The Spectrum. Volume 60, Issue 61

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JOB HUNT ISSUE starts on


The Spectrum

h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Friday, March 5, 2010

Volume 59 Issue 61

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

Simulator will provide training for robotic surgery By BRENDON BOCHACKI Asst. Campus Editor

Dr. Thenkurussi Kesavadas, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, has joined forces with Roswell Park Cancer Institute to develop a simulator that accurately replicates the experience of performing surgery with the most widely used robotic system in medicine – the da Vinci Surgical System. The da Vinci is a two-part robotic system, consisting

of a surgeon’s console and a patient side cart. By manipulating the foot pedals and hand controllers of the console while viewing a 3-D image, the surgeon is able to remotely control the robotic arms of the side cart, positioned over the patient, to perform the surgery. While the da Vinci has proved incredibly beneficial for a number of standard procedures, minimizing invasion and trauma, one sig nificant problem has


The Distinguished Speaker Series continued Wednesday night with Canadian author Margaret Atwood. Atwood is author of over 35 acclaimed works of fiction, poetry, criticism and children’s books. Her list of awards includes the Booker Prize, the Governor General’s Award and the Arthur C. Clarke award. The author mentioned that her last appearance at the University at Buffalo was in 1980 for a Canadian poetry festival. “Buffalo was known as ‘Sin City’ when I was a teenager,” Atwood said. “I’ve always had very fond memories of visiting this city.” Her speech consisted of questions she had been asked in recent years and her diverse responses to them. “I am the shortest speaker [the Distinguished Speaker Series] has had all year. I am also the most female,” Atwood said. The questions ranged from objects placed in her work, to different brands of science fiction and the state of the world and environment. The author also humorously mentioned that she wouldn’t be running for prime minister in Canada’s next election. “Why are there so many tins of sardines in your work?’ is a strange question I have been asked,” Atwood said. “Maybe it’s because I’ve eaten a lot of tins of sardines in my life.” Atwood went on to explain how she has placed objects in her books, both intentionally and unintentionally. She has also been sure to provide food and toiletries for her characters, ever since her shock over Ivanhoe’s Rebecca having nothing to eat while locked up in her tower. Atwood also discussed her distinguished career as a poet. To date, she has published 17

pervaded its brief existence – the training process. “The traditional practice method is what you could call shadowing,” Kesavadas said. “Someone who wants to get into surgery using the robot would follow someone who was already an expert at using the robot - watching, sitting see ROBOT page 4 Courtesy of Roswell Park Right: Surgeons are training

to use robotic devices to assist in surgery.


Tim Ho / The Spectrum

collections of poetry and is considered one of the few poets to also be a successful novelist. “Women were only taken seriously as poets in the ’60s if they were dead, and ideally by their own hand,” Atwood said. “Right after Sylvia Plath’s [suicide in 1963], people always asked me when I was going to commit suicide.” Atwood also talked about science fiction and the various brands of writing that can be considered as such. “Science fiction entails certain expectations – other planets, galaxies far, far, away and Vulcan mind melds – which, while I enjoy them immensely, I do not write,” Atwood said. She went on to mention successful sci-fi from authors such as Ursula LeGuin and the “speculative fiction” category that she believes some of her novels fall into. “The kind of [speculative fiction] I write is descended from Jules Verne –something that can happen [when] taken to an extreme.” Atwood’s speculative fiction includes 1985’s The Handmaid’s Tale, 2003’s Oryx and Crake and her newest novel, The Year of the Flood. Her fiction has drawn considerable disapproval from critics for its seemingly negative attitude toward religion. Atwood addressed this misunderstanding in her speech. “I am not against religion. [The Handmaid’s Tale] is just a negative connotation of what religion can do,” Atwood said. When asked if she leans more toward pessimism or optimism, Atwood said that it is the task of the writer to be the latter. “You have to be wildly optimistic to be a writer. You have to believe you can finish the book and find a publisher for it. Then you have to believe it will be reviewed, that people will acquire it, like it and hopefully understand it,” she said. Atwood closed her speech by asking if she

Margaret Atwood, one of Canada’s most influential writers, spoke about her career and the state of the world as a part of the Distinguished Speaker Series.

see ATWOOD page 4

Jackson killer pleads guilty By JENNIFER GOOD and AMANDA WOODS City Editor and Asst. Campus Editor

Source: Javon Jackson was killed last May just hours after his graduation from UB. DaMario Cordelius pleaded guilty on Tuesday to first-degree manslaughter in the case.

Inside: Classifieds ..............11 Opinion ................... 3 Sports ....................12 Job Hunt ............. 5

Last May, in the celebratory hours after the University at Buffalo commencement ceremonies, new graduate Javon Jackson was shot and killed crossing Main Street near South Campus. Ten months later, justice was served when Senior Erie County Judge Michael L. D’Amico sentenced DaMario Cordelius, 21, of Kaymar Drive, Amherst to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty on Tuesday to the firstdegree manslaughter of Jackson.

The shooting of Jackson, 23, of the Bronx was caught on city surveillance cameras, assisting police in identifying and later arresting Cordelius on May 27. Following Jackson’s murder was the unrelated murder of his roommate, Jesse Garnett only 15 days later, as a result of a quarrel over a romantic relationship. Although there is no correlation in the cases, just one day before Cordelius’s plea, Garnett’s murder, Andre “Dre” Ridgeway was sentenced to 20 years in prison by Erie County Judge Michael F. Pietruszka. Before pleading g uilt y, Cordelius told D’Amico that he

C ANADA’S CRITIC The Spectrum sat down with Margaret Atwood for an exclusive interview.


accidentally killed Jackson. When the judge suggested that Cordelius discuss the matter with his defense lawyer, John R. Nuchereno, Cordelius admitted that he shot Jackson only in an attempt to injure him after a fight broke out on Main Street. However, Cordelius insisted to the judge that he never intended to murder the recent graduate. Vice President of Student Affairs Dennis Black is glad that UB’s surveillance cameras were able to play a part in solving the crime and thinks UB should take something away from the whole incident. “The plea won’t bring back a promising graduate, but I suspect

A N OT H E R DAY Buffalo couldn’t seal its fate against Miami on Friday afternoon.

See Page 12

that it is good for us and his family to know that in the end, there was justice,” Black said. “Hopefully, in the future, instead of solving a crime, we can prevent it.” Jackson’s parents approve of the plea deal because of the extensive term that Cordelius will face when he is sentenced on April 6. Christian T. Klenke, 19, of Buffalo, also known as Christian McCutcheon, will soon be sentenced after pleading guilty to providing Cordelius with the handgun he used in Jackson’s shooting. Currently, Klenke remains in jail. E-mail:

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The Spectrum


March 5, 2010


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The Spectrum

March 5, 2010


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Managing Editors Jennifer Lombardo Matt Mosher David Sanchirico Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Campus Editors Caitlin Tremblay Brendon Bochacki, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. City Editors Jennifer Good Chelsie Hinckley, asst. Lauren Nostro, asst. Arts Editors Christopher DiMatteo, senior Eric Hilliker Jameson Butler, asst. Vanessa Frith, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch, senior Shane Fallon Rachel Lamb Jessica Brant, asst. Jessica DiGennaro, asst. Sports Editors Andrew Wiktor, senior Matt Parrino Joe Paterno Luke Hammill, asst. Christy Suhr, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Clinton Hodnett Norbert Ogiba, asst. Rob Schulz, asst. Copy Editors Forrest John Crawford Meghan Farrell Laura Neese Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editor Andrew Muraco Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Adam Cole, asst. Daniel Tcharnyi, asst. The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

MARCH 5, 2010 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 61 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260-2100. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2010 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


Getting played

Setbacks plague coalition in Afghanistan It’s been a series of ups and downs for the United States-led coalition in Afghanistan. Many military experts were praising the new offensive in the southern province of Helmand, but its progress was still overshadowed by the lack of reform in the Afghan government. Nearly two weeks ago, NATO forces carried out a missile attack on a convoy that killed 27 civilians, putting an end to persuading the Afghan people that foreign soldiers are working to implement a counterinsurgency doctrine of protecting the people. The Dutch government’s pulling of its 2,000 combat troops out of Afghanistan on Saturday – after pleas from NATO to reconsider – could lead to a dangerous precedent. Many of the jobs Dutch troops were doing could be replaced by some of the newly deployed 30,000 American troops, however, if another ally were to pull its troops from the country, it would be a major setback. There is always something going wrong in Afghanistan, from not enough troops on the ground to killing innocent civilians. Maybe it isn’t worth the time. The idea of spreading democracy across the globe has been a tenet of the U.S. for half a century. It just doesn’t look possible for Afghanistan. It’s not a surprise. Afghanistan has been in a constant state of civil unrest since the 1970s. There aren’t any roads or infrastructure in place, which makes fighting insurgents and providing basic government services nearly impossible. Armies throughout history have been bogged down in Afghanistan. History shows that the former Soviet Union fell apart after pulling out of Afghanistan. The historical precedent is unavoidable in this instance when talking about the world’s last superpower – the U.S.




Making matters even more difficult is the widespread corruption in the Afghan government. Last year’s presidential election that was covered in sleaze gave the Taliban the ultimate public relations campaign. Western officials ordered the disqualification of one million ballots that had gone to President Hamid Karzi during the election. Western governments promised reform. Money and officials from the International Election Commission were sent to promote fair elections. But President Karzi’s response to all of this was a presidential decree, issued while the Afghan parliament was out of session. The measure allows the Afghan president to solely appoint officials to the election commission. Simply put, Karzi is stacking the deck so he and his cronies can enjoy their positions of power a bit longer. Karzi has yet to support the American-backed anti-corruption decree. That would give teeth to the Afghan anti-corruption agency and complete a promise that the United States had gained from Karzi at last month’s conference on Afghanistan in London. All of these events provide a harsh reality to war planners of the extreme difficult of implementing a counter-insurgency doctrine with a government that is only self-interested and reluctant to tackle issues that affect the Afghan people. The American response to Karzi’s blatant power grab has been anemic at best. If victory is the ultimate objective, then the U.S. must acknowledge the mistakes made and shoulder the responsibility for them. To truly defeat this nation’s enemies, it must show that it can do better than them.


Very disappointed in African organizations at UB As we end black history month, a month of remembrance of the struggles now and then for freedom of the African nation I am very disappointed. The reason why I am so is because of the lack of historical or current social awareness amongst the African organizations at UB. The awareness I am speaking of is that of knowing the history of our people, which was one struggle and the necessity for the struggle to continue today. On campuses, this awareness was once the entrusted property of organizations such as the Black Student Union and other African organizations. It seems that they have forgotten their duty to our people. On the BSU Web site, there is a document under their history tab that was submitted to The Spectrum in 1969. In it they outlaid their ideology as an organization as Pan-Africanist. That is an ideology that calls for the unity of African people across the world politically and socially and to united under a socialist African flag. This ideology rejects sectarianism amongst African people knowing that oppression across the world. This ideology rejects sectarianism amongst African people knowing that regardless of where we were dropped off at we are till one people sharing common interests. This ideology is one of liberation and consciousness and demands constant political action and education.

Remember that time when Gov. David A. Paterson was good at his job? Yeah. It was about a year and a half ago, when he was a tight-lipped lieutenant governor whose soul purpose in life was to agree with former Gov. Eliot Spitzer and smile for the cameras. Granted, he was thrown into the governorship almost overnight, a position he never wanted, but he is really failing miserably. I can’t help but feel like he’s not even trying. The point is, I would Caitlin Tremblay rather have Spitzer in Campus Editor office paying for sex and actually caring about New York state citizens than Paterson traipsing around the office, doing whatever he wants for the next year and running our state into the ground. Paterson has all these “ideas” to increase the state’s budget in the middle of our crumbling economy, but has he stopped to think how his genius plans are going to affect the people of New York? No. Many complain about his idea to withhold tax returns (totaling hundreds of millions of dollars) from citizens in order to boost the budget. I can’t really complain about that, though. I won’t be getting a tax return at all. Apparently, even though I’m a broke college student in student loan debt, cashing a savings bond that I got at my baptism because I’m desperate to feed myself counts as an exorbitant amount of income. Whatever. It’s not like I need to eat…or do laundry… or put gas in my car to get to work. Just take all my money, Paterson. It’s all yours. In all honesty, we should really just move. If Paterson has his way, no one’s going to be able to afford to live here anyway. Some of the taxes Paterson is proposing include a 4 percent tax on iTunes, taxi, limo and bus rides, cable and satellite T.V., clothing under $500, movies, concerts, haircuts, massages and gym memberships. Paterson also wants to double the tax on beer, see TREMBLAY page 4

Pan-Africanism, what? To the editor,

Disillusioned youth

My problem therefore is the lack of the BSU and other African organizations of adhering to their chosen ideology. This is illustrated in part by lack of any black history program during Black History Month. They opting instead for self-improvement series, which being good and all lacked understanding of the situation we are in. We need those in the forefront against budget cuts, tuition hikes, and even against Zionism (note not anti-Semitism) which is the traditional enemy of the African people. As for the CSA and ASA they are also at fault because they failed to understand that they too are part of Black History contributing much to the “African-American” struggle and vice a versa. What I ask, no demand is that we go back to our roots. We must cease with things such as fashion shows, which only objectify our women and take up arms against the injustices, which are rampant on this campus. I demand that we remember that capitalism was never the African friend and act accordingly. We must become political again, taking up arms against things such as Israeli apartheid, police brutality and poverty in the buffalo community, which host us. We must lastly cease seeing ourselves as cultural, social, and political interest of our people. If anyone from the BSU, ASA or CSA would like respond to my constructive criticism feel free be assured our people’s history is on my side. William Richardson President of the United Socialist Movement of the Americas


Fast food fail Everyone’s had the thought that maybe they want to shed a few pounds or tighten things up a bit. Now of course, there are many ways to go about this. Start exercising more, eating right, etc. But one way no one should ever, and I mean ever, try to lose weight is by going on a Taco Bell diet. Yet to my she er amazement, these people actually exist. When I first heard about the so-called “diet” being offered at James Twigg Taco Bell, I believed that Asst. Arts Editor this is an ironic advertising campaign. There’s absolutely no way anyone would ever take this seriously. I stand here now corrected. Dumbfounded, but corrected. The first time I walked into Taco Bell and came face to face with the cardboard cutout advertisement, I was forced to admit to myself that this was not some elaborate hoax, but real after all. It took every fiber of my being to resist checking into a mental institute. So thank you, Taco Bell. Thank you for completely destroying the little bit of faith I had left in humanity. If we as Americans can accept the idea of a fast food diet as a legitimate, nutritious meal plan, than we deserve every single fat joke ever made against us. I can’t even begin to describe the pure ridiculousness of this. Taco Bell is the same company that introduced the idea of a fourth meal and a ½ pound of beef, cheese and rice for 89 cents. Not enough proof? How about the fact that they offered a free taco coupon as a promotion for the diet? Nothing says “lose weight” like free food. This idea is even worse than the Subway diet. Just because some guy lost 200 pounds by eating Subway doesn’t make the chicken bacon ranch sub a healthy addition to your day. It’s simple. If you want to go on a diet, you don’t get to have Taco Bell or any other type of fast food. It just doesn’t work like that. End of story. Sorry if this comes off as a bit harsh, but if you believe otherwise, see TWIGG page 4

The Spectrum


A lot interest of interest from hospital ROBOT from page 1 when he gets a chance, doing a little bit here and there, and then finally, slowly moving to doing his own surgery. It’s a very long process.” With such an informal method of training, it is often the case that surgeons inexperienced with the da Vinci system are given the reins of the console with a live patient under the robot’s surgical arms. The simulator developed by Kesavadas, known as the Robotic Surgical Simulator, will provide a means to minimize these unwanted

situations. By first practicing on the RoSS, whose controls and experiences exactly resemble those of the da Vinci, the surgeon in training is able to master the operation of the machine before operating on his or her first patient. Much like the flight simulators used by pilots, the RoSS contains software programs that provide the operator with a virtual image that responds to the manipulation of the controls. “You have a bunch of virtual reality tasks where you can learn everything from basics of how the robot works to simple hand

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eye coordination to performing some surgery specific motions,” Kesavadas said. According to Kesavadas, the much-needed training experience that the RoSS provides will undoubtedly lead to a wider acceptance of the da Vinci system. As the da Vinci is still a relatively new technology in the field of medical devices and costs around $1.5 million, hospitals are hesitant to purchase the system without any means of training their surgeons on operating it. With RoSS, a hospital’s staff will be able to become proficient at the system at a cost of around $100,000, prior to procuring the da Vinci itself. To commercialize and market this new creation, Kesevadas teamed up with Dr. Khurshid A. Guru, director of the Center for Robotic Surgery at Roswell Park, to found Simulated Surgical Systems, LLC. Two prototypes of the RoSS have been made so far, both manufactured by the new medical technology company. Although several hospitals have already announced their intention to purchase the simulator, the RoSS will not officially be made available to the public until January 2011. “We have quite a few hospitals showing interest, but we are holding back because we are in the process of doing our beta trial of the system,” Kesavadas said. “We are working with five hospitals to see their experience and see how they’re using it to learn from it. If any changes are necessary, we want to make them then before we sell the product to everybody else, but we have a lot of interest already.”


March 5, 2010

Don’t reproduce TWIGG from page 3 then you’re an idiot. This alone is more than enough to convince me that the intelligence level of the population is going down. And rather sharply, I might add. Someone seriously needs to walk up to the president of Taco Bell and smack him across the face. Honestly, if someone walked up to you and told you that you’ll be healthier if you eat this taco, would you ever take them seriously? Even for a second? I didn’t think so. So why should it be different for a fast food chain? If anyone currently reading this is an active member of Taco Bell’s Drive Thru diet, then I have one small request to ask of you. Don’t ever reproduce. Seriously. The world

believes if there is hope for humanity and the world in such a tumultuous age. She responded with an optimistic answer, preceeded by a joke. “To quote [Franz] Kafka, ‘There is an abundance of hope, but not for us,’” Atwood said. “[I believe that] hope is a part of the human tool kit we all come with, as are the arts.”

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Remove head from sphincter

To Atwood, the idea of hope and the arts fit together like puzzle pieces. “Anyone who says the arts are a frill is wrong,” Atwood said. “Little children learn language and the arts first. That, plus hope, is a fundamental part of that tool kit.”

New York state residents, no one is going to be able to afford to live here. We won’t be able to drive to our non-existent jobs, drown our sorrows in the highly-taxed beer, alleviate our stress with a concert or a movie and we won’t be able to even stay home and download a song off iTunes for cheap. Not to mention, we’re all going to look like Neanderthals because we won’t be able to afford haircuts or other salon services. What really gets me, though, is his tax on soft drinks. He claims it’s to help fight obesity. David, if you’re trying to fight obesity, then why are you hiking the prices of gym memberships with taxes in this toilet bowl economy? It simply doesn’t make sense. Apparently, you can lose weight by simply cutting out soda and not setting foot in the gym. It’s the logic that Weight Watchers operates on and goes against everything a physician will tell you, so it clearly makes sense. I guess all I’m really saying is that I love living in New York State and I’d like to stay here. So David, remove your head from your sphincter, think, and then act. I’m too young to go bankrupt and I didn’t do anything to you. I didn’t even judge you when you admitted to cheating on your wife and doing cocaine. Please don’t ruin my life. Thanks.



TREMBLAY from page 3 bringing it up to $0.24 per gallon as well as an 18 percent tax on soft drinks and an elimination of the law that caps the gasoline tax at $0.08 per gallon. Paterson wants to raise all these taxes to increase revenue for the state, but he has no set plan to bring jobs to all the unemployed New Yorkers. It’s like he feels it’s President Barack Obama’s job, so he shouldn’t have to worry about it. Sorry, Paterson, but Obama’s job is the nation. Your job, whether you like it or not, is New York State. Act accordingly. Paterson is not running for reelection, which means he pretty much has free reign for the next year. If he doesn’t balance out these tax proposals with ideas to employ more

Hope is built in ATWOOD from page 1

is going to be far better off without any part of you in it. To lose weight, you don’t need some miracle diet that lets you keep eating your favorite foods. You need some self-control to get yourself to eat smart and exercise more often. By no means am I saying that if you’re overweight, you have to drop the weight. If you’re happy with yourself, then who should judge you? But if you are serious about it, don’t be dumb enough to continue to shove Taco Bell in your gullet. To me, the creation of a Taco Bell diet is the most convincing sign I’ve yet to witness that the world is indeed going to end in 2012. So when the apocalypse strikes, make sure you point the finger at Taco Bell.


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The Spectrum

March 5, 2010


The Job Hunt Issue Into the great, wide world By RACHEL LAMB Life Editor

see ABROAD page 8

A network of possibilities

Megan Kinsley/ The Spectrum

Networking is key for anyone looking for a job.

Graphics by Rafael Kobayashi / The Spectrum

A shoddy economy, rising tuition and a silver medal in hockey can put a damper on American pride. This may be why there are a rising number of students traveling to different countries to pursue jobs after graduation. “As [the number of students] studying abroad increases, so has [the number of students] who return overseas for work experience,” said Karen Nemeth, senior counselor in Career Services. For those who can’t seem to catch a break when applying for jobs after graduation, there are many opportunities for work overseas. In addition to helping UB students find and apply for jobs in the U.S., Career Services is also a helpful resource for those who wish to jump the pond to better health care and a better job market. “There are not any programs where all students can go directly [to work overseas] through UB, but there are certain pockets where you can [find] work abroad,” Nemeth said. According to Nemeth, there are opportunities through the engineering department to find technical internships in Europe and a program where students can teach English in Asia.

The Career Service Web site,, has a feature called Going Global, which is available after a UB student signs into BullsEye. The site offers information like culture tips, job searches and how to get a required work visa for overseas employment. Career Services site links to 100 different sites that offer many connections to internships and prospective employers. claims that different countries require different types of work visas, so what may be accepted in one country will not work in another. Students must first be set on what country or territory they plan on working in before they can apply for a visa. Another site linked through Career Services is the Council of International Educational Exchange, that offers opportunities to teach in other countries like Spain, the Dominican Republic and Thailand. However, getting lost in the whirlwind of excitement can make it hard for students to stay grounded, so it’s important to fully check sources and be wary of sites that could just be a scam. Jenna Curry, a senior mechanical engineering major, almost made a mistake when she contemplated traveling


“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” – one of the most clichéd phrases in the English language is particularly valid when it comes to the art of the career quest. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics discovered that 70 percent of job hunters find new positions by tapping into their networks of friends, family members, and even acquaintances. The time between when an organization conceives of the idea of a new job to the time when the opening is actually made public can be anywhere from a month to a year, according to Ed Brodka, senior career counselor for Career Services at UB. “The goal of networking is making yourself known to an individual or organization so that they consider you for the position before it is even advertised,” Brodka said. Through its partnership with the UB Alumni Association, Career Services has created an array of networking opportunities so students

can leave UB with a wallet bulging with business cards. Megan Pendergast, assistant director of part-time employment for Career Services, says the Mentor Network, which features nearly 600 professionals who represent a variety of career fields, is one of the best programs for students to utilize. “Students who are undecided in a career path or juniors who are looking for an internship can reach out to a mentor for ideas on the process,” Pendergast said. “The goal is to build a relationship and build a network – not to directly reach out to a mentor and say, ‘I want a job.’” Adrian Rangl, a sophomore business administration and finance major, visited the UB BullsEye Web site in search of an internship, but said he found something much more valuable in the Mentor Network. “I tried to get in touch with two mentors and one really helped me,” Rangl said. “It took him only 10 to 15 minutes to respond to my e-mail and five days later, we sat down in Starbucks and he talked to me for three hours about his day-to-day job, his salary, what education he needed

see NETWORK page 9

One-of-a-kind careers

Strategies for success By ADRIAN FINCH


Senior Life Editor

Asst. Life Editor

To find a job after graduation, especially in this competitive economy, it’s helpful to have some insider tips. Fortunately, Holly Paul, recruiting leader for the global consulting and accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, has shared some hints from the company’s newest event for guaranteed success in any job market. To help future employees in the long track to finding a job, PwC kicked off its inaugural Personal Brand Week last Monday. With guidelines and worksheets on topics like developing a network, finding passion in a career and distinguishing individual strengths, students logged onto the company’s Facebook page, PwC US Careers, for advice from the experts. “With the economy and the job market today, it’s unbelievably competitive, so students who are in the job market … need an edge,” Paul said. “The tips that we’re providing and making available on our Facebook page are the types of advice that

Blimp pilots, food stylists and pet acupuncturists are not on many job hunters’ lists. These unusual job titles may sound like they have nothing in common, but the people who hold them have all forged their own unique career paths.

see STRATEGIES page 8

and his likes and dislikes about the job. Since I’m decided on the field I want to get into, he helped me know what to expect.” Joe Andrade, who earned his B.S. in business administration from UB in 1987, now works as a financial advisor and has mentored over 100 students. He says he always stresses the importance of making connections to them. “Networking is a skill that students will need every day. They will need it in their private lives, before and after UB, and in their jobs,” Andrade said. “There is not one part of [students’] lives that cannot be improved by being an accomplished networker. [It] helps me every day, whether it is gaining more clients, more social capital, more connections, more friends, more opportunities, or more ways to help others.” Although many students have become accomplished in social networking through Web sites like Facebook, Michael Stefanone, an assistant professor in the

Flying high

Clinton Hodnett/ The Spectrum

With tips from Personal Brand Week, students are encouraged to review their résumés and take the necessary steps towards job success.

Jerry Hissem spends countless hours among the clouds doing what he loves – flying the Goodyear blimp. As assistant pilot in charge at the company’s headquarters in Akron, Ohio, Hissem leads a 20-man crew of people and makes sure operations run smoothly in the air.

Pilots typically spend 180 to 200 days out of the year flying, but Hissem enjoys his job so much that if given the opportunity to fly every single day, he would take it. “I kind of compare [flying] to floating in a bubble,” Hissem said. “I could stay in [the blimp] all day.” After taking an introductory class in the aviation department at Ohio State University, he felt inspired to switch his degree program from engineering. “I was hooked. The study of aviation sparked a passion,” Hissem said. “That passion is what makes learning easy and drives one to learn more.” The Goodyear blimp travels across the country and Hissem has visited see SPECIAL page 9


The Spectrum

March 5, 2010


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The Spectrum


March 5, 2010

Develop leadership skills outside of the classroom STRATEGIES from page 5 will help students approach personal branding in the right way.” Paul explains that creating a personal brand is crucial before applying for jobs. “Good grades are just the start. In addition to having good grades, students need a lot more today to differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd… A unique story to tell highlighting and focusing on their strengths [will help] to determine their personal brand,” she said. Paul believes perfecting an “elevator pitch,” a short, distinct speech describing what an employee is looking for in a job and the experiences he or she can bring to a company, is an important step toward perfecting Call for Low Low Rates!!

an individual’s brand. “One of the first places to start [when applying for jobs], and I think it’s incredibly important, is first to have an elevator pitch that students develop and keep in their back pocket that they can pull out in all settings,” she said. Experts from Personal Brand Week also mentioned that students should remain open to change in their futured when applying for a position in a company. “This relates to t hem understa nding a nd being able to answer the questions that come up in interview … [like] ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’” Paul said. “It’s a critical question that students need to be able to nail because it focuses on


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being open to change and being able to explain what your interests are … and setting some goals.” PwC hires 2,000 interns each year nationwide and 2,500 students for full-time positions in accounting fields. Paul looks for certain characteristics when recruiting students for the company. “[I look for] communication skills; the ability to network and build relationships; and students who really have a passion and are energized, enthusiastic and focused on things that they are interested in,” she said. Paul advises students to develop their leadership skills outside of the college classroom. Activities like clubs and intramurals will help them to build their network and foster important skills. “You don’t have to do everything … but look out across opportunities available to you and [the] sorts of things that you can get involved in, and try to pick a few things you like and things that are different to explore … they will open the door to future opportunities,” she said.

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and other personal information. “What’s really important for students to understand is your online brand is an extension of your personal brand … if you’re going to be putting things out there that you wouldn’t want people to see, [you should be careful because] your friends that you have today will turn into business contacts in the future,” Paul said. While students are busy developing their network, they should also take advantage of internships. Whet her pa id or unpa id, internships are an excellent opportunity for them to gain invaluable experience and also develop an understanding of what their chosen industry is like. “We know a career is a marathon, it’s not a sprint, and we know that students, as [with] many people, don’t know what, exactly, they will be doing in the future,” Paul said. “But you want to act like you’re [looking forward] to the future and looking [at] what path it will take you down.” E-mail:

Expand horizons



Paul recommends that students not only give a description on their résumé of the activities that they were involved in, but also that they describe the impact that they made while involved. This description demonstrates their passion and enthusiasm, which are key elements to take with them into a job setting. Paul also advises students to include their network and relationships on their résumé, as both are crucial to their success. “Networking is absolutely critical and it’s not just who you know, it’s the breadth of your network … make sure that you’re bringing the personal brand that you want to exhibit and behave in ways that will carry forth into the future,” she said. It’s imperative for students to remain in contact with members from their network, as it creates new opportunities for their future, Paul explains. However, many students take advantage of media outlets like Twitter and Facebook to do so, often forgetting that their accounts may contain compromising photographs

ABROAD from page 5 in the summer of 2008 with a program, TEFL International, that did not give her straight answers. Curry was falsely told that she did not have to obtain a work visa to teach English at a summer camp in Spain, and to lie to customs officials when she came back with an extensive amount of money that she would have received for her work. “[TEFL] told me to tell customs that I was going on vacation, not working, so that I didn’t have to get

a work visa,” Curry said. “Then they said that if I still wanted a work visa, they wouldn’t help me obtain it. I would have to do it by myself.” Although Curry believes she made the right decision by not joining the group, there are times where she regrets her decision because the experience will never come again. “I’m disappointed. I don’t think that anything [extreme] would have happened,” Curry said. “But there are chances that you don’t want to take when you’re going to another country for the first time.”

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Fliers that promote TEFL are still around campus, which leads Curry to wonder if other students are making the same mistake. Curry eventually went abroad through the University of Albany over this past winter break. She was able to obtain a visa for China and visit the China West Normal University in Nanchong. According to both Curry and Nemeth, China, Japan and Korea are popular destinations for students looking to work abroad because Asian universities are constantly searching for native English speakers. “Going abroad expands horizons and builds self-confidence,” Nemeth said. “Globalization is extremely important, and students should take the unique opportunity when it comes to them.” E-mail:

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Betts struggled MBBALL from page 12 highlighted by a reverse slam-dunk by RedHawks guard Antonio Ballard to end all hope for the Bulls. Mavunga and senior guard Kenny Hayes finished with 17 points for Miami. Ballard came within one rebound of a double-double after his 13-point, nine-rebound performance. Senior g uard Calvin Betts struggled from the field but was a monster on the glass, grabbing 12 rebounds in the loss, five of which were offensive. If Kent State wins on Friday, the Bulls will play the Toledo Rockets at Alumni Arena at 2 p.m. An Akron win will give the Bulls the fourth seed, which will send them straight to Quicken Loans Arena. E-mail:

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The Spectrum

March 5, 2010


‘Food styling seems to be on its way out’ SPECIAL from page 5

Mouth-watering makeover Karen Temple makes food look pretty. She arranges succulent dishes, delectable deserts and colorful beverages for advertisements, television, magazines and film. Temple, who lives in New York City, has been in her profession for over 25 years and has worked with a long list of clientele, including Nabisco Cracker and Cookies, Goya Foods, Absolut Vodka, Self Magazine, Reader’s Digest and Nickelodeon. Temple did not even know the career of food stylist existed until she began working as a production

Courtesy of Gerald Hissem

many towns, but his favorite place to fly is Manhattan because of the scenic view. Hissem has flown over the Kentucky Derby, pre-games for football events, charity events and outside Cleveland Cavalier basketball games. According to Hissem, pilot jobs are few and far between, so after he completed his aviation training and was offered a job flying at Goodyear, he was overjoyed. “If [someone] told me when I was younger that I would be flying a Goodyear blimp in my own hometown, I would have thought, ‘You’re crazy,’” Hissem said. “Truly, I was on cloud nine.” Friends and family love Hissem’s choice of career and he could not picture doing anything else. “It’s kind of unique to think that no one else has your job,” Hissem said.

“It’s kind of unique to think that no one else has your job.” - JERRY HISSEM

assistant for a commercial company and was asked if she could bake. Soon after, Temple began experimenting with other kinds of foods. She quickly learned that food styling was something she wanted to try, so she became a freelancer and has been working on her own ever since. Temple prepares all of the food that is photographed. If she does not know how to prepare something, she researches. “Much of it is self-taught,“ Temple said. “Cooking is a chemistry and the rules don’t change because of photography.” The unknown can sometimes be exciting, explains Temple. “It’s not boring,” Temple said. “You’re not going to the same place

Face-to-face is crucial NETWORK from page 5 Department of Communication, says these sites will likely not lead students to future career contacts. “The resources you’re investing are going to be proportional to what you get out of them,” Stefanone, who specializes in social media, said. “All of the opportunities that I’ve had have come from interpersonal communication outside of LinkedIn. None of the business I’ve done has come through Facebook. It’s very simple – if it takes you two minutes to set up a profile, then you’re not going to get much out of it.” Realizing the crucial role face-toface communication plays in creating relationships, Career Services and UBAA joined forces to present Career Conversations, a studentalumni networking event offered a few nights out of the year. With upcoming events in Rochester and Albany on March 9 and 11, Patricia Starr, assistant director for volunteer and student programs with the office of Alumni Relations, says interested students can spend their spring break having career discussions and gathering information with alumni in their related field. For those already committed to spending next week on the beaches of Daytona or Cancun, UBAA offers ongoing programs to match alumni with current UB students. “Dinner for 12 Strangers is a program where UB alumni host students, alumni and faculty in their home for a meal. The concept is simple: guests start off as strangers

and leave as UB friends,” Starr said. With the popularity of 12 Strangers, UBAA created UB Food, Alumni, and Networking (FAN) Mixers as the on-campus extension, where the Alumni Association hosts dinners for various departments within the university – but their goal is the same, according to Starr. “Both UB FAN Mixers and Dinner for 12 Strangers are designed to connect UB students and alumni in an informal environment, foster networking and communities, and make UB seem like a smaller, friendlier place,” Starr said. Brodka suggests that with so many diverse networking programs offered at UB, students need to be proactive in whichever action they choose to take – it’s just like finding a date. “Ask anyone how they met their significant other and they will tell you a story about how they went to a certain party or took a certain class or walked into a certain store, and that specific action down the road led to them meeting the person of their dreams,” Brodka said. “So if you want to meet the people who will help you find your job, you have to do things that will bring you into contact with new people and new ideas. The only way to discover what it is you really want to do is to just do something. Keep moving forward and before you know it, your dream job will find you.” For more information, visit E-mail:


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every day and there’s always a new project to work on.” The amount of freedom and creativity that food stylists are allotted is dependent on the client. Working with different types of people has taught Temple that collaboration and cooperation are key. “Some clients will worry about in which direction each rice kernel is pointed, and others will walk in and say, ‘It’s beautiful, just shoot it,’” Temple said. Temple believes that the job outlook for food stylists has become increasingly competitive because more schools are teaching courses catered to the profession. Temple cautions those who may consider a job as a freelancer. “Food styling seems to be on its way out,” Temple said.

Pet therapy Dr. Karen Lanz knew since sixth grade that she wanted to work with animals when she grew up, but she never thought that she would become a certified veterinary acupuncturist. “When I was in vet school, I didn’t really know what acupuncture was,” Lanz said. “I learned a lot about alternative medicine on my own.” Lanz opened her own small animal private practice, Healing Hands Pet Acupuncture, shortly after graduating from the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in Louisville, Ky. “Alternative medicine is becoming more and more recognized,” Lanz said. “My patients have tried other things, but most are looking for a

treatment that is more natural.” She recom mends to st udents who show interest in a particular field of study to go seek hands-on experience. “If you have an interest in a career, go shadow somebody,” Lanz said.

“You get an idea of how you think something is, but when you actually go do it, your experiences might be different.” E-mail:

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The Spectrum


March 5, 2010

Basketbrawls are always entertaining WIKTOR from page 12

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clinging to Mourning’s leg. Best part: Van Gundy, a 5-foot9-inch, 160-pound man, fearlessly went up against a 6-foot-10-inch NBA center. Oh yeah, and the Knicks won the series the next game. 3) Shaq-attack off balance (2002): The Chicago Bulls’ Charles Oakley was called for a flagrant foul against Shaq of the Lakers, but Brad Miller was the one who had to deal with the big fellow – almost. After being drilled, O’Neal lunged a massive punch at the wrong player, Miller. He missed and then lost his balance and fell into the stands Best part: Somehow, Miller’s shirt

came off during the “fight” and he was left topless. I don’t know what was more awkward … Shaq’s missed punch or Miller’s man boobs. 2) Melo runs from the Knicks (2006): There may be a bias here because I love the Knicks and I attended the following game, when Stephon Marbury hit a last-second layup in overtime to knock off the Utah Jazz, but I digress. This was an awesome fight especially because right after it happened, my phone blew up with a slew of ‘Did that really just happen?’ text messages. I loved it for a plethora of reason. At the time, Carmelo Anthony was leading the league in scoring and was forced to serve a 15-game suspension,

little Nate Robinson tossed J.R. Smith into the stands, and Anthony backpedaled away from the fight like a female dog. Best part: It all was started by a bad foul by Mardy Collins. Who? Exactly. 1) Ron Artest v. Detroit Pistons fans (2004): This is the undisputed best brawl in my lifetime and arguably in history, too. The two teams had met in the Eastern Conference Finals just a season before in a heated series that saw the Pistons advance to their first title since the “Bad Boys” of the early ’90s. NBA commissioner David Stern referred to the fight as “shocking, repulsive and inexcusable,” but I,

personally, thought it was great. The original dispute started with Ben Wallace, but after a fan threw a drink on Artest, he charged the stands and hit a spectator. Best part: he hit the wrong guy! Only Artest could be that dumb. Basketbrawls are always entertaining, not only because you find out which players can throw down, but because it demonstrates the competitiveness of the sport. There’s nothing better than watching a couple of athletes in a heated battle, even if it has nothing to do with the game that they’re playing. E-mail:

Newton should off his ball-hawking skill PRO from page 12 I’m a person that they can count on who’s always going to give

their 100 [percent].” Starks’ decision opened the door for other Buffalo seniors to impress. Along with Roosevelt, a few prospects that were considered “under the radar” players improved their draft stocks. Newton, who was not on many teams’ draft radars, impressed the scouts with his athleticism. He recorded an unofficial 40-yard dash time of 4.46 seconds and produced an impressive 41-inch vertical leap. Newton later showed off his ballhawking skills in defensive back drills and was approached by many scouts, including scouts from the Colts and Green Bay Packers, after the drill.

Former Buffalo wide receiver Brett Hamlin also had a productive Pro Day. Viewed as a possession receiver, Hamlin ran a better-thananticipated 4.64 40-yard dash. He also ran a 6.64-second 3-cone drill, which would have been one of the top times at the NFL Combine. In addition, Hamlin recorded a 36-inch vertical leap and a 10-foot 1-inch broad jump. “I don’t think there was one drill that I can name that I wish I can go back and do,” Hamlin said. “I think I did everything to the best of my ability, and I had fun doing it.” Hamlin took Scott’s advice and came in with a no pressure mindset. “I’ve been an underdog my whole

The goals are to raise awareness about mental health issues, decrease the stigma, and provide information about Student Wellness Team resources. The ads can be in poster form or 30 second video Public Service Announcement. They can focus on any aspect of mental health such as substance abuse, eating disorders, suicide prevention, mental illness, or the Student Wellness Team, etc.

life, so I came here with the notion that I have nothing to lose. I said I’m going to come in here and let it all out,” Hamlin said. To head coach Jeff Quinn, the impressive workouts showed the nation the type of talent that is coming out of Buffalo, once viewed as the antithesis of an NFL factory. “This was a tremendous turnout by the NFL in a great facility and our guys responded extremely well,” Quinn said. “It speaks volumes about the kind of players Buffalo is producing that we had the kind of attention that these guys have received.” E-mail:

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The Spectrum

March 5, 2010

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The Spectrum


March 5, 2010

SP O R T S Andrew Wiktor

Runnin’ down a dream

Senior Sports Editor


Punching in my top five brawls Anybody who tells you that winning isn’t everything is a loser. If you don’t believe me, ask Baylor freshman Brittany Griner. Wednesday night, she had scored 21 points and her team was leading by 16, but she never lost her competitive edge. After being shoved on the block by Texas Tech’s Jordan Barncastle, Griner let loose a Tyson-esque punch and was subsequently ejected from the game. This isn’t the first time that emotions have gotten the best of athletes. Tuesday night, for example, my intramural indoor soccer match looked more like a hockey game. Bodies were flying everywhere, tempers were flaring, trash talking was commonplace and two fights almost broke out at the end of each half. We may have lost 2-1, we definitely received a terrible sportsmanship grade and we probably wanted to rip our opponents’ heads off during the 40-minute bout, but we played a competitive game. Plus, we lost on a fluke goal and still lead our league in goal differential. Sports are all about competition. You want to be better than your opponent and you want to show it. Griner’s punch isn’t the first blow thrown in a basketball game, and it certainly won’t be the last. I can remember a few notorious basketbrawls, so I’ve compiled a list of my top five favorite fights on the NBA hardwood that have taken place in my lifetime. 5) Nash throws down with Skip-to-my-lou (2008): This altercation makes the list because of the high-octane stars involved. It all started with a shove by Matt Barnes of the Phoneix Suns, but ended up including the likes of Shaquille O’Neal, Steve Nash, Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming. How can I not include this when Shaq mail-boxed McGrady? Best part: Nash, the peaceful Canadian, was ready to tussle with Raefer Alston, a street legend from Queens. This let my imagination run wild, pondering what would have been if the refs didn’t break up the fight. 4) The old Van Gundy leg grab (1998): The Knicks and the Heat never liked each other. In 1998, when the two teams met in the playoffs, tension reached a breaking point at the end of Game 4 and Alonzo Mourning and Larry Johnson exchanged blows. Knicks coach Jeff Van Gundy rushed the court to try to break up the scuffle, but ended up on the hardwood see WIKTOR page 10

Managing Editor

Everywhere you looked, prospects were being assessed and judged under a microscope. Near the end of Wednesday’s Buffalo Pro Day at the Buffalo Bills Fieldhouse, a New Orleans Saints scout pulled out a tape measure and measured former Buffalo wide receiver Naaman Roosevelt’s foot size while the athlete was stretching. Later in the day, safety Mike Newton and tight end Jesse Rack were handed surveys by scouts from the Indianapolis Colts and Kansas City Chiefs. The lengthy surveys – the two prospects were the last to leave Pro Day – questioned the players’ likes, dislikes and viewpoints on a wide range of topics. At Pro Day, NFL scouts scrutinized every minute detail of each participating player. More than a dozen scouts attended Buffalo Pro Day at the fieldhouse in Orchard Park. Roosevelt, Newton and other Buffalo seniors displayed their attributes with hopes of impressing NFL talent evaluators. “All eyes are on you when you step up there,” Roosevelt said. “You just can’t think about the pressure. You have to think about what you’ve prepared for, and what you have done for these last couple of months.” Former Bull Trevor Scott echoed the same sentiment. Scott, a defensive end with the Oakland Raiders, went through the process two seasons ago. He was drafted by the Raiders in the sixth round of the 2008 NFL Draft and

has thrived ever since. “It’s definitely a mind battle,” Scott said. “You want to make sure you’re on your edge, but at the same time you don’t want to be too excited. You just want to keep your composure and just be confident. I took the mentality that I trained my butt off for a long time for [Pro Day], and I’m going to go out there, lay it all on the line and whatever happens, happens.” Scott attended Wednesday Pro Day to encourage his former teammates and to give them advice. “This is one of the biggest days in [these guys’] lives. Not many people get this opportunity,” Scott said. “Pro Day is huge, because once all the combine stuff comes around, that’s all the teams look at.” With the fieldhouse filled with the most amount of NFL scouts ever to attend a Buffalo Pro Day, Roosevelt and others impressed. Roosevelt came into the day with questions regarding his speed, but the wide receiver clocked in at 4.51 and 4.59 seconds in the 40-yard dash. Roosevelt worked during the course of the year to shave time off the 4.8-second dash he recorded at last year’s pro day. Extra motivation also helped the potential pro improve his time. Despite being one of the most productive wide receivers in college football last season, Roosevelt was not invited to last weekend’s NFL Combine, which was held in Indianapolis. The NFL Combine is where all the top college prospects compete and work out for NFL head coaches and general managers.

David Sanchirico / The Spectrum

Wide receiver Naaman Roosevelt impressed in the three-cone drill and other activities during Buffalo’s Pro Day at the Buffalo Bills Fieldhouse.

According to scouts, Roosevelt could play, but his lack of speed left him without an invite. Roosevelt, who finished the ’09 season with 70 receptions and 954 yards, was happy with his results. “I tried to prepare well during the last few months and I came out here to do what I had to do,” Roosevelt said. “I think I did pretty well for the most part.” While Roosevelt and others worked to improve their stocks, one Bull sat out and encouraged his teammates throughout the day as running back James Starks elected to

skip Pro Day workouts. Starks, who sat out all of the ’09 season with a shoulder injury, was at the NFL Combine over the weekend and was pleased enough with his performance in Indianapolis to hold out of Pro Day workouts. “I was ready to go out there and compete with the best backs in the nation,” Starks said. “Hopefully teams, GMs and everybody out there got to see that I’m a hard worker, a great player and, most of all, just a great person. I wanted to show them that see PRO page 10

Bulls can’t write own destiny By MATTHEW PARRINO Sports Editor

With a free pass to Cleveland on the line Thursday night, the men’s basketball team was hoping to beat a conference rival on the last day of the season for the second-straight year. The Bulls (17-11, 9-7 Mid-American Conference) battled back from 13 points down at halftime to knock off Miami (Ohio) (13-17, 9-7 MAC) in overtime a season ago to win a share of the MAC regular season title. The only difference this season was the venue – Millett Hall proved to be unkind to Buffalo this season. After a tightly contested first half, the Bulls fell behind early in the second and were unable to recover, falling to Miami, 73-62. The Bulls shot 48 percent from the field in the first half but couldn’t buy a basket in the second, going 10-for-36 from the field and 1-for-10 from threepoint range. Miami shot 50 percent for the game and a staggering 67 percent from downtown. “We obviously shot poorly,” said Bulls head coach Reggie Witherspoon. “You can shoot bad, but you have to make your opponent shoot bad as well,” Witherspoon said. “We didn’t do that.” The loss forces the Bulls to become spectators on Friday when the Akron Zips host the Kent State Golden Flashes to determine the MAC regular season victor. The game also will dictate whether the Bulls have a play-in game at home to the MAC Tournament. Witherspoon and company will be cheering on Akron for the only time this season, as a win by the Zips will

Spectrum File Photo

Despite a strong first half from sophomore forward Mitchell Watt, the Bulls couldn’t pull off a road win at Miami (Ohio), losing 73 - 62

send the Bulls directly to Quicken Loans Arena. Sophomore forward Mitchell Watt rocked the rim for the first points of the game to jumpstart the Bulls’ offensive attack. The next two trips down the floor ended with points as well when sophomore Titus Robinson and senior Max Boudreau converted on jump shots to give Buffalo a 6-2 advantage early on. Watt dominated in the first half and almost looked like a different player. He scored 17 points in the game, 11 of which came in the first half. He also blocked five shots and grabbed six rebounds. The two teams would battle fiercely throughout the first half, but senior guard Rodney Pierce never really seemed to settle into the game. His stat line may be a bit deceiving because, while he finished with 16 points, it came on a 3-for-13 shooting performance. It was announced early on Thursday that Pierce was named the Buffalo News “Big Four” Player of the Year. But despite going 9-for-10 from the free throw line, the senior didn’t play like it on this night. Boudreau knocked down a jump shot to bring the Bulls within two points. He scored all eight of his points in the first half. RedHawks forward Julian Mavunga scored nine straight points, giving Miami a 38-33 advantage with 17:08 remaining in the game. The Bulls pulled within five at 45-40 on a Pierce layup before the RedHawks put the game away. Miami utilized an 11-0 run see MBBALL page 8

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