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While Nicole Vulcan takes a well-deserved vacation, I’m honored to take the editor’s helm for a couple of weeks. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve steered this ship, and I’m pleased to note that The Source has weathered the pandemic - and other storms - remarkably well. It’s a testament to the talent and dedication of the tightknit crew that keeps her on course. Despite the thermometer insisting it’s Junuary, this week’s issue is chock-full of fun options for welcoming the balmy weather that June typically brings… eventually. Perhaps if we pretend it’s warm and sunny, we can collectively will summer into existence. With that goal in mind, we hope you’ll come out to play in Drake Park this weekend for Central Oregon’s Pride celebration and join some of the myriad other LGBTQ+ welcoming events happening all week long. We dare you to go on a butterfly hunt following hints from Deschutes Land Trust experts, and we encourage you to graze through Redmond’s lively food truck scene in the 7th Street Corridor, per Donna Britt’s recommendation. Finally, bring your clear bag and summer state of mind to the Bob Dylan show at Hayden Homes Amphitheater, but be prepared to put your cell phone in a locked pouch, per the folk legend’s orders. Cheers to summer!
Ian Smythe
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39 - Chow 43 - Screen 47 - Outside 50 - Craft 51 - Puzzles 52 - Astrology 53 - Column 55 - Real Estate
EDITOR Renée Alexander - editor@bendsource.com REPORTER Jack Harvel- reporter@bendsource.com REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Chris Williams - calendar@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts
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BECOME A SUPPORTER! This week is finally starting to feel like summer (knock on wood)! Pictured is one of Bend’s more unique summer events, Balloons Over Bend. If you haven’t been in town to experience the fleet of hot air balloons soaring over Central Oregon you’re in for a treat. Keep an eye out for the show mornings the week of July 22, with a special Night Glow Party hosted the night of the 22nd. Don’t forget to share your photos with us and tag @sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as our Lightmeter. Winners receive a free print from @highdesertframeworks.
FREELANCERS Isaac Biehl, Jim Anderson, Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Ari Levaux, Ellen Waterston, Sarah Mowry, Amanda Egertson, Tara Nurin, Allen Sculley, Donna Britt
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Is Any Solution Good Enough for Critics of Managed Camps?
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s we pointed out in a June 9editorial, nonprofit Central Oregon Villages’ newly proposed managed camp aims to address most of the concerns locals cite for opposing managed camps for unhoused individuals in the City of Bend. The planned camp will be limited in size, allowing for some 20 small and temporary structures. The target residents are currently unhoused women and children, who will be required to agree to stipulations around sobriety, cleanliness, and conduct. Because the high-barrier camp will be sited on private land, residents and managers can enforce restrictions regarding who is allowed on the property, prohibiting the presence of unapproved and uninvited visitors who may not respect the rules. Operational funding will come from federal dollars allocated by the American Rescue Plan. By all accounts, the camp will be smaller, safer, and cleaner than existing camps, and will be managed effectively to minimize disruption for neighbors. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, it’s not good enough for some locals, who complain that Central Oregon Villages is a Band-Aid solution to a gushing wound problem. To be fair, they’re not entirely wrong. Twenty structures won’t come close to providing enough shelter for the nearly 800 unhoused people identified during January’s Point In Time Count. And high-barrier camps – no matter how well they are managed – will do nothing to address the ongoing affordable housing crisis that created the need for camps in the first place. We acknowledge that Central Oregon Villages won’t solve Bend’s big and growing problem of homelessness. But what we’re doing now isn’t fixing the problem, either. It’s clear we can’t build our way out of this mess. Despite a boom in construction projects throughout the region, supply is not keeping up with demand as growth continues to drive up the cost of housing. And there is no
political will in Bend for publicly funded housing that working families can afford. Under federal court decisions in the 9th Circuit, cities are facing increased restrictions from enforcing anti-camping ordinances unless and until they have places for unhoused people to go. As more people lose their housing, Bend could see tent cities in more places, including public parks. In fact, a surge in homeless camps in Sonoma County, California, led the Santa Rosa city council to create a managed camp in the parking lot of a community center in an affluent neighborhood. County Supervisor James Gore, president of the California State Association of Counties, told the LA Times, “We know we’re pissing off a lot of people — they’re rising up and saying, ‘Hell, no!’ But we can’t just keep saying no. That’s been the failed housing policy of the last 30 to 40 years. Everybody wants a solution, but they don’t want to see that solution in their neighborhoods.” Remarkably, the 140-person camp was so well-managed that even the most adamantly opposed neighbors eventually came to embrace it. The tent city in Santa Rosa became a model for other communities in Sonoma County, changing the way they approached homeless services. Our hope is that Central Oregon Villages will provide proof of concept for a model that helps motivated individuals and families find their way out of sprawling camps and into safe housing. Once it’s up and running, we can build on its successes and improve on its shortcomings. It’s far from a complete fix, but it certainly can be a useful part of the solution, just as a Band-Aid is a useful item to include in a first aid kit. Let’s push forward with Central Oregon Villages so we can build on its successes and learn from any failures. When it comes to solving the homelessness crisis in Central Oregon, it’s time to stop making perfect the enemy of good.
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com.
Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
Good to know there are a few good teachers left in this town. You don’t get an automatic 50% in life just for existing. These policies hurt kids and create an unrealistic expectation that sets them up for failure after high school. —Jeremy Eggert (from Facebook)
When I met with a few of local faith community leaders on the proposed site at Desert Streams Church last week, I was happy with their support and how quick the progress has been on this project. It was only last November when Michael Sipe and I discussed this site and he connected me with the pastor. I thank the congregation for getting involved with their land! It shows how much progress can quickly be accomplished with sound ideas and community collaboration. Thank you, Central Oregon Villages, for your crucial role. There will always be more work to do, but this is a great start! —Tony DeBone, LaPine
This is disgraceful use of journalism; please have each of your employees publicly post their name, address, and utility bills showing a year’s worth of usage and costs. Oh, that goes against their privacy? So does your ridiculous request for individual residential account information so that you can use it to bully and shame citizens of our community. The Source has crossed a line on this one, and Avion has taken the correct stance to protect their customers’ privacy.
Finally! A news entity that chooses to recognize reality about water use. Thank you, Source Weekly! The endless build-out pushed by developers with the “grow grow grow” mentality (our local rich good old boy builders, their government sycophants, and Avion Water) will be good for them, but also a disaster for our community. They are not giving ANY thought to future generations. “Let’s use ALL the water! We’ve got a 20 year supply. Woohoo!” It boggles the mind. Keep on it, Source! —Debby Black, Bend
APPOINTEES TO CITY COUNCIL I find it ironic that councilors Broadman and Campbell say they’d prefer someone who won’t run in November. There were 2 excellent candidates to fill the vacancies. Mark Capell and Judy Stiegler who as previous councilors could have stepped right in and got to work. Instead we get 2 people who have zero experience and Mitchell saying she has no plans to run but may change her mind if she thinks there’s more to contribute! She obviously has no clue that this job has a huge learning curve which she won’t conquer in 6 months! We need councilors with a financial and business background and someone who wants to slow Bend’s growth. Not people who benefit from growth or are in social services. I hope that we can entice some people with this type of experience to run in November to get a different kind of diversity on the council. It is badly needed! —Hanne Madsen, Bend
THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHERE THE WATER GOES Thank you for your work. Water use, particularly in the West, will continue to be of increasing importance. Where it comes from and where it goes is knowledge all of us have a right to know.
WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Let a private, for-profit company be in charge of delivering municipal water, they said. It will be cost-effective, they said. And what could go wrong? —Robin Will (from Facebook)
NO POINT PUBLISHING AVION EDITORIAL There is no point in publishing such an article. What do you stand to do? People pay for the water they use. Businesses pay for the water they use. Who cares? If water is so precious, which we know it is, then stop growth! Stop building in the desert. The fact is, growth is inevitable. It’s unstoppable. Your point of this article is to point fingers and attack those who have the right to spend their money where and how they want too.
—Belinda Liskh (from Facebook)
FALSE ACCUSATIONS Can one be sued for false claims AKA defamation when posting false accusations in headlines? Asking for a friend…. Can a privately owned utilities hand out private information without in turn getting sued for releasing said information to a journalist? Is Willamette Weekly hiring? Keep Bend friendly. —Tyler LeFebvre (from Facebook)
WHAT ABOUT THE DESERT? In your June 16 issue there were segments on the water, mountains and forest. You left out our stark and strikingly beautiful high desert. But I am glad you did, because that’s the only area we can still enjoy without being overrun by people. —Viki Wooster, Bend
Letter of the Week:
COUGH IT UP, AVION So great to hear that RCFP has joined your effort to get Avion to cough up the stats. Glad you chose to do your Opinion piece about it. I hope it is widely read. They’re called PUBLIC records for a reason. —Bruce Cummings, Bend
Viki: We are also big fans of the desert, whose subdued colors and subtle beauty are not always appreciated. You’re onto us: we are trying to keep a few secret spots to ourselves. Stop by the office for a gift card to Palate – on us. —Renée Alexander, guest editor
—James Lippi (from Facebook)
—Dierdre Nauman
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The City of Bend is exploring regulation of camps on City property, a year after creating a process for removing “unsafe” campsites By Jack Harvel
he City of Bend is considering creating codes to regulate unhoused campsites in public right of ways and City property. On June 15 the Bend City Council asked the City Manager to appoint a workgroup comprised of service providers, stakeholders and people who have experienced houselessness to perform community outreach and gather input from community members. Code created to regulate camping must comply with Martin v. Boise, a 2018 decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that barred cities from enforcing anti-camping ordinances if there isn’t a place for an unhoused person to go. The Oregon legislature codified that ruling into state law with House Bill 3115, which will go into effect in July 2023, but there’s still enough vagueness in the ruling that there’s no concrete idea of what restrictions will hold up. “I think the legislature’s perspective was, ‘We’re going to create this new law, we’re going to give the cities in Oregon some time to figure out what they’re doing, review their ordinances, get things tuned up, cleaned up, fixed so that they can be in compliance with these new standards,” said Bend Assistant City Attorney Ian Leitheiser. “We’re in that period where there’s still a lot of questions about what is going to work, what is going to be legally valid and what’s not, what kind of time, place and manner restrictions are going to be determined to be objectively reasonable but we’re not quite there yet where we have all those answers.” Time, place and manner are the areas where restrictions can be put in place. A time restriction would limit when someone could camp on public property, such as a ban on camping during the day. Place regulations can limit camping to certain identified streets, or can broadly say where they can’t exist — such as near established shelters, schools or ecologically sensitive areas. Manner restrictions could limit the number of campers in an area, cap the amount of space an individual campsite can take up, or ban behaviors like camps having open fires. The City already has a narrow policy to move unhoused camps in rights of way, but only if it meets certain benchmarks around fire hazards, accumulation of trash, calls for police service and impending roadways to a degree deemed unsafe by the City Manager. Since the policy’s approval in June 2021, it’s been used to sweep camps on Emmerson Avenue and Second Street. Martin v Boise restricts a city’s ability to move campsites, but it doesn’t require excess shelter beds like it’s often understood.
Jack Harvel
The Bend City Council created a campsite removal policy narrowly tailored to remove this campsite on Emmerson Avenue last year. Now, it’s considering broader camping regulations.
“The only way to practically apply that rule is to look at an individual basis: does this person have an alternative place to sleep, and if they don’t, the court says you can’t punish them for sleeping in public, which is an unavoidable consequence of being human if you have nowhere else to be,” said Bend Associate City Attorney Elizabeth Oshel. An individual assessment of someone’s options for entering a shelter or finding alternative housing is a lot of work. Deschutes County’s mobile crisis assessment team would be the point of contact for any individual assessment.
“If we’re going to be assessing people, and their life circumstances, and where they’re sleeping and what’s available, it’s essentially case management in a lot of ways, and that requires lots of training and lots of continuing education.” —MO MITCHELL “If we’re going to be assessing people, and their life circumstances, and where they’re sleeping and what’s available, it’s essentially case management in a lot of ways, and that requires lots of training and lots of continuing education,” said Bend City Councilor Mo Mitchell. Unsanctioned campsites continue to be a difficult issue in Bend. When the City amended shelter codes
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without coming up with a solution,” said Bend City Councilor Anthony Broadman. “I agree with you this situation is going to be less fair for unhoused people, and less fair for the housed community as a result of people being moved off China Hat without a plan of where to go.”
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last month it drew more than 100 people to the City Council’s regular meeting. Councilors said they’re urgently addressing the issue, but some added that it’s likely going to get worse before it gets better. The United States Forest Service cleared campsites off China Hat Road, which will likely lead to more people camping in the City, adding to the 785 people reported to be unhoused in Bend during 2022’s Point in Time Count. “I’m very disappointed that our partners in regional governments have notified us of actions that they’re taking regarding people experiencing homelessness, and I’m talking specifically about the Forest Service,
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Hiker Airlifted Off South Sister
A climber waited overnight for a rescue after injuring himself By Jack Harvel Courtesy of Deschutes County Sheriff's Office
A 23-year-old man from Ithaca, New York, fell and injured himself after causing a small avalanche on South Sister on June 18, prompting a helicopter rescue with the assistance of the Oregon Army National Guard. The climber called 911 shortly before 7 p.m., saying he was unable to go down the mountain in his current state, and requested a helicopter evacuation. He was about 9,100 feet high on the 10,350 foot mountain. Weather prevented any rescue mission from taking place that night, requiring the hiker to stay overnight in a tent and sleeping bag. Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue’s Mountain Rescue Unit planned to scale the mountain the following morning, starting from Pole Creek Trailhead around 1 a.m. The Oregon Office of Emergency Management coordinated with the National Guard to provide a black hawk helicopter to conduct a hoist rescue on the downed hiker. The search and rescue team located the climber at 8:50 a.m. after a 9-mile trek up the mountain. The team assessed the hiker’s condition and moved him to an area where a helicopter rescue would be safer. The National Guard’s Helicopter launched from Salem and arrived on scene around 10:30 a.m. The search and rescue team hoisted the hiker onto the helicopter at 11:30 a.m. and transported him to St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. South Sister is a popular hiking spot but can be dangerous. July 13, 2021, saw three separate search and rescue missions — with two AirLink helicopter dispatches — within 24 hours.
A hiker had to wait overnight for rescue on South Sister after triggering an avalanche and injuring himself.
Illegal Pot Farm Linked to International Network Police say a two-year criminal investigation revealed a complex criminal network By Jack Harvel Courtesy of Central Oregon Drug Enforcement
Police assemble outside a property allegedly used for illegal marijuana cultivation.
olice seized more than eight tons of processed marijuana, 17,000 plants, four guns, and a large cache of money in a raid on six unlicensed marijuana farms around Madras and Culver that law enforcement claims are connected to a Chinese criminal network. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of the Central Oregon Drug Team and the Deschutes County Illicit Marijuana Enforcement Team, says it conducted surveillance on 23 people across 20 properties. Profits from the marijuana businesses were allegedly laundered through Chinese restaurants around the Pacific Northwest, which diverted the money back to China disguised as business transactions. Most of the 14 Chinese laborers the detectives interviewed were trafficked into the United States, and later the cartel recruited restaurant laborers to work at the farms. The workers lived on the farm and were reportedly moved from grow site to grow site. Police arrested five leaders and charged them with unlawful manufacture, delivery and possession of
marijuana. Robert Dale, who allegedly owns many of the properties targeted in the raid, was also charged with unlawful possession of a weapon. Large illegal marijuana farms are a growing issue for rural Central Oregon. In September 2021, police raided a 30-acre farm in Alfalfa staffed with debtslaves allegedly linked to a Jalisco-based criminal organization. Southern Oregon is part of the emerald triangle, a region renowned for marijuana cultivation. But, as the state gets more aggressive combating illegal farms in southern Oregon, large farms are appearing in other parts of the state. “They’ve applied so much pressure down there, people are now starting to move out,” Dustin Miller, a detective for the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, told the Source in January. “That doesn’t necessarily move to Deschutes County, although Deschutes County has good farmland out east. But we’re also seeing them go out towards Lakeview and out towards eastern Oregon.”
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Noticias en Español Comienza Código de Campamento Por Jack Harvel Translated by / Traducido por Jéssica Sánchez-Millar haciendo, revisar sus reglamentos, afinar las cosas, limpiar, corregir las cosas para cumplir con las nuevas reglas al implantar estos nuevos modelos,” dijo el fiscal adjunto de la ciudad de Bend, Ian Leitheiser. “Estamos en esa etapa en la que seguimos teniendo muchas preguntas en relación a lo que va a funcionar, que será o no legalmente válido, en qué momento, lugar y forma se determinarán para ser objetivamente razonables, pero todavía no estamos en ese punto en el que tenemos todas esas respuestas.” Tiempo, lugar y forma son las áreas en las que se pueden establecer las restricciones. Una restricción de tiempo limitaría el momento en que una persona podría acampar en propiedad pública, como lo es el prohibir acampar durante el día. Los reglamentos sobre el lugar pueden limitar el campamento en ciertas calles o pueden indicar en términos generales en donde no pueden estar, es decir, cerca de albergues, escuelas o áreas ecológicamente frágiles. Las restricciones de comportamiento podrían limitar el número de campantes en el área, limitar el espacio que puede ocupar un campamento o prohibir que se prendan fogatas en los campamentos.
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en varios aspectos una gestión de casos y requiere de mucho entrenamiento y educación continua,” dijo el concejal de la ciudad de Bend Mo Mitchell. Los campamentos no autorizados continúan siendo un serio problema en Bend. Cuando la ciudad modificó los códigos de campamento el mes pasado, atrajo a más de 100 personas a la junta del Concejo Municipal. Los concejales dijeron que se están encargando urgentemente de este problema, pero algunos agregaron que es probable que las cosas empeoren antes de que mejoren. El Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos quitó los campamentos de la calle China Hat, lo cual probablemente llevará a más gente a acampar en la ciudad, sumando a las 785 personas reportadas sin hogar en Bend durante el conteo del 2022 de Point in Time. “Estoy muy decepcionado de nuestros colegas del gobierno de la región ya que no nos han compartido las acciones que están tomando en relación a las personas sin hogar, y estoy hablando específicamente del Servicio Forestal, sin tener en cuanta una solución,” dijo el Concejal de la Ciudad de Bend Anthony Boardman. “Estoy de acuerdo con usted, la situación será menos justa para las personas sin hogar y será menos justa para la comunidad alojada al quitar a las personas de la calle China Hat sin contar con un plan para adónde ir.”
a Ciudad de Bend está pensando crear códigos para reglamentar los campamentos al aire libre en lugares de paso público y en terrenos de la ciudad. El 15 de junio, el consejo municipal de Bend le pidió al presidente municipal que nombrara un grupo de trabajo compuesto por prestadores de servicios, interesados y personas que han estado sin hogar para llevar a cabo un acercamiento comunitario y recabar opiniones de parte de los miembros de la comunidad. El código creado para regir los campamentos debe cumplir con Martin v. Boise, una decisión del Tribunal de Apelaciones del Noveno Circuito que prohibió a las ciudades reforzar reglamentos contra los campamentos si no hay un lugar en donde pueda quedarse una persona sin hogar. La asamblea legislativa de Oregon codificó esa decisión como ley estatal con el Proyecto de Ley 3115 de la Cámara de Representantes, el cual entrará en efecto en julio del 2023, pero sigue siendo muy vaga la decisión que no indica cuáles serán las restricciones. “Creo que la perspectiva de la asamblea legislativa fue, “Vamos a crear esta nueva ley, vamos a darle tiempo a las ciudades de Oregon para que ver qué están
La ciudad ya tiene una política para quitar campamentos de personas sin hogar en los derechos de paso, pero solo si cumple con ciertos requisitos en relación a el peligro de incendios, acumulación de basura, llamadas al servicio policial y calles que considera inseguras el presidente municipal. Desde que se aprobó la política en junio de 2021, se ha utilizado para quitar campamentos de la avenida Emerson y de la calle dos. Martin v. Boise restringe a la ciudad la capacidad de quitar campamentos, pero no requiere un exceso de camas de refugio como a menudo se tiene entendido. “La única manera de poner en práctica esa regla es ver las necesidades en forma individual; ¿tiene esta persona un lugar alternativo en donde pueda dormir, y si no lo tiene, la corte indica que no se le puede castigar por dormir en lugares públicos, lo cual es algo inevitable cuando un ser humano no tiene algún otro lugar en donde quedarse,” dijo la abogada asociada de la ciudad Elizabeth Oshel. Una evaluación sobre las opciones que alguien tiene para entrar a un albergue o para encontrar una vivienda alternativa es muy trabajosa. El equipo móvil de evaluación de crisis del Condado de Deschutes sería el punto de contacto para llevar a cabo cualquier evaluación individual. “Si vamos a evaluar a las personas y las circunstancias vividas, en donde duermen y que hay disponible, es básicamente
Stuck Outside with a Mobile (with the Millennial Blues Again)
For many, Bob Dylan’s music evokes an element of folk nostalgia. At his show in Bend, the throwback vibes extend to the no-phones policy, too By Nicole Vulcan
major concert in the modern age contains all the bells and whistles: booming sound, an incredible light display, nostalgic fans… and a sea of blueish screens, all positioned on the artist to amateurly document the whole scene and blast it out on social media. But one folk legend is among a growing number of artists to hold back the tide and announce a “phone free” experience at his shows. When Bob Dylan plays at the Hayden Homes Amphitheater on June 27, he’ll be the first artist at that venue to require a phone-free environment. Instead of standing on tiptoe to rise above the blue-phone sea, attendees will see those phones tucked away in cases designed to help people hearken back to the old days, when one had to find a phone booth (and maybe wait in line) to call the babysitter. Once, before the word “selfie” was a thing, this was just the way it was. Millennials and Gen Zers, your friends of older generations assure you that you’ll get through this.
How it works
The entry process at Hayden Homes Amphitheater already comes with a few hoops: Scan your ticket (yes, from your mobile phone), have your (clear-plastic-only) bag searched, get wanded with a metal detector.
For this show, there’s the additional step of grabbing a storage pouch from Yondr, the company contracted by Dylan’s team to deliver phone storage. Having a sea of phones at a live show “bleeds the energy out of a room,” Yondr’s founder Graham Dugoni told CNN Business in 2020. At a show or other event serviced by Yondr, attendees pop a phone in the pouch and close it, which locks the pouch until it’s waved over an unlocking device at the exit. Attendees who need to take care of phone business during the show will have a designated area
said Beau Eastes, marketing director of the Old Mill District and Hayden Homes Amphitheater. Still, the process is fairly basic, and doesn’t involve some complicated form of coat-check. “When you leave the venue, you go and unlock it and you’ll give that pouch back,” Eastes told the Source. “Your phone stays on—you have your phone in your possession the entire time.” But while it’s new for Bend, it’s been a growing trend over the past decade—especially for big-name artists in the comedy and music scenes.
“This is something that will be new to us, but The Lumineers have done this. A lot of comedy acts—Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock have done this before. Donald Glover performing as Childish Gambino has done it at his shows.” —BEAU EASTES to unlock it and do their thing before heading back to the show. This being the first time the amphitheater has had this type of policy in place at the request of an artist, its team is still working out the details of where the phone area will be located and how big the area will be,
“This is something that will be new to us, but The Lumineers have done this. A lot of comedy acts—Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock have done this before. Donald Glover performing as Childish Gambino has done it at his shows,” Eastes said. Weddings are another place where a phone-free experience is a trend in 2022. It
Courtesy Yondr
An example of a phone-storing sleeve from Yondr, the company that will bring its storage devices to Bend for the Bob Dylan show.
seems a growing number of people are waking up to the realization that being present in the moment might require checking out from that thing that dings, whistles and is otherwise designed to pull one’s attention away from anything but its glowing screen. Yondr, the phone-pouch provider, sees it as offering a “haven.” Yondr’s founder started the business in 2014, when he would make the pouches himself and bring them to shows and even schools. The unique idea eventually caught the attention of entertainers including Chappelle, who became one of its investors, according to CNN Business. “In our hyperconnected world, we provide a haven to engage with what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with. In physical space and real time,” reads a description on Yondr’s website.
“Like seeing a show in the ‘90s”
From the concert-goer perspective, it may take some getting used to. Ashley, a music lover in Bend who asked to remain anonymous, said she’d attended a no-phones Jack White show in Portland in 2018 and appreciated the ability to be more present with the music. Her only complaint, she said, was the inability to link to SoundHound during the show to identify some of the songs in the pre-show entertainment that she wanted to recall later on. In an announcement ahead of his 2018 tour, White told reporters that he wanted fans to enjoy a “100% human experience.” While representatives for Bob Dylan did not respond to our request for comment, Dylan himself made a stand about people’s phones during a show in
Vienna, Austria, in 2019, saying “Take pictures or don’t take pictures. We can either play or we can pose. OK?,” as reported in Stereogum. Dylan then reportedly left the concert. The bigger the artist, the higher likelihood that they’ll have such a policy in place. If you’re Beyoncé or Prince, for example, you hardly need more publicity by way of people sharing your show on social media. Beyoncé has reportedly lightheardtly admonished fans for “taping” during her shows instead of watching the action. The late great Prince began enforcing a no-phones policy as far back as 2013. Alicia Keys, who has used Yondr pouches at her shows, said you’d have to be famous yourself— someone like Queen Latifah—to be able to buck the rules, according to a story in The Washington Post. And Bruno Mars, the funky R&B star, encouraged fans to dance and enjoy the show “like they did in the old days.” The 1990s, apparently, are those “old days.” “One of our production guys has been a part of a show elsewhere, and he said it was like seeing a show in the ‘90s,” Eastes from Hayden Homes said. “I think it’s gonna be pretty cool. I hope that people have no reservations about it. I hope they give it a chance.” That may be a less-than-appealing prospect for anyone who wasn’t even alive in the ‘90s, but when it comes to the artist on stage June 27, who’s been kicking out some of music’s most iconic tunes since the ‘60s, it’s his show, and he’s earned the cred to make such a policy.
You got this.
According to information from Statista, there were some 280.54 million smartphone users in the United States in 2020—making the U.S. the 4th-highest country for smartphone “population penetration,” covering 79.10% of people. (The U.S. falls behind the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Mexico in this regard.) Thus, we know the policy is going to blow some people’s minds. What will you do without that appendage that dings, whistles, vibrates or otherwise gets you to look at its face every few minutes? I don’t know—I guess listen to music.
• Prince • Beyconcé Knowles • Cyndi Lauper • Alicia Keys • The Lumineers • Bruno Mars • Bjork • Jack White • She & Him • Wilco • The Black Crowes • Yeah Yeah Yeahs • Neutral Milk Hotel • Neko Case • A Perfect Circle
JULY 19 & 20
8/26 9/6
8/2 8/11 8/19&20
9/1 9/9
7/24 8/4 8/12
8/22 8/27 9/3 9/14 9/25
6/23 – 6/28
6/25-6/26 13
Submitted Domino Room
Courtesy Unsplash
The local Oregon hardcore band has seen fast success since its inception in 2016. With battle of the bands wins to tour selections, the group hit the ground running and never looked back. Catch Separating the Seas before they fly away again! Thu., June 24, 6pm. Domino Room. 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $17.
This huge outdoor class aims to bring the Central Oregon yoga community together for an afternoon of good vibes and positive energy. Do the soul good and meet a huge group of like-minded yogis. Fri., June 24, 4:30-6pm. Pacific Crest Middle School, 303 NW Elwood Ln., Bend. Donation.
The 3x3 basketball and corn hole tournament aims to be one of the largest tournaments of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. Soak in the high energy and watch some talented athletes ball and bag for a chance at bragging rights and cash. Sat.-Sun., June 25-26, 9am-6pm/9am-4pm. Downtown Bend. Free to watch.
Experience what makes Oregon whiskey great at this exclusively Oregon-distilled event. The state has a broad range of spirit makers here for two days to show Bend what they’re made of! Thu.-Fri., June 24-25, 5pm/2pm. Oregon Spirit Distillers. 740 NW NE St., Bend. $40-$195.
OUT Central Oregon will host this event celebrating queer artists from our community. Celebrate pride month and support great local talent. Fri., June 24, 6:30-10pm. Midtown Ballroom, 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $15.
Flobots is an alternative hip-hop group famous for covering topics of activism, community and conversation. The group plays with a full live band fronted by two emcees who know how to fuel a crowd and light up the stage. Fri., June 25, 9-11:30pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $15-$50.
Crux is how old?! To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Crux will host a huge one-day festival with tons of live music, crafts and (do we really need to say it?) beer. If you’re looking to kill a Sat., look no further: Crux has it covered. Sat., June 25, 10am-8pm. Crux Fermentation Project., 50 SW Division St., Bend. Free.
Sisters Folk Festival brings the Central Oregon music-loving community a night of free music! Fy5 is a Colorado band known for poignant lyrics and masterful bluegrass picking. Sat., June 25, 7-9pm. Fir Street Park, Sisters. Free.
Submitted by Ticketmaster
Yes, you read this week’s feature right, the Bob Dylan show won’t allow cell phones. Fire up that hippocampus and soak in a live show without a screen in your face. Mon., June 27, 8pm. Hayden Homes Amphitheater, 344 NW Shevlin Hixon Dr., Bend. $44.50$129.50.
OK, so the beer comes after the paddle, that should make things go a bit smoother. Join a community of SUP-ers and beer lovers as they meet every Tue. for a paddle on the river followed by a tasty beer. Tue., June 28, 6-8pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. $35-$45.
st Men Stand-
with Darin Jones & The Last Men Standing
at Oregon Spirit Distillers
Presented by The Cult of Tuck at Volcanic Theater Pub
at The Commons Cafe and Taproom
Wiki Commons
4Peaks is excited to bring a stacked night of music to Silver Moon. And yes—they miss the flagship festival just as much as you
By Isaac Biehl
Jenise Jensen
Here’s what a set from Boombox typically looks like. Don’t miss the chance to experience these vibes in person.
sually around this weekend many of you would be gearing up for another round of the always amazing 4Peaks Music Festival. However, as most of you know, this year the festival won’t be taking place. Fortunately, those bummed out by this shouldn’t worry, as the flagship festival is planned to be back on in 2023. And as always, 4Peaks Presents has stayed busy by finding other ways to bring music to Central Oregon in 2022. This Saturday, music lovers can head to Silver Moon Brewing to enjoy live tunes from Boombox, The Hip Abduction, The Ben Larsen Band, Oregon Fryer and DJ iLko for a one-night music extravaganza dubbed SOULstice. “Because we’re not having the festival, I still wanted to do something. It’s not in place of the festival and there’s no camping and none of the extra festival events, but I wanted to bring some bands that have wanted to play the festival and have a 4Peaks night at Silver Moon. It was a really cool opportunity to bring these bands to Bend,” says 4Peaks owner Stacy Koff. In classic 4Peaks fashion, the lineup is killer and highlights a great mix of styles— which is something Koff takes a lot of pride in. “When 4Peaks curates a lineup, whether two or 22 bands, it’s eclectic but it usually flows together. Boombox is a band I’ve wanted to play a late night set at the festival for a while. They’re just really high-energy and fun. The Hip Abduction is such a cool Cali-reggae band that crosses over into the jam scene as well. For them to be here during a sunny Saturday at SOULstice, they’re going to be awesome,” she says. Portland’s Ben Larsen has previously played the 4Peaks festival with the Crow & The Canyon, but not with his latest band. They’ll bring a funkier side of folk-rock to SOULstice, and Bend’s own Oregon Fryer, who is a local Americana favorite, always knows how to get the crowd moving. Then keeping the party going is another Bend local, DJ iLko, who brings positive energy to every set he takes on. This would have been year 15 of the 4Peaks Festival, and while Koff knows events like SOULstice can’t totally replace it, she’s still bringing plenty of music to town
with their Campfire Unplugged series held every Thursday night at the Campfire Hotel, along with a variety of other one-off shows. Koff remains driven and excited about bringing talented musicians to Central Oregon—even if she misses the craziness of putting together such a huge festival. “It’s a little bittersweet. People ask me if it’s a relief, but it’s not. It’s mixed. To have a multi-day camping festival here is so pertinent for the community, and it’s so fun. To bring this kind of quality music to the area—to have people like Billy Strings and The Wood Brothers come play here. I’m a little saddened, but excited to bring other bands to the area,” reflects Koff. “It’s almost like my body in June takes on a life of its own. My brain and physical self don’t know what to do [without the festival]. It’s weird not to be completely out of my skull with 5,000 moving parts. I love it and I thrive on it. People always tell me it’s the start of their summer.” Without the festival, Koff expresses the hope for SOULstice to still be a big night. For fans of the festival and the music 4Peaks brings to the community, buying tickets to SOULstice or any of their one-off shows can go a long way toward making sure the festival is able to do everything it wants to in 2023 after a return from its hiatus. What gets brought in only helps further the types of musicians they can bring to the High Desert. “Everybody loves to come to Bend. And we take pride in taking care of the artist,” adds Koff. SOULstice
Sat., June 25, 5pm-midnight Silver Moon Brewing 24 NW Greenwood Ave. $39, no additional fees
Here Comes SOULstice
Legendary artist releases first album of original material in a decade By Alan Sculley
Michael Wilson
yle Lovett has just released “12th of June,” his first album of original material in 10 years. In yet another example of the pandemic getting in the way of best laid plans, Lovett had things all lined up for a much earlier arrival of his latest batch of music. “We recorded these tracks in November of 2019 with the idea of finishing them in March of 2020,” Lovett said in an early June phone interview. “I did an acoustic group tour that started in January and ended up on the 7th of March that year. I was going to spend the rest of the month working on the record and finishing it for a 2020 release. And of course, that did not happen.” While Lovett did get to join his Large Band in the studio and record the basic tracks for “12th of June,” the pandemic had a huge effect on mixing and other work required from that point forward to finish the album. “Chuck Ainlay, my producer in Nashville, would go through tracks and mix, and go through as we made edits and changes. He would e-mail me everything he was doing and then I would listen on my own,” Lovett said. “It was just not the same. The back and forth is just not as much fun, really, because a decision that would take five minutes to make in the studio would end up being two or three days by e-mail. So it slowed everything down immensely. It’s just not as much fun listening and analyzing something all by yourself as it is working with people. So I missed the interaction. I missed the humanity in making the record, and it felt more, in the context of being isolated from the world anyway, it added to that feeling of isolation rather than helped to diminish it.” In the end, Lovett got to work in person with Ainlay in putting the finishing touches on “12th of June,” but that didn’t happen until early this year. So better late than never, fans of Lovett finally have new music to enjoy. And while Lovett, one of music’s finest and most literate songwriters, has done his share of excellent albums that lean toward country and feature a good bit of acoustic instrumentation (think his second album, 1987’s “Pontiac,” 1992’s “Joshua Judges Ruth” or 2012’s “Release Me”), “12th of June” is his third studio album billed with his Large Band. With this ensemble of talented musicians (it will be a 14-member unit for this summer’s tour), Lovett is able to greatly expand his musical reach. That’s obvious right from the start of “12th of June,” which opens with a version of jazz great Horace Silver’s “Cookin’ at
Bolstered by a marriage, the birth of twins and a new album, Lyle Lovett is more than ready to hit the road with his Large Band.
the Continental,” a lively instrumental that lets the Large Band showcase its considerable chops. Three duets with Lovett’s longtime vocal counterpart, Francine Reed, further cement the jazz credentials of all involved as they tackle two songs associated with Nat “King” Cole, the peppy “Straighten Up & Fly Right,” the bluesy ballad “Gee Baby, Ain’t I Good to You,” as well as the David Frishberg-penned standard, “Peel Me A Grape.” Lovett’s more country-leaning sound emerges on the ballads “Her Loving Man,” “The Mocking Ones” and the title track, while “Pig Meat Man” puts a bit of soul and blues into the mix, and “Are We Dancing” adds a string-laden ballad that is rooted in the pre-rock and roll era. The long gap between “12th of June” and Lovett’s previous album, 2012’s “Release Me,” was largely the product of being between record deals and needing time to figure out how he wanted to release his next collection of songs, coupled with a major development in
Lovett’s personal life – his marriage to longtime girlfriend April Kimble in 2017, followed by the birth of the couple’s twins. Along with touring commitments – Lovett tends to play around 100 concerts during normal years – these factors absorbed a lot of time over the past decade. Marriage and fatherhood figure prominently into the lyrics of the original songs on “12th of June.” “Her Loving Man” is a sweet tribute to Kimble and her intelligence, wisdom and warmth. The title song is a touching tune that imagines a father carrying his love for his wife and children into the next life. Lovett applies his trademark wry humor to “Pants is Overrated,” which was inspired one day when his children were resisting the idea of getting dressed, and “Pig Meat Man,” an ode to pork. Lovett is looking forward to sharing the songs and messages of his new songs on tour with his Large Band this summer.
“We’ll play material from across my catalog, but we will definitely feature material from this (new) album,” he said. “It’s always fun to have a new record out, and it’s always fun to have a reason to play those newly recorded songs. We did six shows in four days in New York in May, the week after the album was released, and we had a great time playing together for the first time as the Large Band since August of 2019. So we had a great time all being together, and it just made me really look forward to this tour.”
Lyle Lovett and His Large Band (with Chris Isaak)
Fri., June 24, 7 p.m. Hayden Homes Amphitheater 344 Shevlin Hixon Drive https://bendconcerts.com/event/chris-isaakwith-lyle-lovett/ $39.50 to $99.50 plus service fees
Lyle Lovett’s “12th of June” is Worth the Wait
22 Wednesday Bevel Craft Brewing 3ofWe Live at Bevel Brewing 3ofWe is bringing its groove to Bevel. Live original music? Yes please! 6-8pm. Free. Bledsoe Family Winery Wine + Music: Eric Leadbetter Join the winery for a glass of Walla Walla’s finest and enjoy the sounds of Eric Leadbetter. He’s a rocking original songwriter with influence from all over the musical map, drawing from the golden ages of rock ‘n’ roll. His solo performance also features some groovy live looping skills! Reservations recommended. 4:30-6:30pm. Free. The Yard at Bunk + Brew Ben Jam Wednesdays A brand new experience at Bunk+Brew. Every Wed. all summer long the boys from the Ben Dead band and The Hasbens are hosting an Open Jam night. A night that will allow you to watch them jam, and jam with them! Get on stage or sit back and vibe! 7-10pm. Free. Cabin 22 Trivia Wednesdays at Cabin 22 Trivia
Wednesdays at Cabin 22 with Useless Knowledge Bowl Live Trivia Game Show! More TV coverage, locals specials, prizes to win! Bend. Free.
Craft Kitchen & Brewery Comedy Open
Mic Sign-up 7:30pm. Starts at 8. Free to watch. Free to perform. If you’ve ever wanted to try stand-up comedy, this is where you start! 8-10pm. Free.
Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 John Shipe @ Crosscut - Warming Hut No. 5 Join Crosscut Warming Hut for music in the garden with John Shipe. 6-8pm. Free. Cross-Eyed Cricket Fogline Duo Live music every Wed. at The Cross-eyed Cricket Watering Hole. 7:30-9:30pm. Free. Downtown Prineville Kristi Kinsey & The Whiskey Bandits at The Stampede Street Party and Cattle Drive Kristi Kinsey & The Whiskey Bandits perform at The Stampede Street Party & Cattle Drive. Kick off The Crooked River RoundUp with music, the famous cattle drive, beer, food, Chili Cook-Off, kids activities, shopping and more! 5-9pm. Free. Hayden Homes Amphitheater Tenacious
D Jack Black and Kyle Gass make up the Greatest Band in the World: Tenacious D. They started playing together in Kyle’s studio apartment on Cochran Ave in Los Angeles. No one could have ever dreamed of where the band’s genius would take them, but take them it did… 7pm. $38.50$78.50 (Sold Out).
High Desert Music Hall Too Slim & The
Taildraggers | Cascades Radio Hour Series #3 High Desert Music Hall hopes audiences will join the venue in person for this live music performance. Or tune in to 96.5 FM for the live broadcast by Jive Radio! Featuring - Too Slim & The Taildraggers. Playing for the Cascades Radio Hour Series #3. Enjoy a night of American blues & rock ‘n’ roll. 7:30-9pm. $20.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living
room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. (21 and over) 6:30pm. Free.
Monkless Belgian Ales Monkless Belgian Ales - Food Truck Wednesdays Join Monkless
Tickets Available on Bendticket.com
every Wed. from 4-9pm! The brewery is throwing it back to the old days with food trucks, live music & games! “OG Taproom” vibes but at The Brasserie! 4-9pm. Free.
large, hand-crafted, replicas of Trivial Pursuit wheels. There are enough pies for six teams. So, get early to claim your favorite color! Sign up 6:30. Starts at 7pm. Free to play. 6:30-8pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Accoustic Open Mic w/ Derek Michael Marc Head down to the Northside Bar and Grill Wed., to catch local artists perform live. 7-9pm. Free.
Domino Room Separating The Seas @ The Domino Room! Separating The Seas will be coming back to Bend June 23! 6pm. $16.74.
Pour House Grill Ultimate Trivia Night with
Clif Come to Pour House Grill for the BEST trivia night in town, guaranteed. With new questions every week written by the host Clif, and interesting gameplay including wager style Double Jeopardy and Final Jeopardy questions, Pour House Trivia Night will have you on the edge of your seat! 6-8pm. Free.
Private Home Fireside Strum Along The
emphasis of the Strum Along is on building confidence in playing with others. We play from a songbook of simple songs from a variety of genres. We open up space in the songs for soloists to push their edges. Strummers should have basic proficiency with all non-barre chords. Fourth Wed., of every month, 7:15-8:30pm. $20.
Silver Moon Brewing It’s Raining Friends
Join your queer friends + allies at Silver Moon on for a free family-friendly get together in celebration of Pride Central Oregon. The Rawley Project will be on site at the brewery hosting a dog adoption all evening! Come meet fabulous drag queens Fertile Liza and D’Auntie Buckskin and catch amazing live music from local singer-songwriter + guitar virtuoso Pete Kartsounes from 6-8. 5-8pm. Free.
The Capitol Thumbprint Collective with Hag
Sin Thumbprint Recordings and The Capitol present: live synthesizers, drum machines, guitars and fever dreams! Yes, that’s right. Join local neoindustrial noise bots Thumbprint Collective and Eugene’s one and only Hag Sin (plus special guests) for an evening of head banging and ear bleeding at The Capitol. 9pm. $5.
Worthy Brewing Live Music Wednesdays Enjoy free live music every Wed., at Worthy Brewing’s Eastside Pub! 6-8pm. Free.
23 Thursday Bend Cider Co. Open Mic Night- All Ages
Come down to Bend Cider Co. for open mic- Butterfly Garden Series with Ky Burt. This all ages open mic takes place in a wonderful listening venue- the beautiful butterfly garden in the Bend Cider Co. backyard. 6-8pm. Free.
Bridge 99 Brewery Thursday Trivia Night at Bridge 99 Join the brewery each Thu., at six, for live UKB Trivia. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! Free! The Yard at Bunk + Brew Amateur Kara-
oke Night Don’t worry, no one’s a professional here! Come out and enjoy a fun-filled night in the beer garden with Karaoke hosted by Bunk+Brews awesome neighbors. Bring friends, make friends and sing that song you always sing in the shower! 7-10pm. Free.
Cascade Theatrical Theatre Sylvia - a play by A.R. Gurney Sylvia is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a love triangle between a husband, his wife and a dog. Join Cascade Theatrical Theatre at Bend’s oldest community theater for an evening (or afternoon) of live entertainment! Directed by Jared McVay 7:30pm. $25-$27.
Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Gritts & Gravy Gritts & Gravy, formerly known as the Dry Canyon Trio is a smaller version of the full band, named Dry Canyon Stampede. Advaced ticket purchase required. 5-8pm. Adults $25 - Children 12 and Under Free. First Presbyterian Church Classical Indian Music and Fusion Dance Join master musician Ross Kent, playing Classical Indian Music on Sarod, accompanied by tabla player Josh Williams and dancer Tenley Wallace for a night of magical melody, rhythm and motion. Experience this exciting and beautiful art how it’s meant to be enjoyed, up close & live! 7-9pm. $15-40 donation, sliding scale.
24 Friday Angeline’s Bakery Tyler Cranor and
Friends...Dance Party in the yard! Tyler Cranor be hit the stage at Angeline’s Bakery for the last time before his cross-country move. Tyler has been the band director at Sisters High School for the past 8 years. In addition, he has been an active performer in the local music scene. 7am. $5-$10 sliding scale.
The Capitol The Boys Club, An All Male Comedy Showcase presented by Tease Bang Boom Presented by Tease Bang Boom Productions, this all male comedy showcase will be sure to throw more hilarity and testosterone at you than you can handle! Featuring your host Zac with performers Drake Lock, Steve Harber, Leroy Firwood and Carl Click. 7-8:30pm. $15.
High Desert Music Hall Dj Disco Dino at
Cascade Theatrical Theatre Sylvia - a play by A.R. Gurney Sylvia is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a love triangle between a husband, his wife and a dog. Join Cascade Theatrical Theatre at Bend’s oldest community theater for an evening (or afternoon) of live entertainment! Directed by Jared McVay 7:30pm. $25-$27.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your
Paul Eddy Band 2-piece band featuring Paul Eddy on electric guitar and Kyle Pickard on drums. Originals and covers. 5-7pm. Free.
High Desert Music Hall Join The High Desert Music Hall for food and drinks while a live DJ spins chill, laidback and funky lounge tunes. Free music in the Backline Lounge. Lounge opens at 4pm. 7pm. Free.
go-to karaoke tune? 8pm-Midnight.
Northside Bar & Grill Michael Shane Classic rock and blues covers with special guests 7-9pm. Free. Open Space Event Studios Public (ROCK)
Choir Public (ROCK) Choir is resurfacing from the depths of pandemic hell and has some monthly dates booked! All dates are $18 and you must pre-register. It’s not about being a great singer, it’s about joining our collective voices and singing our faces off because it feels good! 6-8pm. $18.
Oregon Spirit Distillers Niko Moon RCA Nashville breakthrough recording artist Niko Moon kicked off 2021 by topping multiple charts with his platinum-selling debut single “Good Time.” With more than 250 million on-demand streams, “Good Time” helped catapult Moon to No. 1 on Billboard’s Emerging Artists chart and has been lauded as “a bottle-passin’ campfire daydream.” 6-11pm. $20. Porter Brewing Co. Live Music with The Ballybogs! Grab a pint, sit back, relax and enjoy live music by an amazing group of artists who bring us the best Irish Trad Music in Central Oregon! Every Thu., from 6-8pm at Porter Brewing! 6-8pm. Free. River’s Place Sweet Red & The Hot Rod Billies Rock-A-Billy Band from Bend. From Elvis to Janis Martin and lots of boogie woogie and rockin’ fun! 6-8pm. Free. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse Thursday
House Band Sisters-based musician, Benji Nagel showcases his talented friends every Thu. all summer long! Pull up a chair on the big lawn, grab some dinner and soft-serve from The Boathouse, and enjoy some of Central Oregon’s favorite musicians. 6-8pm. Free.
Walt Reilly’s Leafhog @ Walt Reilly’s Leaf
Hog is a band from the '90s that plays southern classic rock and blues all over the Bay Area. Walt Reilly’s stoked to host the group in Bend! 7-9pm. Free.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Trivia Night Craft is bringing a nostaligic spin to trivia with
Submitting an event is free and easy.
Eurosports Sisters Food Cart Garden
Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Heller Highwater Band Rocking out at the most beautiful venue in Central Oregon in the Vineyard. Heather Drakulich, Tom Brouillette, Bob Akers and Lance Van Buren. Advanced ticket purchase required. 6-9pm. Adults $25 Children 12 and Under Free. General Duffy’s Waterhole Precious Byrd Precious Byrd is one of the most sought after bands in the Pacific Northwest. Voted #1 Party Band in Oregon multiple years running. The group plays for brands like Nike, Deschutes Brewery, Pendleton Whiskey and more! Its fresh renditions of modern and classic hits, along with a number of high energy originals are sure to fill the dance floor and get people on their feet! 6:30-9:30pm. $25. Hayden Homes Amphitheater Chris Isaak with Lyle Lovett and His Large Band In the course of Chris Isaak’s career, he has released nine extraordinary albums, twelve singles, been nominated for two Grammy awards, acted in several motion pictures and starred in his own critically acclaimed TV series. His legendary shows with his longtime band Silvertone have entertained tens of thousands of people for over two decades. Even his hair has its own fan club. 7pm. $39.50-$99.50. Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.
Midtown Ballroom OUT On The Runway - Queer Art & Fashion Show OUT Central Oregon Presents: OUT On The Runway – Queer Art & Fashion Show, featuring Oregon-based queer artists. 6:30-10pm. $15. Silver Moon Brewing Aaron Golay and
The Original Sin Loud jams and engaging live performances are what stand out in this group. Aaron Golay and The Original Sin is an American band from the Boise area. Currently booking solo and full band performances. The band blends together Americana with hints of Rock 'n' Roll, pop and soul. 6-8pm. TBD.
Add your event to our calendar at bendsource.com/submitevent
CALENDAR Courtesy Concord Media
Silver Moon Brewing Comedy at
Silver Moon Get ready for a night of laughter with some of Central Oregon’s best local comics! Featuring: Eli Alaka, Grace Miller, Billy Brant, Doug Layman, Tracy Rieder, Ocean Robinson. Special Guest: Tracy Rieder. Hosted by: Katy Ipock. $15 Online. $20 at the Door. Doors open at 7:30pm, show starts at 8pm. 21+. Strong Content Expected. Ipockolyptic Productions is committed to providing entertainment that is free from racism, homophobia, and transphobia. 8pm-3:50am. $15.
Spoken Moto Moon Rattles, Kelsey Beck
Kuther Live music at Spoken Moto! 6-8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Flobots w/ Old Man Saxon at Volcanic Flobots are an alternative hip-hop band from Denver who are on a mission to use music as a tool to create community, conversation and ignite the activist in all of us. MC’s Jonny 5 and Brer Rabbit became friends in the fourth grade and bonded first over their love of comic books then hip-hop. Flobots are best known for their blending of genres and lyrical landscapes, traversing topics of race, equality, democracy, and social justice. 9-11:30pm. $15. Worthy Beers & Burgers Live Music Fridays Enjoy live music at Worthy Beers and Burgers every Friday! 5-7pm. Free. The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Backyard Music w/ Ky Burt & Friends Check out the talented Ky Burt has he puts his vocals and banjo and guitar skills on full display. Ky and Friends will be rocking the beer garden from 7-10pm. Let’s get summer started! 7-10pm. Free.
25 Saturday Bend Cider Co. Anniversary Party ‘70s
theme Anniversary Party! 12:30-2:30- make a ‘70s flower crown, meet can artist “Sheila Dunn.” Pizza from Pisano’s Woodfire Pizza. 3-5pm- live music by Tone Red 5:30-7:30 pm- costume contest and prizes, Annnnnd a new secret cider special release. Look for the big orange barn! 12:30-8pm. Free.
Cascade Theatrical Theatre Sylvia - a
play by A.R. Gurney Sylvia is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a love triangle between a husband, his wife and a dog. Join Cascade Theatrical Theatre at Bend’s oldest community theater for an evening (or afternoon) of live entertainment! Directed by Jared McVay 7:30pm. $25-$27.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom
The Whippoorwill Presents: Travis Ehrenstrom This will be an intimate, seated, listening room style concert inside The Commons that you won’t wanna miss. Limited seating available. 7pm. $15.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy at Craft: Jordan Cerminara Headliner: Jordan Cerminara! Former co-producer of San Francisco cult-favorite The Art Critique Comedy Show, Jordan Cerminara currently manufactures humor right outside of Portland, Oregon—exports include IRL stand-up, VR comedy experiences in partner with FlipsideXR, goofy analog collages, and good ol’ fashioned comic strips for the Seattle-based Scarfff Comics Newspaper. 8-10pm. $15. Drake Park Central Oregon Pride! June 2022
OUT Central Oregon is happy to announce Central Oregon Pride 2022 June 25 – a celebration of Pride in the diversity of our LGBTQ+ community and allies. Expanding on 15 years of celebrating Central Oregon Pride, presented by Human Dignity Coalition, OUT Central Oregon brings Central Oregon Pride 2022 to Bend with new energy, focus, and commitment. We look forward to developing partnerships with each of our sponsors and vendors to bring renewed energy and fun to this annual celebration in Drake Park. Noon-5pm. Free.
Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Highway 97 The Highway 97 band with Gene Rogers is a high energy band that has
Inspired by ‘50s and ‘60s rockabilly music, Chris Isaak rose to super stardom during the late ‘80s with raw lyricism and stripped down but gritty instrumentation. The artist shows no signs of stopping and will co-headline with Lyle Lovett and his Large Band at Hayden Home Amphitheater Fri., June 24 at 7pm.
quickly gained a following. 6-9pm. Adults $25 Children 12 and Under Freee.
Fir Street Park SFF Presents: FY5 & Eli West at Fir Street Park SFF presents a free concert by bluegrass band, FY5 with local PNW folk artist, Eli West as part of the Bluegrass Jam Camp. SFF’s bar will offer beer, wine, and alcoholic beverages with free refreshments provided by First Interstate Bank. 7-9pm. Free. General Duffy’s Waterhole Can Cancer Fundraiser Featuring Magical Mystery Four Beatles-Bingo-Bags This is a fundraiser for Can Cancer in Central Oregon. Cornhole tournament at 3pm. Bingo at 3:30pm. Band starts at 6:30pm. In honor of Karlene Jensen who lost her five-year battle with cancer. All money raised by donations. A fun family all afternoon event. 3-8:30pm. Donations.
premier Beatle band, is back for more Fab music. Always high energy and great musicianship, JuJu delivers. Party on Jojo! 6-9pm. Free.
Ridgeview High School Academie de Ballet Classique presents Peter Pan The dancing studio puts on a special end of season performance! 1:30-3pm. River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions The Notables Swing Band plays the great swing music of the 1930s - ‘50s. Get ready to dance to this 18-piece BIG BAND!! 6-8pm. Free. Volcanic Theater Pub The Cult of Tuck
Presents: Be Crime, Do Gay Hi gay. It’s pride y’all! Your favorite Cult is back to deliver THE QUEERNESS. Be Crime, Do Gay is a drag show made up of your favorite queens, kings and things serving gay house down boots yes gawd okurrr mamaw. 7-9pm. $20. Worthy Brewing Live Music Saturdays Every Saturday Worthy Brewing will put on a live show! Come enjoy beers and music. 6-8pm. Free.
Hayden Homes Amphitheater Weird Al Yankovic “Weird Al” Yankovic burst onto the scene over three decades ago and never looked back. For the second time in his storied career, the world’s foremost musical satirist and five-time Grammy winner foregoes his usual high-octane, big-production show for an intimate evening of music, focusing on original (non-parody) songs from his 14-album catalog. Marking his highly anticipated return to the concert stage after his hugely successful Strings Attached Tour in 2019 where Weird Al performed each night alongside a full symphony orchestra, this is a rare opportunity to get up-close and personal with this legendary performer. 7:30pm. $53-$93. (Sold Out).
The Yard @ Bunk + Brew Pride After Show w/ Profit Drama, The Macks & Palo Soprano Profit Drama leads the way with a little battle of the bands featuring The Macks, Profit Drama & Palo Soprano. They’ll be rushing to the Bunk+Brew right after their Pride show at Drake Park and bringing all the vibes. This will be an epic punk, pop & jam night! 7-10pm. Free.
Hub City Bar & Grill DJ/Karaoke Nights Dj
The Astro Lounge Local Artist Spotlight
dance music intermingled with karaoke! 8pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill The Reputations
Local four piece performing danceable tunes covering every genre including pop, classic rock, country and more! 8pm.
Over the Edge Taphouse JuJu Eyeball at Over the Edge Tap House JuJu Eyeball, Bend’s
26 Sunday Sundays This is a chance to listen to Central Oregon’s newest and upcoming local artists. They have earned their spot to perform a two-hour show, changing weekly, every Sun. Support Local Top Notch talent! 7-9pm. Free.
Bend Cider Co. Sun Threaders DUO- Violin & Piano Leah’s signature sound comes from years of “singing” through the violin, Recognizable
tunes and melodies straight through the strings to your ears, paired with pianist Evan Mullins. Sip cider in the cider company’s garden and enjoy! Outside food ok, snacks available. 2-4pm. Free.
Cascade Theatrical Theatre Sylvia - a play by A.R. Gurney Sylvia is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a love triangle between a husband, his wife and a dog. Join Cascade Theatrical Theatre at Bend’s oldest community theater for an evening (or afternoon) of live entertainment! Directed by Jared McVay 2pm. $25-$27. Flights Wine Bar Trivia at Flights Wine Bar
Join Flights Sun., from 4-6pm for trivia with King Trivia! Free to play! Get a group together and come get nerdy! Awesome prizes and as always, delicious food and drinks! 4-6pm. Free.
Hayden Homes Amphitheater Dirty Heads: Let’s Get It Kraken 2022 The Dirty Heads have been spreading Southern California rooted reggae and rock since 2003. An outdoor show not to be missed. 5:30pm. $49.50. Hub City Bar & Grill Big Band Open Jam All
welcome to sing or play an instrument, just come on in and get on Gordy’s sign-up sheet. 5-8pm. Free.
Mountain Jug The Jugulars A local 3-piece
rock band. The group met at The Mountain Jug (hence the name, Jugulars). The band plays all your favorite hits from the ‘70s to contemporary. Always fun to dance to and sing along. Beer & wine on site. Food nearby. 4-7pm. Free.
River’s Place Trivia Sunday at River’s Place @ 12 Noon Live UKB Trivia! Win gift card prizes for top teams! It’s free to play, indoor and outdoor seating available. Noon-2pm. Free. River’s Place Milo Matthews By using a drum pad, effects pedal and a looping machine Milo can provide his own rhythm, bass line, keys and lead guitar turning him into an unstoppable one man show. Milo’s styles range from jazz to blues, rock, pop, funk and even folk performing covers and originals. 6-8pm. Free.
CALENDAR Courtesy Volcanic Theatre Pub
21 VOLUME 25 ISSUE 01 / JUNE 23, 2022 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY Flobots are a platinum selling alternative hip-hop band from Denver that aims to inspire activism with each album release and live performance. Mega hits “Handlebars” and “Rise” are premier examples of what the band has to offer. The hip-hop show is performed in front of a live band which matches the group’s explosive energy and bond with the audience. Volcanic Theatre Pub will host the group Fri., June 24 at 9pm.
Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic Night at
the Moon Have you been honing in your musical, poetic or storytelling skills over the pandemic and need a stage to test them out on? The Silver Moon’s open mic is back now on Sun. nights inside the taproom. Sign-up starts at 4pm. Hosted by professional musicians. 5-8pm. Free.
Somewhere That’s Green Plant Queer Social Come celebrate Plant Pride at Somewhere That’s Gay! (I mean, Green!) This is a sober event and for ages teen and up. There will be custom pride mugs, tea, and pastries for purchase and/ or donation. The Plant shop will also be available to shop during these hours as well. There will be performances by a few drag queens, giveaways and more. Register below for a head count and attendance. ***REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED AT 150 REGISTRANTS*** (Feel free to stop by during the hours of the event, but understand there may not be room or items available for you as those will go to registered folks first) So stoked ya’ll want to come to our little shindig. MUCH GAY LOVE! xoxo - your girl, Fertile. 5-7pm. Free.
Tumalo Feed Company Steakhouse
Cheyenne West & Kurt Silva Cheyenne West & Kurt Silva perform on stage! Enjoy dinner and listen to some country music at the Feed Company’s newly renovated patio. 5-7pm. Free.
The Yard @ Bunk + Brew The Ladies Who Lunch: Drag Show The Ladies Who Lunch are back! And it’s Pride Month! There will be three lucious ladies who love to lunch on June 26! Doors at 12:30. At the door tickets are $25. Don’t forget your cash tips for the queens, and get ready to sip a beer from Ironwood Taps, eat some amazing grub from Albrije Food Truck and dance with DJ Josie! 1-3pm. $20.
27 Monday The Astro Lounge Open Mic Mondays
Amazing top notch talent, jaw dropping! All musicians and comedians are welcome from first-timers to pros. Hosted by Nancy Blake and
Danny Guitar Harris, two longtime local musicians. Very supportive and can provide instruments if needed. Free.
Bevel Craft Brewing Lord of the Rings Trivia This trivia night will be covering all things Lord of the Rings Movies! Themed attired is encouraged and appreciated! 6-9pm. Free. Bridge 99 Brewery Monday Night Trivia Now playing Mon. (Thu. too!) at 6 it’s live UKB Trivia. Free to play, win Bridge 99 gift cards! 6-8pm. The Yard at Bunk + Brew Open Mic Right
in the backyard of Bend’s only hostel, you will find an amazing beer garden and music stage set up (by none other than the amazing Tom Hudson). Every Mon. night will be your chance to grab that microphone and play those tunes you’ve been practicing. 6-9pm. Free.
Elixir Wine Group Locals Music Night Enjoy live musicians, great wine and small bites. 6-9pm. Free. Hayden Homes Amphitheater Bob Dylan The legendary artist performs at Hayden Homes Amphitheater. 8pm. $44.50-$129.50. On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper
drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewery Comedy Open Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Sign-up 6:30. Starts at 7. Hosted by Jessica Taylor and Katy Ipock. 7-9pm. Free.
The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse Big Lawn Series The Suttle Lodge is a perfect stop for touring bend and musicians, allowing the venue to showcase incredible artists from near and far. catch a variety of tunes on the Lodge’s big lawn every Mon. from 6-8pm. 6-8pm. Free.
28 Tuesday The Commons Cafe & Taproom Story-
tellers Open-Mic StoryTellers open-mic nights are full of music, laughs and community. In the old house Bill Powers of Honey Don’t and several other projects in town hosts one of the best open mics in town. Sign-ups start at 5pm sharp in the cafe and spots go quick. Poetry, Comedy and Spoken Word welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick 10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. 6pm. Free.
Public (ROCK) Choir Come sing your face off with a live rock band in a fun, non-threatening group where all skill levels have the chance to sing great songs loud. No experience needed. The group leads participants through the whole night of rock/pop favorites - no hymns. Visit website for details & videos. Thu, June 23, 6-8pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-728-3798. singbend@gmail. com. $18.
GoodLife Brewing Summer Tuesdays Music Series in the Biergarten Live music with some of Central Oregon's finest small bands. Enjoy a relaxed environment, food carts, lawn games, hand-crafted cocktails & Goodlife’s award winning brews. All shows are free and all ages. 6-8pm. Free.
Sunday Brunch and Karaoke Wake up
Initiative Brewing Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond Trivia Tuesdays in Redmond, with Useless Knowledge Bowl. Join in to win top team prizes! It’s free to play. Bring your team this week! Great new food menu. Arrive early for best seating. Free. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
McTrivia in Father Luke’s Room You are cordially invited to Father Luke’s Room for McTrivia Night! Tue., during the summer! Doors @ 5:30pm, Trivia @ 6pm. Food, drinks & prizes available! 21 and over only. 5:30-8pm. Free.
The Cellar—A Porter Brewing Company Music Night at The Cellar, Featuring
Central Oregon Music & Musicians Grab a pint, sit back, relax and enjoy live music by Central Oregon musicians! Every 2nd and 4th Tue. of the month, from 6-8pm at The Cellar! Free.
CZAR / The Kronk Men / Fox Medicine @ M&J Tavern 21+. Just remember to tip the bands as the groups turn it up to Eleven June 25, 9pm. M&J Tavern, 102 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Free.
right with brunch and karaoke! Sun., 10am3pm. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Avenue, Redmond. Free.
Argentine Tango Classes and Dance
Join every Wed., for Tango classes and dancing! Your first class is free. Vaccinations currently required to participate. 6:30-7pm Tango 101 What is Argentine Tango? No partner needed! All levels. 7-8pm All Levels Class 8-9:30PM Open Dancing Wed., 6:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-728-3234. tangocentraloregon@gmail.com. $5-$10.
Ballroom Beginner ChaCha Learn the ba-
sics of Chachacha Wed. evenings. The class progresses weekly with more combinations. Partner not required, although encouraged. If you haven’t taken a dance class, or need a refresher, this class is for you!! Contact Valerie for more details. Wed., 6-7pm. Through June 30. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-602-6168. valdances@hotmail.com. $10.
Beginning West Coast Swing Class!
West Coast Swing is not yo’ Gramma’s Swing: This is crazy-sexy-cool dancing with a partner to hip-hop or smokin’ blues, so grab a partner and come learn some smoothness on the dance floor. Four-week series starts June 1, $40/person, every Wednesday 8:30. Register in advance w/ Victoria 541-410-0048. Wednesdays, 8:30-9:30pm. Through June 29. Seven Nightclub, 1033 NW Bond St., Bend. Contact: 541-410-0048. salsavictoria@yahoo.com. $40.
Is back! at SHARC’s John Gray Amphitheater Free concert series | Every Sunday June 19 - July 17
June 19th Company Grand June 26th Aladinsane
Bring a b lank and enjoy et/chair live music, vendors, and famil yfriendly a ctivities!
July 3rd LEadbetter July 10th Blackstrap bluegrass July 17th Juju eyeball
Better Quality, Better Prices.
Located in the heart of Downtown Bend Craft cannabis, original apparel, accessories, and more! Order online for pickup or FREE DELIVERY!
Aim your smartphone camera here to view our online menu.
$5 OFF
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
1 1 9 9 N W WA L L ST. B E N D, O R 97 70 3 | 8 4 4 - O R E G R OW N
1 1 9 9 N W WA L L ST. B E N D, O R 97 703 | 8 4 4 - O R E G R OW N
1 1 9 9 N W WA L L ST. B E N D, O R 9 7 70 3 | 8 4 4 - O R E G R OW N
CALENDAR Courtesy Volcanic Theatre Pub
fancywork.com. $10.
Prineville Western Days Festival The
& Company Market Fri. June 24 from 11am4pm at the Commons Bend! Featuring vintage, secondloved, homegoods, handmade and local vendors! Stop by and say hello! Find your perfect treasure and Shop Local! The Commons Cafe & Taproom, 875 NW Brooks St, Bend. Contact: Shopshinemobile@gmail.com. Free.
Bend Ghost Tours Your Spirit Guide will lead you through the haunted streets and alleyways of Historic Downtown Bend where you’ll learn about the city’s many macabre tales, long-buried secrets and famous ghosts. Wed.-Sun., 7:309pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-350-0732. Bendghosttours@gmail. com. $25.
Desert-scaping with Cold Hardy Cacti 101 Want to desert-scape your yard or just add
a few accent cactus plants? Julie Lay from Smith Rock Cactus Company will join the Desert Rose to show you the ins & outs of raising robust cactus types that thrive here in the Central Oregon climate. June 23, 6-7:30pm. Desert Rose Cactus Lounge, 50 SE Scott St., Bend. Contact: 541-3237585. hello@desertrosebend.com. $5
Readers Theater Is there a play that you’ve always wanted to read but you don’t have enough friends (or voices in your head) for all the characters? Join Readers Theater one Sat., morning a month as participants explore new, original and classical plays, drink coffee and get to know others in the local theatre community. Fourth Sat., of every month, 10am-Noon. Cascade Theatrical Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood, Bend. Free.
WORDS Central Oregon’s favorite drag collective, Cult of Tuck, is here to keep the Pride celebration going late into the night. The collective will present a special show Be Crime, Do Gay as an after party for Pride Central Oregon! Boogie down with the most lively Kings and Queens in town at Volcanic Theatre Pub Sat., June 25 at 7pm.
Discover Ballet A great introduction to the
world of dance for children 8 to 11 years looking to get a start in ballet! No previous experience needed for this class! All dancers enrolled by the end of January are invited to participate in our Spring Production of Peter Pan! Fridays, 5:306:30pm. Through June 24. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: (541)-382-4055. dance@abcbend.com. $71.
Line and Swing Dancing Lessons Line
and Swing dance lessons every Thu. night at The Cross-Eyed Cricket! Thursdays, 7-9pm. CrossEyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.
Silver Swans Ballet Silver Swans is an
open-level class for all adults 35+. Muscles get a thorough warm-up to build strength and flexibility using ballet form and technique. Developed by the Royal Academy of Dance, this program is founded on research into dance practices for older dancers. $71 monthly / $21 drop-in. Fridays, 8:45-9:45am. Through June 24. Academie de Ballet Classique, 162 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. dance@abcbend.com.
4th Friday Artwalk in Sisters Map, galleries & more details at https://www.sister-
sartsassociation.org/4th-friday-artwalks Visit the Art Galleries in Sisters featuring: A great time, beautiful art, good company, demonstrations, plus additional sponsoring restaurants and food venues. Fourth Friday of every month, 10am7pm. Through Oct. 28. Downtown Sisters, Hood Avenue., Sisters. Contact: 541-719-8581. events@ sistersartsassociation.org. Free.
Art Viewing Visit Sagebrushers Art Society in beautiful Bend to see lovely work, paintings and greeting cards by local artists. New exhibit every 8 weeks. Visit Sagebrushersartofbend.com for information on current shows. Wed., 1-4pm, Fri., 1-4pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free. Call to Artists Award-winning Red Chair
Gallery seeks 2D artist. Come in and pick up application for jurying. June 16-July 30, 10:15am6pm. Red Chair Gallery, 103 NW Oregon Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-306-3176. redchairgallerybend@gmail.com. Free.
Fun in the Sun Sticker Design Contest Calling all designers, illustrators, artists
and sticker lovers! Enter your original summer themed sticker design for a chance to win awesome sticker prizes from local Bend printer carstickers.com! June 15-July 31, 8am. Contact: 844-647-2730. designcontest@carstickers.com.
Galveston Street Market The Galveston Street Market is a local vendor’s market with the goal of bringing community together while mentoring new and seasoned makers alike. Vendors change each week for a variety of locally made products so there’s something for everyone. Shop local! Shop small! Fri., 5-9pm. Through Sept. 30. Big O Bagels - Westside, 1032 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: galvestonstreetmarket@gmail.com. Free. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio Open Daily by Appointment 55-year Professional
Artist David Kreitzer displays sublime and stunning water, landscape, city, figure, floral and fantasy oil and watercolor masterworks. Meditative, healing and soul-satisfying. Mon.-Sun., Noon7pm. Through Sept. 30. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Road, Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. jkreitze@icloud.com. Free.
Learn to Knit at Fancywork Yarn Shop
Get started on the path to creating your own treasured handknits! Learn the fundamentals of knitting, basic stitches, how to read a pattern, fix your mistakes, and more. Create a small project to take home. Pattern provided. Take three classes and earn a 10% discount on yarn! Thu., 5:307pm. Fancywork Yarn Shop, 200 NE Greenwood Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-323-8686. hello@
Hello! Storytime Roundabout Books is
looking forward to sharing stories, movement and a touch of music with 0-5 year olds. There will be a heavy emphasis on fun, so bring your listening ears and a smile for a fun half hour with Kathy! June 22, 10:30-11am. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 5413066564. julie@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
Mystery Book Club Please join Roundabot
Books in-store or on zoom for Mystery Book Club. Participants will discuss "The Ladies of the Secret Circus" by Constance Sayers. Join zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/ j/87648931984?pwd=eHN4VjRIOVkyck5DL092OE9Nakd2QT09. Wednesdays, 10:30am. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Drive, #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. julie@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
Writers Writing: Quiet Writing Time
Enjoy the focus of a quiet space with the benefit of others’ company. This is an in-person program. Masks are recommended at all in-person library events. Bring personal work, read a book or answer emails. Come when you can, leave when you want. Free, open network WiFi available. Tuesdays, 1:30-4:30pm. Deschutes Public Library-Downtown, 601 NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. paigef@deschuteslibrary. org. Free.
17th annual Prineville Western Days will feature over 125 vendors (art, western, clothing, home decor, recycled, etc), live music, food trucks, community performances, free kids stick horse decorating and more! Lots of space and shade in a beautiful park. June 24, 1-7pm. Ochoco Creek Park, 296 NE Elm St. & NE 4th St., Prineville, Prineville. Contact: 503-551-3072. prinevillewesterndays@gmail.com. Free.
Select tickets go toward supporting Redmond HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS
sponsored by:
CALENDAR Submitted by Jeshua Marshall
Frontman Aaron Golay blends a multitude of roots genres and a tinge of pop that accentuates the raw power behind his voice. The Boise-based band knows how to silence a crowd and capture audiences in a way that creates lifelong fans. The group will perform Sat., June 24 from 6-8pm at Silver Moon Brewing.
Not Cho Grandma’s Bingo Not Cho’
Grandma’s Bingo is back at Silver Moon Brewing! Silver Moon hosst its famous bingo event for good times and a chance to win some cold hard cash! Sun., 10am-1pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Free.
Ranch Sawmill Demonstration Full steam ahead! See the 1904 Lazinka Sawmill in action and discover how critical steam-powered sawmills were to families in the High Desert. June 27, 11am-3pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Admission. Sound Yoga & Gong Bath Meditation
Relax deeply in this gong bath session. All body types, belief systems, and experience levels welcome. Attendees encouraged to bring a yoga mat/ pillow/ blanket to maximize your comfort as you lay on the floor or sit in a chair. Soundscape provided by Kevin Kraft, owner of Soundshala. More information at https://www.deschuteslibrary.org. June 23, 6-7:30pm. Sunriver Library, Venture Lane, Sunriver. Contact: 541-312-1029. laurelw@deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
5th Annual Furry Freight Benefit Yard Sale! It’s the biggest sale in town! Get great
deals and help save shelter pets. Shop new and pre-owned donations from over 50 community members. There is something for everyone! Name brand clothes for kids and adults, books, toys, office, kitchen, home decor, tools, luggage and sporting goods. Fri., June 24-Sun., June 26, 7am-2pm. Furry Freight Shelter Transport, 241 SE Airpark Dr, Bend. Contact: info@furryfreight. org. Free.
Call for Volunteers - Play with Parrots! Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird
Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and prac-
tice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call for hours and location. Contact: 916-956-2153.
General Volunteer Opportunities For
information on volunteer opportunities at Bethlehem Inn please contact Courtney, Community Engagement Coordinator, at volunteer@bethleheminn.org. Fourth Thursday of every month. Bethlehem Inn, 3705 N Hwy 97, Bend. Contact: 541-322-8768. volunteer@bethleheminn.org. Free.
Humane Society Thrift Store - Volunteers Needed Do you love animals and discovering “new” treasures? Then volunteering at the HSCO Thrift Store Donation Door is the perfect place to combine your passions while helping HSCO raise funds to provide animal welfare services for the local community. For information contact: rebecca@hsco.org. Ongoing. Humane Society Thrift Shop, 61220 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3761. rebecca@hsco.org.
Volunteer at summer camps Camp Fire Central Oregon seeks volunteers to help with our amazing Tumalo Day Camps at Tumalo State Park this summer. Great opportunity to serve as a camp counselor, work with youth and gain experience. Three weeklong camps, one each in June, July and Aug. Volunteers’ kids attend free! More information at campfireco.org/jobs June 27. Contact: 541-382-4682. info@campfireco.org. Free. Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers and we make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.
GROUPS & MEETUPS “Paddle + Pint” Hey Adventure + Beer Enthusiasts, we’re teaming up with Boss Rambler in Bend, for this summer’s “Paddle and a Pint” series. Every Tue. the beer club will bring
outdoor enthusiasts together (that’s YOU!) for an adventure+tasty post-SUP brew. Reserve space: SUP rental+ paddle strong class and first beer Tue., 6-8pm. Through Aug. 9. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 503-888-5624. skiles.lori@yahoo.com. $35-$45.
Become a Better Public Speaker! Do you struggle with public speaking? You’re not alone! Come visit Bend Toastmasters Club and learn how to overcome your public speaking fears. Wed., Noon-1pm. Contact: 503-501-6031. bend.toastmasters.club@gmail.com. Free. Board Games Hosted by The Base The Base at Franklin is a new space in the Old Bend neighborhood for neurodivergent humans and allies to access community through the shared goal for connection and wellness. Board Games 4:00-5:30pm, RPG direcly following. RSVP Required- Free. The Base at Franklin, 5 NW Franklin Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-610-8826. hello@baseatfranklin.com. Free.
Celebrate With the Bend Bhakti Collective Kirtan, sacred song, dance and
community. Celebrate with the Bend Bhakti Collective. Thu., 7pm. First Presbyterian Heritage Hall, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend. Contact: 541-3824401. Free-$20.
Estate Sale Fundraiser Bend’s largest
charity sale of the summer! 3 large buildings and yards filled with treasures. All proceeds benefit the chimpanzees. Come treasure hunt! June 25, 9am-4pm and June 26, 9am-Noon. Freedom for Great Apes, 65525 Gerking Market Road, Bend. Contact: 503-730-7228. info@freedomforgreatapes.org. Free.
Game Night Let’s Play LeftCenterRight Let’s play LeftCenterRight! Bring friends and make new friends. More people the bigger the pot. Simple game, one dollar table and 5 dollar tables. The winner of each game takes the pot. You're not going to get rich but you will have fun. Happy Hour $4 Beer & Wine Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Zero Latency Bend, 1900 NE 3rd St STE 104, Bend. Contact: 541-617-0688. Zerolatency-
Intermediate Jewelry Soldering Spinner Rings Class If you’ve had some
experience with soldering, you’ll love this new, more advanced workshop. You’ll learn how to size and make a copper ring band with two smaller sterling silver bands that spin freely around the main ring. Learn how to use a jewelry saw, solder, stamp, texture and more. June 25, 1-3:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@diycave. com. $125.
Intro to Fusion 360 and Design Theory *3-week course In this three-part course, participants will explore the fundamentals of Fusion 360 and go over the necessities of 3D design. After this course, they will have a solid understanding of engineering design theory and will be able to design, conceptualize, then bring ideas to life in a 3D space. Thu., 5:30-8:30pm. Through June 30. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@diycave.com. $299.
Intro to Leatherwork: Make a Cuff Style Leather Bracelet Participants will
make cuff style leather bracelets out of oil tan leather. They will get to pick on a first come first served basis hardwear colors. This class will include cutting, sewing and optionally riveting leather. June 25, 10am-Noon. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-3882283. heather@diycave.com. $128.
Jewelry Torch Fired Enameling Demo and Open Lab Jewelry Torch Fired Enameling Demo in the DIY Cave’s Jewelry Studio! During Open Lab, anyone who has taken a Jewelry Class at DIY Cave can come in and use the space’s tools and spacious classroom. This is the perfect opportunity to make/finish class projects and spend a fun evening with others. June 28, 6-9pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@diycave.com. $15.
CALENDAR Learn to Turn Wine Bottles Into Drinking Glasses Fill your cupboard with
seriously cool drinking glasses made from empty wine bottles. Instructors will show participants how to cut them and how to fire polish the rim of the of the glasses with a custom torch setup. Bring wine, beer or soda bottles and jars. June 26, 4-6pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@diycave. com. $99.
Learn to Use a Jewelry Saw Workshop Piercing and Sawing a metal sheet is
these upbeat kids movement classes! Your children will develop important coordination skills, improve balance and build confidence as they tackle Ninja Warrior obstacle courses and practice fun yoga poses. There is also play under a parachute, play with bubbles and sing songs together! Tue., 10-10:45am and Wed., 10-10:45am. Through June 22. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $105.
Non-specific grief support group Small
a fun and essential skill of jewelry making. In this workshop students learn how to transfer a simple pattern to a piece of metal, drill or punch holes in the metal, saw out the design and finish to create a pendant or earrings. June 24, 10:30am-Noon. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@ diycave.com. $99.
Support Group (4-5 people) for those who need a safe space to share a grief difficult to share with one’s friend and family, long term grief for a death, loss of relationship, loss from suicide, loss of health, loss of function, etc Sun., 5-6pm. Free.
Metal Jewelry Design Workshop In the
community to an open house on Wed., June 22, to learn about the Midtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings Feasibility Study. The purpose of this study is to identify what’s possible for new and improved crossings of the U.S. Highway 97 Bend Parkway and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad for walking and bicycling in Bend’s Midtown. This study will look at three crossing locations: Greenwood, Hawthorne and Franklin avenues. June 22, 5-7pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. Free.
workshop, participants will make two pairs of multi-layer or dangle earrings. They will learn to apply many types of textures, finish pieces and, if desired, apply a patina to highlight the textures. Take home 2 pairs of uniquely crafted earrings June 26, 1-2:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@diycave.com. $145.
Metaphysical Book Club This month at
Spark Wellness’ Metaphysical Book club the group will read Brian Weiss’s book “Many Lives, Many Masters.” Come ready to discuss! This is a fun way to make new friends in the worlds of spirituality, the Awakening, extraterrestrials, reincarnation and learn from each other! June 23, 6:30-8pm. Spark Wellness, 210 Southwest 5th Street, Suite 4, Redmond. Contact: 541-6042440. hello@sparkwellness.love. Free.
Mini Ninja Warrior Classes Come enjoy
Open House for the Midtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings Feasibility Study The City invites members of the
Pet Loss Support Group Have you experi-
enced the loss of a beloved pet? Whether recently or years ago the sadness can be overwhelming and sometimes isolating. If you’re looking for a safe space free of judgement and full of support please join the support group. Time doesn’t always heal but connecting with others can help. Tue., June 28, 7-8pm. Bend Veterinary Clinic, 360 NE Quimby Ave., Bend.
Pride Paddle Party Put on your best cos-
tume and get ready to paddle, dance and laugh under the stars! The tour will take to the Cascade Lakes for a night of beautiful people, scenery and more. As dusk settles and the stars illuminate Central Oregon’s night sky, participants will toast mother nature and all her wonder! Celebrate Central Oregon Pride with and make this a night to remember! June 22, 7pm-Midnight. Wanderlust Tours, 61535 S Hwy 97, Bend. $110.
Pups on the Patio Come and enjoy some
Cheba Hut sandwhiches for a great cause!! Cheba Hut is hosting Pups on the Patio!! All raffle proceeds will go to Golden Bond Rescue. Please check out @chebahut_bendwestside for more details! June 25, 2-4pm. Cheba Hut, 1288 SW Simpson Ave. Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-3888400. bend-westside@chebahut.com. Free.
Sunset Paddle Chasing those endless sum-
mer days? Sunset Paddle invites guests to savor the dreamy skies, setting sun and clear water of the Deschutes River. All SUP equipment and instruction provided. Thu., 6:30-8:30pm. Through Aug. 18. Farewell Bend Park, 1000 SW Reed Market Rd., Bend. Contact: 503-888-5624. skiles. lori@yahoo.com. $60.
Weekly Group Meditations Mon. evenings
except holidays. “Meditators in groups often report that they feel less alone and more connected to others. Their practice feels deeper, tapping into a more profound silence than they experience on their own.” ~Chopra.com Mondays, 6:30-8pm. Through June 27. Spark Wellness, 210 Southwest 5th Street, Suite 4, Redmond. Contact: 541-604-2440. hello@sparkwellness. love. Donation.
Welding 101 4-week Course Creating
solid weld joints in multiple positions is the foundation for all metal projects. This course is designed for students to increase their knowl-
edge of MIG welding and joint construction. Great class for students who want to start creating their own projects or explore career opportunities. Tue., 6:30-8:30pm. Through July 12. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. heather@diycave.com. $449.
Wild Women Monthly Book Club This
is a chance to gather with women and discuss books that are important to the feminine psyche and authentic development. Currently discussing “Women Who Run With Wolves” by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. Join The People’s Apothecary every 4th Wed., drink herbal tea and sit in community! Through Dec. 29. The Peoples Apothecary, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr, Bend. Contact: 541-728-2368. classes@thepeoplesapothecary.net. $9.
Amelia’s World Puppet Show Join Amelia Airheart Monkey & Miss Hannah for a fun & uplifting interactive zoom puppet show! All ages welcome, 3 & under please be accompanied by a sibling or parent/caregiver to assist with interaction. Message ACORN School of Art & Nature on Facebook to request the zoom link. Fri., 4-4:15pm. Contact: https://m.facebook.com/ acornartandnature/. Free.
Baby Ninja Classes Cuties plus adults will
bond and have a blast during these wonderful yoga and Ninja Warrior classes! Classes include exploration through soft obstacle ninja warrior courses, yoga fun, singing songs with hand gestures and movements, parachute play and bubbles! Come learn fun ways to interact with your baby! Tue., 9-9:45 and 11-11:45pm and Wed., 9-9:45am. Through June 22. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ freespiritbend.com. $105.
B E N D YO G A F E S T I VA L OFFICIAL GUIDE Authentic Connection
Join us for an immersive yoga experience that could only happen in beautiful Bend, Oregon!
Beautiful Adventure
June 24-26, 2022
8:00 AM
at Loge Camps With Cog Wild
9:45 AM
at Farewell Bend Park
with Allie Van Fossen at Main Stage A 90-minute practice that weaves chakra movements, breathwork, mantras, mudras and teachings into a holistic experience. We’ll begin at the base of our being and awaken each energy center as we journey towards the crown chakra together.
11:15 AM
with Shanan Kelley at St. Helens Hall of Trinity Episcopal Church
1:00 PM
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Young Yogi
with Shannon Liebel at South Tent Take some time in your day to be grateful and feel grounded. This flow will focus on connecting your attention to your body and breath through poses that will make you feel strong and grounded. As we move through the practice, we will cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what our body is capable of and find a new appreciation for this beautiful life!
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“I Am Maris: Portrait of a Young Yogi” at St. Helens Hall (Note: This film includes frank discussions of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and perfectionism.)
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10:00 AM
With permission from ro*co films.
at Farewell Bend Park Forest bathing and forest therapy (or shinrin-yoku) broadly mean taking in, in all of one’s senses, the forest atmosphere. Not simply a walk in the woods, it is the conscious and contemplative practice of being immersed in the sights, sounds and smells of the forest. Join outdoor guide and yoga teacher, Melissa Fowler, for an all levels 3-mile walk along the river trail to bathe the senses in the energy of the forest.
4:30 PM
BREATH, BALANCE & BHAKTI: HIMALAYAN KRIYA YOGA & GONG BATH with Kevin Kraft, Narayani Ma, Nia Robertson, and Danielle Summerville and Lisa Swisher Come explore a 90-minute journey through expansion, deep release and profound silence in this Himalayan Kriya yoga-based sound yoga and gong bath meditation. The first half of the class will consist of a 45-minute Himalayan Kriya Yoga set to align and prepare the body to receive the multitude of sounds from the sound bath meditation. We will breathe, flow, shake, tap, move and expand through the unlocking of stagnant energy to create spaciousness internally. The ancient sounds of gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls combined with the transcendental sounds of harp, percussion, and other instruments will leave you feeling tuned, refreshed and connected with your intuitive personal power.
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1:30 PM
STRONG BACK, SOFT FRONT: FOUNDATIONS OF HAPPY BACK BENDING with Christina Sell at East Tent This all-levels class is specifically designed for reluctant back benders and for teachers who want to learn effective strategies to help their students with these oftentimes challenging postures. Christina Sell will cover simple techniques to create the necessary back body strength and inner body expansion to support open-hearted, back bending positions. Known for her detailed and precise instructions, Christina incorporates movement techniques and biomechanical alignment principles, along with encouraging pep talks, bad jokes, demonstrations, and explanations to help you understand how best to approach your practice.
1:30 PM
with Suzie Newcome at Main Stage
on the Deschutes with Paddle Board Oregon
with Ian Le Masters at East Tent DJ Entertainment, Lunch, Mountain Air Market & Opening of the Love Bird Yoga Chill Lounge
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11:15 AM
1:00 PM
8:00 PM
with Luma Bodywork at West Tent
9:15 AM
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at Farewell Bend Park
6:30 PM
11:15 AM
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1:30 PM
with Brandy Berlin at Namaspa
on the Deschutes with Paddle Board Oregon
3:15 PM
8:15 AM
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COMMUNITY RITUAL & WELCOME CEREMONY with Sianna Sherman & Masood Ali Khan at Main Stage
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with Susan Towey & Deven Sisler at East Tent
3:15 PM
JAI! JAI! HANUMAN with Ian Le Masters at South Tent
3:15 PM
KUNDALINI RISING with Wendy Schmitt at Main Stage
Passes & More at www.BendYogaFestival.com
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1:45 PM
3:15 PM
with Christina Sell at West Tent
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Wheels, Bows, and Arches: Beyond Basic Back Bending
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with QC Natural Health at West Tent
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1:45 PM
with Shannon Liebel at the Far West Tent
with QC Natural Health at East Tent
5:00 PM
1:45 PM
with Masood Ali Khan, Kavita McMillan, and Friends
with Shaunna Sutcliffe at Far East Tent
1:45 PM
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with Maggie Umberger at Main Stage
3:30 PM
with Sue Fox at Riverbend Park ($25 Donation)
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3:15 PM
CLOSING MEDITATION AND CEREMONY with Allie Van Fossen at Main Stage
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
with Alexandra Lyon at Main Stage
at Sparks Lake with Paddle Board Oregon
9:00 AM
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RASA YOGA with Sianna Sherman & Masood Ali Khan at Main Stage
9:00 AM
with Brooke Coletta at East Tent
Friday 6/24: Yoga + Writing with Shanan Kelley
9:00 AM
Film Screening: “I Am Maris: Portrait of a Young Yogi”
with Rebecca Bell/Ruby Rides Bikes
Saturday, 6/25: Bhakti Hand-Pan Kirtan with Masood Ali Khan & Friends
11:00 AM
PARTNER YOGA with Deven Sisler & Susan Towey at West Tent
11:00 AM
Sunday, 6/26: Sunrise Meditation with Alexandra Lyon
Intermediate Paddle Board with Sue Fox Mountain Biking Group Ride with Rebecca Bell/Ruby Rides Bikes
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11:00 AM
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The Classics of the 70s & 80s, a Sound Off™ Experience with Maggie Umberger
with Becky Nickerson at Main Stage
11:00 AM
All bodies, all beings, all paths are welcome here.
with Alexandra Lyon at South Tent
11:00 AM
Attendee and Public Parking along Chandler Drive and at OSU Cascades. Limited parking at Skyline.
with Rebecca Bell at Far West Tent DJ, Lunch, Mountain Air Market & Love Bird Yoga Chill Lounge
1:45 PM
1:45 PM
YOMASSAGE: THE TONIC OF TOUCH with Luma Bodywork at South Tent
1:45 PM
Dev en Sis le r
with Brandy Berlin at Namaspa
PASSES ON SALE NOW 1 Day Pass: Sat or Sun 2 Day Flash Pass 3 Day Full Fest Pass Buy at www.bendyogafestival.com
with Ian Le Masters at Far West Tent Bend Yoga Festival 2022
Mountain Air Market Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26 11:00am - 2:00pm
FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Cafe of Life Chiropractic COPA Bev Co Journeyman Ceramics Correct Toes Snake River Tea Inner Waves Organics Ahara Beauty
Mythical Chocolate Altitude Functional Beverages Justicia Jewelry and Home Sutra Power Yoga Sladed Artisan Designs Messy Magic Herbals Bend Reiki
Honor Essences Manuka Mana Spark Wellness Next Ingredient Bend Hot Yoga & Wellness Intentions and To Do’s The Loving Fungi
Hishikime Gather Nuts Royal Juice Co. & Apothecary Feel Good Shorts Co. Light by Lizzie High Desert RevIVe SoulJour
4th & Heart
Open 8:15am - 5pm to Passholders all weekend!
Thank you to our Sponsors We appreciate your kind and generous support Supporting Sponsors
Sustaining Sponsors
Passes & More at www.BendYogaFestival.com
CALENDAR Submitted by Paul Eddy Music
31 VOLUME 25 ISSUE 01 / JUNE 26, 2022 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY Local 2-piece group Paul Eddy Band is composed of Paul Eddy on the guitar and Kyle Pickard on the drums. The group has an abundance of experience playing in front of Central Oregon crowds and knows how to deliver an ecstatic show to its audiences. The band jams out to covers and originals, playing a little something for everybody. Catch them at Eurosports Food Cart Garden in Sisters Fri., June 24 from 5-7pm.
Intro to Redstone Logic in Minecraft
1-week coding camp. Live, online! For ages 1118. Beginners welcome. Intro to Redstone Logic in Minecraft is a fun coding camp that introduces kids to redstone, an element used for mechanical and electrical programming in Minecraft. They will learn how redstone works and advance to build logic gates. June 27, 10am-Noon. Contact: 800-213-2417. school@codewizardshq.com. $499.
Kids Open Play Kids Ninja Warrior gym is a wonderful space for kids to stay active and have fun! There will be both Toddler Open Play for the littles and Kids Open Play for kids– babies and toddlers are welcome too. Our clean, bright and fully padded space is full of fun-filled movement Sat.-Sun., Noon-3pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. Kids Open Play 1-Pass $15 Kids Open Play 10-Pass $130. Kids-Ninja Warrior Classes Kids, age
6-10, will gain amazing Ninja Warrior abilities through Ninja Warrior obstacle course training, rock climbing and fitness conditioning classes. Each week, for 6 weeks, coaches configure new and challenging Ninja Warrior circuits to keep your kids developing new skills. Thu., 4:155:15pm. Through June 23. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $125.
Let’s Talk About It Training with KIDS Center Examine child development through
a social, physical and developmental lens. You can attend this program online or in person. Registration is required. Register by using the “Register Here” link above. Masks are required at all in-person library events. Tue., 10am. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@ deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
MINI-YOGI Moms / Dads / Grandparents and children (ages 2-5) will have a blast during these fun, upbeat yoga classes! Each class includes fun yoga sequences and games, partner poses, songs with movements, active story time and
bubbles to help with kids’ development! No yoga experience necessary. Wed., 4-4:45pm. Through June 22. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $105.
Moms + Groms Meetup Moms + Groms
is officially back @ Boss Rambler 3-6pm every Wed.! Moms, it’s simple: show up with your grom(s) to socialize and drink beer (or whatever you want) with other moms while the kiddos make new friends! All moms get $1 off drinks! Wed., 3-6pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.
Nano Ninja Warrior Classes Kids (age 4-5) will love making new Ninja Warrior buddies as they develop fundamental coordination skills through obstacle-based gymnastics and climbing challenges in these action-packed classes. Structured classes are strategically designed with specific Ninja Warrior obstacle circuits that are safe and fun! Mon., 4:15-5:05pm, Tue., 5:306:20pm and Wed., 4:15-5:05 and 5:15-6:05pm. Through June 22. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $125. Nano-Ninja Summer Camp Drop-off your
kids (age 4-6) this summer at Free Spirit! Your children will have so much fun climbing, performing Ninja Warrior gymnastics, parkour tumbling and making new ninja buddies! A great camp for siblings and friends! Kids must be potty trained to attend. Mon.- Thu. 9am-Noon. June 27-30, 9am-Noon. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $185.
Ninja Elite Classes Kids (age 8-12) increase your athletic performance through the exciting sport of Ninja Warrior! We will coach you through the three main components of Ninja Warrior: gymnastics, Ninja Warrior obstacles and rock climbing. Ninja Warrior training is a great compliment for other sports. All levels are welcome. Thu., June 23, 5:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $125.
Redmond Farmers Market Featuring
locally grown produce, artisan foods, prepared foods and crafts. Redmond Farmers Market shares a dedication for supporting local farms and eating delicious and healthy foods. Thu., 3-7pm. Through Sept. 15. Centennial Park, Evergreen, Between 7th and 8th St., Redmond. Free.
Tween Yoga Tweens (age 8-12), connect with other like-minded yogis as you learn yoga flow sequences, strengthening and balancing yoga poses, as well as stress-reducing mindfulness techniques. We also incorporate journaling and fun candle making activities. Come learn skills that will enhance focus, reduce anxiety and greatly improve balance! Thu., June 23, 4:15pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-2413919. info@freespiritbend.com. $135. Upstream Explorers Camp Registration for the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council’s Upstream Explorers Summer Camp begins on March 1. Visit www.restorethedeschutes.org to find out more information. June 27-30, 8:30am3:30pm. Various Locations - Bend, Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-382-6103. kmiller@restorethedeschutes.org. $200/four-day camp week.
Fried Chicken Thursdays Fried Chicken
Thu., at Flights Wine Bar! Dine in with a 2-piece plate with sides and a biscuit for $18 or take an 8 piece bucket and a bottle to-go! Upgrade to the ‘Balla Bucket’ to get a Somm selected bottle of Champagne. Thu., 12-8:30pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail.com. $38.
Sisters Farmers Market Sisters Farmers
Market runs every weekend from the first Sun. in June through the first Sun. in Oct. Explore the market this season to shop for fresh, micro-local produce, pantry staples and artisanal goods throughout Fir Street Park in the heart of Sisters, Oregon. SNAP and EBT accepted! More information at sistersfarmersmarket.com. Sun., 11am2pm. Through Oct. 3. Fir Street Park, Sisters, Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0134. sistersfarmers-
market@gmail.com. Free.
Beach Parties at Walt Reilly’s Walt Reilly’s is throwing a beach party every Sun., this summer! Join the patio for tropical cocktails, delicious beachy bites and music guaranteed to make you forget the Sun. Scaries. Hawaiian shirts encouraged! Sundays, 4-10pm. Through Sept. 4. Walt Reilly’s, 225 SW Century Dr, Bend, OR 97702, Bend. Contact: 541-546-0511. karley@ waltreilly.com. Free. Corn Hole Tournament Come join Cheba
Hut for its first corn hole tournament!! $10 buy in per team, and first place takes home the money, second place takes home a dispo swag bag. 21+ Come sign up with the bartenders or email bend-westside@chebahut.com for more info! June 24, 5:30-7:30pm. Cheba Hut, 1288 SW Simpson Ave. Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-3888400. bend-westside@chebahut.com. $10.
Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day!
Tue. are Locals’ Day. Every Tue. enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang out by the fire. See you soon, Bend! Crosscut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend.
Cruxapalooza Crux Fermentation Project is celebrating 10 years of craft beer and community! Commemorate and officially kick off the summer season in Bend at Cruxapalooza featuring live music all day, tie-dye stations, a 5k fun run and great beer. June 25, 11am-8pm. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend. Contact: 541-385-3333. Free. Featured Flight w/ Walla Walla Vintners Join Flights Wine Bar Thu., June 23 for a
featured flight with Walla Walla Vintners. Flight will be available all day, but from 4-6pm participants will be joined by Jeff Von Bargen, Walla Walla Vintners national sales manager. Taste 4 wines for $28 June 23, 4-6pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail.com. $28.
t a s u n i Jo
this Saturday, June 25th
Inclusive Oregon - Let’s grow together. Come celebrate heart work with us at Central Oregon’s Pride Festival on Saturday, June 25th at Drake Park from noon to 5pm. Lots of fun will be had along with great giveaways, and you can enter to win a beach getaway. See you there!
at Drake Park
Say it Loud, Say it Proud! Lingerie Sex Toys Party Supplies
Costumes & Wigs Pole Shoes Gifts Galore River Floaties
visit www.prettypussycat.com 1341 NE 3rd Street, Bend 541-317-3566
Central Oregon’s Biggest Wine Event Turns 10!
Five-course dinners & wine pairings. Meet the people behind the wine!
Wine tasting, small bites, live music, a silent auction and ways to win!
Winemakers Reception, live music, five-course dinner and live auction!
Avion Water Company Proceeds from Cork & Barrel support KIDS Center, Central Oregon’s child abuse intervention center. Join us and end abuse one child at a time.
Featuring 16 wineries from the Willamette Valley!
Free Wine Tasting Featuring Melrose Vineyards Join the wine bar for a free wine
tasting with Melrose Vineyards. Food and other wines available for purchase. June 25, 6-8pm. Eqwine Wine Bar, 218 SW 4th St, Redmond. Contact: 541-527-4419. eqwine.wine@gmail.com. Free.
Locals’ Night Monday is the day to be at Silver Moon Brewing! Come on down and join the local family all day every Mon.! The brewery will offer $3 Pints of core lineup beers and $4 pours of barrel aged beers all day. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. There are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tue. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: holla@bevelbeer.com. Free. Oregon Whiskey Festival Taste whiskey that is mashed, fermented, distilled and aged in Oregon. This event is a celebration of the exceptional whiskey being produced in Oregon and the recognition of distillers who are committed to the art and craft of distilling. June 23, 5pm and June 24, 2pm. Oregon Spirit Distillers, 740 NE First St., Bend. Contact: nicole@oregonspiritdistillers.com. GA/$40, VIP/$195. Sunday Mimosas and Brunch Join
Eqwine Wine Bar every Sun., for brunch! Mimosa flights and specialty wine cocktails available. Grab some friends and check out the patio, or inside the quaint restaurant. Sun., 10am-2pm. Through Aug. 28. Eqwine Wine Bar, 218 SW 4th St, Redmond. Contact: 541-527-4419. eqwine. wine@gmail.com. Free.
Trivia @ Walt Reilly’s Walt Reilly’s first triv-
ia night is Tue., June 28! Walt Reilly’s is excited to partner with Silver Moon and Trivia on the Moon for a night of great competition, beer and food! Make a reservation to ensure a spot for your team today! June 28, 7-9pm. Walt Reilly’s, 225 SW Century Dr, Bend, OR 97702, Bend. Contact: 541-546-0511. karley@waltreilly.com. Free.
Wednesday Cookout with GoodLife Brewing Find the cookout in the rustic village
BBQing on a Traeger every Wed. alongside a special guest brewery with some live local tunes too. All ages, first come first serve. June 22, 5-7pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541-638-7001. info@ thesuttlelodge.com. $20.
Planet Fitness Home Work-Ins Planet
Wine on the Deck with Mellen Meyer Join the lodge on Tue. from 2-6pm for
Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thu., 6:15pm. Contact: rundanorun1985@gmail.com.
Wine on the Deck! Sit, sip and learn from the different local wineries The Lodge loves while enjoying a unique array of small-plate pairings from the chef. 90 min tastings. Almost every week, starting June 14 through the end of August. 21+ June 28, 2-6pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541638-7001. info@thesuttlelodge.com. $60.
Wine Wednesdays Happy hour all day
on Wine Wednesday. Come in for discounts on glasses, beers and apps! Wednesdays, Noon-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail.com.
Bend Area Running Fraternity The group will run, maintaining social distance, along the Deschutes River and then receive discounted drinks from the cidery after the run! Mondays, 5pm. AVID Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: bendarearunningfraternity@ gmail.com. Free. Bend Pride 5k Run/Walk 2022 OUT Cen-
tral Oregon is thrilled to continue on 2019’s inaugural Bend Pride 5K Fun Run/Walk on Sat. June 25, in Drake Park. In association with the Central Oregon Pride Festival (Central Oregon Pride) we are excited to have you join us for this fun 5K run and walk that celebrates inclusivity and pride in our diverse community. The out-and-back course runs along the beautiful Deschutes River and through the Old Mill District. The event starts with the Pride 5K Fun Run/Walk*, followed by the Drag Dash (a ‘dash’ of fun, silliness, and pride for everyone), an awards ceremony, and ends with a raffle. Join Drag queens & kings in costume in the Drag Dash as they contend for the coveted title of Drag Dash Darling. June 25, 9am. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. $20.
Deschoops 3x3 basketball and corn-
hole tournament in Bend. All ages and all skill levels compete in June 25-26 in downtown Bend. Play for fun or to win cash and prizes. Register at bend3x3.com June 25, 9am-6pm and June 26, 9am-4pm. Downtown Bend. Contact: 541-5310150. info@bend3x3.com. $140-$180.
Fitness is offering free daily workouts via livestream! The best part? No equipment needed. Get your sweat on at least four times a day. Valid even for those without memberships! Visit the Planet Fitness Facebook page for more details. Ongoing, 4-5pm. Free.
Thursday Night Run Run through the Old Mill for around 3-5 miles, stay for food and drinks! Thursdays, 6-7pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.
The Biggest Yoga Class in the West Bend Yoga Festival presents “The Biggest
Yoga Class in the West!” Free to BYF passholders; by donation for everyone else, and open to all. No reservation needed, just show up with your mat, water, & your friends and family! Donations accepted at event! On PCMS Football Field. June 24, 4:30-6pm. Pacific Crest Middle School, 303 NW Elwood Ln., Bend. Contact: 541-480-8224. hello@bendyogafestival.com. By donation.
Saturday Morning Coffee Run Come join
CORK for a Sat. long run at 9am. We will meet outside Thump Coffee on York Dr. for a long run. Feel free to run or walk, whatever “long” means to you! Whatever your pace and distance, Thump hopes you’ll join us for the run and stay afterward for food and drinks! Saturdays, 9-10am. Thump Coffee - NW Crossing, 549 NW York Dr., Bend. Free.
HEALTH & WELLNESS Access Bars Class What is it you’ve been
looking for but have never been able to find? There’s peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease. Best of all, it’s not hard to learn. June 25, 9:30am-5:30pm. Contact: 541-848-7608. aldrin@jenniferevemorey.com. $350.
All Levels Community Vinyasa Class
Come join r’oming yoga for an outdoor All Levels Vinyasa class in a peaceful park setting! Classes our limited to 15 students. We have mat rentals available on site. Sat., 9:30-10:30am. Through Aug. 27. Compass Park, 2500 NW Crossing Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. missie@romingyogabend.com. $15.
All Levels Vinyasa Class Join r’oming yoga for this all levels vinyasa class right on Deschutes River. Mat rentals will be available. Mon., 5:30-6:30pm. Through Aug. 29. Pioneer Park - Bend, 1565 NW Wall St, Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. missiewik@gmail.com. $15. Bend Pilates Bend Pilates is now offering a
full schedule of classes through Zoom! Sign up for your class on Mindbody.com and download Zoom. Prior to start you will receive an email invitation to join class. Be ready with mat, weights, roller, and/or band and login five minutes prior to class time. For more information visit bendpilates.net/classes/. Ongoing, Noon-1pm. $20.
Bend Yoga Festival Authentic connection, beautiful adventure! Three Days. 25 Presenters. 100 Sessions. One unforgettable experience! A full weekend of yoga, meditation and wellness practices and celebrations. Don’t miss this playtime for the soul! Presenters include: Sianna Sherman, Christina Sell, Allie Van Fossen, Petit Davina and many many more. (Friday @PCMS) Fri, June 24, Sat, June 25, 8:30am-7:30pm and Sun, June 26, 8am-5pm. Skyline Sports Complex, 19600 Mountaineer Way, Bend. Contact: 541-4808224. hello@bendyogafestival.com. $245-$315. Bend Zen Meditation Group Bend Zen
sits every Mon. evening at 7. Arrive at 6:45pm to orient yourself and meet others. There are two 25-minute sits followed by a member-led Dharma discussion from 8:05-8:30pm. All are welcome! Learn more and sign up for emails at www.bendzen.net Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 Wall St., Bend. Contact: bendzensitting@gmail.com. Donations accepted.
Bootcamp in the Park! Exercise out-
doors where you can also improve your state of mind and overall wellbeing! Help increase your strength and cardiovascular fitness in this Bootcamp style workout. Bring a yoga mat or pad, sunscreen and water. Included in BPRD fitness facility passes for Juniper & Larkspur or subject to drop-in fee. Mondays-Wednesdays, 6:30-7:20am. Through Aug. 24. Exercise outdoors where you can improve your state of mind and overall wellbeing! Help increase your strength and cardiovascular fitness in a Bootcamp style workout! Bring a yoga mat or pad, sunscreen and water. Included in BPRD fitness facility passes for Juniper & Larkspur or subject to drop-in fee. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9-9:50am. Through Aug. 25. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St., Bend. Contact: 541-389-7275. Free with membership.
, N.D. Blending Nature with Medicine Insurance Accepted
Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off growler fills every Wed. at Bevel! Contact: 831245-1922. holla@bevelbeer.com. Free.
Whiskey Tuesdays The Cross-eyed Cricket Watering Hole is offering exclusive access to a library of top shelf whiskeys every Tue. One ounce pours for reasonable prices. Come by and try something new, or sip on your favorites! Tuesdays, 11am-11pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.
CALENDAR Capoeira: A Martial & Cultural Art Form of Freedom Free yourself from
everyday movement and thought streams, push your boundaries and find joy in community. This Afro-Brazilian art combines music and acrobatics in a constant flow of movement, attacks and creative defense. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr. Ste. 120, Bend. Contact: 541-6783460. ucabend@gmail.com. $30 intro month.
Coaching Group Build your dream life while
connecting to a supportive, motivating community. Clarify your goals - internal or external, immediate or long-term, self or other focused. Learn new skills, techniques, and insights to make it happen! Led by Diana Lee, Meadowlark Coaching. Mondays, 6-7:30pm. Contact: 914-9802644. meadowlarkcoaching@yahoo.com. $15-25.
Community Acupuncture Reduce stress, increase vitality and energy, treat acute and chronic pain and strengthen your immune system through acupuncture in an affordable, community style setting. Both new and returning patients are welcome! Join David Watts, LAc at Hawthorn every Wed. and Fri. Call to schedule today! Wednesdays, 10:30am-1pm and Fridays, 10:30am-1pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-3300334. info@hawthorncenter.com. $60. Diabetes Prevention Workshop Join as participants get active, lose weight and feel great together! This free, online diabetes prevention program is sponsored by your Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson County health departments. Learn how to manage stress, improve your heart health, eat well and stay motivated! Tuesdays, 9-11am. Through July 12. Contact: 541-876-1848. Free. Drop In Monday Meditation - open to all Come join us in the beautiful gardens for meditation and healing! Mon., 6:30-7:30pm.
Blissful Heart Wellness Center, 45 NW Greeley Ave, Bend. Contact: 510-220-2441. cathleen@ blissful-heart.com. Donation Based.
How Much Are You Willing to Receive
Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. staff.freespiritbend@gmail.com. $199.
Limitless Potential is hosting a 3-hour immersive workshop Limitless Potential
This online class will be facilitated by yours truly, Jennifer Eve Morey. Your Facilitator will guide you through the book with an accompanying worksheet designed to facilitate you in having the greatness of you and the life you desire! June 23, 9:30-11am. Contact: 541-848-7608. aldrin@ jenniferevemorey.com. $10.
invites you to join us to learn simple tools to access your best self in every aspect of your life. Learn what is holding you back from reaching your goals, and what to do to change it. Don’t wait for your time. Create it! June 25, 1-4pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100, Bend. Contact: 541-550-8864.
In-Person Yoga at LOFT Wellness & Day Spa In-person yoga classes at Bend’s
Live Music Yoga & Gong Bath Meditation This experiential yoga class explores vibra-
newest yoga studio! Tue.: Vinyasa with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Thu.: Foundation Flow with instructor Kelly Jenkins. 5-6pm. Limited to five participants. Schedule online or give us a call to reserve your spot! Tue.-Thu., 5-6pm. Loft Wellness & Day Spa, 339 SW Century Drive Ste 203, Bend. Contact: 541-690-5100. info@loftbend.com. $20.
Kids Ninja Warrior - Summer Class
Kids, age 6-10, will gain amazing Ninja Warrior abilities through Ninja Warrior obstacle course training, rock climbing and fitness conditioning classes. Each week, over 6 weeks, coaches configure new and challenging Ninja Warrior circuits to help your kids develop new skills. Tue., 4:30-5:30pm. Through Aug. 2. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $125.
Kids Yoga Summer Camp Kids, ages
8-12, join Free Spirit for an incredible Kids Yoga Summer Camp experience as participants practice yoga both inside a beautiful yoga studio and outside on the grass overlooking the river in the Old Mill! Yoga sequences, specifically designed for their age, will improve flexibility and coordination. Every 4 days, 9:30-12:30am. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse
tion through movement, music and meditation. Through the use of gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls, chimes, flutes, and drums we explore the healing journey of experiencing sound on a deep profound level. Please bring a yoga mat, cushion and blanket for max comfort. All levels Wed./ all levels Tue., 7-8:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central OR, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 808-783-0374. Kevin@soundshala.com. $15-20.
other moms! Thu., 10:45am-Noon Through June 23. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $110.
Morning Yoga Flow! Increase energy,
flexibility, strength and stamina. Use fluid movements linked with the breath to create greater balance and awareness in the body all in the fresh Central Oregon air! Bring a yoga mat! Included with Juniper & Larkspur monthly and annual memberships or pay a drop-in fee. Sat., 8:30-9:30am. Through Aug. 27. The Pavilion, 1001 SW Bradbury Way, Bend. Contact: 541-389-7275. Included with membership or drop-in fee.
Ninja Night Drop off your kids (age 6-12) for 3
hours of fun in our super-rad indoor Ninja Warrior play space. The experienced staff will supervise and lead fun, team-building games, Ninja Warrior challenges and thrilling timed races through the amazing obstacle course. Pre-registration required. June 25, 5:30-8:30pm. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $30.
Love Thy Camp Yoga Studio Classes in Tumalo Love Thy Camp has opened a small(4
Outdoor Yoga Flow Classes Join Free
Mom + Baby Yoga Join other moms and babies (6 weeks-early crawlers) for a 6-week series where you will flow from pose to pose to help tone, stretch and strengthen your body while releasing tension, especially in your neck and shoulders. This is a great chance to meet
Zoom meeting Password: 301247 For more information: centraloregonoa.org/ For assistance, call Terri at 541-390-1097 Sundays, 3-4pm. Contact: 541-390-1097. oacentraloregon@gmail.com.
yogis max) yoga studio in Tumalo! One of the ways we raise money is through yoga classes. So, come support your health and a great cause! Check the schedule below for dates/times. Private one-on-one available too! First class $5 Off with code: GetSomeYoga. Mon.-Fri., 9:30-10:30 and 11:30am-12:30pm. Love Thy Camp, 20039 Beaver Lane, Bend. Contact: 541-948-5035. info@ lovethycamp.com. $20 Drop-in.
Spirit Yoga outside in the fresh air for this all levels adult Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class built around sun salutations and creative sequencing to build heat, endurance, flexibility and strength. Prenatal students are welcome as well as teens 13 and older with parents. Mon.-Tue.-Thu.-Sat.Sun., 9:15-10:15am. Through Sept. 11. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ freespiritbend.com. $18.
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Meeting
Now Open with More Taps and a Great New Menu
CALENDAR Courtesy Unsplash
Chi class or those dealing with chronic health conditions. The gradual, gentle and simple movements help facilitate healing and improve motion, flexibility and balance. The entire class can be performed in a wheelchair or a chair. Any student may sit for all or part of the class. Half of our time is gentle warm-ups. “Tai Chi for Health” classes are traditional moves, modified and adjusted by Dr. Paul Lam and his team of medical experts. Participants also explore using knowledge of Tai Chi to help stay safe and balanced, as seniors. Mon.-Wed., 8:45-9:45am. OREGON TAI CHI, 1350 SE Reed Mkt Rd Ste 102, Bend. Contact: 541-389-5015. $55-$65.
Prenatal Yoga Series This series is
designed to ease the discomforts of pregnancy while preparing your mind, body and spirit for childbirth and beyond. Through a mixture of slow-flowing poses with modifications, this practice encourages mindfulness, focus and positivity to help keep you and baby healthy before, during and after delivery. Thu., 5:30-6:45pm. Through July 21. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-550-8550. namaspayoga@gmail.com. $85.
Tai Chi with Grandmaster Franklin The
focus is on the individual. The original form as it was taught in the monastery: unchanged—Taoist Tai Chi Chuan 108 movements. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Each movement is fully explained. Neogong, Baoding & Sword are taught. Tue.-Thu., 9:45-10:45am. Grandmaster Franklin, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. arawak327@gmal.com. $80.
Riverside All Levels Vinyasa Class Join r’oming yoga for this All Levels Vinyasa Class right on the Deschutes River. Mat rentals will be available. Saturdays, Noon-1pm. Through Aug. 27. Pioneer Park - Bend, 1565 NW Wall St, Bend. Contact: 541-316-9213. missiewik@gmail.com. $15.
The Vance Stance / Structural Reprogramming Is pain preventing you from
activities you love? Can you no longer “power through?” Mon.-Wed.-Thu., 6pm. EastSide Home Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct., Bend. Contact: 541330-9070. 12 classes/$180.
Soul in Motion Conscious Dance Move,
Yoga Hike/Mini Retreat Yoga Hike/Mini
dance and play in this moving mindfulness practice. Tuning in to your body while connecting with others in the room, moving with what moves in you. Guided support to help you drop down from the tower of your mind and let your body lead. No experience or rhythm needed. Wed., 6-7:30pm. Through July 6. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-9487015. soulinmotionbend@gmail.com. $20.
Soul Songs & Gongs at the UUFCO
The world is full of music intended for healing purposes. Help us honor these world traditions by celebrating an evening of music, mysticism and meditation. The structure of the experience is a yoga class with movement and breath work ending in a profound gong bath meditation. Check website for info. Tue, June 28, 7-8:30pm. UUFCO, 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend. Contact: 808-783-0374. Kevin@soundshala.com. $20 suggested donation.
Summer Couples Massage Classes!
Learn to give your partner a great back, neck, hand and foot massage! Nurture your relation-
Retreat experience offers the perfect getaway minutes from Bend. This experience blends meditation practices, hiking, yoga and forest bathing into a 3-hour package. Price does not include $5 entrance fee to Tumalo State Park. Sessions are limited to 6. No yoga experience required. Fri., 9:30am-12:30pm. Through Aug. 26. Tumalo State Park, 64120 O. B. Riley Rd, Bend. Contact: 541316-9213. missiewik@gmail.com. $59.
Get your yoga on in Central Oregon with dozens of classes and studios from which to choose.
ship, your partner and yourself. Single-session, one couple, 2 or 4 hour massage classes in Tumalo. Summer classes now scheduling. Book today to reserve your perfect day/time! www. taprootbodywork.com Fridays-Sundays. Through Sept. 4. Taproot Bodywork studio, Tumalo, Tumalo. Contact: 503-481-0595. taprootbodywork@ gmail.com. Varies.
Sunday Yoga Wind down your summer
weekends with playful grounding outdoor yoga
classes steps away from the lodge. Yoga classes are taught by Ulla Lundgren owner of the Yoga Lab in Bend. Yoga classes are accessible and fun for all ages and abilities. Sun., 4:30-5:30pm. Through Sept. 4. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20, Sisters. Contact: 541-638-7001. info@thesuttlelodge.com. $20.
Tai Chi for Health™ created by Dr. Paul Lam This two-day per week class is
appropriate for anyone who wants a slower Tai
Yoga Wall 6-Week Series Yoga Wall is an
incredible yoga tool that improves alignment, takes you deeper into poses, elongates the spine, re-aligns the pelvis and releases the hips. Flowing yoga sequences on your mat as well as time on the Yoga Wall will increase your strength and flexibility. All levels are welcome. Wed., 5:30-6:45pm. Through July 6. Free Spirit Yoga + Fitness + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@freespiritbend.com. $110.
Parent Book Club A 4-week study to gain insight into the mind and needs of the modern-day adolescent. Grow as a parent by learning new ways to communicate and connect with your teen. This month's reading is “Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood” by Lisa Damour, PhD. Fridays, 10-11:30am. Through July 1. Killoran Counseling and Consulting, 19820 Village Office Court Suite 301, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9131. kristin@ killorancounseling.com. $75.
Gung Ho for Comedy Shows Bust a gut and crack a smile; there’s comedy through the whole weekend!
By Chris Williams This week, venues across Central Oregon host a slew of comedy shows featuring local comedians and national acts alike. The Capitol will feature Central Oregon’s finest of funny dudes while Craft Kitchen and Brewery welcomes back a Portland comedian who performs on the national stage. Hayden Homes Amphitheater will have one of the world’s most bodacious performers who has been making people laugh for decades. Mehama Kaupp
Central Oregon’s Arts - Design - Crafts - Live Music - Family Fun - Food - Merchants
Katy Ipock will host comedy night at Silver Moon Fri., June 24.
. BendSummerfest.com .
The Capitol Local Comedy producer Tease Bang Boom! will turn the basement bar into a man-cave with its show aptly titled “The Boys Club: An All Male Comedy Showcase” on Fri., June 24. Local comic Zac, a frequent presence in the local comedy scene, will host. Comedians Drake Lock, Steve Harber, Leroy Firwood and Carl Click will provide the big dude energy that some may be craving on a Friday night. Silver Moon Brewing Ipockolyptic Productions will host its own comedy night at Silver Moon, just down the street from the Capitol, also on June 24. Central Oregon Comedy powerhouse Katy Ipock will host, highlighting a slew of Central Oregon comedians: Eli Alaka, Grace Miller, Billy Brant, Doug Layman, Ocean Robinson, and special guest Tracy Reider! Expect both Friday shows to fill up fast.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Craft is known to bring the Chuckles on a weekly basis. This week it will host local Portland comedian Jordan Cerminara who is a multi-platform comedy sensation. Creator of numerous podcasts, writer of comic strips, producer of videos, and dabbler in VR and media of the future, there is no place on the Interwebs where you won’t find Cerminara. Stepping out of his creation chamber, Central Oregonians can catch him live on Sat., June 25 for a stacked night of laughter.
Hayden Homes Amphitheater Although the show is already sold out, there are some resale tickets out there for parody legend Weird Al Yankovic. Since releasing his debut album, “’Weird Al’ Yankovic,” in 1982, the song-parody expert has blown up on the world stage. His outrageous music videos and outlandish live shows have made Yankovich one of the most recognized acts today, and he will be sure to continue his legacy Sat., June 25.
Civic Education is Making a Comeback By Chris Williams
Submitted by Amy Sabbadini
s of Jan., 1 2022, Oregon was one of 11 states that did not require high school students to take a civics course to graduate. This will slowly change with the passing of Senate Bill 513, which goes into effect in 2025 and will require students to take at least one half credit of civics education to receive a high school diploma. The Bill passed with bipartisan support and aims to alleviate a loss of civic education and participation that was put on the back burner during the ‘90s to 2010s with the focus turning toward STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education and testing to receive federal funds. The result of this focus was a steady decline nationwide of knowledge regarding government functions and responsibility, although polls taken in 2020 showed a sharp increase in the population’s understanding of constitutional protections and components that make up U.S. democracy. According to a study by Annenburg Public Policy Center in 2020, 51% of Americans could name the three branches of U.S. government, up from 39% just a year prior. These numbers could be explained by the widespread protests that took place across the U.S. during 2020, or a hotly contested election, with the aftermath of the election showing that there is still a lack of understanding and trust in our democracy. Some believe beginning this education at an early age is the best way to find a solution. “We want [civics] to be part of everything you do. Even if you’re discussing something about science there’s a civics aspect of science, a civics aspect of language studies. So we’d really like to see civics be integrated beyond just social studies classes,” says Amy Sabbadini, regional program director of Classroom Law Project. Classroom Law Project is an Oregon-based nonprofit that has worked extensively to promote participation and civic education in the Portland area and is looking to expand east of the Cascades as SB 513 rolls into effect. “Our programs [provide] a template for how a teacher can take their class through the process of identifying a problem, coming to a policy solution through consensus building, and then involving stakeholders in the community and presenting their decision as a classroom,” says Sabbadini. Civics education in schools can be represented by debate teams and government education classes, but
Students participate in a mock congressional hearing with judges comprised of Oregon lawmakers and professors.
an importance on students recognizing their voices in a system appears to be the centerpiece of the educational goals. One strategy is to get students to realize their position in the school community. “[We could] teach the town hall method of teaching simulation for students to role play so they can practice a point of view that maybe isn’t their own. Develop a little empathy for other points of view or at least understand what they are, even if they fully disagree and work out the difficulty of solving problems…[the topic] could be something like school schedules or parking,” Sabbadini explains. From here students can have a space to voice
opinions and role play through different viewpoints. Discussions can move toward issues regarding local concerns or even expand to national and global problems. The goal of this discourse is to open disagreements in a constructive way that doesn’t lead to hostility or withdrawing from participation. She says, “It’s not a given that you get to keep democracy just because you say it’s democracy. It requires people to actively vote and go beyond voting.” Students participate in a mock congressional hearing with judges comprised of Oregon lawmakers and professors.
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Nonprofit Classroom Law Project expands to Central and Eastern Oregon, hoping to increase civic understanding
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Places on Redmond’s CHOW New th 7 Street Corridor
From a roastery to a tap house, there’s new food and drink to try just off downtown
Submitted photo.
ow incredible is it that we live in an area that is quickly becoming populated with fun food, beverage, and venue options in a variety of neighborhoods throughout Central Oregon? Take for example, the 7th street corridor in Redmond. That area, a block off the main street through downtown, just keeps expanding its culinary repertoire. This article highlights a few of the newest additions to the neighborhood. We begin at the Junction, dubbed a roastery and social club, which is located in the renovated historic Patrick building (home to Redmond’s original hospital) at 708 SW Deschutes Avenue at 7th and Deschutes. Owner/Operators Mitch Thisius and Bo Olson were inspired by the pandemic to provide a place where folks could come back together and socialize over a sip and a bite. The renovated space is open, spacious, and well-appointed, big enough to host a special event or party and cozy enough for a coffee date. Coffees and espressos are on the menu, as are homemade bakery goods, daily soups, sandwiches and salads. The focus is on quality with local ingredient sourcing a priority. This writer enjoyed an afternoon treat of affogato with a scoop of Eberhard’s (local Redmond dairy) vanilla ice cream, and it was perfection in a cup. The Junction is open every day from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you keep heading north on 7th Street, you’ll end up at the recently opened Otto’s Landing at 652 NW 7th. Fully packed on a recent Saturday afternoon, Otto’s is a 2-level taphouse and sports bar with televisions everywhere and a play room for the wee ones right off the main lower level dining room. People of all ages were enjoying beverages as well as food from the three carts/trucks out back. The hapa cart at Otto’s serves up Hawaiian plates of pulled pork and teriyaki chicken with sides such as macaroni salad and soft dinner rolls. There is also currently a Mexican truck with tacos and a Greek truck with gyros at Otto’s Landing. Neither of those food trucks had a sign or a name painted on their vehicles, but customers were ordering up giant platefuls of tacos and gyros before heading inside for their beers, ciders, and cocktails. Otto’s already has the vibe of a well-established locals’ hangout. With plenty of space, lots of seating options, every sport imaginable on dozens of televisions, and the play area for the little kids, this is a spot that will thrive despite being at the far north end of the 7th Street neighborhood. Backtracking a bit now, to the south end of 7th street, there’s the new food pod adjacent to the High Desert Music Hall. The 1/8th Street Patio Taphouse & Food Pod’s official address is 818 SW Forest Avenue & Glacier, but seeing how you can see the spot from 7th Street, it’s definitely in the 7th street corridor/neighborhood. This spot is just getting going, and it’s sure to be the perfect complement to the Music Hall and its Backline Lounge. The food pod trucks are opening early in the day and the current offerings include Best Moments Bakery, featuring lattes and pastries “just like mom used to bake.” El Poblanito is open every day of the week from
Interior of Junction Roastery & Social Club in the renovated Patrick Building. Submitted photo.
The hapa food truck at Otto’s Landing in Redmond.
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. with tacos, fajitas, quesadillas, and ceviche. You can call ahead for orders at 541-279-3145. The family-owned Greek truck, The Mighty Greek, is also in the food pod. They’re open Wednesday through Saturday starting at 11 a.m., and the authentic menu includes traditional gyros, Greek salad, pita with homemade tzatziki sauce, and loukoumades, the Greek version of fried dough glazed in honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. With the first week of summer officially underway and long, sunny days and pleasant evenings on the horizon, there should be ample time to explore Central Oregon trails, breweries, eateries, and neighborhoods. Plenty of time awaits to enjoy bites and sips, conversation, and all sorts of entertainment wherever you happen to land on any given day. The blocks off Redmond’s main drag are definitely worth your time.
Submitted photo.
The Mighty Greek food truck at 1/8th Street Patio Tap House & Food Pod.
Junction Roastery Social Club 708 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond https://junctionroastery.com/
Otto’s Landing
652 NW 7th Street, Redmond https://www.instagram.com/ explore/locations/102548935809742/Otto’s%20Landing/
1/8th Street Patio Tap House & Food Pod 818 SW Forest Avenue & Glacier, Redmond https://highdesertmusichall.com/patio/
By Donna Britt @foodlifelove.com
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Potato Salad Perfection
A show-stealing recipe for summer meals By Ari LeVaux 41
Jesse Pepper's Potato Salad
Serve it alongside rich and delicious main dishes. And if you have no main dish, add more meat. Makes a whole picnic load.
• 12 large russet potatoes • 12 eggs • 1 large white onion, minced • 1 large red onion, minced • 3 large dill pickles • 2 cups celery, diced • 3 cups sour cream (use normal not cultured sour cream, which is too thick) • 3 cups mayo (They used Best Foods, aka Hellmann's, with which one can’t go wrong) • ½ cup mustard • ¼ cup of minced fresh dill (not to be a troublemaker here, but I use a LOT more) • 2 cups chopped pork belly, bacon, burned ends, or other succulent meat • 2 tablespoons salt • 2 tablespoons black pepper
Mel Redding
This potato salad is pure perfection.
Peel the potatoes, cut them small – x ideally – and put them in a large pot. Add water to cover the potatoes and cook on high heat until they are tender but not mushy. There is nothing mushy about this recipe. Strain and set aside. In a small pot, boil six cups of water and a half cup of vinegar. Add the eggs, return to a boil and boil for ten minutes, then move the pot to the sink with the cold water on. Pour out the hot water and flush with cold water. Then add ice and let the eggs cool. Start chopping all the other vegetables into a medium dice, by which point your eggs will be ready to be peeled and cut into 8 pieces each. Store these in the fridge until the end. Wash off your eggy knife and cutting board. Add the mayo, sour cream and pickles to a food processor or blender, and whizz for about 90 seconds – until the pickles are atomized. Add the onion, celery, mustard, dill, meat, salt and pepper to a large mixing bowl and thoroughly combine. Add the pickle mayo and mix again. Add the potatoes, and gently mix, lifting from the bottom and carefully folding it over, so nothing gets mushed.
otato salad isn’t supposed to be a main event. Its humble job is to support other dishes as a kind of chunky mayonnaise, a creamy and tangy mortar between the important dishes. But the other day while I was enjoying some BBQ, the potato salad next to my epic piece of brisket almost stole the show. At first those creamy bites were a refuge – light as the breeze compared to the rich and heavy glory of the succulent meat that I was there for. The potato salad was like another flavor of BBQ sauce, as the dill, onion and pickles gave tangy and aromatic balance to the brisket. When I finally ran out of potato salad, I decided to stop eating and bring home the meat. This was at Jesse Pepper’s Smoke Shack, a BBQ restaurant in White Sulphur Springs, a small town in the middle of Montana. The potato salad, according to owner Mel Redding, is a collaboration among three generations of her family, combining elements of her mom’s potato salad with some tricks from her son’s recipe, along with her own. Many families have a special potato salad recipe, but when each family member has their own specific potato salad recipe, we know we’re dealing with a serious crew of baller chefs. But tragically, this team is like the 1992/93 Chicago Bulls, which remained dominant even after losing Michael Jordan. Jesse Pepper’s Smoke Shack exists, Mel explained, because of her son, Chef Jesse Pepper, who died in a car crash nearly two years ago. “The last time I saw him he came to visit me,” Mel told me. “He said it’s time that we started a family restaurant. I was going through a divorce. The boys were sick of working for other people. We all kind of needed a change. He made me promise that we would do it.” After Jesse died, he left a larger-than-life hole. The family left Vermont and bought an old restaurant in White Sulphur Springs, Montana, and set to work bringing his idea to life. In the process, the restaurant has turned this tiny town near the continental divide into a culinary destination. Jesse was an exuberant man with a big laugh, and he is still very much present in the kitchen, where his urn and knives have a special shelf. Every afternoon his brothers play dubstep music in his honor. As the one member of the family to graduate culinary school, the knowledge Jesse gathered is all over the menu. And although the story of the restaurant isn’t posted, the locals are learning why Jesse Pepper’s is here. “I make sure to tell his story to at least two customers every day,” Mel told me. White Sulphur Springs sits on a high plateau on the divide between the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers. In this last refuge of winter, still snowing as of last week, residents have embraced this hive of gastronomic innovation. The story of Jesse Pepper’s is still beginning, and Mel and Travis generously shared the recipe for their potato salad with us, so we could write another chapter. Part of what makes this potato salad so satisfying is its protein content. It’s got large pieces of hard boiled eggs, and crumbled bacon. On some days at the restaurant they make it with leftover BBQ, such as brisket burnt ends. It’s also wonderful with browned burger meat. Whatever meat you use will get lathered in the creamy sauce to the point where you can lose track of its identity, but you always know it’s there. Unless you don’t want meat, of course. The dish can be as vegetarian or vegan as you want it to be. The recipe calls for blending pickles with mayo and sour cream, but the first time I made it I forgot to buy pickles. Instead, I used some homemade pickled cherry bomb peppers and a jar of relish. It wasn’t the same, but when you make small tweaks to an amazing recipe you sometimes achieve dazzling results. I enjoyed the heat of the pickled peppers, and the coupling of “relish” and “peppers” in the same sentence seemed appropriate.
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic
Your friendly local film reviewer’s takes on what’s out there in the world of movies. Couretsy Imdb
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THE BAD GUYS: Sam Rockwell as an anti-hero wolf who, along with his team of thieves, starts pretending to be a good guy in order to eventually get away with bad guy stuff. With a voice cast featuring Marc Maron, Zazie Beetz, Craig Robinson, Richard Ayoade, Awkwafina and more, this is the most irrationally excited I’ve been for an animated film in a long time. Regal Old Mill BITTERBRUSH: A one of a kind documentary fol-
*mention this add for $20 off your first night.
lowing two young women herding cattle across the remotest areas of Idaho. An intimate and fascinating look at a lifestyle that feels deeply anachronistic in 2022, but still has very real-world importance. A look at the American West that a documentary hasn’t quite captured before. Sisters Movie House
THE BLACK PHONE: If you want me at your horror movie opening night, here is a good recipe to have: Ethan Hawke as a creepy-ass serial killer in a horror film based on a short story by Joe Hill and directed by Scott Derrickson, the demented mind behind the modern horror classic “Sinister.” This was initially supposed to come out last year, so I’m really hoping it lives up to the hype I’ve had for it for the last six months. Regal Old Mill
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THE BOB’S BURGERS MOVIE: I don’t know if we can really call “Bob’s Burgers” underrated anymore since it has been airing for more than 10 seasons, but can we truly appreciate how wonderful this cartoon has consistently been over the years? With their first theatrical adventure, Loren Bouchard and company have made a murder mystery with musical numbers and it’s just as delightful as it sounds. Regal Old Mill
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BRIAN AND CHARLES: The sleeper hit of Sundance finally comes to theaters! A deeply charming and touching British mockumentary about a lonely genius who builds a robot. Picture “What We Do in The Shadows,” but everyone is quiet and awkward instead of loud and awkward. Regal Old Mill
CRIMES OF THE FUTURE: David Cronenberg makes
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DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS: Sam Raimi returns to the superhero genre in
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his long-awaited return to body horror with this disturbing look at a future where an artist couple grows, regrows and removes new bodily organs for a live audience. It’s super gross, but it’s also sort of beautiful in a nightmarish hellscape sort of way. Regal Old Mill
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what is almost as good as the other big multiverse movie this year, “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” Easily the, ahem, strangest Marvel movie so far. My nerd glee is bursting. Regal Old Mill
DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA: It’s time to check in again with America’s second favorite group of British aristocrats as they allow a Hollywood crew to film a movie at their beloved Downton. I hope they keep making these movies forever because Maggie
Smith is a treasure. Regal Old Mill
ELVIS: I would have zero interest in this one if it
wasn’t from the same filmmaker that did “Moulin Rouge,” so I know it will at least be visually interesting. Sorry, I just don’t care about Elvis. I like the musicians he ripped off quite a bit more. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub
Martial arts, sci-fi and mind-f*ck combine for this jaw-dropping showcase of the brilliant Michelle Yeoh and the unsung comedic chops of Jamie Lee Curtis. From the Daniels, this is a breathtaking work of imagination that uses cinematic techniques we haven’t seen since the heyday of Spike Jonze and Michele Gondry. Tin Pan Theater
JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION: I’m in the minority in thinking the last couple “Jurassic World” movies had a few pretty exciting moments but weren’t actually great movies. This new one brings back Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum from the original, so I’m hoping this one manages to find some of the magic that has been missing. Ultimately, dinosaurs are cool, so this should be fun. Regal Old Mill, Odem Theater Pub LIGHTYEAR: Chris Evans is Buzz Lightyear in this high-concept animated sci-fi adventure from Pixar and Disney. The concept is cool: The toy Buzz Lightyear from the “Toy Story” movies is the licensed action figure made from the success of a blockbuster summer movie. “Lightyear” is the in-universe movie that the toy is made from. Now my head hurts. Still, really excited for Pixar to dive back into space. See full review on page 43. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, McMenamins MEN: From the writer/director of “Ex Machina” and
“Annihilation” comes this deeply disturbing thriller about a woman who’s either dealing with something supernatural or she’s losing her mind. From A24, this is a horror masterwork that sticks in the mind for a very long time. Tin Pan Theater
PHANTOM OF THE OPEN: A very British charmer starring the always reliable Mark Rylance as the true-life golfer Maurice Flitcroft. Flitcroft shot a 121 in the qualifying competition for the 1976 Open Championship, leading to him earning the title of “World’s Worst Golfer.” This is the story of how a badass ship crane operator spent years gate crashing the British Open. A treat. Sisters Movie House TOP GUN: MAVERICK: There’s a reason why Tom Cruise is the last true movie star and it’s mostly because he’s that perfect blend of creepy, weird and desperate to entertain us—and boy does he. This feels like a true Hollywood crowd-pleaser in a way we haven’t seen in years. Talk about a highway to the danger zone. Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub, McMenamins
Infinity, Not Quite Beyond SCREEN To "Lightyear" tells a story of space instead of toys By Jared Rasic Courtesy of Imdb
“Lightyear,” Pixar’s newest animated adventure, has to have one of the strangest and most meta ideas for a children’s movie of all time. If you’ve seen a trailer, you know that the Buzz Lightyear from this new film is not the toy from the “Toy Story” films voiced by Tim Allen. Instead, Buzz is an actual human Space Ranger this time, voiced by “Captain America” Chris Evans and “Lightyear” as a film is a fairly straight-forward science fiction adventure. This is because in 1995 (when “Toy Story” was set), the little boy, Andy, got the Buzz Lightyear toy from his favorite movie, which was “Lightyear.” I very much enjoyed “Lightyear” as a quirky space adventure even though it doesn’t have remotely the same amount of heart that the “Toy Story” films possess. Although, and I guess this might be a hot take, I’m not a huge fan of Tim Allen and his dated and tired schtick about the narrowest of narrow views on masculinity, so I look at Chris Evans as a fairly massive upgrade. If you’re here just to see if I thought this was a good movie, then read no further. “Lightyear” is fun and exciting, and the kids will love it, even though it doesn’t carry the same emotional weight as any of the “Toy Story” films. Let’s say it’s nowhere near as good as “Inside Out,” but (I’m so sorry) it’s lightyears better than the car franchise. My biggest complaint is that it would have been nice if the movie actually felt a little more like a blockbuster sci-fi flick from 1995. But “Lightyear” can’t exist just as a Pixar kids’ movie because whether you notice or even care, we are in the middle of a culture war. It’s a fairly painless war that mostly exists on Twitter and in the mouths of talking heads on your infotainment program of choice, but the ramifications of the war could end up being horrifying depending on whether you’re liberal, conservative or somewhere in between. See, “Lightyear” didn’t make a staggering amount of money this weekend. It “only” made 50 million. So, conservative outlets look at this as a victory like it’s
Just the lovely story of a space ranger and his robotic cat. I love Pixar.
America (in the form of a bald eagle wearing an Uncle Sam hat and a Mr. Peanut monocle) storming the multiplex and pulling its dollars out of the hand of “woke” Hollywood. First of all, Hollywood isn’t that woke. If it were, the queer relationship depicted in “Lightyear” that has the parents of the lonely kids at school clutching their pearls couldn’t be so easily removed without changing the story (which is what’s happening in foreign markets). Sure, the representation is nice, but they’re still baby steps. Also, woke isn’t the pejorative conservatives think it is. I know they’re really into rebranding words like “Patriot” or “Cancelled” lately, but words have meanings, and they aren’t what you randomly decide they are. The slightly disappointing box office results of “Lightyear” aren’t because stern-faced families would rather see the “anti-woke” new “Top Gun” (which, hilariously, it’s not), but because “Lightyear” has a weird, hyper-meta concept, and it’s headed to theaters
after the last three Pixar movies went straight to Disney+. When a parent knows they’re going to get a massive children’s movie sent to their TV in a few weeks at a fraction of what it costs to go to the movie theater, there’s not much reason to deal with the multiplex. These conservative outlets can cheer the very mild financial disappointment of “Lightyear” because they don’t like the spooooooky gay agenda (of equality and just being, you know, treated like humans). But I think it’s beautiful that we have a massive Disney movie in theaters during Pride month that celebrates LGBTQIA lives. Honestly, I wish “Lightyear” were a lot gayer so we could get this culture war pushed into the next level. I know which side I’m on. Lightyear
Dir. Angus MacLane Grade: B+ Now Playing at Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House
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Life Before SCREEN Their A mediocre white man’s look at Black cinema By Jared Rasic Courtesy of Annapurna
n celebration of this year’s Juneteenth, I thought it might be nice to talk about some seminal movies from black filmmakers that didn’t get heralded in the same way some inferior and exploitative ones get spoken about. Every few years Hollywood gushes over one or two black-led films like “Moonlight,” “12 Years a Slave” or “Black Panther” while ignoring dozens more that don’t capture the cultural zeitgeist in the same way. They also tend to gush over films with BIPOC leads or cast members, but ignore the black filmmakers, producers and writers who actually make the projects happen. It’s a habit this country has been in for centuries. America would cheer like mad for Jesse Owens when he ran and won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics, but when he got home, he was barely allowed to make a living for himself, let alone get treated with anything approaching equality. We loved Owens when he was entertaining us and being a sports champion, but when he came home, civil rights were too much to ask for, let alone was he allowed enough agency to make a good living off of his accomplishments. This systemic form of oppression, while getting somewhat better, is still very much in place. We want our black entertainers entertaining, not leading or shaping the cultural discussion. Look at the sadly overrated “Green Book,” a film that tells the incredibly important story of pianist Don Shirley and his fearless tour of the Deep South in 1962. Only Hollywood would say “Hey, that’s a great idea, but let’s have one of the directors of “There’s Something About Mary” make it, and instead of telling the story from Shirley’s perspective, let’s focus on his racist Italian driver. So Shirley’s entire arc of the film is making his white driver less racist. I guarantee you, if a black filmmaker had made “Green Book,” it wouldn’t have been about life lessons for racists. It would have been from the perspective of Shirley as he created art for people who treated him as if he were less than human, instead of from the point of view of another white savior. So many of the movies telling black stories are instead telling white stories featuring black people or, to be frank, black stories that studios and producers think will be palatable for white audiences. Look at some of the big nominees like “Green Book” from the Oscars over the last few years: “The Blind Side,” “Crash,” “The Help,” “Driving Miss Daisy” and so many others. While “racism is bad” as a plot line is a nice thought and all, it’s still treating black lives as a device for white people to learn lessons
LaKeith Stanfield astounds in Boots Riley’s underseen masterpiece “Sorry to Bother You.”
from instead of, oh I don’t know, treating them as sentient humans with lives that exist outside of making a country’s collective guilt feel mildly less brutal. If you want a truly beautiful film about artists of color actually made by them, look at the 2018 surrealist comedy “Sorry To Bother You,” written, produced and directed by Boots Riley of the wildly underrated hip-hop group The Coup. “Sorry To Bother You” literally makes subtext into text by telling the story of a black telemarketer who only finds success at his job when he adopts a white accent during his calls. As he gets swept up in a wildly successful series of promotions and piles of money, he has to choose between his newfound lifestyle or helping create equity for those he left behind. There’s no white savior narrative because Riley is telling a story not designed to be palatable to the average filmgoer, let alone Hollywood, and the film is a thousand times more honest for it. When D.W. Griffith’s racist Klan propaganda “The Birth of a Nation,” was released in 1915, it was a full five years later that Oscar Micheaux’s silent film “Within Our Gates” came out swinging, focusing on Jim Crow, the migration of blacks to the North and the Midwest, and the birth of what was called “The New Negro.” So why is it that, more than a hundred years later, film historians consider “Birth of a Nation” to be
a groundbreaking film, but the oldest known film by a black director, “Within Our Gates” (which told the story of a black woman raising money in the North for a poor school in the South), is barely remembered beyond film nerds like me. White Hollywood wants black auteurs making films so they can pat themselves on the back for inclusivity and acceptance, but in order to enter the mainstream, those filmmakers have to check some very specific boxes in order to be screened in the multiplexes of America. One box is exploring the impact of racism on non-racist America and, the one that continues to be explored the most, the genre of Black Trauma. Don’t get me wrong, the genre is important as it serves to remind a country and world with a very short memory (and attention span) of the many horrors of the recent past. But there are more to these stories than we see anymore because they aren’t as lucrative as ones co-opting suffering for awards and money. In a recent pan of the series “Them” by NPR’s Aisha Harris, she wrote, “‘Them’ suffers from the same predicament that has arisen in the wake of Black people becoming hashtags in death— the public knows far more about their last moments on Earth than all the moments that made up their life before.” If film exists to create empathy,
then we can’t reframe marginalized voices into just their most sensationalized aspects. Ryan Coogler’s “Fruitvale Station” is an unforgettable look at the 2009 death of Oscar Grant, but we only got a look at the last day of his life instead of the years leading up to it. When we remember someone only for their death, we lose any sense of the history or the context of institutional racism. Movies like “Green Book” serve only two masters: corporate interest and white guilt. Don’t let them. Instead, give your time and mind to some recent important Black movies such as “The Harder They Fall,” “Passing,” “Judas and the Black Messiah,” and “If Beale Street Could Talk.” Also check out lesser-known classics like “Ashes and Embers,” “Hollywood Shuffle,” “The Learning Tree” and “Killer of Sheep.” We can do better as consumers, because when we watch movies only interested in Black trauma and how Black lives effect white ones, we’re actually losing authentic stories about Black lives…especially when we give homogenized lies like “Green Book” our money. And yes, I see the irony of being a white male writing a thousand words about Black voices. But I have a platform, and if I’m not amplifying voices more marginalized and important than mine, then I’m ultimately not doing anything with it. Happy Juneteenth. Now listen.
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Backyard Badgers and Ground Squirrels are Fair Game, but They Shouldn’t Be
GO HERE By Chris Williams
Wiki Commons
By Jim Anderson Jim Anderson
ou’ve seen them. They’re big furry critters about the size of a bear cub that sort of roll over the surface of the earth as they rush from point “A” to point “B.” If you get too close to them — as you investigate what that blur of fur was that scuttled behind the sagebrush — you’ll hear a deep grumble, and if you’re quick, you’ll also see a lot of soil flying and that clump of fur vanish underground. You probably already guessed it, if you’ve had an encounter with the American Badger. They are very common throughout the High Desert, where, unfortunately they are shot on sight by most so-called “sportsmen” and far too many horse people. There is no wild animal in the State of Oregon that eats ground squirrels faster and more often than badgers. Wildlife biologists say they have a major impact on the biodiversity of the Sisters Country, which is an understatement. The agricultural industry in this neck of the woods, with its irrigated farms, has had a profound impact in increasing the populations of the various ground squirrels — Belding’s in particular — which has created a new business: shooting ground squirrels, or “sage rats,” as some people know them. At Hampton Station you may see an old bus that’s been converted to a shooting platform that takes customers out to the edge of the hay fields to shoot (as in kill) ground squirrels. This is causing a terrible calamity to the various raptors that also kill (and eat) the ground squirrels. The ground squirrels that have been killed with lead shot become carriers of lead that enters the life stream of eagles, hawks and owls of the region. The lead in the dead ground squirrels is ingested by the raptors, with hideous results. There is no worse sight in the wild than a bald eagle suffering from the results of ingested lead. Death eventually overtakes them as they crawl on their bellies, unable to eat, drink, or fly. In most cases, if the bird(s) do get to a vet’s lab, it will take as long as a year of medicating a bird to get the lead out of their bodies. To make matters worse, if the raptor feeding on lead-infested squirrels is nesting, the adult will bring the contaminated ground squirrel back and feed it to the nestling. The result: the baby bird dies before it can fledge. Then there’s the badger who also feeds on great numbers of ground squirrels. They are nocturnal most of the
2022 Central Oregon Pride
Caleb Anderson looks over a badger killed and hung from a fence in Oregon’s Great Sandy Desert.
time and dig out ground squirrels from their burrows at night, and throughout the winter. Yes, it’s that infernal digging that gets the poor old badger into trouble with equestrians. Again and again, one hears reports of horses that have fallen into a badger hole, broken a leg, and had to be euthanized. There is no easy answer to that problem, except for horse lovers to chase the badgers far enough out of the pasture enough that they don’t return. But ground squirrels and horse pastures go together like hand and glove. Using lethal means to rid the pasture of ground squirrels causes more problems than shooting the badger, so that’s out. Trapping ground squirrels is labor intensive, but by far the best solution, especially if one hires a high school student to do it; he or she can build up a wonderful college fund.
And then there’s the off-hand shooting (as in killing) of badgers for the fun of it. Unfortunately, the badger isn’t protected by any state or federal regulations. The first settlers who didn’t like badgers — or the look of them — could just kill them and that was that; it’s the same today, except you must have a hunting license and permission to be on the land. That’s got to change because of the badger’s vital role as a member of juniper, sage and grassland ecosystems. And besides that, they are living members of our wildlife community. Looking at badgers as treasured members of Oregon’s total wildlife community should be the attitude we all share every time we see one crossing the road, or burrowing into a meadow eliminating pestiferous ground squirrels. We need them, and they need us!
The first official Pride March was held in New York City on June 28, 1970. The event commemorated the Stonewall Riots a year prior - a series of nights in which the LGTBQ+ community in New York fought back against police who were harassing, arresting and physically/verbally abusing patrons at the notorious Stonewall Inn. The bar is now a nationally recognized landmark. The first march welcomed a few thousand protestors standing up for gay/trans rights and liberation, while today, marches across the world number in the millions. June is now recognized as LGBTQ+ Pride Month with events held across the world spanning the entirety of June. Local groups such as OUT Central Oregon, Cult of Tuck, and numerous others have been hosting events in celebration of Pride month. This has spanned from fun active meetups like Pride roller skating and night paddle adventures to art and fashion shows. Central Oregon Pride 2022 will be a culmination of a month’s worth of celebration at Drake Park. The high energy event will feature local vendors, drinks/ food and lots of music and dancing! Back this year from 2019 is the Pride 5k Run/Walk that follows an out and back trail along the Deschutes River that starts and ends in Drake Park. Paired with the run/walk is the Drag Dash which will feature Central Oregon Kings and Queens competing for the coveted title of Drag Dash Darling. While June is officially recognized as Pride month, there are weekly and monthly events happening year-round in Bend hosted by the LGTBQ+ community. Each month brings a get together at Dogwood Cocktail Bar, an LGBTQ+ Climb Night at Bend Rock Gym, and various outdoor gatherings and tons of shows and meetups that are too numerous to list. OUT Central Oregon has an extensive list of events on its website: https://outcentraloregon.com/events/ 2022 Central Oregon Pride June 25, Noon-5pm Drake Park 777 NW Riverside Blvd. Free
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Butterflies of Central Oregon and Their Host Plants 49
By Sarah Mowry and Amanda Egertson Butterflies flitting about the forest, meadow, or your yard are a sure sign of summer in Central Oregon. Warmer weather and blooming flowers bring out a
Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust
A California tortoiseshell butterfly rests on a flower during the summer at Skyline Forest.
Pale Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio eurymedon. This large (3+ inches) striking butterfly has pale white-to-cream wings with black windowpane markings, and bright orange and blue marks near its two long slender tails. Like the California tortoiseshell, pale swallowtails use snowbrush as a host plant, but they will also use oceanspray and serviceberry. Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) is a stunning native shrub that is covered with white blooms each spring. You’ll find it (and the pale swallowtail!) throughout Central Oregon as an understory plant in our pine forests and along our creeks and rivers. Pale swallowtail nectar sources include chokecherry, mints, lilies and penstemons. Look for these beautiful butterflies flying about most often in early summer.
wide variety of these amazing, delicate creatures, making them easy to spot and watch. It’s the bright colors that catch many people’s eye, but did you know that all butterflies are also deeply connected to the land around them? They rely on native plants as hosts for laying eggs, to provide the food young caterpillars need to survive, and as nectar sources to sip the liquid ingredients they need for nourishment. One of the most
California Tortoiseshell, Nymphalis californica. This medium sized (~ 2.5 inches) butterfly is bright orange with black wing margins and black spots. They are very common in Central Oregon and are often seen starting in late winter or early spring since they overwinter as adults, often hiding in crevices and other sheltered locations. Tortoiseshells rely on snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus) as their host plants. This large shrub is a common understory plant in our pine forests that, when blooming, is covered in masses of white flowers. Tortoiseshells will lay their eggs in bunches on the snowbrush, and then the caterpillars will eat the leaves once they emerge. Snowbrush is a nectar source for these butterflies, but they will also sip from other flowers, from sap and even from drippy fir needles in spring! Tortoiseshells can be spotted flying about spring through fall, and even on warm winter days.
Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust
Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust
Lorquin's admiral butterfly lands on mock orange at Whychus Canyon Preserve.
Lorquin’s Admiral, Limenitis lorquini. One of our most stunning butterflies, the Lorquin’s never fails to capture attention! It’s one of our larger local butterflies (~3 inches) and is vividly colored: jet black slashed with glowing white diagonal stripes, orange wing tips on top, and brick red and white below. Its host plant is typically willow, but also aspen, cottonwood, serviceberry, oceanspray, and others. Willow is one of our most common shrubs, and it can be found in a wide variety of habitats including along our creeks and rivers. Lorquin’s Admirals are often seen perched on Pacific ninebark, sipping from mock orange, or visiting mustards, yarrow, thistle, dogbane, and others to refuel.
Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust
A two-banded checkered skipper rests on a hand at the Metolius Preserve. Pale tiger swallowtail butterfly in flight.
Courtesy Deschutes Land Trust
well-known examples is, of course, the monarch butterfly, which relies on milkweed as its sole host plant for egg-laying and caterpillar leaf-munching. This intricate relationship between butterfly and plant lends to the wonder of nature, and also offers a clue for where to look to find and identify the butterfly. Here are five butterflies to watch for that are common in early summer, along with their host plants and nectar sources:
Western Tailed Blue, Cupido amyntula. There are many different species of small blue butterflies in Central Oregon. In order to tell the difference between them, you typically need to see the underside of their wings, which can be a bit tricky given their small size and constant movement. The western tailed-blue is an average size for a blue (~1.25 inches), and it is one of the easiest blues to identify due to the tiny “tails” projecting off its hindwings (hence its name). These winged jewels rely on a variety of plants from the pea family (like milkvetch and golden pea) for egg laying, and will nectar from the same, as well as other wildflowers, rabbitbrush, and more. Look for the Western Tailed-blue in wet spots along our local trails where they frequently “puddle,” sipping salts and minerals from damp soil.
Two-Banded Checkered Skipper, Pyrgus ruralis. Skippers are another family of butterflies that have a more stout, compact body, more rapid wing beats to gain flight, and hooked ends on their antennae. The two-banded checkered skipper has dark wings with white “checker” patterns, and ranges in size from 1-1.5 inches. They are a common sight in late spring/early summer, often nectaring on dandelions, strawberries and other early bloomers. Mallows are a favored host plant, as are cinquefoils and strawberries. You can spot these skippers in a wide variety of habitats, from woodlands to meadows, pastures, and backyards. Wondering where to find some butterflies to watch? Head to Deschutes Land Trust’s Metolius Preserve where you can see all these species. Park at the north trailhead and walk the Larch loop for the best viewing opportunities. And, always remember, butterflies are fragile creatures. They have delicate scales on their wings that can fall off when touched, so they are best viewed from a distance using binoculars. Happy butterflying! Sarah Mowry is the Outreach Director for Deschutes Land Trust. Amanda Egertson is the organization’s Stewardship Director.
Five species to watch for, and where to find them
Western tailed blue butterfly.
The Birth of Beervana
An excerpt from "A Woman's Place is in the Brewhouse..." By Tara Nurin
espite all of women’s advances in the beer industry, it often feels like a world full of haze bois and beer bros. But women have been intimately involved in beer from the beginning – whether making beer for the family to drink in ancient times or selling beer to support the earliest family-owned craft brewing businesses. In an edited excerpt from her book, "A Woman’s Place Is in the Brewhouse: A Forgotten History of Alewives, Brewsters, Witches and CEOs," Tara Nurin introduces us to some of the women who helped turn the Pacific Northwest into one of the original homes for small-batch brewing. Tom Baune, like many of his peers, had been a homebrewer. When he and his wife, Beth Hartwell, decided to follow the lead of a very few others in opening a small brewery in 1983, they found a home for Hart Brewing in a rickety 100‑year‑old building in the old logging town of Kalama, Washington, thirty miles north of Portland. “Everything about it was not going to work,” says Beth. They leased, then bought the building anyway, and throughout the ‘80s formed a loose circle with a list of acquaintances that reads as the who’s who of Oregon and Washington brewing. Members of this community taught themselves and one another how to brew, leaning on the most experienced among them, Karl Ockert, of BridgePort Brewing in Portland, for his knowledge. Karl’s wife, Carole, tells Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives curator Tiah Edmunson-Morton in a recorded interview, “Passionate isn’t the right word from my perspective. They were just enthralled. Yeah, people [thought it was] weird and they [didn’t] necessarily think it [was] going to go anywhere but… it [was] such excitement.” The mostly 20-somethings borrowed necessities like sugar and hops from one another, hung out after intense 14‑hour workdays, swapped beers, and partied together. As hardworking young spouses and parents, they encouraged their significant others to keep up their support by including families and children in work and social affairs. Carole remembers clipping baby seats onto bars, feeding little mouths under linen‑covered restaurant tables, and entrusting the teens to watch the
younger ones at conferences. She feels this set a precedent for craft beer to become a family‑friendly space. “I certainly didn’t feel left out and maybe part of that was because I had the privilege of having someone who wanted to have his family included,” Carole says. Though technical advancements, along with trial and error, helped these family businesses professionalize a bit, professional didn’t equal easy. For Beth and the handful of women blazing their beer trail through the Pacific Northwest in the 1980s, running a brewery literally meant working almost around the clock at the brewhouse, traveling to make supply runs and sales calls, and trying to raise a young family. “I did every job in the brewery,” says Irene Firmat, who traveled out west from a fashion‑buying job in Manhattan before conceiving of Full Sail Brewing (originally Hood River Brewing), bringing in investors, and marrying the head brewer she hired. “I was the general manager, I helped brew, I cleaned the bathrooms, I cooked in the pub. The only thing I really never did was drive a forklift. I’m a very bad driver,” she says. “I stood on a bottling line with a baby on my back for 13 hours,” seconds Beth, mother of two. “I was going 136 miles to Seattle a couple times each week to do tastings and 30 miles to Portland to chase parts. There was always work to be done.” Sadly, transferring to the beer world didn’t give empowered women like Beth and Irene much of an advantage. They insist their male colleagues never treated them with any inferiority, but these businesswomen couldn’t muster much credit from men outside their circle. Irene refused to sell to anyone who told her they didn’t “take orders from ladies,” and Beth had a similar reaction to bar owners and notoriously chauvinistic wholesalers who told her to come back with her husband. “Where’s Tom?” they’d ask. “Brewing,” she’d answer. “Someone’s got to do it.” Tara Nurin is the beer and spirits contributor to Forbes, an adjunct Beer 101 instructor at Wilmington University in Delaware, and author of "A Woman’s Place Is In The Brewhouse." Her book is available for sale at Roundabout Books in Bend.
THE REC ROOM Crossword
Difficulty Level
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
ACROSS 1 Droops in the middle 5 “Dad blast it!” 9 Cartoonish 14 Blood rival 15 Help incorrectly 16 Indian-style jacket 17 Dignitary from 10-Down 18 Do a floor job in California? 20 Shiraz resident 22 Curved in the air 23 Purr of approval from a tailless cat? 26 Sea snakes 30 Sault-___ Marie 31 Total a-hole 32 “___ Train” (2022 Brad Pitt movie) 34 Distinctive atmosphere 37 Out in front 38 Lunch stuffed with circulars and letters? 43 Haymaking tool 44 Comic actress McClurg 45 Seeing red? 47 Bathroom centerpiece 49 Org. for those expert in calculus 52 Big bucks? 53 Ease up on fun runs? 57 River past Notre Dame 59 Sight-related 60 Selfie of a no-name product? 65 Burrito base 66 Two-legged stand 67 Render ___ Caesar 68 Hot chamber 69 Waited in the vicinity 70 Looked (over) 71 Spot to prepare eggs DOWN 1 Screens on stage 2 Landing spot for the great flood 3 Movie in the joke that lead to the Will Smith/Chris Rock fight 4 Big name in shapewear
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 27 28 29 33 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 58 60 61 62 63 64
Puzzle for the week of June 20, 2022
Unprepared? Org. for partners One with a “Keep Austin Weird” bumper sticker, likely Bird on baby announcement cards Pre-hand wager City with the financial district Rajiv Chowk With 12-Down, they get many returns See 11-Down Use some scissors Golden State sch. whose athletes are the Gauchos “___ a feature, not a bug” Helicopter Shark, e.g. Treat terribly Charge to a charging station: Abbr. Actress Remini The clap, for one Grp. for some machinists Awesome Author Diamant Sheet glass Twee shoppe adjective One who says “Wow! You’re drinking THAT?” Circle of power? Two, in Toulouse Get in on the auction Food unsuitable for a silly rabbit “Do you even lift, ___? Like good sourdough starter Scrapes off the windshield in February, say Climber’s job Come as a result Guitarist Kravitz Garb for a griller Whirl pool Small shots Small river On the money Bolted down Space station escape vehicle
We’re Local!
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
Difficulty Level: ●●○○ VOLUME 25 ISSUE 01 / JUNE 23, 2022 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
©2021 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
Puzzle for the week of June 20, 2022 Pearl’s Puzzle
© Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Difficulty Level: ●●○○
in every column, andbox 3x3with boxeach withofeach of the letters FillFill in every row,row, column, and 3x3 the letters exactly once.
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters
O exactly A ATonce. O T CC RR II MME ES S
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: exactly once.
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“My daughter got me a “World’s Best Dad” mug. So we know - Bob Odenkirk
© Pearl Stark www.mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny CANCER (June 21-July 22): Filmmaker Jean-
Luc Godard believes there’s only one way to find a sense of meaning, and that is to fill your life to the bursting point; to be in love with your experience; to celebrate the flow of events wherever it takes you. When you do that, Godard says, you have no need or urge to ask questions like “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose?” The richness of your story is the ultimate response to every enigma. As I contemplate these ideas, I say: wow! That’s an intensely vibrant way to live. Personally, I’m not able to sustain it all the time. But I think most of us would benefit from such an approach for brief periods now and then. And I believe you have just entered one of those phases.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I asked Leo readers to provide their insights about the topic “How to Be a Leo.” Here are responses that line up with your current astrological omens. 1. People should try to understand you’re only bossing them around for their benefit. —Harlow Hunt. 2. Be alert for the intense shadows you may cast with your intense brightness. Consider the possibility that even if they seem iffy or dicey, they have value and even blessings to offer. —Cannarius Kansen. 3. Never break your own heart. Never apologize for showering yourself with kindness and adoration. —Amy Clear. 4. At the moment of orgasm, scream out your own name. —Bethany Grace VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It’s your birthright as a Virgo to become a master of capitalizing on difficulties. You have great potential to detect opportunities coalescing in the midst of trouble. You can develop a knack for spotting the order that’s hiding in the chaos. Now is a time when you should wield these skills with artistry, my dear— both for your own benefit and for the betterment of everyone whose lives you touch.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): One of my heroes died in 2021: the magnificent Libran author bell hooks (who didn’t capitalize her name). She was the most imaginative and independent-minded activist I knew. Till her last day, she articulated one-of-a-kind truths about social justice; she maintained her uncompromising originality. But it wasn’t easy. She wrote, “No insurgent intellectual, no dissenting critical voice in this society escapes the pressure to conform. We are all vulnerable. We can all be had, co-opted, bought. There is no special grace that rescues any of us. There is only a constant struggle.” I bring this to your attention, Libra, because I suspect the coming weeks will require your strenuous efforts to remain true to your high standards and unique vision of reality.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You now have the power to make yourself even more beautiful than you already are. You are extraordinarily open to beautifying influences, and there will be an abundance of beautifying influences coming your way. I trust you understand I’m not referring to the kinds of beauty that are worshiped by conventional wisdom. Rather, I mean the elegance, allure, charm, and grace that you behold in old trees and gorgeous architecture and enchanting music and people with soulful idiosyncrasies. PS: The coming weeks will also be a favorable time to redefine the meaning of beauty for yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): It’s the Season for Expressing Your Love—and for expanding and deepening the ways you express your love. I invite you to speak the following quotes to the right person: 1. “Your head is a living forest full of songbirds.” —E. E. Cummings. 2. “Lovers continuously reach each other’s boundaries.” —Rainer Maria Rilke, 3. “You’re my favorite unfolding story.” — Ann Patchett. 4. “My lifetime listens to yours.” — Muriel Rukeyser.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the coming weeks, make sure you do NOT fit this description articulated by Capricorn novelist Haruki Murakami: “You’re seeking something, but at the same
time, you are running away for all you’re worth.” If there is any goal about which you feel conflicted like that, dear Capricorn, now is a good time to clear away your confusion. If you are in some sense undercutting yourself, perhaps unconsciously, now is the time to expose your inner saboteur and seek the necessary healing. July will be Self-Unification Month.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A Tweeter named Luxuryblkwomen articulates one of her ongoing goals: “bridging the gap between me and my ideal self, one day at a time.” I’d love it if you would adopt a similar aspiration in the coming months. You’re going to be exceptionally skilled at all types of bridge-building, including the kind that connects you to the hero you’ll be in the future. I mean, you are already a hero in my eyes, but I know you will ultimately become an even more fulfilled and refined version of your best self. Now is a favorable time to do the holy work of forging stronger links to that star-to-be. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A blogger named Lissar suggests that the cherry blossom is an apt symbol for you Pisceans. She describes you as “transient, lissome, blooming, lovely, fragile yet memorable and recurring, in tune with nature.” Lissar says you “mystify yet charm,” and that your “presence is a balm, yet awe-inspiring and moving.” Of course, like all of us, you also have your share of less graceful qualities. And that’s not a bad thing! We’re all here to learn the art of growing into our ripe selves. It’s part of the fun of being alive. But I suspect that in the coming weeks, you will be an extra close match for Lissar’s description. You are at the peak of your power to delight and beguile us. ARIES (March 21-April 19): In her poem “Two Skins,” Bahamanian writer Lynn Sweeting writes, “There is a moment in every snake’s life when she wears two skins: one you can see, about to be shed, one you cannot see, the skin under the skin, waiting.” I suspect you now have metaphorical resemblances to a snake on the verge of molting, Aries. Congratulations on your imminent rebirth! Here’s a tip: The snake’s old skin doesn’t always just fall away; she may need to take aggressive action to tear it open and strip it off, like by rubbing her head against a rock. Be ready to perform a comparable task.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Imagine a world 300 years from now,” writes Japanese novelist Minae Mizumura, “a world in which not only the best-educated people but also the brightest minds and the deepest souls express themselves only in English. Imagine the world subjected to the tyranny of a singular ‘Logos.’ What a narrow, pitiful, and horrid world that would be!” Even though I am primarily an English speaker, I agree with her. I don’t want a world purged of diversity. Don’t want a monolithic culture. Don’t want everyone to think and speak the same. I hope you share my passion for multiplicity, Taurus—especially these days. In my astrological opinion, you’ll thrive if you immerse yourself in a celebratory riot of variety. I hope you will seek out influences you’re not usually exposed to.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Imagine you’re not a person, but a medley of four magical ingredients. What would they be? A Gemini baker named Jasmine says, “ripe persimmons, green hills after a rain, a sparkling new Viking Black Glass Oven, and a prize-winning show horse.” A Gemini social worker named Amarantha says she would be made of “Florence and the Machine’s song ‘Sky Full of Song,’ a grove of birch trees, a blue cashmere knee-length sweater, and three black cats sleeping in the sun.” A Gemini delivery driver named Altoona says, “freshly harvested cannabis buds, a bird-loving wetlands at twilight, Rebecca Solnit’s book Hope in the Darkness, and the Haleakalā shield volcano in Maui.” And now, Gemini, what about you? Identify your medley of four magical ingredients. The time is right to re-imagine the poetry of YOU.
Homework: Make amends to a part of yourself you have neglected, insulted, or wounded. Newsletter.FreeWillAstrology.com
Enough! What is to be done in these trying times?
Poems for a Cause by Kim Stafford What’s your calling? What’s your cause? If it’s justice, then pen a few just words into a chant or song that can
call us all upright to witness and to testify. If you believe education is the key, then compose a winsome proclamation for a child to recite, standing small but tall in the hall of power. If it’s Earth that tugs your heart, or immigrant children who haunt your dreams, or people by bad luck cast out to camp under the overpass, then find a way to sing your sorrows into remedy, your hurt into help, syllables to gather others, so words can guide our work, and your pain be our refrain for change. A neighbor then thought to forward me the link to Lift Every Voice Oregon, where signatures are being gathered for the “Reduction of Gun Violence Act” petition, due July 1. 140,000 names and it’s on the November ballot. A few days later a college classmate sent links to MVP to facilitate voter registration. And then a sibling, who earlier watched a Great Blue heron land and settle by a marsh, told me beholding that moment of elegance and beauty made him realize, “Our task is to love the cherishable, to love the world back to health.” And last, for now, Garrison Keillor. Before I describe the miracle he produced at the Tower Theatre last week, please note the average age of the above-mentioned individuals is 70. So, no, elders do not go quietly into the night. We go thoughtfully, doing what we can and what time allows. Back to Garrison Keillor. He led a two-plus-hour refresher course in being curious and goofy and open and human and caring. He reminded us that in a scarier world we need our own family and community stories (not television’s or YouTube’s or movie theaters’) more than ever. He happens to know a few. We laughed out loud, mostly at ourselves, such is his skill. We shed tears. We sang “Let Him Have Your Burden Now,” and other beautiful spirituals, belted out patriotic songs we haven’t stood up and sung with others in a long time. Strangers no more, we were united in laughter, song and hope. Canavan ends his review by underscoring Robinson’s point that there is in fact enough for all, and there are solutions to worldwide problems if we but have the will to enact them. “Enough is as good as a feast — or better,” he says. So, OK, I’m changing my tune from enough already to enough for all.
“In a sense we all already know What Is To Be Done, and the real problem is navigating the grief and fear and selfishness that prevents us from ever actually putting what we all know to be true into practice.” This quote is from author Gerry Canavan’s review of K.S. Robinson’s latest book, "The Ministry of the Future," a sci-fi nonfiction which outlines humans’ options given occurrences worldwide. “You know what I am. I am History. Now make me good,” writes Robinson. But how? All the tragedies, the social, environmental and economic problems—it’s enough. Too much heavy lifting. To help navigate all this, I offer a favorite note-to-self. When there are problems aplenty, don’t drive with your high beams on…you see too much of the road ahead. Keep your lights on low. If ever there was a time for low beams, this is it…as well as for taking a breath, for stopping, listening and not to the news. Instead, seek the counsel of nature, books, friends. It’s also a time to take time to sit, stock-still, every day. Call it prayer, meditation, staring off into space. When I do, unexpected revelations show up as a result. And here they came. Starting on May 27, the first ah-ha was reading about the video Ben Beers posted online. The former Marine, who spent four years in Iraq and now is the father of two, explains why, in the aftermath of the Uvalde shooting, “…I’m turning in my weapons to the Hillsboro Police Department in Oregon. Both my AR-15 and my 9 mm handgun. I no longer want them. I know this will not change legislation or anything to do with gun culture in America, but, hopefully, it will be a form of symbolism. Hopefully America can wake up. Because no other country has the problems that we do with gun culture and ideation and gun violence that we do. Amend the Constitution. Amend the legislation. Amend the statutes.” A day later his video had been viewed 200,000 times. Ben Beers is a cat to copy. Next, an email from Oregon’s former poet laureate, Kim Stafford, with the gift of a poem attached. A call to words, if you will:
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By Brittany Barton
Licensed Broker
RE/MAX Key Properties Broker
Is The Real Estate Market Finally Stabilizing?
What today’s indicators mean for buyers has been and still is a great long-term investment. Though home prices fluctuate up and down with the economy, over time your property will appreciate. Do you wish you would have bought in 2008/09? Do you wish you would have bought just before the pandemic began? Just about everyone can say they wish they would have bought back then, whenever “then” may have been. Prices will never be the same when you look back. The second piece of advice is to evaluate your current situation. Are you renting and paying someone else’s mortgage? Talk to a local lender to see what your options could be for buying a home and earning equity. It could be possible, but you won’t know until you start the process. Maybe you own your home but are looking to downsize or upsize. Getting a comparable market analysis prepared by an expert real estate broker is your first step. Lastly, consider reexamining your mindset regarding what kind of home you want. We all want the dream home that checks all the boxes. But retraining your brain and shortening your list of must-haves can save you a significant amount of money in the long term. Instead of looking for the perfect colors, granite counter tops and beautiful landscaping, look for the perfect lot, your ideal location, and a layout you can live with. The cosmetic stuff can always be changed, and a lot can be done yourself! Bottom line? If you’re a buyer looking to reenter the market, now is a great time. Partner with an expert who can help you capitalize on this window of opportunity.
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Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
<< LOW
4013 SW Tommy Armour Lane $625,000 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 2,137 square feet; .17 acre lot Built in 2004 Listed by Mary Stratton Dahlke, RE/MAX Key Properties
MID >>
2717 NW Whitworth Way, Bend $923,500 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 1,796 square feet; .2 acre lot Built in 1994 Listed by Rhonda Garrison
62758 NW Imbler Drive $1,950,000 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 3,263 square feet; .25 acre lot Built in 2018 Listed by Anna Ruder, RE/MAX Key Properties
Get noticed in our Real Estate section
y now, you’ve likely seen headlines indicating a change is taking place in the real estate market, both nationally and locally. It’s true. A shift is happening. But the sky is not falling. In actuality, the market appears to be stabilizing, or correcting, and that means buyers have a window of opportunity after experiencing two years of a frenzied seller’s market. Let’s dig into what’s really happening. Many factors can cause a shift in the housing market, but a couple of key influences right now are inventory and mortgage rates. In May 2022, the month’s supply of inventory was up 47% in Bend. New listings also increased in May, by close to 6% month over month. And while mortgage rates remain historically low, the near doubling since the beginning of the pandemic has caused some hesitation and altered budgets for some buyers. As buyers become more hesitant with rates and as more inventory becomes available, the market begins to shift more in favor of buyers. Some sellers can wait to sell their homes, but others may already be pending on a new home or have other reasons for needing to sell quickly, which can result in price reductions. According to the MLS, price reductions of local residential listings increased by 43% in May, with an average increase in price reductions at 27% from January to May of this year. If you are in the process of reentering the market or even just contemplating whether you should, here are a few suggestions to think about. First and most importantly, timing, rates, and other economic factors may never be perfect, but buying a home
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