A Month-Long Culinary and Vinous Celebration
Join us for an array of events during the month of February that showcase the diversity of foods, ingredients and wines from Central Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com
Every once in a while, the team here at the Source Weekly cooks up an oddball idea aimed at 1. Staving off your winter boredom and 2. Staving off OUR winter boredom. This time around, that oddball idea centers around some of the nerdiest activities in our repertoire –from sword fighting to strategy games to the mega-mega crossword event of the year. If none of that is your thing, flip through the rest of the issue to find an ode to the glorious tater tot, a look ahead at upcoming hot concerts, an update on the latest from the Bend City Council and so much more. As always, thanks for reading!
On the Cover: The 1595 Club is part of an international gathering of geeks and headquartered in Brighton, UK. The name is a reference to the year in which Vincentio Saviolo published his treatise on swordplay. Featured on cover is fencing student Andrew McCollum of Terrebonne. Photography and design by Jennifer Galler.
Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: production@bendsource.com.
Thanks to @forknbend for tagging us in this mouthwatering photo of fresh pork spare ribs, seasoned with dry rub and made with love (shot by @theuniquebite). Peeking from behind, spot the Source Weekly calendar. Using old issues for firestarter is a great way to repurpose the paper after reading! We love to see it.
Don’t forget to share your photos with us and tag @ sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as our Lightmeter. Winners receive a free print from @ highdesertframeworks.
Nicole Vulcan - editor@bendsource.com
Jack Harvel- reporter@bendsource.com
Allie Noland - calendar@bendsource.com
Richard Sitts
Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Burt Gershater, Brian Yaeger, Josh Jardine, Alan Sculley
Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker
Jennifer Galler - production@bendsource.com
Nathan Elston - design@bendsource.com
Ashley Sarvis, Ban Tat, Trinity Bradle advertise@bendsource.com
Sean Switzer
Angela Switzer - angela@bendsource.com
Aaron Switzer - aaron@bendsource.com
WILD CARD Paul Butler
Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770
Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays
Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays
Calendar Deadline: 5pm, Fridays
Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.
VOLUME 27 ISSUE 05 / FEBRUARY 2, 2023 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY 3 The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2023 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2023 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.
Courtesy @theuniquebite
4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 10 - Feature 12 - Source Picks 13 - Sound 14 - Calendar 19 - Chow 22 - Screen 25 - Outside 26 - Smoke Signals 27 - Puzzles 28 - Astrology 29 - Column 31 - Real Estate
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Oregonians Lack Basic Information About Water Issues. A Recent Secretary
of State Report is a Start in Changing That.
Plenty of people think of Oregon as a rainy, green oasis – but those of us who live in the 2/3 of the state that doesn’t look like that know differently. Here in Central Oregon, water is scarce enough to mean some farmers don’t get the water they need at crop-growing time. Others begin hobby farms to keep the irrigation water rights they do have, holding onto those rights for the proverbial rainy day. Business and environmental interests battle over the number of cubic feet per second that are adequate for fish and aquatic life in rivers, including the Deschutes. Cities including Bend take steps to curb residential water usage – even, ironically, while they have limited knowledge of how much private entities are using within city bounds.
But even as the impacts of a historically significant drought continue to affect people’s way of life, it turns out we still have lots to learn. A new advisory report from the Oregon Secretary of State aims to change that. The title of the report is descriptive: “State Leadership Must Take Action to Protect Water Security for all Oregonians.” In it, state auditors contend that communities across the state are dealing with water insecurity – a term coined to describe the inability to “reliably and routinely access adequate, safe, and clean water to meet their needs,” as described in a press release from Secretary of State Shemia Fagan.
The report details how factors including climate change, drought, overallocation of surface and groundwater and the presence of contaminants degrading water quality are endangering public health.
“Water is life. And the findings in this advisory report are shocking,” Fagan stated in the press release. “Not only are many families in Oregon dealing with water insecurity today, many more are at high-risk of becoming water insecure in the very near future. What’s shocking about this report is it shows that we don’t have a plan to address the problem. What interventions have happened have been scattershot and seemingly aimed at addressing urgent needs rather than planning comprehensively.”
The report detailed a number of areas of concern, including:
• The state lacks broad, diverse, and appropriately representative community engagement in water decisions
• Oregon does not have an actionable statewide water plan, or a regional framework that could tie a statewide plan to regional planning and implementation
• Key water agencies and state leadership lack shared water security priorities, making coordination more difficult when agencies have distinct areas of focus
• Water data is disaggregated and not set up to support regional planning needs
• The state lacks a water funding strategy that ties planning to investments, sustained funding for meeting community planning and implementation needs, and state agencies lack funding and capacity to fully carry out their duties
• External pressures, such as litigation from stakeholders, can sometimes prevent agencies from using their regulatory discretion to public benefit
• Federally recognized Tribes are unable to ensure water security in their homelands due in part to certain ongoing agricultural and industrial practices
As the second-to-last bullet point identifies, efforts to regulate or even monitor water use can be met with litigation that costs governments – and even businesses like ours – money. In our newsroom, a basic request for water usage data from Avion Water resulted in the paper being the target of a lawsuit. Water is life, indeed – and in the drying climate, that truism results in a closing of ranks.
The report’s recommendations are important and should be pursued. In addition, cities like ours should be empowered and funded to better monitor and manage their waters. Among the recent goals set forth by the Bend City Council, councilors included the goal to, “Incentivize conservation to reduce water use for the community.” To this point, companies like Avion, which are contracted by the city to administer residential water, should not be able to withhold information about usage.
The recent report from the Secretary of State’s office is an enlightening read and one that seeks to address the issues facing one of humanity’s most basic needs. It should not be ignored.
Dear Tom,
You knocked it out of the park with the volume 27 issue 04 January 26 Republican reflection. Thank you so much.
Hang on for the shit-show of the decade. It's gonna be a thriller... vomit vomit...
We have never seen political vindictiveness of the likes that's coming.
Racer Dave
—David Roland
It's not Boston Cream, it's Bavarian Cream. I'm an owner at Delish & our donuts aren't "scantily frosted." A lot of hard work goes into making the donuts & we know every customer has different tastes. Our Bavarian Cream rounds are a customer favorite & very sought after. With everything we do here the only things we don't make in house is the Bavarian Cream & the Jelly flavors. I know a couple other shops outsource their Bavarian Cream since they use the same food supplier as us. We all try our very best to give the community a sweet treat & a place to go.
—Julie Morris via bendsource.com
The City Council will decide Wednesday, February 1 whether to hear an appeal against the proposed build of a gas station on Brosterhous and Murphy in SE Bend. Yes, the build will be in SE
SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com. Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
Bend but this is a CITY-WIDE ISSUE. Responsible development is a city-wide concern: Neighbors want walkability, bikeability and connectivity — how do we get this outcome if the City Council doesn't incorporate our input and take action on our behalf?
Not only does the construction of a gas station and vehicle-intensive businesses create negative health impacts to surrounding neighborhoods but they also effectively prevent the development of a project on that site which would complement and serve the local community. Councilor Anthony Broadman recently stated: “We have to think of generations to come with every land use decision we make.” (The Bulletin, November 3, 2022). We agree.
We are not NIMBYs. We want commercial businesses that serve the local community, like a bookstore, restaurant, fresh produce market, a satellite for our local library, food trucks. Businesses we can walk and bike to; that allow us to gather as neighbors. We want to be able to utilize all the great sidewalks and bike lanes the city has invested in. What we don't want is another gas station and other vehicle-intensive businesses that do nothing for the neighborhoods the current lot is supposed to serve.
The proposed build is also wholeheartedly unwelcome to the majority of residents of neighborhoods adjacent to the lot. Over 2,000 residents have signed an online petition stating they are against the gas station.
City Council needs to listen to its Bend residents — residents' voices must carry more weight in land use decisions.
Please hear our appeal.
—Sue Smith
The screaming headline for imposition of a national sales tax: "Corporate Income Tax Eliminated." Subheadlines would be: "Direct Funding for Social Security and Medicare Eliminated." "IRS abolished."
From the Tax Foundation (https:// taxfoundation.org/fair-tax-nationa…).
"A national sales tax would abolish the IRS and outsource the administration of the national sales tax to the governments of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. States would retain 0.25 percent of the revenue they collect to help offset administrative costs. Similarly, businesses would receive a taxpayer administrative credit of 0.25 percent of the amounts collected as compensation.
For example, if the national sales tax was levied at a high enough (44%) rate to generate enough revenue to maintain current levels in 2023 ($4.6 trillion), states and businesses would retain about $11.5 billion for administrative costs. The IRS budget in FY 2022 was $11.9 billion, implying no cost savings."
Sales tax is the ultimate regressive tax: A 30% consumption rate (or whatever ghastly amount they have in mind) eats far more deeply into the family income of a low or middle income wage earner.
Lori Chavez-Deremer boasted about her family's union ties — the one
redeeming feature about her campaign, and, at least, a sign of hope. It will be interesting to see how the union values which she claims to champion square with her demonstrations of loyalty to the unbridled corporate state. Let's keep an eye on Lori if she champions a tax system that defunds social spending in an era with resurgent childhood poverty and galloping wage inequality. Let's watch — and hope the campaign of her Democratic challenger in 2024 contends with these economic issues.
Thanks for the thought-provoking editorial.
Letter of the Week:
Foster for the Letter of the Week! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
—Nicole Vulcan
@sourceweekly Keep in the know of what's going on in Central Oregon, follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
O Letters
—Foster Fell via bendsource.com
Goals! Goals! Goals
Following survey of Bendites, City Council prioritizes goals around housing, transportation and more
By Jack Harvel
The Bend City Council considered priorities for the next two years over two days of roundtable meetings Jan. 23-24. The City sets priorities every two years once new city councilors are sworn in. The goals are informed by a community survey the City conducted in December, garnering 400 responses through phone calls and statistically significant with a margin of error of ± 4.9% as well as an online opt-in survey of over 1,200 self-selected respondents.
Most people rated their overall quality of life in Bend as either excellent or good, though that
City Council Goals:
Affordable Housing and sustainable development: Meeting housing needs of the community
The City is prioritizing goals for the development of affordable housing and emergency shelter, prioritizing investment for all types of housing in the Bend Central District and conveying the number of parcels that are available for affordable housing.
Affordable housing and sustainable development: Plan for anticipated growth
City councilors want to create a work plan that optimizes land use under state-regulated Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities guidelines, to complete a housing needs analysis and revisit the City’s Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Affordable housing and Sustainable Development: Economic Development
The top priority for development is to find a specialist to conduct a master plan at Juniper Ridge, a 500-acre industrial and business park, to find potential housing options and industrial sites.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Councilors wanted to discuss the transportation system’s vision, funding and priorities to improve safety as their top priority. Councilors also expressed interest in evaluating a Transportation Utility Fee as an alternative funding source and supporting transit.
Public Safety
The number-one issue among city councilors was to fully staff the City’s public safety employees to enforce DUI violations, enforce traffic rules and engage the community. Councilors also were interested in alternative partnerships for 911 calls and evaluating automated traffic enforcement technology.
Accessible and effective government: Community engagement, advisory bodies and neighborhoods, council capacity, city facilities
Coiuncilors’ top priority in accessible government is to create a community liaison program to engage with the community, developing engagement pilots to see what works and assigning goals to advisory bodies so they’re better aligned with City Council goals.
Accessible and Effective Government: Equity and Process Efficiency
The top priority here is to improve permitting processes so they’re less time consuming, establishing an equity framework and changing how it contracts with third parties to incentivize higher wages and give opportunities for BIPOC and women-owned businesses.
metric declined over the past several years. About 70% responded they had an excellent or good quality of life in Bend in 2022, down 18 points from 2020. This is consistent with statewide trends that increasingly show increasing dissatisfaction among residents — only 24% of Oregonians said the state is heading in the right direction.
Homelessness and housing affordability were the leading issues, according to Bendites, with 36% saying homelessness was their top priority, and 25% saying housing affordability. Transportation issues,
the leading concern of Bendites in 2020, was the third-highest priority for people in the most recent survey. Inflation, overdevelopment and overpopulation followed.
Using this information as a guide, Bend City Councilors ranked policies they’d want to pursue to respond to each issue. The City Council will fine-tune these priorities in work sessions over the next month. The top goals are highlighted below and can be found at bendsource.com.
About 70% responded they had an excellent or good quality of life in Bend in 2022, down 18 points from 2020. This is consistent with statewide trends that increasingly show increasing dissatisfaction among residents — only 24% of Oregonians said the state is heading in the right direction.
A survey of people in the City of
homelessness and
the top issues on
Bend found
affordable housing were
residents’ minds.
Photos courtesy of Jack Harvel and City of Bend
School Nurse? Nope; School Clinic
Deschutes County is adding its sixth school-based medical center, allowing students to access routine medical care without a trip to the doctor
By Jack Harvel
Mosaic Medical, a nonprofit community health organization, is developing a new school-based health center at Mountain View High School. The medical provider already established clinics at Bend High School, Redmond High School and M.A. Lynch Elementary. That’s in addition to La Pine Community Health Center’s health center at Gilchrist School and St. Charles Health Systems’ one adjacent to Sisters High School.
All the projects collaborate with Deschutes County Health Service to provide health care assessments, physical examinations, mental health services, vaccines and basic medical treatments.
In Deschutes County the facilities are open to anyone 20 years old or younger living in the school district’s region. Student-led groups advise the medical centers on student health needs. A 2021 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found school-based health centers “support the health and mental health needs and the academic achievements of children and adolescents, particularly students with health disparities or poor access to health care.”
The Oregon Health Authority established school-based health centers to improve access to primary care and mental health services while reducing the barriers of high health care costs and
the lack of insurance. OHA’s website says a healthy student population correlates with improved educational outcomes. OHA established the program in 1986 with just five clinics, a number that’s up to 78 now. Only local public health authorities were allowed to set up schoolbased health centers until 2019, when the state started allowing direct contracting for medical providers.
Mosaic Medical said it’ll offer its full range of services to students even if they don’t have the ability to pay. Nearly 30% of Mountain View students are eligible for the free and reduced lunch program and the Oregon Health Plan. The clinic will emphasize prevention, early
Concerted Effort to DisPlay the Arts
intervention, risk reduction and healthy habits to its patients. Mosaic Medical reported that 90% of students seeking services got a same-day appointment in 2022, and estimated that three-quarters of those students wouldn’t receive same-day care without a school-based health center.
Mosaic is more than halfway to its fundraising goal of $200,000 after the Bend Foundation, Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation and First Interstate BancSystem donated over $40,000 collectively. The health center is anticipating that the center will open in spring.
A study commissioned by an arts and culture nonprofit recommends two new stages in Bend
By Jack Harvel
Arecent study recommended that the Central Oregon Center for the Arts, a nonprofit with a mission to champion an inclusive, vibrant center for the arts, could build and support a facility with a 1,200-1,500-seat theater, green rooms, a small “black box” stage, rehearsal space and storage for instruments in Central Oregon.
It’s the third effort to build an arts center in the last 30 years. One in the early 2000s was spearheaded by the Bend Performing Arts Center, which also produced a feasibility study like the one COCA commissioned. At that time, the recommendation was similar, with the addition of a midsized theater. That group evenutally refocused its efforts to renovate the Tower Theatre, which would meet the needs of a midsized theater, but before it could return to the project the 2008 financial crash stopped the plan in its tracks.
“It became very clear that the pursuit of both projects at the same time, specifically for raising funds, was not going to happen. We couldn't do both, because we'd all be going for the same dollars. And so, there was some general agreement at that time that the Tower Theatre renovation project would take priority, and we all supported that effort. Then in the future, we would circle back and pursue something bigger,” said Michael Gesme, the conductor of the Central Oregon Symphony, who was both a member on COCA’s Board and involved in the early 2000s effort to build an arts center.
Gesme said the current effort is trying to pick up where the previous attempt
left off. The Arts Consulting Group, a national consulting group specializing in hiring and management in the arts and culture industry, conducted the study. It consisted of stakeholder interviews, three public townhalls and a self-selected online survey that garnered about 300 responses.
“They looked at all the demographics of where we are now and where we're going to be in the future. They also looked at the bench mark institutions and what they play to, their crowds and their audiences. They really did a huge study on what would be best here in this area in Central Oregon,” said Laura Thompson, president of COCA’s board of directors.
The study weighed the wishes of stakeholders and online survey participants with the market capacity of what a theater of that size could support. Several Bend venues can fulfill the needs of a midsized production, but it’s slimmer pickings for both smaller productions and those in the 1,500-attendee range. The largest venue in Bend, the Hayden Homes Amphitheater, can accommodate 8,000 people, but has limited function outside the warmer months of the year.
“What we've learned through the study is that we have lots of stuff in the middle, but we don't have very much on the smaller side, and we definitely don't have anything other than Bend High on the larger size,” Gesme said.
The Central Oregon Symphony performs out of Bend Senior High School’s
auditorium, which has about 1,400 seats. Despite meeting capacity needs, coordinating an event at Bend High can be challenging. The school has priority over the use of the theater, and its scheduling per school year bars the long-term planning needed to attract high profile artists.
“The people that I work with, that I'm trying to bring in as guests, they would like to be scheduling things at least a year, if not a year and a half to two years, in advance. And that is just impossible,” Gesme said.
The study recommended the larger stage charge $42 per ticket, hosting 30 professional performances and 24 performances rented by people in the community. The black box stage is cheaper and busier, with 24 professional performances, 50 community performances and a ticket price of $22. If the theaters meet capacity goals — 60% for the larger venue and 65% for the smaller one — they’d earn $1.3 million a year. That’s short of the $2.3 million annual budget, which would have to be filled with other fundraising contributions.
“This will still be a nonprofit organization, a 501(c)(3), so we will do fundraising and go out for grants, because we want a lot of programs tied to the Center for the Arts: educational programs and opportunities for education. That's all going to need funding. And also, that gives us greater opportunities for fundraising when we have those type of programs,” Thompson said. “We will have to continue to do membership
opportunities, sponsorship opportunities, annual fundraising drives, and of course, grants and foundations. That's how we will support that $2.5 million.”
COCA hasn’t figured out where its facility would be placed, but the study recommended a partnership with OSU-Cascades. Thompson said a partnership with OSU-Cascades could invite opportunities with OSU-Corvallis’ arts and culture department and provide opportunities for students to get involved in management and technical roles, but nothing is settled yet.
In 2020 COCA announced plans for a $100 million performance space, but it’s less sure of that figure now that a feasibility study has been conducted. Thompson estimated that costs may be closer to $80 million, but it’s hard to say without a site.
“Once we get the placement, once we get that stake in the ground, then we can build from there. And we'll have more numbers on how it gets spec'd out. There are so many factors that we're still pretty early on right now. We haven't engaged with a construction company or architects,” Thompson said.
COCA’s priorities in the short term are to build the infrastructure of the organization itself. It’s attempting to raise enough money to hire staff that can develop plans for fundraising, strategy, business and communications. Once the infrastructure is in place, COCA will conduct a capital campaign to raise funds to build the center. Thompson said if they’re successful there could be shows playing as soon as 2028.
Ctruo se y C e n tral
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / FEBRUARY 2, 2023 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 8 WarrenG TylerF a r r oregonwinterfest.com Get tickets at: Feb 17-19 Deschutes County Expo Center Experience the Northwest’s Biggest Winter Festival! with Sugar Hill Gang
La Ciudad establece objetivos para los próximos dos años
Por / By Jack Harvel Traducido por /Translated by Jéssica Sánchez-Millar
El Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Bend planteó las prioridades para los próximos dos años durante los dos días de reuniones de mesa redonda del 23 al 24 de enero. La Ciudad establece prioridades cada dos años, al mismo tiempo que los nuevos concejales juran sus cargos. Los objetivos se basan en una encuesta comunitaria realizada por la Ciudad en el mes de diciembre, una encuesta que reunió 400 respuestas por medio de llamadas telefónicas y estadísticamente importantes con un margen de error del ±4.9% ,así como una encuesta en línea de más de 1,200 encuestados seleccionados por sí mismos.
La mayoría de las personas calificaron su calidad de vida en general tanto excelente, como buena, aunque esa métrica bajó en los últimos años. Alrededor del 70% respondió que tenía una excelente o buena calidad de vida en Bend en 2022, 18 puntos menos que en el 2020. Esto es consistente con las tendencias estatales que progresivamente muestran un aumento de insatisfacción entre los habitantes; solo el 24% de los habitantes de Oregon dijeron que el estado va en la dirección correcta.
Según los habitantes de Bend la
falta de vivienda y la vivienda asequible fueron los dos problemas principales, el 36% dijo que la falta de vivienda era su prioridad principal y el 25% dijo que era la vivienda asequible. El problema de transporte, el problema principal para los habitantes de Bend en 2020, fue la tercer prioridad más alta para las personas en la encuesta más reciente.. Detrás de esto esta la inflación, el excesivo desarrollo y la sobrepoblación.
Al utilizar está información como guía, los Concejales de la Ciudad de Bend posicionaron las políticas que querrían aplicar para responder a cada problema. El Consejo Municipal ajustará estas prioridades durante las sesiones de trabajo del mes próximo.
Los objetivos del Consejo Municipal se centran en los siguientes asuntos:
Vivienda asequible y desarrollo sostenible: cumplir con las necesidades
de vivienda de la comunidad/plan para un crecimiento anticipado
-Transporte e Infraestructura
-Seguridad Pública
-Gobierno accesible y eficaz: compromiso con la comunidad, entidades de asesoramiento y vecindarios, capacidad del concejo, servicios de la ciudad/equidad y eficiencia del proceso
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High Desert Duelists
The jocks of the nerds, this group clashes steel once a week in a reconstruction of Middle Ages combat
By Jack Harvel
The earliest known blades are 500,000 years old, predating written history, the Ice Age and humanity itself. An unknown human ancestor carved the first blades out of a lava stone in what is now Kenya. Archeologists uncovered the blade in 2009, and it could signify a revolutionary shift in human cognition that archeologists previously believed occurred hundreds of thousands of years later. But as important, it reveals something obvious about the human condition: stabbing and slicing is ingrained in our DNA.
No chef is without a knife set, no gardener is without sheers and no soldier, even in today’s militaries of projectiles, artillery and armored vehicles, is without some kind of blade. Warfare may have evolved, but the fascination with a more primal form of combat still exists today. In Bend, duelists at The 1595 Club meet weekly to practice Historical European Martial Arts, often referred to as HEMA.
The club is named after the year Vincentio Saviolo, an Italian immigrant to England and rapier specialist, published the book “His Practice” that instructed readers on swordplay and dueling etiquette. It’s one of the first books on fencing to be authored in English, and was controversial in its time among Englishmen, who had their own distinct style of swordfighting. Chris Chatfield founded the 1959 club in 2002 in Brighton, United Kingdon, initially to interpret and implement Saviolo’s lessons. It has since broadened in scope to encompass other styles of HEMA and now consists of nine chapters in the U.K., Italy, New Zealand and the United States — with a Bend Chapter forming in 2018.
The Bend chapter’s coach and organizer, Eric Artzt, practiced traditional Eastern martial arts in the 1980s, first with Cuong Nhu Karate then Wing Chun — a style of Karate popularized by Bruce Lee. In 2010 he began
studying and coaching HEMA in Seattle, focusing on the longsword. After moving to Bend he wanted to continue his training but didn’t have any sparring partners to stab at.
"I co-founded a large sword fighting club in Seattle, and when I moved here, I just wanted to connect with folks and have training partners,” said Eric Artzt, the coach and organizer of the Bend-area 1595 Club. “It's no fun to stab your friends with swords if they can't fight back properly!"
The group meets on Tuesdays at 5:30 at the Masonic Lodge to train in fencing and self-defense. Though beginners may be reluctant to clash steel with trained swordfighters, Artzt says the environment is welcoming to all skill levels.
"Our curriculum is beginner friendly and basic, but there are many levels and nuances. So, an intermediate or advanced practitioner can work on higher-level skills that they understand, while a novice student is just learning the basic movements and concepts,” Artzt said. “We take newcomers through some basic exercises and patterns, and within one class they are crossing swords with classmates and even sparring. I want them to go home after their first practice feeling like they were swordfighting just like in the movies."
Though HEMA may look like the sport of fencing, it’s distinct in that HEMA is rooted in historical combat manuals and treatises that survived from the late Middle Ages and early modern period. Fencing evolved from a 19th-Century style of fencing, but its point-scoring system de-emphasizes blows that would’ve injured or killed an opponent in a real sword fight. HEMA isn’t its own martial arts; rather it’s an umbrella term for weapon-based combat consisting of many different regional schools.
"What we do is different from the fencing you see in the Olympics. Ours is more closely rooted to the historical traditions. It is not really a sport, although you might call it a game,” Artzt said. "Back in the 16th Century, folks enjoyed doing this activity as well. And there were clubs just like today. But the stakes were higher. Medical care was primitive by today's standards. And sometimes people actually had to use their skills in combat, whether in a duel, in street self-defense or in wartime."
The game does get physical, and combatants do end up hitting each other. Since the class uses real steel weapons, Artzt says the emphasis in his classes is on timing, physics and control rather than brute force.
"We use steel training weapons and we hit each other. So excellent control and care is necessary. Every practice needs to end with folks healthier than when they arrived," Artzt said. "We can do full-speed sparring without heavy contact. I'm not getting kicked or punched. I'm 60 now. I did that in my 20s and 30s and am kind of done with getting punched in the head."
HEMA is based on thousands of years of knowledge but has only existed for a few decades. The treatises and manuals that inform the practices are deeply studied but divorced from the practitioners of the art. This reconstruction is niche but growing in size. In the ‘90s only a handful of renaissance reenactors practiced it, but now one can find clubs on every continent.
" It's no fun to stab your friends with swords if they can't fight back properly!"
Eric Artzt
Jennifer Galler
Ready for some good natured swordplay? Thse guys are! From left are Andrew McCollum of Terrebonne, Jeremiah Elliott of Redmond, Eric Artzt of Bend and Sean Mueller of La Pine.
Getting Together For Games
By Allie Noland
New Year’s Nerdout
Reveling in NYT’s Super Mega Crossword
By Nicole Vulcan
It was a mere minutes from the proverbial ball drop on New Year’s Eve on Dec. 31, 2022, and my friend, who’d rented a beach house in Yachats for us all to celebrate the New Year, was pissed off.
“It’s New Year’s Eve and my friends are all doing a crossword!!” she exclaimed.
And this, friends, is what a bunch of nerd-leaning people do on one of the biggest party nights of the year – spreading out the New York Times Super Mega, the crossword of crosswords that marks the end of the NYT year, and debating clues between sips of pink wine.
Whether it’s Dungeons & Drag ons, Warhammer or Magic, the strategy game community in Central Oregon is alive and well. Peter Askew, owner of Modern Games in Bend, knows the ins and outs of the games and the gaming groups in Central Oregon, and has suggestions for how people should get started.
The thing that sets strategy gaming apart from board games is the complexity, Askew told the Source Weekly.
Dungeons & Dragons, a.k.a. D&D, is a role playing, storytelling, strategy game that can be taken in many directions depending on the group playing. Each person assumes the role of a character and the group explores fantasy worlds through quests.
Bend has its own D&D Facebook group, Bend DnD, and has 343 followers. The community is “open and inclusive, promoting fun and positive interaction across all ages, genders and abilities,” according to the flyer promoting the group. The group also has an active discord server with 298 members and a less active Reddit community listed on the flyer, where gamers can get in touch. For Central Oregonians looking to talk about games, find a game group, share new miniatures, ask questions or get into the hobby of strategy games, the discord group has a discussion board for it. Modern Games also recently started hosting D&D meetups every other Sunday afternoon. People can head into Modern Games to learn more about it and get involved.
game played over a large surface, and it involves heavy strategy. Played on a tabletop, Warhammer is on the nerdier side of games. If you’ve ever walked into Modern Games, seen the wall covered in little figurines and wondered what they were used for, this is it. A battlefield is set up using resin and plastic miniature figures, and the gameplay fight begins. There are many variations of the game, including 40K, AOS, Killteam and Warcry. Modern Games hosts weekly Warhammer Wednesdays to invite the wargaming community into the store to spread out on the tables, set up miniatures and play out missions.
Friday nights and Sunday mornings are for Magic and Magic only at Modern Games. Magic is a strategic trading card game and can be played in many ways. Gamers are invited to a draft format of the game, where gamers open up a fresh pack of cards, build their deck and play.
The complexity of these strategy games can sometimes steer people away, but Askew suggests people search for YouTube instruction videos to get a feel for new games. Askew’s two favorite channels to learn new games are Watch It Played and Shut Up & Sit Down.
“If you're looking for a particular complex game, spend a couple hours watching (YouTube) reviews on that game,” Askew said. “See if you still think it's for you after watching for a
couple hours. Because all the complex games, whether you're talking about a complex board game, or Dragons, or Warhammer, or Magic, it's going to take you a couple hours to play one round of that board game.”
For those wanting to step up to these complex strategy games but want to start a little simpler, Askew suggests five “welcoming games,” including Catan, Pandemic, Azul, Century Spice Road and Ticket to Ride. From party games to “welcoming games” to strategy games, people can keep jumping up the complexity levels to reach ultimate “nerd” status.
On Thursdays, the store hosts Board Game Social Club, a meetup-style event. Gamers are invited to show up alone or with a group of friends to mingle and play. The store has a board game library with over 300 games to choose from. Attendees can grab a library game or bring their own from home.
“[Board Game Social Club] is great for people that are new to town and new to gaming,” Askew told the Source.
On Saturday, the store hosts Board Game Day, where people can grab a beer, cider, soda, coffee or tea while playing. For $5 per person, gamers can play any game from the library for any amount of time. The vibe is much more chill on Saturdays, Askew said.
“I think there's value in unplugging the world we live in and doing an analog activity,” Askew told the Source.
After the music got louder and our friend got more persistent, the five or so of us who were circled around the Super Mega did actually manage to pour a fresh New Year’s Eve toast drink and head to the beach to mark the midnight event. But by morning we’d be right back at it. This thing is so huge that it took up an entire giant coffee table. Its clues were printed on an entirely separate page. It took our group of college grads the entire weekend to solve all of them, finishing up just before the housekeeping staff showed up to kick us out of the beach house. It was thrilling to see all of its boxes filled out; its clues all marked with an X.
Super Mega is part of the end-ofyear Puzzle Mania feature, described by NYT’s crossword columnist Deb Amlen as, “a colorful and fun way to challenge your brain during the holidays. The centerpiece of the section is the Super Mega Crossword, a behemoth of a grid that takes some solvers days to finish.” This year’s Super Mega included 782 entries and was “mid-week in terms of difficulty,” Amlen wrote, referring to the fact that NYT crosswords get harder as the week progresses, with Sunday’s being the hardest. Good thing this one was not Sunday-hard, because it already took us days to solve.
Yet in terms of difficult things, it seems that the hardest for this group of nerds – a high school English teacher, a teacher of French, an environmental scientist and a journalist among us – was leaving it alone in order to actually spend some time with friends.
Strategy games seem intimidating, but they don’t have to be. Here are some rundowns, tips, meetups and ideas for getting started.
Modern Games is the only game store in Bend, and it has many meetup game nights (and days) open to community members.
Filling out Super Mega clues with a pen. A bold move.
Nicole Vulcan
Photos courtesy DND.wizards.com, Warhammer Community, Modern Games Facebook
Looking for a volunteering opportunity? Think Wild is a nonprofit focused on protecting native wildlife through education, conservation and rescue/rehabilitation. Learn about its five major programs at this open house and which area of work you align with. Thu., Feb. 2, 5:30-7:30pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Free.
Bringing folk, funk and electronica together, this band’s sound is like no other. It has a little twang. It has some hard-hitting bass. It has catchy lyrics. Dance with Dirtwire, Hillstomp and Bloomurian on Thursday night! Thu., Feb. 2, 8pm. Midtown Ballroom/Domino Room/Annex, 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $25.
It’s back! With over 40 vendors, this is a late-night event for shoppers to support local. Find resellers, crafters, creators, food stalls and your favorite drink spots at this market. Valentine’s Day is coming, so get out there and find something for your special someone. Fri., Feb. 3, 4-11pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Free.
Do you think your dog is the strongest and fastest?
Each dog will be placed in a category based on their weight and pull a keg specific to their weight class (empty kegs, of course). The first dog to make it down the 120-foot snow runway wins! Sat., Feb. 4, noon3pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Price. $20.
Hannah G. is headlining the comedy showcase at Craft. After being a teacher in Los Angeles, she found only one way to cope with the craziness of it all—comedy. Writing jokes about teacher life, Hannah G. is a relatable, wacky woman who can keep an audience laughing. Sat., Feb. 4, 8-10pm. Craft Kitchen and Brewery, 62988 NE Layton Ave., #103, Bend. $15.
Central Oregon’s favorite bands are covering all things Grateful Dead. Listen and watch Call Down Thunder, Gbots & the Journeymen, The Mostest and Pete Kartsounes at High Desert Music Hall. This is a collaboration of local artists that you won’t want to miss! Get out there, Deadheads! Sat., Feb. 4, 7pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. $10 or 10 cans of food.
Spencer Snyder is One Mad Man. Blending smooth vocals, bass and guitar riffs, Snyder is looping multiple instruments and sounds to create original music on the spot. Vibe out with One Mad Man on every first Saturday at Velvet. Sat., Feb. 4, 8-11pm. Velvet, 805 NW Wall St., Bend. Free.
Bring in poems about romance, friendship, heartbreak, passion, loss or anything else the heart desires. Register online to claim a spot to read or show up and listen to poems from the heart. Get into the Valentine’s Day spirit with this event! Tue., Feb. 7, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Free.
Crossing genres of blues, folk, country, funk, roots rock and more, the trio likes to experiment with its sound. The Wood Brothers' music is full of harmony, guitar riffs and soulful vocals, and the group is stopping through Bend on its West Coast tour. Catch them at the Midtown! Wed., Feb. 8, 8pm. Midtown Ballroom, 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $30.
Black Joe Lewis stands out with just his voice and a guitar. Lewis’ music takes listeners back in time with his cowpunk, Hill Country blues and southern funk. He adds his own modern twist to old-timey music. Wed., Feb. 8, 8pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. Price. $18.
2/2 – 2/8
Courtesy Dirtwire Instagram
Courtesy One Mad Man Music
Courtesy The Wood Brothers Instagram
Dumpstaphunk w/ Jon Cleary TUESDAY, FEB. 28 Yamato Drummers WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22 Memphis Jookin’ MONDAY, FEB. 20
Courtesy Grateful Dead Instagram
A Love for ‘Galaxy Grass’ A Valentine’s Day show featuring the Kitchen Dwellers and Lindsay Lou
By Alan Sculley
The pandemic, for many touring musicians, was a rare chance to take an extended break and recharge their creative batteries. Not the Kitchen Dwellers.
The Montana-based string band wanted to make a new album (which became the 2022 release “Wise River”) that made a statement about the group.
“We kind of took that route in just saying, let’s use this time to our advantage. Let’s use this time to really come out of the end of this thing better than (when) we went into it,” said banjo player Torrin Daniels in a late-December phone interview. “We wanted the finished product to show that we had been putting the work in and that we didn’t take this (pandemic) time to rest.”
The result was a year-plus period in which the four musicians – Daniels, mandolin player Shawn Swain, bassist Joe Funk and guitarist Max Davies –improved and grew more collaborative in their songwriting and emerged with what Daniels feels is the best representation yet of the band’s music and playing.
“The first couple of albums that we put together were really evidence of us still trying to figure out what exactly we are and how we fit together and how to play our instruments and write songs and things like that,” Daniels said. “This most recent one (“Wise River”), I guess, is just a more mature version of whatever we’ve found ourselves to be.”
Today’s Kitchen Dwellers are actually
a markedly different outfit than the one that formed in 2010 while in college at Montana State University in Bozeman. Early on, the group had a fiddle player as a fifth member, and most notably, a different guitarist in Kyle Shelstad, who wrote nearly all of the songs for the original Kitchen Dwellers. The initial unit released a self-titled album in 2013 and earned second-place honors in new band competitions at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival and the Northwest String Summit before Shelstad split with the Kitchen Dwellers in 2014.
Daniels said Shelstad wanted to move back to the Midwest, where he’s now in a band that better fits his folkier style of songwriting.
“I think ultimately it (Shelstad’s departure) was really good for us because we were able to sort of really pursue the type of music that we wanted to play,” Daniels said. “None of us were really contributing to the writing of songs when he was in that band because he’s a very prolific songwriter.”
In making “Wise River,” the Kitchen Dwellers, whose music is informed by bluegrass, but incorporates other influences that include rock and pop, sought to grow and evolve by stepping outside of their comfort zones in several ways. Where the current lineup’s first two albums, 2017’s “Ghost in the Bottle” and 2019’s “Muir Maid,” were produced by musicians from the string band/bluegrass world (Leftover Salmon’s Andy Thorn on
“Ghost in the Bottle” and Chris Pandolfi of the Infamous Stringdusters on the latter album), the Kitchen Dwellers reached outside of their genre for “Wise River” by bringing in Cory Wong of the funk band Vulfpeck to produce.
“He connected with us because he had sort of had this interest in working with a string band and working with bluegrass music, which is something he doesn’t typically do,” Daniels said. “So it was kind of like, we were coming together sort of as these two different parties from two different musical worlds to try to put both of our best feet forward to record this album.”
The four band members also agreed with Wong’s suggestion to work with Nashville-based songwriter Elliot Blaufuss to hone the material for “Wise River.”
“I think it helped bring a lot of new songwriting ideas to the table,” Daniels said. “I think it made us all better songwriters just getting the opportunity to work with Elliot.”
The Kitchen Dwellers have done a good deal of touring in support of “Wise River” since the album was released in April and the band has a busy year of shows on deck for 2023. But don’t expect the same show from night to night. The band plays the Domino Room on Valentine’s Day, along with sultry singer Lindsay Lou.
Insurance Accepted Blending Nature with Medicine , N.D.
Ed Coyle
The Kitchen Dwellers with Lindsay Lou Tue., Feb. 14, 7:30pm Domino Room 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend $20 adv./$25 at door
The wizards of “galaxy grass” will let revelers dance away the night on Valentine’s Day.
AVID Cider Co. Taproom Bingo with a Brit Join with the favorite bloke Michael as MC, and win prizes, swag, gift cards, weekly cash prize and an end-of-the-month cumulative cash jackpot. $10 per booklet (5 games/booklet).
Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays Useless Knowledge Bowl Live Trivia Game Show! It’s not your average quiz night. Team up to win gift cards. It’s fun and free to play, with Locals’ Day featuring Crater Lake and local craft beer specials. Get here this week!
6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your heart out at Corey’s! Grab friends and drinks for some Coreyoke. 9pm-Midnight. Free.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open Mic Sign-up 7:30pm. If you’ve ever wanted to try stand-up comedy, this is where you start! 8-10pm. Free.
Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 Eric Leadbetter Relax with a pint and enjoy great local music! 6-8pm. Free.
Deschutes Brewery Public House Head
Games Trivia Night Eat. Drink. Think. Win! Head
Games multi-media trivia is at Deschutes Bend Public House every Wednesday. Win prizes. Teams up to six. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
JC’s Bar & Grill Trivia Nite with Trivia Girl Compete with your peers and test your knowledge of current events, music and other random categories while enjoying 75 cent wings! Also, JC’s trivia separates themselves from the rest with a physical challenge! 7-9:30pm. Free.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. 21+. 6:30pm. Free.
Seven Nightclub & Restaurant The CO
Show The CO Show is a free comedy showcase!
Doors open at 7pm show starts at 8pm! Central Oregon Comedy Scene and Karaokaine productions have teamed up to bring this show to you! It’s co-hosted with multiple hosts, co-produced for Central Oregon! 8pm. Free.
Revival Vintage Way Back Whensdays with Revival Vintage: Live ‘Tiny Desk’ Performances, Free Bevs, and Vintage Shopping Every first Wednesday, Revival Vintage will throw it down with Way Back Whensdays! Each month hosts a live Tiny Desk session, performed by a fresh rotation of local musicians and DJs. As per usual, free local bevs and bites will be available, while the vintage shopping will be ample. Head to the Instagram for details (@revivalvintagebend). First Wednesday of every month, 6-9:30pm. Free.
2 Thursday
Austin Mercantile Live Music Every Thursday Join at Austin Mercantile for live music every Thursday. Offering a light happy hour menu — daily flatbread, chili, charcuterie, soft pretzels and more! 4:30-6:30pm. Free.
Austin Mercantile Paul Eddy From Beatles to Sinatra, Bedell artist and local troubadour sings songs from your parent’s record collection at this popular new venue located in the Brookswood Meadow Plaza. 4:30-6:30pm. Free.
Bend Elks Lodge #1371 Bingo Bingo at the Elk’s Lodge. Win cash prizes. 6-9pm. $23.
Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Thursdays UKB’s live trivia game show is like no other. Team up to compete for gift card prizes! Brews, ciders, mixed drinks, pizzas and food truck options. Indoor and outdoor seating. 6-8pm. Free.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom Music
Night with Griff and Lola Local musician Griff Marshall and his daughter, Lola play and sing original and cover songs. 6-8pm. Free.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your heart out at Corey’s! Grab friends and drinks for some Coreyoke. 9pm-Midnight. Free.
High Desert Music Hall Moxi & Loon Moxi & Loon are a rock duo based in San Diego, with an original blend of psych rock, desert rock, punk and dirty blues. Moxi & Loon conjure a huge sound despite their 2-piece approach. Show is in the main hall after open mic. 8:30pm. $10.
Porter Brewing Co. The Ballybogs Grab a pint, sit back, relax and enjoy live music by an amazing group of artists that brings the best Irish Trad Music in Central Oregon! Every Thursday at Porter! 6-8pm. Free.
Hub City Bar & Grill Stage 28 Karaoke
Come out for a night of Stage 28 Karaoke with your host Miss Min! What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Come to Hub City every Wednesday and Thursday night and sing your heart out! 8pm-Midnight. Free.
Big E’s Sports Bar Big E’s Open Mic Open mic from 6-9pm. Sign-ups at 5:30pm. Three song/15-minute limit. Minors allowed. Singles/ duos/trios. No drum sets. Great food and beverage from Big E’s Sportsbar menu. Original music or covers. A warm and friendly environment to share those precious creative moments. 6-9pm. Free.
Midtown Ballroom/Domino Room/Annex Dirtwire: Ghostcatcher Tour with Hillstomp & Bloomurian With a wide array of instruments interwoven into modern laptop beat creation. Dirtwire stands poised between ancient Mother Earth and modern technology. Blending ethnomusicology and the psychedelic trance state, gut-bucket delta blues and what the band variously dubs “back-porch space cowboy blues, swamptronica and electro-twang.” 8-11:59pm. $25.
River’s Place Chasing Ebenezer A world folkrock band from Portland with Middle Eastern, African, and Celtic influences. 6-8pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Come down to Silver Moon Brewing for a night of trivia! Teams are welcome to show up in groups up to 8 people. Silver Moon also offers seating reservations for $20 donations that all go to F*Cancer! If you would like to reserve a table please contact the Trivia on the Moon Facebook page. 7pm. Free.
Spoken Moto Head Games Trivia Night Live multi-media trivia every Thursday at Spoken Moto. Win prizes. Teams up to 6 players. 6:308:30pm. Free.
The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse Erin Cole-Baker Fireside Show Erin Cole-Baker will share some beautiful tunes at The Lodge. 6-8pm.
3 Friday
The Domino Room Global Based: Royal Highness Reggaetón, dembow, Latin trap, baile funk, moombahton, guaracha and more! 9pm. $10.
Hardtails Bar & Grill Stage 28 Karaoke
Come out for a night of Stage 28 Karaoke with your host Miss Min! What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Come to Hardtails for a fun Friday night and sing your heart out! 8pm-Midnight. Free.
Hoodoo Ski Area Friday Night Lights Enjoy bonfires, live music and more every Friday night at Hoodoo, thanks to Ablis CBD. 5pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Hopeless Jack, The Psychedeltics, Moxi + Loon and Black Flowers Black Sun Craving some raw and intense blues rock ‘n’ roll? Look no further than this banger of a show! Featuring Portland’s own Hopeless Jack. 8-11:30pm.
4 Saturday
The Commons Cafe & Taproom
The Miller Twins Based in Oregon with Appalachian roots, the Miller Twins cut their musical teeth over 20 years ago in a local midwest bar scene. Ben and Nat bring guitar, mandolin and blood harmony to the stage. 7-9pm.
Northside Bar & Grill The Rounders Great band! Rock ‘n’ roll, R&B and country! 8-11pm. Free.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy at Craft: Showcase Hannah G. is a headlining comedian, writer and singer based on the West Coast. She got her start after moving to Los Angeles to be a teacher and realizing the best way to process the pain and misery of teaching was to write jokes about it. 8-10pm.
Flights Wine Bar Live Music at Flights Come grab a great glass of wine, have an incredible dinner and enjoy live music every Saturday at Flights Wine Bar. 6-8pm. Free.
High Desert Music Hall A Grateful Night Come celebrate the music of the Grateful Dead! An all-star lineup of local musicians playing the songs of the greatest touring band of all time! Call Down Thunder, Gbots & the Journeymen, The Mostest, Pete Kartsounes and more! Party with a purpose! 7pm. $10 or 10 cans of food.
The Outfitter Bar at Seventh Mountain Resort Evan Mullins Duo Join in the Speakeasy for free live music with Evan Mullins Duo! You may recognize Evan from his work in the bands: The Silvertone Devils, Watkins Glen, Boomer Country and The Sun Threaders 4-7pm. Free.
River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions Mikey Bilello, the 7-string finger-style guitarist. 6pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Barringer & Baker Mark Barringer (guitar and vocals) and Bob Baker (electric violin) perform again at the Silver Moon. They bring their excellent musical skills in interpreting the music of the late 60s, 70s and 80s. 4-6pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing N.W.A’s DJ Yella with J Meast & The Clumzys Living legend DJ YELLA of pioneering hip-hop group N.W.A performs live at Silver Moon Brewing. 7pm. $25.
Velvet One Mad Man Music Spencer Snyder, One Mad Man, loops together multiple instruments to create moody, driven backdrops accompanied by smooth vocals. Hip-hop-style drums drive funk-inspired bass followed by electrifying sounds from his keyboard and guitar. First Saturday of every month, 8-11pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub The Sadies The band members of The Sadies don’t really fit tidily into any genre. They aren’t really "pre or post" anything and they don’t have the right haircuts or hats for any particular scene. Can’t really call them modern or retro either. They certainly don’t claim to have re-invented the wheel. They just are. 8-11:59pm. $20.
5 Sunday
The Astro Lounge Local Artist Spotlight Sundays This is a chance to listen to Central Oregon’s newest and upcoming local artists. They have earned their spot to perform a two-hour show, changing weekly, every Sunday. Support local top notch talent! 7-9pm. Free.
Flights Wine Bar Trivia at Flights Wine Bar Join Sundays for trivia with King Trivia! Free to play! Get a group together, and come get nerdy! Awesome prizes and as always, delicious food and drinks! 4-6pm. Free.
River’s Place Trivia Sundays at Noon Trivia Sundays at Noon, with UKB Trivia, at River’s Place. This is no ordinary contest, this is a live trivia game show. Bring your bunch and win gift card prizes for top teams! Indoor and outdoor seating available. Great food and drink options available. Noon-2pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Not Cho Grandma’s Bingo Not Cho’ Grandma’s Bingo is back at Silver Moon Brewing! The brewery hosts the famous bingo event for good times and a chance to win some cold hard cash! 10am-1pm. Free.
Submitting an event is free and easy. Add your event to our calendar at bendsource.com/submitevent
> Tickets Available on Bendticket.com
On Sat., Feb. 4 at 8pm, The Sadies will take over the Volcanic Theatre Pub for a show to remember. This band doesn’t fit into any one genre. It crosses over many—funk, retro-pop, rock and pretty much everything in between.
Courtesy The Sadies Facebook
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your heart out at Corey’s! Grab friends and drinks for some Coreyoke. 9pm-Midnight. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon
Get a taste of the big time! Sign-up is at 4pm! Come checkout the biggest and baddest open mic night in Bend! 5-8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub The Elovaters W/ Surfer Girl and Claire Wright Exploding into the American progressive roots scene in 2018 with its #1 Billboard Reggae album “Defy Gravity,” The Elovaters have quickly become a household name for lovers of Sublime, Jack Johnson, Slightly Stoopid, G. Love, Stick Figure, The Movement and more. 8-11:59pm. $20.
6 Monday
Bevel Craft Brewing Bingo with Bren!
Join in February as Bevel supports the Central Oregon Trail Alliance that is working hard to upkeep the amazing mountain biking trails Central Oregon has throughout our area. Cash prizes! 6-8pm. $2.
Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Mondays UKB’s live trivia game show is like no other. Team up to compete for gift card prizes! Brews, ciders, mixed drinks, pizzas and food truck options. Indoor and outdoor seating. 6-8pm. Free.
Elixir Wine Group Locals Music Night Enjoy live musicians, great wine and small bites. 6-9pm. Free.
On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Comedy Open Mic Comedy open mic every Monday at Silver Moon Brewing in the Green Room. Sign-ups at 6:30pm. Presented by Tease Bang Boom Productions. 7-8:30pm. Free.
Worthy Brewing Head Games Trivia Night
Eat. Drink. Think. Win! Head Games multi-media trivia is at Worthy Brewing Co. in Bend every Monday. Win prizes. Teams up to six. 7-9pm. Free.
7 Tuesday
AVID Cider Co. Taproom Trivia Tuesdays!
Join every Tuesday at Avid Cider Co. with Last Call Trivia! Gather your friends and stretch your brain to answer questions from broad and varied categories with prizes at the end. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom Storytellers Open-Mic StoryTellers open-mic nights are full of music, laughs and community. In the old house Bill Powers of Honey Don’t and several other projects in town, hosts one of the best open mics in town. Sign-ups start at 5pm sharp in the cafe, and spots go quick. Poetry, comedy and spoken word are welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick 10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. 6pm. Free.
The Lot Winter Trivia Series Calling all trivia loving, beer drinking, food cart craving smartypants. . . Trivia Tuesdays are back. What a fun way to spend Tuesday nights inside the heated seating area with your favorite trivia buff friends. Check the social media for category clues. Winning teams earn table reservations and prizes! 6-8pm. Free.
Worthy Beers & Burgers Head Games
Trivia Night Join for live multi-media trivia every Tuesday night. Win prizes. Teams up to 6 players. 7-9pm. Free.
8 Wednesday
Midtown Ballroom The Wood Brothers & Taylor Ashton Midtown Events is proud to bring The Wood Brothers back to the Midtown with special guest Taylor Ashton! This is an all age event with doors opening at 7pm and music starting at 8pm. Tickets available at midtownballroom.com. 8pm. $30.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Black Joe Lewis Joe’s still here. Still going. Still cashing checks and snapping necks. The dues of hard work; the delirious heights of the industry as well as the disappointments and low hanging fruit. Through this all, Joe’s only honed his mastery over gut bucket blues guitar and his true voice. 8-11:59pm. $18.
Walt Reilly’s Erin Cole-Baker Erin Cole-Baker was born in the U.S. and raised in the beach filled rural Northland of New Zealand. Her songwriting and live delivery comes from a place of great honesty and beauty, lead by her gorgeous silvery voice. 5-7pm. Free.
Open Hub Singing Club Sing in community... for the simple joy of creating meaning and beauty together! All voices and experience levels welcome. The group believes singing is a birthright and are reclaiming this ancient technology for belonging and well-being. The group sings easy-to-learn delicious songs in the paperless aural tradition. First timers are free! Lalalalala!
Sundays, 1-2:30pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-2416182. openhubsinging@gmail.com. $10-$20.
Sunday Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Reiki Sound bath is a passive healing journey with crystal bowls. Bring comfy clothing, pillow and blanket or mat. Sundays, 5:30-6:30pm.
Through Aug. 27. Unity Community of Central Oregon, 63645 Scenic Dr., Bend. Contact: 541350-8448. clare@kevinkubota.com. $10-$20 sliding scale.
Flamenco Lessons Flamenco lessons instructed by professional Flamenco dancer from Madrid. She has taught Flamenco at schools and is starting a new cycle of Spanish dances, teaching footwork, marking, arm and hand work. For ages 18+. Wear wide skirt and wide heel shoes for better understanding the structure of Flamenco. Mondays-Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm. Through Feb. 9. Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, 7067 SW Canal Blvd., Redmond. Contact: 206445-3538. $240/res, $312/non-res.
Argentine Tango Classes and Dance
Join every Wednesday for Tango classes and dancing! Your first class is free. 6:30-7pm Tango 101 Class, no partner needed! 7-8pm All levels class. 8-9:30pm Open dancing. Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-728-3234. tangocentraloregon@gmail.com. $5-$10.
Line and Swing Dancing Lessons Line and swing dance lessons every Thursday night at The Cross-Eyed Cricket! Thursdays, 7-9pm. CrossEyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free. Scottish Country Dance A chance to socialize and get a bit of exercise, too. Beginners are welcome. All footwork, figures and social graces will be taught and reviewed. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-508-9110. allely@ bendbroadband.com. $5.
Movie Screening: “The Hate You Give”
The Afrocentric Club at COCC for Black History Month is presenting, “The Hate You Give” in the Hitchcock Auditorium. If you have questions please contact, mlegrand2@cocc.edu. Hope to see you there. Feb. 3, 6-8pm. COCC Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: 541-330-4376. mlegrand2@cocc.edu. Free.
Downtown Bend First Friday Art Walk Stroll around downtown Bend, check out local art and chat with artists about their creative processes. Fri, Feb. 3, 6-9pm and Fri, March 3, 6-9pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Free.
The Annex Presents: Spring Break Jake First Friday Opening of “Beneath the Waves” featuring Spring Break Jake. See link for more: scalehouse.org/annex. Feb. 3, 5pm. Scalehouse Collaborative for the Arts, 550 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-640-2186. marley@scalehouse.org. Free.
1st Friday at High Desert Music Hall with Emilee Reynolds Come find High Desert Music Hall on one of your stops in Downtown Redmond for the 1st Friday Art Walk! Featuring rotating artists and vendors. With live music in the lounge from Emilee Reynolds. Feb. 3, 4-8pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-527-1387. highdesertmusichall@gmail.com. Free.
Art Viewing Visit Sagebrushers Art Society in beautiful Bend to see lovely work, paintings and greeting cards by local artists. New exhibit every 8 weeks. Visit Sagebrushersartofbend.com for information on current shows. Wednesdays, 1-4pm, Fridays, 1-4pm and Saturdays, 1-4pm. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free.
Black Excellence Art Showcase The showcase allows black students and community members to display art, paintings, photography and their freedom of expression while celebrating Black history and their art liberation. Jan. 19-Feb. 28, 9am-5pm. Pinckney Center, COCC, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: jpark@cocc.edu. Free.
Redmond First Friday Art Walk Meet with local artist while walking downtown Redmond. First Friday of every month. Downtown Redmond, Sixth St., Redmond. Free.
Free Artist Talk! Scalehouse Gallery
Presents Akihiko Miyoshi Please join Scalehouse for a conversation with current artist Akihiko Miyoshi. Tickets are free, but reservations are required as seats are limited. Donations are welcomed. See event link for more details. Feb. 4, 2pm. Scalehouse Collaborative for the Arts, 550 NW Franklin Ave.., Bend. Contact: 541640-2186. marley@scalehouse.org. Free.
Black Joe Lewis is rocking the Volcanic Theatre Pub stage on Wed., Feb. 8 at 8pm. His bluesy guitar and voice fill his live performances full of soul. Listen to the magic of his mastery on Wednesday.
BENDTICKET .COM ERIN COLE-BAKER Fireside Concert Series at Suttle Lodge & Boathouse DJ YELLA OF NWA at Silver Moon Brewing THE MILLER TWINS Presented by The Whippoorill at The Commons Cafe & Taproom SATURDAY, FEB 4 AT 7PM SATURDAY, FEB 4 AT 7PM THURSDAY, FEB 2 AT 6PM
Courtesy Black Joe Lewis Facebook
By Allie Noland
Going On a Ride With Beats Antique
Beats Antique blends global sounds and electric dance performances
Beats Antique hits the Midtown Ballroom Feb. 9 for a high-energy, immersive performance. The band heads out on its Oregon/Washington tour the day prior, playing shows in Ashland, Bend, Eugene, Portland and ending in Bellingham. Bend is the band’s second stop.
The band has been releasing world-fusion music and performing since 2007. With each new release and tour, it continues to add complexity and flow. Concertgoers can expect music full of electric energy, entrancing dance performances and breathtaking visuals. Comprised of three members, Zoe Fournier, Tommy Cappel and David Satori, each person brings something to the table.
“Dance has always been a huge part of our show,” Fournier told the Source Weekly. “But not just dance, but also theatrics. We like people to come in and have an experience. Whether sometimes that means including video, lighting, extra performers, crazy costumes or interacting with the audience in some quirky kind of way. We like to mix it up.”
Fournier is a producer, musician and dancer. On tour she’s accompanied by two other dancers, adding to the visual aspect of the show. Cappel is a beatmaker, producer, drummer and songwriter, driving the bass and rhythm of the show. Satori is a musician and visual artist. Each member wears many hats during production and performance.
“When you travel together, you show up together, you leave together and you go to the next spot together, there's a bond that happens,” Cappel said. “It fuels that deeper family vibe.”
Beats Antique released a few singles in 2022, including “Wish” and “Desert Dream,” and is working on new music. The improvisational vibe of the band comes through during its live shows, working with the audience to create an energy that matches the crowd.
“Bend just happens to be one of those super fun shows,” Cappel said. “The crowd is always really loud and really ready for it.”
At the Riverhou www.cityclubco.org Help Wanted: connecting talent to opportunity February 16 at 11:30am Sponsored by:
Beats Antique Thur., Feb. 9, 8pm Midtown Ballroom 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend midtownballroom.com
Beats Antique is a three-person band that has been performing experiential, world-fusion shows since 2007. Youtube
Beats Antique
Imbolc Mullein Torch Workshop In this fun workshop, Dr. Ashley will guide you through how to make a mullein torch that you will bring home for your own Imbolc ceremony. She will share all the wonderful medicinal uses of this fuzzy weed and ideas of how to use your torch! Feb. 1, 6:30-8pm. The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-7282368. classes@thepeoplesapothecary.net. $35.
Kreitzer Open Gallery and Studio Give the gift of a contemporary realist David Kreitzer original. Stunning Central Oregon splendor, water, koi, fantasy, figure and floral. SF Chronicle: “Kreitzer demonstrates the poetic intensity of the old tradition.” Mondays-Sundays, 11am-5pm. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Rd., Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. jkreitze@icloud.com. Free.
Unfixed, Featuring Akihiko Miyoshi In
Unfixed, Akihiko Miyoshi reimagines photographs as magical objects whose potential is not yet concrete, colonized or mined for data and information. Miyoshi’s work results from his unique process of printing digitized 35mm negatives on silk which are then layered in between coats of resin. Wednesdays-Saturdays, 1-6pm. Through Feb. 26. Scalehouse Collaborative for the Arts, 550 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-6402186. marley@scalehouse.org. Free.
Unity Event Rock Painting Supplies, snacks and beverages provided. Attendees bring their favorite rocks and their own lunch. Please register in advance so they can be sure we have enough supplies for everyone. More info cylvia@cylviahayes. com. Feb. 5, 12:30-2:30pm. Unity Community of Central Oregon, 63645 Scenic Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-280-5040. cylvia@cylviahayes.com. $5-$20.
Desert Oasis: The Birds of Lake Abert
Join the kickoff the 2023 High Desert Speaker Series with a virtual presentation on Lake Abert and its birdlife. Presenters Ron Larson, John Reuland and Anne White will cover the natural history of Lake Abert and dive into the many bird species that depend on it. Feb. 1, 6:30-8pm. Contact: 541-330-2638. kdiaz@onda.org. Free.
Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Salvation Army has an emergency food pantry, the groups visit residents of assisted living centers and make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.
Bunny Rescue Needs Volunteers Looking for more volunteers to help with tidying bunny enclosures, feeding, watering, giving treats, head scratches, play time and fostering. All ages welcome and time commitments are flexible — weekly, monthly or fill-in. Located at the south end of Redmond. Email Lindsey with your interests and availability: wildflowerbunnylove@gmail.com. Ongoing. Ember’s Wildflower Animal Sanctuary and Bunny Rescue, 2584 SW 58th St., Redmond.
Volunteer: Help Businesses Prosper! Share your professional and business expertise. Become a volunteer mentor with SCORE in Central Oregon. The chapter is growing. Your experience and knowledge will be valued by both new and existing businesses in the community. To apply, call 541-316-0662 or visit centraloregon. score.org/volunteer. Fri, Aug. 26 and Ongoing. Contact: 541-316-0662.
Classics Book Club Please join for Classics Book Club. The group will disucss “The Old Capital” by Yasunari Kawabata. Feb. 8, Noon. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. julie@ roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
Axe-Throwing at Unofficial Logging Co. Try your hand at axe throwing! Registration required. Ages 16+ Unofficial Logging Co. is the best spot for having a great time. The idea of opening an axe-throwing venue started as a joke with an insurance estimate for a different project. Participants must sign a waiver prior.
Envision Bend Community Summit
The new greater Bend area community vision will be presented, informed by more than 2,000 community surveys. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback on vision strategies and projects and learn more about how to get involved in vision implementation. All are welcome. Light food and drink provided. Feb. 7, 4:30-6:30pm. COCC Campus Center - Wille Hall, 2600 College Way, Bend. Contact: 541-604-8429. info@envisionbend.org. Free.
Know Justice: Central Oregonizing
Learn about Bend’s sawmills and their history of union organizing. This is an in-person program. Masks are optional at all in-person library events. Take a dive into the history of Bend’s sawmills and the efforts of workers to organize at Bend sawmills between 1916 and 2000 with Michael Funke. Feb. 4, 2-3pm. Becky Johnson Center, 412 SW 8th St., Redmond. Contact: 541312-1032. lizg@dpls.lib.or.us. Free.
Natural History Pub: Refuge Trees: Homestead-Era at Malheur Old stands of largely cottonwood trees grow within Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Eastern Oregon. Many of the over 340 species of birds that visit Malheur annually depend on these trees to nest, feed and rest. Feb. 6, 7-8pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend. Free.
Know Justice: Restorative Justice in Practice Learn more about the practice of Restorative Justice. Registration is required. Feb. 5, 3-4:30pm. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@dpls.lib.or.us. Free.
An Update to Water Resources of Central Oregon Develop a better understanding of water conditions and trends in the Deschutes Basin. Feb. 3, 10am-Noon. Downtown Bend Library, 601 Northwest Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@dpls.lib.or.us. Free.
“The Sound of Music” One of the most beloved musicals of all time and a holiday favorite, “The Sound of Music” has enchanted audiences for more than 50 years. Nominated for nine Tony Awards, and winner of Best Musical! When carefree nun-in-training Maria is sent by her convent to be the governess of seven children, she finds herself unexpectedly questioning her choices in life and falling in love with the children’s stern father, all the while the events of World War II play out in the background. One of the most beloved musicals of all time and a holiday favorite, “The Sound of Music” has enchanted audiences for more than 50 years. Sat, Feb. 4, 2 and 7:30pm, Sun, Feb. 5, 2pm. Look online for more showtimes. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $35.50-$55.50 (plus $3 historic preservation fee).
Love Poetry Slam Please join in-store for Love Poetry Slam. Register for this free event through Eventbrite. Celebrate the season of love with a poetry slam at Roundabout Books! Bring your poems about romance, friendship, heartbreak, passion, loss or anything else the heart desires. Roundabout Books has 10 spots for readers. Feb. 7, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-3066564. julie@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
Writers Writing: Creative Writing & Bookmaking Playshop Make a book that boasts your own words and art! This is an in-person program. Registration is required. Create a handmade book complete with secret pages! Fill it with ephemera/images and text you’ll generate from playful writing prompts offered during the play shop. Folks at all levels of experience welcome. Feb. 6, 4:30-6:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library - Brooks Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Writers Writing: Quiet Writing Time
Enjoy the focus of a quiet space with the benefit of others’ company. This is an in-person program. Masks are recommended at all in-person library events. Bring personal work, read a book or answer emails. Come when you can, leave when you want. Free, open network WiFi available. Tuesdays, 1:30-4:30pm. Deschutes Public Library-Downtown, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Feb. 8, 5-6:30pm. Unofficial Logging Co., 910 NW Harriman St. Suite #100, Bend. Contact: 541312-1029. laurelw@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Photo Hunt Photo hunt around Redmond with a chance to win $50 cash. Saturdays. Through Feb. 25. Contact: goteamshenanigans@gmail.com. $15.
Central Oregon USASA Comp. Series: Rail Jams 1 and 2 A rail jam is a freestyle ski and snowboard competition held on a compact slope-style course. Join Central Oregon USASA for the rail jam competition series. Feb. 5. Mt. Bachelor, 13000 Century Dr., Bend. Free. Scones on the Cone! Stop by for hot coffee and homemade scones at the top of the cinder cone. Sunrise ski/snowboard! Woooooo!
Saturdays, 7:15-8am. Through March 31. Mount Bachelor Ski Resort - West Village, 13000 SW Century Dr., Bend. Suggested $2 donation.
Ultimate Scavenger Bend Photo Hunt: February 2023 Win $100 cash prize with the Ultimate Scavenger Hunt! Take pictures of Bend’s most loved attractions. The first one to complete the challenge wins! Visit bendticket.com for more details. Wed, Feb. 1, Noon-11:59am. Bend. $10.
Intro to Historic Sword Fighting Come join for an introduction to the 1595 Club. The group will go through basic sword techniques drawn from 19th century British naval combat, with a cutlass. The 1595 Club is a martial arts school dedicated to the practice and study of swordplay and self-defense. Come sword-fight!
First Tuesday of every month, 5-7pm. Through July 11. Masonic Hall of Bend, 1036 NE 8th St., Bend. Contact: 541-241-6742. contact@juniperswordplay.com. Free.
Think Wild Volunteer Open House Interested in volunteering with Think Wild? Join in the Hop Mahal Room at Worthy Brewing for a Volunteer Open House. Pop in, grab a free beer and say hello. Meet with lead staff from each volunteer area and learn about how to get involved! Feb. 2, 5:30-7:30pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-241-8680. info@thinkwildco.org. Free.
Volunteer with Mustangs To The Rescue Volunteers wanted to help with daily horse care at Mustangs To The Rescue. No experience necessary. Call and leave a message or email. Ongoing. Mustangs To The Rescue, 21670 SE McGilvray Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-330-8943. volunteer@mustangstotherescue.org.
Backcountry Brew: Coffee with the Hunting Curious Are you curious about hunting, but not sure where to begin? Backcountry Hunters and Anglers of Central Oregon is chock full of friendly, ethically-minded hunters and the group is eager to meet you! Dress warm, grab some morning caffeine and come about the outdoors and what it takes to get started. First Saturday of every month, 9-10am. The Commons Cafe & Taproom, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. Contact: oregon@backcountryhunters.org. Free.
Bend Ukelele Group (BUGs) Do you play Uke? Like to learn to play? Beginners and experienced players all welcome to join the fun every Tuesday at 6:30-8pm at Big E’s just off 3rd Street near Reed Market. Go play with the group! Tue, Dec. 6, 6:30pm and Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Big E’s Sports Bar, 1012 SE Cleveland Ave., Bend. Contact: 206-707-6337. Free.
Competitive Cribbage Play nine games of cribbage versus nine different opponents. Cash prizes awarded based on number of wins. Mondays, 5-8pm. Deschutes Junction, 2940 N Hwy 97, Bend. Contact: 541-530-1112. rickyticky1954@gmail.com. $2-$18.
Mountain Muskrats Monthly Meeting
Your unexpected Central Oregon dive experience begins here. The Mountain Muskrats is an independent dive club set on exploring Central Oregon’s waterways. Join the club! First Saturday of every month, 5:30pm. The Den Dive Shop, 56881 Enterprise Dr., Sunriver. Contact: 541-600-9355. thedendiveshop@ hotmail.com. $100 annual club fee.
NAMI Central Oregon Family to Family Class NAMI Central Oregon is happy to announce that it will offer an in-person family-to-family class starting Jan. 12 and ending in mid-March. Thursdays, 5:30-7:30pm. Through March 2. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE 9th., Bend. Contact: 541-316-0167. info@namicentraloregon.org. Free.
The Elovaters will take the Volcanic Theatre Pub stage on Sunday, Feb. 5 at 8pm. Featuring American progressive roots, this band will get you jamming, moving and grooving this Sun.
Courtesy The Elovaters Facebook
League of Women Voters of Deschutes
County Ms. Hoover will discuss how this volunteer group uses restorative justice practices to raise academic and social engagement and retention in Bend-LaPine schools. Question and answer period will follow the presentation. Feb. 2, Noon-1pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd., Bend. Contact: info@lwvdeschutes.org. Free.
Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit Unity
Spiritual Community will host the 10th annual Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit. The summit will exchange ideas about how faith communities can become a more effective force for planetary health and creation care. Scholarship options are available. Feb. 5, 1-5:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-280-5040. cylvia@cylviahayes.com. $20-$25, $10 student rate.
The Return-to-Office Summit: Recruiting and Engagement in a PostCOVID World What does the future of work hold for employers, talent acquisition, HR and DEI professionals? Gensler’s Melissa Mizel will show the way. Recruiters, talent acquisition and business partners should join for a candid discussion about recruitment, engagement and retention in a post COVID-world. Limited seating. Feb. 6. COCC Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: jobsacrossthespectrum@gmail.com. $150.
Toastmasters of Redmond Become a confident public speaker. Do you want to become a member of an organization that provides a safe and supportive environment to improve your public speaking skills? A place that fosters community, socialization and builds your self confidence. A place to have fun. Newcomers are supportively welcomed. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Church of Christ, 925 NW 7th St., Redmond. Contact: 541292-6177. garyae@gmail.com. $60 for 6 months.
Valentines Poetry Reading Opportunity
Foundation’s Possibility Thrift Store of Redmond, across from Coastal. Bring a poem about something you love (pet, nature, music, family) and come to listen to poems by T.S. Eliot, Nikki Giovanni, Mary Oliver and William Stafford. Saturdays, 10am-Noon Through Feb. 11. The Opportunity Foundation of Redmond Thrift Store, 3294 S Hwy 97, Redmond. Contact: 541-5482611. stores@opportunityfound.org. Free.
We’re Bringing Gammon Back! All skills (and ages) welcome! B.Y.O.Board if possible. Join for fun and game. First Wednesday of every month, 6-8pm. Through June 7. The Ale Apothecary Tasting Room, 30 SW Century Dr., Ste 140, Bend. Contact: 541-350-3226. Free.
2023 Sunriver Brewing Co. K9 Keg
Pull The Sunriver Brewing Company K9 Keg Pull is back as the premier winter event for the Village at Sunriver! K9 Keg Pull entry fee is $20 per dog. All proceeds from the Keg Pull will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Donate dog food to the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Feb. 4, Noon-3pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Contact: events@alpine-entertainment.com. $20.
Snowlab Ballers Bingo Tuesdays 6-8pm
Join us at The Brown Owl and Lucky’s Woodsman and help raise scholarship funds for SNOWDAYS! Plus sign up for your chance to win your very own pass to the Snowlab where you can design, build and shred your own skis/board. Cash, prizes and fun for all ages! Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Through March 28. The Brown Owl, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-822-3799. eventsbreakingfree@gmail.com. Free.
Bend Moonlight Market Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and what better way to celebrate than by indulging in delicious food, refreshing drinks and shopping for unique gifts at the 3rd Bend Moonlight Market! Join for an exciting evening filled with talented vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry and clothing, to unique vintage finds. Enjoy a selection of local beverages and tasty food while you shop and browse. Feb. 3, 4-11pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. Free.
Pine Frost Festival 2023 Join for the annual Pinefrost event! Pancake breakfast, vendors, corn hole and cribbage tournaments, 1 mile and 5K fun, run/walk races, prizes and much more! Guaranteed fun for the entire family! For more information or to register email: chelle.kalmbach@lapineparks. org. Feb. 4, 8am-4pm. La Pine Park and Rec. District, 16405 First St., La Pine. Contact: 541-5362223. chelle.kalmbach@lapineparks.org. Free.
Rad Camps Presents Friday Night Skiing and Riding at Hoodoo Rad Camps’ guided night skiing trips leave from Bend in the Rad Vans at 4:30pm after school and head up to Hoodoo Ski Area. Participants can ski with our guides or explore on their own. Ages 7-17. Visit radcamps.com. Fridays, 4:30-10:30pm. Through March 17. Highland Elementary School, 701 NW Newport Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-204-0440. info@radcamps.com. $99.
Sunday Brunch Please join on Sunday mornings for the new brunch in the cozy tasting room. Faith, Hope and Charity will have a special rotating menu that will be different every week. Sam and Jerry, the chefs will be creating the amazing buffet! Sundays, 11am-2pm. Through Feb. 12. Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. Contact: 541526-5075. events@fhcvineyards.com. $32/adults, Free/children 12 and under. Sunday Brunch featuring fresh local, seasonal ingredients and beverage specials. Sundays, 10am-1pm. Eqwine Wine Bar, 218 SW 4th St, Redmond. Contact: 541-527-4419. Free.
Prospice Winemaker Dinner Join for an intimate family dinner with winemaker Matt Reilly from Prospice Winery in Walla Walla. Five wines and a casual family-style dinner in the new “Flight Lounge.” Flights will also serve a featured flight of three Prospice wines during regular service that day. Feb. 3, 6-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail.com. $100.
Locals’ Night with The Bluegrass Collective Monday is the day to be at Silver Moon Brewing! Come on down and join the local family all day every Monday! Silver Moon offers $3 pints of the core lineup beers and $4 pours of the barrel-aged beers all day. Come down and sample what’s new while also enjoying the brand new food menu! It’s a steal of a deal that they won’t be chasing you out the door for! Mondays. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.
Whiskey Tuesdays The Cross-eyed Cricket
Watering Hole is offering exclusive access to a library of top shelf whiskeys every Tue. One-ounce pours for reasonable prices. Come by and try something new, or sip on your favorites! Tuesdays, 11am-11pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.
Access Bars and Body Process Gifting and Receiving Did you know your body’s first language is energy? Group trade of Access Bars and Body Processes is a great way to connect with others in the area and receive! If you have taken a Bars or Body Process class, join! What’s possible if we receive bodywork regularly? Everything! First Tuesday of every month, 5-7pm. The Blissful Heart Hidden Garden, 105 NW Greeley Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-848-7608. jenniferevemorey@gmail.com. Free.
Angel Meditation and Angel Messages on Zoom Experience a high frequency of love with an angel meditation. Get an angel message on one question per specialty. Please see website. Each class max six people. Angelica has been able to see, feel, hear angels since birth. She is a certified hypnotist and author. Wed, Feb. 8, 6-7pm. Contact: 971-217-6576. $25.
Beginner Indoor Sprint Triathlon
Training Train for a sprint-distance triathlon - a shortened version of a triathlon- with elite multi-sport athlete, Cherie Touchette. She will prepare to participate in BPRD’s noncompetitive triathlon, held on March 5. All training sessions held at Juniper Swim & Fitness. Reg. deadline 1/6/23. First session 1/10/23. Register online. Tuesdays, 2-3pm. Through Feb. 28. Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, 800 NE Sixth St., Bend. Contact: 541-389-7665. $100/in-district, $120/ out of district.
Bend Zen Meditation Group Bend Zen sits every Mon, evening at 7. Arrive at 6:45pm to orient yourself and meet others. The group has two 25-minute sits followed by a member-led Dharma discussion from 8:05-8:30pm. All are welcome! Learn more and sign up for emails at www.bendzen.net. Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St., Bend. Contact: bendzensitting@gmail.com. Donations accepted.
Buddhism: Start Here This informal talk is designed to introduce the basics of the Buddhist point of view as expressed in the Vajrayana (Tibetan) tradition, led by Natural Mind Dharma Center director Michael Stevens. First Monday of every month, 7pm. Natural Mind Dharma Center, 345 SW Century Dr., Suite 2, Bend. Contact: info@ naturalminddharma.org. Free.
Drop In Monday Meditation Open to all! Come join in the beautiful gardens for meditation and healing! Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm. Blissful Heart Wellness Center, 45 NW Greeley Ave, Bend. Contact: 510-220-2441. cathleen@blissful-heart.com. Donation based.
Grief Reframed for Teens Teens need each other now more than ever. This safe space allows teens to hold and be held as they navigate the struggles of growing up and dealing with loneliness, loss, divorce, death and anxiety, in these challenging times. Both a grief counselor and licensed mental health therapist are present. Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-223-9955. info@livingundone.com. $50.
Guided Forest Bath Forest Bathing is the practice of immersing yourself in the forest through sensory connection. This practice will slow you down and deepen your relationship with nature and others. It is a great practice for friend groups and families. This guided experience is hosted by Missie Wikler, a certified forest therapy expert. Saturdays, 10am-Noon Through March 25. Shevlin Park, 18920 Shevlin Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. missie@romingyogabend.com. $35.
Kirtan: Celebrate With the Bend Bhakti Collective Kirtan, sacred song, dance and community. Celebrate with the Bend Bhakti Collective. Thursdays, 7pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4401. Free-$20.
Motivation and Goal Setting Workshop
It’s a great time to redesign your life. Make use of your time at home by setting and reaching goals in a free Zoom workshop. Certified Life Coach, Jacquie Elliott is hosting a motivation and accountability workshop on the first Monday of the each month. Email her at coach@jacquieelliottclc.com for the link. First Monday of every month, 5:30-6:30pm. Contact: coach@jacquieelliottclc.com. Free.
Parent Grief Group
The parent group is open to any caregiver who would benefit from the support of others along the journey of loving our kids into being, no matter life’s challenges. whether it be through divorce, death, illness, conflict, addiction, anxiety or depression. Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-223-9955. info@livingundone.com. $50.
Prosperity Now: In-Person Class In
this 7-week series, the group will confront the beliefs that are blocking prosperous expression and learn the attitudes and practices that will get the flow going. Required materials. Feb. 2, Noon2pm. Unity Community of Central Oregon, 63645 Scenic Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-350-8448. clare@ kevinkubota.com. Free.
Taize Meditation Service The Taize Choir of Central Oregon invites you to participate in an hour of meditative non-denominational Taize music, silence and prayer at our monthly ecumenical service. Families are welcome. Services are first Thursday October-May, except April 13 at Shalom Bayit. First Thursday of every month, 7-8pm. Through May 5. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho St., Bend. Contact: 541815-5574. taizebend@gmail.com. Free.
Yoga + Wine Event Yoga, friends and wine. This event is designed to help you unwind from your week, feel more centered and move mindfully through a flowing yoga practice. Then hang out, mingle and imbibe with new or old friends as the group walks over to the Va Piano Vineyards Tasting Room. Sat, Jan. 7, 6-8pm, Sat, Feb. 4, 6-8pm and Sat, March 4, 6-8pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Dr., Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $32.
The Wood Brothers hit the Midtown Ballroom on Wed., Feb. 8. Crossing genres of blues, folk, country, funk, roots rock and more, the trio likes to experiment with their tracks and sound.
Courtesy The Wood Brothers
A Tale of Two Tots
Meet two women who revolutionized tater tots
By Brian Yaeger
Tater tots are celebrating their 70th anniversary this year, having been invented on the Oregon side of the Oregon-Idaho border (hence the founding company’s name, Ore-Ida). So while it’s easy — sensical, even — to ignore National Grilled Cheese Day or National Condiments Day, cel ebrating National Tater Tot Day makes sense, even if it only stretches back to 2009. That happens to be the year that Gina Niesl, who’s been with McMenamins now for 30 years, invented their legendary Cajun tots!
“We probably started serving tots at some of the pubs circa 2000,” says Niesl of the compa ny that operates nearly 60 such pubs across Oregon and Washington. She was tasked with developing a happy hour menu “to keep people coming in during the recession.”
Understandably, Niesl keeps her Cajun tots recipe a secret, but disclosed that she created a blend of 10 spices for the tots that are always fried (the baked versions she test-batched may be healthier but weren’t tastier) that are now blended externally, and exclusively, for McMenamins. She even developed their dunking sidekick, the peppercorn ranch dressing.
As for the base tots, they’ve always used the OGs, Ore-Ida. Niesl believes McMenamins is the largest
customer, as she reported that the PNW empire goes through a whopping 1,200,000 pounds of poppable tots per year.
Back when she created the Cajun tots, she remembers thinking, “Let’s make it a thing.” That said, she confesses she’s “sort of surprised” at just how much of a cult delicacy they’ve become. One person who fell under their spell is Keeley Parsons. While scarfing down an order of McMenamins Cajun tots to soak up her belly full of booze about six years ago, she had an epiphany, the rare kind that sounds even better when sober. She’s the brains behind the TOTS food truck planted at the Midtown Yacht Club. What if, she imagined, she made her own tots from scratch? It’s something virtually nobody does. For such a simple concept—bunched up potato matter that’s fried—they’re immensely time-consuming. Getting homemade ones to conform to the established cylinders would be difficult, so Parsons innovatively used an ice cream scooper she had and set about making golf-ball sized tots from scratch.
Parsons’ spherical, magical tots—perfect naked but amazing when loaded with all manner of salts, seasoning, sauces, cheeses and meats—are arguably the
fourth and final spot on Oregon’s Mt. Rushmore of Tots. The others are Ore-Ida’s alchemized, extruded tater tots; the late, great Jim Parker’s 2006 inspiration “totchos” first introduced at Lompoc Brewing’s Oaks Bottom pub in Portland; and Niesl’s Cajun tots.
Whereas Oaks Bottom’s totchos consist of cheddar and jack cheeses, diced tomatoes and red onions, pickled jalapeños, olives, scallions, sour cream and salsa (avocado and some meat toppings are now optional), the TOTS truck’s menu offers at least seven permutations with myriad combos when the homemade sauces and seasonings are added in, not to mention secret menu items such as lime salt and raw honey served with kiwi-jalapeno crema.
Not only is the TOTS truck coming up on its second anniversary, but there’s the mobile truck, TOTS TWO POINT OH!, that, blessedly, is a fixture at Hayden Homes Amphitheater for concerts.
As for National Tater Tot Day, Niesl says, “We heard about it in 2019 and started to celebrate (tots day) in 2021.” Hence, McMenamins created a page on its website to show how the company and its chain of pubs celebrate. Whether you like yours seasoned, loaded, or au naturel, even though tots are practically a staple of the Oregonian diet, tip your hat to Niesl and Parsons as you toss back the potatoey bits at Old St. Francis or the Midtown Yacht Club.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 NW Bond St., Bend mcmenamins.com/old-st-francis-school
TOTS Truck 1661 NE 4th St. instagram.com/chasintots
Preaching the gospel of tater tots, Keeley Parsons' TOTS Truck is coming up on its two-year anniversary.
Keeley Parsons
By Nicole Vulcan
Israeli Street Food Opening in The Grove
A new location for Shimshon
Israeli street food purveyor Shimshon is heading west, setting up a new location in The Grove Market Hall in Northwest Crossing in Bend. Shimshon’s food is already available at two other locations, including at its cart at Midtown Yacht Club and at the Barrio restaurant in downtown Bend. Menu items at the various Shimshon locations include falafel, za’atar fries, mezza plates and more.
The first day for the new location was scheduled for Feb. 1. Shimshon’s location in The Grove is open Tuesday through Sunday.
The Grove 921 NW Mt. Washington Dr., Bend grovebend.com
Bruno’s Becomes Bruno’s Again
After a stint as Midtown Market, updated concept opens
Bruno’s 6th Street Market is now open in the former Midtown Market along 6th Street in northeast Bend. It’s something of a return to its previous name, when the same location was the site of Bruno’s Grocery Deli and U-Bake Pizza as late as 2015. These days, Bruno’s 6th Street Market offers a full deli, calzones, to-go drinks and of course, pizza. The new Bruno’s opened in mid January. It’s open seven days a week from 7am to 9pm.
Bruno’s 6th Street Market 1709 NE 6th St., Bend brunosbend.com
* * 10% OFF ONE ITEM IF YOU BRING IN THIS AD *ONE TIME* 503-385-6312 @silverdollarstyleco 1824 NE Division St Suite F (Up the Outside Stairs) Open 11:30-5 11:30-5 11:30-6 11:30-6 11:30-5 Closed Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday & Tuesday
in the old Bruno’s
Courtesy Shimshon
Most of us are going through some sort of difficulties in our lives, true, but Charity Woodrum’s story reads like someone being taught, lesson after lesson, by a universe unaware of individual struggle. And after watching the locally made documentary about Woodrum, “Space, Hope and Charity,” it’s hard not to feel like she took those lessons and forged herself into an inspiring person and an astonishing human that refuses to be defined by loss or trauma and instead is chart ing her own path through the stars.
Growing up in poverty in rural Oregon and being a first-gen eration high school graduate, Woodrum’s dreams of working for NASA one day would have seemed impossible to some. Never once to her. By the time she was in her mid-20s and ninemonths pregnant, she was studying astro physics at the University of Oregon.
Then, on Jan. 15, 2017, while walking along the Boice-Cope State Beach in Oregon with her son Woody and husband Jayson, a sneaker wave hit the trio, leaving Charity as the only survivor. “Space, Hope and Charity” unflinchingly focuses on Woodrum as she tells her story. To give away any more of her journey would do disservice to the powerful and captivating documentary. Instead, here are excerpts from interviews I did with Charity Woodrum and the director of the documentary, Sandy Cummings.
Always Seeking the Stars
"Space, Hope and Charity" tells the unforgettable story of Charity Woodrum
By Jared Rasic
Source Weekly: What inspired you to tell this story?
Sandy Cummings: I’ve always been drawn to stories of ordinary people being thrown into extraordinary situations, and how they find their way through. My first instinct wasn’t to tell her story, it was to see if there was something I could do to help her. I invited Charity to come to Bend and introduced her to a group of friends who also wanted to help.
Charity told us she was in the process of applying to grad schools and didn’t yet know what help she might need. Fast forward a year or so: Charity was now at the University of Arizona, working toward her Ph.D. in astrophysics. Her story was incredibly inspiring to me, and I knew it would be to many others as well.
SW: What would you like to see happen with the film? Are you looking for distribution? Sending to festivals?
SC: We just finished the film and are submitting it to film festivals, including BendFilm. We’re also holding private fundraiser screenings for Woody’s Stars, a fund in honor of Charity’s son that will help college students achieve their own dreams of succeeding in STEM(science, technology, engineering and mathematics). We’d love to see the film land on PBS and a streaming platform.
SW: The film really is complete ly about your history, Charity, but it obviously can’t cover everything about you. Is it a weird feeling to know that after people watch the film they’ll feel like they know you?
Charity Woodrum: do think people feel like they know me, which makes them feel comfortable opening up about themselves. I have honestly had some of the most genuine conversations with people after screenings. It makes you realize that everyone is going through something hard, especially in today’s world, and we really should be kinder to each other.
SW: I know that you found people that were instrumental in helping you process your loss. Is that something you are interested in doing for others?
CW: I definitely hope the film helps others dealing with their own trauma and loss. It seems to me that our society doesn’t really talk openly about grief. People expect you to be back to normal after the funeral, and that’s just not realistic. One of the things that was incredibly helpful to me was discussions with fellow bereaved parents and widows. It was important for me to see someone else that had made it through. My grief was overwhelming at first, to the point where they had to medicate and hospitalize me for nearly a week. And my grief is still that heavy, but the difference is that I’m stronger now so I can carry it with me.
I think what’s truly remarkable about the documentary and you as a person is that there doesn’t seem to be any set of restrictions that define you. What do you want your legacy to be? Do you think humanity has any control over how they are defined by others?
CW: I think the answer will evolve over time. For example, I wanted my legacy to be that my son grew up to be a loving, empathetic and happy person. With help from the Roundhouse Foundation, we have set up a fund in his honor; it’s called Woody’s Stars. We will provide mentorship and funding to students facing barriers in their college careers. Caring mentors are a huge part of what has helped me achieve my goals, and I want to pay it forward. I know Woody would be very proud of that.
If I could choose another part of my legacy, it would be to walk on the Moon and on Mars. I’m now qualified to apply to be a NASA astronaut, and I’m working toward becoming even more qualified. One of the next steps is to get my private pilot license. I took my first flight recently and loved it! Over 18,000 people apply and only about 12 get accepted as astronaut candidates every few years, so I know the chances are incredibly low, but I’m going to start applying and worstcase scenario, I’ll frame my rejection letters and fly airplanes for sheer fun.
Oregon Ki Society
Introductory Aikido Course
Wednesdays, February 15 — April 5
5:30 — 6:45 pm
For more information: (541) 350-7887 email: cfhc@hotmail.com
Website: oregonki.org
Once you know Charity’s story you won’t forget it.
Charity's son Woody enjoying learning about space.
Charity Woodrum
Charity Woodrum
principles, movements, and arts of aikido.
E a c h y e a r , T h e C e n t e r F o u n d a t i o n d i s t r i b u t e s m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 0 m u l t i - s p o r t h e l m e t s t o y o u t h i n C e n t r a l O r e g o n t h r o u g h o u r T r a i n Y o u r B r a i n p r o g r a m W W W . C E N T E R F O U N D A T I O N . O R G
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / FEBRUARY 2, 2023 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 22 See the Full Lineup & Get Tickets: oregonwinterfest.com 3 Stages Showcasing Live Music All Weekend! Deschutes County Expo Center Warren G Hip Hop Legend with Sugar Hill Gang Friday Feb. 17th Tyler Farr Saturday Feb. 18th with Toast & Jam Country Sensation
SC SCREEN Cronenberg Squared
“Infinity Pool” drowns in ideas
By Jared Rasic
I’ve spent a lot of Source Weekly pages over the years writing about why we go to the movies and if there’s any “wrong” reason or way to watch a film. The reason why I watch a movie is completely different than why my mom or the average moviegoer does. For most people, going to the movies or just watching one from home is primarily for entertainment purposes: to forget your worries and go to a different place for a few hours. To be told a story in such a way that you are transported outside of your self. This is why “Avatar: The Way of Water” has made over $2 billion in a month.
The older I get, the more I don’t care if the place I’m transported to is even a very nice place. If a film is made with enough craft and vision that I can literally forget I’m watching a movie, then it has already succeeded at the most difficult part of storytelling.
As a kid, I grew up watching the movies of David Cronenberg (waaaaaayyyyyy) before I was old enough to really get the subtext of what was going on. To me, his movies were gooey and blurred the lines between sexy and scary in a way that I’m not sure was healthy for my eight-yearold brain. Films like “Videodrome,” “Crash,” “The Fly” and “Naked Lunch” took me out of my suburb and plopped me down in an ugly world where our bodies could revolt against us and our DNA was subject to change. I’m not sure I could call what his movies made me feel “entertainment,” but they made me feel like film was a living organism that redesigned our brains into machines for empathy.
Now, 30 years later, Cronenberg is still making movies, but so is his son Brandon. The three films Brandon has made so far have all spent most of their running times showing that father and son have a lot of stylistic and thematic similarities in their construction, but also that Brandon (basically still at the beginning of his career), is capable of building worlds we might struggle to forget.
His first film, 2012’s “Antiviral,” tells the story of a future where clients pay a company to sell them the viruses and pathogens from infected celebrities so regular people can feel closer to their idols. Next came 2020’s “Possessor,” which follows a corporate assassin who commits murders
by downloading herself into the bodies and minds of unsuspecting and innocent people.
His newest, in theaters now, is “Infinity Pool,” starring Mia Goth (who’s having one hell of a year or two), Alexander Skarsgård and Cleopatra Coleman in a sci-fi mind bender designed to attack your senses while challenging your morals. Basically, this follows a pair of rich couples at a resort in a fictional third world country. They leave the resort one night (which they are expressly forbidden to do) and accidentally commit a horrific crime. Punishment for the crime is death, but for a nominal fee the government will make an exact clone of you (current memories included) and execute the clone, leaving the rich tourists free to continue being amoral and destructive in a foreign country.
If David Cronenberg has spent most of his career examining how our gradually and unpredictably disintegrating bodies change our personalities, Brandon has spent three movies examining the way our bodies warp when our souls lose a moral compass. While “Infinity Pool” is directed with formal daring and is always genuinely stunning to look at, I’m not sure Cronenberg goes as far with the story as he could have. If you already have a story as outlandish as this, why not take the ideas as far as “humanly” possible.
Really, “Infinity Pool” takes the excess and hedonism of “The White Lotus” and gives it a dark sci-fi twist, but it doesn’t really illuminate the souls of its characters with any more profundity. All the ideas are just left sitting there as the final credits role, as the film takes a fairly pedestrian way out of its outlandish world.
But “Infinity Pool” did successfully take me to Brandon Cronenberg’s world. As much as I feel there were untapped depths to the story, I went to a horrible place outside of my comfort zone and was deeply relieved to be delivered back home when it was over. I’m not really sure I liked being there, but it was one hell of a vacation.
“Infinity Pool”
Dir. Brandon Cronenberg
Grade: BNow Playing at Regal Old Mill
CourtesyofNeon Walk-Ins Welcome! BESTMEDCLINICS.COM 2 Redmond Locations | Bend
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / FEBRUARY 2, 2023 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 24 541-388-0688 www.mountainsupplybend.com OUTDOOR RE S EARCH P AT A G O NIA PETZL R A B SALE W A S C AR P A SE A TO S UMMI T SM A R TWOOL T H ERMARE S T MO U N T A I N HA R D WE A R HY DR O FLAS K ZE A L M O NTRAIL A R C ’TE R Y X FI V ETE N GA R MONT KEEN LA SPO R TI V A M A MM U T P RA NA MERREL L OB O Z METOLI U S Sunday 10am-5pm ALL SKIS, BOOTS & BINDINGS (some restrictions apply) WINTER STOKE SALE! ON SALE NOW: Bend’s #1 Climbing Shop & Outdoor Retailer Together, we help 3,000 animals every year at the Humane Society of Central Oregon with safe sheltering, medical care & adoption hsco org 541 382-3537 ADOPT HSCO Thrift Store HSCO Shelter 61170 SE 27th St Bend OR 97702 Mon-Fri 10a-530p Sat 10a-5p hsco org 61220 S Highway 97 Bend OR 97702 Every Day 10a-6p Donations M-Sat 10a-5p SHOP DONATE
On Feb. 11, Central Oregonians are waking up, running and plunging in the Deschutes for a cause. Central Oregon’s Polar Plunge has been happening for 17 years and is the longest-running organized plunge in the state, according to Britt Gamble, Central Oregon’s Polar Plunge and 5K manager.
Benefiting the Special Olympics Oregon, this event helps raise money to provide year-round sports training and competition for Oregon athletes with intellectual disabilities. Central Oregon has its own local chapter, High Desert Special Olympics.
“Through sport, the athletes can gain confidence; they gain friendships, physical fitness and a lot of social competencies in regard to sport,” Britt said.
The morning starts off with a 5K race at 10am at Riverbend Park. The course starts there, taking runners along the river and looping back around for the plunge. After the race, around 10:45am, is a costume contest and opening
Polar Plunging for a Purpose
The Polar Plunge and 5K race benefits Special Olympics Central Oregon
By Allie Noland
ceremonies before the polar plunge. At 11am, participants will run into the Deschutes River to feel the rush of cold water and show their support, all together. Following the plunge is an awards ceremony to celebrate the fundraising individuals and teams.
“The overall camaraderie of having 300 people in Central Oregon all jumping in the freezing cold water together, in support of those with intellectual disabilities, is a pretty amazing experience,” Britt said.
Last year the race included some 250275 plungers, and this year, over 300 plungers are anticipated to show up, according to Gamble. For those wanting to support but not enter the freezing cold water, there is an option to sign up for just the 5K. For those wanting to get in the water but not run, there is an option to sign up for just the polar plunge. And if people want to support but don’t want to face the frigid February temps at all, they are able to donate online.
Racers and plungers can register for the event as an individual or as a team. Either way, each participant can fundraise for SOOR through their own donation page. Central Oregon’s fundraising goal is $45,000.
Vendors will be set up at 9:30am. Find your local food trucks, coffee and drinks and mingle and learn about Special Olympics Oregon before and after the events.
Sponsored by:
a fundraiser for
Friday, February 24th
February 25th different shows each night + raffle prizes!
Polar Plunge and 5K Run Sat., Feb. 11, 10am Riverbend Park 799 SW Columbia St., Bend soor.org $50 donation
The Polar Plunge 5k is a relatively flat course that takes runners along the Deschutes River, with the start and finish at Riverbend Park.
Photos by Britt Gamble
(plus $3 historic preservation fee).
At the Tower Theatre in Bend. Tickets: $22 in advance, $25 at the door
Are New Cannabinoids Friend or Foe?
Unpacking the various hemp-derived cannabinoids
purity and contaminants, you’re good.
The Business Case for The Business Case for
the primary source of CBD. Few but the lightest of lightweights find CBD provides any true form of intoxication or high, and it’s far safer than synthetic cannabis.
Hemp legalization offered processors the opportunity to experiment and see what other cannabinoids could be identified, extracted and concentrated. They hit paydirt with Delta-8 THC. Because it’s taken from the hemp plant, Delta-8 is legal and can be sold outside of a regulated cannabis program. (Though banned in nearly 20 states.) Which it is, in every conceivable form.
Products can be found from gas stations to dedicated storefronts. Numerous companies are hawking Delta 8 distillate infused hemp flower joints, moon rocks, shatter, vape carts and gummies. It’s available in the aforementioned cities and many others, and it’s getting people high.
Delta-8 THC is found in very small quantities in hemp. The products sold use a concentrated form. So long as the product is third-party tested for
The Food and Drug Administration received a mere 104 reports of adverse effects from Delta-8 between Dec. 1, 2020, and Feb. 28, 2022, including “hallucinations, vomiting, tremor, anxiety, dizziness, confusion, and loss of consciousness.” (Also known as “I Am So Damn High Help Me Jeebus” syn-
Delta-8, even in higher concentrations, isn’t as concerning as some other hemp-derived new products finding their way to consumers. Last month the California chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws issued a warning regarding a study showing a potential danger for those who vape THC-O Acetate.
THC-O Acetate is a synthetic cannabinoid reported to be three times stronger than Delta 9 THC. Effects are likened more to a mushroom or acid trip than cannabis. Good to know. It’s widely available
What troubled researchers is, when heated in a vape, it produces ketene, a dangerous substance that impacts your lungs in the same manner as when you heat Vitamin E acetate.
Remember Vitamin E acetate? Pepperidge Farms does. It was the vapecart thickening additive determined to be responsible for the nationwide EVALI vaping crisis in 2019-20 that hospitalized thousands and killed 59, some as young as 15. It’s since been banned as an additive.
The list of new, and some would say questionable, hemp-derived cannabinoids, natural and synthetic, are overwhelming. One of the study’s authors said that he’s concerned with (checks notes) THCP, THCjd, THC-H, THC-B, HHC, and Delta-10 THC. WTF?
He told High Times that “...some of these other new cannabinoids that are being synthesized from hemp, which are brand new and never been tested in human subjects before. THCP is being advertised as having 30 times the binding power to receptors as THC. These compounds have never been found in nature before—being made by fairly amateurish underground hemp chemists—raise a lot of concern.”
California NORML says CBN, CBG, CBC, THCV, THC-A, CBD-A, and Delta-8 THC are safe. Maybe stick with those for now; that really should be enough to keep most anyone pain free and chilled out.
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Crossword “Hand To Mouth”
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
1. Rock on a ring
6. Goddess of marriage
10. With crow's feet, say
14. Florida city with over 400 thoroughbred farms
15. Wide-eyed
16. Street off the main street
17. Words accompanying a 38-Across
20. Wrap things up
21. Puts a name to a face, briefly
22. Covers in a glossy coat
23. ___ Arbor
24. "I must, no doubt 'bout it"
25. Words accompanying a 38-Across
29. Steal
33. Ibuprofen targets
34. NFL broadcaster Greg
36. Drink with a fruity taste
37. Storage units of the first memory sticks
38. Gesture associated in the theme answers
39. Complete devastation
40. Cultural Revolution initiator
41. Saltines rival
42. It might be one with everything
43. Actress Riseborough
45. Words accompanying a 38-Across
47. Machu Picchu resident
49. "Get out of here," at the Ren Faire
50. Take advantage of
53. Financial ___
54. Ronna McDaniel is its chair
57. Word accompanying a 38-Across
60. Org. whose logo has prominent antlers
61. Easily-fooled sap
62. Expensive violin
63. Strong urges
64. Spice applications: Abbr.
65. Mexican hairless dogs
1. ___ Raúl Capablanca (chess titan)
2. International Trade and Policy subj.
3. It works for a spell
4. High priest of Shiloh
5. Thrashings
6. Bald spot coverings
7. Vanity item?
8. Loverboy
9. Cost of moving real estate
10. "Gosford Park" director
11. "Ain't That Peculiar" singer
12. Carbon compound found in crosswords
13. Latin deity
18. Author Ferber
19. Order some DoorDash
23. Fruit-flavored drinks
24. Ingredient in Jell-O
25. Certain sorority gal
26. Singer-songwriter Frank
27. [eye roll]
28. Hardness scale eponym
30. Dressing material
31. "Pride and Prejudice" heroine Bennet
32. Pertaining to the kidneys
35. Trick-taking card game
38. Prime real estate location
39. It gets fair use
41. ___ Cards (ESP-testing equipment)
42. Gave to the IRS, say
44. Ruffles feature
46. Branch of Islam
48. Whatever it is, they're against it
50. Pinkberry rival
51. Clue weapon
52. Shortly
53. Range that passes through eight countries
54. Kickstarter target
55. Not taken in
56. Letters that look like pitchforks
58. Cricket official
59. "Just saying ..." initially
Puzzle for the week of January 30, 2023
Pearl’s Puzzle Difficulty Level
We’re Local!
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru?
Puzzle for the week of January 30, 2023
Difficulty Level: ●●●○
Difficulty Level: ●●●○
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters D
exactly once.
Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
© Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once. DONUT SPAM
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters
D O N U T S P A M exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: “But I'm here to let you know; That I'll love you like you deserve; I'll treat you right; And on a cold, cold night; I'll shower you in hugs and kisses; ”
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: “But I'm here to let you know; That I'll love you like you deserve; I'll treat you right; And on a cold, cold night; I'll shower you in hugs and kisses; _______”
- Talia Basma
Answer for the week of January 23, 2023
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will “But I'm here to let you know; That I'll love you like you deserve; I'll treat you right; And on a cold, cold night; I'll shower you in hugs and kisses; ”
- Talia Basma
Answer for the week of January 23, 2023
“Oh yes, I admit freely to making mistakes. I can only say they were correct and accurate mistakes, not wrong mistakes.”
“Oh yes, I admit freely to making mistakes. I can only say they were correct and accurate mistakes, not wrong mistakes.”
- John Keasler
— John Keasler
© Pearl Stark www.mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
“Oh yes, I admit freely to making mistakes. I can only say they accurate mistakes, not wrong mistakes.”
- John Keasler
© Pearl Stark www.mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
— Talia Basma
★ ★ ★ ©2021 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
Scott Plumb,
By Rob Brezsny
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “I want to raise up the magic world all round me and live strongly and quietly there,” wrote Aquarian author Virginia Woolf in her diary. What do you think she meant by "raise up the magic world all round me"? More importantly, how would you raise up the magic world around you? Meditate fiercely and generously on that tantalizing project. The coming weeks will be an ideal time to attend to such a wondrous possibility. You now have extra power to conjure up healing, protection, inspiration, and mojo for yourself.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Before going to sleep, I asked my subconscious mind to bring a dream that would be helpful for you. Here's what it gave me: In my dream, I was reading a comic book titled Zoe Stardust Quells Her Demon. On the first page, Zoe was facing a purple monster whose body was beastly but whose face looked a bit like hers. On page two, the monster chased Zoe down the street, but Zoe escaped. In the third scene, the monster was alone, licking its fur. In the fourth scene, Zoe sneaked up behind the monster and shot it with a blow dart that delivered a sedative, knocking it unconscious. In the final panel, Zoe had arranged for the monster to be transported to a lush uninhabited island where it could enjoy its life without bothering her. Now here's my dream interpretation, Pisces: Don't directly confront your inner foe or nagging demon. Approach stealthily and render it inert. Then banish it from your sphere, preferably forever.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Theoretically, you could offer to help a person who doesn’t like you. You could bring a gourmet vegan meal to a meat-eater or pay a compliment to a bigot. I suppose you could even sing beautiful love songs to annoyed passersby or recite passages from great literature to an eight-year-old immersed in his video game. But there are better ways to express your talents and dispense your gifts—especially now, when it's crucial for your long-term mental health that you offer your blessings to recipients who will use them best and appreciate them most.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In esoteric astrology, Taurus rules the third eye. Poetically speaking, this is a subtle organ of perception, a sixth sense that sees through mere appearances and discerns the secret or hidden nature of things. Some people are surprised to learn about this theory. Doesn't traditional astrology say that you Bulls are sober and well-grounded? Here’s the bigger view: The penetrating vision of an evolved Taurus is potent because it peels away superficial truths and uncovers deeper truths. Would you like to tap into more of this potential superpower? The coming weeks will be a good time to do so.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The ingredient you would need to fulfill the next stage of a fun dream is behind door #1. Behind door #2 is a vision of a creative twist you could do but haven't managed yet. Behind door #3 is a clue that might help you achieve more disciplined freedom than you've known before. Do you think I'm exaggerating? I'm not. Here’s the catch: You may be able to open only one door before the magic spell wears off—*unless* you enlist the services of a consultant, ally, witch, or guardian angel to help you bargain with fate to provide even more of the luck that may be available.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): I trust you are mostly ready for the educational adventures and experiments that are possible. The uncertainties that accompany them, whether real or imagined, will bring out the best in you. For optimal results, you should apply your nighttime thinking to daytime activities, and vice versa. Wiggle free of responsibilities unless they teach you noble truths. And finally, summon the intuitive powers that will sustain you and guide you through the brilliant shadow initiations. (PS: Take the wildest rides you dare as long as they are safe.)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Fate has decreed, "Leos must be wanderers for a while." You are under no obligation to obey this mandate, of course. Theoretically, you could resist it. But if you do indeed rebel, be sure your willpower is very strong. You will get away with outsmarting or revising fate only if your discipline is fierce and your determination is intense. OK? So let's imagine that you will indeed bend fate's decree to suit your needs. What would that look like? Here's one possibility: The "wandering" you undertake can be done in the name of focused exploration rather than aimless meandering.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I wish I could help you understand and manage a situation that has confused you. I'd love to bolster your strength to deal with substitutes that have been dissipating your commitment to the Real Things. In a perfect world, I could emancipate you from yearnings that are out of sync with your highest good. And maybe I'd be able to teach you to dissolve a habit that has weakened your willpower. And why can’t I be of full service to you in these ways? Because, according to my assessment, you have not completely acknowledged your need for this help. So neither I nor anyone else can provide it. But now that you've read this horoscope, I'm hoping you will make yourself more receptive to the necessary support and favors and relief.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I can't definitively predict you will receive an influx of cash in the next three weeks. It's possible, though. And I'm not able to guarantee you'll be the beneficiary of free lunches and unexpected gifts. But who knows? They could very well appear. Torrents of praise and appreciation may flow, too, though trickles are more likely. And there is a small chance of solicitous gestures coming your way from sexy angels and cute maestros. What I can promise you for sure, however, are fresh eruptions of savvy in your brain and sagacity in your heart. Here's your keynote, as expressed by the Queen of Sheba 700 years ago: "Wisdom is sweeter than honey, brings more joy than wine, illumines more than the sun, is more precious than jewels."
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your assignment, Scorpio, is to cultivate a closer relationship with the cells that comprise your body. They are alive! Speak to them as you would to a beloved child or animal. In your meditations and fantasies, bless them with tender wishes. Let them know how grateful you are for the grand collaboration you have going, and affectionately urge them to do what's best for all concerned. For you Scorpios, February is Love and Care for Your Inner Creatures Month.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Revamped and refurbished things are coming back for another look. Retreads and redemption-seekers are headed in your direction. I think you should consider giving them an audience. They are likely to be more fun or interesting or useful during their second time around. Dear Sagittarius, I suspect that the imminent future may also invite you to consider the possibility of accepting stand-ins and substitutes and imitators. They may turn out to be better than the so-called real things they replace. In conclusion, be receptive to Plan Bs, second choices, and alternate routes. They could lead you to the exact opportunities you didn't know you needed.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Author Neil Gaiman declared, "I've never known anyone who was what he or she seemed." While that may be generally accurate, it will be far less true about you Capricorns in the coming weeks. By my astrological reckoning, you will be very close to what you seem to be. The harmony between your deep inner self and your outer persona will be at record-breaking levels. No one will have to wonder if they must be wary of hidden agendas lurking below your surface. Everyone can be confident that what they see in you is what they will get from you. This is an amazing accomplishment! Congrats!
Homework: Give a blessing to someone that you would like to receive yourself. Newsletter.FreeWillAstrology.com
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By Burt Gershater
Icouldn’t figure out which title was the right one.
Get it?
Is there even such a thing as a moment in time?
Is there anything else except moments in time that add up to be minutes, hours, days, then generations and millennia?
We have all heard the wisdom that this moment, the Now, is the most important moment in our lives. What has already happened, we have no control over, and what shall be is speculation. Right now is when we actu ally have the freedom to choose. It could possibly impact the rest of our entire lives. This choice is surely influenced by our past.
But now is when life happens. Everything is now.
Hang in there, please.
Every single thing I have said so far is true!
But…(yes, there is a but.)
None of what I’ve written so far is totally true.
In one way of looking at the world, it is true, but as we all know by now, hardly anything is that simple. There are layers and layers to each and every truth. Particularly opinions which are so much of what surrounds us these days. But even the hard sciences wrestle with truth.
Keep breathing, in your abdomen, please. Through your nose works the best. We’ll be traveling together into inner and outer space for the next few minutes, possibly longer. Hold on, or perhaps letting go is even better.
Think about times in your life — some memorable ones. Intriguingly, they are still with us. Time is mysterious. Sure, we know what time it is, and how much time it takes to cook popcorn and drive to town. But a moment in time can last for lifetimes. I still hear the advice of my daddy who was the child of poor Russian immigrants. He told us, “Do what you love and the money will come.” That moment is forever imbedded inside of me, and now in our children and grandchildren. Is the now only now? Obviously not, but now is when we have power to direct and create our futures. We also have the capacity and responsibility to change the story of our past — how we view it,
and how it impacts us and others.
Painful moments can last forever. However, humans have the unique healing ability to repent and also forgive. We can choose to release the shame for our regrettable deeds, and the blame we attach to others for their hurtful deeds. Hatred, resentment, shame and blame are common ways we enslave ourselves to our past. Now is the time to let them go.
Now, how does my other title, Needing to Be Right is Wrong, fit into today’s topic about the magical, mysterious powers of time?
First off, I want to thank everyone who has ever fought for a righteous cause. There are too many true heroes to mention. I am not talking about these heroes today. Today I am speaking about nearly all of us who have been hooked into the societal, cultural and family habits to reflexively disagree, need to be right, stop listening and create walls between us.
If I was the Boss and could do just one thing before I take my final leave, I would teach everyone that our all-toocommon day-to-day need to be right mostly has poisonous effects on our relationships.
And it is so UNNECESSARY.
First of all, how much time do you and I have left? None of us knows the answer to that question. All we do know is that we don’t know. And most of us, at our highest self, would prefer the time we have remaining be filled with more harmony and less discord. Harmony with family members, friends, neighbors, even strangers.
Our need to be right, conflictual and distancing, has been around since the beginning. It is easy to do, culturally popular, and falsely empowering. NOW is the time for us to see that this need to be self-righteously right for what it truly is — poison!
It is time to move on, one moment at a time.
Our future depends upon our efforts today.
Blessings. …
A moment in time, or needing to be right is wrong
- Burt Gershater is a counselor, leadership trainer, speaker and writer. He can be reached at info@burtgershater.com
Music by Richard Rodgers
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is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.
Otis Craig Broker, CRS
& 541.771.4824 ) otis@otiscraig.com
Licensed Broker 541.390.4488 geoff.groener@cascadesir.com
Your Coastal Connection
• 42-acre Ocean/Bay view parcel
• Approved to build immediately
• Adjacent to Salishan Resort
Overlooks the Siletz Bay & Wildlife Preserve
Rentable equestrian stable with endless trails
Possible city growth
Harvestable timber
TL 1200 Immonen Rd, Lincoln City, OR 97367
$849,000 | 42-Acre Parcel. Ready to build. Water and power on property.
Perfect 3 unit investment property in the heart of everything Bend. Seller is offering a $25,000 credit with a full price offer. Close to downtown, the Deschutes river, grocery shopping, shopping shopping and all of the best pubs and restaurants that Bend has to offer. Unit 1 is 2 bed 1 bath on the ground level and has been updated throughout the years. Unit 2 upstairs is 2 bed 1 bath and has been beautifully updated. Also has a great porch with amazing city views. Unit 3 is a detached ADU and is a studio with 1 bath. Great rental history on all of the units and you can’t beat the location. Also potential space for adding additional units. Great opportunity to invest in Bend.
15632 SW Mecate Lane
This Brasada lot at .59 acres is slightly sloped for breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains, small pond for added privacy, and is located near exits for quicker access to Bend, Redmond & Prineville.
OFFERED AT $249,000
Home located on a quiet street in SW Redmond lined with mature trees. Open floorplan features kitchen, eating area, half bath, and great room with gas fireplace. Upstairs has 3 bedrooms, 2 bath with utility/laundry room for convenience, also boasts a HUGE bonus room. Double sinks and a large walk-in closet in Primary. Front and back sprinkler system with fenced backyard. 2-car garage with room for shop/storage area.
MLS# 22-1844
Paradise www SkjersaaGroup com 5 41.3 83 14 26 1 033 NW Newpor t Ave. Bend, OR 97703 Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty Terry Skjersaa Principal Broker, CRS Jason Boone Principal Broker, CRIS Greg Millikan Broker
Coastal Equestrian
695 SW MILL VIEW WAY SUITE 100 • BEND, OR WWW.ALEVISON.WITHWRE.COM | Levisongroupinfo@gmail.com 541.915.5977
1116 NW PORTLAND AVE, BEND 97701 • $1,299,000
2936 SW DESCHUTES DRIVE, REDMOND 97756 • $500,000
Bend is known as one of America’s great dog towns. And with good reason. Bend is a very dog-friendly place with so much open space to explore and many opportunities for bringing your dog along for the ride, wherever you may roam. Some recent estimates have suggested that there’s one dog for every three people in the city of Bend. That’s a lot of dogs!
With that rate of dog families, it’s smart to think about ways to make your home a bit more dog-friendly before listing it. This is especially true if you live in a neighborhood frequented by young families, or sprinkled with trails, parks and dog parks. If you have a dog or other pet yourself, you’ll want to be sure to keep your home clean and in tip-top shape scent-wise.
Easy backyard bonuses for fur baby
Does your home have a nice-sized yard? Better yet, is it fenced? These are the top two desires of a dog owner. Keeping a safe, clean and fun space for a fur baby is key. No-mow fountain grass is easier to clean and maintain. A water and food station might be a nice addition. Take things up a notch by adding a doggie house that has a cute design and is a true retreat for that special pup.
Doggie doors can be a plus or minus
Some dog owners love a dog door, others not so much. While they offer a nice taste of freedom, it’s best for your real estate professional to point out where a dog door would be a perfect fit. That way, the would-be owner can decide for themselves and avoid closing the door if that’s their desire.
By Angie Blanchard
Shady spots for the win Central Oregon summers can be very sunny and hot, especially mid-day. This affects both people and pets. It’s wise to evaluate the amount of shade you get during the heat of the day and make accommodations if needed.
Stage pet-focused storage areas
A designated space for keeping leashes, toys and other belongings can be a big bonus for dog owners touring your home. Place a bin labeled “Dog Toys” in your mud room or garage entryway. Hang leashes neatly in a space that make sense. If you have a dog grooming spa, make sure it is sparkly clean and be sure to include a beautiful photo in your listing.
Remember, not every buyer will love pet-friendly
Keep in mind potential buyers may not share your same enthusiasm for pets. Make sure you keep any messes or odors to a minimum. A good deepclean before you list your home could instantly pay off. Additionally, if you're about to move out and want to spruce up your home in the meantime, invest in pet-friendly and easy-to-clean materials like tile or laminate. And it should go without saying that pets should find another place to stay while tours and open houses are happening.
As a pet owner, you know all too well how difficult it can be to find the perfect home — one that's large enough and pet-friendly enough for your furry family members. If you want to draw in potential buyers who are looking for that oasis, think about including a few simple amenities they will see value in and be sure your real estate professional does a good job of pointing them out.
Licensed broker, RE/MAX Key Properties
Pet-Friendly Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service HOME PRICE ROUNDUP << LOW 655 SW 12th Street, Redmond $379,000 2 beds, 1 baths 1,064 square feet; .13 acre lot. Built in 1945 Listed by McKinzie Charlton & Brian Meece, RE/ MAX Key Properties MID >> 2527 NW Monterey Pines Drive, Bend $725,000 3 beds, 2 baths 1,544 square feet; 0.13 acre lot Built in 2000 Listed by Janet McNown, RE/MAX Key Properties and Scott Lewis, John L. Scott Ashland << HIGH 1185 NW Singleton Place, Bend $1,750,000 4 beds, 3 baths 2,639 square feet; .18 acre lot Built in 2023 Listed by David Quiros, RE/MAX Key Properties
Sell Your Home by Promoting It as
“The Buying Opportunity Right Now – is in Redmond”
Last summer we opened an office in downtown Redmond because we realized sellers in this area have been underrepresented. We are building a collaborative team of professional brokers who are Redmond marketsavvy and love this community. CascadeLife.TV just produced a video story with our brokers on the attractions of Redmond and the real estate opportunities. Check out the video by visiting: www.RedmondVideo.com
Redmond is often called the “Hub of Central Oregon” and more than ever is seeing an influx of people and businesses thanks to the area’s affordability, a reimagined downtown, and a plethora of outdoor activities. Redmond is only 20 minutes from Bend, but the median price for a single-family home is roughly $200,000 less. Come spend the day and explore the city’s 26 parks or dine in one of the 30 restaurants in the city’s downtown.
Call (541) 512-4106 to explore Redmond residential, ranch, farm and commercial real estate opportunities, and please join us this Friday from 4-7 PM during Redmond’s First Friday art and music event.
All material presented above is intended for informational purposes only. While this information is believed to be correct, it is presented subject to errors, omissions, change, and withdrawal without notice. Each office is independently owned and operated. All brokers listed are licensed in the state of Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity.
3562 SW REINDEER AVE - REDMOND $575,000 | 3 BD | 4 BA | 2,880 SF $559,000 | VACANT LAND | 20.45 ACRES $549,900 | 3 BD | 2 BA | 1,712 SF | 0.28 AC $439,000 | 3 BD | 2 BA | 1,176 SF | 0.25 AC Nicolette Rice & Jennifer Goodman | Brokers 541.241.0432 | nicolette.rice@cascadesir.com MLS# 220158195 MLS# 220158351 MLS# 220158459 MLS# 220158204 5100 NW CANAL BLVD - REDMOND 2361 NW 19TH ST - REDMOND 1232 SW 15TH ST - REDMOND Corey Charon | Broker | 541.280.5512 corey.charon@cascadesir.com Parker Vernon | Broker | 541.815.4136 parker.vernon@cascadehassonsir.com Cyndi Robertson | Broker | 541.390.5345 cyndi.robertson@cascadesir.com
“In Redmond, the median price is roughly $200K less than Bend”
Explore Our Redmond Interactive Guide Updated Daily Redmond Market Report WATCH OUR REDMOND VIDEO STORY RedmondVideo.com
Redmond sales manager Kacie Stott interviewed by CascadeLife.TV
Office Grand Opening Summer 2022
Come experience downtown Redmond Redmond Broker Brandon Cook
Downtown Redmond Office 535 SW 6th Street (541) 512-4106
Commercial Broker Corey Charon