The Spectrum Vol. 67 No. 4

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CRIME: CRIMES: • Grand larceny in the second degree after pleading guilty to stealing hundreds of thousands from a University bank account and pleading guilty on a second account to falsifying tax information

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

SALARY: Roughly $300,000 per year

• Has to pay back $320,000 to UB and $22,238 back to the New York State Taxation and Finance Department

AGE: 61

• Could face 5-15 years in prison when sentenced on Jan. 1, 2018

POSITIONS HELD AT UB: • Executive Director of Sub Board I, Inc. (1978) • Dean of Students (1988-1997) • Associate Vice Provost for Student Services (1987) • Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (1991) • Vice President for Student Affairs (1998) • Resigned suddenly from position on July 7, 2016

EDUCATION: • Graduated from Harvard University Institute on Educational Management • Received Juris Doctorate degree from the UB Law School • Studied English and Political Science at UB as an undergraduate • Participated in National Employment Law Institute and Indiana University School of Philanthropy programs








Former UB Vice President Dennis Black pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the second degree and pleaded guilty in the first degree for falsifying tax information. Former Campus Living Director Andrea Costantino pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the fourth degree. Both appeared in front of Judge John L. Michalski Thursday morning at the Erie County Courthouse. Black will pay back $320,000 to UB after stealing hundreds of thousands from a university bank account. Black also pleaded guilty to falsifying tax information and will pay $22,238 back to the New York State Taxation and Finance Department. Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn said Costantino’s crime surfaced early last year during the Black investigation. Costantino will pay a $14,664 restitution to the university. Flynn recommends jail time for Black. He said Black could face a maximum five to 15 years in prison for stealing from state funds. Costantino could face a maximum one to four years in prison. The Black investigation, which began in June 2016, revealed he had been stealing state funds as early as March 2007. While an investigation into Costantino revealed she had been stealing money since 2013. Black’s theft was revealed when someone at UB noticed irregularities in the travel vouchers for Black’s frequent trips. Black was one of the highest paid employees in Western New York, with a salary of nearly $300,000 per year, according to Flynn. He held numerous UB positions before being appointed vice president of University Life and Services in 2010. In 2015, he drew a salary of $287,385. Costantino’s salary was $123,542 per year. Costantino abruptly resigned her Campus Living position on Aug. 18 after more than 20 years of service. Flynn feels Black’s theft is a “betrayal” of every UB student and reflects poorly on the institution. UB President Satish Tripathi released a statement to the UB community Thursday morning via email. “As soon as we uncovered the financial abuse, the University at Buffalo took swift and appropriate measures to tighten financial controls, including assigning authority for all financial decisions and transactions to the Vice President for Finance and Administration,” Tripathi said. In the statement, he also describes the steps the university took to uncover and report the pattern of financial abuse. In July 2016, Tripathi was in consultation with the Office of General Counsel for SUNY and directed UB’s Office of Internal Audit to refer this matter to the New York State Office of the Inspector General. The Office of Inspector General assumed responsibility for the investigation, Tripathi said. “Throughout the investigation, UB cooperated fully with the Office of the Inspector General, and UB will cooperate fully with the Office of the District Attorney,” Tripathi said.



Former UB administrators charged with stealing more than $330,000 of state funds



• Pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the fourth degree • As a condition of the plea, Costantino will pay $14,000 restitution to New York State

Depew, New York

SALARY: $123,542 per year

• Could face up to 4 years in prison when sentenced on Jan. 1, 2018

AGE: 48

POSITIONS HELD AT UB: • Director of Student Life (1998-2011) • Director of Campus Living (2012-2017) • Resigned from position on August 18, 2017

EDUCATION: • Received Bachelors in 1992 from UB • Received Masters in Higher Educational Administration from UB in 1993

UB students and faculty express disappointment, concerns over transparency SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

Alex Poland has lost confidence in UB and where his tuition dollars are being spent. Black and Costantino’s criminal actions have left him feeling worried and skeptical about how UB administration handles money. UB students, faculty and alumni are feeling shocked and concerned after former Vice President Dennis Black and former director of Campus Living Andrea Costantino pleaded guilty to over $300,000 of grand larceny. President Satish Tripathi released a statement Thursday afternoon addressing the charges and reaffirming the school’s commitment to integrity and best practices. UB leadership took swift action after an internal audit uncovered Black and Costantino’s financial abuses, Tripathi said in his email. Tripathi was not made available for direct comment. “Tuition prices are rising and when incidents like this happen, you worry about where this money is actually going,” said Poland, a sophomore civil engineering major. “Hopefully this is a one-time thing but it’s hard not to feel skeptical after all this happened.” UB Spokesperson John Della Contrada said in an email, “Students should draw confidence from the fact that administration initiated the audit and investigation that led to the discovery of these crimes.” When asked to comment on Black’s actions and the mechanisms UB administration is taking, Scott Weber, vice president of Student Life directed The Spectrum to Della Contrada. Arsh Issany, a sophomore biomedical sciences and psychology double major, feels enraged by Black’s actions. “I find these actions absolutely atrocious, especially given our current financial situation, where UB was forced to cut four sports teams, and recently decided to stop the Stampede bus cycle after 1:30 a.m.,” Issany said. “I can’t even see why a man who makes a six figure salary, would find the need to steal over $320,000 for useless and arbitrary purchases. He spent the money on baseball tickets and parties. That’s as stupid as me robbing a bank, just to buy a Snickers.” Darby Swab, a graduate student in arts management, feels UB should have had tighter security and control to prevent Dennis Black from stealing state funds. “Students work [very hard] to come to college... It’s complete disregard to the position that you’re in,” Swab said of Black. “If you’re already making that much money you shouldn’t have to skim off the top.” Martha McCluskey, UB law professor, feels transparency and strong internal controls should have been in place long before Black’s investigation began. Black and Costantino aren’t a “few bad actors,” but show systemic failures in UB’s transparency and oversight, she said. Black was able to siphon off money from the Faculty-Student Association, a nonprofit affiliate that controlled dining services and the bookstore. He had massive amounts of control over the FSA’s finances and was able to appoint six board members.

• Received Ph.D. from UB in 2000 CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Some information according to Erie County District Attorney’s Office. GRAPHIC BY PIERCE STRUDLER







Monday, September 11, 2017


What’s in a name? UB officials rollout name change policy MAX KALNITZ SENIOR FEATURES EDITOR

A student who wishes to be called a name different from the one given to them at birth now has the option to do so. In early June, President Tripathi signed the Student Preferred Name Policy, allowing students to enter their preferred first or middle name into HUB. Preferred names will appear in various UB systems including Digication, staff rosters and UBLearns. The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of the Registrar led the campaign to create the policy. Together, they worked to provide an easy-to-use option within HUB to change names if a student wishes to do so. The policy change affects numerous groups of students on campus. Students in the LGBTQ community may have gender identities that don’t match their legal name. Students who wish to be recognized by names consistent with their gender identities can now easily change their preference. Sharon Nolan-Weiss, director of the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion said the policy has been in the works since 2015 and she’s happy that UB is becoming more inclusive and accommodating of students’ needs. “This originated with a need that our transgender population had,” Nolan-Weiss said. “Chances are if you’re transgender, the name you were given at birth doesn’t match up with your current gender identity. Without a way to have a preferred name changed students would have to email their professors every semester and out themselves.” Students may not feel comfortable confronting their professors about changing their names, according to Nolan-Weiss. “A student may not know what kind of re-

sponse coming out to a professor may receive,” Nolan-Weiss said. “Generally, professors respond very positively to this, but it’s still a step that would cause students to out themselves, which they may not want to do.” The response from students who have used the program has been positive. Tanner Miller, a sophomore English major, is a transgender student who encountered difficulties when he wanted to use his preferred name at UB. “Last year, I had to come out to all my professors and they were always accepting, but it was always extra work,” Miller said. “I always felt more comfortable once my professors started calling me Tanner.” After the policy was signed in June, Miller’s adviser emailed him the link to the preferred name change on HUB. Miller said the process was easy; within 24 hours of filling it out, he received a conformation email that the change was successful. “It’s been so nice. On the first day of classes, all my professors said ‘Tanner’ during attendance and there haven’t been any issues yet,” Miller said. “I love UB. They’ve been so accommodating with installing gender-neutral bathrooms and this policy. When I tell professors that I’m trans, they make a note to use the right pronouns and are OK with me coming out to them.” The recent changes come at a time when UB is trying to adapt to the needs of the transgender community and provide the student body with a comfortable environment both in and outside the classroom. While Miller commends the school for its efforts, he found out about the policy through his academic adviser. He thinks an email should be sent to the student body advertising the new option. “They should send emails to the student LGBTQ community. Some people might


Sophomore English major Tanner Miller used to notify all of his professors that he preferred “Tanner” instead of his birth name. Now with UB’s new Student Preferred Name Policy, students have the option to enter their preferred name on HUB.

know already, but I think the policy should be advertised better,” Miller said. “If all the LGBTQ students are aware, clubs and organizations on campus could make posters so that more people know about their options.” The policy also affects international students who feel students and staff will have an issue pronouncing their birth name and wish to adopt a new name that is easier for others to pronounce. The policy is open to all students, even students who prefer to use their middle name or a nickname instead of their birth name. “Sometimes international students find that people have a tough time pronouncing their birth name and want to use a name that is easier for people to pronounce,” Nolan-Weiss said. “The policy was intended for transgender students but has a widespread benefit for a lot of people.” Students who do not need to use the program are also in support of the policy change. Cole Mazzo, a sophomore mechanical engineering major, said he expected UB to automatically include an option for stu-

dents to change their preferred name and was surprised the rule just went into effect. “The policy makes sense. I wouldn’t imagine that any other way,” Mazzo said. “What if you have a nickname that you prefer? Some people don’t respond to their full name or prefer a name that’s easier for professors and classmates to use.” Mazzo thinks the change should have come sooner and doesn’t understand why it took the university so long to provide this option. “[Gender identity] is an important issue, but changing your name is something that I never even thought about,” Mazzo said. “I just assumed that UB had an option for students to change their name if they wanted to.” Students are still required to use their legal last names and, in some cases, students must still use their birth names. For bills, tax information, diplomas, transcripts immigration documents, medical records and other official documents, students are required to use their legal birth names. email:


Mondays 1:00 – 2:30 • 301 Michael Hall Tuesdays 1:00 – 2:30 • 120 Richmond Tuesdays 3:00 – 4:30 • 301 Michael Hall This structured group will teach skills to live in the present, deal with stress, manage difficult emotions, and handle interpersonal conflict.

Letting Go: Stress and Anxiety Management Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:30pm • 120 Richmond

A combination of skills and discussion, this group aims to help members decrease anxiety and stress in their lives. Members will learn about anxiety as well as tools to deal with anxiety and stress. Members will problem solve with other members about effective ways to cope and navigate a relationship with anxiety and stress.

Getting Through Grad Work

iRest Meditation

A semi-structured group for graduate students who are working on dissertations, theses, comprehensive exams, or other large graduate projects and are looking for help with staying motivated, goal setting and completion, and getting support.

iRest meditation increases awareness of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations that contribute to both a sense of un-ease and a sense of wellbeing. Regular practice of meditation can lead to improvements in sleep, concentration and emotional regulation. No previous meditation practice is required.

Mondays 3:00-4:30 • 120 Richmond

International Tea Time

Mondays 5:00 – 6:30pm 240 Student Union (Intercultural and Diversity Center) This is a weekly free meeting which brings together U.S. and international students for conversation and fun. Students play games, talk, and enjoy getting to know each other. International tea and snacks are provided.

International Student Support Group Tuesdays 3:00 – 4:30pm • 120 Richmond

This group will provide a safe, supportive, and comfortable place to discuss adjustment and cross-cultural experiences in the U.S. The group will also provide a safe and confidential environment for group members to support each other and share information.


Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:30 • 120 Richmond Thursdays 3:00 – 4:30 • 301 Michael Hall This group provides a warm and supportive environment in which you can experiment constructively with new ways of relating to others, share personal experiences, express fears and concerns, and get support and feedback.

Graduate & Non-Traditional Student Group Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:30pm • 301 Michael Hall

This group is designed to allow graduate and non-traditional students explore the unique challenges they face in a safe and supportive environment. It can help students explore their identity, find new ways of relating to others, recognize how stressors impact them, and share personal experiences. The group can assist students in finding alternative ways of looking at life’s challenges to enable the development of healthier coping strategies.

Thursdays 1:00 – 2:15pm • 120 Richmond

Yoga to Manage Moods

Thursdays 1:30 – 2:30pm • Michael Hall Yoga Studio (September 14 – October 19) A co-ed Hatha Yoga group that provides a holistic approach to mood and symptom management. Using a combination of gentle physical poses, breathing and relaxation techniques, this group allows participants to feel more connected and balanced within the body and mind. A trauma sensitive, person-centered approach will be utilized and no previous yoga experience is necessary.

Eat Breathe Thrive™

Thursdays 1:00 – 3:00pm • Michael Hall Yoga Studio (October 26 – December 7) Eat Breathe Thrive is an integrative mind-body group for women struggling with food and body image issues. This six week series combines yoga, meditation, interactive activities, and community support to cultivate a healthier relationship with food, body image, and self. No previous yoga experience is necessary.

Students must complete an Initial Assessment at Counseling Services to participate in all groups except International Tea Time. If you would like to schedule an initial assessment or need further information, please call Counseling Services at 716.645.2720.



Monday, September 11, 2017


Editorial Board EDITOR IN CHIEF

Hannah Stein


Maggie Wilhelm Grace Trimper COPY EDITORS

Saqib Hossain Dan McKeon Emma Medina NEWS EDITORS

Sarah Crowley, Senior FEATURES EDITORS

Max Kalnitz, Senior Maddy Fowler, Asst. Lindsay Gilder, Asst. ARTS EDITORS

Benjamin Blanchet, Senior David Tunis-Garcia, Senior Brenton Blanchet, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS

Danny Petruccelli, Senior Thomas Zafonte, Senior Jeremy Torres, Asst. MULTIMEDIA EDITORS

Troy Wachala, Senior Allison Staebell, Senior CREATIVE DIRECTORS

Pierce Strudler Arielle Channin, Asst. Alyssa Brouillet, Asst.

Dennis Black’s crime is an embarrassment to entire UB community Students feel angry, betrayed Dennis Black has embarrassed and betrayed the entire student body. Not only did he steal funds, but he also stole our faith in administrators. How could this happen? How could Black, a beloved, accessible figure who knew students on a first name basis turn around and steal from us? How are we supposed to feel about this? We are bewildered. We are angry. In our previous editorial about

Black last October, we asked administration for answers. Now we have answers, but they’ve only brought up more questions. Please help us. Help us understand how this went on for so long – nearly ten years – and went unrecognized. Where is the oversight? Who was supposed to be watching him? Who else isn’t being overseen? And who oversees President Tripathi? UB has taken some measures to prevent something like this from

happening again in the future. They’ve adapted new auditing policies, appointed a director of auditing and introduced new risk management policies. These are all steps in the right direction. And the next step is being open with students and the UB community. We want more straightforward information about finances at UB. What is being done with the $320,000 that Black is paying back to UB? How is UB spending it? Is it going to TA stipends? Scholarship money? We feel hurt and cheated. Just this past spring, UB cut four sports teams. TA’s aren’t being paid living wages. And meanwhile, a top ranking UB official was stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars. We pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend UB; is this what our money is going to? How are we supposed to feel comfortable paying tuition at a university that steals from its students? We are asking for as much transparency and availability from the administration as possible. We want to know more about money at UB and how it is administered. We deserve this. We are the students; UB could not exist without

us. Help us regain faith in this institution. A college education shouldn’t just include academic study; it should teach us how to be better citizens of the world, better people. Our administration should be teaching us to be leaders by demonstrating ethics and integrity. They have a responsibility to teach us by example. And not only did Black fail to give us an example of ethical conduct, but he demonstrated the exact opposite of that. He committed an egregious crime with our money. We have placed our trust in UB to mold us into better thinkers, better learners, better people. This is your chance to show us that Black’s actions are not reflective of UB’s values. This is your chance to make this horrific offense against the UB student body up to us. Please do. email:


Helene Polley



Stephen Jean-Pierre Shawn Zhang, Asst.

Let’s talk about suicide Discussing heavy emotional topics can be difficult but necessary

THE SPECTRUM Monday, September 11, 2017 Volume 67 Number 4 Circulation 4,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. For information on adverstising with The Spectrum, visit or call us directly at 716-645-2152 The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 142602100

CORRECTION: VOL 67 NO. 3 An article in Thursday’s edition titled “Hundreds gather downtown for immigration march” stated Jeremy Jacobs profited from ICE’s tenancy in the Delaware North building. A Delaware North spokeswoman said Jacobs and Delaware North do not own the building, that the company leases space in it and that it does not determine the building’s other tenants.

DAN MCKEON COPY EDITOR Editor’s note: The following column deals with sensitive topics such as suicide, mental illness and other possibly upsetting material. In April of this year, I admitted myself to the emergency room for suicidal thoughts. This was the culmination of several years of unchecked mental illness, isolation and perhaps an unknowable amount of other factors. That wasn’t so hard to talk about, was it? World Suicide Prevention Day was Sept. 10. In the United States as well as in most of the world, cultural squeamishness over discussing mental illness can lead to feelings of isolation. For someone going through a strong period of mental illness, isolation can significantly worsen the symptoms. Mental illness and social isolation are two of the leading causes for suicide, according to National Health Service. So how can we as a society get over our collective discomfort about suicide or mental illness? I’ll begin with my personal experience. This is purely my story and my take. Everyone who goes through mental illness has a different experience, and we need to remember that. Just because you’ve had a depressive episode doesn’t mean you understand mania or even someone else’s depressive episode. The semester of my hospitalization was relatively normal by my

standards. I rarely went to class, often too depressed to even leave my bed, let alone shower, eat and get ready for class. I always informed my professors of my mental illness and many were sympathetic, often offering accommodations and suggesting I seek out mental health services that may help me. Unfortunately, I never took their suggestion. At the time, I coped with my mental illness by joking around about it. Comedy is often one of the only coping mechanisms we are taught. Self-deprecating humor is often applauded as humble. Some of my friends liked to join in on the jokes. This never sat well with me. I felt – and still feel – that someone joking about their own problems is a coping practice, while joking about someone else’s problems is unconstructive and damaging. That being said, I would laugh along anyway. This was social inclusion, albeit a toxic one. And as the semester trotted on, I began to deteriorate. I experienced my first bout of mania about halfway through the semester. I was up late at night, early in the morning. I didn’t feel the need to sleep, often staying up more than 24 hours with my longest stretch hitting around 38 hours. I had no fear of anything, thought school was unnecessary, had plans to abolish paper money and, on top of all that, I was having the occasional hallucination. If the last paragraph made you worried, that’s all right. There’s certainly a growing sense of acceptance surrounding depression and anxiety, as these are concepts a largely mentally healthy population can somewhat relate to without having experienced it. The healthy brain knows sadness and anxiousness. While this is a good first step, mental illnesses beyond the realm of the healthy brain’s experience – bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and borderline per-

sonality disorder – are frequently categorized by ableist terms like “crazy” or “psycho.” When I went home for Easter break, my mom drove me to the hospital at my request. I had confided in a few friends about my suicidal thoughts and they all rightly urged me to go to the hospital. Some part of me knew the thoughts weren’t me; some part of me felt I could do something to stop the decline. Luckily, I listened to that part. The hospital was a frightening experience that snapped me out of the state I was in for a bit. When I returned to Buffalo, I came back to the dingy house we were renting in University Heights — the same environment that I was sick in. My roommate made a joke about me killing myself not even a week later. I immediately sought counseling and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder with psychotic features. Sounds scary, right? Having a name for the disease, however, came with validation, restored selfrespect and a plan to kick back. To sum up this story, I’m pretty good now. I’m glad I went to the hospital and I’m glad to know what kind of people to surround myself with. In previous semesters, I struggled to regularly get my work done, both in classes and at The Spectrum. I had to step down from the newspaper several times over the last few years. Since the start of this semester, I’ve been able to attend most of my classes, complete work with a clear head and be a part of The Spectrum fully. For the first time since coming to Buffalo, I live with a group of people I genuinely and fully trust. I feel a sense of wellbeing that I haven’t known for most of my life. So how can we overcome our difficulties with talking about mental health? Simple: just start talking and listening.

The average person is likely aware of the seriousness of suicide. Too often, however, people don’t know what to say. Someone who needs to talk about their mental health isn’t asking you to solve their problems. They just need you to listen, to care and to be there. They need validation, love and stability. They need you to be there. You should be there. Don’t assume you know what’s best for them. Listen and try to understand. Never speak down to them and never speak over them. It’s time to listen to the people we’ve been ignoring. As a culture, we need to know more about mental illness. Free, easy to understand sources like Wikipedia can be a good place to start, but more educational institutions need to start informing the general population of what to do. While we wait for that to happen, you can start by reaching out to someone you know is going through a hard time; they likely would like an ear to talk to. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 email:



Monday, September 11, 2017






• Roughly $11,500 for University Life & Services staff parties at Buffalo Bisons field

• Used her state credit card to charge airfare and four nights in a Kissimmee, Florida condominium and stated it was for a college conference


• Used at least $75,000 to support the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. This included more than $18,000 for tickets and dinners, $5,000 for video services and more than $15,000 in pledges in the name of himself and his wife


• Used more than $4,200 in state funds to purchase a treadmill and charged the equipment to her state credit card




• Used state credit card to purchase four $300 gift cards to Fleet Feet Sports. • More than $3,300 for tickets and support to a performing arts Costantino indicated the cards were for festival in South Carolina near his vacation home school sponsorship of a run, but she instead used the cards for personal • Donations to various charities, such as $13,500 to United purchases Way, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Christ the King Seminary and Barksgiving • Used $8,000 in state funds to make • Tickets for the New York Yankees a donation to an organization affiliated with the Boston • Pay for his son’s bachelor party and wedding, personal travel Marathon to ensure her entry across the U.S., Broadway tickets, tickets to a Liza Minnelli in the marathon concert and James Taylor Concert






• Spent $34,000 in state funds for personal dues and fees for the Buffalo Saturn Club, a social club

Former UB administrators charged with stealing more than $330,000 of state funds CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Black and Costantino had access to state funds that they illegally used for personal trips, social events, entertainment and charitable donations. Black used the stolen funds to pay for his son’s bachelor party, personal travel across the U.S., dues and fees at a local social club, New York Yankees tickets, Broadway tickets, tickets to a Liza Minnelli concert and hosting SUNY staff parties at Buffalo Bisons games. Black also used state funds to make donations to various charities, such as United Way, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Christ the King Seminary and Barksgiving — all of which he illegally wrote off as tax exemptions. Costantino’s use of state funds included the purchase of a treadmill, a donation that allowed her to participate in the Boston Marathon and a four-night stay in Florida that she wrote off as a college conference. The conference never took place. She also

purchased four $300 gift cards to Fleet Feet Sports, which she claimed were for a school sponsored run. However, no such run happened and Costantino used the gift cards for personal purchases. Flynn said Black had “huge” control over the Faculty Student Association’s (FSA) money and worked with six students at the time, who rarely attended meetings. Black diverted a portion of the money into a separate bank account. Faculty Student Association is a not-forprofit corporation that operates the food services and bookstore at UB. Jeff Hagen, New York State Inspector General, discovered Costantino’s theft through the investigation of Black. She resigned on Aug. 18 after more than 20 years of service at UB. Flynn took a step outside of his professional role to be empathetic to the UB community and said Black has “embarrassed UB students, parents and the entire Buffalo community.”

Brian Mahoney represented Black and Assistant District Attorney Gary M. Ertel of the DA’s Special Investigations and Protections Bureau prosecuted the case. Brendan Kelleher represented the people of New York State in the proceedings. When Black’s lawyer said Black’s actions were a “lapse of judgment,” Flynn politely disagreed and defended the UB students and community. Flynn said stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of 10 years is not simply a “lapse of judgment.” “[Black] represents — as he should, when you’re the vice president of UB, when you’re the number three person in charge which I believe he was — when you represent the institution like that and then you betray that institution, it’s a betrayal to every student, it is a betrayal to every parent, a betrayal to every member of the community, a betrayal of every tax payer here in New York State,” Flynn said. The investigation is ongoing and Flynn

UB students and faculty express disappointment, concerns over transparency CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

The UB Foundation (UBF) has seven auxiliary units, which McCluskey feels are ripe for future abuse if UB doesn’t improve transparency, McCluskey said. “These affiliated, non-profit entities through which lots of UB resources are channeled, run the risk at the way they’re currently structured because they lack public oversight and public accountability. It’s not rocket science,” McCluskey said. “These non-profit affiliates have to begin to comply with state open government laws.” Last year, UB’s Faculty Senate Chair Philip Glick requested a shared governance measure; wherein UBF would add faculty members, students and a professional staff member to their board. President Tripathi said it was beyond his scope as president to do this. The UBF board denied Glick’s request, deciding they were “transparent enough,” Tripathi said. SA President Leslie Veloz is angered by Black and Costantino’s actions and feels there should be a stronger checks and balances system implemented amongst administration. “Dennis Black and Andrea Costantino’s deplorable actions have shaken our UB community to its core. The fact that their continuous infractions were able to go on

for so long undetected just reinforces what students have been demanding from UB administrators for so long,” Veloz said. “We need there to be more transparency within our community and especially, how money collected from students is utilized. Students need to be at the forefront and a player of every major decision UB makes, including how money is spent…to make sure that history never repeats itself.” Other members of SA found Black’s actions surprising and upsetting as well. Mike Brown, SA assembly speaker and student representative for the UB Council, said the news was shocking. “I think that many people want to know what exactly happened and especially why they did what they did,” Brown said. “I don’t know the full picture of what the administration knew or the steps they took along the way, but it’s definitely good that Tripathi had the audit done and that this was brought to light.” Bruce Jackson, an English and film professor, said he was surprised by Black’s actions, but proud of how the university responded. “I would stress that Tripathi handled this with extreme speed and discretion, nothing got out until the whole thing was figured out so there wasn’t any wild specula-

tion,” Jackson said. “I can’t imagine it being done better.” Michael Turner, a freshman business administration major, felt uncomfortable upon learning about Black’s actions but feels he will regain trust in the university. “I mean, [Black’s crime] definitely puts a little damper on [trusting the university]. But at the same time, I don’t really feel like I have an option not to. You guys are all here paying. You’re not just going to leave because of this.” Other students agree with Turner that the actions of one or two university employees aren’t enough to completely change one’s opinion of the institution. “[Black’s crime] doesn’t really change my view of UB,” said Allison Gomez, a freshman undecided major. “It’s just one sketchy person.” Katrina Cropo, a 2015 UB alumna, said she was sad and disappointed to hear about Black and Costantino. “[Black was] such a nice guy, and an administrator who seemed like he actually gave a crap about the students,” Cropo said. “And Andrea was a supporter of my UB ReUSE project, I’m not even a student anymore and I feel betrayed.” Jennifer Vaughan LeForce, a 1997 alumnus, said she feels Black’s actions are “ex-

GRAPHIC BY PIERCE STRUDLER All information according to Erie County District Attorney’s Office.

declined to comment on potential outcomes of the ongoing investigation. Flynn and Hagen are working closely with SUNY to prevent future illegal use of state funds. Attempts to reach Black and Costantino were unsuccessful on Thursday. Attempts to reach Elizabeth Lidano, interim director of Campus Living, who replaced Costantino on Aug. 18, were unsuccessful. Vice President of Student Life, Scott Weber, who replaced Black in January 2017, declined to comment. “As a university, we are taking every measure to ensure that a clear and consistent set of appropriate business protocols and best financial practices are met in every organization of our university.” Tripathi said. “Across UB we are exercising the utmost diligence in ensuring that all of our university operations adhere to appropriate business protocols and best practices. Integrity and accountability inform every action we take, including taking appropriate and efficient steps when we discover instances where these standards may not have been upheld.” contact:

tremely disappointing.” “There is no gray area here, it’s a dangerous path when individuals feel they are beyond reproach,” LeForce said. Sophomore business major Mirtolib Sunnatov attributed Black’s decade-long escape from the law to the size of the university, but he also feels this kind of misconduct of the administration brings suspicion to how our school is being run. “For a university that makes a lot of money, for a vice president to steal that much, I wouldn’t be surprised that he didn’t get caught for such a long time,” Sunnatov said. “But it still says something. Like, if higherups are doing something like this, what else is going on?” Students and faculty are eagerly waiting the ongoing investigation. Black is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 10, 2018 and Andrea Costantino is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 6, 2017. Grace Trimper, Brenton Blanchet and Maddy Fowler contributed reporting. email:


(right) Allison Gomez, a freshman undecided major, said the misjudgment of one person isn’t a big enough issue to change her opinion about the university. (middle) Mirtolib Sunnatov, a sophomore business major, said although he is unsurprised that Black got away with his crimes for so long, the news of Black’s actions make him wonder what else is happening within the UB’s administration. (left) Michael Turner, a freshman business administration major, called Black’s actions “not cool,” but feels it’s difficult to lose trust in the university as a student.

NEWS UB student crowned Miss New York Contest winner juggles pageants, academics and community involvement MADDY FOWLER ASST. FEATURES EDITOR

Matthania Volmy is not your typical pageant girl. Volmy was crowned Miss New York on Aug. 18. She will have the opportunity to attend the National American Miss pageant in Anaheim, California at Disneyland during Thanksgiving week, where she will have the chance to win over $500,000 in cash and prizes. A driven, goal-oriented student, the junior health and human services major aspires to get her MBA and work as a health care administrator. She balances an 18-credit academic course load, leadership roles in three campus organizations, volunteering at her church and spending time with her nine sisters on top of participating in National American Miss pageants. Volmy has been participating in National American Miss pageants since she was fouryears-old. Her older sisters participated in the pageants, which inspired Volmy to give competing a try. She was hooked right away. While her siblings are also active pageant participants, Volmy stressed that she was never forced into pageants; it was her choice. She loves getting dressed up and is a naturally charismatic person, so pageantry comes easily to her. While some contestants hire coaches to help them prepare, Volmy has never needed one, because performing in pageants comes so easily to her. The National American Miss pageants are not the stereotypical “glitz” style pageants, Volmy said. The pageants have a “professional perspective” and focus on participants’ confidence, public speaking skills, community involvement, essay writing and creativity. Contestants are judged based on an essay, a professional resume, a phone inter-


Junior health and human services major Matthania Volmy was recently crowned Miss New York. (RIGHT) COURTESY OF MATTHANIA VOLMY

Volmy was recognized for her confidence, public speaking skills and community involvement

view and a formal wear competition. Volmy emphasized that the formal wear competition is judged based on “presenting yourself with poise and confidence,” rather than solely on looks. While contestants can wear makeup, they are encouraged to go for light, natural makeup that highlights their features rather than heavy, glamourous makeup. Volmy is passionate about the National American Miss pageants and how they differ from “glitz” pageants. National American Miss pageants focus on a young woman’s ability to show “grace, poise and intelligence,” according to Volmy’s friend, Olivia Marchese, a biomedical sciences major. “It’s not like the stereotypical norm where

you just dress up pretty and they’ll just pick you if you’re the prettiest,” Volmy said. Marchese feels while Volmy is “very beautiful and poised,” her personality sets her apart from the prototypical pageant princess. “She is confident but not at all arrogant. She is caring and empathetic [and] she has a skill set that goes deeper than superficial beauty,” Marchese said. Volmy is effervescently confident yet laid back and approachable; it’s easy to see how she won over the judges with her infectious enthusiasm and wide, red-lipped grins. While Marchese has only known Volmy for eight months, she was instantly drawn to

Squeaky Wheel keeps on turning This local nonprofit provides access, education and exhibition in media arts for over three decades DAVID TUNIS-GARCIA SENIOR ARTS EDITOR

Buffalo has become a hotbed for film production. In May 2015, the Kensington Expressway was shut down while the crew of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows” blew up cars for the movie’s opening chase sequence. In Spring 2016, Chadwick Boseman, Josh Gad and Kate Hudson came to Buffalo to film “Marshall,” a biopic about the first black Supreme Court Justice, which is set to release this October. “We have a risk of becoming a backdrop,” said Kevin Kline, the Director of Education at Squeaky Wheel. “We want to develop a generation of actual makers who don’t need to have permits because they live here and they know it and they can become part of the larger dialogue in media and film.” Squeaky Wheel Film & Media Art Center was established in 1985 with the goal of innovation in media through three core concepts: exhibition, education and access to technology for all. Located at 617 Main St. in downtown Buffalo, Squeaky Wheel continues that legacy through their workshops, open equipment rental and multimedia art exhibitions. Kline has been with Squeaky Wheel for four years and, as education director, develops and teaches the curricula for workshops. One of those workshops is Tech Arts for Girls, which began in 1999 and runs every Saturday. “It was initiated to deal with the gap between women and access to technology which unfortunately almost 18 years later still exists,” Kline said. Kline is a transplant to Buffalo from rural Pennsylvania. When he was growing up, access to art and technology was scarce. Kline recognizes the increasing importance of technology and in today’s world and works to help provide people with the


Monday, September 11, 2017



Squeaky Wheel offers local and international artists a space to exhibit their work. Ekrem Serdar (right) serves as curator and is responsible for bringing artists to Squeaky Wheel. Mark Longolucco (left) and Kevin Kline (right) serve as Technical Director and Director of Education, respectively.

skills to utilize it. “Nobody has the luxury to be able to say they’re not a computer person anymore,” Kline said. “That is out the window. We just happen to be in a spot where what we’ve always focused on, which is media related arts, has become so prominent.” Technical Director Mark Longolucco is responsible for putting the technology in people’s hands through the program. Squeaky Wheel has an extensive library of media equipment that is open for rental to the public for a fee. “The idea is that anyone who doesn’t have anything can get what they need to get started on whatever project they’re working on,” Longolucco said. “From cameras, to computers, to editing software, even if you don’t have a lot of money, we can put equipment in your hands.” The equipment inventory includes staples, such as DSLR cameras, lenses and microphones, but the library is always expanding as technology shifts. Squeaky Wheel is investing in virtual reality technology, which will be available for rental in the future. Through the equipment and access pro-

grams, Squeaky Wheel is creating a group of media makers and arming them with the tools to create and share their views on any subject they find important in whichever medium they choose to work in. That is what is important to Executive Director Maiko Tanaka. “Artists bring in different perspectives because they get to dig into things,” Tanaka said. “And by doing it through making is something we really believe in. Not always just talks or lectures or getting an academic degree. It’s the practice of making your media, making your tools, and reinventing the tools. Retooling things I think has a lot of potential for the average person to think they have the potential to change things and society.” Tanaka worked in Toronto as an art curator. She has always had a passion for the media arts along with an interest in community and saw Squeaky Wheel as a nice melding of those two interests. “I was excited about directing an organization that has a history of molding and shaping what an organization can be,” Tanaka said. “Access to technology was the beginnings of this place. It had an activist ori-

Volmy’s “sweet and friendly” demeanor. Community involvement accounts for 10 percent of contestants’ scores and Volmy excels in this area. She volunteers at her Christ Community Church in Lockport. She also maintains leadership roles; she is president of Tau Sigma, a national transfer student honor society and is an ambassador for the health and human services major. She also worked with Real Experiences for Real Students (RELM) for two years, an organization that provides practical, real-world experience and leadership mentorship for students. Participants also have the option of participant in a talent competition. This portion, however, does not count towards the contestants’ overall score. It is just an option to show another aspect of the participant’s personality and practice performing in front of a crowd in order to develop confidence, Volmy said. Volmy loves dancing and plans to perform tap and hip-hop dancing at the national pageant. As Miss New York, Volmy is expected to continue her active involvement in her community and to that end Volmy intends to attend the Buffalo Walk to End Alzheimer’s on September 16. She is also expected to post “inspirational”, “positive” content on social media. “You’re representing the entire New York State, so you need to be respectful, kind, honest, trustworthy…all those good qualities,” Volmy said. For those interested in getting involved in pageants, Volmy thinks they should “go ahead and get started.” “Know right off the bat that it’s okay if you don’t win. As long as you’re involved and you get the experience of going on stage in front of millions of people and talking to the judges about what you like to do, that’s an accomplishment already,” Volmy said. “Winning is about more than getting the crown. You actually grow into a confident young woman, to have poise, and how to communicate with others.” email:

ented model with the idea of equipment and technology for all, but from an artist perspective, it seemed like a good fit.” The organization not only provides local artists a venue to showcase their work, but also brings in artists from around the world to display their art alongside local artists. Ekrem Serdar, Squeaky Wheel’s curator, selects the work that will be on display. “I try to focus on our mission,” Serdar said about his selection process. “We were founded in the ‘80s and back then video editing equipment was very expensive. We’re talking VHS days. Our primary goal was to give access to folks so they could edit themselves, so they could shoot videos themselves, so they could learn it. I’m interested in bringing in artists who exemplify that sort of do-it-yourself spirit.” Squeaky Wheel hosts yearly events focusing on specific themes where artists can display their work. This year’s theme was “sites of resistance,” which was explored from June 30 to Aug. 26 at Squeaky Wheel headquarters with the “Shape of a Pocket” exhibition. “Shape of a Pocket” featured work such as W. Michelle Harris’ “Can’t Breathe Mirror.” The piece involved a camera being pointed out towards an audience. Participants stood in front of the camera, which generated a pixelated image of the person standing there. The pixels are made up of images of black men who have been killed by police officers. “It also brings up issues of play in interesting ways,” Serdar said. “Because, of course, the first thing people do when they stand up in front of something like this is they dance around, but then they realize what the images are.” Squeaky Wheel is a nonprofit organization and operates off of a mixture of grants, donations, and membership fees, but nonprofit does not mean there is no value. “Shape of a Pocket” is emblematic of what Tanaka believes is valuable about the organization. “I’m interested in having people produce something where they realize it actually has impact,” Tanaka said. “It’s not just art for art’s sake. I think is extremely vital and important and critical, but the way we’re doing it, we are able to shape it from very specific perspectives that has currency.” email:


Monday, September 11, 2017



‘Wanderlust’ celebrates art in the outside world Over 40 artists featured in new exhibit at the Center for the Arts BENJAMIN BLANCHET SENIOR ARTS EDITOR

Whether with repurposed rubbish or a block of ice being dragged through city streets, a new art exhibit at the Center for the Arts (CFA) is transcending interior confines. On Thursday, over 45 people attended the opening of “Wanderlust: Actions, Traces, Journeys 1967-2017,” a new exhibit in the UB Art Gallery. The exhibit deals primarily with public displays of art and encompasses 50 years of pieces from artists, such as Michelangelo Pistoletto and UB professors like Teri Rueb. Rachel Adams, senior curator of exhibitions at UB Art Galleries, said the survey of works starts with the late ’60s, when conceptual stylings began to take off in the art world. “Conceptual art was happening before the late ’60s, but if you look back in art history the mid to late ’60s is when this type of work started to become more ordinary, leaving your studio in order to make work,” Adams said. The two works that begin “Wanderlust” are Richard Long’s “A Line Made by Walking,” featured in UB’s Anderson Gallery along with Michelangelo Pistoletto’s “Walking Sculpture.” While both pieces are from 1967, they tackle different themes using different media. Long’s piece examines a lonesome yet united line cut across grass. For Pistoletto’s piece, a giant ball travels through the city of Turin – a black and white depiction of a shape commanding attention from the outside world. “Both pieces kind of bookend the types of works in this show, one that has artist out by themselves – solitary – and another that has the artist performing for people on the street,” Adams said. Other works like Kenneth Josephson’s shots bring prints and pictures to their original outdoor settings, which creates a trippy effect.


Wanderlust, a new exhibit through the UB Art Galleries, examines artists who consider public settings and spaces as creative mediums. The exhibit also features a list of activities which will take place over the fall semester, such as UB professor Teri Rueb’s walk on Sept. 17 at Times Beach.

Francis Alÿs’ “Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing” screens the progress of ice making its way to liquid, with a giant frozen block melting through the streets of Mexico City. The most eye-catching work in the exhibit is in the gallery’s concluding space, Marie Lorenz’s “Gyre.” The work is a collection of 1,200 porcelain objects – from traffic cones to water bottles – all of which are uniquely beautified in a pale grey tone. The artist hangs garbage from the ceiling to create new meaning. Roberley Bell, resident of Batavia, is one of the many visualists featured in “Wan-

derlust.” Two years after the 2013 protests in Istanbul, the artist searched the Turkish city to find a series of trees she recalled from her time in the city a decade earlier. She found that some of them were compromised or destroyed in the protest. “What was interesting about ‘Still Visible: after Gezi,’ was that it wasn’t a project – it was a personal quest of mine,” Bell said. “It’s evolved over two years, my idea coming to fruition of me seeking out the trees – I’ve been working on it since April 2015. I had no intention of doing anything with it and then it turned into a project for this exhibition.”

UB media studies professor, Teri Rueb, is featured in “Wanderlust” and will be leading a GPS-centric soundwalk at downtown’s Times Beach on Sept. 17. It’s her first time leading a walk in Buffalo, previously having talks and works featured in places as far away as Austria and Finland. “It’s an honor to be considered in the framework of this curatorial vision,” Rueb said. “The unique angle that Rachel [Adams] has taken in thinking about the body and kinesthetic art practices, performative practices outside gallery and museum spaces is a unique one. All of those histories have been well articulated individually but she’s creating intersections that make our interpretations over these practices more complex, so it’s great to be affiliated with artists who have influenced other artists in my practice.” Rueb’s walk is just one of many activities the UB Art Galleries has in tune with the exhibit, with artists like Todd Shalom leading a walk, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” on Sept. 29 and 30. The goal, Adams says, is to provide these programs so viewers can begin thinking for themselves through the means of discovery. “We have projects that are happening or have happened outside of UB, branching out into the city,” Adams said. “UB is a huge community but we also have the greater area of Buffalo, going with the theme of the show; we’re encouraging people to leave the gallery in order to interact with the city.” Viewers like local artist Alex Feim of Buffalo, said the exhibit impressed her during his first visit to the UB Art Gallery. “My work has been on public art and seeing site specific art from the 1960s to present time, and seeing artists you would see in New York at UB, is interesting,” Feim said.“With land art and site-specific art, you run the risk of just documenting the site, failing to capture the spirit of it in a gallery. That spirit, however, is very much alive here.” “Wanderlust: Actions, Traces, Journeys 1967-2017” will be on view until Dec. 31. The North Campus gallery is open from Tuesday to Friday – 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. – and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. email:

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Monday, September 11, 2017


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Monday, September 11, 2017


ALLISON STAEBELL, THE SPECTRUM Sophomore Kara Daly dribbles the ball

down the sideline against Cornell. Daly had two assists in the Bulls weekend homestand.


UB soccer co

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If the Bulls (1-4-1) can learn anything from their first six games, it’s that they have a ways to go if they plan to win a MAC championship this year. They lost their first three games while only recording one goal, but followed it up with a 5-0 home win. This past weekend, the Bulls couldn’t continue the momentum, going 0-1-1 in two games where they led in ball possession and had several solid scoring opportunities. Results like this show the Bulls’ current problems behind the ball and the potential they have. With only a week and a half before conference play, the Bulls need to make the proper improvements if they are going to tap into that potential and be championship contenders this season. “We are missing that killer instinct,” said


pointing start

head coach Shawn Burke. “We have the talent, it is just the mistakes we make downfield and not making the most of the scoring opportunities that are beating us.” The Bulls are using a new offensive scheme while also trying to get many of their freshman players ready to play. Now, many of the returning players have to play full games as the new players continue to get in D1 shape before conference play starts. The result has been occasional bright moments for the Bulls mixed in with late game errors on the field. A strong area for the Bulls last season was their performance at home, not having lost a single game at UB Stadium. This past Friday, that streak came to an end as the Bulls fell to the Cornell Big Red (1-2) in a heartbreaking 2-1 overtime loss in their second home game of the season. “In those last minutes we do not look like

to the season

the same team; we look tired and unwilling to keep playing which can’t happen at any point during the game,” Burke said. After Friday’s game, Burke was visibly upset with the team’s performance after having spent most of the game with possession and not finding the net. “At this point, I have to question character,” Burke said. “These girls have to come out and want to win. Right now, it seems we give in the last minutes of the game which can’t happen to D1 athletes. They have to be able to do a whole 90 minutes.” The Bulls’ late game struggles continued as they blew a 2-0 home lead on Sunday afternoon to a 2-2 tie against the Fairleigh Dickinson Knights (2-5-1). The game marked the third time this season the Bulls have gone to overtime, going winless in all three. Yet the Bulls remain confident in their abilities, feeling that the talent is there but untapped.

Gridiron report card Grading the Bulls performance in their 21-17 loss to Army DANIEL PETRUCCELLI SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

The Buffalo Bulls (0-2) came to play against a tough Army Black Knights (2-0) team. They had the lead with four minutes left in the game but couldn’t hold on and eventually fell 21-17. They started fast and were up 17-7 in the first 20 minutes of the game. But they stalled out from there and eventually allowed two unanswered touchdowns in the fourth. Here is The Spectrum’s performance grades by position. QUARTERBACK: B Redshirt sophomore Tyree Jackson was UB’s brightest star in the game. Jackson finished 9 of 16 for 193 yards and had two touchdowns, one through the air and one on the ground. He was a major part of three big plays early, hitting two passes of 48 and 52 yards, the latter for a touchdown. He also found the end zone himself on a 75 yard draw play up the middle. Jackson’s biggest blemish was a fumble on the Bulls’ first possession of the second half. It was a long third but holding onto the ball would have at least given the Bulls a chance at three points. Last year’s matchup with Army may have been the best game of Jackson’s career thus far. He led a fourth quarter comeback that showed how much potential he has. He started Saturday the way last year finished but couldn’t keep it going all four quarters. RUNNING BACK: F This has and will remain the Achilles heel for the Bulls until they can establish something on the ground. Junior Johnathan Hawkins had one carry of 14 yards but had 27 yards on eight carries the rest of the game.


Redshirt sophomore quarterback Tyree Jackson drops back to deliver a pass in last year’s game against Army. The Bulls lost Saturday’s game 21-17.

Sophomore Emmanuel Reed made the most costly mistake of the game. He fumbled a handoff to open a drive, in which the Bulls could have gone up by three possessions. It completely shut down the Bulls momentum and the offense stopped producing after that. WIDE RECEIVERS: C+ The receivers had an average showing in West Point. Redshirt junior Anthony Johnson was the top guy with three catches for 82 yards. Though it wasn’t quite like his performance against Minnesota, he still was able to catch a deep ball early but needed to stay active later in the game. Redshirt freshman Antonio Nunn caught his second career pass for a 48-yard touchdown on a post route right down the middle of the field. But that was Nunn’s only catch of the day and senior Kamathi Holsey and sophomore K.J. Osborn only combined for 5 catches and 63 yards. They handled themselves well enough against a good secondary but couldn’t do enough. TIGHT ENDS: F Buffalo didn’t have a tight end get involved in this game, so there’s nothing to judge. Tyler Mabry, sophomore tight end, only has one catch from two games, and it’s from the season opener. Redshirt freshman Zac Lefebvre has played but has yet to catch a ball. They didn’t do much for the run game either so they get a failing grade.

OFFENSIVE LINE: C+ The offensive line looks like it has the potential but it has yet to deliver. The run game looks like it’s trudging through mud and the line needs to open up some holes to get the ground game going. The offense has 170 rushing yards in their first two games and 75 came off one play. They’ve shown a little more promise in pass blocking. They gave Jackson time on both his big completions. They did allow two sacks in the game but with the anemic run game, the Black Knights were able to send the pass rush heavy. DEFENSIVE LINE: BAllowing 322 yards on the ground isn’t a great sign but when a team runs 66 times in a game, it’s not too bad of a defensive output. Army averaged 4.9 yards per carry against the Bulls, entering the game averaging 10.91 yards per rush. The interior looks strong with the play of senior Chris Ford and junior Justin Brandon being a focal point of the defense in week one and two. Senior Demone Harris and junior Chuck Harris stepped up against Army. The whole unit had at least five tackles each and combined for two tackles-for-loss. LINEBACKERS: ASenior Jarrett Franklin took the lead in this game. He finished with 12 tackles including a

“We still need to come together as a team and work together on the field,” said team captain Carissima Cutrona. Cutrona, a junior forward, came off the weekend with a goal in Sunday’s game and missed scoring opportunities in both games. It seemed every Bull who got near the goal this weekend was playing goaltender against themselves, as most opportunities were either shot wide, over or at the post. “I do feel like we are missing that killer instinct and you can see that when we get scoring opportunities,” Cutrona said. “You need those opportunities to get the goals in the first place so we are doing something right but doesn’t mean a thing if we aren’t getting the results we want.” Cutrona feels the team needs to always have the killer instinct and believes that too often she and the team have mental lapses that cost them. “We are beating ourselves out there,” Burke said. “We let these other teams come back into the game that we should be winning more handily in the first place.” Both Burke and Cutrona said sophomore defender Gurjeena Jandu had that killer instinct in her performance over the weekend. “She played hard in both games and never stopped, and as simple as that sounds, that is what we need to do as a team, not just one person,” Burke said. Now with MAC conference play around the corner, it is up to the Bulls to come together if they are going to start winning when it really matters. If they can’t, this might prove to be one of the worst seasons for the Bulls in recent memory. Time will tell if the Bulls will bounce back, but as the season continues, the one thing the Bulls have less and less of is time to turn it around. email:

textbook open field tackle early in the game to set up a fourth down and completely blew up a play when he got to Army senior quarterback Ahmad Bradshaw in the back field. Junior Khalil Hodge had double digit tackles for the second straight game and had a forced fumble though Army was able to recover it. They gave up a 52-yard rush to Bradshaw on the opening drive but once they settled in, they kept the triple option in check for a good chunk of the game. DEFENSIVE BACKS: A Army is a team that avoids throwing the ball. After not completing a pass in their season opener, the Black Knights went to the air eight times Saturday. They completed two but the secondary looked in control of the Black Knights’ receivers. Junior Cameron Lewis proved again that he is the best player in this secondary. He had a huge pass deflection that made Army punt out of their own end zone. SPECIAL TEAMS: BJunior kicker Adam Mitcheson made all three of his kicks, an improvement from last week. Compared to last year’s game winner, it was a down game for him but consistency is big right now for the Bulls kicking game. The kickoff unit allowed a big 46-yard return after the Bulls first touchdown that almost swung the momentum back to Army. They could have done better but, overall, not a bad day at the office. COACHING: BFor three quarters, head coach Lance Leipold and staff looked like they were going to achieve back-to-back wins over Army. Their game plan for the first half was clear and effective. They utilized their team’s athleticism to put up big plays early and often, and were able to jump out to a lead. They took their foot off the gas in the second half however, and couldn’t get anything moving. The defense eventually wore out against a consistent run and the coaches couldn’t find any way to avoid it. It wasn’t the best coached game of all-time but the coaching staff showed what this offense they’ve been trying to establish is capable of when executed properly. email:

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