Letters to Santa

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2011 CHRISTMAS Colton Age: 2 Parents: Brad & Cara

Audra & Selena Ages: 3 & 5 Grandparents: LeRoy & Shellie

Austin, Kristen, Colton and Lauren Ages: 16, 14, 11 and 8 Parents: Carol & Mike


Khloe Age: 2 Parents: Nate & Amber

Ashlee Age: 7 Parents: Michelle & Darren

Arnisha, Nakela & Amaria Ages: 27, 12 and 1 Parents: Ruben & Belinda

Hannah Age: 6 Great Grandmother Sandy

Evan & Becca Ages: 8 & 4 Parents: Jennifer & Brian

Phillip, Adam, Ashley and Matthew Ages: 9, 5, 10 and 4 mos. Aunt & Uncle: Marilyn and Henry



Dear Santa, Can I please have an Air Hogs helicopter please? I would like a yellow one. I would also like a hover copter. Thak you, Santa. There will be cookies waiting. There will be three cookies, but you should only eat one. PS Santa. I love you. Could you please bring me Ninjago legos, too? Reece P. Dear Santa, I want Hero Factory stuff, Lego Star Wars toys, and Lego Halo toys. I have 2 brothers, 4 sisters and 1 nephew that deserve a few things too. I’ll leave cookies and milk out for you. Thank you. Jeremiah W. Dear Santa, My name is Josh. I’m 11. I like legos, skateboards, and guitars. I also like models. Don’t forget my brothers, sisters, and nephew. Milk and cookies will be waiting for you. Thank you. Josh W. Dear Santa, My name is Carter. I am 10 months old. I want baby toys and new clothes. I have been pretty good this year for my age, and I promise not to say no as much. Thank you. PS Please bring my mom-mom Jessie stuff too. She was good. Look for your milk and cookies. Carter W. Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy. I want a construction train track with a truck and some boulders. I want some penguins that waddle, but they’re toys and not real. I want a toy that is pink for Emma. Love, Eli and Emma Dear Santa, Want to thank you very much for the things that you got for me last year. My new Mongoose bike, my Star Wars At-At. And All the other stuff. My sister and me will make sure we have an Apple on the roof for Rudulph and some good cookies and milk for you. Now we don’t have a cheminey with a fireplace so how will you get N to put the present under our tree? Will here goes my list – I have been pretty good all year and have been ding really good so far with my grades. I try hard. I know that I won’t get everything on my list but here are some ideas. 1. Red Nintindo DS, 2. Pacman DS game, 3. Lego Star Wars III DS Game, 4. Nocktoons mlb DS game, 5. Star Wars action figers, 6. Star Wars R/C Millemiun falcon, 7. Ninjago Legos, 8. Cars II DVD, 9. Disney Universe game Wii, 10. Spongebob Legos, 11. Darth Vader helmet, 12. Mace Windus jedi starfighter lego, 13. Ninjago the board game, 14. Ninjago ice Dragon Lego set, 15. Nerf Long Strike, 16. Doctor Dreadful – Food kit, 17. Connect 4 launchers, 18. KungFu Panda 2 movie, 19. Plant 51 movie, 20. Force unleased 2 for wii, 21. red fx light saber, 22. Dirt bike gas powerd, 23. Star Wars clone wars season 3 DVD, 24. Spongebob Season 2 DVD, 25. Lego Star Wars Mellemiun falcon, 26. Clone turbo tank. I love you Santa can’t wait to hear your sleighbells. Kevin F.


Dear Santa, For Christmas I wold like a Jessie doll, a Friend, a Xia-Xia crab not real ones, Cookie my playful pup, a guitar. How are things up in the North Pole? Please tell Mrs. Claus hi. Merry Christmas Love, Maddie Dear Santa, I want a talking spiderman, a Guitar, drums, a piano, toy story stuff, car stuff, Art stuff, Mickey mouse stuff, a Jornl, Spiderman toddler bike, deago stuff. Maddie had to write this. Love, Brennen Dear Santa, My name is Elaine. I would like to have Dora the Explorer stuff. I sometime act like her. PS I will leave you cookies and milk. By Santa. Elaine Dear Santa, First of all thank you for everything that you got for me last year! I really like my new bike a lot. I love you and the Ruldoph a whole lot. I will put a Apple on top of our Roof at my house for Rudolph. I will leave for you Santa cookies and a big glass of milk. I’m kinda wondering what it is like at the North Pole. Does it snow and is it cold all year long? Will here it goes. I also know that that you have to get every little boy and girl something for Christmas so here are a few things on my list. 1. Play-Dough Doctor Drill and Fill, 2. A new Baby Alive Doll, 3. Disney Princess Guitar, 4. Fijit Friends toy, 5. Fur Real Friends Walking Kittie, 6. Princess Ultimate Dream Castle, 7. Barbie or Disney Princess Battery Powerd Jeep, 8. Real Microphone, 9. Monser High Things, 10. Squinkies Adventure Wall Surprise, 11. SpongeBob and Penguines Games for my Leapster, 12. Leap Frong Lego pad, 13. Cosmic Cath Ball Game, 14. New Bike helmet, 15. Lion King and Tangled Disney Movie, 16. New Disney and Rabbies Wii games, 17. SpongeBob and Other Girl legos. I will try to listen for you’re Sleigh Bells on Christmas Eve. I have been pretty good all year and I’m working hard in school to make good grades. Please consider me to be on your good boys and girls list. Merry Christmas Santa. Kelsey F. Dear Santa, Would you please bring me a kitten? Hailee K. Dear Santa, My name is Erin. I am 6 years old. I already got the best early Christmas present on Nov. 9th. My mom and dad remarried. The next best gift would be a robot dog. Thank you for last years gifts also. Love, Erin Dear Santa, This is Danika. I am 2 yrs. old. I don’t know a lot about Christmas yet, but my sister Erin said you are the person I need to tell what I want. Please bring me a toy kitchen set. That way I can keep out of Moms and that would make her happy too. Love, Danika

Dear Santa, My name is Heaven. I’m six years old. I’ve been kind of good. I would like a doll, barbies, dog, earrings jewelry, hello kitty make-up, clothes. Thanks Santa. Love, Heaven Dear Santa, Do you know Jesus? They say that Christmas time is about him. But it always looks like it is about you and presents. Who is most importat you or Jesus? Please write back to tell me. I don’t want Jesus to be mad at me. Love, June A. Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me grain trucks for Christmas because I really like to play with them. I want my very own computer. I want semi trucks to play with. I want video games. I want a garbage truck. That’s all. I love you Santa. Love, Lucas C. Dear Santa, My name is Kei’Mirriah. I would like a Baby Alive, a princess doll, and a big doll for Christmas. Can you please bring my big sister, Kei’Andra some games for her DS? Santa, I have been really good girl this year in school and at home. When you come, I will have your favorite chocolate cookies and milk. Be safe when, you’re delivering all the toys to me and the other good boys and girls. By Santa!! Love, Kei’Mirriah Dear Santa Claus I’ve been very good all year long and this year for christmas I would like to receive : The Lion King movie, Lion King kissing Nala and Simba, An Orange ball, Princess Peach video game, A real cow, a princess tv for my room, and a new LaLaLoopsy Doll Lilly B. Dear Santa, My name is Emalee i am three years old, i am working on my potty training with my sister Ashy. For Christmas i would like a four wheeler, puppy dog you can share, a baby alive and together Ashy and me would like a Dora kitchen i love you , daddy, mommy and nanny. Emalee Dear Santa, I love you. Miss You. Rescue Hero, trampoline would be nice. Jay W. Dear Santa, Hello from Harrisburg. My boys and girls have been pretty good this year. I know they would really like some snow for the holidays. I would like for all of them to get a gift that they truly want. I hope my family stays safe and has a great time together this year. Please remember to bring Chris his bat and glove. He is really looking forward to your visit! As for me, I would once again like to request that the Harrisburg Bulldogs win the EHT. (Thanks for the help last year! It was an awesome victory!!) It would be nice if the cheerleaders won also. they work just as hard! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mrs. Willsey


Dear Santa, i want fab effects, roller skates, and a lego eiffel tower. merry Christmas Amber Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a Racetrack, bath tub toys, glo-worm, P.J.’s, and Chuck the Truck toys. Also, I’d like a Cars bed very much! Thanks and I love you! Zane K. Dear Santa, Hello! I’ve tried to be a good boy this year. I am excited for Christmas! For Christmas I would like pirate toys and a Jack Sparrow Ship. Will you bring some Olivia toys for my sister? I’ll be sure to leave you some milk and cookies. Thank You! Love, Brayden Dear Santa Claus, I have been super good this year. Can you please bring me a Pirates of the Carribean playstation game and eyepets and some lego harry potter legos and a new bike. Love, Landon P. Dear Santa, My name is Lauren and I am 8 years old and go to Carterville school. I would like a life size Barbie, some boots, the Play Doh dentist toy, a jewelry box, a Fijit robot toy and Squinkies playground. I have been a very good girl this year and I will leave you a box full of candy canes for the elves, Mrs. Santa and the reindeer. Lauren Dear Santa, Thank you very much for my play kitchen and tricycle last year, I have played with them a lot. Oh yes! I have been very good this year and have made my mommy and daddy very proud. This year I would like my own Jeep and chainsaw so I can help in the timber behind my house. Me and the Abominable snowman will try not to eat all your cookies this year before bed. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, I’m Name is Levi. I am 1 year old. mommy says I really only need learning toys 4 Christmas. The only thing I really want for Christmas is to have a good and fun day with my whole family. Hope to see you at our house this year. Sissy and I both have be very good this year. Levi Dear Santa, Hello! I have been a very good girl this year! This year I want Olivia’s house and her family and some Yo Gabba Gabba toys. My brother wants a Pirate Ship. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Love, Jacquelyn Dear Santa: I have been good every day. I have tried to get better grades at school and help my mom at home. I’m really excited about Christmas and I want you to bring me some toys if you can. I want a flat screen t.v., a pillow-pet, some new jeans and boots. Don’t forget to eat the cookies that i will have for you by the tree. I hope you can get me the things I want. Thank you! Myrka

Dear Santa: For Christmas this year I would like to have a motor bike, nerf gun, Remote control airplane, legos, match box cars, GI Joes, baseball and bat, transformers, robot and a race car. How is Rudolf doing? I will leave you and Rudolf out some cookies. Chuckie

Dear Santa, I would love a remote control Helicopter, ds 3d, Zelda games and candy. I have been pretty good because I am getting older and you know i am going to be 9 december 14. please bring something for everyone in my family. thank you From, joey c.

Dear Mr. Santa Claus, My Name Is Nathan And I Live In Tamaroa. I Am In Kindergarden At The Tamaroa Grade School, I Am 5 Years Old. Everyone Says I Have Been A Very Good Boy This Year. For Christmas I Would Like For You To Bring Me Any Thing Nascar, Some More Guns, Some New Wii Games, A Kick Ball, The Cars 2 Movie, And Anything Else You Think I Would Enjoy. Also Santa, Please Bring My Daddy And Mommy, And My Sister Emily All Something Very Nice Too. I Will Be Leaving You A Snack By The Christmas Tree. Love You Santa. Your Friend Always, Nathan W.

Dear Santa, My name is Gracey. I’m 4 years old. I only want of few things for Christmas First, I would like to have a tangled doll. She is very pretty. Second, I want a baby all gone. Third, I want a doll house but, most of all I want a very happy Christmas . I hope you and your raindeer have a safe Christmas. bring all the other boys and girls Christmas Gracey

Dear Santa For Christmas I would like legos, some books, and super mario galaxy and bop it. thanks. TT Dear Santa, I would like the following: 1. Hex Bug – spider, 2. Hot Wheel sky jump set, 3. Lego Creater Beach House, 4. Hot Wheels Video Car, 5. Lego City Police Station, 6. Lego City Firestation Station. Thanks for the presents last year. Love, Dylan

Dear Santa, I am 3 years old and my name is Ashlee. My sister Emy and I are working on our potty training. I would like a Baby Alive, Big Tractor and a Panda. Together Emy and I want a Dora Kitchen. I love you, mommy, daddy and nanny. Ashlee Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like a Jlx Matrix motorcycle and a smurf DS game. Please be careful because I know that you have a lot of presents to deliver. Trenton Dear Santa, I have been a good little boy and I want a hamster and hex bugs and A bunch of bakugans for Christmas. Thank You, Riley P.

Dear Santa, I want a dolly and a dolly ladder bed please. I want a see saw for my backyard—I am fixing it up. I also want a stamper please. Please bring my brother Preston a truck—a dump truck. Thank you. Erin, age 3

Dear Santa, This year I want Dance Central 2 video game, Dork diaries book, Monster high doll and Club Penguin DS game. I have been good this year, so I hope you get these presents for me. Merry Christmas, Kylie T.

Dear Ho-Ho, My name is Josie and i am 2 years old. I have been a very good girl this year! I would like a puppy dog for Christmas! I also like baby dolls, choo choo trains, Pingu and anything Sesame Street!!! I am leaving you some yummy milk and cookies, and don’t forget to get Papa’s dog Cindy Lou a ball!! Love You, Josie B.

Dear Santa, I would like a Bat Cave and a Green Lantern. I want a game that’s Wolvereen. I am 4 year old, I hope i’m not on the naughty list. I don’t like coal. I would like a joker motorcycle and The Smurf movie. I want 7 toys. Can you bring my sister Gracie a baby doll? Thanks Santa and I love my Mawmaw. I will be good. Joey M.

Dear Santa, I am a big kid at heart and I am asking you for only one thing. I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and it is in every joint of my body. I can’t afford to buy one Santa but I believe in you and I been a pretty good girl all year long. I have had three foot surgeries on my left foot and getting ready to have another on my right foot due to the Rheumatoid. If I could afford it i would already have it but since I am on a limited income, Santa could you please bring me just that one gift???? I promise to always be good if I get one. It would mean so much to me to get some relieve from the hot water. thanks so ever much and I love you Santa!!!! I will even make you some home made cookies!!! Love, Rose

Dear Santa, How are the reindeers and Alex the Elf doing? I am 8 years old and my favorite color is purple. I would like an American Girl Doll, some Barbies, and clothes for my American Girl Doll. I have been trying to be good. I hope this year you don’t eat too much cookies. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Laney Dear Santa, How do the Elves make the presents? Is Rudolph real? Do you like candy? I want an iPod touch for Christmas and clothes for my American Girl Doll. I deserve an IPod Touch because I am good. My favorite color is lime green and I am 8 years old. Your Friend, Kelsey

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Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause? Are you doing well? How are the reindeer? I like deer and hunting. I am eight years old. My favorite color is purple. I would like an iphone and a Nintendo DS with a Mario game. I would like to watch my cousin Bridget win her pageants. I have gotten good grades. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Destiny Dear Santa, I am 7 years old. I have a brother named Aidan, and my favorite color is pink. I want a Barbie Dream House, an iPod Touch, an American Girl Doll, and a Fidget Friend for Christmas. I make good grades and I am nice to my brother. Do you have a dog? What is one of your elves names? Is it hard to decide who goes on the naughty or nice list? Your friend, Madeline Dear Santa, How many toys do you have to make until Christmas? What do you do when it is almost Christmas? How do you know if we are naughty or nice? I am 7 years old and I like all kinds of sports. I have a little brother names Chance and he is 4 years old. I would like a water ball shooter, an XBox 360, games for the Xbox 360, and a long swim suit. I wear a size 8. I have been really good this year. So has my brother. I hope you have a good job every year. Love, Chandler Hi Santa, How are you? I hope you are doing well. Do you have a dog? I want an XBox 360, an iPhone, a trampoline, a Laser, and money. I wear a size 8 and I have a dog named Cloue. I have an awesome family. Have a good Christmas. Sincerely, Layne Dear Santa, How many miles are you north? How fast can the reindeer fly? How am I doing? Have I been good enough to be on the nice list? I am 8 years old and I wear a size 8. I have a dog named Sampson that I call Sam for short and another dog named Jordan that I call Joe for short. I would like an XBox360 Baseball, a big lizard toy, the Spy Kids movie, and a nature book. Happy 25! Your friend, Burke Dear Santa, What am I getting for Christmas? How many cookies do you eat on Christmas? How many toys do you deliver? What are all the names of your reindeer? I like riding a dirt bike and I like hunting with my dad. How long have you been hunting with my dad? I would like either a dirt bike, a cell phone, or an exploder gun. I have been good. I help clean up my sister’s room and I clean up litter that I see. I hope you have a good Christmas. Your friend, Gauge Dear Santa, What is it like in the North Pole? Are your elves making toys for the children? I would like for Christmas a 3DS. I like all the toys you have given me for Christmas. The Christmas toys are fun. Once when I was 4, the elves made a baseball machine that didn’t work. I got a soccer ball last Christmas and I liked it. I have a brother in the Army named Billy. If you could go by my brother’s Army, him a gift. Santa, I wish a Merry Christmas to you and your elves. Your friend, Brennen

Dear Santa, How are doing? How do you travel around the world in one night? Is it cold up there? I am eight years old. I like to play on the computer. I like playing on my bike powered sled. I want a new game for my Xbox 360. I really want a Sonic game, too. I have been nice to all of my friends. Thank you. Have a good life up there and hope you are not cold. Your friend, Zach

Dear Santa, I am eight years old. I like to play on the computer and on Christmas I always play in the snow. I would like an iPad, a laptop, and a video game for PS3. I have been nice to my brother, I have gotten good grades, and I have been nice. Is Rudolph the red nose reindeer real? I hope the elves are doing well. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Joe

Dear Santa, How is it going in the North Pole? How long does it take to travel around the world? My favorite kind thing is my family and friends. My favorite colors are red and purple. I am eight years old. My big sister is ten years old and my little sister is six. I would like a soft guitar, a little stuffed animal dog, and a toy that can cook real food. I have been really good. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Reagan

Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I would like to have a lalaloopsy doll, a baby doll and clothes, baby stroller and a grocery cart. I would also like a present for my Grandma and Daddy. Julia

Dear Santa, How are you doing today? Are the reindeer ok? My mom has been has worrying about you. I am eight years old. My favorite colors are blue and red. I would like a Nintendo 3DS, two toy cars, and a fire truck. I am smart and I have good grades. Thank you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your friend, Elliott Dear Santa, Hi. Are you real? How are the reindeer? I like playing outside. I am seven years old and I like the FBI show. I want three Nerf guns, a remote control army tank, a cop jeep, a fire truck, and a four-wheel jeep. I have been good. Merry Christmas and thank you for the presents. Your friend, Isaiah Dear Santa, How do you get around the world in one night? How many reindeer are there in all? My favorite color is blue. I have three kittens. I want a dip’n dot maker, blizzard maker, and crayon maker. I clean my room and I have been good. I really like Christmas. Thank you. Your friend, Chelsea Dear Santa, Do you really have elves? Are the reindeer real? I am seven and I like to color. I would like a big doll house, walkie-talkies, and a really pretty doll with a big and pretty dress. I do the dishes, I clean my room, and help my mom clean the rat cage. Tell the reindeer I said hi. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Joycelyn Dear Santa, On Friday, are you really going to bring your reindeer? Do you have all of the reindeer or are some of them missing? I am seven years old and I like to play outside on my tire swing. I want a new 3DS Mario 3D land game, new beyblade, Mario game for Wii, and a new star wars action figure. I have been a good friend, gotten good grades, and have done lots of chores. Thank you for making Jesus’s birthday a better a day. Your friend, Konnor

Dear Santa, I’m very excited for Christmas to come! I want a DSI and games to go with it, A Justin Bieber doll and A Barbie perfect Christmas movie. When you come to my house for Christmas I will have some yummy ginger bread cookies for you and a big glass of milk. Merry Christmas!! P.S. Tell Mrs. Claus and the elves I said hello. Maddie T Dear Santa, How are you? It’s me, Jarret! I will be 7 on December 21st, but you knew that already! I have had a hard time coming up with a list this year. My mommy and I have been working on the gifts for the NICU at Cardinal Glennon. I cannot believe I spent my very first Christmas there, but you knew that too because you brought me presents there! I have been “mostly” good this year! I would like a basketball like the Harlem Globetrotters use. My Granny bought me that ornament! I would also like all kinds of WWE stuff and maybe a new bike. Most of all, I want everyone to have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Thank you. Love, Jarret C. Dear Santa, How are you? I’m doing fine! I was wondering if you were planning on coming to my house this year? I hope so because i’ve been extra good this year, so has my sister, Lexi, and my dog Koko! This year for Christmas I would really like a flat Iron and if you could I would like it to have zebra stripes, also I would like a karaoke machine and if you could I would like 2 microphones. Next, I would like shoes, these shoes are sperry’s if you could I would like them to be the cheetha print ones, and last I would really like the Smurfs movie. Ohh, I amost forgot to tell you what Koko would like well First I have to warn you she’s a ms. priss so I had to shorten her list so here’s what she wants as usual. she would like Dingo Bones, Treats, and Toys but this year she would also like a new coat her other one’s a little small. Well thats all for this year. I wish you luck on gifts and a Merry Christmas and a safe trip! Thank you very much! Sincerely, Marissa

Dear Santa, My name is Andrew B. For Christmas I would like a Mario Kart Race Track, a remote control helicopter, Hex Bugs, and most of all a nice Christmas with my family. My dog “Otie” he would like a new chew toy and maybe a dog bed. Your friends, Andrew & “Otie” B. Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole? I hope you are not working too hard. Check your list of names of who is nice and naughty. Are there a lot of girls and boys on your nice list? For Christmas I would like Fossil Fighter Champions, Legos, Pokemon cards, and an Ipod. What kind of cookies would you like us to put out for you when you come to our house? Love, Kaylee Hi Santa, I have been a good boy all year and I would like some presents under my tree. DaDa Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas is telescope, lego dinosaur and last but not least Disney Universe for Wii. Thanks for all the stuff last year. Cookies will be by the tree again P.S. Please give my bunnies a gift too! They have been super good Sincerely, Pierre Dear Santa, How are you? I am find. I would like the Justin Bieber lotion called “Someday”. Also I would a phone and pink Uggs. A tea set with flowers on it a big stuffed animal dog and I want a pink night light. Also I would like Barbie clothes and Barbie dolls and the brand new Rocky doll from shake it up. Koko would like Mutt Muffs and chew toy and some bows. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Alexis Dear Santa, I would like lots of little boy toys for Christmas. I have been a pretty good little boy this year and can’t wait for Christmas day to see what you left me under the tree this year. Cookies and milk will be waiting for you, I know you like them both. Oh, and my brothers want lots of toys too. Thanks Santa. Love, Griffin Dear Santa, I love all the toys. My favorite color is orange. I am 3 yrs old. Merry Christmas. What do you want for christmas? I really like your reindeer. I love my mommy, my daddy, Sango my dog, and you. Next time I see you I want a big hug. From Abigail T. Dear Santa, Hi, this is Kennedy. I have been really, really good this year. I would like Kinnectables for the Xbox 360 because the animals are really cute. I would also like lots of American Girl doll accessories because I really like American Girl dolls. Last, but not least, I would like some more mini lala loopsies because I think they are adorable. What kind of cookies do you like best? Sincerely, Kennedy B.

LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, I would like to get some new earrings, the fashionista Barbie’s, Wappy dog for my DS, new crayons, Barbie coloring books and some new games for my wii. Be careful and tell the reindeer I said hi. From Brooklyn P. Dear Santa, My name is Sean. I like to play and talk a lot. I would like a digital camera. I would like to take pictures of stuff that I would like to remember for a long time. What is your favorite kind of cookies? Sincerely, Sean G. Dear Santa, Hi, I am Grant. I like to play with my sister. I would like Army toys for Christmas. I would also like to get an inside helicopter. Is Rudolph really real? Love, Grant Dear Santa, My name is Wyatt. I like the Army because they fought for our country. I would like a puppy dog and several toy soldier guys. I would like a Weiner dog. I would name him Bruce and I would take him on walks. If he is not house broken, I would not be able to let him out of the cage. I would like a toy soldier so that I could have an Army war. How does your sled work? Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, My name is William. I have a dog and a sister. I want Skylanders because my mom thinks it is a really good game and I think so too. I want Kirby Mass Attack for the Wii because I like Kirby. How do you travel all around the world in one night? Sincerely, your biggest fan, William Dear Santa, My name is Macey. I like monkeys. For Christmas, I would like Kanani because I like American Girl dolls. I would really appreciate an iPod Touch. You can watch movies and play on it. What is your favorite reindeer? Love, Macey Dear Santa, My name is Cory. I have two sisters, a fish, and a dog. I would like a medium sized stuffed dog. I would name him Buddy. I would have fun with him. I would bring him on vacation and sleep with him at night. I would also like a stuffed, black angry bird. I will sleep with it, play with it, and take it to school to show my teacher. I really want a Bryan Urlacker FatHead. He plays for the Chicago Bears. I would hang it in my room on the wall next to where I sleep. How long does it take you to get toys to everyone in the United States? How many reindeer do you have? Love, Cory

Dear Santa, My name is Drew. I have a dog named Bellnelly. I like to hunt turkey and squirrel. For Christmas, I would take a movie and a television projector because I do not like little screen T.V.’s and it is a lot louder. I would like a new bow and arrow because I do not have a very good bow and arrow and it does not shoot very far. I would take a laptop computer because I want to play games on it and watch movies on it also. What kind of liquid do you like? Love, Drew Dear Santa, My name is Peter. I am very responsible. I take care of my dog. I help my dad around the house and pack up all the supplies when we go camping and hiking. I help my sister Sophie put toothpaste on her toothbrush and turn on the light. We do a lot of fun activities as a family like go to my Grandpa Pete’s and play pool all the time. I would like one game for the Xbox 360 and two monster truck toys. I would also like to have a remote control helicopter and a car. How much time do you need to make all of these presents? I cannot wait to see you at Christmas. Peter Dear Santa, My name is Presley. I like to ride horses and ponies. I would like a wooden horse barn that comes with four horses. I would take my other horses and play with them with it. I would also like a microphone. I would sing songs in it. I would sing Rascal Flatts, “My Wish for You.” I would love to have my own cell phone. I want to play games on it. I want to see Rudoph, the red nosed reindeer. How do you get here in one night? I cannot wait to see you, Presley Dear Santa, My name is Sean R. I like to play with my sand truck outside. I would like a Power Rangers Samurai Megazord. I would also like a pack of aliens. These are awesome toys, and I would have so much fun playing with them. What cookies do you like and how do you get around the world in one day? Your very biggest fan, Sean R.

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Dear Santa, How old are you? I’m 7 and I like necklaces and bracelets. Do I deserve presents? If I do, I would like a toy Teddy Bear. I like rings, too. Your friend, Nicole Dear Santa, I am eight years old. My favorite television show is Mad. I would like Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab for Christmas. I would also like I Am T-Pain. I have been very good all year. How old are you? How many friends do you have? Merry Christmas! Your friend, Carter

Dear Santa, My name is Noble. I think I deserve more than coal. I have been on my best behavior. Here is what I would like – there is a snowball maker. It looks like a pair of cups fitted into scissors and you can scoop up snow and it makes snowballs. I would also like 800 Microsoft points. Then I can purchase some more map packs for my video games. What is your favorite cookie and what kind of milk do you like? Sincerely, Noble


Dear Santa, What is your favorite color? My favorite color is blue. I want an iPod for Christmas that you can put songs and games on and you can touch it with your finger. I have been good to my friends. When my mom is sick, I make her bed. Your friend, Hunter

from your friends


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Dear Santa, My name is Ethan. I like to play football. My favorite team is the Chicago Bears. I would really like this ultimate octimus prime semitruck that transforms into an autobot. I would also like a puppy that will stay little because I would like to have a friend to play with at my house. I want it to stay little so it can sleep with me at night. What is your favorite reindeer? Love, Ethan Dear Santa, My name is Guin. I live with my sister and my two cousins. I would like a baker machine. It bakes pretzels, cookies, and chocolate brownies. I would also like to have this Brat doll microphone for Christmas for me to sing my favorite songs which are sung by Justin Bieber and Big Time Rush. How many elves do you have? From Guin Dear Santa, My name is Madie. I am nice to my mom and my brother. I would like an iPad. I like to make videos. I want Moxie Girls. I would like to be able to brush their hair. I love doing hair! Will you please tell me who is on the naughty and nice list? Your biggest fan, Madie Dear Santa, My name is Andrew. I am eight years old, and I live in the country. I have a brother, a dog, a cat, and five fish. I would like an open face reel because the closed face reel gets jammed up. I would also like new boots because my old boots look like my dog has been chewing on them. How do you visit around the world at night? Christmas is my first favorite holiday. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, My name is Audri. I love to play with stuffed animals. I would like a Fidget Friend because it does everything with you. It dances with you, it talks to you, and if you say its name, it says “hello.” How do your reindeer not get thirsty on the way? Merry Christmas! From, Audri Dear Santa, My name is Josh. My grandpa was your friend. I would like a toy monster truck. I would drive over my cars with the monster truck. I wonder how your sleigh works. Sincerely, Josh

Dear Santa, My name is Iyahna. I love to play with my brothers. We play with the McDonald’s toys. We roll it back and forth to each other. I would like a walking puppy for Christmas. I would play with it. I would also like a baby doll. I would hold it, feed it, and love it. Thank you for all the toys that you gave me on past Christmases. Do you have a real reindeer that has a red nose? Love, Iyahna Dear Santa, My name is Isaiah. I play with my baby brother, and he makes a mess in the floor with the toys. I would like a toy car for Christmas. I would play with it at my friend’s house. I would also like a remote controlled Jeep. I would play with it outside and build ramps for it. Finally, I would like a new hockey player. I never have batteries for the other one. It takes the big round batteries. How do you get around the world in one day? Sincerely, Isaiah Dear Santa, My name is Liera. I am good at playing on the computer. I would like a princess set for Christmas. I would put it in my room on my closet shelf. I would also like rings, bracelets, and necklaces. I would like the stones to be red and brown. Finally, I would like a Barbie set. I would store it on my closet shelf. How do you get here so fast? Sincerely, Liera Dear Santa, My name is Paige. I live in Carterville. I am going to Chicago sometime. I would like a Fidjet Friend. I would play with it and talk to it. It actually responds back to you. I would like the video game Wappy Dog. I would get to play it on my DS. How many elves are there in your workshop? Sincerely, Paige Dear Santa, My name is Grace. I’m seven years old. I’ve been excellent because I helped my mom. Do your elves like to make toys? I’m is second grade. Do you like Christmas. I love Christmas. Please can I have a puppy? Can I have some Barbies? Tell Mrs. Claus I said Hi! Your Friend, Grace

www.thesouthern.com Dear Santa, My name is Connor. I am seven years old. I have been good right? Santa, I love you. I want a DS3D. You did a great thing. My brother wants ebay pokemon cards and I do, too. Love, Connor Dear Santa, My Name is Camron. I am seven years old. How old are you? How many elves do you have? Is Rudolph your favorite reindeer? How may presents do the elves make in one night? How many reindeer do you have? What is your favorite thing to do? Are there any ice monsters in the North Pole? I’m being good because when somebody steals something of mine I don’t yell at them or argue with them. I have fed the dogs without mom or dad asking me to feed them. When I write my wish list give me something I didn’t ask for. Your friend, Camron Dear Santa, My name is Joseph. My age is 7. could please have a eXploder gun and a wrestling ring. Do the rain deer eat cookies? I’ve been doing pretty good. Have a great Christmas. Your friend, Joseph Dear Santa, My name is Isaac. I am 8. I have been good because I saw your letter on the computer. Is Rudolph’s nose still glowing? I would please like a bumblebee lego builder and for my friend Kevin, Sonic Unleashed. Your Friend, Isaac S. Dear Santa, My name is Macey. I have been good. How many reindeer do you have? Me and my brother are trying not to kick and punch. What kind of cookies do you like? My brother Brennan wants a Xbox 360. Could I please have a electric scooter. Happy Christmas! PS what kind of milk do you like? Your friend, Macey L. Dear Santa, My name is Evie. I’m seven years old. I have been good by cleaning my room. Do you have a favorite elf? Are there any girl reindeer? Could I please have the new Amarican girl doll and a guinea pig? Also can you please get my big brother some basketball cards. Your friend, Evie


Dear Santa, My name is Alex. I am eight years old. I have been good because I do my chors without anyone asking me to do it. How old do the Elves get? What tools do the Elves use? Can you please get me a sled? Your friend, Alex Dear Santa, My name is Leah. I am 7. I have cleaned my room all year. I have tried not to hit my brother! How many Elves are there? Could I please have a pony? Merry Christmas, Your friend, Leah Dear Santa, My name is Xavier. I am 8 years old. Santa, I need to ask you something. Is Rudolph the red nosed reindeer real? If he is, send me a picture. Could I please have Sonic generations for Nintendo 3DS? If I get it before Christmas just give me Sonic adventure bendable 4 pack. That would be nice. Could you get a yo gabba gabba play set for my baby brother Quinton. He would like that. I am nice because I let my sister Alexys play Sonic DX. That is how I am nice. I hope you have a great Christmas! Your friend, Xavier Dear Santa, My name is Jordan. I am 7 years old. I’ve been good this year. I helped my papa with making homemade milkshakes. I heped my mom cook French toast for breakfast. I helped Landon spell the word What. Please bring me a remote control crane. Bring Landon a car. Your friend, Jordan Dear Santa, My name is Brooklyn. I’m 7 in a half. I’ve been good by helping others. How many reindeer do you have? Could I please have the pink thing that you can do your hair and a Barbie house. Also can you get toys for my cats. PS I love Christmos. PPS Tell Mrs. Claus I said hi. I love Christmos. Your friend, Brooklyn H. Dear Santa, My name is Martina. I’m 7 (and a half). My mom says “You are a very mature for a seven year old.” Well, anyway, I’ve always wondered if you ever saw someone when you are delivering? Which elf is your favorite? Anyway, could I please have 2 wii games which those are wii sports resorts, and Mario Kart. Also I know my sister Morgan, wants more Bop magazines. If you could please get those for me! I love Christmas, and I hope you do too! Love, Martina B.

Dear Santa, My name is Erin. I’m 7 I think I have been good because I helped put away the silverware. What is it like in the North Pole? Is it always snowing? Do the reindeer always eat carrots? Could I please have a new Barbie doll? My cat wants a fake mouse. Your friend, Erin Dear Santa, My name is Dina. I am seven years old. I have been good. Do you know how I’ve been good? I have helped my family. My cat can not het up on my bed so I help her up on my bed. How old are you? How old are the your reindeer? How old are your Elves? Could I please have a doll that looks like you and can I have some D.S.I. games too! Also can you get my cat Breeze a new cat toy! I hope you love my note! Love, Dina Dear Santa, My name is Andrew. I am age 8. I have been good. I help my mom and dad. Do you really have elves? Could I please have Legos. Can you please get my brother a Lego Halo? PS Say Hi to Mrs. Claus. Your friend, Andrew Dear Santa, My name is Averi. I am 7 years old. I have been trying to not fight with my brother. Does Mrs. Claus wear red too? What kind of cookies do you like? Could I please have a hair bow and D.S. Game? Chloe wants a doll house. My brother wants 3 D.S. games. Merry Christmas! Love, Averi Dear Santa, My name is Ramzi. I am seven years old. I am polite. I don’t fight with my brothers that much. What do you do when it is not Chistmais? Can I please get an electric Razor scooter. Also can Rakan and Metae get a stuffed animal? Merry Christmais. Your friend, Ramzi Dear Santa, My name is Daniel. I am 8. I have been good about saying bless you. Could I have an old Star Wars toy? Also for my big brother Ronnie can he have a republic commando battle pack? Your friend, Daniel Dear Santa, My name is Zack. My age is 8. My question is do you really exist? Could you please get me an iPod Touch? Can you please get my dog a chew toy? I an good helping my dad with setting up the Christmas tree. Happy Christmas Santa! Your friend, Zachary

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Dear Santa, My name is Jaron. I am eight. I have been good by cleaning my room. How many houses do you deliver to? Could I have an iPod? Also my brother would like an iPod touch. What is the weather at the North Pole? Your friend, Jaron Dear Santa, My name is Seth. I am seven years old. Is comet the strongest reindeer? Could I please have an electric scooter? my sister wants a cheerleader doll and a weiner dog. Also how old is Comet? I have been good. I help my brother clean the room and I helped my mom put up the Christmas lights. Your friend, Seth Dear Santa, How are you and Rudolph. I want a Playstation 3 please I want a PSP please I want a ice cream maker please. How are the elfs and the reneder I can’t wait until you eat my cookies have a good Christmas. Christmas is my faviarit time of year. Your friend, Gavin Dear Santa, How is it going? I would like a Momster truck for Christmas I also like action figures. A remote control car would be great too! I hope to get an xbox 360. You are so nice. Your friend, Menki Dear Santa, How are you? I want a DSI because I don’t have Mario 3DS. I would also like a game boy, sim racing and a basket ball because my ball because my ball is small. I hope you like my cookies. Your friend, Nate B. Dear Santa, How are you? I’m feeling the best. What kind of cookies do you like? My name is Isabella. But my nick name is Bella. When you come can you bring me a Lala Loopsy and a small pillow pet. I also would like a picture of Rudolph. I hope you don’t mind. How are the elves doing. Mare Christms. Your friend, Isabella Dear Santa, I think you are really jolly just like me. There are only 3 things I want and those 3 things are a PS3, Ferret and a volleyball! Thank you for your attention. Your friend, Nathaniel R. Dear Santa, I want a x-box 360 with Halo. I would like more DogaCars and a nigoggo. Santa I want to no how your elf make the toys. Your friend, Trent Dear Santa, I am doing grat! Can you ples git me a skeleton on Chrstmas day fore me plese. I Love you and I wode love some bedes for me if you plese to me, but most of all I wunt my famly at Christmas day plese. Your friend, Morgan Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’m good. I wood like a Tv and a fijit friend. Wait kind of cookies wood you like? Can you pleas get me a pikcher of you and you’r elves and the rain deer and agspesholy Rudolph the red nose rain deer. Your friend, Kasha Dear Santa, You are the best! Santa I can not wait for you to eat my cookies. I want gummy bears in my stolking. I really want a picture of Rodof, please. Santa, I love Christmas so much because of you. Your friend, Briley


Dear Santa, I hope you like my cookies. I would like a iPad touch. I would like a pee we pet and a lot of books but all I really what is my family. If you can do that you are the best you are a good friend. I like some sparkle pants. I love sparkle! Your friend, Deidra

Dear Santa, How are you? I am doing good! Can you please get me an I pad 2 and an I pod tuch. How are the elfs, rain deer and Miss Claus. I want a game chair with a I pod plugin. I hope you like the cookies. I want a picture of the deer. Your friend, Elijah

Dear Santa, Guss what I want for Christmas. I would like some LaLaLopses. I would live some pinkalishes books. I would also like a happy family and a great christmas. I love Christmas. Marry Christmas. Your friend, Kami

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’m doing good! For Christmas I want Cardinal playing cards and some world records book 2011 and 12. I want a DSi, thank you so much Santa or St. Nicholas thank you! I want this because I love the Cardinals fan please Santa or St. Nicholas. Thank you for Christmas. Your friend, Nicholas

Dear Santa, Are you doing ok? I want a pog stik aI can’t wait for you to eat our cookies, I want a Nerf Gun and play dough I would also like lase tag and a puppy and a cycle coaster would be awesome Have a grat chrismas! Your friend, Gabe H. Dear Santa, How are you? I am grat. can I have a Gi joe guy named Duke and a bb gun. I love Christmas. I have one of your elfs at my home. I call him Jeff. he’s so cute. I hope I get him, till the end of my life. Your friend, Alex Dear Santa, How are you? I’m great! Can you send me a picture of roodoff. Is Mrs. Santa good? May you please get me a big remote car! How are the reindeer and Elf. How cold is it. May you get me a black pug that’s a puppy. May you get me star wars guys and a Xbox 360. Please write back. Your friend, Spencer Dear Santa, How are you? I’m fine! Can you bring me a American girl doll? I want it because it could be cool for me. Also I would love a hamster a live one. My other one dided and I want another one. The last thing I want is a flat screan T.V because my T.V is getting old. The rest is whatever you want to give me. Your friend, Olivia Dear Santa, I’m good. How are you? Can you get me gummy worms for Chrismtmas please? I love gummy worms. I’m just a crazy kid. I would love a lalaloopsy. How are the elfs. I would love a pink fijet friend. I can’t wait till Chrismtmas. Please write back. Thank you for all those presents you’v all ready gave me. Your friend, Kylee Dear Santa, I love Christmas! Do you! Can I have a 3DDS and a puppy so my dog can have a best friend. Can it be a beagel mix because I love beagl mixs! Your friend, Gabe W. Dear Santa, I would like a b.b. gun and a camo pocket knife. Can I get a bone for my dog and a coat for him to. What should I get for my dad and my brothers I know what I’ll get them love from me to brighten up the Christmas sperit with joy. Thak you for reading my letter and can I have a bell from your slay. Your friend, Noah Dear Santa, I want a chritmas tree. And lots of Scoody Doo Movie and a bed and a ds, for Christmas. That is it. Eat my cookies please I love Christmas. How are you doing? How are the ilfs doing. Your friend, Jacob

Dear Santa, Hello my name is Dylan and I am 7 years old. How are the elves? I would like to have a xbox. I would like to have a dirt bike. And I would like a Miner’s Jersey from will block. Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Dylan F. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Kelsey and I am 7 years old. Did you send me my Elf on the Shelf? I would like to have wizard lol membership paperjaz or beez soothing spa. Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck Christmaas night. Your friend, Kelsey M. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Wesley and I am 7 years old. Does Roudolph sill have a red nose? I would like to have a remote control car, stompies slippers, and a remote control guy. Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Wesley H. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Alexis and I am 8 years old. How is Mrs. Claus? I would like to have 3 care bears, 2 stuffed bears and stompies slippers. Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck Christmas night. Your friend, Alexis P. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Hayden and I am 8 years old. How do you fit down the chimney? I would like a puppy. I would like a drawing book. I would like a I phone. Thank you for reading this Santa good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Hayden D. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Jackson and I am 8 years old. How is Mrs. Close? I wuld like a xBox 360 and I want call of duty black ops for the DS and I want a air sort gun Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Jackson M. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Cadynce and I’m 7 years old. How do your reindeer fly? I would like a tv, Laptop, Make up ket thank you this santa. Good luck chismas night. Your friend, Cadynce J. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Lydia C. and I am 7 years old. You are so quiet in my house, how do you do it? I would like to have a fijit friend and a American Girl doll. Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck on Christmas night!!!!!!!!!! Your friend, Lydia C.


www.thesouthern.com Dear Santa, How are you doing I am doing good I am would also like a baby dolls and dog and cat. Say hi to Radolph for me. Your friend, Victoria Dear Santa, Hi my name is Trista. I am seven years old. How is Mrs. Claus? I would like a iPad touch and a Barbie and some books. Good Luck on Crismas night! Your friend, Trista J. Dear Santa, Hello. my name is Charlotte and I am 8 years old. How do you go around the world in one night? I would like to have some dog stompies slippers and princess unicorn in her palace. Thank you for reading this, Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Charlotte G. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Raegan and I am 7 years old. How do you get around the world in one night? I would like to have 3 necklace that says BRRS, Goosebumps Book’s, paper Jamz. Thank you for readying this Santa. Good luck Christmas night!!!! Your friend, Raegan L. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Mikaelyn and I am 8 yers old. Did you send me my Elf on the Shelf? I would like to have a iPod touch and the American girl doll Kanani and a wappy dog. Thank you for reading this, Santa. Good luck on Christmas night. Your friend, Mikaelyn M. Dear Santa, Hello my name is JD and I am 7 years old. Does Rudolph still have a red nose? I would like to have the biggest batcave ever yoba and captin America on his motorcycle. Thank you for reading this, Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, JD D. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Madison and I am 7 years old. How do your reindeer fly? I would like a I-pod tuch. And a electric scooter. And jewelry. Thank you for Reading this Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Madison M. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Spencer and I am 8 years old. How do you go around the world in one night? I would like to have Back yard safari, giant magnafind critter box. Docter dredful bug lab. Goosebumps movie calling all creeps. Thank you for reading this, Santa. Good luck on Cristmas night! Your friend, Spencer B. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Dylan and I am 7 years old how is Mrs. Claus? I would like to have a pokemon book and skydivers. Thank you for reding this Santa. Good luck on Christmas night. Your friend, Dylan G. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Marshall. I am a student at Tri-C. I have brown hair and am good at running. I like Christmas it is my favorite holiday. I am good at math and racing dirt bikes. How many toys do the elves make in one day? How did Rudolph have a red nose? How many elves do you have? I have been very good this year. Now can I please have a P.S.P pleeeaaassseee! I wish I could see you! Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. Your friend, Marshall B.

Dear Santa, Hello my name is Nicholas and I am 7 years old. Does Rudolph still have a red nose? I wuld like to have a ps3, and a wii thank you for riding this, santa. Gook luk Cristmas night. Your friend, Nicholas B. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Brock and I am 7 years old. How are the elves? I would like a Aaron rogers jersey please. I would like a Greg Jennings jersey please. I would like a Matt forte jersey please. Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck on Cristmas night! Your friend, Brock D. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Menna and I am 8 years old. How do you fit down the Chimney? I would like a robot that is like Santa and I would like real wigs that can fly and a DSi please! Thank you for reading this, Santa. Good luck on Chrimas night! Your friend, Menna S. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Rachel and I am 7 ½ years old. Do you get full eating all the cookies and milk? I would like to have a ipad a iPod and some D.S. games and a American girl doll and a lot of clothes to go with it. Thank you for reading this. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Rachel B. Dear Santa, Hello, My name is Prisha. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a girl. I like Christmas. My birthday is in October 23, 2003. And I am good at math like my dad! How was your Thanksgiving? How cold is it in the north pole? How many kids are all over the world? I lik you and your reindeer and your elves very much! I have been good this year. Could you please bring me a bell from your sleigh. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Prisha Dear Santa, Hello my name is Dylan and I am 8 years old. How do all the presents fit in your bag? I would like to have the new Wipeout 2 thing I also want to have the new Kirby game for wii. Thank you for reading this, Santa. Good luck on Christmas night! Your friend, Dylan S. Dear Santa, Mello my name is Bryce and I am 8 years old. Dose Rudolph still have a red nose? I would to have a nerf gun cabela’s big game hunter, Battle of Los Angelos Thank you for reading this Santa. Good luck Christmas night! Your friend, Bryce M. Dear Santa, Hello my name is Nick. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a boy. I like God and Christmas. I am good at Baseball. How many toys do the elves make in one night? How was your thanksgiving? How many elves do you have? Can you get me pokemon cards PS pleeeeease. Your friend, Nick Dear Santa, Hello, my name is River. I am a student at Tri-C. I am a boy. I like Pokemon. I am good a p.e. How do your reindeers fly? How do you deliver all the presents in one night? Do you ever take a break? I have been good this year. Could you please bring me a pokemon ball? Your friend, River

Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Dylan and I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a good Baseball hitter. I like to play wrestler with my dog. What is your reindeers name? How do your reindeer fly? What do your reindeer like/ I have been ok I what a twister car. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Dylan Dear Santa, Hello my name is Will and I am 8 yeas old. How do your reindeer fly. I would like a Puppy and a xbox 360 and call of dudy 2. thank you for reading it. Good luck Christmas night. Your friend, Will Y. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Grace. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a girl. I like Christmas. I am good at swimming. How was your Thanksgiving? How cold is it at the north pole? Do you ever take a break? I have been good this year. Could you bring me A bell from Santa’s sleigh. Merry Christmas!!!! Your friend, Grace Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Sydney. I am a student at Tri-C. I am a girl. I like Grace. I am good at P.E. What are all the elves names? How do you deliver all the presents in one night? Do you ever take a break? I have been a good girl. I want a stuffed animal. Your friend, Sydney H. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Amanda. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am good a soccer. I like watching movies. Do you ever take a break? How many presents do you make in a year? What are all the elves names and how do you remember them all? I can’t wait till Christmas. I have been good. Can you please bring me a violin? Your friend, Amanda Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Troy. I’m a student at Tri-C. I’m a boy. I like skylanders. I’m good at science. How many elves are there? Do you play sports? About how many toys do you make in a year? I’ve been good. PS can I have skylanders. Your friend, Troy L. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Buddy. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a boy and I have blue eyes. I like Ben-10. I am good at building legos. How do your reindeers fly? How are your elves doing? How are your doing Santa? I think I’ve been good. Could you please bring me Ben-10 toy car. Your friend, Buddy Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Manuel. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a boy. I like soccer. I am good at working. Do you r really have Rudolph t the red nose reindeer? I have been good most of the time this year. Can you please bring me a remote control car that’s made out of metal and that has lights. Your friend, Manuel Dear Santa, Hello. My name is Brailey. I am a student at Tri-c I’m a girl. I want an american girl and a I want a game. How are your doing Santa? How do your reindeers fly? How are your elves doing? Your friend, Brailey


Dear Santa, Hello, My name is Zack. I am a student at Tri-C. I like baseball, football, soccer, and basketball. How high can your reindeers fly? How cold is it in the North Pole? What are the elves names. I can’t wait for Christmas. I have been good most of the time. Can you get the best to for me. Merry Christmas Santa. Your friend, Zack R. Dear Santa, Hello, My name is Mackenzie. I am a student at Tri-C Elementary. I am a girl. I have seven friends. I am good at gymnastics How cold is it at the North pole? What are all the elves names? How do you get all over the world in one night? Do you thing I’ve been good? Could you bring me a bell from your sleigh. PS pleeeeeeese. Your friend, Mackenzie R. Dear Santa, Hello My name is David. I am a student at Tri-C I have brownish greenish eyes, blond hair, and I like to play with my friends. Santa how do you remember all the raindeers names? Santa for Christmis I want a Nintendo 3Ds and Super Mario 3D land. Your friend, David S. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Dalton. I go to Tri-C. I have a B.B. gun. I have a lego star wars game. How are your doing Santa? What do you want for Christmas Santa? I have been ok I want kids around the world to have good homes, parents and food and water to drink. Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Dalton T. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Elias. I am a student at Tri-C. I am a boy. I like to play Lego Harry Potter Year 1-4. I’m good at baseball. How was your Thanksgiving? How can you deliver gifts in 1 night? I want a Hailfire Droid. And Saint Nick Merry Christmas. Also I think your awesome. I’ve been mostly good. Your friend, Elias Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Karley. I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I have a brother. I like Santa. I’m good at Softball. How do your reindeers fly? How many toy’s do the elves make in one night How cold is it at the North pole? How do you deliver all of your toys? I like all of you reindeer very much. I think that I have been good. I want a puppy lab. It wood be yellow I want it very bad. Your friend, Karley V. Dear Santa, Hello, my name is Zac. I am a student at Tri-C. I am a boy. I like to play x-box 360 games. I am good at army games on the x-box. How do reindeers fly? How are your elves doing? What are the reindeers names? I have been good this year. Could you please bring me army guys and a toy gun? Your friend, Zac Dear Santa, Hello, My name is Landon. I am a student at Tri-C Elementary. I am a boy. I like to play on the playground. I am good at basketball. How do you fly? How do the elves work so fast? What do you feed your reindeer? I have been good this year. Could you please bring me a new game for Nintendo DS? Your friend, Landon

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Dear Santa, I am a student at Tri-C. I am a girl. I like soccer. I am good at playing basketball. What are the elves doing? Are there a lot of presents? Do the elves clean up the workshop? I have been good this year. Could you please bring me a new bike. I would like a rainbow bike. Your friend, Money G. Dear Santa, I am a student at Tri-C Elem. I am a girl. I like pizza. I am good at softball. How do you remember all of your reindeers’ name? How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a kindle fire? Your friend, Sydney S. Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a deer stand and a DSI. I will leave you a picture and lettuce for your reindeer. Love, Kreighton Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a Barbie and a MP3 player. I will leave you some cookies and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Mia Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a bunch of candy in a big bag and a basket of flowers. I will leave you some candy canes and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Cynthia


Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me candy and a bird. I will leave you candy canes and reindeer chow for your reindeer. Love, Shevy

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a stuffed animal horse and a bird. I will leave you a picture and a sugar cube for your reindeer. Love, Carmen

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a DSI XL and a Blizzard maker. I will leave you cookies and chow for your reindeer. Love, Maddison

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me Legos and a cat. I will leave you some crayons and a rope for your reindeer. Love, Kenny

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a race care and a stuffed puppy. I will leave you some salad and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Katelin

Dear Santa, Please bring me a bracelet, a necklace, lights, makeup, a seashell, a DSI, nail polish, a doctor kit, an American Girl doll, a pool table for the boys, a Christmas tree for the family, a cell phone, a ginger bread, real ornaments for the tree, a fake bell, fake elf, fake flowers, fake butterfly, a fake bowl, and blue and gold ornaments. Love, Abby

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a dirt bike and a MP3 player. I will leave you candy and for your reindeer lettuce. Love, Kyler Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a deer stand and a globe. I will leave you cookies and milk and lettuce for your reindeers. Love, Xander

Dear Santa, Please bring me pretty lipsticks. I want something for my sister Madison. I would also like toys. Daddy and Mom would like a picture. I have been a good girl. I will leave you candy and cookies. Love, Alex

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a dirt bike. I will leave you a candy cane and water for your reindeer. Love, Weston

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Nintendo D.S. I have been a good girl. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love, Amara M.

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me make-up and book with a dog. I will leave you milk and cookies for your reindeer. Love, Jaci

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a four wheeler and a DSI. I will leave you some candy and carrots for your reindeer. Love, David

Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy semitruck (I hope it comes with a trailer), a toy cop car, and a train table. I have been good. How have the reindeer been? Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Brock

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a toy jet and legos. I will leave you a candy cane and celery for your reindeer. Love, Paxten

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a Barbie and a toy. I will leave you some hot chocolate and water for your reindeer. Love, Mason

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a globe and a Christmas tree. I will leave you a picture and water for your reindeer. Love, Fiona

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Could you please bring me a race car and a monster truck. I will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Isaac

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Barbie, a banana monkey, and something for my sister. I know what she wants, a Barbie movie! I have been good. I like you. Happy New Year! Love Cali Dear Santa, Please bring me a pen, a Barbie with some clothes, a little horse, a teddy bear, and a Candyland game. Love, Olivia

Have a Blessed and Joyous Holiday Season! Need Room for Your STUFF?R


Dear Santa, Please bring me a fake snake, a red fish, a fake turtle, a Nintendo D.S., a real bear, a bow and arrow, and a Santa hat. I have been a good by. Also I want a Lightening McQueen. Love, Devyn Dear Santa, Please bring me a big monster truck, a rattle for Carter, a big gun for me, a slingshot, and a game to go on my Leapster. Brayden would also like a gun. Shealee would like a dol. I have been a good boy. Love, Dillon Dear Santa, Please bring me a little motor bike that I can ride, a toy airplane, a little dragon, a toy car, and a dog. I also would like a Wii with tons of games. I have been a good boy. My brother Dillan would like a PlayStation. Justin would like an X-box? Love, Jason R. Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy car, a bear for my baby friend (so he won’t be scared in the night), a 55 lb bag of exploders, a toy semi-truck, a cop car too, a PSP, a toy gun (for the exploders), and a lego boat. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I have bee a good boy. Love, Jon Dear Santa, Please bring me a pole to bat my cousin Davis with, a Nintendo D.S., a Fin McMissel car, the new Lightening McQueen from Cars II, Franchesko, a pool table with a swimming pool underneath it, a monster truck, a toy snake, a Rudolph toy, clothes, a pet fish, stompies, a tomato gun to shoot myself with and a gameMarion Sonic for D.S. I have been a good boy. My mommy has been good, so please bring her toys. Uncle Matt has been good, so please bring her toys. Uncle Matt has been good, so please bring mm what he wants. Also, please bring Grandpa and Grandma some things. Love, Kaden S. Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy truck, a toy tractor, and a wagon. Ella would like an American Girl Doll. Analynn likes Barbies. I will leave you milk and cookies. I also want toy hand cuffs. I have been a good boy. Love, Kadyn B.


161 E. Vienna St.


& A Great and Safe New Year!


Dear Santa, Please bring me a Power Ranger Megazord. I would like to have a Transformer. Thank you for bring my presents. Love, Trey Dear Santa, Please bring me a monster truck, a control for the truck, and a trailor. I also want some toys. My brother wants a shotgun (he is 11). I also want scissors. I have been a good boy. My other brother, Alex, wants a snuggle, my sister wants a monster truck. We would all like an x-box. Love, Nick C. Dear Santa, Please bring me a pretty Barbie, an Easy Bake oven, a Nintendo D.S., and a Shaw, Shaw (little snails, not real, that you can change their shells). Also I would like flowers and a Minnie Mouse. I have been a good girl. Also I want a book. Love Reagan F. Dear Santa, Please bring me a Barbie doll for Christmas. I would also like a LaLa Loopsee. My mom would like new ornaments. I think Dad would like Cardinal decorations. My sister Brittany would like a C.D., and my brother, C.J. would like a video game. I have been a good girl. Love, Sara N. Dear Santa, Please bring me a Happy Nopper, a swimming pool, a pool table, cowgirl boots, baby dolls, and Barbie dolls. I would also like a play Christmas tree. Haylee really wants something, but I don’t remember what it is. Sam and I want guitars. I have been a good girl. I love you. Love, Taylor C.

Dear Santa, Please bring me a dog, Mario, Sharkboy, MP3 player, a cell phone, and stuffed Rudolph. I would also like cowboy boots, and a play airplane. My brother Tyler would like a x-box 360. My dad wants a dvd player. Mom wants a little vacuum cleaner. I have been a good boy. Love, Zach C. Dear Santa, Please bring me a Nintendo Game boy, a thing that talks – it looks like a bird and copies what you say, and a Dora game to play on the Gameboy. I have been a good girl. Love, Lily Dear Santa, Please bring me a Mickey Mouse costume for Christmas. Please bring me a Batman facemask and a Mickey Mouse book. Is the reindeer going to bring me my presents? Love, Paul Dear Santa, Please bring me Day of the Diesels playset and a racetrack. Do you live at the North Pole? Love, Landen Dear Santa, Please bring me some Barbies, a new play kitchen, and some new clothes. Love, Lydia Dear Santa, Please bring me a Spiderman web shooter and a motorcycle. Bring my sister a Barbie house. My Gigi wants make-up and I want a new truck for my pawpaw. I want you to bring more make-up for Casey and Betty wants perfume. Love, Christopher and Tami Dear Santa, Please bring me a DSI, an X-Box, a girl DSI for my sister, a Spiderman toy, a Captain America costume, and a coloring book with markers for my sister and me. Love, Izac Dear Santa, Please bring me some rollerskates, some fake flowers, and a blue shirt for my mom. Love, Cheyenne


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Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, Please bring me a sleeping bag, a Game “girl”, a toy swan, a side drawer to color on, a Sponge Bob toy, Patrick Star, a turtle, and a seat. I have been a good girl. My brothers Ryker and Treat want Gameboys. I love you, Santa! Love, Layla

Dear Santa, Please bring me a monster truck, Transformers, and a D.S. I would also like cowboy boots because I lost mine. I have been a good boy. How has Rudolph been? Love, Zachary B.

Happy Holidays from Your Friends


Wishing You a

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Wii game called Disney Universe, Toy guns, a Sponge Bob snuggie, Spiderman stuff, and Sponge Bob stuff. My mommy wants a blue ray player. Kaden, my brother, wants a Rock t-shirt, but Mom is getting it for him. I have been a good boy. I love you. Love, Kanon








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Dear Santa, Please bring me a trampoline for me and my brother. My dad needs a new flying duck decoy. My mom likes jewelry. Bring my brother some tractors too. Love, Alexis

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Thomas the Tank Engine remote control crane and firetruck, A Buzz Lightyear for my brother, a belt for my dad, and a rainbow t-shirt for my mom. Love, Adam

Dear Santa, Please bring me a DS, a BBQ grill, and an X-Box. Love, Nathanial

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Superman toy, a Jasmine William princess toy, a tiny teddy bear, a car for my dolls, a shirt and a clock. Love, Jazmin

Dear Santa, Please bring me a DS with some DS dinosaur games, some snow and sliding games, a hunting deer game, a Toy Story 2 game, and a BB gun. Love, Mason Dear Santa, Please bring me a teddy bear and some baby dolls. Love, Addy Dear Santa, Please bring me the CandyLand game, a girls DS, a Barbie with some clothes, a ds a rocking horse with a teddy bear on it. Love, Tessa Dear Santa, Please bring me a CandyLand game, A Barbie house, a kitchen, a new bed, and a Barbie car. Love, KayLynn Dear Santa, Please bring me DS games and Barbie dolls. Love, Jocey Dear Santa, Please bring me a Barbie house, a CandyLand game, a Barbie, shoes, pants, and some socks. Love, Abby Dear Santa, Please bring me a Wii, a gun, markers, a teddy bear, and a book. Love, Haven Dear Santa, Please bring me a dirt bike and a computer. Bring a doll for my grandma. Bring bikes for my brothers. I want a pencil too. Bring a T.V. for my dad and a bed for my mom. Bring me a blue folder too. Love, Xavier Dear Santa, Please bring me walkie talkies for Christmas. Love, J.C. Dear Santa, Please bring me a Princess Pony Happy Napper. I want Sydney to get a Teddy Snail and Hannah a Fijit Friend. I want Lucy to get a new collar and leash. Love, Katelyn Dear Santa, Please bring me a new bicycle, a new snowsled, a tank truck, and a princess sled for my sister. Love, Noah Dear Santa, Please bring me some Car’s racetracks. Please bring my baby sister the Topzy Tumblers fun park and a Laugh & Learn Puppy. Bring gloves for my dad and a different cleaning mop for my mom. Maybe my pawpaw would like a new rifle and my grandma anew washer or mop or new decorations. Love, Dalton

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Zoogle, a Barbie, a toy hamster, Monster High zombie dolls, a Fijit Friends toy, and a Barbie princess doll. Love, Shannan Dear Santa, Please bring me a play kitchen, a play dirt bike, and a new desk. I like Santa. Love, Landon Dear Santa, Please bring me a gumball machine, a baby doll, some jewelry, a bear, an Oscar in the trash can, a apple machine, and some jewelry for my mom. Love, Toni Dear Santa, Please bring me a Journey Girl Dana and a blue Figit Friend. Bring my brother a Buzz Lightyear and an Elefun ball bopper. Bring my mom her favorite movie, The Lion King. Bring my dad the movie Zookeeper cause its funny. My brother also wants Cars 2 and I want an Easy-Bake Oven. Love, Josie Dear Santa, Please bring me a scooter, a bike, roller skates, and a four wheeler. Love, Alanna Dear Santa, Please bring me a heart doll like the ones online and a Dora doll like my sister has. Bring my mom a pair of bright red high heels for when her foot heals. Bring me some Monster High dolls and my sister a Lalaloopsy doll. For all of us, bring a movie. Love, McKenzie Dear Santa, Please bring me a skateboard. I want a train and a go-cart. I want a Wii for my mommy, she likes them. Santa, you are very nice. Love, David Dear Santa, Please bring me a sleeping bag with hearts on the outside. Love, Briana Dear Santa, Please bring me an iPod for Christmas because I can’t find mine. I want a DSI because you can take pictures and look at them with it. My sister would like a microphone and piano. My mom would like a beautiful necklace and my dad a new captain hat. Love, Rayna Dear Santa, Have you made your lists? This year for Christmas I would like an X-box 360, a 3DS, a game of Mario Cart 7 and Legos. See you soon! Love, Parker

Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like a ticket to a baseball game and a video game and a dog. See you soon! Love, Will Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like a big RC toy Shark and a DS and Xia-Xia Crabs. See you soon! Love, Skylar Dear Santa, Are you okay? I would like an X-box 360 and an Elamosaurus Deep Sea Playset for the bathtub and Legos. See you soon! Love, Keatton Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year for Christmas I would like an X-box 360. See you soon! Love, Brysten Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like a new Spin Brush, an American Girl Doll and an Ipod touch. See you soon! Love, Kassidy Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year for Christmas I would like a DS game it is called Call of Duty 4. A DS game called Call of Duty and one more called New Super Mario Brothers. See you soon! Love, Cole Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year for Christmas I would like Call of Duty, MW3, a 3DS and Super Mario 3D Land. See you soon! Love, Issac Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? This year for Christmas I would like a dinosaur dig, X-box controller and an X-box game. See you soon!!!!!!!!! Love, Rhett Dear Santa, Have you made your lists? This year for Christmas I would like an Air Hog and a Call of Duty DS game and a 3DS. See you soon! Love, Kaden Dear Santa, Have you made your lists? This year for Christmas I would like an I-pod, gift cards to WalMart, Barnes and Noble, Claires and McDonalds and a DSiXL. See you soon! Love, Sydney Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I would like to get more than 3 friends and feed the hungry. See you soon! Love, Madison Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like Legos, GI Joes and an I-pod. See you soon! Love, Wilson Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like a 3DS and Ninjago spinners and an X-box 360. See you soon! Love, Jackson

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? This year for Christmas I would like a Tinkerbell play house, a play cash register and a DSiXL. See you soon! Love, Kailee Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like and X-box 360 for Christmas and Transformers Dark of the Moon game. See you soon! Love, Garrett Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like a Chichibella, I-pod and an Ipod with chargers. See you soon! Love, Mercedes Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like to have some peace, a Horseland game and Moxi Horse. See you soon! Love, Shealee Dear Santa, How are the elves? This year I would like an X-box 360. See you soon! Love, Dylan Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year for Christmas I would like a Ninjago game, Nerf gun and a computer. Love, Lance Dear Santa, I helped my Mom and my dad with the basmint. I want a dsgame for my Christmas present. I want a new flashlight so I can read in the darck. My famly will be wateing for you. It is cool how you have elfs to help you make toys. It is cool how you have raindeer and drive the raindeers. Love, Whitney Dear Santa, I help my mom make the bed. I want a pasword journal and a d s. I love Santa so much because he gives us gifts. Love, Eleanor Dear Santa, I saved my brothers life. I woud like a skat bord. You are very nice. Love, Jeremy Dear Santa, I’ve been good for doing stuff for my Teacher Mrs. Starky. I have been staying on green. You no what I wont for Chritmas to have is a lolol loopsys and a big lolol loopsys. I love you Santa Cllas. Love, Shelby Dear Santa, I helped Eric with the trash. I wold like a bike helmet and I wold like a drum set please. You are an awesome guy. Love, Jaden Dear Santa, I’v done my homework. I want a D.S.I and a gold fish. I am thankful for presents. You an awesome guy. Love, Marisa Dear Santa, I helped Brittany rap gifts. I want some glue for school and Rex from toy story and a lalaloopsy with a lalaloopsy house. You are nice. Love, Brooke



Dear Santa, Ive been good. I helped my grandma make cookies. I have ate my vegtables. What I want for Christmas is a wii with games, a Dsi with games, and a 3Ds with games. Santa, I think your nice because you bring my sister and I toys. Love, Claire

Dear Santa, I would like a Pirate Ship, Fire Station, Lego City Cargo Train, Helicopter and Space Center. I Love all legos! Mega Blocks too! I have been a good boy! I will leave you Gingerbread House For a snack! I also want a new bike! Evan

Dear Santa, I have kind of been good this year. Will you please not give me coal this year. I have been playing nice with my brothers. Santa please give me a remote contrler car. Christmas is a good hallday. Love, Kody

Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman, Rocket Ship and a Kingdom Shelf! I have been a good boy but I have a few more weeks! I will leave you some cookies and milk for a snack! Tyler

Dear Santa, I have been doing my home work. Santa I want hunting stuf. Santa you are very nice. Love, Landen Dear Santa, I hav don all my home work. I want A pet girble. I also want my dad to get off work A few more days. I think you are A nice man. Love, Tim Dear Santa, I helped my brother clean his room. I want a stuffed animal that is a dinosaur made by and elf. I believe in you Santa. Love, Michael Dear Santa, I have been good at school. I want 2 trasformers and a dsixl. Love you, Santa. Damien Dear Santa, I helpt my mom clean the house. I’ed like for Christmas a remote controle hellecopter pleaes. Some roller stakes for Christmas pleaese. I would love to have a loveing family this Christmas pleaese. You are the guy who gives us presints to play with and a family to selebrate with thank you, Santa. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I have been helping my Grandma with her Christmas tree. I want a Ds game. I love you Santa. Love, Emma Dear Santa, I helped putup decorations on the Christmas tree. I want a babydoll bed and a fake fourweller that I can ride and maby even some lala loopsys with a house to go with them. You are the best. Love, Adreanna Dear Santa, I have helped my grandpa farm. I would like a cd from Toby Keith. I would like a game fro my dsi. And I would like a game for my wii. Santa Spins his night at our house. Love, Isabella Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl. I’ve been good to my family. What is it like being Santa? I want a bad Queen with a prinsses with a candle. I want the candle to glow. Love, Haylee Dear Santa, I’ve ben very good Santa and I wold like a flat screen tv/dsiXL/PS3D/orbes/Easy Bak Oven/Cotin canday maker. From Mac

Dear Santa, I want Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy and Donald Duck too! I have been a good boy! I will leave you candy canes for a snack! Adam Dear Santa, I would like some Smurf Grab ‘Ems and a Frog Alarm Clock! I would also like a touch and learn, and a Secret Agent Headquarters! I have been a Good Boy this year! I will leave you some cookies and Milk! Konal Dear Santa, I want a tent for Christmas, sleeping bag and a Smurfette! I would also like a Pop Up Pig Game, Crayon Maker, Meon. I will leave you some cookies and milk! I have been a good girl! Love, Emily Dear Santa, I want a black spiderman suit and Black Spiderman stuff. I am going to leave you cookie and milk. What do you want for Christmas? I have an elf at my house! Jake Dear Santa, I want a MatchBox Dump Truck! I would like a helicopter too! I also want a hot wheel car shop! I am leaving you cookies and milk! Oliver Dear Santa, I want a Hot Wheel Race Track, Angry Birds Rio because he is blue! And One more thing. It is a Angry Bird Game (you have to get the Angry Bird Into the Hole!). I have been a good Boy! I will leave you a lollypop and milk too for a snack! Maddox Dear Santa, I have been a good girl! Please bring me everything I want! When I worship God I am very happy! Please take me out to the ball game. Love, Zoe Dear Santa, My Mom already got me my tree and lights now all I need is a fake rabbit and trampoline Really that’s what I want All I need is for everyone to be happy to be with their family. Also I’d like to have some candy for my stocking. Thank you so much Santa for helping others. Thank You. Much love, Timothy G. Dear Santa, I want a cannonball. I want a spiderman toy. I want a butler. Marcellus T.

Peace and Joy to All!

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Merry Christmas

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Dear Santa, I would like the batman bat cave, pop the pig game, and spider man web shooter. I have been good. I will leave cookies for your reindeer. Love, Derrick Dear Santa, I want a bike. I want star wars figures. I will leave you milk and cookies. Your friend, Coleman B. Dear Santa, I would like wrestling guys, a truck and more wrestling guys, and wonder dough. Thank you, Austin W.


Dear Santa, I’ve been a good this year. I would like for you to bring me a toy jeep, a race car track, a book about animals, and a new b-b-gun, and a good Christmas for my family. James E. Dear Santa, How do you get down the chimney? Do you like snowball fights? How are the elves? I want a toy drum. I want a truck and I want some magnets. I want a magickit and markers. We are the snoopy class. How is Rudolph? From, Dominick G.


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Wishing you s warm memorie to keep you through the next year.

Dear Santa, I would love to get a lot of Polly Pocket Stuff. A pony would be wonderful. If you cant swing a pony, Dora would be ok. True believer, Ciera Q. Dear Santa, I love you. May I please have a toy corvette for Christmas? Thank you, Cohl P. Dear Santa, I love you Santa For bringing me presents and I hope Jesus has a very good Christmas, because it’s His birthday, and I love Jesus too. I hope you can get all the presents delivered to the good boys and girls. Please bring me a Barbie Boat as I like to play Barbie. I will leave you some cookies and milk on the counter. Thank you and lots of love. Addisyn B. Dear Santa, I want a robot. The biggest robot ever please. And a new dinosaur would be nice. And a castle to play with. My grandpa needs a new jacket & grandma would like a Batman movie. Thank you very much. My mom will make you cookies. Love, Quin G. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a dancing doll, a tori singing doll, a toy horsee. I also want my aunt to be home for Christmas and for my family to be together. I would also horse earrings. Love, Jerid C. Dear Santa, My name is Alex. I will be gone on the 20th. I would like a bike. I’d like a camera phone. I have been a good girl. Love, Alex T.


Dear Santa, I would like Transformers and Spiderman games please. Love, Braden H. Dear Santa, I would like a couple things for Christmas like a Barbie, potato head, Barbie house, unicorn, Baby Alive, baby doll crib, baby stroller, stuffed kitten, some fake flowers, and a bicycle with turning wheels please and thank you. Sincerely, Your Friend, Allison B. Dear Santa, Please bring me toys. Please bring me and my sister some new clothes. I would also really like an xbox. Thank you for reading my letter. Love, Trey S. Dear Santa, I was vere good I like a legrgtr. Hersinobos. I like dees. I like pesp. I lik a mactragra macgrahelacotr lego they cimis mis miss ot ucris set. Niacyn B. Dear Santa, I want a ds for Christmas. I love santa. I want a Barbie. I want a latop. Haw is Rudolph doing. We are the snoopy class. From Ashlee S. Dear Santa, Santa I Wish you have a great time at the North Pole. I love you Santa! Santa what do you wish you cad have for Christmas? Santa, can you get me a American Doll? Oh please, please! Santa, thank you, Santa! From Danielle H. Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I would like a zombie brain for Christmas. I would also like a 4 wheeler. Love, Cannen T.

Dear Santa, I have bean reley good! I want swings. I want a fake poney. I want a feather that goes in my hair. I love you! How are your reindeer? I love you, Rudolph! From Ariana E. Dear Santa, I want a kinekt for me and I want a toy car and a reindeer, and I want a rabbit and a snake. I love you santa and I want pokemon. How are the elves? From Hayden H. Dear Santa, I want a shirt and some shoes and some kitten colaring books and tell the reindeer I said hello from Brooke. From Brooke P. Dear Santa, This is what I want for Christmas. Camping and hunting! How are your reindeer? I love Santa! How are your elves? We are the Snoopy class! From Hunter T. Dear Santa, Iv been very good. I love Christmas! How are you and your elves? I want a guitars. I want a moster truck. I want lots of presents. I want some lagos. How are you and your reindeer? From Landen N. Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I would like a WWE Sincara and Triple H. Thank you Santa. Love, Joshua E. Dear Santa, I am in the snoopy class. How is Rudolph doing Santa? Do you like snow Santa? Do you like snowball fights? I love you Santa. Do you like me Santa? From Abagail S.

Dear Santa, I want Pokemon game. I want lego CItY. I want a Bionkle. I have been so good! I had a snowball fight with a friend. From Lucas S. Dear Santa, I want a monster truck. How is Rudolph? I love you santa. Do you like snowball fight? I love your elves, Santa! Love, Tad C. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I want a fridget friend for Christmas. Can it please be purple? How are the elves doing? Do they like making presents? Love, Alli B. Dear Santa, I want some Storwus acshinfigrs and a spship. Do you like snow? How are the reindeer? This is the snoopy class. From Braden H. Dear Santa, I want a skateboard. I like snow. Do you like snow? How is Rudolph doing? Love, Malik J. Dear Santa, I want an Angry Bird black blanket, a remote control shark, and Leggo Batman. How is Rudolph? How is the reindeer? From Garrett F. Dear Santa, I want a four wheeler for Christmas. I would also like a dirt bike filled with gas! I hope you have gas, cause I need some! Thanks! From Michael J. Dear Santa, I want Littemen cars for Christmas. How did you get so old? I like snow. Do you like snow? Thanks! From Aven L.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all of us here at Vogler Motor Company Carbondale

! Y A D I L O H Y P P A H A E V HA

We’re sending this little note your way, To wish you a happy holiday Filled with enough joy and cheer, To last throughout the coming year.

Best wishes in 2012



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.