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The Splash is committed to serving Liberty Lake through excellent community journalism. We can’t do it at all without you, our readers, and we can’t do it for long without support from our advertisers. Please thank our business partners and look to them when offering your patronage.

Our sincere appreciation to the following businesses for their foundational partnerships withThe Splash and its partner publications:


Community Newsmagazine

EDITOR/PUBLISHER Ben Wick ben@libertylakesplash.com



Danica Wick danica@libertylakesplash.com

Larry Passmore circulation@libertylakesplash.com


Craig Howard, Nina Culver, Ashley Humbird, Ross Schneidmiller

The Liberty Lake Splash P.O. Box 363 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Phone: 509-242-7752 www.libertylakesplash.com

The Splash is published monthly by or before the first of each month. It is distributed free of charge to every business and home in the greater Liberty Lake area. Additional copies are located at drop-off locations in Liberty Lake and Otis Orchards.

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