What is… The Father of Light?
Was it a chemical match …Igniting a candle? Or a Super Nova …Spewing its guts out?
by Alan Grant (7/20/2015) If they are one and the same How do we assign Causality? The ultimate culprit… May be Gravity… As permitting Light to exist
“Without gravity There is no Light Without Light There is no Time And without Time …There are no US”
The clue is obvious From a Black Hole Wherein gravity is so strong …As to swallow any Light that emanates!
_____________________ So simple a declaration What was its enabler?
And - If Gravity is less extreme …Light is (either) bent Or simply becomes permissible!
A far better explanation than Genesis: “Let There be Light”
And as Light goes forth… It expends Time
E=MC2 told us about light speed But – Did Einstein truly ask …“What makes light happen?”
And as Time passes …We are – So gauged Ever Curious!