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Brigette McConville has served on the Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and also as a tribal anthropologist, a Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish commissioner, and the Fish and Wildlife Committee of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Besides dealing with the business and management of fish, by invitation she teaches history and art in the Columbia River school district. Mrs. McConville teaches a plateau history because she is able to communicate the importance of community education and awareness of her Tribe’s 1855 Treaty and land management activities in their ceded lands, usual and accustomed lands and aboriginal territories.
“Our poor planet. She’s sick. People take her for granted, and one of these days she’s just going to say I’ve had it.” that braids together Tribal Dancing and Yoga for a well rounded workout with an Indigenous approach to wellness. Acosia leads classes with a 7 Generation Approach, meaning that everything that we do should be done with a sustainable mindset to protect what is most sacred to us.
Mrs. McConville previously served on the board of directors of the Oregon Historical Society and is currently a member of the Oregon State Cultural Resource Task Force, both positions appointed by the Governor. She is also the business owner of Salmon King Fisheries.
“We are connected to all living things. They have become part of our DNA through centuries of coexistence. We are poisoning our lifeblood and destroying the animals that connect us to our creation stories. These actions will echo through generations if we don’t come together to create solutions.”
Acosia is an advocate for health and wellness and encourages all people on earth to recognize the Indigenous knowledge within them so that they can continue to build bridges and protect earth’s resources for the future generations and beyond .