The Spectrum Vol 59 Iss 34

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T H A N K S G I V I N G ,

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The Spectrum h t t p : / / w w w . u b s p e c t r u m . c o m

Monday, November 23, 2009

Volume 59 Issue 34

An independent student publication of the University at Buffalo

Protests simmer in California By STEPHEN MARTH Editor in Chief

Some student protests on campuses in the University of California system are finally dwindling down following a large tuition increase by the California Board of Regents. The 32 percent increase in tuition, made on Thursday, will occur in two phases. According to university spokesperson Leslie Sepuka,

the first change in tuition, which takes effect in January, will raise undergraduate tuition from a base price of $7,126 to $8,373. The second increase will occur for the fall semester, and raises tuition to $10,302. The sudden hike has students across the state up in

arms and responding in a variety of ways. At the University of California, Santa Cruz, approximately 70 individuals – mostly students – invaded Kerr Hall in response to the tuition hike early Thursday see PROTESTS page 2

Courtesy of The Los Angeles Times Right: University of California campus police, in riot gear, stand guard

as students show their anger over a 32 percent tuition hike across public campuses in California.

UB suspends Tau Kappa Epsilon By DAVID JARKA

students arrested or being investigated for hazing are normally suspended pending an on-campus hearing, he said. “The University at Buffalo has a zero-tolerance policy regarding hazing and will aggressively pursue any reports of hazing,” Della Contrada said. Counts said no hazing occurred at the party and that this will show up in the investigation. “Safety is the most important thing to our chapter and we’re upset about the allegations of hazing because that’s something we strive against,” Counts said. “We are against hazing and [are] cooperating with the university and police to clear this up so we can get back to our philanthropy events.” Michael J. Johnson, 33, and Jacob Glaser, 20, both of the Town of Tonawanda, were also arrested. Johnson was also charged with prohibited sales to minors. According to Counts, Johnson and Glaser are TKE members from other colleges. Two unidentified men were also sent from the party to the Erie County Medical Center. According to Buffalo Police spokesman Mike DeGeorge, alcohol consumption may have played a strong role in their hospitalization. “We’re regretful about the night and resent what happened and we’re happy that our brothers sent to the hospital are safe and healthy,” Counts said.

Managing Editor

The University at Buffalo suspended fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon after Buffalo police broke up a party early Friday morning at a fraternity residence on Merrimac Street where four people were arrested and two were hospitalized. Student Affairs issued the social fraternity’s suspension on Friday night amid hazing allegations. “The fraternity involved in the hazing has been suspended by the university and may be subject to additional disciplinary action following the conclusion of the criminal investigation,” said UB Senior Director of Media Relations John Della Contrada. TKE President Dane Counts thinks the suspension is an attempt for UB to cover itself legally. “The suspension is a precautionary measure for [the university],” Counts said. “We are not being kicked off the campus. We are waiting to get a hearing.” Police arrived at 82 Merrimac Street around 1:30 a.m. on Friday in response to a noise complaint and found 30 minors drinking. Authorities arrested and charged four members with hazing in the first degree. Two of the arrested were UB students. The two apprehended students were Steven Pehta a sophomore psychology major and a Matthew C. Smith sophomore business major. Della Contrada could not comment on the individual status of the students, citing privacy laws. However,

E-mail: Left: Police arrested four members of Tau

Kappa Epsilon at a party at 82 Merrimac St. early Friday morning.

Photo By Jeff Liu / The Spectrum

The international flavor of dance By JESSICA BRANT Staff Writer

Food wasn’t the only thing that was zesty and spicy in the Student Union on Thursday, as the Latin American Student Association and the Nadia Ibrahim Middle Eastern dance troupe treated students to two flavorful dance performances as part of International Education Week. Marina Bayramova / The Spectrum Left: Students experienced diversity

through dance last week.

Inside: Arts and Life ........... 5 Classifieds .............. 7 Opinion .................. 3 Sports .................... 8

The girls of Alma Nanichi, LASA’s dance group, showed students what salsa and bachata dancing was all about as they twirled their partners around the dance floor. Alma Nanichi – meaning “heart of the soul” – performs at various events, including the International Fiesta and the LASA’s annual heritage banquet. Andrea Ortiz, a senior health and human services major and a dance liaison for LASA, helps choreograph and bring diversity to the routines Alma Nanichi performs. “We have been devoted to rep-

resenting as many Latin American cultural and modern dances as possible, honoring the sacred three cultures of indigenous, European and African influences,” Ortiz said. “[Coming from] Colombian descent, I incorporated Colombian style salsa into [the dance].” According to Ortiz, bachata, which originated in the Dominican Republic, and salsa, which came from the Caribbean, are both dominant styles of dance in Latin culture. “I started here in college doing performances, but I’ve been danc-



Women’s basketball falls short in final minutes against perennial powerhouse Temple. See Page 8

It’s the question that will keep you up at night after seeing New Moon. See Page 5

ing my whole life,” Ortiz said. “It’s embedded in my culture. In my family, there’s a lot of salsa influence and songs I grew up with.” According to Ortiz, both styles of dance have distinct footwork, form and feeling. “Bachata is a little bit more sensual than most dances. Salsa is a little more fast-paced and involves more spinning,” Ortiz said. LASA looks forward to International Education Week because it gives students the chance to learn see DANCE page 2

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The Spectrum



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November 23, 2009

‘It’s supposed to represent the public’ PROTESTS from page 1 afternoon. Students camped out throughout the building, barricading the doors with items such as refrigerators. They peacefully left the building early Sunday morning, following a demand from University of California Police that they vacate the premises or face arrest for unlawful assembly and trespass. “There were no arrests,” said UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal. “Students who participated in this incident face possible criminal and/or student judicial sanctions.” Blumenthal stated that the administrative building, particularly the second floor, was damaged in such a way that it will not be open on Monday for UCSC staff members. The second floor may remain closed for days for damage assessment and cleanup. A similar response occurred on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. Angry students barricaded themselves within Wheeler Hall, a classroom building, for most of early Friday. The students invaded the building at dawn, taking over classrooms on the second floor and locking four exits.

“This is not a slumber party,” said Puck Lo, a graduate journalism student, to the Los Angeles Times. “This strike is really inconvenient. We are looking at finals and an increased workload. But this seems the honorable thing to do for future students.” At roughly 5 p.m on Friday, UC Berkeley police, in riot gear, entered the building and cited 40 protestors for trespassing. The protest resulted in a cancelation of classes on the campus. “I understand that our students are justifiably angry over the fee increases and reductions in staff necessitated by the egregious disinvestment by Sacramento in the University of California,” said UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert J. Birgneau. “They are not alone in this, clearly, we cannot allow illegal occupations of our buildings and disruption of academic programs. Let us work together, not in opposition, to move forward in our cause.” Protests at the University of California, Davis, resulted in more severe reaction by campus administration. Following protests throughout the Davis campus, students occupied the lobby of Mrak Hall – the main administrative building – and they wouldn’t leave.

By 5 p.m., students were told to leave or they would be arrested. A majority of the protestors left. At 7:30 p.m., campus police began to clear out the lobby, giving protestors the opportunity to leave voluntarily once again. Two protestors left, while 52 students were arrested, jailed and given court dates. They were later released. Protests were no different at the University of California, Los Angeles. Late Thursday, students invaded Campbell Hall for a sit-in. They locked doors and only communicated to the public through e-mail. “We choose to fight back, to resist, where we find ourselves, the place where we live and work, our university,” their statement said. Leah Johnson, a UCLA undergraduate student, said that the hike would only hurt Californians. “It’s going to prevent a lot of students from low-income families to be able to afford to come to this university,” Johnson said to the Los Angeles Times. “If there’s a public university, it’s supposed to represent the public.” E-mail:

Attracted many spectators DANCE from page 1 something new and see another side of their peers, according to Oritz. “For me, it gives the college community more of a cultural awareness,” said Darlene Peña, a senior architecture major and member of Alma Nanichi. “Once they’re exposed to [other cultures], they’ll be more aware of them and want to investigate them further.”

After Alma Nanichi performed, the Nadia Ibrahim Middle Eastern dance troupe, which performs at local shows in the community, shimmied out to the floor. Draped in colorful, streaming fabric, the dance troupe performed different belly dances with props such as scarves, veils and zills, or finger cymbals. The performances attracted many spectators and students pass-

ing through the union. The foreign sounds were what first lured Marcus Epps, a sophomore childhood education major. “At first I wasn’t even going to watch, but the music was catchy,” Epps said. “I never would have seen something like that performance anywhere else. It’s a new experience.” E-mail:

The Spectrum

November 23, 2009


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan Managing Editors Ren LaForme, senior David Jarka Jennifer Lombardo News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Chelsie Hinckley, asst. Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Clinton Hodnett, asst. Copy Editors Meghan Farrell Abbi Meade Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Giving thanks Holiday has tradition of renewing hope Looking back on the history of Thanksgiving, it can be said that the holiday has traditionally been surrounded with turmoil. When the first settlers of North America broke bread with the Native Americans, they were celebrating the immense odds they had struggled against and the fact that they were still alive. Years later, George Washington actually had to fight to establish the day as a holiday in 1789 because many, including Thomas Jefferson, thought that the hardships experienced by the first settlers didn’t warrant recognition. Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1863, during a time when the country was in the midst of what seemed like an endless civil war. Franklin D. Roosevelt made Thanksgiving a uniform date every year during an economic depression and impending world war. Thanksgiving’s presidential recognitions have come in times when being grateful and appreciative didn’t come easily. But maybe that’s the real point behind Thanksgiving. It provides the perfect moment of reflection to remind Americans that they can weather the storm – that this country, although not always perfect, provides so much. Despite the norms of turkey, football and travel delays, Thanksgiving is fundamentally about the people and the things that Americans have faith in. It celebrates ideas such as family, close friends and shared principles: ideas that this nation can count on to guide every citizen through the jungle that is life. Much like history has shown, this Thanksgiving is surrounded in turmoil. Many in America have lost their jobs

and their homes. The country has been captured by heated debates about health care, wars in the Middle East and the economic crisis. Americans live in difficult times, but it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with before. As a country and as individuals, we are constantly being tested. But the wisdom of Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur, an early settler, still holds true. He wrote, “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.” De Crevecoeur saw what was going to make this country a great nation. Instead of a country linked by the same bloodlines, it was an inclusive identity that welcomed all, regardless of race, religion or political ideology. Despite all the economic challenges, troops fighting in the Middle East, and the current debate over health coverage, the poorest of Americans citizens are still far better off than the majority of people that inhabit the rest of the planet. It is here in America that we still enjoy freedom of speech, the rule of law, the right to vote, outstanding public education and public health, and of course, freedom of religion. Remember on this upcoming Thursday to be thankful for the freedoms Americans benefit from and for the family and friends that offer guidance. Times may be tough, but weathering dark, turbulent times is embedded in this nation’s blood. On this Thanksgiving, America turns to its past, and has a renewed appreciation of the things to truly be thankful for.

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith

Outlook on global hunger

Administrative Assistant Helene Polley

Nations make plans to feed themselves

Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Editors Drew Brigham Andrew Muraco Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

NOVEMBER 23, 2009 VOLUME 59 NUMBER 34 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Fax: (716) 645-2766. Copyright 2009 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


One billion people will go to bed hungry tonight across the globe. World hunger has been an issue for a long time. When the United Nations first put together the first World Food Conference in 1974, America’s secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, declared that no child should go to bed hungry within 10 years. In the 35 years since then, not much has changed. Solving world hunger seems like it should be a pretty simple task, but it is never as simple as it seems. Sadly, America is spread too thin dealing with health care reform, fighting two wars and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. By 2050, the world’s population will have increased by a third. Demand for agricultural goods could rise as much as 70 percent. The demand for red meat could double from present day standards. Prices of agricultural products have skyrocketed in recent years. Granted, that’s with a global recession and the largest grain harvest on record, but food prices are heading up again. There’s a brief window of time where nations can set a long-term precedent without making panic-pressured decisions. There are certain logical actions that governments can take: improve crop yields and make food markets operate better. They have done one, but not the other. Investment in farming has risen, but there is immense distrust in markets. These whims must stop or they will undermine everything done to combat the price of food from rising. The food price spike actually scared governments into ramping up measures to combat such events from happening again. Public money is going to programs to keep poor farmers producing on their land.

The biggest obstacle to all of this is the tremendous amount of issues facing Americans at home. Health care reform, war in Iraq, war in Afghanistan, climate change – the list could go on and on. An isolationist stance might be the best policy; America can’t concentrate on fixing the world’s problems instead of the ones affecting our own country. The United States simply doesn’t have the resources to commit to such an effort. That’s reality; it is impossible to fix everything. Government is prioritizing and choosing. America is spread thin with the trillions that have been spent already. American farmers have been hurting. The United States government has provided roughly $177 billion in subsidies to farmers since 1995. If there are any increases in funding, they will fall on the American taxpayer. The government doesn’t have an endless stream of cash. Officials could do real damage by printing more or borrowing. Borrowing money should be out of the question. Remember, too much debt against assets got America into financial trouble once already. Printing more decreases the value of dollars in Americans’ pockets, meaning the amount purchased with a dollar falls. There is a moral imperative to fighting such causes, but that shouldn’t come before the government makes life easier for Americans. Times are turbulent. The correct path isn’t always the easiest to follow. World hunger shouldn’t be something that is ignored. The data points to rough waters ahead, but at the moment there are bigger things staring down this country. The real shame in this mess is that a worthwhile issue like world hunger gets pushed to the side in favor of continuing the wars in the Middle East.

But as Dickens knew, every plot has a plummeting point somewhere, and mine just took a nosedive. My grandpa – the most influential person in my life, the person who built an inherent love of journalism in my heart “It was the best of times. It when I was still too young to was the worst of times.” read – passed away early Sunday And while no one gets morning. beheaded in my tale – which He was sick during the entire coincidentally involves two citapplication process. Every time ies – the ending is just as bitterI sat down with an idea or a sweet as the one that Charles design or a story, my grandDickens penned way back in pa’s face flashed across the 1800s. my mind. Every minute I On Thursday, Subdevoted to the future of Board I, Inc. appointed Generation was a minute me editor in chief of GenI could have spent at my eration Magazine for grandpa’s side as he next semester. The took his last breaths Ren LaForme application process, of the air on earth. understandably, was Senior Managing Editor Have I joined the somewhat time conranks of those people suming and involved a full-issue who throw their family aside in magazine mockup and a lot of favor of their careers? Have I worrying on my part. become another heartless hero I devoted entire days to devel- to corporate America? oping something that I wasn’t I tend to think that I haven’t. even sure would ever reach your fingers. I cleaned out libraries See, my grandpa was quite looking for ideas and pulled the renegade back in his day. He some of my closest friends into killed and ate a grizzly bear, kept a maelstrom of craziness to help a wolf as a pet, shot giant canme throw this thing together. nons and led a convoy through Times Square during his time in But I have a feeling that the the Army, and even lost a finger time spent will prove to be to a closing door when he was worth it. I mean, who doesn’t want to run the publication with just a kid. the most punch on campus (I The man had a beer in one love and respect The Spectrum, hand and a party hat in the other but who else has “I’m Right, up until the very end. You’re Wrong”)? He would want me to run I have the power to shape the Generation Magazine. He would magazine in any image that I have pushed me to tiptoe that want. I’ve got plans that I think fine line between cutting-edge you’ll enjoy, but theoretically I and crass. He would encourage could make it look just like Tiger me to poke the Man and let him Beat or Field & Stream if I so know that students are unhapchose. I’m not quite that sadispy. He would want me to lend a tic, but I could be, so don’t make voice to the tens of thousands of any Facebook groups about me voiceless students across UB’s (kidding!). three campuses. The entire experience is just My story hasn’t reached its plain exciting. We’re going to be crescendo and neither has my bringing back a beloved campus grandpa’s. Just wait and see. mainstay, and we’re going to make it good. E-mail:

Legends never die

SUNY raised our tuition. In a similar situation, California needs to make up money that it lost by retaining some income from the public universities. In February, the New York Times ran an article claiming that in order to make up for I wake up in the morning and budget crises, schools will cut my room is freezing. I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock everything except for student loans and financial aid. approximately four times before But what about the rest of us? I gently remove my blankets I understand that financial aid and let out all of the wonderful, mostly goes to those who really comfortable heat that has accuneed it, but there are many cases mulated during my slumber. of students who just miss the As I make my way down to the financial aid cut and who have kitchen to make coffee, I check no help in paying the excess the thermostat. Of course it’s of fees. off. I try to turn it on. It’s 8 a.m. According to the Union a Monday in November versity of California, Los in Buffalo. Angeles’ Web site, an Of course it’s broken. undergraduate degree Almost every student for the fall 2009 semeshas a problem with Bufter costs $3,049.71 falo in the winter: it’s per semester. As of unbelievably cold, next fall, students Rachel Lamb it’s dreary and every will be expected to pay Asst. Life Editor person’s mood seems to approximately $985.50 turn sour. more for their education. But at least we’re not in And that’s just in-state tuition. California. Out-of-state tuition payers Governor David Paterson just in California will be expected increased our tuition rate by 2 to pay $3,494.15 more to go to percent. It sucks, I get it. And for school. out-of-state tuition payers, the And while $100 to $200 per cost is even more than a $100 semester doesn’t seem horrible increase every semester. to SUNY students, those in CaliBut a 2 percent raise seems fornia are estimated to shell out like a gift compared to Califorquite a few more bones. nia’s tuition increase. What was Snow doesn’t seem too it again? terrible, does it? Oh, yeah. It’s 32 percent. The economy is awful, so to make up for state budget cuts, E-mail:


The Spectrum


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UB Alum

November 23, 2009

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WBBALL from page 8 team’s first six points in the second half and was the beneficiary of nice passes from Fortman. But uncontested jump shots continued to plague Buffalo as the Owls ran many sets for Shaqwedia Wallace. Wallace, the team’s go-to playmaker, made the Bulls pay for leaving her open as she made four 3-pointers in the first 10 minutes of the second half. “She’s an experienced, high-level performer,” Hill-MacDonald said. “She’s a truly great player. They run sets to get her open threes and they ran them very well tonight. We could have done a much better job in finding her and contesting her shots,

but we just weren’t able to until we switched our defense, and by then it was too late.” Temple held a strong lead the entire second half, but Buffalo battled back. The team went on a 10-3 run, capped by a sophomore guard Brittany Hedderson corner jumper, to make the score 53-48 with 4:31 left in the contest. Temple head coach Tonya Cardoza stopped the run with a timeout and her team responded well as the combination of Wallace and Kristen McCarthy proved to be too much for the Bulls down the stretch. McCarthy sunk a foul line jumper to extend the Owls lead to seven coming out of the timeout, and Temple never looked back. Wallace capped

the win going 6-for-6 from the free throw line in the game’s final minute. Although Buffalo’s effort resulted in a loss to Temple, Hill-MacDonald believes that this was a learning experience for her players. “This is a young team and we are going to learn from this game,” Hill-MacDonald said. “Temple is a great opponent and I thought we played them from beginning tap to final buzzer.” Buffalo looks to bounce back from this loss when the team travels to Maine to play Penn State in the Dead River Company Classic on Friday Nov. 27. The game is set to begin at 4 p.m. E-mail:

Going west & growing up By JOSH Q. NEWMAN Staff Reporter

Buffalo native Drew Schwartz sent a clear message about moving on while still maintaining a sense of community in his benefit concert Saturday night. “We often take a lot of things from the community without realizing it,” Schwartz said. “It’s time we give something back.” The Tralf Music Hall in downtown Buffalo hosted Schwartz, a 21-year-old musician and music producer. The guitarist and vocalist used the stage to promote his songs, including three new releases from his first EP, “Go West & Grow Up,” as well as to raise money for the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. “We need Roswell desperately,” Schwartz said. “It’s our duty to help those people, and we’re

doing our part.” Schwartz, whose father was recently diagnosed with brain cancer, has collected over $12,000 so far and hopes to raise more after the performance. All profits from the concert will go directly to Roswell Park. The concert did not go unnoticed by the Buffalo community. In addition to all the monetary donations made to the concert, there was an autographed football from Buffalo Bills wide receiver Terrell Owens and a hockey stick signed by the entire Buffalo Sabres team – both of which were raffled off. Schwartz’s family and friends helped with organizing the event, including his colleague and music producer Mike Baldo. “I’ve known Drew for a very long time,” Baldo said. “It’s an honor to work with him. He’s off to a great start.” Others at the show shared the same sentiments. “I think what he’s doing is amazing,” said Maria Guarrera, a friend of Schwartz who volunteered. “When I found out about this, I was willing to do everything I could to help.” Schwartz grew up in Hamburg, N.Y. After graduating from Hamburg High School, he enrolled in Northeastern University in Boston, majoring in music industry. He has interned in New York, travelled to California and studied and taught in South Africa, all while sustaining his musical performances. The concert itself had a warm reception. Over 100 people attended the event. Schwartz’s opening act was the legendary Clarence Lott and his jazz quintet “Cadenza” from the Colored Musicians Club. Schwartz’s performance followed. His style combines the smooth melodies of progressive rock and the playful, but at times searing, lyrics of social activism. Before one of his songs, for example, he explained to the audience his views on the judicial sys-

tem – which is partly based on his experiences in gang-ridden parts of South Africa – and how the government should be more mindful about the adverse conditions faced by some in society. But the concert was generally lighthearted. In addition to playing his original songs, he invoked old classics such as Bill Withers’s “Lean On Me” and James Taylor’s “You’ve Got a Friend.” His friend and saxophonist Ben Eliot accompanied some of his songs. He also played songs from his EP, “By Your Side,” “Rare Find” and the remarkably conscientious “Darwinism.” The EP is set to release on iTunes within the next month. As for Schwartz’s future plans, he intends to take his career outside of Buffalo. He will graduate in December and plans to move to California to pursue his musical career. He hopes to record an album within the next two years. “The industry as a whole really draws me. I really love to perform,” he said. “It is also important for me, however, to start producing. I want to help artists maintain their integrity when making great music.” Schwartz made it clear, though, that he has not – and will not – forget where he came from. “I have deep roots in Buffalo,” he said. “I love my hometown and will always support it. I can’t imagine abandoning this place.” It’s his dream to make music and to take care of bands so that, in his words, they can make “real music.” “There’s often a buffer zone between artists and managers, especially if they don’t perform,” Schwartz said. “I understand that it’s art. I’ll do whatever I can to help out with that. My goals are bigger than tonight’s show.” E-mail:

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The Spectrum

November 23, 2009


AR T S & LI F E Offensive and unapologetic comedy By JAMESON BUTLER and JAMES TWIGG Asst. Arts Editors

Raunchy, filthy and downright hilarious. Daniel Tosh left the audience in the Center for the Arts Mainstage Theater in sidesplitting laughter Thursday night after a standup performance that crossed some lines and completely disregarded the rest. Before it was time for Tosh to take to the stage, fellow comedian Matt Fulchiron came out to get the audience set. Hailing from the City of Angels, Fulchiron strutted his stuff with a quick tongue and a sharp-looking suit. Fulchiron wasted no time in getting the crowd riled up, starting off his set with jokes about his dwindling bank accounts and his use of illicit substances. People continued to stumble to their seats even after Fulchiron started, including people sitting in the front row that he proceeded to make an example of, but not without bringing them up to speed. “You’re in the front row — you have a responsibility to be here early. I occasionally smoke weed and I’m broke. There, you’re caught

up,” Fulchiron said. After giving the crowd a taste of his own unique brand of offbeat humor, Fulchiron receded from the stage to give way for what the audience really wanted. Tosh walked onto the stage to thunderous applause from the crowd. He forewarned everyone of what was to come before really letting the crowd explore the dark depths of his twisted mind. “Sometimes I cross my own [line of decency.]: It’s the best way to know you still have one,” Tosh said. Good thing most people checked their morals at the door. There is no topic to which Tosh will not venture. Tosh made it overwhelmingly clear from the start of his performance that he is not afraid to offend. After a screaming fan proclaimed her love for Tosh, he destroyed her dreams without even blinking an eye. As he began to warm up to the crowd, Tosh explained how Buffalo has a soft place in his heart. “Yeah, Buffalo. My seventh favorite place to perform … in upstate New York. Top 10, that’s good for you, I guess,” Tosh joked. Tosh kept on the topic of Buffalo as he ripped on fans of Buffalo’s “pro-

fessional” football team and rubbed in the fact that wide receiver Terrell Owens did not turn out to be quite the savior that Buffalo Bills fans were hoping for. Tosh covered a variety of controversial topics ranging from God to ejaculating onto a menu. While not all of his jokes were gems, the roar of laughter and applause followed the most of them. Tosh has become increasingly more popular since the premiere of his Comedy Central series, Tosh.0. While a few of his jokes were old, a huge chunk of the night was new material. And the new material rivals the classic Daniel Tosh – insulting and unforgiving. The high point of Tosh’s set was when he explored every man’s deepest fantasy - the offspring of Brad Pitt and David Beckham. As Tosh explained it, at that level of beauty, it just becomes art. While many of his jokes could be classified as grotesque and highly offensive, Tosh amused the crowd for over an hour and they loved every neurotic rant that came out of his unrelenting mouth. Courtesy of Daniel Tosh


Daniel Tosh’s racy comedy took stage at the Center for the Arts Thursday night.

New Moon, more Edward By ADRIAN FINCH Life Editor Grade: B-

The cast and crew from Twilight are back, and they’re bringing with them more lust, passion and romance with the next movie in the Twilight saga, New Moon. The movie’s script is based on Stephanie Meyer’s novel, New Moon, the second of four books depicting the love between Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart, Adventureland) and vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson, Twilight). The movie begins with Bella attending a birthday party at her vampire’s home.

Courtesy of Summit Entertainment

However, Bella’s 18th birthday party doesn’t go as planned, and before she can collect her thoughts, Edward leaves the small town of Forks, taking his family and Bella’s heart with him. After the emotional breakup, it quickly becomes evident that Stewart’s depiction of Bella and her skills as an actress have not improved since her first time portraying the character in Twilight. Left abandoned and heartbroken, Bella turns to her family friend, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner, Twilight), for comfort and support. Lautner has not only matured as an actor since Twilight, he’s grown up and grown more muscle for his physically demanding portrayal of Jacob. As Bella and Jacob bond over two broken motorcycles and their general happiness with each other, fans wonder if Jacob will be the new love in her life. In one scene, Bella crashes a motorcycle into a rock, injuring her head and leaving

Vampires and werewolves alike can enjoy the Twilight saga’s latest installment, New Moon.



Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, so our thoughts are of family, football and delicious turkey. Here are a couple films to get you set for the infamous turkey day. Classic: Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)

A classic comedy about two men trying to make it home in time for Thanksgiving, this film stars Steve Martin and the late John Candy and is sure to bust your gut even before the food does. Current: Pieces of April (2003)

We had nothing else. I mean, nobody has made any other Thanksgiving movie in about 10 years. Just wait until Christmas time, and then we’ll have 500. Like that movie where the guy decides to jump off the bridge, but the angel says he shouldn’t ’cause everyone’s life would suck and the town would be run by that jerk in the wheelchair. What was that movie called again? It had that dude from Vertigo. Anyway, we would probably run Fred Clause instead.

see TWILIGHT page 6

A bird’s-eye view By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor

The UB Center For the Arts swapped same-sex spit, danced alongside a transvestite named Angel and sang the sweetest harmonies AIDS has ever inspired, all in around 525,600 minutes. Oh, and that was just RENT in the Black Box Theater. The act playing in the Mainstage Theater catered to a more cardigan-wearing crowd. Harper Lee’s classic novel and go-to high school summer reading assignment, To Kill A Mockingbird, time warped the stage through the acting and staging of the thespians and stagehands of the always-engaging Montana Repertory Theater. Fifty years after the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel’s publication, it’s still as compelling as it was during the final years of Dr. King’s life. There’s nothing like watching a child – or an actress brilliantly portraying one, who has casually used a derogatory term that set out to defame an entire race and now bears the scarlet letter “N” – learn that the human heart knows no color.

Katie Carlett / The Spectrum

The Montana Repertory Theater brought To Kill A Mockingbird to life in the Center for the Arts Mainstage Theater.

Interestingly enough, women portray all three lead adolescent roles from the novel in the play – which is intriguing, since Scout is the only girl. Marie Fahlgren is endearing as Scout Finch, owning her childishly optimistic and naïve role every step of the way in her rolled-up overalls. It’s quite

difficult to tell from afar that Fahlgren is actually a collegiate actress and not the spunky little Finch that plays on stage. Jennifer Fleming-Lovely plays the brash, older brother Jem Finch almost to excess, complete with see KILL page 6

The Spectrum


Crosses gender roles KILL from page 5 a well-mimicked boy voice and affinity for yelling out his consciousness. Unless you’re armed with a playbill, you’ll be assuring yourself that there’s a bratty boy behind Jem’s defiance. Heather Schmidt stands out as the nasally, anywhere-but-home pseudo-brother Dill. Everything from her jerky, inquisitive strut across the stage to her adorable yet dorky voice inflection is not only spot-on, but also disarmingly hilarious. Amidst the child fare, the story delves deeply into the race relations and prejudices found in the States, particularly the South, during the Great Depression. Under the watchful direction of Greg Johnson, the play paints a dusty, Southern picture of a community torn by rape allegations, accusations, and most importantly, injustice. Set around the trial of Tom Robinson and his alleged rape of May-

ella Ewell, it’s in the courtroom that Johnson’s characters take heed. Robert Karma Robinson does a fair job of bringing the lovable, luckless Robinson to life, but more impressive is the performance of his accuser – played by Aspen Marino – who masterfully portrays a torn, abused girl that sacrifices honesty for image. Watching Marino battle deceit, an ever-unfolding back story, and the fate of a man who did nothing but help her is riveting – especially since she manages to make a character impossible to not empathize with, even when she basically throws an innocent man to the gallows. That leaves just one last key component – father, lawyer, and all-around good guy, Atticus Finch. Offering up a slightly grayed take is Mikel MacDonald, a Repertory veteran and reliable lead. MacDonald’s performance of the smooth-suited, pure-hearted Finch carries the play, much as the character does in the book, and is fused with genuine

emotion. As he defends Tom Robinson’s life in a hearing that’s anything but warranted, his tears are real. And as the verdict, and Robinson’s eventual fate, is unveiled, his pain isn’t as much acted as it is felt. Maybe the play left out a lot of Boo Radley’s character-building snippets from the novel. Maybe the ham-costumed Halloween knifing scene arrives abruptly and kicks showgoers in the chest. And maybe $40 is a steep ticket price. Regardless, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the pre-eminent literary pieces of the last century and has a message that’s as relevant today as it was when it written. The Montana Repertory Theater’s take is not only well acted, it crosses gender roles and expectations and manages to make the Depression and its racial insensitivity as real as a dust storm in the desert.


November 23, 2009

Lautner has nice abs TWILIGHT from page 5 Lautner to take off his shirt and tend to her cut. Oh, Jacob – what a good friend. Not only does he stop Bella’s bleeding, but Lautner also displays his incredibly toned upper body, complete with washboard abs and bulging biceps. While Pattinson doesn’t make as many appearances in this film as he did in Twilight, fans don’t seem to mind, as long as Lautner keeps his shirt off. As the plot develops, Bella fears for her life when Victoria, (Rachelle Lefevre, Twilight), the vampire who wants nothing more than to kill her, comes back to Forks and is out for blood. However, even without her Cullen clan of protectors, Bella has little to dread when she finds out that Jacob and his friends are werewolves, the only creatures that vampires fear. While chasing Victoria throughout Forks and keeping Bella safe, Lautner and fellow actors Chaske Spencer, Kiowa Gordon, Tyson Houseman, Alex Meraz and Bronson Pelletier are forced to spend a significant amount of time in their wolf form. When werewolves were introduced into the mix, fans doubted that the movie would look realistic. However, the digital animation is done masterfully, turning Lautner and the group of men into furry ferocities in seconds. Edward’s sister, Alice (Ashley Greene, Summer’s Blood), returns home after several months to see if Bella is still alive after she takes an adrenalin-induced cave dive. When Alice doesn’t speak to Edward in time, Edward believes Bella to be dead and leaves for Italy to try to end his life. Bella and Alice chase after him in an attempt to stop him, but Jacob begs Bella to stay.

As Lautner pleads with Stewart, fans fall more in love with the actor and his character. Not only does he play a role as a loveable and reliable friend, but he also executes a level of talent throughout the film that would seem above his abilities at his young age. When Bella goes against Jacob’s wishes and arrives in Italy with Alice, fans begin to see that the film noticeably differs from the book. Events happen at a faster pace than in the book, failing to leave enough time for the plot to thicken and for important details to reveal themselves. When Bella finds Edward, things turn more violent in the film than Meyers depicts in the book, leaving fans to question what new director Chris Weitz’s motivation was to drastically change important scenes. However, once Pattinson and Stewart are united and he becomes a more prominent figure on the silver screen, fans soon forget the disparities between the book and movie and revel in the glow of Pattinson’s silhouette. Pattinson’s acting in New Moon remains on caliber with his acting in Twilight. Fans clapped and cried out in happiness with their love for the man who makes their hearts beat for his talent, overall sexy demeanor and perfectly placed hair. As the film comes to an end, Bella, Edward and the Cullen family return to Forks, and the empty hole in Bella’s chest is finally filled once again. While New Moon is an overwhelming success, complete with action and the passion of true love, fans will have to wait for the answers to all their burning questions in the next installment in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse, expected to be released in the summer of 2010. E-mail:

Shooting slump MBBALL from page 8 logged heavy minutes today.” In regard to their shooting slump, Witherspoon knew it was only a matter of time before Pierce and Betts found their touch once again. “I always say that if your shot isn’t going, there are a number of other ways you can contribute,” Witherspoon said. “And usually it will help

your shot come around. I thought Rodney [Pierce] and Calvin [Betts] did a good job with that today.” The Bulls will return home and will once again play on short rest when they host cross-town rival Canisius on Tuesday night. Tip-off is set for 7 p.m. at Alumni Arena. E-mail:

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The Spectrum

November 23, 2009


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The Spectrum


November 23, 2009

SP O R T S Surprise season ends in quarterfinals By DAVID SANCHIRICO Senior Sports Editor

The volleyball team did not have much time to rejoice in its program’s first-ever win in the Mid-American Conference Tournament. Buffalo won its match against Kent State on Tuesday and had aspirations of extending its run against Western Michigan in the quarterfinals on Friday. But the Bulls will have to settle with a first round victory and the progress the team made throughout the season. Buffalo’s (16-16, 5-11 MAC) run ended abruptly as Western Michigan (23-10, 13-3 MAC) got off to a hot start and swept the Bulls 3-0 (25-14, 25-14,25-21) at the SeaGate Centre in Toledo, Ohio. The loss capped Buffalo’s most successful season this

decade. Buffalo finished with 16 wins, the program’s highest amount of wins since the 1997 season, when Buffalo was part of the Mid-Continent Conference. The Broncos, who lost to Buffalo 3-2 at Alumni Arena in October, used a strong defensive effort to advance to the semifinals. WMU limited Buffalo to a .035 hitting mark while hitting .246 itself. Western Michigan set the tempo early, scoring the first five points of the match. Buffalo traded points with the Broncos but could not make an extensive run to cut the lead and lost the first game, 25-14. Buffalo found itself down just 8-7 to begin the second game before WMU’s defense once again strangled the Bulls offense. The Broncos went on a game-clinching 10-2 run that made the score 18-7

and effectively gave them the second game. The Bulls rebounded and started the third game on a hot streak. Buffalo took a 5-0 lead to begin the set, but WMU fought back to tie the game, 7-7. With an 11-7 lead, the Broncos relied on their defense to hold on to the advantage throughout the set. They maintained a fourpoint lead throughout and ended Buffalo’s season with a 25-21 victory in the third set. Freshman defensive specialist Tori Beckman capped her season with a recordsetting performance. She led the team with 23 digs, setting the school’s all-time single season record with 553 total digs on the season. A few juniors had impressive performances. Outside hitter Marisa Hornbaker contributed seven kills and middle back Kelsey Lueders

finished with eight kills and a service ace. Setter Lindsey Schlegel had a team-high 25 assists and four kills. With the loss, four seniors’ careers ended. Outside hitter Dani Silvers had a team-high eight kills during her final game in a Bulls uniform. “I have never been more proud of [a] group than I am of this one,” said head coach Todd Kress in a press release. “This was a huge step in the right direction for our program and we will work all off-season [to] be better next year. I thought Western played a heck of a match and we had a hard time getting any balls down on the floor.” WMU advanced to the MAC Championship, but dropped the contest to Ohio to end its season. E-mail:

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

The volleyball team’s season came to an end Friday night as the Bulls dropped a MAC quarterfinal contest to WMU, 3-0.

Pierce back on track as Bulls pull away late By MATTHEW PARRINO Asst. Sports Editor

Breaking out of a shooting slump can be difficult, but that is exactly what the men’s basketball team accomplished on Saturday. The Bulls (2-1) knocked off the Towson Tigers (1-1), 78-69 in overtime, partly due to the play of senior guard Rodney Pierce. Pierce has struggled early on this season, shooting only 4-for-22 from the field in his first two games. The first half against the Tigers was more of the same when he went 2-for-9 from the field and 0-for-3 from 3-point range. But the old Rodney Pierce emerged during the second half and in overtime. Pierce and the Bulls shot 55 percent from the field as a team and outlasted the Tigers with some shutdown defense. Pierce finished with a season-high 18 points, 14 of which came in the second half and overtime period. Late in the second half, the Bulls seemed to have things under control, holding a 65-60 advantage before Tigers forward Calvin Lee hit a layup with 1:18 remain-

ing in the game to cut the lead to three. After a Buffalo turnover, Towson point guard Troy Franklin sank a clutch threepointer with 21 seconds left on the clock to tie the game at 65 apiece. Pierce missed a layup attempt as time expired to send the game to overtime. Exuberant after Franklin’s game-tying shot, the crowd of almost 1,800 at the Towson Center was quickly silenced in the extra frame as senior guard Calvin Betts’s jump shot started a 9-4 run that catapulted the Bulls to the win. Sophomore forward Titus Robinson put an exclamation point on the game when he threw down a vicious dunk off of a pass from senior forward Max Boudreau with only a minute left on the clock. Although the shooting helped, head coach Reggie Witherspoon attributed the victory to the play on the defensive end of the floor. “I think it started on the defensive end,” Witherspoon said. “We wanted to make it as difficult as we could for them. They got some offensive rebounds, but we stayed

Tim Ho / The Spectrum

A strong second half from senior Rodney Pierce helped the Bulls top Towson in overtime, 78-69.

in there and tried to make it difficult for them.” The Buffalo big men had solid performances in the game. Robinson and sophomore forward Mitchell Watt combined for 21 points and seven rebounds, and junior forward Jawaan Alston continued his strong play for the Bulls by scoring 11 points off the bench. The Bulls were just two days removed from their previous game against the Navy Midshipmen. Because of the quick turnaround, Witherspoon knew that his players suffered from fatigue in the game. “This was a tough swing,” Witherspoon said. “We had guys that really ran out of gas, particularly our post players, but I think our depth at the post position really helped us.” But the post players weren’t the only ones to lead Buffalo to a 2-1 record. Betts and senior point guard John Boyer stepped up for the Bulls. Betts was one of the catalysts for Buffalo, turning in a solid all-around performance. He notched his first double-double of the

season by scoring 14 points and grabbing 10 rebounds in the contest. Witherspoon couldn’t be more pleased with the way Betts responded to a slow start to the season. The head coach cited two instances – where Betts hustled back on defense to contest easy fast break layups – as immeasurable keys to victory. “[He] did a few things that don’t show up in the box score,” Witherspoon said. “Those are things that just bring tremendous energy. I thought he got back to really pursuing the basketball on the offensive glass.” Boyer had a great game and came close to recording a triple-double. He set a career-high with 12 assists in the game, in addition to six points and eight rebounds. “[Boyer] really saw the floor and did a terrific job,” Witherspoon said. “He had 12 assists, and he had a few where he made nice passes and then we got fouled and got to the line but didn’t score, so he didn’t get the assist. But he did a really nice job throughout the course of the game and he see MBBALL page 6

Bulls learn lesson in loss By CHRIS LAW Staff Reporter

Sometimes you can take some positives from a loss. That’s how head coach Linda Hill-MacDonald and her women’s basketball team will at look Saturday’s performance against perennial top 25 team Temple. Despite its normally aggressive, stingy defense, Buffalo (1-2) failed to upset Temple (4-0) as the Photo by Meg Brennan / The Spectrum Left: Junior forward Bridgette Ken-

dricks totaled seven points, seven rebounds and four steals in Buffalo’s 65-55 loss to Temple.

Owls escaped Alumni Arena with a 65-55 victory. Although their efforts resulted in a loss, the Bulls mixed up zone defenses with a lot of pressure and held the Owls to 34.9 percent shooting. Junior forward Bridgette Kendricks led the defensive effort, frustrating the Owls’ attack with a career-high four steals. “I was really proud of our defensive effort,” Hill-MacDonald said. “Bridgette was right out in front of the zone and she really set the standard for the rest of the defensive unit.” Buffalo seemed ready to play from the opening tip as the team played with high energy and

its usual stingy, high-pressure defense. The Bulls opened the game on an 8-0 run, showing they were not going to wilt early against the usually powerful Owls. “This team has a lot of energy and enthusiasm when they go out on the floor, and we went out on the floor tonight playing to win from the very beginning,” HillMacdonald said. But Temple answered with an 8-0 run of its own, tying the score at eight. After a quick Buffalo timeout, the Bulls defense seemed to wake up when sophomore center Beth Christensen swatted away a Temple layup attempt. Junior forward Jessica Fortman followed with a block

of her own two minutes later, sending Owls guard Kristie Watkins-Day’s 3-point attempt into the second row. The Owls responded quickly, however, as Buffalo finished the first half flat. Temple ran its offense and everything seemed to work. The Owls knocked down open jumper after jumper, combining good offense with great defense and closing the half on a 15-6 run, making for a 29-24 halftime advantage. Buffalo came out of the locker room relying on its leader, junior forward Kourtney Brown, to get the lead back. Brown scored the see WBBALL page 4

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