The Spectrum Volume 59 Issue 04

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The Spectrum


h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Friday, September 11, 2009

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

Volume 59 Issue 04

Love is the movement By RACHEL LAMB Asst. Life Editor

Jamie Tworkowski didn’t expect to start an internationally known organization. He didn’t do it for fame, for praise or for monetary benefits. The founder of To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) started the suicide prevention group

to help a friend. Tworkowski, musician Eric James and TWLOHA member Denny Kolsch met with students in Slee Hall on Wednesday for a night of encouragement, music and open discussion about suicide, depression, addiction, and self-injury. Tworkowski started TWLOHA in 2006 when he met Renee, a struggling and self-mutilating drug

addict. The night before Renee was supposed to go to rehab, she locked herself in the bathroom and carved “f**k up” on her forearm with a razor. The next morning, Renee see ARMS page 2 Photo by Katie Carlett / The Spectrum Right: The founders of To Write

Love On Her Arms speak about suicide prevention to guests at Slee Hall.

Fallen, not forgotten By MATT MOSHER Life Editor

The City of Good Neighbors recently found out how it earned its nickname. Residents of the city and people across America witnessed the heroism of the Buffalo Fire Department as two of its finest made the ultimate sacrifice during a building fire. This loss only serves as a reflection and reminder of what the entire world went through eight years ago when the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed, taking the lives of over 3,000 people. “We think it’s important to remember those who made that sacrifice,” said William McKay, chief of the Niagara Falls Fire Department. McKay was one of many firefighters who responded to the attack on the Pentagon while stationed in Fairfax, Va. The images of that day will not soon fade, nor will the memories of those who are now gone. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, co-workers and neighbors were lost in the attack. Among the many departed were more than 400 emergency workers, with the Fire Department of New York suffering the worst casualties, reporting over 343 firefighters lost during the rescue efforts. Sept. 11 and the recent deaths of Buffalo firefighters are a reminder of the

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

Firefighters across the country – and the world - never forget about their fallen brothers or sisters.

As of press time...

By AMANDA WOODS Asst. News Editor

Sub-Board releases official statement concerning Generation Magazine

Inside: Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds .............. 7 Opinion .................... 3 Sports .................... 8 This Weekend ........ 5


Giving back after tragedy


SA President Hassan Farah states Amherst Town Court declares him not guilty

dangers rescue workers face on a daily basis, along with the brotherhood and camaraderie firefighters have toward one another. John Buttino, fire chief of Eggertsville Volunteer Fire Company, said that the strong bonds firefighters share arise from the multiple stages of training, the adrenaline and intense atmosphere of the job. “Fire service is unique to any other profession in the entire world,” McKay said. “I know that as a firefighter I can stop at any fire station across the world and know that if I’m hungry, I’ll get a meal, if I’m tired I’ll get a bed, that if my wife or any of my family need directions or assistance that my brother firefighters across the globe will be more than happy to assist.” McKay also serviced at ground zero the day after the attacks as part of a Federal Emergency Management Agency team sent from Virginia. McKay, who grew up around Manhattan, was in awe when he saw two 110-story buildings reduced to a pile of rubble, entombing thousands of people. Memorial services commemorating the lives of firefighters lost in the line of duty, such as the ones after 9/11 and the recent deaths in Buffalo, draw

For the past nine years, Sept. 11 has been a day for the nation to unite in remembrance of the lives lost in the World Trade Center tragedy. This year, UB students can remember the day by uniting in an effort to better the Buffalo community through volunteer projects. Last March, President Barack Obama declared Sept. 11 the “9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.” In the spirit of the day, the UB Center for Student Leadership and Community

SUBURB FEST Asher Roth headlines the exact opposite of Fall Fest. See Page 5

Engagement started a program to give students the opportunity to engage in community service. “Sept. 11 National Day of Service is one way in which UB students can contribute to giving back to the community they call home for at least nine months of the year,” said Terri Frysh, CSLCE community engagement coordinator. “In an effort to encourage students to become active citizens, we are providing the opportunity for them to learn about social issues that residents of the City of Buffalo face.” According to Frysh, participating in this program will help

students become more aware of the financial struggles faced by many Buffalo citizens and allow them to understand that there is much more to the Queen City than just the UB campuses. This year, CSLCE will focus on bringing attention to the issue of homelessness. During the first event of the day, students will help prepare a meal for Buffalo City Mission in the Student Union lobby from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Students also have the option to register with CSLCE and go to the facility to donate the food and help serve dinner to the homeless

DOUBLE UP Both soccer teams earned wins during the week.

See Page 8

from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. It is important for students to understand how deeply homelessness affects the City of Buffalo, whether it is their home or simply their “home away from home,” Frysh said. She also stated that more than one in four homeless people in Buffalo and Erie County (26.8 percent) are children under the age of 18. Frysh hopes that when students get involved in these service projects, they will help clear up some of the misconceptions they may see SERVICE page 5

Weather: Fri: 65o high / 59o low Sat: 68o high / 58o low Sun: 74o high / 56o low

The Spectrum


September 9, 2009


FIRST PRIZE: $250 • SECOND PRIZE: $100 • THIRD PRIZE: $50 Who can enter?

The contest is open to University at Buffalo undergraduate and graduate students. Student employees and trainees of the Student Wellness Team are not eligible for this contest.

How do I enter?

Submit an entry form online at

Who decides the winners?

All the submissions will be anonymously judged by a panel of UB faculty and staff. The top 10 entries will then be posted on the Student Wellness Team website where the campus community can read and vote on their favorite essay and poem.

Deadline Submission: October 5, 2009 Winners announced: November 18, 2009

Writing Contest

Reflect on what you believe contributes to your emotional wellness as a person and college student. Tell a story: Be specific. Ground your belief in the events of your life: school, work, relationships, experiences. Consider moments when your belief was formed or tested or changed. Make sure your story ties to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your beliefs. Name your belief: Rather than writing a list, focus on one core belief. Be positive: Tell us what you do believe, not what you don’t believe.

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‘We can never forget’ FIREFIGHTERS from page 1 in firefighters from across the country and around the world. Buttino spoke with a firefighter from Alaska during the services for Lt. Charles “Chip” McCarthy and firefighter Jonathan Croom. McKay also noted that he spoke with an officer from Australia. “If one of us loses our life, whether it be in Ohio, California or Australia, the brother and sisterhood of the fire departments will be there to support them,” McKay said. Both Eggertsville Fire Company and Niagara Falls Fire Company will be hosting memorial services for those lost during the Sept. 11 attacks. McKay feels that as a country, the U.S. should always remember what happened that day, but is not sure whether the country should make the day into a national holiday or day of remembrance. “I have mixed emotions and I

also wear two hats,” McKay said. “I wear the hat of a firefighter and I wear the hat of an American. As an American you show that you’re never going to let these people defeat us - we’re never going to let them change our way of life.” McKay also said that as a firefighter, he knows that 343 of his brothers went to work on Sept. 11 and didn’t come home, but somehow we need to honor and remember them in a respectful way, in addition to all the other people who lost their lives. “We can never forget what 9/11 meant to us as a country,” McKay said, speaking about the future and strength of America. “We’re Americans, we will rebound from this and come out of this stronger and cannot change our way of life because of one day.” E-mail:

Hundreds attended event ARMS from page 1 was denied admission to rehab because her wounds were fresh. She was asked to return five days later when the drugs were out of her system. Tworkowski and friends kept her safe and sober in those days before Renee returned to rehab. “It wasn’t a profanity issue, it was an identity issue,” Tworkowski said. “Renee bought into the lies and the regret and she believed that she was stuck for good.” Tworkowski decided that Renee needed to know love as her true goal. And thus, the name was born. After he met Renee, Tworkowski wrote a book about her story. He and his friends started selling T-shirts with their slogan as a way to pay for Renee’s treatment and made a MySpace page to “give it a home.” Soon after, bands like Anberlin, Switchfoot, Paramore and The Rocket Summer began promoting TWLOHA at their shows by wearing the shirts and offering opportunities to meet Tworkowski. TWLOHA frequently tours with bands both in the U.S. and different countries to promote their cause. “Music has the unique ability to ask questions and to tell us that it’s okay to feel things,” Tworkowski said. Wednesday’s event started with an acoustic set by James, who met Tworkowski during a show where he was performing. The musician recommends music as an outlet for pain. “Life is complicated and heavy, but it’s also very good,” James said to the crowd. After James was done with his

set, Kolsch came out and with tangible emotion, he told the room of his own struggle with addiction and depression. Kolsch was a heroin addict for four years before a friend was courageous enough to help him when he felt that he was alone. “There is still an impulse today that makes me want to deal with pain alone, but we aren’t meant to live life alone,” Kolsch said. “We’re created to be loved and have relationships and have people know us and our story.” Tworkowski, James and Kolsch offered encouragement, friendship and inspiration to everyone after the show to let them know that every person’s story mattered and that love is the ultimate goal. “I have problems letting people in and I’m learning that it’s okay to ask for help from my friends and family and people who care about me,” said Kyle Ginkel, a junior exercise science major. Hundreds of students attended the event and it was clear to Thom Neill, a licensed clinical social worker, counselor at UB and coordinator of Wednesday’s event that the number of e-mails he received meant that TWLOHA reached a lot of people. “The main message that TWLOHA is trying to get across is that no matter who we are, there is overlap. We all share happiness, pain and humanity. We’re all alike,” Neill said. Students seeking guidance with issues involving depression, thoughts of suicide, addiction or other emotional ailments, should contact UB Counseling Services at 645-2720. E-mail:

Don’t miss...

Violinist Elmar Oliveira in recital with Robert Koenig, piano and Sandra Robbins, viola

Friday, September 11th 7:30PM

Program of works by

Lippes Concert Hall

Mozart, Schubert,

in Slee Hall

Handel-Halvorsen and Strauss

Tickets/Info: (716)645-2921

presented by the ub department of music

The Spectrum

September 9, 2009



Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan Managing Editors Ren LaForme, senior David Jarka Jennifer Lombardo News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Copy Editor Meghan Farrell Abbi Meade Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Eight years later Looking back on 9/11 U.S. history is filled with defining moments. They range from joyous occasions, such as July 4, 1776, to painful moments, like the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The common thread among these moments? They changed the country forever. A mere eight years ago, this country suffered another painful memory – a defining moment that will never leave the hearts and minds of Americans. On the fateful morning of Sept. 11, 2001, this country suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history when four commercial jet airliners were hijacked. Two planes crashed into and brought down the World Trade Center in New York City, while another crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. The last plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania. In total, 2,993 people were killed in the attacks. Most were civilians who hailed from more than 90 different countries. Americans were presented with a reality check: there are radicals in this world who seek to destroy the ideals this country was founded upon. Although these tragic events had major implications, some good has come out of them. As part of a wider service initiative, the federal government is trying to encourage Americans to pay tribute to those who died by making Sept. 11 into National Service day.

By joining these initiatives, Americans will show the patriotism and sense of community that this nation displayed in the face of the 9/11 attacks. Millions of Americans showed a tremendous outpouring of support to families who lost loved ones. Quite plainly, it seems astounding that some political pundits are debating this call to service. They feel as though it is disgracing the memory of the ones we lost, and making us appear weak on terrorism. Incorrect. A time-honored tradition in this country has been lost: a sense of duty, honor and service for the collective good. Whether it’s working at a homeless shelter, a food kitchen or volunteering at a local school, there could be no greater way to remember those we have lost. Although we may feel no safer than before, if everyone tried to make the world just a little better, we would be able to triumph over anything. Shifting our resources from war to peace would have lasting effects on all. The money that was spent on the War on Terror could have funded countless initiatives such as the National Service Act, highway reconstruction and many other government projects. If we can come together and demonstrate unity, terrorists will never win. There is no escape from the painful memories of 9/11. But with faith and unity we can shape its meaning; a reminder that a positive can be born out of sadness.

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editor Drew Brigham Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski

The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 04 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in Suite 132, Student Union, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Copyright 2009 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


An open letter to UB Dear Fellow Students, You may have heard of a recent incident which occurred during the summer break. This incident involved an encounter between me and two students working as orientation aides during the summer. I believe that both an explanation and an apology are owed by me. For me, Monday July 20, 2009 will be a day to remember. It started like any other day. Like most college students, I worked two jobs to earn extra money over the summer. In addition to completing my presidential duties, I worked as a residential counselor for the EOP summer program. On that evening, like every day in the month of July, I performed all of my normal duties as an SA president. I then headed back to my other job (EOP counselor) which was around the clock. While in my RA role and supervising students, I was harassed by two gentlemen. They came out of nowhere behind me and started insulting me along with the two girls I was with. Among the cursing and the yelling, one of the guys called me racial slurs. I was deeply hurt and stood up to the guys questioning what they were up to. The two gentlemen turned on me and got in my face. I felt threatened and I hit one of the guys in self-defense. I regret the way this happened and I am the first to condemn my provoked reaction. In no way, shape, or form did I intend to harm anyone. As far as the arrest, after four court dates, and a thorough examination by the Amherst court and the district attorney’s office, they both determined that no crime was committed. We live in a nation with a judicial system where any allegations must be addressed in the courts. It is unfortunate

that my character has been defamed while the legal process was taking place and that people have taken official positions in calling me a criminal before that process was completed. I want to sincerely apologize for my emotional and provoked reaction to the remarks I was called. I believe that one should never resort to aggression no matter what the circumstances are. I completely understand my mistake and regret the way it happened. I am sorry to you the students, the EOP Summer Program, as well as to the members of the Student Association. This unpleasant event was entirely out of character and does not reflect the true me. This was the first time in my life that I reacted aggressively, and I promise you that it will not happen again. I have been very cooperative throughout the process and like every UB student, have been held accountable through SWJ penalties and am due to appear before outside hearings. Unlike what you may have heard, I have built a personal relationship with many UB departments and Administrators to assure that SA’s goals are achieved. I only ask that you allow me to continue to work to earn your confidence again. Once again, I want to take this opportunity to condemn my actions and sincerely apologize for reacting unprofessionally. I have worked hard for you in the past several months and look forward to continuing that work throughout this academic year. Sincerely, Hassan Farah SA President [Edited for length]

Small town struggles This summer I totally wish I could have been like Miley Cyrus in Hannah Montana: The Movie as she sings her heart out to save her family’s hometown in Tennessee. However, I must face reality. I am not a pop star and I do not live in a fictitious world with sugarcoated happy endings. At this point you may be thinking to yourself, why am I babbling about some Disney Channel starlet, and how can I Ashley Hirt possibly relate this to Asst. News Editor my real life? For starters, I did not want to go visit my family’s hometown in Pennsylvania, just like Miley. I dreaded this trip because the most exciting thing to do there is to go to the Sheetz gas station to catch up on scandalous small town gossip, like who stole whose pig. Whoopee, excitement! I was completely bored out of my mind. I didn’t understand why they would all continue to live in a town with so little to do. However, as my stay continued, my greataunt and I took walks through town and she told me stories about when she was a kid. The reason she couldn’t leave was that everything that she had ever known was in that town. She showed me her old high school and the bowling alley she used to frequent. Sadly, like most of the town, both were closed and boarded up with nothing left but the names of the buildings fading away just like their forgotten heydays. It broke my heart when her eyes welled up with tears as we walked past the first house she had owned, which now was nothing but some peeling paint, a sunken roof and an indistinguishable brick sidewalk covered with weeds. Here is where Miley’s story really begins to deviate from mine. While she helped save her town from mall developers, I wanted nothing more than to save my family’s town from a crumbling future of ruins. I saw some signs of hope - a new bike trail called the Great Allegheny Passage had recently been built, and wind turbines were scattered on the outskirts of town along the hillside. However, my aunt gravely informed me that this wasn’t such a grand plan. The city wanted to pave over several historical locations to build a huge parking lot for the cyclists. Why does such a small town with no businesses need a gigantic parking lot? And the town clearly wasn’t receiving any revenue from the wind turbines: look at the dilapidated buildings and the amount of people barely making a living. The town is in great need of revitalization, but not in such a way that would destroy America’s great historical buildings. Just like many towns strewn across America, my family’s Pennsylvania hometown has forgotten the times of manufacturing plants and “Made in the U.S.A.” products. Some people argue that globalization has improved the world we live in, but has it really when third-world communities begin popping up in our own country? I completely agree that we need to develop business relationships with other countries, but we cannot at the same time let our own country go to ruins. That is why this country needs to be revitalized from the inside out, to cherish what our fallen heroes have fought so passionately for: our America. We need to make them proud with the revitalization of our towns and infrastructures, as well as work towards scientific progress that will create new jobs. I hope this town has a happy ending, or rather, a bright beginning.




September 9, 2009

The Spectrum

September 9, 2009


AR T S & LI F E Boys like beards BLUNT LOSIN’ By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor

Boys Like Girls were the sweetest little quartet atop the power-pop, Bracecore set. Fast-forward through three years of drinking and ratting around, add a light dusting of facial scruff, give or take a few Poison shirts and the boys are back – and definitely not the same sugar-rush that gave popular radio a case of juvenile diabetes three years ago. The change is obvious from the onset, with “Heart Heart Heartbreak” kicking things off with a funky synth battle call that sounds like a challenge to the Backstreet Boys hit “Larger than Life,” with a little Bon Jovi “It’s My Life” thrown in for good measure. Keeping up with their anthemlike intentions is “Love Drunk,” which sounds like the verses from their biggest hit, “The Great B– Escape,” got a little frisky with the chorus from The Killer’s “Somebody Told Me” and shot out a radio baby. Regardless of the similarities, the chorus is huge and barring any unforeseen missteps, should continue to catapult the Boston four-piece further into the mainstream that they tapped with their self-titled release. Staying on the electro-fused dance wagon is “She’s Got A Boyfriend Now” and more blatantly, “Real Thing,” which is a sweatband, bike shorts and laser show away from being directly out of the ’80s. With the swooping drums from Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me” and some playful guitar/synth banter, “Real Thing” is cheesy, retro fun. With a running theme of heartbreak and letdown, one would expect a fair share of ballads from the BLG crew. Though most of the downers come in an upbeat fashion, there are a couple of slowsters. The first ballad and surefire future single is “Two Is Better Than One,” featuring Taylor Swift. The song has the slow, dusty charm that usually accompanies Swift, but drags a little too much, even for a ballad. It’s not bad, but it’s no McGraw/Hill “It’s Your Love.” “Go” ends the album on a somewhat depressing note. As vocalist Martin Johnson slowly sings about the pain in healing, his band progresses through a simple, acoustic story and eventually lands in an orchestrated send-off. It’s almost as if Johnson is telling himself that his heartbroken hangover will pass as he sits in a puddle on the floor and struggles to hold himself together. Love Drunk is definitely a change for Boys Like Girls. Mostly upbeat with a slew of dejected lyrical themes, BLG have taken an odd approach to the stereotypical emo pen. The CD isn’t overly original and it’s definitely not the best album of the year, but it is fun and identifiable. And more or less, that was the intention. E-mail:

Katie Carlett / The Spectrum

By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor

There were white people – a lot of them. For the second year in a row, UB’s outdoor bash/pep rally for the football team’s home opener was moved to a rain location…on a beautiful, sunny day. Going for a more urban approach, this year’s festivities were dubbed The Block Party and were capped by Morrisville, Penn.’s white hottest MC, Asher Roth. Ignoring the fact that the supposed Block Party was pushed into Alumni Arena and not in front of the Center for the Arts, UB’s finest kicked off the night promptly around 7 p.m. Senior wide receiver Brett Hamlin and senior defensive end Dane Robinson of the football team served as hosts and did their best to usher up and out riveting appearances by the UB Dazzlers, cheerleaders and their fellow teammates. The only non-students on the mic were Bulls offensive coordinator Danny Barrett and Athletic Director Ward Manuel. Manuel seemed at home on stage as he asked the crowd if the team was going to win on Friday, in an obviously one-sided fashion. Maybe if

Asst. Arts Editor

What? When? Where?


Buffalo Bulls vs. Pittsburgh Panthers Saturday 12 p.m. UB Stadium After last weeks win over UTEP, the bulls will be coming full force to try and triumph over the Pittsburgh Panthers. Win or lose, it’s guaranteed to be a great game that will undoubtedly raise your blood pressure to an unnatural level.

Up next was an explanation about how to blunt cruise or “hot box” and a sample of the tracks Roth hits while getting lit. Dr. Dre’s “The Next Episode” got the loudest ovation of the night by far and was followed by Styles’ “Good Times.” Next, for “laughs,” Asher spun the Spice Girls’ hit “Wannabe.” Finally, Roth played “Blunt Cruisin” and went crazy during the “hide the weed” portion. After Roth called for a singa-long with his track “La Di Da,” a move that worked relatively well, he jovially summed himself up. “I just hang out and make stupid rap music and that’s it,” Roth said. After issuing ill will towards the ring tone industry and the usage of Auto Tune, Roth talked about the need for real music and played his upbeat social breakdown “Sour Patch Kids.” From here on, at the very least, Roth’s energy was contagious. After dancing and violently grooving along to “As I Em” and “Lion’s Roar,” Roth let his drummer, Lamar, take the spotlight for a bit with a solid song-ending solo. Roth then led the ladies in attendance to an anti-boyfriend chant that ended in “I love fellatio” and kicked

off “She Don’t Wanna Man.” Complete with the UB cheerleaders dancing on stage, Roth, DJ Wreckineyez and his hype man turned the track into an all out dance party. His hype man did his best to lure in the left-end cheerleader for a grind session, but she smoothly declined. “Make some noise for the cheerleaders. Now get the f**k off the stage,” Roth joked. After the legally pulled Weezer “Say It Aint So” sample hit the speakers and DJ Wrekineyez hit the 1’s and 2’s Grandmaster Flash behindthe-back-style, Roth jumped into “I Love College” and watched his only vocal accompaniment fill the gymnasium for his final few minutes. Replacing “college” with “UB,” Roth won some cheers and showed that he really knows his niche as a collegiate MC. After returning for a short encore with his ode to Jay-Z, “Roth Boys,” Asher Paul and his crew brought The Block Party to a close. It definitely wasn’t the best concert by any means. Many in attendance didn’t take Roth seriously. But hey, at least he had fun.


‘You need to gain a sense of community’

She cited the fact that 42 percent of homeless and very low-income individhave about the homeless. uals in Buffalo surveyed by the Home“Homelessness is an issue that is mis- less Alliance stated that they had to turn understood by many people,” Frysh said. down a job because they had no trans“It goes beyond being too lazy to get a portation route, such as a metro line or job.” bus rail, that could get them there. Participating in service projects such as this one reaching out to the Sept. 11 - 13 and less fortunate members of the community also Christopher Di Matteo help to further the vision of the UB 2020 program, Asst. Arts Editor Arts Editor according to Frysh. “There is a big push Free Tae Kwon Do What? What? The Beatles: Rock with UB 2020 to become class Band more actively engaged in When? Saturday 10 a.m. to the community,” Frysh When? The entire weekend 12 p.m. said. The Sept. 11 service Where? Your X-Box 360 or PS3 Where? 400 Exchange Street project is not the only way Why? Harmonix’s brand new that CSLCE is seeking Why? Learn to unleash the version of Rock Band is to help students become dragon within, free of probably their best charge and without more involved in the Bufone yet. Become the painting any fences or falo community. The cenFab Four and play all washing cars. their hits, what’s not to ter offers Saturdays of Serlove? vice volunteer opportuni-

SERVICE from page 1

This Weekend in Buffalo James Twigg

there were actually a football game on Friday, his speech would have held a candle of relevance in a windstorm of disinterest, but no dice. We play Saturday. After about eight seconds of encouragement from senior safety Mike Newton, and a cowbelled chant lead by senior offensive lineman Matt Bacoulis amidst a backdrop of the True Blue E-board and the SA trinity, Asher Paul Roth was finally introduced. Already off to a rough start, things didn’t exactly smooth out, even with the “King of the Blumpkins” taking center stage. Lead by DJ Wreckineyez and live drummer Kevin Lamar, Roth took the stage in a classic black Nike hoodie and jeans and showcased his longer, unkempt hair and a newly formed blonde dirt ‘stache that was primed and ready for action on his upper lip. After dabbling with “Lark On My Go-Kart” and stopping for crowd banter, Roth finished the track and brought its sample in about 30 seconds before they cut it. It’s all well and good playing a song with live drums, but when the song you’re playing is almost entirely fueled by a sample, you might want to spin it before the last verse.

Eric Hilliker

ties once a month, and it often engages in Habitat for Humanity projects. Another community service project, called Trick or Eat, will take place on Halloween. Costumed students will put a new spin on traditional trick-or-treating as they walk around neighborhoods in the outer suburbs of Buffalo, asking people for food to donate to local service agencies. Frysh encourages students to take part in the Sept. 11 service program out of their desire to make Buffalo a better place to live. This goal is not impossible to achieve, but she explained that an important first step is to take a first-hand glimpse at the lives of local people who are poverty-stricken. “You need to gain a sense of community and make Buffalo thrive,” Frysh said. “One way to do this is to understand the issues Buffalo is facing and make a positive change.”


The Spectrum


It’s A Whole Different Campus!

‘The team showed a lot of discipline’ SOCCER from page 8 the Pittsburgh defense.” With its first win behind it, Buffalo went into Sunday’s match looking to upset tournament host West Virginia (1-1-0). This time however, Buffalo found itself on the wrong side of a 1-0 score. “West Virginia was a bit more difficult.” Astudillo said. “To be honest, in the first half we made a couple of mistake but overall I thought we played real well.” In a physical game in which 37 total fouls were called, including nine yellow cards, one foul changed the course of the game. With less than seven minutes to play, senior midfielder Mateo Escobar received a red card and was ejected from the match. While getting tangled up with a West Virginia midfielder, Escobar caught the Mountaineer with an inadvertent elbow. “I thought it was a bad call,” Astudillo said. “The West Virginia midfielder was pulling our guy down.” The Bulls played into double overtime before giving up the tiebreaking goal with 55 seconds left. Playing a man down for over 35 minutes limited Buffalo’s offense as the team recorded just one shot on goal. While the men’s team started its schedule, the women’s team

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faculty & student

September 9, 2009

was trying to recoup a lengthy losing start to the season. The team went into its contest with Niagara winless after losing its first five contests. They were desperate for victory as they faced off against the Purple Eagles Wednesday at UB Stadium. After a stretch of missed opportunities and unlucky results, the team received a glimpse of hope late in the game from an unlikely hero and recorded its first win of the season. Toward the end of regulation, freshman defender Katie Kerr broke the scoreless stalemate by recording her first career goal. Kerr received a pass from freshman midfielder Taylor Thompson and lofted the ball gently over the outstretched hands of Niagara (2-2-0) junior goalkeeper Ashleigh Bowers. The goal from the newcomer proved to be the winner and gave Buffalo (1-5-0) a 1-0 victory. Kerr ranked the goal as her best moment at Buffalo thus far. “It felt really good,” Kerr said. “I think it’s going to make us come together more as a team now and hopefully keep winning.” Each side had opportunities to light up the scoreboard during the first half, but neither team tallied the go-ahead goal. Niagara outshot the Bulls 6-4 throughout the first 45 minutes, but both keepers kept the game scoreless.

The hard-nosed defense kept up in the second stanza as the two teams battled in search of the elusive first score, before Kerr’s goal. Head coach Michael Thomas was elated for his team after the hard fought contest. “The team deserves it so much,” Thomas said. “Every player, whether they played 90 minutes or if they didn’t even see the field, has been working for this.” Thomas was also impressed by the level at which his team competed. “The team showed a lot of discipline,” Thomas said. “Tonight, it was definitely a game that ebbed and flowed. When the other team had it and we had to defend, we did a great job of showing some discipline and defending.” The women look to gain more momentum on Sunday when they host Binghamton University. The game will kick off at noon at UB Stadium. Meanwhile, the men’s soccer team continues with matchups against two more Big East teams. On Friday, the Bulls visit Marquette for a 7 p.m. kickoff, followed by a Sunday clash with DePaul. Game time is set for noon. E-mail:

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Over 16,000 tickets sold FOOTBALL from page 8 UTEP. But Pittsburgh’s defense comes into UB Stadium looking to plug up running holes and put the pressure on sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard to make plays. According to Gill, Pittsburgh’s defensive line will be the best defensive front four his team will battle in the trenches this season. Defensive ends Greg Romeus and Jabaal Sheard combined for 13 sacks last season, one less than the entire Buffalo defense totaled. “Size and strength are probably

the two biggest things that stand out,” Gill said. “Their two defensive ends are very good. They have good size and very good speed coming off the edge. They also play against the run very well. They also have two very good defensive tackles. They’re very strong and stout, but they can also run very well. They have played well together in the last year, so they haven’t had a lot of changes there.” Buffalo’s offensive line goes into Saturday looking to limit the Panthers’ defensive line’s effectiveness against what is expected to be a large home crowd. According to Associate Athlet-

ics Director for Communications Paul Vecchio, over 16,000 tickets have been sold thus far and the department is expecting a large walk up crowd and an even bigger student turnout. In addition, Pittsburgh is bringing 1,200 fans of its own and its marching band. Kickoff is slated for noon at UB Stadium. The game will be broadcast on SportsNet New York (SNY).


Huge challenge for Maynard SANCHIRICO from page 8


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Is the new quarterback ready? On the few pass plays in which Maynard threw the ball downfield, he threw frozen ropes that sailed past his receivers. The Bulls may need more than a Beffort to give the crowd at UB Stadium, which many expect to be filled to the maximum, a game to cheer about. It’ll be a huge challenge for Maynard, one in which the odds are against him.

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September 9, 2009

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The Spectrum


SP O R T S Rust belt showdown By DAVID SANCHIRICO David Sanchirico Senior Sports Editor

Maynard’s second go-round Remember the first class you ever took here at UB? You came into school highly unprepared for the workload you were about to receive. Your refusal to complete the reading, combined with your discovery of Thirsty Thursdays, led to an underperformance in your 101 classes. Your grade? A C-plus. Not even the all-nighter you pulled before the final could send your grade above a 2.5. When sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard walked out of Buffalo’s locker room after a victory on his first career start, he gave himself the same barely acceptable grade. “I made a lot of bad reads here and there,” Maynard said. To be honest, Maynard is his own toughest critic. Facing a complex defensive scheme away from home, Maynard went 12for-19 for 159 yards and a touchdown. He effectively read UTEP’s blitzing packages and delivered the ball to his open receivers with consistency. Most importantly, the inexperienced quarterback committed no turnovers and kept UTEP’s highly explosive offense off the Sun Bowl turf. He accomplished the team’s goal. Head coach Turner Gill and the offensive coaching staff went into Maynard’s first game intending to ease the quarterback into the offense. The conservative offensive attack put Maynard into the best position to win, and though Maynard was not able to display his cannon-like left arm all that often, the short passes and rollouts offensive coordinator Danny Barrett called helped Maynard show his instincts and reading ability. Maynard’s game management skills most certainly earned a solid B. Now it remains to be seen if Maynard’s arm and legs can carry the team to a win against a tough BCS opponent. Maynard and the Bulls will need to open up the offensive playbook to score against Pittsburgh, which has the best defense the young gunslinger will battle this 2009 season. The defense Maynard will try to outmaneuver contains potentially five All-Big East selections. They will break down Maynard’s tape from Saturday’s game and see a see SANCHIRICO page 6

Senior Sports Editor

The football team hasn’t faced a Big East squad at UB Stadium since a game against Syracuse in 2004. At the time, Buffalo was still at the bottom of the Division I basement and a substantial amount of the attendees that filled the Bulls’ home stadium wore orange instead of Buffalo blue. SU came into Buffalo and knocked the Bulls around to the tune of a 37-17 slashing. Now with a Mid-American Conference championship, an abundance of returning starters and a winning record, Buffalo is not only expecting a large home crowd, but a competitive game when the Bulls (1-0) square off with the Pittsburgh Panthers (10) on Saturday afternoon. This will be the second meeting in as many seasons between these two foes. Last year’s contest at Heinz Field was close. A touchdown reception by senior wide receiver Brett Hamlin in the third quarter got the Bulls within one point of their opponent, but the Panthers outgained the Bulls 132-43 in the fourth quarter and scored 10-unanswered points to finish the game with a 27-

Spectrum File Photo

After opening the season with a road win, the football team returns home Saturday for its highly anticipated matchup with Pittsburgh.

16 win. Last year’s tight game, combined with the team’s success last season, showed senior tight end Jesse Rack and the rest of the Bulls they have what it takes to win against the Panthers. “After winning the MAC Championship, we feel like we’re a much better

team,” Rack said. “They’re a Big East team, but we feel like we can compete with them. It’s not as if we’re the underdog and they’re this big giant team. We feel like we’re on an even plain with them and last year’s game could have [gone] either way.” The Buffalo defense

allowed 352 yards and kept the Bulls in the game against Pittsburgh running back LeSean McCoy and the rest of the Panther offense last season. The run defense limited McCoy, now on the Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL, to 97 yards on 20 carries. This year, Buffalo defense will have to contain another strong Pittsburgh runner. Redshirt freshman Dion Lewis, from Albany, NY, was impressive during his debut last week, galloping for 129 yards and scoring three touchdowns in the Panthers’ 38-3 season opening win against Youngstown State. Head coach Turner Gill classifies Lewis as a guy that can do everything running the ball. “[Against Youngstown State] he showed his great speed, his great quickness and running ability,” Gill said. “He can make plays and run over people, but most importantly, he can make people miss.” Buffalo counters with its own effective running attack. Junior running back Brandon Thermilus and senior running back Mario Henry combined to give the Bulls a productive ground game against see FOOTBALL page 6

Kicking away the competition By MATTHEW PARRINO and JOE PATERNO Asst. Sports Editors

Disappointing campaigns plagued both the men’s and women’s soccer teams last season. The men were knocked out of the Mid-American Conference Tournament in the quarterfinals, while the women failed to win a MAC contest. However, both teams experienced the feeling of success in the last week. Heading into the 2009 season, the men’s soccer team set its sights on winning Buffalo’s first ever MAC championship and advancing to the NCAA Tournament. The journey to achieve that goal began this past weekend as they opened the regular season with two games against Big East foes at the West Virginia Nike Classic. First up was the Pittsburgh Panthers. While it might not have been the prettiest of performances, Buffalo (1-1) opened the season on a high note by defeating the Panthers (1-2-0), 1-0. Though the team exuded effort, its play lacked consistency. “We looked like a college team that was playing its first college match,” said head coach John Astudillo. “[At times] we looked good and at times we didn’t. Our play was a little inconsis-

September 9, 2009

SCOUTING PITTSBURGH 2009 Record: 1-0 Last Game: Win vs.

Youngstown State, 38-3

Last Meeting: Sept. 6, 2008,

Pittsburgh 27-16

Key Players

QB Bill Stull – 68.8 completion percentage, 123 yards, 2 touchdowns RB Dion Lewis – 20 carries, 129 yards, 2 rushing touchdown, 1 receiving touchdown LB Adam Gunn – 8 tackles, 2 sacks

Buffalo Will Win If…

Both the offensive and defensive lines can control the line of scrimmage against the physically imposing big men of Pitt.

Pittsburgh Will Win If…

Quarterback Bill Stull can display efficiency and running back Dion Lewis can consistently churn out lengthy runs.


“The major advantage that the Bulls had over their opponents last season was that their competitors rarely gave them the credit they deserved. After winning the MAC Championship last year and making it to the International Bowl game, Buffalo received its fair share of national attention and its hard-nosed defense, relentless rushing attack and NFL-bound star wide receiver are no longer a secret. Pittsburgh has been preparing for Saturday’s game as if Buffalo were a ranked team, so the Bulls can expect to have their hands full all day long. “The crowd should give UB a slight edge, but won’t win the game for them. In what I expect will be a hard-fought battle, I think the Bulls will fall just short this Saturday.”



Jeff Liu / The Spectrum

Women’s soccer got its first win of the season against Niagara while the men went 1-1 at the West Virginia Tournament.

tent, but at this level, any time you can get a win when you aren’t playing as well as you should, I think it’s pretty great for the kids.” Having lost the bulk of their starting lineup from last season, the Bulls came into their first match somewhat inexperienced. With newcomers on the defensive line and a new goalkeeper, Astudillo relied heavily on his midfielders and attackers. “We absolutely beat

Pittsburgh at midfield,” Astudillo said. “We defended them extremely well. We did give up a few scoring opportunities which made me nervous, but I thought at halftime we adjusted a bit better.” It didn’t take long for the Bulls to get their first goal of the season as senior midfielder Alex Mihal ripped a 30-yard shot into the back of the net during the 18th minute of the match. The lone goal proved to be all Buffalo needed for the

match, and the only one they would produce in the tournament. Astudillo recognized Mihal as the man of the match for more than just his game-winning shot. “Mihal was the player of the match, but for other reasons besides the fact that he scored,” Astudillo said. “He was going in there with some pretty dangerous chances up front and created a lot of havoc for see SOCCER page 6

“This game will come down to the battle of the trenches and stamina. Against UConn, another Big East team with impressive offensive and defensive lines, the Bulls couldn’t muster any pressure on the Huskies’ quarterback, running back Donald Brown ran all over the field and UConn’s defensive line closed all the running gaps. “From last week’s game, I can tell that Buffalo’s lines are better than last year’s. Good enough to handle Pittsburgh’s big men? That remains to seem. “Last year against Pittsburgh, Buffalo played extremely well for three quarters, only to wear down in the final game and drop the contest. With more depth on the roster, I think the large crowd and the confidence will keep the team’s energy level high for this one. “I’ll go for the upset here. The intangibles are once again in Buffalo’s favor, and there’s something telling me that Pittsburgh will come in with some overconfidence, even though they vow they will not.”


Bulls 27, Panthers 24

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