The Smirk Magazine # NEW DIRECTIONS # issue 1

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A SMIRK refers to a smile evoking insolence, scorn, or offensive smugness.

The Smirk Mag is a bi-monthly independent digital magazine that focuses on the work of different types of artists. We love being able to use our free time to make this so you can all enjoy it and look it up anytime you need to. This project began in Autum 2010 with the intention of letting you know about new prodigies in every field related to art. Like architecture, photography, design, illustration, writing, music, media...

多Who are we? Well, we are Patricia and Bea, two young artists from Barcelona, friends since primary school, who have shared infinite moments since our childhood creating artistic ideas just for the fun of it, and now, we want to share everything and everyone we find inspiring and interesting with you, in a simple, cheap and efficient way. We are incredibly happy to have started this project and to be able to share it with all of you!




This issue is based on the ways of art, its evolution and which could be one of the possible directions of it and consequently, its final.


The New D


by Patricia Pasquín

“The product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect”. This is what you will find about art on Wikipedia. So basically, art can be anything created by a person, that makes you feel something. Joy, pleasure, disgust, wonder, repulsion, anger, sadness, it doesn’t matter, as long as you feel it. It is because of this I believe, that we are always trying new things and reinventing what we think is art. In this issue we have decided to interview different young artist that have either decided to start finding out what art is for them or that are trying new forms of creating and translating their feelings. It seems to be hard to create new things nowadays; when thanks to

technology there are so many ways to see what other people do and be influenced by it. In this century, art tends to be a bit of a compilation of masterpieces that we have enjoyed in the past, the type of knowledge that we like to delight in. We have a new tool that has opened so many doors towards both creating and sharing. It is the blend of a visual mind, an enthusiasm for art and an extraordinary understanding of computer graphic design programs that actually turns into a fine work of art. Of course there are other takes on what art is, like Keith Haring once said, “The best reason to paint is that there is no reason to paint... I'd like to pretend that I've never seen anything, never read anything, never heard

Directions anything...and then make something... Every time I make something I think about the people who are going to see it and every time I see something, I think about the person who made it... Nothing is important... so everything is important." Just as there is no “right” or “wrong” in creating art, there is no specific explanation of art that can be offered which precisely sums up art in its whole. You could ask ten people what art is and get ten distinct, just as valid answers. I truly think that everyone is born with an artist inside. I’m sure you all remember being a child and wanting to draw, finger paint and all that. The brilliant thing was, we weren’t concerned about what other people thought of the result, we were just enjoying the process! Art is anything and everything that anybody deems

artistic . . . though, having said that, not two people will consent on what is artistically attractive to everyone else. Art is entirely personal. Fortunately, like air, there is plenty of art to please everyone—we can all get what we are looking for. All we need to do is be relaxed, open and take it all in.

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Likes We show 9 artists that we like and also, we give you their website links to go through and see their work completely. Christian Olya Khlebalina Laura Kientzler Salvatore Vitale Lauren Treece Sheila Bel Emma Pick Pau Bonet Marla Tumour



Granada, Spain

I’m 22

Cari Martin


Name Is supposed the word that defines you, that is why I have chosen Caótica Utópica. But if you are referring to the one my parents gaves me, it’s Cari. Surname Martín Lara City I feel divided between Córdoba and Granada. My home is in Córdoba with my family but my life is in Granada. Country Spain How old are you? I’m 22 What is your work about? I am studying Social Works in Granada, Spain. Why did you start doing this in the first place? The beginning was 3 years ago. Photography is a way to express what i have inside. I need to express my feelings, my sensations, my thoughts… I think that photography is the manifestation of art. Which tools do you use? Firstly… a lot of boring moments, a very basic camera and a very special gift… my Panasonic Lumix. Sometimes I use my Polaroid and my grandma’s Lowel Viking in order to express melancholy with the analogic. I also use a broken tripod, some strange clothes and a huge amount of natural light. And of course the productive power of imagination. Who are your influences? I never studied photography or techniques. Everything I know is because one day I started to shoot. Everybody can do it; nowadays art is so subjective that every vision of it is valid. It also helped me that I had a great relationship with people who love this art. So I found a comfortable place behind the camera.

Generally, I use a soft light, vintage clothes and the erotism that is behind everyday moments. What inspires you? As I said before, I love everyday moments. I love to turn something normal into a magical moment, because everybody likes to feel that life is special. I love the female body. A woman is sensuality. But also a man. I fell a brainstorm every time I take my camera. I think, I observe, I feel… To me writing and photography go together. Reading a book and cinema are sources of inspiration. Do you have any new projects for this year? Well, I am not a professional, simply an amateur in love with the art of capturing moments. That is the reason why I am so glad with opportunities like yours. For me it is the best way to begin the new year. I have worked for my friends and also I have collaborated in some virtual magazines. A photography of mine was used as cover of a book “La vida en beso” and also some other pictures were used for the promotion of the last mentioned book. If you had the opportunity of going anywhere to look for new inspirations and make a new project without any costs, where would it be? I would travel all around the world in order to find new light, sunsets and each magical moment behind the most simple things. Her work here and... here:


What is your work about? My point of view about the things that I find around me, things I see, everyday life... Why did you start doing this in the first place? I bought a small camera that I would always take with me, so I started taking pictures of things that called my attention. Until now. Which tools do you use? Pentax Optio W60 Who are your influences? Everyone, even those I don’t agree with What inspires you? Everything, even what I don’t like. Do you have any new projects for this year? To Keep taking my camera with me everywhere If you had the opportunity of going anywhere to look for new inspirations and make a new project without any costs, where would it be?

THE CORNER BAR. I’m 32 years old I am from Barcelona SPAIN

“escaping normality�

Ghostpatrol Melbourne, Australia

I’m 29 yeras old.

What is your work about? Mixed business Which tools do you use? Gouache, ink, brushes, spraycans, gocco Who are your influences? Brian cox, carl sagan, What inspires you? My friends, the cosmos and animals Do you have any new projects for this year? I’m in Tokyo having a break; I’m working on projects for next year. If you had the opportunity of going anywhere to look for new inspirations and make a new project without any costs, where would it be? Enceladus. (Moon orbiting Saturn)

George Downing I’m 17 years old and I’m From Melbourne, Australia

What is your work about? My work at the moment is about exploring what I am capable of as a photographer. I have been doing photography for a year and I have been working on improving my technique, my perception of a ‘good’ shot as to not waste time taking shots on a digital camera ‘because I can’, and improving my retouching skills. I am planning to explore deeper concepts and issues in my photographs in the next year and after I finish school.

Why did you start doing this in the first place? I started photography because I was interested in lomography after seeing pictures on the internet (mainly blogs). Lomography is the art of pointing and shooting. I bought a Holga 120 format camera on the internet and began to take photos of friends on that. I found out after this that my dad still had an old Minolta SLR that uses regular 35mm film, which is a lot cheaper than the 120 format film. So I began photography with film, doing shoots over a couple of rolls each time. I had the luck of meeting the photographer Nirrimi Hakanson, and after viewing her work and seeing what she was capable of at only 17 I was really inspired, so I saved up for a digital SLR, and I began to learn how to use photoshop. This is how I got into photography, and at the moment I use both digital and film.

Which tools do you use? I use a Canon 450D with an Olympus 50mm f/1.8 lense. My film cameras are a Konica Autoreflex T and a Minolta Dynax 500si. I generally use fuji 200 or 400 colour film.

Who are your influences? My major influences are Nirrimi Hakanson, Natasha Frank, Mariah Jelena, Ann He, Sally Mann and Tim Walker

What inspires you? Everything… music, movies, books, games, words, drinks, food, clothes, people…

Do you have any new projects for this year? I am planning to do a series of images or photo-series based around the theme of influences and where they come from, and whether they are bad or good. This will be for my art final as I am beginning my final year of school.

If you had the opportunity of going anywhere to look for new inspirations and make a new project without any costs, where would it be? London. Website or links:

OH NOM ARIA > Maria Roig-Gironella Barcelona, Spain

How old are you? 21. What is your work about? Nice memories. Why did you start doing this in the first place? I guess it all started some Christmas ago. I got a fisher price camera as a gift and using it just felt like the logical thing to do. I liked it. Which tools do you use? Canon and Lomo, mainly. Who are your influences? Jonsi. What inspires you? Warm light, The Shins and t h i s v i d e o : h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v=GWaRhuWJgGs Do you have any new projects for this year? I intend on learning how to use graphic tablets properly and tame my squirrel. If you had the opportunity of going anywhere to look for new inspirations and make a new project without any costs, where would it be? Brazil please : -)


Alex Schultz


Frames of the video

Alex Schulz

Pforzheim, Germany. 24 years old. Tell us about your short film "I am a forest". "I am a forest" was made this summer. It’s a short film dealing with the subject "upside down" in a pretty free way. The story should be as simple as possible to give it a minimalistic look and happening and also had a great importance in atmospere by composing a fitting, silent sound and a moody, layering light to the created world. It was really huge fun making the movie! I really loved the time cutting out every piece of the forest and bringing its protagonists to life. link to video

What is your work about? I am currently studying in Pforzheim, Germany, so my free works are often mixed with projects made at the university, but also with jobs I get in freelancing activities for about 2 years. My creative fields are mostly printed works, but also motion graphics. Why did you start doing this in the first place? In the first place my docents asked my fellow students an me to create some short films dealing with the already mentioned subject. Who are your influences? I’m inspired by many works of current film makers like Gondry, Boyle and Burton, but also by visionary, creative musicians like Sufjan Stevens. Certainly there are tons of artists and graphic designers (e.g. Sam Winston) that influence me a lot. What inspires you? I’m definetely inspired by nature and the little things in all huge worlds.

Do you have any new projects for this year? At this time I’m working at some kind of a spacy headline font and actually some christmas cards. Even I think it could be to late for that.. What do you usually carry in your bag? Hm. Water!

If you had the oportunity of going anywhere to look for new inspirations and make a new project without any costs, where would it be? Really hard to say. I guess this would be places with epic landscapes, like New Zealand or Iceland. I would really love to go there..



PHOTOGRAPHER Berlin, Germany Name Christian

PHOTOGRAPHER Moscow, Russia Name Olya Khlebalina 7849173@N02/

ILLUSTRATOR France Name Laura Kientzler index.html

PHOTOGRAPHER Lugano, Switzerland Name Salvatore Vitale

PHOTO & ILLUSTRATION Minneapolis, Minesota Name Lauren Treece



ILLUSTRATOR Barcelona, Spain Name Pau Bonet

ILLUSTRATOR Name Marla Tumour




PICASSO GUITARS AT MOMA February 13 to June 6, 2011

3rd Ward is looking for an in-house Junior Graphic Sometimes between October and December 1912, Designer/ Marketing Assistant to join a fast-paced Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) made a guitar. Cobbled and highly creative team. You’ll work on design together from cardboard, paper, string, and wire, projects with focus on usability, style, and materials he cut, folded, threaded, and glued, innovative solutions, as well as develop and Picasso’s purely visual instrument resembled no implement marketing initiatives. You’ll get sculpture ever seen before. In 1914 the artist exposed to all parts of the business, including reiterated his fragile papery construction in more m e m b e r s h i p , e d u c a t i o n , e v e n t s , b u s i n e s s fixed and durable sheet metal form. Bringing development, and more, and will be expected to together some seventy closely connected collages, b r i n g y o u r d e s i g n p e r s p e c t i v e a n d constructions, drawings, mixed-media paintings, recommendations to all realms. This position is full and photographs assembled from over thirty public time, Monday to Friday.

and private collections worldwide, this exhibition offers fresh insight into Picasso’s crossdisciplinary process in the years immediately preceding World War I.

PAINT WHILE YOU EAT Design by Diana Paisis


Now you can lunch at the Louvre, even if you’re not You can vote now to determine the nominees in the in Paris! Mealtime Masterpiece placemats come Shockwaves NME Awards 2011. with a set of marker pens to transform your place setting from blank canvas to prized collectible. There are 48 sheets in each pad, enough to start your own gallery.


BLACK SWAN Director: Darren Aronofsky

It’s Christmas time and some genius people make Amazing thriller of Darren Aronofsky. A ballet those videos to wish a merry Christmas. Here is the dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect short video of the story of nativity. The video tell for the role of the delicate White Swan, but slowly us how social media, web and mobile tell the story loses her mind as she becomes more and more like of the nativity. Christmas story told through the evil twin sister of the White Swan, the Black Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Swan. Google Maps, Gmail, Foursquare, Amazon... Times change, the feeling remains the same.

Stars: Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel

SALTY SNOWMAN Fred & Firends

BIRDS ON A WIRE Design by Jorine Oosterhoff

Perhaps you have never heard of Salty the If desktop clutter is ruffling your feathers, why not Snowman, the jolly, happy soul who was made of perch your favorite photos up above the fray! Birds

salt and helped your table come alive with flavor. on a Wire is a flock of eight blackbird clips strung No matter. Here he is, ready to add a dash of on a 32 inch ”clothesline” — it’s a fun and easy way wintery whimsy to your dinner table. His silicone to display your pics, tickets, memos, and carrot nose doubles as the plug and he’s hand- keepsakes. Full-color giftbox packaging. blown from clear borosilicate glass, which is both elegant and strong. This cool fellow is individually gift-boxed.


Bed Blend is tidy way to keep furniture in place when Mieke Meijer merges chairs into a bed to create night tables. The effect is that of seeing a bed grow out of a bench with very clean lines.

THE SMIRK MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED BY: Pati and Bea // DIRECTORS: Beatriz Botaya and Patricia Pasquín // PRODUCER: Beatriz Botaya Figueras // WRITER: Patricia Pasquín Marieges // DESIGNER: Bea Botaya // ILLUSTRATOR: Beatriz Botaya // IDEAS: Patricia and Beatriz // ARTISTS SELECTION: Pati and B e a / / C OV E R DRAWING: Ghostpatrol

THE SMIRK MAG Barcelona, January 2011 Spain

a e m o c e b o t t e g r fo ’t Don e h t g in ll fi y b R E K R I M S f o d n e e h t t a d e t a c lo form our blog.


Pati & Bea

If you want to appear in our next issue, do not hesitate to send your work to, we will be glad to talk about you and your ideas.

next issue

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