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New Cameras Being Installed Across Campus
Safety measures to protect students on campus are receiving a huge upgrade. New cameras are being installed throughout residence halls.
Due to security concerns on campus, cameras are and will continue to be installed all around Spring Hill’s campus. There is no specific time frame for the completion of installation but according to Chief of Police, Kevin Anderson, “all cameras will be installed in residence halls within the next month”. The cameras will only be able to capture video and not audio.
According to Anderson,
“there will be 68 cameras in total in all residential halls. Cameras have been installed at Skips, Viragh, and the Fairways outside. All other residence halls will have cameras inside of them. The cameras will be facing the ends of halls and entryways from outside. The cameras will be monitored 24/7 from the guard shack, which is by the front entrance of campus.” Cameras will be installed in and around academic buildings later in the future, Anderson added. Some students are not fond of the installation of cameras inside residential buildings.
Sophomore Haruko Meyer said, “I am concerned about invasion of privacy and misuse of public surveillance cameras. The footage collected by these cameras could be used for different purposes, such as the unwarranted surveillance of individuals. The fact that someone’s right to privacy may be seriously compromised just doesn’t sit right with me.”
Resident of New Hall, Alanis Coburn said, “the cameras are a great way to ensure the safety and security of all students on campus and is something that has been long overdue”. According to Anderson the cameras should deter some suspicious activity. Each officer and security guard will have the ability to monitor the cameras from their phone. The footage will be saved on a DVR in 30 day increments.
Anderson said that it is hard to get a firm date from AIS as to when the cameras will all be installed but it should be in the next few months. Anderson also said that he wants students to do three things, which are to “not prop open dorm doors, stay vigilant, and notify campus security if they see something suspicious.”
Regarding any questions or concerns about the security cameras visit www.shc.edu and go to the student life tab.