The Spectrum Vol. 66 No. 52

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THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017


VOLUME 66 NO. 52




Pass the Addy

Seeking guidance

Adderall black market thrives at UB and colleges nationwide

Jake Brand was failing math his sophomore year, but no one told him he should resign the class. It ended up hurting his GPA. He partly blames his adviser for not telling him about the resign option. Brand is a senior business major in the School of Management, where 2,950 undergraduates are advised by six full-time advisers and one advisement director, according to Diane Dittmar, the assistant dean of the school. That means each adviser supervises approximately 421 students. The strain shows. And it’s happening across the campus. In the College of Arts and Sciences, UB’s largest academic unit, with 27 departments and 8,000 undergraduates, the ratio is one adviser to every 900-1,000 student. Students who know how to work the system and actively seek out their advisers for help navigate UB well. But many don’t. Sometimes they don’t even know what questions to ask. “This semester I’m taking a lot of classes I don’t really need just to meet my credit hours,” Brand said. ‘’My advisers weren’t keeping me on track for that. This is the first semester anyone mentioned credit hours to me. It’s frustrating because I should have been told sooner.” Whether the mistake is the student’s fault or a result of miscommunication with an adviser, the student gets stuck dealing with it. That can mean loading up on credits in remaining semesters, or staying at UB for extra semesters. Saeed Darbo sought out his adviser in Spring 2016, but got bounced around. He wanted to be an engineering major and asked his general adviser about the program. His general adviser told him to go to the school of engineering and ask. When he got here, no one would help him because he wasn’t in the program. “‘They would ask if I was an engineering major and I would say that I was intended,” Darbo said. “So they would tell me to contact my general adviser, who advised me to contact the major adviser in the first place.” The ratio of advisers to students looks like it will grow, not shrink in coming years. “It’s getting harder because the [enrollment] numbers are going up,” said Brian Waldrop, director of the College of Arts and Sciences Advisement and Services. Waldrop said he has about 450-500 students he advises, but that most of his eight colleagues have double that number.


Kara Rodriguez* doesn’t feel smart enough to study for big exams without Adderall. Erika Hussein’s* tight-knit family is strict about grades. She’s afraid to disappoint them and calls Adderall a “necessary evil.” Alexa Smalls* mixes Adderall with caffeine pills she buys on Amazon for an extra

Academic advisers play a key role in students’ success DAVID TUNIS-GARCIA ARTS EDITOR

boost while studying. Candy-colored pills, often dubbed “addy,” fill the pockets of UB students and offer them the most elusive 21st century promise – the ability to do it all. Students who take Adderall say it allows them to focus on tests and still have energy to hit the gym and party over the weekend. The effect starts about 20 minutes after a pill is popped and the peak occurs about an hour and a half in.


A UB student pours Adderall pills into his hand before he studies.

A thriving UB black market makes sure the pills are always within reach. Illicit sales are funding many students’ studies and extracurricular activities.



Freshman swimmer Joey Puglessi prepares himself before a race. Puglessi will pay over $13,000 more next year to keep his swimming career alive.

Paper trail$

Underclassmen UB swimmers and divers face financial and academic dilemma one month after team is abruptly cut MICHAEL AKELSON SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

After Zach Towers tore his meniscus this past fall, he couldn’t walk for two months. He worked his way through physical therapy all year. On March 27, his doctor gave him the news he was waiting for: He could finally get back into the pool. But just one week later, he received more unexpected news when he found out UB’s men’s swimming and diving team was one of four teams cut from UB Athletics, effective at the end of the spring semester. “I was just getting back in a good place mentally and physically and now I got my team taken away from me which is a really big part of my life,” Towers said. “I’ve had

little to no motivation to do just about anything… Me being into my studies, that kind of stuff isn’t really happening.” Richard Lydecker, a UB swimming and diving alum and attorney, is representing Towers and five other swimmers pro bono. On Tuesday, Lydecker filed demands for payment against the university on behalf of those six students, and they are all hoping the school will compensate them so they can continue swimming without putting themselves and their parents in a financial hole. “I think it is so wrong that the administration would treat such a large group of kids, vulnerable kids, to treat them this way and literally throw many of their swimming or diving careers out the window,” Lydecker said. UB has said it will honor any scholar-

ships it already gave out to members of the four teams cut. But for many swimmers, that doesn’t make up for everything else they are losing. Towers began swimming before he could walk. His whole life, he dreamed of being a Division-I swimmer. Since there is no real professional swimming league besides the Olympics, he says Division-I swimming is the pinnacle of competition for most swimmers. Towers, who has three years of eligibility remaining, is not sure if he will ever swim competitively again. He has options to transfer to schools such as University of Cincinnati, but since most schools had given out most academic and athletic scholarships by the time the announcement was made on April 3, he will be forced to pay anywhere from $40,000-$60,000 more than he would have at UB over the next three years to continue swimming. On top of that, he was given only a few weeks to research schools and make a decision. “The fact that UB’s hiding behind the idea that we can keep our scholarship if we stop swimming here, that really isn’t fair to us because we came here for a reason, expecting the university to honor our commitment for four years, we signed off on that, they knew they signed off on that,” said Joey Puglessi, a freshman swimmer. “By saying you can stay here, quit swimming and keep your scholarship, we’re losing everything else so that’s really not fair to us.”






Thursday, May 11, 2017


Seeking IS KEY guidance * COMMUNICATION

School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

- 53 approved students advised by asst. dean Dr. Boje -367 intended & 62 pre-pharmacy students advised by Sara Robinson


Darbo got so frustrated with UB that he transferred to Buffalo State College for his senior year. He finds the set-up at Buff State much easier. “The advisers are also the professors,” Darbo said. “It’s very easy to get an appointment during office hours, which is very efficient for us students.” Buff State has roughly one-third the number of students at UB. There are 21 general advisers for undeclared majors, then different advisers depending on the major. The ratio of students to advisers is about 500-1. Some programs at UB – the Honors College, The Educational Opportunity Program, The Athletics Department – have separate advisers and smaller student to adviser ratios. Each academic department has advisers for the major. How the college advisers work with the department advisers differs. “In the College of Arts and Sciences, the answer is always ‘it depends’ because of our diversity in function and approach,” Waldrop said. For example, in the communication department, the department adviser Azita Safaie sees only approved communication majors, while the Park Hall advisers handle intended majors. Students work with their Park Hall adviser until they are officially accepted into their major. With their pre-requisites completed, the student fills out the proper paperwork and works exclusively with Safaie. Safaie handles 200 approved communication students.


School of Management

- 6 full-time advisers - 1 full-time director of advising



= one adviser

School of Architecture & Planning

1 adviser with two assistants - 20 hr week grad asst. - 15 hr week grad asst.

In the Department of Media Studies, Ann Mangan handles all DMS-related questions for 284 undergraduates and 60 graduate students from her office in the Center for the Arts. In Park Hall, Darren Portis helps DMS students with their general education requirements. While some advisers say they prefer that face-to-face interaction to build a better relationship with students, Waldrop said he answers many questions through email. Safaie has been advising at UB since 2005 and loves speaking one-on-one with her students. “I try to spend as much time with them as I can because I feel that some of them are not where they need to be academically,” Safaie said. “It’s not just about coming in, having an appointment, ‘these are the classes that you need to take,’ and then go about your business. I kind of get into their business as far as life and what’s happening, and why they’re not doing well.”


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While building a relationship with students and helping them figure out life beyond school is a nice bonus, it goes beyond the central role of an adviser. “To get the student through the program in a timely fashion is what I think the role of an adviser would be,” Mangan said. “You come in and I tell you your requirements. This is how you can get out in four years. If you fail to come in, you may be here longer.” Students are able to register for classes and view their requirements on hUB, but if they want to make sure they are on track to graduate, they must communicate with their advisers. Other students say they have great relationships with their advisers. “I’ll meet with her once a semester, but that’s more than enough,” said Mark Montoro, a junior civil engineering major. “She really knows the major inside and out. The most helpful thing is before I enroll in a


class, she gives me a summary of the course and what sort of difficulty I can expect.” Montoro said his adviser is always available when he needs to meet with her and she made his time at UB “much easier.” When Montoro sends an email, his adviser responds that day. Safaie – who prides herself on her relationship with her students – leaves it up to students to dictate the extent of their relationship, while recognizing the dangers of doing so. “I leave it up to them,” Safaie said. “They don’t really need to meet with me face to face. They just need to know what classes they need to take and this is very doable via email. But then the responsibility is on you. If there’s something missing that you haven’t done when it’s time to graduate, that’s when they’ll want to see me.” email:

UB Student Remembrance Ceremony


Remembering our students with grateful appreciation

Ilyas Abdulle William Boatwright Zin Lynn Htoo Anthony King Josiah Matthew Matthew Morris Justin Romaniuk Alexander Saldarriaga

Friday, May 12, 2017 11 am Student Union Theater University at Buffalo (North Campus)

Dedication & luncheon immediately following ceremony. All are welcome.

Bravo! Cucina Italiana | Walden CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! Call 716-684-4595 or Go to our website to make reservations



Thursday, May 11, 2017


Editorial Board EDITOR IN CHIEF

Gabriela Julia



Saqib Hossain Emma Medina Margaret Wilhelm Grace Trimper NEWS EDITORS

Hannah Stein, Senior Ashley Inkumsah, Senior Maddy Fowler, Asst. FEATURES EDITORS

Sarah Crowley, Senior Lindsay Gilder, Asst. ARTS EDITORS

Max Kaltnitz, Senior David Tunis-Garcia Benjamin Blanchet, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS

Michael Akelson, Senior Daniel Petruccelli, Asst. Thomas Zafonte, Asst. PHOTO EDITORS

Kainan Guo, Senior Angela Barca Troy Wachala, Asst. CREATIVE DIRECTORS

Pierce Strudler Martina LaVallo, Asst.


Helene Polley



Alexa Capozzi

Students must be advocates and demand answers from administrators Administrators can be intimidating. Students know it isn’t the easiest to get in touch with the presidents and provosts of the university, which is why they often resort to emails and social media to express concerns with the university. Students – who pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition – have questions. But unfortunately, some of these questions go unanswered. And when they get no response, students feel their voices aren’t valued. UB’s swimming and diving team – one of the four teams UB Athletics cut in April – is a paragon for how students should advocate for themselves. For the past month, the team has asked administrators basic questions: If administrators have been discussing the cuts for three to five years, why was Athletics asking for donations two years ago? Where exactly is the $2 million going? Why can’t the teams be saved if funding is restored? And yet, there are still no answers. Reputable alumni have threatened to sue the university on behalf of six swimmers and demands that UB pay all expenses the students incur as they transfer to other universities. And it could’ve been avoided if President Satish Tripathi and UB


Athletics had scheduled a meeting with these alumni and donors to discuss an endowment plan. The swim team – upset with Tripathi’s lack of transparency – took it upon themselves to get those answers. The team held a sit-in Monday afternoon and waited for Tripathi to come out of his office. Tripathi, with nowhere else to go, was forced to listen and speak to two of the students. Unfortunately, the students didn’t get the answers they wanted. Tripathi gave no answers regarding the cuts and agreed to meet with the donors, but did not schedule an exact date. We hope the swim team doesn’t stop there. We hope this group of

Thursday, May 11, 2017 Volume 66 Number 52 Circulation 4,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. For information on adverstising with The Spectrum, visit or call us directly at 716-645-2152 The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 142602100


LETTER TO THE EDITOR English TAs express concerns over stipends


students, and other students who have cornered administration and demanded answers, will not rest until officials give students the answers they deserve. In December, Tripathi told The Spectrum he isn’t “someone on the fifth floor of Capen that students can’t come talk to.” So students, see if this is true. Sit outside his office and see how long it takes until he opens his door. Administrators exist because they are suppose to instill what’s best for the university and for its students. Students must be advocates for themselves and must think what

is the best way to get their voices heard in a university of roughly 30,000 students. If you have something to say, don’t wait for your voice to be heard. Don’t give up after weeks of no response. Show administration you demand respect. Go the old fashioned way and walk straight to the president’s office or dean’s office and prove your voice matters. TAs, faculty members and students held a rally last May, followed by a march to Tripathi’s office saying they aren’t making livable wage. Faculty and donors have been seeking transparency from the UB Foundation, which operates with both members of the UB community and UB administration members. The Spectrum editors face this lack of transparency all the time. We submit FOIA requests that go unanswered for months, we call offices and never get a response, we ask questions that are dodged or unanswered. This hinders our ability to efficiently report on news around campus. But that doesn’t mean we should remain silent. If we’re making administrators feel uncomfortable, then we’re asking the right questions.

What does it cost to live in Buffalo? This is a question Teaching Assistants in the Department of English here have been asking. There are different measures for what a living wage is in New York. One could turn to the Coalition of Economic Justice’s estimate that a living wage for full-time work is $15 per hour, adding up to a $30,000 annual income, a number that New York governor Andrew Cuomo has also embraced. We could also turn to a figure closer to home; according to the UB Financial Aid Office website, the Graduate Cost of Attendance for the nine-month cost of attendance, for the 2016-2017 academic year, has been $20,584 for off-campus living and $17,891 for on-campus living. This figure excludes tuition, fees, and mandatory health insurance. This also does not factor the costs Teaching Assistants face in the summer months paying for housing, food, and transportation. Excluding the four-year fellowships some students receive, the basic stipend English TAs received this academic year was $14,180 for ten months, an amount that after taxes is close to $12,000. The $8,500 gap between sti-

pend amounts and the figure the university has defined as the cost of living in Buffalo has affected the ability of students in the English program to complete their degrees. A recent survey run by Teaching Assistants in English reported that this situation has caused 81 percent of the 62 students who responded (47 percent of the student body) to work additional jobs, 51 percent to take out student loans, and 72 percent to require financial assistance from family, partners, or friends. This gap also inordinately affects the lives of international Teaching Assistants who in most cases are legally not permitted to work in addition to the 20 hours on campus, which coincides with their assistantships. Not being eligible to apply for loans, international Teaching Assistants also endure additional fees tied to their status, such as an international student fee. As a condition to be allowed to start teaching, international students must pay $75 to take the Speak Test. It doesn’t seem to matter that each of them, including those coming from countries such as India, where English is an official language, has already paid $170 to take the TOEFL test, specifical-

ly designed to measure their English speaking and writing abilities. It is often assumed that graduate students are at similar life stages as undergraduates, but many graduate students have adult responsibilities, such as childcare. Female graduate students have found that their options for postpartum support discourage continued life in the program. One student was offered the chance to teach an online course the semester of giving birth with the option of having six of those weeks covered, without pay, by a substitute - not enough to live on, let alone support a newborn. When it comes to paying for childcare to resume Teaching Assistant work and work towards one’s degree, the unlivable stipend offers no real options for parenting students of any gender identity. There is on-campus daycare that sets Teaching Assistant parents back $300 per week, in effect exceeding their stipend pay. Some might cite the recent efforts Governor Cuomo has made to make childcare more affordable in the state, but those strides in equitable access still exclude workers, like Teaching Assistants, not legally recognized as employees. As the end of the semester approaches, we all feel the pressure

of exams and final papers approaching. Now imagine that pressure compounded by the stress of teaching a class most students would just as soon not take - and working a job that doesn’t even pay your bills. What you’re picturing is the life of many, if not most, Teaching Assistants here at UB. We’re students, too, but we’re also instructors - and many of us can barely afford to do our jobs. We suspect there are similar stories in other departments across campus who experience a gap between stipend amount and the cost of living in Buffalo. Those of us in the Department of English who have been asking these questions have begun to take these concerns outside of our department in the form of a petition that we developed with members of our faculty. So far we have gathered 320 signatures, spanning faculty and students in the university, with a strong showing in the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Law School, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the Graduate School of Education. To learn about the petition and to sign, visit: forms/x7t9WBT7aeXTpU3m2 - Concerned English TAs

LETTER TO THE EDITOR In response to Spectrum’s ‘UB’s Black Faculty: Dwindling and Isolated’ article Dear Editors: I read the front-page article “UB’s Black Faculty: Dwindling and Isolated,” with great interest, as I am a black faculty member at UB myself. And as a senior administrator charged with ensuring UB’s diversity, I thought the article was fair and balanced. Ironically, it was published the day before

the Chronicle of Higher Education released a list of AAU member universities with the greatest diversity among tenure-track hires in the Fall of 2015. UB is listed at #33 of 60 universities, above Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, UC-Berkeley, and Stony Brook University. I have attached the list, and hope you will publish it. It provides context for better understanding how UB is

faring amongst its AAU peers in hiring underrepresented minority faculty members. UB is by no means at the bottom of the heap. Our commitment to faculty diversity is evident in the training of search committees on reducing barriers to diversity in the hiring of deans and faculty members; the investment in staffing an Office of Inclusive Excellence responsible for continuously assessing UB’s progress toward inclusive excellence; our faculty mentoring initiative for women and underrepre-

sented minority faculty; and UB’s new strategic diversity and inclusion plan. As Ashley Inkumsah’s article acknowleges, the challenges are very real. But our resolve to achieve even better outcomes in relation to our peers is just as real. Sincerely, Teresa A. Miller Vice Provost for Equity & Inclusion Professor of Law University at Buffalo



Join us for Paint Night

Thursday, May 11, 2017



Take your Buffalo painting home after the event!

Apply online today at


Date & prize are subject to change. Limited time only. While supplies last. College ID required for event. See office for details.



Thursday, May 11, 2017



Freshman swimmer Joey Puglessi performs a backstroke. Puglessi is among six swimmers and divers being represented by attorney Richard Lydecker.


Although swimmers understand that the decision was financial, most have a problem with Athletics’ abrupt announcement. Joel Shinofield, executive director of the College Swimmers Coaches Association of America, says most schools give at least a two-year phase-out period when cutting a team. At the very least, swimmers think the school could have announced the cuts sooner, when more schools still had scholarship money and roster sports left. Carson Burt, a high school senior, committed to UB in October as soon as he received an offer. Burt immediately cut off communications with other schools he was considering, such as West Virginia and Kentucky, once he made his commitment. When he found out the team had been cut six months later, he was at a national swim meet. “My coach pulled me out of the water because he wanted to make sure I heard the right way and not from chatter from other people,” Burt said. “We had an emotional moment for about an hour and a half where we were kind of like dumbfounded by the whole situation, it was like my future that I saw myself going into had fallen apart within 30 seconds and I had no idea how to react.” Burt, who has Ohio residency, was told by

his parents they could only afford to send him to an in-state school. Most swim programs already had full rosters and had used all their scholarship money by the time the athletes were told the teams would be cut. He has now committed to Ohio State University to swim, where he will pay $15,000 more per year than he would have at UB. That’s a $60,000 increase over the course of his college career. “At this point in the season, there was no way any school was gonna have money for you,” Burt said. “It really left us in a situation where we couldn’t get any scholarship to any school except small things like books and stuff like that… The whole situation left everyone in a big hole and looking for money was impossible.” Two other swimmers Lydecker is representing, freshmen roommates Puglessi and Luke Gordon, hope the school will pay for the costs they will incur from transferring. Gordon turned down offers from Boston University and RPI only a year ago to come to UB. Puglessi turned down offers from schools in major conferences like the University of Pittsburgh and Minnesota. Puglessi says academic and athletic scholarships covered over 80 percent of his expenses at UB. “I wanted to swim at a Big-10 school but I

sat down with my parents and realized that isn’t really the point, you gotta find a good package financially, academically and somewhere you’re gonna fit athletically,” Puglessi said. “Not many kids can say they found the perfect package overall, but here I felt like I did.” Puglessi has now committed to the University of Cincinnati and estimates he will pay $13,306 more than he would have at UB next year alone, and he still has three years of eligibility left. Gordon has committed to UMASS, where he will pay nearly full out of state tuition, costing him an extra $51,000$55,000 over the next three years. Gordon, who is an engineering major, said he had a difficult time finding a school that was both an academic and athletic fit for him in a matter of only a couple of weeks. “I’d find great engineering schools but the swim team was either like here – cut in year’s past or just not good enough to make it worth transferring,” Gordon said. “And a number of places such as Cincinnati, I was considering and they were no longer accepting students into the school of engineering, so that took away other options, so it really narrowed it down for me.” Additionally, Gordon’s brother Ryan transferred into UB from Indiana University last fall so he could swim with his brother at

their mother’s alma mater. Gordon says the University of Massachusetts-Amherst application was due on April 15, only 12 days after he found out he would need to transfer. Gordon had to spend multiple weekends visiting other schools, which included missing Friday classes. This was especially tough, since Gordon has four classes on Friday’s. Puglessi and Gordon both say they had academic scholarships at UB and that most schools would not give academic aid to transfer students at this point in the year. Both athletes say they gave serious thought to ending their swimming careers when the cuts were announced, even though both have been swimming for over 10 years and worked out for hours every day in high school to fulfill their dreams of being college swimmers. “People say ‘don’t worry about the money everything’s gonna work out,’ but a lot of the people that say that have never been in this position where we’re on the verge of losing 10s of thousands of dollars,” Puglessi said. “As much as people say ‘it’s all gonna work out, you’ll be fine, ignore the financial aspects,’ it’s just too big to ignore. [Not swimming anymore] definitely crossed my mind, academically I’m doing really well here, financially I’m very comfortable, at first it seemed like ‘I’ll give it up just to help my parents avoid taking out loans.” Towers says he is considering staying at UB for a year to continue training and seek out a better situation next year, but he thinks it’s unlikely since he’s not sure who he would train with. He is used to training with a coach and team to push him, now he would be forced to train alone or pay someone to help him. “I worked my whole life to get to this point and I now I may not be able to continue my career, and it’s not even my fault,” Towers said. “It’s somebody else telling me my career is over or could be over if I don’t find somewhere else and pay out my ass.” email:

UB Catholic Start your week off right and go to mass! The Newman Center 495 Skinnersville Road Amherst, NY 14228 Phone: 716-636-7495 Saturdays: 5:00 PM Sundays: 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, and Student Mass at 6:30 PM Daily Mass: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12:00 PM Free Dinners: Wednesday Nights Beginning at 6:00 PM Starting Feb. 1st (Check our Facebook page for more details) St. Joseph’s University Parish 3269 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214 Phone: 716-833-0298 Saturdays: 4:30 PM Sundays: 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM and Student Mass at 8:00 PM Daily Mass: 8:30 AM (Parish Center Chapel)

Proud Supporter of UB Basketball



Thursday, May 11, 2017


AVERAGE PRICES: 15 5 mg tablet:


20 mg tablet:


30-35 tablet: mg


62% of college students with stimulant prescriptions sell their medications

Prices range from $5-50 PER TABLET Fastest growing users: ADULTS between ages of 20 AND 39 YEARS OLD


FINALS WEEK PRICES: 15 mg tablet:


20 mg tablet:


30-35 tablet: mg



Adderall, the brand name for a mixture of amphetamine salts, isn’t difficult to get. Students huddle up in bathrooms, fraternity houses and even public places like the libraries, exchanging pills for money. Rodriguez keeps her pills in an aspirin

$2 BILLION business 16 MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS written by doctors in 2016

bottle so people don’t know what she’s really taking. Adderall is a stimulant prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a neurobehavioral condition usually found in children and characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Prescriptions for the behavior, have skyrocketed in the past 20 years and in 2016, doctors wrote 16 million prescriptions. When Rodriguez takes Adderall, her heart beats faster the minute she realizes she’s on it. She feels separated from the world. Everything outside her is on mute. All she can hear is what’s going on in her head. It’s like her brain becomes a narrow tunnel. She can sit still for hours, focused on one paper or topic. Adderall makes her want to study. “When I take Adderall, I get that extra boost,” Rodriguez, a junior industrial engineering major, said. “I feel like I’m on a massive high. It’s a little step below marijuana and my brain just feels super heavy like

a bolder is pressing up against it but at the same time, I focus on one thing and I don’t wanna move,” Rodriguez said. Adderall gives her confidence and helps her maintain her GPA. She knows she has to be careful and she’s heard about people who get addicted. But in engineering, grades matter, she said, and tests are the sole measure of success in a class, so there is huge pressure to perform. Without Adderall, she says, she’d be out. That’s why she’s willing to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 per pill. She’s confident she can control her use and believes as long as she doesn’t take the pills regularly, she won’t get addicted. The fastest growing group of Adderall users in the U.S. is adults between the ages of 20 and 39, according to Quintiles IMS, a technology company that gathers health data. Sales are also huge; in the U.S. Adderall is a more than $2 billion business.

Full-time students are the most likely abusers of the drug, according to a National Survey on Drug Use and Health report. For UB students, it’s the study drug of choice. It’s easy to get, works almost immediately and is seemingly undetectable. And because it’s prescribed, it has a veneer of legality. Students who have not used it themselves know of students who have tried it. Every student interviewed knew how to get it. Yet, Adderall use is still not discussed much by UB administrators or health professionals. Students are rarely getting caught using it illegally. In fact, University Police only found four students this year and three students last year using the drug without a prescription, said UPD Deputy Chief of Police Joshua Sticht. Police didn’t make any arrests in these cases because of the Good Samaritan policy, which prevents students from being arrested when people call police for help. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7



Thursday, May 11, 2017



Sticht said UPD tries to pursue criminal charges against students who sell drugs rather than students who take them. But police haven’t arrested any students for selling Adderall yet. Elizabeth Lidano, director of Judicial Affairs and Student Advocacy, hasn’t seen many cases of illegal Adderall use or sales either. “It’s not super prevalent, or in large quantities,” Lidano said. “We might see it once in awhile, but I can’t say we’re overwhelmed with students being found with Adderall.” Student Health Services prescribed Adderall to 32 students between Aug. 1, 2015 and July 31, 2016, according to Brian Hines, Records Access Officer. Student Health Services has never treated any students for an Adderall overdose. Jaclyn Singer, Alcohol and Other Drug Harm Reduction Specialist for Health and Wellness, said the university does not offer any seminars or meetings about Adderall use. The National College Health Assessment sends out a survey every three years to college students nationwide – including at UB – and Adderall use doesn’t rank as one of the substances students say they use. Every incoming UB student must also complete the assessment which asks students the same question. Adderall still doesn’t rank. Alcohol and marijuana are the two most abused drugs so the university prioritizes them. But 34 percent of college students use ADHD stimulants like Adderall non-medically, a 2008 National Center for Biotechnology Information study found. And for many students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields, Adderall is as necessary as a scientific calculator. “STEM students need Adderall more than English majors do,” Smalls said. “STEM is something you really have to build on and it’s just the foundation for what’s going to happen next. You really need to study and if you’re a person who parties every weekend it’s not going work, but if you do party every weekend you need a background to study, that’s why I would say that Adderall is a great backup.”

Adderall dealing Former UB student Griffin Wells * used to sell Adderall. He got a prescription from his doctor, although he does not have ADHD. He got the prescription to sell the drugs to UB students. He did not need to pass a medical or psychological test to get the prescription. “I literally just said to my doctor that my friend gave me one of his Adderall pills and it really helped me and he put me on a low dosage of Adderall,” he said. Students like Wells are making hundreds of dollars a month selling Adderall. They are not big dealers, though. They are limited by their prescription, which usually gives them between 30 and 90 pills within a one to three month period. Nationally, 62 percent of college students with stimulant prescriptions reported having sold their medication at least once, according to the Journal of Clinical Psychology. No one at UB – not University Police, Judicial Affairs or Student Health Services – knows how many students are selling Adderall illegally because no one is talking about it or admitting it openly. Student Health Services doesn’t know how many UB students have legal prescriptions because students aren’t required to list their conditions or medications. Student Health Services also has no records about how many students are addicted to prescription drugs or have to leave UB due to prescription drug addiction. Caitlin Smythe*, a former UB student, underwent a more rigorous screening process before she got an Adderall prescription. Smythe was 14 years old when doctors told her she had the short-term memory of a first grader. She underwent two weeks of testing before doctors diagnosed her with ADHD. She had seconds to look at a picture and had to recite as many details as she could remember. She had to memorize dots and lines and tell her psychiatrist a story based on them. She was diagnosed with ADHD at age 15 and her doctor prescribed Concerta, a drug similar to Adderall, and eventually switched

to Adderall. When Smythe came to UB, she was taking Adderall, but no one ever asked her about it or asked her to indicate she had ADHD. She began selling during her sophomore year. She did it for the money, but also because the drug had stopped working for her and started working against her by causing extreme weight loss and anxiety-based shaking episodes. Larry Hawk, a psychology professor at UB, said stimulants like Concerta and Adderall amp people up and if they are “pretty anxious people,” the drug might exacerbate the anxiety. Once students found out Smythe had Adderall and wasn’t taking it they started offer-

usually cost about $20 and it was more than $50,” Rodriguez said. “And last year I wasn’t prepared for finals week and I was panicking. I needed [Adderall] and I was asking everyone I knew who could’ve had a connection to someone that might sell it. Every single dealer was dry.”

A tricky diagnosis Some students get tired of searching for a seller and decide to get their own prescriptions. Mimicking the symptoms is easy. Doctors know this, but are often stuck. “ADHD is a funny diagnosis,” said Richard Almon, adjunct pharmacy and biology professor. “There’s no way to objectively define it. It’s not like I can go in and take

When I take Adderall, I get that extra boost, I feel like I’m on a massive high... I focus on one thing and I don’t wanna move.

ing cash. “I would only really say yes to my friends and half the time, I wasn’t even charging for it, and then they would tell people and more people kept asking,” she said. When finals week approached, she began to charge more and even began charging her friends. “The less I knew the person, the more I would charge them,” she said. Adderall dealers tend to spike up their prices during finals week. “I remember for finals week two years ago I had to buy two 20 mg pills which would

your blood pressure or look at this or look at that and I have an objective measure,” If students are having trouble paying attention, they can ask a doctor to prescribe them the drug since there is no objective criteria for diagnosing, Almon said. “Thought Catalog” published an article in March 2014 entitled, “How To Get Your Doctor To Prescribe You Adderall In 5 Easy Steps,” which outlined how people could fake symptoms to receive the drug. It’s a lot easier to diagnose ADHD in children than adults, according to Hawk.








Thursday, May 11, 2017


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Thursday, May 11, 2017



WAY OUT Final goodbyes from Spectrum editor in chief


I didn’t think I would make it. I wasn’t supposed to make it. I’m the Puerto Rican-black girl from the inner city of Rochester, NY – a city with one of the highest murder rates in the state. A city where funerals come before high school graduations and baby showers come before weddings. Kids killing kids. Babies raising babies. There’s rarely any good news that comes out of the part where I’m from. So it’s no wonder my heart drops every time I get a call from my mom at 7 a.m. Didn’t you go to high school with the girl who was stabbed last night? Do you remember the boy who

was shot this morning? I did. I knew both of them. And it’s an eerie feeling to reminisce about someone whose life was taken way too soon. That’s why I sometimes hate answering my phone. But the hardest call was from my aunt. It was Nov. 23, 2015 at 12:14 p.m. My mom had been in the hospital for almost a week after having a stroke. At that moment, nothing else mattered. I wasn’t thinking about my grades or the $4,000 outstanding tuition bill or the fact that I hadn’t eaten in two days. I just couldn’t lose her. My mother was a single parent for most of my life. She worked a nine-to-five job and spent nights and weekends in her art studio. She struggled, but always appreciated the beauty of art because she has such a pure, God-given talent. So when I told her I wanted to be a journalist at 15, she gave me everlasting support. She understood how therapeutic it is to practice your craft. To wake up every morning with a new idea and to push yourself to make your next piece better than your last. I’ve always wanted to repay her, to show her that those long nights did make a difference. My whole life we’ve been desperate for something good to happen and on March 6, it happened. That was the day I found out I received a

full scholarship to attend graduate school at Newhouse at Syracuse University. A full ride. My dream school. Finally, a call I wasn’t afraid to answer. We both sat on the phone in tears – joyful tears. The hungry, sleepless nights spent stressing about unpaid bills were irrelevant. We both had something to look forward to. There was purpose and it all started to make sense. I now understand these past four years were a test. Could I make a career out of journalism at a school with no journalism major? Could I survive as editor in chief for a newspaper that gets no funding from the university? Could I run a staff of people who were practically strangers? Yes, yes and yes. These strangers have become the most influential people in my life. I’m so grateful for the past editors who trusted me and instilled confidence in me. Sara, Tom, Marlee, Alyssa, Brian – you all have taught me something I will hold onto forever. And to my current staff – Ashley the glamour girl, Max the cool kid, Sarah the sweetheart, Maddy the brave one, Pierce the artist, Angela the socialite, Hannah the bookworm, K the guy with the biggest heart, Lindsay, Tom, Dan, Ben, David and Troy, the future of The Spectrum – I know at times you probably hate me, (cough, cough, Mike) but I don’t want any of you to leave here without knowing how much I truly care about you. And Tori, oh Tori, where do I even begin? I’m actually at a loss for words because I love

you dearly. You have kept me sane and kept me laughing. We struggled together and I feel so extremely blessed that you’ve stayed by my side throughout this stressful year. Jody, you have changed my life in ways I could have never imagined. Every day you have taught me something that has made me a better journalist, a better leader and a better woman. I aspire to be you one day. Headstrong, confident and extremely intelligent. Thank you for your patience and thank you for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Helene, my second mother, thank you for constantly reminding that it’s possible to come from nothing and make something of it. Thank you for showing me how good it feels to love people unconditionally and always be kind. Saying goodbye to The Spectrum and this university has been the hardest goodbye. The good stories, the writing lessons, the awards have all been amazing. But I’m walking away with so much more. I thought about focusing this column on the little support The Spectrum gets from the university and the struggle of student journalists. I’ll admit, it’s been hard. But as a journalist, I’ve learned to look at the bigger picture. I have a purpose and I’ve learned to push through and give it my all for my peers who never saw 22 years. These past four years have taught me that things get bad before they get good. I somehow paid off that tuition bill and my mom has made almost a 100 percent recovery from her stroke. I’ve learned that dreams do come true – not always when you first make that wish, but always on time. To my little brothers, you are the most important people in my life and there will be times when you feel like you don’t belong, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for you. And to my parents and grandparents, I will always appreciate every sacrifice you’ve made for me. Right now, my only wish is to someday, somehow reward you. Because of you all, I’ve found my way out. email:

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Celebration #UBclassof2017 of the

Morning Commencement Ceremony Student-nominated faculty speaker Jessica Poulin Department of Biological Sciences

Student Speaker Eileen R. Bennett Mathematics

Afternoon Commencement Ceremony Student-nominated faculty speaker

Lance Rintamaki

Department of Communication

Student Speaker

Megan Glander Political Science and Communication



Thursday, May 11, 2017


Four whole years and

all I got is a sink Reflecting on my time at The Spectrum


Time flies when you’re having fun? Our adviser, Jody Biehl, hates when we open our work with cliché quotes, but I can’t help it this time. After four years with The Spectrum, I can’t believe I’m here, in this moment, writing this goodbye column. I’ve read so many of them, cried over those who have left before me and imagined my own senior year. Will I be as panic-stricken as some of those who came before me, with no clear plans postgraduation? Will I pursue journalism? Will I even graduate on time? In 10 days, I will walk the stage alongside of my peers. In 72 days, I start law school at Hofstra University, where I was offered a full scholarship. But I will never stop being a journalist. I came to UB with low expectations and did not find immediate success. I didn’t live in the dorms because I had messed up my housing forms, so I had a hard time making friends. I turned to new, dangerous vices. I stopped going to classes because they were so hard. Though I began writing for The Spectrum my

first semester, I was terrible at it. I was shy so interviewing was uncomfortable. I didn’t take criticism well, so I didn’t like going to the office for help. I barely passed the class. For the first time, I felt stupid. Two of my roommates didn’t speak English and we hardly interacted. I ended my freshman year extremely sad and lonely. I was put on academic probation. My two friends I spent most of the year with were both leaving me – one was transferring and one was arrested. I hated school – a feeling I never thought I would experience. I left my freshman year excited to go home. I was going to talk to my friends and maybe transfer to escape this hell I was experiencing. But then I got a call from the incoming editor-in-chief, Sara DiNatale. She asked if I would like to be an assistant editor. That call changed my life. I spent the next three years involved as an editor learning and growing. I got better. Things got better. My journey through school was not easy or simple, but The Spectrum was always there. Finally, I had people to look up to. I had a purpose and was contributing to the university. I changed my major, made friends, got involved with other clubs and worked a variety of part-time jobs. As I moved up, I was able to interview people who were important to me, to cover fun and exciting events, to formulate and eloquently write my opinion. This newspaper gave me more than any

class, teacher or club at UB. And in these four years, the only thing The Spectrum has received from the university is a sink for our office. I can only hope that in the future, the UB community has respect for what we do. We are students who are learning, and often receive a lot of criticism for what we publish. We make mistakes, but we make them publicly and then correct them. We tell the public our opinions and attach our name to it. We send staff writers, people who are just dipping their toes into journalism, on assignments. We are not perfect, but we are trying our best. I have some people to thank for helping to shape me into the journalist and person I am today. First and foremost, Jody, it is a gift to have been able to work with you. Your infinite knowledge, your perseverance, your dedication to our newspaper and your teaching are inspirational. You’re unintentionally hilarious and I will deeply miss your expressive nature. I feel incredibly grateful to have had your guidance in these past few years. Rachel Kramer and Brian Windschitl, two who have graduated before me – thank you for helping me push through the first couple years at UB. Rachel, you dragged me to the Monday class my first semester against my will and for two years, taught me an insane amount about writing style and editing. Now I hold your title, Managing Editor, and I hope I have made you proud. Brian, your attitude, wit and affinity for writing served as motivation to me, more so than you may know. I treasure memories of our arts desk

and only wish you continued success. To anyone who has worked on a desk with me or edited with me – Tomas, John, Ken especially – under my messy direction, thank you for your patience. I have no idea what I’m doing unless it involves writing, but I hope I at least taught you one thing along the way. I have enjoyed every moment in the office, whether we were playing Smash, spinning around in our office chairs or blasting ridiculous music. Gabi – we made it. We came up at The Spectrum in a similar way and here we are, overlooking the kingdom we’ve fashioned like old queens. Thank you for being so incredibly smart, for always making me laugh, for making the newspaper fun again, for remaining dedicated in times of difficulty, for giving me advice when I needed it, but most importantly, becoming one of my dearest friends. I can’t wait to watch your success and cheer you on. Huge shoutout to Pierce for being incredibly talented, for turning my articles into art and for singing showtunes at midnight. I cannot wait to see what you create. To the staff that remains – Max, Sarah, David, Tom, Dan, Lindsay, Maddy and of course, Hannah – I feel so fortunate to have experienced working with all of you. You will always be special to me, and you know who to call when you need a headline. To everyone after – thank you for continuing an organization that gave me everything. I hope The Spectrum becomes as meaningful to you as it has to me. In my last moments at the university, I am overwhelmed with emotion, primarily, a feeling of gratitude. I cannot believe I made it to this point. The come up is real. Cheers to four years. And of course, the sink. email:

Congratulations Class of 2017 Dinner

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6oz USDA Choice Black Angus flat iron steak and Tully’s Tenders® served together with Tully’s Honey Mustard, choice of potato and coleslaw.


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Two grilled haddock fillets stuffed with homemade spicy seafood filling and then baked with a butter crumb topping. Served with seasoned rice and coleslaw.


Tender shrimp, roasted red peppers and broccoli sautéed in a creamy garlic wine sauce then tossed with fettuccine and Romano cheese. Served with a side salad and garlic bread.


8oz Norwegian salmon, your choice of plain, BBQ or blackened. Served with seasoned rice and fresh vegetables.




Twin tuna steak medallions grilled with your choice of blackened or Asian chili glaze. Served with seasoned rice and fresh vegetable.


Tender shrimp and imitation crab tossed with roasted red peppers and fettuccine in a creamy Alfredo sauce. Served with a side salad and garlic bread. *MENU ITEMS AND PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.



Thursday, May 11, 2017


Better to burn out than to fade away UB student Ashley Inkumsah finds her voice and identity four years later


It was the second semester of my freshman year. I was lazily ensconced in bed with my ex jamming to Ray LaMontagne when he asked me where I saw myself in 10 years.

“I’ve wanted to be a journalist since I was 14 years old,” I said. “Why aren’t you writing for The Spectrum?” he said. All of my friends constantly told me to write for The Spectrum all along but I always brushed it off saying “maybe one day,” but that night something clicked. When I went back to my dorm the next day, I sent our then-editor in chief an email with a writing sample asking to join the paper and the rest was history as they say. I had a rough start. I got 50’s and 60’s on my first couple of articles as a staff writer and questioned if I should pursue a career in journalism after all. I wanted to change my major, lock myself in a room, rock toand-fro and listen to Radiohead on repeat. I thought I had no future in writing. My freshman year, these were my priorities: who I was dating, where the best frat party was and where the best selfie lighting was. And now four years later I’m the senior


“ADHD is commonly diagnosed in the first few years of elementary school because the child makes the transition to the school environment and is struggling,” Hawk said. But using Adderall as a study drug isn’t exactly a new fad, Almon says.

“Years and years ago in the ’60s when I worked in the steel mills, you could make a lot of money and get all the overtime you could handle,” Almon said. “This has been going on for years and years but maybe it’s become more popular, probably because it’s more available.”

news editor for The Spectrum. I’ve interviewed a former U.S. Attorney General. I’ve raised awareness about causes I care about like LGBT issues and race relations. Things started to come full circle for me when I went to the Apple Store last week and an employee recognized my name from the paper and said she reads all of my articles. When people recognize my name and say they’ve felt something from my articles I feel proud and I feel humbled. But I couldn’t have done it alone. Jody Biehl: you are an inspiration. It’s difficult to convey in words how much I appreciate and respect you pushing me to be a better journalist. You have a family, a husband, children and a mortgage and yet you devote so much time and energy to push us to be the best student journalists that we can be. Once upon a time, my heart raced every time I stepped foot in 132 Student Union because I was terrified you would shred my articles to pieces. And now in my senior

Almon said Benzamine was the “fad drug” at the time that helped the workers to focus. He said people would line up waiting to be prescribed to sell it to other workers.

Dangers of the drug Prolonged Adderall use has a number of health risks, which include heart attacks, strokes and reduction of hunger, according to Almon. It can also be a gateway drug and addicted students begin to crave the clarity and super-human stamina the drug offers. Rodriguez continues to take Adderall despite knowing the risks and feeling like she’s cheating herself by taking it. Anita Sharma, a senior health and human services major, feels Adderall only gives students “temporary knowledge.” Instead of retaining information, she says Adderall encourages students to memorize. She believes Adderall is a “disgrace” to the education system. “Taking Adderall to study is like drinking liquor to socialize. How long can you

year, I’ve yearned for your advice, guidance and wisdom. Every time I write I an article I make sure to steer clear of word choices like “is currently.” I make my sentences short. Dramatic. And impactful. I try not to sound like a press release and I ask myself “What would Jody say?” over and over again. Working alongside you has been an honor. I couldn’t have grown to be the journalist I am today without you. I’m excited to see how the remaining and incoming Spectrum staff will be utterly terrified of you then eventually learn that Jody knows best. Hannah: my right hand woman. The Woodward to my Bernstein. My fellow vegetarian sparkly princess. The girl who can’t tell the difference between Jared Leto and Jay Leno. I love you. For all our long night and heated debates about bananas, you’re the best partner a girl could ask for. Gabi: My #girlboss. You showed the world that girls like us with tan skin can be bossy and beautiful. To the other the fabulous people I’ve worked with this year on the news desk like Sarah, my Irish ginger unicorn, Maddy, my feminist warrior and Pierce my graphic guru. I’m excited to see you guys continue the legacy of The Spectrum’s best desk. I’ve come a long way for a (faux) blonde girl from New York and I’m not nearly finished yet. I can’t say I’ll miss Buffalo’s deplorable temperatures but I’ll always miss the memories I made here. email:

keep taking Adderall without getting addicted to it? In medical school are you going to take Adderall before operating on a patient? When you’re an engineer and you’re operating on machines are you going to be high on Adderall? If students need to rely on a drug to make them smarter, they need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves whether they’re in the right academic field to begin with,” Sharma said. Hawk said it’s important for students to not become dependent on taking Adderall as a means for studying. “People are increasingly recognizing that stimulants for ADHD don’t in the long run cure the problem; they mask the problem,” Hawk said. “And Band-Aids can be very useful, but a young adult should say to themselves ‘[each time] I use a Band-Aid how could I better prepare myself ?’” email:

* Editor’s note: Names of students have been changed to protect their privacy

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Thursday, May 11, 2017


Seniors give advice to freshmen What they would change and what to expect from the college experience KATIE KOSTELNY


Over the course of four years, students learn a lot about themselves, whether it’s time management or learning how to make friends in a completely new environment, people learn and change with every passing year. Some of UB’s seniors spoke to The Spectrum about their biggest regrets from their years at college and advice for next year’s freshmen.

Do your own thing Don’t overthink the party scene, said Michelle Arriesgado, a senior media study major. “Going out versus staying in depends on who you are,” Arriesgado said. “I like to stay in, if I go out I often would end up being left by myself. You realize going out who your friends are.”

Get Involved Shannon Gilbert, senior psychology and economics major, regrets not getting involved on campus sooner. “I think if I went out and got a job on campus or I got myself into some research, things could have gone differently,” Gilbert said. “Even if it’s something small, like an hour a week, and you go out and volunteer, and do something consistently, over a course of a semester or two, it will be the best thing you could have done.”

Try not to stress yourself out Pratik Karkhanis, a senior mechanical engineering major, advises students to put their mental health above grades. “Study as hard as you can and then just go for it. There’s no point in stressing out

over an exam, it just makes it more harder for you to focus,” Karkhanis said. “For managing stress, I give myself regular short breaks while studying. It helps to recharge yourself.”

Live on campus Poorvi Nair, a senior physical anthropology and theater major, recommends living on campus if students can make it work. “Living on campus in the dorms is an experience of its own and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was some of the best years of my life, including sharing two bathroom stalls with 25 people and the clogged showers. It’s all part of the fun and games.”

Don’t drink too much Miranda Sidman, a senior psychology major, advises freshmen to pace themselves while drinking. “Don’t be ‘that girl.’ Don’t let nervousness get you too drunk; take it slower. I’m a hermit now, so try to balance going out vs. staying in,” Sidman said.



Get to know your professors Kyler Friol, a senior film studies and media study major, says to go to office hours and don’t be afraid to approach professors. “In high school, your teacher knew you, but in college, that’s not always the case. You have to make a connection with your teacher,” Friol said. “Professors are important for recommendations, attendance depends on the class and what kind of learner you are. Now that I’m in my senior year, I realize that all those clichés that people have been telling me my entire life, are true.”



AOF FLAVORS FUZE An Authentic Asian experience arrives in Amherst! Cozy Thai Owners Chef Let Kyaw and Ei Ei An have opened a second restaurant featuring their much talked about, Thai Food. The new venture also features the addition of Japanese (Sushi), Burmese dishes and authentic Asian “Street Food” Bar. Fuze Asian Grille is now open in the old Jack’s Place at 1424 Millersport Highway and Flint in Amherst. Following the success with Cozy Thai, their restaurant in the southtowns, Kyaw and An decided to bring their flare for authenticity to a new audience with a northtowns location. “Fuze Asian Grille offers casual fine dining and fun atmosphere to service the foodies and diverse population in a local easy-to-reach location,” said Kyaw. “With a central location and a huge parking lot, we can serve many adjacent neighborhoods as well as the University of Buffalo and the area hotels”, he continued. “In addition to our food, we wanted people to enjoy an authentic experience with our unique themes



Above: All-new interior decor. Right: Authentic Tea Leaf Salad. A Burmese traditional salad, known as the healthiest salad in the world with an eclectic mix of flavor and textures starring fresh picked Tea Leafs.

and decor,” Kyaw said. “We wanted to recreate both, the tastes, and the sights from my hometown and where trained as a Chef.” We have three dining areas, each one decorated to represent either, Thailand, Burma or Japan. Fuze offers delicious Burmese traditional dishes such as Mo Hin Gah (Fish Chowder), Ohn No Kyawswe (Chicken Coconut Noodle Soup), Beef and Chicken Curry, are also on the menu. Some highlights from the Japanese menu includes a full Sushi bar along with their Signature “Deep Fried Sushi” and “Sushi Burritos”. “We have a large offering of vegetarian, vegan and Gluten Free offerings too.” said Kyaw. The Thai food, has spoke for itself over the years! Andrew Galarneau, food editor also stated in an article he wrote in the Buffalo News, “When

I arrived at Cozy Thai (Fuze’s sister location in the southtowns), a little place on a Hamburg side street, I wasn’t expecting much. What I found did not slay my Thai craving, but Cozy Thai delivered the best Thai food I’ve had in Western New York!” Another theme will be representing is Asian Street Food. In our hometown of Yangon, Burma, “Street Food” takes on a special meaning, as makeshift restaurants spill from sidewalks onto the roads, with more than 135 ethnic groups and borders shared

with Bangladesh, China, India, Laos and Thailand, It’s safe to say that our cuisine is diverse and eclectic. Our authentic flavors will transport you to our hometown, said Kyaw. Traditional “Street Food” commonly found on the streets of Asia will include, Tea Leaf Salad (left), Papaya salad, Mango Salad, Beef Salad, Noodle Salads, Samosa salad, Black Rice Salad, Chicken Satay, Fried Tofu, Chicken Paratha, Dumplings, Spring Rolls to name a few. With accomplished chefs proficient in all of the specialties that make Asian-Burmese cuisine sought after by food aficionados, Fuze Asian Grille is fast striking a chord with diners looking for a fresh, modern approach to Asia’s most popular cuisines. Fuze Asian Grille goes the extra mile to bring you the ultimate dining experience. From their warm service staff to an extensive menu of outstanding dishes, the artfully designed interior and ambiance, they provide the luxuries of dining in comfort and in style without breaking your wallet! Hours: Monday - Saturday 11:30am - 10pm, and Sunday, 4pm - 10pm.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017




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Behind the hype

UB student balances fatherhood, owning ‘I Am HYPE Entertainment’ company and academics ASHLEY INKUMSAH


Shane Patterson was catching a Greyhound bus on his way to visit friends in Tennessee when he realized he had a missed call from his “former flame.” He didn’t want to speak over the phone at first and told her to text him, but she said her news was too urgent to share over a text message. He had a gut feeling about what she was going to say and when he called her back she only confirmed what he already knew. She was pregnant. Patterson was oddly calm. That was his natural temperament, he says. He was only a college student and fatherhood wasn’t on his schedule. But he was used to struggling. His parents struggled to put Patterson and his older brother through college. But Patterson was determined to carve out a

better life for his son. He was the cliché American dream chaser. He grew up in a “loving home with morals and respect” and he wanted to give his son the same upbringing. He started working two jobs to build a life for his son; one a part-time job working collections for Capital Management Services and the other was a full-time job with KeyBank. Patterson, a senior communication major, now balances being a father with running his own entertainment company I Am HYPE Entertainment and being a UB student. I Am HYPE Entertainment hosts parties in venues across Buffalo. Patterson hypes the crowd up on stage and dances to music at every event. “HYPE” stands for “hold your purpose eternally,” Patterson said. He hosted the company’s first show on Dec. 30 2016 and since then, he has sold out seven out of nine shows. “My journey has never been about only me, it’s always been about so much more.


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My son. My family. My friends. My town. My doubters. My competitors. My school and anybody that has ever believed it was too difficult to attain their goals in the midst of financial hardship. ” Patterson said. Patterson was always a showman growing up. He grew up Seventh Day Adventist and spent his Sundays singing and dancing in church. When DJ RanKan, a Buffalo DJ, told him he was talented, he knew he was meant to work in the entertainment industry. His parents always encouraged his creativity. When he told his father he wasn’t interested in going to cricket matches, he understood. Instead, Patterson’s father encouraged him and his brother to do activities that they liked, like music, karate, gymnastics and track. In high school, Patterson felt the school needed a mascot — so he created one. “I remember telling my basketball coach that I wanted to be mascot, so I made a mascot uniform out of cardboard and foil and became the school’s first mascot. From that point, we were The Crusaders,” Patterson said. As a mascot, Patterson started to realize that he craved stirring up crowds and making people remember him. When Patterson started I Am HYPE Entertainment, he contacted LegalZoom, an online legal technology company, and LLC, limited liability company, to make sure his personal assets were separate from his business assets. Patterson said I am HYPE Entertainment looks to fuse the sounds of hip-hop, EDM and New Jersey club music. He looks to bridge a culture between different sounds of music, “and someday host events like the


Thursday, May 11, 2017


Shane Patterson hypes up the crowd at UB basketball game. Patterson, a senior communication major, is the founder and CEO of I Am HYPE Entertainment, a Buffalobased entertainment company.

Ultra Music Festival.” Patterson still struggles to learn the landscape of entertainment industry. He says the company is extremely time consuming and he’s become accustomed to a lifestyle of promoting and networking. But he won’t “sleep or eat” until his job is done. He also sometimes struggles to continue to bring in money from the events he hosts but said he’s made a significant profit from the business. He works a part-time job as a bar-back at (716) Food and Sport to help make ends meet. Jay Shah, manager of I Am Hype Entertainment, LLC, said Patterson is a great friend and business partner. “He has the ability of really connecting the performers [and] DJ’s to the crowd. I like to think of him as the icebreaker that gets the party started,” Shah said. Patterson described Shah as the most creative human being that he has ever met, who thinks outside the box and helps buy into their vision. “Anything he puts his hands on he makes into magic,” Patterson said. Patterson feels his “purpose” is bigger than himself. “Yeah, wanting success for all these reasons is a lot of pressure but I can’t control the man I am. It’s my fuel. It’s what inspires me to be great,” Patterson said. “To me, greatness is defined when you accomplish what you set out to do, without conforming on what your purpose is.” Patterson said his son will always be a driving force and motivation for him to keep chasing success. He keeps the photos from the moment his son was born on his phone and looks at them almost every day. When he saw a life born before his eyes, his life was put into perspective. When his son was first born, Patterson said he had “that squished up new baby look,” but Patterson immediately realized his son shared his big lower lip. He’ll never forget his son’s first words, “thank you.” “We all have a purpose, and by God’s grace, I pray my purpose brings nothing but positive energy and a smile to your face. This is me. This is me in my entirely,” Patterson said. Ema Makas contributed reporting to this story. email:


Thursday, May 11, 2017




Thursday, May 11, 2017


College of Arts and Sciences honors 2017 outstanding seniors Award recipients discuss academic achievements, special projects and post-graduation plans


Senior linguistics and African American studies major Kara Dunovant has been selected as one of the College of Arts and Science’s 2017 “Outstanding Seniors.” Dunovant juggles two jobs and a program for inner-city girls all while maintaining a high GPA.


Kara Dunovant started a mentorship program for inner-city girls all while maintaining two jobs and her 3.8 GPA. Dunovant is one of 27 graduating UB seniors being recognized as an outstanding senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. Every spring, the dean of College of Arts and Sciences selects graduating students with the highest academic achievement and most involvement in their department to be awarded the “Dean’s Outstanding Senior.” Recipients will be presented with a personalized medal and certificate at commencement on May 21. Dunovant, a double major in linguistics and African American studies, is being recognized as the outstanding senior in African American studies. She majored in linguistics because she has always enjoyed learning foreign languages as a hobby, so it made sense to turn that passion into a degree. She added the African American studies major because her history and her people are important to her. “I could not spend four years in col-

lege without taking the time to expand my knowledge of the people who made it possible for me to be there,” Dunovant said. Dunovant feels time management was key to maintaining her high GPA. She balanced full-time classes and two jobs, but always made time to go to the library to focus on her work. Dunovant is completing a senior thesis project on inner-city education. After graduation, she will attend law school at Georgetown University, where she plans to study human rights law, civil rights law and education policy and reform. Andrea Niper, an economics major, is receiving the outstanding senior award for the major. She feels time management played a big role in keeping her grades up. “I [maintained my GPA] by assuring that I stay organized and disciplined. Despite playing a Division I sport at UB, I made sure to keep my academics a high priority,” Niper said. Niper will begin working for Bloomberg L.P. as a Global Data Analyst in Princeton, New Jersey this September. Several outstanding seniors participated in special projects during their time at UB.

Rebecca Jaffe, a senior communicative disorders and sciences major, worked as a research assistant in Dr. Kris Tjaden’s Motor Speech Disorders Laboratory. Jaffe works in the UB Speech and Hearing Clinic as an undergraduate co-clinician. She was an active member of the Student Association of Speech and Hearing during her sophomore and junior year, and she worked at Bornhava, a preschool school for children with developmental delays. Jaffe plans to remain at UB for another two years to pursue a master’s degree in speech-language pathology. Jedidiah Kalmanofsky, a philosophy and psychology major, completed a senior thesis with Dr. Richard Cohen about the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas. The thesis focuses on “the political implications of [Levinas’] theory of ‘ethics first’ philosophy,” Kalmanofsky said. “He thinks that basically before anything else, we have an ethical encounter and relationship with others. So, if you agree with him, then there is nothing that isn’t somehow ethical. And if you think that, you should build societies that are ethical too,” Kalmanofsky said.

Kalmanofsky likes philosophy because he gets to “ask and answer big questions,” including how to do “good in the world, whether God exists and what justice is.” “I’m sure almost everyone has some thoughts on those topics. Going into the major, I didn’t realize just how much fun it would be and I’m so glad I picked it,” Kalmanofsky said. Over the summer, Kalmanofsky is working at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires. Afterwards, he plans to pursue jobs in community organizing and social justice. Gregory George has worked on biochemistry research with Dr. Marc S. Halfon. George is a biochemistry and chemistry double major, and his project involved the “prediction and validation of new enhancer sequences” in the mosquito species that carries the Zika virus. George will be attending Cornell University in the fall to pursue a Ph.D in inorganic chemistry. He intends to pursue a career as a professor at a research university following the completion of his doctorate. Dunovant created a mentorship program called Sparkle for inner-city girls ages seven to 10. She said creating the mentorship program has been the “highlight” of her life. The program focuses on fostering selfconfidence and stresses the importance of teamwork, leadership and creativity through “enriching” activities. The program meets one Saturday per month and participants engage in different activities including limousine rides, roller skating, cupcake decorating competitions and science, technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM) projects, Dunovant said. In her free time, Dunovant works for the Community Action Organization of Buffalo as a youth services counselor at School No. 17. She also has a babysitting and tutoring business that she operates on the weekends. Dunovant is pursuing law school because she has a “natural hunger for justice.” She has witnessed “so much” inequality in her life and refuses to believe there is no resolution. “I feel that civil rights law and education policy are the best focuses for me because issues in these areas are the ones that I’ve seen plague my community for far too long,” Dunovant said. email:

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Thursday, May 11, 2017















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Thursday, May 11, 2017




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20 Thursday, May 11, 2017



UB’s women’s tennis team celebrates after winning the MAC Championship. They will travel to Columbus, Ohio for the NCAA Tournament this weekend.

UB Women’s Tennis return to the NCAA Tournament after nine year hiatus Bulls look to upset third seeded Ohio State JEREMY TORRES STAFF WRITER

For the UB women’s tennis team, there is nothing to lose. The Bulls started their season off poorly, losing three straight games. But they haven’t lost since April 7. The Bulls are heading to Columbus, Ohio

to square off against the third seed Ohio State Buckeyes, and are looking to prove they belong. On March 13, they will have that opportunity, lead by Chantal Martinez-Blanco. “They are the number three seed, we are the underdogs,” Martinez-Blanco said. “We have nothing to lose. We are just going to give it our all and see what happens.” Martinez-Blanco’s progression throughout the season, both physically and mentally, mirrored the Bulls’ season. The competition, the effort put into practice and confidence allowed the Bulls to adjust to a winning path that would prolong their season.

“We stayed calm,” Martinez Blanco said. “We knew the process was going to give us the results we wanted so in the fourth match, we literally brought the ship around.” The Bulls haven’t had the chance to compete in the big dance since the 2007-2008 season. Freshman Emel Abibula was a surprising bright spot this year, having lost only one match all year. Abibula only wants to prove herself at the tournament. “We worked a lot so I think we have chances to prove that we are good players,” Abibula said. “We won’t focus on the result. We are going to be focused on the process. By fo-

these guys for proving me wrong, I couldn’t be happier with the team I am bringing to Texas.” The Aggies come in off another successful season, extending their streak of consecutive NCAA appearances to 24. The Aggies are considered one the best men’s tennis programs in the NCAA and were ranked No. 13 in the nation at the end of the season. Yet none of those credentials scare off Nickells and his team. “I’m happy they gave us someone we can compete with,” Nickell’s said. “They are a great opponent but I think we have what it takes to get it done on the courts.” Even with the Aggies coming from NCAA men’s tennis power conference the SEC, Nickell is even expecting better results than in previous NCAA visits. “Two years ago we really underachieved, we got hot at the end of the season and

that’s why we got in,” Nickell said. “This year was so much more satisfying with this new crew… we have such a young group of guys who have no fear.” That fearless attitude was evident in senior tennis player Tony Miller, who had a smile on his face for the whole selection event and only ever seemed eager to take on the Aggies. “I think we are all ready to head to Texas,” Miller said. “I am not too familiar with [Texas A&M] but I know we can all go out there and really surprise people with what we can do.” Even with a lack of knowledge on his opponent, Miller is definitely aware of the environment he is going into. “It is going to be hot in Texas so we have to get ready for playing in those kinds of conditions,” Miller said. “I am not too concerned about it though, I think all these guys

cusing on little steps and have a goal every match and every time we step on the court.” The Bulls’ presence at the tournament is an incredible feat that can only be topped by winning. Abibula is aware of that and looks forward to the credence a win would bring. “I won’t focus on winning,” Abibula said. “But it would be a very, very good thing, it would raise up my confidence from one to 100.” Regardless of the outcome of the tournament, head coach Kristen Maines believes this season to be a success. The MAC tournament win was a step in the right direction for a team that faced early adversity. Early in the season, assistant coach Smaranda Stan took the reins of the team as Maines went on maternity leave, pushing the Bulls to become closer as a team, supporting one another. “She made us get closer to each other,” Abibula said. “She would punish one part of the team, but then we had to prove that we care about each other, so we [the whole team] would all run together or do stuff together.” Maines is prepared to use this season to help motivate the Bulls in the future. “I want them to use it as building blocks for ‘we want to be here every single year,’” Maines said. “I want to go for consistency now. We have been consistently good, but I want this to be their expectation of ‘I want to be here every year.” Maines knows when facing a powerhouse such as Ohio State, the only way for the team to be confident is to stay focused and take this as an experience to compete at the highest of levels in college tennis. “All the pressure is on Ohio State,” Maines said. “We have zero pressure, we have nothing to lose. Go out there and swing free. Play your game, go after it and enjoy the moment.” email:


PREVIEW Men’s tennis prepares themselves for the Texas A&M Aggies THOMAS ZAFONTE ASST. SPORTS EDITOR

Back in September, the men’s tennis team (14-5, MAC 7-0) was not expected to continue their winning ways. After failing to repeat a MAC Championship win last year, many members graduated leaving spots to be filled. This year, with half a team of freshmen and only one senior, growing pains were expected to plague the team. But that never discouraged the young team, as they would go on to an undefeated conference record and earned the program another MAC Championship. It all came together last week, at the selection event for both tennis teams held in the Miller Tennis Center, where the Bulls found out they would be playing the Texas A&M Aggies (29-6) at College Station, Texas in the first round of the NCAA tournament. “This whole year has been amazing, especially this selection event because we get to be here in Miller where we practice every day and now we get to see our work pay off,” said sophomore Ethan Nittolo. Not even head coach Lee Nickells expected the team to perform so well, and now he has a blue mohawk to show for it. “Early in the season, I told them that if they went undefeated in conference, I would cut my hair into a mohawk and dye it blue,” Nickells said. “I am still incredibly proud of


Freshman Villhelm Fridell prepares for a shot. Fridell will compete for the Bulls at the NCAA Tournament in College Station, Texas.

will be ready for some warm weather once we are down there.” Both Nickell and his players all shared the same sentiment toward the Aggies, believing they can compete with a top team and continue the success for the program. This marks the fifth trip to the NCAA tournament in 8 years for the Bulls, all under Nickell. “I think this proves that all the success from the past seasons aren’t coincidence,” Nickell said. “This program isn’t another team, we are one of the best and most consistent teams in the MAC.” email:

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