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SHC Film Club is Rolling Back into Action
Samantha Brosseau Reporter
Film club was started at Spring Hill College 10 years ago, but members are not nearly as involved now as they used to be. Current members of the club are working toward bringing the club back to its former glory but the club has faced challenges along the way.
According to Ryan Noble, the film club advisor, who played an integral part in bringing the club to SHC 10 years ago, in the first few years of the club being active, members worked on as many as 8-10 short films throughout the school year. Members were consistently showing up to meetings and dedicating their time to projects for the club.
Like most things, attendance for film club meetings declined at the same time that the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the campus in 2020. Noble has since been attempting to revive the club by inviting students majoring in communications and digital video production to join. However, membership is not limited to only people in these areas of study.
Film Club President and graphic design major Lacey Gilomen has stepped up greatly during the 2022-2023 school year to keep the film club alive.
During the last couple of months, Gilomen has worked towards the completion of a new mini-series that focuses on SHC’s mascot, Beaumont. However, this project has had numerous hiccups.
Gilomen said, “It took several weeks to actually get a hold of the mascot suit and then we ran into scheduling difficulties as well as a lack of members coming to the meetings. It was difficult to get enough students involved to divvy out various tasks so our timeline for filming was extended and we weren’t able to reach deadlines.”
According to Gilomen, the Beaumont series will not be ready for release this semester, but Gilomen looks forward for the Fall 2023 semester.
“We all are looking forward to continuing our work on this mini-series and hope to get it out as soon as possible. I’d love to have more students join the film club so we can further carry out this project,” said Gilomen. Gilomen is focused on increasing involvement while also getting current members more excited about the club’s current and future projects. She hopes to eventually complete some larger projects and make something for SHC students to enjoy and club members to be proud of. Gilomen said, “Film club allows students to experience things they wouldn’t typically get to be involved in, and there are so many unique roles involved in the film club and the production of these short films.”
“I am glad I joined the film club this year. It is a refreshing team of creative individuals who want to make great things happen. We are small but mighty!” said film club member Sasha Falch.
Noble and Gilomen and all the film club members have strived for more recognition and involvement for the film club. Gilomen felt as though not many students are aware of the club or the opportunities that are offered when a student joins the club. Noble said, “Maybe there will be a new generation created to now carry film club forward in the future. New members are always welcome, and consistent members are greatly appreciated.”
If you have any questions or concerns or if you are interested in joining the film club, contact Lacey Gilomen at lacey.a.gilomen@e mail.shc.edu.