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How to deal with stress caused by thoughts of life after college
Génesis Ventura Reporter
Upperclassmen often wonder what their life will look like after college. It’s easy to feel like you will be in college forever, that you’ll always be studying, participating in extracurricular activities and living across the hall from friends. But that’s not often the reality of post-grad life. The social activities that are your norm in college won’t be as frequent anymore. Many students already have jobs lined up, but some are still searching and stressing.
As a junior, I have found myself stressing about the unknown. I like to have things planned out, so it is hard to accept that there isn’t a secure plan after college. Something that has helped me deal with that stress and anxiety is having conversations with my friends and classmates about those feelings and being vulnerable with them. so many decisions, so many uncertainties. The level of responsibilities is about to increase like 100 times. I’m scared because it’s going to be a lot of new, but I’m also excited because it’s a change. And in general I really like change.” student should do, according to Hogg. Many college students don’t actually think about transition plans; instead, they just focus on graduation and moving on to their future lives. The best-case scenario, he continued, is that an internship while in college turns into a full-time career after graduation. He advises looking for employment before graduation. finding a suitable career.
As I’ve progressed in college, I’ve noticed how students’ prayer requests have changed.
Now, almost every week many students have prayer requests about interviews and securing jobs. I’ve noticed that many of my classmates and people around me have been feeling the same emotions as I do.
An article in Women’s Health & Wellness by Rheyanne Weaver explains that it’s normal for young adults to feel stress and anxiety after college graduation.

After college, classmates are scattered across different cities, and college friends, the ones that used to be your dorm neighbors, are not as accessible to you anymore. An article in Career Contessa by Oliva Adams gives tips on how to keep those relationships after college.
While greeting for Merge on Sabbath, I sparked up a conversation with Lissy Buck, senior nursing major. She explained her emotions related to post-college life.
“The best word to describe my feelings on it right now would be ‘anxious,’” she said. “There’s
Weaver quotes Andy Hogg, a psychologist, who explains that graduating is an exciting achievement, but the task of looking for jobs can cause stress and anxiety. He explains some ways to help eliminate those feelings.
Planning for life after graduation is among the first things a
“Don’t allow your closest relationships to fade just because you live hundreds of miles apart.”
(Photos sourced from: UnSplash)
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Dear Kevin
Dear Kevin: What are your recommendations for eating a healthy diet on campus?
Dear Hopeful Health-nut:
As a duck, I pride myself on keeping an incredibly fit physique. It is essential to swimming and the majestic art of waddling. As I am unfamiliar with Southern cuisine, I have turned to my helpful friends at the Accent for their suggestions. Hope this helps!
Alana Crosby, Editor-in-Chief:
At the beginning of the week I like to stock up on fresh fruit from the Village Market (it’s on meal plan), and then I wash it all before putting it away. This makes it easier to grab when I’m in a hurry and also forces me to be less wasteful.
Anton Kannenberg, Layout Designer: I enjoy going to The Garden. It’s really healthy.
Hannah Mortenson, Layout Designer: The Garden has a new menu every week, and everything is really healthy, with rice and beans and salads, and everything tastes amazing. So, it’s a really good spot.
Amanda Blake, Managing Editor:
If you haven’t checked out The Garden yet, check it out soon. But, if you’re busy from 12 to 2 p.m., I recommend making a salad or haystack at the Dining Hall. Just keep on walking past the haystack bar when you reach the end; don’t look at those cookies. Don’t do it. Or do it. I don’t care.
Elsie Pak, Collegedale News Editor: I cook a lot for myself. However, that can take a good amount of time, so meal prepping and preparing food in bulk at the beginning of the week helps. I also recommend just grabbing some veggies to snack on instead of junk food. (Pro tip: Frozen snap peas and frozen corn might sound weird, but don’t knock it till you try it.)
Adam De Lisser, Photo Editor: I find it best to prep for the entire week. When I grocery shop, I plan portions based on how much I should be eating and how many times. Not every day is the same, so sometimes I just feel it out depending on my mood. The essentials stay the same: fruits, vegetables, protein and lots of water.
Matthew Orquia, News Editor: Eat an apple every once in a while.

Stefanie Green, Copy Editor: If my vegetables aren’t prepared and ready to go, then they may end up just rotting away in my fridge. To combat this, I try to prepare the veggies as soon as I buy them and then store them in containers so that I can eat them throughout the week. My recent favorite: cucumber and tomato salad.
Finding a solid job typically takes three to six months, according to Hogg. Oftentimes, people don’t think about it until they are out of school and out of a job, at which point they start formulating a job search strategy. He advises reading Richard Bolles’ book, ”What Color is Your Parachute?”, which is a how-to manual for #SAUlife This week’s winner is Daniel Marquez. Come pick up your prize at the Student Development Office.
Knowing that students love shopping, Kevin will be offering a
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Retain the connections you formed in college; they are important, Adams writes. Don’t allow your closest relationships to fade just because you live hundreds of miles apart. When you need them the most, those friends will always be there for you. This helps you get through the big milestones with someone who can relate to starting an adult life.