The Spectrum Volume 59 Issue 7

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The Spectrum h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Friday, September 18, 2009

Volume 59 Issue 07

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

House passes biggest student aid bill in history By CAITLIN TREMBLAY News Editor

Despite the fledgling economy, college may become more affordable for many students beginning in the 2010-11 academic year. On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, which, if passed by the Senate, will become the largest

federal contribution to college affordability in American history. “This marks a new era for students across Western New York, and reaffirms our commitment to higher education. It also guarantees that our future workforce is well educated,” said Louise Slaughter (D-NY). Victoria Dillon, a press officer for Slaughter, said that Thursday

“This marks a new era for students across Western New York” - Lo u i s e S l a u g h te r ( D - NY )

was a “milestone” day for the education world and that this legislation merely passing the House is a small victory. “The plan works two-fold. It will give more aid to the students as well as [saving] the government money and cutting the federal deficit by $10 billion,” she said. The bill calls for pouring more money into Pell Grants and other

federally subsidized loans covered by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which will not only give more students the opportunity to receive government funds, it will also cut out the private lender middlemen. “It’s smart for students and fiscally responsible. Private loans are subsidized by taxpayers anysee BILL page 4

Annan calls for global unity By REN LaFORME

Senior Managing Editor

Terrorism. H1N1. Global warming. Economic crisis. The problems that today threaten to destroy nations are the same ones that must unite them. That message was delivered on Wednesday by Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who spoke to a crowded auditorium in Alumni Arena as part of UB’s 23rd annual Distinguished Speaker Series. “Against such threats, no nation can make itself secure by seeking exclusive security,” Annan said. Upon walking on stage, Annan – who won the Nobel in 2001 – received a standing ovation before he uttered a single word. He began his speech with an anecdote about the first time he came to the United States to study – Annan attended college in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1961. Having grown up in the nation of Ghana in central Africa, Annan was not used to cold weather. “I could understand why I

needed heavy clothing, but there was one item I was determined not to use because I thought it was not elegant – the earmuffs,” Annan said, drawing laughs from the crowd. However, after one particularly cold day, Annan changed his mind. “I have never felt that cold. I thought I was going to lose my ears,” Annan said. “It was a lesson – a lesson that you don’t walk into an environment and pretend you know better than the natives. You better listen to them and do what they do.” Using lessons he learned as secretary general, Annan spoke about five principles that nations must follow to find success in the global age. The first principle concerned the realization that the fates of nations are tied together. “In today’s world, the security of everyone else is linked to that of the other,” Annan said. This is why, Annan stated, the U.N. steps in when governments fail to protect their own people. “You cannot hide behind sovereignty and brutalize your own people,” Annan said. “Some crimes are so shameful that we

developing story


News Editor

Tuesday night, UB alumnus Thomas Leone tragically passed away in Niagara Falls, according to brothers of the Delta Sigma Pi coed business fraternity. Leone, a brother of the fraternity who graduated last spring with a Bachelor of Science in business administration, was

One-on-one interview on page 2 cannot sit back and do nothing.” Annan’s second point was that nations must realize that they all have a stake in one another and that all deserve to be successful. “We are also, in some measures, responsible for each other’s welfare. Global solidarity is both possible and necessary,” Annan said. “We have to give each citizen a chance to share in our prosperity.” The U.N. pushed this principle during the Millennium Summit, a three-day meeting between many of the world’s leaders in 2000, according to Annan. The summit led to the creation of the Millennium Development Goals, which pushes for clean water for all, aid for those who live on less than $1 per day, primary education for all children, a reduction of infant and maternity mortality rates, and an increased battle against the HIV/AIDS epidemic, among other objectives. see ANNAN page 2

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan called for more cooperation between nations during his speech in Alumni Arena on Wednesday.

Improving life in the Heights By CHELSIE HINCKLEY

still active in the Alpha Kappa chapter up until his death. The cause of death is currently unknown and an investigation is still ongoing. Stay with The Spectrum for more information concerning this tragic incident.

Staff Writer


University Police have teamed up with the Office of Off-Campus Student Services to make the University Heights a safer place.

Inside: Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds .............. 7 Opinion .................... 3 Sports .................... 8 This Weekend ........ 5

UNFRUITFUL RETURN A Buffalo comeback fell short against the Orange. See Page 8

For many UB students, living off campus is an attractive alternative to dorm life — there’s more privacy, no shared bathroom and the feeling of complete responsibility. But many don’t consider the potential issues that living off campus can cause. Students living off campus, especially those living near South Campus in the University Heights,

WIRED COMEDY Matt Damon stars as the hilariously naïve informant!

See Page 5

are not only held to UB rules and regulations, but to the rules of their new landlords as well, which can cause issues as college students experiment with their first real tastes of freedom. Last year, UB established the Office of OffCampus Student Services, which is working to meet some of these issues as well as help create a sense of community that the office feels is long missing see HEIGHTS page 4

Weather: Fri: 70o high / 45o low Sat: 64o high / 47o low Sun: 73o high / 58o low

The Spectrum


September 18, 2009

From Africa to Alumni Arena Inside the mind of Kofi Annan By REN LaFORME

Senior Managing Editor

As secretary-general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan traveled the world fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic, extreme poverty and the threat of terrorism. Senior Managing Editor Ren LaForme had the opportunity to sit down with Annan in an exclusive interview before his speech at Alumni Arena on Wednesday to learn more about the man behind the battles. The Spectrum: How do you like Buffalo so far? Annan: So far, so good. We just got here. We like it. S: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A: Oh gosh, that’s a question that takes me so far back. As typical at that age, there was a shift. One day you want to be a soccer player. One day you want to be a professor. Another time you want to be a politician because I was growing up at a time when the struggle for independence was taking place, so you saw these politicians all making speeches in front of the nation and sometimes if he did it nice you want to do something like that. Of course as you grow older and you get exposed, you find yourself in certain situations. Your life takes

other turns and it’s not always planned. Sometimes circumstances decide for you. S: You devoted much of your career to battling HIV and AIDS. Is there anything that students can do to help that cause? A: I think there’s a lot that students can do. I encourage students to start in their own community. It doesn’t even have to be HIV/AIDS. If you see something going wrong that you believe is not right, you should feel free to organize yourself in a group of friends and try and do something about it. A lot of people believe that we don’t have much to do and we don’t have power, but sometimes all that you need is just to be able to say, “Stop it, this is enough.” I mean, you can imagine a young boy being bullied and someone comes by and says, “This has gone too far.” [Imagine] the courage it gives the one being bullied to fight back to ensure that this does not continue. S: What do you expect to see the Obama administration do differently from the Bush Administration as far as foreign policy is concerned? A: I would expect Washington to work with other governments. We live in an interdependent world and no government can act alone and effectively. So we need to approach issues multilaterally. We are dealing with issues that no country all alone can tackle and overcome. We’ve seen what happened with the global economic crisis. We

are now in the midst of climate change. We’ve seen issues like the swine flu. We all are in the same boat, so we have to work together and reach out to each other with concentration and respect. S: You have a long career in public service. Do you have any regrets? A: Not as a public servant. I think I was happy with the choice that I made and I think a public servant is a great career to be … and I hope that the young graduates here will find satisfaction in public service. There are times when you feel frustrated that things are not moving fast enough or one does not have all the resources required to do what one would like to do, but in other ways you can make a difference. Even if it’s to help one person, it’s worth it. S: What are you most proud of during your long career? A: I think the fight for the poor and the 2000 Millennium Summit where all the heads of state came together and created the Millennium Development Goals to help the poor to make sure that they have clean drinking water, that each boy and all girls get a primary education, and in a way, coming up with these eight goals which became a common great work for development, I think that was important. S: What is your advice for the U.S. regarding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Now that we’re in these wars what should we do?

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

Kofi Annan sat down with The Spectrum to discuss a variety of topics.

A: I think the new administration is trying to come up with an approach, a strategy, that could lead to stability in these two regions and an eventual withdrawal of the U.S. troops. It is a very complex and very difficult issue. It is something that one side alone cannot do. The Afghan people and the U.S. troops and the government will have to work together, just as you’ve been trying to do in Iraq, to ensure that the population can take over its own security and try to establish a country governed by the rule of law. And this does take time, but I think that one has to intensify that effort because without that, it could be quite dangerous to withdraw when they have not reached a level of stability. S: As secretary-general for the U.N., you obviously traveled to many different countries. Do you have a favorite country to visit? A: The world is an exciting and wonderful place and there are

lots of great places I would like to go again. I hope when you finish your studies you will take the time to travel and see the world — I say travel makes the man. There are very exciting places to see. I don’t want to be a tour guide. If I had a Shangri-La or a particular place — there are lots of places and I don’t think I can focus on one particular place as the place. There are many, many exciting places to see – that is what is wonderful about the world. We tend to simplify … but there are lots of wonderful, exciting places around the world. S: Buffalo is world famous for its chicken wings. Do you have any plans to try them? A: We can try it. Are you going to cook them for us? [Laughs] We haven’t tried it but we would love to try it, maybe tonight. So you’ve given us an idea of what to have tonight.


Rise to the challenge ANNAN from page 1 Annan stressed that the U.S. can make a huge difference in overall global welfare by joining the Kyoto Protocol, an international environmental treaty battling greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. “Both security and development ultimately depend on respect for human rights and the rule of law,” Annan said, highlighting his third point. He stressed that the people of the world focus too often on what divides them, rather than what binds them together. “Our world continues to be divided by economic differences, religion, and culture,” Annan said. “If our different communities are to live together in peace, we must stress what unites us – common humanity.” He stated that nations must abide by a set of ideals based on human rights to govern the people of the world. The former secretary general said that nations which do not abide by these rights may be considered illegitimate by other nations, which led him to his next point. “Governments must be accountable for their actions in the international avenue as well as the domestic one,” he said. According to Annan, poor states and rich states must be held accountable in vastly different ways. “Poor … states are easily held to account because they need foreign assistance,” Annan said. “Larger states can be constrained only by their own people watch-

ing through domestic institutes.” Annan’s last point tied his others together. “We can only do all these things by working together through multilateral institutions and … the United Nations,” he said. However, Annan noted some pitfalls in the U.N. that must be corrected before these goals can be accomplished. He stated that developing countries should be granted more influence within the U.N.’s security council. “U.N. Security Council membership still reflects the geopolitical realities of 1945 and not today’s world,” Annan said. He also stated that permanent Security Council members with veto powers must respect their responsibility and stop using the U.N. as a bargaining chip. “[The Security Council is] not just another stage to act out on,” Annan said. He also criticized the lack of cooperation between the U.S. and the U.N. in previous years. “None of our global institutions can accomplish much when the U.S. is aloof,” Annan said. He said that when the U.S. is working with U.N., “the sky is the limit.” Annan ended his speech by calling upon students to take up the mantle of responsibility and fight to improve the world. “The education you are receiving here at UB is a privilege for which you have worked extremely hard,” Annan said. “I, for one, have confidence that you will rise to the challenge.” E-mail:

The Spectrum

September 18, 2009


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan Managing Editors Ren LaForme, senior David Jarka Jennifer Lombardo News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Copy Editors Meghan Farrell Abbi Meade Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editor Drew Brigham Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski

The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 07 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2009 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


School’s out High school principal sentenced There are few things more tragic than a school official breaking the trust bestowed upon her by the community. Former Kenmore East High School Principal LuAnn E. Ostanksi was finally sentenced on Wednesday after being caught stealing in March. Ostanksi pledged guilty to a reduced charge and agreed to pay a fine for taking money from her school. The Town of Tonawanda police have the proof in two photos showing Ostanksi wearing a black sweatshirt and latex gloves while reaching into an envelope pulled from the school safe. In a second photo, Ostanksi can be seen reaching into a cash bag. Rumors about money disappearing from the school safe have circulated in the high school for nearly the last two years. There has been outrage and a sense of disbelief over a trusted public figure stealing money from a school district, especially someone like Ostanksi, who plays a role in shaping and guiding the youth of Tonawanda. But does this latest act of greed truly surprise anyone? America has entered the

“Bernie Madoff” era. Widespread greed has overtaken so many facets of the country. Unfortunately, it has finally struck the academic world. Ostanski made $100,000 a year but stole just under $1,000 in two years. Despicable acts like this, which are now not only common on Wall Street, but also in blue-collar communities, start to call into question people’s moral decency. While many Americans are just trying to make it through the day, some are living outside their means. Ostanski pleaded guilty to attempted petit larceny, and will recieve counseling and pay a $500 fine. Although there has been no official ruling, Ostanski will most likely lose her certification for being a school administrator. The punishment seems a bit lacking. Perhaps the addition of community service or another form of punishment would suffice for the act of betrayal enacted on the community. This incident reveals that we may not know our teachers as well as we think we do.

Troubles for drinks with bubbles Sugar tax a way to fight obesity and pay for health care There’s an expression: “Right idea, wrong execution.” The New England Journal of Medicine illustrated this when it published an article written by a group of prominent doctors and policy makers stating that a tax on sugary drinks would not only raise revenue, but also have significant health benefits. The bill calls for a tax based on the amount ounce of sugar in certain drinks. The thought of passing such a bill seems ridiculous. If the government wants to tax Americans more, it should have the candor to admit it, and not hide behind the guise of helping Americans. The group, which includes New York City Health Commissioner Thomas Farley and Arkansas Surgeon General Joseph Thompson, concludes that a tax on sugary beverages would raise almost $15 billion in the first year alone. The tax would apply to beverages such as sodas, energy drinks, sports drinks, certain juices and iced teas, while leaving out sugarfree diet drinks. There has been strong opposition by companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which are two of the largest drink producers in the country. But there is a slight undertone of silliness. There are already taxes on cigarettes, lottery tickets and various other products. If the government wants to be serious about fighting obesity in this country, they should go after

McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s. When the price of soda goes up 10 percent, consumption declines 8 to 10 percent, according to the study. That would be the case with any product. If fast food restaurants got rid of the dollar menu, how much business they would lose? Of course raising the price of a product would result in a decline in consumption. This proposal doesn’t set a real precedent of fighting obesity in this country – it is merely a small gesture that the policy makers of this country are making to prove that they care about the health of the public. If pop is the first thing they are going after, America is in trouble. This certainly opens up the door for the possibility of taxing other things, such as steak, fast food and bacon. These are the things they should go after if they really want to persuade the public to adopt healthier eating habits. The government has the responsibility to ensure that our food meets acceptable standards for consumption, but it does not have the right to decide whether or not we can get our fill of soda and greasy fried foods. After all, this is America, the land of liberty and the pursuit of the cheapest, most fulfilling food available. Drink up.

a halfway decent wage equate to a pleasant work experience for me. My day starts around 9 a.m. and wraps up before 2 p.m. This starting time allows me to get rest even if I stay up late the night before, while the earlier end to the shift gives me It was about making money. The the opportunity to still enjoy the awkwardness of the situation never day. The work itself is normally not a bothered me and I just wanted to do what I had to do to make some big issue. Although my status as a cash. sub-kitchen worker means I may As I walked into my old high not always know the exact proceschool, a place that I was still very dures of when to frost the cookies or familiar with despite having gradu- when it is time to start busting suds, ated several years ago, it never all the tasks are straightforward and do not require any dawned on me that I was major training or constant about do something that supervision. was often looked down I found dealing upon by many people. with students to be much I was about to serve lunch. less of an issue than I Hairnet jokes aside, expected. There will David Jarka this fall I decided to work always be those idiots you Managing Editor for my local school district as need to deal with, but they are a substitute kitchen worker, more always in a minority. A lot of it has commonly known as a “lunch lady.” to do with the age gap between the I needed a part-time job to keep gas current senior class and I, which is in my car and food in my refrigera- about eight years. I assume it would tor. be much worse if I were scooping It might not be the most common out beef crumble for students right job for a college-aged worker. I’m after I graduated. not slaving away in retail, calling However, the job is not perfect. people to tell them to pay their bills I usually have a sore back by the or waiting tables all night long, like end of the day, but it quickly goes many of my peers. away after relaxing for a little bit But frankly, as in many other when I get home. I am also the only things in my life, I do not care about 20-something and the sole male in fitting into a certain typecast in my the kitchen. However, even that job. I have already worn a few mis- does not bother me too much since erable hats similar to those I men- everyone I have worked with so far tioned, and do not care to put them has been cool and accepted me. back on. They can be saved for some The one thing that bothers me, other poor college kid who needs which I cannot shake off somesome extra booze money. Not con- times, is hearing the amount of forming to this social norm is per- money and the union benefits my fectly fine with me. co-workers receive as permanent Despite the stereotypical stigma full-timers. Hearing that some peoassociated with the job, I have found ple make almost double my wage, dishing out cooked carrots and mac- get full medical insurance and are aroni to be fairly enjoyable. Good in the retirement system, combined work hours, not overly complicated see JARKA page 4 work, no overbearing bosses, and

Dishing it out

house to make sure our door was totally closed, or else he would run away: dodging traffic, terrorizing our neighbor’s pet bunnies, and occasionally decapitating a bird or five. Thank goodness for ID tags. We I always wanted to have a dog. would get calls from people as far as I was allergic to the two cats my the next town. mom insisted on keeping and I was “Uhh... we found your dog. He jealous of all the puppies my friends was in our trash. We tied him to our seemed to be getting. And then, on front porch, so… if you could come Christmas Eve in 2001, my parget him… he’s kind of freaking ents surprised us with an our dog out…” Airedale Terrier puppy. He does not do well with Not to be cheesy, but it other dogs. really was the best presBird murder and ent ever. pet psychiatric abuse It took us forever to aside, Patrick always name him. Airedales are makes you laugh. When from England. My sensait’s time to play, he’ll litRachel Lamb tionally British grandmother erally place his toys in your Asst. Life Editor insisted on Winston. His hair lap, walk away and wait for you was curly and thick, so we contem- to throw them. His favorite game plated Paddington. Then Paddy. is stealing shoes, the TV remote or Finally, on the way to some Christ- other objects at crucial moments mas party, I thought of a cartoon and having you chase him around episode that I had watched earlier. the dining room table in circles. I suggested Patrick. It took me forever to get my Rock Yes, friends, I got my dog’s name Band drumsticks back. from Spongebob Squarepants’ best My mom doesn’t want him on our friend. couches, so he has a designated spot I wanted a dog because I longed with a blanket over it. If you’re sitfor the companionship I so often ting on it and he wants to lie down, saw in movies, television and with he will crawl on top of you until you my friends. I wanted the furry friend move. Did I mention he’s over 80 that would sit with you when you pounds? The funny thing about dogs is were sad, go for long runs with you that they know when you’re upset. and cuddle you late at night. When I left for college, he let me Patrick is not that kind of dog. In our defense, he was our first hug him for at least two minutes dog, and after cats, countless hermit until I decided to let go. I mentioned crabs and millions of fish, we had before that he does not like cudno idea how to train him. When he dling. Whenever I come home for started disobeying us we laughed at breaks, my dad always brings him in how cute he was and how he could the car when he picks me up from the airport or the train. Then, Patnot run very well. Eventually he learned how to rick wags his tail so hard his entire run – really, really fast. see LAMB page 4 It became the No. 1 rule in our

Patrick & Me

The Spectrum


September 18, 2009

‘We need to cut down on errors’ VOLLEYBALL from page 8

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Errors were the decider as Buffalo committed 30 offensive errors and 11 service errors, while Syracuse committed only 25 and six, respectively. “We need to cut down on errors,” Kress said. “We definitely made errors at the wrong times and it clearly hurt us.” Junior outside hitter Marisa Hornbaker led the Bulls offense with a career-high 22 kills and a hitting percentage of .286. Senior outside hitter Dani Silvers also contributed with 18 kills, some of which came at essential points in the Bulls’ comeback. Silvers returns to the lineup this season after missing much of last year due to injury.


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from the Heights. If they break any regulation or cause trouble in their neighborhoods, they can be held liable and fined. In addition, students living in houses in the University Heights that are caught throwing more than one loud and rowdy party are first warned and then expelled, according to new regulations put in place by the university. Outside of the rules and regulations focus, Off-Campus Student Services also directs a lot of attention toward community involvement. On the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, the office held a block party and safety fair, attracting an estimated 750 people. It brought together residents and businesses from the University Heights neighborhood to share information about organizations in the community. The fire department also held a

BILL from page 1 way, so by increasing funding for the federal loans, more money goes directly to students and saves the government money,” Dillon said. The bill, if passed, will save the government over $87 billion over 10 years and will offer funds to over 270,000 additional college students when it goes into effect. Up to $130 million will directly affect New York State. According to the Congressional Budget Office, SAFRA is paid by overhauling the way student loans are financed. By cutting out the private banks, the government can give out more money while it saves money and essentially reinvest its savings back into the federal aid system, creat-

No hairnet JARKA from page 3


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demonstration on how quickly an apartment can burn from a candle. Off-Campus Student Services also conducted “operation door hanger” before the beginning of the academic year, in which they distributed 2,700 recycled shopping bags to homes in the neighborhood with important numbers to call, information on recycling and first aid kits in an effort to make the Heights a safer place to live. Senior mentor Stacey Fredrick lives in off campus housing on Highgate Avenue. She said that although she has read though the safety tips provided on the OffCampus Student Services Web site, she hasn’t actually used any of the services they provide. She does, however, use the Anti-Rape Task Force Safety Shuttles on a regular basis. Another responsibility of OffCampus Student Services is to help with situations that often

arise with apartment living standards and leases. Dan Ryan, director of off campus student services, discussed one such situation. “Many students are living in apartments with landlords that are taking advantage of them because they don’t understand the terms of their lease,” Ryan said. The office is readily available to help with unsafe living conditions, including bad plumbing, poor electricity and landlords that try to take students’ security deposits and not return them. The central goal of Off-Campus Student Services is to help students get more involved in their community, enabling them to be safer and more responsible citizens. By implementing new changes this academic year, the office is helping students who live off campus stay connected to the school. E-mail:

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47 assists and four service aces while Kacie MacTavish contributed on defense with 20 digs. Buffalo has used its non-conference matchups to tune itself up before the MAC portion of their schedule beings on Sept. 25. “Every day we try to get better,” Kress said. “We want to be peaking and hitting on all cylinders when we begin to play in conference.” The Bulls travel to Ithaca this weekend for a triple-header at the Cornell Tournament. Buffalo begins play against St. John’s on Friday at 4 p.m. before taking on Colgate and host Cornell on Saturday.

Making the heights a safer place to live HEIGHTS from page 1

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“When she is operating at 100 percent, it is definitely good to have her out there,” Kress said. The offensive attack was set in motion by junior setter Lindsey Schlegel, who racked up a matchhigh 49 assists for the Bulls. Freshman defensive specialist Tori Beckman had a career-high 24 digs. Senior defensive specialist Lauren Fensten added 18 digs of her own. Junior middle backer Kristin Bignell recorded eight total blocks, including three solo, while junior middle backer Kelsey Lueders accumulated seven blocks, including one solo. Sarah Morton led the Syracuse attack with 19 kills and a hitting percentage of .405. Morton added four blocks for the Orange. Laura Homann amassed

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with the little experience that is required to get hired, often gets me thinking: “Why the hell am I still going to college to be a future starving journalist?” The next time you see someone that might not fit into the sociogender norm of the job they’re working, remember that they are just doing what they need to do to make some sort of living. And for the record, due to my short haircut, I do not need to wear a hairnet. E-mail:

ing an opportunity for growth. If the Senate passes the bill, it will go into effect beginning July 1. In addition to offering more money to more students, the bill also aims to make applying for this money even easier. As per President Obama’s campaign promise and presidential agenda, the bill will help make the FAFSA easier to fill out and more userfriendly. “The FAFSA will have an easier application process, which should help more students apply for aid,” Slaughter said. According to Dillon, FAFSA applications are expected to rise if the bill goes into effect. Statistics from Slaughter’s Washington office project an increase of almost 20,000 applicants, from

39,000 to 58,000 in the 2012-13 academic year. The bill will also give money to community colleges in order to bolster the economy with expanded job retraining and skills workshops. “It’s really win-win-win,” Dillon said. Slaughter believes that if the bill is passed, the results will be visible to thousands of college students across Western New York. “Students get more money, schools get more money, the government saves money and we decrease the deficit. [Thursday] was a great day for college students and for all of us in Washington,” Dillon said. E-mail:

Do not take them for granted LAMB from page 3 body moves back and forth. My brother called me the other day and told me that Patrick was not quite “himself.” He was not running around, begging for food or generally making my mother want to kill him. Patrick may have renal failure. This may seem very Marley & Me to some readers, but I honestly have no idea how to deal with him not being there when I get home.

Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love, I’m terrified that something is going to happen to Patrick while I’m eight hours away. To all you native Buffalonians and others that get to see their pets most days: do not take them for granted. You never know what may happen when you need them the most.


The Spectrum

September 18, 2009


AR T S & LI F E The ultimate liar

Cudi goes into orbit By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor Grade:

You can call him Cudi. He’s aware that he’s different. And in his own spaced-out, introspective way he’s taking rap from its processed, meaningless monotony and blowing it straight to the moon. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, Scott Ramon Segring Mescudi ditched his name and let out his inner rhyme-slinging artiste, Kid Cudi. Serving as the microphone to his neurosis, Cudi took his depression and postpot expression to the club-lit underground. After moving to Brooklyn and releasing his mixtape (A Kid Named Cudi), Cudi caught the eye of Kanye West and not only got signed by his mentor, he co-wrote portions of and greatly influenced the sound of West’s 808’s and Heartbreak. With the love for Cudi being anything but locked down, he spread like a virus across the Internet and created a hype machine on uniqueness alone. With singles “Day ‘N’ Nite (Nightmare)” and the Lady Gaga sampling “Make Her Say” dominating airwaves and downloads without any album-related attachment, Cudi found himself shifting from a word of mouth phenomenon to an actual force in the hip-hop world in just over a year. And now to his release, proper. Man On The Moon: The End Of The Day is the first movement in the Man On The Moon saga, a running commentary (narrated by Common) of the nightmares, depression, highs and helplessness that Cudi has and continues to face throughout his life. With a Kanye like confidence, Cudi’s lines stick on delivery alone. With that being said, there is no one out there like Cudi. He’s a storyteller that’s not only a part of the trendy currency, but his method is entirely his own. Laid back like a blazed-out Ma$e, Cudi’s flow is more like a soft, steady stream of consciousness that’s as entrancing as it is memorable. Broken down into five acts, Cudi’s story sounds like a slow-drummed electronic high, leaving listeners seeing sounds and feeling weightless as they sleepwalk through Cudi’s spacey dream sequence. “Soundtrack 2 My Life” is the closest thing to normalcy on the album, with a Mims-esque beat buffered by soaring synths that Cudi uses to paint a self-portrait over and sets the mood for things to come. “Simple As” starts off like a creepy nursery rhyme/lullaby hybrid and evolves into a chilled out statement of what Cudi plans on doing, or so he dreams. “Solo Dolo” is the first of the “nightmare” tracks and accordingly brings about the rise of the night terrors. With a haunting, plucky scaling that creeps throughout, Cudi sings and raps his way through his never-ending solitude. “Alive” is the first of two tracks produced by electronic duo Ratatat. In this first exhibit, Cudi raps along a heavily bended guitar riff with some distorted syth-action in the back-


The Informant


In Hollywood, where it’s sometimes easier to become famous from gossip and the paparazzi rather than acting ability, Matt Damon proves he deserves his fame with his role in The Informant! The Informant! tells the real life story of Mark Whitacre, whose work as an FBI informant leads to a bizarre turn of events. Whitacre works at ADM, a company that makes food ingredients. After discovering that there is a mole within the company, Whitacre informs his superiors of an offer he received to exchange information for millions of dollars. Whitacre’s bosses decide to bring in the FBI to investigate the situation. Almost immediately, Whitacre divulges information that leads to his working undercover against his employer. While it is hard to tell what actually happened in real life, director Steven Soderbergh mostly succeeds in crafting an entertainingly dark film about Whitacre’s life. It would be easy to view Whitacre as Matt Damon with a mustache, but Damon offers enough charm that it is easy to forget he is the star. Whitacre’s bizarre actions, chronic lying and bipolar disorder require an actor to get completely lost within the

Courtesy of Warner Bros

Matt Damon shows off his comedic chops and mustache in The Informant!

role, and Damon is up to the task. His take on Whitacre sets a hilarious tone that permeates throughout the movie. Damon fully embodies Whitacre. He keeps a straight face as he portrays a character that is genuinely smart, but also severely misguided. Damon certainly deserves award consideration for his charismatic performance. While Damon steals the show, The Informant! offers excellent supporting characters. Most notable are Scott Bakula (The Ticket) and Joel McHale (The Soup) as sympathetic FBI agents. They bring a sense of humanity to a story about corporate greed and ignorance. Although the film takes place during the 1990s, Soderbergh injects his film with an old school flavor. The look of the film gives the feeling that it could be set in the 1960s. This adds to the average Joe feeling that Soderbergh wishes to get out of Damon’s performance. It is refreshing to watch a movie that knows exactly what it wants to be. Soderbergh has proven with the Ocean’s Trilogy that he knows how to craft popcorn entertainment. He goes a step further

By PAMELA M. CYRAN Staff Writer

As the color guards’ flags dance and spin through the air, creating a picturesque display of color and movement in their hands, passersby’s look on in admiration at their matchless talent and skill. Color guard instructor Nick Boucounis lives for the thrill and joy of spinning flags. Boucounis has been a ‘guardie’ for roughly seven years. He started spinning flags in 2002 at his high school in Syracuse, N.Y. What started out as a fun challenge in his senior year of high school quickly turned into a new lifestyle. The negative remarks and attitudes others had towards Boucounis sparked his interest and pushed him further toward success. He originally played the tuba in his high school’s marching band but he decided to put down his instrument and pick up a flag after a friend told him he see FLAGS page 6

This Weekend in Buffalo

Sept. 18 - 20

Jameson Butler

Eric Hilliker

Christopher Di Matteo

Asst. Arts Editor

Asst. Arts Editor

Arts Editor

Where? Why?

Jennifer’s Body Friday, and then again Saturday, and then again Sunday In the back of a dark movie theater with a big tub of popcorn with extra butter Have you not seen Megan Fox? I can give you a hundred more reasons, and they’re all Megan Fox.


Spinning the dream

see CUDI page 6

What? When?

with this movie, allowing Damon to fully delve into Whitacre’s psyche. While the story is entertaining, its running time of nearly two hours is about 20 minutes too long. Some of the backand-forth lying between Whitacre and whomever he is dealing with at the time seems redundant. Most of the scenes in this dialogueheavy film offer smart conversations that slowly start to reveal Whitacre’s true nature. It’s the kind of film that warrants additional viewings to catch all the small details and jokes. The Informant! is not the sort of movie that hits hard in an emotional way. While there are moments that are emotionally engaging, the film is most effective as a character study of a man who does not know when to stop. Soderbergh is clearly fascinated by Whitacre’s life, and the energy is infectious. There are deeper movies out there that explore the same kind of subject matter, but they are just not as much fun.


Kristen Schaal



Friday, 8 p.m.


Where? Why?

UB Center for the Arts Any fan of Flight of the Conchords or The Daily Show knows what to expect while others should expect one hilarious show.

Bills home opener Sunday 4 p.m.


Ralph Wilson Stadium in Orchard Park


Because after the team’s performance against the Patriots two things are clear 1) the Bills are ready for the season 2) Leodis and the rest of the team know that the fans are not going to take fumbling lightly.

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

Nick Boucounis pushed gender stereotypes aside and found his passion in color guard.

The Spectrum


‘Defense is probably the strength of their football team’ FOOTBALL from page 8 Hodges saw his playing diminish when Riley Skinner emerged as the Demon Deacons’ permanent starter. Hodges came into this season in a battle with sophomore Rob Calabrese for the starting quarterback spot. After both signal callers shared time in UCF’s season opening win again Samford, Hodges received the majority of the time against Southern Mississippi. Head coach George O’Leary pronounced Hodges as the fulltime starter after the senior completed 15-of-26 passes for 158 yards and two touchdowns in the Knights’ 26-19 loss. O’Leary was particularly impressed with Hodges’s demeanor. “He’s very poised and not in a rush,” O’Leary said in a press release. “That’s a major plus in a quarterback because many times he’ll hit the second or third receiver. That’s what I look at. He doesn’t get flustered very much at all. He has a very calm demeanor

and thinks things through before he gives you an answer.” O’Leary is worried about how his defense will handle Buffalo’s new starting quarterback, sophomore Zach Maynard. Maynard completed 24-of-35 passes for 400 yards and four touchdowns in Buffalo’s 54-27 loss to Pittsburgh. Senior wide receivers Brett Hamlin and Naaman Roosevelt caught 18 of Maynard’s throws for 306 yards. “They got some good skilled athletes receiver wise, and their quarterback’s been productive, a lefty,” O’Leary said. “But we got to go out and play on defense and pretty much don’t give up many big chunk plays in the game. I think that’s how they have been scoring, chunk plays.” Hamlin believes that Maynard possess the same personality traits that Hodges has displayed so far this season. “Zach’s the type of guy that you can go up to and talk to without him getting an attitude,” Hamlin said. “You can always give him feedback on how he plays and it helps him play a better game.”

Both O’Leary and Buffalo head coach Turner Gill hope their defenses can force turnovers against the opposing offenses. Turnovers have played a key roll in both teams’ losses. Buffalo gave the ball away four times against Pittsburgh, leading to 27 Pittsburgh points. The Knights lost two fumbles against Southern Mississippi and are -3 in turnover margin so far this season. Gill recognizes Central Florida’s defense as the best part of their team and doesn’t expect the Knights’ negative turnover margin to continue for much longer. “Defense is probably the strength of their football team,” Gill said. “Their front seven is probably similar to what we just played against [in Pittsburgh]. They’re probably a bit better. We’re going to have our hands full going against their defense.” Game time at Bright House Networks Stadium is 7:30 p.m.


Looks more animated, lifelike VICTOR from page 8 simply getting old, and while UB’s Athletic Department continued to expand and find success, Victor needed to look the part and be on par with other college mascots across the nation. “Basically, what we decided to do was . . . upgrade our image with the mascot and keep us at the same status with the performance of our teams,” said Jill Rexinger-Kuhn, director of promotions and game presentation for the Division of Athletics. “We had a stellar image with our playing teams last year and we wanted to portray that through our mascot.” After deciding to improve Victor’s look, designing and sketching the new mascot’s costume was a long process. “We were definitely going for a different style for Victor,” Hutchings said. “We had too much of a cartoonish-style Victor. He looked too clumsy and friendly.” The UB Athletic Department worked with the company that had designed Victor’s initial look years ago, discussing the smallest details to create a strong look for Victor, while focusing on the practicality of the design to create more mobility for the mascot.

“[The new design] gives the person in charge the ability to do more with the costume,” Hutchings said. “The shoes are fit to the person, the hands are better so they can grab onto things and the head is smaller to be able to turn side-to-side so they can see easier out of it.” Now, the person inside the costume won’t roast and melt beneath the heat. The costume is fit to the person’s body and allows for more air circulation, allowing the mascot to do more entertaining without having to take as many breaks from interacting with the crowd. Despite the overwhelming change in Victor’s appearance, Rexinger-Kuhn believes the Athletic Department took a step in the right direction toward raising the caliber of the mascot. With his new design, she believes Victor looks more animated, more lifelike and will be well received by the UB community. “I think [the new mascot] was kind of needed,” said Andrew Conroy, a senior computer engineer major and True Blue president. “If you look at a lot of other mascots throughout college teams and everything, they have something that’s actually fierce and a symbol that’s kind of tough.

With a bull that’s just kind of a cartoon bull, it doesn’t look that scary.” Although many feel that Victor’s aggressive look and intense gaze is a positive change for UB athletics, others disagree. As the face that represents the athletic division in its entirety, some feel Victor looks too intimidating and unfriendly. “I find him really creepy. I just think that the remodel was a waste because his eyes are kind of [demonic],” said Leah Doctor, a senior communication major. “If I were a little kid, I wouldn’t want to take a picture with him.” With the varying reactions to Victor’s updated look from students, the response of the crowd during games, as Victor appears throughout the year, will have to be the measure of the redesign’s success. “With this costume, we really feel that Victor could become one of the top mascots in the nation,” Hutchings said. “With the new costume change and the right personality change in the costume, this could really make us well known.”


September 18, 2009

‘I love it too much’ FLAGS from page 5 couldn’t do it. “It’s kind of a taboo for guys to do that sort of thing,” Boucounis said. Boucounis disregards the comments of others who mock him for taking a part in the color guard, laughing as he admits he was better than half the girls who had been spinning for five years. He not only found something he truly enjoyed, but something he was very good at. After high school, Boucounis continued with guard in 2003 with the Patriots, a Rochester Junior drums corps. One year later, he moved on to the Syracuse Brigadiers, a DCA drums corps. Boucounis admits that it was in the Brigadiers that he really learned to dance as he had never taken any prior lessons. “You were sleeping on a bus, eating on a bus and practicing 10 hours a day,” Boucounis said. Boucounis met his future colleague, Jim Mauck, in the Brigadiers. Mauck witnessed the passion and talent that Boucounis brought to the corps and asked him to join the UB marching band, Thunder of the East, as a color guard instructor. Boucounis eagerly accepted Mauck’s offer and has been on the marching band staff ever since. Starting with the long days of band camp, Boucounis quickly earned the respect of his ‘guardies.’ “Nick is a wonderful teacher who has made me a better performer, while teaching valuable lessons and making sure we have had fun at the same time,” said Meredith Feigel, senior history major and current Thunder of

the East color guard member. Boucounis has not only made a lasting impression on the guard, but also on other members of the marching band. “If you ever need someone to make you laugh, he’s the one to do it,” said Brandon Harmony Bryant, former Thunder of the East head drum major. Boucounis does not shy away from acting as himself each day, despite what others may think. Those who have seen him around campus can agree. “He’s very expressive and that’s his outlet,” Bryant said. Boucounis agrees his passion for the activity and the expressiveness it allows is why he has been dancing and spinning flags for the greater part of his life. “It let me be who I want to be,” Boucounis said. Color guard is no longer just a hobby to Boucounis; it is his way of life. He proved he could accomplish his goals when he transformed his pastime into his working career. In addition to being on staff for the Thunder of the East, Boucounis teaches both summer and winter guard programs in Jamestown, N.Y., as well as a summer guard in Bradford, Penn. “I can’t believe I get paid to do this right now,” Boucounis said. Boucounis lives a very busy life. On top of all his spinning and teaching, he has a Bachelor of Science in marketing and sales and works a full time job at Key Bank as a client service manager. “I need to give something up, but I love it too much,” Boucounis said. E-mail:

Little significance on standings SANCHIRICO from page 8 and stand at 2-4. The Bulls followed with a come-from-behind miracle against Army and went 6-2 in their final eight games. This time the toughness test comes a little earlier in the season, a week before a trip to Temple for the team’s first MAC game, which is arguably its most important match of the season. So I ask you, Mario Henry: what are you made of? Is your tail between your legs, or are you ready to show that last week’s two-fumble performance was a product of misfortune? And don’t think I forgot about the defensive line: a game with no sacks and a lot of running

holes? How do you plan on digging deep? This weekend’s trip to Orlando has very little significance on the standings. It is against an out-ofconference foe in a hostile environment. But with a stretch of three huge MAC games on the horizon, this contest has everything to do with regaining momentum and showing that the tires on the Bulls’ caravan can survive a pothole in the road. If the team comes out flat, the caravan could plummet off the mountain. It will then have another thing in common with my JCC team. E-mail:

Nowhere but up to go CUDI from page 5 ground. “Everytime/ The moon shines I become/ Alive,” Cudi raps. Cudi strays away from his electro-rap-werewolf tales in the second Ratatat production, “Pursuit of Happiness,” which also features MGMT. This song not only stands out for it’s trippy riff-play and solo, but it’s Led Zeppelin shout out and vibe is the farthest of the out, out, out there on the album. “I’m on the pursuit of happiness/ I know everything that shine aint always gonna be gold/ I’ll be fine once I get it yeah/ I’ll be good,” Cudi sings. The last act in Cudi’s play (A New Beginning) watches the pessimistic for an optimist vibe seen in “Pursuit” drift away in

a sea of smoke and end’s the album on a much higher note. “Hyyerr” is a harmless bluntjam, while “Up Up & Away” is an upbeat, pop-rock composition that shows Cudi waking, baking and taking on a new, positive outlook on life. Cudi has nowhere but up to go after this striking debut. He’s crafted a style that manages to meld Kayne West’s swagger with Pharrell William’s lunar obsession and merges that with electro-fused rock. Whatever his music is, it’s the most original thing to happen to hip-hop in years. And not since Pink Floyd have we seen such a gripping, memorable depiction of the dark side of the moon. E-mail:

The Spectrum

September 18, 2009


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The Spectrum


September 18, 2009

SP O R T S Victor E. Bull gets a new look David Sanchirico Senior Sports Editor

B-Rabbit comeback My mother always told me to learn from my losses. Considering I was an un-athletic kid who played for a pathetic Jewish Community Center basketball team, I had many such selftaught lessons. The blowout losses, the most common defeats suffered by my squad of 12-inch vertical hoppers, really tested my thirst for learning. That’s when the reflection took place. How do you improve? How do you make sure that you rebound from an embarrassing performance? Do you flex your muscles to show that the loss was a fluke, or do you display a lack of mental and physical fortitude and give up? Sure, the similarities between my JCC team (oddly-placed in a Catholic Youth Organization league) and the football team are few in number, but those questions I was answering on a regular basis then are now being directed toward the Bulls. The final score of 5427 does not tell the story of the Bulls’ loss against Pittsburgh, but it certainly makes the squad levelheaded. Buffalo came into its home opener radiating confidence after a MAC Championship and an impressive victory down at UTEP. Does that swagger still exist after the Bulls’ humbling defeat? It may not. There certainly was a huge change in body language from noon to 3:30 last Saturday. Is that a bad thing? Maybe not. It’s now time to overcome adversity, to pull the cliché turnaround typically seen in sports films. I wouldn’t be surprised if 8 Mile was played on the plane down to Central Florida. It would show that even in most dire of situations, with a support group that includes a dreadlocked Mekhi Phifer and a loser that shoots himself, a turnaround is possible. Even my old team would bounce back from time to time: that’s why pee-wee teams were on the schedule. Head coach Turner Gill has talked about overcoming challenges before, and now the team must show its mental and physical resiliency. It was going to have its collective noggin hanging down at one point this season. Last year it came after the team blew a 24-10, fourth quarter lead against Western Michigan to lose see SANCHIRICO page 6



The anticipation in the air was almost tangible on Saturday, as thousands of students swimming in a sea of blue cheered on the football team during its first home game of the season. When the team emerged from beneath the stands, smoke filled the air and Victor E. Bull took to the field, appearing noticeably stronger, leaner and more ferocious. After the game had ended, Buffalo’s unfortunate defeat was not the only sub ject on the minds of many. Victor’s sudden transformation from a cuddly, fluffy, cartoon-like bull to an intimidating and steroid-infused character was a hot topic of conversation among students and alumni. “We kind of came up with the idea last year,” said Paul Hutchings, campus awareness coordinator. “We had looked out for different signs and really wanted to model our new design based on what other schools and what other professional teams did with their mascot.” Hutchings admitted that it was time for a change for Victor. The costume needed to be replaced because it was

CENTRAL F L O R I DA 2009 Record: 1-1 (0-1 Conference USA) Last Game: Loss at Southern Mississippi, 26-19 Last Meeting: Oct. 2, 2004, Buffalo 48-20

“...We really feel that Victor could become one of the top mascots in the nation” - Paul Hutchings CAMPUS AWARENESS COORDINATOR

“If I were a little kid, I wouldn’t want to take a picture with him” - Leah Doctor SENIOR COM. MAJOR

see VICTOR page 6

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

Bulls show fight in loss to Syracuse By LUKE HAMMILL Staff Writer

After winning just six games last season, the volleyball team has turned things around under firstyear head coach Tom Kress. So far it has been a season of streaks for the Bulls. After opening the year with two wins, Buffalo dropped three in a row before exploding for fourstraight victories. The Bulls looked to extend their season-high winning streak to five coming into Tuesday’s matchup with cross-state rival Syracuse. With Syracuse on a three-game winning streak of its own, both teams had plans to come out on top. Syracuse’s (8-2) strategy came to fruition as it built up a 2-0 set lead on the Bulls (6-4) and held off a Buffalo comeback effort to win 3-2 (25-23, 25-18, 2426, 15-25, 15-10). The night did not start out as the Bulls expected. After falling 25-23 in a highly contested first set, Syracuse rolled through the second set, 25-18. Entering the third set, the

Key Players: QB Brett Hodges: 58.1 completion percentage, 287 yards, 3 touchdowns, 1 interception WR Rocky Ross: 10 receptions, 141 yards, 1 touchdown DE Bruce Miller: 7 tackles, 2 tackles for loss, 2 sacks LB Lawrence Young: 16 tackles, 5 tackles for loss, 1 sack Buffalo Will Win If… The team can get out to an early lead and prevent Central Florida from imposing its offensive game plan. Central Florida Will Win If… Its front seven can control the line of scrimmage, get pressure on quarterback Zach Maynard, and hold Buffalo’s explosive offense in check Predictions: William Perry

Sports Editor Central Florida Future:

Stephanie Chin / The Spectrum

The volleyball team’s four match win streak ended at the hands of the Syracuse Orange, despite an impressive comeback after being against the ropes.

Orange had the match in the palm of its hand. But the Bulls did not go down without a fight. Buffalo looked as if it was going to let the Orange off with an easy win after trailing in the third set. Down 18-13, the Bulls came out of a timeout to score four

straight points to close the gap to 18-17. The teams continued to trade points until Syracuse had match point at 24-23. Once again, Buffalo responded with three-straight points to win the dramatic set, 26-24. The Bulls’ momentum carried over to the fourth

set. With Syracuse on its heels, Buffalo took the set, 25-15, to bring the match to a fifth and final set. Unfortunately for the Bulls, Syracuse bounced back to take the fifth set, 1510, and the match. see VOLLEYBALL page 4

Similar past and futures By DAVID SANCHIRICO Senior Sports Editor

Courtesy of UB Athletics

Central Florida quarterback Brett Hodges will make his first start against the Bulls in Orlando on Saturday night.

If Buffalo’s football program was a symbol of struggle in 2004, then Central Florida’s was football futility. When the teams matched up in October of that year, they were both winless and trying to get a leg up in the battle for second-to-last place in the MidAmerican Conference. The Bulls ran through and around the Knights for 245 yards en route to a 48-20 victory in front of 12,173 at UB Stadium. Buffalo tallied one more win that season. Central Florida finished its 2004 campaign with a

staggering zero wins. Five years, two conference championships and three bowl games later, both teams are now relevant college football programs. There will most certainly be more than 12,173 packed into Bright House Networks Stadium this Saturday when the Bulls (1-1) and Knights (1-1) rekindle their rivalry. Like Buffalo, Central Florida comes into Saturday’s contest with a quarterback with little experience. Senior Brett Hodges spent his first three seasons at Wake Forest, where he started two games as a sophomore. see FOOTBALL page 6

“The Knights often play well at home against quality opponents, but for UCF to get its second win on the season will be no easy task. Stopping quarterback Zach Maynard and the wide receiver duo of Hamlin and Roosevelt will be UCF’s main concern, as the team put up 500 yards of offense against the Panthers in a game they could have won.” “The UCF offense is still searching for its identity on offense, but they won’t find it this week. Expect Buffalo to come out ready to play and take this one.” Prediction: Bulls 34, Knights 24 David Sanchirico

Senior Sports Editor The Spectrum:

“I penciled this as an easy Buffalo win before the season began. After a close contest with C-USA contender Southern Mississippi, I believe that the Knights can contend with the Bulls, and even win this contest.” “With that said, the Bulls should be able to control the tempo against UCF. The Knights have averaged just 238 yards a game this season. Brett Hodges seems to be the answer at quarterback, but he won’t provide UCF with any explosion. At the same time, the running game has done next to nothing.” “If Buffalo can limit its turnovers and continue its offensive efficiency, the Bulls will take control of this game early. Central Florida has played well at Bright House Networks Stadium since its opening in 2007, so they should come out strong, but Buffalo’s offense will prove to be too powerful for the Knights.” Prediction: Bulls 34, Knights 20

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