Spark 76 for webv2

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the spark 100% nutritious & delicious

inspiring change since 1993

spring issue 76 • mar - may 2014

WIN! Glastonbury retreat, organic body products, world music tickets

love to learn: courses special learn to love: Satish Kumar

dig in: great food & growing people ● planet ● body ● soul everything from acupuncture to zen in our A-Z directory your three-month guide to green & holistic living in the West

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The Spark

the spark issue 76 spring edition free, thinking and independent: welcome to the UK’s biggest ethical quarterly.


As the Spark is now 21 years young we thought it was time for a bit of a shake-up, so we’re introducing some new sections, bringing in some new writers and generally having a bit of a spring clean. We hope you like the results. Also with this issue we welcome Vicki back and say goodbye to Andy, our designer, after four years. A lot is changing, but one thing that won’t change is our commitment to bringing you the most important community, green, family, health and food stories every quarter. Love from the Spark team x

the team

the big interview earth pilgrim and author Satish Kumar

courses special



discover a new you in 2014



what’s on this spring in Sparkland

5 the big interview earth-pilgrim Satish Kumar



6 courses special

find your new direction in 2014


events diary


courses, events, meets and retreats



discover the West’s best sculpture trails



Charles Dowding puts his fork down 4.



(1) Darryl Bullock, publisher (2) Ann Sheldon, advertising manager (3) Maxine Whiting, advertising sales (4) Beccy Golding, production manager (5) Andy Ballard, ad & cover designer (6) Niall Milligan, finance worker. Contributors: Vicki West, Tilly Black (proof reading), Tony Benjamin, Darryl W Bullock, George Cooper, Charles Dowding, Kate Evans, Beccy Golding, Claire Herbeux (intern), Fiona McClymont, Jessie Marcham, Kesty Morrison, Will Simpson, Melanie West. Photography: Jo Halladey, Hannah Sarah Johnson. The Spark was created by John Dawson

what we do

The UK’s biggest free independent ethical quarterly, The Spark reaches 100,000 readers in Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud, Taunton, Glastonbury, Swindon, Bath and Bristol. Our editorial is independent so no advertorials for us. We report on local solutions and people making a difference to their lives and their communities, while our adverts can connect you to a huge range of talented, professional people. We’re looking for new freelance writers to write about environmental issues, so get in touch if that’s you!


school dinners; community food courses

25 OUT!

beautiful sculpture trails

26 growing

our new gardening section


The Spark goes gleaning



34 35 36

charity news, B&NES fracking update

cartoon & reviews 38 28 food

introducing our new nutritionist

30 community

the West’s radical filmmakers

Kate Evans is watching her neighbourhood

letters & comps


your views; win some amazing goodies

spark listings


A-Z directory of complementary therapists, eco-services and more



green goodies, ethical products



Steve Glover, Severn Project founder



PEFC Certified



Bristol’s Palestine museum

the depressed cake shop

Tuesday to Thursday 10am-5pm

This product is from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources


body & soul

86 Colston Street Bristol BS1 5BB Tel: 0117 914 34 34 The Spark is printed on PEFC-certified paper. Please recycle when you’re done.


Camphill communities & family news

the small print

Advertisers are advised that all copy is their sole responsibility under the Trade Protection Act. All adverts must comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice. We reserve the right to refuse, amend, withdraw or otherwise deal with advertisements submitted to us at our absolute discretion and without explanation • Blue Sax Publishing Ltd can accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting from omission or inaccuracies relating to telephone numbers, wording, spacing or positioning or other material regardless of how caused • We reserve the right to vary print run by 1000 up or down• Blue Sax Publishing Ltd, who publish The Spark, cannot take any responsibility for the quality of an advertiser’s service or advertiser’s conduct. In choosing an advertiser you may wish to consult the appropriate professional bodies • The Spark title can only be used under current licence from Blue Sax Publishing Ltd • Intellectual copyright remains with the publishers of The Spark - Blue Sax Publishing Ltd© All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of the publishers.


body & soul inside the depressed cake shop


Severn Project’s Steve Glover

advertising info

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NEW STUDENT OFFER *Register online now at:

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From Gaia to Greenpeace, Peace to Politics & Organic to Occupy Edited by Satish Kumar Resurgence & Ecologist magazine features leading articles on environmental and social issues, plus art, poetry and reviews. For a free copy call 01208 841824 today ENVIRONMENT • ACTIVISM • SOCIAL JUSTICE • ARTS • ETHICAL LIVING 4

the big interview


Satish Kumar activist, pioneer and ‘earth pilgrim’ Interview by Fiona McClymont • photo: Jo Halladey Former Jain monk and long-term

What’s your favourite book? Small is Beautiful by EF Schumacher. I came across it the year it was published, in 1973. I knew Schumacher personally and he gave me a copy. I read it and was so impressed that we became life-long friends. This book has been an important influence on me and my thinking. It has everything: respect for nature, spiritual values, social justice. Our society is obsessed with ‘big’: big nation, big business, big schools but with ‘bigness’, you lose humanity.

peace and environmental activist, Satish Kumar (77) was born in Rajasthan, India. At the age of nine he left home to join the wandering Jains and at 18 he joined the Gandhian movement for land reform. After a peace pilgrimage of 8,000 miles, from India to Moscow and then to the US, he settled in the UK in 1973 and became editor of

Resurgence magazine (now merged with the Ecologist), and founded The Schumacher College. He has written six books, the latest of which is Soil,

Soul, Society. He lives in Hartland, Devon. What’s the best thing about living in the South West? I chose Hartland because it is the furthest away from any railway station and from any motorways – the nearest motorway is 60 miles. It’s a cradle of nature. I’m surrounded by the wonderful, vast, eternal ocean - the Atlantic. I walk the coast path every week and when I watch the waves, I’m inspired by the tremendous, magnanimous and mystical nature that I find here. Is there anything you’d like to see more of? Some things are missing, I think, from our lives. We are spiritual, not material beings and we need to develop our spiritual qualities of truth, goodness, beauty, compassion, generosity, love, reverence and respect: these are what define and sustain us, not all the outer things, all the possessions, big house, big car etc. Also, we need to see ourselves as first and foremost human beings and then only are we English or American, Russian or Indian, Hindu or Muslim, black or white, man or woman. Our primary identity is human, everything else is secondary: the consciousness of this is missing, we put it the wrong way round. What was your first step to becoming an activist? Reading the works of Mahatma Gandhi, at the age of 18, set me on a path. He taught me that by changing yourself, your perception and your motivation, you can change everything. So, I joined the Gandhian movement of land reform and for eight years I travelled from village to village talking to land-owners, asking them to give land to the poor as donations. So, not waiting for government legislation or armed revolution or some sort of communist takeover, but giving land out of compassion. By sharing

your land, and therefore your wealth, with the poor, you are not practising charity, but recognising social justice. What inspires you? My greatest inspiration is nature; it is my teacher, my religion and my god. I have learnt unconditional generosity and love from nature. You go to an apple tree and it never asks you, ‘Have you come with a visa card?”. An apple tree gives and gives and never discriminates, whether you are poor or rich, educated or uneducated, saint or sinner, man or woman, human or animal, bird or wasp. If we can be like nature and give our love and service to others, then we can feed and nourish and inspire each other. You call yourself an ‘earth pilgrim’. What do you mean by that? By ‘earth pilgrim’ I mean a state of consciousness and a seeking for a deep commitment to life in the here and now, upon this Earth. We are all connected and through that connectivity we become pilgrims. A pilgrim is someone who keeps their mind and heart open for whatever is emerging – it is that openness puts you on a pilgrimage, not how many miles you physically travel (although I have undertaken those kind of pilgrimages too). How did your first peace pilgrimage come about? I was 26, sat in a café reading a newspaper, and saw an article about the peace activist Bertrand Russell. He had just been arrested in London for protesting against nuclear weapons. I turned to my friend (E P Menon) and said, “Wow, here is a man of 90 going to jail for peace in the world. What am I doing, a young man, sitting here drinking coffee?” So, then and there my friend and I discussed it and said “What can we do? How can we join the international peace movement?’ We came up with the idea that we could walk from New Delhi to Washington DC, on a peace pilgrimage. So

on June 1, 1962, we started off from the grave of Gandhi and walked through India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia. We arrived in Moscow and were received in the Kremlin. Then we walked through Belorussia, Poland, Germany, and Belgium to Paris. We wanted to meet President De Gaulle and persuade him to give up nuclear weapons, but we were arrested. We said, “Now we are in the footsteps of Bertrand Russell, we are happy!” We continued on to London, where we met Russell himself, which was wonderful and then sailed across the Atlantic on the Queen Mary, arriving in New York and walking to Washington DC, where we were received at the White House. We ended our journey at the grave of John F Kennedy. We also met Martin Luther King. We had heard his, ‘I have a dream’ speech, and we wrote to him and asked to meet. He received us in Atlanta, Georgia and I found him a dynamo of energy with such an aura of love, peace and presence. I would say that meeting him was one of the highlights of my life. The whole pilgrimage took two years and 8,000 miles of walking. What’s been your biggest achievement? Life is not about achievement; life is a journey. One of my books is called No Destination, because there is no goal, I don’t work for achievement and I believe that action itself is its own reward. Our Western society is obsessed with outcomes. I believe everything is a process in life, we are in the process of serving. I am in the service of humanity, in the service of the earth and I will serve until my last breath. The only achievement I will have is my death. What’s been your biggest mistake? Again, there are no mistakes: everything is a learning process and learning opportunity. When a child learns to walk, it stands up and then it falls down; is that a mistake? No! That’s how you learn. Fear of failure is an obstacle for learning. I welcome mistakes and I welcome failure.

What’s been your favourite trip? The most arduous, difficult and inspiring journey I took was to Tibet. I went to make a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash, a very sacred mountain. It had been my dream since childhood to go there: it’s where Lord Shiva resided and where both the Buddha and the founder of the Jain religion meditated. It is also the source of the river Ganges. I swam in the beautiful lake there, called Lake Manassarovar, which means “Lake of the Mind”. It took a week of walking from the Tibetan border to get there, going up 1,000 feet higher every day. I went up to 18,000 feet, which was hard because I get altitude sickness. It was certainly the most taxing, challenging trip but at the same time it was spiritually very uplifting. The pure air of Mount Kailash and the pure water of Lake Manassarovar purified my body and my spirit. I felt cleansed and as if all my fears and my doubts had melted away. What’s your greatest fear? I believe that freedom from fear is the first step – an imperative step – towards good living. So, all my life I’ve tried to be free of fear. I’ve no fear of death and no fear of hunger: if I’m hungry I think, ‘this is my good opportunity to enjoy hunger and fasting’. And I believe that death is liberation from this body and a door into the next life. So, if I’ve no fear of death or hunger, then what is there left to be afraid of? What drives you mad? I decide not to get angry because anger spoils, diminishes and destroy relationships. If I get angry I am mindful of it, recognise it, and immediately think, “this is wrong”, and I stop being angry. I’ve arrived at this place gradually and I’ve been very fortunate to be inspired by all the teachers I have met: Gandhi, Bertrand Russell, Martin Luther King, EF Schumacher, Mother Theresa. They taught me that anger does not lead you anywhere. What has life taught you? That we are all related, that relationship is the key to everything and in relationship with others lies our joy, our happiness, our love, our friendship, everything. Don’t think that you can ‘achieve’ through your own endeavour, your own ego, your own skills or your own money. Everything anybody can achieve is through relationship. When I walked 8,000 miles without a penny in my pocket, how did I survive? Through relationships and friendship. If you take care of your relationships, really cherish them, then everything else takes care of itself.

Soil, Soul, Society is published by Leaping Hare Press (2013), £16.99 Resurgence and Ecologist magazine is published bi-monthly online www.


courses special W

elcome to the Spark’s courses special. We’ve moved our annual guide to the Spring edition of the Spark this year, following feedback from regular Spark readers and course providers, giving you more time to choose and enrol on a course you love. Continued learning for personal and professional development is an essential part of many people’s lives, and Spark readers are no exception: the last time we checked 38% of you attended a regular class, 28% took part in weekend workshops and 13% of you had travelled somewhere to do a residential course. Many more of you have had similar experiences in previous years, with nearly a quarter of our readers (23%) using the pages of The Spark to find teachers when they’ve been pursuing a new discipline or experience, and more still perusing our regular listings section when they’re considering a major change in direction. We all reach that crossroads at one time or another! Courses have been the backbone of The Spark since we began 21 years ago – turn to our listings on page 43 to find some of the many people, schools and colleges running courses in our area. Whether it’s vocational training in specific disciplines or immersive or transformative experiences that contribute to selfawareness, we’re sure that you’ll find just what you’re looking for. In this year’s courses special we talk to some of the people who’ve experienced a range of different courses, and, over the following pages we’ve asked teachers to reflect on what sparked them into offering their cours in the first place, and asked their students for insights into what they gained personally from them. We hope you enjoy their stories and feel inspired to go and learn something new!

Traditional Healing for Contemporary Times

Established in 1983, the College of Healing has a great reputation for the quality of its courses and the experience of its tutors, both of whom have worked extensively as Spiritual and Energy Healers.

Introductory Courses

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Practitioner Course:

For those with previous experience, exploring Spiritual and Energy Healing in greater depth • Become a Professional Healer • Introduce healing into your current work 12 weekends over a two year period. Next course starts April.

Diploma Courses

One of the most advanced courses in Spiritual and Energy healing in the UK. Designed on a modular basis and suitable for CPD or to advance your professional qualification. Next module: Understanding and Working with Negative Energies, starts March.

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Call 01684 578963

The Shift Bristol Practical Sustainability Course.


n integrated exploration of practical skills, creative ideas and community-led approaches to building a sustainable and resilient future. Modules include Permaculture, Organic Horticulture, Energy, Green Building, Woodland Management, Soil and Ecology, Community Engagement and Group Dynamics. Immerse yourself in positive approaches with some of the UK’s most inspiring and experienced tutors in a dynamic learning environment. A challenging and transformative experience for anyone wanting to be part of the solution. Tutors include Sarah Pugh, Tony Wrench, Patrick Whitefield, Chris Johnstone.

“It’s brilliant! So much more than a great course...more of a life-shift.” 2nd September 2014 to 20th July 2015 2.5 days a week for 40 weeks For full details visit

Shiatsu for deep healing

a different kind of activism a different kind of thinking

and personal tr ansformation three weekend foundation course • 12/13 April • 10/11 May • 7/8 June this practical shiatsu foundation course, that includes a full body routine, will give you a very good grounding in this powerful healing art. One Year and Three Year Practitioner Training Courses also available All courses are taught in Bristol.

Reawakening the Ecological Imagination With Martin Shaw, Tony Hoagland, John Gouldthorpe and Alice Oswald Join us for a big adventure in the woods. Four weekends of wildness, myth and story around the fire. 11 - 13 April 16 - 18 May 27 - 29 June 25 - 27 July Bristol School of Shiatsu Tel: 0844 335 0573

Change Your World Tel: +44 (0)1803 865934


find your new direction The Journey programme at Embercombe Melanie West lived and worked at Embercombe for a year between November 2011 and December 2012. Embercombe is a working community and retreat centre, situated in a valley overlooking Dartmoor, and was founded to “touch hearts, stimulate minds and inspire committed

action for a truly sustainable world.” Mel says: “I undertook The Journey during my stay at Embercombe. The Journey is the centre’s core programme and is described as a powerful, five-day residential for people who love the world and want to make a difference. It’s important for the integrity of the course for people not to know too much about it when they embark on it, and for that reason, I can’t give away too much detail here! “What I can say is that The Journey offers you the space to explore your concern for the state of the world and identify action you can take to express that within your own life. It is a self-leadership programme that

aims to encourage you to move forward in a way that is passionate, purposeful and meaningful. The questions “what do you love?”; “what are your gifts?” and “what are your responsibilities?” are a starting point for consideration. The concept that “we are the people we have been waiting for” is the driving force behind much of Embercombe’s work, and The Journey offers a real jolt of inspiration for anyone looking to shift their focus or direction. You will laugh and you will cry. You will be confused and you will be amazed. Ultimately, you won’t be in the same place when you leave as when you arrived. Just dive in! 01647 252983

Shift Bristol practical sustainability course Shift Bristol was founded by Laura Corfield (former mental health nurse, activist and founder of Tranistion Keynsham) and Sarah Pugh (permaculture teacher, parent and initiator of Transition Bristol). Shift offers “holistic, solution-based, handson education for a resilient, community-centred future”. Students learn about permaculture design, organic horticulture, woodland management, soil and ecology, energy issues, green building, food and resource production and, crucially, tools for communicating, engaging and facilitating community-led action, with modules such ‘the psychology of change’, (finding your personal power); ‘group dynamics’ (facing challenges positively). Here Sarah Pugh shares two perspectives on Shift Bristol from her current students.

“After a year or two glooming out on the doomster blogs, my year with Shift was a real eye-opener,” says Chris Wilson. “I met so many excellent people who are making a difference, and so many good teachers who really bring their subjects to life. “Life-changing” is a cliché, but for me, it’s really been true. Afterwards I worked as a volunteer teacher at Embercombe, and I’m now living in a permaculture community in Devon. Lots of things I’ve done in my life – designing & building, working with people, gardening, living off-grid – have finally come together, and in seven decades I’ve never been busier, or happier!”

“One reason I did the course was to hopefully help me get jobs I actually want,” says Emily Myers. “And it really has paid off, even before I’d finished the course! I’m now working as a Project Co-ordinator for a community food growing project, and working as a sustainability officer for a local council. Plus I’m doing some voluntary work for the UK wing of Global Power Shift.” 07748 987 637

Masters of Science in Practical Skills Therapeutic Education (Integrated Professional Development) An innovative Masters Programme for professionals exploring an integrative and holistic educational method developed within Ruskin Mill Trust. Delivered by Crossfields Institute at the Field Centre in Horsley Accredited by the University of the West of England We are pleased to be taking applications for the next intake, August 2014. This MSc is aimed at teachers, practitioners, researchers, leaders and managers from around the world. The unique delivery structure is based on 30% instructive learning and 70% practice based learning; offering 180 Credits at M level. The faculty includes Aonghus Gordon (Founder and Executive Chair of Ruskin Mill Trust), Charlotte von Bülow (Founder and Chief Executive of Crossfields Institute) practitioners from Ruskin Mill Trust and lecturers from Crossfields Institute. The Module Leaders are Dr Kenneth Gibson and Jonathan Code. The UWE Programme Director is Dr Lita Crociani-Windland. For more information and an application form please go to our website or call us on 01453 808118 or write to 7

8 courses SPECIAL Introduction to Herbal Medicine, at Urban Fringe Dispensary Urban Fringe Dispensary teaches an Introduction to Herbal Medicine course as an evening class, two and a half hours per week for eight weeks. The course is taught by medical herbalist Max Drake, and is now in its seventh year. Max says: “The Intro course focuses a lot on physiology and taking a holistic view of health, as

well as exploring the key actions of medicinal herbs. Many students then go on to do our level 2 course, which takes a more in-depth look at holistic diagnosis, and how to start applying herbal formulas. The emphasis is very much on people and health: how can we all support our own health journeys, with some practical work on making medicines from herbs using local, indigenous plants where possible.”

“I found the whole course truly inspiring”

Helen White is a school teacher who recently completed Max’s intro course. She says: “I found the whole course truly inspiring: it opened up a whole new world of exploration and learning for me. Max puts the information across really well and makes it seem straightforward. Right from the first session when we went for a herb walk and talked about modern day herbal medicine, I knew this was going to be a fascinating course. Max’s knowledge really shows, and is obviously backed up by real life experience, so you really feel confident in his teaching.” 0117 927 6527

aSALT course (Spiritual Activist Leadership Training) Activist and jazz musician David Mowat set up the aSALT course to give activists a toolkit for selfcare, in the face of often difficult and demanding work. He says: “A while back, when I was working in human rights, I witnessed an armed soldier detain some labourers in a ditch

and I got so angry at the injustice of it that I fell ill. Then I was useless: I couldn’t look after myself or anyone else. That sparked me to set up a self-care course for activists. I called it aSALT because I think sometimes activism feels like an assault mission in a non-violent army. The ‘S’ in the aSALT pun stands for spirituality. Course participants take this in different ways. Playing jazz trumpet works for me! A is for activist, the ‘L’ in aSALT stands for ‘leadership’ (I think of it in terms of ‘leadership as service’). The ‘T’ stands for training. aSALT runs on a Sunday evening and Monday once a month for a year. Past ‘salties’ include Somali elders, environmental activists, urban geographers and anarchists!

“aSALT helped me take a leading role in the groups I was involved in, as I’d learned to create an environment which engaged constructively with conflict.” (Marian Connolly, Eastside Roots and Palestinian Solidarity Campaign). “aSALT helped me bring the inner and outer aspects of activism together with a model of self-care, community and spiritual practice.” (Jenny Smith, SHIFT tutor) “Great activities, great people and innovative ways of teaching.” Sue Walker, Greenpeace activist. £200 to £600 for year depending on means. 07804 363170

The Contemporar y College of Homeopathy


MSc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes


Getting others better

Metanoia Institute, a leading Counselling and Psychotherapy Organisation, offers this exciting course.

• Validated by Middlesex University • 1 year (PG Certificate) and 2 year (PG Diploma) • 10 weekends per year

•Free open days •A four year part-time training •Weekend introductory courses practitioner The four year course is ideal for those •A one year foundation course either looking for a vocation, or those

in homeopathic medicine •A free clinic for patients (either GP referred or independent bookings)

considering changing their existing one. The course runs ten weekends a year with directed home study

Courses run at Engineers House, Clifton, Bristol

• Now recruiting for our Bristol and London campuses - course commencing October 2014 Creative writing offers an innovative intervention to engage with a wide range of health and community needs, as well as a broad spectrum of the problems of living presented by those seeking coaching, mentoring, counselling or personal guidance. This unique programme prepares participants to work at this growing edge. Participants will develop and enhance their ability to work in this field via personal creative and reflective writing, groupwork and research and inquiry projects. Tutored by five published writers with extensive experience of using therapeutic writing in health and community settings. This course offers excellent support in personal and professional growth.

For more information please phone Kate on 01275 877083 or visit

For more information go to:

The College is accredited by the Society of Homeopaths and all major homeopathic organisations

or contact the Academic Coordinator, Mandy Kersey, at Metanoia Institute on 020 8579 2505 / 020 8832 3073 (direct) or email:


find your new direction Homeopathy training at the Contemporary College of Homeopathy Mike Bridger started The Contemporary College of Homeopathy in 1996. His college runs a part-time course (one weekend a month) in Clifton, Bristol, for those interested in training to be a homeopath. Mike says: “I was initially attracted to homeopathy because for me it felt like common sense. I wanted

to train practitioners who not only could treat health problems but could communicate what they were doing and why they were doing it, in a way which was accessible and easily understood. I started my first clinic with the encouragement of some doctors I knew, who supported me by letting me set up a homeopathic teaching clinic in their medical centre. “Students come to the Contemporary College of Homeopathy from Bristol, the UK and from abroad. This year there are students from Italy, Portugal and Spain; one student flies once a month from Malaysia!” Gemma Olive is from Spain and is now 3rd year student

at the college. She says: “My father is a doctor and I had never heard about homeopathy at home. I had some health problems for several years, and was getting nowhere with treatment until someone told me to visit a homeopath. Within a week, my pains had disappeared. I had always wanted to study conventional medicine but now I am so happy I diverted to homeopathy. “This course gives me access to more clinical experience than in Barcelona. I would definitely recommend this college which is run by experienced homeopaths, who are always there to guide and help us.” 0845 603 2878

Wildwise ‘Hunger Games’ and ‘Wolfpack’ training for teenagers

Harry Smith

Wildwise offer courses and camps that reconnect people to the natural world. Specialist trainers weave bushcraft and survival skills, nature awareness and storytelling into a transformative experience. Robin Bowman is an instructor and facilitates the Hunger Games & Wolfpack programmes aimed at teenagers. He says:

“With the average British teen spending 37 hours a week looking at screens and only one in ten kids playing in wild places anymore, it’s clear that many of our children are suffering from what Richard Louv coined ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’. Fortunately many teens love the Hunger Games books and films, so our camps called the WildWise Hunger Games are very popular. Teenagers spend the time stalking, sneaking and ambushing each other, while making fires and sleeping out in dens they’ve made. Teenage girls are by far the hardest demographic to engage in nature but because they are so into the story and the characters in the Hunger Games, we end up on camps with lots of 12-16 year girls forgetting about hair, make-up and clothes, and hiding in

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Accredited by the Massage Training Institute (MTI). Our courses exceed the training standards of the General Council for Massage Therapy.

Local Training to National Standards OPEN DAY- MARCH 29th FROME, SOMERSET ONGOING: Programme of CPD Workshops Introduction 2014 to Counselling September Start: Skills: 10 week course Develop yourStart: Counselling Diploma into a January 2014 once-weekly Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Infant Observation -weekly seminar Qualification (British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) accredited) - Advanced Diploma PG Diploma/ Post Qualification training: Psychodynamic Approaches to Counselling in Schools Diploma in Psychodynamic CounsellingFoundation Certificate (Diploma Stage 1) BACP accredited and (BPC) Psychodynamic Counsellor Registration September 2014 Start: Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling- BACP accredited ONGOING: Programme of CPD Workshops & (& BPC accreditation in process) Introduction to Counselling Skills: 10 week course April 2014 Diploma Start: Infant -weekly(BPC seminar Advanced Once Observation -Weekly Psychotherapy

accreditation in process) see website for details 01373 453355 01373 453355

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Dawn Bailey Kinesiology


We have been providing We have been providing Psychodynamic Psychodynamic Counselling and Counselling Training, to Psychotherapy Training Nationally accredited accredited to Nationally standards standards since since 1983

piles of leaves for an hour to ambush one another!” Harry, aged 15, did the Wolfpack training (five weekends, for boys 13-16). Harry never met his dad, so having positive male role models (in the form of his instructors) was a new experience for him. “A typical wolfpack morning started with chucking a log on the embers of last night’s fire followed by a silent canoe down river to catch fresh sea bass for breakfast,” he says. “This experience pulls you away from modern society and into nature, which brought about a change in me. It’s given me a new sense of freedom and independence, and opened up so many doors for me.”

Explore one of the fastest growing complementary therapies and learn how to: • Test for food sensitivities • Release emotional stress • Increase energy levels... and much more The wide range of simple yet powerful techniques give the student (whether a lay person or a professional practitioner) the potential to change their own life and/or the lives of other people.

Next 4 weekend course runs from September to December 2014 Taster Evening 18th June 2014 For full course information, dates and prices visit: Contact Dawn on 07968 202252 or

The College of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies


he College has been running in London since 2005 and opens in Bath in March.

We are a training organization that specialises in professional counseling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy training. We are the only college in the UK, which offers an integrative training programme based on the highly effective transdiagnostic framework of Rational Emotional Behavior Therapy (REBT) one of the main schools of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).

Diploma in CBT 6 weekends over 6 months starting April 12th To download a prospectus and for detailed information go to our website

Our courses deliver comprehensive training in all aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Call 01373 453270 Email :

Exciting new progression routes for Counselling Courses @City of Bristol College 2014/15

Counselling Programmes Level 2

Level 3

AQA Introduction to Counselling Concepts 11 wks x 3 hrs a wk

AQA L2 Certificate in Counselling Skills 19 weeks x 3 hours per week

Fasttrack to Foundation Degree in Counselling 2 day course

AQA L3 Certificate in Counselling Skills 1 year course, 5 hours a week

Access to Counselling (applications from summer 2014)

NOCN The Interpersonal and Commercial Mediation Practitioner (L3) 20 weeks x 3 hours per week

Level 4 Foundation Degree in Counselling Entry at L4 completes at L5

Level 5

Level 6

validated by University of Gloucestershire Edexcel L5 Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling 2 years part-time 1 day a week

3 years part-time, 1 day a week

Future Development (L6) for September 2014 Hons Year Counselling to top up to a full BSC in Counselling (pending validation)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory Diploma (L5) 120 hours delivered 5 hours per week

CPCAB Therapeutic Counselling Supervision Certificate (L6) 24 weeks (5 hours per week)

For further information, please contact 0117 312 5171 Creating lifetime opportunities through outstanding education and training


find your new direction Diploma in Nutrition at College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) The College of Naturopathic Medicine is the UK and Ireland’s largest training provider in a range of natural therapies. Naturopathic Nutrition, which is one of the courses available at CNM Bristol, focuses on using whole and organic food as medicine. Samantha Baker has just completed the first year of

a three-year Diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition at CNM. She says: “When I was thinking hard about a totally different career, I seized on the idea of nutritional therapy. Several years ago I treated my cancer with a very strict diet. I was amazed to find out that what we generally accept to be a healthy diet really isn’t good enough to support our health long term. Since then I have been fascinated by the idea of using food as medicine and I want to be able to help other people improve their health and beat illnesses using diet. “During this course we learn about the whole human body, what happens when things go wrong with it and how nutritional therapy works. We then work on patient

case studies to illustrate what we’ve learnt. In this year of my course we have lectures for a whole weekend in Bristol once a month and we’re expected to do approximately a day a week at home. That increases next year. With regular exams and assignments, the course demands a high level of commitment, but it is extremely enjoyable and the lecturers really bring their subject to life. “The students in my year hail from a diverse range of backgrounds. I’m hoping to work with people on a oneto-one basis; other students want to open healthy cafes and others are just studying for personal development. It’s an interesting group to be part of and a fascinating subject!” 01342 410505

Learn a new language at International House, Bristol “Learning new languages might not be all that easy, but there are many benefits,” says Margo Field, Modern Foreign Languages Coordinator at International House, Bristol. “Not only will you be more open to a whole new culture, you’ll be able to meet thousands of other people thanks to your extra language. No one knows

where life will take us, and knowing this extra language might just make your life completely different. “I would have never believed if you told me 15 years ago that I would be living in England, teaching two foreign languages. My experiences of travelling to different countries proved to me that using a foreign language when abroad is a meaningful gesture and locals will not only appreciate it, they’ll be more inclined to show kindness in return. Whether you chose to learn for business or pleasure or simply to be more confident on holiday, we will make it a memorable and fun experience. “At International House Bristol, we focus on communicative competence. Our lessons are dynamic and

interactive with a variety of activities suitable for all learning styles. We also have regular social events where students can mix with native speakers, use their language skills in a less formal setting and make friends! “We offer adult evening classes, one-to-one lessons and in-company courses in many exciting languages. Our after school junior classes and half term activities will boost young learners’ interest for languages as well as improve their skills in an enjoyable environment. We look forward to hearing from you!” 0117 906 7660

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY At BCPC we provide well established, professional trainings which enable our students to become BACP accredited counsellors or UKCP registered psychotherapists. All courses are experientially based, draw on humanistic core values, and allow students to integrate psychodynamic and humanistic approaches.

We are recruiting 2014now for our September 2013 intake:Foundation Certificate: a one year, one day per week training which may be used as a stand alone course for personal and/or professional development as well as to gain entry to our other courses. Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling: a part-time comprehensive, in-depth training to become a fully BACP accredited Counsellor - APL Linked to Bath Spa University. MA in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy: a part-time in-depth training leading to automatic entry to the UKCP register of psychotherapists. Validated by Middlesex University.

Take the first step on your new path, visit us at or call on 01225 429 720 BCPC Ltd registered in England and Wales no. 3768246 Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling Registered charity no. 1075620

Training for Beginner and Practising Hypnotherapists Enrol now for 2014 Courses

Become a Hypnotherapist Hypnotherapy and NLP Training taught locally in a dynamic, interactive way in small classes by a qualified, accredited teacher and full-time hypnotherapy NLP practitioner.

COURSES IN BATH AND CHELTENHAM Evening, weekday and weekend classes available. For course details & interviews contact Hilary Norris-Evans on 0788 771 4892 or via To download a brochure go to Courses accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy , NCHP, OU and NCFE

12 courses SPECIAL Fooling Workshops with Jonathan Kay Jonathan Kay is recognized as a leading performer and teacher of Fooling workshops - his work is nationally and internationally known. He’s the founder of the largest street theatre festival in the UK, and is an Honorary Fellow of The University of Winchester. He has taught

Jonathan Kay

in Canada, the USA, Australia, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Bosnia, Jordan and throughout the UK In his Fooling workshops, Jonathan encourages participants to fly or to learn how to land, not only in their imagination but also in their purpose. He helps participants to look at those hypothetical anchors that can tie people down for a lifetime, engaging them in a compassionate, humorous and sometimes challenging way so they liberate themselves. The weekend introductory workshop gives the opportunity to experience this foolishness. Once tasted it draws you in to discover a huge world, which you get to play in, create in and find your Fool in. The five-day

workshops allow you to delve deeper into the work. You don’t have to have any aspiration to perform to take part. The workshops suit anyone with an interest to explore themselves and the world of the Fool within a performance space. “Jonathan Kay is one of the most inspiring and freethinking theatre practitioners I have ever met. He is a unique, genuine and natural communicator..... I would urge anyone to sign-up to his courses and to see his shows. He is a philosopher, a fool and a much needed voice of sanity,” says Jeremy Stockwell, RADA.

Crossfields Institute: Innovative Masters Programme (MSc) in Practical Skills Therapeutic Education Accredited by the University of the West of England, Practical Skills Therapeutic Education (PSTE) Integrated Professional Development is an educational method developed over the past 30 years at the Ruskin Mill Trust, near Stroud. PSTE is centred around the principle that students with a range of learning and

behavioural difficulties can access learning more effectively through practical, embodied activities than through traditional ‘academic’ learning. This can include traditional craft activities, such as green woodwork, iron forging and pottery as well as land-based activities such as planting, harvesting crops, caring for animals, preparing and serving food. This MSc is a work-based programme designed for professionals from a wide range of backgrounds, including health and social care, curative and therapeutic education, social entrepreneurship and commerce. It is aimed at people who are interested in integrating a PSTE approach into their own practice, or in researching some aspect of


PSTE in relation to their own work-based context. The programme draws on a wide range of theoretical sources including the ideas of Rudolf Steiner, Goethe and Ruskin as well as more contemporary sources such as embodiment theory, situated learning, phenomenology and action research. Ricardo, one of the completing students from the first intake says: ‘This programme has helped me improve my work as a support worker, in my skills and knowledge when working with special needs adolescents’.



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SIP is a professional training and membership institute, and a charitable company dedicated to the provision of psychotherapy services and events for the public.

For further information and application forms: The General Administrator, SIP, 11 Orchard Street, Bristol BS1 5EH  0117 927 3898 



Don’t forget to check out The Spark’s A-Z directory – starting on page 40 – for dozens of other courses. And, if you get in touch, don’t forget to tell them that you saw them in The Spark! courses, groups & workshops - ads start p44 Bath and Bristol Mindfulness Courses Be In The Present Choice Conflict Resolution Demand Energy Equality Dramatherapy with Scenario EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques Embercombe Enlightenment Intensives Find Your Inner Goddess! Hawkwood College Health Creation Trainings Heaven Sent Spiritual Centre LandTime Light Box, the happiness project Lower Shaw Farm Mindfulness & Nonviolent Communication Schumacher College Sharpham Trust Shift Bristol Training Exchange Vision Quest Wildwise Wildwise Hunger Games

Do you ask yourself Who am I? What is the meaning and purpose of life? How may I find inner peace, love and lasting happiness? How may I live fully, and discover my true Self? This practical 12 week evening course stimulates thought provoking discussions and provides inspiration for those who seek to discover the truth about themselves and the world they live in. Guidance is given for direct personal experience of a quality of life, values and relationships in harmony with true human nature, and for clear thought and for effective action in daily life.

Introductory course £79 Concessionary £45 Full time students £20

If you would like to know more please contact: Email: Or call: 07873 230651

counselling & psychotherapy training - ads on p43 bcpc Sweet-Tract Spiritual Counselling Wessex Counselling service

Next courses: Bath: Tuesdays from 29th April 2014 at 7pm Bristol: Thursdays from 1st May 2014 at 7.15pm

training - ads start on p51 Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork Bristol School of Holistic Therapies Bristol School of Shiatsu College of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies College of Healing CNM College of Naturopathic Medicine Complementary Therapy College Contemporary College of Homeopathy Severnside Institute UK Academy or

Bath and Bristol School of Philosophy: branch of The Fellowship of the School of Economic Science.

Not ready to book yet? The summer issue of The Spark – with more courses to choose from – will be out from May 19. 13

14 ignite march compiled by Claire Herbaux

main event: Fairtrade Fortnight

Feb 24-March 9 During this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight Nicaraguan coffee producer Margarita Espinoza will be speaking in Bristol schools, Filton College and Stroud College about the Fairtrade movement. The South West Fairtrade Business Awards Ceremony are being held on March 6 at City Hall, and two weeks of celebrations culminate with ‘Changing the World for Women and Girls’ at the MShed, with a screening of In the House, In Bed and in the Street to mark International Women’s Day on March 8.

get involved! This section of Ignite gives you lots of juicy info about local activism, new campaigns, projects and groups. We include new movements for change, reactions to important local issues and any unusual, under-the-radar stuff that we think you’ll find interesting. email editor@thespark. to give us your info and spread the word! Incredible Edible Bristol is a new group which has been formed to make the best use of the city’s hidden growing spaces - from containers in train stations to small patches of green on street corners. Inspired by the Todmorton project of the same name, the group aims to transform Bristol into the UK’s first Edible City, and are holding a meeting at Hamilton House, Stokes Croft, Bristol on March 3. email To keep up to date with plans, search Facebook for Incredible Edible Bristol

you’ve been framed

March 1 It’s time for you to get animated! Aardman’s Andy Symanowski is holding a family workshop on how to create your own stopmotion film with pictures and figurines at Prema in Uley, Glos. Family tickets (two adults and two children) £30.

seeds of content

March 8 Exchange or donate seeds at Bristol Seed Swap, in Stapleton, and keep rare seed varieties alive. Or meet at Glastonbury United Reformed Church for a workshop on protecting seeds.

chime in March 22-23 Of This Parish is an art & sound project including a 2-day workshop to record Bath Abbey’s bells while walking through the city, creating a sound installation to be housed at the American Museum 5-12 April.

almanac Full moons: March 16 (sunrise 6.25am; sunset 6.19pm), April 15 (sunrise 6.18am; sunset 8.09pm), May 14 (sunrise 5.23am: sunset 8.56pm). Summer 2014 issue of The Spark available from May 19

flipping fun March 4 Shrove

Tuesday is coming up and Chippenham’s Pancake race takes place today: each year up to 80 ‘athletes’ take part. Why not go along on Pancake Tuesday to cheer on the runners or take part yourself? Take your own pan and cake. (search ‘pancake’)

Young Einsteins March 9

Get over to the Wiltshire Music Centre in Bradford-On-Avon, to see the winning projects from My Science Fair, a science competition for school kids. Enjoy Lego racer demonstrations and join the evolution workshop!

African mash-up

March 25 Zimbe! is a choral piece by composer Alexander L’Estrange, fusing jazz with traditional African songs, to be performed by Bristol Choral Society with 300 primary school children at Bristol’s Colston Hall.

birthdays, anniversaries etc March 9 marks the 122nd anniversary of the birth of Vita Sackville-West, the author, poet and gardener best remembered today for her passionate affair with the novelist Virginia Woolf. WW1 poet Wilfred Owen and French

Trinity re-launch

March 8 Bristol’s Trinity Centre is back and celebrating the opening of their new upstairs hall. Early evening you can hear Adrian Utley from Portishead interpreting Terry Riley’s In C, or you can join the after party from 10pm with Smith & Mighty.

go green!

March 15-16 Making your house greener is a good idea but not always easy to achieve. 28 houses in Frome will be opening their doors for Frome Open Homes, showing how you can cut carbon with wood-fired heating, solar energy and compost toilets.

when in Rome March 30

Instead of flowers and chocolate, why not treat your mum to a Roman re-enaction? The Matronalian Mother’s Day at Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, features her special day with demonstrations and craft activities so you can make her a truly unique gift.

film director Luc Besson both celebrate their birthday on March 18, 1892. April 5 is the anniversary of both the wedding of Pochahontas (to John Rolfe in 1814) and the birth of acting legend Bette Davis (in 1908). Charles Richter, inventor of the scale which used to be used to

Were you – or was anyone you know – involved in setting up or working for the UK’s first all-female radio station, Fem-FM? On International Women’s Day, March 8, the Fem-FM archive will be launched by Bristol Record Office, and a reunion is being planned for former Fem-FM folk. At the time of writing 40 or so of the women who took part had been traced, but organisers were still hoping to contact more. There’s a Facebook page if you’d like to check what’s planned and who has been found (search Fem-FM). Email Pam Beddard for more info at pam.beddard

Throughout 2014 Mike Abrahams – owner of Bristol wholefood store Wild Oats - and nutritionist Jamie Richards are hosting a series of nutrition lectures bringing together complementary health specialists, nutritionists, psychologists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, GPs and consultants to discuss matters relating to health and lifestyle. These free talks are a great chance to hear the most current thinking on important health and nutrition issues.The first talk – Age and Cognitive Decline – takes place at the Redland United Reform Church on March 19 and features the Spark’s new nutritionist George Cooper on the panel of experts. Booking essential. See Art brings us together and sharing it can be an incredible experience. But working with diverse groups of young people can bring challenges. Meeting Points: Raising Cultural Awareness is a weekend workshop for anyone who wants to work on arts and culture with young people from different communities. It will teach you how to include people from diverse backgrounds in your work.This facilitated day on March 20 brings together performers, artists and youth workers to explore how to use music and culture. See and search ‘meeting points.’

measure earthquakes (nowadays siesmologists use the moment magnitude scale) was born on April 26, 1900. Puppeteer Jim Henson and pianist Liberace share May 16 as an anniversary: Liberace was born on that day in 1919, Muppets creator Jim sadly passed away on that day in 1990.

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From The Last Days of Mankind, summer 2013. Photo by Graham Burke.




Love From Heaven

The Future of Wellbeing

Thursday 24 April

Sunday 11 May



The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Who Would You Be Without Your Story?

Saturday 31 May

Saturday 5 July

DIRECTORS’ CUTS SEASON 2014 The Brewery Theatre Box Office: 0117 902 0344 A programme of contemporary theatre presented by the four graduating directors from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and featuring work by acting and production students. Love Steals Us From Loneliness by Gary Owen. Directed by Katie Harris Tue 29 Apr – Sat 3 May The River by Jez Butterworth. Directed by Aaron Parsons Tue 6 – Sat 10 May Days of Wine and Roses by Owen McCafferty. Directed by Tom Brazier Tue 13 – Sat 17 May Dutchman by LeRoi Jones. Directed by Nancy Medina Tue 20 – Sat 24 May Blue Stockings by Jessica Swale. Directed by Donnacadh O’Briain Tickets: £15 full, £10 concs Thu 5 – Sat 14 June

London Road – a musical by Alecky Blythe. Directed by Adele Thomas Bristol Old Vic Studio. Box Office: 0117 987 7877 Tickets: £15 full £10 concs Tue 10 – Sat 21 June The Winter’s Tale By William Shakespeare. Directed by Kim Durham Tobacco Factory Theatre. Box Office: 0117 902 0344 Performed by members of the International Acting Course. Tickets: £15 full, £10 concs. Thu 19 – Sat 21 June 15

16 ignite april get involved! email with details of your campaigns, groups, events and projects

heard the one about... March 28-April 6 Have

a laugh in Bath at the 2014 Bath Comedy Festival. As usual, shows, stand-up and open mic nights will be taking place all over the city, with a line-up of local, national and international talent.

meet the Kogi

April 2. Get over to Glastonbry to catch a screening of Aluna, an incredible film made by, and following the lives of, the Kogi, a lost civilization from Colombia. It costs just £7: £5 goes to the Kogi who are purchasing land in Columbia to prevent further destruction, and £2 covers the cost of a super soup supper.

university challenge

April-May Enjoy the winning entries to Bath University’s photography competition titled ‘Travels; Culture and Society,’ one of a great range of dance, music, theatre and art events at the Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Arts.

Finding clean water isn’t always as easy as turning on the tap. FRANK Water funds clean water projects in developing countries and on World Water Day, you can get involved in the fundraising. On March 22 take part in Karma Korma. It’s about catering a fun evening for friends ande family and asking each guest to donate to the charity. Register your event to get a fundraising pack including ideas and recipes for your dinner. From April 26, the excellent Remix Academy (based at the Colston Hall) is offering a creative workshop for kids every Saturday morning during term time. Called Get Inspired the session features music, costumes and craft to enable young people to develop new skills. The sessions end with a performance or a sharing acitivity.

let’s talk art April 4 ‘Site,

Sound and Place’ at The Little Theatre Cinema in Bath, is an afternoon of talks and film across visual arts, sound and dance with discussions with artists Shobana Jeyasingh, Louisa Fairclough and art/sound collective Liminal.

the world on your plate April 11 Local meets global at the

Bath Street Feast.This new street food market at Green Park Station happens every Friday 5-9.30pm from Apr 11. Local farm produce and international stalls. (and click ‘upcoming events’)

time flies April 15-26 Artist and

therapist Millie Wood Swanepoel is exhibiting her ceramics and mixed media pieces, which capture her ideas about time, at the Lansdown Gallery, Stroud. ‘Passage of Time’ is open daily 10am5pm with Millie around to talk about her art. did you know? May 13 is Garland Day: celebrations have taken place in the Dorset village of Abbotsbury since the early 19th century. Garlands, which were originally made by the children of fishermen, were blessed in a church service and then taken

tai chi for all April 6

Interested in Tai Chi? Discover everything about this ancient art at a seminar given by the Bristol School Of Tai Chi. Learn the 75 traditional movements and classes will be split between novices and the more experienced.

sing your heart out

April 12 Discover the Joy of Singing with teacher Jules Olsen at Tyntesfield Orangery in Somerset. Learn simple but beautiful harmonies in this informal workshop for all ages. £10. Booking essential. & search ‘singing’

eggs-hibition April 18-21

Ceramic pomegranate seeds and Indonesian floral batik sound interesting? Go see these, and more, at the University of Bristol Botanic Garden’s Easter Sculpture & Botannical Art Exhibition. Admission is £3.50. out to sea to be tossed into the water, marking the start of the fishing season,. Children would then be given the day off to play on the beach. In more recent years the village school would give children a day’s holiday to construct garlands of wild flowers and garden flowers which were

get on my land April 9

Put on some old clothes and get ready to work. Kids aged 8-12 can spend a day with farmer Tim at Windmill Hill City Farm: feeding animals, collecting eggs and learning all about oldfashioned farm work. £10.

buried treasure

April 12 Arnos Vale Cemetery is one of Bristol’s undiscovered gems with wild, rambling woodlands, beautiful grounds and hidden corners. Why not take a guided walk and learn about its history? If you can’t make this date, there is another tour on April 19 at 11am.

spring has sprung April 27 See the first flowers blooming on a walk titled Spring Flowers in Eley’s Fields in Somerset. Mark Ridgard will lead the walk through the grassland and point out the spring flowers all around you. Booking essential. & search events

held aloft on poles and paraded from house to house in the village with money often given to the children at these houses. In 1954 the village constable stopped the procession on the ground that it was “begging”. This outraged the Chairman of the parish council who said

This spring the Golden Hill Community Garden in Bishopston/Horfield (runner-up in the Spark Awards) is launching a Green Toddler and Parents Group, The Golden Buds. Running every Tuesday morning (10-11:30am) and aimed at kids aged 18 months to four years, there will be lots of digging, playing, newt-spotting, adventuring, connecting with nature, watering and arts and crafts. £4.50 per session, booking essential. Bristol Basket Brigade raised enough funds in 2013 to pay for hampers for 350 families in the Bristol area that were struggling to celebrate Christmas. This year, they are launching the Club 100 project, looking for 100 people to commit to either raising or donating £100 by the beginning of December. You can raise money any way you like, including holding a sponsored event, hosting a cake sale or running a quiz night and advertising your endeavours on the Basket Brigade Facebook page. Your name will also be listed on the Basket Brigade website. Email to join the club and help raise funds. SISH Bristol – the Self Injury Self Help Group – are looking for men to join their volunteer network so that the needs of men who use self injury are more fully represented. SISH are keen to recruit men as Volunteer Facilitators for their men and women’s support groups and as Core Group volunteers who will oversee the strategic development of the group. SISH values diversity and welcomes applicants from all groups, cultures and identities, including those with lived experience of self injury and/or mental health issues. that the village would take steps to preserve its ancient and custom. The village school closed in 1981 and local children no longer get the day off, but celebrations still take place, with the local community determined to ensure that this tradition survives..

A complete Qi Gong System Founded by Dr Shen Hongxun and taught by Andy Henry

Bristol Workshops 2014 12-13 July 11-12 October 6 December

Learn a simple yet powerful system of Chinese healing exercises to clear your body, energy system and emotions. Old tensions are quickly released leaving a sense of lightness, clarity and vitality. Students will also receive healing from the teacher. Open to all. £105 per w/end 10am - 5pm Sat & Sun

Contact: Bristol Weekend Workshops and Healing Clinic T 0117 3770103 / 07766 100383 E

Integrative Cancer Health-Care Conference 6th - 8th June City Hall, College Green, BS1 5TR Come and Get Informed and Inspired!

Inspiring talks & workshops Recovery accounts from 10 survivors To Book and for more info:

● ●

For practitioners, individuals dealing with a cancer diagnosis, those wishing to stay well and everybody who is, or has been, affected by ‘The Big C!’ This three-day conference will show you that you have choices.




Also free talk: Is Cancer Reversible? Thursday 3rd April at Hamilton House, 7-8.30pm. To book: or 0117 904 6343.



Courses— Retreats—Summer Schools—Venue Hire MARCH Rosen Method Bodywork ~ Infinite Tai Chi with Jason Chan

APRIL Mindful Easter Retreat~ The Artist’s Way


Introduction to Bushcraft MAY Mindfulness and the Breath ~ Pottery Soap Making ~ Speaking with Confidence Scything ~ Willow ~ Textiles JULY Creative Arts Summer School AUGUST Sustainability Summer School and The new Hawkwood Summer “REST”-IVAL

Highlights DAY OPEN

Lots more courses all year round. Only 40 mins from Bristol in lovely grounds. Warm welcome PLUS DELICIOUS FOOD!

Tutors, artistes, Helen Yeomanscafé, Maypole, stalls, music. 27-29 The How of Happiness Miriamwelcome! Akhtar Families

6-8 RUMI— Love in Action 5 MAY MONDAY Andrew Harvey

10am-5pm 20-22 Peace in the Body Gerda Boyesen’s work FREE workshops

01453 759034

21-22 Glorious Songs

Stroud GL6 7QW 17

18 ignite may the main event: Bristol Food Connections May 1-18

Bristol Food Connections aims to turn Bristol into the capital of food for a fortnight with local markets across the city and activities for children. Eat Drink Bristol Fashion hosts a plethora of pop-up restaurants in Queens Square on Bank Holiday weekend. May 3-5 Millennium Square will feature a food market filled with local produce. Great for a lush picnic in the amphiteatre. Bristol chefs will hold cooking demonstrations during Love Food Festival where you can learn to brew beer, bake bread and chat with local farmers.

seize the clay May 3-4 Watch the doors are open May out for the F-word at Radford Mill Farm’s Frack Free Festival. Two days of fantastic bands (including Seize the Day) fantastic food and fearsome debates in a child-friendly environment. Only £35 for wknd ticket, under 12s free.

5 At the Hawkwood College Open Day you can try some taster sessions for workshops coming up in 2014, take a tour of the house and estate, or just take the kids along for an afternoon of music, stories and a treasure hunt.

feet on the ground May is delicious Devizes May national walking month and the Bristol Walking Festival runs throughout May. Walk to Work Week is May 12-19, Walk to School Week, May 19-23. (search ‘walking’),,

veg out May 23-25 Bristol

VegFest is back with three days of animal-free goodies, food, fashion and bodycare. Each day ends with live music, with Boney M and Rose Royce on Friday, old school punk The Ruts on Saturday and reggae on Sunday.

17-25 Devizes Food and Drink Festival is back with everything from food tasting and local produce to masterclasses by chefs Xanthe Clay and Valentina Harris. The weekend ends with a Fun Sports & Healthy Eating Day for kids.

bring dancing shoes

May 30-June 1 Put on your retro togs for the Vintage & Nostalgia Show in the Wyle Valley, Warminster. Enjoy a weekend of old fashioned cars, music, traditional children’s activities and vintage food stalls. Wkd ticket £24.

get involved! email with details of your campaigns, groups, events and projects With 40 boats raising thousands of pounds for charity, the Dragon Boat Festival has been part of Bristol’s annual calendar for the last seven years. Held in Bristol’s Docks, the spectacular festival is an exhilarating day for the competitors, a thrilling show for the spectators, and last year raised over £50,000 for the charities involved. Now run by Sue Ryder, the national charity which provides free care to people affected by life-changing illness, this year’s event takes place on September 14 and is open to anyone and everyone, including other local charities wanting to raise funds. If you fancy having a go you can register online now at

art in the park May 10-11

Spend the weekend in sunny north Bristol at the first art trail of the season! Peruse paintings, sculpture and crafts away from galleries and museums at BS9 Arts Trail, and visit the artists in their own home for a chat and a cuppa.

traditionally English

May 23-26 Chippenham Folk Festival is as traditionally English as it gets. It’s four days of music, dance, folk activities and events in town and at the The Causeway arts centre. On Bank Holiday Monday the High Street will be taken over by stalls.

skills and thrills May 31-

June 8 Got a skill? Why not share it? That’s the idea behind Bedminster’s B3ST for Skills Week where locals and businesses share their skills with visitors. Why not get arty in a graffiti workshop, practise traditional crafts or learn how to make glass?

It’s the 10th annual International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia this year. May 17 marks the World Health Organisation’s decision in 1990 that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. In past years, Bristol-based charities hosted events and debates on the day and people gathered on College Green to see the rainbow flag on City Hall. Why not get involved this year and dress in pink for the day? Local youth groups and the Cooperative stores will be marking the day with a dress down day and events in the city centre. You can take part in events or start your own event by having a look at the website., www. SWAN (South West Against Nuclear Alliance) held a one-day gathering in Bristol on January 26 to discuss their future campaign strategy with activists from across the region. If you missed this gathering, but are actively campigning against fracking or new nuclear power in the South West, please get in touch with SWAN to co-ordinate your efforts for the coming year. email Helius Energy are raising £300m investment to build a 100MW biomass power station at Avonmouth, burning up to 1 million tons. Environmental campaigners are highlighting risks of particulate pollution to human health, plus the potential for adversely affecting deforestation, biodiversity and climate change. See here for more info uk/2013/avonmouth-biomass-briefing/

Have you heard? the Spark has gone monthly (sort of!) Get the Sparkler - the Spark’s new monthly newsletter. News, competitions and reader offers delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up now at

coming up sat 1 – sun 2 mar richard herring: we’re all going to die thu 6 mar john harle and marc almond: tyburn tree fri 7 – sun 9 mar bristol international jazz and blues festival wed 12 mar faustus sat 15 mar wittank wed 19 mar tom paxton and janis ian fri 21 mar kathryn williams Pic: Don Williams

in the lantern @colston_hall

0844 887 1500

mon 24 mar lloyd cole thu 27 mar francois and the atlas mountains fri 28 mar colin hoult: characthorse

sun 6 apr mokoomba

Sue Ryder’s Dragon Boat Festival

thu 10 apr psycho live! fri 11 apr bridie jackson and the arbour sat 12 apr bohemian legends

Bringing charities together

sat 19 apr more like trees

Baltic Wharf, Sunday 14th September 2014

Baltic Wharf, Sunday 14th September 2014

thu 24 apr joe driscoll and sekou kouyate sun 4 may an evening with dave swarbrick tue 6 may ian anderson

40 boats, 2,000 spectators Raising thousands for charity

mon 12 may debashish bhattacharya

Want to get involved? Dragon Boats is open to all abilities and anyone over 16. Compete in a series of heats, lasting just a couple of minutes as you battle for the fastest time. Teams consist of 17 and it’s about teamwork and having fun!

thu 15 may don williams

Sponsored by

fri 16 may jeff beck

To find out more call 0117 929 3618 or email: Sue Ryder is a charity registered in England and Wales (1052076) and in Scotland (SC039578). Ref No.03051. © Sue Ryder. January 2014.

Jill Purce

The Healing Voice

Rediscover the Ancient Power of Group Chant Magical Voice Techniques ∞ Mongolian & Tibetan Overtone Chanting ∞ Mantra & Vocal Meditations ∞ Sonorous Mandala Ceremony ∞ Healing Family & Ancestors ∞ Healing Voice Week Intensive April 25 – May 2 nr Glastonbury - Also celebrate May Day Life changing week. Overtone chanting, vocal purification practices, purification of chakras, sound healing, breath yoga, healing ancestral lines. Extended sonorous Mandala Ceremony of Yellow Tara to invoke abundance, joy & luminous wisdom.

Healing the Family & Ancestors Week Intensive June 20-27 nr Glastonbury -includes Solstice Celebration Jill’s unique ceremonial shamanic healing rites, using chant and family constellations, restore resonant family fields in magical oracular ways, unavailable to normal therapy. Transforming destructive inherited patterns into blessings. Family members do not need to be living. Individuals and families welcome.

Healing the Family W/Es London Mar 22-3;Apr 5-6 Healing Voice W/Es- London- Feb 22-23; May 17-18 Discover your voice, ancient Mongolian shamanic practice overtone chanting- ethereal, & powerfully meditative sounds. Vocal purification, transformative breathing, mantra, sacred chants, vocal yogas & dream work. Recognized as the pioneer of both sound & ancestral healing movements worldwide, author of The Mystic Spiral, Jill’s workshops are magical, powerful & fun. • 0207 435 2467 • 19

20 events diary regular


Second Sunday of the month

Weekly Tai Chi Shibashi class 5.45pm-6.45pm at Shambhala, 17 Lower Redland Road, Bristol, £3 donation. All ages, medical conditions. Improves health and wellbeing. Christine 0796 201 3914

City retreat days starting Sunday 13 April. Group meditation practice open to new and more experienced meditators. £10 whole day (£5 for half). 17 Lower Redland Road, Bristol

Wednesdays Tranquilliser Support Group. Bristol Mind, 35 Old Market Street: 6-7pm. Helpline 0844 8269317. Ffi: tel 0117 966 3629 web Second and third Wednesday of the month

Mondays Free Happiness Workshops from Light Box - unlocking people’s creative potential to be happy. 2-4pm. Different theme each week. Broadmead, Bristol. Book online: or call 0117 329 0908 Mondays

Discovering Unity A seven week course exploring human consciousness and meaning, merging universal truths with personal experience. Weekly on Mondays, 6.30-9pm, £60 March 24th – May 5th YHA Bristol, BS1 4QA applications and more information: Developed by the Beshara School; running courses in self-knowledge since 1973.

Tuesdays Women’s Sharing Circle. Nurture & Honour the Feminine. 7.30-9.00pm, St George, Bristol. Tuesdays, 3rd Monthly Bristol Laughter Workshops with Joe Hoare. Learn to laugh more for mindfulness, happiness, and stress-free living. 7.30-9pm, from £7. Also Laughter Facilitation Skills: Tuesdays & Sundays Fortnightly Lifting The Veil – Natural Woman Programme offers sacred space for opening as feminine essence, sisterhood and embodiment practice. Two-Hour sessions. £5

advertise your events for just 90p a word • book at

Build your own solar panel in an innovative workshop and learn how to connect solar panels to batteries, laptops and phones in an off-grid system. Demand Energy Equality runs regular workshops, conveniently located in central Bristol. 0117 314 4657 Thursdays Free Signposting Service from The Happiness Project - visit the signposting wall for a monthly roundup of Bristol’s events and opportunities for enhancing your wellbeing. Open from 10am. Broadmead, Bristol. Come and drop in. Free tea! More information: or call 0117 329 0908

february Friday 28 February Start Ups Netwalk.


New Dimensions Bristol Positive Living Group A monthly meeting of like-minded people, to hear talks on a wide range of esoteric subjects


Timothy Freke Sunday 13 April 2014 OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES


Ben Grassby

Held at: The Friends’ Meeting House, 126 Hampton Road, Redland, Bristol. BS6 6JE Everyone welcome. Refreshments included 3.00pm – 5.00pm Entrance £5.00

Ffi contact 01749 678834

Have Fun with Raw Food! On this experiential workshop learn easy raw food recipes for everyday. Enjoy the benefits to body and soul! Buddleia Café, 24 Chilkwell Road, Glastonbury. 10am-4pm. £45 including meals. 01278 671863 Tuesday 11 March Mixed Netwalk. Friday 14 - Sunday 16 March Embercombe Friends Weekends. Stay in a yurt, work on the land, be part of a community. Monthly: also 11-13 April, 16-18 May, etc. Saturday 15 March

Learn from Charles Dowding, the no-dig gardener.


ourses at Homeacres, near Shepton Mallet range from a day to a weekend to a bi-monthly grouping of four courses at different seasons. They are based around the garden, its undisturbed soil, vegetables, compost heaps, fruit trees and flowers, and Steph’s lunch reveals the many exciting flavours and colours from vegetables. See my website for dates, times, costs: coming up are day courses on March 12th, 20th and 30th, and April 5th and 9th, for £85.

JAPANE SE CULTUR AL E VENT Saturday 15th March Taster workshops including Japanese Tea Ceremony, Ikabana (flower arranging) Calligraphy & Johrei Healing. Engineers House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB 10.30am-3pm Admission £15.00, including light lunch To book please contact BJS office 01225 745766 Tue/Wed or email: For Johrei drop in healing centres see our website Johrei Foundation Courses Sat/Sun 31 May/1 Jun & 25/26 October

Second Thursday of the month

Johrei Art of Living. Art of Healing. Art of Beauty. Art of Nature.

Women’s Circle meets in Bristol, exploring our creativity and our connection with the sacred feminine. All women from all paths of life welcome!

Saturday 15 - Sunday 16 March The Imagineers Programme with Clare Russell and Nick Clements, central Bristol. Let your imagination soar, then engineer it down to earth - dream, define and realize your potential through play, creativity, and challenge. Join us for a three weekend intensive creativity and intuition programme over March - May. Suitable for those interested in personal development, leadership and building community. imagineers-programme Tel: 07966 253 111

Fridays – 2nd monthly Sound Bath / Meditation, nr Whiteladies Road, Bristol, BS6 6TN. 7.30–8.30pm, £10. Experience deep relaxation of mind and body, immersed in the cosmic vibrations of gongs and singing bowls. 07742 131549 Saturdays & 2nd Wednesday Your Community Clinic: enjoy holistic therapies for less. Weekly Saturday clinic in St Werburghs and monthly Wednesday clinic in Broadmead. Qualified, insured therapists offer massage and other therapies for £13-£35. Everyone of all ages welcome whether suffering from long-term health problems, or after some “me-time”. Reiki shares and courses also available. For full treatment list and further info: or 07809 736187 / 07982 243804

Sunday 9 March

HAWKWOOD Courses & retreats

14-16 March Rosen Method Bodywork

Monday 17 - Friday 21 March SPARK ISSUE 76 Embercombe Community Build. Feb—May Learn new skills completing our

21-23 March Infinite Tai Chi Jason Chan 18-21 April Mindful Easter Retreat 5 May Open Day 10-11 May Mindfulness & the Breath 24-25 May Willow & Textiles 19-27 July Creative Arts Summer School 45 mins from Bristol near Stroud GL6 7QW


new Cob and Oak Linhay. 01647 252 983 communitybuild

Plus Ignite section

march Saturday 1 March

Feminine Power: a sound approach. Voice workshop in Glastonbury using mantra and fun. Tel: 07876 298613

Monday 17 March Personal Resilience Training – an eight-week online course with Chris Johnstone and Sheri Hendricks. Involves webinars each Monday at 7.30pm, plus online resources. For details, see

MASTERS PROGRAMME IN DANCE MOVEMENT PSYCHOTHERAPY validated by Canterbury Christ Church University Interviewing now for 2014 intake Professional training leading to Registration as a Dance Movement Psychotherapy Practitioner INTRODUCTION TO DMP STUDIES 6 day intensive taster courses give an excellent experiential introduction for anyone interested in our work. 20 WEEK FOUNDATION IN DANCE MOVEMENT AND THE THERAPEUTIC PROCESS, interviewing now, Spring start TBA.

COUNSELLORS WANTED Relate Avon is a successful and growing counselling organisation. In addition to relationship counselling we offer family counselling, psychosexual therapy, counselling for young people and educational courses. We’re keen to hear from people already trained; and also from trained counsellors interested in extending their training into relationship issues. If you can work in Bath, Bristol or Somerset and value working with a team of counsellors with ongoing CPD and supervision support contact us on:

0117 9428444

Humanity at the Crossroads Telephone Charity Fundraisers (Full time & Flexible Part time)


umanity is at a turning point and we have a choice: continue on the same destructive path of greed and competition based on market forces and suffer even more – or build a saner and fairer way of life for everyone.

Bristol City Centre


e are currently looking for both full and part-time charity fund-raisers to work on behalf of some of the UK’s most respected charities. Paid at £7.00 p/h initially (increasing after 12 weeks to £7.30 for shifts M-F before 5pm, £8.75 M-F after 5pm, and £9.89 for all Sat & Sun shifts.

This talk is based on the lectures and books of Benjamin Creme of Share International Foundation, who has spoken for 40 years of the awakening of humanity at this critical time. People everywhere are waking up and long for change, convinced that a better world is possible.

We are looking for bright and confident individuals with an excellent telephone manner and who are comfortable working to targets.

At the same time an extraordinary event is taking place: the emergence of the long-awaited World Teacher, Maitreya, and His group, the Masters of Wisdom. They are inspiring humanity to see itself at one and to build a new civilisation where sharing the world’s resources will create justice, trust and lasting peace.

This role can be flexible and may suit students or self-employed people who are looking for an extra income, or for anyone looking for a full or part time role within the charity sector working in a casual environment. Outbound sales experience would be an advantage but not essential. If you feel you have what it takes for this role, we would love to hear from you today!

A Share International co-worker will talk about these current events, setting them in the context of the Ageless Wisdom teachings which inform us of the innate divinity and interconnectedness of all life.

Please phone 0117 3763647 or email CV to:

Friends Meeting House York Street, Bath BA1 1NG

Mainline Employment Limited 8 St Augustines Parade City Centre Bristol BS1 4UU Tel 0117 3763647

Friday 21st March 7.30pm to 9pm (doors open 7pm) FREE ADMISSION For more information call 07952 120863

“Assuring you of our best attention at all times” 21

22 events diary

book online at or email • 90p a word!

Tuesday 18 March

Friday 28 - Sunday 30 March

Tuesday 15 – Saturday 26 April

Sunday 20 - Friday 25 April

Bristol Laughter Workshop. See Tuesdays

‘Awakening of Love’ - a special 2 1/2 day workshop to connect you with your deepest longing and work through the blocks you have put in its way. Also an introduction to the world-famous ‘Path of Love’ work. First time in Bristol. Limited places available - £245.

Passage of Time - a ceramic and mixed media exhibition by Millie Wood Swanepoel at the Lansdown Gallery, Stroud GL5 1BB, 10am–5pm. 07754 182 081

Catalyst. ‘Shape your future’. For young adults who want to make a difference. 01647 252 983

Thursday 17 - Thurs 24 April

Nunney Netwalk.

Thursday 20 March Personal Transformation: 5 week programme to vibrationally shift your reality, with Clare Russell. Learn how to successfully engage in personal transformation as an an energetic, emotional, physical and belief process that starts from within. Step into the magic and reclaim your soul power. 7-9pm Thursday evenings for 5 weeks, location central Bristol. Tel: 07966 253 111 Thursday 20 March Women-Only Netwalk. Friday 21 March Humanity at the Crossroads. A talk at Friends Meeting House, York Street, Bath, BA1 1NG. 7.30-9pm (doors open 7pm). Free Admission. See ad on page 20 for further info.

april Tuesday 1 April Farewell to the Tor Tour: your last chance to view Glastonbury Tor before it leaves for America. Thursday 3 April Mixed Netwalk. Saturday 5 April

Living Tantra 1 is top tantra teacher Jan Day’s signature week. A must-do. EarthSpirit Centre. Course fee £370 (early booking), £395 (full price). Plus food and accommodation: £460 including hot tub use. 0208 123 9831 or Thursday 17 – Tuesday 22 April Spring in Snowdonia, Easter hill-walking and yoga holiday. Two leaders allow a choice of gentle or longer, harder walks each day. Excellent vegetarian/ vegan cuisine. 5 nights from £395 full-board. 01760 755888 Friday 18 - Monday 21 April

Saturday 22 March An Introduction to Bees and Natural Bee-keeping. Link with Chew Valley Community Farm. Learn about honeybees, bumblebees and solitary bees and give a brief introduction to sustainable bee-keeping. 10.30 – 3.30 pm £38pp. Saturday 22 - Weds 26 March Unifying Opposites –Living as Sacred Union a 5-day retreat for woman with a profound conscious movement practice. Saturday 22 - Sun 23 March Meditation in Everyday Life - a weekend introduction to meditation with practical suggestions for establishing a sitting meditation practice in the midst of our speedy society. Open to newer and more experienced meditators. email 17 Lower Redland Road, Bristol Sunday 23 - Friday 28 March The Journey. ‘Finding Earth, Finding Soul’. A powerful week for people who want their lives to make a difference to our world. 01647 252 983 Thursday 27 March Early Bird deadline for The Spark summer issue. Thursday 27 - Sun 30 March Ripe for Radiance retreat for women over 45. Raw food nutrition, bodywork, reflection, support and inspiration. Ripen gracefully, healthily and radiantly!

Friday 25 April

Friday 25 - Sunday 27 April Ancient Britain Dartmoor Weekend. Friday 25 - Thursday May 1 This year’s Expressions Festival takes you on a thousand different journeys, in trains, ships, shoes, dreams and lifetimes. Sail to a desert island, meet the Sea Witch, reinvent yourself in the mystery wardrobe, browse knitted books in the library, try knitted wigs at the wig shop, and buy a pint of knitted milk in the corner shop. Daily, 10.30am-6pm, Paintworks, Bristol. expressions-2014 Saturday 26 April

Don’t forget... April 5th is the last day to buy your ethical ISA. Follow your heart Use your head Saturday 5 April Glastonbury Free Festival of Light. Assembly Rooms, High Street. • Readers • Healers • Therapists • Trade Stands. Free Admission, Workshops, 10am-5pm. Saturday 12 April

Dance Movement Psychotherapy charity Annual Performance this year’s title: ‘LANDSCAPES’ “Beautiful, emotional, inspirational - don’t miss it!” BG 7pm, Saturday 12th April Feilden Theatre, City Academy Bristol, Russell Town Avenue, Redfield, Bristol BS5 9JH Tickets £7.00 0117 953 2055. charity number: 1054109

Saturday 12 April Willow Weaving Plant Supports with Andy Southwell. How to make simple designs to support our plants 10am–4pm BYO lunch + £40 pp (materials included). Tuesday 15 April Bristol Laughter Workshop. See Tuesdays

Saturday 26 Apr - Mon 26 May

As part of the Bristol Walking Festival, 26th April – 26th May, Netwalking Southwest & Walk With are offering a range of walks. Networking for business with inspirational leaders, & walk with various artists, writers, thinkers & doers... For information & booking visit & Sunday 27 April ‘Common Ground’ - Dating Walk (BWF). Monday 28 April Intuitive Health - BWF. Weds 30 April - Sat 3 May The Avalon Beltane Experience.



his new botanic garden offers contemporary collections of Mediterranean flora, rare natives and useful plants (including Chinese and European herbs.) The glasshouses are home to tropical fruit, medicinal plants and the giant Amazon waterlily. Open all year, Mon-Fri, plus Sun Apr-Oct & Sat JuneSept, 10am-4.30pm Adults £3.50.Under 16s free. Easter Art and Sculpture Exhibition Fri 18 April-Mon 21 April

Saturday 19 - Weds 23 April Wuxi Meditation retreat, Shropshire: ‘The Dao of the Golden Light’. Discover powerful, yet easy to use, Zen meditation techniques to create physical vitality and find the centre of your mind - the source of all thoughts. Release unwanted patterns and gain mental clarity - working with compassionate female master, Shen Jin. Mind, breath and posture techniques are taught. Email Ann at or call 0117 377 0103 Saturday 19 - Friday 25 April Traditional Tibetan Doctor, Amchi Tsetan offers consulations in central Bristol, Bath and Mells, Frome. Using skilful and perceptive prescribing of pure Himalayan medicinal plants, mineral, metals and precious stones Tsetan offers his profound insight to restore maximum health and potential. Information and bookings 0777 967 7362

Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 May

Frack Free Festival 3rd & 4th May 2014 Radford Mill Farm Two days of fantastic music, speakers, workshops and more! Charity fundraising event. Adult weekend tickets £35.

Limited tickets via our website:

Wednesday 7 May The Journey Approach to Change – an eight-week online coaching group with Chris Johnstone, designed to strengthen your ability to bring positive change into your life. For details, see Saturday 10 - Sunday 11 May Natural Bee Keeping. Suitable for beginners and intermediate, learn ‘bee first’ techniques in a beautiful environment. 01647 252 983

BIG Green Week Festival Sat 14th to Sun 22nd June

Join 50,000 visitors at the UK’s annual festival of environmental ideas, art and culture. Over 120 events in 9 days, with two weekends of free family entertainment transforming the streets of Bristol.

Festival of Creative Arts

 Festival of Nature on Sat 14th & Sun 15th June on Bristol harbourside.


the journey

 Nine days of talks and workshops across the city.  Over 200 stalls at the BIG Market on the historic streets of the Old City on Sat 21st June.

25 April - 1 May 2014 | 10.30am-6.00pm | The Paintworks, BS4 3EH At this year’s arts festival from Milestones Trust... Explore a fabulous knitted street full of colourful characters, a library, wigshop and launderette. Meet the towering Sea Witch, find unexpected souvenirs in the shop, hop on the Cardboard Express or sail to our Desert Island cafe for some home-made refreshments.

 Art, music, fashion, poetry, comedy and film events.

A week-long exhibition and festival at Paintworks on Bath Road, near Bristol Temple Meads. See or call 0117 970 9300.

 Biggest Bike Ride, the UK’s largest free non-competitive cycling event, and the Atmosphere Electric Bikes World Championship on Sun 22nd June.

Celebrating Bristol being the first ever UK city to win the ‘European Green Capital’ award for 2015!

Registered charity no. 294377

Logo credits: Natalie Hughes, Jemma Jaques. Photo Credits: Francis Street William, BIG Green Week, Bristol City Council, Charlotte Munford. 23

24 events diary Monday 12 – Monday 19 May

Thursday 29 – Sat 31 May

Ashtanga Yoga Holiday, Turkey. At Yuva Eco Holiday Centre, amidst forest and mountains, right by the sea, with Kasia Koszut. From £520, excluding flights. programme.asp 01760 755888

Bristol Quiltfest. An exhibition by Bristol Quilters. Badminton School, Westbury Road, Bristol BS9 3BA. Thursday 1-6pm, Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-4pm. Admission £4 • refreshments • sales table • charity tombola in aid of the Great Western Air Ambulance • traders. or

Monday 19 May New mag out today. The summer issue will inspire, excite, enthuse & delight you, oh yes indeedy. 0117 914 34 34 Tuesday 20 May Bristol Laughter Workshop. See Tuesdays Tuesday 20 - Sunday 25 May The Ireland of Brighid Tour. Thursday 22 May Happiness Lectures Online for Free – at 7.30pm for an hour with Chris Johnstone and Miriam Akhtar, this free webinar introduces Positive Psychology practices for happier living. For details, see

Thursday 29 May - Sun 1 June

Biodanza Biodanza Festival Glastonbury

29 May-1 June Adults, Adolescents, Children Welcome Holiday, Corfu 25 August - 1 September Tuesdays weekly 7-9pm St Werburghs Primary School

Teacher Training in Bristol

reach 100,000 people for 0.000009p a word each •

Friday 13 – Sunday 15 June

This Earth Gathering 13 - 15 June 2014 Women! Join us for our 2nd gathering. A space for the feminine mystery to flower on This Earth “A powerful and thoroughly enjoyable event.”

Sunday 15 June The Green Scythe Fair. Magical one-day environmental event on the Somerset Levels, powered by the wind and the sun. Friday 20 - Sunday 22 June 0778 478 7635


‘The Art of Being Human’ - An introduction to meditation in Redland, Bristol. See our website for details. Sunday 25 May

RidePortishead Sunday May 25th

Join Sue Ryder and Fox Cycles for a family bike ride and fun day at the Portishead lake grounds. We will send you off on a secret 7km route around Portishead & Gordano whilst collecting goodies along the way. Return to the lake grounds for a fun filled afternoon of workshops, entertainment, delicious food, craft stalls and much more. For more info contact 0117 9293618 01803 868269

june Monday 2 June – Mon 21 July Introduction to Herbal Medicine level 1 with Urban Fringe’s Max Drake. St Werburghs City Farm Cafe, Bristol - Monday evenings 7-9.30 pm. Thursday 12 – Sunday 15 June Creativity Break, Derbyshire. At Unstone Grange, surrounded by organic gardens. Including yoga, jewellery-making, circle dancing, drama, cooking, guided walks. 2 nights full board from £110, 3 nights £145. 01760 755888

Lycian Ways Walking & Yoga Holiday, Turkey. At Yuva Eco Holiday Centre, amidst forest and mountains, right by the sea, with Atilla Sevilmis & Nigel Walker. From £455, excluding flights. programme.asp 01760 755888

august Friday 1 - Sunday 3 August


Yoga Festival 1-3 AUGUST 2014

Embracing the Holistic Practices of Yoga. •A choice of over 40 workshops •A wide variety of Yoga styles The Devon School



Monday 18 – Mon 25 August

A Healing Adventure. Connecting to Breath and nature while walking in the Slovenian Hills. Find out more at Thursday 26 - Monday 30 June The Heart of Nature - Awakening our Ancient Wisdom. Five Day Shamanic Retreat for Women Pistyll Rhaeadr Waterfall, Wales. For full details see Sally: 0793 014 7768

july Monday 14 – Monday 21 July Kundalini Yoga Holiday, Turkey. At Yuva Eco Holiday Centre, amidst forest and mountains, right by the sea, with Sheila Wisdom. From £465, excluding flights. programme.asp 01760 755888

classified jobs

Tuesday 24 – Sunday 29 June


E-Mei with Shen Jin, the world’s leading teacher. E Mei is the ancient root of Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercise, a “moving meditation” to revitalise body & spirit. E-Mei exercises clear our energy to create deep healing and allow us to feel happy just to be ourselves. No experience needed. The venue is Redland High School. Course fee £250. Contact Ann on 0117 377 0103 or email

01392 420573


Saturday 24 & Sunday 25 May

Mon 29 Sept – Mon 6 October

For more information call

Friday 23 - Monday 26 May Forest of Dean Singing Camp. Glorious singing, celebration and feasting at a beautiful organic farm. Camping or beds available. All meals included. 0117 9658485

Wednesday 23 - Sunday 27 July

Alexander Technique Holiday, Turkey. At Yuva Eco Holiday Centre, amidst forest and mountains, right by the sea, with Robin & Beatrice Simmons-Heiz. From £485, excluding flights. programme.asp 01760 755888 Saturday 23 – Sat 30 August Autumn in the Lakes, hill-walking and yoga holiday at Buttermere. Gentle pace. Excellent vegetarian/ vegan cuisine. 7 nights from £160 camping, £345 in-house, including half board, guided walks and yoga. 01760 755888 Sat 30 August – Sat 6 Sept Autumn in the Lakes, hill-walking and yoga holiday at Buttermere. Challenging pace. Excellent vegetarian/vegan cuisine. 7 nights from £160 camping, £345 in-house, including half board, guided walks and yoga. 01760 755888

september Saturday 27 September Healing and Spirit Fayre - 30 Therapists, readers & sellers, plus talks & workshops. Free parking, refreshment available. Admission £2, children free. Supporting Children’s Hospice SW. tel 0774 986 8473

Telephone Charity Fundraisers, Bristol City Centre • Full and part-time charity fund-raisers required to work on behalf of some of the UK’s most respected charities • £7p/h initially, increasing after 12 weeks to £7.30 for shifts M-F before 5pm, £8.75 M-F after 5pm, and £9.89 for all Sat & Sun shifts • flexible role may suit students, self-employed, or anyone looking for a role within the charity sector working in a casual environment • outbound sales experience an advantage but not essential. We are looking for bright and confident individuals with an excellent telephone manner and who are comfortable working to targets. If you feel you have what it takes for this role, we would love to hear from you today! Mainline Employment Limited. Phone 0117 3763647 or email CV to: bristol_commercial@

Wanted: The Spark needs a new designer! Can you sort our ads for us? Are you an experienced art worker? Are you a good team player with a great sense of humour? Do you enjoy the flexibility of freelance work? You need to be perfect in photoshop, cheerful with customers, irrepressible in indesign and professional in production. The role involves routine artwork as well as nice design opportunities. Days are not fixed but are around 15 days per issue, and you need to be flexible at deadlines. Work is based at our Bristol office. Pay £11ph: everyone earns the same here!

CVs and pdfs to by March 27.

OUT! Sculpture trails


Melanie West on the West’s beautiful outdoor sculpture

photo: Somerset Tourism

The University of Exeter, Streatham Campus, Exeter Exeter University’s sculpture trail, where work by Dame Barbara Hepworth rubs shoulders with local, home-grown talent, includes an intriguing piece by Devon-based artist Ed Crumpton, who has sculpted a huge length of tarred rope holding 146,000 knots wound into a sphere, representing the number of steps it takes to walk the Mariner’s Way (featured in OUT! “Ancient Trackways”, Spark 71). Another, untitled sculpture graces the Queen’s Drive lawn: holding a sword aloft this striking metal figure commemorates the notorious events of Tiananmen Square in 1989: students erected it, anonymously, overnight that same year. The trail takes an hour; and some of the sculptures are wheelchairaccessible. A downloadable guide can be found on the university’s website.

Bristol Sculpture Trail

The Forest of Dean Sculpture Trail, between Cinderford and Coleford Created in 1986, this is one of the ntry. oldest sculpture trails in the cou sible at pos is Access is free and viewing . The dusk and n daw any time between the tray por and c cifi -spe site pieces are the and art the een betw ship tion rela l stone, forest. Materials used include loca d linke are ch whi of all wood and metal, 4.5 a is This . past l stria indu ’s to the area stry mile, way-marked trail, and the Fore r lore Exp st Fore Commission have a free tion reac My ul. usef nd fi App that you may stained to the trail was mixed: I found the and s, glass window hanging in the tree ive, the carved railway sleepers impress ions allat inst r othe the of however some d nee in or re lust lack at ewh som seemed per scam a of a good revamp. If you enjoy the extra in the woods that might provide out. it ck incentive to che k

Stone Lane Sculptures, Whiddon Down, Chagford

Bristolians can stay local, and out-oftowners have a great excuse to visit, and take a fascinating tour of some 30 public statues and sculptures, many of them hidden from public gaze, right in the centre of Bristol. Covering around two and a half miles, and lasting for about two and a half hours, the walk starts at the Statue of Neptune in the City Centre and passes through Queen Square and Castle Park, along the harbour to Millennium Square and on to College Green, taking in more recent works – including the statue of Bristolborn Hollywood legend Cary Grant – as well as centuries-old landmarks such as the 1736 statue of William III, which is believed to have been based on the statue of Marcus Aurelius in Rome, completed in the second century AD.

Sitting on the edge of Dartmoor, it’s possible to gain access to this site by bus if you don’t mind walking a mile or two. This woodland garden covers five acres and includes a unique tree collection featuring rare species of birch and alder. The whole enterprise began 40 years ago when a husband-and-wife team took the land on. As an artist, June Ashburner saw the potential of the trees to form a beautiful backdrop and it has become an important showcase for West Country artists who can apply to exhibit their sculptures by sending June their portfolio. Between April and October you’ll find the annual “Mythic Garden” sculpture exhibition, with some pieces remaining in the garden over the winter. Last year’s theme was simply “Plants”. If you enjoy smaller scale sculpture with a slightly magical touch, this is for you. sculpture_trail.pdf


Broomhill Art Hotel and Sculpture Garden, Barnstaple The sculpture garden at Broomhill, established 15 years ago, is part of a larger complex combining hotel, restaurant and conference facilities. Set up by Dutch couple Rinus and Aniet van de Sand, the hundreds of acres of rolling Devonshire woodland provide a beautiful backdrop for the sculptures on display, which include work by Bristol Drawing School co-founder Carol Peace and Dutch land artist Ronald A. Westerhuis. It takes around an hour to wander around the outdoor sculptures and a small admission fee is payable if you are not staying for lunch: another passion of the van de Sands is Mediterranean-style ‘slow food’. The woodland access is uneven in places and means that some of the pieces are not accessible at close quarters to wheelchair users. Well-behaved dogs welcome.

The Willow Man, nr Bridgwater (J24-J23 M5) It’s likely that you won’t get long to look at this piece so you will need to make a swift visual appraisal. Sometimes dubbed “The Angel of the South”, this striking piece of sculpture commands the surroundings as it strides across a field beside the M5 motorway. It’s easily visible travelling north or southbound and with a five-metre arm span it could give you a tremendous hug. It’s the tallest willow figure in these lands and comprises a steel frame covered with numerous strands of steamed black “maul” withies (willow). Created in 2000 for “The Year of the Artist” and mercilessly destroyed by arson within 12 months, it was patiently rebuilt by creator Serena de la Hey. A protective moat now encircles it to prevent further mishap. However another refurbishment was needed in 2006 when the unlikely vandals were apparently birds happily liberating withies for their nesting material!!

Tremenheere nr Sculpture Gardens, ce an nz Pe Gulval, ries of A little beyond the bounda established ly ent rec this but Sparkland travelling rth West Cornwall gem is wo 2, the 201 ber for. Opened in Septem sting exi the h wit rk ethos was to wo ate an cre to pe sca land the of features pical -tro “arcadian” feel, featuring sub r yea all t res inte plants that provide are re the , res lptu scu the round. As for rk wo ir the ng layi disp ists several art wonderful here. Amongst them is the ed all ibit exh David Nash, who has alled a inst he’s re He over the world. ation; cre oak d rre cha istic character Other es. tre n much of his art uses falle rell Tur es Jam ude artists exhibiting incl nd rou erg und an d who has create at twilight chamber for viewing the sky alled a inst and Billy Wynter who has ings view den gar camera obscura for l’s hae Mic St th Wi le. from every ang n’t know wo you n izo hor the on mount where to look first.

Wye Valley Sculpture Garden and Circle of Legends, nr Tintern, Wye Valley This is a three-acre garden produced with love, tucked onto the lower slopes of the valley and stocked with a host of beautiful, organically grown plants. The current exhibitor is Gemma Wood whose work is inspired by her deep connection to the natural landscape. She uses local materials, including wood and stone, describing herself as just as happy with a fine paintbrush as a chainsaw! Examples of her pieces include beautifully carved and oiled Douglas fir creations. No dogs allowed. For a second sculpture fix, pop down the road to the Old Station to admire the “Circle of Legends”. Six life-size wooden carvings stand aloft with an intriguing tale attached to each. Information boards tell you more about them and six trails lead out into the surrounding countryside, connecting observers to the landscape that gave birth to the legends. Level access.

26 growing

*NEW* gardening advice and inspiration

can you dig it? To introduce our new Growing page, we kick off with a word from growing expert and author Charles Dowding Charles Dowding has been growing organic vegetables for over 30 years, using the ‘no dig’ approach. He has written six books on vegetable growing, and gives talks and runs courses from his home and growing land near Shepton Mallet.


produce year-round salad leaves and a wide range of vegetables from my market garden at Homeacres near Shepton Mallett. My beds are all undug, surfacecomposted and very productive: I sell in local shops and restaurants. I’ve been studying the effect on plant growth of digging versus the no-dig method, over a number of years, and I can honestly say that I’ve produced very similar harvests. My undug soil is full of undisturbed life. Soil organisms are a vital and often overlooked part of healthy soil growth. Encouraging biological activity is cheap compared to using chemical nutrients, especially when you add your own sources of free or cheap manure to your compost.

what is the no-dig method?

‘No dig’ gardeners mulch their beds with organic matter such as well-rotted manure, compost, leaf mold or straw added directly to the soil surface (wetted paper or cardboard can also be used). Seeds and bulbs can then be planted through these layers, and the soil structure beneath left intact, so that the action of worms, insects and microbes can create natural, healthy conditions where plant roots can thrive.

feed the soil not the plants

does it really work?

I believe so! The soil in my current garden is loam over clay and grows wonderful vegetables, fruit and flowers, without any loosening. The main thing is to disturb your soil as little as possible. A no-dig approach is exactly that, with no prior digging needed, even for heavy soils, and no ‘forking through’ at any stage. You can sow and grow a lot of food in a small space, especially if you sow again in summer to keep beds full all through the season.

seasonal food O


Brassicas: brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, broccoli, spring cabbage, spring greens Bitter greens: rocket, chard, perpetual spinach, true spinach, over-wintered lettuce, pea tips Alliums: leeks, onions, chives Herbs: parsley, chervil, coriander, rosemary, sage, bay, winter savory, lovage,

less weeds

As a long-term strategy it is possible to keep weeds permanently at bay, once the soil is clean. You may need to thoroughly weed your beds before you start a long-term no-dig project, though. During 2013 at Homeacres I experimented with different approaches to clearing pasture which has dandelion, buttercup, couch grass and bindweed, among other weeds in there. The easiest way is to cover clean, weed-free beds


If you don’t have raised beds, or beds with wooden sides, then weeds invade all the time. I made pathways in my pasture land using cardboard, and placed a second layer on top after three months when the first path started to let some green leaves through (see picture above). After six months, on average, paths are clean. Next I spread 5cm (2in) of compost on top of the cardboard to make a clean and easyto-weed, narrow path no more than 45cm (18in) wide. Vegetables can feed into these pathways and they are a small, useful part of the whole garden, not just for access. The compost encourages worms to keep soil open and aerated, despite being walked on.

growing news

What to forage, plant & eat… by George Cooper ur physical spring needs are reflected in seasonal availability. Apart from a few exotics, like lemons, everything that we need for a sustainable diet is growing or in store locally. This includes bitter leaves to stimulate the bowel (like brassicas and hardy herbs), sulphurous vegetables (such as leeks) to stimulate the liver, and aromatics (leafy herbs, many of which are also bitter) to regulate the gut.

The best growth happens when you feed your soil with organic matter: feeding soil, all of it, every year, is a simpler approach than feeding specific plants. I even spread compost before sowing carrot and parsnip. For vegetables and small plants, compost is the best soil food and easy to sow into: I spread one or two inches of my own compost and year-old manures annually, and it is all taken in by the end of summer, with the soil level barely rising. For fruit bushes and larger ornamental plants, less rotted organic matter is fine because the slugs it encourages do not harm woody growth.

with black polythene or Mypex (a heavy-duty, woven, weed-control fabric) from late winter to early June, then roll back the polythene and plant, or leave Mypex in place and plant through it. However, I don’t like using plastic and prefer, for the initial making of deep beds, to buy cow manure and green waste compost: I spread two to three inches of both on top of pasture and all its weeds, then sow and plant into it. All annual weeds and grasses are smothered by this compost and cannot regrow, but some perennial weeds keep producing new shoots from roots which take a few months to die. In 2013 I needed to use a trowel to remove hundreds of new couch leaves all through summer, but by September they were gone. The only weed I have left is bindweed.

fennel, thyme, mint, tarragon, oregano and basil


Nettle tips: a very important wild vegetable, nettle is bitter and mineral rich: one of our foremost tonics

From the store:

Barley, garlic, onions For the sake of continuity, it is also important to plan for sowing certain foods as early as possible in spring, so clean living can seamlessly roll on into summer!


Radishes (strongly pungent and cleansing), bitter greens (rocket, for example), aromatic greens (like mustard greens), chard, spinach, beetroot. Annual aromatic herbs, including basil, parsley and coriander.


here’s loads happening this spring at the Golden Hill Community Garden in Horfied, Bristol. We’ve already mentioned their new Toddler and Parents group, Golden Buds (see Get Involved, p16), and on the afternoon of May 10 they’re holding a Spring Fair and Plant Sale. Entry is free (although there’s a suggested donation of £1 per adult): expect music and morris dancing, cakes, free activities for the kids and all sorts of fun things! Funding for the Community Garden comes to an end in March, and with that in mind they’re launching a Friends of Golden Hill Scheme. People can sign up, show their support and get an invite to future events at It’s time to get planting those spring bulbs. Over at Riverside Garden Centre in Southville they’ve got more than 75 varieties available, including snowdrops, irises, winter aconites and crocuses. Winter heathers are still available, and these long-flowering plants are great for early flying bees, who, with the terrible weather we’ve been having, might be grateful of any help they can get. Look out for the next Riverside Big Bee Weekend, later on this spring. And don’t forget to pick up your seed potatoes and onions for your veg patch.

eat well

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28 food

for nutrition, health & wellbeing

step up to the plate Kesty Morrison meets the people reclaiming their power through food


eneral manager Lucy Holburn describes the Square Food Foundation – Spark Food Award runners-up – as a ‘small but ambitious social enterprise’. We are drinking tea and eating some rather delicious gluten-free orange cake, made today to celebrate a new collaboration with the Clifton Lido’s restaurant in Bristol. Founded by Barny Haughton, a chef, restaurateur and member of The Spark Award-winning Haughton family (who has run Rocinantes, Quartier Vert and Bordeaux Quay restaurants in Bristol) the Square Food Foundation is a community cookery school based in Knowle West, Bristol. “We are a community interest company,” Lucy explains. “The focus of our work is community food education and outreach. We have a cookery school, we run a programme that teaches people to cook good food from scratch and we work with kids and adults from all walks of life. Our focus is generally around people who have been marginalised so we work with sex workers, people with complex needs, drug and alcohol issues, older more isolated people, you name it.” The Square Food Foundation certainly seems prolific. They are working with LinkAge, a registered charity that works with people over 55 to reduce isolation and loneliness, as well as developing an ambitious curriculum-changing project with local

primary schools and working in care homes. They will also be featuring in the BBC Food and Farming Awards soon.

return to blender

When I ask Lucy about the long-term effects of the work she does, she talks with great enthusiasm; she is clearly moved by the changes that happen in her classroom. “We run a course for people with few or no qualifications, and someone who had obviously had a lot of difficulties said ‘oh my goodness, I’m never ever going to buy another quiche from Asda again, this tastes so good!’ So it was like a taste conversion. Every day feels like a blessing to see these massive realisations in people. We often get people who have been absent from education for a long time. Lots of people on our courses have gone on to get their food hygiene certificate

and qualifications in maths or English. In a way we are removing the barriers to education because food is a great leveller. “Every Monday morning Barny teaches a class of people aged from 50 to 80-plus, and it is a roaring success. One of our new regulars is Sam: Sam lives off his state pension and when he arrived at Square Food

he couldn’t even crack an egg, as his wife had always cooked! He decided it was time to learn. Our clients make friends, get out, do something and eat a really good meal. It costs £2.50 a week. We got corporate support to make that drop-in cooking club possible. “With our project in hostels – going out and cooking in sheltered accommodation – some people came to learn skills, or to take their mind off whatever else was going on in their lives. That project was a huge success on many levels, partly because some people then went on to do work experience or to study further, but mainly because people kept coming back and they are some of the most disengaged and hard-to-reach groups. It’s my job to make people feel good about themselves through the power of doing something simple like making bread. When people feel connected to their food they are more empowered to make positive choices. “Barny has been involved in helping to shape Bristol’s Food Policy‚ and we have put cooking from scratch at the heart of the solution to create lasting change for the city. The vision for Bristol is to create a sustainable city, renowned for the diversity of its food culture and food system.” As Barny himself puts it: “Everyone has a place at the table.”

the lazy detox

Our new resident nutritionist George Cooper offers a seasonal detox plan with a difference

George Cooper studied at Oxford University, graduating with an MA in Biological Sciences. After developing a severe digestive illness he trained in traditional Chinese medicine, developing a special interest in nutrition. He lives in Somerset and runs a clinic in Bristol offering acupuncture, herbs and nutritional advice.


pring is on the way: birds will be singing, bees will be buzzing and all around us the buds are starting to burst. Nature is waking into glorious, vibrant life. But what about us? As we struggle from the grip of the post-winter blues, tiredness lingers, spring colds creep in and hayfever looms. Instead of emerging from a restful winter break full of hearty, digestible food, seasonal cheer and fireside chat, many of us will have worked like stink, partied, studied, argued, loved, worried and run around on a diet of bread, biscuits, puddings, ready meals, and processed meat: stodgy stuff that leaves its imprint on body and soul. In many cases this leads to a desire to “detox” as a sort of personal spring clean. Approaches vary, although they’re generally pretty extreme and typically involve wheatgrass fasts, abstinence, juicing and expensive supplements: part of my nutritional journey included a carrot juice fast that rather entertainingly turned me orange! Whatever their merits, these regimes are not really compatible with normal life; it can become nigh-on impossible to function effectively within a business, run your homes and herd your children while detoxing. Cue Lent, when some of us try to minimise toxic inputs to enhance the body’s ability to offload toxins, normally through cutting out sugar and/

or booze for a few weeks. I propose a middle path: the Lazy Detox, which involves relatively little sacrifice but results in long-lasting health and vitality. Not a bad return for a little effort! The Lazy Detox relies on a bit of knowledge going a long way, as we seek to reduce toxic intake, principally through diet, and also to reduce the generation of toxins internally, mainly through not feeding pathogenic (or disease-causing) viruses, bacteria and yeasts. At the same time clever foods and drinks can help our own detoxifying systems, principally the liver, to unburden us day to day and to get on with the job of clearing out the waste products.

the detox

First, reduce toxic inputs: this means no sugar or artificial sweeteners, cut out processed food and cut down on booze. Why? Because sugar feeds pathogenic bacteria in the gut that produce nasties. Artificial sweeteners acidify the intestine, killing off good bacteria and giving the baddies the upper hand. For many a little alcohol is okay (say, three small glasses of organic wine a week); fruit ferments in the gut to produce alcohol anyway. Processed food is inherently toxic. The antibacterial preservatives it contains kill off our gut symbionts (beneficial organisms), as well as leaving our bodies to cope with all the other rubbish that you can see listed on the label. Avoid preserved and rehashed meat, however fresh meat is alright in moderation, as long as it’s organic and free range. We evolved eating meat, so as long as

it is unprocessed, it needn’t be completely avoided during a detox. Secondly, there are some natural detoxifiers which will help with your personal clear out. Green tea is top of the list as it gently binds toxins and reduces inflammation; when you get bored of the tea, drink home-made barley water with lemon juice and zest. Bitter greens and brassicas are also anti-inflammatory and regulate the gut, and sulphurous alliums (leeks, etc) help the liver. Try starting the day with a teaspoon of organic cider vinegar in warm water to stimulate your liver and your gall bladder. Finally, timetable some daily exercise to stimulate your circulation and shift the poisons. It’s not always necessary to sweat, just move about several times a day. The Lazy Detox does requires a bit of a dietary shift but if you make it a habit, you will really feel the benefits this spring. George’s book Be Your Own Nutritionist explains how climate, time, environment and emotional wellbeing affect the way we eat. Spark readers can buy a copy for the special price of £8.99, including P&P, by quoting the code below. Call 01206 255800 with your debit/credit card or send a cheque to Sales, TBS, Colchester Road, Frating Green, Colchester, Essex, CO7 7DW. Quote the exclusive offer code SPARKBYON to claim the reduced price. Offer closes April 15, 2014. Find a barley water recipe here


the lunch bunch Tony Benjamin on the school dinner revolution


rom September 2014, all pupils in Reception, Years 1 and 2 of England’s primary schools will be eligible for a free hot lunch every day. It’s a generous offer in hard-pressed times that could potentially save parents around £400 a year for each child, as well as contribute to children’s improved health, behaviour and attainment. One crucial factor will be whether parents and children are convinced by important changes in school food culture over the last eight years. Remember turkey twizzlers? In 2005 Jamie Oliver’s TV exposé of that kind of junk food made school meals a political hot potato. Jamie’s campaign and the work of the Soil Association in encouraging the use of organic and local produce in school meals inspired Tony Blair to set up the School Food Trust and kick-started a cultural shift in how we think about school dinners. Key to the new strategy was teaching children about food production from plot to plate, including growing, harvesting, cooking and eating.

Food For Life

Turns out it wasn’t a tough sell and soon 4,600 schools had signed up to the national Food For Life Partnership (FFLP) programme. Co-ordinated by the Soil Association, the Partnership is not just about improving meals – though their Catering Mark Award accredits schools for using local, seasonal, organic and ‘happy’ produce – but also promotes the teaching of cooking in schools and encourages food growing and farm visits to reconnect children with where their food comes from. Unsurprisingly this approach has found favour in the South West, with FFLP awards popping up all over. Farrington Gurney Church of England Primary in rural Somerset has now developed allotments on nearby Farrington’s Farm, enabling the kids to grow vegetables and herbs. An after-school cookery club brings parents and children to learn together and the school has won prizes for children’s home cooking and pumpkin growing as well as their FFLP Bronze Award. Another early adopter was Ashton Vale Primary School in South Bristol who, despite their urban setting, had already been tackling these issues. “We’d been working on healthy eating for about four years,” teacher and Healthy School coordinator Glyn Owen recalls. “We were looking for the next step and Food For Life gave us a really good

injection of ideas with excellent support.” Now parents, teachers and children are working together on an impressive range of activities. Every class grows vegetables and soft fruit on their own allotment, with polytunnels providing enough salad for the school’s needs from May to October. The school’s various cooking clubs use all the harvested produce, with any scraps kept to feed their flock of free-range chickens.

lunchtime remodelled

The school has looked at the lunchtime experience too, aiming to make it a socially important hub of the school day. They did away with the traditional separation of lunchboxes and cooked dinners, letting all the kids eat together. Those having school meals no longer had both courses doled out into compartmentalised ‘flight trays’ but fetched their meals on ordinary plates. Children bringing packed lunches can enter a lunchbox raffle, whereby their lunch is assessed for healthiness and, if up to scratch, their names go into a prize draw. “Parents don’t like to be told what to do,” Glyn observes. “But this was the children asking them to do it, and it worked. “After four weeks over 90% of children were entering the raffle, and parents were complaining that kids were criticising their food choices while they were out shopping!” Like many schools, their dinners are provided by a contract catering service, but this shouldn’t mean unhealthy, processed foods. National company ISS Education provides food for 270 schools across the country all within the FFLP’s Catering Mark standards. At a recent event celebrating the presentation of Bronze awards to their seven Bristol-based partner schools, ISS divisional director Mark Davies was delighted that their healthy, home cooked and sustainable meals were being recognised. He also revealed that more and more schools were now insisting on these values when setting up new catering contracts. It seems a lot has genuinely changed since Jamie’s School Dinners and last year’s Government School Food Plan celebrates those changes and takes them further. With funding to improve school kitchens and dining rooms, it’s a great time for parents and volunteers to get more involved. Food for Life: School Food Plan: Healthy Schools: www.


spaghetti with spinach & walnut pesto serves 4, prep 10 mins, cook 12 mins

• 400g wholewheat spaghetti • 3 0g walnut pieces & 20g pine nuts, toasted in a dry frying pan for 1 min • 5 0g fresh basil leaves, plus a few extra for garnishing • 2 cloves garlic • ¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg • zest of ½ & juice of 1 lemon • 2 00g spinach, tough stalks removed • 100g grated parmesan or pecorino • 100ml good olive oil Boil the spaghetti in salted water for 10 mins. While it is cooking, put the walnuts, pine nuts, basil, garlic, nutmeg, lemon zest and juice, half the spinach and half the parmesan in a food processor. Blitz, gradually pouring in the oil until it forms a rough paste. Season to taste. Roughly chop the rest of the

spinach leaves if they’re large. Drain the cooked pasta, keeping a ladle of the pasta cooking water. Toss the pasta with the rest of the spinach, the pasta cooking water and enough pesto to coat. Toss together over a low heat to warm through and wilt the spinach. Stir in the rest of the parmesan, check the seasoning and serve, garnished with a few basil leaves.

30 community

people and projects making a difference

Bristol’s Palestine museum Will Simpson reports on a unique centre for Palestinian art and culture


he city of Bristol is blessed with many fine museums and galleries, but there has been one significant and perhaps under-reported addition in the last year. Currently residing at the Arc Bar on Broad Street in the centre of town is the only museum in the Western World specifically devoted to the art and culture of Palestine. The museum – which is volunteer-run and exists purely on donations – was opened last year in a ceremony that was attended by the official Palestinian Ambassador to the UK. “The whole thing serves a number of purposes,” explains the appropriately-named volunteer co-ordinator Peace Handovsky. “The museum part gives information out and informs people about the situation in Palestine and there is also an ‘embassy’ element to it which is intended to be a safe place for people who support the plight of the Palestinians to go, meet each other and socialise.” The museum features exhibits that have been donated by Palestinians living in the UK and local people who have visited the country; photos that depict the various aspects of life in Palestine, video images, the national costumes and pieces of paraphernalia. Significantly, there is also a life-size reconstruction of a checkpoint and a prison cell. “The idea is that people experience what it’s like on a day-to-day basis for the Palestinian people suffering the checkpoints that they have to go through

when they come to the museum they see things in a different light. It really is an eyeopener. We want to tell people the truth about what’s going on over there and the injustice that people are being put through out on a daily basis.” The museum is just the latest example of a remarkably high level of activity in Bristol that attempts to highlight the situation in this still muchmisunderstood part of the world. Most famously the city has Bristol’s lord mayor Faruk Choudhury at the opening of the museum established an official link with Gaza, but to go from one place to another,” explains there are also groups that have ventured out Handovsky. “The prison cell is there because to Palestine to help with the olive harvest, a very high proportion of Palestinian men two thriving university solidarity groups, - and children - are put in prisons without a circus project (Circus to Palestine) that trial. The idea is to make people aware of has visited the region. Even a local football what is going on.” team – Easton Cowboys and Cowgirls – has Indeed this is the central idea behind visited the West Bank. Why, then, is the the whole project. “So many people Bristol-Palestine link so strong? don’t understand the situation in the Ed Hill, chair of Bristol Palestine country. They are confused and find it too Solidarity Campaign, puts it down to a complicated, mainly, I’d argue, because of long established virtuous circle. “I think the way the media represents things. But it’s a convergence of a number of things;

the city’s faith groups have always been involved in Palestine solidarity, then there is a vibrant activist and anarchist scene and even things like the Banksy effect. Bristol has always been a progressive/creative/forwardthinking place. “And that’s great because it makes us a more open-minded, tolerant city, one where the ties that link a lot of very disparate communities are stronger than in many other places. All this promotes international understanding in general. The solidarity activity across the city has got to have an effect. Every new project or link just adds to the growing tide of awareness of the situation in the occupied territories, and the difficulties that the people there face.” Back at the museum this is borne out this lunchtime as interested onlookers pop their heads into the Arc Bar. “We do get a lot of passers-by,” remarks Peace Handovsky. “We get office workers, shoppers and people just dropping in. Loads of them say ‘oh I had no idea what was actually going on out there’. “Often they are unaware of the situation and from spending just a few minutes in the museum they have a greater knowledge. And if this can spread information – even on a relatively small scale – then it really has achieved something worthwhile.” The Palestine Museum and Embassy is at the Arc Bar, 27 Broad St, Bristol BS1 2HG and is open on Thurs/Fri/Sat, 11am-6pm. See

rights, camera, action! Will Simpson meets the people behind Bristol’s Radical Film Festival


he last decade has seen a huge boom in activist film-making. The availability – and affordability – of video technology, the distribution opportunities that the Internet has opened up and a plentiful supply of potential subject matter has meant that amateur film-makers have become regular contributors to campaigns and a strong presence at demos. So it’s not surprising that a film festival has emerged to showcase and encourage this creative flourishing. Now in its third year Bristol Radical Film Festival came about after UWE lecturer Steve Presence had a lightning bolt of inspiration one year at the Hay-On-Wye Film Festival. “I was sitting in a cafe looking through their programme and the most political thing they were showing was If, a really fantastic film, but it’s old. It was frustrating to think that all this brilliant contemporary work is being produced but no-one is showing it and no one knows about it.” Steve’s solution was – together with some colleagues from UWE – to organise an event that screens films and documentaries that might not have otherwise found an audience. Bristol Radical Film Festival shows films that confront important, often overlooked issues. “When it’s not being reactionary our audio visual culture is broadly not concerned with the crucial issues our society faces, such as climate change and peak oil, for example. Mainstream TV has pretty much given up on

these themes, so I think film festivals have a very important role to play. “The Radical Film Festival is all about staging alternative counter arguments to more dominant ones. So it isn’t your typical multiplex experience where you collect your ticket, watch the film and then shuffle out again. After the film we always facilitate an audience discussion which hopefully then develops into action.”

And in 2014 there is no shortage of material to show, or young film-makers vying to be the next Michael Moore. Especially in our own South West region. Alistair Oldham, another UWE lecturer and an acclaimed film-maker himself (his short film about ‘cycling, recycling and political asylum’ The Bristol Bike Project has been translated into 14 different languages and shown in 40 countries around the world) has a theory about this. “The South West has got a very lively subculture of activism – particularly around environmental issues – and when you twin that with its reputation as an international centre for factual production through the BBC and all the production companies that are in the city, those things are bound to rub off on each other.” Indeed one of Oldham’s own students won the Royal Television Society award for the best documentary in 2008 and Bristol has supplied the winner of the Society’s Regional award eight times in the past nine years. Despite the fact the festival is run on a shoestring budget – it’s virtually self-funded, although Steve is now supported by the new Centre for Moving Image Research (CMIR) at UWE – the organisers have big plans beyond this year’s event in March. Steve is keen to set up a UK Radical Film Network, another initiative supported by CMIR, that would be able to distribute and provide infrastructural support to grassroots political

film organisations all over the country. There is also talk of setting up links with similar groups abroad, like Californian Newsreel or Cinema Politica in Montreal. Of course, all this begs the fundamental question of whether documentaries can actually change the world? Or even shift it on its axis ever-so-slightly? Alistair is unsure about this. “I think that’s something of a cliché,” he demurs. “For me a really good documentary shouldn’t give answers, it shouldn’t be didactic or tell people how to think. It should leave the audience asking lots of questions - you watch it and through the narrative and the montage of images and sounds it’ll prompt different questions and different ways of thinking.” Steve agrees. “It’s about using documentary as a catalyst, as a way to engage people that will hopefully change the world. It’s a political tool. Documentaries are valuable, but what’s going to change the world is people.” Bristol Radical Film Festival takes place from March 3-9 at various venues across the city. The organisers are looking for volunteers for the three weeks prior to the festival. If you would like to get involved, email them via the Facebook page. For more information and a full programme go to See Twitter @bristolfilmfest

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32 planet

eco-activism, low impact lifestyles, green thinking outside the box

save the kale! Jessie Marcham on the ‘gleaning’ movement gathering momentum in the West

Local food activists harvesting pumpkins that would have been rejected by supermarkets


he ancient practice of gleaning is making a comeback in the UK, with a newly-established national network gaining a foothold in the South West last autumn. Gleaning, which traditionally involved the poorer people in society gathering the remains of a crop from the fields after the main harvest, goes back to biblical times, and continued in England well into the 1700s. Abandoned with the rise of industrial agriculture, gleaning has now been reinvented for the 21st century by food waste campaigners keen to rescue unsaleable produce from farmers’ fields and redistribute it to the increasing numbers of food banks and soup kitchens in the UK.

The Feeding The 5000 organisation, famous for its mass free lunch events, held the first UK gleaning events two years ago, with teams of volunteers harvesting unwanted fruit and veg crops in Kent. “20 to 40 per cent of UK fruit and vegetables are rejected on cosmetic grounds before they get to the consumer,” explains Martin Bowman, co-ordinator of the UK Gleaning Network. “This food is often rejected for being the wrong size or shape for the supermarkets before it even leaves the field.” The USA already has a well established gleaning network, which last year harvested 23 million pounds of crops with the help of 40,000 volunteers. Martin believes this demonstrates the “massive potential” of the

nascent UK Gleaning Network, which last year received £10k funding from innovation charity Nesta to expand from its London base and establish new hubs in Bristol, Brighton, Cambridge, Manchester and Kent. After a harvest of over 48 tonnes of produce in 2013, including cauliflowers, apples, parsnips, cabbages and pumpkins, the network won a further £50k prize from Nesta in December, which, Martin says, will “massively boost capacity”. The Bristol gleaning hub was established in November 2013, as volunteers joined a ‘mega-glean’ alongside a team from Sussex, successfully harvesting 11.5 tonnes of pumpkins from a farm near Southampton. Volunteer Hattie says that despite mud and rain there was “a great atmosphere” and she enjoyed the physical work. Volunteers from gleaning events across the country speak of meeting interesting people, spending “idyllic” days in the countryside, and the positive experience of being part of a creative solution to food waste. Like many gleaners, Hattie was “shocked” to see the sheer volume of food that would have been left to rot in the fields were it not for the generosity of the farmer and the involvement of the gleaners. Maddy Longhurst, co-ordinator of the Bristol gleaning hub, explains that these particular pumpkins had become uneconomical to harvest due to a variety of factors, including a cancelled order and the disappearance of the market for pumpkins after Halloween. Tonnes of the pumpkins gleaned by the volunteers were donated to food charity FareShare, who provide a vital link in storing, using and redistributing the fresh produce harvested by the Gleaning

Network. But some also made their way direct to smaller charities, school-based food co-ops, and even individuals. As Maddy says, “the important thing is that the produce gets used”. Hattie says she is looking forward to going gleaning again, and has been “raving” about it to family and friends. Tom, who was filming the event for the BBC, commented on how much fun the gleaners were having. “I will be joining them next time,” he says. This is the kind of response that leads Maddy to declare that gleaning is going to become a “craze”. “It’s an exciting, rewarding, invigorating way of making a difference,” she says. “What’s not to like?” Over the winter, Maddy has been busy establishing contacts with farmers within a 75 mile radius of Bristol. Some, she says, have little waste to start with, or already have ways of dealing with unsaleable crops. But many are positive about the idea of gleaning, so Maddy is confident that the services of the network will be called upon this coming harvest season, and is keen to recruit volunteers from across the area to go gleaning on farms close to where they live. Potential volunteers can sign up online to receive email notification of upcoming gleaning events in their area, and reasonable travel expenses can be reimbursed. Volunteers can sign up at

Bristol’s fertile blue finger: update With precious growing land threatened with development, Jessie Marcham gets the latest from the campagn trail


riving out of Bristol on the M32, you might be surprised to know that you’re looking at some of the best agricultural land in the country. Dubbed the ‘Blue Finger’ by academic Richard Spalding, for its blue coding on land classification maps, the strip of rich soil running alongside the motorway from Stapleton and in to South Gloucestershire was once Bristol’s market gardening quarter, and is now inspiring a local food growing renaissance. We first wrote about the Blue Finger this time last year in our Spring 2013 issue, and thought it was time for a catch-up. In the past three years, this fertile land has grown two pioneering food producing projects: Sims Hill Shared Harvest (a community supported agriculture enterprise (CSA), and Feed Bristol, Avon Wildlife Trust’s community food growing project. Growers, researchers and local people alike are excited by what assistant mayor Gus Hoyt has described as a “magnificent asset” on Bristol’s doorstep, and have been alarmed by plans for a new Park & Ride scheme that would see the southern end of this valuable land lost to tarmac. Last March they launched an informal network, with the aim of “enabling the transformation” of the area “into a vibrant and resilient food growing quarter”. Known as the Blue Finger Alliance,

the group wants plans for the “unjustified and poorly conceived” Park & Ride development to be scrapped, and strategic new policies to be adopted by local councils to protect the land for food growing. Maddy Longhurst, coordinator of the Alliance, explains that, despite the group’s involvement in planning consultations last November, and the Council’s official support for the ‘Bristol Good Food Plan’ launched last December, “Planners are not yet taking measures to protect the Blue Finger soil”. But she remains “determined and optimistic”, and hopes that Bristol’s role as 2015 European Green Capital will provide an opportunity to put pressure on Mayor George Ferguson to use his executive powers to “lever systemic change” in policy making. Meanwhile, the action continues apace down on the Blue Finger. The new, ambitious and (if you’ll excuse the pun) “ground-breaking” Beacon Farms initiative is currently carrying out feasibility studies into plans to acquire 80 acres of Blue Finger land near to Winterbourne Medieval Barn, where they hope to create an “incubator farm” providing would-be farmers with the skills and access to land they need to become the commercial food producers of the future. Bonnie Hewson, project manager at Beacon Farms, says: “We were inspired by

the Blue Finger Alliance; both the soil and the history of the area make it the perfect setting for an ambitious, forward-looking agricultural university”. She explains that the business model for the social enterprise is still being developed, and urges interested people to “Get involved and help shape the project.” Based on examples from Canada and Manchester, options so far include training for new horticulturalists, incubator plots for people ready to set up their own land-based business, and more community-orientated

projects, such as orchards, allotments and meadows. The enterprise is likely to be launching a share offer this year to raise money to purchase land and install basic infrastructure at the site. feedbristol.html Bristol Good Food Plan:

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34 family

inspiration for every stage of life

Camphill families Jessie Marcham visits the South West’s Camphill communities


family news

he South West is home to almost a dozen diverse Camphill communities, in cities, towns and rural villages. Camphill communities can be found all over the world and provide supportive homes and meaningful work to adults with learning difficulties, who live in family homes within the community. This model of living was first established by German refugees who set up a community in Scotland in 1940. Inspired by anthroposophy, (the spiritual philosophy of Rudolf Steiner) this group initially wanted to provide a holistic education for children with learning disabilities, not just by offering a school, but by living together with these children in an

Natracare Sisters is a website for young women giving information about menstrual cycles, and related issues. The website promotes personal wellbeing, and gives info on the environmental impact of sanitary products. There’s also lots about ethical fashion, stories from inspirational young women and myth-busting information. It offers advice, including about natracare products, but it’s not a hard sell.

Could you do with a list of fun and mostly free things to do in Bristol with your kids? Academics and experts have compiled ‘Eighty things to do in Bristol Before You’re 18’, which includes indoor and outdoor activities, falling into subject areas including history, world-changing, survival skills, play and slightly risky!

“The South West is home to almost a dozen diverse Camphills, in cities, towns and rural villages”

intentional community. At the time this was even more radical than it sounds today; back then, people with learning disabilities were widely considered ‘defective’, and often sent to special hospitals. This model has since been expanded to include pastoral care for learning-disabled adults. In a few of these communities, such as Grange Village in the Forest of Dean, the original model of large, extended family households on a rural estate is still recognizable; couples and their children live in shared households, in these cases with the vulnerable adults they support. In many Camphills, though, smaller, more independent households have now been created. At Taurus Crafts, just down the road from the Grange, the flats and houses of community members are scattered through the town of Lydney, and families and supported adults live separately. “It’s like one big family – that’s what makes living and working here so great,” says Allan, who lives and works at Taurus Crafts.

building community

Sara, from a Camphill near Stroud, says she appreciates the way that – sometimes by design and other times through sheer necessity – Camphill life can offer opportunities for everyone to grow and develop, including learning diverse new personal and professional skills. Living and working on one site brings many advantages, including positive opportunities to integrate work and family life and removing the need for commuting. Despite tightening child protection regulations, Allan and Rose say that the adults they support live alongside them and “love to be involved with our grandchildren”. And Adam, who comes from a community near Stroud, is glad that his children benefited from the “freedom and open air life” that was possible in the extensive grounds of the community where they grew up. With other families nearby on site, the social benefits are obvious. Allan and Rose say there is an atmosphere of genuine mutual support in their community: “The people we support look out for us too, and we gain a huge amount from them”. Adam describes how he received “tremendous emotional and practical support” from his community when his father died,

Winston’s Wish, the Cheltenham-based charity for bereaved children, has brought out a new booklet, The Family Has Been Informed, offering information and support to those caring for children and young people from military families who have been bereaved through conflict. The booklet won an award in 2013 from the Plain English Campaign, recognsing its clear, unambiguous language and style. Although dealing with an emotive subject, the guide is straightforward, factual and doesn’t shy away from the awkward questions and situations that carers of bereaved children may have to deal with.

A MayDay celebration at one of the West Country’s Camphill’s communities and says that living through challenges with his fellow co-workers builds trust and a sense of shared purpose. In some communities, mutual support extends to income sharing: community members, referred to as ‘co-workers’, receive no wages but have their needs met by the community as a whole. As Sara says, it can be a blessing to have no immediate financial worries. Impressively, the mutual commitment is sometimes life-long, and several Camphills are still home to elderly retired co-workers.

sharing celebrations

Celebrating the many seasonal festivals together is widely considered to be one of the highlights of community life, providing opportunities for everyone to join in with songs, plays, candlelit processions, shared meals, and more. Sara says: “Birthdays, Christmases and other events are beautiful”. But Camphill living can also be hard work, and finding time to switch off or prioritise family is important. Though all but one of his four children have now left home, Adam recalls how living in a household with learning-disabled students often meant his own children had to take second place to the demands of the house as a whole. Sara cites lack of privacy and lack of financial independence as challenges. “In hard times, there can be an unspoken expectation to be back ‘on track’ very soon,” she tells me. Having a professional as well as personal

relationship with a partner can put pressure on couples, and some Camphill teenagers long for a more ‘normal’ life. However, the biggest challenge many Camphillers face today is dealing positively with the scale and speed of change in their communities. Increased scrutiny from inspectors, tightened regulations, and greater financial pressure means that in many cases, consensus decision-making has been replaced by a hierarchical management structure; live-in members of the community are outnumbered by employed staff; paperwork has multiplied ten-fold; income-sharing has disappeared, and extended family households are now a rarity. But Allan and Rose see it all as a positive challenge. “Our task is to make sure that the changes don’t affect what we stand for,” they say. Some communities are pioneering new models of living and working together and, Adam adds, “We can work with change.” He is hopeful about the future, and feels that external authorities and live-out staff are increasingly recognizing the value of the rich, cultural and spiritual life cultivated by Camphill communities. “The most important thing we do is the building of community,” says Allan. “And it seems to be working here”. For more information about Camphill communities in England, including links to the communities in the region, see

Winston’s Wish National Helpline 0845 203 04 05

Mother in the Mother is an arts project collecting women’s stories of mothering and turning them into short books and stories. It runs from Mothers Day 2014 to Mothers Day 2015. Reflect on your experiences of motherhood at a celebratory event, held at the rural Yanley Court Center in Long Ashton, Saturday 29 March, 2-5pm. All mums welcome.

Bristol Autism Support plans to run Lego play sessions for autistic children around the city and they need unwanted Lego! They need everything from standard bricks to play sets and figures. Bristol Autism Support will collect from anywhere within a 10-mile radius of Bristol city centre. Tel Kate on 07825 616094

Bristol City Council have launched their Safe Places scheme. Local shops, cafes or libraries sign up to provide a recognisable, safe place for people to seek help if they get into difficulties when they are out and about. The scheme will start by supporting people with learning disabilities and will gradually widen the net to others who may need support. This could be anything from getting lost, losing a mobile phone or feeling harassed or bullied. Find places or sign up as a place at:

body & soul


holistic health, personal growth & spirituality

the nicing on the cake Beccy Golding finds a grass roots movement that’s using cake to get people talking about mental health


he Depressed Cake Shop is an international phenomenon, imagined by creative director “Miss Cakehead”, and has seen pop-up shops appearing from Sydney to San Francisco, and all across the UK. The shops sell cakes and other baked goods with the purpose of raising awareness about mental health issues. There is only one rule: the cakes must be grey. Why? “Because the colour represents what depression does: it coats a beautiful life in grey” is the word from Miss Cakehead, via her website. Beth Ward and Sarah Newman were involved in the first Depressed Cake Shop event in Bristol, held in August 2013. I asked them what why this idea particularly inspired them. Beth says, “Bake sales generally remind me of school fêtes, and I just thought this was something different. It was less about people giving us money for a ‘good cause’ and walking off with a fairy cake, than it was inviting people to consider the reality of mental illness in as positive an environment as possible. And every environment is made more positive with the addition of cake!” to ask us what it was about, but we also had Sarah adds: “I love baking and, since I people coming down specially, and they were suffer from depression myself, I saw it as a all so positive. It’s strange but we found good way to raise awareness. I also liked the ourselves having some very frank discussions whole idea of the cakes being grey on the with total strangers, slap bang in the centre outside and how that might trigger people of town across a table full of cake. It was to think about and/or discuss mental health surreal, totally incongruous, and absolutely issues.” wonderful. That’s how I saw the concept Beth says: “I when I got involved, and offered to organise it was so satisfying to see it and seemingly simultaneously “A lot of the time people have itofinit.”action and be part Sarah threw her “We raised £350 for difficulties but it doesn’t hat in the ring Rethink Mental Illness. too. Between mean that they are any less It was incredibly stressful the two of us we but I’m so glad I did it. wonderful underneath” managed to move I like to think that some things along pretty people got something quickly online. out of it, be it a greater It wasn’t until a couple of weeks before the awareness of issues surrounding mental event that we met in person, though, which health, a sense of community and support, was a bit of a ‘red carnation’ affair!” or just a sugar rush from macaroons and rainbow cake.”

b&s news Independent Age, which tackles older people’s poverty and loneliness through the ‘ABC’ of advice, befriending and campaigning, has launched a freephone number for older people, their families and carers, offering advice on issues such as social care, welfare benefits, befriending services and other social support. They also produce factsheets about the most common issues affecting older people. Freephone 0800 319 6789

Have you been affected by a stroke or mini-stroke? Or caring for someone who has? South Glos Stroke Café is held on the 2nd Friday of each month and offers a place to socialise and learn about rehabilitation services available. Professionals from a range of organisations share their knowledge and expertise on subjects including living independently, volunteering, education and work, telecare, healthy eating, medication and exercise. Next few dates: 14 March, 11 April, 9 May. tel 01454 862356 See & search ‘stroke cafe’

The British Johrei Society is holding a Japanese Cultural Event in Bristol on Saturday 15 March, with taster workshops including Japanese Tea Ceremony, Ikabana (flower arranging) Calligraphy & the spiritual & healing practice of Johrei. £15 including light lunch. To book call 01225 745766 (Tues/Wed) or email:

We received this sad news recently: “Regrettably the Cairns Clinic in Bristol closes at the end of February due to the owner/manager moving away to enjoy a busy country life on the Welsh borders. All the fantastic therapists who practise here are moving their practise to other places. Thanks to the Spark for your support over the years.”

the great Bristol bake-off

Beth told me about some of the preparation: “I booked a week off work and couldn’t face a mixing bowl for weeks afterwards. There may well still be icing sugar and flour in my hair six months after the event. There’s almost certainly still some on the kitchen ceiling! Local media were really supportive, we had some lovely write-ups and I ummed and erred my way through a radio spot without swearing (which is a massive achievement), and there was a word-ofmouth surge at the last minute. Suddenly I had work colleagues offering cakes left right and centre!” Sarah says: “Beth and I did most of the organising before the big day, but there were four of us who did most of the baking and ran the stall. We received donations from members of the public, plus some fantastic grey meringues from Hart’s Bakery.” Beth takes up the story, adding: “As well as the bakers there were the fantastic stallholders at the Bear Pit who gave us our pitch, helped us set it up and offered advice (Miriam from Bearpit Social was incredibly helpful), people who leant us equipment, chauffeured cars full of cakes across Bristol, lugged tables and gazebos too and fro, designed promotional material, plugged us online and, obviously, everyone who came to chat and buy cake.” Beth says: “Foot traffic was surprisingly good. We had a number of people stopping

craftivism for change

Colette Brown, 24, was involved in the second Depressed Cake Shop in Bristol, at the Full Moon Market on Stokes Croft, which raised funds for Changes, a peer-topeer mental health support group she is part of. “I liked the idea that the main thing was not to raise money but to raise awareness,” she says. “To get people talking about mental health, not to feel shame. When I first saw photos of grey cakes I thought, ‘this is something really different, it will get a reaction’. And it’s good because people struggling with mental health issues can participate – several people baked but didn’t attend the event – they were able to feel part of it but behind the scenes. It’s a campaigning tool that enables you to feel as though you’ve contributed without having to be frontline. Rather than activism, it’s craftivism!’” As well as the home bakers who contributed, professional bakers donated stuff and the stall was free, people were very receptive. Eight people ran the stall on the day, at least 50 people stopped and had a conversation, while a further 100 took away leaflets. Colette has since been involved in a third Depressed Cake Shop held in St Werburghs, whilst Bristol University students

have also held their own event. Colette says: “I made cupcakes with grey icing while inside there was a lemon or jam explosion.” And what did the cakes mean to her? “A lot of the time people have difficulties but it doesn’t mean that they are any less wonderful underneath. But it can also work the other way, people can seem colourful or bubbly on the outside but be falling apart or broken inside. Being involved has been a liberating experience, it empowers people and you can do as little or as much as you can. It’s not a normal cake sale!” Go to Facebook and search ‘The Depressed Cake Shop’ or ‘The Depressed Cake Shop – Bristol’

Bristol College of Massage & Bodywork has a home! Founded in 1987, BCMB has shared space with a range of venues over the years, for which they are very grateful, but as Andy Fagg, college founder, says: “I have dreamt of having one place to locate all our work.” You’ll find BCMB at Langford Lodge, 109 Pembroke Road in Bristol, where you can also book sessions at their new low-cost clinics with students and recent graduates.

The always-fabulous Expressions Festival from Milestones Trust this year takes ‘journeys’ as its theme and includes a 12-foot sea witch with a woven, plastic bag ocean, a cardboard train and a knitted street. The festival is a result of a year of creative endeavours by Milestones Trust service users, with learning disabilities, mental health needs and dementia. 25 April-1 May, Paintworks, Bristol expressions-2014

36 spark bugle

the latest news from Sparkland

car club comes West fire fails to foil charity A

new breed of car club has come to Sparkland. Co-Wheels, the 3rd largest car club in the UK, is run as a social enterprise, with no share-holders taking profit out of the business, and with social and environmental aims at its core. The even better news for customers is that the club’s prices are about to be reduced (from March 1) to just £3.75 per hour or £17.50 per day (plus 13p per mile), which they claim means that they offer the cheapest rate for 24-hour car hire in the South West. Cars can be booked for as little as 30 minutes or for up to 10 days. Co-wheels, who also operate more electric vehicles than any other car club, has just launched in Bristol with cars in the city centre, north fringe, Southmead, UWE and Hotwells, with more being added all the time. They also have cars in Bath, Swindon, Exeter and Gloucester, as well as further afield (some 35 locations around the UK and growing). Co-wheels also provide sustainable fleet management services for over 20 local authorities, NHS trusts and other public and private sector organisations. As a social enterprise, Co-Wheels operate in more non-city centre locations than commercial operators. Co-wheels are offering FREE membership and no on-going monthly commitment as an exclusive for Spark readers. Just write SPARK in the promo code box on the application form. If you would like a Co-Wheels car club near you, please contact

To join, just visit


espite a devastating fire which completely destroyed their training room and IT system, volunteers at the Bristol-based charity Nacoa continued to respond to cries for help from some of the UK’s most vulnerable children, refusing to allow the smoky conditions to get in the way of their dedication to provide information and support. Nacoa (The National Association for Children of Alcoholics) was started by five people who wanted children living with parental alcohol problems to have access to help and support that they had not had growing up. The charity relies entirely on voluntary donations and attracts the goodwill of over 300 people who give their time, energy and skills for free, which is why children feel so at home with the Nacoa Helpline - a free service provided by people who truly care. “At Nacoa we believe no child should grow up alone and in fear,” says co-founder and CEO Hilary Henriques MBE. “Over the past 23 years the Nacoa Helpline has responded to over 210,000 requests for help by phone and email, providing information and ongoing support for this vulnerable group of children. “On the day the fire was discovered, seven volunteers refused to walk away and not one call went unanswered. Even though we’ve experienced extensive and on-going problems with IT, the helpline was restored as a priority with the help of many more volunteers and friends. “Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Nacoa continues to put the welfare of children of alcoholics at the heart of all we do. And we always will.” If you would like to offer your time or support, please contact Hilary at

new green business park P

lans to build a new green business park in Filwood, South Bristol, the first of its kind in the UK, have taken a step forward, with Bristol City Council appointing The Midas Group as contractors. Due to start this February, the £11.6 million project will be the first building in the South West built to the ‘BREEAM Outstanding’ environmental and sustainability standard, and will provide 40,000 sq ft of workshop and office space and up to 350 jobs.

Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson said: “This is a really important development for South Bristol, as well as being a flagship green building for the city, to be delivered during 2015 when Bristol is European Green Capital. This facility will support the development of environmental and low carbon companies as well as encouraging employment, entrepreneurship and business start-up in the local area, where there is a very great need.” The development forms part of wider

plans to regenerate the Filwood Park area, which also includes provision for new public park and up to 150 affordable homes. The Midas Group has its headquarters in Bristol and is one of the largest independent construction companies in the South West. Councillor Jeff Lovell, chair of the Knowle West Project Board, which Filwod is part of, said: “This is great news for our community. The process of regeneration for Filwood is finally underway and hopefully this will underpin the wider aspirations of our community.”

shedloads of security A

Somerset-based inventor’s sustainable garden shed has been recognised as the most secure ever. Nigel Broderick came up with the idea for the DaylightSecure garden shed, which is made from waste materials, after somebody broke into his wooden shed and stole his bicycle. It is the first garden shed to be awarded the Secured by Design (SBD) certification (a police initiative aiming to ‘design out’ crime through the use of innovative products). Theft from sheds, garages and gardens in the UK increased by 10% in the last year alone, and around 5,000 homes are targeted every week according to the Office for National Statistics. “Things should be just as safe outside your home as inside,” says Nigel, “and I wanted to come up with a sustainable solution.” The shed is made of TPR, an awardwinning alternative to concrete that is manufactured using waste diverted from landfill. The shed also features a highsecurity double door and composite roof to let daylight in.

spark bugle


B&NES says no to fracking


ouncil chiefs in Bath have told the Prime Minister that they are not interested in getting a business rates boost in return for allowing fracking in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES). David Cameron has said that local authorities who agree to the controversial scheme to extract gas from shale would receive 100 per cent of the resulting business rates, rather than the usual 50 per cent. The Government believes that fracking is worth billions of pounds to the economy but the proposals have been fiercely opposed by many residents, groups and activists in the South West who point to the dangers of

toxins leaking into our water table (through cracks in concrete wells used for drilling), the impact of heavy traffic, huge water usage and potential earth tremors on local communities, and the economic wisdom of investing in clean renewables over the long term. Councillor Paul Crossley, leader of B&NES council, says: “While the council has yet to assess the full detail of the Government’s proposal, our prime concern remains retaining the integrity of the natural hot springs. We have obtained the very best expert advice and we simply cannot rule out the potential for damage to the deep water sources that supply the springs in

Bath. Fracking in the region could result in the water courses that lead to the natural hot springs being contaminated, or for the waters to adopt a different direction of travel through new fractures in the underlying rocks. “The hot springs are a crucial part of the tourist attraction that sustains thousands of jobs in the city and generates millions of pounds for the local economy. The loss of these would be catastrophic, having farreaching effects for the West of England area. In short, we would not take any short-term business rate gain at the expense of the springs.”

schools reduce food waste T

here has been a 45 per cent rise in the amount of food waste recycled in Bristol’s schools this past school year ( 2011-12), following an annual Bristol City Council competition focusing on food waste. The top three schools, Air Balloon Hill, Victoria Park Primary and St Anne’s Infants, achieved food waste recycling results of 83 per cent, 82 per cent and 77 per cent respectively. Of the 98 participating Bristol schools, the average food waste recycling rate was 44 per cent; compared to an average of just four per cent in 2009. Head teacher at Air Balloon Hill,

Rob Worsford, says: “We see the value in being a green school and think it’s vital that the children understand the issues involved. For many years now we’ve made reducing, re-using and recycling an important part of learning and school life.” Simon Anthony, Bristol City Council’s waste education officer, said: “We were keen to encourage more schools to use BCC’s food waste collection service rather than using landfill bins. Bristol schools have had outstanding success with this challenge.” Following on from the competition, BCC schools will now be focussing on using composting to further reduce food waste. Those schools wishing to improve their recycling should visit uk/recycinginschools for more info.

Obituary: Edward Williams (1921-2013) innovative composer & music pioneer


omposer and electronic music pioneer Edward Williams, who initiated the Music Workshop at Hotwells School in Bristol and who invented the Soundbeam, which converted physical movements into sound, sadly passed away on December 8, 2013, at the age of 92. Best known for the music he composed for film and television - including the documentary Dylan Thomas (narrated by Richard Burton) and the David Attenborough natural history series Life on Earth - Edward was the son of the writer Iolo Aneurin Williams and a descendant of the poet Edward Williams (also known by his bardic name Iolo Morgannwg). Edward became involved in writing music for film and television after working as an assistant to the noted musical director, composer and conductor Muir Matheson. In 1971 he set up the Music Workshop, which still involves amateur musicians from all over the city. He promoted the use of the early British synthesizer the VCS3 (later used on Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon), playing the instrument with his band Uncle Jambo’s Pendular Vibrations, and using it for the Life on Earth soundtrack. His 1980s invention - the Soundbeam – was originally designed to produce avant-garde dance music but is now primarily used in special needs education because very little physical movement is needed for its operation. Edward is survived by his wife Judy, four children, eight grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

anti-trafficking charity award A

ndrew Wallis, the CEO and cofounder of Bristol-based charity Unseen has won the Directory of Social Change (DSC) Influencer Award. Unseen, established in 2008, was set up to give survivors of modern slavery and trafficking the safety, hope and choice they deserve. The charity opened its first safe house in the South West in 2011 and has since seen nearly 60 survivors come through its doors. To date, Unseen’s WATER (Women’s Anti-Trafficking Emergency Refuge) project is the only safe house in the South West and is one of only three services in the country offering 24/7 support to victims of human trafficking.

Says Andrew: “We know it starts with an individual and changing one life for the better, but this is only a start. My vision is to see the eradication of slavery in my lifetime.” Unseen has been involved in shaping the Modern Slavery Bill which was proposed by the Home Secretary in 2013. Locally, Unseen was recently invited by Avon & Somerset Constabulary to help shape Operation Wanderer, the force’s clampdown on modern slavery. In December, three male victims were taken to a place of safety and given the help and support they need to recover. Figures for 2012 released by the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) state that there were 1,186 reported human trafficking victims in the UK

(a 25 per cent increase on 2011). However there is widespread acknowledgement that true figures could be a lot higher. “It is a great encouragement to receive this award,” says Andrew, who is chairman of the Home Office’s Joint Strategy Group on Human Trafficking. “It shows us that people are now engaging with this issue. As recent cases indicate, this is not going away. “The work of Unseen is very much a team effort. Together we will continue to work towards ending this exploitation of human life.” National charity DSC is the largest provider of information and training to the UK voluntary and community sector


rear view…with Kate Evans

reviews At the end of last year we invited readers to pick a book from our shelves to review: here are the first! You Can Buy Happiness (and it’s cheap) by Tammy Strobel, published by New World Library, California Reviewed by Carolyn Stubbs


ammy Strobel and her husband were a typical American middle-class couple with two cars, a large house and all the modern-day luxuries, yet they felt unfulfilled. Deep down they weren’t truly happy. Overspending, being in debt, living a hectic life in the rat race; Tammy experienced a turning point when she began to question her priorities in life. This insightful book is her personal journey of relinquishing possessions, downsizing and ultimately finding greater happiness by having less, by focusing more on relationships and becoming debt-free. The book also explores the notion of what people define as happiness. She discovered that, according to the 1957 Happy Planet Index, about 35 per cent of Americans described themselves as “very happy”. What is quite remarkable is that this level hasn’t been reached since in the USA, which is surprising despite becoming a richer nation with more material wealth. It seems that people are less happy today than they were more than 50 years ago. The book also includes other real examples of people living a simpler life and is not in any way self-righteous, patronizing or overbearing. It’s an inspiring road map for anyone wanting to chart their personal journey to simplicity. It certainly makes you aware of how complex our lives can be when we have so many material possessions. By having less ‘stuff’ and buying less ‘things’ the author shows that she has more time and money to spend on what she truly values. This book is for anyone wanting less clutter in their lives and finding time for what’s really important; the things that money can’t buy. It’s interwoven with personal narratives, well researched and Tammy Strobel is right: you really can buy happiness and it’s cheaper than you think.

Gardening for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Special Educational Needs by Natasha Etherington, published by the Autism Society Reviewed By Hilda Kalap


ritten by a horticultural therapist, Gardening for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is aimed at professionals and parents of children who have autism, anxiety, anger or depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental disability or who are in wheelchairs. The basic premise is that the outdoors and gardening offer a place of calm that is good for our minds and bodies and they fill a void for a special needs child that can’t be filled within a classroom. In an increasingly frantic and fast-paced world this book is vital reading. It includes many child-centred activities that will help a child build connections and documents the many cognitive, psychological and social benefits of gardening and being outdoors. From basics such as digging and planting we move onto cooking (complete with recipes for each season), field trips, multisensory guessing games, bug art, designing a garden and much more. There are photos and diagrams to inform each activity including detailed designs for creating an enabling garden for wheelchair users. The book also includes appendices on how to carry out a risk assessment and how to do a relaxation and visualisation exercise. At the heart of horticultural therapy is the goal of reducing negative arousal levels, so leading to improved health and enabling many positive changes to take place. The author shows her long experience and dedication in her concluding top tips: to remain flexible and always to maintain a sense of humour when working with children and to never give up on your child and always aim high for them.

* As The Spark went to press, the Lords had voted to amend the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act so that a stricter test of ‘harassment’ was retained when issuing injunctions. For more information please see

letters & competitions Letters to: The Spark, 86 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB

Dear Spark team, Belated thanks for my ‘Tints of Nature’, which I won in a recent Spark competition. I had a lovely surprise when the large box arrived in the post. I had looked for natural haircare products in the shops so I was delighted to get a large amount of them to try for free. Best wishes, Sheila Askham Dear Spark, Yesterday morning wasn’t the greatest of mornings, but then I got some beautiful Lavera products through the post – which I won in the last issue of The Spark – and my day got much better. Thank you! Liz Crow Ed: Thanks Sheila and Liz. We’re glad that we made your days a little brighter! Dear Spark, Why has the government given permission for two new incinerators to be built in our region when both were originally rejected by their respective councils? The one in Avonmouth will process landfill from London. Why, when it should be processed in the London Area? Bristol City Council, along with South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and

B&NES are using a process called MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment) – a new, sustainable and green alternative to landfill and incineration. The process is environmentally safer with no air pollution and no toxic ash residue, no methane emissions and no water contamination. The only residue is tar, which can be used for filling potholes (and goodness, do we need that!) MBT is cheaper to build and to operate than incineration, and it employs more people. 200,000 tons of waste are being processed by MBT, with the Energy from Waste (EfW) producing enough electricity to power 45,000 homes. The Avonmouth incinerator is to process 400,000 tons of waste from London, producing enough EfW for 50,000 homes. So MBT provides nearly double the electricity. Please join me and sign the petition to show we care about our children’s and grandchildren’s health. Yours, S Marsh community/petition/2460 Some letters have been edited due to length

WIN St George’s concert tick-


oted one of the world’s most inspirational groups, and having played for (amongst others) Nelson Mandela and Michelle Obama, the Buskaid Soweto String Ensemble (www. has grown out of a remarkable initiative which, for over 15 years, has given hundreds of township youngsters the chance to learn a classical instrument. As part of a UK tour marking the 20th anniversary of democracy in South Africa, this extraordinary group of around 30 young musicians will wow audiences with a programme that ranges from classical music by Baroque composer Rameau through to classic pop songs and African Kwela and gospel music. A guaranteed feel-good event. The Spark has teamed up with the good folk at St George’s Bristol to offer readers the chance to win one of two family tickets (two adults, two children under 18, worth £60 each) to a rare appearance on these shores from the incredible Buskaid Soweto String Ensemble, on Friday July 11. To enter the competition simply answer the following question: St George’s Bristol has a special programme for supporters. What is it called? (You’ll find the answer at Send your answer to St George’s Competition (full details below).

WIN one of ten Amphora Aromatics Organic Originals gift packs


f you’re looking for ethically sourced beauty gifts made from soothing essential oils, then Amphora Aromatics’ new range could be just the ticket... and they won’t break the bank either. Amphora Aromatics is a must for anyone who prefers their products based on traditional formulations and packed with essential oils and herbal extracts, rather than mass-marketed synthetic products. The company is one of the UK’s largest suppliers of pure essential oils and aromatherapy products. From soothing hand creams, foot lotions and massage oils through to rejuvenating face creams, gels and organic body moisturisers, Amphora Aromatics gift packs combine a delicious mix of essential oils with traditional formulations. Gift pack prices start at £10.95 (including P&P), and are available from their website: The Spark has ten Amphora Aromatics Organic Originals gift packs – a Soil Association approved range which retails at £27.95 per pack – to give away. Each contains the following selection of delicately scented Rose & Pomegranate products from the company’s Organic Collection: Hand Wash (250ml), Shower Gel (250ml), Body Moisturiser (100ml) and Lip Balm (15ml). For your chance to win, simply answer the following question: How many products are there in the Amphora Aromatics Organic Collection range? You’ll find the answer at Send your answers (details below left) to Amphora Competition.

WIN up to six nights at Healing Waters in Glastonbury!


ealing Waters Sanctuary is an interfaith spiritual retreat centre situated on the sacred site of Wearyall Hill, Glastonbury. Embodying the qualities of love and compassion, the Healing Waters Sanctuary is a deeply relaxing place with stunning views of the Glastonbury Tor and of the Somerset Levels. One of the most special retreats in Glastonbury, each room is infused with healing energy and tranquility. Situated on the Michael Energy Line, a powerful energy pervades Healing Waters, especially the meditation room. Healing Waters is a place of love to recharge and connect to the source. The Spark has joined up with the good folk at Healing Waters to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a fantastic prize. Choose from either three nights’ accommodation at Healing Waters Sanctuary for you and your guest, including two healing sessions in the Energy Healing Pyramid – which assists you in releasing and transforming deeply held patterns and emotions – and four superfood smoothies for breakfast or, if you prefer to get away from it all, you could enjoy a six-day stay with an Energy Healing Pyramid session for one instead. The lucky winner can book their stay at Healing Waters between Monday and Wednesday any time from September 2014 to March 2015, subject to availability. Both prizes are worth an amazing £350. To win either one of these magnificent prizes, simply answer the following question: how many different retreats does Healing Waters offer? To find the answer visit Send your answers, details below, to Healing Waters Competition.

Comp winners: issue 75 Competition information & rules

Closing date for all competitions in this issue, unless otherwise stated, is April 24, 2014. Please send all competition entries on a postcard or sealed envelope, along with your full address, phone number and email address to The Spark, 86 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB. Competitions can also be entered online at Only one entry per person per competition will be accepted. Please send separate entries for each competition. Entry is open to residents of Sparkland only (roughly 50 miles radius of Bristol) with the exception of employees (and their families) of The Spark, its printers and any other companies associated with the competition. Entrants must be aged 18 or over. No responsibility can be accepted for entries lost, damaged or delayed in the post, or due to computer error. The prizes are not transferable to another individual and no cash or other alternatives are offered. Prizes are subject to availability and the prize suppliers’ terms and conditions. In the event of a prize being unavailable, the promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value.


Good Energy: Su Evans, Bristol Lavera: Bruce Walker, Bristol; Toni Pollak, Bath; Ann Phillips, Blagdon; Ms P A Newbury, Bristol; Miss H Bainton, Keynsham Carol Macdonald, Bristol; Marian Hill, Bath; Maggie Coates, Swindon; C Barnard, Bristol Julia Wilson, Bristol Lucy Farmer, Wotton under Edge Martin Fodor, Bristol; Ms Maria Torres, Bath Tessa Rans, Bradford-on-Avon Paul Witney, Taunton Natalie Edmonds, Weston-Super-Mare

Jessica Wirth, Wiltshire Jane Coulston, Weston-super-Mare Jane Middleton, Cheltenham Mr David Collins, Stroud Emma Brewin, Cheltenham Carol Mears, Swindon Irene Bolton, Bristol Mr Pete Nethercott, Bristol Liz Crow, Bristol Eco Vegan Shoes: Penny Sinclair, Taunton Serena Worvill, Bath Shelly Abrahams, Bristol Marian Hill, Bath Emma Sandbach, Shrewsbury,


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Welcome to The Spark Listings – issue 76 Find lovely people offering a plethora of services and opportunities, from courses to counselling, massage, personal development, spirituality and yoga... plus food suppliers, eco-builders, holiday providers and more. Making the global personal... the personal global... we think you can’t separate the person from the world they live in. * When you reply to an ad please say you saw it in The Spark - it’s the advertisers who pay for The Spark to exist so it’s great for them to know their ads are working (and it really helps us). Thanks. Disability access codes

are included in our listings ads if the advertiser has given them to us:


Level entrance to building Room with level access Adapted toilets Steps and no. of steps Not accessible Home visits available


Listings sections this issue:

activsm acupuncture animal care & healing architects, buildings & home arts therapies breath therapy buqi business services career development centres & venues children • birth • education city farms coaching colonic irrigation complementary clinics complementary practitioners

computers & web design constellations counselling & psychotherapy: • bath • body psychotherapy *new* • bristol • bristol north • families/young people • psychotherapy • relationships • s glos • general • c&p training • c&p noticeboard courses, groups & workshops craniosacral therapy dance dentists & dental care disability doctors/holistic physicians eye health fertility

food gay, lesbian & bisexual guinea pigs healing healing with animals herbal medicine holidays: • b&bs & hostels • green • health • holiday cottages • retreats home & decluttering homeopathy housing & land hypnotherapy kinesiology massage & bodywork mediation meditation money movement & bodywork

nutrition / diet personal growth courses photography readings rebirthing reflexology reiki relationships relaxing & winding down rolfing rooms & spaces shamanism shiatsu spiritual paths & practices training voice volunteering yoga (other listings sections are available - see our website for full list:

Small Print. It’s very rare, but once in a while an advertiser behaves in a way they shouldn’t. If you’ve had an experience with one of our advertisers that made you feel uneasy, uncomfortable, cross or bamboozled, please let us know as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to make the situation better - this could be through gentle persuasion, direct challenge, or in some cases by refusing to accept their custom. Having said that, the small print still stands..

Blue Sax Publishing Ltd, who publish The Spark, cannot take any responsibility for the quality of an advertisers’ service or advertisers’ conduct. In choosing an advertiser you may wish to consult the appropriate professional bodies. We gather the info but we can’t and don’t evaluate the advertisers. Advertisers are advised that all copy is their sole responsibility under The Trade Protection Act. All adverts must comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice.

We reserve the right to refuse, amend, withdraw or otherwise deal with advertisements submitted to us at our absolute discretion and without explanation. Blue Sax Publishing can accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting from omission or inaccuracies relating to telephone numbers, wording, spacing or positioning or other material regardless how caused.

Deadlines for the year ahead • summer (issue 77) early bird 27 march • final 24 april magazine published 19 may • autumn (issue 78) early bird 26 june • final 24 july magazine published 1 september • winter (issue 79) early bird 25 sep • final 23 october magazine published 24 november • spring (issue 80) early bird 18 dec • final 22 january magazine published 23 feb 2015

Soot n Sweep

architects, building & home

For all your chimney sweeping needs. All types of chimneys, flues & AGAs swept and cleaned. Member of NACS, sweeping certificates issued. Contact Nick Wilcox, 07983 215312, 0117 94 92258

Replace Animal Tests

with superior human tissue tests. Sign our petition:

Stone Liberation

acupuncture Acupuncture, Acupressure Massage (Tui Na)

Bath & Salisbury Established practitioner, calm disposition, gentle technique, treatments tailored to the individual, strategies to maintain health, Traditional Chinese Medicine. Insured member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and local authority registered. First treatment half price. Salil Pande BSc (Hons) MBAcC, 0751 804 1808

Isabel James Lic.Ac, MBAcC, MRCHM

• Traditional Chinese Acupuncture • Chinese Herbal Medicine • Experienced children’s practitioner • Gentle effective treatment. Fully qualified practitioner with 10 years’ experience in successfully treating a wide range of conditions, both physical and mental/emotional. Bishopston, Bristol. Tel: 0117 924 1188

We provide a high-quality building service, specialising in eco-upgrades, sustainably aware alterations & extensions; balancing quality & value to create better spaces with existing resources. • Our experience with many local architects, engineers & surveyors for refurbishment & structural alteration work informs our advice & guidance, for a variety of projects & situations. • We offer impartial advice for eco-upgrades to improve a building’s thermal performance; helping buildings evolve in changing times and managing resources more sustainably, through optimising space, light & temperature. • Qualified - competent - reasonable. Member of The Green Register & The AECB. Contact Simon Reid (iCIOB) 07500 692199 & 0117 924 6024

animal care & healing Experienced Animal Healer

I have been healing large and small animals since childhood. Pain relief, chronic illnesses, anxiety, preparation for dying. Seven days/week. 0772 300 0678

don’t let the spark go out of your life. subscribe for only £10 a year and get your Spark delivered right to your door. email for more info

Maintenance, clearance, light removals. Maintenance - care & repair of your property both inside and out, including painting, door hanging/adjustment, loft insulation and boarding, hanging shelves, assembling flat packs, fencing, etc. Clearance - sensitive and eco-conscious, house (and garage) clearing, recycling where possible, certified and appropriate waste disposal where needed. Light Removals - fully insured to move your treasured (or unwanted) items, large or small. I am a careful, thorough worker with an eye for detail, offering a friendly yet excellent service! Please call me to discuss your needs. Gregory Champion 0790 662 8383

The practice, formed in 1984, has specialised in community buildings, doctors’ surgeries, private houses, and many small-scale extensions and alterations. No job is considered too small and all designs are unique and specific to their client and situation. Special consideration is given to sunlight, view, ecological materials, context, inclusive access, to produce quality solutions that the users will cherish. Vic Love Architects Ltd operates a sliding-fee scale and offers a service to suit, from initial ideas to the full service including designs, drawings for regulations, building contract management and site inspections. Nearly all the commissions have come from referrals from satisfied clients, reflecting the close working relationship and service provided as well as the character, design and quality of the completed buildings. Vic Love Architects Ltd has completed over 1000 projects throughout Bristol and the immediate area. If you have any architectural projects in mind of whatever size, we welcome you to ring us or pop in to the shop for an informal chat. “Vic Love Architects Ltd” 188 Bedminster Down Road, Bristol BS13 7AF Tel: 0117 963 3007 Fax: 0117 963 3007 ABH e-mail:

Eco-Decorators, Organic Gardeners “Inside Out“

• Quality decorating with attention to detail. Non-toxic paint specialists. • Garden maintenance / design and landscaping. Pruning, weeding, strimming, fencing. Free estimates. Established 2000. 0779 272 8012 / 01761 452461

Licensed to Drill - WBSR

Bristol • Garden landscaping & maintenance, fencing, decking, patios, ponds • Floor sanding, internal and external decoration, loft insulation • Hen houses and chicken runs, log stores and sheds etc. Friendly reliable local builder offering excellent service for jobs big or small, inside or out. Competitive rates, free quotes and good work generally wonderful. Steve Rose 0117 964 6670 or 0776 324 0158

Is your stonework painted? We can chisel off and rub down to original beauty of stone. All repairs in stone. Lime mortar traditional repointing. Friendly advice: Simon: 01275 848189

arts therapies Susan Lawrence Dramatherapy

Dramatherapy for individuals & groups Using play, movement, voice and storytelling, dramatherapy can help you to: • develop your creativity • discover other aspects of yourself • develop your confidence and self expression • heal hurts. Please phone / email for more information or to discuss your individual needs. Phone 0117 933 2607 Email

breath therapy Conscious Breathing Retreats

Home/abroad. Rebirthing in Bath. Jacqui Storm 0786 889 0388

buqi Buqi Energy Therapy

Buqi activates the flow of vital Qi energy to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Qi carries the messages that encode all life processes from the vibration of a single cell to the metabolism of the whole body. Buqi treats most conditions by clearing stale Qi from the body. Benefits include improved general health, energy levels and posture. Lightness, flexibility and vitality return. Clifton and central Bristol. Contact Ann for details. 07766 100383 or

or visit for more info or to book online busi - comp

business services

centres & venues

If it’s all stressing you out - bookkeeping, self assessment - don’t worry: we can help. I am a local ethical accountant you can talk to, flexible, cost-effective and professional. I offer accounts preparation, tax returns and advice for individuals, self-employed, partnerships and limited companies. Also VAT, Payroll (online RTI), and free phone advice for clients. Prices from £75 with a free first hour meeting. Telephone: William Everatt on 0117 325 9050, 07711 050509 or text for a call back. Email:

A versatile venue for Frome. The Cheese & Grain is available for hire for local residents and clubs, and for all registered charities at reduced rates. Corporate, educational and charity meetings can be booked by negotiation, with access to all venue facilities including screen projection and catering. Contact Martin Dimery at Cheese & Grain, Market Yard, Frome Tel: 01373 455 768

Popup Gallery Available in BS1 Short lets - run your own business.

children Bristol-based NM Systems offers virtual administration services available throughout the UK, and provides services for small and home-based businesses that may not have the time, room or regular work to employ someone on a permanent basis. I have over 15 years’ administration experience. I can work for clients on an ad-hoc or regular basis, and can provide support evenings and weekends, ensuring your business benefits from consistent and reliable back-office functions. I am committed to providing high quality work at reasonable rates with efficiency, professionalism, confidentiality, discretion and integrity. Benefits of using NM Systems: • Only pay for hours worked • No need to provide office space or equipment; save on running costs • No PAYE, National Insurance, holiday, sickness, or training costs • No Agency Fees • Long-term and short-term support available. Contact tel: 0779 036 9121

Outdoor Birthday Parties

Fun, bespoke, outdoor games children will love! Provided by experienced and qualified games master, in a park/woods/open space near you! 0772 299 6025

children - birth

Holistic Midwife/Birth Preparation Mentor: one-to-one consultations, inspiring Birth Preparation courses; Birth Story Listening to resolve a negative birth experience, breastfeeding support. Karen: 0770 851 2520

children - education

Are You Still Looking For An Accountant?

career development Career Change Wanted?

Let’s make 2014 Your Year! M: 0796 3093 729

Find The Work That’s You 22nd & 23rd March in Bristol.

Public Speaking Fears?

My passion is about helping people find their voice and find their ease in front of groups. It can be done! Take a look at my page ad in Courses, Groups & Workshops, or go straight to John Dawson 01225 425300

Springtime at Windmill Hill City Farm is full of lots of fun things to do and see! We are open 7 days a week and entry is free. If you want to blow away the winter cobwebs and spend more time with nature, the farm is an urbanites answer. You can learn a new skill on one of our courses, get your children involved in a nature trail or farming session, do some growing in the gardens, see some new-born lambs and kids, have a great lunch in our café or just simply go for a wander around. We also have some great events coming up… • Saturday 1st March “Eat Bristol” Urban Food Walk & tasting session. A foraging walk around the local area. 11am-2pm £20. • Saturday 6th April - Wild Outdoors Day. A family day to celebrate play in the natural environment. 10am-4pm. Free. • Sunday 4th May - Wild Foods Outdoor Cookery Demo. Local chefs and foragers cook up some wild foods for you to taste 12-2pm. • Saturday 7th June - Farm & Gardens Discovery Day, part of the Get Growing Trail. 12-4pm. Free. Please go to our website at for more info and follow us on facebook and twitter.


Steiner Academy Bristol is a new school for children aged 4-16, opening in 2014 and offering an education that is creative, engaging and environmentally conscious. Our vision is for a school in which children can fully experience childhood; think independently, clearly and considerately; observe the world perceptively; and act with creativity, courage and self-determination. We are currently acquiring a site, which will be announced soon. We are part of a group of Steiner Academies, state-funded schools that build on the ideas of Steiner education with a commitment to diversity and accessibility. Our school will be accessible to all, regardless of background, income, ability, faith, gender or any other consideration.

Arcania’s fantastic new central location, right next to Bath Abbey, offers rooms to rent for therapies and small groups. We specialise in our own branded Aromatherapy product range, Gemstone Jewellery, Books, CDs and other Unique Gifts for the Mind, Body and Spirit. The holistic treatments and groups we offer in our Therapy Rooms from highly qualified therapists and practitioners include: • Massage (Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue, etc.) • Beauty Therapies (Waxing, Facials, etc.) • Reiki • Ayurveda • Astrology/Palmistry/Card Readings • Past-Life Regression Therapy • Meditation • Courses/ Workshops. All are welcome, just call the shop for information or to book an appointment. Gift Vouchers sold for treatments or goods. Room hire available. Open Monday Saturday 10am-5.45pm & Sunday 11am-4.45pm. 6-7 Orange Grove, Bath, BA1 1LP. Tel: 01225 335233

No Crystals, No Funny Stuff

Let’s just get on and sort it out Stuck? In a hole? Brick wall? You have the answers, but you haven’t been asked the right questions yet. Whether it’s work, home or creativity, the respectful but rigorous style of Solution-Focused Coaching will get you jump-started again. Ex-drugs worker, mediator and Probation Officer, now trainer, coach and teacher, Roger de Wolf looks forward to hearing from you, if you think skilled conversation might be useful. 07971 844054 Helping women to create clarity and transformation.

☞ Voice Coaching, Facilitation, Therapy

Caroline Gill 0798 055 5893 See Voice section

Acupuncture, Allergy Testing, Aromatherapy, CBT, Colour Light Therapy, Counselling, E.F.T., Health Kinesiology, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Iridology, Massage, McTimoney Chiropractic, N.L.P., Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Shiatsu, Sports & Remedial Massage (Holistic / Swedish / Thai), Time Line Therapy. Free ‘Which Treatment?’ Consultation. Excellent natural health treatments given by the same qualified and experienced practitioners that made the clinic such a success from the start. Gift vouchers. Children’s clinic with treatments given at reduced prices. Casual callers welcomed. ABC Tel: 0117 94 44 448

colonic irrigation Caring Colon Cleansing

Spring Offer £15 off first treatment. Alison 07552 178 268

Bristol Steiner School

Where education is a journey not a race. Regular Open Morning Tours available by booking. Next Open Evening Thursday 20th March, 6.30-8pm. 0117 933 9990

Expand your horizons

complementary clinics


Seeking Joy, Embracing Change!

Accounts and tax return preparation for partnerships and individuals. Assistance with Revenue investigations. Siri Perera Accountant & Taxation Consultant. Ashley Down, 0117 923 2113. Offering your business a greener and healthier way to network. 0117 377 9231

city farms


...with our super courses special, starting on page 6, and our courses, groups and workshops ads, and c&p training ads, starting on p44, and our training section on p51. Spark readers go on twice as many courses as the national average.

Therapies: • Acupuncture - Sarah May, Elizabeth Greswell • Anti-smoking - John Crawford • Bowen Technique - Anne Brunton • Chiropractor - Catherine Barber • Craniosacral Therapy - Claire Attridge • Energy Medicine - Sue Bryant, Nadine Siebdrat • Homeopathy - Stephanie Woolley • Hypnotherapy - Joanne Cole, John Crawford, Roger Stennett, Samantha Cleverly • Inner Child Therapy - Joanne Cole • Kinesiology/Allergy Therapy - Andrew Kemp, Amanda Hassan-Ally, Claire Kedward, Ellen Forshaw • Massage - Samantha Cleverly, Charlotte Perrey • Nutrition - Sue Bryant • Physiotherapy - Jonathan Watkins • Pilates - Samantha Cleverly • Past Life Regression - Joanne Cole • Psychology - Jane Simmons • Reflexology - Claire Collins, Anne Brunton • Relaxation & Stress Release - Sue Bryant, Nadine Siebdrat • Spiritual Healing - Andrew Kemp. For information or bookings please call 0117 962 0008, ABT more complementary clinics ads over the page


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want to advertise in The Spark? see inside back cover for info

complementary practitioners

Practitioners. • Louise Chapman - Acupuncture 07789 913 873 louisechapmanacupuncture • Jon Muscaty Osteopathy and Naturopathy 07968 680 851 • Heidi Spindler Therapeutic/Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology 07966 453 815 Hypnotherapists. • Claire Brigg 07984 305 239 • Susan Cassidy 07887 565 907 • Susan Rodrigues 07743 895 513 • Matthew Dyson 07989 576 456 • Stephanie Burton (nee Hill) 07915 158 089 Hypnotherapy Information and Appointments Line: 0117 973 3260

Therapies available: • Acupuncture • Aromatherapy • Ayurveda • Bach Flower Remedies • Cranio-Sacral Therapy • Holistic Facials • Health Kinesiology • Homoeopathy • Holistic & Deep Tissue Massage • McTimoney Chiropractic • Medical Herbalism • Pregnancy Massage • Reflexology • Shiatsu • Osteopathy and more. Appointments can be made by visiting the shop or by telephone. We are happy to help you choose which treatment may be appropriate. In addition most practitioners will give 10 minute free consultations to help you decide. Open Monday to Saturday 9.30-5.45pm and Sundays 11-4pm. Gift vouchers available. Neal’s Yard Remedies Therapy Rooms, 7 Northumberland Place, Bath BA1 5AR Tel: 01225 466944 e-mail:

Are you stuck in a maze of confusion? Bewildered by therapies and remedies? Don’t know what advice to believe? The answer is simple! I can unlock what your body already knows it needs to restore or maintain health, with the fine detail of Kinesiology. Help resolve major & minor problems: digestive disorders, food intolerances, fatigue & low energy, allergies, asthma & eczema, migraine & headache, stress-related problems, PMS, menopause, muscle & joint pain, poor immunity to infections, vitamin & mineral imbalances, etc. Diana Sheppard KFRP. Natural Health Caring with Kinesiology. Call 0117 977 6354 for free discussion of your needs

Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Reiki Integrated Therapies Dave Costello 07715 975 887

Reflexology & Massage Therapist Located close to the Arches, Enso offers a relaxed and friendly environment to treat a whole range of today’s health problems. With a team of dedicated and experienced practitioners of traditional and conventional therapies, your every need will be catered for in the comfort & informal surroundings of Enso. Acupuncture Sarah May 07929 252756 • Neil Kingham 07985 916114 Hypnotherapy Julia Crocker 07786 001295 • Michael Hughes 07969 122938 Thai Massage Cliff de la Croix 07726 301714 C.B.T. Lucy Walker 07534 218877. Whether you have a serious on-going health issue or just want to de-stress, simply phone or pop in for information on any of the treatments that we offer. Treatment Rooms available for hire to qualified practitioners, please call for details.

• Acupuncture. Erin Joy Gunner 0783 191 1855, Sandra Arbelaez 0794 780 8484 • Aromatherapy. Belinda Jeffery 07941 501660, Trish Utaboon 0776 622 4006, Sarah Mortimer 07851 307062 • Birth preparation/Doula. Trish Utaboon 0776 622 4006 • Chinese Herbal Medicine. Sandra Arbelaez 0794 780 8484 • Counselling. Mo Cahill 07922 254618, Laura Cooper 07808 216 718, Peter Lowis 07981 798165, Maggie Tweedy 07854 183 740, Konstantina Sokolaki 07921 212 622 • Craniosacral Therapy. Patricia Falvey 07905 283797 • Holistic Massage. Sarah Hoare 07976 710368, Karunavapi 07709 284056, Belinda Jeffery 07941 501660, Moksarava 07735 339 829, Sarah Thorne 07516 676342, Nikki Whyman 07773 231 094, Rachel Lindars 0793 227 5622, Hannah Cussen 0754 196 1599 • Hypnotherapy. Sarah Mortimer 07851 307062, Stephanie Betschart 07731 784 254 • Indian Head Massage. Belinda Jeffery 07941 501660, Trish Utaboon 0776 622 4006 • Pre/Post Natal Massage. Trish Utaboon 0776 622 4006 • Psychotherapy. Achalavira Rose 07795 820293, Catrin John 07967 188 060, Peter Lowis 07981 798165, Andy Mckeown 07976 436149, Hellena Bitsios 0753 117 5136, Sabine Okraffka 0790 565 8699, Jess Orlik 0784 638 7031 • Reflexology. Belinda Jeffery 07941 501660 • Reiki. Sandra Arbelaez 0794 780 8484, Sarah Hoare 07976 710368 • Shiatsu. Hannah Currant 07981 992178, Rosie Freeman 0798 027 9452. Or contact our Coordinator, Karunavapi 0758 708 9220 The Healing Rooms, 162 Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8NT

Bristol’s most central Natural Medicine & Therapy Rooms, offering:• Herbal Medicine • Acupuncture • Reflexology • Craniosacral Therapy • Holistic Massage • Counselling • Thai Massage. Open Tuesday to Friday 11.00am-5.30pm, Saturday 11am-4pm. Treatment rooms available for experienced practitioners. 58 Colston Street, Bristol BS1 5AZ Tel: 0117 927 6527 for appointments or email

Ali Humble (MAR), Mobile therapist. Tel 07961 985297

conferences, talks & lectures HT

Tranquillity for Life

Past life regression hypnotherapy, spiritual counselling.


☞ Clearing with Anthony Johnston Clearing patterns brings emotional freedom. See C&P Bristol section

☞ Stuart Taylor

Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapy. See Hypnotherapy section

computers & web design

A Unique and welcoming city retreat providing complementary therapies and classes. Less than 10 minutes drive from Central Bristol, this peaceful haven provides a rural environment for those wishing to escape from the city without having to travel for miles. Services include: • Massage • Reflexology • Acupuncture • Osteopathy • Kinesiology • Homeopathy • Nutrition • Reiki • Counselling • Hypnotherapy • Pilates • Yoga & Meditation. Yanley Court is also home to The Natural Pregnancy Partnership, a group of experienced therapists specialising in therapies/classes for pre- and post-natal women. Therapy rooms and a beautiful workshop area are available to hire. Yanley Lane, Long Ashton, BS41 9LB. Information and bookings: 01275 394554

Slow computer at home? Want to get the best out of your business computers? We can help. Both on-site and in-shop repairs, upgrades and network support to suit you. We have 14 years’ experience helping home users, local businesses and global enterprises. Call us to find out our competitive prices or visit our website If you need help with IT, you know where to goto! Graham Simmonds 0117 969 8767 / 07977 149171 Supporting home users, voluntary, NHS and private organisations for over 14 years.

Bristol City Yoga Therapy Rooms

Relax, revitalise and restore yourself. Treatments include various massages, acupuncture, ayurveda, reflexology, shiatsu, and now hypnotherapy and sports therapy. 07582 425237

The Practice Rooms

Range of therapies; expert practitioners. Bath, Clifton, Salisbury.

The Relaxation Centre

Enchanting Spa and treatment Centre offering holistic massage, reflexology, Indian head massage, shiatsu, aromatherapy, reflexology, and reiki and much more. Prices from £30 for 30 mins. Discounts available. 0117 970 6616

New Macs, Refurbs, repairing sick Macs, advice, upgrading. Printers, ADSL broadband - all in one shop. Easy parking & helpful staff with years of experience. Macs have a lot to offer: professional MacPro Tower, powerful MacBookPro, budget iMac, with Intel Quad or dual Processors, extremely fast and stable. Virus resistant. Macs are so much easier to use than PCs. We supply doctors & practitioners, designers, musicians, architects, writers, students & creative people in the South West. We provide advice & service, new & old equipment, printers & scanners, upgrades & repairs, software, memory, Giclee printing & Internet Services. iMacs from £1075, 13“ MacBooks £895, 15“ MacBook Pros £1345, Mini’s, Towers and ’Bits’. Talk to Pete Douglas - 0117 983 6999. Tantra, 48 Kensington Park Rd, Brislington, Bristol BS4 3HU (off Bath Road past ITV, near Go Outdoors), 9am-6.30pm. e-mail: web:

Are you looking for a tech company who speak your language? If you’re looking to create a website, or build a computing application that will help you run your business then igeek are the company who can help. Using clear, simple English we’ll be with you every step of your journey, from design and build through to testing. From websites you manage yourself, to online shops, to fully-fledged business databases, igeek ensure that our experience and your creativity combine to create positive results. We work with organisations like yours to help technology empower you, make you more efficient and increase your productivity, leaving you more time to spend on the important things. We grow with you: we’re the technology company that can make a positive difference. Call today for a chat. 0117 370 2469

Come and Get Informed and Inspired! For practitioners, individuals dealing with a cancer diagnosis, those wishing to stay well and everybody who is, or has been, affected by ‘The Big C!’ This three-day conference will show you that you have choices. • Inspiring talks & workshops • Recovery accounts from 10 survivors Also free talk: Is Cancer Reversible? by cancer survivor Fiona Shakeela Burns. Thursday 3rd April at Hamilton House 7-8.30 (to book free talk please email: or telephone Fiona on 0117 904 6343). To Book and for more info:


Founded by German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, Family Constellations is becoming an increasingly familiar phrase within therapeutic and spiritual circles, with the potential for healing both individuals and whole families. Workshops: Contact Barbara Morgan on • 7-9 March, Dublin, Ireland. Contact Lorraine Na Ghairbhith on • June 14/15 Nature Constellations & Constellations as Ceremony: Open Workshop with Francesca Mason Boring, Emmaus House, Bristol. £150 (early bird end March £130). • Individual consultations • Supervision • Training - next Facilitator Training in Constellation Work starts October 2015. For further info on any of the above contact: Barbara on tel: 0796 675 5509 or visit website:

you are reading the biggest free eco-ethical magazine in the UK good, innit?

or visit for more info or to book online

const - couns Lower Cost Psychotherapy, Redland

Andrew Dale. Integrative approach. Wide experience in NHS and voluntary sector. Final year trainee on Metanoia doctorate. 07804 088477 Bringing healing to personal and trans-generational trauma. Finding greater autonomy in everyday life. Based on the work of Professor Franz Rupert. A Bristol program of Saturday all-day and Thursday evening workshops throughout 2014. Jane also offers one-to-one constellations work, psychotherapy, supervision and therapy group work. Please contact Jane for further details on 0117 963 2505

counselling & psychotherapy

Skilled in listening and understanding and an empathic and experienced practitioner. Sue offers healing and a safe, supportive space to encourage personal growth and positive self-esteem, often making lasting changes in a relatively short space of time. This is not prolonged therapy or fanciful theories, but a down-to-earth approach that brings rapid results in areas such as anxiety and stress, bereavement, burnout, depression and relationship difficulties. 29 years’ therapeutic experience; currently in holistic counselling and healing, and originally as a medical doctor (general practice/psychiatry). Individual sessions in Clifton & Stroud. Groups: For new groups please see website. 01453 885707

Affordable Therapy for Women

“Well, its like this... the counselling & psychotherapy (c&p) section starts with • geographic and specialist areas, • leads onto the general c&p ads • continues with c&p Training • and ends with the c&p noticeboard.”

c&p bath Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Depression/Anxiety

Clinics Bristol/Bath Call Paula: 0772 573 3930

Core Process Psychotherapy

Bath I offer a safe space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings about the issues and relationships in your life. I will support you in developing insight and tapping into your own well-being in order to find new ways of relating in the world. Sue Abbotson 0778 844 1845. Diploma in CPP, UKCP Registered

c&p body psychotherapy Biodynamic Psychotherapy

Working with your body and emotions for relief and insight: Biodynamic Psychotherapy, Massage and Supervision. Laura Irvine FGBII MA (Oxon) 07973 169237

c&p bristol

(£25-35 sliding scale) I have 20 years’ experience, trained with Integrative approach. Art therapy and dreamwork also offered. Happy to work short term. Issues might include being in a period of change, loss, addiction, sexual orientation, deep sadness, illness, menopause, anxiety, relationships, spiritual crisis, etc. Phone Maxine 0117 329 7600 or 0781 494 3965 (free initial 30 minute consultation)

Contact Point Psychotherapy

Low cost psychotherapy for adults provided by appropriately trained and supervised psychotherapy students in advanced training. Call 0117 950 3420 for an application form

Core Process Psychotherapy

Using mindfulness we explore the difficulties you bring to develop understanding and potential for change and wellbeing. Free first meeting. Helen Gunson 07929 717 708 NA

Core Process Psychotherapy

Mindfulness, Focusing & Body-Centred This form of therapy is a gentle enquiry into one’s present moment experience. It can be used as a basis for exploring anxiety, depression, relationship difficulty, stress and trauma, etc. Free initial meeting. UKCP senior student. 0117 953 7772

Core Process Psychotherapy

Bristol Creating the space to bring all of you. Helping you find your way towards meaningful life and vitality. My background is in Spiritual Care and Teaching. Free first meeting. Achalavira Rose, MA.UKCP Registered. (male) NA 07795 820 293

Core Process Psychotherapy

Bristol An opportunity to bring awareness to whatever is going on for you, in an atmosphere of safety, warmth and acceptance. That awareness brings more choice and is, in itself, the start of the healing process. Free First Meeting. NA Katy Taylor, UKCP Reg: 07952 064702

Counselling & Wellbeing

Live. Love. Learn. Let Go. Be who you really are. Helping you be all that you can be. 0791 262 6968

Counselling for Recovery. Maggie Tweedy Clearing takes place in a confidential, one-to-one setting where you work in areas of your choosing. The Clearer guides you in a series of communication processes that clear current problems and discharge stacked up communications, helping you find and express your inner truths, bringing insight and clarity to areas of your life that have been held in tension and confusion. Clearing offers the possibility of dissolving deep-seated patterns and fixed attitudes to bring greater satisfaction, emotional freedom and life fulfilment. To find out more about Clearing, or to arrange a free consultation with Anthony, please ring 0795 005 2100 or email

Dip. Couns., BA, BACP member. Person-centred, 12 Step, cognitive and depth counselling. Relationships, abuse, food, drugs and general counselling. AB Bristol and Stroud. 07854 183740

Integrative Body Psychotherapy & Counselling

Terry Davey (UKCP Registered) Work with both individuals and couples covering a wide range of problems. I offer a fully embodied and relational approach to change, both empathic and challenging, encompassing our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nature. I have particular expertise in trauma (PTSD), abuse and couples counselling. T Call 07969 000317

Lower Cost Psychotherapy

Therapist writing dissertation for MA in Psychotherapy. BS9. Silke Kuball 07910 536431

Men’s Talk Bristol

Confidential counselling service for men. Call James. Dip Couns. MBACP. 07976 243791

Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy

Core Process Psychotherapy uses an approach that helps us to see more clearly how we create our own habitual patterns and blocks to our natural potential. Listening deeply with awareness and compassion, we work together to follow your unique path back to this innate health. I offer a free introductory session. Pauline Battson Dip CPP, UKCP reg, NA 07981 638 967

Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy

When we bring awareness to the patterns and defences adopted to cope with life it can open up space to ’do oneself’ differently and uncover inherent health and wellbeing. I offer a profound welcome to this life-enhancing enquiry. Free introductory meeting. Katharine Rider MA Core Process Psychotherapy. 0781 344 9797 NA

Person-Centred Counsellor

An integrative approach to counselling which aids the individual to explore their concerns taking into consideration his/her unique needs. Free consultation. H Maria: 0773 669 8137 MBACP

Person-centred Counsellor

I work with individuals and couples in an integrative way and am able to accommodate each individual’s unique needs working through unhelpful feelings, thoughts and behaviours in a supportive, non-judgemental and confidential environment and aim for a greater self-awareness. Visit my websiite for more information. 0797 021 9799

c&p bristol north Cognitive Behaviour Therapy/ Mindfulness

Di Hall Accredited BACP. 0117 959 1873 / 0781 335 7171

Economical Psychotherapy BS9

Supporting your personal and professional life. Evelyn 0794 259 7544

Embodied-Relational Therapy and Supervision, Bishopston, BS7

Kamalamani - Adv. Dip. Integrative Counselling, Adv. Dip. ERT, MBACP(Accred) Offering you warm, creative, and confidential conditions for therapy. My work is influenced by 18 years of meditation and engaged Buddhist practice and an interest in ecopsychology. Please call 07905 147 968 or see my website for fuller details:

c&p families/young people Help! Counselling

Counselling & psychotherapy for 9-25 year-olds & support for those caring for children No limit on the number of sessions. Sites across Bristol. Also in Bath, Torquay and Exeter. We ask for an affordable contribution to our costs. You choose: the payment, the issues and how many sessions. All staff CRB checked. ABC Tel: 0117 950 2511

The Spark free, thinking, and independent, nutritious and delicious, take one every three months.


c&p psychotherapy Psychotherapy in Central Bristol with Tone Horwood

Spaces available in Thursday group Registered by UKCP as a psychotherapist and by HPC as a Dramatherapist. I offer psychotherapy from a Humanistic & Integrative perspective to individuals, couples and groups, and supervision to Arts Therapists, Counsellors and Psychotherapists. Ffi 0117 972 1077 or

Regan Crum

I offer a safe, confidential & professional space where we can explore what you would like to explore in your life. I have experience in trauma, attachment, loss & bereavement, anxiety & depression. My therapeutic approach is based on your needs as a client. My theoretical underpinnings combine Attachment, Intersubjectivity & Neuroscience & also use Phenomenological approaches with a freedom & openness to spirituality. Regan Crum BA PGCE MA PG Advanced Diploma Integrative Psychotherapy Final Year Trainee. 0780 514 7624, email:

Gestalt Psychotherapy

Camilla Brown: Caring, honest and creative. 07805 746 014

c&p relationships Relate Counselling for Relationships, Families, Children

Relate offers counselling in a professionally managed and supervised organisation. The vast majority of our clients would recommend our services and use them again. We work in Bristol, Bath, Chilcompton, Weston-s-Mare and Street. Contact: 0117 942 8444

c&p south glos Core Process Psychotherapy

Offering a space to explore and untangle patterns and habits which get in the way to living fully. The gentle, compassionate approach of this therapy can support you towards well-being. Some of the issues I work with include relationships, anxiety, depression, stress, trauma etc. Free first meeting. Susanna Hoare, MA. 0117 932 4323

c&p general

We come to therapy for many reasons: personal problems, interpersonal difficulties, general dissatisfaction with life or for personal development. I work out of Core Process Psychotherapy because it offers a contemplative, spiritual, yet down-to-earth approach. CPP is in tune with my own views of what is truly helpful to the client. It offers a heartfelt acceptance of the client and honours their way of working. My practice is set in Wiltshire countryside; a rural retreat near Castle Combe, a short drive from Bath and Bristol. It is easy to find. I offer a Free Introductory Meeting. Phone Andrea Legh-Smith UKCP 01249 782516 or

Integrative Counselling

Rob Porteous MA, Dip H.I.C., BACP accredited. Long/short term counselling for individuals. 0117 971 3805

Person-Centred Counselling For Individuals

in N Bristol and WsM. Creative and integrative approach, £10 introductory session. Jan Coddington, Dip Counselling, BACP accredited. 07518 016 558 or email


couns - cours

want to advertise in The Spark? see inside back cover for info

c&p training

c&p noticeboard

The Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (BCPC) has been training professionals for over 25 years. We run Foundation Certificate courses as well as full professional MAs and Diplomas accredited by the leading regulatory bodies (BACP and UKCP). Our MA/Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy is validated by Middlesex University London and our Humanistic and Integrative Counselling Diploma counts as APL towards the Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice MA at Bath Spa University. So if you are interested in becoming a counsellor or psychotherapist, then visit us at or email us using or call us on 01225 429720 for further information.

Central Bath, Clifton Village, Salisbury. Beautifully set-up, professional rooms in period buildings in central, affluent, high profile locations. Exceptional value and completely flexible, user-friendly terms to suit both start-up and established therapists. Community oriented multi-disciplinary practice. Membership includes use of rooms in all our locations. Counselling Trainee Offer: up to 50% reduction in rates. Terms apply. To find out more about joining our community please go to our website: or ring Angus Landman on 01225 920812

Low Cost Counselling Supervision

Supervisors in training (EUROCPS accredited) offer low-cost supervision for counsellors @ £25 per hour. 07971 925601 or 07779 170013 ABH

1-Day Workshop in Clearer Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills with Marina Sala, experienced Trainer, Accredited Mediator and Coach. Do you find that you say the same things repeatedly to no avail? Do you feel like you are always the one to blame? This one-day workshop offers a fun and self-explorative way to improve clear communication skills at home and at work. Learn to: • De-escalate tense situations and discussions • Handle strong or difficult personalities and bullying behaviour • Address power games • Improve family dynamics and company harmony • Identify and manage personal triggers. March 8th, Hamilton House, Bristol, 10am-5pm. £60. Marina 07974 765985

courses, groups & workshops Sweet-Track is a centre for Psycho-Spiritual education providing accredited professional counselling trainings. The courses are designed to create a learning environment, where we support the development of self-actualisation and professionalism by integrating physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth. This is a Path of the Heart, where every person is nurtured as a unique individual. Our aim is to empower people’s spiritual expression and respect each others’ differences. Accredited by CPCAB. Glastonbury accredited courses 2014. Non-residential. • Art of Effective Listening, 18hrs: starts 11th March • 1 day workshop: 15th March - Spiritual Emergence or Spiritual Emergency • CPD Course; Counselling with Spirituality, 40hrs: April • Level 2 Counselling Studies, April. 01458 835552/ 833933

We have been providing Psychodynamic Counselling training to nationally accredited standards since 1983. Ongoing: • Programme of CPD Workshops • Introduction to Counselling Skills: 10 week course. April 2014 start: • Infant observation – weekly seminar • Intensive Foundation Certificate (Diploma Stage 1) September 2014 start: • Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling - BACP & BPC accredited • Once-Weekly Psychotherapy (BPC psychodynamic psychotherapist registration) Advanced Diploma. 01373 453355

The greatest gift we can ever give ourselves is to be more in the present moment. Why? Because life passes us by when we’re caught up worrying about the past or future, whether it’s driven by anxiety, doubt, low self-esteem or lack of confidence. Mindful awareness helps us to work skilfully though difficult and challenging times so that we can spend more time being content. Trained at the Bangor University Centre for Mindfulness we teach the well-respected 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. It’s a welcoming course running daytimes and evenings at central Bristol locations throughout the year. ABC Being Mindful

Do you or your child have asthma? Hayfever? Snoring or other breathing problems? Learn to breathe properly - increase your oxygen levels, lose symptoms... to experience: • Quiet, refreshing sleep • Feelings of calm and well-being • Increased energy and vitality • Improved physical performance • Naturally reduce pills & puffers • Easy gentle breathing • Safely eliminate symptoms of asthma, migraine, snoring/apnoea Buteyko breathing re-training Workshop at the Holiday Inn, Bristol City Centre, Sat/Sun 1/2 March & 10/11 May. Course runs each day 10.30am-1pm and 2.30-4.30pm. To book a place or have a chat with us call 01789 298290 or 07973 442650 or FFI see

we might be bigger than you think... 21 years old in 2014 29,000+ copies distributed every quarter, more than 100,000 readers every issue over 1000 facebook likes, nearly 2500 twitter followers 2.5 million hits on our website last year and printed on A3!

The Spark:

bigger than your average magazine

Ever wanted to build your own solar panel in an innovative workshop and in turn learn more about energy and power? Want to learn how to connect solar panels to batteries, laptops and phones in an off-grid system? Demand Energy Equality runs regular full day workshops on the second and third Wednesday of each month on exactly these two topics, conveniently located in the centre of Bristol. Build your own panel to take away for £100, attend an off-grid workshop for only £60. If you’re unable to afford these prices we offer subsidised rates. All profits are invested into our social objectives for low-income households. 0117 314 4657

Dramatherapy is both the container of feelings and emotions and the vehicle for creative exploration. Fun, insightful and transformative. Create a new map for the New Year with this dynamic approach to healing & change. ‘Footprints’ (An Equine Encounter). Equine Assisted Psychotherapy meets Dramatherapy (Licensed LEAP practitioner- BACP endorsed) 15th March, 10am-5pm, Gloucestershire. ‘Take One’ Dramatherapy Taster. Saturday 22nd March, 10am-4.30pm, Bristol. Dramatherapy Foundation Course • Last Ever Year! An experiential introduction to the methods & application of Dramatherapy as a foundation for professional training or skills learning. April-July 2014, 4 weekends, Clifton, Bristol. FFI and to download an application form: HCPC registered 01225 851055

Deep regeneration in the Heart of Nature; Finding Life purpose in the Silence of Your Soul. Ideal for important life questions - eg. Where am I going? • Transformative, healing and inspiring. • 8th 13th July. 7th 12th September. In an idyllic spot in North Devon with ancient woodland, watermeadow and riverbank - home to badger, deer, otter, buzzard... 3 days in camp with others and 3 days alone in Nature. £340 - includes full support for preparation, §integration and while you are on quest. Does this call to you? If so, please click on the Youtube link on my website or call me direct. Carlos Glover 078034 16098

Centre of excellence for EFT, Bath Learn this effective easy to apply ‘Energy Psychology’ technique that clears emotional blockages and pain, shifts negative thought patterns, old beliefs and helps you move forward on your Soul’s Journey. Courses include EFT Level 1 Self-help days, EFT Level 2 Practitioner Training, EFT Level 3 Advanced, & Trainer Training. Rowena is designer of Emotional Freedom ‘Light’ Techniques adding depth to EFT, working with past lives and ancestral patterns, pre-requisite Level 1 & 2. Rowena works alongside Dr Rosy Daniel at Health Creation, Bath and sees Clients for EFT one-to-one Sessions & Regenerative Healing. 0776 996 4441

Embercombe is a centre of outstanding natural beauty, founded to ’touch hearts, stimulate minds and inspire committed action for a truly sustainable world.’ Our 50 acre valley overlooks Dartmoor, with yurt villages, orchards, lake, meadows and organic garden. The Journey is our core programme, a powerful 5-day residential for people who love the world and want to make a difference. Catalyst is for 18-25s seeking to shape the future. Adventure in Learning residentials for Schools and Teacher Training. The Heart of Leadership is for people in business seeking to place sustainability at the heart of what they do. • WWOOF and other volunteering • Conference space for 100+ with accommodation • Easy access, 7 miles from Exeter train station. Sleep close to nature in yurts and eat meals fresh from our gardens. Tel: 01647 252983

Discover who you really are. An Enlightenment Intensive is a uniquely powerful group process. It provides a real opportunity to directly experience the answer to the ancient question “Who am I?“ There is no teaching - just a pure, intensive process of self-discovery over three and a half days. If you have a sincere desire to be more awake and more real, to experience a breakthrough in consciousness, or to find greater depth and meaning within yourself, an Enlightenment Intensive could change your life. 2014 dates: May, August. Barry and Emma McGuinness, 01225 446972

Stimulating, fun and potentially life-changing workshops learning about the Archetypes and Mythology and how, by identifying your prevalent type, you can enrich and empower your life, work and relationships. Are you the Fighter, the Lover, the Leader or the Sage? Cassandra Campbell-Kemp’s unmissable workshops will give you the tools for change. If you can’t attend a workshop I’m also available for one-to-one sessions in Bristol by appointment. • Hawkwood College, Stroud, 9th March • Chiron Centre, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, 16th March • Isbourne Centre, Cheltenham, 6th April. 07580 058676 more courses ads on page 46

or visit for more info or to book online

Not every big problem needs a huge solution Public speaking is often seen as a big problem. You may have carried the fear of public speaking around for a long time. That fear might stop you doing all sorts of things with your life; going to college, applying for a promotion, getting married or just simply doing the presentations you are expected to do. For some people it’s more about not wanting to be the centre of attention in meetings or social situations. Often we carry a belief around that it’s never going to get fixed or it will take years of therapy or we think that public speaking is “just really for other people, not me”. We may also think that the problem is too big or too painful to solve. My work is all about challenging those assumptions. What if, over a day or a two-day course, we could see public speaking with new eyes? What if we changed our relationship to public speaking? What if the solution was simpler than we think and we could make significant shifts in 8 hours? I know that might sound strange. But the good news is that you really CAN change how you feel about having everyone’s eyes on you and speaking in public. My courses help you feel more comfortable and find your voice when you are the centre of attention. But don’t just take my word for it. Here is a participant’s take on a recent course; “Having been in medicine for nearly 20 years and a GP for 10, I am embarrassed to say that most of the content of Saturday’s course was a complete revelation to me and pound for pound undoubtedly the most effective self awareness and improvement course I have attended. I have been using some of the techniques this week in clinic and it’s fabulous. I have realised that so much of the conventional tuition if there is any in professional life is misguided and your techniques are very sound and inspiring. I cannot thank you enough.” Will I run courses through the year in Bristol, London and Manchester. I’ve been a Licensed Speaking Circles® facilitator since 2000. For a chat or to book a course ring me, John Dawson, on 01225 425300 or email or see my website for course dates and info. All my courses come with a no-quibble money back guarantee.




courses, groups & workshops

Dynamic courses, tranquil surroundings, delicious food. Only 45 minutes from Bristol/Bath. March • Rosen Method Bodywork • Infinite Tai Chi with Jason Chan • Walking with Words. April • Mindful Easter Retreat • The Artist’s Way • Intro to Bushcraft • Walking with Words. May • Pottery • Mindfulness and the Breath • Soap Making • Speaking with Confidence • Scything • Willow • Textiles. June • Observing Nature with Creative Imagination • Alexander Technique • Shamanism. July • Creative Arts Summer School. August • Sustainability Summer School with Polly Higgins • Summer “REST”-IVAL week. Year-round • courses • venue hire • sculpture studio. For full programme and information, contact us now: Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW 01453 759034

Discover trainings in holistic health coaching, skills & theory; inspirational self-development. Spring: The Theory, Principles & Evidence Base for Health and Wellbeing. Online Foundation Course for all CAM practitioners and health coaches. Summer: The Golden Path - Spiritual Development Programme, created by Dr Rosy Daniel and the late Pat Pilkington MBE. For personal development or as a Foundation for Spiritual Mentorship Training. Autumn: The Health Creation Mentor Training: become a holistic health coach in healthcare/business. Open Events: Mar 21, Apr 26, June 6, July 6. Call us now to join our heart-warming courses and Health Creation Community! For info: 01225 745737

In the country surrounded by horses, yet close to Bristol, Heaven Sent Spiritual Centre offers workshops, courses and friendly development circles that will enhance/develop your psychic and mediumship skills, inspire, stimulate and enlighten you. March • 15th: Psychic Art with Ann Oliver • 22nd: Angel communication with Sharon May • 29th: Beginners Mediumship with Bernie Scott April • 5th: Natural Wisdom - a healing journey with Lisa Woods • 6th: Horse Communication and Healing with Horses Voice. Beginners Mediumship 3-day course: March 16th, April 13th, May 18th. Open Development Circles alternate Wednesdays and every Thursday, telephone for details. Limited places - pre-booking essential. Venue Hire available. Maria: 01454 321583 / 0794 071 6001 “we thought it was an extremely straightforward and streamlined process” You can now book and pay for your listings ads online:

One of the fastest-growing complementary therapies, Kinesiology can increase energy levels, release stress, address digestive problems, overcome learning difficulties and raise self-esteem. You will learn how to test for food sensitivities, relieve many back and neck problems, access the body’s need for water and take the guesswork out of which supplements to use, plus many other exciting techniques. These simple yet powerful tools will give the lay person or the professional a very sound, practical approach to authentic Kinesiology. September - December 2014, taught over four weekends. See website for dates and taster sessions. For further information or courses in Bristol call Dawn Bailey 07968 202252.

Let the time honoured guides of Myth, Rites of Passage and Time with the Land, inform and support you in your transitions, work and deepest aspirations. Twenty years experience in work of this Nature. Introductory resourcing days, weekends and longer periods by arrangement. Deeper immersions which include a VisionQuest supported by thorough preparation and integration: • May 23rd-June 1st (with nomadic element) • June 18th-24th • July 3rd-8th. Prep weekends either April 19th/20th or June 14th/15th (tbc). Also available “the Conscious Practice of Living and Dying,” “Four Shields,” Training, Talks and Consultancy. Primarily Dartmoor, Devon. Contact: Jeremy Thres and team. 01647 221444

3 years’ worth of Lottery-funded, 2-hour happiness workshops. Timetables & booking system online. • Creative and fun • Using applied Positive Psychology • Held in the vibrant, Light Box shop in Broadmead, Bristol • Free tea! • Signposting Service: discover what’s on offer in Bristol • Special events - see website for details. One participant said: “I found this a really positive and valuable experience. It brought about some lasting change in my life.“ More detail on our website

Connect! Learn! Relax! Affordable Courses, Events, & Weekend Breaks. Choose from: Yoga, Gentle Walks in Wiltshire, Mosaics, Spoon Carving, Green Family Activity and Craft Breaks, Easter Break, Juggling and Circus Skills, Willow Baskets, Women’s Breaks, Healthy Cooking and Nutrition, Bread-baking and more. Venue also available for groups. Delicious meals prepared with local and organic food. There’s a friendly welcome, relaxed atmosphere, lovely gardens and sheep, pigs, chickens, and ducks! - and now a rustic wood-fired sauna! Eco-friendly and easily accessible by public transport. Prices from £144 for a weekend - all inclusive! Ask for our Brochure! Lower Shaw Farm, Old Shaw Lane, Nr. Swindon, SN5 5PJ. 01793 771080.

want to advertise in The Spark? see inside back cover for info

Mindfulness helps us be with physical and emotional stress, chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Not by rejecting our experience but by learning to be present with it in a consciously spacious and kindly way - that is mindfully. Since 2006, providing courses throughout the year with a big emphasis on kindness and compassion, including: The 8 Week MBSR/ MBCT Mindfulness Course, Mindfulness for Health Professionals, various Follow Up Evenings and Day retreats, and our new level 2 course - Mindfulness - Deepening Our Practise. Philippa Vick for Bath 07814 206508 Laurence Milburn for Bristol 01179 249455

• Mindful Communication Level One. Do you want to change your life? Find a new direction? This six-week course will help you to make the changes you ve been thinking about. Connect with people in a safe environment, and have fun learning mindfulness and communication skills. Six Tuesday evenings from 4th March. • Mindful Communication Level Two. Six Thursday evenings from 6th March • Nonviolent Communication Deepening +

Anger (two-day intermediate training), 15-16th March

• NVC Foundation Training, 22-23rd March • NVC Deepening + Conflict Intermediate

Training, 21-22nd June

• NVC Foundation Training, residential, 27-29th June, Devon.

For further information, visit or contact Sophie Docker, the administrator, at ABCS(0),L

The Schumacher Experience. Next course: 6-11 April, 2014 Join us for this introductory week at Schumacher College where you get involved in all the learning community has to offer. Learn from our in-house faculty in areas such as Deep Ecology, Gaia and Systems Theory, New Economics and Sustainable Horticulture. Spend time in the library, go on field trips to Dartmoor and the coast, enjoy the woodlands and gardens of Dartington, meet new friends and sample our fabulous vegetarian food. This is a facilitated week, a unique journey and lots of fun. The Schumacher Experience happens twice a year. Fee: £550 (fully residential for 5 nights, includes all food). T

Sustaining Ourselves Through Mindfulness. 8-11 May & 4-7 Sept 2014 Restful, restorative residential breaks for those who are in need of renewal, reflection and inspiration. Join us in a nurturing environment, at an exceptionally beautiful riverside location, to learn and practice mindfulness skills and then use them effectively in the context of our lives. Sessions of guided mindfulness practice, opportunities for discussion, time to be creative as well as time just to ‘be’. Time for solitude as well as interaction with other members of the group. £375. Bursaries available for workers in the voluntary/caring professions, plus some concessions. Phone for more details. 01803 732542

The Practical Sustainability Course with Shift Bristol. September 2014 to July 2015. A one year, part-time exploration of practical skills, creative ideas and community-led approaches to building a sustainable and resilient future. Includes Permaculture, Organic Horticulture, Energy, Green Building, Woodland Management, Soil and Ecology, Community Engagement and Group Dynamics. Immerse yourself in positive approaches with the SW’s most inspiring and experienced tutors. A dynamic and challenging course with a mix of lectures, discussions, field visits, practical skills and design projects. Tutors include Sarah Pugh, Patrick Whitefield, Tony Wrench, Ben Law, Tim Foster, Dr Chris Johnstone, and more. “It’s brilliant! So much more than a great course... more of a life-shift.“

Book courses to inspire and motivate you in your work with people. The Training Exchange offer a programme of short courses for continuing professional development. Enjoy the benefits of learning in multi-agency groups with people from a range of backgrounds including: housing, health & social care, criminal justice, education, youth & community. One day courses (£125 + VAT) • Addiction, dependency & recovery • Difficult & aggressive behaviour • Resilience skills. Two day courses (£225 + VAT) • Brief solution focused therapy • Motivational interviewing • Mental health first aid • Groupwork skills. Concessionary places available for individuals & small organisations. Contact Eve or Mandy for dates & course details: 0117 941 5859

The Wolf Programme: Outdoor Mentoring for Young Men - 13-16 years. ‘The Wolf Programme’ recognises that teenage boys need challenges, adventures, risks and role-models. WildWise have an exceptional team of qualified, experienced outdoorsmen to facilitate young men on a journey of discovery. Over 5 journeys throughout the year we invite you to learn new skills, expand your awareness, develop yourself, make new friends, tackle challenges, have great fun, be surrounded by the power of nature, and maybe take an important step or two on the road towards manhood. 2014 dates: April 16-18, May 24-26, July 28-30, Sept 26-28, Oct 29-Nov 1. 01803 868269

building a better future

with our architects, building & home section, p40

or visit for more info or to book online


courses - food


doctors/holistic physicians Dr Rohrbeck - Functional Medicine

Do you wish your teenagers spent more time in Nature? Do they like the Hunger Games? Help them have the ultimate outdoor experience with WildWise this May half term and Summer holidays. Teenagers are invited to take part in our non-combat version of the Hunger Games. Our 4 and 5-day camps are both safe and held, yet also an exciting adventure where teenagers use bushcraft skills to stalk and ambush each other, make and cook over fires, build and sleep in shelters, and survive in the wild like the characters in the Hunger Games trilogy. A unique and magical time in nature, this promises to be a truly unforgettable experience. Near Bristol. Tel: 01803 868269, e-Mail: Facebook: WildWise Hunger Games, Twitter: @tributeswanted

Crystal Heart School

Training in Crystal Healing for professional practice and personal interest. Next course, 26/27 April. Introduction Evening 4 April. Gwyneth Robbins-Cox 01458 860874

An Introduction to Dance Movement Psychotherapy. One-Day Course - Saturday 22nd March, 9.00am 5.30pm. • Develop your non-verbal skills • Integrate creativity into your practice • Expand your awareness of movement • Learning will be a creative & explorative process • Time for reflection will be given • CPD certificates will be provided. Suitable for: Counsellors, Psychotherapist, Arts Therapists, Social Workers, Dance Practitioners, Educators and those interested in studying DMP. The day will be facilitated by a RDMP, clinical supervisor & private practitioner, MA lecturer. £100.00 (Early Bird)/£110. £40 non-refundable deposit. Refreshments and lunch included. Ffi contact tel: 0117 953 2055. Quaker Meeting House, Wedmore Vale, Bedminster, Bristol. BS3 5HX

Joyflow Constellations Workshops with Joyaa Find freedom from unconscious patterns; using creativity & constellations to feel enlivened & renewed. 5th April. Relaxation Centre £60/£55 conc.

Train As A Mindfulness Coach

April 5th/6th, Bradford-on-Avon. 01373 453 270

☞ Bristol School of Shiatsu courses From beginner to practitioner. See Training section

craniosacral therapy Gentle Touch • Deep Listening

Leading Tibetan Doctor: April Consultations

Doctor, Amchi Tsetan offers consultations in central Bristol, Bath and Mells, Frome, 19th to 25th April. For information and bookings: 0777 967 7362

eye health Bates Method Natural Eyesight Improvement

fertility An invitation to become more of who you are! This is a guided evening of conscious dance, a blend of 5 Rhythms and Biodynamic Somatics inspired with a beautiful mix of tribal trance, world beats and sacred tunes. Experience the sweet freedom and joy of allowing your whole being to move naturally into your own deep spontaneous dance. A big welcome to all, even if you feel you have forgotten how to dance; no previous experience necessary just a willingness to move! Every Wed evening 7.30-9.30pm. St Michael’s on the Mount Parish Hall, BS2 8BE. £15 abundant/£10 low-waged/£5 concession. Every Wed eve until late July! Further info:

Motherhood Dreams

Fertility Coaching with Mandy Parry During this 6 months coaching programme, I will guide you towards your dream of motherhood, giving you the benefit of my experience, saving you precious time and money, and supporting you every step of the way. Call 0781 110 1740 or email to arrange a free consultation


Mondays 7.15-9.30pm, Gateway Centre, London Rd, BA1 6DH. Weekends. 01225 465846


Intuitive, healing dance practice for mind, body, soul. Discover true Self and balance your chakras to beautiful, tailored music. Experience joy and divine homecoming. T 0741 255 7253

dentists & dental health

Subtle Bodywork:

are you looking for more space? check out our rooms & spaces ads on p50

At Riverford Organic Vegetables, available in Bristol, Bath and surrounding areas, we pride ourselves on our award-winning quality and best value. Boxes start at £10.35 including delivery and on average are 20% cheaper than the same produce bought in supermarkets. At least 80% of the vegetables come direct from fields in our co-operative in South Devon, some also from farms in Somerset and Wiltshire. You can have a box weekly, fortnightly or whenever you like and we can also deliver organic fruit, eggs, wine, meat, juices, pasta, chocolate and dairy produce from Riverford’s own dairy. Order today by calling 08456 800 918 / 0845 600 2311 or online

Bath. 5 Rhythms. Sue Kuhn

The one-stop natural shop specialising in all things organic, ethical and ecological. New shop and café now at the old Woolworth store in Glastonbury. And don’t forget the new website: Earthfare, 45 High Street, Glastonbury. Tel: 01458 831004

Working with all ages including babies and elders; gentle, powerful hands-on skills for physical and emotional concerns. Patricia Falvey RCST 0790 528 3797, HT Adults, Elderly. Children, Babies • Injury • Bereavement • Stress • Trauma • Pre & Post operation support. 0775 418 2082

Radford Mill Farm Shop has been trading in Montpelier, Bristol since 1979, selling organic fruit and veg sourced as locally as possible, including Radford Mill Farm, our 115-acre farm 15 miles southeast of Bristol, managed organically since 1977. Now: organic pork, organic apple juice, organic salad veg - all from our own farm. We produce a wide variety of dips, sandwiches, quiches, soup, pizza and cakes in our organic kitchen, all of which can be enjoyed in our small café with indoor seating. We also sell wholefoods, herbs and spices, Bristol-made bread, natural soaps, toiletries and we accept bulk orders. Open Monday-Friday 9am-7pm, Saturday 10am-6pm. Radford Mill Farm Shop is at 41 Picton St, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5PZ. 0117 942 6644, A

Beneficial any age or condition 07710 500 494

Formative Psychology

Stanley Keleman created and developed Formative Psychology; his premise is that, by voluntarily engaging with how (not why) we form ourselves, we actively influence and change how we relate to ourselves and the world around us. John Witt: has been using Formative Psychology as one of his main methodologies since the early eighties. For further details of workshops or for individual sessions please leave a message on 0117 974 1548, giving times when you can be called back, or go to my website

Private Consultations Specialised in Chronic Health Problems: Allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, Thyroid disorders, Skin problems, Mental Health, Hormonal problems. Treatments: Nutrition, Diet, Supplements, Detoxification, GAPS Protocol, Cell Regeneration. Helios Medical Centre, 17 Stoke Hill, Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9 1JN Appointments line: 0758 471 9348 AC email:

Friendly, family dental practice in the heart of Hotwells, offers you a complete dental service, from replacing your mercury fillings to a full mouth make over - giving you back your healthy Natural Smile. We take the time to understand you as an individual, your concerns and desires, and view your dental treatment as part of your whole health. Sensitive, caring, dentist and team who take pride in minimising their impact on the environment. Selection of natural oral hygiene products available and free checkups for children (see website for more details). Principle practitioner Dr Nicola Bone BDS DPDS. 251 Hotwell Road, Hotwells, Bristol BS8 4SF. 0117 929 2165

disability Autism Intervention Specialist

Services for Individuals; Families; Professionals; Organisations. Tel: 0771 116 2122 HT

Food You can Trust from your local Natural and Ethical Grocer. Harvest has been at the forefront of organic, non-GMO, vegetarian and ethical choices since 1971. Harvest remains passionate about offering the widest selection of ethically sourced, earth friendly, organic and real food alternatives you can trust. Our extensive range includes many vegan and gluten-free choices; our tasty delis offer many locally prepared sweet and savoury specialities. In a world of supermarkets and faceless chain stores, Harvest is your local independent workers’ co-operative food store, providing fresh, friendly and relaxed service... discover a unique and special shopping experience. • Part of the Essential Trading Worker Co-operative. Bristol: 11 Gloucester Road, BS7. 0117 942 5997 Bath: 37 Walcot Street, BA1. 01225 465519

At the heart of the bustling Gloucester Rd, almost next door to The Cooperative. Specialising in an ever-expanding range of Organic Vegetarian and Vegan foods, all of which is guaranteed G.M.O. free by our main suppliers. We also provide a large selection of non-organic foods to give our customers choice, much of this available from bulk, reducing packaging to a minimum. Amazing ranges of cereal, nuts, fruit, roasted coffee from Brian Wogan (use our grinder), increasing range of Gluten and Wheat-Free lines, selections of Japanese and other ethnic foods. Supplements, homoeopathic (including Solgar, Higher Nature, Quest, Weleda, Bach), toiletries, etc, plus much more. Friendly, knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff. Member of The National Association of Health Stores. Reasonable prices, cards accepted £5+. Wheelchair access, help available with bulky items. Open from 9.00am until 5.30pm. Monday to Saturday. 113 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol BS7 8AT Tel: 0117 987 2199 more food ads over the page

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food - hypno

want to advertise in The Spark? see inside back cover for info

guinea pigs Are You Studying A Complementary Therapy? Our new shop is now open in Redfield • Large range of chilled vegetarian products & organic wholefoods, including gluten-free & wheat-free pastas, biscuits & breakfast cereals • Our cheese counter includes locally-sourced & vegetarian cheeses • Organic bread from Herbert’s Bakery. • Fairtrade & organic coffee ground to order & large range of fruit & herbal teas. • Organic wines & local beers including champagne and beers from Bristol Beer Factory & Severn Cider products • Refill your Ecover & Bio D bottles at our refill station • Buy from our range of over 30 organic wholefoods & flours in scoop bins, and make big savings! Opening Offer! - cut out & redeem this advert at our Church Road shop for a free regular-sized coffee or tea when you buy one of our quality sandwiches. • 259-261 Church Rd, Redfield BS5 tel 0117 941 2061 • 260-261 North Street, Bedminster BS3 tel 0117 966 4507 • or find us on Facebook

Do You Need Case Studies? Are your family & friends tired of being practised on? Are you too shy or embarrassed to ask them anymore? Or have you just run out of volunteers? We are a small pool of Bristol-based guinea pigs - willing volunteers available for practitioners in training - happy to offer our time and constructive feedback to students.

gay, lesbian & bisexual

with Helen Clare Hamilton. Warm healing listener, deep relaxation, release acute, long-held issues. Restore emotional, mind, body flow. Spiritual healing. 07826 186 124

Glass of Wishes

Reconnect with your soul, mind and body. The Glass of Wishes enables you to get what you desire: happiness, health, money, slim body...

Tara Therapies - Clevedon, North Somerset

healing with animals Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

holidays - health

Bath & Salisbury Herbal Medicine utilises the properties of plants to encourage natural healing and enable the individual to reconnect and understand the health of the whole body. All tinctures used are organic. No charge for tinctures at the first consultation. Weekends only. Katie Tildesley BSc (Hons), MNIMH, 0786 418 1729

Unique 4 Star Eco Hostel & budget B&B. Discounts given for longer stays and arriving without a car. 01348 831 800 ABCT

holiday cottages Devon. Bantham Beach. Two Beautiful Wooden Studios

Close to stunning beach, river, cliff walks. Ideal short breaks, retreats. • Spa studio, £90pn. Sleeps 6. Outside jacuzzi. 1 double bed en-suite. 4 singles. Large living space. Wooded gardens. • Sunset studio, £60pn. Overlooks Burgh Island. Beautiful sea views from bedroom. Sleeps two. Tel: 01548 561419

Isolated West Somerset Holiday House

Little Haddon Barn sleeps ten plus camping space. Two acres grounds and woods. Ideal for families, groups, retreats. Robert Mills 0786 074 5416

...we’re now into our 21st year!

Maintenance, clearance, light removals. See Architects, Building & Home section

homeopathy Fionna Roberts BAHons RSHom

Classical Homeopathy and Supervision in Wells. 01749 890636

Kelley Boulton, Registered Homeopath Bristol, Bath and surrounding areas. Tel: 07736 174564


25+ years’ experience. Consultations; mentoring; teaching. Home: 0797 488 7850 Clinic: 0117 974 1199 Cleanse and nourish yourself back to health and vitality with a unique detox retreat tailored specially to your individual needs. Alison Finn offers 3, 5 or 7 day healthy holidays in the Mendip Hills - all inclusive packages with your own cottage, all juices, supplements, complimentary therapies, colonic hydrotherapy, life coaching and dietary advice included. A great kickstart to a healthier, happier you. Makes a great gift to yourself or the one you love. Prices start from £595. Located in the heart of the Mendips near Cheddar. Give Alison a call for a friendly chat and to find out more. Alison Finn 0755 217 8268

housing & land Permanent Eco-Housing & Affordable Accommodation

Welcoming your interest in developing in Bristol / wider area; First House Available, Innovative, Sustainability Rural Activities, Livelihood Opportunities - see related Manchester activities More Info? Call 07815 805647


☞ Feldenkrais Holidays

with Shelagh O’Neill See Movement & Bodywork section

holidays - retreats

herbal medicine Organic Herbal Medicine

☞ Handy Man with a Van

Lyn Clark: Registered Homeopath

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” Churchill. Licensed practitioner for individual and groups. 01225 851055

Pembrokeshire Coast, near St Davids

Since 1993 we've been busy inspiring positive change in the west country...

Eco Tipis, yurts, safari tents, glamping, private camp kitchens. Holistics, organic veg, chill out lounge, Yoga, Zen pond, swimming pool, near Algarve beaches.

Energy Healing, Massage & Reiki

holidays - b&bs & hostels

Bristol Lesbian & Gay Switchboard (BLAGS) is proud to now be part of London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard. Whichever part of the country you are in you can find help and support here. Free & confidential support & information for LGBT people. Founded in 1974, London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard (LLGS) has been providing information and support to the LGBT communities for 40 years. London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard is a voluntary organisation whose aim is to provide an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people and anyone who needs to consider issues around their sexuality. As the LGBT community has developed over the years, so too have we, changing and developing our services to fit the needs of the community and provide the service we see today. We have about 160 trained telephone volunteers, all of who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans which enables them to fully understand the needs and situations of our service users. Helpline 0300 330 0630 (Daily 10am-11pm)

TipiAlgarve, Portugal


Restore your health and wholeness: physical, emotional, mental. Crystal therapy, colour therapy, spiritual healing. Also Tarot readings. NA,HT Jill Rhys Jones - 01275 877280

Bristol’s one-stop ethical living store & deli specialises in: • natural, organic and fairtrade wholefoods • a range of award-winning organic breads • foods for specialist diets including gluten-free, dairy-free and raw • superfoods • baby-care products • nutritional supplements • environmentally-friendly household products • holistic beauty, body and skin care. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to ask as the chances are we can order it in for you. Members of our experienced team are always on hand to offer advice on nutrition, supplements and skincare to help you achieve and maintain health and vitality. Wild Oats Wholefoods, 9-11 Lower Redland Rd, Bristol BS6 6TB Tel: 0117 973 1967 Fax: 0117 923 7871

holidays - green

A Juice retreat in the beautiful Cotswolds. Experience a juice detox retreat staying in our charming property in the historic village of Painswick in the Cotswolds. We offer both residential and none residential stays. What we offer: • Daily juice made with organic fruits and vegetables • Personal attention with a maximum of five or six residential guests • Accommodation in a beautiful location • Walks on the Cotswolds Way • Live Blood Analysis • Yoga and treatments. Lose weight and feel great! Website: Facebook: Email:

home and decluttering Declutter Your Home or Office

I can declutter your stuff, organise you and find the storage solutions that work for you. Call Alison on 0117 911 7556

Do You Need A Hand Spring Cleaning

and Reorganising? Happy-go-lucky, supportive, motivating and affordable clutter clearer available! Know where everything is... save time and money, and feel calm and clear. Call Lisa Bolitho on 0776 629 6497 Facebook: ‘Clutter Clearance and Optimisation Angel’ for free advice

Help With House Clearance

Bristol & Bath Areas I can help you sort out your home or house when you move, or after a bereavement. I have 35 years experience, and will recycle as much as possible through auctions and charity shops. Call Janet on 07941 264843 or email me at:

Regain your space!

Declutter your stuff this spring! Abby 0790 712 3153

Want help with Emotional, mental health or relationship issues? Stopping smoking, habits or addictions? Weight or eating issues? Managing pain or health conditions? Phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder? Work, study or sports performance? Stress management, confidence and self-esteem? Help is here! Mindscape offers holistic, client-centred hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP and occupational therapy, supporting people with a wide range of issues to achieve their goals and dreams. Experienced, well qualified, state registered NHS mental health specialist. HypnoBand and Hypnobirthing trained. Centrally based (Montpelier). For free initial consultation please contact Kate Mortimer (BA.Hons, BSc.Hons, MA, DipCAH, HPD, PNLP, Advanced EMDR, MNCH(Acc), RAPHP, HPC reg.) on 07810 510170

Harbourside Hypnotherapy

Enabling you to take control of your life. Specialising in Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Weight loss, IBS. Portishead and Weston-super-Mare. Call Rae - 0758 403 5873

Looking Forward To Your Future

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Learn how to conquer stress, anxiety, confidence, smoking, weight and many issues with hypnotherapy to help you relax, regain focus and move forward in your life. ree initial consultation with registered, experienced practitioner. Stuart Taylor HPD. CBT(Hyp). SFBTSup(Hyp). • Bristol Natural Health Service, Horfield: 0117 944 44 48. Mobile: 07840 269 555

Past/Future Life Regression/ Progression

With Cara in Glastonbury Tel: 07446 296751

Sarah Hoare, Hypnotherapist, DHP

Hypnotherapy helps you make the changes you want in your life. Start overcoming your obstacles. Ready to make life better? Bristol: 07976 710368

Thanks for your support along the way x

or visit for more info or to book online Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy Your Key

Unlock, relax, take charge of stress, depression or anxiety. Interest Dental Phobias. Keynsham area clinics. HPD. MNCH Acc. Call Julia - 0117 986 5201


The KW Therapy Centre

Stressed, Anxious, Depressed? We offer Hypnotherapy, CBT or NLP Coaching to resolve these symptoms and more. For details visit or call 0117 353 4606

jobs Sales people wanted

for niche magazine We Are Family magazine is a quarterly, UK-wide 56-page glossy for LGBT families, published in Bristol. We’re just going into year 2 and our credibility is growing. We’re looking to expand our team and would like to hear from anyone with sales experience, preferably in the publishing sector or the parenting market. We have two roles we’re looking to fill: advertising sales and subscription sales. For more information on either roles please contact the editor: Hannah Latham,, 07780 651074


photography Photography For A Better World

Stephanie Betschart HPD DHP MNCH SFBT(hyp)

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for Positive Change Today Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for changing unwanted behaviours and move forward in life. Help with: Insomnia, Phobias, Public speaking, Smoking, Depression, Anxiety and more. Clifton, Bishopston and Windmill Hill. Call Stephanie for a free initial consultation: 07731 784 254

hypno - relax

Training, Coaching and Mediation. Do you find that you say the same things to no avail? That you’re ‘always’ being blamed? Rest assured, you’re not alone. Choice Conflict Resolution offers: • Training in clearer communication skills - at your workplace, weekend workshops for mixed groups, and in schools • Individual Coaching sessions - to assist you through difficult interactions • Mediation for workplace and civil and commercial matters - in person or Skype. Training and Coaching can further empower you to: • Raise matters directly and efficiently without blame • Communicate effectively with difficult personalities • Address the reasons for competition and resentment • Enhance mutual understanding and cooperative problem-solving 07974 765 985

meditation ☞ Philippa Vick’s 8 Week Mindfulness Course

See Courses, Groups & Workshops section


Qigong is a way of directly experiencing and opening to the subtle energy known as Qi in oriental medicine. It connects us more deeply to the natural flow of energy around us and to the source of our aliveness. It is simple to learn yet challenges each person to their own limit. Benefits may include the healing of deeply engraved patterns of physical and emotional disharmony, increased vitality and clarity of perception, the cultivation of inner stillness and, most of all, a deeper enjoyment of being alive. Monthly courses in Bristol/Bath/Cheltenham/ Frome and summer camps/residential Qigong retreats with Daverick Leggett. Details: 0117 928 7280

Look again at you, your family, your business, your community, your environment. Commissions, weddings, workshops, participation projects, art. Ruth Davey 07789 958895 HT

readings Tarot / Astrology Readings

Gloucester/Stroud. Gain insight and strength in 2014. Parties welcome. 01453 298674 / 0796 297 0416

rebirthing Rebirthing - Doug Sawyer

We use Conscious Breathing to heal the body/ mind/emotions at all levels with love. Call Doug 0774 809 6834

reflexology As founded by Dr Shen Hongxun. A traditional method of Chinese Medicine to clean the meridians and organs by standing and moving exercises, spontaneous body movement and mental concentration. Old emotional tensions can also be released, leaving the practitioner clearer, happier and healthier. This simple and profound system allows beginners to experience its benefits quickly. Older students will be able to reach deeper states with their own practice. The course is open to all. There is no age restriction. Time: 10am-5pm. Cost £95 for weekend. Bristol Workshops 2014 12-13 July, 11-12 October, 6 December. Enquiries to Ann on 07766 100383, e-mail:


Mel Bates

Bristol-based reflexologist. 0774 557 6725

reiki Deep Body Work

Pursuing balance and harmony mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. Treatments. Massage. Training. Millie Wood Swanepoel, Reiki Master, teacher, practitioner 07754 182 082


Tabitha Gale

Integrated Healing, Kinesiology & Reiki sessions. Workshops. Tel: 07989 376656

massage & bodywork *** Please note that adverts in this section are for professional practitioners offering therapeutic, healing, remedial and/or relaxing massage or bodywork sessions. The Spark does not knowingly advertise, or accept advertisements for, sexual services ***

Blissful Ayurveda - Awake the Senses

Traditional balancing massage treatments: Indian Head, Ayurvedic Facelift, Ayurvedic Foot and Hand Massage, Shirodhara, Marma Therapy. 07854 767433

Ecology Building Society specialises in sustainable mortgages for properties and projects that respect the environment. Our mortgages support a range of tenures and projects, including housing co-operatives, self-builds, renovations and conversions. And our award-winning C-Change mortgage discounts can help you to save energy, money and carbon emissions. To get in touch email us at or call us on 0845 674 5566. Visit our website at Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. An early repayment charge may be payable if you repay all or part of your mortgage within the first two years.

movement & bodywork

Massage for Women

With Sadie McCarthy MTI APNT IIHHT. Aromatherapy, Holistic and Pregnancy Massage. 0791 411 4340

Matthew Harrington BSc.(Hons) APNT Therapeutic Massage, Thai, Deep Tissue, Lomi, Holistic, Sports, Remedial, Aromatherapy. 20 years experience. Healing, deeply relaxing, stress-relieving, balancing. www.matthewharringtonmassagetherapy. 0117 924 4923, 07814 873 265 BS(2),T

Repair, Refresh, Relax... Holistic Massage

Alan Wilmot MTI CNHC Massage and Bodywork Practitioner. Available daytime, evenings and weekends in and around Bristol. 07786 150356

Thai Massage Community Clinic, Bristol Professional massage on a sliding scale


With Nicola Ley (Pooley) Qigong classes for health and well-being. Beginners and regular practitioners are all welcome. • St Werburgh’s Community Centre - Tuesdays 5.45-6.45pm and Wednesdays 9.45-10.45am • Lam Rim BS3 - Wednesdays 2.45-4pm Qigong Teacher Training starts in September. If you have a qigong practice of two years or more and want to share it with the community. Shiatsu and the lightbody classes, currently in London and return to Bristol in September. Nicola gives shiatsu treatments for the body, mind and soul. She also enjoys giving tutorials on qigong or shiatsu or energywork. Ffi - 0117 987 9806

Explore Taijiwuxigong - a simple yet profound set of Qi Gong exercises for self-healing and energy development. Once learned Taijiwuxigong can be used for life. It works to improve body, mind and spirit at many levels. The gentle yet powerful exercises activate and clear the energy system, lighten the spirits and calm the mind. Monday evenings, Elephant House, Bedminster. Lunchtime courses available from 1-2pm, Wednesdays or Thursdays, Bristol Folk House. Thursday evenings offer longer, relaxed sessions for deeper study 7.15-8.45pm, also at Bristol Folk House. Safe and suitable for all, and all are welcome. Call 07766 100383 or e-mail:

Feldenkrais (Awareness Through Movement)

Would you like to meet your perfect partner for Love, Friendship and Happiness? Natural Friends is a great way to meet like-minded green singles. Since its formation in 1985 as the first ‘green’ dating and friendship site, we have been successfully linking kind, caring, kindred spirits in Love and Friendship. Join today for Free to find someone with whom to share those special moments and add richness and meaning to your life.

relaxing & winding down

with Shelagh O Neill For actors, musicians, geeks and anyone who is thinking of getting older. Workshops and individual sessions monthly in Bristol. Long-weekend and one-week holiday workshops in lovely places (Cornwall, Devon, Spain, Bath) for deeper immersion and a refreshed sense of self. 0797 332 4035


Personalise Your Diet. Food Intolerance Testing. Feel Better Again! Louise 0777 9 642 563

personal growth courses

Whether it’s wallowing in our hot tubs under a wintery sky, a stress-defying sweat in the saunas or stream room, or the cosy comfort of teas and teacakes in the lounge, The Relaxation Centre is a luxury worth discovering. Offering an extensive range of treatments Holistic and Thai Massage, Reflexology, Hot-stone Therapy and more - everything you need for tranquillity is here. For full information about our spa and treatments, please telephone, or visit our website. 9 All Saints Road, Clifton BS8 2JG 0117 970 6616

Taijiwuxigong Classes

Learn a simple, powerful form of Qi Gong to develop your energy force and for self-healing. Evening and lunch classes in Bristol. 07766 100383

Be seen where people are looking for you. That’s what listings is all about


rolf - spirit

want to advertise in The Spark? see inside back cover for info Consulting/Therapy Rooms


Rolfing is an effective method of realigning the body, and in so doing, alleviating related problems such as back pain, stiffness, muscular tension, poor circulation etc. The body is held together by a web of connective tissue. When a part of the body is injured or chronically held out of vertical alignment, the tissue shortens in certain areas, ‘fixing’ the body into an abnormal posture. This new pattern limits our freedom of movement, and over the years tends to cause common painful symptoms. In the 1950s, Dr Rolf developed this hands-on method of freeing and rebalancing connective tissue. Contact: Anna Orren, 45 Trelawney Road, Cotham, Bristol BS6 6DY Tel: 0117 973 5987

Rolfing realigns your structure by energising and freeing the web of connective tissue within the body: ‘The Organ of Structure’. The Human Being is more than a collection of parts. There is a pattern, an order, as in all matter organised into biological units. That pattern - how parts fit and work together - is a basic factor in well-being or its lack. Rolfing promotes well-being by enhancing the body’s pattern of organisation; alleviating poor posture, releasing tension, back and neck problems and stiffness of joints. Discover a muscular structure that’s free of pain. A posture within gravity that gives you a light, flexible and energised body. For more information, a free consultation or an appointment, call Simon Wellby 0779 969 3546

rooms & spaces

Ad-hoc & permanent therapy rooms for rent. Warm and friendly therapy centre offering purpose-built treatment rooms at very competitive rates. Free nearby parking, centrally located, tea & coffee facilities and reception areas. • £20 per 4-hour session • £15 for additional 4-hour sessions • £10 per 1-hour ad hoc sessions Call 0117 942 5832 for further information

Fulcrum House is located at 3 Grove Road, just off Whiteladies Road (Clifton/Redland). Our wonderful Georgian building has 7 beautiful, generously proportioned private rooms, kitchen facilities and a small private courtyard. Our group room is suitable for groups up to 14 people. We offer regular four-hour slots and instant online booking of single sessions for our registered psychotherapists, counsellors and complementary practitioners. We host a CPD programme of workshops and seminars providing a stimulating environment to work in. Fulcrum House has grown into a friendly, thriving community! Visit or call S(2),BT 0117 330 5336

Three well equipped and well proportioned therapy and consulting rooms. Warm, professional, comfortable and sensibly-priced (with waiting room) all within a landmark Georgian terrace with views over Phoenix Wharf and the water towards Queen’s Square and Welsh Back. We’re near St Mary Redcliffe Church, with excellent parking and great transport links (including Temple Meads and the M32) with ready access to the city centre, south Bristol and beyond. The Harbourside Practice, 3 Redcliffe Parade East, Redcliffe BS1 6SW. For more information or to drop by just get in touch: phone Clive on 07947 023371, go to or e-mail

Central Bath, Clifton Village, Salisbury. Beautifully set-up, professional rooms in period buildings in central, affluent, high profile locations. Exceptional value and completely flexible, user-friendly terms to suit both start-up and established therapists. Community oriented multi-disciplinary practice. Membership includes use of rooms in all our locations. Counselling Trainee Offer: up to 50% reduction in rates. Terms apply. To find out more about joining our community please go to our website: or ring Angus Landman on 01225 920812

New Therapy Centre in Stroud. The Therapy Rooms are situated in the old part of Stroud, Gloucestershire, with direct access to Parliament Street Car Park. A lovely period building set in its own gardens, a healing retreat in the heart of old town. We have a variety of treatment rooms and studio (for up to 13 people) and group room for meetings (up to 21 people) available for hire, together with comfortable reception and waiting area, with kitchen and rest room, available for practitioners. Special opening offers available, with first booking free. Please call Leonie on 07807 362481 e-Mail

• Barrier-free and easy accessibility • Varied spaces for large and small events • Free parking The Vassall Conference Centre offers a wide choice of rooms and spaces suitable for all kinds of conferences and meetings. We are also an ideal venue for workshops, training, counselling and interviews. There’s ample, free and safe on-site parking. We’re open seven days a week and in the evenings. “The only truly accessible building in Bristol.” Bristol City Council All on one level, the Vassall Conference Centre provides barrier-free accessibility and we can meet all your technical needs with audio-visual equipment, loop system and wireless broadband. Please contact: 0117 965 9630

Bristol City Yoga

Bright, beautiful studio and therapy rooms. 0117 924 4414

Alma Vale Rd, Clifton, Bristol Attractive, quiet and professional rooms in Clifton for psychotherapists, counsellors and coaches. Competitive rates. For more information contact Kunderke Kevlin on 0772 764 4830 or e-mail: See

Bristol School of Shiatsu

Established 1984, offers training courses from beginners to professional practitioner level. Please refer to Training section for further details

spiritual paths & practices

The Relaxation Centre

We are open to taking on new practitioners in a range of body therapies. You must be highly skilled, fully qualified and insured, with several years experience. Bernadette: 0117 970 6616

Treatment Room To Rent

Looking for an experienced practitioner to join our multidisciplinary practice. Large welcoming room available morning, afternoon and evenings. Alma Vale Centre 0117 377 1186

Yogasara: the Love of Yoga & Life

Beautiful studio available weekends / some weekdays. A delightful and dedicated space to share your contribution to humanity. Come and join us. A Community Interest Company putting people, planet, yoga before profit. Committed to sustainability, community and making this planet a better place. Picton St, Montpelier. Sarah 0778 692 8458 / Chris 0778 692 8458


Shamanic training. A year-long journey through this beautiful medicine wheel. • Learn and experience powerful healing techniques that shift the matrix of your energy field • Discover the ancient wisdom teachings of the Inca shaman • Become a healer, a coach, an inspiration to others or use this 4-part residential training to heal yourself so that you can be the change you want to see in the world. See website for details, dates, courses email: Tel: 0776 525 8614

Shamanic Healing

Ever feel off kilter or not firing on all cylinders? Working with sound, the drum and rattle and other instruments, Shamanic Healing helps restore wellbeing and vitality. Healings can also assist with: • Low energy and motivation • Relationship difficulties • Uncertainty and Self-esteem • Difficulties in conception • Bereavement and trauma. Healings for children and young people: divorce, nightmares, school problems (under parental supervision). I have 12 years’ experience and trained extensively in South America and the UK. Also offered: Experienced Tarot Readings. Contact: Marina: 0117 923 8938 or 07974 765985

Deep healing of Emotional Patterning and Self Beliefs. Ancient techniques - find your authentic self-power, natural joy • Earth Heart Medicine • Workshops • Shamanic Healing • Retreats Sally 0793 014 7768

shiatsu Bath Shiatsu Practice

A quiet space in the heart of Bath We are very experienced bodyworkers and offer bodypsychotherapy for your deeper issues, a place to be held during difficult emotional times, support around illness, ongoing CPD classes for third years and graduates. Heidi Armstrong MRSS(T) 0774 637 4507 Rebecca Davis MRSS(T) 0782 508 2555

The Beshara Trust invites you to the spring 2014 series of afternoon discussions exploring the universal questions of existence from the perspective of the great Sufi teachers Saturday 1 March These Tender Nightingales: Some Mystical Quatrains with Jane Clark Saturday 12 April Religion versus Spirituality: the inevitable conflict with Avi Abadi. All sessions 2-5pm, Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QY. • All welcome • No admission charge • Suggested donation £5 New! Discovering Unity: a seven week evening class exploring human consciousness and meaning starting Monday 24th March. To register interest and for more information contact The Beshara Trust is an educational charity Registered nos.296769 England and Wales, SC039933 Scotland

Learn meditation. Learn how to work with your mind and body. By simply being present we can bring mindfulness and awareness to our experience and allow more space and joy to develop in our lives. Our evening sessions offer meditation for all, with meditation instruction available. Bristol Wednesdays 7.30-9.30pm. City Retreat Day every second Sunday of the month, and other courses. Satellite groups: Stroud. Tuesdays 7.45-9pm, Chalford Village Hall. Call John: 01453 889609, email Dorchester. Tuesdays 7.30-9pm, The Friend’s Meeting House, 8 Holloway Road, DT1 1LF. Call Colin: 01305 889476. 17 Lower Redland Road, BS6 6TB. Call Christine: 07505 384628, email:

Part of the Triratna Buddhist Community, we offer a path to greater awareness and kindness traditional Buddhist practices with the potential for unlimited positive change, appropriate to the contemporary world. Our community is dedicated to realising this vision together for the sake of all beings. Come and see for yourself! Drop-in Classes - (Suitable for beginners) • Tuesdays & Thursdays 1-2pm • Monthly on Sats - check web for dates - 10am-1pm • Tuesdays - Buddhist teachings including meditation to enhance your everyday life, 7.30-10pm. Shop/reception Monday Friday 1-4pm, selling books, meditation / yoga equipment, Buddha statues, incense & more. 162 Gloucester Rd, Bishopston BS7 8NT. AC 0117 924 9991

“I still don’t know how you manage such a high quality mag with so few people!” JH

or visit for more info or to book online

Bristol Sakya Buddhist Centre, 121 Sommerville Road, St. Andrews, Bristol BS6 5BX 0117 924 4424, Regular events - open to all - no experience necessary. • Meditation Evenings: Tuesdays 8pm. Meditation and short talk on Buddhist teachings £4 • Simply Meditation Mondays, 8pm, Wednesdays 10.30am, Saturdays 10.30am. Come and learn how to meditate. Donations welcome • Classical Tibetan Language Classes: £4. Ffi contact Sakya Centre. Sakya Buddhism Bath • Meditation and short talk on Buddhist teachings - Tuesdays 8pm, £4 • New!!! Simply Meditation - Drop-In Wednesdays 10.30am, £3. No need to book. All welcome. Museum of Bath at Work, Julian Road, Bath, BA1 2RH, ffi: 07747 633577, Details and more on Facebook.

New to meditation? Experienced? All are welcome. Zen meditation at Fulcrum House, 3 Grove Road, Bristol, BS6 6UJ. Every Tuesday at 7pm. Evening practice includes chanting, silent sitting meditation and walking meditation. It’s fine to sit on a cushion, bench or ordinary chair. Contact: 0117 963 2505 or email:

A spiritual practice which is ancient yet always new, reaching back to the desert fathers and mothers of the fourth century. John Main, a Benedictine monk, rediscovered this practice within Christianity, now passed on in weekly groups. By stilling the mind we open to our own spirit and the creator Spirit that fills the whole universe. Open to people of any denomination or none - for example if you practise Mindfulness, you are welcome to come and share the silence and support. Give your soul space to breathe. The World Community for Christian Meditation is contemporary, ecumenical, contemplative. Over 25 weekly groups in The Spark’s area. Newcomers always welcome. Six week introductory course starting Saturday 8 March St Dunstan’s Hall Keynsham. For info: call 01275 463727 or email More info go to

Do you long to deepen your experience of God, your relationship with others, and your appreciation of all the world’s major faith traditions - while remaining deeply rooted in your own? Do you yearn to be an activist in healing the divisions between peoples, nations and religions? One way to do so, with other committed men and women from diverse backgrounds, is on our two-year, part-time training. Students can go on to become interfaith ministers, offering spiritual counselling and sacred ceremonies tailored to the needs and longings of individuals from all faiths and none. To see if the One Spirit that calls us, calls you too, ring 0333 332 1996, or visit: uk

Does one really know oneself and the meaning of life? Theory is fine, but is there the inner stillness yet to see straight, to live life to the full. This introductory ten-week course is designed to engender fresh perception and cheerful discussion. Explore great schools of thought from east and west - an open mind is always attractive and useful. Ten-week courses at Bath and Bristol, starting May, September and January. £79. Concessions £49. Students £20. See

Quakers share a way of life, based on our experience of the divine, rather than a set of beliefs. We are rooted in Christianity but we welcome everyone who is seeking truth and is attracted to worship based on shared silence. We do not have a written creed but try to bring the values of love, peace, truth, equality, simplicity, justice, and care for the environment into our lives and work. Newcomers are always welcome. Sunday Meetings in the Bristol area Bath, York Street, BA1 1NG, 11.00am. Bedminster, Wedmore Vale, BS3 5HX, 10.45am. Central Bristol, Champion Square, BS2 9DB, 11am. Clevedon, 15 Albert Road, BS21 7RP, 10.30am. Frenchay, Beckspool Road, BS16 1NT, 10.30am. Horfield, 300 Gloucester Road, BS7 8PD, 10.30am. Portishead, 11 St Mary’s Road, BS20 6QP, 10.30am. Redland, 126 Hampton Road, BS6 6JE, 11.00am. Thornbury, The Chantry, Castle St, BS35 1HB, 10.30am. Weston-super-Mare, High Street, BS23 1JF, 10.30am. Sidcot, Oakridge Lane, BS25 1LT, 10.30am. Please contact us for information about other Meetings during the week and for Children’s Meetings. We offer small discussion groups throughout the year led by experienced Quakers. For information ring 0117 942 9142

A Free Church with an Open Mind Are you looking for a welcoming community who gather to nurture one another’s lifelong spiritual growth? Although historically rooted in the liberal Christian tradition, Unitarians also value the insights of many world faiths and other sources of wisdom. For details of meetings, including meditation, intergenerational activities and personalised child dedications, marriages and funerals, please phone the contact numbers given below. Bristol - Frenchay Chapel, Frenchay Common and at Unitarian Meeting, Brunswick Square, 0117 950 7906 Trowbridge - Unitarian Meeting House, 45 Seymour Road, 01225 761866 Cirencester - Quaker Meeting House, Thomas Street, 01285 651507 Crewkerne - Unitarian Chapel, Hermitage Street, 01935 862602 National Unitarian website: Charity no. 234482

Tall order?

spirit - train

Zazen is the posture of awakening. This practice has been transmitted from the time of Shakyamuni Buddha to now. Zazen is simply sitting with legs crossed, back straight, the attention focused on the posture and breathing. In zazen we do not seek to obtain anything. By turning the gaze inwards we can go naturally beyond the limits of the ego and directly experience awakening to our true nature. ‘In our disturbed world, practising zazen means coming back to the human being’s true dimension and rediscovering the fundamental balance of our existence’ Taisen Deshimaru. Bristol Zen Dojo holds zazen practice five days a week with an introduction every Wednesday from 6-7.30pm. Bristol Zen Dojo, 91-93 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol BS7 8AT. E: W: T: 0117 942 4347


The Bristol School of Shiatsu is one of the longest established Shiatsu schools in Britain, offering courses at all levels from a three-year Practitioner Training to three weekend beginners Foundation Courses. Our non-residential, part-time courses are taught by UK Shiatsu Society registered teachers who share a common commitment to presenting Shiatsu tuition of the highest standards, in an atmosphere that is enlivening, supportive and fun, while offering diversity in their teaching styles and approach to Shiatsu. The School puts emphasis on an intuitive approach to Shiatsu within a framework of Traditional Oriental Medicine and, as well as the mastery of Shiatsu for the healing of others, we encourage the personal development and well-being of our students. For more information please contact: Bristol School of Shiatsu, PO Box 419, Bridgwater TA6 9ES. Tel: 0844 335 0573 S(2) e-mail:


Professional Training Courses in Holistic Massage with 2 intakes per year, February and October. Booking now. Level 4 MTI Diploma course. Also Level 4 MTI Diploma course in Remedial & Sports Massage. Introductory Workshop weekends throughout the year. Advanced Workshops available for practitioners to extend their skills and experience. Massage Practice Days and Regular Supervision groups with BCMB tutors. BCMB is accredited by the Massage Training Institute (MTI) and works to the national training standards of the General Council for Massage Therapy. Workshops also available in Worcester. 30 Alma Vale Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2HY. 0117 377 1201

Diploma courses are run in autumn and spring. Aromatherapy Diploma (18 months). Includes two types of massage, aromatics, A&P, pathology and business skills. Professionally accredited by AAPA. Reflexology Diploma (12 months). Includes reflexology theory and practice, A&P and business skills. Professionally accredited by IFR. Traditional Indian Head Massage (10 weeks). Professionally accredited by IIHM. Runs autumn, spring and summer. Anatomy & Physiology. Widely accepted by therapy training courses. One-day and CPD courses • Introduction to Aromatherapy • Introduction to Massage • Advanced Massage Techniques (CPD) • Marketing Your Therapy Business (CPD) • Using Social Media (CPD). For more information on our courses visit our website: Contact us for a copy of our prospectus. Phone: 0870 8890350

Can you reach 60,000 readers in Bristol, 12,000 readers in Bath, 3,000 readers in Glastonbury, 2,100 readers in Stroud and another 21,500 readers in and around the West? And all of them interested in changing themselves and the world? Probably not by yourself. But there’s a magazine that can. The Spark – running around the West since 1993.

We are a training organization that specialises in professional counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy training. We are the only college in the UK which offers an integrative training programme based on the highly effective transdiagnostic framework of Rational Emotional Behavior Therapy (REBT), one of the main schools of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Our courses are held at weekends in Bath. • Introduction in Counselling Skills and Ethics: March 15th • Diploma in CBT: April 12th • Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis: 27th September • Advanced Diploma in CBT: 14th February 2015 • Advanced Diploma in Integrative Therapy: 19th September 2015. Contact: 01373 453270:

Traditional Healing for Contemporary Times Introductory Courses: • Self Care and Self Healing • Introduction to Spiritual and Energy Healing Practitioner Course: For those with previous experience of healing energies. Explore Spiritual and Energy Healing in greater depth • Become a Professional Healer • Introduce healing into your work. 12 weekends over a two year period, next course starts April. Diploma Course: One of the most advanced courses in Spiritual and Energy healing in the UK. Designed on a modular basis, suitable for CPD or to advance your professional qualification. Next module - Understanding and Working with Negative Energies - starts March. 01684 578963 Charity No. 519085

Change career, become a Nutritional Therapist The CNM course in Naturopathic Nutrition takes place in Bristol on weekends and focuses on: • Food as medicine • The importance of detoxification and cleansing • Treating the whole person • Clinical experience and practical application. Contact us to request a prospectus or book your place at the next free Open Evening. Free Health Talk - Cooking with Superfoods CNM host a fascinating talk and live demo. Weds 26th September, 5.30 6.30pm at: The Better Food Company. Tel: 01342 410 505 email: web: more training ads over the page


train - yoga Bristol City Yoga Teacher Training

200-hr and 500-hr YTTC. Apply now for 200hr and short intensives in Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga. Yoga Alliance Certified. 0117 924 4414

Susan Lawrence Training Professional Training courses in Bath. Student-centred learning in small classes for whether you want to start a new career or develop as a therapist. Training set in a clinic environment with workplace experience. All our teachers are fully qualified and have been practising for many years. We also offer supervision and career develpoment sessions. Or come along to the low cost treatment clinic for the general public. • Reflexology • Massage • Indian Head • Aromatherapy • Pregnancy Training • Reiki • CPD. 01225 284103 Tailor-made training courses, workshops and team development • confidence building • improving communication • change process facilitation • and much more - please visit my website for details. Phone 0117 933 2607 Email (I also offer Dramatherapy - see my ad in Arts Therapies section for info)

The Guild of Professional Healers offers spiritual healer training in Clifton. Further details see GPH website Contact Dawn Redwood 01278 783678

Specialist Yoga Studio and Therapy Room, Stokes Croft. A wide range of classes catering for new and experienced students of all ages and abilities, including: Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa, Restorative, Meditation and Pilates. Women are supported through childbirth with our range of therapy treatments and classes for pregnancy, mum-baby, baby massage and women’s yoga. We also run children’s and family classes. We offer weekend workshops and retreats, regularly host visiting teachers and also offer a comprehensive Teacher Training programme. New Student Offer: First class is free when you register on: 0117 924 4414

we do love good old-fashioned paper but we’re rather proud of our virtual stuff too:

☞ Wessex Counselling Training

Psychodynamic Counselling: Intro, Foundation, Diplomas. See ad in C&P Training section We hold free open days with a free lunch and offer free treatment for patients at our teaching clinic. If you are looking for an inspiring vocation, a change of career, or are just interested in knowing more about homeopathic medicine then your future is a short bus ride away. Open days are held throughout the year for you to sit in on lectures, watch the clinic in action and chat to staff and students. Courses are part-time and designed for busy people who wish to study alongside their present occupation. For further information contact the college via the website: or telephone Kate at the office 01275 877083

The Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy (SIP) is an established professional association of psychoanalytic psychotherapists and a training institute based in Bristol. We offer a variety of part-time courses ranging from an Introductory Course in Psychoanalytic Theories and Concepts, to Pre-Clinical courses in Infant Observation, Work Discussion and Classical Psychoanalytic Theory. For those wanting to train for a career in Psychotherapy, SIP offers clinical trainings in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, leading to registration with the British Psychoanalytic Council. We also offer Psychotherapy services to the public. For further information, please contact the Administrator on 0117 927 3898, or visit our website

voice Registered Voice Movement Therapist Depth Voice Coaching for personal and professional development - for singers and speakers in all walks of life. 07980 555 893



Ever wanted to do something incredible? How about volunteering your time for the Sue Ryder charity? Volunteering is great for both personal and professional development with opportunities on offer for everyone. Sue Ryder provides compassionate, personal care for those living with life-changing illness and there are plenty of ways you can help out; from event support to helping with collections, we want to hear from you! Any time you can spare is appreciated. If you are interested or would like to hear more, please call the fundraising team on 0117 929 3618 or email


The Devon School of Yoga brings together classes, workshops, retreats and training courses under one umbrella, covering all aspects of the subject. Set in dedicated studios across Devon, ideal surroundings are provided for yoga practice, study and contemplation. The school teaches a holistic approach with an experienced team. The next two-year (500 hour) teacher training course starts September 2014. The next five-w/ends (80 hour) foundation course starts February 2014. Also 18 month (250 hour) post graduate yoga therapy course starts January 2015. Plus: weekly classes. Day workshops. Residential w/ends. North India retreat and The Devon Yoga Festival 1-3 August 2014. For information or a copy of the programme, please contact us: The Devon School of Yoga, 4 Barnfield Hill, St Leonards, Exeter EX1 1SR. 01392 420573

Yogasara is the Love of Yoga and Life. Come and join us. Learn Ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini, Pilates , Meditation, Tantra-Yoga, Kirtan and more. Committed to excellence, our teachers give you the very best. As a Community Interest Company, Yogasara puts people, planet and yoga before profit. Committed to sustainability, community and making this planet a better place. Be the Change, join us at Yogasara. Sarah/Christopher 0778 692 8458 Picton St, Montpelier, Bristol

Ashtanga Yoga Classes in Bristol

11 module Hypnotherapy /NLP Certificate Training. Taught by a qualified, accredited teacher, hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of NLP with over 15 years of experience. Course accredited by NCH, NCHP, NCFE and OU. Includes NLP Practitioner and specialist certification in Anxiety, Ericksonian and Stop Smoking. Evening, weekday or weekend training in small classes. Also New Course Starting Spring/Summer 2014 in Cheltenham, Isbourne Centre ( Cost: only £1950. For details / to arrange an interview contact Hilary Norris-Evans: 0788 771 4892 or To download a prospectus visit - site of the UK Academy or Hilary’s website:

have you seen us online?

Our dedicated teachers are committed to promoting wellbeing by integrating posture, mental focus and breath. Classes take place in our newly refurbished, fully equipped and beautiful shrine room. Maximum class size 16. Drop-in Classes • Monday 5.45-7.15 Intermediate Iyengar. Lizzie • Tuesday 10.30-12 Beginner Iyengar. Cathi. 5.45-7.15 Hatha Yoga with Lioba Fezer • Wednesday 5.45-7.15 Vini with Amelia Wood • Thursday 10.30-12 Vini Yoga with John Irving • Friday 10.30-12 Mindful movement with Tim. £9/£7 per class or card £75 for 10 classes. Shop (Mon to Fri 1-4) sells mats, belts, blocks. Just drop in or see website... Bristol Buddhist Centre, 162 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol BS7 8NT. w: t: 0117 924 9991 e: Reg Charity No. 900165

with Wale. Including Sunday morning class 10.30-11.30am, Redland Tennis Club. 0788 097 7001

Eastern Yoga Studio

Be Inspired! Yoga is for everyone. email txt: 0793 920 2245 46 Greenbank Road, Bristol BS5 6EY

Kundalini Yoga

Tuesdays 10am-12pm, Yogasara, Montpelier, Bristol. All welcome. Anjali: 0796 110 5780

Kundalini Yoga Bristol

6.00pm-7.30pm every Wednesday, Wilder St Studio. 07726 892 631

Vinyasa Krama Yoga Teacher Training 01749 677470

Yoga For Relaxation

Enjoy Traditional Indian Yoga to dissolve stress. 0796 309 3729

visit to read our archive of the best previously published articles and exclusive online content, news, reviews & blogs & our Daily Spark twitter feed. You can also make comments, browse listings & event ads, enter competitions, buy an advert or even read this very magazine on your computer. 2,000,000+ visits last year! join our nearly 2,500 twitter followers @spark_magazine and 1,000+ facebook chums thesparkmag

we’ve even got a monthly-or-so e-newsletter: The Sparkler. get it delivered right to your inbox, with team news, exclusive offers and comps, advertiser info and tips, and our cute little ‘where do you get yours?’ distributor focus every time. Sign up here: newsletters.html

it’s all rather modern, huh? Next issue, summer, out 19 may get the early bird discount by booking and paying for your ads by 27 march (final deadline 24 April)

next issue is our Festival Special! * btw a 4-issue booking trumps even the early bird price! pay in one lump sum and get four ads for the price of three. (roughly, see back cover or for prices)


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products Books by Charles Dowding

55 Gloucester Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8AD Tel: 0117 942 5625

Organic Gardening the Natural, No Dig Way. Green Books 2007, 2nd edition 2010, third all colour edition 2013, £14.95. Salad Leaves for All Seasons. Green Books 2008 £10.95. How to Grow Winter Vegetables. Green Books 2011 £14.95. Charles Dowding’s Vegetable Course. Frances Lincoln 2012 £16.99. Charles Dowding’s Veg Journal - Expert no-dig advice, month by month, Frances Lincoln 2014 (February) £14.99. Gardening Myths. Green Books 2014 (March) £10.

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“An essential book for every garden and kitchen” – Nigel Slater

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Make Life Easy For Yourself Simple solutions for stress-free adults and happy,confident children

SALAD LEAVES for all seasons Organic growing from pot to plot

Charles Dowding

How to Grow Winter Vegetables shows that it is possible to enjoy an abundance of vegetables at the darkest time of year, whether stored or ready for harvesting when needed. It also covers growing for the ‘hungry gap’ from April to early June. Not much grows in winter, but a well-organised plot may nonetheless be quite full. You need to plan carefully, and well ahead, sowing and planting at specific times through the year, so the main part of the book is an extensive month-by-month sowing, planting and growing calendar. Further sections cover harvesting, from garlic in July right through to the last of the overwintered greens in May, and storing your produce.

Charles Dowding has been growing organic vegetables for nearly 30 years and was an early pioneer of vegetable boxes. He runs organic gardening courses from his farm in Somerset, where he crops an acre of intensive raised beds, using no-dig methods, growing an extensive range of vegetables and year-round salads for local shops and restaurants. His website is


Distributed in the USA by Chelsea Green

A great range of hypnosis recordings to help you and your children relax and enjoy life.

How to Grow

Winter Vegetables CHARLES DOWDING


Many salads can be grown in winter, especially with a little protection from fleece, cloches or larger structures. The book includes a whole section on frost-hardy salad plants, explaining how to ensure harvests of fresh leaves throughout winter. The beauty of winter and its produce is captured in glorious photographs from the author’s garden.

Winter Vegetables

“This book opens up a needlessly neglected and wonderful part of gardening – winter with your own vegetables is a much better place to be. Charles’s book is a comprehensive, practical and inspiring guide.” Sarah Raven

How to Grow

“Our British weather is fickle and not a little uncertain, but it does allow a year of growing and eating. Charles’s book is a paean to our weather, climate and soil. It celebrates all that is good about growing year-round – I guarantee that you’ll actually look forward to winter after this read.” Alys Fowler

“An invaluable book, intelligent of course, and inspiring too.” Anna Pavord


54 changemaker

Steve Glover community food pioneer Interview by Fiona McClymont • photo by Jo Halladey

Steve Glover, 49, is the director of The Severn Project, a social enterprise and Community Interest Company founded in 2010 with start up capital of just £2,500. They provide education, training, employment and appropriate support to socially excluded people using the production of local food. They produce “carbon-free salad’ on three (previously derelict) sites in Bristol – Whitchurch, Keynsham and Temple Meads – growing salad leaves in polytunnels, which are then sold to local markets and delivered to local restaurants. When I was 39, I stopped using drugs. In the end, it just got boring. Up until that point, I’d been living my life outside the law: I didn’t have a job and my life revolved around drugs. But it wasn’t enough anymore, so I just stopped; I dealt with my own addictions. I was living in Spain at that time, and I came back to England to think about what I wanted to do. I got a degree in addictions counselling. I was fascinated in why it was I could just stop. I worked in a residential treatment centre and it was a real eye-opener. I questioned the efficacy of a programme that accepts that 83% of people will relapse within the first year of completing their very expensive treatment. I asked endless questions: Why does this happen? What do you do that for? The people in the system didn’t like that because it challenged the status quo. Work is the thing that defines us as human beings. In England, when we meet people we say, “Hello, what do you do?” Addicts aren’t part of that whole system. The reason why a lot of people relapse and die, end up in prison, f**king up their lives and being a massive burden to the state, is because they are not socially integrated. In our society everybody has got a role: The role of a heroin addict is scapegoat. They wouldn’t choose that role, but they become comfortable with it, accept it, take it on, even if it’s abusive or dangerous. Once you’ve stopped people using their drug, it’s then about changing what their role is, which is very difficult for somebody who’s never had a job before. They don’t know how they fit into the ‘normal’ world, they don’t know how ‘that’ works. So what we do at The Severn Project is provide a way for them to find out what that’s about: we mimic the

ordinary workplace and encourage them to develop a role within our community. That then reflects upon how they carry themselves in the wider community.

weeks he’d come off his antidepressants and a month later he had unchallenged access to his son. That’s just one example of our success, and it cost the state nothing.

Three years ago I didn’t know anything about growing food - I just got some books and taught myself. I start at 5.30 every morning; at 7.30 the volunteers arrive – they could have a drug and alcohol problem, or mental health problem or just come because they want to. We say to people, “Come down and see if you like us, first one day a week, then two days week… and if you like it then we can talk about moving it forward”. They get taken to our sites and they’ll crop food, plant the seeds, water, weed, strim, pick stones out, whatever needs to be done.

We’re demonstrating an awful lot of stuff here in Bristol. What we’re doing here we could do nationwide. We’re demonstrating that local food should and can be produced locally, that it is possible to do it even under the most trying circumstances. I mean this site here on Temple Meads is appalling – the wind and the way it comes down the river and batters our polytunnels, is unreal; the noise, the fumes, the pests – from people breaking into your place and nicking stuff to seagulls trying to peck through the plastic on the polytunnels, no soil – this environment is not the most conducive to what we do, but we’ve created such great outcomes here, and with no funding.

I really believe in what I’m doing. It changes things for the better for people. We have massive social outcomes. The assets that we’ve generated since we’ve been here and the skills that we’ve learnt, and the people whose lives we’ve improved – all that is an asset to the community which doesn’t just disappear, it gets taken forward. We took a lad who was referred by a mental health agency that they just didn’t know what to do with. He was 37, had a heroin problem since he was 16, smoked crack, drank alcohol a lot, was involved with criminal activity, homeless, had no access to his son – a totally chaotic lifestyle, he couldn’t keep it together for ten minutes. We said to him, “Come down tomorrow to Keynsham, start with one day”. He said, “How am I going to get there?” and I said “That’s not my problem – if I had free heroin you’d be there”. He did come, and he worked. The next week he did two days. We housed him, and put him on our adult apprenticeship programme, doing five days a week. Within three weeks he was abstinent; within four weeks he was employed; within five weeks he was on an NVQ; within six

Food security is a looming issue. We import 80% of our food from foreign countries. We can afford it only because in those foreign countries they have slave labour. That might sound like exaggeration but it’s really not. In Spain and Italy, North African slaves grow and pick all the fruit and veg that we eat over here. What we’re saying is, ‘Let’s get real about what food is actually worth! And let us demonstrate how much really good quality food we can create, with very little money, locally, in a small area. We need to demonstrate those things because in five years time we’re not going to be able to fly in beans from Kenya or wherever. We are non-expert, peasant culture, demonstrating what can be done with no money whatsoever. It’s about living closer to the land, using your hands to make money, having a subsistence and sustainable lifestyle and having some community. One of the most important things we can offer our clients and volunteers, is a sense of community, that they

are important to us and that we need them. I’ve always been a bit of a maverick. The skill set that I developed in order to survive in the world that I moved in, has put me in a very good position to be able to help people whose stories have been similarly ‘interesting’. I’m passionate about engaging with people who’ve got an offending background: we’ve teamed up with Leyhill Prison - they grow for us and then we buy the product from them and feed it into our mechanism and sell it. What that means is that people in Leyhill can get trained in exactly what we do (because it’s quite specialised), and when they get released they can come here and work. We act as a bridge between prison and the outside world. We’re not just growing salad, we are proving models. Somebody once said we’re only four square meals away from revolution at any time. The way food is produced and distributed has an awful lot to do with state control. Do you know something really bizarre? If you drive into Taunton, you’ll see a massive supermarket food hub which is camouflaged. I thought the only thing that was camouflaged was nuclear power stations! There’s a whole world of food distribution and food waste that people are just not aware of. We’re showing a viable alternative to the big-corporation way of doing things. Corporations are about creating wealth: we are about creating health. Food shouldn’t come wrapped in plastic from some multinational distribution hub. It’s grassroots… literally! There’s something really real about walking into restaurants covered in mud, and people going “Yes! Here comes the salad”. That’s how it should be. Growing food is an honourable way to make a living.

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