> Volleyball cruises past Canisius and the sports desk previews the UConn game Page 8 SPORTS
> Modern Family kicked off its second season Wednesday night Page 5 ARTS
> A charitable run remembers a former UB Student Page 5 LIFE
The independent student publication of the University at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York www. ubspectrum .com
WEEKEND EDITION September 24, 2010 Volume 60 Issue 10
l o c a l s c hol a r s
Two local students receive full academic scholarships DANNIELLE O’TOOLE Staff Writer
wo m e m be r s of u b ’s incoming freshman class of 2014 have been awarded full academic scholarships through the UB Buffalo Partnership Scholars Program (BPSP), an organization that provides Buffalo Public School students academic opportunities regardless of financial need. Madeleine Burns, a freshman communication major, and Natalya Burgess, a freshman biology major, have been rewarded full tuition for up to four consecutive years of undergraduate study at UB, an annual $600 book stipend and vouchers for a laptop computer of their choice. Burns and Burgess, both City Honors School graduates, received the scholarships in recognition of their academic excellence and civil service contributions. “I cried when I opened the letter saying I had received the scholarship,” Burgess said. “It was such a relief knowing that I would be able to attend UB without the financial burden.”
Courtesy of UB News Services
Pictured above (left to right) are Terrence McKenzie, Madeleine Burns, Natalya Burgess, Amani Johnson, and Adrian Guadalupe. All are recipients of the UB Buffalo Partnership Scholars program since it began in 2008.
Szyperski named UB Distinguished Professor JESSICA BENNETT Asst. News Editor
E-mail: features@ubspectrum.com
E-mail: news@ubspectrum.com
Douglas Levere / University at Buffalo
The University Heights Collaborative, a community-based organization that focuses on enhancing the communication and coordination of resources between renters, landlords, UB staff and lawenforcement officers, is hosting the event. For additional information, visit ourheights.org or attend the next general meeting on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. at the Gloria J. Parks community center, located at 3242 Main Street.
After his shocking win in last week’s New York State primaries, Carl Paladino is rapidly gaining on Andrew Cuomo in the race for state governor. A new Quinnipiac University (Conn.) poll shows Cuomo ahead by a mere six percentage points and Paladino as a 4-to-1 favorite among NYS voters who consider themselves supporters or members of the Tea Party. These individuals, who make up 18 percent of the pool of likely voters, support Paladino over Cuomo by a margin of 77 to 18 percent. In the Sept. 1 poll from Quinnipiac, Cuomo was reported to have an overwhelming 43-percent lead. Cuomo, a Democrat, was considered to be the guaranteed victor of the 2010 gubernatorial race. Paladino, the Tea Party-backed Republican, was a relatively unknown candidate before his primary victory on Sept. 14. The current poll found Cuomo’s job approval as Attorney General at 67 percent and 51 percent of voters view him favorably. Only 36 percent of voters view Paladino favorably. As of July, Cuomo had raised $23.6 million for his election whereas Paladino, whose personal wealth totals over $100 million, pledged to spend $10 million on his campaign. Within the week after primaries, Cuomo was sent a letter by the Republican’s campaign questioning whether or not he had the “manhood” to debate Paladino. On Sept. 17, Paladino’s campaign released a flier depicting a computer-generated image of Cuomo in the shower washing mud off of his torso. Cuomo’s Democratic State Committee responded with a flier showing Paladino as a pig snuffling at the public trench.
Dr. Thomas Szyperski you can think about things which are not necessarily common sense and you can basically widen your horizon of how you look at things.” After completing his bachelor’s • see SZYPERSKI | page 2
c om m u n i t y awa r e n e s s
Safeguard your home JENNIFER HARB Senior Life Editor
Unfortunately, break-ins and thefts commonly occur in student housing, particularly on the streets surrounding South Campus. This Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon, the University Presbyterian Church at 3330 Main Street (on the corner of Niagara Falls Boulevard) is offering a seminar on how to safe-proof homes and streets from intruders and accidents. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. and refreshments will be served.
Paladino closes gap on Cuomo
Weather: friday: 84°/ 52° thunderstorms | saturday: 61°/ 46° mostly sunny | sunday: 64°/ 48° sunny
• see SCHOLARS | page 2
f rom d o w n t o w n
UB teams up with Dell for major research initiative REBECCA BRATEK Staff Writer
The development of a multi-million dollar partnership between UB and Dell Inc. was announced at its future headquarters in the Roosevelt Building at UB’s Downtown Medical Campus on Thursday afternoon. Michael Dell, president and chief executive officer of Dell Inc., came to Buffalo to announce the development of a project which aims to create a novel system of health information technology. The UB/Dell Inc. partnership, which also marks the launch of UB’s Institute of Healthcare Informatics, is dedicated to researching and developing an electronic record system to be implemented in hospitals to enhance the care and treatment of patients. David Dunn, the vice president for health sciences and the president and CEO of UB Associates, oversaw the press conference. “Medicine, for centuries, has been an art, not a science,” Dunn said. “Science has been applied sporadically to clinical care and in the day and age of health information technology, we have the ability and the capacity to use huge amounts of information and data analysis to make healthcare better, to increase quality and to decrease cost.” The management of the project strives to create a system that can serve as a means of communication between patients, practitioners and researchers throughout Western New York. With the new system, a physician will be able to access a patient’s entire medical history throughout all hospitals in the system. Such technolog y will lead to better preventative care for patients and higher quality of treatment at a lower cost. opinion — 3
arts & life — 5
Nancy J. Paris / UB News Services
Dr. Thomas Szyperski, director of the UB High-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility and professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been named a UB Distinguished Professor. The UB Distinguished Professor Award recognizes its most successful distinguished scholars and their achievements. Szyperski currently holds joint positions in the departments of Structural Biology and Biochemistry and occupies the status of adjunct senior researcher at the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute. Szyperski’s chemistry career started in high school and was solidified by his performance in the International Chemistry Olympiad competition. “I think, in general, natural science and engineering is intellectually very stimulating,” Szyperski said. “It is known to the world that
n e w p ol l s
BPSP scholars must maintain a 3.0 grade point average throughout their four years at UB and are expected to participate in community service activities and leadership training. The recipients will work with the BPSP program and serve as student ambassadors in an effort to expose students in the Buffalo Public Schools to some of the resources available to them if they succeed in high school, regardless of their financial status. “I am thankful to be a part of this scholarship program, not only for the financial freedom it provides,” Burns said. “I am also very grateful for the opportunity to give back by being an active member in the UB community as well as the local community.” President John B. Simpson and Superintendent of Buffalo Public Schools, James A. Williams, formalized the UB/BPSP partnership in 2006. The aim was to increase the number of Buffalo students who are prepared to study in college through the mobilization and coordination of
Michael Dell The software’s graphics and language will be patient-friendly, allowing them to have greater control over their healthcare and to be able to play a more active role in deciding their treatments. “The field of information technology has a huge impact on the efficiency and productivity of the economy,” Dell said. “[Information technology] has changed how we work, how we play, how we share information, and how we educate.” According to Dell, now is an ideal time to implement this electronic records system due to the dropping prices of higher computational technologies. With a team of 100,000 members, Dell hopes the success of the collaboration with UB will help to establish his company as a leader in the field of healthcare technology. The project will initially create 30 to 50 jobs, many of which will be held in the newly formed Institute for Healthcare Informatics. • see DELL | page 4 classifieds — 7
sports — 8
The Spectrum Friday , September 24 , 2010
SZYPERSKI | $8 million in funding continued from page 1
and master’s degrees in chemistry in Technical University of Munich, Szyperski received his doctorate in biophysics at ETH Zürich in Switzerland. Szyperski began working in the UB Department of Chemistry in 1998. “I enjoy being at UB [because] it’s a very nice place, in particular, the chemistry department,” Szyperski said. “It is a very nice department and I’m very thankful to have the chair members that we have in the chemistry department. They do a great job and that makes a big difference.” Szyperski is internationally known for his development of techniques in applying multi-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to analyze protein structures. The techniques that he has developed now allow scientists to rapidly and more precisely obtain high-dimensional spectral data. While at UB, Szyperski has received nearly $8 million in grant funding, including awards from The National Science Foundation and The National Institutes of Health, for his research. Additionally, Szyperski is a co-recipient of the Gunther Laukien Prize, an acknowledgment of the best NMR spectroscopist under the age of 40, and has been named one of the “Scientific American 50” for his scholarly work. Szyperski, who earned the 2007 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, has written more than 120 publications that have appeared in prestigious journals. His research has also led to six issued U.S. patents and several pending patents.
“[I am] happy to hear about being named UB Distinguished Professor,” Szyperski said. “It’s certainly an honor.” The Office of Provost created the UB Distinguished Professor designation in 2002 to recognize full professors of at least five years who have achieved distinction and leadership in their designated fields. The award is open to faculty members who have received national or international recognition within their field. “[For] many faculty it means a great deal to them that their own university has an award that recognizes their achievements,” said Lucinda Finley, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs. “UB thought it would be a good idea to have an award [by which] some of its most successful distinguished scholars on the faculty would get recognized.” The SUNY system has separate awards for distinguished teaching and distinguished service. Nominations for the recognition are reviewed and awarded by different committees of professors throughout the SUNY system. Szyperski has come a long way since his Chemistry Olympiad days and his department acknowledges his success in every way. “He’s a very valued faculty member in our department,” said Luis Colón, professor and chairman of the chemistry department. “This is a very well deserved distinction for him, and I am glad that our university has recognized [Szyperski’s work] with this excellent award of being UB Distinguished Professor.” E-mail: news@ubspectrum.com
Buffalo public school scholars | students awarded continued from page 1
UB’s diverse resources. “The BPSP Scholars Program has been a real asset during my time at UB,” said Adrian Guadalupe, a junior accounting major and first round BPSP scholarship recipient. “It goes without saying that having your full tuition covered is tremendously helpful, but also everything that comes with being a scholar builds your character.” Since the UB/BPSP program began in 2008, six students from Buffalo Public Schools have benefited from the scholarship program. “All of us have to go through leadership training, give back to the community, and help promote
the scholarship,” Guadalupe said. “Through those experiences you can really learn a lot about yourself and what it takes to deserve an honor like this.” The program is managed by Teresa Barrett from the UB Center for Educational Collaboration and is still fairly new but Barrett hopes that it will expand in time. “I wish more Buffalo Public School students would apply,” Barrett said. “I am really going to put my marketing skills to use this year by contacting more guidance counselors and school administrators in order to get the word out and increase the applicant pool.” E-mail: news@ubspectrum.com
> Send us your personals We’re starting a personals section slated to run on Fridays. If you want your message in the paper, send it to personals@ubspectrum.com. Keep it brief and keep it classy; we won’t be printing anything that’s too vulgar.
Opinion 716.645.8566
Editorial Board Editor in Chief Andrew Wiktor Managing Editors David Sanchirico, senior Joe Paterno Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Luke Hammill News Editors Lauren Nostro, senior. Jessica Bennett, asst. Brendon Bochacki, asst. David Weidenborner, asst. Arts Editors James Twigg, senior Jameson Butler John Connelly, asst. Vanessa Frith, asst. John Hugar, asst. Nicolas Pino, asst. Life Editors Jennifer Harb, senior. Katie Allen, senior. Amanda Jonas, asst. Steve Neilans, asst. Jeff Pelzek, asst. Sports Editors Matt Parrino, senior Jacob Laurenti Brian Josephs, asst. Chris Rahn, asst. Photo Editors Clinton Hodnett, senior Renee Huo Megan Kinsley. Karen Larkin, asst. Sam Zakalik, asst. Web Editor Adam Cole Copy Editor Meghan Farrell Graphics Designer Aline Kobayashi
Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager Marissa Giarraputo Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Creative Director Chris Caporlingua, interim The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or spectrum-editorial@buffalo. edu. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.
The Spectrum is provided free in part by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee
SEPTEMBER 24 , 2010 VOLUME 60 NUMBER 10 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by Alloy Media and Marketing The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260-2100. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2010 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.
“Don’t ask, don’t tell” upheld by Senate
Senior Arts Editor
Obama and Democrats rushed bill and failed to keep promise In a last-ditch effort to blast legislation through Congress as midterm elections approach, President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats failed to repeal the military’s controversial “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which does not allow openly gay people to serve in the armed forces. Federal judges have ruled the policy unconstitutional and public opinion shows that a majority of Americans think that it should be repealed. Politicians, though, have again failed to get a seemingly obvious issue correct, to the surprise of nobody. It is easy to blame the Republicans for this, as they unanimously voted against the bill, which they seem to do with any Obama-backed legislation. However, the Democrats are also at fault. The timing and execution of this legislation was not right at all. Democrats, worried that they will lose seats in the Senate in November, tried to rush the bill through after the House of Representatives passed it, limiting discussion and debate. Republicans did not take well to the rushed pace, especially considering the military is still researching the effects that the policy change would have. Additionally, Democrats included other unrelated legislation in the bill, weakening the party’s chances to pass as a single “repeal don’t ask, don’t tell” issue. While campaigning for the presidency, Obama promised that he would repeal the policy. That
prospect is looking increasingly unlikely, especially if the GOP does win the Senate seats it is hoping for in November. Obama would have done better to push this issue a year ago when his approval rating was much higher. Also, he would have been more likely to get Republicans to cross over the line back then. With it now election season, politicians are very wary of voting for anything that might lose them votes. Two Senate Democrats even voted against the “don’t ask, don’t tell” bill, illustrating that phenomenon. This issue has become too political. It should be simple and straightforward: homosexuals should be allowed to serve the country they love without fear of being ostracized or having to pose as somebody they are not. As time passed, the politicians and anti-gay groups that were opposed to repealing the policy had more opportunities to twist public opinion around and make the issue larger than it really is. That is why Obama and his Democrats should have gotten started on this earlier. In a past speech, Obama attacked Washington politicians for acting as if every day was Election Day. The desperate efforts of the Democrats to rush this bill through the Senate in order to appease their voting bases seem to highlight exactly what he was talking about.
Something must be done about parking on campus Tired issue, but the problem will not go away Everybody knows that we have a parking problem here at UB. Some might say that it is useless to even bring the subject up. They would argue that the issue is a given and will never change, so students are just going to have to deal with it. The reality, though, is that parking is one of the biggest problems facing our ever-expanding campus, and as long as things remain that way, the topic deserves to be discussed. The fact that cars line up in the student parking lot near Capen Hall to follow departing students to their cars is a clear indication that the problem is out of control, not to mention a little creepy and stalker-like. On Wednesday, The Spectrum ran a column reporting that approximately $2,402,639 is spent on parking each year. Parking on campus has not gotten any easier or convenient in the past four years, so the students deserve to know what that money is being spent on. Unlike at private schools, where students often pay large sums for a simple parking pass, UB students do not pay directly to finance the parking situation. However, the university does use part of the $988.00 Comprehensive Fee that undergraduates pay to maintain and improve parking lots, shattering the illusion of a free parking pass. It’s about time that students got what they are paying for, which, according to UB, is “convenient and orderly parking throughout campuses.” It is also illogical that despite an overwhelming student-to-faculty ratio, the faculty here has a better parking situation than the students. After all, the students are the ones paying tuition, and the faculty members are the ones getting paid to come here. .
The editorial board does not want to simply rehash an old complaint. Instead, we’d like to offer some potential solutions. First, the students should be allowed to park in lots like Furnas and Jacobs A, which should be shared lots – used by both students and faculty. Lots like the Stadium and the Special Events lot should also be shared. Second, the university should consider turning one of the lots close to the academic spine into a parking garage. It might not be the most visually pleasing thing in the world, but then again, that would make it fit in with the rest of the campus. It would be expensive to initially build and maintain, but it would also wipe out the cost of constantly having to plow the lots during the winter. Maybe then we wouldn’t have the creepy line of cars waiting for students to leave class near Capen Hall. Third, the university should consider limiting the ways in which freshmen can use their cars. Many other colleges across the nation have similar restrictions. Also, students who live on campus should be restricted to keep their cars in their designated lots between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. The student leaders in positions of power at the Student Association and the UB Council should push administrators to address this issue. Seniors at UB have heard the same old things for four years about the parking problem on campus. It’s time for change.
A brighter shade of blue needed Apathy is the Achilles’ heel of our generation. We can’t be bothered to take interest in anything that requires even the smallest bit of effort on our part. As a result our school suffers. Every Sunday the campus is littered with those sporting the numbers of their favorite NFL stars and the air is electrified by the constant buzz of rivalry trash talk. On Saturday however, the jerseys are nowhere to be found and victory is a word seldom heard. I can’t help but wonder why. This year marks my fourth as a student at UB, and over the course of my education I have missed a total of two home football games. Though the reasons for missing those games were beyond my control, I still regret missing them more than I can say. Even when Turner Gill led his troops to Toronto for UB’s first ever bowl game appearance, I was there. I packed up my things and took an incredible road trip that ended in one of the best weekends of my life. Nothing else at this university quite measures up to standing shoulder to shoulder with your fellow classmates screaming chants, booing the referees and just cheering on the Bulls in the hopes of a stunning victory. When I think back on the all of those Saturdays I spent on my feet in those stands hollering until I no longer could, it pains me to know how much more alive that stadium could’ve have been if all of the so called football fans on campus would have been bothered to find their way out. With the exception of academics or work, there is no reason to miss a home game. The tickets are free and the stadium is within walking distance of anywhere on campus. If every one of the 18,000-plus undergrads at UB were to come out to a game, the sheer roar of our combined voices would deafen the opposition. While UB’s team may not be the cream of the crop, they are still a Division I-A team and are worthy of your recognition. They put their hearts and souls into the team in the name of our school, yet our student body still cannot be bothered to support them. They deserve better. If you consider yourself a fan of football or our school in general, I challenge each and every one of you who reads this to prove it at UB’s home game against Temple on Oct. 23. As always, I will be there wearing my brightest blue and cheering alongside all of the other UB faithfuls. I expect to see more students there than I ever have before. Besides, what better reason is there to down a few brews with your best friends in the middle of the day? E-mail: james.twigg@ubspectrum.com
l e t t e r t o t h e e di t or To The Editor, An issue as important as free speech deserves an intellectually honest and coherent examination — something we at UB Freethinkers work to promote on campus. However, Wednesday’s opinion “New Jersey Transit worker fired for Koran burning” failed in this regard. In it, the author wrote, “Making a public display of burning a peaceful and sacred text is intolerable. But Fenton’s First Amendment rights were clearly violated…” Although they should be commended for highlighting and defending Fenton’s rights, the author’s loose wording contradicts itself, logically undermines the entirety of an otherwise principled statement, and hinges on — and blindly serves to promote — false claims to both the sacredness and peacefulness of religious texts. First, to call burning any book “intolerable” negates, in short order, the very notion that the freedom to do the deed is any sort of defensible right. On that principle of free expression — of
which the written word is but one facet -- we at UB Freethinkers do agree that burning any book is “reprehensible,” to use the author’s earlier and more sensible term. However we argue that to do it is still entirely tolerable, since this act of free expression physically harms no one. It is precisely the “intent of the First Amendment” to protect exactly that: unpopular and offensive -- but still harmless – free expression. Likewise, a book’s status among a certain religious sect does not dictate how others must treat it, or make its destruction at all unique. Books are books; full of ideas both good and bad, truths and myths, focused on very earthly issues, and penned by very earthly human beings subject to very human emotions. Even among those books considered by some to be “sacred” or “holy,” historical investigation and critical inquiry reveal that they are no different. As such, burning them is no more reprehensible, and no less tolerable in a free society.
When any books are so casually accepted as “sacred,” the question of where critical thinking, doubt, and free expression are allowed to go becomes not just harder, but dangerous to answer. To label something as “sacred” is a very tempting, but very reckless human impulse -- one especially sad to see on full display in 2010. Unfortunately, as too many still do, the editorial’s author fell prey. Lastly, as a group dedicated to the rational examination of religion, we at UB Freethinkers would be quick to point out that for the author to call the Koran “peaceful” -- or the Bible and Torah for that matter -- only serves to show that they have failed to read it in its entirety. It is precisely that sort of casual thought and feel-good obfuscation that undermines objective and honest dialogue on transcendent issues like freedom of expression. Ed Beck Vice President and Co-Founder UB Freethinkers
The Spectrum Friday , September 24 , 2010
> There’s still some free movie tickets left The next people to e-mail ajwiktor@buffalo.edu with the subject MOVIE TICKETS will receive two tickets to an advanced screening of
The Social Network Tuesday night at the Regal Walden Galleria.
Benefits job creation continued from page 1
www.buffalodrivingschools.com expires 4-30-11
With this collaboration, UB will establish itself as a pioneer in the field of bioinformatics, paving the way for other SUNY centers and medical institutions across the country. Dr. Russell Bessette, associate vice president for health sciences and executive director of the Institute for Healthcare Informatics, believes that this project and partnership will be especially beneficial for UB students aspiring to enter the medical field. “[This will create] training opportunities for entry-level job fields, [along with] a partnership with ECC, who already has a twoyear program,” Bessette said. “Students can then transfer to UB’s four-year program and even study post-grad. This is another avenue to be explored.” Other participants in the program include CTG, a Buffalo-based technology company, and UB Associates, an organization that manages the 450 UB physicians of UBMD. The UB and local community are anticipating an ensured benefit from the partnership with Dell Inc. “I am honored to serve UB in this capacity and most of all to participate in a dynamic public/private partnership that will improve the public health,” Bessette said. “Combining the strength, experience and investment of Dell with the research capacity of UB, Western New York stands to benefit in job creation and economic impact.” Email: news@ubspectrum.com
nat iona l
Healthcare changes went into effect Thursday LAUREN NOSTRO Senior News Editor
Six months after President Obama signed it into law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act went into effect on Thursday Sept. 23. A number of key provisions are set to take effect and for healthcare plans that operate on a calendar year, many of the provisions will be enacted on Jan. 1, 2011. The Affordable Care Act directly affects the healthcare plans of undergraduate students and their families. The changes to all healthcare plans, individual and employersponsored, that are purchased or renewed after today are as follows:
Extension of coverage
Young adults can stay on their parents’ insurance coverage until they are 26, if the adult children do not receive insurance through their employer.
No denials for children
Insurance companies cannot deny coverage to children with health conditions.
No lifetime limits
Insurance plans cannot impose lifetime dollar restrictions on essential benefits such as hospitalizations and emergency care.
No dropping coverage
It is now illegal for insurance companies to drop someone’s coverage except in cases fraud.
Insurance companies must make it easier for consumers to appeal the denial of coverage of specific benefits. • For individual plans purchased after today and to employersponsored plans that are changed significantly after the company’s upcoming renewal period, the changes are as follows:
Free preventive care
Preventive services such as flu shots and mammograms must be provided without a co-pay or deductible. Preventive care also includes blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes testing, some cancer screenings, health counseling and routine vaccines.
Free care for children
No co-pays for regular well-baby vists and annual examinations until age 21. The coverage includes vision and hearing screenings, blood tests, counseling and vaccines.
Free pregnancy care
Certain pregnancy services will not require a co-pay, including screenings for iron deficiency, hepatitis B and some pregnancy-related conditions.
Rate increases
Any increase in monthly premiums must be publicized and justified by insurance companies. E-mail: news@ubspectrum.com
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football | Run game must improve continued from page 8
It’s been an uphill climb for Buffalo’s runners, who have yet to rush for a touchdown this season. Quinn realizes how important his running backs are going to be in the game. “We did some things Saturday in the run game that I thought were solid,” Quinn said. “We improved, we moved the chains and we had more first downs than [UCF] did. We also had more total offensive yardage than they did. Whether it’s in the
run game or the pass game, we have to put the ball in the end zone.” Just as the defense has to force turnovers, the offense must look to protect the ball. Redshirt freshman running back Branden Oliver fumbled twice on Saturday while Davis threw two interceptions, including one returned for a touchdown. Quinn said he has no intention of benching either player, but feels that they need to continue to be put in pressure situations in order to learn from their mistakes. “These are our guys,” Quinn said. “I’m not going to turn around and not play these kids and not develop them. I want these kids to understand that I believe in them and I care about them and I want them to feel that way about our coaching staff…You allow a kid to reflect on their mistake for a moment or two, and you get him back in there.” As the Bulls travel to Connecticut, they continue a tough non-conference schedule. The Huskies are the second of five straight Buffalo opponents that played in a bowl game last year. Though Buffalo is playing tough competition, facing teams like Baylor, Central Florida and Connecticut may help the Bulls as they head into MAC play. “I think you need to go and play those games,” Quinn said. “I have always been a firm believer that you play against the best and you do learn an awful lot about your football team from these battles.” Kickoff is set for noon at Rentschler Field in East Hartford, Conn. The game will be broadcasted locally on Time Warner Cable Sportsnet. E-mail: sports@ubspectrum.com
Arts & Life www.ubspectrum.com/arts
Courtesy of Flickr User St0rmz
a l bu m
Doucet misses mark ZACHARY BOURQUE Staff Writer
let the fall begin Visiting a pumpkin farm is must-do for any fall agenda. The Great Pumpkin Farm, located at 11199 Main St. in Clarence, opens Sept. 25 and has many activities for everyone’s inner child. The farm hosts many attractions including a corn maze, amusement rides, hayrides, a pumpkin cannon, a pumpkin-picking patch and the “Pumpkin Olympics” from Oct. 9-11. The corn maze costs just $5 and presents a detective
all fest may have passed but the true entertainment of fall hasn’t begun. With winter quickly approaching, many feel the need to enjoy the last bit of fresh outdoor air before the snow and ice take over. Luckily, Western New York has an endless amount of fall festivities to take part in.
themed game to play while running around the maze. The objective is similar to the murder-mystery game Clue, where one must act as a detective and figure out who caused the accident that led to farmer Joe’s disappearance. “It’s a chance to still enjoy being outside even when the weather is about to turn and it can be made into an adventure,” said Brian Hopkins, a • see FALL | page 6
Courtesy of Luke Doucet
The crisp, blues-like opening guitar riff of Luke Doucet and The White Falcon’s sixth studio album, Steel City Trawler, hints at a direction worth getting excited about for any fan of classic rock. Unfortunately, this direction is never fully realized. The album’s overall tone leans more towards the world of alternative rock, similar to that of the Wallflowers and the Barenaked Ladies. As the album progresses, it gradually evolves into a genredefying combination of blues, rock ‘n’ roll and contemporary pop mixed with maracas and a drum roll in track one, “Monkeys,” which would make legendary drummer Keith
Moon of The Who proud. “The Ballad Of Ian Curtis,” a song that starts with a muddy, ominous beat and ascending bass line, attempts to build anticipation. It fails to do so, however, as the song abruptly switches back to a clean, approachable and radio friendly pop song that lacks any standout moments or hooks. Many songs, like the track “Hey Now,” sound like slower, stripped down versions of rehashed songs and fail to make their mark as original work. Doucet’s clean and polite voice doesn’t do much to help mold together the grit and pop mixture found throughout
Artist: Luke Doucet and The White Falcon Album: Steel City Trawler Label: Six Shooter Release Date: September 21 Grade: B-
the album. Though there are opportunities for some harsh vocal tones in tracks like “Lust for Life,” Doucet seems rather hesitant to do so. With this approach characterizing the majority of the album, most of the record lends itself to lovers of ’90s pop, leaving rock fans out in the cold. E-mail: arts@ubspectrum.com
l i n da ya l e m ru n 2 010
Modern Family keeps the tradition Premiere makes for a promising season
JOHN CONNELLY Asst. Arts Editor
Grade: B
Modern Family kicks off its second season with more of the dysfunction and insanity that audiences fell in love with last year. The three generations of the Pritchett/Dunphy family returned to television Wednesday night with the same crazy antics that fans saw last season. This modern family still has a bit of everything in it with the defining characteristic being madness. It seems as if the characters are even more comfortable this time around, which should make the show more entertaining and create endless possibilities for the creators to explore. The premiere kept up the high standard that the first season set, but it also had a surprisingly serious side to it. At times, the characters got a little emotional, (albeit in some rather ridiculous situations) but that’s what Modern Family is all about. The show flawlessly integrates absurdity with reality. The episode focuses a surprising amount of sentimentality on the two mothers in the show, Claire (Julie Bowen, Crazy on the Outside) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara, Madea Goes to Jail), but, in standard fashion, does it in an outrageously exaggerated way.
to go off at any moment, escalating ridiculous situations to even greater heights. Meanwhile, Gloria has to watch Manny (Rico Rodriguez, Opposite Day), her smoothtalking lady-killer of a son, attempt to work his 12-year-old game on a young, dominant girl. Gloria immediately gets jealous that her little boy’s affections are being drawn elsewhere and perfectly portrays the over-thetop, intense Columbian mother/ wife while passive-aggressively battling a preteen girl. The episode addresses the diversity of the “modern family” with the hilarious juxtaposition of partners Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Ugly Betty) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet, Father vs. Son) next to Mitch’s father, Jay (Ed O’Neill, Redbelt), who is the stereotypical experienced old man. Similar to some of the plotlines seen in the first season, Mitch feels that he must assert his manliness in his own right. Never content to stay within the bounds of his skill set, he sets off on the noble mission of assembling a princess castle for his adopted daughter and sacrifices his dignity in the process. It isn’t the funniest episode of Modern Family that has been made to date, but it is a more than adequate start to a promising second season. With any luck, the next episode can continue to build off of the great foundation and huge following that the first season established. Anyone who was worried that Modern Family might fade into obscurity will definitely be satisfied with the strong start to this season.
Claire indulges in a healthy dose of nostalgia, longing for the days when her children were simply children and continues to have enough neuroses for the entire network of Courtesy of ABC ABC. This season, she seems to be This is about as normal and even more of an unstable ball of together as these three stress and emotions that is ready families will ever look.
T Who: Jameson Butler What: The Swellers When: Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Where: Mohawk Place
Why: Arguably the biggest
up-and-coming band in pop punk makes a stop in Buffalo to win over some new fans.
E-mail: arts@ubspectrum.com
Who: John Hugar What: Broken Social Scene When: Saturday at 8 p.m. Where: Town Ballroom
This Sunday, the 21st annual Linda Yalem Safety Run will take place at Alumni Arena
Spectrum File Photo
Running for a cause ANGELICA MAIER Staff Writer
Thousands of people will be running for a cause this Sunday as the 21st annual Linda Yalem Safety Run kicks off at Alumni Arena. The race is a UB tradition and honors the memory of Linda Yalem, a UB student who was murdered in 1990 while training for a marathon on the bike path near North Campus. A ndrea Constantino, director of Student Life at the University at Buffalo and race director for the run, explained that the run is for a good cause but brings back emotions as well. “With the recent capture and conviction of the bike path rapist and murderer (Altemio Sanchez), it is a bittersweet event for the entire WNY community as we reflect on the losses of our family, neighbors and friends,” Constantino said. d
Why: Indie-rock legends
return to Buffalo to show off one of the most intense live shows out there.
f a
“UB continues to present this important event to remind our community to remain vigilant about personal safety.” The race is a five-kilometer (3.1 mile) USA Track and Field certified course both starting and finishing at Alumni Arena. Runners also have a chance to qualify for The Buffalo News’ Runner of the Year series, welcoming experienced runners and casual walkers alike. Registration will take place Friday in Alumni Arena from 4-7 p.m., and before the race on Sunday at 7:30 a.m. Amanda Iseppon, a junior communication major with a minor in art, has volunteered for the race the past two years amongst the hundreds who help make the event a success. “My sorority, Sigma Delta Tau, always helps with the race,” Iseppon said. “It’s exhausting because it’s early on a Sunday morning, but it’s a great event and I’m happy l
they’ve continued to do it every year.” Awards will be given to first place finishers in several categories, including the top male and female finisher and the top three finishers in fiveyear age categories. There will also be a post-race party featuring food, giveaways and live music performed by Black Widow. David O’Keeffe set the record for fastest time by a male in 1991 after crossing the finish line in 14 minutes and 39 seconds, while Allison Carr has held the female record since 2005 with a time of 17 minutes and 30 seconds. The first 1,200 registrants will receive a Safety Run t-shirt. Students can race for $15, while adults fees are $20. Proceeds from the event support UB’s rape prevention and safety awareness programs. The race starts Sunday at 9:30 a.m. E-mail: features@ubspectrum.com
Who: John Connelly What: Pauly Shore When: Saturday at 6 p.m. Where: The Dome Theatre
Why: Pauly Shore is quite
possibly the most important comedian of our time. His legendary style and witty, insightful humor are worth seeing at any price.
The Spectrum Friday , September 24 , 2010
Frightworld in national spotlight continued from page 5
junior business major. “Trying to find the biggest or oddest shaped pumpkin and seeing who can make it to the middle of the maze first or out the quickest are my favorite activities.” For the more daring, Frightworld America’s Screampark is a must see after the Travel Chanel voted it the third scariest Halloween attraction in America. “I love Frightworld,” said Amanda Spencer, a senior business major. “There is a lot of variety and people chase you with chainsaws.” This scream park is more than just a haunted house. It’s a 108,000square foot vacated building that hosts five completely different haunted houses: “House of the Dead,” “Wicked Woods,” “Return of Mummy’s Curse,” “Carnevil in 3-D” and “Phobia’z.” “With there being five houses it takes a good amount of time to get through each one, so when you leave, your money was well spent,” said Savoya Spirro, a senior business major. Frightworld is located at 3060 Sheridan Dr. in Amherst. It opens Sept. 24 and runs until Oct. 31. Entrance into the haunted houses costs $23 and includes a visit to each of the five houses. Discounts on admission can be found at Wendy’s, Party City and Noco Express Marts. The Marble Orchard ghost walks, located at the courtyard on 476 Center St. in Lewiston, offers ghost stories, myths, tales of murder, crime and mystery. Admission is $10 and the event runs from Sept. 18 to Oct. 30. Starting Oct. 2, Oktoberfest comes to Springville. Oktoberfest celebrates authentic German beer, food and music. Festivities include a German Apfel dessert contest, along with a beer competition and a German car show. A few other exciting things to check out are Lockport’s haunted cave, a 70-minute haunted ride along the Erie Canal that takes place in late October. For those who are over 21, the Niagara Wine Trail also hosts Halloween-inspired events. Harvest Fest happens Sept. 24-26. Also, be sure to attend Hallowine, a murder mystery game taking place Oct. 29 through Halloween. Tickets for events are $20 if pre-ordered or $25 at the door. Student appreciation night at the Corn Maize, located in Wheatfield on Niagara Falls Boulevard, offers a dollar off to college students during “Flight Light Night,” which takes place on Sept. 25 and 26. E-mail: features@ubspectrum.com
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The Spectrum Friday, September 24 , 2010
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4 & 8 BEDROOM remodeled apart- MSC VERY LARGE one bedroom; ment to choose from: Located at utilities included; furnished; parkUniversity at Buffalo Main Street ing; $800, Ron1812@aol.com. HYUNDAI SONATA, 2005, V6, 5 Campus off Englewood. Begin- 3-BDRM, APPLIANCES, carpet, speed, 35mpg. new tires, brakes & ning Jan. ’10: 63 Montrose Avenue. $575/ month + utilities, security rotors, white, excellent through$250 per bed plus utilities. Wash- deposit. Call 884-7900. out. 63K, $6395, 716-688-4364. ers & dryers included. Contact brad@bufapt.com, 301-785-3773, FOR SALE HOUSE FOR RENT or Shawn 716-984-7813. Check out our web-site www.bufapt.com. RE-CONDITIONED SPINET 6 BDRM, 2-BATH home for rent FIRST FLOOR 3 bedroom apart- near UB South. Off-street parkPiano. Guaranteed, $350.00, ment near south campus for rent. 716-681-1645. ing & lots of amenities. $2500/ APARTMENT FOR RENT Off-street parking. $650 utilities mo. + utilities. Call Jennifer at HELP WANTED 4-B DRM SEMI-FU R N ISH ED, 3 not included, 716-832-0013. 716-743-7398 for more info. min wal k to MSC. Washer/ LISBON 4BR house. Fully furnished, T U T O R S N E E D E D w e e k d a y dryer included. Available now, washer/ dryer, includes utilities ROOM FOR RENT afternoons to tutor math & 716-691-5710. and monthly cleaning person. reading, grades K-12, at sites FANTASTIC LOCATION across the P E T S ? $335 per person. 716-982-6105 or street from UB South at Main & throughout city of Buffalo. $10- G O T email Annette.jiths@gmail.com. www.luxuryaptswny.com/UB. SUNY BUFFALO SPECTRUM PER CH036309B 9/24/10 15/ hour DOE. E-mail resumes to NF Blvd. Rent for completely furtutormanager@upgradeacademics.org. MERRIM AC 3 OR 4 bedroom LASALLE 3 BEDROOM apartments nishedUniversity Buffalo School of roomat starts at $325.00/ MAADAMS 8available x 10” (4cnow. process) Laundry, dishwash- mo. including Manageme all utilities and updated kitchen, bath, dishwashLOOKING FOR A Nanny for a famer, parking. Info 716-213-7383. ALDI000016 Internet. 630-300-4228. Immedicb/jb$250 per person. 2 ily in Williamsville. Must have er & laundry. ate occupancy. own car and be willing to clean. Available now. 716-308-5215. Contact 917-842-0371.
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ROOMMATE WANTED ROOMMATES WANTED for remodeled apartments located at UB at Main Street Campus – off Englewood Avenue. $250 plus utilities per tenant. Washing machine and dryers in basement. Off-street parking. Contact Brad Bradley. engel@ge.com. or 301-785-3773 or Shawn (property manager) at 716984-7813.
HOUSE FOR SALE 10 MINUTES FROM UB North Campus. Split level, 3-bdrm, 1 full & 1 half bath. Town of Tonawanda includes newly re-decked 4-slip dock for your use or rental to others. Living room w/ fireplace & dining room, eat-in kitchen, first floor laundry. House sits on deep, treed lot, close to bike paths. Price negotiable with refurbishing of pool taken into consideration. Contact Joe 716-694-5784, $225,000.00.
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Bulls protect their house COURTNEY MCHALE
let the Golden Griffins back into the set with mental errors and sloppy play.
Canisius came into Buffalo with hopes of claiming regional supremacy, but the Buffalo volleyball team had other ideas.
After Canisius took their first lead of the set at 15-14, the Bulls came back with a 6-1 run of their own to recapture the lead at 20-15. The Golden Griffins would tie the set at 22, but the Bulls went on a threepoint run to take the set, 25-22.
Staff Writer
The Bulls (12-4) dominated Canisius (6-8) from the first serve at Alumni Arena on Wednesday night, shutting out the Golden Griffins, 3-0 (25-22, 25-23, 25-18). With the victory, Buffalo upped its record to 7-0 at home, putting them in a comfortable position heading into Mid-American Conference play. Freshman hitter Dana Musil put an exclamation point on the match with her strong play late in the third set. She put the Bulls in position to maintain their dominance at home. “We dictated play tonight,” said head coach Todd Kress. “When we played well we could hold them down. I thought we were limiting the quality swings that they were getting and keeping them out of their system.” Clinton Hodnett/ The Spectrum
Kristin Bignell (11) goes up for a spike against Canisius on Wednesday in a Bulls shutout victory.
The Bulls came out hot with a quick 7-2 start to force Canisius into calling a timeout. However, the Bulls
A rematch of the 2009 International Bowl is set for Saturday afternoon as the Bulls look to stop a running attack that went ballistic in Toronto two years ago against the Connecticut Huskies. Connecticut (1-2) is coming off a 15-point loss to Mid-American Conference East Division leaders,
Alex McCrossen/ The Spectrum
Jerry Davis (4) will need to step up and prove he can run the spread offense.
With the score close at 19-18, the Bulls took a timeout to regain momentum before the end of the set. Trailing 22-18, Buffalo recorded four consecutive points to tie the set at 22. The Bulls obtained set point at 24-23 and senior blocker Kristin Bignell finished off Canisius with a strong kill to give the Bulls a 2-0 set lead. “We weren’t at our best,” Kress said. “The first two games we had way too many hitting errors, serving errors and passing errors. We definitely didn’t come out at our best, but
Despite the outcome of the first two sets, the Bulls had an easier time in the third set. With the score tight for most of the set, Musil stepped up when she needed to and showed the Griffs what she had to offer. With the score 20-16, Musil pinned back-to-back spikes in the corner of the court and forced the visitors to take a timeout. Senior hitter Marisa Hornbaker then finished off the sweep with a wellplaced spike to give Buffalo the 25-18 victory. Musil finished the match with 12 kills and a .348 hitting percentage. She also added seven digs. Senior setter Lindsey Schlegel also contributed in the win with 30 assists. “Speaking for all of our seniors, we expect this to be our best year in the MAC,” Schlegel said. “We are all so excited to get into conference play. I feel like we are going to be ready to go this coming weekend.” The Bulls open up conference play on Friday at 7 p.m. against the Miami (Ohio) RedHawks at Alumni Arena. E-mail: sports@ubspectrum.com
fo o t b a l l
International rematch in Connecticut Temple (3-0). Seeing a fellow MAC team defeat a Big East school last weekend gave the Bulls (1-2) some confidence going into their matchup with the Huskies. “Certainly, everybody is beatable on any given day,” said Buffalo head coach Jeff Quinn. “We are going into this game like any other. I never go into a game not believing that we can go in there and win if we execute and do the things that we have set forth in our program.” The Bulls, who are looking to avoid a three-game skid, will need to execute on both sides of the ball. But it will be up to the defense to set the tone early. Connecticut is led by junior tailback Jordan Todman, who is averaging 149.3 yards per game this season. He gained 192 yards and scored a touchdown against Temple last weekend. Quinn knows that the Huskies will try to utilize the running attack to slow the game down and control the clock. The pressure will be on the defense to push Connecticut’s big offensive line back to stop the run and create turnovers. Temple did exactly that last week and forced a key fumble against the Huskies to give the Owls the go-ahead touchdown in the fourth quarter. “This is a between the tackles ball game,” Quinn said. “They have a lot of big tackles on their offensive
The Bulls again did not play to their capability in the second set and allowed Canisius to keep the score close. The Griffs took a 15-11 lead midway through the second set, but the Bulls would utilize another 6-1 run to regain the lead at 17-16.
the third game we got a little better.”
Scouting 2010 Record:
2009 Record:
1-2 8-5
Connecticut The Huskies will win if… they avoid
(3-3 Big East Conference)
Last Meeting: Jan. 3, 2009 (International Bowl) Connecticut 38 Buffalo 20 All-Time Series:
Connecticut leads Buffalo, 13-4
committing turnovers. The turning point in their loss to Temple was a late turnover that they couldn’t recover from. The Huskies should be less prone to turnovers on their home turf and if they avoid silly mistakes, will be better able to control the clock.
RB Jordan Todman- Todman has led
Source: uconnhuskies.com
The Bulls will key in on Jordan Todman (23).
line who can also move well… It is hard to create turnovers off UConn’s offense, but that is what Temple did last week and they did a great job. That inspires our young men. They found a chink in their armor, which is hard to do against coach [Randy] Edsall.” An early statement by the Bulls defense, which hasn’t allowed a 100yard rusher in seven straight games, may be just the spark the offense needs to get going. The offense showed some signs of improvement against Central Florida (2-1), but only found the endzone once in a 24-10 loss. • see FOOTBALL | page 4
Connecticut in rushing in all three games this season, including a careerhigh 192 yards against Temple. He is ranked fourth in the country in rushing and first in the Big East with an average of 149.3 yards per game. The Bulls defense will have to battle against an experienced offensive line to try to slow him down, forcing quarterback Zach Frazer to make plays. LB- Lawrence Wilson: Wilson has had
a great start to the season: he has had at least six tackles in all three games for the Huskies. He leads a linebacker unit comprised of three seniors, which will look to put extra pressure on quarterback Jerry Davis. With some injuries to the Bulls offensive line, the reserves will have to step in and try to protect Davis. P- Cole Wagner: The redshirt freshman
replaces experienced punter Desi Cullen, who graduated last year. Buffalo special teams should look to throw Wagner off by putting extra pressure on the young punter. The Bulls will win if… they can play
efficiently on both sides of the ball and control the clock. They have to dominate the turnover margin and if the defense can contain the Todman, the Bulls may be able to wear the Huskies defense down and put points on the board.
Jerry Davis and the Bulls need to prove that they can play well on the road. After the debacle against Baylor, this will be a good test for Buffalo. However, I think the Huskies rushing attack will be focused on holding onto the ball – much like in the International Bowl where they ran for 358 yards and passed for just 49 – which will make it hard to keep them off the field. An inexperienced offensive line for Buffalo will have a lot of trouble protecting Davis, who hasn’t made good decisions under pressure thus far. Connecticut - 28 | Buffalo - 10 Jacob Laurenti | Sports Editor
The last time the Bulls played on the road, they lost by 28 points. While I think they will compete in this game, I do not see them being able to stop the run. I expect Jerry Davis to continue to struggle as he works out the kinks and progresses in the spread offense. The defense will keep the Bulls in the game for a while but it won’t be enough. Connecticut - 23 | Bulls- 9 Matthew Parrino | Senior Sports Editor
Sep.24 7pm KILLS ILLS Sep.25 5pemen UB vs Miami THR l UB vs Bowling Gr &
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