The Spectrum Vol 59 Iss 21

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The Spectrum h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Friday, October 23, 2009

Volume 59 Issue 21

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo


Beats Farah by 549 votes By KEELEY SHEEHAN Executive Editor

By DAVID JARKA Managing Editor

After two days of intense campaigning, Ernesto Alvarado has been named Student Association president. Alvarado is the former Student Association vice president and acting SA president. Approximately 2,192 students voted in the special election on Wednesday and Thursday. “I’d just like to thank everybody that helped me,” Alvarado said. “I never thought I would have this impact on so many people. I’m just really humbled by it.” The election was held following former SA President Hassan Farah’s recall from office earlier this month. Farah ran for the position again against Alvarado, Abraham C.L. Munson-Ellis and Joseph Assaf. Alvarado received 1,282 votes, Farah received 733, Assaf received 95 and MunsonEllis received 82 votes. Farah offered his congratulations to Alvarado and his successful campaign. “I hope for the best projection of the Undergraduate Student Association,” Farah said. Farah was thankful to his family, friends and all those who supported him throughout the election process. “It is with [their] support that I stood up for what I believe,” he said. Treasurer Jordan Fried was pleased with the results. “I’m glad the student body made the right choice,” he said. “I think we can finally move past this and show the students what we can accomplish when we have a unified organization.” According to Joshua Boston, head of the SA Elections and Credentials Committee and former managing editor of The Spectrum, the committee will be looking into allegations of

Anyone who was present in the Student Union on Thursday could sense the tension in the air. Candidates for the Student Association presidency and their supporters battled for as many votes as possible from the undergraduate community. Many students had their own opinions on which candidate they felt should be the next SA President and how the election itself was held. Both newly-elected SA President Ernesto Alvarado and former SA President Hassan Farah had students help them campaign on the Union floor. Freshman business major Andrew Stebbins campaigned for Alvarado and was impressed by the support Alvarado received. “He has support of five of the six club councils,” Stebbins said. “It really showed to me that he has the support to get things done. That’s really important to me that he has the support of the people behind him to get things done.” Junior aerospace engineering major Richard Robles worked for Farah’s campaign. He felt that Farah’s accomplishments outweighed his incident from the summer. “Everyone makes mistakes in life and you can’t just judge him on that, but also on the things he’s done for us already,” Robles said. Numerous voters selected Alvarado because they felt he had more integrity than Farah. “I just didn’t want Hassan to win, really,” said Frank Etzler, a senior anthropology and biology major. “He should’ve stepped down … it doesn’t seem right to me that he should be still going.” However, not every student agreed with this. Some voters believed that Farah deserved

see ELECTION page 2

Katie Carlett / The Spectrum

Newly-elected SA President Ernesto Alvarado and supporters celebrate following the election results.

ON THE WEB SITE Video coverage and interviews of candidates and officials.

see RESPONSE page 2

Unhealthy Greiner announces retirement By STEPHEN MARTH Editor in Chief A familiar face around campus is calling it quits due to a decline in health. William R. Greiner, former UB president, provost and Law School Professor, has officially retired after 42 years of service on campus. “I was hoping to continue the next stage of my career in my mentoring role,” Greiner said. “We’ll see. I just have to focus on feeling better.” Greiner, 75, has been dealing with health concerns and a multiple bypass surgery. Following his 13-year tenure as president from 1991 to 2004, Greiner taught courses for the Graduate School of Education and the UB Law School. The news sparked an outpouring of support from the UB community.

Inside: Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds .............. 7 Opinion .................... 3 Sports .................... 8 This Weekend ........ 5

“From his front-row seats at countless Bulls games to his impassioned support for UB’s growth and development, Bill Greiner has – and continues to be – the consummate UB citizen,” said UB President John B. Simpson. “As Bill’s successor, I have benefited not only from his wide experience and institutional knowledge, but also from his remarkable ability to inspire love for UB from so many others.” Provost Satish K. Tripathi shared a similar sentiment. “Looking out across our university, we see Bill Greiner’s corpus of work, including a residential student experience, Division I athletics, a world-class faculty and innovative research across the disciplines,” Tripathi said. “We as a university community owe so much of our success and future successes to UB’s 13th president.”

Greiner came to the university in 1967 as a faculty member of the UB Law School. He was promoted to the university’s first provost position in 1984 before being appointed as president of UB in September 1991. Some of Greiner’s accomplishments include launching the most ambitious fundraising campaign in both UB and SUNY history, construction of state-ofthe-art student living areas, the creation of research institutes, propelling UB athletics to Division I-A, and most importantly, his role in bettering the lives of thousands of students. “It is the people and careers I was able to help [over] the course of these many years, at the university and in the community,” Greiner said. “I’m most proud of the people we were able to advance. see GREINER page 4

Courtesy of University Communications

Former UB President William R. Greiner is retiring from UB after his health took a sharp decline.

SECOND GO WILD WILD WEST LIGHTS makes her return to the Mohawk Place See Page 5

Bulls battle Broncos in MAC showdown on Saturday afternoon. See Page 8

Weather: Fri: 52o high / 49o low Sat: 61o high / 45o low Sun: 49o high / 38o low

The Spectrum


James Lesinski D.D.S. Gentle Dentistry Near the North Campus


Baxter will run for VP ELECTION from page 1 misconduct, though he called the election typical. “I think the candidates ran very well and for the most part abided by the rules, and their supporters abided by the rules as well,” Boston said. “There were allegations here and there and we’re still looking into a number of things, but for the

October 23, 2009 Speci a l Election 20 09

most part the candidates were very responsive to my requests and they abided by the rules.” An election will be held to choose a new vice president, tentatively scheduled for Nov. 11 and 12, Boston said. Nick Baxter, SUNY delegate and Alvarado’s campaign manager, announced that he would run for vice president. He and Alvarado had been talking about it since the end of September, he said. “Ernesto and I were together day in and day out,” he said. “It’s been a long time coming.” Baxter said he had originally planned on graduating in December, but decided he wanted to continue to help SA. “I wanted to make sure the SA was run right this time around,” he said. “We’re going to run a respectful SA yet.” E-mail:

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The Student Wellness Team is sponsoring the “Emotional Wellness: This I Believe…” writing contest. Students were asked to reflect on their beliefs about what contributes to their emotional wellness as a person and college student.

Writing Contest

People’s Choice Voting

Vote for your essay by visiting our site at: Voting takes place Oct 26th – Nov 6th Winners will be announced Nov 18th

SU 350 filled with cheers after officials announced the results.

Different reactions RESPONSE from page 1 a second chance at the presidency, such as sophomore political science major Akel Williams. “Honestly, if he’s been proven to do the job the right way … then why remove him?” Williams asked. “I question why to vote for Ernesto, why he would turn on him after being a part of his cabinet.” Senior communication major Derek Leibfreid also voted for Farah and felt that what occurred over the summer should not have had an impact on his recall. “I voted for him because he clearly isn’t a violent man, but at the same point, you have to stick up for your rights as a man,” Leibfreid said. “What he did wasn’t a violation of his job. Like a normal man, he manned up and handled his business. If he had affected the school’s academics or something, than he should’ve been removed.” Various students also had opinions on how the election was conducted this time around. This was the first time an SA election was held in the Student Union Theater, which gave the candidates more room to campaign in the union. According to Joshua Boston, head of the Elections and Credentials Committee and former managing editor of The Spectrum, the move

to the theater was made because the normal spot in the union was reserved for career fairs. “It’s a luxury to have the whole union,” Boston said. “It’s probably unlikely it’ll ever happen again. It’s nice to give [the candidates] more free range.” Student reactions to the different positioning of the polls and the extra room for campaigning were mixed. “It’s good because students come through [the union] everyday,” said Seun Awosika, a senior business major. “It’s a good venue because it’s the main hub of the school.” “I didn’t know it was in the theater,” said Ben Bargial a senior architecture major. “I’m used to it being on the floor of the union itself. It’s good publicity, but bad if you are just walking around the union.” Alvarado and Farah had different opinions, too. “I like it a lot better,” Alvarado said. “It gives us more space to campaign and makes the union less clogged in some area and allows the voters to have some privacy.” Farah had a different view. “It’s somewhat different,” Farah said. “When you explain yourself to students … you have to then show the students where to go vote.” E-mail:

SPECIAL EVENT PARKING NOTICE Steve Lopez DSS Lecture Wednesday October 28th, 2009 Beginning at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday October 28th, 2009 the following North Campus parking lots will be closed and reserved (through 8 P.M.) for patrons of the DSS lecture: Baird B Lot, Slee B Lot, Lake La Salle Lot and part of the Stadium Lot At 8:00 P.M. the parking lots will reopen for the university community These arrangements conform with the Special Events Parking Plan approved by the Offices of the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, and the campus negotiating units.

The Spectrum

October 23, 2009


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan Managing Editors Ren LaForme, senior David Jarka Jennifer Lombardo News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Chelsie Hinkley, asst. Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Copy Editors Meghan Farrell Abbi Meade Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editors Drew Brigham Andrew Muraco Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

Students show up to polls New Student Association president elected The student body has spoken loudly and voted Ernesto Alvarado as Student Association president. Splitting from his former running mate, former President Hassan Farah, after Farah’s recall from office, Alvarado advocated for true accountability in governing the student body. Approximately 2,192 students cast their vote in a furious two-day dash to the polls. The total was slightly less than last year’s general SA election. The new president vows to continue the platform of meeting major student needs by working closely with the administration. His goals for the rest of the semester include reaching out to the overall student population, leading an accountable, transparent and efficient government and widening the SA event calendar. Many initiatives have been put into action, such as the recently accomplished 24-hour busing between North Campus and South Campus. More emphasis will also be placed on promoting UB athletics. The list is long and to accomplish everything will be a tough task. A new beginning was granted to the folks up in 350 Student Union. The campaign was tense and fast-paced. Time was of the essence. SA has a battered reputation and it must be repaired not just in the eyes of the student body, but also in the surrounding community. There is no vacation period. Serious matters need the fullest attention today, not next week. The biggest issue is campus safety. A few short weeks ago, two students were robbed on

North Campus. The new president should have a meeting immediately with the University Police Department. What do they need? Resources, officers, money – safety on campus cannot be addressed without a meeting to allocate these things. Two months have vanished into the school year. SA needs to use every minute of every day wisely. No issue is too small and every student concern must be addressed. Be approachable in every situation – walking to class, eating lunch and even at the gym. The undertaking accepted is a daunting task. The SA clubs aren’t the only concern, or which bands to book for Spring Fest. Genuine leadership is what the student body has asked for again. The university needs it. If the administration shoots down a proposal, fire back with another – especially if it regards important issues like safety on campus. Failure isn’t an option. Be willing to accept all ideas from every facet of campus life. SA may be battered, but it isn’t broken. Use every member of the staff to improve campus life for all. The university is a distinctive, diverse place and SA is supposed to be the unifying factor. The student body has long been pushed aside. It’s time to bring the students back into the fold. Effective governing means focusing on what’s most important, not doing everything. Be smart with your choices. Forget the past. A fresh beginning has already started.

Possible crack in Catholic Church law Recruitment of Anglicans opens door to celibacy The Roman Catholic Church recently began a campaign to recruit the most reverent believers in the Anglican faith, opening the door to a debate about Catholic law. But in this effort to reach out and bring worshippers into the fold, the church has created a debate about celibacy. The Vatican extended an offer to Anglicans uncomfortable with female priests and openly homosexual bishops to join a new Anglican sect within the Catholic Church. The offer extends to Anglican priests and bishops, which poses a problem. Many Protestant and Eastern Catholic sects allow their priests to marry. None have converted yet, but allowing married Anglican clergy to move to the Catholic Church violates a law governing the clergy that was set up centuries ago. There is no clear number on how many members of the Anglican clergy will make the transition to the Catholic Church. This presents a possible problem not only for the Vatican, but also the Roman Catholic Church as a whole. Celibacy and the clergy’s right to marry have been debated about since the origination of Christianity. Does marriage make clergy less pious and draw them away from God? No. Freeing the clergy from a life of celibacy would free them from bonds that prevent them from being able to relate to their followers. The Vatican has spoken many times about the sanctity of marriage. What better way to live in God’s intended image than to actually live it? The most prominent figures in the Bible have been known to marry. The forefathers such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all had wives in the Old Testament. Even the Apostles, who are believed to be missionaries spreading the teachings of Jesus, have been married. Mark 1:30 references Saint Peter’s motherin-law, indicating that he was, in fact, married.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee



To the editor: The Oct. 21 article “The ugly truth about tanning” misses the mark on the use of indoor sunbeds. The article and the IARC/WHO study on which the article is based ignore the fact that indoor sunbeds produce the same UV light as the sun. And the best way for our bodies to produce much needed vitamin D is moderate exposure to UV light on our skin. The article also ignores the volumes of data suggesting that exposure to sun produces vitamin D, which reduces risk not only of many deadly cancers but other chronic serious diseases including autoim-

The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2009 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


The number of clergy members has been dwindling in the face of a more secular world. The Pope’s plan was aimed at bringing in the most traditional believers of the faith. This decision, along with the decision in January to revoke the excommunication of four schismatic bishops from the ultra conservative society known as the Society of Pius X, has been a march toward a more traditional church. If the clergy were allowed to marry, it would undermine centuries-old edicts dating back to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which was the first effort to attain a consensus throughout Christendom. One of the edicts passed at the council says, “[It is] stringently forbidden [for] a bishop, presbyter, deacon, or any one of the clergy whatever, to have a [woman] dwelling with him, except only a mother, or sister, or aunt, or such persons only as are beyond all suspicion.” If the Vatican were to consider this proposal, it might create a crisis of faith, but if this outdated tradition is changed, it might lead to resurgence in the religion. Many priests have left the clergy to marry. The act of celibacy for priests is a discipline of the Catholic Church, not doctrine or an integral part of Church teaching. But even the first popes were married men. It was tradition for the first 270 years of the church. Many other religions allow their clergy to marry. And looking throughout the Catholic Church’s history, the issue of celibacy has been debated and changed. Several other Christian faiths allow marriage for their clergy, as well as other religions such as Judaism, and in Islam, life-long celibacy is actually forbidden. Many people turn to faith for the safety in its tradition and rituals, but perhaps change could lead to a more fulfilling religious experience.

People should tan responsibly mune diseases, heart disease and infectious diseases. People should tan responsibly and avoid excessive exposure to UV light, whether from the use of indoor sun beds or from the sun. And unlike the sun, the tanning industry provides a controlled environment for people to enjoy the benefits of UV light. Ultimately, common sense would indicate that doing anything in moderation is the best policy. Sincerely, Dan Humiston President, Indoor Tanning Association Tanning Bed Inc, West Seneca

Pretty good Despite what Leon may think, Larry David definitely “brought it” Sunday night. Between the “pre-date date” with Denise Handicap, saving his BlackBerry over the drowning Sammy, fighting Rosie O’Donnell over a check, refusing to try a piece of pie and insisting that little Kelsey could inherently use chopsticks because she’s Chinese, Wendy Wheelchair was one of the funniest episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm that I have ever seen. The misanthrope never ceases to amaze. LD has a brilliant mind for comedy and is able to take common social Andrew Wiktor situations and monsoon Sports Editor them into disastrously uncomfortable encounters. And I love to watch the awkwardness unfold. Let’s face it: Larry is inconsiderate, obnoxious, rude and oblivious to others’ feelings. But his unorthodox stance on common – and sometimes uncommon – social interactions leads to hilarity week after week. Regardless of how ridiculous some of the circumstances may be, Curb actually raises some interesting debates. Are guys who sit down to pee less manly than those who stand? Would you still trust your doctor if you saw her giving vehicular fellatio? Is it acceptable to pick up a hooker in order to be eligible to drive in the HOV lane? Aside from ‘yes’ being the obvious answer to all of these questions, Curb Your Enthusiasm does an excellent job of showing both sides of social extremes. LD chose to save his BlackBerry over a drowning girl. It was funny to watch him play Brickbreaker instead of watching Sammy swim in the ocean, but underneath the layer of humor he raises a serious question: How attached have we become to our see WIKTOR page 4

I found my inspiration I’m ashamed. I spent some time last week trying to think of an interesting topic to write about in this column. After significant consideration, I decided to write about loved ones that have passed away, but my decision was based on some disgraceful reasoning – I was going to write it to pander to my critics. Spectrum editors receive awards at the end of the year for writing the top articles, including Ren LaForme columns, and I had my Senior Managing Editor eye on the accolade. I had it all planned out. I would write about my paternal grandfather whose loss surprisingly failed to faze me as much as I had anticipated. I would write about the 19-year-old freshman whose death I covered for The Spectrum last semester – a story that pushed me to sob alone in my 45-minute car ride home, a story that killed my morale as a journalist for months. Finally, I would write about John Sillick, my ninth grade English teacher whose untimely passing didn’t affect me much at first, but who has been increasingly on my mind and in my thoughts. I figured that the sum of all the tragedy in my column would make me a shoo-in for an award. Then something happened. My phone rang when I was in class late Tuesday night. It was my mom. I missed it, but I called her back. Her voice sounded shaky and cheerless. “I’m staying at grandma’s tonight,” she said. “Grandpa Larry is in the hospital.” Needless to say, my heart felt like someone dropped a brick on it. My grandpa taught me how to read. He used to let me sit on his lap while he read the newspaper and he read me all of the articles, simplifying them just enough for a preschooler to understand. see LAFORME page 4

The Spectrum


‘Injuries are a part of life’


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October 23, 2009

FOOTBALL from page 8

In the case that neither junior can go, senior running back Mario Henry will hold the starting spot with freshman running back Jeffvon Gill entering as the backup. Even with a depleted backfield, Gill doesn’t believe the outcome



of Saturday’s game will rest on the health or lack thereof of his running backs. “[Injuries are] a part of life, part of football,” Gill said. “If so be it that Jeffvon Gill is the next guy in line, it’s an opportunity for another guy to produce. We feel good about our running backs … but we have a whole football team. It’s not the only phase we have to be successful in to win the game.” Recently, the Bulls have performed admirably in each phase, leading to the team’s current win-

ning streak. After a four-game losing streak that quickly sent the Bulls to the bottom of the MAC East standings, the two-game streak has Gill’s players assured that if they work hard, they can win each remaining game on the schedule. “I love the attitude of our players,” Gill said. “They’re ready to go to work, and that’s what you need to do whether you win or lose … each week you have to come ready to work and I think our guys are ready to do that.” At the same time, Gill tells his

players to take it game-by-game. “We’re not going to look at the big picture, we’re going to look at the small picture here and that’s Western Michigan,” Gill said. “This ballgame is a good ballgame for us. We feel very good about where we’re at, I’m sure they feel somewhat good about where they’re at, and what they need to get done. We got to play our best game.” Kickoff is slated for 2:00 p.m. at Waldo Stadium. E-mail:

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GREINER from page 1 I helped recruit some of them and hold on to some of them, and I’m very proud of that.” In May 2003, Greiner received the Chancellor Charles P. Norton Medal – UB’s highest honor – for his service to the university and the Buffalo-Niagara region.

“His outstanding leadership has ensured UB’s place among the nation’s best public research universities, and his passionate advocacy for Buffalo Niagara has led directly to increased opportunities for greater regional economic development,” said Council Chair Jeremy M. Jacobs at the ceremony. UB founded the William R. Grein-

er Scholarship Fund in April 2004 in his honor. The scholarship is “for a meritorious student who exemplifies leadership ability, dedication to public service and commitment to the Western New York community as a whole.” E-mail:

What would Larry David do? WIKTOR from page 3 cell phones? He doesn’t stop there. When we see someone in a wheelchair, we feel obligated to be overtly nice. We hold doors, we smile, we’re patient and apparently we comp bottles of champagne and desert, too. But is this morally right? Are we doing a justice to society or are we ostracizing the handicapped even more by treating them with extra care? David also touched upon the concept of misrepresentation. Larry seemed to show some compassion when he and Denise arrived at a restaurant that did not have a handicap accessible ramp. It seemed as though LD was finally displaying a sensitive side – but of course, it was only short-lived. He carried his pre-date date up to the restaurant doors, grunting and

moaning at every step. When they finally sat down to dinner, Larry astutely criticized Denise for acting weird all night. She then admitted that she was disappointed by Larry’s baldness. Frankly, his lack of hair surprised her because when he asked her out he was wearing a hat. The irony, of course, is that when Larry asked Denise to attend the Chee Yun recital, she was sitting down and he didn’t realize she was in a wheelchair. I feel like only Larry David could get himself into such a predicament; however, I wonder what I would do if ever put in that situation. I mean seriously, how do you “do your dizzle” with someone in a wheelchair? Curb poses questions we would never dare to ask ourselves and does so in a humorous manner. What if one of Kelsey’s parents actually was a schizophrenic?

Would you have asked Wendy Wheelchair if she knew Denise Handicap? How would you have stored their names in your phones? If two people in wheelchairs were chasing you, would you look for the nearest stairs? The point is, everyone acts and reacts differently. Some people adhere to social standards and others are oblivious to these norms. No two people share the same etiquette and this leads to awkward situations and dissenting opinions. Thanks to Curb, every week we get a glance at these improbably, yet hilarious endeavors. So next time you encounter one of these uncomfortable situations, ask yourself this: What would Larry David do? When worse comes to worst, you’ll at least have a funny story to tell. E-mail:

Death is inevitable LAFORME from page 3

We always read the comics together – Marmaduke was our favorite – and then we used to search for articles about outer space. When I wasn’t around he would clip them out and store them in a binder so I could look at them later. He taught me all about NASA’s missions outside our tiny planet and how to enjoy science and the galaxy. He’s the reason I’m working at this newspaper. We used to sneak off on nature walks when I was dragged to boring family reunions and he taught me all about the birds and the trees. He told me adventures from his time in the army – like the time he killed and ate a gigantic brown bear or the time he raised a wolf pup to be his own personal companion.

He told me about his escapades as the chief of the Wilson Fire Department and the camaraderie and crazy stories that came with the position. When my bicycle tires were deflated, my grandpa would fill them up for me. When I got hungry, my grandpa taught me that fresh Italian bread tasted best with real butter and tomato juice was the only breakfast beverage worth drinking. My grandpa basically raised me until I was 7 or 8 years old. No other single person has been anywhere near as influential on my life. A couple of years ago, I had a dream that my grandpa was sick and lying in a cold, metal hospital bed in a sterile and dreary room. I dreamed that nobody came to visit him, leaving him to die alone. It was the first and only time in my life that I woke

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up in tears. Now that this is a partial reality, I find myself feeling ashamed for considering writing a column about death with so much detachment. Death is inevitable for all of us, but we look at it as though it’ll never happen. But it does happen and we have to deal with it. Some deaths will affect us more than others. Some will surprise us and some will come with no great shock. It’s not something that should be treated as a potentially prizewinning concept for an article in a student newspaper. I won’t be submitting this column for an award at the end of the year. I don’t want the achievement. I just want to spend some more time with my grandpa before it’s too late. E-mail:

The Spectrum

October 23, 2009


AR T S & LI F E Star light, star bright By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor

Courtesy of LIGHTS

LIGHTS’ bubbly music shone smiles onto her audience’s faces at the Mohawk Place on Tuesday.

Literally thousands of people are twin-blade over heels in love with her. No pressure, right? But what’s not to love about parttime superhero, full-time Canadian singer/songwriter LIGHTS? She plays adorable, spacey synth pop that orbits a sun set by Phil Collins, she stars in her own comic, and when she’s not illuminating the stage with her effervescent presence, she’s blissfully following The Alliance and checking her reflection in the crystal clusters at Un’Goro Crater (check Kicking off her headlining run of shows before her big winter tour with Owl City, LIGHTS returned to Mohawk Place for the first time since she sang through the chill in last February’s air. With a hundred more hearts firmly in her hands than last time,

Halloween horrors By ADRIAN FINCH Life Editor As October comes to an end, students migrate to a variety of haunted attractions, hay rides and costume stores, picking out their ideal Halloween costume and taking part in the festivities. Buffalo has a variety of ghostly fun to offer its residents, including two of the most popular haunted houses in Western New York. Frightworld Screampark has opened for its eighth year in a row, providing new thrills and promising screams for all who enter. Frightworld is one of the top rated haunted attractions in the United States, and has been featured on the Travel Channel’s scariest haunted houses, according to its Web site. Located at Northtown Plaza on Sheridan Drive, Frightworld covers 108,000 square feet. Students can explore and enjoy its five haunted houses, embarking on their eerie adventure in The House of the Dead, Wicked Woods, Return of the Mummy’s Curse, Phobiaz and CarnEVIL. Open 6:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday

and Saturday, and 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. during the week, students can face their fears and run for the exit throughout the night. Frightworld’s newest attraction, CarnEVIL, is a 3D funhouse equipped with clowns, neon colors and all the chaos of a once happy carnival turned bad. For a reasonable $23, this fivehouse adventure can give students a break from their daily drudgeries, increasing their adrenaline and getting their hearts beating to the sound of spooky music and screams. To avoid waiting in long lines, Frightworld offers a Frightpass for an additional $7 at the box office Fridays and Saturdays, allowing students to head to the front of the line and find their thrills early on in the night. But if they seek more fear, students can experience the Haunted Catacombs located in the Garden Village Plaza on French Road. Open Sunday through Thursday 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday 6:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., customers will marvel at its size, incredible animations and special effects. Voted the best haunted house in Buffalo by the Haunted House


Association, according to its Web site, the Catacombs provides a haunted trip to remember. With a cost of $20 for general admission, and an additional $5 for a Screampass to avoid the lines, customers will have access to The House of Horrors, Haunted Catacombs, and the newest attraction, Psycho Therapy. Halloween lovers can also remain on campus and participate in UB’s 10th annual Haunted Union on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30, hosted by Student Affairs. There will be cake decorating, pumpkin bowling, a haunted house, trick-or-treating and free cider, donuts and hot chocolate for all to enjoy. To dress head-to-toe in Halloween apparel, students can frequent Party City or Spirit Halloween in Williamsville, Cheektowaga and Amherst. From Borat and his neon green bikini to a risqué police offer and school girl, students will find a variety of both guys’ and girls’ costumes. Most bars are hosting parties and drink specials, for what some students really view Halloween as see HALLOWEEN page 6

Oct. 23 - 25

James Twigg

Eric Hilliker

Christopher DiMatteo

Asst. Arts Editor

Asst. Arts Editor

Arts Editor

Keith Buckley’s bachelor party


Friday at 7:30 pm

Where? Why?

Staples Bar How many chances will you have to drink with Buffalo’s own Keith Buckley of Every Time I Die?


Dethklok and Mastodon


Saturday at 6:00 pm

Where? Why?

Erie County Fairgrounds The most fun you will ever have getting your face melted off.

or tiptoeing through the clouds. She quickly set rumors aside as she said her bad mood and tardiness for the partyness was indicative of a failed attempt at beating her Class Master in World of Warcraft. Taking the stage behind keyboardist Adam Weaver and drummer Maurie Kaufman, LIGHTS wasted no time getting in to her new material, opening up with “The Listening” and “Lions!” off of her just released, full-length debut. Met with cheers and echoes, it was more than evident that her fans have embraced her new music with open arms. Beaded with sweat, but as alluring as always, she joked about her decision to wear flannel in a small, hot, intimate setting. “Flannel was definitely a bad choice in this situation,” LIGHTS said. see LIGHTS page 6

Never Shout Never

This Weekend in Buffalo What?

LIGHTS played nearly an hour’s worth of material to new and old fans alike. Both prepping for her move to the big time and throwing firewood on the flames blazing in the hearts of those little lights of hers, Tuesday’s show was a definitive success. Before she took the stage, local act In Motion, Toronto quartet Everlea and the mustached warriors of Stars of Track and Field held down the three or so hours of pre-lit excitement. Whether it was Everlea’s sweetly sung “Cigarettes,” Stars of Track and Field’s atmospheric take on a trail blazed by the Kings of Leon, or In Motion’s cover of LIGHTS’s “The Last Thing On Your Mind,” the crowd was never without some sort of melodic hand to hold. As LIGHTS showed up just before her set time, the crowd wasn’t certain as to whether she was exercising her rockstar status,




Friday at 11 p.m.

Where? Why?

Tudor Lounge, 353 Franklin Street When did people decide that making fools out of themselves while singing their favorite songs wasn’t fun?

A real catcher in the rye By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor Adorable 18-year-old boy that plants happiness and writes musical sunshine seeking someone to love him. Write back. Put down your feather pens and meet Christofer Drew Ingle, the recently up-streamed boy behind Warner Brothers/Loveway Records act Never Shout Never. Actually, let him introduce himself. “I’m a Missouri kid. I like to play guitar and sing along. I try to write songs that people my age can relate to and can look into whenever they’re either super happy or super sad, or usually somewhere between those extremes,” Ingle said. “I like meeting people. I tour full-time pretty much. There’s not much to know about me – I just kind of hang out.” Pacifist, vegan and doodler, as evident by his simple, stick figure artwork, Ingle is just a kid with a dream and a big red heart that he wears on his sleeve. Setting his sleeve worn optimism to music, Ingle has not only earned major label recognition, he has swooned an adoring, albeit certain demographic. “I try to get everybody, but what I’ve noticed is mostly like 16-yearold girls. That’s mostly the demographic right now,” Ingle said. “With the new album, I’m trying to spread it out a little bit and make some songs for the dudes too. But, um, you know, I’ve always just tried to make music for the ladies, cause that’s what it’s all about.” With a softly strummed sound that’s as uplifting as it is charming, Ingle’s Never Shout Never isn’t really like too much mainstream filler. With the exception of production by hellogoodbye’s Forrest Kline, his roots seem to run far deeper than his 18 years. “I guess the only reason I have a hellogoodbye influence is because I recorded the EP with Forrest and we kind of have the same tone. I mostly get all of my influence from like pre ’70s because its all I really listen to,” Ingle said. “I kind of take from pre ’70s stuff and put like a new twist on it. I try at least. I try

not to draw it from too many modern influences because I feel like if I do that, then it’s all just gonna blend together into a weird mess.” Skipping school for bright-eyed dreams, Ingle is a modern day minstrel, living on the road and letting life educate him in the process. It only seems right that way. “School wasn’t really ever for me. I kind of just stopped going freshman year. I was there like maybe a quarter of the time, got in a lot of trouble. I never felt like I needed to pursue my education because I was never really interested in anything that was taught in school,” Ingle said. “I mean if anything, I’d love to go back to like a music school and specialize in something, maybe in piano and learn some trait instruments, or something like that. But now I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much.” With chips and salsa in tow, Ingle takes his band across the country with adventurous intrigue and surrounds himself with whoever sounds and feels like home. “When you’re on the road, the other bands are really all you have,” Ingle said. “We like to make it more of like an act, like four or five different acts. We try to make it one big package of funness. Everybody comes out for everybody’s sets and see NEVER page 6

The Spectrum


New surge

Variety of activities

JARKA from page 8

HALLOWEEN from page 5

bying to change to for years. If one of these teams were to find its way into a title game, even if it was just once, it would effectively void all argument from non-BCS schools to switch to a playoff system. This would thwart all of their claims that the current bowl system excludes teams from lesser conferences from having a legitimate shot a winning a national championship. So although fans of switching to a playoff system and non-BCS schools currently are hand-in-hand, this new surge of mid-major schools toward the top of the poll may change these allegiances.

– a time to drink, dress up in barelythere costumes and spend the night with friends. Cole’s Restaurant & Bar on Elmwood Avenue will host a Halloween extravaganza on Oct. 31 at 10 p.m. with costumes, music and, most importantly, jello shots. Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, Recckio’s Perfect Shot Sports Bar on South Park Avenue will host its Halloween Weekend Blast party, including multiple prize packages for the scariest costumes. On Halloween night, The House of Horrors & Haunted Catacombs, along with After Dark Events, will host Buffalo’s Biggest Halloween Party at the Town Ballroom on Main Street. With promises to be bigger and better than last year, the party begins at 9 p.m. and goes until 3 a.m. for those 21 and older. Those attend-


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Gave out warm hugs LIGHTS from page 5 After leading around a 150 voices through “February Air” and playing her single “Saviour,” she slowed things down with the slow-speed, heavy-hitter “Face Up.” Appeasing the obnoxious interpretive dance superstar in the front row, LIGHTS bounced through the heavily Collins-influenced “Second Go” and Rob Van Winkle favorite “Ice.” The ’80s-themed transmission dance party was met with a resounding, “I wanna have your babies,” from an eager fanboy somewhere in the crowd. Visibly awkward afterward, LIGHTS winced and played on. Rounding out her original set with “Pretend,” “Quiet,” and eventually the hair-raising closer “The Last Thing On Your Mind,” LIGHTS submerged her final moments in a sea of smiles and support. And just for fun, LIGHTS, Maurie

and Adam returned for a cover of Phil Collins’ “In The Air Tonight,” with the dance factor kicked up higher than Phil’s hairline in the ’93 AIDS flick And The Band Played On. As soon as she finished, she jumped off stage and hugged her fan Anthony Costich, who sang through an ear-to-ear smile all night from the comfort of his wheelchair. And as if this wasn’t sweet enough, she posed for a picture with literally every person that asked and gave out warm hugs, regardless of the arms that reached around her (here’s looking at you, middle-aged creeper man that may or may not be a stalker). Maybe she shines a bit brighter than before, but LIGHTS is still the sweet, grounded girl that so many fell in love with a year ago. And with an emerging starlet, that’s all anyone could ask for. E-mail:

Coming back to Buffalo on Saturday

1121 sheridan dr tonawanda, ny 14150 If your in Buffalo, you must prepare for our tough winter. Get your car ready @ John’s Service Center. Conviently located between both campuses. See Website for Specials!

ing will receive two drink tickets for draft beer, a well drink or wine with the purchase of presale tickets for $15 on or at Tops and the Town Ballroom box office. On the day of the event, tickets will cost $5 more at the box office, so attendees are advised to save some cash and get their tickets early. Those who are attending are also recommended to dress to impress, as there will be a $1,000 cash prize for best costume, sexiest costume and scariest costume. Just think of all the drinks $1,000 could buy. Whether students choose to stay on campus for Halloween and celebrate in the Student Union, or travel out to the bars for costume contests and drink specials, there are a variety of activities to take part in. So don’t miss out.

October 23, 2009

NEVER from page 5 you know, we kind of just have big jams and fun and sing-alongsongs.” Ingle is like your favorite sweater: he’s warm, reliable and always seems to make someone smile. And more or less, that’s his intent. “I try to keep it nice and make it

smiley music instead of sad music that brings everybody down,” Ingle said. Oh, and he’s aw-shucks naïve about how incredibly cute everyone seems to think he is. “(Laughter) Whatever dude. I’m actually a smelly weird kid. I just clean up well for the pictures, he said.”

Ingle and Never Shout Never are coming back to Buffalo and Xtreme Wheels on Saturday night with Meg&Dia, Now, Now Every Children and Carter Hulsey. “[Last time] I got to ride my Razor scooter in there – got to try some tricks. Hurt myself a little bit. Tell everybody I’m super pumped and maybe it’ll be better than last

time cause I feel like I’m slowly getting better at music and hopefully I can keep improving and every time I go back we’ll keep having a party.” Chris, you just did.


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The Spectrum

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CLASSIFIED ads may be placed at The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union, Amherst Campus. Office hours are from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Deadlines are Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12:00 for display and 2:00 p.m. for classifieds for the next edition. Weekly rates are $10.00 for the first ten words and 75¢ for each additional word. All ads must be paid in advance. The ad must be placed in person or send a legible copy of the ad with a check or money order for full payment. No ads will be taken over the phone. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit any copy. No refunds will be given on classified ads. Please make sure copy is legible. The Spectrum does not assume responsibility for any errors except to reproduce any ad (or equivalent), free of charge, that is rendered valueless due to typographical errors. Please call 645-2152 for any additional information.

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The Spectrum


October 23, 2009

SP O R T S Bucking down to Bronco country David Jarka Managing Editor

Mid-major mojo The winds of change are gusting in the world of college football. Less mainstream football programs that are posting a standout season have leapfrogged several of the traditional football powers. In the latest Bowl Championship Series rankings, undefeated Boise State is ranked fourth over the Big Ten’s Iowa and the always dominant USC. TCU, which is also undefeated, is ranked seventh in the USA Today Poll, above more prestigious programs such as Miami, LSU, Penn State and Virginia Tech. Utah, Houston and Brigham Young, each with just one loss, are also ranked in the USA Today and AP polls ahead of many traditionally stronger college football programs. Even more obscure schools are making an impact in the polls as Central Michigan and Idaho have both received votes, although they remain unranked as of this time. Thus, after long hours spent talking about how midmajor college football programs will eventually have an impact on the national scene, it is now quite apparent that they have officially arrived. Much of this new respect for the these non-major programs can be related to how last season ended when an undefeated Utah team, a member of the Mountain West Conference that does not have an automatic bid in the BCS, soundly beat an Alabama squad that was ranked No. 1 in the polls throughout the bulk of the 2008 season. The ascent of these teams is refreshing for the sport of college football. For several years, a handful of teams have had a stranglehold on the top of the polls. Meanwhile, teams from less notable conferences who have posted impressive results through their seasons of play have not gained the respect that they truly deserved from college football experts. What may be the most interesting impact of all may be the long-term implications of what these rising programs will have on college football. If these schools can gain enough respect, and keep beating more historically prestigious teams, the possibility is there for the midmajors to earn the right to play in the National Championship game, something that they have long been excluded from. Likewise, this could turn out to be a double-edged sword. This hurts the chances of the Division I-Football Bowl Subdivision switching to a playoff format – something that teams in nonBCS programs have been lobsee JARKA page 6

By DAVID SANCHIRICO Senior Sports Editor Buffalo radio color commentator Steve Christie made the claim that can now be construed as a jinx. It occurred last year during Buffalo’s home game against Western Michigan. Junior running back Brandon Thermilus had just scored a running touchdown, giving the Bulls a comfortable 28-14 lead over Western Michigan with 5:14 left in the contest. To Christie, the advantage seemed comfortable enough to give Buffalo its third victory of the season, but at the same time unknowingly foreshadowed the ending of the game. “This should put the game away, although crazier things have happened,” Christie said. Twenty-straight Western Michigan points and an overtime loss later, the Bulls stumbled, heads hanging down, into the UB Stadium locker room. As Christie warned, crazy things did occur. But it’s a whole new year and a whole new scenario. Buffalo (3-4, 1-2 Mid-American Conference) looks to return the favor and move to .500 when it travels to Kalamazoo, Mich. to take on the Broncos (3-4, 2-2 MAC) during WMU’s homecoming weekend. For junior defensive end Bruno LaPointe, last year’s game comes to mind while prepping for this weekend’s matchup. According to LaPointe, the defense began to let up when last year’s game seemed set in stone. “I think they showed us what they Spectrum File Photo were made of [last year],” LaPointe With the services of running back Ike Nduka in said. “I think we’re going to go hard question, Buffalo looks to get its first ever win throughout the whole game this time against Western Michigan on Saturday afternoon.

around. We know we can shut them down, the key thing is to be consistent and finish.” LaPointe and the defensive unit will look to contain an explosive Western Michigan offense that has scored more than 40 points twice this season. Led by four-year starting quarterback Tim Hiller and the MAC’s leading rusher Brandon West, the Broncos have averaged 26.5 points a game. But Gill has seen his defense make drastic improvements. The Bulls have given up a total of 40 points in their last three games, and Gill attributes the progression to two factors. “I think the biggest thing is probably experience,” Gill said. “I also think Fred Reed and the whole defensive staff has done a tremendous job of putting our guys in the right place, simplifying things and teaching great technique.” Still, Gill knows the Broncos’ Western Michigan will provide a challenge for Buffalo, which comes into this weekend’s contest on a two-game winning streak. “[Hiller] understands their offense tremendously,” Gill said. “They have very good weapons as far as their talent at running back and receiver … We have to play an excellent football game to slow them down. They’re going to make some yards and going to make some plays, we just don’t want them to make a whole bunch of them.” On offense, the Bulls may run onto the Waldo Stadium field without the services of either junior running backs Ike Nudka or Brandon Thermilus. Both are listed as questionable after injuries knocked both players out during the Akron game last weekend. see FOOTBALL page 4

Montanez wrestles past the competition By LUKE HAMMILL Staff Writer In football, it is no coincidence that a team that wins the turnover battle typically wins the game. This proved true during the Bulls’ 21-17 victory over Akron last weekend. Though it was a team effort, one Bull continued his breakout play and was key in the Buffalo win. Junior defensive tackle Anel Montanez helped the Bulls win the battle when he forced a fumble by Akron running back DeVoe Torrence during a crucial drive in the first half. Akron drove inside Buffalo’s 10-yard line and threatened to score. “Akron’s offense was trying to push in for a score and we knew we had to stop them,” Montanez said. “The center tried to block me out of my A-gap. I used my hands to my advantage, got into the gap and jammed [Torrence] at the line. I just wrapped him up. It was a pretty hard hit on both sides, and it forced him to drop the ball.” Montanez is accustomed to making the big plays. Montanez had a career day against Central Michigan two weeks earlier, recording seven tackles and one for a loss. He currently leads Buffalo’s defensive line with 21 total tackles. But Montanez’s athletic talents extend beyond the

football field. As a junior at Trumbull High School in Connecticut, he placed fourth at the New England Wrestling Championships. According to Montanez, his wrestling experience has helped him on the football field. “Wrestling helped me learn how to get leverage, how to get weight moving on a guy and how to use my hands,” Montanez said. “Basically, it taught me body control.” Montanez was a two-way starter on his high school football team. He gained experience playing both the offensive and defensive lines, but it was his natural ability as a defensive tackle that brought him to Buffalo. “I played on both sides of the ball in high school, but I always had that defensive mentality,” Montanez said. “I love defense.” Montanez appeared in seven games during his freshman campaign, but was surprisingly redshirted as a sophomore. Although this may not be the norm in college football, Montanez used the year off to motivate himself. “It was definitely beneficial,” Montanez said. “I used that year to get a mindset that, when I come back, I’m going to play the best football I can play and get a starting job.” He showed up and proved


Last Game:

Loss vs. Central Michigan, 24-23

Last Meeting:

Oct. 11, 2008, Western Michigan 34-28 (OT)

Key Players: QB Tim Hiller 1904 passing yards, 13 touchdowns, 2 interceptions, 62.5 completion percentage RB Brandon West 657 rushing yards, 5 touchdowns, 1,353 all-purpose yards WR Juan Nunez 32 receptions, 435 receiving yards, 6 touchdowns LB Austin Pritchard 63 total tackles, 46 solo tackles, 2 forced fumbles, 1 fumble recovery

Buffalo Will Win If…

The defense can contain the Broncos’ passing attack and force turnovers.

Western Michigan Will Win If… Hiller can effectively control the game-clock and limit Buffalo’s opportunities on offense.

Predictions: Mark Rudi


“Western Michigan is coming off a tough 34-23 loss to rival Central Michigan last weekend, while Buffalo is currently on a two-game winning streak. “The Broncos are in must-win mode and are a little banged up as wide receivers Juan Nunez and Jordan White have been limited in practice because of ankle injuries against the Chippewas. WMU senior quarterback Tim Hiller is averaging 272.0 yards per game, which ranks third in the MAC and may be the difference in this game. The Bronco passing offense is currently ranked 18th in the country averaging 279.2 yards per game. “Also, WMU’s secondary is solid with cornerback Doug Wiggins, who transferred from the University of Miami, and can cover Bulls wideout Naaman Roosevelt.”


Broncos 27, Bulls 17 David Sanchirico


Marina Bayramova / The Spectrum

Junior defensive tackle Anel Montanez was standout wrestler at Trumball High School before becoming the Bulls’ top defensive lineman.

to the coaching staff that a starting job was well deserved. Montanez started all 14 games at defensive tackle in 2008 and helped lead Buffalo to its first ever Mid-American Conference championship. For Montanez, last year was justification that all of his hard work paid off. He exerted effort toward developing as a football player, and the MAC championship win

has him working harder to get Buffalo back to the top of the MAC. “Being any type of champion is great,” Montanez said. “Last year was just magical. It was great to experience the whole season. In life, it shows you that perseverance and hard work helps you end up as a champion.” E-mail:

“It’s do-or-die time for both Western Michigan and Buffalo. Both teams are looking up in the MAC standings and need to string together lengthy win streaks to become bowl-eligible. “This is not the best matchup for the Bulls. Western Michigan possesses an extremely strong offense that put up 58 points on Toledo and 48 points on Miami (Ohio). Quarterback Tim Hiller quickly recovered from two subpar games to start the season and has thrown for 11 touchdowns and one interception since. In addition, running back Brandon West continues to improve and will prove to be a tough component for the Bulls to stop. “Buffalo will need to take advantage of a mediocre WMU defense. The Broncos have given up 400 yards a game and might have a tough time stopping Buffalo’s passing attack, but if Ike Nduka can’t go on Saturday due to injury, the Bulls might struggle generating a balanced offensive attack. “Even if they do, I think WMU has too much firepower and will come out of its homecoming game on top.” Prediction: Broncos 31, Bulls 20

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