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Editorial Committees reports You can be a Staff Secretary General exclusive interview I put a Spy on you
Journalist Team
Editorial Honorable MUNers, This is the last ThessISMUN Daily News for this year… I hope you had a great time and ThessISMUN experience was educational, constractive and exactly what you expected to be. Keep on participating in Models of UN… First of all, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart my beloved and cooperative journalists: Stamatis, Maria, Eleanna, Viktoria, Christina, Theodora, Alexandra, Mary and (last but not least) Vangelis and Fotis my right and left hands respectively!!! ThessISMUN Daily News would not even exist without their precious contribution! Thank you guys… you were amazing!!! Also, I would like to thank you, my dear Delegates, for your active participation in ThessISMUN… Welcome in big ThessISMUN Family and we hope to see you around next year again… Goodbye…Alexandra!
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Mary Basdeki:1st Committee Vangelis Oikonomidis: CoEditor Stamatis Zachariadis: NAC Christina Chelioti: 3rd Committee Maria Oproglidou: ECOSOC Theodora Karakechaidou:Security Council Ziaka Alexandra: 2nd Committee Eleanna Psomiadou: Le Comité contre la Torture
Viktoria Kanata: Council of Europe
Rafaella Tsertsidou:Human Rights Council
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Alexandra Chatzopoulou: Editor Fotis Telloglou: our beloved Paparazzi and the Co-Co-Editor!!!
Co-Édito Chers amis, c’est la fin de notre court trajet, on espère que le modèle de l'ONU de Thessalonique vous a inspiré, diverti, fasciné! C’est la première fois qu’une édition bilingue de ce journal est préparée, pardonneznous pour les fautes inévitables-on n’est que des amateurs! L’équipe des éditeurs voudrait remercier premièrement Mme Perraki, puis tous les membres du bureau, l’équipe du staff, l’équipe de coordination de la crise, nos chers journalistes... Finalement, un grand merci a Mme Kikitsa, sans elle ce journal ne serait jamais publié! Chers participants, on espère vous accueillir de nouveau à Thessalonique! A bientôt, Vangelis!
1st Committee War crime for the French, legal defense for the Israeli delegation The day in the Committee was again full of confrontations. Israel was in the spotlight, of course, and according to their ambassador, the israeli actions were in no way illegal. To his comment, certain delegations raised their voices, starting with France whose delegate condemned the actions of Israel as war crimes. Then Iran, Israel's favourite delegation, which commented on the proportionality of damaging the blockade, inflicts to Gaza citizens; and Egypt, which surprised the Committee with the announcement of its policy change, a proIslamic one from now on. Cuba creatively compared the illegal blockade to the ones imposed by the United States to their borders. However, the delegation of Egypt was quite moderated, as Egypt, having a key role among the Middle East States, has been trying for many years to cooperate both with the Palestinian National Authority and the state of Israel. Although the Egyptian state has been trying to keep balances, Egypt could not ignore the fact that Israel bears international responsibility. The exact words of the Egyptian Delegation were: “Our state commits itself to take all the necessary measures in order to ameliorate the situation in the Middle East and establish peace and stability”. The Draft Resolution that was finally passed was the one sponsored by the Republic of Korea. Although most delegations voted in favour of this resolution and there were many signatories, disappointment was expressed by certain delegations that the clauses included in the resolution were too vague and general and that there are no specific measures taken so that such incidents do not take place again, as they consist a threat to the whole international community. Coming to end, it has to be mentioned that, while the “Flotilla” topic was being discussed, there was a motion proposed by stubborn delegations to return to the dismissed topic area, so that the voting procedure for the first topic takes place again for the third time, with the presence of the Deputy Secretary General this time! By Mary J. Basdeki
2nd Committee What we had all been waiting for, finally came.. I’m talking about the very last session, of course. Initially, delegates went on a debate about fragmentation of legal regimes as far as underwater cultural heritage (UCH) is concerned. Afterwards, they went on an unmoderated caucus in order to discuss and make alliances. To my surprise, delegation of Italy finally became the sponsor of the draft resolution, replacing USA. The majority of the delegates united with Italy and supported its points of view. Firstly, they stated that they will apply to the International Court of Justice in order to solve contradictory legal issues until a new legal regime will be created. Basically, they suggested an innovative, as they remarked, idea about the creation of an advisory body with an impartial character which will define the hierarchy of the legal regimes. Moreover, they proclaimed that they are against illegal exploitation of UCH. Additionally, delegates of Greece, Cyprus and Turkey agreed not to extend the discussion over territorial disputes. The voting procedure confirmed our initial impression. Italy’s resolution passed with 48 votes in favor. It seems that delegates of the second committee managed to come up with a common strategy in order to fight against legal regime’s fragmentation. By Alexandra Ziaka
3rd Committee “The third committee’s diplomats..hungry for debate!” The third committee started today’s session with all the delegates ready to continue their discussions on the topic area B. The issues of world hunger and genetically modified products were approached from all different perspectives: EU countries seemed unable to agree on a common policy, while issues such as the labeling of genetically modified products leaded to intense debates. Iran seemed hesitant to trust the developed world’s research funding promises, USA refused to accept labeling of genetically modified products, and alternatives to GMOs, such as agro-ecology were proposed by certain states. UK, as a leading EU member, expressed the view that consumers should be protected by the establishment of a legal framework and funds should be given to further research on GMOs. Four unmoderated caucuses later, a resolution sponsored by Denmark and signed by the majority of the committee was introduced and discussed. Even some of the committee’s “Sleeping Beauties” stated their opinions and supported the draft resolution. After the amendments, Brazil passed the motion to “split the house” and the committee finally voted on the resolution, which passed! Clapping was finally “in order” and the exhausted, but yet satisfied delegates left their diplomatic manners aside and voted for the “funny awards”. The third committee’s delegates may have been the last one’s to leave the conference, but they indeed did a great job! The third committee had a very “Chilly Chile” as with her looks and personality managed to get both the ” most beautiful” and “sweetest” delegate wonder why India always seemed to find a reason to talk to her... Seems like a friendship, more than an alliance, is starting to develop between delegates of UK, Germany, Finland and Russian Federation...! By Christina Chelioti
HRC In the Human Rights Council the delegations introduced yesterday the second topic, which is referring to the affects of the movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of the Human Rights. The Russian Federation clarified that Russia recognizes that they really have to deal with a big problem, for this reason they mentioned that such an environmental problem could be solved only through the cooperation between the countries and although they are trying to fix the problem they already have. The delegations of Spain and Maldives mentioned that they are extremely sensitive in environmental disasters, while the delegation of Belgium stressed that they are protecting the environment through many initiatives taken by the schools and that they are encouraging activities for the enjoyment of Human Rights. Furthermore, the delegation of Jordan strongly supported that it's not about talking, but acting; and the delegation of Nigeria, as an African country, noticed that they do not have enough money to support their actions. The interest of the delegation of Hungary on the issue is tremendous, because of river Danube, which has long ago been used for industrial purposes. Besides, the delegations of the Republic of Korea and Jordan submitted their working papers and the delegations of Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, Maldives congratulated the productive working papers and especially the working paper submitted by Jordan. The United Kingdom mentioned that is accused for sending its waste to other countries, while these countries are receiving money from UK in order to do that, so the countries could stop taking this money in order to protect their environment. In conclusion, the first committee report about the second topic sponsored by the delegation of the Republic of Korea clearly passed and the HRC continued with the funny awards, where the honourable chairperson of the Human Rights Committee totally ROCKED!!!!!!!!!! By Rafaella D. Tsertsides
ECOSOC No title would do Global health was the issue. However, mental health was at stake. Canada urged for collaboration between developed and developing countries, USA highlighted their generous funding to developing countries, causing Ghana’s reaction: “It’s not a matter of money! Don’t be so proud for being the largest contributor!” Ecuador exploded once again (“Market of HIV and Malaria? Illnesses have become companies! We’ve excluded American companies and have built a market of our own!”) and provoked an intense debate between the nations. Furthermore, there was an enormous mix-up with the working paper, clauses from Venezuela were not added causing a third working paper to appear all of a sudden. USA made some sarcastic comments about the working paper sponsored by Ghana (“like school boys who can’t decide on ice creams”) , Ghana of course reacted, reminding USA that it’s just a working paper and thus doesn’t have to be 100% grammatically correct (“Sorry we can’t read in Ghana schools!”). Chair’s patience was tested several times and the word of the day was “Order” (Chair:”Order in the House!!” and USA:”Point of Order”). Procedure from then on was super fast; Chair (he kept repeating “we’re running out of time!”) blackmailing the committee (“If we don’t vote you are not leaving this room”), Chile speaking in favor of further discussion (“...because we want to waste more time and stay here until the morning”. Chair’s reaction was remarkable:”You don’t want to leave this room, do you? We’ll email you all the amendments!”). A couple of Ecuador’s accusations later (“pharmaceutical companies are dealers!”), they entered voting procedure. By then, they were by far the “emo” committee. Delegates were extremely tired. They were looking at one another saying “When is this going to eeeeeennnnndddd”. The final resolution is the one sponsored by Ghana. 30 for, 2 against,12 abstained. Final “Yes” was Zambia’s “Yeah”. O.S.T. of the committee: “Our time is running out” (Muse), “The show must go on” (Queen), “Always” (Bon Jovi) and “Απόψε λέω να μην κοιμηθούμε” (“Today, let’s not sleep”, Lathrepivates). Hopefully next time I hear “order” will be in a restaurant. By Maria Oproglidou
Security Council Here I am once again! When the session started, the delegates were still trying to find a solution for the crisis in Syria. There was a motion for unmoderated caucus so as to form a resolution upon this topic. When it came to an end, while the house was going to discuss the draft resolution, another crisis occurred (12:55pm). It was about a convoy which was carrying nuclear warheads and it was stopped as it was trying to cross borders to Syria through Turkey. The arrested officers confessed that the weapons were supplied by the Iranian Government. After the further information the board gave, the debate started and, as it was expected, Iranian delegation stated that this is American propaganda. USA replied by saying “Iranian delegation has no proof of such a thing. Instead there are now facts that Iran HAS nuclear weapons and this thing puts in danger the international community and especially Iran’s region”. Continuing, the house voted upon the resolution concerning the crisis in Syria sponsored by UK. Finally, the house came to an agreement about sanctions against Iran, including the last crisis and formed a resolution which passed. Conclusion! It is a fact, that all the delegates of the SC were completely informed of the subject and made a really good work. The chair of the council congratulated them and expressed her appreciation to all of them for the hard work they have done these 4 days. Well done delegates! You’ve done a really amazing job! Lots of love, Your journalist!
Iranian delegation in Security Council Dedicated to Iran As you already know the topic on SC was: sanctions against Iran which automatically means that most of the delegations in the council were in favor of such a thing. The delegation of Iran was the target of continuously attacks against him and despite that fact he remained calm. He has a great knowledge according to the policy of his county upon every matter. Every state, every comment, every answer he gave was exactly in the point and made his diplomatic enemies blush… Good job Iran! (By Theodora Karakechaidou)
NAC The last day proved to be a very easy and reconciliating day for the NAC. Delegates were quick to agree on most of the clauses of the draft communiquĂŠ. Debate revolved around the use of ''eco-weapons'', something that the UK seemed to argue against while other countries were supportive. NATO was the first to pass a CommuniquĂŠ and the first to finish its work a bit before the last coffee break. The party begun with the delegates swapping their placards, teasing each other and taking a lot of memorable pictures. They also voted for the funny awards. The delegate of Denmark received three awards; most beautiful and two others that will be censored if i write them. Future Dictator for the Netherlands and Best Face for Belgium while Italy won the Best Tie award. All in all it was a very fun committee that produced loads of spontaneous laughter. Although the topics were challenging we cannot say that they rose up to the expectations but we could say that they made the best out of themselves. By Stamatis Zachariadis
Council of Europe LAST SCENE, CURTAINS FALL During today’s last Session of the CoE , the delegates discussed the topic of disability and discrimination. Despite the anxiety the ministers had in order to achieve a final agreement; the member States strictly remained to their agenda, supporting till the end their country’s policy. Two basic opinions were settled: A) CoE should face discrimination against disabled people despite the crisis that oscillates all the European Countries. B) priority should be given to each country’s issues and needs. Liechtenstein, Greece and Romania strongly supported that facing the situation of discrimination against disabled people as a part of general human rights is an absolute necessity. Liechtenstein especially referred to a M. Thatcher’s phrase: “We are all like it or not, rebel or not, children of M. Thatcher.” rephrasing it into “We are all like it or not equal members of one World”, in order to adapt it to the issue. The same time Romania had a pressing debate with Turkey and Azerbaijan as the last two countries seemed to find their country’s issues more important than the discrimination among disabled people. Except from discussion, there had been the practical side of the Session. The delegates were obliged to select a sponsor between Italy, Luxemburg, San Marino, Iceland and Russian Federation. And the winner was…Russian Federation! Finally, despite the different policies, CoE’s paper was ready! The delegates “put their thesis to the world”, bringing their dreams for their future into practical diplomatic discussions. And don’t forget that since we’re talking about our future we have the right to say that "We want the world and we want it now!” Jim Morrison (THE DOORS). By Viktoria Kanata
Comité contre la Torture Pensez-vous que le choix de la discothèque “Figaro” était fait par hasard? Je n’y crois pas!... La rumeur que le comité français a les meilleurs danseurs a conduit les organisateurs à ce choix. Le comité a prouvé qu’il peut danser sous des conditions néfastes… Sur les chaises et sans doute sur les tables… Mais cette fois, le Président et la Présidente n’ont pas pu contrôler la situation et la raison est très claire… Le moto de la commission est : “Alors on danse…” Pour le reste, la journée de samedi a vu les experts du comité contre la torture débattre sur le rapport portant sur le cas de Monaco. À propos des clauses adoptées sur le cas Monégasque, les experts du comité recommandent une réforme législative relative à la clarification des procédures d’extradition prévues par l’état monégasque tout particulièrement en ce qui concerne les responsabilités juridiques lui incombant. En ce qui concerne les expulsions, le comité préconise une révision des accords bilatéraux signés par la Principauté de Monaco visant à favoriser le bon traitement des détenus. Cette mesure pourrait entraîner l’annulation des traités antérieurement signés avec des états ne respectant pas la Convention contre la Torture. Par Eleanna Psomiadou
w hich chair is the strict one?
Both Chair Vice-Chair You really w anna know ???
Did you think you found the love of your life at this conference? yes no maybe Well, w hat a nice w eather you have in Greece!
If you could slap a delegate or one of your chairs, w ould you do it? 1. I most definitely w ould! 2. Nooooooo! I love them! 3. Maybe‌.. 4. I w ould have done it and not only once... Grrrrrrr
What do you think about your journalist? 1. he/she is such a nosy parker 2. Is very quiet 3. Wants to have a say to everything 4. Did w e have journalist? I didn’t even notice! 5. (added by some delegates) she/he is great!
A) How would you describe your ThessisMUN experience? Would you do that again? S.G.: Maybe the greatest experience of my life. I have served thessISMUN from every possible angle (staff member, delegate, chairperson, member of the secretariat). I was taught a lot of things on each angle: how to cooperate, how to organize, how to deal with difficulties. B) Is there any moment in ThessisMUN that you would never forget? S.G.: I will never forget the moment I delivered my opening speech. Although I was really stressed, the moment I started speaking, everything was just feeling great.
C) Describe the following persons with one word... Mrs. Perraki: thoughtful, smart, leader and much more. You cannot describe Mrs. Perraki with only one word. Chairs: cooperative Secretariat (P.G.A. and deputies): helpful Editor: lovable and crazy Heads of staff: always where needed D) Your prediction about the “ThessisMUN 2012� Secretary General? What would you wish to him? S.G.: I am not going to give any prediction. I am just going to wish the best of luck and a lot of patience to the Secretary General ThessISMUN 2012. Questions: Alexandra Chatzopoulou
Oh yes… you can be a staff! As this year’s ThessIS- MUN comes to its conclusion, we’ve all to consider and acknowledge the important work of the “administration assistants”, our well-known members of the staff… Think about it! Without their support, doors would still be locked in the morning, no messages would circulate during sessions… Plus, none of the social events would be that cheerful, without their presence! Special remark for the two stars of the team, the heads of staff, Matina Boskou and Alexia-Lyn Robertson, who have tirelessly coordinated staff’s work. Let’s hear what some staff members have to say: • “At first: pfff… yeah, why not? But then: hmmm…. I like it!!! In the end: hell yeah, I’ll do it again!” M.M. • “It was a really good experience. Pretty tiring but well nonetheless. Not to mention the people I met during these days […] I’m very pleased and lucky to have participated in ThessISMUN.” E.O. • “My experience as staff was very tiring. I can’t say that I liked it but I met quite a few people.” N.P. • “ThessISMUN is just like taking LSD. Once you try it, you immediately become addicted to it!!!” C.Z. “The experience was awesome as always. This year the members of the staff were wonderful! They were very co-operative and active and we hope the members of the honourable board and dear delegates appreciated the efforts they made to accommodate their needs. See you all again next year! Keep MUNing…!” Head of the Administration: Alexia-Lyn Robertson & Matina Boskou By Vangelis Oikonomidis
Czech Republic needs desperately Luxemburg’s attention… just a Goodmornig! Denmark and France…laughter, drinks and dance… this is just the beginning… Lucky you! • Zambia used a point of personal privilege to go to the bathroom. USA said:"may I go to the bathroom too? Not the same bathroom!" • Question of the day, made by Russian Federation in CoE: “Is it in order to commit suicide??” • Run out of time for lunch?? It’s ok!! CoE offers room-service………… “CoE’s Buffet” • During moderated caucus an airplane was heard and the delegate of Lebanon stated “OH! Bombing!) • “And then the peace came” Israel • When unmoderated the delegate of uk asked for once again all delegation to come close to her so that they can discuss and the delegate of Germany said “oh can you come to us for ONE single time and not us come to you?” • It was around 8:00 pm and the house was debating upon the draft and before they move to voting procedure a delegate said (making a joke of course) “motion to extend debate time” that when Chair said “I have some information that if anyone else ask for extension the USA will bomb his country” • Who’s the “mygoftima” and who’s the “Fly’s spit”??? • Le pere du Comite: Mr. Gkousios… Oh la la!!! • Do not EVER be in UOM after eleven o’clock in the night… you never know when the Phantom of the Opera will appear in front of you! • Le personne qiu veut etre torture: Senegal … mais pourqoi?!? • Le meilleur cul: Italie… pas mal! Good choice! • •