Issue 4-6-17

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INSIDER Entertainment - - - - - - - - - - - 2 CampusNews - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Ed./Opinion - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Sports - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,6&7 AD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8





Downtown plan charts city revitalization

Kingsville makeover starts with engineering students Kaitlin Ruiz Contributor

Downtown Kingsville will have both old and new structures from the looks of the plan. Keeping some things but including way more for the city of Kingsville to enjoy. As an exercise in farsightedness, a measure bent on future improvements to the Downtown District in Kingsville, Texas looks from the ground up. A version of the Downtown Vision Plan was passed by a unanimous vote from Kingsville city commissioners on Monday, March 20. In its development and acceptance, the plan relates to a conviction that the key to strengthening the city is in starting with the skeleton of infrastructure. A budget of $1 million is slated to be used specifically toward improvements to infrastructure, encompassing

A mock up of what a revitalized downtown Kingsville might look like if city boosters’ plans come to fruition. sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, repairs to streets, and drainage. In addition to this, a federal grant is being applied for this month; The Economic Adjustment Assistance and Public Works Program through the Economic Development Administration (EDA) could

increase the city’s funding to an overall total of $2.3 million. The Downtown Vision Plan, which has been under discussion for a year, is itself built on an earlier foundation. From as early as 2013, a group of students from the College of

‘The Sweet Sounds of Trumpets’ Ensemble selected to attend ITG Crystal Zamarron Editor-in-Chief Texas A&M University-Kingsville’s Trumpet Ensemble has been selected to participate in the 42nd annual conference of the International Trumpet Guild, May 30- June 3. The conference, called “The Sweet Sounds of Trumpets” will be in Hershey Lodge, Pennsylvania The TAMUK emsemble consists of 6 members from the 26 members in the Trumpet Studio. It is under the direction of Dr. Kyle Millsap, Assistant Professor of Music-Trumpet and Jazz, This is the first time the Trumpet Ensemble from TAMUK to be selected to participate in ITG and members are hoping it set up for establishes a tradition for the

Engineering at Texas A&M University-Kingsville helped in laying the groundwork for plans related to changes in infrastructure, such as widened sidewalks and improved drainage. That initial work aided in informing the current Downtown Vision Plan, which is the product

Courtesy photo

of collaboration between the city of Kingsville and the University of Texas at San Antonio’s Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research. “We want to honor that work that was done,” City Manager Jesús Garza noted of the earlier contribution

from TAMUK students, which provided a framework in developing the present project with UTSA. While renovating historic privately owned buildings is the responsibility of owners, the Downtown Vision Plan is nevertheless meant to be conducive to further restoration by providing owners with a reason to polish their property through surroundings. “We want to kind of lead by example and make the infrastructure improvements, and hopefully start a snowball effect and get others on board slowly but surely,” Garza explained. Its realization might not be immediate. According to Garza: “It’s not going to happen overnight; it may take five to 10 years before this whole block gets restored… Nonetheless, we need to take the first step as the city and fix the infrastructure.” The Downtown Vision Plan is still fluid and shapeable, as is its reach; whether or not federal funding is secured through the EDA grant will govern, in part, the extent of work that can be done. At earliest, renovations related to the plan could begin in 2018. Plans, like bones, have growth plates; schedules—like cities, sidewalks, and skeletons— are subject to change.

Long lines put on hold

Financial Aid renovations still up in the air Darcy Ramirez Reporter

Photo by Kyle Millsap

From left to right: Kyle Millsap, Brandon O’Donohue, Christian Chavez, Jorge Rangel, Isaac Garza, Javier Salinas, and Seth Saucedo future. “It shows that we’re raising the level of standards in music, our group achievement, and just trying to represent our university. We’re trying to further music in general, especially trumpet playing,” Jorge Rangel, graduate in music performance. The TAMUK Trumpet Ensemble was selected by recording and submitting for the hearing to perform at ITG. Where they were hand picked to perform for ITGfrom submissions all over the world. TAMUK Trumpet Ensemble is one out of 10 to perform in a showcase during the conference. The ITG consists of warm-ups, clinics, recitals, competitions, concerts, jam sessions, and lectures. “Developing these constancies with myself and getting to

move forward in creating wiser decisions for example with this conference and I get to establish if performing is really what I want to do plus considering the U.S Marine Corps Band.” Javier Salinas, music performance major. The TAMUK Trumpet Ensemble will be having fundraisers throughout the semester to gather money to participate in this over 1,500 mile trip to Pennsylvania. “We’re speaking a language that is spoken around the world, music and in this case, the trumpet,” said Rangel.

For more information visit ITG Fundraising Concert- April 30th ITG Car Wash Fundraiser- April 9th Chicken Plate Sale Fundraiser- April 22nd ITG Car Wash Fundraiser- May 6

Every TAMUK student should know where the financial aid office remains. It’s the place where hundreds of kids lined up and lingered for hours and hours waiting for simple assistance. But recently the domain of the Javelina Enrollment Services Center is exploring the idea of renovations. The upgrades will supposedly, “shorten lines,” so that students won’t wait the whole day for a financial aid representative or customer service associate to finally help them. It will also create a more exclusive area so that the representatives and students can talk about private concerns, or problems. The possibility of renovations occurred when the Customer Service Manager, Saundra Solis, recognized the areas that needed improving. Lisa Seals, The Financial Aid Interim Director stated, “This will change the dynamic of the front area.” The renovations will transform the openness of the Javelina Enrollment Services Center into a more

intimate area so crucial student information is not discussed in front of others. Seals said, “I believe the idea is to get rid of the counter space which will allow for more sit downs, and one-onone interaction.” The customer service representatives will then be able to assist all students in every aspect of student services in a more effective manner. This will help with the long processes when dealing with financial aid. In previous years the financial aid department enraged hundreds of students. The financial aid department caused many students to hoard their money, survive on cheap food, drop their courses, or angrily complain until the department finally

gave them the awards and scholarship money they rightfully earned. The department was notorious for its rigorous and time consuming processes, but things have been modified. In the Spring of 2017 the

Graphic by Crystal Zamarron

lines for financial aid assistance had noticeably shrunk. Financial aid representatives claimed, “Our procedures dramatically changed.” Lisa Seals also stated, “I don’t foresee there being long lines for financial aid in the future.” But it seems the prospect of renovations will remain on the drawing board for a while. Dr. Terisa Riley stated that, “We have not secured any funding for the renovation,” so it seems this dream is still in the early processing stage. The budget for the upgrades has not been set due to the plans being mere ideas and desires at this time. The notion of renovations remains up in the air, but the department has not given up on the idea of remodeling. The Financial Aid Department has resolved some of their issues in the past and promised to minimize any future obstacles along the way.






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Spring Fling brings TAMUK students, local community together

Josue Villareal Reporter

The cast of Godspell strike a pose during a performance.

Photo courtesy of the theatere department

TAMUK Theatre retells the Gospel in ‘Godspell’ Cast features both familiar faces and newcomers

Luis Aguilar Reporter The Theatre Program at Texas A&M- Kingsville concluded a successful run of their spring musical Godspell, with three performances this past weekend. It was Directed by the Theatre Department’s Artistic Director, Corey Ranson, with the assistance of music major, Sia Kuresa as Music Director, and communications major, Luis Aguilar as choreographer. This musical tells the story of what led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as told in the book of Matthew. However, this story is told like no other Biblical story has been told before. Set in the classroom of a modern Ivy League University, Jesus, the janitor, teaches the commandments of God through parables and eccentric musical numbers. Ranson, who has directed this show four times in the last 20 years, says that what inspired him to direct this show for the community was “because we need more love going on today.” Sophomore, Communications major Jackson Lewis

played the lead role of Jesus. This is Lewis’ first lead role and musical production for which he describes as a “daunting” challenge. When asked how he prepared for such an important role, Lewis mentioned his religious background being the root of his preparation. “I read the book of Matthew…” then jokingly added, “…and I stopped drinking sodas.” He hopes this production has helped the community understand that religion is not all serious, or as he says, “You can have fun and still be religious.” Judas was played by business major Nickolas Villarreal, who is not new to the Little Theatre stage. Villarreal was in last Fall’s production of “References to Salvador Dali Make me Hot,” where he played the Coyote. Villarreal believes he carried the heaviest weight in the production of Godspell by betraying Jesus. His character development consisted of musical preparation and a lot of effort to remain serious throughout the entire show

while all the other characters were “silly.” “It teaches how to be kind to one another,” he said about the show. Another shining talent in the cast was student, Laurie Guajardo. Guajardo sparked the heat in the theatre with her seductively rhythmic solo “Turn Back O Man”. This was her second time doing the show. She feels the show is relatable to everyone. “It reminds us of all the lessons that we’ve learned. How to treat one another, and it goes back over all of your moralistic basics,” she said. She continued by stating, “This show helps you reevaluate your life and realize that everything is going to be okay.” One thing is clear, tears were shed. Whether they were tears of laughter because of the comedic moments in the show, or the disturbing crucifying scene that ended the show, everyone left the theatre blessed. Live, laugh, and love each other because all lives matter.

The intense heat of South Texas weather didn’t stop the many organizations of Texas A&M University-Kingsville from occupying University Blvd. for the annual Spring Fling, with booths for both food and beverages, March 29. The eats ranged from BBQ sandwiches to chicken kabobs and drinks varied from simple bottles of water to “Mocktails,” as in non-alcoholic versions of popular alcoholic beverages. “I enjoy Sspring Fling because it brings out the whole community in Kingsville as well as a lot of college students in an environment that is family friendly,” said TAMUK student Matthew Grayshown. Adults and children alike baked in the hot sun to enjoy the festivities that included fun little games such as a big inflatable obstacle course

Photo courtesy of the TAMUK Accounting Society

Students advertise their wares at the 2017 Spring Fling. and a mock laser security system simulation made with plastic pipes and string. There was also live music, and a petting zoo for the children to pet animals. Dogs were a particularly popular attraction and organizations took advantage of that, setting up booths to sell dog treats to dog owners. “I just love being a part of it, it gives me something to do and I get to help out my

organization,” said TAMUK student Samantha Brock. The participating students had a look of glee on their faces Filled with pride and passion for doing what they can to make sure that the club they chose can be the best they can be at all times. No matter the motivation, whether it’s making money, having a good time, or just a little exercise, it truly felt like Spring was in the air.





Competition in the ‘Big D’ South Texan staff shines at press convention

Staff Reports

Texas A&M University-Kingsville’s South Texan Staff journeyed to Dallas, the “Big D” to compete at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention, bringing back several awards. The South Texan, KTAI, and Javelina Broadcasting Network were represented at the competition.

In the Sports Non-Feature category, Tessie Ledesma received an honorable mention. First place in the Best Reoccurring Pod cast was awarded to Breaking the Barricade- Raul Altamirano, Frankie Cardenas, and Sebastyon Spencer. Crystal Zamarron received third place in the feature page design category for her Halloween layout.

First place and an honorable mention for a Non-photo illustration was awarded to Angela Garza. Alex Guerra received third place for her news story covering the TAMUK/ TAMUCC merger. In the page one design category, Crystal Zamarron received an honorable mention over the anatomy of the TAMUK/TAMUCC merger.

Zamarron also received second place for photo illustration on Zika. Raul Altamirano received an honorable mention for photo illustration. In the Spanish writing category, Camila Pena received second place. Travis Demas was awarded third place for his sports feature story. The students are under the direction of professor Matthew Ward.

The Texas A&M UniversityKingsville Presidential Performing and Visual Arts Series Presents

Fierce Four

Honors College seeks dean Alex Guerra Chief Reporter


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Four individuals seek the position as the permanent dean of Texas A&M University Kingsville’s Honors College. Two of the candidates serve as faculty for the university. They are Dr. Shannon Baker, associate professor and History Department Chair and Dr. Kim McCuistion, associate professor and interim dean for the Honors College. The remaining candidates include Dr. Minh Nguyen, professor of Philosophy and Asian Studies at Eastern Kentucky University and Dr. Thomas Spencer, director of Honors Student Affairs and Academic Affairs at Eastern Illinois University. The candidates each shared with the selection panel why they best suit the position of Honors College Dean. In their extensive resumes, the educators put forth their best efforts. “As a professor and chair, I constantly strive to create communities where people can be their best selves and reach their full potential. Indeed, this is the mission statement for my career. That focus defines a primary role of Dean of Honors College, Courtesy photo I would look forDr. Shannon Baker ward to mentoring students, and developing students’ leadership skills through interdisciplinary service learning projects. I would also work to create more stand-alone honors sections for Honors College students,” Baker said. At the Honors College, students are

benefited with more in-depth experiences with faculty. Endless opportunities within courses and research programs are offered, as well as leadership training. The academic achievement earned will also be recognized once reaching graduation. “I have been serving as the Interim Dean of Courtesy photo the Honors ColDr. Kim McCuistion lege…I believe that my experiences in teaching, research, and service while on faculty, in addition to the administrative I have gained over the past two and a half years, have prepared me to step into this leadership role full-time,” McCuistion said in her cover letter. “[The position] fits my qualifications, experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities perfectly, and I am writing to express my interest in and enthusiasm for the position…I am confident that I possess the requisite intellect, temperament, and character to provide dynamic, innovative, and visionary leadership to the Honors College at Texas A&M University-Kingsville,” Nguyen stated in his address to the committee. “Honors education has the power to improve student learning and open new horizons. I have a firm grasp of the principles of Honors education. Over the last eight years at both Eastern and Northwest, I have worn all of the hats, being intimately in recruitment, curriculum development, student advising, budget management, scholarship selection, and retention,” Spencer said in his cover letter.




WikiLeaks: Assange’s Plaything Former hacker likely has nefarious Russian connections

Dakota Roberts Editorial Editor Edward Snowden changed the information game whenever he leaked classified information about global surveillance systems. The event was a message to the world about the capabilities of governments and their intelligence agencies. Julian Assange has often been confused with Snowden because they fall along the same lines of leaking information and pissing off world governments. However, Assange is, in my opinion, a far more intriguing and possibly far more dangerous character. Let me explain, Assange is the founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks— an organization that publishes and releases classified information and media often originating from whistle blowers. The supposed nonprofit (supposed because a private limited company with shareholders isn’t supposed to be considered nonprofit) has claimed to have released over 10 million documents since its founding back in 2006, when Assange was just coming out of his group hacker faze; his cyber punk hacker name was Mendax, he hacked a lot of stuff. When Assange founded the company under Sunshine Press, he released a manifesto to explain his philosophy for leaking information, “…in a world where leaking is easy, secretive or unjust systems are nonlinearly hit relative to open, just systems. Since unjust systems, by their nature induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, mass leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace them with more open forms of governance.” This is essentially how WikiLeaks started too, its slogan was even, “We open

governments.” That’s sort of what makes this such a hard topic for us, especially Americans. We have a heavy belief in a free press; a belief that we need reporters to keep people, programs, and the government honest and to inform the people about significant happenings. WikiLeaks operated as a catalyst of sorts for this information, finding and releasing the hard to get information. WikiLeaks has even done some objectively good things in its history. Take the “Collateral Murder” tape. Back in 2007, there was a series of air-to-ground air strikes being conducted in Baghdad. The operation consisted of a team of two US AH-64 Apache Helicopters, heading out to find and eliminate Iraqi insurgents. The helicopters entered an area where an American Humvee was attacked by small arms fire, the location was now occupied by about a dozen Iraqi men. Believing the men were insurgents back with more advanced weaponry, the Apache opened fire with its 30mm cannon. As it turned out the men attacked were actually there investigating the attack and the “weapons” they were holding were actually simply just cameras. It is estimated that seven men were killed in that strike. Even more shockingly two of the men were well known Iraqi war correspondents for the website Reuters, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen. Eldeen was killed in the air strike while Chmagh was critically injured. The second strike was actually conducted not too long afterwards, when a van saw the attack and moved to go help the injured Chmagh. The helicopter again launched an attack before classifying the van as an insurgency raid. The van ended up being occupied by a father and his two children.

The father unfortunately died and the children were left injured in the back with shrapnel wounds and major brain damage. Chmagh also lost his life in the second air strike, trying to show that they were firing on civilians. At this point in the story people had fled into a nearby building, prompting the helicopter to launch three AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. Reuters investigators tried for years to attain reports on their fallen comrades by invoking the Freedom of Information Act, but all their attempts were unsuccessful. It wasn’t until 2009 that WikiLeaks obtained the video from an undisclosed source and released it to the public. There is a lot more to this story, even to this day these events are talked about especially for their horrid commentary. However, for all intents and purposes, people that had done wrong were finally getting their comeuppance. So again, the organization has done good, that can be seen in some of the Yemen files and how they promote free press in countries that cannot at the moment operate a system themselves. So, where does the controversy come in. Well a lot of it can be found in the more recent years of WikiLeaks. For me one of the most alarming is WikiLeaks and Assange’s attitude towards Russia; yes, Russia and its connections making me feel like a conspiracy theorist again. But, there is a lot of weird connections between Russia, America, and WikiLeaks now. For instance, the DNC hack is alleged to have been conducted by Russian agents and released to WikiLeaks, a move that Trump openly encouraged. A move that was so anti-Clinton it almost seems like the organization was choosing partisanship over independence. The Podesta files as well were

a means to undermine a running election, and I am not saying there isn’t interesting stuff in these files or that WikiLeaks wasn’t going to try and release these anyways, but let’s look for a second into Assange’s connections with Russia. Back in 2015, while moving to Ecuador’s London embassy, Assange requested that he be able to pick his security team. He opted that the Russians would provide his security and should be allowed into the Embassy, a move that was said to be akin to “a coup in the embassy.” Remember last week when we discussed the propaganda network RT, well, Assange has actually hosted a show on the network where he has criticized American culture and motives, while ignoring the fact that he was operating within a pro-Putin channel. A show that would have had to gone through Putin himself to have been authorized. Snowden even got mixed up in the Russian government because his passport was canceled while he was on his way to Latin America, his preferred location. But, Assange has alleged that he was adamant to keep Snowden in Russia; Assange’s preferred location. Assange even abandoned his own philosophy once for Russia when it came to denouncing the Panama Papers, a leak that attacked many elites of the world including Russian oligarchs and Putin himself. Assange accused the leak as an American plot even though American businessmen and politicians were caught in the scandal. Putin eventually agreed with his statements. So, it is just so weird that a man that wishes to attack repressive governments and defend the people from misinformation is so candid and playful with one of the world’s biggest perpetra-

tors in that field. Russia currently ranks number 148 out of 180 countries on the Reporters Without Borders Press Index program. When confronted with this accusation, Assange gave a fairly weak answer, “In Russia, there are many vibrant publications, online blogs, and Kremlin critics such as [Alexey] Navalny are part of that spectrum. There are also newspapers like Novaya Gazeta, in which different parts of society in Moscow are permitted to critique each other and it is tolerated… So my interpretation is that in Russia there are competitors to WikiLeaks, and no WikiLeaks staff speak Russian.” The problem with that is one, they have worked with Russian organizations and agents. And two, is the idea that Assange doesn’t recognize the strife of a Russian reporter. Ever since Putin has come into power 34 reporters, known for their criticism of the government, have been murdered. Before you think I am getting into conspiracy theory territory again, this number does not include other murders where the motive was unclear or the perpetrator was never found. This number comes from a clear motive and the perpetrator often being a military official. Reporters and Satirist are often harassed and threatened on a weekly basis for their work. One of those two people Assange mentioned, Navalny, was actually arrested last month for his criticisms. Looking more into there motives, we also see WikiLeaks fail in their mission to protect citizens. During the DNC hack and the release of the Podesta Files, peoples personal information was released. We are talking about credit card numbers, social security, addresses. These people who were targeted were mostly just innocent donors, people


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Last week’s poll results! How do you feel about the actions of WikiLeaks? Positively

23% 39%



trying to support their party or an individual cause. Yet, thats part of the problem with WikiLeaks, they don’t need an editor; their is no filter. They release all, regardless if that information can eventually cause harm. I wish I could go into more about WikiLeaks because we like an organization that helps whistle blowers get their information out. However, there are other alternatives. Snowden contacted journalists directly. The VA now has a department to protect military whistle blowers. I am not saying that whistle blowing is easy, just that WikiLeaks and the thousands of other sites do have their disadvantages. Then you have Assange, who is at the center of it. A man so mysterious, so intriguing, I can’t tell if he is just a radical idealist or a full-on zealot with a bit of a God complex. We need to come to terms that one man is making a lot of heavy decisions almost completely on his own.

NCAA Controversy: Fake Classes on N.C. Campus Bobby Puentes Circulation Manager Congratulations to the 2017 NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions. The University of North Carolina defeated Gonzaga University on Monday night to claim the role as best college basketball team. Coach Roy Williams gained $925,000 in bonuses alone for coaching the team to another national championship, while players got a new shirt, hat, and a nice pat on the back. An issue not making so many headlines or being The South Texan is a student publication produced by Texas A&M University- Kingsville students. The views, opinions and commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas A&M University system. The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. The South Texan is part of the Art, Communications, and Theatre Department (ACT), The Javelina Broadcast Network (JBN), and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA).

talked about, however, is the ongoing investigation of fake classes UNC held from fall 2002 to the end of summer in 2011. These fake classes were mostly used to benefit the men’s basketball and football players at the university. Nearly an entire decade of classes were being used for the benefit of academic eligibility. The controversy brought up questions on whether or not the university was educating its students properly. The claim was strong enough to grab the Southern Association of Colleges

and Schools’ attention. The association placed the entire university on probation for a whole year; the probation ended back in June 2016. The fake classes were mostly African and African American studies, including teaching languages like Swahili. Many critics point to this to add a racial undertone to the growing controversy. Some officials have investigated the issue, including North Carolina Governor Jim Martin back in 2012. Martin concluded that grade changes were allowed and that faculty signed off on the


Crystal Zamarron- Editor-in-Chief Frankie Cardenas - Managing Editor/Reporter Sebastyon Spencer- Advertising Manager Bobby Puentes- Circulation Manager Travis Demas- Sports Editor Dakota Roberts- Editorial Editor Siddharth Tuplondhe- Cartoonist Alex Guerra- Campus News

Editor/Chief Reporter Robert Breedlove- Entertainment Editor America Quintero- Reporter Clarissa Madrigal- Reporter Ashley Gonzalez- Online Editor Pablo Villanueva- Online Editor Dr. Manuel Flores- Adviser Matthew Ward- Adviser

First Amendment Right Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.

changes. Meaning they must have known as some point about the fraud that was being committed. No charges were filed against the university, however. Instead, the investigation led to changes in the legislature. It wasn’t until 2014 that the scandal became big news, once again. The South Texan would like to acknowledge and support the NCAA to investigate and take action against the University of North Carolina. It is time the idea of manipulating the rules to better the athletic

Advertising For advertising inquiries, e-mail the South Texan at, OR call (361) 593-4371 and ask for Sebastyon Spencer.

Distribution If you would like to carry the South Texan at your business, contact Crystal Zamarron or Bobby Puentes at (361) 5934370

standing of one’s Alma Mater be thrown away. These shadows that lay behind the scenes feeding funnels of money into their former attended universities are usually the ones getting their schools into trouble and costing them more than benefiting. For this idea of fear to prevent wrong doings, the guilty must first be effectively punished. Over the span of the latest allegations for fake classes, UNC won two national titles for basketball. Breaking the rules, plus gaining two national championships without any

obvious punishments? Why wouldn’t you continue this scheme to help better the school you love? If this is being done in North Carolina, it has a high percentage of happening in other schools that might not be as big as Division I schools. Actions must be accounted for and we don’t mean the students should be punished. The ones who constructed this plan must be the ones who serve serious jail time. Only time spent in prison will show big wigs that money cannot bail you out of any situation.

Have an opinion? Contact the South Texan at or message us on our Facebook page. Letters to the Editor

Letters must be typed, signed, and include a phone number. Letters will be edited for grammar, punctuation, libel, and profanity. Letters considered for Publication must be 300 words or fewer. Letters may be hand delivered or emailed to Please send letters or inquiries to The South Texan at Manning Hall 165, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, Texas 78363 (361) 593-4370




Javelinas defend home turf

Freshman Maelee Sowa is seen here setting up to serve.

Beach Volleyball team serves up 4 wins to protect 8-1 home record Travis Demas Sports Editor @travisdemas The Javelina Beach Volleyball team (8-8) protects their home court, as they put on a show going 4-0 this past weekend. The Hogs would play against both Warner College (1-5) and Lewis & Clark Community College (0-3), in which the Javelinas went undefeated. The Hogs would start with an afternoon match against the War-

ner Royals in which they would win 4-1. Lexi Wick and Kyra Henderson would take the first match for the Javelinas, by winning the first flight 21-15, and 23-21. The Royals would tie the series 1-1 in flight No.2 by defeating Gabby Atchley and Kelby Sprinkles 21-14, 21-18. However the Hogs would take back the lead in flight No.3 as Morgan Broussard and Madison Brabham win 21-7, 21-15. Followed by Kat Evans and Kadi Shipman winning No.4 21-19,

21-12. Then Haley Hutchinson and Maelee Sowa in No.5 21-14, 21-16. Later that evening the Hogs would shutout the Lewis & Clark Trailblazzers 5-0. Once again Wick and Henderson would take flight No.1 21-7, 21-11 and set the tone for the rest of the evening. The Javelinas wouldn’t lose a flight for the rest of the flight. The next day the Hogs would start off against the Trailblazzers and defeat them 5-0. Taliah Phipps and Paige Lanam would give the Javelinas the final win of the sweep in flight

No.5. In the Hogs late game they would take on the Royals again in a match that would go in the Javelinas favor 5-0. Flight No.1 started off with Wick and Henderson losing 18-21. The Hogs would fight back and win the next two sets 21-17, 15-9. The Javelinas would win the next flight, and then Broussard and Brabham would lose the first set in flight No.3 20-22. The two would go on to win the two flights 21-11, and 15-11. The Javelinas would go on to win the rest of the flights in the match. The Hogs are 8-1 at home this year and it has helped them

maintain their record this season. “Makes me think we need more home matches next season, “ said Head Coach Tanya Allen. “ It’s really cool and gives me a sense of pride and school spirit, “ Shipman said. The Javelinas have a rematch this Saturday morning against Houston Baptist University at 11. The Hogs were defeated by the earlier this season by the Huskies 1-4. “HBU is talented. We are just as physical as them, but we’ve been too error prone at crunch time. Our goal this time is to get more kills and eliminate and eliminate silly, unforced errors at the end of sets.”

Javelinas struggle to gain ground

Courtesy Photo

Junior Erika Larrea sets up to play her match.

Hogs fall to 1-2 in confrence Staff Reports The Javelina tennis team (11-7, 1-2 LSC) dropped their final game away from Kingsville (8-1) to the No. 15 Midwestern State University Mustangs (12-3, 2-0 LSC). The Mustangs would extend their win streak to six matches, and the Hogs would struggle to gain any traction and fall into a losing record in conference play.

The Hoggies were fortunate to tally up one victory in No. 2 singles, thanks to Victoria Romanovskaia in a hard fought battle (4-6, 6-2, 7-5), however the Javelinas were unable to notch anymore wins under their belts for the remainder of the day. The Mustangs would sweep the Hogs in all three matches in doubles play, all games ending in 8-1 victories for Midwestern, and the

The blue and gold will be playing the rest of their season live and in person in Javelina Nation, their next matchup coming up on Apr. 7, against the Western New Mexico Mustangs, then facing St. Mary’s and Tarleton State the next week. Western New Mexico will be heading into the Lone Star Conference showdown in the midst of a four match-losing streak.





El profesor Hinojosa discutió su nueva obra con estudiantes de literatura Por Clarissa Madrigal El Tejano del Sur El departamento de inglés organizo un evento para que uno de sus colegas presentara su más reciente publicación - una seire de ensayos de diferente temas. Dr. Christopher Hinojosa, profesor del departamento de lenguaje y literature, revelo su nueva obra titulada “Journeys Past the Edge of the Universe” - Jornadas mas allá de la Esquina del Universo. El evento se llevó acabo en el “ Blue Room” ubicado adentro del edificio Sam Fore aquí en la universidad de TAMUK. El lunes 27 de marzo, el Dr.Hinojosa fue responsable de leer sus cuentos cortos de su más reciente publicación. El libro contiene cuentos cortos y todos son escritos por el mismo. Fue en este evento donde el Dr. Hinojosa demostró a la audiencia su pasión por la lectura y por la escritura. Mientras Hinojosa iba leyendo sus historias, el iba envolviendo al público con cada línea que leía y así ellos se transportaban a otra párte, justamente en donde el cuento estaba llevándose a acabo. Hinojosa mantuvo a la audiencia muy intrigada y poniendo atención a cada detalle que el iba diciendo y leyendo. Él fue capaz de mantener a la audiencia riéndose en todo momento, en cada párrafo del cuento. Los cuentos cortos contenían mucho sentido del humor.

El Dr. Hinojosa nos compartió que este es el primer libro que el escribe y quiso leer sus cuentos cortos para los estudiantes y trabajadores de la Universidad. Él nos dijo “estoy leyendo cuentos de mi libro porque es el primero que se pública, y fue publicado solo hace algunas semanas, el cuento que más me gusto de este libro es: “ Sh’DigDug’s Childrens” es mi favorito y fue la más fácil de escribir. Jilma Vinson, profesora de inglés y estudiante de PHD en Educación Bilingüe nos compartió que su cuento favorito fue el de un perro que fue convertido en un Dios. “ Si, si me gustaría que el departamento promoviera más este tipo de eventos. La razón es porque teniendo más colegas presentando sus lecturas es más fácil que los estudiantes se animen a crear sus propios trabajos. En la mayoría de los casos cuando nosotros estudiamos o enseñamos en los salones es maestría y aquí avía otros estudiantes y otros empleados también, entonces quien sabe de pronto podremos tener más estudiantes que vayan por una maestría que escriban también y es bueno para ellos ver que nuestros colegas son buenos escritores,” Vinson comentó. Cruz Armas estudiante de Kinseology-Excersise science/Pre-Pt nos dijo que, “ Lo que me gusto de este evento es que tú puedes venir y disfrutar de los cuentos cortos que el profesor está leyendo y hablando y a la vez tú también puedes estar muy interesado en aprender y empiezas a imaginar todas estas historias. Es una muy buena oportunidad de practicar tus habilidad de imag-

inación.” Cassandra Vega estudiante de inglés con certificación nos compartió que a ella le gustaría que el departamento siga organizando más de estos eventos. “Yo pienso que es muy padre ver y escuchar lo que los maestros escriben, y como enseñan su lado creativo, bueno a mi si me gustaron mucho estas historias y me gustaría también escuchar a otros profesores leer sus historias y más variedad como, francés, español, ruso en fin,” digo Vega. Estudiantes y trabajadores pudieron disfrutar de bocadillos mientras escuchaban la presentación del Dr. Hinojosa. Coipas del libro estuvieron a la venta al final de la presentación por si alguien quería comprar una.

El profesor de lenguaje y literatura Dr. Christopher Hinojosa discutió su obra nueva en una junta de alumnos y profesores el 27 de marzo en el Blue Room.

Discusión sobre ‘la política del crimen en México’ se llevó acabó

Por Natasha Luna Clase de Espanol

El grupo de Asuntos Internacionales de la Universidad (International Affairs Group) de TAMUK le dio la bienvenida al Dr. John Bailey, quien llego para presentar un libro que escribió. Él es profesor de la Universidad de Georgetown, localizado el el distrito federal de Washington. En el evento se discutió el contenido de su nuevo libro, “La Política del Crimen en México: Gobierno Democrático en Trampa de Seguridad.” El lector se concentró en el crimen de México y su desarrollo democrático, la relación que ellos tiene y como les afecta a otros. Bailey identifico los tres puntos más importantes en el México contemporáneo: el desaparecido contrato social entre los

ciudadanos y el gobierno, la lenta reforma en el sistema de justicia y la significante polarización ideológica del sistema del partido. “El sistema mexicano tiene un problema con la legitimidad, ellos tratan de hacerlos esclavos, pero en los ojos de los ciudadanos se hacen ver como ilegitimo,” El doctor Bailey, recalcó la desconfianza que los ciudadanos tienen con el sistema presidencial que existe hoy en México,” según Bailey. “En el 2006, el centro derecho gano las elecciones por menos de un porciento y la fuerza que golpeo fue la populista de la izquierda que dijo hemos resucitado, el pacto, vayamos ahora al sistema antiguo. Mi hipótesis es que el pacto antiguo está quebrado y un nuevo pacto no ha sido substituido por lo tanto lo que el gobierno hace no es legítimo.” Bailey describió el problema con México

y su partido político decentes no pueden resurgir entre los políticos y un partido polito centralizado. Bailey expresó,” Estos partidos políticos tiene un control muy efectivo políticamente hablando en el estado y local. Tú quieres entrar a la política, bien. Tu puedes entrar a uno de los cuatro partidos políticos, tú quieres se parte de un partido independiente, buena suerte. Únete a un partido político conviértete en una persona disciplinada, reparte los votos, levántate en el sistema. Crea un partido centralizado, aunque sean federalista. El mensaje es claro: no anti gobierno en mi partido.” El problema con estos tipos de partidos como describió el Dr. Bailey es qué puede ser imposible modificar partidos y cambiar partidos políticos. Los grupos criminales han estado infiltrados en partidos políticos y crean un mescla de miembros de los parti-

dos. Bailey añadió, ; es difícil de adivinar quién es quién.” Un grupo criminal puede utilizar policías locales y redistribuir un estado, causando confusión en México y causar que la justicia mexicana decaiga. Bailey concluyó con los crímenes que envuelven a los ciudadanos particularmente los secuestros. El describió muchas formas distintas de secuestros como los secuestros virtuales, o en algunas llamadas pidiendo por recompensas de un ser querido, y secuestros exprés, donde una persona es tomada en la calle para exigirles que les den el dinero que traigan. El libro del Dr. Bailey está disponible en línea, en Amazon y otros sitios de publicaciones. IAG organiza eventos para que otros profesores den a conocer sus publicaciones. Estén pendientes de quien será su próximo invitado.

La controversia sobre el Tex-Mex continúa Por Eduardo A. Garza Clase de Espanol

Gracias por ceder un espacio de este periódico a otros estudiantes. Hoy quiero discutir un tema del cual hemos estado discutiendo en una de nuestras clases de español. El spanglish - ´´¿Es el spanglish un idioma?´´ por Roberto González Echeverría refleja sentimientos sobre estostemas. A continuación, hablaré un poco más sobre los puntos que hemos encontrado en clase. Dice Echeverría qué el ´´spanglish… es una amenaza para la cultura hispana´´ y añade que perjudica al progreso hacia la cultura dominante aquí en EE.UU. Sin embargo, este idioma híbrido que no alcanza a ser oficial y permanece en ámbitos coloquiales demuestra que ha llegado para quedarse aquí y darle la vuelta al mundo. Por ejemplo, el escritor y filólogo mexicano Ilán Stavans, menciona en una entrevista para el periódico ´´El País´´ de Catalunya que ´´El spanglish nace de la necesidad´´. Además, Stavans explica que este idioma está vivo y demuestra características creativas y


Acuerdo con quienes dicen que este idioma profana al español, pero también acuerdo que es un arte cuando se usa sin ofender directamente a nadie . . . Tal vez algún día el ´´spanglish´´ se reconozca como idioma oficial, no lo sé. Más probable puede ser que no esté aquí para verlo.

espontaneas. Pone como ejemplo el jazz (género de música que se basa en la improvisación y la libre interpretación) y asegura que este fenómeno se trata de un acoplamiento de una cultura hacia otra. Por otra parte rindo reconocimiento al escritor y poeta puertorriqueño Salvador Tío por ser acuño del término ´´espanglish´´, ahora conocido como ´´spanglish´´. Tal padrinaje llevó a cabo en un ensayo escrito por el mismo Tío y publicado el 28 de octubre de 1948 en el Diario de Puerto Rico. En su conclusión, Tío afirma que

´´Una lengua es siempre un que hacer colectivo. No la puede hacer una academia. Ni un grupo de señores en un laboratorio. Esta lengua que surge del choque de dos culturas es la única solución al problema de las Américas. No nos entenderemos mientras no hablemos el mismo idioma´´. Al contrario que Echeverría, yo me disculpo por mis prejuicios y más por mi falta de estudios a nivel académico e ignorancia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Acuerdo con quienes dicen que este idioma profana al español, pero también acuerdo que es un arte cuando se usa sin ofender directamente a nadie. Más a parte confieso, al ser un individuo que domina bien ambos idiomas (que componen el ´´spanglish´´), yo también por necesidad fui y a veces soy prácticante de este fenómeno y no me avergüenzo. No alabó el hábito de este, pero tampoco menosprecio su espontaneada. Tal vez algún día el ´´spanglish´´ se reconozca como idioma oficial, no lo sé. Más probable puede ser que no esté aquí para verlo.




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