of the best restaurants in Slovenia, JB offers an experience that never disappoints. Chef Janez Bratovž is famos for its delicious Slovenian cuisine, inspired by French and Mediterranean ingredients. It is based on four flavors – bitter, sweet, sour and salty – representing the four elements. Don't forget to taste the indigenous wines; they will satisfy even the most demanding sommelier.

Maru (Ljubljana) Do you want something original, something special? Športno Društvo Ilirija houses Restaurant Maru which hosts two first-class Japanese chefs. From dumplings with bull testicles to spectacular sushi for dessert, there is nothing else quite like it in Slovenia. A new 'chef's greeting' is also available every day; it varies according to fish market supply.

Hiša Franko (Kobarid) Ana from Hiša Franko is one of the best Slovenian chefs with her creative, imaginative cuisine. Despite her global recognition, she remains in touch with its native Istria and Slovenian countryside. Never straying from her principle that a good chef allways follows tradition and the time of the year, Hiša Franko's menu changes every season. While Ana makes sure that the ingredients she uses are produced locally, her husband Valter, with his outstanding selection of wines, adds the finishing touch to the picture.

Pri Mari (Piran) The ideal restaurant for anyone who wants to experience Slovenia's scenic coast is Pri Mari. Offering an escape from the overcrowded touristy restaurants, it caters to all of your gourmet needs. Pri Mari serves maritime and traditional Venetian dishes marked by fresh fish and seafood, homemade pasta and first-class meat.

Pikol (Nova Gorica) For an authentic experience of Slovenian countryside, take a ride to Nova Gorica, where you will find Pikol Restaurant in a cosy log cabin beside the picturesque lake. The idyllic nature is, however, not Pikol's main selling point – this family-run restaurant is known by its excellent mediterranean dishes and one of the best Slovenian sommeliers.

Krištof (Kranj) In line with the best gourmet restaurants, Krištof's menu changes with the season. Its dishes represent a curious fusion of traditional Slovenian cuisine from all over the country, and are the only restaurant in Slovenia that has been awarded a bio-menu certificate.

Tabor (Podbrezje) For all fans of excellent fish cuisine, restaurant Tabor is just a stone's throw from the Carniola region's motorway. Contrary to all expectations – Carniola cuisine is usually associated with traditional Slovenian food – it offers delicious Dalmatian dishes, with a menu that's ritch in sea fish. Surprising and excellent.

Best restaurants in Slovenia and Croatia Introducing the top-rated restaurants selected by leading foreign and domestic evaluators. The study included 1,600 facilities, the guide presents the best 350.


Hiša Franko

(Gault Mileau, Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe, Magnar Ben, NeDelo 2010, Mladina 2011, 2010, Trip Advisor 4.75)

Croatia Boškinac

(Dobri restorani 2012, Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe, Vodič kroz hrvatske gastro ikone, 100 vodećih hrvatskih restorana '04 – '10, Trip Advisor 4.5)


(Dobri restorani 2012, Vodič kroz hrvatske gastro ikone, Vodič kroz hrvatske restorane, Mangar Ben, Gault Millau)


(Dobri restorani 2012, Vodič kroz hrvatske gastro ikone, Vodič kroz hrvatske restorane)

Nautika Pri Mari

(NeDelo 2008, 2011, Trip Advisor 4.5)

(Dobri restorani 2012, 100 vodećih hrvatskih restorana '02, '05, '07-'10, Vodič kroz hrvatske gastro ikone, Trip Advisor 4.25)


(Dobri restorani 2012, 100 vodećih hrvatskih restorana, Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe, Vodič kroz hrvatske restorane, Mangar Ben, Gault Millau 2012, Trip Advisor 4)

San Rocco

(Dobri restorani 2012, Gustoza Đita 2010, Gault Millau 2012, Trip Advisor 4)


(Dobri restorani 2012, 100 vodećih hrvatskih restorana '04 – '10, Vodič kroz hrvatske gastro ikone, Mangar Ben, Gault Millau 2012, Trip Advisor 4)

Kanova (/)

***For one-time use only. On arrival at the restaurant give the card to your waiter and enjoy the discount.

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