Mirror�Mirror on�the�wall who�has�the sexiest�thighs of�them�all� -�Sydnee�Glenn
I don’t know you; I don’t know your name, your weight, who your mother is.... but I know that if you are reading this you probably hate some part of your body. Whether that be your thighs, your face, your fat, that weird freckle, the way your stomach ‘flops’ over your pants, whatever it is.. is bullshit.
YoUr bOdY DoEs nOt dEfInE YoUr bEaUtY Let me give you the definition of beauty that I live by;
(n.) - A person who is reading this. Are you Fat, Skinny, Healthy, Chubby, Fugly... Who cares what society and you have labeled yourself. Whoever you are at this moment, tomorrow, in 10 years is beautiful. The more you let society shape your ideals of what beauty is, the farther in your mind those expectations will be. Expectations that not even the models on the covers of magazines live up too. Don’t let them tell you how you should look, because you are just giving them the power to control you.
The biggest factor in people believing if they are beautiful or not is if someone else thinks they are. If someone who you are attracted to, tells you... “Hey you’re cute.” Your now thinking “Damn they think I’m cute.” Instead, our first thought, should be “Tell me something I don’t know.” Society tells us that if we think that we are attractive then we are cocky, but really it’s just
CoNfIdEnCe Something most of us do not have, which is a little toooo common, if you ask me. I believe in body love, self-love, whatever you want to call it. Whatever it is that makes you ugly or not attractive in YOUR eyes, is what makes you beautiful. You just have to believe it yourself, and you will be set free. Self-Love or Body Love isn’t going to be easy to accomplish, but you will feel so much better about yourself. Your mental health will rise exponentially and you will start to actually feel beautiful without comparing yourself to models or other people in you classes.
Dear�Shamers, This maybe just another thing you read about your body, but I just want to say my final words to you. Honestly, I hate about 50% or more of my body. The scars, my stomach, my chest... & I know what you are thinking... Well if you hate your body.. how can you tell me to love mine. I’m telling you, because I’m also telling myself. Every little bit of advice I give, whether it be these zines, my blog, my facebook... It’s all for everyone. Myself included. You are just as beautiful as the person sitting next you, the person in those photos on Tumblr, that girl who has the perfect boyfriend... Whoever you compare yourself to. Stop. Because you are just as beautiful as them. There is no competition. Don’t let people tell you that you aren’t pretty enough or that you don’t look good in certain clothes. Wear whatever you want, look whatever way you want, be WHOEVER you want because you are perfect the way you are.
Mirror�Mirror�Challenge I came up with a little challenge for you to do now, tomorrow, everyday... I will be doing it with you. Look in the mirror after a well deserved shower, and just look at everything you hate. Every piece. - Every Scar. - Every Birthmark. - Your Chest. - Your Hair. - Every Curve. - Those Love Handles. - Every Stretchmark. & then look into your eyes and say:
YoU ArE BeAuTiFuL. Because you are. You always have been. Every piece of your body doesn’t define if you are beautiful, and neither does anyone else’s thoughts of you. The only person who can determine if you are beautiful is YOU.
Love�The�Body�You're�In A piece of my story would be that I have suffered with self-shaming and self-harming just like some of you. I have tore my body apart many times, and still to this day look at it and hate it. Here recently with being in college and finding people who are similar to me, I have been getting better. Having people around you that support you and makes you want to be a better you is the best thing you could do for yourself. I’m not saying it’s a 100% cure, but it will make a difference. If you can’t look to your friends or family for help, look to strangers. I know that I have a whole follower base on social medias that I could look too, and they could look to me for anything. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, talk to people, tell people your side of a story. & don’t be afraid to do your own thing, love your own body, and just try new things.