The Spectrum Volume 59 Issue 2

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The Spectrum h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Friday, September 4, 2009

Volume 59 Issue 02

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

Battling the H1N1 virus By JUAN CARLOS GUTIERREZ Staff Writer

The signs of distress are already appearing in the hallways of America as the warmth and comfort of summer fade into the darkened cold conditions of school and work during Photo by Tim Ho / The Spectrum Left: Some students around cam-

pus are preparing for an outbreak of swine flu more than others.

the winter. Many are worried that the H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as swine flu, will be back and in full force in cramped indoor spaces. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an agency from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services devoted to protecting and enhancing public health and safety. The agency said that it will recommend “preg-

nant women… children 6 months through 4 years of age, and children 5 through 18 years of age who have chronic medical conditions [get vaccinated].” This is because the H1N1 seasonal flu has become distinctly different from the regular seasonal flu. One of the most alarming distinctions is that the H1N1 virus is most likely to see VIRUS page 6

UB2020 transformations begin By JENNIFER GOOD News Editor

It may not even be 2010 yet, but the UB 2020 project isn’t waiting until the last minute to start making changes. Beginning this fall, UB 2020 will be starting the first stage of its $362 million reconstruction of all three of the school’s campuses, which found funding from previous New York State budget cycles and some large personal donations. No recent UB transformations are comparable to the scale of the UB 2020 plan. The last overhaul of this size occurred in the ’70s when North Campus was first created. The renovations will result in drastic changes to UB’s physical appearance and will improve the university’s community in several ways. “Each campus has its own major projects, making it hard to say which changes will have the biggest impact,” said John Della Contrada, senior director of media Jeff Liu / The Spectrum relations. “They will all be very imporUnder construction: A 130,000-square-foot engineering building is being built on the North Campus as part of the UB 2020 project. tant.” Changes will include constructing entirely new buildings, refurbishing existing structures, enhancing campus safety, burgeoning downtown campus. Approxi- ence programs in downtown Buffalo. 2020 budget will go towards North CamA new building for the Educational pus changes, which include a modern learning, and job opportunities, and mov- mately $118 million will go towards the ing toward environmentally friendly Center for Clinical and Translational Opportunity Center will total $26 million 130,000-square-foot engineering building. methods of operation. Research and a bioscience incubator with- and another $1.2 million will go toward The structure will provide the university Over the next year, UB 2020 will be dis- in a 10-story building in hopes of expand- repairing the UB Downtown Gateway. see UB2020 page 6 tributing a total of $145.2 million to the ing UB’s academic and clinical health sciSlightly over $70 million of the UB

On today:

Social contact struggles By AMANDA WOODS Asst. News Editor

Spectrum exclusive: SA President Hassan Farrah’s police report

Inside: Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds..............15 Opinion .................... 3 Sports .................... 16

That kid in your dorms that never seems to leave his room might have a legitimate problem, according to three recent studies conducted by psychologists at UB. Research found that individuals with a heightened sensitivity to appearancebased rejection are found to be more likely to refrain from social contact, avoiding even those with whom with they have close relationships.

Weed: the protector?

Lora Park, assistant professor of psychology at UB and director of research in the Self and Motivation Lab, and Rebecca Pinkus, a psychology postdoctoral associate, outlined their research on the subject in an essay entitled “Interpersonal Effects of Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity.” The essay defines Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity, or Appearance-RS, as “the tendency to anxiously expect, readsee REJECTION page 4

By RACHEL LAMB Attention stoners: Marijuana may actually have some beneficial effects on the body, according to a recent study. The University of California San Diego Department of Psychiatry performed a study on 42 adolescents, ages 16 to 19, examining the use of marijuana in blocking brain damage caused by binge drinking. The study was published in August by the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology and was performed

RHYMEFEST TEXAS TRIP Lupe Fiasco, Common, Busta Rhymes and Jadakiss at Fall Fest. See Page 5

by the Marijuana Policy Project, which is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. The study, meant to compare brain damage in binge drinkers who smoked marijuana with those who did not, had both expected and unexpected results. The subjects were divided into three groups: binge drinkers, defined as males who had five or more drinks at one sitting or females who drank four or more, binge drinkers

Asst. Life Editor

The Bulls open at UTEP Saturday night.

See Page 16

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

see WEED page 6

Weather: Fri: 72o high / 59o low Sat: 74o high / 58o low Sun: 76o high / 58o low



September 4, 2009

The Spectrum

September 4, 2009



Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan

Taking the reins

Managing Editors Ren LaForme, senior David Jarka Jennifer Lombardo

President Obama needs to clear up the health care debate

News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Amber Helfrich, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Copy Editor Abbi Meade Kate Tunison Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley

Given the current state of the country, there’s probably no more daunting a task than to reform America’s health care system. President Barack Obama must do exactly that. The stakes are extremely high and must be understood by all; the consequences will be dire if this problem remains unresolved. There are 46 million uninsured Americans; in a decade, there could be as many as 60 million. If Congress continues to squabble, the annual cost of health insurance could double from the $12,000 it costs today. There has been constant bickering about whether or not the government would be able to successfully run health care. However, there are several examples of well-run government agencies that meet demands better than the free market ever could. The police, fire protection, education, postal services, and even public libraries are all government-run and have been successful for decades, if not longer. Some who would argue against health care reform might want to consider that our country’s fire-fighting service is “socialized.” People don’t appear to believe that a single payer system for public fire departments is strange. Let’s be realistic; every government has its flaws, but the U.S. government comes through in a big way time and time again. The last CBS/New York Times poll found that 72 percent of respondents would be in favor of a government-administered health care option. Republicans don’t seem to feel the same way. There’s no doubt the best solution would be a bipartisan bill; however, both sides seem to always forget the suffering that this issue can cause. Congress doesn’t just have a fiscal responsibility, but also a moral one. The spiraling costs of health care have bankrupted numerous families

I can haz chick lit? that have been unable to pay for treatment for their ill loved ones. The Republican position of striking down any public option is holding the entire conversation hostage. Over the past few months, they have walked away from all levels of the debate at the White House meetings, as well as those in the House and Senate. Democrats must clearly spell out what exactly health care reform means. Their goals are to expand coverage, reduce costs, improve quality of care, and above all allow for more health care options for all Americans, regardless of socioeconomic position. Complex issues aren’t figured out overnight. Fixing the health care in this country doesn’t need to be done too quickly, especially when such a large subset of the population is wary of drastic change. The issue for most Americans is the implication of health care reform on taxes. Americans don’t want to see their taxes at 65 percent. However, there are other ways of gaining funds. For example, the single biggest cash eater on the bottom line of the United States budget is the defense budget. For the 2009 fiscal year, the total United States defense budget is $515.4 billion. To give some perspective: in 2003 the United States spent 47 percent of the total expenditure on global military spending, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Obama must take control of this reform and steer Capitol Hill in the needed direction. He must set high goals and strive to reach them, for this debate could shape the rest of his term in office. The American people deserve to join the rest of the industrialized world in having a government option for health care. President Obama, lead the charge.

Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editor Drew Brigham Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski

The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 02 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in Suite 132, Student Union, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Copyright 2009 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.

Losing ReUse Buffalo’s potential loss of a green initiative Worthwhile city programs are hard to come by. Sadly, for the Queen City, one of those programs might be in peril. Buffalo ReUse, Inc. specializes in green demolition. The organization specializes in salvaging and recycling all building materials that can be re-used, everything from bricks and fixtures to lumber. ReUse also has a program called ReSource that allows the public to purchase the materials and other household items. Michael Gainer founded ReUse three years ago and gave the organization its initial vision of serving and giving back to the community. Operations were cruising along until a few weeks ago when Harvey Garrett, ReUse’s chief executive officer, fired Gainer with the support of the board of directors. The firing wasn’t a surprise; Gainer openly acknowledged his missteps in managing funds and communicating with the board. This lead to a rift that ReUse can’t afford. Other members of the organization are now calling for the removal of the board due to the loss of the founder. The issue at stake is that the removal of the entire board will cause one of ReUse’s major benefactors to pull its funding. The John R. Oishei Foundation, which has given more than $200,000 to ReUse, has discussed pulling the money if the members

are removed, which would send ReUse into dire financial straits. It would be a shame to lose an organization that strives to keep people in their homes by deconstructing decrepit buildings. ReUse provides the Buffalo community with much-needed jobs and salaries. The positions give people experience in the building field, which in turn allows members of ReUse to move on into the private sector for better paying jobs. Also, the city of Buffalo views condemned buildings as wasted space and generally ignores them, but ReUse transforms them into potential assets. It would certainly be a shame to allow an organization providing public service in green ideas to fail. Mayor Byron Brown is leading Buffalo back to historic heights in terms of surpluses. Under Brown, the city has its largest surplus in its history - over $21 million. Surely, the mayor should step in and support such an eco-friendly program. The loss of ReUse could strike a major blow to the grassroots efforts to revive Buffalo and would put an immense strain on the efforts to reshape the Buffalo community. The claim of being the City of Neighbors would certainly hold true if ReUse stays afloat.

I’m not taking any literature classes this semester and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. As an English major, I’ve taken a plethora of literature classes over the last four years, and my problem is not with the classes themselves. I’ve had some really great professors and I’ve read some fascinating stuff. But they would be a lot better without all the other students. The problem with these classes is the obnoxiously large number of pretentious ramblers who raise their hands all the time and think that each point they make is automatically brilliant because it’s coming from their mouth; the people who say something like, “This reminds me of something Virgil said…,” or my Keeley Sheehan personal favorite, beginning Executive Editor each sentence with, “Um… I thought this was really interesting because…” This reminds me of the fact that nobody cares… which is really interesting because I think you should keep your mouth shut and stop wasting my time. Unless Virgil said it to you personally, keep it to yourself. The problem with these pseudo-scholarly types is that they aren’t limited to literature classes. Every student that reads a classic these days thinks he’s some sort of connoisseur of great literature. A few semesters ago, I met a girl from another school, a friend of a friend. After asking her some questions about her major (music) she asked about mine. I told her that I was an English major, at which point she proceeded to gush oh so poetically about her intense love for Faulkner and how she’d read everything he’d ever written. I’m pretty sure she started name-dropping literary devices into the conversation. My response? “I read one of his stories in a class once, I think. It was alright. I really like The Princess Diaries series, though.” I read chick lit, not to be ironic or to give my brain a rest, but because I genuinely enjoy it. My favorite is The Art of French Kissing by Kristin Harmel. I read see SHEEHAN page 8

Love at first bite I always thought that love was a farce. As the summer of 2009 cast its first sunny rays on my shoulders I found myself miserable, tired, and ready to give up on my goals. The days may have been getting warmer but my love life was growing cold. I guess that’s what five years of doing someone else’s homework will do to you. But I digress. Ren LaForme At that point in my life I Senior Managing Editor almost threw in the towel. I was ready to settle for the standard-issue miserable and mediocre life in suburbia. I’d love my kids but secretly hate my wife. Eventually, I’d find a way to sneak away from home for extended periods of time until I died a bitter old codger. Enter: the vampire. Around the same time I was accepting my dismal life, a certain Twilight-obsessed Spectrum staffer sunk her teeth into my heart. Long story short; I broke up with my girlfriend and found love in the arms of the biggest Jacob Black fan this side of Forks, Wash. And let me tell you; it’s true what they say. You’ll know when you find the person that’s right for you. Before I even changed my Facebook status from “single” to “in a relationship” I could feel that things were very different. I felt like I found something I had been searching for my whole life, though I didn’t know what it was. Gone were the days of convincing myself that I was in love. I’ve learned that if you have to think about if you’re in love or not, then you’re not in love. All of a sudden it was easy for me to wake up in the morning, shower, shave and get dressed. The sky seemed bluer, the sun shone brighter and the flowers smelled sweeter. She’s literally the perfect match for me. She’s smart, funny, cute, and she’s willing to go along with my crazy spontaneity, like when I want to go to Tops to get juice boxes at 1 a.m. We both can’t stand Megan see LAFORME page 8

The Spectrum


September 4, 2009

Carpooling program helps reduce UB’s carbon footprint By AMANDA WOODS Asst. News Editor

With thousands of students commuting to campus every week, the UB community greatly contributes to traffic confusion and traces its carbon footprint throughout the Western New York region. This semester, UB Parking and Transportation Services hopes to change that through the UB CarFree carpooling program, an initiative aimed at reducing the

Wallace also believes that a decrease in commuter vehicles will improve the aesthetics of the campus. In order to become a carpooler, students, faculty and staff must reside off-campus and register on the Parking and Transportation Services Web site. The carpool must consist of at least two people who commute together round trip at least three days per week, all of whom must surrender their individual parking permits for a shared parking permit. They will also be issued 15 oneday parking permits per semester, for use on days when carpooling is not viable. These permits may only be used in shared faculty, staff and student lots, or in commuter and Park and Ride lots, according to Wallace. Parking and Transportation Services will make a conscientious effort to ensure that all students that participate in the carpooling program will be able to find parking spaces, according to Wallace. “We will pepper the campus

amount of vehicles traveling back and forth to campus on a daily basis. According to Maria Wallace, the director of Parking and Transportation Services, the impact of the program will be enormous. “[The program] will literally decrease the number of commuter vehicles, the number two source of carbon emissions,” Wallace said. “It launched this week and we hope to have many involved by month’s end.”

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with carpooling spaces adjacent to class buildings,” Wallace said. Wallace believes that while some students will be wary to sign up, there are many benefits available for carpooling students and faculty. The Emergency Ride Home system is an integral part of the program that allows any carpooler that is stranded on campus to obtain a ride home in the event of a personal emergency. This option is available to carpoolers from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. “We will dispatch a taxi to get them home,” Wallace said. Although the carpooling program is only geared toward commuter students, faculty and staff, Wallace points out that the entire UB community needs to reduce its carbon emissions and work toward a greener campus. Wallace believes there is a straightforward way for on-campus students to do this. “Hopping on board, hopping on board, hopping on board, and by that I mean the UB Stampede,” Wallace said. She also pointed out that walk-

ing to campus is always an option, especially before the onslaught of winter weather. Wallace discussed another new initiative called the Express Bus Home program. With this program, students from New York City, Albany, Syracuse and Rochester will be able to receive direct round-trip rides home on weekends. “We need to provide effective alternatives to driving cars to campus,” Wallace said. “When there’s an expansive transportation system on campus you really don’t have to have a car.” Wallace encourages all UB community members that are considering participating in the carpooling program, or any other CarFree initiatives, to go for it. “I would tell them that they are acting responsibly,” Wallace said. “If you live downtown or in the suburbs, you make a choice to use your car or not. We hope you choose not to.” E-mail:

Appearance-RS leads to lower self-esteem REJECTION from page 1


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ily perceive and overreact to rejection based on one’s physical attractiveness.” “People with Appearance-RS have lower self-esteem and rate themselves as more unattractive than those with low AppearanceRS,” Park said. “They are also more likely to be socially anxious and to be sensitive to rejection more generally.” According to Park, people with Appearance-RS are primarily concerned about their appearance. Rejection based on other factors, such as intelligence, will not affect them as severely. “For people with high Appearance-RS, appearance is the primary lens through which they filter their social worlds,” Park said. “Thus, negative information about their appearance is likely to have a greater impact on their thoughts, feelings and behaviors than negative feedback in other domains.” Park and Pinkus previously engaged in research about people with Appearance-RS and they decided to look more deeply into

the behavior of these individuals. “Previous research in our lab found that people with Appearance-RS felt more alone and rejected when reminded of disliked aspects of their appearance,” Park said. “We wanted to see whether people with high Appearance-RS might respond to appearance-based rejection in ways that might exacerbate these feelings of rejection.” Park explained that previous studies with Appearance-RS individuals took an intrapersonal focus – participants wrote selfgenerated threats concerning aspects they disliked about their appearance. However, in the current study, the researchers examined how individuals with Appearance-RS respond to interpersonal feedback, or negative responses from others, regarding their attractiveness. In the second study, participants were given both positive and negative feedback about their appearance, largely from other participants. For Park, the results of this second study were the most surprising.

“We expected that high Appearance-RS participants would want to distance themselves from others following negative appearance-based feedback,” Park said. “We were a bit surprised, however, that they even wanted to withdraw from contact with close relationships.” Park also suggested a few methods people can use to help cope with rejection. “One way to help [them] deal with rejection may be to encourage them to think about their strengths and close relationships, which may challenge their initial inclination to think badly about themselves or to distance themselves from others,” Park said. “Another relatively safe way for people with Appearance-RS to interact with others might be to interact with others online. Although this forum might provide some form of interaction with others, it should not be used as a substitute for all social interaction.” E-mail:

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The Spectrum

September 4, 2009




James Twigg Asst. Arts Editor

Concert etiquette What happened to the days when concertgoers knew what they were getting themselves into? Or when people knew the difference between a pop punk and a hardcore show? They’re gone. I remember the first two concerts I ever went to like they were last week. Show one was Sum 41 at Siena College eight years ago. It’s generally accepted that Sum 41 is a punk band and that punk music tends to generate a mosh pit of sorts. I understood this when I was twelve. My sophomore concert showcased the piano-rock stylings of Something Corporate. Anyone who has heard them knows that they aren’t one of the harder punk bands out there, or a band at all anymore, but that’s beside the point. Their kind of music is what is more commonly referred to as pop punk, with a pinch of emo. When the band started playing, I immediately caught on to the fact that it wasn’t moshing music. So in response, I began to jump along with everyone else scattered throughout the crowd. Again, I was twelve and knew what was to be expected. But today, I see apparent music lovers of all ages complain when they go to a punk or hardcore show and see the moshing that’s going on. What do you people expect? see JUMP page 11


Jadakiss By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor

Separate, but equal. Further cementing the rap/ rock schism between semesters, the 2009 edition of UB’s Fall Fest not only sticks to the “beats over breakdowns” mentality seen in previous years, but also features just as much punch as the rock show that strolled through Alumni last spring. Headlining the hip-hop holiday this Saturday is Lupe Fiasco with the support of Common, Busta Rhymes and Jadakiss. With a quad-stacked lineup of well-respected and documented rap artists, Fall Fest 2009 has all the potential to fill in the time delays and letdowns of previous installments. Kick, push, coasting in from Chicago, Ill. is college favorite

Wasalu Muhammad Jaco, more commonly known as Lupe Fiasco. With his pop-culture fused brand of scholar rap, Fiasco has not only made a name for himself as one of the brightest rappers around, he has also managed to become a goto name for the SUNY set. Headlining shows at SUNY Geneseo and Albany in 2008, along with a show just a week after UB at SUNY College at Oneonta, Fiasco is a campus crusader, spitting his cool, groove-orientated knowledge rap all along the collegiate coast. With hits like “Daydream,” “Superstar,” and “Kick, Push” alongside the forthcoming Lasers, Fiasco has all the tracks to spin his top billing into the twilight. Poetic, gentle and far too muscular for his softly spoken words is Common, who is at last filling the void he left when he dropped off of Kayne West’s Touch The Sky tour, and subsequently his slot on the 2005 Fall Fest, to film his role in the film Smokin’ Aces. With a Grammy in tow for his duet “Love of my Life (An Ode to HipHop)”with Erykah Badu and multiple notches of activism in his belt (PETA, HIV/AIDS awareness), the Common Sense MC brings a touch of class to the show.

Whether he’s holding up cue cards with smiles and sweet nothings or motoring through the electro-funk of 2008’s Universal Mind Control, Common’s sweet street storytelling will fall upon welcoming ears. Arguably the most recognizable name on the bill is Brooklyn MC and Courvoisier connoisseur Busta Rhymes. Blowing onto the scene with 1996’s “Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check” and continuing his neck-breaking, high-speed rhymed hits with the 1997 single “Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See,” Rhymes immediately established himself as one of rap’s most recognizable and unique acts. With the release of successful albums like Genesis and The Big Bang and an explosive appearance in the 2000 cinematic classic Finding Forrester, Rhymes holds his own in the mainstream and has managed to remain relevant while most other rappers from his time are now selling cars or other less legal products. Rhymes was initially scheduled to perform at UB in 2003 for that year’s Fall Fest, but had to drop out due to a scheduling conflict. Common

Lupe Fiasco Rounding out the line-up is fellow New York MC and rap-mate from Rhymes’s recent hit “Respect My Conglomerate,” Jadakiss. Whether he was rapping with Christopher Wallace and his group The LOX or asking “Why?” to a series of scenarios and questions, Jadakiss developed a reputation as a living rap legend. Though he’s not as radio-recognizable as the gods of rap, Jada remains one of the realest acts in the game. With the beautiful Baird Point as a backdrop and free admission to UB undergrads with their IDs, Fall Fest is inarguably a wise way for students to spend the virgin Saturday of the 2009 fall semester. Doors open at 5:15p.m. The show starts at 6 p.m. E-mail:

By JOHN RANIC & CHRISTOPHER Di MATTEO Senior Arts Editor & Arts Editor Because we’re the Hot Shots that we are, here’s part deux to our top and bottom of the semester CD release list.

6: Muse

7: Weezer

September 14 - We pretentious college kids have to listen to something European, right?

October 27 - Based on the album title alone, they’re on the list.

-6: 50 Cent

November 3- He promised us he would stop. Not only does he rap like he has a mouthful of marbles, he is a liar.

The Resistance

Before I Self-Destruct

8: Kid Cudi

9: Mika

10: Say Anything

September 15 - Why didn’t we get him for Fall Fest? Yeah . . . just saying.

September 21 - This office loves lollipops, agrees that big girls are beautiful, and is definitely looking forward to what is sure to be the juiciest fruitiest pop music of the year.

October 13 - Bemis is back and promises the new album isn’t anything like In Defense of the Genre. La Chaim.

-7: Kiss

-8: Barbra Streisand

-9: Lil Wayne

-10: Train

October 6 - If we had a love gun, we would collectively shoot ourselves in the head before listening to this album.

September 29 - We’ll never forgive you for Yentl, Babs.

November 24 - More like Stillbirth.

October 27- Unless this album has “Drops of Jupiter” on it, San Francisco better just let them go.

Blueprint 3

Sonic Boom

The Man on the Moon: The End of the Day

Love Is The Answer

The Boy Who Knew Too Much


Say Anything

Save Me San Francisco

The Spectrum


September 4, 2009

Marijuana may be just as harmful as cigarettes WEED from page 1 who also smoked marijuana, and a control group who had very little or no experience with either alcohol or drugs. Researchers studied eight areas of the brain with white matter and investigated whether adolescents that smoked marijuana had more or less brain damage than those who did not. “Brain white matter tracts were more coherent in adolescents who binge drink and use marijuana than in adolescents who report only binge drinking,” the researchers found. “It is possible that marijuana may have some neuroprotective properties in mitigating alcohol-related oxidative stress or excitotoxic cell death, as has already been shown in lab and animal studies.” The study proved that the stu-

dents that both smoked marijuana and binge drank had less brain damage - more white matter - than those who just drank alcohol or did not have much experience with drugs or alcohol. Because of these results, this study may prove that marijuana is not only safer than alcohol, but it also protects the brain from the effects of binge drinking. “Marijuana prohibition has failed,” said the Web site for the MPP. “It’s time for a new approach, and MPP is leading the way. Since our founding in 1995, we’ve been making real progress in reforming U.S. marijuana laws.” However, studies performed by the Canadian Cannabis News disagree. The researchers argue that marijuana may be just as harmful as cigarettes, and the main reason that so many are cav-

“Before we would agree with the study, we would like to see a few more done.” — Sharlynn Daun-Barnett UB SAFER MEMBER

alier about smoking marijuana is because they do not understand the damages that it can lead to. “A 2007 study from New Zealand, for example, examined the effects of cannabis on lung capacity. The results suggested that marijuana smoke compromised lung efficiency between 2.5 and five times more than tobacco smoke,” said CCN’s Web site. Additionally, experts from the UB Wellness Center are hesitant about the study. “Before we would agree with the study, we would like to see a few more done,” said Sharlynn Daun-Barnett, a specialist on drug prevention and a member

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UB2020 from page 1

Program of works by

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a ballot initiative to remove some criminal charges for marijuanarelated crimes in Massachusetts, according to the MPP Web site. “This study suggests that not only is marijuana safer than alcohol, it may actually protect against some of the damage that booze causes,” said Steve Fox, Marijuana Policy Project’s director of state campaigns. “It’s far better for teens not to drink or smoke marijuana, but our nation’s leaders send a dangerous message by defending laws that encourage the use of alcohol over marijuana.” E-mail:

UB2020 aims to improve safety

Violinist Elmar Oliveira in recital 7:30PM

of UB Safer. “It may protect your brain from damage, but there are other concerns that we have, like the effect of marijuana on your short term memory that you have to take into consideration.” Currently, MPP is lobbying for legislation to regulate marijuana in a similar manner as alcohol, searching for media coverage on the need to change policies and fighting to remove criminal penalties for marijuana laws. MPP boasts achievements such as overriding the governor of Rhode Island’s veto of their bill to create “compassion centers” to provide seriously ill patients with medical marijuana and also

with space for sterile work with nanodevices, a high tech “cybertorium”, and room to support education and meetings. Better lighting, 76 new cameras monitored by the University Police Department, renovations to the UB Child Care Center, and a 5,000-panel solar array will be installed on North Campus by fall of 2010. According to Della Contrada, the renovations made to North Campus will create a more pedestrian-friendly environment

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where students can have an allaround better experience. “In general, it is a very safe campus. Yet it is a major goal [of UB 2020] to improve the safety even more,” Della Contrada said. “Students will benefit from a more inviting and better learning environment.” Cassandra Hake, a junior business major, agrees that these changes will constitute an upgrade for the university. “Aside from looking forward to having more appealing places to socialize on campus, I think it is really important and a vital time to increase campus safety,” Hake said. “I don’t want to spend most of my life here if I don’t feel protected.” South Campus will gain $63.7 million of UB 2020’s budget over the next couple of years. Approximately $54 million will support the renovations of Kapoor Hall. By 2012, Kapoor Hall will house the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The remaining $9.7 million will support the maintenance and upgrades of both Wende and Kimball Halls, as well as the UB Child Care Center, and the addition of eco-friendly lighting and energy-efficient security enrichment to Harriman Quad. The construction has already begun on the rear of South Campus to create a more accessible entrance.

“Having the entrance I usually use into South Campus blocked off for as long as it has been tends to be really inconvenient for me,” said Jamie Covello, a senior history major. “But if it doesn’t take much longer and will make it easier and more appealing to drive through the campus in the long run, it is definitely worth being patient.” Della Contrada believes that the changes will eventually make a positive difference. “We have our backs to it now and we want it to be more inviting,” Della Contrada said. “We are making it more of an accessible front door to campus.” University officials believe that the predicted $2 billion in regional economic activity that UB 2020’s capital construction will bring will be promising for the region. UB 2020 will create over 2,900 construction jobs by 2012. Another $2 billion of annual income is predicted as a result of the campus expansion, which will bring an increase in students, faculty and staff. The extensive campus development is expected to create over 10,000 new job opportunities by 2024. “We are going to keep moving ahead in hopes of improvement for the entire community,” Della Contrada said. E-mail:

Some students unafraid of flu VIRUS from page 1 infect children and young adults ages 25 to 64, while the seasonal flu usually affects those of the age 65 and older. The CDC reports that they are advising the aforementioned groups to get the vaccination for the H1N1 virus, which should be available sometime in October. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology reported on Whitehouse. gov that “between 30,000 and 90,000 deaths in the United States [are expected to occur this flu season.]” The World Health Organization attributes 423 deaths to H1N1 worldwide as of May 2009. Up to 40,000 people die in relation to the seasonal flue every year, according to CNN. Despite the high expectations, some students don’t seem to be afraid of H1N1. Norman Sung, a freshman

engineering major, isn’t afraid of the H1N1 virus, as he believes that it’s curable. He said he has been ignoring the warnings that the university has sent to students. “I just haven’t read any of the emails,” Sung said. Nicholas Fico, a freshman undecided major, also is not afraid. “I don’t believe [H1N1] is going to be deadly,” Fico said. The CDC has established some guidelines in order to aid in the prevention of the H1N1 virus. They include covering the mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, keeping hands sanitary, avoiding eye or mouth touching, getting plenty of sleep and eating nutritious foods, managing stress and knowing when to stay home sick as to not infect others. E-mail:

The Spectrum

September 4, 2009


Nightlife in Buffalo

The Heights of student nightlife By RACHEL LAMB Asst. Life Editor

Like any other college atmosphere, University Heights is constantly teeming with anxious students looking for something fun to do with their weekend nights. Frat guys cock their “fitteds” to the right and girls strap up their sandals, then both groups traipse to the Stampede in huge flocks, fighting to forget about schoolwork, jobs and other stressors as they dance and stumble the nights away. The Heights, located off South Campus on Main Street, is a huge hit for college students and offers a variety of choices. One popular spot is The Steer Restaurant & Saloon, located at 3151 Main St., right next to Lake Effect Diner. The Steer boasts a wide selection of alcoholic drinks, as well as a large lunch and dinner menu. However, when 10 p.m. rolls around, students will need a valid 21-plus ID to stay. The Steer also has a pool table, darts and other games that make the experience enjoyable for

everyone. They recently added a live DJ who spins the beats most nights of the week. Third Base is also popular, especially on Tuesdays when the bar hosts Flip Night. When students order a well drink or a domestic beer, the bartender flips a coin, and if the students can call it correctly, the drink is free. If not, it’s still a cheap $3, far less than most bars charge. Notoriously strict with its ID policy - the owner is usually the one at the door - the older college crowd at Third Base is a refreshing change from obnoxious freshmen with fake IDs found at other areas on Main Street. However, Flip Night isn’t the only thing that Third Base has to offer. It features a variety of specials during the week. These include Spin the Wheel on Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m., Happy Hour from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. with $6 Bud Lite pitchers and $2.50 Bud bottles on Friday, Ladies’ Night drinks for $1 on Saturday, and Guitar Hero on Sunday. Other popular Main Street bars include Mojo’s and Northside, both located across from Steer and next door to one another. Both

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

Despite its shady reputation, University Heights is home to a good time on the weekends.

have dance floors, great music and expansive drink choices. For underclassmen that aren’t quite 21, there are always a variety of house parties, mainly set up by fraternities, sororities and sports houses. Additionally, when rush week starts (it’s different for each frat or sorority), bars and house parties become increasingly popular as Greeks and Greekettes look for new recruits to join their families. “The people that we recruit are usually people that we know from home, but people find new pledges in class and in the dorms,” said Anthony Parrella, a sophomore business major and

Please show your support for the WNY community by giving the Gift of Life through blood donation with Upstate New York Transplant Services every Wednesday from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. in the UB North Student Union.

member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. “We have open parties during rush week but after that we mainly have mixers with other Greeks that aren’t available to everyone.” University Heights is a great place to let loose and have fun, but it’s very important to realize that the Heights can be dangerous. Luckily, students can use a group called the Anti-Rape Task Force, which provides shuttles that go anywhere within a mile and a half outside of campus. According to Jane Fischer, director of SBI Health Education, the busses run seven times a week, from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.

Sunday to Wednesday, and from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The buses stop at Goodyear Loop, Main Street Loop and the Health Science Library, approximately every 20 minutes. Students can call during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to request a shuttle for nighttime or to ask to be picked up from another location. Also, students can request a shuttle from the Health Sciences Library, where the ARTF walk station is located. The walk station is only available for on-campus escorts. Email:

Upstate New York Transplant Services is always looking for more groups to host blood drives on the UB campus. If you are interested in helping to save lives in WNY, please contact Jonathan Graves at 716.512.7908.

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The Spectrum


September 4, 2009

Nightlife in B uffalo

Don’t ignore non-classics

The pride of Buffalo in the dark By SHANE FALLON Asst. Life Editor

As the semester drags on, hanging out around campus and partying in University Heights and Chippewa get old. UB students will be pleased to discover the rich and hugely satisfying nightly activities offered in the Elmwood Village and Allentown. Though they might be a bit out of the way for the out-of-towner and temporary Buffalo resident, students will learn that the payoff is definitely worth the trip. The best way to start a picture perfect downtown Buffalo weekend is an evening coffee or tea at Spot Coffee. From the outside it seems to be another run-of-themill coffee shop, but Spot is a bustling locale of warmth and ambiance where residents from all over Buffalo intersect. Tired blue-collar workers on their way home and trendy hipsters with all the time in the world are both a common sight at Spot. The mix of all those diverse folk in one setting is nothing less than pristine. Those not in the mood for coffee

are invited to explore the delicious Italian cuisine offered at Cecelia’s Ristorante, a short stroll away from Spot. Though the restaurant strongly encourages reservations and almost certainly guarantees a wait, the end result is a sublime dining experience that makes it easy for customers to imagine they’re dining in native Italy. There are two directions one could possibly take to finish off an Elmwood outing. Those thirsty for margaritas, quesadillas and tacos can make their way down the street to Cozumel, doubtlessly home to some of the best Mexican food in town. Those wanting a more laid back time with beer and sports can hang out at the original Buffalo Wild Wings, which is a tad further down the street. The second variable of the downtown equation is Elmwood Village’s sexier, sultrier sister, Allentown. A night there can be an accompaniment to one in Elmwood, or a separate outing all its own. Allen Street is special for its blend of good bars offering good food - great for enjoying a weeknight meal or for refueling during

a wild weekend night. Mulligan’s Brick Bar is a trademark of the area. A friendly downhome watering hole, it is best known for its welcoming atmosphere and diverse crowd. From there, lovers of live music can stroll on over to the nearby Allendale Theatre, and be back to the Brick just in time for the in crowd to arrive. Brick Bar’s neighbor, the Old Pink, is an experience of a different color. Nearly lightless and cash only, it is a fun, cheap venue, proud of the diverse reputation it has garnered over the years. Long considered a Buffalo icon, it has weathered its share of controversies and ups and downs right along with the city it calls home. For a more typical bar and grill dining and drinking experience, visit the bona fide Allen Street destination known as Frizzy’s. Eating there brings back memories of Buffalo’s glory days and the many chapters of history the city has witnessed. Good food and bar fun is a promise, and a visit to the infamous black and white photo booth is essential. After all the fun has been had, last call has been made, the bars have closed up, and another Buffalo night has come and gone, even the most inexperienced partiers are eager for some greasy, fast food grub. With the citywide closing time of 4 a.m. for bars and clubs, weekend and weeknight warriors can stagger their way over to the Jim’s Steakout on Allen and Elmwood for a symbolic close to what has hopefully been a fantastic evening. The idea of making one’s way to the other side of the cityscape in the pursuit of fun might seem drastic to some. However, the city of Buffalo is full of surprises and plenty of worthwhile rewards for some extra travels. Making the transition from the generic campus life and the vapid University Heights debauchery and into the near-mystical lands of Elmwood and Allen can offer the intrepid UB student a surplus of new experiences and memories. E-mail:

SHEEHAN from page 3 Twilight. My all-time favorite book is a little paperback called Ella Enchanted that I’m pretty sure has a middle school reading level, and Harry Potter? He’s cooler than you. I do read the likes of Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde in my free time just for kicks, and yes, I enjoy Shakespeare, but only the raunchy comedies. Outside of the classroom, I don’t touch the tragedies with a ten-foot pole. I can appreciate their significance but they aren’t exactly what I’d call fun reads. Reading nothing but James Joyce does not make you look smart, it makes you look like you have no interests or you don’t know

how to search through a library. Don’t ignore something or deem it beneath you just because it isn’t a highfaluting classic. A lot of the books we read in English classes were considered to be frivolous or out-right banned when they were first published, anyway. If you ignore something because it’s not an accepted “literary classic,” you’re limiting yourself and shutting yourself off to the possibility that you’ll find something you actually like, which is the exact opposite of the point in classes that encourage you to stretch your mind and consider the possibilities. And in the meantime, put your hand down. E-mail:

Hating everyone together LAFORME from page 3 Fox – she’s ugly, seriously – and we both ingest pasta like it’s about to go extinct. We both even have an absurd ability to put up with Stephen Marth for long periods of time without strangling him, though, trust me – it’s hard. And I’ve never met a girl that can keep up with my ridiculous level of condescension and pompousness. Seriously, we hate everyone together. It’s awesome. Read her column right above mine if you want to know what I’m talking about. I had the best summer of my life, and now, despite the fact that I’ll be spending 45 hours a week in the dungeon known as The Spectrum, I expect to have the best semester of my life. I’ve literally had a big, goofy smile on my face every day since May 22 and I plan to make it permanent. Suddenly, I find myself willing to do things I swore I’d never do. I used to hate Harry Potter and all of its fans. I was a member of a toxic Yahoo! e-mail

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group called “The Organization of People Against the Potter” in high school. I spitefully referred to him as “Fuzzy Pothead.” I even managed to download a copy of The Deathly Hallows before it came out and I posted spoilers all over the Internet just to spite the crazy fanboys and fangirls. After some gentle coaxing, I decided to give in and read the The Sorcerer’s Stone. I loved it. Sure, it’s written for children, but what’s wrong with indulging in a little light reading every now and then? Especially when it’s as awesome as Harry Potter? If you managed to read this far you’re probably wondering what my point is. If your relationship is okay but the thought of spending the rest of your life with your significant other makes you want to throw up all over your pants, walk away. There is someone out there that will be the Hermoine to your Ron. E-mail:


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September 4, 2009





September 4, 2009

The Spectrum

September 4, 2009


Nightlife in B uffalo

The strip that never sleeps By ADRIAN FINCH Life Editor

Jeff Liu / The Spectrum

With various clubs and bars to enjoy, students can flock downtown to Chippewa to celebrate their weekends.

Mosh pits are normal TWIGG from page 5 These kids all coughed up $10 or more for the ticket. They’re going to make the most of it. Here’s a tip: any form of rock show will more than likely have a mosh pit to some degree. It comes with the territory. To go to a show thinking there’s not going to be moshing is just being ignorant. If someone doesn’t want to throw down in a pit, that’s fine. Just don’t complain when you stand right next to where others are moshing and catch a swift windmill blast to the chest. Even worse than those who complain are the people who hardcore dance at non-hardcore shows. Stick To Your Guns, Comeback Kid, even A Day To Remember are all shows you can throw bo’s at ’til your gauges fall out of your oversized lobes. Just make sure you know your boundaries. Pop punk, punk and hardcore are all different genres and their shows deserve different levels of behavior. To recap, hardcore dancing is okay at hardcore shows. You’d think this would be self explanatory, but common sense seems to be a lost commodity in this day and age. “The Best of Me” is not an acceptable song to throw down to. While on the subject of how to present yourself at shows, here are some other not-to-dos. Firstly, know what not to wear. Never, ever wear a T-shirt of the band you’re going to see to the show. This is particularly aimed at The Devil Wears Prada fans, which seem to own nothing but TDWP merch. Every time they put on a show, at least half the crowd is donned in their favorite Reptar-themed T-shirt. The number one reason for this is because it’s the best way to show that you’re a fake fan. You might as well be wearing a sign proclaiming, “Check me out, I’m HxC.”

If you’re at the show, the band is going to assume that you like their music. They don’t need to be convinced or given proof that you like them. If you buy the shirt at the show, then all right. That’s just trying out your new threads. Second, if you’re over 150 pounds, sorry, but crowd surfing is out of the question. It’s just common courtesy to everyone else. They want to listen to the music and see the band, not struggle to keep you afloat in a sea of crumbling pre-teen scenesters. I have been to countless shows where people who had no right to be crowd surfing have been dropped on their faces (to my great amusement, I might add). Most of the time, however, the repercussions of this terrible decision affect others too. If you get dropped on a 90-pound kid, he’s going to have a bad night. Lastly, and most obvious, don’t be a jerk. If someone knocks you over in a pit, don’t take it personally. They’re just having a good time. They weren’t trying to knock you on your keister. The last thing you should do is get up and lay them out. More often than not, this will result in the crowd turning against you and beating you into submission. All of these guidelines should seem fairly straightforward to everyone, yet it’s almost guaranteed that the next show you or I go to, there will be people breaking each and every one of them. For frequent show goers, this is one of the most frustrating things in the world. So, please don’t hardcore dance when it’s not a hardcore band. Don’t complain about fans moshing at the show. Don’t wear the band’s T-shirt to the show. Don’t crowd surf if you’re over the limit. And don’t be a jerk, because the whole “what goes around comes around” thing works way quicker in a small venue packed with hundreds of fans getting pumped up by their favorite breakdown. E-mail:

As Mondays roll around and students begin their weeks of studying, waking up for class and staying in, many count down the days until those blessed Fridays they can throw stress out the window and start to enjoy their lives. For many, a short cab ride downtown into the heart of Buffalo and a quick walk up Chippewa delivers a weekend to be remembered - or not remembered, depending on how many drink specials a single student takes advantage of that night. Whether students search for a club with flashy lights and sweaty strangers dancing on top of each other, or a more subdued sports bar with HD televisions and $2 beers, they won’t be disappointed with all that Buffalo’s own strip of entertainment has to offer. La Luna, located at 56 West Chippewa, acts as a bar and club with an authentic Latin American flare. Opening at 6:30 p.m. on Friday nights and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday nights, those interested in dancing their troubles away can easily do so until 4 a.m. in an upscale environment. The club offers salsa dance lessons every Saturday at 9 p.m. For those requiring a refreshing beverage after their high-energy

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dance session, mojitos and piña coladas are available at the sleek bar. The students who love neon showy lights, DJs that spin the most popular songs and full bottle service tend to travel to PURE Nightclub, located down the street from La Luna at 75 West Chippewa. Open Thursday through Saturday, the club boasts a total of three floors to accommodate guests who want to unwind and drink in the newly remodeled lounges. For those who want to dance, dance, dance, PURE Nightclub introduces a large dance floor with plenty of room for everyone. The club’s new Dirty Lounge, located on their second and third floors, offers exclusive bottle service for ages 21 and older. Instead

of pushing their way through the overly crowded bar, occupants can sit and relax, letting the staff fulfill their drink orders throughout the night. After enjoying all that PURE has to offer, club-hoppers can head over to the Mardi Grasinspired Club Bayou, found at 79 West Chippewa. Bayou was voted the best new bar in Buffalo by Artvoice in 2008. Their popularity stems from full bars on each of their two levels with two patios overlooking Chippewa, which are opened during the sultry summer nights. With impressive décor and two VIP bottle service lounges to unwind in, the upscale bar is the perfect fit for college students looking to have some fun. see DOWNTOWN page 13

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The Spectrum


Few adjustments

‘Volleyball is a team game’

UTEP from page 16

VBALL from page 16

ited UB Stadium on Sept. 28 in what was supposed to be an even matchup. That all changed when Buffalo’s defense limited UTEP’s offensive production. The Bulls intercepted junior quarterback Trevor Vittatoe three times, sacked him twice, and limited the Miners’ running game to a measly 67 yards. Despite their lackluster performance, the Miners trailed by only 11 points entering the fourth quarter. The deficit spiked when junior running back Brandon Thermilus scored two touchdowns during the final period to put the game out of reach. The Bulls finished with 263 yards on the ground in a 42-17 victory. Like last year, the Miners’ defense will see a heavy dose of Thermilus. With senior running back James Starks out for the season with a labral tear in his shoulder, Thermilus will start in the season opener. Gill anticipates that he’ll use multiple running backs on Saturday, but Thermilus will receive the bulk of the reps. The Bulls will look to run more than pass Saturday night, attempting to ease sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard into the starting position. As a freshman, Maynard completed 1-of-3 passes for seven yards and ran for 56 yards. His ability to make plays with his feet will add a dimension to the offense that Drew Willy lacked. UTEP plays an unconventional 3-3-5 defense, which is comprised of a lot of motion and constant blitzing. This is an obscure zone – comparable to a box and one offense being played in the NBA – used more in high school football than in the pros. Gill believes the Miners will make a few adjustments from last season to better their chances of victory. He expects UTEP to be more competitive than they were a year ago. “This is only the second year that [UTEP] is with their defensive coordinator,” Gill said. “Last year was their first ball game with him so I’m sure they have made some adjustments since then.” Though Vittatoe struggled against the Bulls last year, he improved as the season continued and finished the season with 3,274 yards and 33 touchdowns. “We’re going to have our hands full with containing [Vittatoe] and his whole offensive unit,” Gill said. “They’re an explosive offense and they score points. Their quarterback is the key to their offense.” UTEP’s offense possesses a productive duo of receivers that gives Vittatoe weapons to utilize. Junior wide receiver Kris Adams developed as Vittatoe’s favorite end zone target last season and finished the 2008 season with 14 touchdowns. Senior Jeff Moturi also had a productive season, catching 51 receptions and nine touchdowns. Buffalo’s defensive line also has an intriguing matchup. They match up against the Miners’ experienced offensive line, which returns four starters from last year’s squad. Senior defensive back and captain Mike Newton knows that the defense is going to have to play an all-around solid game. “[Our line] played good for us last year,” Newton said. “Hopefully they’ll be able to apply a lot of pressure and force a couple of bad decisions so we can get a couple of interceptions.” Kickoff for Saturday’s game is slated for 9 p.m. and will be broadcast on CBS College Sports.

have done everything we have asked them to do and have all made a lot of sacrifices over the summer. They are all very committed to winning.” Kress quickly got down to business. Near the end of March, Kress hired Jenni Horvath as an assistant coach. Before venturing off to Buffalo, Horvath spent one season with MAC rival Toledo and was a four-year letter-winner at Xavier. “In years past [Horvath] has overachieved at Xavier,” Kress said. “Then she went to the University of Toledo to coach and now knows the MAC well. It happened to be a good fit.” They completed the coaching staff with the addition of Andreza Santos, who played for Kress at Florida State and spent the past two seasons as an assistant coach at Florida A&M. It’s helpful that Santos already knows Kress’s system and, being from Brazil, adds an internation-


September 4, 2009

al aspect to the team that they lacked in the past. “Since she played for me at Florida State, she knows my system well,” said Kress. “She also brings another dynamic in international recruiting.” As the summer progressed, it became clear that the team was very welcoming to the entire staff. They have taken well to the new system and are all very dedicated to winning. After the first three games of the season, it appears that Buffalo’s hard work has paid off. It won its first two games with apparent ease and was disappointed when it dropped its third match to Seton Hall. Kress was confused with his team’s final effort. “The third match was very disappointing,” Kress said. “I don’t know the reason why we played so [badly], but simply put, we can’t let that happen.” In the team’s first match against Boston College, Kress felt that the ladies played excellent team defense and picked the ball

up well. They swept BC 3-0 giving Buffalo its first win against an Atlantic Coast Conference opponent since 2003. Against Fordham, the Bulls faced a veteran team full of juniors and seniors. The Bulls fell behind early but pulled off a come-from-behind victory. With the match tied at two games apiece, the Bulls capped off the win with a 15-11 victory in game five. Unfortunately, their good play didn’t carry over into their third match and they lost to Seton Hall, dropping their overall record to 2-1. Despite the final loss, they were crowned the champions of the University at Buffalo Invitational. Though players such as freshman defensive specialist Tori Beckman had stand out games, the coaching staff is focusing less on individual performances and is more concerned with how the team plays as a cohesive unit. “I just focus on the team,” Kress said. “I’m not big on indi-

vidual performances. Volleyball is a team game.” Nevertheless, it is always promising when a young player such as Beckman performs well. She recorded 63 digs in the tournament, including seven assists and her first career service ace. Other notable players were senior outside hitter Dani Silvers and junior middle blocker Kelsey Lueders. Both were named to the All-Tournament Team. Silvers led the team in kills, 31, and in hitting percentage, .304. Leuders finished second in kills and hitting percentage and also added two service aces and five blocks. The team will test itself Friday night at the Nittany Lion Invitational as they take Penn State, the No. 1 team in the AVCA Division I Women’s Top 25 Poll, at 7 p.m. The team follows with Pittsburgh at 1 p.m. and Robert Morris at 4 p.m.


The Spectrum

September 4, 2009


Nightlife in around B uffalo

Oh, Canada! By MATT MOSHER Life Editor

Explore the strip

19. Saturday nights are geared towards a mature crowd, featuring rock, R&B and house music. Only clubbers 21-plus are allowed in after paying the $20 cover charge, according to the club’s Web site. Clifton Hill offers several outings that don’t involve gambling or drinking, although heading to them with a bit of a buzz may not be a bad idea. A mini-golf course located near the Comfort Inn offers players a course completely lit by black lights and painted with all neon colors. Each hole has a different theme ranging from astronauts, mermaids and Elvis, each a bit more trippy than the last. For students looking to reach new heights, Clifton Hill has a towering 175-foot Ferris wheel called the SkyWheel, which is open year round, according to the company’s Web site. Riders pay $9.99 (Canadian) for a memorable trip that takes them well above the tree line for a bird’s eye view of the awe-inspiring Niagara Falls and river below. When planning your next weekend adventure, be sure to think outside the Buffalo area. Niagara Falls, Ont. is a sure bet on unforgettable excitement, scenery and bar hoping. For more information on attractions, hotels and things to do, visit




19 +


U.S. rt Passpo

Rafael Kobayashi / The Spectrum

It’s hard to believe that UB is only a half hour away from a gorgeous, breath taking and romantic natural wonder of the world. Just a border crossing away, Niagara Falls, Ont. is home to tourist hotspots, Maid of the Mist boat tours and a nightlife rivaling some of the biggest cities. One thing that may intrigue potential visitors to Canada is the lower drinking age of 19. However, students planning a trip to the U.S.’s northern neighbor should bring along their passports or enhanced drivers license, otherwise the trip will be cut short at the border. Students can explore Clifton Hill, which offers a variety of attractions, restaurants and bars. Two of the most popular bars include Boston Pizza and Rumours Nightclub. Rumours boasts an elaborate sound and laser light system to complement its big screen projection monitor, which plays constant music videos. The club features several theme nights, including all hip-hop nights and nights playing top 40 and club/ dance music. There are varying cover charges depending on the night of the week. Thursdays are free, Fridays cost $5 and Saturdays are $10, according to the club’s Web site. Don’t forget to dress to impress, as the club has a dress code. Boston Pizza has more of

a sports bar theme to it, with arcade games, pool tables and a lot of TV’s showing a variety of sporting events. The bar area is shaped like a huge square with multiple flat screen TVs on all sides. It serves food for when the munchies kick in. Bar goers can choose to eat at the bar or sit in the restaurant section. Dave and Buster’s new location on Clifton Hill is the latest bar to hit the Clifton Hill bar scene, offering an over-priced Chuck E. Cheese atmosphere packed with arcade games, a bar and mediocre food. For those looking to try their luck on gambling, Casino Niagara and the Fallsview Casino and Resort have a combined 4,700 slots along with hundreds of table games and poker rooms. The Fallsview Casino is much larger than its competitor, featuring an assortment of shops, restaurants and entertainment options, along with a stunning view of the Horseshoe Falls. One of the Fallsview’s most popular entertainment options is Dragonfly Nightclub. Dragonfly is a high-end dance club, including a 12,000 square foot dance floor, bottle service, VIP sections and a very strict dress code, according to the club’s Web site. A state of the art sound system plays music from world famous and local DJ’s, including DJ Anthony and DJ Nick Stylez of Kiss 98.5. Admission costs and themes vary by night. Friday night costs $10 and is open to those over


As of June 1, 2009 new law requires either a passport or enhanced license to cross the border. Here are some differences between the two.

Enhanced Driver’s License Is essentially a license proving your nationality, date of birth, address, etc. Used as alternate to passport for North American travel Allows for faster border transactions Can apply through DMV Costs $40

Passports Can also be used to travel internationally Good for 10 years Federally Issued Can apply at O’Brien Hall, Post Office, or your town hall Must provide own photos Costs $100 for first time applicants, $75 for renewing


DOWNTOWN from page 11 For ladies eager to party in downtown Buffalo for little to no expense, Bayou charges no cover on Fridays and Saturdays and the men in their lives can also enter with no charge before 11 p.m. on Saturdays. The students that are looking for a more relaxed atmosphere, inexpensive domestic and imported beer and great food to accompany it tend to frequent Jack Devine’s Irish Pub on 85 West Chippewa St. Open Sunday through Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Thursday through Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 3 a.m., the bar provides five HD flat screen TVs for eager sports fans and an environment to match, with cherry-colored hardwood floors and rustic brick walls around the booths and bar. With nine beers on tap, Jack’s gladly provides countless specials for its patrons, including $2.50 domestic drafts during Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., and $2.50 Molson and Coors Light bottles every Thursday. Most impressively, Jack’s kitchen is always open, serving lunch, dinner and late night appetizers and meals. Whether customers crave hamburgers and wraps or are searching for a lighter meal like a salad, the kitchen is happy to produce good quality food at even better prices. After a hard week at school, students can relax and enjoy themselves, celebrating a welldeserved weekend on Chippewa. With so much to offer, there’s no reason not to explore the strip. E-mail:

h t t p : // t w i t t e r . co m /ubspectrum

STEUBEN FOODS PAID INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: Interviews: September 9th and 10th

Each day of the EMPACT America National Conference on EMP Attack, on Wed., September 9th and Thurs., Sept. 10th, all student conference attendees will be granted exclusive access to the Steuben Foods Internship Interview Program for internship positions throughout '09-'10 related to the EMP Project. Students from all disciplines are welcome, including students in engineering, management, law, medicine, and other disciplines. Steuben Foods, the nation’s leading hi-tech low-acid food processor, is the prime sponsor of the conference.

Transportation between the campus and the conference will be provided For further details, see EMPACT America’s conference ad in this edition and visit:

The Spectrum


September 4, 2009

Buffalo has yet to capture a conference championship MSOCCER from page 16 1-0 in the semi-finals. Being ousted from the tournament has become very familiar to Astudillo and the Bulls since they joined the MAC in 1998.

Entering his 21st season as the Bulls head coach, Astudillo is the winningest coach in school history since taking over the program in 1979. He has compiled 176 career wins with a .530 career winning-percentage.

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Despite advancing to the MAC Tournament semi-finals each of the past five seasons, Buffalo has yet to capture a conference championship. With summer training camp now complete, the Bulls expect nothing less than a MAC Championship trophy in November. “Every year you go in with the expectation to win,” said senior midfielder Alex Marrello. “We set team goals every year and this year we expect to win the MAC Championship and qualify for the NCAA Tournament.” While expectations are high in the locker room, the Bulls are surrounded by questions on the field. Robert Shuttleworth, last year’s starting goalkeeper, opted to leave school early for the New England Revolution of Major League Soccer, leaving a significant void between the pipes. Shuttleworth gave up just 13 goals in 20 games last season and was the backbone of the team. Shuttleworth leaves big cleats to fill, but Astudillo believes sophomore goaltender Nick Fetterman is the right man for the job. “Nick Fetterman is going to do a good job for us,” Astudillo said. “He’s been looking for his chance

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and is coming along very well. We’re going to rely on his hands and he’s very, very capable.” Along with Shuttleworth, the Bulls lost top scorers Dan Gwyther and Dominic Oppong, as well as starters Lee Catchpole, Justin Fredsell, Dezi Lara, John Martin and Marc Stencel. Stepping into contributing roles will be senior midfielders Mateo Escobar, Alex Mihal and Rich Wilson, junior forward Juha Kaartoluom, and freshman defenseman Akil Howard. With a young nucleus of players coming in to fill the vacant positions, the Bulls have yet to find their identity. But that hasn’t changed Astudillo’s expectations. “We’re trying to find out exactly what type of team we are going to be, but my expectations are quite high,” Astudillo said. “What we’re going to get, we’ll obviously have to wait to find out. We’ve had two exhibition games. We’ve played well and not so well. So I think the outcome is going to be a little bit uncertain right now.” The success of the team ultimately lies with its captains. Marrello, along with senior forward Dan Bulley and defenseman Steffan Thoresen, are the unquestioned leaders of the

Bulls. Their performances on the field and guidance in the locker room could decide how the season plays out. “[Marrello, Bulley and Thoresen] are [the] heart and soul of this team,” Astudillo said. “How they go and what they set out to do is going to determine how we do.” Buffalo opens its season Friday night in the West Virginia Tournament against Pittsburgh and follows with a game against host West Virginia. The Bulls will then travel to Marquette and DePaul to conclude a stretch of four-straight games against Big East teams. “It’s absolutely essential we get off to a quick start and don’t have any letdowns early on. The hard part of our schedule comes at the beginning,” Marrello said. “To get that NCAA bid we absolutely need to start well and can’t have any hiccups in the beginning. Those are tough teams and we need good results to be able to get where we want to go.”


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The Spectrum

September 4, 2009

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HELP WANTED BABYSITTER NEEDED for 3girls, ages 4, 9 & 10 to work Wed – Fri from 2-6pm for Sept – June. Required: car & non-smoker. Bonus: past experience watching kids; active in sports & plays an instrument. $10.00/ hr. Please call Nicole @ 800-875-8339 x281. CHILD CARE/ motherʼs helper wanted afternoons and occasional evenings/ weekends. Elmwood Village, call for details: 716-878-7864. ATTENTION YOUNG women ages 18-19 years! The University at Buffalo Research Institute is looking for young women ages 18-19 to volunteer for a study of teen alcohol use and social behavior. Earn up to $50 for answering questionnaires and participating in an interview. Confidential. Please call 887-3344 for more information. LASERTRON INTERACTIVE Entertainment Center has immediate part-time openings. Candidates should be able to work at a fast; detail oriented pace and have excellent customer service skills. Starting at approximately $10.25/ hr, must be available weekends. Stop in and complete an application at LASERTRON, 5101 North Bailey Avenue, Amherst, NY.

HOUSE CLEANER needed by professor part-time $13.00/ hr near N. Campus, 688-2461. COMPUTER DATA entry, fun job, part-time, good computer skills, 400-4891. BOOKKEEPER/ helpers, parttime flower shop, must have some experience, 839-1627. RESEARCH STUDY on alcohol & relationships seeking married or cohabiting couples (heterosexual), ages 21-45 who drink socially. Federally funded study conducted by UB. Compensation up to $110 each for completing questionnaires & participating in an in-person laboratory session. Call 887-3315. PROMOTIONAL PEOPLE for media web sight events, part-time with weekends, 400-4891. BANQUET FACILITY now hiring experienced staff for part-time positions. Apply at Banchetti, 550 N. French Amherst, 14228. PART-TIME OFFICE help – Promotional Products/ Marketing Company looking for someone 120 hours per week to assist staff in tasks and projects. Well versed in most popular software programs. Mac proficient. Must be available to work winter and spring breaks. Great experience for Marketing or Business Majors. Please reply to:


CLASSIFIED ads may be placed at The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union, Amherst Campus. Office hours are from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Deadlines are Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12:00 for display and 2:00 p.m. for classifieds for the next edition. Weekly rates are $10.00 for the first ten words and 75¢ for each additional word. All ads must be paid in advance. The ad must be placed in person or send a legible copy of the ad with a check or money order for full payment. No ads will be taken over the phone. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit any copy. No refunds will be given on classified ads. Please make sure copy is legible. The Spectrum does not assume responsibility for any errors except to reproduce any ad (or equivalent), free of charge, that is rendered valueless due to typographical errors. Please call 645-2152 for any additional information.

APARTMENT FOR RENT 1,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 BEDROOM homes available. Go to or call Dave @ 716-445-2514. 1-1 BDRM & 5-2 BDRM available now. $500 - $660/ mo includes heat, water & garbage. Spacious with many updates. Call Matt now at 716-997-1814 these wonʼt last!! STUDIO APARTMENT semifurnished near UB South Bline. $425+ includes water. 716-862-0122/ 716-833-5783. 318 SUNDRIDGE. Nice & spacious 3-bdrm, 1 ½ bath. Dishwasher, $850+, 716-316-4652. 142 SUNSHINE Drive: Updated 3-bdrm, 1 ½ bath duplex, dishwasher. $950+, 716-316-4652, available now! S P E C TA C U L A R 3 - b e d r o o m apartment. Totally renovated, completely furnished, driveway, porch, large rooms, cable all rooms. Must see! $650.00, 716-310-2469. 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments. Walking distance UB South Campus. Tom – 716-570-4776. SEARCHING FOR a new home? AMHERST 3-5 bedrooms, xlarge, off-street parking, painted, clean, new carpets, blinds, fans, maintained, near both campusʼs. Call Mgr. Ron – 984-8173.

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The Spectrum


September 4, 2009

SP O R T S Bulls set for Texas test



Willy and Harijanto named Athletes of the Year

Sports Editor



2008 Record: 5-7 Last Game: Loss at East Carolina, 53-21 Last Meeting: Aug. 28, 2008, Buffalo 42-17 Key Players: QB Trevor Vittatoe – 58.9 completion percentage, 3,274 yards, 33 touchdowns WR Kris Adams – 50 receptions, 958 yards, 14 touchdowns WR Jeff Moturi – 51 receptions, 655 yards, 9 touchdowns Buffalo Will Win if… Quarterback Zach Maynard can avoid mistakes and lead the Bulls down the field against a questionable defense. UTEP Will Win if… Its defense shows substantial improvement from last year, and if Vittatoe shows that last year’s game against Buffalo was a fluke. Predictions:

Herman Rojas, Sports Editor, The Prospector: “I see the UTEP offense playing with a bit of fire as well as with redemption on their minds. The experienced offensive line should be able to give quarterback Trevor Vittatoe more time to operate and find receivers Jeff Moturi and Kris Adams. The offense will be able to offset a very suspect Miner defense, which allowed more than 40 points six times last season. If UTEP plays from ahead, the atmosphere (at least 40,000+ expected) will help the defense out as well as rattle Buffalo quarterback Zack Maynard.” Prediction: Miners 34, Bulls 24 David Sanchirico, Senior Sports Editor The Spectrum: “Most factors point this game in UTEP’s favor. They’re an experienced squad that scores a lot of points, and they play a Buffalo team that shellacked them last year and will look for revenge on their home field. But the intangibles will keep Buffalo in this game. Turner Gill will have this team prepared, and last season’s success has this team confident and ready to show that their ready to be successful on a yearly basis. A vastly improved defense will contain Vittatoe, and Maynard and the offense will limit their mistakes and score on the Miners’ inefficient defense.” Prediction: Bulls 31, Miners 27

After winning the Mid-American Conference championship last season, expectations for the football team are high. The Bulls are the preseason favorite to win the MAC East Division and are expected to make another bowl appearance at season’s end. Although every one of the Bulls’ 14 returning starters wants to avenge last year’s International Bowl loss, the team is well aware that every game counts. The players may be hungry for the main course, but before they can indulge in the entrée they know that they must first get past the appetizers. The Bulls are starting their seaSpectrum File Photo Brandon Thermilus (right) leads the Bulls into son in El Paso, Texas in a contest El Paso, Texas to battle the UTEP Miners on Saturday. against the UTEP Miners on Satur-

day night. This will be the furthest west the team has traveled since 2004 and it is looking to gain its first victory ever in a stadium west of the Mississippi River. But the game location is moot. The team wants to win the game and start its season off on the right foot. Head coach Turner Gill has noticed improvements in his players since last season. Their chemistry and work ethic have improved. “[The team] understands preparation,” Gill said. “The first two years they didn’t understand how to prepare. This preseason I can tell the team knows how to prepare better both physically and mentally.” Last season, the Miners vissee UTEP page 12

Fresh look leads to fast start By ANDREW WIKTOR Sports Editor

After finishing last season with a .240 winning percentage, it was evident that the volleyball team needed to make a change. Buffalo decided not to renew Jim Lodes’ contract in December and set out in search of a new head coach who would attempt to lead the struggling program in the right direction. Throughout his tenure, Director of Athletics Warde Manuel has been building the reputation of Buffalo athletics. He looked for a leader with experience and clout. When he came across Todd Kress, he didn’t need to look any further. Kress, who became the second youngest coach in NCAA history to achieve 200 wins, was released from

his coaching duties at Florida State in April of 2008 and was eager to get back into the sport. Kress’s readiness, however, was not what encouraged Manuel to offer him the position of head coach. With a 255-156 record over 14 seasons in Division I play, the experience and credentials Kress possessed were a perfect fit. It also helped that he had coached in the Mid-American Conference when he led Northern Illinois to a MAC Championship in 2001. Since arriving in Buffalo, the coach has set out to revamp the struggling program. “I’m trying to get the team to buy into my philosophy,” Kress said. “They have been very open-minded student athletes. They see VBALL page 12

Women’s Basketball announces 2009-10 schedule The women’s basketball team got its first glimpse of its upcoming season as fifth-year head coach Linda Hill-MacDonald recently announced the team’s 2009-2010 schedule. Buffalo will kick off the season with 13 non-conference opponents. Opening night has the Bulls at cross-town rival Niagara on Nov. 13, followed by a matchup with Hofstra in Long Island. The first home game will be on Nov. 21 when Temple comes to town. Other challengers include Penn State, Providence, Canisius, Delaware, American and Bucknell. The Bulls conference schedule begins with a home game against Miami (Ohio) on Jan. 6. Buffalo will play each member of the MAC East twice as well as each member of the MAC West once. The season closes out at home against Kent State on March 2.

Upcoming Events Friday Men’s Soccer at West Virginia Tournament vs. Pittsburgh 5 p.m. Women’s Soccer at Central Connecticut State, 1 p.m.

Paul Hokanson / UB Athletics

With new head coach Todd Kress at the helm, the volleyball team is looking to reverse the fortunes of a team with six wins last season.

Different cast, same high expectations By JOE PATERNO

Men’s Tennis at St. Bonaventure Invitational, All Day Volleyball at Nittany Lion Invitational vs. Penn State, 7 p.m. Saturday Cross Country at Tommy Evans Invite, 11:30 a.m. Football at Texas-El Paso, 9 p.m. Men’s Tennis at St. Bonaventure Invitational, All Day

Asst. Sports Editor

While students bid adieu to their summer vacations with one final hoorah, the men’s soccer team has been hard at work in preparation for the upcoming fall season. With Friday night’s game against Pittsburgh starting the season, head coach John Astudillo and the Bulls enter the year looking to follow up on a strong 2008 campaign. After finishing the regular season with an 11-3-4 record, Buffalo rolled through the opening round of the Mid-American Conference tournament before falling to Northern Illinois see MSOCCER page 14

The university recently announced its Student Athletes of the Year for the 2008-09 academic year at the Student Athlete Picnic. For the second year in a row, members of the football and women’s tennis teams took home the honors. Drew Willy, former quarterback, won the award after leading Buffalo to the 2008 MAC Championship and the school’s first bowl game. Willy finished his four-year career as the most prolific passer in program history, setting records for completions, attempts, passing yards, touchdowns, completion percentage and total offense. After graduation, Willy signed a free agent contract with the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League. He has since been cut. Senior Denise Harijanto of the women’s tennis team was also awarded after her All-MAC season. After leading the Bulls in singles and doubles victories, Harijanto was named first-team All-MAC in addition to her Academic All-MAC honor. Harijanto currently sits fourth in school history with 65 singles wins and second all-time with 72 doubles wins.

Volleyball at Nittany Lion Invitational vs. Pittsburgh 1 p.m. Volleyball at Nittany Lion Invitational vs. Robert Morris 4 p.m. Sunday Men’s Soccer at West Virginia Tournament vs. West Virginia 4 p.m. Women’s Soccer at St. Bonaventure, 1 p.m. Men’s Tennis at St. Bonaventure Invitational, All Day

Spectrum File Photo

Dan Bulley and the men’s soccer team enter the season with eyes set on their first MAC championship.

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