The Spectrum. Volume 59, Issue 65

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The Spectrum h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Volume 59 Issue 65

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

Student fees proposed to increase by fall semester By JESSICA BENNETT Staff Writer

Students should be prepared to give UB even more of their money. If a proposal by Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs, and Satish K. Tripathi, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs is approved, student fees will be increased by 2 percent. “It starts in fall semester

of 2010,” said Carol Adler, resource analyst for the office of academic planning and budget. “Summer session 2010 will be on this current year rate, the new rate would go fall 2010 to summer 2011.” Black and Tripathi noted that the total proposed increase of two percent is in accordance with the Higher Educat ion Price Index (HEPI). The increase is necessary so that UB and SUNY can

continue to offer programs and services that students need and expect. “They’re prett y much increa sed ever y yea r,” said Laura Barnum, senior assistant vice president for see INCREASE page 7 John Bono / The Spectrum Right: Students will have to fork

over more money to the Student Response Center if a proposal to increase student fees is approved.

New law forces Puerto Rican citizens to renew birth certificates By JENNIFER GOOD City Editor

Ivanlli Scolari, a junior history and sociology major and native of Puerto Rico, was blindsided and confused when he unintentionally stumbled upon the news that his identity would soon be invalid. This past December, the Puerto Rican government passed a law stating that all birth certificates would be void and must be renewed as of July 1. With 40 percent of all identity frauds in the U.S. stemming from stolen birth certificates in Puerto Rico, the USA approached the commonwealth requesting that something be done. This law will create more secure documents and prohibit third parties from keeping and hiding away birth certificates, so there will no longer be mass piles of birth certificates stolen for identity theft, according to Kenneth McClintockHernandez, Puerto Rico’s secretary of state. M c C l i n t o c k- He r n a n d e z explained the main reasons why this law was so vital, especially for Puerto Rico.

Norbert Ogiba/ The Spectrum

UB student Ivanlli Scolari, a native Puerto Rican, must now apply for a new birth certificate because beginning on July 1, his will be void due to a new policy which aims to help eliminate immigration fraud.



appreciative that Christmas is during our Campus Editor winter break, Christmas is not the pinnacle holiday for our faith,” said Ashley Wiehl, a With Easter and other holy days fast senior biological sciences major. approaching, Christian students at UB are Wiehl feels that Christian students need questioning the university’s decision not to Good Friday off, because it is one of the most include Good Friday as a holday defining holy days in the religion — Good on the academic calendar. Friday is what the Christian faith is Some students feel that about. the university’s calendar “On Christmas, we celeheavily favors the Jewish brate the birth of Christ, which is of il faith in that during the course crucial for our faith. HowApr fall semester. Days off ever, Christ simply living doesn’t are granted for both Yom scratch the surface about what Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, being a Christian is all about,” but during the spring, the Wiehl said. “Only through iday r F d university does not grant a day the death of Christ and his y a Goo rd off for one of the holiest days in resurrection do we believe Satu r e t the Christian faith. we can have eternal salvation Eas “As a school which encomthrough him. Good Friday, being the passes so much diversity, we day that we celebrate Christ’s death, … is an know that it is very hard for all religious essential day in which we reminisce, mourn, groups to be allowed to have all our special religious holidays off, and while we are much see FRIDAY page 8


Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds ............. 11 Opinion .................... 3 Sports ................... 12 Playlist .................... 5

BE AR CL AWED Women’s tennis team falls to nationally-ranked Brown. See Page 12

see CERTIFICATE page 8

Victory for vaginas

Fairness of university calendar questioned


“Number one, most of the undocumented people who are trying to seek documents of something that they are not happen to be Spanish people … almost all birth certificates in Puerto Rico have Spanish names,” McClintock-Hernandez said. “Secondly, [all people] in Puerto Rico are automatically U.S. citizens, making these documents more valuable to those trying to cross borders.” In addition, McClintock-Hernandez states that the role of the birth certificate is very important in the day-to-day life of Puerto Ricans. “There has been a tradition in Puerto Rico for at least half a century where people must produce a birth certificate to every school, summer camp, ballet class or little league team they enroll in throughout their lives,” McClintock-Hernandez said. “This puts at least 10 to 20 copies of every person’s [birth certificate] out there, so you have tens of thousands of birth certificates that are misfiled and then you have many schools that are being broken into where the records are then taken away and sold on the black market for $5,000

Rob Schulz/ The Spectrum

Women’s sexuality, struggles, and triumphs were addressed by UB students at the performance of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues.

FA L L O F T H E G O DS Kratos is back in another fun, gory experience. See Page 5

The V-Day Campaign at the University at Buffalo continued this week with the annual performance of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. The show, which stars over 40 UB students and faculty members of all years and majors, sought to bring attention to the struggles of women everywhere. The monologues dealt with issues both serious and humorous, from abuse and rape to masturbation and a spirited “taking back” of a derogatory four-letter “C” word often used against women. Issues and atrocities against women abroad, particularly genital mutilation and sex slavery in Africa and ethnic cleansings in Bosnia and Kosovo, were also addressed. The underlying theme of the play is women’s sexuality and its myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions. It effortlessly brings awareness to issues that are usually ignored in a passionate see VAGINA page 6

Weather: Wed: 45o high / 32o low Thu: 53o high / 29o low Fri: 37o high / 23o low


The Spectrum

March 24, 2010



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The Spectrum

March 24, 2010


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Managing Editors Jennifer Lombardo Matt Mosher David Sanchirico Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Campus Editors Caitlin Tremblay Brendon Bochacki, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. City Editors Jennifer Good Chelsie Hinckley, asst. Lauren Nostro, asst. Arts Editors Christopher DiMatteo, senior Eric Hilliker Jameson Butler, asst. Vanessa Frith, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch, senior Shane Fallon Rachel Lamb Jessica Brant, asst. Jessica DiGennaro, asst. Sports Editors Andrew Wiktor, senior Matt Parrino Joe Paterno Luke Hammill, asst. Christy Suhr, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Clinton Hodnett Rob Schulz, asst. Copy Editors Forrest John Crawford Meghan Farrell Laura Neese Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt

Deficit busting through reform

Digital dollars

Health care reform passes but will it work?

Ten thousand years ago, our ancestors would have never dreamed of paying for dinner with little pieces of paper. A hundred years ago, our great grandparents never thought about purchasing concert tickets with plastic cards. Twenty years ago, our parents couldn’t have guessed they’d be buying movies from eBay using Internet-based accounts to settle the debt with an overseas supplier. And now, I can’t believe where ecommerce has gone. PayPal now has an iPhone application, Twitter users can acquire funds from friends and co-workers through Twitpay and online banking has made handling digital money all too easy. The Internet is home to millions of vendors and companies selling anything and everything. The problem with the Internet is trust. I don’t trust a single site or user of eBay with my credit card information, which is where PayPal comes in. PayPal is “the safer, easier way to pay” as the Matt Mosher site claims, and allows Managing Editor users to pay for goods through the site keeping their banking and credit card information safe. The downfall and dangers to this site, along with all ecommerce, is the ease of use. When you have your credit card linked up to your PayPal account, its easy to get carried away, it’s easy to believe you have more money available than you actually do and its very easy to get behind on your bills. Shopping online requires only a few clicks, a password and sometimes a confirmation e-mail. It never actually feels like money is being spent. The balance from one account gets lower, another account gets larger and a few days later a new video game arrives in the mail. Without the feel of money, the handling of cash, I think it’s much easier to get into to debt. Whenever I have cash, I’m much more careful with how I spend it, I can watch as a 10 or 20-dollar bill leaves my pocket, and how much change comes back. With a credit card, it doesn’t matter the cost of something, just swipe – or enter the numbers – and it’s yours. see MOSHER page 4

For the first time since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the United States Congress has passed progressive legislation. After a year of strenuous debate, the House of Representatives passed the Senate’s health reform into law. Everyone agrees that health care costs are rising and actions must be taken to keep costs from spiraling out of control. Americans want results. Many in America are displeased with such action. Millions of Americans don’t want to provide health care to people who can’t afford it. The United States government is mandating every citizen to have health insurance regardless of whether or not Americans want it. Other arguments against the bill include moving resources from the private sector that tends to be more efficient to the public that is less efficient. But the biggest argument against the bill is the cost. Many Americans are familiar with how to purchase insurance rather then reforming the complex way health care is administered in this country. But the bill isn’t all that bad either. It does some very good things as well. For example, it allows young Americans to stay on their parent’s health insurance plans until the age of 26. Young Americans from the age range of 19 to 29 make up nearly one third of the uninsured population and have the highest uninsured rate of any other age group according to a study done by the Center for Disease Control in 2008. The major part of the country’s most controversial law is exactly how it will keep costs in check. The Congressional Budget Office, the official scorekeeper projects that the new law will save one trillion dollars over 20 years. Here is how the new law proposes to do it. I. Create a competitive insurance market There is little competition in the insurance market. For most part insurance companies avoid the sick and only insure the healthiest of potential customers. Offering the best plans isn’t a real priority, since many Americans don’t know which coverage is best. Insurers can no longer discriminate against preexisting conditions. Companies will have to answer to regulators if they increase premiums, in addition to allow customers to rate their insurance company for other consumers to see.

Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi


Web Editor Andrew Muraco

Sloppy rip-off

Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Adam Cole, asst. Daniel Tcharnyi, asst.

The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

MARCH 24, 2010 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 65 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260-2100. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2010 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.




As any advocate of the “magic” of the free market these steps should drive costs down and quality up. In addition the law stipulates that even government officials must partake in this. II. Taxing “Cadillac” plans This is definitely the least popular part of the new law. The average employer pays for about 70 percent of a workers premium, which happens to be tax-free. Many workers who receive employer provided coverage have no idea how much their plans cost. Imagine how workers would feel if they actually saw the amount come out of their pocket rather than their paychecks. So what the law calls for is by 2018 a tax is put on such plans which costs are above $27,500 annually. So if an American’s current plan is worth $27,600 that last $100 would be taxed. But the thought process behind this part isn’t for people to actually pay that tax. The goal is to make employers choose plans under that threshold to hold down costs more aggressively. In turn, it allows insurance companies who adhere to this policy, a competitive advantage over those who don’t. III. Bundling programs The single biggest problem within the health care system is American’s pay doctors like they pay car salesman. The more product sold the more they get paid. And lets be honest America, Americans will disagree with car salesmen but not their doctors. Instead of getting paid for everything doctors do to treat a cancer patient, the hospitals would be paid once for treating that patient’s cancer and all related conditions over an extended period of time. If this leads to lower costs and doesn’t harm the treatment patients receive the program will be expanded. This would usher in a new era of quality health care versus quantity health care. The simple truth hasn’t changed when it comes to health care reform. America needs results. The law is passed. And regardless of political ideology, every American should hope this reform allows for a healthier, richer, more solvent United States.


Student journalists must respect the basic tenets of journalism To the editor, I would like to commend Jameson Butler for his complete inability to fact check and his flimsy grasp on the English language as demonstrated in his opinion column (A lost Generation, March 22). The article was riddled with errors. The idea that shuttering Generation would free up more money for Spring Fest is a fallacy, and a poor one at that. SubBoard I, Inc. provides Generation with its funding. A portion of Sub-Board’s funding does come from SA, but Sub-Board’s board of directors ultimately holds the authority to decide where that money is spent. Since Butler is still trying to figure out how often Generation is printed, let me point it out for him. It’s every two weeks. I feel obliged to tell him that two weeks equals 14 days, because after reading poorly-written phrases like “nothing I love more than taken some bills” and “what ultimately led for” in his column I should probably doubt his ability to count, as well. Furthermore, I’m going to assume Butler was referring to me when he said a “pretentious Canadian and his girlfriend” write “He Says, She Says.” Dino Husejnovic and Alexandra Pivovarova have actually been collaborating on that feature since issue No. 2. Butler is either breaking his own rule against using inside jokes or he’s confused and thinks Husejnovic is a Canadian last name. Butler gets bonus points for his blatant sexism, as well. By referring to Keeley Sheehan as simply my “girlfriend,” he managed to spurn all of her credentials, which are substantially more impressive than his own.

The article was a sloppy rip-off of everything former Editor in Chief Andrew Blake told The Spectrum in an interview earlier this semester. Butler should make sure he’s being original before he blasts Generation for the opposite. I would look past the ugly flaws and simply ignore Butler’s dumb criticisms. In fact, I’d be flattered that he chose to spurn writing about high-profile issues like health care reform or the SA elections and instead chose to write about something that happened at the beginning of the semester. But one part of the article is just too insulting to disregard. Inferring that my staff and me do not care about Generation Magazine is an affront to all of the hard work we do upstairs in 315 Student Union. As Butler’s former editor at The Spectrum, I know for a fact that I put more time and care into a single story than Butler spends on his entire weekly Spectrum workload, and I know that my staff does as well. Student journalists at The Spectrum are free to write whatever they want about any topic in the world and then have that message sent to 10,000 students across the University at Buffalo’s three campuses. But that power comes with a caveat—that student journalists must respect the basic tenets of journalism. By printing erroneous information and disregarding middle school grammar rules, Butler failed to follow his duties as a journalist. He should apologize to me, my staff, and the institution of journalism as a whole. Sincerely, Ren M. LaForme

Editor in Chief Generation Magazine

What a relief Last Saturday, Washington D.C. rapper Wale performed at Alumni Arena in what was deemed a “Disaster Relief Concert.” Students were notified about the event, which was hosted by the Student Association and free to UB undergraduates, in an email sent out the previous Monday. The email was signed by three SA officers: President Ernesto Alvarado, Vice President Greg Robbins, and Treasurer Jordan Fried. When I first found out about the concert, I didn’t know what to expect. The email didn’t even mention which disaster the SA was raising money for. Haiti? Chile? The New York Knicks? My roommate’s love life? I’m not much of a fan of Wale’s music (save for “W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E.”), but I decided to attend the show anyway since I had nothing to do that night, it was free, and it was for a good cause. Knowing from prior experience that rappers never take the stage on time, I arrived on North Campus around Luke Hammil 8:30 p.m., 30 minutes Asst. Sports Editor after Wale was scheduled to appear. When I got into the arena, the crowd was still waiting for the show to start while DJ Omega played music and asked everyone if they had gotten their pregame on. I learned later that Alvarado had taken the stage and addressed the crowd before I had gotten there. When Wale finally did arrive on stage with his band, he was wearing a jacket with the Red Cross symbol on the back. I mention this because the expensive-looking jacket was the only indication I got during my entire time at Alumni Arena that night that I was indeed at a “Disaster Relief Concert.” On the way into the arena, I wasn’t especially looking for any stations where I could donate money, but I definitely didn’t notice any. You’d think that at a “Disaster Relief Concert,” these stations would be eye-grabbing and in many places. Even worse, Wale did not make any mention whatsoever of disaster relief. Instead, he rapped hits like “Nike Boots,” “Pretty Girls,” and “Chillin” to fans that could not hear him because his band’s see HAMMILL page 4

The Spectrum


Let Summer

March 24, 2010

We’ve come a long way

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Need a course you couldn’t get? Check out SummerSession ’10 at Brockport. We offer: • 250+ graduate and undergraduate courses • Day and evening courses that fit your schedule

MOSHER from page 3 During my first job back in the early 2000s, I would actually receive a paycheck. I’d have to take it to the bank, cash it and then have currency to prove I washed dishes for 20 hours. Now, with both of my jobs I have direct deposit, and can’t remember the last time I’ve visited a bank – or had lots of cash around. Direct deposit has made it so money holds almost no value to me, and with online banking, I can manage those digital dollars whenever and wherever I find it convenient. I hardly ever handle mass amounts of cash, it’s been years since I cut a check and even longer since I sent

a bill through the mail – a great advantage to online payments and Internet banking. Just imagine how many tons of paper we would save if everyone switched to e-payments. I’ve switched every one of my credit card bills, car insurance and all banking statements to e-mail only. It’s a small part to help the environment, but it makes a difference not receiving five bills every month. We’ve come a long way since trading sea shells and cows for goods, but with the advancements in all the technology, banking has become simple as has purchasing, but just be careful how you spend, before you know it, you’ll wish we were still trading farm animals. E-mail:

• Courses on campus and at the MetroCenter • More than 20 online courses Registration is underway for: Session I May 17–28 Session II June 1–July 3

Throw $5 down on relief HAMMILL from page 3

Session III July 6 – August 7 Special Sessions Dates vary

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sound engineer couldn’t seem to get the levels right. It’s probably for the better, though – are these typical rap lyrics that brag about spending money and partying appropriate for a “Disaster Relief Concert”? During one section of the show, DJ Omega played classic rap hits while Wale interacted with the crowd. One song that was selected, Luniz’s “I Got 5 on It,” is about contributing $5 toward a marijuana blunt and getting high. While the song blasted, Wale led the crowd in a chant about “smoking great.” Perhaps he could have also suggested throwing $5 down on some disaster relief. Granted, I arrived late and left

early (out of embarrassment after Wale tried to get the crowd amped to Kings of Leon’s “Use Somebody”). Maybe after I left, Wale urged the crowd to donate money. Maybe the Alvarado speech that I missed at the beginning inspired some people to give to charity. But that isn’t the point. If I never got that email, I would have never known I was at a “Disaster Relief Concert” that night. I’d like to know how much money the SA spent on the event, including the amount Wale received, and then I’d like to know how much it raised for disaster relief. E-mail:

The Spectrum

March 24, 2010


AR T S & LI F E Environmental awakenings By ADRIAN FINCH Senior Life Editor

Courtesy of UBEN

A group of students from the University at Buffalo Environmental Network took inspiration from their experience during a national conference in D.C. and decided to Courtesy of UBEN begin Power Shift NY 2010.

In a time where “going green” has become more of a fashion statement than an actual initiative, student-run groups like the University at Buffalo Environmental Network are taking a stand and working toward a better environment for their campus and community. The UBEN is a group of networks, organizations and individuals who work towards ending injustices on the environment through education, action and change, according to their Web site. On April 16, 17 and 18, the group

will come together with schools throughout Western New York to join 400 environmentally active students for Power Shift NY 2010 at UB. “[UBEN wants] to push the message that this is about students and youth who are meeting to exchange ideas and promote an environmentally conscious and environmentally sustainable future,” said Kristina Blank, a sophomore environmental study major and vice president of outreach for UBEN. In March of 2009, Congress recorded the largest student environmental lobby day in history when students, including those from UBEN, gathered together in Washington D.C.

during the environmental Power Shift conference. Esther Dsouza, a senior environmental design and geography major, vice president of activism for UBEN and coordinator for the summit, explains that the group felt inspired by their time spent inD.C. and decided to form the first NY breakout of Power Shift and the largest environmental summit that any UB club has hosted. “I went on the environmental conference [in Washington, D.C.] last year … it was empowering to see so many people who are see SHIFT page 10


Grade: AGods and demi-gods alike beware: Kratos, the true god of war, is back and he’s tearing a bloody path through every living and nonliving creature to take his revenge on the god-king Zeus. God of War III brings more of what people want to its heart-hammering action-adventure franchise, which will leave the player wanting to rip Hades a new one. Much has been improved for this sequel to the 2005 ‘Game of the Year’ and 2008’s ‘Greatest Hit’ God of War II. Kratos’s story picks up right where its predecessor left off. Kratos, aided by the titan Gaia, is assaulting the stronghold of the gods, Mount Olympus. Zeus and his fellow Olympians are not big fans of their home being ravaged and Poseidon is the first to throw himself into the fray against the Spartan protagonist. One thing is for sure: this game is not meant for the faint of heart. Limbs will be severed,

eyes will be torn out and centaurs will be disemboweled. Without a doubt this game entirely deserves the ‘M’ rating given to it by the ESRB. Besides the ridiculously gory combat, the series has always been known to mix in a challenging puzzle or two to keep the gameplay feeling fresh. This idea doesn’t carry over to the third game. While there are puzzles to solve, most are not difficult and are more about your skill in controlling Kratos than using a keen mind. That, however, is not necessarily a bad concept to remove as some players got caught up and frustrated with the tougher challenges thrown at them in previous installments. One can’t be a god of war without the arsenal to match and in this game Kratos will have more weapons than Hercules can shake his Nemean Cestus at. Kratos will, of course, have his standard Blades of Athena, which get a nice upgrade early on, alongside the Claws of Hades and a few other Olympian killing weapons. Another weapon that sees a massive improvement in this game is the Bow of Apollo.

Courtesy of Sony

Kratos is ready to make Mount Olympus crumble in God of War III.

This time around, the designers decided to remove its integration to the magic bar and instead gave the player a third bar that dictates how strong their shot will be. Kratos will be restricted to what spells he can use based on what weapon is currently equipped. In God of War III each weapon only has one associated spell. Each spell has a relatively clear use, but can become devastating

at the weapon’s highest level. Still, a better selection of spells would’ve made Kratos’s journey much easier. The game takes about 10-12 hours to beat on God mode (normal), but on its toughest mode – Chaos mode (Very Hard) – the game can feel like the enemies have been see WAR page 6

Georgia railroad on my mind By JOSH Q. NEWMAN Staff Reporter

Clinton Hodnett/ The Spectrum

Tempers flare in the Southern based melodrama, Red Clay.

The American Repertory Theater’s production of Red Clay last Friday at the Cabaret Theatre on Main Street was modest yet entertaining, showing once again that there is great potential in local theater. Playwright Matthew LaChiusa knows what he’s doing. His play, which could be described as a mix between Tennessee Williams and the TV show “Dallas,” has witty dialogue, colorful characters and a decent plot. Welcome to the world of Southern Comfort. In 1982 Georgia, Danny Gibbons (John Kaczorowski), the young,

SPECTRUM PLAYLIST With the passing of monumental legislation, even us poor peasants here at The Spectrum can now afford health care! Here are 10 songs that will help everyone take full advantage of life!


“Artist in the Ambulance”

Billy Ray Cyrus

“Achy Breaky Heart” 3 Men Without Hats “The Safety Dance”

The White Stripes

“St. James Infirmary Blues”


“Down with the Sickness”

6 Jimmy Eat World “Drugs or Me” 7 Motion City Soundtrack “Delirium” 8 The Faint “Take Me to the Hospital” 9 The Ramones “Teenage Lobotomy” !0 Stephen Lynch “Dr. Stephen”

insecure owner of Red Clay Railroads and his right-hand man William Kincaid (Peter Jaskowiak) are planning to make the railroad public. They seek the help of a New York investment firm that sends representative—and boss’s daughter—Ruby Lucas (Tara Kaczorowski) to evaluate the railroad. Everything seems fine on the surface; but of course, nothing is. The sinister Kincaid is secretly planning a scheme that would make him rich and leave Gibbons hung out to dry. Aided by a disgusting private eye Joe Hamilton (Christopher Standard), Kincaid plans to take over one of the most successful railroads in Atlanta by any means necessary. So this is how corporate takeovers are done in the South: through a lot of drinking, smoking, scheming and screwing. It’s not much different in the North, except that the South certainly has a better sense of humor about it. The play is a pleasurable watch. If you’re into Tennessee Williams, Eugene O’Neil, Tony Gilroy, alcohol, or Southern accents, then you’re in for a treat. However, Red Clay brings nothing new to the table. The play isn’t a soap opera but it does venture into the melodramatic. The play’s realism is sometimes compromised by its old fashioned need for dramatic flair. The characters don’t develop much and the plot has been seen many times before. LaChiusa’s portrayal at the South is considerably fair. It’s easy and quite typical for Northerners to poke fun of the South, yet LaChiusa has none of that. He has a great understanding of Southern culture – its mannerisms, sense of history and pride

and its considerable dedication to humor. There is, of course, the tackiness, shown most clearly by Kincaid’s bimbo secretary Clara Hood (Andrea Andolina) and Gibbon’s friend Billy Ray Gunn (Patrick Cameron). The play shows great attention to detail as well. Director Drew McCabe does what he can to establish an accurate milieu. The clothes, the ample liquor, the Confederate flags, slicked-back hair and even the portraits of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan give the impression that we are in post-Watergate South. LaChiusa’s dialogue is often witty and driven. It propels the action forward and gives the characters just enough room to breath. Dialogue often defines theater and the play is good enough to make it enjoyable. What Red Clay has in style, though, is hindered somewhat in substance. The plot includes the obvious turns: Gibbons and Lucas having an affair, Kincaid fooling every businessman he sees, Hamilton and Kincaid loading their bodies with liquor and a takeover scheme that is easily understood. Crooked corporate dealings is nothing new, especially nowadays, so are would have been nice to see the play do something more with it, considering it seems to set out for something higher. Indeed, there are other parts of the play that badly want to be noticed. There’s a sing-off in the Act II, that’s funny but nonetheless uncomfortable to watch. Gibbon and Lucas’s relationship, as well as Lucas’s character in general is very prominent see CLAY page 7

The Spectrum


March 24, 2010

Certainly not a family game MARCO'S


WAR from page 5


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given performance-enhancing drugs, while Kratos forgot to eat his Wheaties. Thankfully, the game makes it worth the player’s time for multiple playthroughs, giving them unlockable items like Poseidon’s Conch Shell to give the game great replay value. While the plot of this game is

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equipped and therefore after the fifth or sixth gorgon head removal the player may just forsake the brutality and decide to end it quickly. Certainly not a family game, God of War III is an instant classic and a must have in every adult PS3 owner’s collection. God of War III is an installment of a series that is fit for a god. E-mail:

Rape a talked-about topic during event VAGINA from page 1

legendary, its soundtrack gives the game a great epic feel. The soundtrack covers the game in a dark, foreboding ambience that enhances the gameplay and the various Greek hot-spots from Olympus all the way down to Tartarus and everything in between. The only major gripe that a player can come away with is that the game can feel slightly repetitive. Finishing moves don’t depend on the weapon

and empathetic matter. The production is successful in its depiction of sexual awakening taking place at any age. It can happen to an old woman having her first orgasm (“The Flood”), an African-American lesbian (“The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could”), or a lawyer who at midlife realizes that giving women pleasure is in fact her true calling (“The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy”). Whether its content is personal or political, a talented young woman who believes in her cause delivers each monologue with zeal and passion. Notable appearances included “My Angry Vagina,” starring Victoria Adams. An impassioned rant against the absurdities of thong underwear, gynecologist appointments, vaginal sprays, and more, Adams brought many laughs, while at the same time making the audience think. “Crooked Braid” is especially memorable, using seven performers and telling the stories of Native American women both on and off reservations who are victims of

domestic violence and abuse. It concludes with a powerful statement by the women on how their land and men have been ripped away – and they want them back. Rape is also a subject the Monologues are not afraid to shy away from. “My Vagina Was My Village” is a particularly poignant performance by Catherine Kiersz and show director Kayla Maryles. Both girls play different parts of the same woman, whose sense of self becomes fractured after being violated repeatedly at the hands of soldiers in Bosnia. Nicole Volo is also a standout in this year’s “2010 Spotlight Monologue: A Teenage Girl’s Guide to Surviving Sex Slavery.” Volo tells the story of a 15-year-old girl from the Congo taken hostage while on vacation, and the horrors she experienced over while in captivity. More lighthearted pieces included “Wear and Say,” where performers were given the opportunity to share what their vaginas would wear, say and do if they could speak. The spirited Nicole Moore is immensely entertaining in her piece, “Reclaiming Cunt,” which deals with

the stigma around the word. Moore made it her mission to have the entire audience yelling the word with her, and eliminating any discomfort associated with it. Other performances included “Hair,” a tale of the annoyances that come with vaginal shaving, “A Six-Year-Old Girl was asked,” and “I was there in the Room.” For the first time the show included simultaneous performances by both a hearing and American Sign Language cast, directed by UB instructor Emily Glenn-Smith. The symmetry and cohesion between the two casts was both remarkable and inspiring, and on more than one occasion the two casts combined their talents into one uniting force. The Vagina Monologues was shown this past Sunday at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. An additional performance was held Monday in the Student Union Theater as well. The shows proceeds benefit UB’s Anti-Rape Task Force, a division of Sub-Board I, Inc. that offers services to survivors of violation and abuse. E-mail:



The Spectrum

March 24, 2010

I’m crossing my fingers PATERNO from page 12 for academic reasons and quit the team halfway through last season. Despite these problems, one team will take a chance on Williams. Tight end Rob Gronkowski of Williamsville and St. Francis graduate Doug Worthington will both be heading to NFL training camps as well. Gronkowski is one of the top tight ends in the draft and could become a valuable starter if he can stay healthy. Worthington figures to be a late round pick, but the 6-foot 5-inch defensive lineman has the versatility to add good depth to a

defensive line. Rounding out the Buffalo boys is James Mallory... who? From Central Connecticut State, Mallory runs with a chip on his shoulder despite his 5-foot 10-inch stature. The two-year starter caught scouts’ eyes after back-to-back 1,000-yard seasons. The Kenmore native is a burner with the ball in his hands. He has the vision to find the hole, quickness and power to hit it and breakaway speed to get into the open field. What stands out, however, is his special teams play. Mallory blocked three punts as a senior and excelled


A fine work nonetheless

in kick coverage. There’s no single player I’m pulling for more to get a phone call in April. Having shared the hallways of Kenmore West High School, I watched Mallory grow into the player he is today. He has the heart of a lion and the attitude every coach would love to have on his roster. I’m crossing my fingers that he’ll be sporting a Bills jersey next season. Good luck, gentleman. Here’s to one day hoping each of you will bring the Lombardi trophy back to Buffalo – no matter what team you play for.

CLAY from page 5 yet is too robotic to be realistic. And Act III spirals so out of control that it’s like watching someone ride an automated bull. Red Clay is still a fine work nonetheless. It’s never boring and has a style of its own that engages the audience. The play is simply a dramatic shot rapped around in a vernacular blanket. The play also shows that Buffalo’s theater life has a lot of energy.

LaChiusa’s pen and McCabe’s direction worked very well together. Overall, Red Clay is an exercise in dramatic turnarounds, Southern style and is done well. That is to say, Buffalo style. The play can be seen in The Cabaret Theater at 672 Main Street through this Saturday.



‘We’re now facing our third year of cuts’ INCREASE from page 1 the office of academic planning and budget. “It’s just the rate at which they increase has been differentiated.” Barnum added that the student fee increase is still in the proposed stage and has not been finalized by SUNY. “There’s always the opportunity that things may be adjusted or looked at differently,” Barnum said. The comprehensive student fee would increase by $20.50 a semester for full-time undergraduates, rising to $947.25. For full time Graduate and Professional students, the fee would be an extra $16, bringing it to $719.25 for the semester. So far the proposed per-semester increases include a campus life increase of $3.50 to support a portion of state-mandated negotiated salary-and-benefit increases, a health services increase of $2.50, an intercollegiate athletics increase of $4.50 (undergraduates only) to support required operating contractual

increases, a transportation increase of $3 to support state-mandated negotiated salary and benefits, and a technology increase of $7 to address some of the increased costs. Technology is a good example because of how much it has grown in just a few short years and how expensive it is becoming to keep everything updated. “The cost of the electronic databases are growing at a rate of nine percent,” said Barnum. The fee increases in the last few years do not cover the mandated increases. Costs continue to rise and adjustments have to be made in order to keep balance. The economy also plays a role in the budget, including state cuts for SUNY. “We’re now facing a third year of cuts from the state,” Barnum said. “We’re looking at $40 million that’s been cut, state tax support, and we’re looking at another $15 million to $20 million.” The increase in fees will help keep a variety of services running; some of the student services range from

the bus system and printouts at the library, to the student Health Services in Michael Hall on South Campus. The student consultation process has shown that students are in support of the services that are being provided and that the students want to have those services available to them. “We want to provide the services our students need to be successful, we want them to be able to focus on their academic pursuits and also have an enjoyable experience here at the University at Buffalo,” Barnum said. “We want to know we are providing a valuable experience for them. A lot of these fees help accomplish that.” Barnum also added that Student Affairs does an excellent job with the whole student consultation process and all of their work to ensure that this information is provided to the students. “[Dennis Black] and his area do a good job of representing the students,” Barnum said. “He believes in what he does and that shows.” E-mail:

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The Spectrum


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March 24, 2010

‘Instructors must make accommodations’ FRIDAY from page 1 praise and remember all that Christ did for us.” Other students, however, feel that despite the religious meaning of Good Friday, the day should be considered a holiday just to be fair to everyone. “As a public university, we should get every religious holiday off or none at all,” said Nathan Tuccio, a junior political science major. “The school should be completely secular and stay out of recognizing religious holidays.” Tuccio says that he will be e-mailing his professors on Good Friday explaining that he is taking the day to observe his faith. As this is a public university, professors must grant exceptions in attendance policies for students who miss class because of a legitimate religious reason. Wiehl, however, had to miss Good Friday church service for a test one year and is disappointed that the university fails to recognize important

days of all faiths. “This being said, it is personally frustrating to see that Christians are not allowed to have this holiday off, while many of the Jewish holidays are recognized by the administration as valid enough to receive a school closing,” Wiehl said. “One year I actually had a test at 7 p.m. on Good Friday and couldn’t even attend the Good Friday church service.” Michael Ryan, vice provost for undergraduate education, said that the university’s academic calendar is as secular as possible and that the decision not to have Good Friday as a day off was not a slight to the Christian faith. “The university calendar is made to comply with different regulations from the [State Education Department] and is as secular as possible,” Ryan said. Ryan points out that Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah are granted as holidays because the Jewish faith prohibits believers from

attending work and school on the holiday, while the Christian faith only requires followers to attend mass. “Believers are not prohibited from attending work or school on Good Friday, but that is a stipulation within the Jewish faith. This is why Good Friday is not a UB holiday,” Ryan said. “However, as per state and federal laws, instructors must make accommodations for students who miss class for legitimate religious reasons.” Even so, some students still feel that in neglecting to recognize Good Friday as a holiday on the academic calendar, the school is slighting their religious beliefs. “I feel that this is a silent slap in the face to my faith,” Wiehl said. “Why is it that the one religious holiday not coinciding with a weekend or winter recess cannot be equally respected and observed?” E-mail:

Unaware of new regulations CERTIFICATE from page 1 to $10,000 each.” The problem that has become apparent throughout the beginning phases of this new law seem to be in the communication of it to the estimated 1.5 million people born in Puerto Rico and living on the mainland. When the initial law was created in December, the first thing the Puerto Rican government did was give a press conference with many reporters. Unfortunately, the press that was expected to get the word out did not publicize the issue as thoroughly as the government had hoped, according to McClintock-Hernandez. “I just randomly came across something on AOL saying something about birth certificates,” Scolari said. “You know how many people are going to be affected? And people

don’t even know about it … especially here at UB. There are a lot of people from the Bronx that are from Puerto Rico that don’t even know about it. [The Puerto Rican government] made a decision like that and nobody is aware of it? It’s just stupid.” Even clubs at UB directed toward Latin Americans that have a number of Puerto Rican members in them, such as the Latin American Student Association, are unaware of the new regulations. “I’m actually disappointed in not knowing,” said Cesar Guerra, the publications director for LASA. “I think that this is a major move that is happening and to make this an easier process, I think we needed to have more time to better prepare. [Being uninformed until the last minute] puts people in a panic state where people start worrying about their identity being misfiled or stolen due

to crimes that are happening in the black market.” McClintock-Hernandez claimed that starting April 1, an outreach program will begin to promote these changes more to the media to better inform and prevent chaos in July. He also confirmed that the law does not change the price or exempt people from paying the $5 charge of getting a new birth certificate, and that it will still take approximately one week to receive the certificate after submitting the request for one. “I think that if [the Puerto Rican government is] doing this now, even without giving it enough time to tell us, if they’re taking action over there to fix this problem or avoid any other problems from happening, then it should be done even if it causes inconvenience,” Guerra said. E-mail:

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March 24, 2010



The Spectrum


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Tough loss

March 24, 2010

Barr ties career-start record

WRESTLING from page 12

RECAPS from page 12

appearance, Hamel wrestled in the 197-pound weight class and met 20th ranked Micah Burak of Penn in the first round. After an exciting extra overtime match, Hamel was defeated by a score of 6-5. In his next match, Hamel held an early 3-0 advantage over Tyler Sorenson of South Dakota State. Sorenson came back to win the match 5-3 to eliminate Hamel. The Bulls only lose three seniors and should be able to utilize the experience gained this year to compete in the MAC and national championships next season.

Coastal Carolina Tournament, the softball team dropped their final three games in Myrtle Beach. The Bulls (8-16) fell to Sacred Heart (9-9) on Saturday, 4-3, and Houston Baptist (7-14), 5-2 in the nightcap. Buffalo lost again to Houston Baptist in the weekend finale on Sunday by a score of 3-0. Sacred Heart struck first on the second day of competition with a leadoff homerun by junior infielder Courtney Lee. The Bulls tied the game in the top of the second inning on a fielder’s choice and proceeded to take a 2-1 lead in the top of the fourth. The Pioneers regained the lead on a two-out, bases-clearing double by sophomore Marissa Montemagni and held off the Bulls for the victory. Despite scored runs by freshman Alyssa Ward and junior Kristen Gallipani in the 2nd and 5th innings in the their afternoon game against Houston Baptist, the Bulls suffered another loss. Ward and freshman Jessica Griffin each went 2-for-3 with an RBI in the loss. Barr pitched a complete game with three strikeouts while Gallipani earned the 27th stolen base of her career to move her to third all-time at UB. In a rematch against Houston


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Baptist on Sunday, the Bulls started off well as Waldron led off with a single. Senior Jaime Sheffler took first base after being hit by a pitch. Both players advanced on an illegal pitch and Ward then drew a walk to load the bases, but clutch defense by the Huskies prevented any scoring. Waldron recorded Buffalo’s only hit of the day. “Our defense is getting better and we are sustaining one of the top fielding percentages in the conference,” said assistant coach Jessica Jones. “As far as our hitting goes, we have to make sure to be aggressive and cohesive at the plate.” Barr’s start against Houston Baptist on Sunday was the 64th of her career, tying Buffalo’s all-time record for career starts. “Barr pitched about 30 innings over four and a half games,” Jones said. “She was a workhorse. When you have good pitching it’s important to make sure you get timely hits, but unfortunately we were unable to get the bats going.” Buffalo will try to rebound on Wednesday when it plays Syracuse (12-13) at SU Softball Stadium. First pitch is set for 2 p.m. E-mail:

Day of action scheduled SHIFT from page 5 environmentally aware and active, and it made me realize how powerful we are as a student body,” Blank said. The Power Shift movement is an event for Define Our Decade, a project of the Energy Action Coalition that works with college and university students to encourage environmentally friendly changes on their campuses. “In 2010, through a set of strategically coordinated local actions, we will define our decade. We will define it with youth leadership, community empowerment, and a unified vision for the clean and just energy future we will collectively create,” according to their Web Site. In collaboration with environmental organizations of other schools, UB Green, Campus Dining and Shops, and Student Life, UBEN will host panels, workshops, concerts and local environmental advocate speakers. The speakers include Lois Gibbs,

an environmental activist who advocated the Love Canal cause in 1978, NY Senator Antoine Thompson, who serves on the Environmental Conservation Committee in the Senate, Walter Simpson, a past Environmental Officer at UB, and Margaret Wooster, a Buffalo native, ecological activist and author of Living Waters: Reading the Rivers of the Lower Great Lakes. UB professors Sara Metcalf of the geography department and biological sciences professor Dr. Mary Bisson will also be featured speakers during the 3-day conference. “It’s going to be very educational. Many students don’t read the top issues of today and we go through school taking in the information taught in classes, but we don’t apply it … we’re going to teach students how to put these ideas into action,” Blank said. Neighboring environmental organizations will also take part in the summit, including Buffalo ReUse, Grassroots Gardens, Buffalo Car Share, the Community Foundation and PUSH Buffalo. On the first day of the conference, UBEN has scheduled a Day of Action. Blank explains that after receiving hundreds of environmental policy violations in Pennsylvania for crimes of environmental distress, the Amherst development company U.S. Energy Development Corporation has decided to move its operations and drill oil in Allegany State Park. Members of Power Shift NY and concerned community members will meet at 3:00 p.m. on April 16 outside of the corporation to peacefully protest its actions and plans to take oil from the park. “All we want to do is to let them know that it’s not OK to drill in any park and there’s other green measures that they should be taking,” Dsouza said. To take part, students can visit the Sub-Board Inc. ticket office during business hours to reserve tickets, or they can visit to order tickets in advance for $15. Blank and Dsouza encourage students to purchase tickets in support of UBEN and to take the first step towards a greener planet by attending the conference. “The environment is among us – we can’t segregate ourselves from the environmental issues of the day. They are an integral part of our lives, and will continue to be so in the future,” Blank said. “It’s up to the youth to step up to the plate and counteract that.” E-mail:

The Spectrum

March 24, 2010

CLAS S I F I E DS HELP WANTED ATTENTION YOUNG WOMEN ages 18-19 years! The University at Buffalo Research Institute is looking for young women ages 18-19 to volunteer for a study of teen alcohol use and social behavior. Earn up to $50 for answering questionnaires and participating in an interview. Confidential. Please call 887-3344 for more information. SPRING-SUMMER JOB Openings. LASERTRON Entertainment Center is currently hiring for Go-Kart operators, servers, referees & general customer service. Candidates should be available this spring, summer & possibly beyond. Working at a fast, detail oriented pace & having excellent customer service skills is a must. Starting at approximately $10.25/hr, must be available nights & weekends. Stop in & complete an application at LASERTRON, 5101 North Bailey Avenue, Amherst, NY. $15 PER HOUR; part-time landscaping; cleaning; painting etc. For UB area rental properties May to Sept; Request application from EXOTIC DANCERS: unique opportunity full and part-time. Work at a professional upscale club and earn big $$$$. 18+ call today and start earning tomorrow, 716-681-2280.


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CLASSIFIED ads may be placed at The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union, Amherst Campus. Office hours are from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Deadlines are Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12:00 for display and 2:00 p.m. for classifieds for the next edition. Weekly rates are $10.00 for the first ten words and 75¢ for each additional word. All ads must be paid in advance. The ad must be placed in person or send a legible copy of the ad with a check or money order for full payment. No ads will be taken over the phone. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit any copy. No refunds will be given on classified ads. Please make sure copy is legible. The Spectrum does not assume responsibility for any errors except to reproduce any ad (or equivalent), free of charge, that is rendered valueless due to typographical errors. Please call 645-2152 for any additional information.

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The Spectrum


March 24, 2010

SP O R T S Bulls fall to Bears in outdoor matchup By JACOB LAURENTI Staff Writer

Joe Paterno Sports Editor

Buffalo boys Buffalo is a sports town. In between the chicken wing grease and slices of beef on weck, Buffalonians live for the pigskin and die for the puck. Nowhere else cawn you find a sold out stadium of 80,000plus in the dead of winter cheer on a perennial last place team. But who knew that Buffalo was a production factory for up-andcoming professional athletes? Buffalo has spit out NHLers including Patrick Kane, Pat Kaleta, Tim Kennedy, Brooks Orpik and Todd Marchant. NBA Rookie of the Year candidate Jonny Flynn joined the list of NBA stars including Christian Laettner, Greg Oden and Bob Lanier that once called Buffalo home. With this year’s NFL Draft looming, the time has come for Buffalo to add more aspiring stars to the list. The 2010 draft class will feature six athletes born and raised in Buffalo, and every guy in the group is likely to get a phone call from the National Football League come April 22. Headlining the group is UB’s own James Starks. Despite missing his senior season, the Niagara Falls grad left UB as the school’s alltime leading rusher with 3,140 yards in three seasons. Starks is currently projected to go off the board anywhere between the third and sixth rounds. The 6-foot 2-inch running back is on NFL teams’ radars after boasting a time of 4.50 seconds in the 40-yard dash, 9-foot 11-inch broad jump and 36-inch vertical jump. Since joining UB, Starks evolved into a unique mold for a professional running back. I love what he brings to the table. St. Josephs g raduate Naaman Roosevelt is another Bull looking to make his mark. At 6-feet tall, UB’s all-time leading receiver is projected to find a team in the later rounds of the draft. The agile receiver possesses soft hands, sharp route running,and the quickness needed to become an ideal slot receiver. Roosevelt lacks ideal size and struggles in blocking. Injuries have also hurt him in the past, but his versatility as a kick returner will help him draw interest. If he can stay healthy, the Buffalo native could add good depth to a receiving corp. as a rookie. Former Syracuse Orange wide receiver Mike Williams joins Starks and Roosevelt with hopes of making an impact on offense come 2010. The Riverside High finished with 60 receptions for 837 yards and 10 touchdowns his sophomore season at Cuse. Williams has the frame and the tools to grow into a starting NFL wideout, but has already drawn comparisons to Pacman Jones and Charles Rogers. He was suspended by the Orange for the 2008 season see PATERNO page 7

Warm weather in Providence allowed the women’s tennis team to play outdoors, but despite the sun shining, the Bulls looked cold on Sunday. Buffalo (4-4) fell to nationally ranked Brown (11-3) by a score of 5-2 to finish nonconference play. Despite a victory in the first match by senior Denise Harijanto and junior Aleksandra Petrova, Brown claimed the doubles point. Harijanto and Petrova, who are ranked 10th in the Northeast Region, defeated the Bear’s team of junior Bianca Aboubakare and sophomore Cassandra Herzberg, ranked third in the region and 71st in the nation, by a score of 8-5. Buffalo failed to win either of the other doubles matches as the freshmen pair of Tamara Markovic and Kira Golenko fell to Brown’s team of freshmen Misia Krasowski and sophomore Julie Flanzer, 8-4. The Bears’ No. 3 team of senior Emily Ellis and junior Marisa Schonfeld clinched the point with an 8-5 victory

Spencer Ngo/ The Spectrum

Alexsandra Petrova helped Buffalo pick up their only doubles win of the weekend as she and Denise Harijanto defeated Bianca Aboubakare and Casey Herzberg of Brown.

over junior Diana Popescu and senior Diana Toia. Buffalo picked up a pair of singles victories as Harijanto and Petrova continued their great play. Harijanto, the No. 1 starter for Buffalo, defeated Herzberg in straight sets, 6-1, 6-4. Herzberg was ranked seventh in the region in singles prior to the match. Petrova followed

suit in the third singles, defeating Krasowski 7-6 (2), 6-3, earning the Bulls’ second point of the day. Head coach Kathy Twist was delighted by the performances of Harijanto and Petrova. “The highlights of the match were def i n itely Denise [Harijanto] and Alex [Petrova],” Twist said. “They

showed great poise and each beat opponents that were ranked higher than them in the Northeast.” Unfortunately, Harijanto’s and Petrova’s play did not carry over to the rest of the team, as Buffalo dropped each of the other four singles matches in straight sets. Pop e s c u d r opp e d a heart-breaking first set to

Aboubakare in a tiebreak, 7-6 (9), before losing the second set 6-1. Markovic also played valiantly in the No. 6 match, but couldn’t force a third set, falling by a score of 6-2, 7-5. Buffalo ended non-conference play with a 4-4 record, but will use its experience to prep them for Mid-American Conference play. Due to a tough non-conference schedule, Twist feels confident that the Bulls will be ready to begin conference play this week. “We have gotten a lot of good competition,” Twist said. “We’re going to go back and work harder. We are always stronger at the end of the season because our schedule is structured around the conference tournament. We know our game against Akron will be a battle, but we now have experience playing against great teams.” The Bulls will travel to Akron (11-0) on Saturday for a 1 p.m. matchup on Saturday. The Zips had their first winning season since 1996 last year and were ranked No. 1 in the MAC in the preseason polls E-mail:

Four Bulls battle at NCAA championship By CHRIS RAHN Staff Writer

Although the results weren’t ideal, four young wrestlers gained valuable experience at the NCAA Championships. Sophomores Desi Green, Kevin Smith and John-Martin Cannon, as well as junior Jimmy Hamel, all competed at the NCAA Wrestling Championships over the weekend in Omaha, Neb. After battling through injuries throughout the first day, Cannon and Hamel were eliminated, while Green and Smith each advanced in consolation rounds before being defeated. “It’s just the nature of the NCAA championships,” said Bulls’ head coach Jim Beichner. “One guy leaves happy and one guy doesn’t.” Competing in the 149-pound weight class, No 18. nationally ranked Green defeated Virginia’s Shawn Harris in a 9-8 decision in his first bout. In the following match, No. 6 ranked wrestler, Matt Kyler of Army, shut out Green, 9-0. On the second day of action, Green

met Mid-American Conference rival and No. 19 ranked Seth Morton of Ohio University. At the MAC Championships earlier in the month, Green defeated Morton to win the individual crown. The results weren’t any different this time around as Green won the match 5-4 to advance to the fourth consolation round. Green’s NCAA trip came to an end against No. 16 Andrew Nadhir of Northwestern. Down 6-3, Green battled his way back into the match to even the score at six, but Nadhir regained control of the match to edge out Green in a 9-6 decision. Making his first appearance at an NCAA Championship, 17th ranked Smith wrestled in the 133-pound weight class. Smith’s tournament began with his toughest opponent of the season in a bout with No. 3 Daniel Dennis of Iowa. After a close first period in which Smith trailed 2-1, Dennis pulled away for a 6-2 victory. Dennis eventually won championship in the weight class. Later in the day, Smith notched his first victory by defeating Jimmy

Chanel Bryant / The Spectrum

John Martin-Cannon, Desi Green, Jimmy Hamel and Kevin Smith represented the Bulls at the Division I NCAA National Championships in Omaha, Neb.

Kirchner of Rider, 11-5, to advance to the third consolation round. Smith was set for a rematch with 14th ranked Steve Mytych of Drexel, who defeated Smith 6-4 at the East Stroudsburg Duals earlier in the year. After a closely contested first period, Mytych held a 3-2 lead over Smith and held on to win the match, 5-2. Also making his first appearance in the Championships, Cannon competed at the 165-pound weight class. Struggling with an injury against No.

5 ranked Colt Sponsellor of Ohio State, Cannon was defeated by pin fall at 6:22. Cannon was also defeated by 10th ranked Paul Young of Indiana. Cannon kept the match close through the first period but trailed by a slim margin of 2-1. Cannon decided to keep wrestling despite taking an injury timeout in the second period, but eventually fell by a 10-2 decision. Making his second-straight NCAA see RECAPS page 10

Baseball and softball teams struggle over weekend By ANDREW BELLAFLORES and JACOB LAURENTI Staff Writers


The Bulls found success against a new opponent over the weekend. It was the first time that the baseball team faced off against Butler and the squad won three of four games, helping improve their record to over .500 just before Mid-American Conference plays commences. Buffalo (9-8) sent senior pitcher Chaz Mye to the mound for the first of four games on Friday afternoon. The Bulls took an early lead in the top of the first

inning, scoring three runs. Buffalo had runners on first and second base when senior first baseman Rob Lawler stepped up to plate and drove in an RBI single. Senior shortstop Brad Ag ust in had a day to remember, driving in three consecutive runs for the Bulls. In the top of the second inning, Agustin drove a ball to deep left-center for a solo homerun and followed up with two-RBI double down the left field line in the fourth. Augustin helped increase Buffalo’s lead to 6-0. The game continued at the same pace. The Bulls scored three more runs over the final

three innings and let up just one run to the Bulldogs (4-8) en route to a 9-1 victory. Mye received his second victory of the season while only giving up one run over six innings. Senior pitcher Brian Pullyblank pitched in relief for Mye, recording one strikeout over one inning. “[Mye] just brought his A-game to the field today,” said head coach Ron Torgalski. “Also, our defense played very well behind Mye.” In the night game, the Bulldogs took a large lead, scoring seven runs in the bottom of the second and never looked back. Buffalo fell 9-2, splitting the first double header.

On Saturday afternoon the Bulls erupted in the top of the second inning, scoring six runs to get off to a good start. Rosenbeck and senior outfielder Adam Skonieczki hit back-to-back doubles to put Buffalo up 1-0 and the Bulls kept the runs coming. Freshman second baseman Alex Baldock, senior outfielder Bobby Pizzuto and senior catcher Brad Cochrane each had a hit of their own, extending the lead to 6-0. The Bulldogs rallied in the seventh-inning but came up short, falling 9-7. Buffalo experienced a near mirror image of their morning game later that afternoon.

Buffalo got out to an early 6-0 lead in the top of the second inning. The Bulls then gave up a few runs to Butler, who once again fell just short of taking the victory. Buffalo closed out Butler 9-7, winning three of four games on the weekend. Tuesday’s game against Canisius was cancelled due to inclement weather. The Bulls will return to action on Friday as they open up MAC play when they host Eastern Michigan at 3 p.m.


After splitting games with Oakland and Coastal Carolina in the first two games of the see RECAPS page 10

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