S U N D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 0
Personalities Of the Year ON THE COVER The stars of the hit documentary Waiting for ‘Superman’
Meet the Kids from Waiting for ‘Superman’ PLUS Kate Middleton, The New Orleans Saints & 2010’s other game changers © PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.
Walter Scott’s
Q How did Harrison Ford
Q Why does Jake Gyl-
Stars. What’s she up to now?—Vern Vetter, Yakima, Wash.
A Hough, 22, has has managed to dance her way to to a successful crossover career er in country music and movies. vies e . She’s about to releasee her her second album—the he single “Is That S o Wrong?” was a radio hit—has a part alongside Christina Aguilera in i Burlesque, and will illll sstar tarr ta in a remake of Footloose Foot Fo otlo loosee next year. “This is what w at wh a I’ve always wanted d to do,” says Hough, who is dating dattin i g Ryan Seacrest. “I had more opportunities with th dancing at the beginning, but I grew up singing and acting, too. I’m very competitive titive with myself—not with h anyone else—and if I’m not doing the best I can do, o, it just eats me up.” 2 • December 12, 2010
QI barely recognized Georgie Henley in the trail-
er for the new Narnia movie. She looks so grownup! How old is she?—Jen Rowe, Las Vegas, Nev.
Walter Scott asks… Ray Romano Actor, comedian, 52 WS Are you dealing with any of the
same midlife issues your character has on Men of a Certain Age? RR Physically, I am. I’m in bed at 10 now—before I was going out at 10. But mentally I feel like the immature 20-year-old I used to be. When I look in the mirror, it’s odd to think I’ve been placed in this aging body. WS What were you like when you were growing up? RR I wasn’t cool or nerdy. Making people laugh was my way of being validated, I guess. WS Do you still find humor in life? RR I always look for the silly. Maybe that’s the mentality of a comic. But the world is more serious now: You mature.
A Henley
was 10 when the first Narnia film came out. Now 15 and starring in the third, The Voyage of the Henley: Confessions Dawn Treader, she’s discovof a teen queen ering the joys of adolescence. “Once you get past the moodiness and boy trouble, it’s fun,” she says. But Henley isn’t your average teen: “I’m better at dealing with adults because I’ve been on set with them. I’ve learned that if you don’t understand them, you can just laugh and nod along.”
Does Morgan Freeman still wear a glove on his left hand?—Dianne Poulin, New Bedford, Mass.
A Yes. The support-
Q I heard that Jared the Subway Guy ran the New York City marathon last month. How’d he do?—D. Osteen, Orlando, Fla.
Hough: A triple threat
ive glove helps treat injuries he sustained in a serious car accident two years ago. “I’m pretty much okay now except for my hand,” says the actor, 73, who’s filming Dolphin Tale with Ashley Judd. “I can only hope it’s going to get better. It’s not pleasant.”
A Subway’s Jared Fogle finished the race in five
Freeman: On the mend
hours and 13 minutes. “I plan to continue running,” he says. “My goals are simple. And now that I’ve completed the marathon, I’m looking for ways to help others cross their finish lines, too.”
Have a question for Walter Scott? Visit Parade.com /celebrity or write Walter Scott at P.O. Box 5001, Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10163-5001.
Q I miss Julianne Hough on Dancing with the
A Trying to fasten a seat belt
while driving—ironic, given all the onscreen dangers he’s faced. Luckily, playing an anchorman in Morning Glory called for more gags than stunts. And unlike his char- Ford: Game for acter, Ford, 68, is up for any- gags and giggles thing. “I’ll hawk my films with funny bits,” says the actor, who gave Diane Sawyer a whip lesson to plug the last Indiana Jones flick. “It gets boring otherwise.”
lenhaal wear a gold ring on his pinky finger?—N. Raquel, Sacramento, Calif.
A The actor, who turns 30 next week, wasn’t wearing the ring when Gyllenhaal: Lord we spoke to him about Love of the ring? & Other Drugs, and he laughed when we asked about it. As for rings of another sort, Gyllenhaal (recently linked with Taylor Swift) has this to say about commitment: “If you swear you’re giving up on love, that’s when it hits you the hardest. I guess resistance creates intensity. I think love’s gonna smack you over the head—or wherever it smacks you—no matter what you do.”
get that scar on his chin?— Alex Felten, Alta Loma, Calif.
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One of the lessons learned from the young subjects of Waiting for “Superman”: A good education can help kids soar. Clockwise from top left: Anthony, Emily, Daisy, Francisco, and Bianca
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Personalities of theYear
he list includes a professor whose work may help save Americans from financial scams and a ship’s captain who rescued 115 men. A patient girl who nabbed her Prince Charming and a bad-boy rocker who is thrilled to be alive. A football team we cheered with when they won against the odds and a group of kids we cried with when they lost against bigger ones. Each of our 12 Personalities of the Year has a different story to tell, but if there is one thing they share, it’s how they made us go Gaga for them: with their courage, their strength, and their flesh-or-fluff headwear. Here are the people who moved us and why.
The kids of Waiting for ‘Superman’
Five students who kicked off a national debate about education
Game changers come in all shapes and sizes. In 1955, a defiant secretary refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Ala., bus and jump-started the civil rights movement. In 1980, after her daughter was killed by a drunk driver, a California real-estate agent channeled her grief into creating Mothers Against Drunk Driving. In 1985, when a 13-year-old HIV-positive boy was barred from his Indiana school, the ensuing uproar helped break down the wall of prejudice against the disease. And in 2010, five children—Emily, 15; Anthony, 13; Daisy, 12; Francisco, 7; and Bianca, 7—revealed their hopes and dreams for a good education in the documentary Waiting for “Superman,” and in doing so catalyzed a very public discussion about our country’s broken school system. “If your blood is not boiling by the end of this film, then there is no blood pumping through your heart,” declared Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa after seeing the controversial film. President Obama declared it “heartbreaking” and was so moved that he invited the kids—a diverse group from Visit us at PARADE.COM
northern California, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and New York City, all of them trying to escape the schools they were in—to the White House. In a country where a good education is considered the right of every child, the film made it clear that their futures depended on pure chance—literally. All five entered lotteries to get into better schools; by film’s end, only two had won
To see a video of the children’s visit to the White House, go to Parade.com /kids.
The president with the Superman kids in the Oval Office on Oct. 11
those coveted spots. The movie was shot in 2008; today, almost all of the Superman kids are enrolled in good public schools, and their excited, engaged attitudes are proof of the transformative power of education. “He used to hate homework, and he didn’t want to go to school,” says Maria, the mother of Francisco, who lives in the Bronx. “Now he’s always reading and talking about his teachers. My husband and I wonder, Did someone switch our son?” Gloria, the grandmother of Anthony, who is attending a charter boarding school in Washington, D.C., proudly says, “In elementary school, Anthony was struggling. But now he loves school, and he’s been on the dean’s list twice and the honor roll twice.” Bianca is the only one who’s still waiting to find the right place. “We have 30 kids in my class and one teacher,” the Harlem second-grader says softly. “She doesn’t have time for each of us.” Although Superman is already picked as an early favorite to win an Academy Award in February, it has also drawn scores of opponents who have grievances about its content. In particular, many teachers have criticized its negative portrayal of teachers’ unions and tenure and its bias in favor of charter schools. Still, by provoking community debates from Salem, Ore., to Cincinnati, Ohio, and Tallahassee, Fla., the documentary has succeeded in making the often-abstract issue of public education come alive through these five very vulnerable faces. “I think people are seeing that these kids are just like their kids,” its director, Davis Guggenheim, says, “and I hope that they inspire us to connect to what’s at stake for millions.” The film ends with a call to action, challenging viewers to respond to a seemingly hopeless situation in a typically American way—with ingenuity, optimism, and activism. Judging from one reaction, that’s already happening. “I knew before I was in the movie that I wanted to be a teacher,” says Redwood City, Calif., high school sophomore Emily, the elder statesmen of the Superman kids, “but watching it made me feel like I need to do something to change the system.” December 12, 2010 • 5
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Personalities of the Year
‘Everything works out the way the universe wants it to work out,’ Bullock said this year.
6 • December 12, 2010
Hollywood’s classiest act It was a year that saw more mindbogglingly bad celebrity behavior than Lindsay Lohan could shake a certain finger at. The cast of Jersey Shore brawled in bars and more bars; Mel Gibson ranted unprintable things at the mother of his youngest child; Charlie Sheen trashed a hotel room he was sharing with a woman not his wife (and then allegedly had the gall to shred her Prada bag). Given the sinking standards of role-model-dom these days, no one would have faulted Sandra Bullock if she’d gone postal at some point during the very public meltdown of her marriage. But she never did. In fact, she handled Jesse James’ stunning betrayal with just the sort of grace and dignity we’ve come to expect from her. In an era filled with stars who endlessly shock and disappoint us, Bullock is now—more than ever—the one we want to befriend. The woman who won an Oscar for her starring role in The Blind Side just before it all went ka-blooey had always seemed funny, real, and down-to-earth; now she was showing those of us who post mean photos of our exes on our Facebook pages how not to take revenge, but rather how to step over the muck with your head held high. And the arrival in her life of Louis Bardo Bullock, the baby she quietly adopted from New Orleans last January and introduced to the world in April, just made us cheer her all the more. This past summer, while dedicating a new health clinic she helped fund at the New Orleans charter school she’s long supported, Bullock said, “Sometimes tragedies bring out the very best in people.” She was referring to Hurricane Katrina, of course. But she might just as well have been talking about herself. For the rest of us—not just the Snookis and the Charlies, but all of us—she’s that rare role model worth modeling ourselves on. —Hilary Sterne
Sandra Bullock
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Stieg Larsson
Sweden’s hottest export He died of a heart attack at 50 in November 2004. So how is it that Swedish novelist Larsson’s violent, highly literary tales—The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest—are selling more briskly than ever, reaching a phenomenal 46 million copies worldwide this year? “It’s the tragedy of his loss, plus the plain greatness of the books,” says Sessalee Hensley, fiction buyer for Barnes & Noble. Fans say the big lure is the trilogy’s computer-hacking feminist heroine, Lisbeth Salander, a vigilante avenger so fierce she makes the Punisher look like Mr. Rogers. “I wouldn’t want to encounter her in a dark room,” Hensley says. Swedish film adaptations have helped goose sales, as will Hollywood versions (David Fincher is directing the first story). And while the author’s girlfriend and family squabble over an unfinished fourth book, his silence has had its own pull. “It’s the Garbo effect,” says Larsson admirer Michael Connelly, author of the Harry Bosch detective novels. “Scarcity leads to intrigue.” —Steve Daly
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Personalities of the Year
Lady Gaga Pop’s queen of outrage In 2009, Lady Ga Gaga had one studio album to her name, a fan base she dubbed her Little Monsters, and a nation largely unc unconverted. Yet we end 2010 unable to avoid the 24-year-old with the huge fake eyelashes and huger platfor platform heels. How did she turn us into her Monsters? Take a look back to see.—Nancy Bilyeau Jan. 31 At the Grammys, Gaga performs her hitit “Poker Face” (right), gets thrown into a flaming bin labeled “Rejected,” and duetss with Elton John on “Speechless/Your Song.” Oh, and wins two Grammys, too.
2010 Jan 29 Jan. Major comeback! More Maj than 100,000 Facebook fans “attend” Fac National Lady Gaga Nat Day: “This is a day for Day everyone to celebrate ever her! Dress like her, sing, dance, have sing themed parties… JUST them HAVE FUN.” HAV
May 19 In a fuchsia bodysuit and swinging a feathered baton, Gaga nails a live performance of “LoveGame” on the monster hit TV show Dancing with the Stars, belting, “Do you want love or you want fame?”
March 11 The video for “Telephone” premieres: Gaga shimmies through a women’s prison, then takes off with Beyoncé, Thelma & Louise-style. “We did it, Honeybee!”
June 21 “She’s a jerk!” jokes Jerry Seinfeld of Gaga’s antics at a NY Mets game. Stripped down to a bra, Gaga makes an obscene gesture to photogs and is swiftly moved to a less accessible place.
Alwin Landry Hero of the BP oil spill Few heroes emerged in the moments and months following the BP Oil disaster—instead, we mostly saw characters like the company’s CEO, Tony Hayward, who whined about wanting his life back, and U.S. Minerals Management Service officials, who reportedly partied with the very executives they should have been investigating. Alwin Landry, 41, captain of the Damon B. Bankston, a supply ship tethered to the rig that night, proved to be an
8 • December 12, 2010
exception. After hearing and seeing the massive inferno that erupted when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig burst into flames on the evening of April 20, he and his 12-person crew dispatched a rescue craft that sped into the heart of the explosion to help collect the terrified rig workers, some of whom had jumped 75 feet into the murky Gulf. “It was very, very intense,” said Landry, who admitted he was “nervous watching my crew go into the situation: the heat intensity, the fire, the water.” But under his calm leadership, the men stayed focused, repeatedly returning to look for survivors. Within an hour, 115 rig workers— a few with serious injuries—were on board the supply ship. While there would be plenty of ugliness and recrimination surrounding the catastrophe, possibly the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, Landry’s first mate remembers something different. Of the rescue led by his captain, Paul Erickson said, “It was a remarkable and beautiful response.”
Jerry Brown
The returning warrior I first met Jerry Brown in 1980, when People magazine asked me to do a profile of him. He was nearing the end of his second term as governor of California, and I spent a week traveling with him around the state. The first thing that struck me was his endless curiosity. The second and third things were… his endless curiosity. We stayed up most of the first night talking about the Greeks, the Jesuits, democracy, and
Jan. 14 Major mascara ru runs! Moments before she’s due onstage in In Indiana, she cancels due to “exhaustion and dehydration.” Lat Later, she tweets to fan fans: “I’ve been crying for hours…hope you can forgive me.”
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Sept. pt. 12 Gaga ga raises the shock ck bar again, coming ming up to collect one of her trophies at the MTV Video Music Awards ards wearing a dress ss made entirely of raw aw meat—with matching ching meat hat, purse, se, and shoes, of course. ourse.
Oct. 24 Gaga becomes the first singer to reach 1 billion hits of videos on YouTube. She tweets fans: “If we stick together we can do anything. I dub u kings and queens of youtube. Unite!”
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philosophy. I finally had to go to bed—but I’m not sure Jerry has stopped talking since. Based on that first meeting, I would have thought by now he would be in a monastery, teaching and reading. But there’s too much in the world to experience, too much that needs to be made better. California is a perfect fit for his restless spirit. The Golden State used to be defined by its energy, optimism, and relentless forward movement. Those now seem like remnants of the past. But don’t tell Jerry. Whether you agree with his positions or not, he is a three-dimensional person in an increasingly two-dimensional profession. He’s one of a kind. —Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post
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It’s amazing what soup can do.
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Personalities of the Year
Less wrinkles. More cheer!
New Orleans Saints
Beacons of hope for a city They were a football franchise so hapless and winless that for years they were known as the New Orleans Aints. But in 2006 they signed a quarterback named Drew Brees and if one thing sets Brees apart, it’s that he ain’t gonna stop trying. “I felt like coming to New Orleans was a calling,” he said. Brees understood what it meant to be given up on. He had joined the team when his career was as far underwater as parts of his beloved new city still were. Sore-shouldered and rejected by the rest of the league, he felt an immediate kinship with New Orleans. Where others saw hopelessness, however, he saw “a chance to participate in the recovery.
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Quarterback Drew Brees looked at the wrecked city and saw ‘a chance to participate in the recovery.’ How many people get the opportunity in their lives to be part of something like that?” Brees bought a house in the center of town and helped raise more than $2 million to fix what Hurricane Katrina had wrought. And then he went on to help fix something else. The Saints achieved an amazing 13–0 start to the 2009 regular season. Then they clinched the NFC championship with a thrilling 31–28 victory
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Green Bean Casserole
Prep: 15 min. Bake: 30 min. Makes: 12 servings
2 cans (10¾ oz. each) Campbell’s® Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup (regular or 98% Fat Free or Healthy Request) 1 cup milk 2 tsp. soy sauce
¼ tsp. ground black pepper 8 cups cooked cut green beans 1 can (6 oz.) French’s® French Fried Onions (2²∕³ cups)
1. Stir soup, milk, soy sauce, black pepper, beans and 1¹∕³ cups onions in 3-qt. casserole. 2. Bake at 350°F. for 25 min. or until hot. Stir. 3. Top with remaining onions. Bake for 5 min. more. Tip: Toast ½ cup sliced almonds. Add with remaining onions. © 2010 CSC Brands LP
over the Minnesota Vikings in overtime when kicker Garrett Hartley notched an arcing 40-yard field goal that he aimed at the city’s fleur-de-lis crest emblazoned on the second deck of the Louisiana Superdome. That stadium—where 30,000 New Orleans residents took refuge under a breached roof during and after Katrina— once stood for despair and abandonment and was now redeemed by triumph. The rest seemed almost preordained as the Saints went on to beat the Indianapolis Colts 31–17 to win the Super Bowl. “Four years ago, we as a team just looked at one another and said, ‘We are going to build together,’ ” Brees said. “ ‘We are going to lean on each other.’ That’s what we’ve done, and this is the culmination of all that belief.” You ain’t gonna get a better ending than that. —Sally Jenkins, sports columnist for the The Washington Post To see video of the gamewinning field goal, go to Parade.com/saints.
It’s amazing what soup can do. December 12, 2010 • 11
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Personalities of the Year
Test your knowledge of the events of 2010 ➊ Lawmakers in San Francisco voted on a ban on which kid-friendly item? A) Crocs B) Mighty Beanz C) Silly Bandz D) Happy Meal toys
➋ How much money did Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donate to Newark, N.J., public schools? A) $10 million B) $1 billion C) $100 million ➌ Pick the correct order of the countries that Team USA played in the World Cup. A) England, Slovenia, Algeria, Ghana B) Slovenia, England, Algeria, Ghana C) Algeria, Ghana, Slovenia, England
➍ What is unique about the Medal of Honor award recently given to Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta for his bravery in Afghanistan? A) It is the first time since the Vietnam War era that the medal has been given to a living soldier. B) It is the first time the medal has been awarded to a soldier who served in Afghanistan. C) It is the first time the medal has been awarded to a living soldier.
➎ In May 2010, Lance Orton became a New York City hero when he noticed a smoking Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square that was packed with explosives. What is Orton’s job? A) Police officer B) Times Square’s notorious Naked Cowboy C) Hot dog seller D) T-shirt vendor
➏ Fill in the blank: “You know, like all Jews, I was probably at a __________ restaurant.” —Elena Kagan responding to a Senator’s question during her Supreme Court confirmation of where she was on Christmas Day Answers: 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. Chinese 12 • December 12, 2010
What was the year’s trendiest food? Answer this and other questions at Parade.com /2010quiz.
On the front line in Haiti The enormity of the earthquake in Haiti in January still staggers: 230,000 dead. 300,000 injured. 1.3 million homeless. Yet amid this overwhelming devastation, one aid organization stood out above all the rest, a group that had been helping Haitians survive since 1987. Partners in Health (PIH) was founded by 23-year-old physician-anthropologist Paul Farmer (above right), 18-yearold social-justice advocate Ophelia Dahl (far right), and three colleagues in order to bring community-based medicine to the country’s Central Plateau. Since then, about 1.3 million people in Haiti—of a total
population of 9.6 million—have received health care through PIH, which has soared in size, reach, and stature. Today it has a $103.8 million budget, 13,000 employees, and health facilities in 12 countries. But it was during the quake’s aftermath that the group’s abilities
Jane Lynch
Andy Richter of Conan dishes about Glee’s best in show “I would describe what’s happening to Jane Lynch right now as justice. Occasionally in life—and really occasionally in show business—there’s somebody you want to go out in the street and wave a big flag for, because you’re so happy for them. “I met her in the early ’90s doing a stage show called The Real Live Brady Bunch. I was the dad, Mike Brady, in a $20 wig stretched to its limit over my big head. Jane was the mom, Carol. I was struck by her poise, by what a good anchor she was in a fairly thankless role. Over the years, she’s been a wonderful, positive presence. Not a Pollyanna, just a great person. She let me borrow her car once, and I got some parking tickets I let slide until they started billing her. I did pay
A Year to Remember
Paul Farmer and Ophelia Dahl
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were most sorely put to the test: Doctors splinted survivors’ broken bones with license plates and created makeshift medical units in backyards. Today, nearly one year later, PIH is focused on combating the current cholera epidemic, but its eventual goal is to continue to help build a strong local health-care system. The problems facing Haiti may seem relentless and complex, but as Farmer has said, the imperative is simple: “You’re in front of someone who’s suffering, and you have the tools at your disposal to alleviate that suffering—or even eradicate it—and you act.”
for them. But she brought it up on The Tonight Show last year, and I thought, She’s still annoyed at me, 20 years later! Sorry, Jane. I was broke. “Lately it’s, Wow! There’s Jane on a magazine cover. There’s Jane hosting Saturday Night Live and guesting on Two and a Half Men. And of course, there’s Jane as coach Sue Sylvester on Glee. To me, Sue is hilarious because even surrounded by children, she’s always the smallest, pettiest person in the room. It’s cool to see Jane enjoying this kind of success, because she doesn’t pin a lot of neurotic energy on ‘making it.’ She’s just steadily done amazing, smart, honest work, and people are suddenly paying a lot of attention. I’m sure she’s humble about it. But I think there’s part of her that feels, Well, yeah. This sounds about right.” —as told to Steve Daly Visit us at PARADE.COM
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Personalities of the Year
The princess bride We live in a world of “now!” Easy credit, instant gratification, do-it-yesterday. Patience seems a virtue long forgotten. So feathery hats off to Kate Middleton and her measured, dignified bearing over the last eight years. As any young woman knows, it’s hard enough to stave off questions from friends and family members when one is in a relationship. (“So? Any…news?”) Imagine having to put up with it from the entire world. Once upon a time, potential princesses were born to the role, trained from birth and swapped among European states in a blue-blooded members’ only club. These days, royalty, like greatness, can be thrust upon you as a result of simply chatting up that handsome chap at the university bar. Somehow, Kate Middleton, from a relatively normal family, has handled it all beautifully. She and William must know each other well by now, and they must feel confident that their marriage will work. I hope the joy is all the sweeter for her after such a patient wait. —Sophie Kinsella, author of Mini Shopaholic
Kate Middleton
14 • December 12, 2010
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Personalities of the Year
Elizabeth Warren
Protector of the middle class If Will Rogers had ever met fellow Oklahoman Elizabeth Warren, the man who once remarked that “common sense ain’t commonâ€?likely would have tipped his cowboy hat to her. Bankers may have balked at how she oversaw the $700 billion bailout of the ďŹ nancial industry, but her practicality and zealous style won her many big fans. “Dang gummit, somebody has got to stand up on behalf of the middle class!â€? Warren, a former Sunday school teacher and current Harvard Law professor, said. In September, President Obama gave Warren her biggest challenge yet: to design a brand-new Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau. Since her opponents have vowed to ďŹ ght the agency’s operations, she surely has her work cut out for her. But, as Warren told The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart this year, “We ďŹ x this problem going forward, or the game is really over.â€?
Bret Michaels
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The unsinkable rocker and reality TV star “This year for me has been extreme perspective on what I love. At the roses and thorns. I’m appreciating same time, I’ve realized how much the value of life, how quickly it can of a ďŹ ghter and survivor I am. be taken away.The pain from my Positive thinking has gotten me brain hemorrhage in April was so through a lot of this. bad, I wanted them to take a knife or “My way of healing and a drill and just let the pressure out of dealing was going on the my skull. It’s not like a movie where road. When I ďŹ rst came there is a big, dramatic back, I could only do scene; it’s just you about an hour show sitting there and a before I was exhausted. doctor saying, ‘If you have Now I can do almost children I would bring a full show. I can’t them here. You’re in a lot of drink at all, which trouble right now.’ And I may be a great was thinking, My God, thing—believe I’m not going to get to me, I like to see my kids grow up, I’m throw a party, but not going to see my things happen for a girlfriend Kristi, I’m reason. And I still have going to die in a EMTs in the wings at Scottsdale, Arizona, my concerts. I didn’t emergency room. It work this hard to was an eye-opening die at 47.â€? —as experience that told to Robert gave me Moritz
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16 • December 12, 2010
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Open Enrollment is November 15th to December 31st.
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2011 Medicare & You Check your mail for a handbook to review available Medicare plans. © PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.
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18 • December 12, 2010
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I wanted to stop my bone loss. But I did more. I reversed it with BONIVA.*
The President’s Photographer: Fifty Years Inside the Oval Office ($35) As this fine selection of 150 sometimes unguarded, often iconic images makes clear, the snapper-inchief’s rapport with his subject calls for trust on both sides—and more. Like his colleagues, Robert McNeely, who caught the above shot of the Clintons in crisis mode, knows that his art extends well beyond image-making: “I’m there serving history, but I’m also trying to serve truth.”
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Did you know osteoporosis runs in families? My mother and I both have it. I tried to keep my bones strong, but it wasn’t enough. Now, once-monthly BONIVA is helping me do more. Studies show, after a year † on BONIVA, 9 out of 10 women stopped and reversed their bone loss. BONIVA is a prescription medication to treat and prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis. Ask your doctor if BONIVA is right for you. Important Safety Information: You should not take BONIVA if you have certain problems with your esophagus (the tube that connects your mouth and stomach), low blood calcium, cannot sit or stand for at least 60 minutes, have severe kidney disease, or are allergic to BONIVA. Stop taking BONIVA and tell your doctor right away if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn, as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. Follow the dosing instructions for once-monthly BONIVA carefully to lower the chance of these events occurring. Side effects may include diarrhea, pain in the arms or legs, or upset stomach. Tell your doctor and dentist about all the medicines you take. Tell them if you develop jaw problems (especially following a dental procedure) or severe bone, joint, and/or muscle pain. Your doctor may also recommend a calcium and vitamin D supplement. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
*Bone density measured at the lumbar spine after 1 year of treatment. Individual results may vary. †Bone
density measured at the lumbar spine, total hip, or trochanter; 3 out of 4 at the femoral neck.
Please read Patient Information on the next page.
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Enroll today. Call 1-800-447-4326 or visit BONIVAfreetrial.com and try BONIVA free. Help Stop and Reverse Bone Loss BONIVA and symbol are trademarks of Roche Therapeutics Inc. © 2010 Genentech USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(bon-EE-va) ibandronate sodium 150-mg tablet What is BONIVA?
BONIVA, a bisphosphonate, is a prescription medicine used to treat and prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, characterized by weakening of the bone. Taken once a month in tablet form, BONIVA may stop and reverse bone loss in most women. It has been clinically proven to help build and maintain bone density, which can help reduce fractures.
What is the most important information about BONIVA? BONIVA may cause serious problems in the stomach and the esophagus (the tube that connects your mouth and stomach) such as trouble swallowing, heartburn, and ulcers. Who should not take BONIVA?
Before you start BONIVA.
Do not take BONIVA if you:
Tell your health care provider if you:
• have abnormalities with your esophagus, such as restriction or difficulty swallowing • have low blood calcium (hypocalcemia) • cannot sit or stand for at least 60 minutes • have kidneys that work very poorly • are allergic to BONIVA or any of its ingredients See Patient Information for complete list.
• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant • are breast-feeding • have trouble swallowing or other problems with your esophagus • have kidney problems • are planning a dental procedure such as tooth extraction Tell your health care provider and dentist about all medications you’re taking, including vitamins, antacids, and supplements. “We decided not to leave this winter. We decided to insulate.”
How should you take BONIVA? DAVE COVERLY
You must take BONIVA exactly as instructed by your health care provider. • Take first thing in the morning, on the same day each month. • If you miss a monthly dose and your next scheduled BONIVA day is more than 7 days away, take one BONIVA 150 mg tablet in the morning following • Swallow whole (do not chew or suck) with a full glass (6 to 8 oz) of the day that you remember. Do not take two 150 mg tablets within the same plain water (not sparkling or mineral). Do not take with tea, coffee, week. If your scheduled BONIVA day is only 1 to 7 days away, wait until your juice, or milk. next scheduled BONIVA day to take your tablet. Then return to taking one • After you take BONIVA, remain standing or sitting for at least BONIVA 150 mg tablet every month in the morning of your chosen day, 60 minutes before you eat, drink, lie down, or take any other oral according to your original schedule. If you are not sure what to do if you medications, including calcium, vitamins, and antacids. Some miss a dose, contact your health care provider, who will be able to advise you. medicines can stop BONIVA from getting to your bones. • If you take too much BONIVA, drink a full glass of milk and call your local poison control center or emergency room right away. Do not make yourself vomit. Do not lie down. What are the possible side effects of BONIVA?
Stop taking BONIVA and call your health care provider right away if you have pain or trouble swallowing, chest pain, or very bad heartburn or heartburn that does not get better. Follow dosing instructions carefully to decrease the risk of these effects. BONIVA may cause:
Common side effects are:
Less common side effects are:
• Pain or trouble swallowing • Heartburn • Ulcers in stomach or esophagus
• Diarrhea • Pain in extremities (arms or legs) • Upset stomach
• Short-term, mild flu-like symptoms, which usually improve after the first dose “If this is a new deck, why do I keep coming across your ex-wife?”
Rarely, patients have reported allergic and skin reactions. Contact your health care provider if you develop any symptoms of an allergic reaction including skin rash (with or without blisters), hives, wheezing, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swallowing, or feel light-headed. Rarely, patients have reported severe bone, joint, and/or muscle pain starting within one day to several months after beginning to take oral bisphosphonate drugs. Contact your health care provider if you develop these symptoms after starting BONIVA. Rarely, patients have reported serious jaw problems associated with delayed healing and infection, often following dental procedures such as tooth extraction. If you experience jaw problems, contact your health care provider and dentist.
Play Brain Games
This summary is not a complete list of side effects. For a complete list, consult your health care provider or pharmacist.
Exercise your brainpower with six mindsharpening games at Parade.com/braingames.
Want to know more? This summary is not everything you need to know about BONIVA. It does not take the place of talking with your health care provider about your condition or treatment. For more complete information, talk to your health care provider or pharmacist. Visit myboniva.com or call 1-888-MyBONIVA for the complete Prescribing Information, which includes the Patient Information.
20 • December 12, 2010 Revised: March 2010 © 2010 by Genentech USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Cookies Ideal for Little Hands
I don’t consider myself a cook, but I’m definitely a baker. Had I not gone into music, I probably would have gone to pastry school. Once when I was about 8 and my parents were out, I got this wild idea in my head to make a cake for them. When they got home, they were surprised to find a grasshopper cake—and a huge mess of flour and sugar. Baking became my thing any time my parents left the house. Some girls raid their mom’s makeup drawer, but I would get a bowl, put flour and water in it, and play with the dough. Now that I have a daughter, Owen, who’s 5, one of my favorite things to do is bake with her. Around Christmas, we always For more great meals, go to PARADE’s make shortbread thumbprint new food site, cookies. Not only do kids have the dashrecipes.com. perfect-size thumbs for this, but they’re just gentle enough to do the thumbprints a little bit better than us grown-ups. You can change what you put in the indentation— chocolate, different kinds of jams, lemon curd. I usually mix together an assortment in tins to give to friends. That’s one of the joys of baking: You get to share what you make. As soon as I bake something, I try to give it to someone else. Otherwise, I’ll just eat it! But these cookies are so yummy, I usually keep some to have with coffee for breakfast.
Country-pop star Michelle Branch loves to make these holiday treats with her young daughter
22 • December 12, 2010
© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.
Thumbprint Cookies The ďŹ lling I’m going to try this year is an amazing strawberry-lavender preserve I found near my parents’ house. But you can use whatever you’re craving.
2 cups sifted our 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup butter (no substitutes!) 1/2 cup superďŹ ne sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract (or 1½ tsp vanilla extract
and 1/2 tsp almond extract—so good) Your preferred jam or other ďŹ lling 1/2 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
1. Sift together our and salt; set aside. Cream butter and sugar until light and uffy; add extract(s). Slowly mix in our, 1/2 cup at a time, until just blended. Chill dough for 1 to 2 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 325°F. Meanwhile, quickly shape dough into 1-inch balls, and space them 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Make a deep thumbprint in the center of each; ďŹ ll with preferred jam or chocolate. 3. Bake for 15 minutes, or until cookies are the color of pale sand. Transfer to wire cooling racks. 4. When cooled, dust with confectioners’ sugar. Pack in tins for gifts or serve to holiday guests.
Michelle’s Tipss
“Don’t manhandle the dough—these h se cookies don’t have to look absolutely perfect. And the more you handle it, the softer and mushier it gets.�
“Even if your cookies don’t look perfect, they’ll still taste amazing. If you follow the recipe, you can’t go wrong.�
“Wait until the cookies cool a bit before sprinkling them with powdered sugar. If you do it as soon as they come out of the oven, the sugar will completely disappear.�
Petite bites. Big compliments.
Makes 48 cookies. Per cookie: 90 calories, 4g fat, 10mg cholesterol, 55mg sodium, 12g carbs, 1g protein.
Š H.J. Heinz Company, LP. 2010. All Rights Reserved.
SAVE $1.00 Michelle Branch baking with her daughter, Owen, 5
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by Emily Listfield
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around it: We’re living in exceedingly stressful times. And stress doesn’t just do a number on your mood; research shows it can also have a detrimental effect on your health. But there are ways to manage it. We asked Thea Singer, author of Stress Less, for her best anxiety-alleviating advice.
brought you. That’s why they’re called comfort foods. What’s the best way to reduce stress in your life? Make a list of attainable goals for the week and work toward achieving one each day. It all comes down to control: If you’re setting a goal, and it’s a goal that you can meet, you’re going to alter your perception of stress in general.
Is all stress bad? Some short-term stress is good. For example, exercise is a form of What specific goals will help? stress. Revving up Notice something your system actually good that happened Gaining helps brain cells grow. to you today and tell a sense of When stress is chronsomeone about it. control will Also, exercise reguic, though, levels of the stress hormone larly; it can essenalter your cortisol stay up, and tially stress-proof perception that can be harmful. If your brain. Keep a your brain cells are gratitude record of stress. bathed in cortisol, where you write your memory can be impaired. down one thing you’re thankful for every night. And concentrate on Why does stress make some being mindful for at least 10 minpeople gain weight? utes a day—if you’re out walking Cortisol makes you crave fatty, and you try to listen to the crunch sweet, salty, crunchy stuff. These of gravel under your feet, you won’t foods work as natural tranquilizbe hearing your 401(k) tank. ers—they kick off the same reThea Singer’s ward circuit in your brain. You eat Stress Less them and relax a little, but then ($26) is available either you get stressed again or the now from effect wears off. So you have to eat Hudson Street more in order to regain that same Press. sense of calm the food initially 24 • December 12, 2010
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If you have type 2 diabetes, take steps to help control your blood sugar.
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Talk to your doctor about lowering blood sugar levels. Talk to your doctor about JANUVIA.
If JANUVIA is right for you, start today with a free 30-day trial supply.* JANUVIA works to lower blood sugar in 2 ways. Talk to your doctor about JANUVIA today. Increases Insulin
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• JANUVIA is a once-daily prescription pill that helps your body increase the insulin made in your pancreas and decrease the sugar made in your liver. • Along with diet and exercise, JANUVIA helps lower blood sugar levels in adults with type 2 diabetes. • JANUVIA is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
JANUVIA (jah-NEW-vee-ah) should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or with diabetic ketoacidosis (increased ketones in the blood or urine). If you have had pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), it is not known if you have a higher chance of getting it while taking JANUVIA. Selected Risk Information About JANUVIA: Serious side effects can happen in people who take JANUVIA, including pancreatitis, which may be severe and lead to death. Before you start taking JANUVIA, tell your doctor if you’ve ever had pancreatitis. Stop taking JANUVIA and call your doctor right away if you have pain in your stomach area (abdomen) that is severe and will not go away. The pain may be felt going from your abdomen through to your back. The pain may happen with or without vomiting. These may be symptoms of pancreatitis. Do not take JANUVIA if you are allergic to any of its ingredients, including sitagliptin. Symptoms of serious allergic reactions to JANUVIA, including rash, hives, and swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat that may cause difficulty breathing or swallowing, can occur. If you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, stop taking JANUVIA and call your doctor right away. If you take JANUVIA with another medicine that can cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), such as a sulfonylurea or insulin, your risk of getting low blood sugar is higher. The dose of your sulfonylurea medicine or insulin may need to be lowered while you use JANUVIA. Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar may include headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, confusion, irritability, hunger, fast heart beat, sweating, and feeling jittery. Your doctor may do blood tests before and during treatment with JANUVIA to see how well your kidneys are working. Based on these results, your doctor may change your dose of JANUVIA. The most common side effects of JANUVIA are upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache.
Call 1-888-JANUVIA or visit Januvia.com. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Please see the Medication Guide on the next page and discuss it with your doctor. Having trouble paying for your Merck medicine? Merck may be able to help. www.merck.com/merckhelps Copyright © 2010 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 21052843(1)(400)-JAN
*Terms and conditions apply. Please see below.
1. Take this voucher to your next appointment. Ask your doctor about JANUVIA. 2. Get a free 30-day trial supply of JANUVIA if your doctor says it’s right for you. No purchase is required. Not valid for refills. JANUVIA is a prescription medication. Only your health care provider can decide if JANUVIA is right for you. How this voucher works: • This voucher can be used 1 time before the expiration date. • To receive your free 30-day trial supply of JANUVIA, take this voucher with your valid signed prescription to any participating eligible retail pharmacy (certain restrictions apply). • There is no requirement to purchase any product or service to receive your free 30-day trial supply of JANUVIA. • Restrictions apply. Please see Terms and Conditions on the back of this voucher. • Expiration Date: 7/31/2011 Prescriber To initiate a free 30-day trial supply for an appropriate patient, you should: • Read the Prescribing Information and Medication Guide before prescribing JANUVIA. • Write a prescription for up to 30 tablets of JANUVIA. No substitutions are permitted. • Refills are not required and there are no requirements to purchase any product or service to use this voucher. If you want your patient to continue taking JANUVIA beyond the free trial period, please write a separate prescription based on your recommended therapy. • Fill in the dose on this voucher. • Give the valid signed prescription and this voucher to the patient along with the Medication Guide for JANUVIA. Copyright © 2010 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Dose _____mg Offer valid for up to 30 tablets.
• Eligible patients can take this voucher and the prescription to any participating eligible retail pharmacy to receive their free 30-day trial supply. • For additional copies of the Prescribing Information and Medication Guide, call 800-672-6372, visit Januvia.com, or contact your Merck representative. Pharmacist • Only 1 voucher may be used per patient. Voucher may not be transferred to another patient. • There is no requirement for patient to purchase any product or service and refills are not required. • Please ensure that the medication and dosage strength selected match the medication and dosage strength on the prescription. • Submit claim to McKesson Corporation using BIN No. 610524. For pharmacy processing questions, please call the Help Desk at 800-657-7613. • For all other prescriptions, please use the patient’s primary method of payment and a new Rx number. • By processing this voucher, you agree that no claim for payment or reimbursement may be submitted for this free trial supply to any patient or any third-party payer, including federal or state health care programs (Medicaid, Medicare [including true out-of-pocket expense (TrOOP)], or any other state or federal medical or pharmaceutical benefit or pharmaceutical assistance program), private insurers, and health or pharmacy benefit plans. • For auditing purposes, a copy of this voucher must be attached to the original prescription and retained by the pharmacy. McKesson Corporation reserves the right to review all records and documentation relating to the dispensing of product. • By accepting this voucher, you agree to the terms hereof. • No universal claim forms will be processed. RxBIN No: 610524
RxPCN: 1016
RxGroup: 40025667
Issuer: (80840)
Eligible patients may receive a free 30-day trial supply of JANUVIA.
ID: 719200563
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Medication Guide JANUVIA® (jah-NEW-vee-ah) (sitagliptin) Tablets Read this Medication Guide carefully before you start taking JANUVIA and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking with your doctor about your medical condition or your treatment. If you have any questions about JANUVIA, ask your doctor or pharmacist. What is the most important information I should know about JANUVIA? Serious side effects can happen in people taking JANUVIA, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be severe and lead to death. Certain medical problems make you more likely to get pancreatitis. Before you start taking JANUVIA: Tell your doctor if you have ever had • pancreatitis • stones in your gallbladder (gallstones) • a history of alcoholism • high blood triglyceride levels Stop taking JANUVIA and call your doctor right away if you have pain in your stomach area (abdomen) that is severe and will not go away. The pain may be felt going from your abdomen through to your back. The pain may happen with or without vomiting. These may be symptoms of pancreatitis. What is JANUVIA? • JANUVIA is a prescription medicine used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. • JANUVIA is not for people with type 1 diabetes. • JANUVIA is not for people with diabetic ketoacidosis (increased ketones in your blood or urine). • If you have had pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) in the past, it is not known if you have a higher chance of getting pancreatitis while you take JANUVIA. • It is not known if JANUVIA is safe and effective when used in children under 18 years of age. Who should not take JANUVIA? Do not take JANUVIA if: • you are allergic to any of the ingredients in JANUVIA. See the end of this Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients in JANUVIA. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction to JANUVIA may include: • rash • raised red patches on your skin (hives) • swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing What should I tell my doctor before taking JANUVIA? Before you take JANUVIA, tell your doctor if you: • have or have had inflammation of your pancreas (pancreatitis). • have kidney problems. • have any other medical conditions. • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if JANUVIA will harm your unborn baby. If you are pregnant, talk with your doctor about the best way to control your blood sugar while you are pregnant. Pregnancy Registry: If you take JANUVIA at any time during your pregnancy, talk with your doctor about how you can join the JANUVIA pregnancy registry. The purpose of this registry is to collect information about the health of you and your baby. You can enroll in this registry by calling 1-800-986-8999. • are breast-feeding or plan to breast-feed. It is not known if JANUVIA will pass into your breast milk. Talk with your doctor about the best way to feed your baby if you are taking JANUVIA. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of your medicines and show it to your doctor and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. How should I take JANUVIA? • Take JANUVIA 1 time each day exactly as your doctor tells you. • You can take JANUVIA with or without food. • Your doctor may do blood tests from time to time to see how well your kidneys are working. Your doctor may change your dose of JANUVIA based on the results of your blood tests. • Your doctor may tell you to take JANUVIA along with other diabetes medicines. Low blood sugar can happen more often when JANUVIA is taken with certain other diabetes medicines. See “What are the possible side effects of JANUVIA?” • If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If you do not remember until it is time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not take two doses of JANUVIA at the same time. • If you take too much JANUVIA, call your doctor or local Poison Control Center right away. • When your body is under some types of stress, such as fever, trauma (such as a car accident), infection or surgery, the amount of diabetes medicine that you need may change. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these conditions and follow your doctor’s instructions. • Check your blood sugar as your doctor tells you to.
• Stay on your prescribed diet and exercise program while taking JANUVIA. • Talk to your doctor about how to prevent, recognize and manage low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), and problems you have because of your diabetes. • Your doctor will check your diabetes with regular blood tests, including your blood sugar levels and your hemoglobin A1C. What are the possible side effects of JANUVIA? Serious side effects have occurred in people taking JANUVIA. • See “What is the most important information I should know about JANUVIA?” • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). If you take JANUVIA with another medicine that can cause low blood sugar, such as a sulfonylurea or insulin, your risk of getting low blood sugar is higher. The dose of your sulfonylurea medicine or insulin may need to be lowered while you use JANUVIA. Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar may include: • headache • irritability • drowsiness • hunger • weakness • fast heart beat • dizziness • sweating • confusion • feeling jittery • Serious allergic reactions. If you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, stop taking JANUVIA and call your doctor right away. See “Who should not take JANUVIA?”. Your doctor may give you a medicine for your allergic reaction and prescribe a different medicine for your diabetes. The most common side effects of JANUVIA include: • upper respiratory infection • stuffy or runny nose and sore throat • headache JANUVIA may have other side effects, including: • stomach upset and diarrhea • swelling of the hands or legs, when JANUVIA is used with rosiglitazone (Avandia®). Rosiglitazone is another type of diabetes medicine. These are not all the possible side effects of JANUVIA. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you, is unusual or does not go away. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. How should I store JANUVIA? Store JANUVIA at 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). Keep JANUVIA and all medicines out of the reach of children. General information about the use of JANUVIA Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes that are not listed in Medication Guides. Do not use JANUVIA for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give JANUVIA to other people, even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them. This Medication Guide summarizes the most important information about JANUVIA. If you would like to know more information, talk with your doctor. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist for additional information about JANUVIA that is written for health professionals. For more information, go to www.JANUVIA.com or call 1-800-622-4477. What are the ingredients in JANUVIA? Active ingredient: sitagliptin. Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, and sodium stearyl fumarate. The tablet film coating contains the following inactive ingredients: polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, talc, titanium dioxide, red iron oxide, and yellow iron oxide. What is type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which your body does not make enough insulin, and the insulin that your body produces does not work as well as it should. Your body can also make too much sugar. When this happens, sugar (glucose) builds up in the blood. This can lead to serious medical problems. High blood sugar can be lowered by diet and exercise, and by certain medicines when necessary. JANUVIA® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. Avandia® is a registered trademark of GlaxoSmithKline. Copyright © 2010 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved Revised February 2010
Manufactured by: Merck Sharp & Dohme (Italia) S.p.A. Via Emilia, 21 27100 – Pavia, Italy 9984400 This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 21052843(1)(400)-JAN
Terms and Conditions • This voucher is valid for 1 free 30-day trial supply of JANUVIA. • Limit 1 voucher per patient for the duration of the program. • Valid for 1-time use only. Free trial offer is valid only for up to 30 tablets of JANUVIA. No purchase is necessary. Refills are not required. • This voucher is not transferable. No substitutions are permitted. Cannot be combined with any other free trial, coupon, discount, prescription savings card, or other offer. • This voucher is not insurance. • You must be 18 years or older to redeem this voucher. Patient, pharmacist, and prescriber agree not to seek reimbursement for all or any part of the benefit received by the patient through this offer. The free trial supply of JANUVIA cannot be used toward any out-of-pocket costs under any plan (such as true out-of-pocket expense [TrOOP]). • This voucher can be used only by eligible US residents at any participating eligible retail pharmacy in the United States. Product must originate in the United States. • This voucher is the property of Merck and must be turned in on request. • Merck reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this offer at any time without notice. • It is illegal to sell, purchase, trade, or counterfeit this voucher. Void if reproduced. Void where prohibited by law, taxed, or restricted. • Please read the accompanying Medication Guide and discuss it with your doctor. Also available is the physician Prescribing Information. • Expiration Date: 7/31/2011
© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.
Ask Marilyn
Dry, Wrinkled, Crepe-Paper Skin!
by Marilyn vos Savant
Glitter is ubiquitous in our culture. You see it on greeting cards, in crafts kits, and even in makeup. What is it made of? Also, our kids often get glitter on their hands and faces. Does it pose any health risks if ingested? —Kris Lausterer, Bellevue, Neb.
Most glitter consists of plasticfilm or metallic-foil particles. It is commonly safe for use by children, but the material varies widely for different applications. (Sometimes it contains aluminum, etc.) So unless the glitter is labeled nontoxic, you should assume it should not be ingested.
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