ANNUA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 9 – 2020
3972 Campus Drive College Park, MD 20742 301-314-3375 |
Administration The transition to a virtual work environment required
STAMP Vision ▼ ▼ Transforming and enriching the Maryland experience.
STAMP Mission ▼ ▼ To provide a safe and inviting campus center where all University of Maryland students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members cultivate lifelong relationships founded on engagement, learning, multiculturalism, and citizenship.
Administration 2
Operations 5 Strategic Communications & Partnerships 6 Organization Chart
Human Resources
STAMP’s Human Resources and Assessment units engaged STAMP staff in focus groups based on a follow-up from a Summer 2019 climate survey administered in partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. These two units also collaborated on a COVID-19 transition survey to understand the experiences of our staff and understand how this new environment may have influenced responses to the Thriving Workplace Initiative questions. The data collected Senior Leadership Team has crystalized some significant themes This year we welcomed two new for STAMP to work with over the faces to the senior STAMP leadership coming year related team! After to both employee almost 25 years “We continue to hold engagement and of service, justice issues ushering in space for ... conversations social broadly. We continue changes such to hold space for with the goal of truly as a complete these conversations renovation of making STAMP a great with the goal of truly the STAMP and making STAMP a many projects great place to work, place to work, where that linked where staff feel our mission to staff feel included, valued, included, valued, our operating heard, and safe. principles, Steve
heard, and safe.”
Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy & Diversity
some STAMP staff members to be reassigned from their typical role in STAMP to work with other STAMP units who had projects and/or tasks that required human resource due to a position vacancy or the loss of student staff. Using the NASPA/ACPA core competencies to inquire about staff needs and skills/interests, 19 needs were identified and 12 staff have been matched with each of those projects based on their skills, interests, and availability. Thus far, staff have expressed enjoyment at getting to work cross-functionally with other units, engage with staff they normally do not, and generally expand their skill sets and experiences.
this area. Bridgette Behling also joined STAMP as the Associate Director for Leadership, Advocacy, Education & Diversity, and she has been charged with uniting the four units she supervises to work more collaboratively and innovatively.
Gnadt retired last year. Filling the role of Associate Director of Operations is now Nicole Miskimon, who in her first few months has overseen many renovations, including the North Entry, M&T Bank, Information Technology office suite, and University Book Center. Nicole also took on the leadership of the Facilities area of STAMP after the departure of the Assistant Director in
Members of the STAMP Administration Team have engaged with content from the Center for Leadership and Organizational Change to broaden their language in working with others. Several staff members have taken the Fierce Conversations courses as a unit in order to develop shared language that they can use in working with each other while other staff engaged in this work as part of their professional
Adele H. Stamp Student Union — Center for Campus Life
development. The skills learned thus far have proven to be useful, especially in a time of remote communication. New Banking Partner
This year STAMP welcomed a new banking partner, completing construction to build a new service center near the busy southeast entrance which was completed in February. The partnership with M&T Bank includes a five-year sponsorship of the Harriet Tubman room as well as financial support for the Maryland Mentor Corps (formerly America Reads, America Counts, and Partners in Print) totaling $700,000. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on February 25th as we celebrated the partnership between STAMP and M&T Bank while announcing banking and financial literacy programs to the University community. In total, STAMP raised $1,513,010 in both money and in-kind donations this fiscal year. In addition to the M&T partnership, this includes three new endowed scholarships for student veterans.
SGA Centennial Anniversary
celebration of their 100th year, and over $11,000 was raised.
Honoring 100 years of student governance by supporting the Student Leader Scholarship
The Student STAMP Business Office Invited Government 1919 2019 The STAMP Business Association celebrated th Office experienced their 100-year turnover this year, with ANNIVERSARY anniversary in the Assistant Director for October. Over Business taking a new 100 students and Sunday, November 3rd, 2019 role across campus and the 11am alumni attended a retirement of Polly White, a Homecoming Brunch longtime Business Manager and remarks on the in STAMP. A new Business SGA history were made Manager was hired in the Spring by alumni Bruce Berlage and of 2020 and has been instrumental Angela Cabellon. A SGA sponsored in helping STAMP navigate the current Student Leadership scholarship was financial realities. ■ the focus of their fundraising and in
Celebration Adele H. Stamp Student Union Grand Ballroom
Dress: Business Casual Please RSVP October 25th, 2019 at
COVID-19 TRANSITION HR and Assessment collaborated on a COVID-19 transition survey to understand the experiences of our staff and understand how this new environment may have influenced responses to the Thriving Workplace Initiative questions.
STAMP ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH M&T BANK The partnership with M&T Bank includes a five-year sponsorship of the Harriet Tubman room as well as financial support for the Maryland Mentor Corps (formerly America Reads, America Counts, and Partners in Print) totaling $700,000. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on February 25th
STAMP Annual Report • 2019-2020
Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy & Diversity The Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy & Diversity (LEAD) area
provides diverse programming and leadership development opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students, both across the general student body and focused on specific populations. The four units within LEAD had previously operated as independent units. Staff spent the year developing a stronger understanding of work being done throughout the units, deepening relationships, exploring the role of LEAD offerings on students’ sense of belonging, and laying the groundwork for stronger collaborations and a shared purpose.
During this past year, staff in LEAD realized a number of successful transitions, and responded rapidly to provide virtual resources and programs for students to help them maintain community upon the university moving to a remote environment:
Staff in all units quickly transitioned services virtually, and maintained connection to students in diverse ways during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing over 45 offerings in two months including virtual lounges, office hours, workshops, panels, student org officer transition support, cultural heritage celebrations, social media campaigns to offer students ways to connect and be in community. This is in addition to the Leadership minor classes and Transfer2Terp classes staff in this unit are responsible for which all pivoted quickly to continue teaching online. Multiculral Involvement & CommunityAdvocacy has led the creation of the Keep UMD Diversity Connected to further collaboration and strengthen ties for UMD diversity related offices as campus adapts to changes in operations due to COVID-19. The
PIVOT TO VIRTUAL REALITY LEAD programming units responded quickly as the spring 2020 semester transtitioned into a stay-at-home state mandated status by pivoting events, activities and programs to an online environment. Students were able to stay connected, engage and find community.
group has two sub-committees: a COVID-19 Task Force and Fall Welcome Program Collaborations. •
The Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) realized greater efficiencies including the creation of a comprehensive student organization manual.
A new initiative of the Terrapin Leadership Institute, TLI-To Go, was developed this year and will be delivered as a leadership lunch series program. This program will be piloted in an online format this summer.
Terps for Change volunteers at Northwestern High School continued to volunteer virtually to provide SAT tutoring sessions and the program successfully transferred their Monday Night Meetings and Team Debriefs into an online format.
In addition to these accomplishments when faced with the transition to remote learning stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, LEAD units realized a number of successful efforts to support, educate, and celebrate students and develop community throughout the year:
In December of 2019 MICA hosted the Inaugural Fall Latina/o/x Graduation Celebration (LGC). About 40 students and their families participated in this dual-language ceremony, increasing our service to students and their supporters. In the past, LGC was only offered in May, so December graduates had to choose between participating a semester before actually graduating, a semester after, or not participating at all.
Veteran Student Life (VSL) was successful in developing and executing programs to engage more women student veterans. Veteran Student Life conducted the inaugural Women Veterans Adventure Leadership Trip through the Adventure Program
Adele H. Stamp Student Union — Center for Campus Life
with the financial assistance of the VA Adaptive Sports Grant. The program consisted of an overnight trip that included climbing, hiking, and kayaking for women veterans. Additionally,VSL conducted its inaugural Women Veterans Luncheon, which afforded women veterans a way to connect with each other and share personal struggles and successes. •
Student Entertainment Events (SEE) hosted a sold out Homecoming comedy show where 8,000 people enjoyed John Mulaney’s wit and humor and during stayat-home orders, quickly stood up committees on Games and Contests, a Live Show, logistics, and promotions.
MICA staff established the
Ramadan working group with broad university-wide participation in preparing Muslim students’ meals as they broke fast during Ramadan. This provided an opportunity to educate the community about Ramadan and how to support Muslim community members during this time. •
Graduate Student Life (GSL) made strides in graduate student engagement and community building this academic year. This included regularly occurring “City Meetups” in summer 2019, wherein students were able to meet on campus and in the greater DMV area to explore and connect with one another. That same energy was displayed throughout fall programming and in the graduate
student lounge, where students engaged in important discussions around their research, mental health, social justice, and all the nuances that encompass life as a grad student. •
The Undocumented Students Program (USP) helped facilitate several student leadership opportunities, such as a presentation at the Maryland Student Affairs Conference about Undocumented students and an UndocuTerp training with the Student Government Association. Additionally, with the support of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, staff from the USP piloted a successful intergroup dialogue course, centering the immigrant identity and experience and engaged 15 students with a waitlist of 10 students. ■
Operations The newly renovated North Entry to STAMP is
substantially complete and open to the public. This space offers a bright and welcoming gateway into the STAMP from the north side of the campus, especially for visitors to the football stadium, baseball stadium, and students who will live on the north side of campus and those that will soon live in a new residence/dining complex that is currently under construction. The new foyer features handicap accessibility, LED lighting, and a state of the art video wall. A beautifully designed outdoor patio provides seating, charging stations, and green space to invite students and visitors to gather together. A newly renovated IT office suite is nearly complete and our STAMP IT team will find this as their new workspace when they return to campus after the COVID-19 campus closure. The new suite will allow for the entire IT team to be collocated, providing a
STAMP Annual Report • 2019-2020
better environment for collaboration and team building.
terms in hopes of reaching a final vendor agreement.
The first floor restaurant space will be converted into a new fast-casual dining option. Construction planning has been partially completed and University counsel continues to negotiate contract
The previous bank location, on the southwest corner of the building, was redesigned and converted into an
continued on page 6
STAMP NORTH ENTRY COMPLETED Inside: new foyer with handicap accessibility, LED lighting, and state of the art video wall. Outside: outdoor patio provides seating, charging stations, and green space to invite students and visitors to gather.
OPERATIONS continued from page 5 additional retail area of the University Book Center (UBC). The UBC renovation moved full speed ahead in the midst of the pandemic closure and the $1 million project will be completed prior to the building reopening. Fall 2020 students, faculty, staff, and visitors found a modernized store featuring University colors, school logos, a customized Under Armour department, an expanded children’s department, a fitting room, improved customer service stations, and a lower level reading lounge. This major renovation was part of the recently negotiated lease contract with Barnes & Noble that was signed in May 2020. Event & Guest Services
Event & Guest Services successfully onboarded three new professional staff and coordinated operational and marketing initiatives with Dining
Services in support of exceptional service for our clients. The Event & Guest Services team also reviewed information available on various platforms used to communicate with clients and identified areas needing improvement. Modifications are underway and will improve clients’ understanding of the event and reservation process. Work to improve consistent communication with clients has been undertaken and these new forms will be used in the coming year. Information Technology
A number of electronic platforms used to conduct operations of the department were updated over the past year. STAMP IT transitioned the platform used to manage student organizations and updated the platform associated with University Tickets. Event & Guest Services also worked with the STAMP Business Office to streamline the ticketed event settlement process. A web application
was developed for STAMP staff to view website metrics on-demand which will allow them to better understand online traffic and reach associated with their programs and services. A new site was also developed so staff can create their own STAMP-specific short links and view associated metrics. STAMP IT hosted weekly learning opportunities covering technical topics and resources for staff while also providing a space for staff to have additional access to ask IT staff questions. Multiple training sessions were held for website content administrators to help staff better understand intermediate editing to ensure current information is available for students and visitors. Together, the training and resources have helped streamline STAMP staff ’s ability to leverage technology while operating in a virtual environment. These training sessions grew critically import in the COVID era, with STAMP IT providing education about virtual resources. ■
Strategic Communications & Partnerships Strategic Communications & Partnerships responded quickly to communicate and support all messaging affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Once operating in a remote environment, the Marketing team identified and leveraged ways to bring awareness to STAMP events and programs. The #STAMPisHERE campaign was developed to tie efforts across the department together and was deployed in all digital communications and platforms, including “Monday’s with Marsha,” a weekly video series featuring timely tips and guests. We also introduced “This Week in STAMP,” a weekly Instagram story that highlighted all events and programs happening within the week. Our first official
STAMP video, “We can’t wait to welcome you to STAMP” was released for inclusion in the summer orientation sessions. Marketing & Communications
The Marketing Team was once again the recipient of many awards in #STAMPisHERE ACUI’s national Communications during the stay-at-home order were brought under the 2020 Steal This Idea umbrella campaign #STAMPisHERE as a way to centralize resources, information, and outreach. It will continue through the fall 2020 semester. award competition, recognizing excellence in marketing and promotional campaigns publications category for the STAMP produced in the previous year. Winning Student Employee Handbook, student designs include a professional level level first place award in the digital first place award in the multi-page campaigns category for TerpZone’s
Adele H. Stamp Student Union — Center for Campus Life
Billiards League, and a professional level first place award in the logo/brand identity category for Terps Interfaith Exchange, among many others! The Centers for Collaboration and Partnership
The Centers for Collaboration and Partnership (Studio A, The Memorial Chapel, STAMP Gallery, and TerpZone) all worked to develop and deepen existing partnerships with other departments across campus. For example, the STAMP Gallery developed one partner for each exhibition. This directly led to new visitors because of interest in the content of the exhibition and/or the partner provided direct outreach and marketing. These partnerships were also developed with an emphasis on promoting inclusion. Studio A has continued to leverage partnerships in order to serve students of diverse backgrounds, collaborating to provide programs such as protest sign painting with the Undocumented Students Program, Queer valentine workshops, and summer yoga at the Chapel. The Memorial Chapel continues to offer worship and program offerings of the Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and Christian faiths, representing a range of faith and spiritual diversity, in addition to interfaith efforts. The TerpZone continues to collaborate with campus departments to include new video game tournaments with RecWell and bowling classes with the Kinesiology department. All of the Centers underwent some renovation this year to better serve students and visitors. The Memorial Chapel initiated a renovation of the West Chapel Gardens to promote peace and dialogue. Considerable work was accomplished, including
STAMP Annual Report • 2019-2020
MARKETING CAPTURES AWARDS STAMP Marketing won six 1st Place, four 2nd Place and three 3rd Place awards in ACUI’s national Steal This Idea competition, recognizing marketing and design excellence.
soliciting landscape design plans from an undergraduate class, securing financial support for the project, and contracting with a landscape architectural firm. This project was put on hold after COVID-19 budget impacts were realized. Studio A also underwent a minor renovation project of the large studio that included a new floor and LED lighting system as well as updated signage outside the entrance. TerpZone updated the shoes and bowling balls inventory to improve the student experience in TerpZone. Assessment & Research
Assessment & Research is working with STAMP’s Information Technology unit to develop a centralized data repository for data from disparate platforms used throughout STAMP. This will allow an understanding of who is participating in STAMP programs and
services, demographic representation, and will help identify those who are not involved so that we may consider how to reach underserved audiences. This will also allow for an assessment of STAMP’s contribution to student academic success and retention. A new undergraduate student research team was created to work on the Memorial Chapel Journal Project this year. Four students coded 15 journals over the fall semester and spent spring semester refining their coding structure, coding the content of the journals, and working on initial drafts of reports and a peer reviewed paper for publication. The students presented their preliminary findings at the Maryland Student Affairs Conference to a diverse and engaged campus audience and, pending funding, are planning on continuing their work with the project in the fall. ■
Assistant Director: Brandon Dula Administrator (Split time w/ HR): Erica Simpkins Program Manager:Yvette Lerma Jones (Latinx) Coordinator: Ghonva Ghauri (Multi-racial & Native) Coordinator: Dorothy Kuo (Asian Pacific American)
Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy
Assistant Director: Craig Slack Administrator: Pamela Gouws Coordinator: Alison Barlow (Maryland Mentor Corps); Coordinator: William Post (Alternative Breaks); Coordinator: Vacant(TerpService); Leadership Manager: Melissa Rocco; Coordinator: Myles Alexander
Leadership & Community-Service Learning
Assistant Director: Joe Calizo Student Legal Aid: Syndy Shilling & Vacant Business Manager:Valerie LaHoud (SORC) Coordinator: Vacant (SORC) Stu. Program Manager:Laura Hood SEE Coordinator: David Bonilla-Ciferri SIS Manager: Ashley Venneman Coordinator: Foster McDaniel
Student Activities
Assistant Director:Cori Carfagno Coordinator: David Reese (Veteran Students) Coordinator: Rocio Fregoso-Mota(Undocumented Students) Coordinator: Vacant (Transfer & Off-Campus Students) Coordinator: Jennifer Enriquez(Graduate Students & Graduate Student Gov.) Grad Legal Aid: Zac Mundy & Debbie Mikutsky
Student Engagement
Associate Director: Bridgette Behling
Assoc Dir of Dev. & External Relations: Terry Zacker Coordinator: Claire Sullivan
Student Affairs Development & Alumni Engagement
n Operations n Programs n Development
Assistant Director: Eva Tennant Coordinator: Whitney Schepf Coordinator: Vacant
Marketing & Communications
Assistant Director:Sophie Tullier
Assessment & Research
Manager: Brandon Smith (TerpZone) Manager: Tara Youngborg (Studio A & Gallery) Manager: Denise McHugh (Memorial Chapel)
Associate Director: Donna Lim Administrator: Michelle Reese
Strategic Communications & Partnerships
Assistant Director: Stephanie Payne-Roberts Coordinator: Wyatt Clough (Helpdesk) Coordinator: Rob Gewain (IT Coordinator) Coordinator: Chris Hegwood (Multimedia) Coordinator: Myco Paulo (Web Services) IT Tech: Bilal Wright (Network Assistant)
IT Services
Manager: Yamesha Woodley (Guest Services)
STAMP work is supported by:
Housekeeping Chief: Letticia Teckham Housekeeping Supervisors: Dina Hernandez & Blanca Zelaya Housekeeping Leads: Dieudonne Noel, Ding Weng, Timmy Nguyen, Tigist Gebrehiwot Loading Dock Manager: Curtis Shade Housekeepers: Abigail Arias-Jimenez, Tengne Betru, Ernst Boursiquot, Gregory Brown, Marie Castor, Maria Cea, Maricela Coredero, Ana Cruz, Silvia Cruz, Lemlem Giday, Sulma Guzman, Kadiry Kallon, Beletu Legese, Ema Lopez, Juan Lopez-Lazo, Suaad Mualim, Addison Powell, Roxana Ramos, Will Ramirez, Ying Zhang
Maintenance Supervisor: Bobby Smith Multi-Trades Chiefs: Frank Ball, Dee Clemons, Gavin Du, Steven Whipple Painter: Adam Samonisky
Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy & Diversity
Assistant Director: Vacant Business Manager: Sharon Tharkur Business Manager: Michelle Allen
Business Office
Assistant Director: Kalia Patricio Coordinator: Marinel Martinez-Benyarko Administrator (Split time w/ MICA): Erika Simpkins
HR, Training, & Development
Director: Marsha Guenzler-Stevens Admin Coordinator: Ayush Pokharel
Assistant Director: Susan Canady Administrator:Olga Rozman Coordinator:Naquasia Ramsey-Sheppard (Event Services) Coordinator: Kathleen Molinaro (Event Services) Coordinator: Katie Lay(Event Services) Coordinator: Mark Salazar(Event Support)
Assistant Director: Vacant
Event & Guest Services
Facilities & Maintenance
Associate Director: Nicole Miskimon
Facilities, IT, Event & Guest Services