3 minute read

Caring For GBB

An interview with Robbie Mc Strummer

Robbie is a tarantula keeper from England who shares his journey in tarantula keeping on his YouTube channel Robbiestalkingts. He is experienced with the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens tarantula, and shares his wisdom here!


Tell us about yourself! My names is Robbie, I'm 35 from London, England and I'm a musician and Youtuber. My hobbies are music, movies and video games. What has been your experience with the Green Bottle Blue tarantula? My experience with the GBB has been awesome, I have an adult female and a 3cm. Both are great eaters, grow fast and I've never had any issues with them. Do you think this is a tarantula that is well suited for beginners? I'd definitely recommend it as a beginner species if you are just starting out in the hobby. What care advice would you give someone who is thinking of getting a GBB? In your experience, what is their temperament like? Is this a tarantula you believe is docile enough for handling if done safely? I personally never advocate the handling of any tarantulas, there's too many variables that could result in the injury of yourself or the tarantula. And as temperament can vary from specimen to specimen and in some cases with each molt, calm or not I wouldn't suggest handling. How does care for this spider differ from others? This species are amazing webbers. They build an amazing home of web tunnels so don't be surprised if they spend most of their time hiding away until they sense a prey item knocking at the front door. How do you decorate your enclosures for the GBBs? Do you have any strategies to help them web or get comfortable? Lots of anchor points. I use plants/plastic plants, pieces of cork bark, etc. The species will even use the glass to anchor its web to. My only advice really is keep them dry, this species is prone to death if kept moist. Other than that I've found you can't really go wrong with them. ] ]


What are some things to look out for with this spider? Things to look out for with this species is definitely the color changes as they grow from slings to adults. Like a Caribena versicolor, it's definitely a highlight of the species.

How long does it generally take before you start noticing the GBB's signature coloration coming through? In my experience the gorgeous blues, greens and orange start to really come through once the slings reach a size of about 1 1/2 inches.

What's your favorite thing about this tarantula?

My favourite thing about the species is everything I've mentioned previously from all the webbing they do, the dramatic colour changes and ferocious appetite. Everything someone could possibly hope for in a tarantula. ] ]

ABOUT ROBBIE Robbie is a tarantula YouTuber and a musician living in London. If you'd like to see more from him, feel free to check out his YouTube channel or Instagram, Robbiestalkingts!

Photo credit: Robbie Mc Strummer


What is your bucket list tarantula? Let me know what your ultimate dream tarantula would be! I'd like to make an issue featuring that spider in the future! Email me at theavenmag@gmail.com!


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