The Spectrum VOL 59 ISS 32

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S H O U L D B U F F A L O ’ S AT H L E T I C P R O G R A M B E C U T D U E T O T H E D E F E C I T ? P a g e 3

The Spectrum

Happy trails, Dick.

h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Jan. 23, 2006 - Nov. 17, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

Volume 59 Issue 32

Law student emerges victorious in housing battle By AMANDA WOODS

apartment in poor condition and requested that he clean it by the following morning. Goldman said that he attempted to clean the apartment, but because the overflowing toilet directly caused the disarray in his living space, there was only so much he could do. “Most of the bags that were blocking the doorway were not filled with garbage, but were rather filled with paper towels that I had used in my attempts to dry the carpet caused by the malfunctioning toilet,” Goldman said. “The soaked clothes I [had] piled up against my couch [were] the clothes that were damaged by the overflowing toilet.” Because the conditions in the apartment had not improved, David Dahlberg, the complex director of Flint Village Apartments, charged Goldman with a $250 sanction for unsanitary

Asst. News Editor

Jacob Goldman found himself underwater this semester – in more ways than one. Goldman, a third year law student, lives in the Flint Apartments at UB. On Sept. 9, Goldman’s toilet overflowed, soaking his carpet. Even after attempting to turn off the toilet manually, water continued to overflow throughout Goldman’s apartment. That night, Goldman placed a work order with UB Apartments. The next day, the Flint Maintenance Staff entered Goldman’s apartment without notice to assess the situation. The staff found his Tim Ho/The Spectrum Left: Flint officials fined Jacob Goldman when his

toilet overflowed.

living conditions and violation of fire codes. Goldman was also required to attend a judicial hearing with Dahlberg about the matter. Goldman wanted his father to accompany him to the meeting for support, but claimed that Dahlberg would not accommodate his schedule. Goldman ultimately attended the hearing without his father present. At the hearing, Goldman claimed that Dahlberg was “abusive” and denied his basic student rights.

Differences in opinion “I could tell from the beginning that he had already determined the outcome,” Goldman said. “I told him what happened, and he kept see TOILET page 8

Students granted one-year financial aid reprieve By CAITLIN TREMBLAY News Editor

For a majority of students who lost their financial aid after UB’s policy change this year, a reprieve is in sight – for now. After months of debate, conversations and threats of legal action from SBI Legal, a committee of UB officials has reached a decision. “All students who would have been eligible for financial aid this year under the 2008 to 2009 rules will receive financial aid on a one-year probationary period,” said Michael Ryan, vice provost and dean of Undergraduate Education. The only students who are no longer receiving financial aid are those who did not meet the requirements of the old policy and were on probation last year. On June 13, UB changed its financial aid policy, leaving an estimated 2,000 students without the option of financial aid. Estimates state that students lost $360,000 to $380,000 in aid due to the policy change. The policy was changed after UB completed a self-audit and was found to be noncompliant with federal guidelines. The new financial aid policy

makes it harder for students to be eligible for federal aid. Students now need a 70 percent completion rate, as opposed to the previous rate of 65 percent, and must have within 150 percent of the institution’s required credits for graduation, which is 180 hours at UB. Also, the calculated number of credits is now cumulative. Previously, only completed credits were taken into consideration for financial aid. Now incompletes, resignations, withdrawals and failures count against the student when aid awards are calculated. Currently, Ryan and a committee of UB officials are working to create a list of all students who will receive financial aid probation and will notify them directly as soon as the list is complete. Student Association President Ernesto Alvarado was vocal about giving the students back their money. “It affects a lot of undergraduate students, so SA felt we had to step in,” Alvarado said. “We laid everything out on the table with [Ryan] and came to the decision that, since these students were advised under the old system, that they would

receive one year of probation in order to become compliant with the new policy.” Students who need more than the probation period to change their academic standing for financial aid purposes may be out of luck. “The committee is still looking into certain issues,” Ryan said. Ryan contends that the policy change is federally based and that the new policy is the one that is, and will

“All students who would have been eligible for financial aid this year under the 2008 to 2009 rules will receive financial aid on a one-year probationary period.” - M i c h a e l R ya n

see AID page 4

Clinton Hodnett/The Spectrum

South Ellicott Suites construction underway Creating opportunities for Buffalo students By STEPHEN MARTH


Editor in Chief

Asst. News Editor

Construction has begun on a new residence hall that will hold 600 units for sophomores on the southern outskirts of the Ellicott Complex. The South Ellicott Suites, part of the UB 2020 plan’s first phase, will feature a concept known as “learning landscapes.” This will intertwine residential, academic and recreational areas with the hopes of increasing and enhancing the student learning process. “The entire first floor of

UB helped to secure the future of prospective and current students at its fourth annual Scholarship Gala, where 400 business executives, faculty and administrators donated $148,000 towards student scholarships. According to Suzanne Chamberlain, the senior director for External Affairs, the gala plays an important role in informing the Western New York Community about the financial struggles

see SUITES page 4

Inside: Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds ............. 11 Opinion ................. 3 Sports ................... 12

Courtesy of UB Media Services

The South Ellicott Suites, slated for completion by Fall 2011, will offer “suite style” living to sophomores who live on-campus.

THE END IS NE AR John Cusak escapes the annihilation of the world in 2012. See Page 5

Courtesy of UB Media Services

see GALA page 8

UB’s fourth annual Scholarship Gala was a success.

LONG ISL AND PRIDE The Bulls take nationally-ranked Hofstra to the limit. See Page 12

Weather: Wed: 53o high / 42o low Thu: 50o high / 43o low Fri: 47o high / 39o low



November 18, 2009

The Spectrum

November 18, 2009


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan Managing Editors Ren LaForme, senior David Jarka Jennifer Lombardo News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Chelsie Hinckley, asst. Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Clinton Hodnett, asst. Copy Editors Meghan Farrell Abbi Meade Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editors Drew Brigham Andrew Muraco Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

NOVEMBER 18, 2009 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 32 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2009 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


Examining Division I sports SUNY looks at benefits of top tier athletics The SUNY system is looking into whether New York State universities should compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s highest division. New York is in a state of financial disarray – it recently cut $90 million from the SUNY system and expects to cut another $90 million in the near future. There have been talks about where the new budget cuts will come from, and the primary suspect is athletics. It’s been suggested that some officials are looking into whether building and funding athletic programs is imprudent. Some believe that the funding received by these institutions should go toward building better education rather than trying to emulate the athletic powerhouses of University of Southern California, Ohio State University or University of Florida. This raises some very tough questions. A good athletic program brings mostly indefinable benefits. One tangible measurement is the revenues generated by athletics, but it’s much harder to gauge school spirit or the sense of community when attending athletic competitions. To even consider shifting funding away from athletics or moving out of Division I is extremely shortsighted and will throw away 20 years’ worth of work. The roots of SUNY’s movement toward athletic relevancy were planted in 1986, when SUNY officials lifted a ban on athletic scholarships, allowing for the big four research universities at Albany, Buffalo, Stony Brook and Binghamton to expand athletic programs. Prior to this, New York and Alaska were the only states in the country that didn’t have teams competing on the highest level of intercollegiate athletics. That’s embarrassing. No public universities in New York have ever had an athletic tradition. To shift funding now, when these programs are still in their infancy, would set back their goals to develop into premier state universities. UB athletics have achieved success in ten-

nis, basketball and football. The most notable victory was the football team’s Mid-American Conference Championship win last year. People actually had high expectations for the team at the beginning of this year. When did that happen last? Never. Although the team didn’t achieve success on the field this year, there was a significant buzz surrounding them. Members of the community came to games and the student population supported its teams. School spirit is growing. University officials have claimed that the athletic department budget is only five percent of the total budget. Athletics provides a valuable tool to encourage a community atmosphere. There have been bumps in the road. The NCAA placed the Buffalo men’s basketball team on probation for recruiting violations in 1999, and in 2006 the Buffalo football team lost three scholarships for poor academic performance. Unfortunately, there are issues within college athletic programs. Look at Florida State University, which had 25 student athletes cheat on an online exam. Indiana has had recruiting violations stemming from too many text messages sent by coaches. These events hurt athletic programs’ growth. But just looking at what has happened in the past 20 years isn’t a good measure. The SUNY programs are in the early stages of development – no one thought Buffalo could compete for a MAC Championship. But we won last year. Measuring the value of athletics on a college campus is unquantifiable. But to cut the legs of the movement before it has matured is irresponsible. It destroys the money, time and effort invested by so many. New York deserves collegiate teams worth rooting for. UB has some. Let us keep them.

The economy is crashing and burning in a giant beautiful fireball. The president is a secret Nazi communist with a supervillain-like plot that somehow involves free health care. And terrorists will come into your home and kill you. The world can be a scary place at times – especially if you watch hours upon hours of cable news pundits who have determined that both political parties are out there… plotting... just waiting to strike. This may be the world that we are all entering soon – a world where the entire economy collapses just in time for our first post-collegiate job hunt, making us seek employment as assistant Eric Hilliker mangers at Arby’s, cleanAsst. Arts Editor ing the bathroom floors and thinking about all those books we had to read. Now that’s bloodcurdling. Sure, I’ve thought about it. I keep myself up late at night feeling like a Woody Allen character with his neurosis and anxieties turned up to 11. I constantly stare into the bathroom mirror, unshaven, with unkempt hair, thinking, “Good Christ, I’m going to be working at Wal-Mart for the rest of my life and I went here for nothing!” Alright, take a deep breath and calm down. I’ve found it way too unhealthy to keep asking these esoteric questions that only serve to convince myself that my future will consist solely of a cheap and dirty apartment, Hot Pockets and dial-up Internet. Good Lord, what a nightmare it would be to use dial-up again. It doesn’t help that Buffalo is about to enter its signature cruel winter. That means the city will soon look like The Day After Tomorrow, and will feel just as awful. It’s not a pretty sight walking outside at two in the afternoon when it is pitch black. What’s a college student supposed to do? Well, there is always the option of walling myself in and cutting myself off from the rest of society. But that’s definitely not the best option. It’s probably best not to sugarcoat things. The see HILLIKER page 10

Left hungry

True justice Debate over where to prosecute suspected terrorists The current administration has taken a valiant step in repairing America’s image when it comes to bringing terrorists to justice. Trying these men in U.S. criminal courts open to the public and media will demonstrate the strength of justice and fairness of U.S. laws to the world. It’s another step in cleaning up the damage former President George W. Bush inflicted by allowing torture and open-ended imprisonment. The choice to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and four others accused in the events will provide justice for the victims of 9/11. It was the right choice. There is no way Attorney General Eric Holder will push for a civil trial unless the government has enough evidence to convict the suspects. It seems that the government is very much aware of the symbolic implications of trying these defendants just blocks away from where their alleged crimes came to fruition. There is no evidence to support claims that military tribunals are better venues for such a hearing. The goal is to provide a fair trial. Anything less would allow Mohammed to defy the proceedings and use them as a platform for Islamist propaganda. Such military commissions fall under the executive branch, while the judiciary is supposed to be a separate branch free from political interference. This is very important if the goal of the trials is to show the world that America’s progressive society will grant impartial trials to all types of criminals. Military tribunals can actually provide an unfair advantage to prosecutors in order to garner convictions. The civil justice system isn’t always the quickest, but federal courts have dealt with terrorism cases before and know how to handle them.

Down and out in Buffalo

There are some concerns regarding security issues. Allowing the defendants to examine government evidence and sensitive intelligence reports could backfire, as the information could be used by al-Qaeda in the field. Mohammed has the option to use a defense that could put the United States on trial for using interrogation methods – he was waterboarded 183 times during his detention. Some lawmakers have remarked that trying terror suspects on U.S. soil is too hazardous. These men are dangerous and their presence here would up the chances for another attack on the U.S. The perception that the government should avoid trying the defendants because of imagined threat retribution is a sham. The federal government decided to prosecute terror cases such as Ramazi Yousef and his collaborators for the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. The suggestion that the United States justice system can’t handle prosecuting individuals accused of killing more than 3,000 American citizens is a fantasy, and to even consider it admits a moral victory to the terrorists. Would al-Qaeda be less likely to attempt another domestic attack if the trial were held at a military base rather than in New York City? No. An attack can occur anywhere at any time. But the threat of one shouldn’t deter Americans from living their lives or force them to abandon their beliefs. If this country has lost its faith in America’s justice system and Western rule of law, then terrorists have already won half the battle. The U.S. should never allow itself to be unsettled by terrorist threats. Trying these terrorists in New York is a fitting way to fight back.

In a previous issue of The Spectrum, I investigated the dining plans at UB. I looked at the pros, the cons, the in-betweens and how they matched up to other schools around the Western New York and across the country. This, of course, as any investigation would, got me thinking critically about how UB’s meal plans directly affect me. I always have meals left over at the end of the week. This is consistent with the other students I interviewed for my article. It’s not because I don’t eat enough to fulfill my meals – I could easily consume 12 meals a week. Chelsie Hinckley And I miss meals on a Asst. News Editor regular basis because the limits of the meal plan and time restrictions in dining halls don’t mesh with my busy schedule. For example, I cannot use my breakfast meal swipe after 10:30 a.m. I usually arrive on campus around 10:40 a.m. for class. I am consistently 10 minutes late for the time limit on the meal equivalency and am left to either skip breakfast or spend money that I don’t have to eat food that, frankly, doesn’t taste very good. An argument for my issue might be to just wake up earlier – but for me, when there’s a competition between sleep and food, sleep always wins. This is especially true after a long night of studying or writing. This dilemma leaves me with a Dining Dollar balance at the end of the week that I can’t even use. Problematic? I think so. My gripes don’t end with just strict meal times. The cost of a dining hall dinner is $11.00. The equivalency for a non-dining hall meal is worth $8.00. I can sort of understand where that comes from– in the dining hall you get an unlimited amount of food and that can be expensive. But if the meals were the same price, it wouldn’t make too much of a difference, especially considering that the amount of food is limited at places like Pistachio’s and Putnam’s. The dinner equivalency, while still annoying, see HINCKLEY page 10

The Spectrum


November 18, 2009

Good solution

More open space

AID from page 1

SUITES from page 1

continue to be, in place. “The students will receive one year of financial aid and will be put on probation. Beginning next year, everyone will have to comply with the new policy,” Ryan said. Brendan James Gilbert, director of SBI Legal, was looking into pressing legal action against UB if a compromise wasn’t reached. He is mostly happy with the outcome. “I stand behind [Alvarado’s] work with Mr. Ryan. I think this is a good solution to the issue,” Gilbert said. However, he hopes the committee is able to iron out a more clearly stated and “meaningful” appeal process. “Students were told they couldn’t appeal, so I hope that this can be changed. Students have every right to appeal a financial aid decision and should not have been turned away,” Gilbert said. UB officials say the appeal process and the confusion surrounding the issue were a misunderstanding stemming from the fact that academic advisers weren’t given ample notice of the change in policy. “Due to the surrounding issues, I’m happy with the decision [to grant students financial aid probation under the old policy],” Alvarado said. “It should help out a lot of undergraduate students, and that’s what the SA is here to do.”

the building will demonstrate the vibrancy of 24-hour-a-day academic activity, a key principle in the learning landscapes concept,” said Joseph J. Krakowiak, director of University Residence Halls & Apartments. “The first floor has a wide variety of settings for classroom spaces for study groups and for individual study, and features [the] 2,000-square-foot Market Café, with seating for 50 people.” The UB Foundation and the UB Alumni Association are funding the construction of the 198,500-squarefoot residence hall. Fees from residents after the completion of the building will also go toward the costs of the construction project. According to Robert G. Shibley, senior adviser to the president for campus planning and design, the university is constructing the South Ellicott Suites for two reasons. “[First], the project will include features that qualify it for a Low Energy Environmental Design gold standard and will serve as a demonstration for what UB wants to do when constructing future buildings,” Shibley said. “Second, it’s the first step toward building a mix of housing and retail along Lee Road on the North Campus to create a ‘Main Street’ linking student residences to the Student Union and the Academic Spine of the campus.” There are several other projects underway on North Campus that are part of the UB 2020 plan.


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In addition to the day care center by South Lake Village that has already been completed, other projects are currently underway throughout the Academic Spine. A new School of Engineering and Applied Sciences building, slated for completion in 2012, is being built next to Bell Hall, and construction on Lee Road is underway in order to connect the South Ellicott Suites and the Ellicott Complex with the rest of North Campus. The building is expected to be the first residence hall in the United States to be developed under Universal Design principals. “This campus values residential living,” Krakowiak said. “Students who live on campus do better academically than those who do not, and they persist to graduation at a higher percentage than those who live off campus.” All of the rooms will be built “suite style.” This includes two double bedrooms, a bathroom, a storage space and a dressing area that offers more open space and privacy than current residence halls, according to Krakowiak. The project, which is estimated to cost the university nearly $57 million, should be completed for the fall 2011 semester. It will also include a new “addressable” fire alarm system, required by New York State for all residential facilities in the SUNY system. E-mail:

The Spectrum

November 18, 2009


AR T S & LI F E Matt Mosher Life Editor

Cut school sports, not my classes I’ve never been crazy about sports, whether it’s on the collegiate or professional level – I’m just not too wild about them. However, a recent article about sports in The New York Times caught my eye. The article discusses some SUNY schools being part of Division-I athletics. It also mentions the proposed $90 million cut to the SUNY system, which is coming after the $143 million cut from last year. In addition, the article states that UB has expanded its athletic budget to $21.85 million, from $17.86 million during the 2003-04 academic year. With the combined budget of Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo and Stony Brook, the total budget is $147.26 million. So, with the lingering threat of a $90 million cut to SUNY, do we really need an unsuccessful D-I athletics program? No, we don’t, and I say cut it. We don’t need to cut the entire athletic department – that would be a bit outrageous. However, the SUNY athletic system should make drastic changes. With a combined total nearing $150 million, the schools could easily make cuts to their sports programs, and put some more emphasis on the real purpose of colleges and universities –higher education. Sure, sports are great for entertainment, but that’s all they’re good for. I personally see no difference in watching the Bulls play a D-I or a D-III team. The point is, they’re playing and providing the students with some entertainment, school spirit and a relief from classes. A common argument is that the SUNY system needs sports, and by having a D-I sports program, the universities will bring in more students. I disagree. SUNY is one of the more prestigious research systems in the academic community, with UB as a sturdy backbone to the system. Students come here from across the world to participate in research projects or attend one of the diverse master’s or Ph.D. programs. A D-I sports team has no influence on academics. Tens of millions of dollars to the athletics department is not enhancing anyone’s education. The school should spend my tuition and tax money on my education, not on the sports teams, and add more classes to a rapidly shrinking list and hire new faculty. see MOSHER page 9

Courtesy of FOX

The secrets of some of history’s biggest events are exposed in the latest episode of Fox’s Fringe.

August in November By JOHN RANIC and LYNN MARKEL Senior Arts Editor & Staff Writer

There are time travelers among us. They’ve been at every important historical event throughout history, observing and sometimes even tweaking history itself. Crazy, right? The increasingly riveting second season of the FOX series Fringe will continue to mask Thursday nights in intrigue and paranormal activity. And with all the suspense in the

forthcoming “August,” the only thing that’s left to do is to patiently wait for “September.” For those still on the fringe of tuning in, the series takes the case-solving science of CSI and swashes it around in an ever-unveiling hunt a la National Treasure. The show’s ability to weave suspense into mystery and lead its way through resolution, or an intentional lack thereof, has not only earned it praise, but has more or less crowned it as the best preternatural fare Fox has had since Mulder and Scully hung up their X Files in ’02.

see FRINGE page 7

It’s the end of the world as we know it By ANGELA VIZZI Staff Writer

Grade: B+ Start stocking up on canned Spam and bottled water, because the end of the world is coming. Director Roland Emmerich, the director who gave audiences films like The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day, continues to dominate the market of disaster movies. 2012 is a thrill-driven spectacle of epic proportions.

Courtesy of Columbia Pictures

The special effects in 2012 are a major driving force in the film.

Emmerich is not trying to make Oscar-winning films. He makes over-thetop, big-budget blockbusters that kill at the box office. The movie centers on Jackson Curtis (John Cusack, Martian Child), an obsessive

writer whose pre-occupation with his book has cost him his marriage to his ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet, What Doesn’t Kill You) and estranged him from his two children. While camping in Yellowstone Park with his children,


Jackson meets Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson, Zombieland), a conspiracy theorist that tips Jackson off to the possibility that the end of the world is imminent. see 2012 page 9

Fluffy and funny By CHRISTOPHER Di MATTEO

In Memory of Dick

Arts Editor

And the Lord said unto Buffalo, “You shall worry no more. Dick has been snipped.” In honor of the firing of one of the worst, most bewildering, spineless, crotch-chafing “coaches” in Buffalo Bills history, we’ve collected a playbook of songs celebrating his goodbye and ill-wishing his unemployment.

1.)  Eazy E – “Merry Mutha F*ck*n Christmas” 2.)  Metallica – “The End Of The Line” 3.)  Brand New – “Failure By Design” 4.)  The Bloodhound Gang – “I Hope You Die” 5.)  The Offspring - “Why Don’t You Get A Job?” 6.)  Enter Shikari – “Sorry, You’re Not A Winner” 7.)  A New Found Glory – “Failure’s Not Flattering” 8.)  Bring Me The Horizon – “Football Season Is Over” 9.)  Mika – “Big Girls (You Are Beautiful)” 10.) Mickey Avalon – “My Dick”

Thursday’s offering revolves around a group of James Carville-esque bald men dressed like Mad Men in dapper black suiting. Their appearance and robotic gestures make them stand out in a historical “Where’s Waldo” context and accordingly leads to an investigation. As every show has its “villains,” the baldbots seem to take on that role rather famously. But therein lies a twist, and it becomes

Courtesy of Gabriel Iglesias

Fans can see Gabriel Iglesias’ comedic stylings Wednesday night at the Center for the Arts.

The world of comedy is bursting at the seams with Latinos and fat people, most of whom are not funny. However, there is one comedian who has managed to mix the two trends and actually produce something humorous. Fresh off the release of his third Comedy Central special and DVD, I’m Not Fat… I’m Fluffy, the fluffy man himself, Gabriel Iglesias, is coming to UB’s Center for the Arts Mainstage Theater on Wednesday night. The comedian is known to win over audiences by mixing comedic techniques. Iglesias doesn’t take the easy way out and make jokes about his “full figure.” He breaks the typecast of “stereotypical Mexican comedians” not being funny (someone needs to tell George Lopez he is terrible, because South Park has already informed Carlos Mencia). Iglesias does not just rely on these

two traits for his material, as he also entertains audiences with his voices and surprisingly accurate sound effects. The performer’s outrageous style is one of the reasons UB students are excited for his show. “He is really impulsive; he can go from one direction to another,” said Matt Boyle, a freshman undecided major. Boyle also finds his mixing of techniques to be refreshing compared to other Hispanic comedians. “I think he is better than Mencia because Mencia just uses racism for jokes, and it can be funny, but it is offensive,” Boyle said. Other students enjoy how Iglesias style makes him different than comedians that have visited UB in the past. “I like the choice of bringing him here … He is better than [George] Lopez … [And] he doesn’t remind me of Dane Cook,” said Lauren Lindbergh, a sophomore see FLUFFY page 9



November 18, 2009

The Spectrum

November 18, 2009

New management at WBFO By DAVID WEIDENBORNER Staff Writer


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UB’s National Public Radio affiliate, WBFO 88.7 FM, announced earlier this month that Mark Vogelzang will be the station’s interim general manager. The move was made after WBFO’s previous general manager, Carole Smith Petro, accepted the position of associate vice president in UB’s Office of Economic Engagement. In his 15 years as president of Vermont Public Radio, Vogelzang oversaw the network’s expansion as well as a classical music service and award-winning news service. Vogelzang is also a member of NPR’s board of directors. Most recently, he has worked with NPR’s development and foundation team in Washington, D.C. “[Vogelzang] will help the station enhance fundraising, attract listeners, and streamline operations,” said Joseph Brennan, associate vice president for University Communications. While UB holds the license for WBFO, not all funding comes from the university. The station is currently trying to increase outside funding by appealing to more listeners. Currently, WBFO’s signal can reach southern Ontario and the outskirts of Toronto. “We want to develop a better relationship with [Ontarians] and really expand over the border,” Brennan said. Vogelzang was able to attract an audience as far as Montreal when he worked at Vermont Public Radio. With even more budget cuts expected within the university, Brennan said fundraising would be a critical aspect of WBFO’s income. “We fundraise through on-air pledge drives, private philanthropy, and underwriting,” Brennan said. In their Fall Pledge Drive, the station was able to raise $226,000, which was $6,000 more than their goal. But Brennan believes the station needs more. “Fundraising needs to be stepped

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Courtesy of Mark Vogelzang

Mark Vogelzang is the new general manager for WBFO.

up, and [Vogelzang] can do this,” Brennan said. During his time at NPR, Vogelzang visited stations and taught them ways to fundraise. “He’s going to be a teacher and guide for WBFO,” Brennan said. WBFO has been a public station for the past 50 years, providing a variety of programming from NPR broadcasts, local talk shows, regional news and local concerts. Every Wednesday night, WBFO airs concerts from Allen Hall and posts them on its Web site. Brennan wants the station to attract more local listeners. With 95,000 weekly listeners in the Buf-

falo area and from repeater stations in Olean and Jamestown, WBFO ranks around the middle of the pack out of Buffalo’s 32 radio stations. “We know what most listeners tune in for and now we need to better it,” Brennan said.




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CAr TroubLe?

Still suspenseful FRINGE from page 5 apparent that they’re much more than a classification of good or evil, and have historically paramount implications. “August” unfolds with the abduction of an unknown girl from the street. The Fringe team, who specialize in the study of abnormal diseases, apparitions, abilities and so forth, team up to try to solve the abduction, as it appears to have something to do with the suspicious bald men dubbed “The Observers” by the FBI. The show goes on to flirt between the fringe findings and the inner “Observer” dissent, as the intent of one seems to stray away from the path paved by the whole from the

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very literal dawn of time. Joshua Jackson is one of the more familiar faces on the show, as he’s famous for the teacher’s petting and probing Pacey Witter from the television series Dawson’s Creek, not to mention the “C” he wore on his jersey as Charlie Conway in the Mighty Ducks trilogy. It’s a bit strange at first to see Jackson in a more serious role, compared to the rebellious teen role he played before, but he has definitely matured and he puts up a great performance as the Renaissance man and go-to Fringe-ee Peter Bishop. As the latest installment comes to an end, it’s sure to leave viewers wondering what’s in store.

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The Spectrum


November 18, 2009

He had already determined the outcome TOILET from page 1 interrupting me throughout the whole thing.” Goldman also claimed that Dahl-

berg harped on the fact that he didn’t call the Flint community assistant when the incident occurred, as the UB Apartments Rules and Regulations handbook dictates. Goldman

pointed out that no student has the entire handbook memorized, so the fact that he did not immediately call the community assistant should not have been an issue. Goldman also alleged that Dahlberg, who was unavailable for comment, dismissed the relevant evidence and only charged him $250 because a cleaning crew had to be called in. He added that Dalhberg completely dismissed an affidavit that one of his law school friends composed to defend his side of the story. In addition, Goldman accused Dalhberg of playing upon the fact that he was a law student and undermining his intelligence. “[Dahlberg] should’ve respected my student rights. I was hurt by the fact that he was so dismissive of my rights,” Goldman said. “[Student] concerns should have been at the top of his list.” As Goldman had expected, after the hearing, he was still found responsible for the violations, but he was given the opportunity to send an appeal to Darren Portis, assistant director of University Apartments, which he did. Portis was also unavailable for comment. Goldman was still frustrated by the outcome. “[Portis] ignored all of my allegations and said that he was affirming [Dahlberg’s] decision except for two things: he lowered my restitution from $250 to $200, for unmentioned reasons,” Goldman said. “He amended Dave Dahlberg’s university warning by removing the language for failure to follow fire code

guidelines as well as care and use of facility guidelines. Then he amended my warning to state that I should adhere to university protocol for problems like this in the future.” This prompted Goldman to push his appeal up to higher ranking housing officials. He contacted Thomas Tiberi, the senior associate director and general manager for University Apartments. Less than 24 hours after submitting his appeal, Tiberi dismissed it and confirmed Dahlberg’s and Portis’s decisions. Tiberi stated that he is unable to comment on individual student issues, but reiterated the rules for overflowing toilets in the apartments. “In order to protect the privacy of students, it is not our practice to comment on any individual student issue,” Tiberi said. “Regarding our protocol for a situation involving a flood which an overflowing toilet causes, students are directed to contact staff immediately. During business hours, they should call the respective complex office. After business hours they should contact the community assistant on duty.” Goldman is upset at the UB official’s reactions. “The people higher up completely dismissing my appeals, I thought, was completely inappropriate and showed lack of attention to the incident,” Goldman said.

Following through Goldman decided to take his appeal even further – to the offices of Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs, and President John B. Simpson.

Soon after taking that step, Goldman received an e-mail from Joseph Krakowiak, the director of University Residence Halls & Apartments, reversing Dahlberg’s and Portis’s decision. This led Goldman to believe that Simpson and Black played a role in the decision. He applauded their efficiency and willingness to help. “I’m so grateful to [Simpson] and [Black] for getting involved,” Goldman said. “I’m glad they run UB, because they’re great.” Goldman pointed out that it’s rare for students to win in a case involving housing. He said that there’s one factor that set him apart from other students who are involved in a housing dispute. “I saved every e-mail,” Goldman said. “I kept all correspondence between me and housing which helped me to highlight the inconsistencies with regards to their charges to my account.” Despite the long, drawn-out battle, Goldman said he wouldn’t change anything he did in response to the situation. “I could’ve just paid the $250 and got it done with, but if I did that, Dave Dahlberg would have thought it was OK to stick other students with unjustified bills,” Goldman said. “By appealing it and going above his head, I would hope they would deal better with students in the future, especially undergraduates who might not be fully aware of their rights.” E-mail:

Fourth year for UB Scholarship Gala GALA from page 1 UB students face. “[The gala addresses] the need to bring awareness not only to the university, but to the financial needs of students,” Chamberlain said. “It’s a way to engage the folks who aren’t on campus routinely.” A portion of the money raised at the gala went toward the UB Buffalo Partnership Scholars Program, a fund that helps graduates of Buffalo public schools

afford an education at UB. Students receive full four-year scholarships, a free computer and money for books through the program. According to Chamberlain, this is the third year the UB Scholarship Gala raised funds for Buffalo public schools. At the event, auctioneers asked attendees if they were willing to bid the full cost of UB tuition and fees. “We collect donations from the money we raise through sponsorship, auctions and ticket sales,” Chamberlain said. Chamberlain said that the funds raised at the gala are used for other on-campus purposes. A small percentage is allocated toward a specific university department that a donor designates. The financial aid department distributes the money, investing a portion of the funds into an endowment account for future scholarships.

Chamberlain pointed out that although this is the fourth Scholarship Gala, one aspect set this year’s event apart from former galas. “This year our theme was reaching others in an international way,” Chamberlain said. “We had a strong international performance component.” Cultural student groups added to the international atmosphere at the gala. The Organization of Arab Club students performed the Dabke, a traditional Arabic dance. The Latin American Student Association showcased its couples’ routine, called the Alma Nanichi. The Zodiaque Dance Company also entertained attendees during dinner with a montage of hits by Michael J. Jackson.


11/11 – Cash was stolen from an unattended wallet in Clark Hall. 11/11 – An unattended cell phone was stolen from Clark Hall. 11/11 – An officer was injured in a training accident and taken to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. 11/11 – A person with a knee injury was taken to Erie County Medical Center. 11/11 – Shahram Hamidi-Nasab was arrested and charged with harassment. 11/11 – Christopher P. Yarnes was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana in a vehicle at Sweet Home Road. 11/11 – An unattended laptop was stolen from Alumni Arena. 11/12 – A person had a seizure in Norton Hall and was taken to Buffalo General Hospital. 11/12 – An unattended wallet was stolen from the Capen Undergraduate Library and was partially recovered. 11/13 – Two students were referred to Student-Wide Judiciary for attempted larceny at the Hochstetter parking lot. 11/13 – A person with an ankle injury in Lehman Hall was taken to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. 11/13 – A person was taken from Red Jacket Quadrangle to Erie County Medical Center for a mental health evaluation. 11/13 – A person was taken from Goodyear Hall to Erie County Medical Center for a mental health evaluation.

10/31 – A bike was stolen from outside of Capen Undergraduate Library. 11/9 – A wallet with credit cards was stolen from an open Richmond Quadrangle room and was partially recovered. 11/9 – A projector was stolen from Fronczak Hall. 11/10 – Christopher A. Franke was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of .15 percent at the corner of Winspear Avenue and Rotary Road and was referred to Buffalo City Court. 11/10 – An unattended cell phone was stolen from Lockwood Library. 11/10 – A person fainted in Ellicott Food Court and was taken to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. 11/10 – A person with cramps in Lockwood Library was taken to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. 11/10 – A hit and run occurred when a vehicle was struck at the Main/Bailey parking lot. 11/10 – A person was referred to Student-Wide Judiciary for marijuana use in Roosevelt Hall. 11/10 – A person with an injured head at UB Stadium was treated and released. 11/10 – A projector was stolen from Clemens Hall. 11/11 – A person had an injured ankle at the Center for the Arts and sought own aid. 11/11 – An unattended laptop was stolen from an open Spaulding Quadrangle room.

Additional reporting by Staff Writer Abraham C.L. Munson Ellis


(continued on next page)

The Spectrum

November 18, 2009


Decent acting 2012 from page 5

Due to a series of natural phenomena, the earth begins to fall apart as predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar. Jackson and his family must struggle to survive the disaster and try to find a way to escape and save the world. The special effects are, of course, the driving force of this film; they alone are worth the price of admission. Audiences will undoubtedly expect to see the earth being demolished by earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis– and they won’t be disappointed. The best scene of the movie is, hands down, the California earthquake scene. The audience is taken on an insane, albeit unrealistic, ride through California as it is literally ripped apart. Remember when Emmerich blew up the White House in Independence Day? This is better. The acting is actually decent in 2012, though no one usually expects that from an action film. Cusack does a good job of creating a hero that audiences can identify with. Really, has he ever done a film where he wasn’t likeable? His charm and sarcastic humor make him a good leading man and his screen time is enjoyable. Peet is decent, although her character really doesn’t bring much to

the table. She is basically there to be Cusack’s romantic interest. Harrelson is hilarious (as usual) as the comic relief of the film. He plays a Christian radio host with a penchant for pickles and government cover-ups. He gets away with being ridiculously over-the-top because his character is really just plain bonkers. He doesn’t have much screen time, but he steals every scene he is in. The film also contains many of the clichéd moments that are to be expected from big disaster flicks. There are the “I just want to tell you that I love you before we all die” scenes, the “let’s escape just in the nick of time” scenes and of course, the obligatory inspirational speeches when it seems like all hope is lost. There is nothing subtle about this film. Everything is done on a grand scale. What the film lacks in depth, it makes up for in sheer might. Even the running time, at 158 minutes, is grandiose. Thankfully, due to the fast-paced nature and sensory overload, the time doesn’t drag. 2012 has everything that a blockbuster epic needs. It’s a cheesy, ridiculous tearjerker filled with an insane amount of explosions and destruction. It’s incredibly entertaining. What more could a viewer ask for? E-mail:

Also performing at Niagara FLUFFY from page 5 pharmacy major. Iglesias has had many late night talk show appearances and was a finalist on the fourth season of The Last Comic Standing, but is still trying to put his name up there with the comedy greats. “He is a decent comedian … He is ridiculous and really out there … But he is not as well established as other comedians,” said Matt Zambito, a freshman undecided major. Zambito is excited for the show, and is glad to see other comedy acts that are coming this week. “[Daniel] Tosh is coming and that

is impressive,” Zambito said. Some students are not as enthusiastic about the performers chosen to come this week. “I do not even know who [Iglesias] is,” said David Sanlucia, a senior exercise science major. The up-and-coming funnyman will grace the CFA with his comedic prowess at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. Those who miss the show can catch his act before it leaves town Friday at 8 p.m. at Niagara University’s Dwyer Arena. E-mail:

‘Athletics not the focus’ MOSHER from page 5

Granted, many high-level research centers have sports teams to match, but is this necessary? Does this directly benefit the students aside from entertainment purposes? I think not. I know that there is money set aside for the sports teams, and part of tuition goes to the athletics department. But in tough economic times, I would much rather see cuts to the Bulls and other SUNY sports teams than hikes in my tuition and activity fees. 11/13 – Criminal mischief was reported in Parker Hall after unidentified people broke six windows. 11/14 – Cody John Little was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of .18 percent in the Main/Bailey parking lot. He was referred to the Student-Wide Judiciary and Buffalo City Court. 11/14 – A person was taken from the Main Circle with a self-inflicted injury to Erie County Medical Center for a mental health evaluation. 11/14 – Two students were referred to the StudentWide Judiciary for unlawful possession of marijuana in the Spaulding Quadrangle. 11/15 – A student was referred to the Student-Wide Judiciary for alcohol use in the Richmond Quadrangle. 11/15 – A person was given first aid and taken from the Creekside Apartments to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital for a fever. 11/15 – Kitchen items were stolen from a Porter Quadrangle kitchen.

When the time comes for discussion about budget cuts, I hope administrators and politicians see this as well. The Times article also featured Assemblyman Peter M. Rivera, a Democrat from the Bronx, who said athletic powerhouses should not be the focus of state money. “That’s not the purpose of a SUNY school,” he said in the article. “The purpose of a SUNY school is to provide the best education possible.” E-mail: 11/15 – A person was taken to Erie County Medical Center after having a seizure in Goodyear Hall. 11/15 – Six vehicle mirrors were damaged in the Governors E parking Lot. 11/15 – A PlayStation was taken from an open room in Goodyear Hall. 11/16 – A glass door was broken in the Millard Fillmore Academic Complex. 11/16 – A person was taken to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital from the Millard Fillmore Academic Complex for first aid. 11/16 – A person was taken from Richmond Quadrangle to Erie County Medical Center for a mental health evaluation. 11/16 – A student was referred to the Student-Wide Judiciary for disorderly conduct in the Ellicott food court. 11/16 – A person in Lehman Hall reported no feeling in their left arm and sought their own aid. 11/16 – A person was taken from South Lake Village to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital for breathing problems.

Contest Winners Judge’s Winners

People’s choice winners

My Name is not Stargardt’s Disease. My Name is Catherine.

The Road To Riches

1st place...........................$250 Catherine Scharf

2nd place..........................$100 I believe in the Kindness of Others

Amanda Oliver

3rd place............................$50 No Dream Deferred

Latoya Quamina

1st place............................$250 Jacob Bogitsh

2nd place.......................... $100 Intrinsic Motivation: Before It Is Too Late

Angelica Jimenez

3rd place............................ $50 I believe in the Kindness of Others

Amanda Oliver

Writing Contest Read the winning entries by visiting:

The Spectrum


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November 18, 2009

There is a bright side HILLIKER from page 3

economy might be showing slight improvements, but it’s still pretty terrible, along with a host of other not-so-nice things. I could always look on the bright side – which is actually much larger than I’m making it out to be. I don’t have to struggle against the terrible obstacles that affect the rest of the world. If all I’m complaining about is using dial-up Internet, then, well, there isn’t much to complain about. We go through life in this country with fears and worries that are exac-

erbated by the constant bombardment of the awful things that are happening, mostly from cable news. No, I am not one of those people who will complain that there is nothing but bad news. Things, though, have gotten to a ridiculous level. Pundits and stations that over sensationalize pretty much every event out there can have a have a massive effect on people. What better way is there to pull people in to watch than to play on their fears? Judging by what’s on the TV, we should not trust anybody on the political spectrum. Each side is try-

ing to tear this country down and destroy it. On top of that, we are all going to be wiped out by a super disease – the likes of which we haven’t seen since the plague. As winter rapidly approaches and I face the oncoming assault of finals and papers, I’m finding it best not to get entangled in the more exaggerated things that I hear. People need to learn that life will probably turn out fine if they don’t buy in to or listen to everything that just gets blown out of proportion. E-mail:

Equivalencies aren’t enough have classes from 10:40 a.m. to 2 p.m. this semester and used to consistently miss the meal swipe. Between my problem with the breakfast times and lunch times, I was using Dining Dollars to pay for at least one meal a day and was losing a ton of money. While I think the new extended lunchtime is great, I wish they had done it earlier in the semester. I lost a significant amount of my Dining Dollars earlier this semester. Also, I want to be able to use more than one meal at a time. What if I want a Jamba Juice to go along with my Pistachios? I’ll have to

HINCKLEY from page 3 isn’t as bad at the lunch one. It’s worth $6.75. Really? I can’t even get a sandwich and a drink from Pistachios without going over my meal plan and spending Dining Dollars. Why can’t the university implement plans that are a direct exchange for our meals? It is frustrating and adds up quickly when I am thirty cents over at every meal. UB recently decided to extend the lunch mealtime from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., which was great because I

spend $5 on it instead of just asking them to do a meal exchange twice. And at the end of the week when I have meals left over, I would like to be able to use them all at once if I see fit. My friend in Virginia and other students across the country enjoy this “luxury.” Why can’t we? This entire issue boils down to the fact that UB’s dining plan is causing students to waste money – lots of money. And in today’s economy, who really has money to waste?


Bulls fell behind WBBALL from page 12 until the final seconds of the half. With Hofstra up by one and seven seconds remaining before halftime, Christensen knocked down a 3-point shot to give the Bulls a 40-38 lead heading into the locker room. The Bulls did not find similar success in the second half, as the team struggled to find the momentum it held in the first half. Hofstra had no trouble establishing a rhythm as it seized 30 rebounds, includ-

ing 11 offensive boards, in the half. Trailing 50-48 with 15:20 to go in the game, Hofstra pulled ahead for good with a game-changing 10-0 run. The Bulls eventually cut the Pride lead to five when sophomore guard Brittany Hedderson hit a 3-pointer with 5:47 remaining, but the Bulls could not pull any closer. Hofstra sealed the Bulls’ fate by making 8-of10 free throws down the stretch, ending the game with a 29-10 run. Hill-MacDonald thought the Bulls gave up too many second chance

opportunities and Hofstra was able to take advantage of that. “Hofstra did a great job,” HillMacDonald said. “I thought [Hofstra] did a fantastic job on the boards. We just didn’t work hard enough to keep them off the boards.” Buffalo looks to recover against Temple in its home opener on Saturday. The game is set for 2 p.m. in Alumni Arena. E-mail:

RedHawks getting used to new coach FOOTBALL from page 12

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tough to swallow for the whole team. “Anytime you lose, it’s hard,” Copeland said. “It’s disappointing, but the way we’ve lost the last three games, it makes certain plays stick out more than if you were to lose by a lot. A play here or a play there come to mind. We just have to finish and play four quarters very hard.” At the same time, Copeland has extra incentive these next two weeks. He wants to give the 15 graduating seniors a reason to hold their heads high. “The motivation now is just finishing out for the seniors,” Copeland said. “Finishing on a high note and getting two wins for those guys would be a nice end to the season.” Kickoff is set for 6:00 p.m. from Yager Stadium in Oxford, Ohio. The game will be broadcast on ESPNU. E-mail:




contest against Toledo. Ball management issues have hindered both teams’ ability to score points and win games. Buffalo has fallen victim to costly turnovers at key points in ballgames, and the RedHawks have totaled 40 turnovers over the course of the year. But such is life with a roster as inexperienced as Miami’s. According to Gill, the RedHawks’ young roster is just trying to get the new coaching staff’s system, implemented by first year head coach Michael Haywood, down pat. “I think they’re adjusting to what they’re doing. Unfortunately for them, they’ve turned the ball over … That’s tough on the offense and on the defense, since the defense has to stay on the field,” Gill said. “They’re struggling a little bit just

to mesh it all together as a football team. I still see them playing hard. You see some spurts [of quality football] here and there.” Gill stresses that his team can’t look back on its recent losses. He believes that his team has been resilient in forgetting recent pains. “I think the normal pain when you’re not happy about the results of a football game has happened,” Gill said. “But we have always talked about continuing to get ready for the next week. As long as you have games to play, you can’t soap around on those things. You have to continue to move on.” But the last-second losses have made their impact on certain members of the football team. Sophomore linebacker Josh Copeland, who started his first game of the season last Tuesday against Ohio, believes the close losses have been


$19 99 LITER

‘Hamel’s performance was key’ WRESTLING from page 12 Hofstra continued the hot streak by winning the next three matches, including a win by 10th ranked junior Ryan Patrovich, who disposed of Bulls freshman Matt Bogardus 10-3 in the 174-pound match. Trailing 13-3 after five bouts, the Bulls turned to 20th ranked junior Jimmy Hamels to get them back into the match. He delivered in the 197-

pound contest with an 8-6 victory over Hofstra’s Anthony Tortora. Hamel’s performance was key to the Bulls comeback as he slowed the Pride’s momentum. The two teams would each win one of the next two matches as the Pride maintained a healthy 16-9 lead over the Bulls. With hope seemingly bleak for the Bulls, sophomore Kevin Smith came out and restored some of it with his

technical fall victory over Hofstra’s Jeff Rotella. Smith outscored Rotella 27-12 in the 131-pound contest and converted on 11 takedowns before handing things over to Schutt. Next up for the Bulls is the Body Bar Invitational at Cornell University on Nov. 21. The invite is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. E-mail:

The Spectrum

November 18, 2009


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The Spectrum


November 18, 2009

SP O R T S Bulls hit hard at Hofstra By CHRISTY SUHR Staff Writer

SCOUTING MIAMI (OHIO) 2009 Record: 1-10 (1-6 Mid-American Conference)

Last Game: Loss at Bowling Green, 35-14

Last Meeting: Nov. 4, 2008, Buffalo 37-17

Key Players: QB Zac Dysert: 61.3 completion percentage, 2,420 yards, 11 touchdowns, 15 interceptions, 231 rushing yards, 5 rushing touchdowns WR Armand Robinson: 67 receptions, 788 yards, 4 touchdowns WR Jamal Rogers: 45 receptions, 422 yards, 2 touchdowns LB Jerrell Wedge: 105 tackles, 18 tackles for loss, 5.5 sacks, 1 interception, 1 fumble recovery Buffalo Will Win If: A Naaman Roosevelt-less team can get momentum from Mario Henry and the running game, and if the defense can force the Miami into its typical turnovers and mistakes. Miami (Ohio) Will Win If: The RedHawks come out for their season finale with anger in their stomachs and motivation against a Bulls team that is reeling from tough losses.

Predictions: David Sanchirico Senior Sports Editor: “Finally, the Bulls take on a team that has been less lucky than Buffalo has been. Miami’s efforts have been futile this season as inexperience has equated to turnovers, no offensive firepower and blowout losses. But Miami has gotten better as head coach Mike Hardwood’s coaching style has finally gotten the most out of his players. The team held a late lead against MAC East-leading Temple. “Despite Miami’s struggles, this won’t be an easy game for Buffalo. Without Naaman Roosevelt and Ike Nduka, Zach Maynard and the Bulls’ offense will need to find its firepower from other sources. Where that offensive explosiveness will come from is anyone’s guess. “In the end, though, I think Buffalo has enough. Looked for a balanced Bulls offense to score enough to leave Yager Stadium with Buffalo’s first-ever win in Oxford, Ohio.”

Prediction: Buffalo 31, Miami (Ohio) 21

Following a remarkable overtime win in its season opener against Niagara, the women’s basketball team looked to carry that first game winning high down to Hempstead, N.Y. against the Hofstra Pride on Monday. Hofstra (1-0) proved to be too tough to handle, though, as the Pride used a powerful second half run to drop the Bulls (1-1) in a 77-60 final. The Pride instilled dominance in the paint, out-rebounding the Bulls, 51-28. Hofstra grabbed 22 offensive rebounds and scored 48 points in the paint. Three Hofstra players tallied double figures in the game. Forward Shante Evans led the Pride with 17 points and a team-leading 15 rebounds. Junior forward Jessica Fortman, who finished with 13 points, three rebounds and one steal, led the Bulls in the loss. Sophomore forward Beth Christensen finished with a careerhigh 11 points, all coming in the first half. Christensen also added eight boards and tied a career-best with three steals on the night.


Junior forward Kourtney Brown sat out most of the first half in this game due to foul trouble. Brown tallied just nine points but recorded a teamhigh 10 rebounds. Freshman guard Chrissy Cooper led the team in assists at three and also scored five points. According to head coach Linda HillMacDonald, rebounding was a deciding factor in the outcome of the game. “Rebounding makes a difference and it certainly made a difference, tonight,” Hill-MacDonald said. “You cannot win a basketball game if you are going to give up 22 offensive rebounds … that was the game right there.” Both teams easily scored on the inside during the first half. Hofstra jumped out to a nine-point lead with 9:02 left in the first, but the Bulls fought back with two consecutive scores from freshman guard Abby Dowd, including the first 3-pointer of her college career. Christensen and Fortman scored back-to-back layups to bring the Bulls within one point of the Pride with 6:37 remaining in the half. The lead went back and forth between both teams see WBBALL page 10

Career game earns Roosevelt Player of the Week honors

Jeff Liu / The Spectrum

The Bulls failed to take advantage of the career day by sophomore forward Beth Christensen as the team lost to Hofstra, 77-60.

Battle for MAC East cellar By DAVID SANCHIRICO Senior Sports Editor

Last year, the football team thrived in games that didn’t take place on the weekend. With a division title on the line, the Bulls went 3-1 in weekday games during the program’s best season since moving to Division I-Football Bowl Subdivision. That mid-week magic has not appeared this season, as the Bulls are 0-2 in games on business days. This record has helped the Bulls plummet almost to the bottom of the Mid-American Conference East Division standings. The team below Buffalo has also experienced struggles, but has not experienced success whenever games have taken place. Buffalo’s (3-7, 1-5 MAC) combatant on Wednesday is Miami (Ohio) (1-10, 1-6 MAC), a team that has been equally as incompetent as the disappointing Bulls. The

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

The final outcome against the RedHawks may rest on the left arm of sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard.

RedHawks are also 0-2 during weekday games. Something has to give when the battle for the bottom of the MAC East commences in Oxford, Ohio. At this point, Buffalo isn’t competing for a bowl bid or the MAC East’s top spot, but head coach Turner Gill believes his team will continue to come out and play with a purpose. “I feel good about our football team as far as going into these last ball games,” Gill said. “I think everybody is trying to get better. They play with great effort. I think they’ve done a lot of good things in a lot of different areas, they just haven’t been able to put it all together for a complete football game.” Just like Buffalo, Miami (Ohio) is playing for pride at this point. The RedHawks did not win their first game of the season until the team’s ninth see FOOTBALL page 10

Grappling gridlock By MATTHEW PARRINO Asst. Sports Editor

After dominating its season opening match against Ashland, the wrestling team traveled to Long Island to battle the Pride of Hofstra over the weekend. Against a Pride squad that wrestled two top 10 wrestlers, the Bulls (1-0-1) overcame a 16-9 deficit to tie the Pride (0-0-1) 16-16. The Bulls last wrestled to a tie against Bloomsburg on Dec. 15, 2007. By recording the tie, the Bulls knocked the Pride – previously ranked No. 25 – out of the Top 25. The 141-pound freshman Andrew Schutt held the fate of the Bulls in his hands when he took to the mat to battle Hofstra freshman Tyler

Banks in the final match of the day. Schutt was down 3-0 late in the contest when he scored reversal and a threepoint nearfall with 15 seconds remaining to secure the tie for Buffalo. The victory gave Schutt his first career dual victory. The first match of the day pitted two nationally ranked wrestlers against each other when Buffalo’s 16th-ranked sophomore Desi Green went up against Hofstra’s 20th ranked Justin Accordino in the 149-pound match. Green set the pace for the Bulls by winning his match after scoring an escape and holding off Accordino to secure a 3-0 advantage. This is the second consecutive match in the young sea-

In his final game at UB Stadium, senior wide receiver Naaman Roosevelt saved his best for last when he exploded on national television against the Ohio Bobcats. Roosevelt was named MidAmerican Conference East Division Player of the Week on Monday. Roosevelt caught eight passes for a career-high 165 yards and an astounding three touchdowns. The first score was courtesy of sophomore second-string quarterback Jerry Davis, who connected with a streaking Roosevelt down the left sideline for a 76-yard score. The scoring catch was the longest of his career. Sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard entered the game in the second quarter and would find Roosevelt for two more scores from 21 and 22 yards out. Roosevelt became the all-time leader in receiving yards in the game with 3,551 for his career. He passed former Buffalo wideout Drew Haddad, who finished his career with 3,409. For the season, Roosevelt has caught 70 passes for 954 yards and nine touchdowns. This was the third time he won the award in his time at UB.

Brown earns weekly MAC award The first set of Mid-American Conference weekly awards were announced on Monday, and junior forward Kourtney Brown was one of the recipients. Brown was named MAC East Player of the Week for her performance against cross-town rival Niagara the previous week. She scored a career best 33 points and broke a school record with her 22 rebounds in the game. The game marked the third time in Brown’s career she hit the 30 point mark, and her outstanding work on the glass brought down the rebounding record that has stood up for 11 years. Brown added six steals in the game, finished going 12-for-14 from the field and made nine free throws. The award marks the fourth for Brown in her three-year career. Brown finished last season as an All-MAC second-team selection and was named to the MAC All-Tournament team. The next game for the Bulls will be when they host the Temple Owls on Nov. 21 at Alumni Arena. Tip-off is set for 2 p.m.

Scoreboard Sunday

Wrestling Buffalo Hofstra

16 16


Women’s Basketball Spectrum File Photo

Sophomore Desi Green continued his winning ways against the Pride of Hofstra as the Bulls left Hempstead, N.Y. with a 16-16 tie.

Buffalo Hofstra

60 77

Upcoming Events Wednesday

son that Green has pulled out a victory in a close bout. Hofstra recovered quickly by going on a four matchwinning streak to take a stranglehold of the lead. The second match of the day featured a pair of seniors in Hofstra’s ninth-ranked

Johnny Bonilla-Bowman and Bulls senior Andrew Stella in the 157-pound weight class. Bonilla-Bowman captured the victory easily, beating Stella 10-5 and making the score even at 3-3 for the meet. see WRESTLING page 10


at Miami (Ohio), 6 p.m.

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