The Spectrum Vol. 67 No. 1

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Amidst slight delays, 1Capen construction continues into the summer


UB law student crowned Miss New York

20 From fashion blog to styling business

28 Fall sports watchlist

3 Surviving your first year




Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Malala Yousafzai to kickoff UB Distinguished Speaker Series

Nobel Peace Prize winner and human rights activist to speak at UB LINDSAY GILDER


Malala Yousafzai will kickoff the 31st annual Distinguished Speakers Series at Alumni Arena on September 19. The 19-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner is a women’s education activist in her home country of Pakistan. Yousafzai is best known for her work in advocating for education of young girls, after she survived a gunshot wound to the head while riding the bus home with friends at 15 years old. She has since written a novel, I am Malala in 2013, which was an international bestseller, translated into 40 different languages. In the following year, Yousafzai became the youngest Nobel Peace

Prize recipient at 17 years old. She was also named one of TIME’s most influential people in the world from 2013 to 2015. “Renowned across the globe for her courage and convictions, Malala offers our university and our community the opportunity to engage with one of the foremost advocates for the education of girls and young women,” UB President Tripathi said in an official statement. “Her visit to UB will mark the seventh appearance by a Nobel Peace Prize laureate in the Distinguished Speakers Series and will continue our proud tradition of bringing compelling public figures to campus to spark provocative discussions about the defining issues of our time.” Tickets for the event are not yet available, but will be released shortly along with the entire series list. email: lindsay.gilder@ubspectrum

Excelsior Scholarship application open Over 21,000 students across New York State have applied thus far SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

The application for the Excelsior Scholarship is available until July 21. Students must complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) before applying. The last-dollar scholarship was approved this spring by New York State lawmakers. “Last-dollar” means that it will only be available for students who do not already have full tuition costs covered through FAFSA, TAP or other financial aid packages. UB Spokesperson John Della Contrada said it is difficult to comment on the scholarship’s details as “preliminary impacts” are still being figured out. Other SUNY schools’ administration and students have voiced similar uncertainty about the program’s impact, according to Inside Higher Ed. Recipients of the scholarship are awarded up to $5,500 a year, or the full cost of tuition, whichever is less, according to the NYS Higher Education Services Corporation website. UB’s annual tuition for the 2017-18 year is $6,700. Fees for the 17-18 year are $3,000. This would leave an eligible recipient still responsible for an annual $4,200 toward academics, not including the costs of books, supplies, transportation and room and board. Some students feel this could be a disadvantage to the same low-income families the scholarship is meant to help. Students can receive the award for up to

two years to receive their associate’s degree or up to four years to receive their bachelor’s degree. Students who are working toward a bachelor’s program which regularly takes five years, will be eligible for the full five years. Students are required to live in New York for as many years as they received the award. If they move out of state, the award will be converted to a zero-interest loan. In the first week after the application was made available, over 21,000 students applied across New York State. An estimated one third of students who applied are incoming or current students at the City University of New York system, according to a CUNY spokesperson. Over the next three years the scholarship will be expanded to provide full tuition for students who make less than $125,000 annually. In New York, this makes an estimated 940,000 families with college-aged students eligible. Judith Scott-Clayton, an associate professor of economics and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, spoke with Inside Higher Ed about some of the problems she sees with how the scholarship has been rolled out. Because the the program was rolled out so soon after it was approved, Scott-Clayton said this poses an administrative burden and a risk. The June announcement was also out of sync with the typical college application timeline. By this point in the academic year, Scott-Clayton points out, many students have already decided they are or aren’t applying to college in the fall. email: sarah.crowley@ubspectrum


Editorial Board EDITOR IN CHIEF

Hannah Stein


Maggie Wilhelm Grace Trimper

SURVIVING YOUR FIRST YEAR Advice from a past orientation leader


Saqib Hossain Emma Medina NEWS EDITORS

Sarah Crowley, Senior Justin Bystrak, Asst. FEATURES EDITORS

Max Kalnitz, Senior Lindsay Gilder, Asst. ARTS EDITORS

Benjamin Blanchet, Senior David Tunis-Garcia, Senior Brenton Blanchet, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS

Danny Petruccelli, Senior Thomas Zafonte, Senior Jeremy Torres, Asst. PHOTO EDITORS

Angela Barca, Senior Troy Wachala, Senior CREATIVE DIRECTORS

Pierce Strudler Martina LaVallo VIDEO EDITOR

Allison Staebell, Senior


Helene Polley



Alexa Capozzi


You’ve made it, after years of schooling you’re finally in college. Two years ago when I was at my orientation, I was so excited for the school year to start. Like many others, I had a warped idea of what my college experience would be. Of course, I’d seen movies like “American Pie” or “Blue Mountain State” and thought my time at UB would mimic what I saw on TV. Your college experience is probably going to be far from those on the silver screen, but that doesn’t mean

THE BRAVE ONE Why I refuse to let mental health setbacks define me

THE SPECTRUM Wednesday, July 5, 2017 Volume 67 Number 1 Circulation 4,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. For information on adverstising with The Spectrum, visit or call us directly at 716-645-2152 The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 142602100


I have never shied away from being open about my struggles with mental illness—until recently. It is much easier to share the triumphs of my recovery journey than the setbacks. It is much easier to talk about how I completely overcame my eating disorder, or how I managed to make it to my senior year at a four-year college when once upon

NEW SCHEME, SAME DEFENSE Key to soccer team success is offensive change


There were multiple times last season where it seemed like the Bulls were on the heels of success only to take two steps back. After the team started 2-2-0 and proceeded to go 3-0-2, it looked like they were coming together. But then they lost their next three games and continued on a cycle of exchanging wins and losses. It wasn’t for lack of trying as the


Wednesday, July 5, 2017 it can’t be fun. From schoolwork to making new friends, partying and surviving your first big exam, there’s a lot to think about while you’re in college. If all you do is party and neglect your schoolwork, odds are you’ll probably be struggling to get good grades in your classes. If you only focus on schoolwork and shut yourself in from everything else happening around you, you probably won’t enjoy your time at UB. There are tons of ways to make the most of your first year of college without stressing too much about schoolwork or relaxing too much and falling behind in your classes. The first thing to consider is getting involved on campus. I’m sure people at orientation will tell you this 1,000 times but it’s the honest truth. With over 150 clubs, 30 chapters of Greek life, and various other organizations across campus there are endless possibilities for you to get involved. UB is a big school, which can be intimidating at first. The best way to smoothly transition into college life is to find others who share the same passion as you, or try something new and make new friends along the way. By joining a club or organization on campus, you’re automatically meeting people with similar interests as you. Making connections like these will make UB’s campus feel a lot smaller by having a small circle of friends you can rely on.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the dorms are a great place to meet people. During your first couple of weeks on campus you should walk around the dorms and meet other people in your hall. Oftentimes students with similar majors are placed in the same hall, which can be helpful for doing homework or making friends in class. You can also leave your door open for the first week or so and as people in your hall pass by, try to introduce yourself and make more connections with fellow students in your hall. Schoolwork is a big part of college life and unfortunately something that the movies tend to forget about. Unlike high school or what your friends might have heard from someone already in college, you really can’t do everything the night before it’s due. Yes, I’ve left papers or projects until the night before I had to hand it in and every time I’ve done so I hated myself for it. Nothing is more stressful than realizing you had an entire semester to finish an assignment and now you have one night to finish all that work. If you have an assignment due in a few weeks, work on it a little bit at a time and try not to save it all for the night before. Trust me, that’s not a habit you want to keep for all four years of your undergrad. If you’re procrastinating because you don’t know how to do

your assignment, UB has help centers for most majors where you can get help for free. Students who passed the same course with a high grade are hired to tutor students who need a little extra assistance with their workload. Don’t ever feel embarrassed going to one of these help centers: they’re there for a reason and it’s smarter to go and get help before it’s too late and the semester is already over. Everyone should go out during their time at college, but what that means is different from person to person. If going out means hanging around University Heights, go with friends and be smart while walking around that area. Going out can also mean grabbing a few friends and exploring downtown Buffalo. Believe, me, there is way more to Buffalo than just UB. Oftentimes students don’t venture out enough during their undergrad years and often regret not doing so. The local art scene, shopping venues, and restaurants offer a wide variety of alternatives to going out. Most importantly, have fun. Find a good balance of juggling schoolwork, your social life and hobbies. Time really does fly in college, make sure you experiment and find what works best for you during your first year at UB.

a time I could barely handle taking a single community college elective. But here is the hard truth about recovery: it is not a linear progression of “sick” to “perfectly well.” It is a process and life-long journey full of twists and turns and ups and downs. This is the part of recovery that I am less willing to be open about. It is scary to admit that I still struggle and that I had to be hospitalized recently after three years of being stable and hospital-free. At first, admitting I was struggling again felt like an abject failure. But then I realized that the only way I could truly fail would be to give up. Recognizing and admitting that I needed help again and asking for it took tremendous strength and bravery. It was a self-care decision. It was a triumph in its own way. I could have continued to bury the fact that I was struggling again, because that is always easier than having the courage to admit that I am human and fallible and can still struggle sometimes. I could have continued to watch my grades dwindle from A’s and B’s to C’s and D’s. I could’ve continued

to take on more than I can handle and end up making commitments I couldn’t keep, letting people and organizations down. I would have continued to take out my stress and anxiety by saying hurtful things I do not mean to the ones I love. I would have continued to place unrealistic demands on others and overstep boundaries. But that isn’t me. That isn’t the person I want to be—it isn’t the person I know I can be. So I did the brave thing. I chose what was right over what was easy, to quote a certain sage old wizard from Harry Potter. Because that is who I am. The brave one. The fighter. The person who knows deep down even in my darkest moments that I deserve the best from life and I will never, ever let my inner demons stop me from being all that I know I can be. Approximately one in five adults in the U.S.— 43.8 million, or 18.5 percent—experiences mental illness in a given year, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI.) Mental illnesses are neurobio-

logical illnesses that typically have a strong genetic component, as is the case for me. They are physical health problems that are no different from something like diabetes. Diabetics’ bodies cannot regulate their blood sugar naturally like nondiabetics can. Similarly, mentally ill people’s brains cannot regulate their neurotransmitters like non-mentally ill people can. No one would ever blame a diabetic for being unable to regulate their blood sugar naturally—why would you think less of someone just because their brain has a physical chemical imbalance? Just as diabetics need to take insulin and medications and must monitor their diets and exercise more diligently than non-diabetics, mentally ill people need medications and therapy to regulate their brain chemistry. And by taking these steps, both diabetics and mentally ill folks are capable of living normal lives. We are doctors and lawyers, politicians and teachers. We are partners and parents. We are loving daughters and sons, friends and colleagues. We are not scary. We are not broken. We are warriors.

Bulls outshot the opposition in most of their losses and rarely conceded goals. Yet, they found themselves with a losing record of 7-8-5—the first under head coach Shawn Burke. It’s clear that the illness that plagues the team is their inability to score. They play hard, show up on both sides of the field and when that all comes together they just can’t seem to find the net. Yet it seems like Burke believes he has found the cure, and it comes in the form of a new offensive scheme. And though a simple scheme change may not seem effective on paper, Burke has cured an ailing Bulls team before. In Burke’s first year as head coach, he took a 6-9-3 Bulls team and with relatively the same squad turned them into a 16-3-3 MAC championship team. That is no easy feat, and he did so through scheme and line changes. Burke saw the potential the team had and worked hard to make their record reflect it. When I had the chance to speak with Burke, he seemed confident the new scheme would benefit junior forward and leading scorer Carissima Cutrona. Last year Cutrona scored 10 goals, which is double what any other player on the team had last season. She showed signs of brilliance on the

field and was the deciding factor in several games for the Bulls. But 10 goals isn’t a spectacular number for a team’s top scorer, and this low number reflects the team’s overall issue in front of the net. There were times Cutrona would be scoring in back-to-back games only to go cold the next game. Scoring consistency plagued her, but she must be a heavy focus of the new scheme. Her placement abilities can create opportunities for herself at the goal, a great strength to have. If the Bulls new system plays to those strengths, expect Cutrona to score on a more consistent basis. And with a batch of nine new players for the season including three forwards, we could see another player on the team hit double digits in goals. Cutrona’s placement ability needs to lead to more assist. For that to happen she will need another forward who can convert on scoring drives. That forward might be incoming freshman forward Sidney Reed, who set Groton High School’s record for career goals at 87. Though anyone can tell you that high school and collegiate sports are two very different levels of play, Burke has shown an ability to quickly adapt young players to the Bulls team.

Just last season, the Bulls found two strong defenders in sophomores Gurjeena Jandu and Adrianna VanCuyck, who were both freshmen when they were made starters. Burke has an ability to find strong players early in their careers, as even Cutrona has two seasons left at the collegiate level. Those early finds in talent are already paying off as the team looks solid on the defensive end of the field. Senior goaltender Laura Dougall is also returning for her fourth year as the Bulls’ primary goaltender. Her three years of experience along with Jandu and VanCuyck’s time from last season should help develop the two players who will take over on the defensive line. Expect changes in positions too, as Burke has moved players from one end of the field to another. Cutrona herself started as a midfielder and was moved when Burke saw her potential. Burke makes last year sound like a learning experience and has already started to reshape the team. This year the talent is there for the Bulls. How the season turns out will depend on their ability to put their act together better than they did last season.






Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Unforgettable: Remembering Dr. Ellen Volpe UB community remembers colleague and professor SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

Outside of Dr. Ellen Volpe’s office on the second floor of UB’s Wende Hall are flowers and cards from colleagues who are missing their friend’s familiar smile. Volpe, an assistant professor and researcher in the School of Nursing, died on June 8 in a vehicle accident on the NYS Thruway. She was 45 years old. Volpe was a mother, an active nurse practitioner, researcher, professor and beloved friend to many. Although her time was spread thin between her young family and many academic commitments, Volpe is remembered for her unique ability to make each person feel as if they were her first priority. “When she’s with you, she’s with you,” said Dr. Yu-Ping Chang, Volpe’s tenuretrack mentor. “She has the same attitude toward everything, her personal life, her professional life--she was genuine. When a person is genuine, they are genuine with everything. She was engaged.” Volpe met each person and opportunity with her signature smile and a sense of energy and enthusiasm, Chang said. She was a problem-solver and a “real critical thinker” who pointed out unique perspectives and new ways of doing things. Volpe sought out criticism, constantly striving to improve herself and the programs she was involved in, Chang said. She came to UB in 2013 after working at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Equity Research. At UB, Volpe taught in the School of Nursing, while researching to improve the


UB community remembers Dr. Ellen Volpe, colleague and professor in the School of Nursing for her genuine and warm personality. Volpe, who was 45 years old, died on June 8 in a vehicle accident.

mental health of adolescents affected by violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Her research involved applying narrative exposure therapy to help young adults engaging in alcohol misuse or other risky behaviors related to PTSD. Marsha Lewis, dean of the School of Nursing, said she will miss Volpe’s “warm, bright smile,” and her down to earth nature the most. “Ellen was very much a professional, but she came across as a very warm and caring individual,” Lewis said. “I always think of her as a nurse first and an academic second. She cared about her work, but she also cared for her two young boys, her patients, her friends so much.” Lewis said Volpe was “very engaged with the university at large” and was trying to help the school develop a culture of inclusion.

Volpe graduated from the University of Rochester with her doctorate in health practice research, after getting a master’s degree in nursing from Vanderbilt University and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Wake Forest University. Volpe’s years as a family nurse practitioner informed her strong sense of warmth and compassion, remembers Lewis. A natural caregiver, Volpe also devoted her time as a mentor and volunteer for the Boys & Girls Club of Rochester and Camp DayDreams, an overnight summer camp her husband founded in 2000. Volpe was a Rochester native, and made the commute to Buffalo sometimes five days a week, remembered Darryl Somayaji, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing. “I would hear stories of her driving an hour or so from Buffalo to her home

in Rochester, and the minute she walked through that door, dropping everything on the floor to go hug her boys,” Lewis said. Her friends remember the one thing that came close to the love Volpe had for her two sons and husband, was the care and compassion she had for her patients. She was a fast talker when the conversation turned to her research, or anything she was excited about. “That was the funny part about her,” Chang said. “I would yell ‘Ellen, Ellen! Break it down! Break down your information,’ and she would laugh like ‘ok, ok, I’ll slow down.’ That’s how passionate she was, she wanted to tell me everything. She wanted to try to tell you how important the issue is she was working on, and how we can do a better job.” There is a void in the School of Nursing which Somayaji says, won’t ever be filled, but will continue to be celebrated and remembered for the “amazing and wonderful human being” Volpe was. Volpe was the one who continued to smile despite how many roles she was juggling. The one who organized a painting-and-wine night because she thought it was important for her colleagues to socialize outside of work. The one who at a moment’s notice would look over a colleague’s application, or make a late-night run to Amy’s Place for food. “I don’t think that Ellen would want us to be paralyzed by this,” Somayaji said. “I don’t like cliches, but I like to think of this as her passing off the baton to us, to her students and to her family, to finish her work. To carry on the positive energy and sense of service that she had.” Volpe’s memorial service was held on June 12 in Rochester. The School of Nursing is planning a day in the fall to celebrate Volpe once all faculty members have returned. “I will miss her energy,” Chang said. “We all have very positive experiences working with her. She was unforgettable, for sure.” email:

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017



Leslie Veloz, a rising senior psychology and English major, believes it is important for women of color to take on leadership roles. As SA president, Veloz aims to create a "lasting legacy of respect and inclusion."


Leslie Veloz has always seen herself as a leader. Veloz has spent much of her life in leadership roles, from participating in her high school student government and debate teams to mission trips to teach in the Dominican Republic. “I always find myself taking on leadership roles because growing up and to this day I don’t see enough people of color or women in high positions,” Veloz said. “I take on these leadership roles so that I can play a role in changing the image of what leadership can be.” Veloz, a rising senior English and psychology major, ran alongside Vice Presidential candidate Jamersin Redfern, president of the Latin American Student Association,

on the Voice of Change ticket in the March Student Association (SA) elections and secured a victory with 853 votes. SA is UB’s undergraduate student government and controls a roughly $4 million budget, made up of the $104.76 mandatory student activity fee paid by each student. “[Veloz] has been working with people all her life and she’s done it well,” said Veloz’s friend Nsama Nkolonganya, a junior finance major. Veloz, a self-proclaimed “hugger,” forgoes formal handshakes in favor of a friendly embrace. Nkolonganya describes her as “very amicable” and a person who makes friends easily. Despite holding the highest elected office in SA, Veloz is remarkably down-to-earth. “I have a pretty competitive Netflix and Hulu lineup that I debate what to watch


from my couch and I like calm walks to the fridge,” Veloz joked. Veloz excels with her academics but is not “reclusive,” Nkolonganya said. “She magically finds a way to balance life…she can play when it’s time to play and be serious when it’s time to be serious,” she explained. As Vice President of Black Student Union (BSU) this past year, Veloz learned not to assume she knows what’s best for people. “When entering a space it is crucial to just listen and see how you can best support,” Veloz said. Her BSU involvement also taught her to see differences among the group not as points of division, but as strengths to be celebrated. As SA President, Veloz wants to shape UB into a more “inclusive and integrated community.” An important step in that direction is diverse representation in student government

because the community SA serves is diverse, Veloz said. “A single-sex, single-race government is unable to work from any point of view other than that of what they are,” Veloz said. She feels having people of other sexes, religions, orientations, interests, races and ethnicities in student government is important because they bring different perspectives to an issue and can point out angles that have not been previously considered. She also thinks it is important for incoming freshmen to see someone that looks like them in an elected office. As a first-generation college student and woman of color, Veloz feels taking on a leadership position helps “pave the way” for others like her in the future. “I hope my presidency empowers other women that are underrepresented to get involved on campus and take up more leadership roles,” she said. Veloz’s hopes of inspiring other minority women and first-generation college students doesn’t stop with her SA Presidency — after graduating from UB, she plans to go to law school and then get her Ph.D. For Veloz, being president is “so much more” than a job; she is “genuinely invested” in the well being of students at UB. “I am willing to go above and beyond what is required of me to make sure students have what they need to succeed and develop as human beings,” Veloz said. She believes her presidency will give her a platform to “build bridges” across different communities and demographics and create a safe space for women, people of color, international students, the LGBTQ community and students of different religions and abilities. “I want to create a lasting legacy of respect and inclusion through the programming and initiatives coming from SA this year,” Veloz said. email:

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Amidst slight delays, 1Capen construction continues into the summer Administrators say 1Diefendorf will open this summer, less certainty of 1Capen timeline SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

The arrival of a 30-foot-long, glass, accordion-like wall may delay 1Capen completion into early August -- nearly a month later than the committee’s original July deadline. Dr. Scott Weber, vice president of Student Life and other members of the Heart of the Campus steering committee, said the construction process is “evolving” but closer to completion than the area’s exposed electrical units, dust and debris suggest. “That last week of construction is kind of an amazing transformation of dirt and piles to carpet and furniture and whatnot,” Weber said. “So I think there’s a possibility of early August, that’s the time-frame we’re sort of talking about now.” 1Capen is the second phase of UB’s 2020 Heart of the Campus Initiative. The 17,000 square foot facility will transform the ground floors of Capen, Norton and Talbert Hall into a one-stop-shop for student needs. The project addresses a long-bemoaned UB problem: the sprawling, industrial campus, which can be overwhelming, especially for new students trying to tackle basic tasks. The phenomenon of running all over campus to get a parking pass and meet with an adviser is so well-known, administrators have coined it, “the Buffalo balance.” The steering committee is hoping to change this by bringing the most heavily trafficked offices into one convenient loca-

tion with 1Capen and its to-scale version on South Campus, 1Diefendorf. Lee Melvin, vice provost for enrollment and member of the steering committee, said he hopes 1Capen will change the narrative for UB as a big campus. “I’m hoping students will say, ‘yes, it’s a big campus, but there’s a location where you can get everything answered and taken care of.’ That should improve the student experience and when students talk about us that should bring some more pride into the institution,” Melvin said. 1Capen is designed with the feel of a hotel concierge, with the sliding glass door opening to a front-office reception desk and self-help section for students. There are front counters for various offices to help students troubleshoot more superficial problems like locating their financial aid package or getting their picture taken. In the back, rows of smaller offices will offer more specialized help for students with specific questions -- for example, breaking down detailed financial aid qualifications. The 1Capen model allows for flexibility and will continue to evolve over time, explained Weber. Offices may move in and out as needs change, and many of the offices will retain their previous office spaces with “frontoffice” staff moving to 1Capen. Parking and Transportation, for example, will maintain its large presence in the Ellicott Complex. A few offices like the Card Office and Health Insurance will be moving entirely,

Intercultural and Diversity Center

freeing up space in the Student Union for a “master plan” renovation to begin next year. “As our student needs are evolving, so should the Student Union evolve, so we’re going to hire a national expert to reimagine how the student union should operate, how it should feel, those kind of things,” Weber said. Weber said 1Capen is different from other schools’ versions of one-stop-shops because it includes offices that aren’t traditionally thought of as academic support. “A lot of this is hoteling, so as need arises, somebody can sweep in,” Weber said. “So maybe they don’t have personnel there all the time, but maybe sub-board wants to have tickets for Fall Fest. They can do that.” 1Diefendorf is on track to open later this summer, according to Weber. The facility will include additional learning commons, areas with comfortable chairs and tables like in Knox Hall and a new seminar room. “Obviously we are trying to create a similar type experience on the South Campus while recognizing that we can’t duplicate 1Capen in 1Diefendorf,” Weber said. “So it’s sort of a more scaled version of the plan, but we’re bringing many of the same offices into it, a sort of joint area where students can come.” Andy Stott, vice provost and dean of undergraduate education, said he hopes the project will have “conscious and unconscious benefits” on the student experience. “I hope it makes everybody feel that UB is a place that really works well,” said Stott. “A place where the pieces fit together and things

Athletic Bands/Dazzlers Dance Team


Renderings show the projected vision for the completed 1Capen facility. The 1Capen project marks the end of phase two of UB’s 2020 Master Plan, Heart of the Campus.

are seamless and you don’t have to spend time being frustrated with lines or have people sending you to another part of campus or walking through the sleet attempting to find the answer to your question.” The Buffalo Room will be another unique feature of 1Capen, featuring a high-end space with seating for 120 to 140 people, easily adapted for special visits from Governor Andrew Cuomo or other distinguished visitors. The space can also be used for small faculty receptions, and is conveniently located adjacent to the space that will hold the Global Market Cafe, the next phase in the Heart of the Campus initiative. The Global Market Cafe is estimated to open in January of 2020, and is anticipated to replace Bert’s Food Court. Weber hopes the Global Market will be built in the courtyard outside the ground floor of Talbert Hall, with an entrance from the North Promenade. “I think all of us hope this becomes an iconic place on campus,” Weber said. “I don’t know how it’s going to go, you don’t know how things get branded by students. I mean I hope it’s positively. But in fairness to our students and the process, I’m sure there will be some hiccups.” email:

Student Activities and Organizations


Campus Life

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Student Unions

Outdoor Pursuits



Wednesday, July 5, 2017



not integrated into American life

The past year’s highlights in headlines

3 1 SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR 1. Dennis Black under investigation for spending

After little news surrounding Dennis Black’s abrupt resignation in July 2016, The Buffalo News announced in October that UB’s former vice president for Student Life was under investigation for the potential misuse of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Both Black and university officials declined to speak with The Spectrum regarding Black’s investigation, though Black did speak with The Buffalo News. There he emphasized that any amount of spending under investigation was a matter of “hundreds or thousands,” not hundreds of thousands. In January 2017, Dr. Scott Weber took over Black’s position. 2. Robert Spencer’s controversial visit to campus sparks protest

Despite a petition that gathered more than 1,000 signatures, Robert Spencer, controversial figure and leader of “JihadWatch,” came to campus to speak about the “dangers of radical Islam.” Many students and faculty were unable to get into the event in Knox 109, which filled to capacity with protesters and some earnest attendees.


International students make up close to 18 percent of UB’s undergraduate population, but many feel they are not getting the American experience they had longed for. Students shared their former hopes of American social groups and carefree lifestyles, only to have spent the majority of their time at UB with other international students. Domestic students also notice the rift. Although administrators say they have invested fully in programming to integrate international students, some feel the programs leave too much work to students to bridge the gap. 5. Unanticipated culture clash at International Women’s Day rally

Spencer called the many hecklers in the crowd “fascists” and later cited the event in a blog post. The event, which was sponsored by Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), prompted a series of protests and counter-events held by the Muslim Student Association (MSA) who aimed to educate students on Islam from the perspective of real Muslims.

Members of the UB Sanctuary Campus movement organized a campus-wide rally for International Women’s Day, called “Unite Against Patriarchy.” Christian Andzel, a UB alumnus and adviser to UB Conservatives, lead a counterprotest where students held signs reading “disagree.” The counter-protesters organized along a common thread in the conservative community: the belief that the left is “shutting down all debate,” particularly on college campuses. This was the first year UB celebrated International Women’s Day.

3. UB athletics cuts four sports teams effective fall 2017

6. Muslim students react to Trump’s travel ban


The UB Athletics Department announced its decision to cut four Division I sports teams: men’s soccer, men’s baseball, men’s swimming and diving and women’s rowing. The decision affected approximately 120 student athletes. UB announced it would honor the students’ scholarships. Many in the UB community were upset both with the decision and how the department made it. The news broke abruptly in April, when student athletes and their coaches were called into a mandatory meeting where administrators told them for the first time their sports were cut, effective this fall. Administrators say the school could no longer afford to maintain all 20 sports programs, and the move will save them close to $2 million. 4. UB’s international student population

After President Donald Trump made good on his campaign promise to ban travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, many Muslim students were afraid to speak with The Spectrum. Several did share their stories: personal anecdotes and those of family members unable to enter the country or held up at the U.S. border following Trump’s executive order. In February, just weeks after the order was issued, the ninth circuit court upheld an injunction on the travel ban. Trump continues to fight for the ban and has pledged to take the matter to the Supreme Court. 7. Students question ethics, legality of using student photos without permission

Because UB is a public institution, the administration can use a student’s photo without permission or notification.

Although the practice is legal, some students question the ethics of using photos without permission, and believe UB could devise a better system of notifying students or requesting permission. 8. Athletics donors fight back

Several UB alumni, including former student athletes, expressed anger at the university for continuing to seek donations for sports programs which they announced in April would be cut in the fall of 2017. One alumnus, Richard Lydecker, a successful civil litigator, issued a demand letter to President Satish Tripathi and the rest of the university. In his letter, Lydecker demanded the school return his $15,000 and release him from his donor contract, as well as reinstate the cut sports programs for two years to allow students time to transfer or finish their careers. Donors also requested all notes, information and emails pertaining to the cuts to determine the nature of the abrupt decision. 9. Black faculty numbers dwindling, frustration growing

Many UB students have never had a black professor. For years, UB has struggled to recruit black faculty members, in part because they cannot compete with larger universities who can offer higher salaries. In the last year, the number of tenure-track faculty who are black is down to 1.6 percent. Black faculty members have also chosen to leave UB at increasing rates over the last decade. Many report feeling underappreciated and are often the sole black person in their department. This can have a negative impact for black students and other underrepresented minorities who don’t see themselves reflected in their professors, and it can also leave black voices out of academic narratives. 10. Academic Excellence fee will continue to increase over the next five years

Provost Charles Zukoski and Vice President Scott Weber informed students of a proposed $100 raise to the Academic Excellence fee, to be raised by an additional $100 each year for the next five years. Students currently pay $187.50. By 2022 students would pay $787. email:

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017



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10 UB law student crowned Miss New York

12 A beginner’s guide to LinkedIn

14 Outdoor connection




Wednesday, July 5, 2017


UB law student crowned Miss New York Gabrielle Walter chases Miss America dream MAX KALNITZ SENIOR FEATURES EDITOR

Walking across a stage in a swimsuit and four-inch heels isn’t something that runs through the minds of most students in their last year of law school. For Williamsville native and UB law student Gabrielle Walter, balancing work, school and competing in pageants was all worth the stress of being crowned this year’s Miss New York. Walter is preparing to travel to Ocean City, NJ, to compete in the Miss America competition this September. Walter’s career in pageants started during her senior year of high school. Walter participated in a scholarship program, Distinguished Young Women as the New York State representative. “Some people assume that you have to start early, but I really hadn’t,” Walter said. After attending nationals in Mobile, Alabama and winning scholarship money, she attended Canisius College for her undergraduate studies in broadcasting. At Canisius, Walter focused on her schoolwork while girls from past competitions continued to compete in Miss America pageants. During her senior year, Miss Buffalo’s local competition returned from a short hiatus and Walter’s friends and family encouraged her to compete. “A lot of my friends told me ‘we think you’d be really good at this, you have a lot of talent,’ so I thought to myself why not try it?” Walter said. “There were all the aspects of the Distinguished Young Women pageant plus a swimsuit contest, which I had never done so it was a new experience for me.” Walter won runner-up and $2,500 in scholarship money and decided to keep competing. In August 2016, Walter competed for a local title Miss Bluebird, which entered her into the state level competition. In May 2016, Walter made it to the top ten contestants

round for the Miss New York pageant. Walter turned 24 this year, which is the age cap for the Miss America system. In February, Walter decided to try one more time to beat her personal best and make it into the top five contestants round. “I made the top five and met my goal, so I told myself that whatever happened next would be extra,” Walter said. “From there they call the winners from fourth runner up to first place and I kept waiting to hear my name until it was me and Miss Queens left.” Before the judges announce the winner, they tell the contestants to clap for the runner up, reinforcing the community’s support and bond of all of the contestants. “I said to her ‘you’ve got this’ because you want to be encouraging to the other titleholders,” Walter said. “We call it a sisterhood, when you get to this level you know how hard you worked to get there and everyone else competing worked just as hard. In that moment, I didn’t think I was going to win.” But she did. Walter recalls being shocked, nervous and excited all at the same time. “Hearing your name called is one of those things you never prepare for, because it’s a gamble,” Walter said. “Luckily all my stars aligned and everything worked out and now I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to represent NYS.” All titleholders have a platform that involves community outreach. By connecting with participating Children’s Miracle Network sites across the state, Walter puts her platform to action by advocating for our nation’s youth. Her program allows her to go in to schools and community organizations to talk with children about turning their dreams into realities. She runs workshops with kids and teaches them about setting goals and how to achieve them. Mary Lutz, site director at the Emmet Belknap YWCA in Lockport says Walter’s

visit and workshop with her group of students was an unforgettable experience. Walter worked with 5th and 6th graders and gave a presentation about her platform and talked about her and their futures, while showing sash and crown. “They all think they’re going to be famous sports players or actors or dancers and she brought them down to earth and said ‘ok what if that doesn’t happen,’” Lutz said. “After her presentation, the kids were a little more realistic and said, ‘maybe I’ll be a teacher, if this doesn’t work out.’” But holding the Miss New York title and maintaining a balanced school and personal life isn’t always easy for Walter. She admits she’s a time management “freak,” but doesn’t mind taking some time for herself to get away from the glitz and glam of the stage. “I have a calendar where I plan everything out, there has to be a set time for everything, but you allow for flexibility,” Walter said. “Sometimes you do need those breaks and take time for yourself, I love running so I use that as an escape to really stay fit physically but also mentally.” The support Walter has received from friends and family during her journey has been nothing but positive. From her parents always rooting for her to random members of the community recognizing her, everything helps push her toward her ultimate goal of Miss America. Paige Rider, a close friend of Walter, explains seeing her friend grow from a local titleholder to a state representative competing with the best in the country has been an amazing experience. “Seeing her transform winning the Bluebird competition to Miss WNY and then NY, she’s really transformed and brought in her own style and judgment,” Rider said. “Now she knows what judges know for and caters to what they want and helps other contestants that might not have her experience.” Rider feels while Walter is gaining local and state fame, it hasn’t gone to her head and she’s still the same friend she knew before winning her titles. “Sometimes people’s egos get really big


UB law student Gabrielle Walter wins this year’s Miss New York competition and aims to compete in the Miss America competition this September.

but she didn’t,” Rider said. “She’s still in disbelief that she won. Her confidence has grown and she really wants to be a role model for people and kids around her.” Walter plans on finishing her last year of law school and entering the professional field. If she wins Miss America, she is required to take one year off and tour the nation while doing community outreach through her platform. Regardless of what happens, Walter hopes to combine her love of legal studies and pageants to continue bettering herself and her community. “At the end of the day this is just a pageant and a title, yes you can affect people but there’s so many other major things going on in the world,” Walter said. “You need to stay centered on the power that this title has to really make a powerful impact in the community and other people.” email:



Wednesday, July 5, 2017



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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


A beginner’s guide to LinkedIn Career Services’ Ed Brodka discusses do’s and don’ts for the popular networking site SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

Jenna Smith wants students to know that the jobs they have post graduation may not even exist yet -- and that students may play a role in creating their own future job. “The reality is the world is moving rapidly and how students use their time at UB to develop skills in adaptability and flexibility will become critical for their future success,” said Smith, a coordinator of assessment and marketing for Career Services. Just as more job fields are coming into existence, networking itself is changing for students with a new importance on social networking sites like LinkedIn. LinkedIn began in 2003 and is now the internet’s largest professional networking site, with over 300 million registered. Ed Brodka, career counselor at Career Services, advises students to make a LinkedIn as soon as they turn 18. However, navigating the networking site can be daunting for students, Brodka said. Brodka sat down with The Spectrum to share some tips and advice for breaking in a LinkedIn account.

front of a plain background, smile and upload. Then make sure you have a clear headline. If left unedited, it will likely read a generic “Student at University at Buffalo.” There are 120 characters to be used, so use them, Brodka says. List your major, your current professional interests and end with an idea of what you’re using LinkedIn for. An example might read: Business administration major. Green work spaces. Seeking internship in Boston, fall 2018.

Starting the perfect profile

Finding your purpose for LinkedIn

Brodka says to think of LinkedIn as “one big online conference.” He says using LinkedIn without filling in your headline or uploading a photo is like walking into a conference without a nametag or with a paper bag over your head. Until your profile is filled out, Brodka recommends not viewing other’s profiles, because they will then look at yours before it’s ready. (Think walking into a job interview with your hair still wet and your shirt on inside-out.) A headshot doesn’t need to be fancy, Brodka says. Simply use your phone’s camera in

“A lot of people say, ‘Oh yeah I made one, but I don’t really use it.’ You’ve got to use it,” Brodka said. How students use their account will depend on their goals -- it might mean looking for a summer internship, a job after graduation, finding a mentor or just convincing your parents that there are jobs out there for history majors, he explained. “Eighty percent of jobs come from networking, so yes, you want to apply for the posted opportunities, but what you really want to do is look for is people who have

Similar to other social media sites, LinkedIn allows users to share posts and articles, upload their own statuses and like others. But unlike other social media sites, the posts should be strictly professionally-oriented and should pertain to school, work or your career interests. Share about a recent academic accomplishment or a research paper you’ve finished writing. Never post anything political or that you wouldn’t want a future employer to see. LinkedIn also has professional interest groups to join to see posts tailored specifically for relevant job postings or information. Reach out


Ed Brodka sits with a student to help her improve her LinkedIn account. Brodka is a Career Services counselor and online networking guru.

had that job or internship before,” Brodka said. “Talk to them, get to know them, then have them refer you for that internship.” Connecting vs. following

Once your profile is up to par, begin connecting with others in your community. Search for UB to connect with alumni in your field. The search will return over 330,000 people - current students and alums - to possibly connect with. Following someone on LinkedIn is onesided and can be done without the user’s permission, similar to Twitter. Follow people with similar professional interests to see what they post or share. Connecting with someone on LinkedIn is more personal and must be done by invitation, similar to sending a Facebook friend request. Always send a note when requesting to connect with someone -- explain how you met once at a conference or that you both share a mutual contact and would like to connect in the future to talk about your career.

An Authentic Asian experience arrives in Amherst! Above: All-new interior decor. Right: Authentic Tea Leaf Salad. A Burmese traditional salad, known as the healthiest salad in the world with an eclectic mix of flavor and textures starring fresh picked Tea Leafs.

and decor,” Kyaw said. “We wanted to recreate both, the tastes, and the sights from my hometown and where trained as a Chef.” We have three dining areas, each one decorated to represent either, Thailand, Burma or Japan. Fuze offers delicious Burmese traditional dishes such as Mo Hin Gah (Fish Chowder), Ohn No Kyawswe (Chicken Coconut Noodle Soup), Beef and Chicken Curry, are also on the menu. Some highlights from the Japanese menu includes a full Sushi bar along with their Signature “Deep Fried Sushi” and “Sushi Burritos”. “We have a large offering of vegetarian, vegan and Gluten Free offerings too.” said Kyaw. The Thai food, has spoke for itself over the years! Andrew Galarneau, food editor also stated in an article he wrote in the Buffalo News, “When

Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your field or those who have held a position you would be interested in one day. If you’re curious about going to medical school, reach out to a few doctors in your area and ask if you can meet them for coffee to see what they think about it or what their experience was like. “You’re not reaching out to someone saying, ‘Can you get me a job?’ What you’re doing is asking if you can talk to them about their career or their internship. Reaching out to someone, ‘Hey how was it?’ ‘What advice would you give me to do well in an internship at ESPN?,” Brodka said. Talking to this person will give you more than just career advice, you will also make a new contact. When you meet this new contact, make eye contact, be on time and send a thank you note. LinkedIn as a large, searchable database

LinkedIn collects a lot of data from its users, which is how the networking site works as a multi-tool site. Users can search alumni in various cities and countries and see what fields they’re working in, for what companies, even what their majors were in college. Brodka explains if you’re curious how to get a dream job in a certain city or country, you can search those fields to find someone else who’s done it. CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

AOF FLAVORS FUZE Cozy Thai Owners Chef Let Kyaw and Ei Ei An have opened a second restaurant featuring their much talked about, Thai Food. The new venture also features the addition of Japanese (Sushi), Burmese dishes and authentic Asian “Street Food” Bar. Fuze Asian Grille is now open in the old Jack’s Place at 1424 Millersport Highway and Flint in Amherst. Following the success with Cozy Thai, their restaurant in the southtowns, Kyaw and An decided to bring their flare for authenticity to a new audience with a northtowns location. “Fuze Asian Grille offers casual fine dining and fun atmosphere to service the foodies and diverse population in a local easy-to-reach location,” said Kyaw. “With a central location and a huge parking lot, we can serve many adjacent neighborhoods as well as the University of Buffalo and the area hotels”, he continued. “In addition to our food, we wanted people to enjoy an authentic experience with our unique themes

Keep it professional

I arrived at Cozy Thai (Fuze’s sister location in the southtowns), a little place on a Hamburg side street, I wasn’t expecting much. What I found did not slay my Thai craving, but Cozy Thai delivered the best Thai food I’ve had in Western New York!” Another theme will be representing is Asian Street Food. In our hometown of Yangon, Burma, “Street Food” takes on a special meaning, as makeshift restaurants spill from sidewalks onto the roads, with more than 135 ethnic groups and borders shared

with Bangladesh, China, India, Laos and Thailand, It’s safe to say that our cuisine is diverse and eclectic. Our authentic flavors will transport you to our hometown, said Kyaw. Traditional “Street Food” commonly found on the streets of Asia will include, Tea Leaf Salad (left), Papaya salad, Mango Salad, Beef Salad, Noodle Salads, Samosa salad, Black Rice Salad, Chicken Satay, Fried Tofu, Chicken Paratha, Dumplings, Spring Rolls to name a few. With accomplished chefs proficient in all of the specialties that make Asian-Burmese cuisine sought after by food aficionados, Fuze Asian Grille is fast striking a chord with diners looking for a fresh, modern approach to Asia’s most popular cuisines. Fuze Asian Grille goes the extra mile to bring you the ultimate dining experience. From their warm service staff to an extensive menu of outstanding dishes, the artfully designed interior and ambiance, they provide the luxuries of dining in comfort and in style without breaking your wallet! Hours: Monday - Saturday 11:30am - 10pm, and Sunday, 4pm - 10pm.

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

14 Outdoor connection


Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Outdoor Pursuits connects students with local nature TROY WACHALA, THE SPECTRUM

UB’s Outdoor pursuits and Outdoor Adventure club provide students with yearround opportunities to kayak and canoe on UB’s lake lasalle as well as trips across america.

ademic growth.” Crispell is also the faculty advisor for the Outdoor Adventure Club (OAC), a student-run club through SA, which plans nature excursions and trips throughout the academic year. “OAC has goals that are very similar to my office; to provide students a chance to get outdoors, de-stress from academic rigors and recharge their batteries,” Crispell said. “We can recharge their batteries when they have a week of crazy exams and projects by getting them into the wild.” Crispell also leads trips to different parts of North America including Maine and Alaska. Students don’t have to be a member of either organization to benefit from their services. Students can tag along for as many or as few excursions as they want as long as they show their student ID. Various students work alongside Crispell as student supervisors and assistants. Alexander Eisenhauer, a senior exercise science major, is an avid outdoorsman and Outdoor Pursuits’ student supervisor. Many students who attend UB have limited or no prior outdoors experience. Eisen-


With ten minutes before opening time, there’s often a line of more than 20 students waiting to check out kayaks, canoes and paddleboards by UB’s Lake LaSalle. Many students enjoy the relaxing views of campus offered from the water but rarely make time to enjoy the outdoors. Outdoor Pursuits – a facet of Campus Life – provides students with opportunities to connect with nature through various efforts on campus. Besides boating, the organization offers free gear rental, trip consulting and maintains UB’s fire pits and Frisbee disc golf course. Russ Crispell, director of Outdoor Pursuits feels all students should experience nature and take a break from the confining walls of classrooms. “When students are penned up in classrooms, there’s a loss of academic growth,” Crispell said. “If people get outdoors and do these activities, you’ll see higher retention rates and an overwhelming sense of value to the school which leads to actual ac-

hauer argues everyone should experience the outdoors at least once in their life. “The best part about enjoying the outdoors is the experiential learning,” Eisenhauer said. “The outdoors provides an excellent opportunity for this. Getting these people that aren’t used to going outside their comfort zones to adapt to a new setting and learn from it can be really rewarding.” In the most recent academic year over 6,000 UB students checked out boats. Despite the organization’s success they received a budget cut from Campus Life for the 2017-18 academic year and will no longer be allowed to set up the ice rink on the Student Union field. Crispell and his staff aren’t discouraged by the bad news, but they hope to expand their program further and offer an alternative orientation option for first-year students. OAC also frequently travels to the Niagara Climbing Center for indoor rock climbing. Crispell hopes to add a rock climbing facility to UB’s athletic complex, so more students will be available to participate in the sport. Janelle Price, a senior environmental geoscience major and an Outdoor Pursuits student supervisor says experiencing the out-

doors with other students is unforgettable. “We love getting to work with kids who really don’t have outdoors experience, it’s fun watching them learn something new,” Price said. “It’s cool to see people look at the outdoors from a different point of view, I think everybody should be able to have these experiences.” Both Price and Eisenhauer participated in Crispell’s trip to Alaska and both encourage students to sign up in the future. “The Alaska trip is a life changing experience -- you go on this trip and no matter what you’ll come back a different person,” Eisenhauer said. “People that have come back have moved places, ended relationships, made huge life changes after learning about themselves in the outdoors,” Crispell continues to advocate for outdoor learning on the UB community because he’s seen the transformations that occur after students get involved in his organizations. People that had never experienced the outdoors before have become trip leaders for excursions and even change majors to a related field. email:

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


A beginner’s guide to LinkedIn




Between UB’s North and South campuses, learning your way around the dorms and the academic complexes can be challenging. Unlike other universities, freshmen are allowed to have cars during their freshman year, but not everyone has access to one. If you don’t plan on bringing a car to campus in the fall, there are multiple other modes of transportation to utilize as students. Zipcar For students who do have a driver’s license but no car, Zipcar is the perfect solution for last-minute errands. After downloading the Zipcar app, students can apply for a $15 membership. After the company approves your application, you have a choice of two driving plans. The Occasional Driving Plan requires an annual $70 fee and between Mon.-Thur. it costs $8.50 hourly or $69 for a day. Friday and the weekends cost $9.50 hourly and $77 daily. The Monthly Driver Plan is similar in cost but catered towards users who drive more regularly. The same rates apply but there’s a $7 monthly fee instead of one annual fee. Once you select your plan you’ll receive a “Zipcard” in the mail. The card allows you to unlock any Zipcar worldwide. The car keys will always be locked inside the car and once you’re finished driving park the car in a designated Zipcar spot and lock the keys

back inside the car. All memberships include gas, insurance and 180 free miles. Bike Share at UB On both North and South campus, UB has designated bike sharing areas. Powered by Social Bicycles, a membership offers a GPS-enabled bike that you can locate and borrow using your computer. To use the bikes, students, faculty and staff must pay a $15 annual fee that provides a unique pin code. You can enter your pin code online to unlock a bike, or manually input it on the keypads attached to the bikes. Any available bikes will have a green light lit next to the keypad, once unlocked you’re free to ride it wherever you need without any time restrictions. Once you’re done riding, put the u-bar back into the lock and securely lock it in one of the designated bike racks. There are fees ranging from $5-$500 for the loss or mistreatment of the social bikes. Fees include not locking the bikes properly, damage, or replacement in the case that one is stolen or lost. Busses UB has its own set of shuttle busses, the UB Stampede. With 34 busses traveling across and between campuses if there’s bad weather or you don’t feel like walking, the busses are a convenient way to travel. Depending on the weather, busses arrive every three to five minutes and the average trip between campuses takes between 15 to 20 minutes. Public transportation busses also stop at

For students who are in need of a car, Zipcar offers students a $15 membership and is provided on campus. other ways to get around include UB’s Bike share program and the Ub Stampede.

both campuses. NFTA busses make multiple stops on and around North campus. There is a bus/subway station on South campus, busses can public and UB busses can take you to North, while the subway can be ridden all the way downtown to Canalside. On Fridays and weekends there are a series of designated Stampede busses that take students off campus for shopping sprees, grocery runs and various night activities such as the movies or bowling. Skateboard During the portions of the fall and spring semesters that bare good weather, numerous students utilize skateboards and longboards to ride across campus. Bringing the boards to class shouldn’t be an issue as long as they aren’t a distraction to professors or classmates. UB’s campuses offer a variety of different inclines to enjoy during your commute to class. There are many portions that are flat for smooth skating, as well as chunks of downhill which make riding even more enjoyable. Walking Walking to class or back to the dorms may sound boring, but both of UB’s campuses have great architecture and enjoyable scenery. If you miss the bus or forget to grab your bike/skateboard, it takes around ten minutes to walk from one side of North campus to the other. This is dependent on how many other students are walking and the weather, but most classes should be in walking distance from each other. There are tunnels that connect buildings, allowing you to get from Natural Science Complex all the way to The Commons without stepping outside. This is especially useful during the winter or if it’s raining so that you don’t have to walk outside during bad weather. email:


Some overlooked items

Use bullet points to detail what you’ve learned at a job or internship experience, and use numbers to be specific. How many people did you supervise or recruit as a student club leader or president? Use numbers to show the potential employer not only what you did, but how well you did it. “Some of the things on your resume or LinkedIn profile might not be directly applicable to what you’re applying for,” Brodka said. “But if they can see you were really successful at whatever it is you did, then they’re going to say ‘we want that person.’” Attach clips, videos and other samples of your work under the “experience” section of your LinkedIn profile. In this way, LinkedIn is more personalized and interactive than simply an online resume, said Brodka. Students can play around with different header photos or use personalized icons to break up their headline. Make an appointment with Career Services

The best thing for incoming freshmen or any students, according to Brodka, is to make an appointment with Career Services, located in 259 Capen Hall. The office offers two types of consultation: 20-minute, same day express appointments and longer sessions to be scheduled about a week in advance. “That’s really the best thing for me to do, is to sit down with a student and help them either make a profile, or make their current profile better,” Brodka said. *All information according to Ed Brodka email:

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


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18 Grapevine

19 Buffalo’s Albright-Knox opens three new exhibitions this summer

20 From fashion blog to styling business


18 Wednesday, July 5, 2017



Your weekly collection of Buffalo’s sonic selections BENJAMIN BLANCHET SENIOR ARTS EDITOR

Summer is deservingly long and the sizzling hot months deserve a musical companion. Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy your favorite bands and artists in Western New York. This summer, legendary acts like Guns N’ Roses and the Goo Goo Dolls will be making their way to Buffalo as well as others

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like Ed Sheeran and Foxygen. If you need to wind down before the start of the fall semester, grab a friend and immerse yourselves with tunes. Sunday, July 9 Ed Sheeran - KeyBank Center British pop star Ed Sheeran will be taking over the stage in Buffalo this July. Sheeran is touring after the release of his chart-topping album ÷, which came out in March. In his new album, the singer-songwriter instrumentally spans from folk to dance, exhibiting his genius in creating love songs like the hit “Shape of You.” James Blunt, best known for his hit 2005 song “You’re Beautiful,” will be opening up the evening. Blunt will be warming things up through old poppy cuts and tracks from his most recent album The Afterlove, which features contributions from Sheeran. Tickets are sold out, but if you can find a way to attend, make sure to bring a few friends to this must-see show. Thursday, July 13 Ghostface Killah and Slick Rick Canalside Canalside’s concert series is always a summer hit and this year is no different, as a pair of rap legends – Ghostface Killah and Slick Rick – will be commanding the Buffalo crowd on July 13. Ghostface Killah, member of the WuTang Clan, has been a reckonable force in rap for decades with albums like Supreme Clientele and Fishscale. In recent years, the rap-

per has stayed clever and relevant with the help of producer Adrian Younge and jazz group BadBadNotGood on full-length projects. The Wu-Tang member will be joined by Slick Rick, the renowned “Children’s Story” rapper. His debut album The Great Adventures of Slick Rick made Rick the Ruler one of the most renowned storytellers in the game for his mastery of humor and confidence. Tickets are only $5, so get a big bang for your buck by seeing these hip-hop greats live. Tuesday, July 18 The Doobie Brothers and Chicago Darien Lake Classic rock will be on full display at Darien Lake this July. The Doobie Brothers, once famously led by singer-songwriter Michael McDonald, will be executing decades’ worth of hits. The Grammy-winning group flaunted R&Bladen rock jams in the ‘70s such as “Minute by Minute” and “What a Fool Believes.” The Doobie Brothers will be joined by jazz rockers Chicago, multi-platinum selling artists who have recently been inducted in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Chicago has produced countless classics from their discography such as “Saturday in the Park,” “Questions 67 and 68” and “25 or 6 to 4.” If you’re looking to see a pair of aging but legendary performers, look no further than this show. Wednesday, July 26 Foxygen - The Tralf Indie rockers Foxygen will be bringing their psych-rock stylings to the Queen City. The group, made up of Sam France and Jonathan Rado, are a California pair who have flourished on the scene with albums like We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic. The project offers sweet sounds that draw heavy influence from ‘60s and ‘70s predecessors like The Velvet Underground and Bob Dylan. Foxygen’s recent full-length project, Hang, cleverly offers nods to the ‘70s alongside progressive instrumentation. Songs like “Trauma”

are boosted with piano and harps while other cuts like “Mrs. Adams” find the band in glam territory, exhibiting the band’s diversity. Tickets for the show are just $20, but the jams Foxygen should be offering up at the Tralf will be priceless. Saturday, August 12 Goo Goo Dolls - Darien Lake Hometown favorites the Goo Goo Dolls are planning to take to Western New York, and where better to do it then at Darien Lake. The group, led by guitarist and singer John Rzeznik, is on the road as part of their Long Way Home summer tour, stopping by the area to exhibit their alternative swagger. The Goo Goo Dolls have been a rock fixture since 1985 and powered listeners with singles such as “Iris” and “Slide” in the late ‘90s. Today the band continues to release pop rock like Magnetic and last year’s Boxes, which have been met with moderate success. If you’re yearning for a national act with local appeal, make the short drive east to Darien Lake and see the Goo Goo Dolls rock out. Wednesday, August 16 Guns N’ Roses - New Era Field As the summer wraps up, Guns N’ Roses will hit New Era Field – home of the Buffalo Bills – to close things out in style. Composed of legends such as Slash and frontman Axl Rose, the band has found immense success over the years. Guns N’ Roses’ have sold millions of records alongside their success on the charts with songs like “Sweet Child o’ Mine” and “Welcome To The Jungle.” On top of the band’s success in the ‘80s, they were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2012. Guns N’ Roses will likely sway to their classic ‘80s rock tracks as well as some new cuts, so don’t miss out on what will be an energetic stadium concert.



Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Buffalo’s Albright-Knox opens three new exhibitions this summer Art gallery to feature works of Casey Riordan Millard and Joe Bradley BENJAMIN BLANCHET SENIOR ARTS EDITOR

The Albright-Knox Art Gallery will be opening a trio of new exhibits for museumgoers over the summer. The gallery is located in nearby Delaware Park and features works from artists both near & far, with its new offerings this summer being no different. In May, the Albright-Knox opened an exhibit with a distinct local flavor, “Shark Girl: Never Quite There.” The new exhibit is based on the work of Casey Riordan Millard, an American-born artist whose “Shark Girl” structure downtown has brought delight to Buffalonians in the past few years. The exhibit spans “from some of her earliest representations of her signature character to newly imagined diorama-style installations,” according to a press release from the Albright-Knox. Millard’s famous feminized sea creature has made its way to the Ohio River as well as being embellished on everything from stuffed animals to teeth. Aside from her various arrangements of “Shark Girl,” Millard’s other work dives into the fantastical, tackling the world with a

nearly childlike approach toward art. Millard’s paintings – like “Baby-Mouthed Potato Buns in Orbit” and “You’re Going to Be Okay” – are un-lifelike in nature but draw viewers in through their various fun elements. Likewise, sculptures such as “Come Follow Me” dazzle through their crafty and cartoonish approach to constructing artistic animals. On June 24, the work of American artist Joe Bradley went on public display at the Albright-Knox. The exhibition is the “first large-scale museum exhibition in North America devoted” to Bradley’s art, according to the Albright-Knox’s website. The Maine-born artist shows sparks of the abstract and minimalism, drawing to mind color field-esque works through his creations. In 2017’s “Good World” and 2016’s “Mother and Child,” Bradley’s work boasts abridged qualities with primary colors as well as converging shapes and lines. In his 2013 work “Love Boat,” the artist’s oil-based creations feature spotted yellow dots, rigid blue waves and a potpourri of browns & blacks – all in separate panels on the canvas. Dr. Cathleen Chaffee, Senior Curator at the

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Albright-Knox, said Bradley’s work reliably surprises viewers with his inspiration from comics, graffiti, old yearbooks and more. “We’ve been working on the exhibition for three years in order to make sure the [art] loans represent nearly every major body of Bradley’s work over the past decade,” Chaffee said. “I’m pleased with how the show really celebrates the different facets of his art, and embraces the way his deep appreciation of art history is paired with an unexpected sense of humor.” Bradley is no stranger to prominent displays either, having his work included in exhibits such as 2014’s “The Forever Now: Contemporary Paintings in an Atemporal World” at the MoMA and exhibits across the world like Rome and London. After the exhibition closes on October 1, Bradley’s work will be on display at Brandeis University. Beginning on July 8, “Drawing: The Beginning of Everything” will be featured at the gallery. The exhibit in the gallery’s 1905 Building hopes to shine a light on “the ways in which drawing is employed as a means to push the boundaries that traditionally separate one artistic discipline from another,” according to Albright-Knox’s website. The exhibit will feature a wide range of internationally recognized artists. British artist Tacita Dean is featured in the exhibit and is most known for her visual art with projects like FILM and other photographed, trace-based work seen in her project “Still Life.” Dean has been honored

(RIGHT) Bishop (2016, Collection of Wendi Murdoch) is an oil and acrylic painting by Joe Bradley. Bradley’s often abstract and minimalist work will be on display at the Albright-Knox this summer. (LEFT) Mother and Child (2016, Collection of Larry Gagosian) is an oil painting by Joe Bradley. Bradley’s often minimalist and abstract art will be on display at the AlbrightKnox this summer.

over her career with the Hugo Boss Prize in 2006 and has been elected a member of London’s Royal Academy of Arts. Others like Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson and Vietnamese-born artist Tam Van Tran will have works in the exhibit. Eliasson’s use of colors and earth elements in works like “Your rainbow panorama” and “The weather project” have made him a hit, winning Germany’s Quadriga award in 2010. Tran’s fashioned canvas offer wonky blends of lines, curvatures and colors, with works that have been featured in spaces as far away as Germany and Belgium. “The Albright-Knox has a rich and varied collection of contemporary drawing, and the artists selected for this exhibition push the boundaries of the medium to create imagery that is simultaneously subtle and detailed,” said Holly Hughes, Godin-Spaulding Curator & Curator for the Collection at the Albright-Knox. “It is my hope that the inviting nature of these works will result in extended observation, slowing the pace at which viewers experience each piece.” “Drawing: The Beginning of Everything” will be on display through October 15. email:

at UB



Catholic speaker and awardwinning musician Chris Bray will be coming to the Newman Center on Friday, September 8th at 7:00 PM. Chris has appeared at World Youth Day, EWTN, Life Teen, and has headlined for 25,000 people at the March for Life Rally. Chris is also a fabulous speaker; speaking at parishes and colleges through the US and Canada. Tickets are on SALE NOW!!! GET THEM TODAY!

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20 From fashion blog to styling business Wednesday, July 5, 2017



UB alum’s business inspires others to dress like ‘modern-day kings’


James Moise, a UB Grad, wants each of his customers to feel like “modern day kings.” Moise offers personal styling through Organic Gentlemen’s Club, a fashion consulting service and blog.


Dressing for success is an important aspect of any professional field. When it comes to presenting yourself, sometimes a little advice goes a long way. UB alum James Moise sees the potential of basing a business on this idea. He started Organic Gentlemen’s Club (OGC) late last

year. OGC began as a men’s fashion blog, where Moise’s posts guide men on how to dress like “modern-day kings.” His posts touch on topics, such as health, mindfulness and evolving one’s fashion taste. “I noticed that there was a lack of men’s fashion blogs,” Moise said. “People would be primarily focused on themselves and just showing different styles. I think my approach to the blog is just different in com-

parison to everybody else.” OGC is more than just a blog – it doubles as a business. Organic Gentlemen’s Club offers a threephase process, or membership packages, to customers. These packages include fashion consultation, personal styling and grooming. The first 30 minutes of consultation is free, with each following hour costing $50. The shopping aspect costs customers $75

an hour for a minimum of two hours. The final phase is the grooming phase, which isn’t your average haircut. Customers are taken to an Organic Gentlemen-certified barber where they are treated to a facial, hot towel and a massage along with a fresh cut. Moise sees the importance in professionals coming to OGC to enhance their fashion outlook. “Fashion, or the lack of, is not a conversation that many people do have,” Moise said. “For people to come out of their comfort zone and have somebody walk you through how to wear something or tell you what you should or shouldn’t wear, it definitely does play on ego. To be able to step past that, it’s pretty big.” For those who aren’t ready to seek personal styling from OGC, the blog may be inspirational. While Moise showcases some of his looks on the blog, the focus isn’t necessarily on him. Each post is geared toward men who are looking for fashion guidance and a push toward greater confidence in their attire. In one blog entry titled “You’re Evolving, Not Conforming,” Moise explains fashion can be a reflection of the type of person an individual is. The post emphasizes feeling good and leaving a favorable impression. The OGC blog is a result of Moise’s creativity, but he doesn’t run the business alone. Moise met his business partner Shawn Patterson at a Bills game, where they were connected through working for Pegula Sports Entertainment. After talking about their fashion backgrounds, the two hit it off. Moise takes care of the creative side of things, while Patterson is in charge of brand marketing for OGC.

CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 3 Bedroom Apartment available with appliances and many features Beautifully updated North Buffalo Lower 4 blocks from University at Buffalo’s Kapoor Hall and UB School of Pharmacy



Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Moise met his business partner Shawn Patterson through mutual work. Patterson handles brand marketing for Organic Gentlemen’s Club, a fashion consulting service and blog.

look good.’” At the end of the day, Moise wants all of his clients to feel like an “OG” and defines an Organic Gentleman as a “modern-day king” who aspires to achieve success in all aspects of life. For Moise, if you want to be a king, you have to dress like one. “Looking good is something that is not taught in school,” Moise said. “We do see people from time to time that do not look the part. Knowing how to dress for success, you limit that from happening.”


“What I learned from being at Nordstrom for many years is to always make sure the customer is taken care of,” Patterson said. “It’s stuck with me all the way through now. It’s part of my endeavors as an entrepreneur. Taking care of people is the cornerstone of what we do.” And taking care of customers is what makes OGC such a personal business. One of Moise’s customers, Amilcar Hill, is best known in the Buffalo community as DJ Milk. Hill works the boards as a DJ for the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres. DJ Milk asked Moise to help pick his attire before performing at this year’s ECMC Springfest Gala. OGC decided on Hill’s looks for both the evening event and the

performance. “I think Organic Gentlemen’s Club is a great idea. He’s trying to give people a well

thought out, sophisticated look in a good price range,” Hill said. “It was nice just to be able to show up and hear ‘Yo, here’s some things that I picked out for you that I think


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Wednesday, July 5, 2017




Wednesday, July 5, 2017


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26 10 major moments of last year

28 Fall sports watchlist

32 Soccer season preview




Wednesday, July 5, 2017


10 MAJOR MOMENTS OF LAST YEAR Counting down the biggest moments of this past school year


It was an exciting year in Buffalo with plenty of big moments. The men’s tennis team claimed their second MAC title in three years and their fifth title in the last eight seasons.


10. Laura Dougall sets career shutout record UB women’s senior goalkeeper Laura Dougall has been a major part of UB Athletics since she stepped onto campus. In her freshman year, she helped women’s soccer win its first MAC tournament title. This year she made her mark again when she broke the program record for career shutouts. In the Bulls game against the Brown Bears this past season, she recorded the 22nd shutout of her career and became the sole record holder. She has now extended the record to 27 and is only two wins away from tying the program record for career wins.

9. Men’s tennis goes undefeated in MAC play and wins conference title The men’s tennis team were the alpha dogs this past year in the MAC. They went undefeated through conference play and carried that into Kalamazoo. They took down Northern Illinois before heading into a battle with Western Michigan. The teams fought hard but Buffalo made the comeback and secured a MAC tournament championship. It’s their second conference title in three years and their fifth in the last eight. The team advanced to the NCAA tournament where they lost in the first round to No. 13 Texas A & M. 8. Women’s tennis wins MAC championship

The women’s tennis team had a season filled with ups and downs, but things came together at the right time for the Bulls this past spring. After a five-game losing streak, the Bulls closed out the year on a five-game win streak that they took into the MAC tournament. They extended the streak to eight as they won all three matches and a MAC title. The team fell in the first round of the national tournament to the No. 2 Ohio State Buckeyes. 7. Jordan Johnson sets single game rushing record The UB football team had ups and downs throughout last year. But one of the brightest spots was Jordan Johnson. The Bulls were on a four-game losing streak when Akron came to Buffalo for a Thursday night game.

Jordan Johnson ran all over the Zips defense for 282 yards and two touchdowns. Johnson broke Alan Bell’s 25-year-old record of 266 yards and led the Bulls to their second and final victory of the season. 6. Jake Gunning wins MAC title UB’s wrestling team had one of its best seasons in years. They set a program record when they recorded four MAC wins and had numerous wrestlers defeat ranked opponents. Redshirt junior Jake Gunning went 20-7 on the year including a win over the No. 17 wrestler in the nation. He took that momentum into the MAC tournament and came away with the team’s first MAC championship since 2011. 5. Mason Miller wins MAC most outstanding swimmer Mason Miller was a star in the pool this year. He won races all year and didn’t stop come conference championship time. He won three individual golds and three relay golds at the MAC championships. He was named to the All-MAC first team and was also named as the MAC most outstanding male swimmer. 4. Megan Burns wins MAC swimmer of the year Women’s swimming had their own star in the pool. Megan Burns set two individual records and was a part of four relay records this season. She also won the 50 free at the MAC championships for the third straight year, and took away three other golds at the meet. She got an invite to the NCAA championships, named first team all-MAC and also named the MAC most outstanding female swimmer. 3. Khalil Mack wins NFL defensive player of the year Khalil Mack has become a force to be reckoned within the NFL. The UB alumnus finished the year with 11 sacks and 73 total tackles. The two-time all-pro defensive end has already established himself as the most successful former UB player and added to his accolades when he won the NFL defensive player of the year award. Mack is the first UB player to win an NFL Honors award. CONTINUED ON PAGE 27


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Wednesday, July 5, 2017



2. Russell Cicerone becomes first UB player drafted in MLS draft In what was ultimately the men’s soccer program’s last season, Russell Cicerone dominated his competition week in and week out. He finished the year with 37 points on 14 goals and nine assists, ranking fourth in the NCAA in points and seventh in goals. He closed out his career ranked first in career assists and second in career points and goals. Cicerone captured national attention and turned that into an invite to the MLS combine, the first UB player to do so. He then completed another first for UB alumni when he was selected in the MLS draft. The Portland Timbers selected Cicerone in the fourth round to cap off his time in Buffalo.

university’s announcement that they would be cutting four programs effective at the end of the semester. The school decided to cut men’s soccer, men’s swimming and diving, men’s baseball and women’s rowing in a move to attempt to cut $2 million from the athletic budget. Men’s soccer had completed for the MAC championship in their final season. The men’s swimming and diving team concluded with eight conference championships in their final season. Women’s rowing finished sixth in the CAA in their final competition. Baseball placed four players on all-MAC rosters to close out the program. email:

1. UB athletics cuts four programs The biggest moment of the year was the


UB alumnus Khalil Mack made history as the first UB player to win an NFL season award. He was named the NFL defensive player of the year after an incredible season with Oakland Raiders.

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Fall sports watchlist The best UB games to see this season THOMAS ZAFONTE CO-SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

Volleyball - Saturday, September 23 The Bulls vs The Ohio Bobcats

The first conference game of the season The Bulls will take on last season’s third ranked MAC team, the Bobcats. The game will serve as a test to see if the Bulls have moved on from last year’s poor outcome. The start time is 6:00 pm. Volleyball - Friday, October 13 The Bulls vs The Northern Illinois Huskies

On the unluckiest day of the year, the Bulls will take on top MAC contenders from last season, the Huskies. The Huskies only lost one regular season conference game last year and had only six losses in total. The start time is 6:00 pm. Soccer - Saturday, August 26 - The Bulls vs The Ohio State Buckeyes (Away)

This road matchup against the Buckeyes happens right before the school year starts and will perhaps be the toughest non-conference game for the Bulls. The Buckeyes will come into the season having lost in the first round of the NCAA tournament to West Virginia. With no set-in-stone way to watch the 7 p.m. game yet, it’s hard to say if

it can be watched from Buffalo, but if the game is streamed by the Buckeyes or ESPN, will have a link. Soccer - Sunday, September 3 The Bulls vs The Youngstown State University Penguins

The home opener for the soccer team will be against the Penguins with a start time of 7 p.m. The Penguins will come in having gone 3-12-2 in the regular season last year. The non-conference game will be their fourth of the season and will be played at UB stadium. Football - Saturday, September 9 The Bulls vs The Army West Point Knights (Away)

In a rematch of the Bulls’ most thrilling game from last season, the Knights will seek revenge for their 23-20 overtime loss. This time, the game will be at Michie Stadium in West Point, New York. The game will be made available through CBSSN and will start at 12 p.m. Football - Saturday, September 16 The Bulls vs The Colgate Raiders

In the home opener and third game of the season, the Bulls will take on the Raiders starting at 6 p.m. The Raiders come into the season having gone 5-5 last year. The game will also involve a Tailgate Concert Series


Junior cornerback Brandon Williams and the Bulls football team will be hosting opponents like the Ohio Bobcats and the defending MAC champion Western Michigan Broncos.

performance from Jana Kramer. The game will be broadcasted on ESPN3. Football - Saturday, October 7 - The Bulls vs The Western Michigan Broncos

This MAC conference matchup comes against the Broncos who were a powerhouse in the MAC last season going undefeated in conference games. Last season the Bulls lost 38-0 in an away to the Broncos. The game will also be the annual homecoming game with a Tailgate Concert Series performance from Better Than Ezra. The game will be at UB Stadium starting at 3:30 p.m. during parents’ weekend. Soccer - Sunday, October 8 - The Bulls vs The Kent State Golden Flashes

This key conference game has the Bulls

up against last year’s MAC conference champions the Golden Flashes. The game will also be the 6th conference game for the Bulls who are looking to become a top team in the MAC. The game will be held at UB Stadium starting at 12 p.m. Football - Friday, November 24 - The Bulls vs The Ohio State Bobcats

Coming the day after Thanksgiving, this MAC conference matchup will be the season closer for the Bulls. The Bobcats are coming off a solid season having gone 6-2 in the MAC. The game will be a rematch from a road game last season where the Bulls lost 38-10. If being home seems like a possible watching issue, the game will be broadcasted on ESPNU, ESPN3 and CBSSN with no set time yet. email:

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Breaking down the football team as training camp begins DANIEL PETRUCCELLI SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

Biggest Losses: The Bulls will certainly have an adjustment period to start this year after losing some key pieces from last year. The offense lost four major starters from last season, three of which signed NFL contracts this year. Jordan Johnson will be missed in the run game. UB’s sixth all time rusher managed to have a productive year last year despite problems with the offensive line. The Bulls leading receiver, Mason Schreck, is off to the NFL as well. The defense will also lose its share of starters. The biggest pieces to graduate since last season are Boise Ross and Brandon Crawford. Ross was the top corner on the team but missed games with injuries and a one-game suspension early in the year. Crawford will be the bigger miss. He led the Bulls in sacks last season and led all defensive lineman in tackles. Filling the void: The first hole that needs to be filled will be the running back slot. Junior Johnathan Hawkins looks poised to take the majority of the carries this season as the guy with the most carries heading into the year. But Hawkins missed part of the spring with an injury and Kameron Pickett had a good showing at the spring game, which could help him warrant some carries. Sophomore Tyler Mabry, redshirt sophomore KJ Osborn and senior Kamathi Hol-

sey will have to fill the void left by the departure of the Bulls top three receivers from a year ago. Mabry will be the most likely to step in as a big short yardage target in place of Schreck who was Jackson’s favorite target. Osborn could also add to the short passing game but may help stretch some defenses as well. Holsey will be all about using his height. The defense has a lot more possibilities on who could fill the positions in need. The spring game saw a lot of rotation at defensive line and with the defensive backs. Redshirt Sophomore Jeremiah Dadeboe stood out in the game and recorded two interceptions. Sophomore Duke Hwang utilized the rotation and managed to grab three sacks in the game and could see that help his playing time this fall. The season ahead: The defense is one of the team’s biggest concerns heading into this season. They allowed over 3,000 yards on the ground last season and are losing the most productive member of the front seven in Crawford. The loss of Boise Ross pokes a major hole in a pass defense that wasn’t tested much. Bulls head coach Lance Leipold noted the secondary as one of the biggest areas of concern during the spring. “The secondary was one thing I think that after full team practices it was an area we knew we had to get better in and to see some things tonight definitely a positive,” Leipold said after this year’s spring game. The defense showed promise during the spring game. The front seven held up admirably and didn’t allow any huge runs, a ma-


jor improvement from last year. The secondary came away with seven interceptions in the spring game. Leipold was especially impressed with Dadeboe’s performance. “Still young, still raw, learning the game and to see him get a game like this can do nothing but build his confidence and we need that,” Leipold said. “Dev Lamour was injured this spring, gonna have surgery, not sure when he’ll be back so Jeremiah is gonna have to step up and he made a great step in that direction.” On the other side of the ball, the offensive line is ready to take a huge step forward this year, bringing the offense along with it. Junior James O’Hagan will be stepping into his third year at the center of the unit, three other starters are returning to the unit and the only role that needs to be filled has Rutgers transfer Jacquis Webb ready to fill it. Webb has all the measurables to be an elite offensive tackle. With senior David Goldsby now comfortable at right tackle and Webb

at left the passing game could really develop this year. Jackson will need to become a leader this year without Johnson. Johnson said he’s feeling more confident heading into this season now that he has experience as a starter. “Last year I was thrown out there and I just had to take the bullets and go, but now I feel a lot more comfortable out there,” Jackson said after the spring game. The team kicks things off with Big 10 member Minnesota to test just how far things have come this offseason. They will also face former Alabama offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin early in his tenure at Florida Atlantic.

Similar to Burke, Cutrona sees Jandu and VanCuyck as the keys to continuing a strong backfield and also expressed excitement about the players coming in. She sees this season as chance to help groom them for the team while also getting fresh talent. Even though Cutrona is the team’s top scorer, she knows defense remains a top priority and doesn’t plan on just focusing on one side of the field. “I plan on scoring more goals this season and I think with the changes we can be a stronger scoring team all around,” Cutrona said. “We still need to be strong on both sides of the field by the time conference play comes around, by then we should be the best possible team we can be.” Last season the Bulls went 4-4-3 in the MAC, never scoring more than two goals in a conference game. Cutrona stressed the importance of conference play as the measuring stick for the season. “What it comes down to is making this the best team it can be, and that starts the moment we ended last season and this one began,” Burke said. According to Burke, the team will reach its potential sooner by playing top competition early. By the time September rolls around the

Junior forward Carissima Cutrona will look to help kickstart the Bulls offense this upcoming season. The Bulls are hoping to be more consistent after an up and down season.



Junior center James O’Hagan (right) enters his third year as the starting center for the Bulls. The Bulls will look to improve after going 2-10 last season.

SOCCER SEASON PREVIEW The Bulls look to improve offensively after first losing season THOMAS ZAFONTE SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

Last season, the Bulls were as hot and cold as it gets. Though the team never conceded more than three games in a row, they also could not win more than three games in a row. Even with a strong defense that never let up more than two goals in a single game, the team rarely made the most of scoring opportunities, getting shutout in nine games. This year head coach Sean Burke is looking to change that. With nine new players coming in and a new offensive strategy, Burke wants to turn the Bulls into a consistent team on both sides of the field. “Last season we lost eight games and that is unacceptable,” Burke said. “That falls on me as a coach and with this new offensive scheme and strong returning players I feel like we can fix those issues.” Burke enters his fourth year as head coach of the Bulls after joining the team as an assistant in 2009. Last season marked his worst record with the team going 7-8-5 after a 11-7-3 season in 2015 and winning a MAC championship in 2014. “We couldn’t make the most of scoring opportunities and that comes down to consistent play,” Burke said. “We were just as strong defensively which will stay key for us. I always say if you don’t concede goals you have good chance to win the game.” Now with a new season in front of them that includes games with the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cincinnati Bearcats, the Bulls will have to make the adjustments they need to fulfill their expectations. The Bulls head into the season losing seven

senior players and notable team leaders. Both top defenders Angel Hart and Ashley Evans have graduated, leaving holes in the backfield. Yet Burke remains optimistic in the team he is bringing in. “Even with those two gone I expect just as strong a year on defense with the players we have,” Burke said. Burke called out both sophomore defender Adrianna VanCuyck and Gurjeena Jandu as the focal point for the defensive line this season. Both players played in all 20 games last season with Jandu starting in all of them. Burke thinks their experience will help them grow into team leaders and better defenders. “Both of them are so much more experienced than most sophomore players in the whole league,” Burke said. “Last season they definitely showed their abilities and I think they can help bring that to the whole team this year.” Even with the losses in the backfield, the Bulls’ strongest offensive asset will be returning junior forward Carissima Cutrona. Last season Cutrona led the team in goals with 10 and this year is looking to improve on that. “For me it is about scoring opportunities, too many times all of us would miss the easy shots or make a mistake when we could have scored,” Cutrona said. “I am looking to be more of a leader and work on repetition to be better prepared for scoring chances.” Cutrona feels the team has always had offensive potential that they have not been able to tap into. But with a new scheme and new players coming in, Cutrona sees a much more productive season offensively. “I see multiple players stepping up as well, there are a lot of spots to fill on the team and returning players on both sides of the ball who can really make a go at it,” Cutrona said.

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Bulls will have already played the Bearcats and Buckeyes in anticipated away games. Last season the Buckeyes made it to the NCAA tournament while the Bearcats remain a top team in the AAC. “Those type of games act as an early test for us,” Burke said. “We don’t shy away from tough matchups because it is games like those that make you a better team.” The Bulls are striving to be a stronger away team after going winless on the road last season with an 0-6-2 record, while being undefeated at home going 7-0-3 in Buffalo. “That ties into consistency again, we played hard on the road as well we just couldn’t get the score to reflect that,” Burke said. “There is no reason we shouldn’t be a top three team in the MAC and this year we can definitely do that.” The Bulls will have their first exhibition game on August 9 taking on the Cleveland State Vikings at home. email:

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