1 minute read
canine Atreyu
Fisher told of an experience with a student on Southern's campus which stuck with her.
“I had one young man from California. My other dog was a Wheaten Terrier, and [the young man] had two Wheaten Terriers at home. And he says, ‘Oh, I so miss my dogs!’” Fisher said. “The excitement from the students; you can just see them go ‘exhale.’”
Fisher said she loves coming to Southern because the students are so genuine.
“I was getting ready to leave, and I was at my car and [a student] goes, ‘Wait, wait!’ She comes running out; she hands me a card. She wrote me a card to thank me for bringing the therapy dog in,” Fisher said. “ … So, yes, it's just fun to see the students interact and get relaxed and turn around and go back to their work. And it's like they have new color in their face, [and] they just look better.”
The next three therapy dog visits are scheduled for Feb. 23 at 11:30 a.m., March 7 at 1 p.m and March 21 at 1 p.m. More information on the therapy dog visits and scheduled dates are available on the McKee Library website. To contact and learn more about Atreyu, visit his Instagram account at atreyu_lowchen.