Traditional dumplings
China program hosts delectable workshop
Page 4 Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 | Volume 106, Issue 20 |
Students for a Sustainable Future attend D.C. climate change rally
“With MO (love) in the air and fire in our hearts, all 31 of us are headed home to Springfield after rallying in D.C. with an estimated 30,000 people. Can’t Stop. Won’t stop. #ForwardonClimate,” the Missouri State Students for a Sustainable Future wrote on its Facebook wall Sunday, Feb. 18. The post comes after the group — whose purpose is to educate and motivate students, faculty and staff about the reality and effects of global climate change — traveled to a national rally in Washington, D.C. The rally was the largest climate rally in U.S. history and included more than 35,000 people from 30plus states, according to a USA Today article. The rally comes just short of a week after President Barack Obama addressed the issue of climate change in his Feb. 12 State of the Union address. “But for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change,” Obama said. “Yes, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is, the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15.” According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Midwest will likely experience hotter summers with longer dry periods and milder, wetter winters, due to climate change. For more information on SSF, visit
Calendar Tuesday, Feb. 19
“Boots to Books: Advising and Teaching Veterans” Workshops, 2-5 p.m., PSU Ballroom East Peer Leader Info Session, 3:304:30 p.m., PSU 317 Student Activities Council Meeting, 4-5 p.m., PSU 313
Association of Information Technology Meeting, 6-7:30 p.m, Glass Hall 230
Wednesday, Feb. 20 Mock Interview Day, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., PSU Ballroom Study Away Financial Aid and Scholarships Info Session, 3-4 p.m., PSU 313
“Helical Transition Metal Complexes for Asymmetric Catalysis,” 3:05-4 p.m., Meyer Library 101 Monday Evening Classes Meet/Wed Evening Classes Do Not Meet, 4-10 p.m., Springfield Campus Entertainment Management Association Meeting, 5-6 p.m., Glass Hall 350
Peer Leader Info Session, 5:306:30 p.m., PSU 317
Thursday, Feb. 21
General Education Course Proposal Open Lab, 1-4 p.m., Siceluff Hall 126
Students for a Sustainable Future General Meeting, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Temple Hall 105
Friday, Feb. 22
Faculty Writing Retreat, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Meyer Alumni Center Hospitality Room
GGP Seminar — Using Geospatial Technologies to Locate Eocene Mammalian Fossils, 3-4:30 p.m., Temple Hall 345
Saturday, Feb. 23
Hutchens/SGA Centennial Leaders Scholarship Interview Day, all day, PSU Third Floor Second Annual Southwest Regional Spelling Bee, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Ellis Recital Hall
Monday, Feb. 25
Last Day to Drop or Withdraw, Delcare Pass/Not-Pass, and Change to or from Audit for First Block Classes, all day My Payment Plan Installment Due, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Bursar’s Office or Web Payment
Eating Disorder Screenings, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Carrington Hall 311
Asian American Pacific Islander Organization Meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m., PSU 312
Faculty to meet to discuss unionization By Katie Lamb The Standard
All Missouri State faculty are invited to attend a meeting on Feb. 21, to discuss details about the possibility of unionizing. Missouri State faculty have been exploring the option of whether or not to become unionized, which would mean forming a chapter of a national union
By Amber Duran The Standard
on campus and using that chapter to engage in collective bargaining with the university administration. On April 22, 2010, the Faculty Senate appointed an ad hoc committee to give a report to the senate as to whether the faculty should unionize. The Senate Resolution on Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Unionization text stated that the committee,
“shall explore the benefits and drawbacks to the unionization of faculty at Missouri State and report back to the Senate no later than the October session of the 2010-11 academic year.” The conclusion of the committee’s report states, “The committee believes that the question of unionization deserves serious examination and discussion by faculty. Because all fac-
ulty members have the right to form a union and pursue collective bargaining, and because such action would take place independently of the Faculty Senate and its committees, it is needless to offer a specific recommendation to Senate regarding unionization.” President of the MSU Faculty Association and professor of economics Reed Olsen said, “It was
Heads vs. Feds
‘Ultimate odd couple’ debates legalization of marijuana
ob Stutman and Steve Hagar gave Missouri State students something to think about Feb. 12, when they went head-to-head in a debate over the legalization of cannabis, or, as some know it, marijuana. Stutman, a former Drug Enforcement Agency officer, and Hagar, editor for High Times, a publication that advocates for the legalization of cannabis, have been to more than 200 colleges across America to have this same debate. “The ultimate odd couple,” as they call themselves, brought both sides of the debate titled, “Heads vs. Feds” to the students for discussion; Stutman for “feds” and Hagar for “heads.” Hagar opened the debate, giving reasons why cannabis should be legalized in America. He expanded mainly on the use of cannabis as a medicine for diseases such as AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and eating disorders.
With his focus on the medicinal Although Stutman said any use purposes of marijuana, Hagar pro- whatsoever would not be acceptable, posed a new kind of health care sys- because it is illegal, Hagar promoted tem for America. the use of other forms of marijuana “If I hand you a marijuana seed, I and personally offered to pay for Stuthand you free health care for the rest man to attend the Cannabis Cup in of your life,” he said. Los Angeles this past weekend. Stutman formed his arguments in This event is held annually in difan attempt to disprove Hagar’s. ferent parts of the country and is for “Cannabis causes dependency in those aged 18 and up, and only those 13 percent of its with a doctor’s recomusers, an increase mendation are allowed in car accidents and to use cannabis on the If I hand you a a greater risk for premises, according to marijuana seed, I testicular cancer in the Cannabis Cup hand you free health website. males — facts care for the rest of proven by statistics Stutman promptly your life. not opinion,” Stutdeclined the invitation. man said. Alyssa Hicks, a — Steve Hagar However, sophomore entertainEditor for High Times Hagar and Stutman ment management agreed on some major, and Morgan facts, such as West, a sophomore smoking any form psychology major, said of the cannabis plant is not good for that they attended the debate to form anyone. their opinions on the subject. Smoking the drug allows 435 Hicks said she thought both argupotentially harmful chemicals into ments were pretty extreme, and that your body, Stutman said. made it hard to form a strong opinion
From ‘Boots to Books’ Seminar aims to help instructors with students’ transition from military culture to civilian life By Taylor Burns The Standard
Missouri State’s Veteran Student Services is holding a seminar today to help university faculty and staff better understand the transition of veteran students from military culture back to civilian life. Jenifer Kautzman, assistant registrar and coordinator of veteran department, works with Veteran Student Services to coordinate Boots to Books, which is in its second consecutive semester at Missouri State. The workshops are split into three topics. The first, according to Kautzman, deals with the fundamentals of military culture. “We go over things like what it’s like to go through a basic training day … some of the things
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
Seminar topics include fundamentals of military culture, transition issues and a question-andanswer session.
that make student veterans, student veterans,” Kautzman said. The second module discusses transition issues, focusing on veterans who have seen their fair share of combat. “If you’re a veteran
and you’re used to dealing with military, you can know exactly who you need to go to, who’s in charge … just by looking at someone,” Kautzman said. “On a college campus, it’s not like that. In the military, there’s no
such thing as credit hours or block classes, so you have to learn a whole new language when you come to a college campus.” Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, affects many veterans and has a wide range of symptoms. About one in three student veterans deal with some level of PTSD, but the severity and the methods of coping are always different, Kautzman said. Violent behavior as a result of PTSD is rare, she said. “The media makes it look very extreme and sometimes unsafe, but that’s not actually the reality,” Kautzman said. “A lot of folks think that if a veteran is dealing with PTSD symptoms, they’re automatically dangerous. That’s not at all the case.” The third module covers what faculty can do to make the transition phase easier for veteran students. It covers students’ requirements for their GI bills and other military commitments. “We talk to [faculty] about how we can make it easier for [veterans] to get their benefits by being u See BOOTS page 2
conflicts with the administration in the past that prompted the Faculty Senate to appoint a committee to look into (unionization).” Olsen said he wants to see money reallocated back to helping students learn, which is the core mission of the university. The committee’s report addresses five issues: State u See UNION page 8
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
either way. West said she thought that Hagar was smarter than your average marijuana user. “I think people need to look more into what it’s there for,” she said. “People who want to legalize it typically want it legal for recreational uses, not medicinal uses.” The discussion over marijuana is not just a campus discussion. The Missouri House of Representatives is looking at bill HB 512, which would change the penalty provisions for possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana, as well as possession of related paraphernalia, according to the Missouri House of Representatives website. According to the Springfield Police Department information desk, possession of 35 g or less of marijuana results in a citation. It is a misdemeanor offense and fines and jail time are determined by a judge. To learn more about the “the ultimate odd couple,” visit m.
Students: More events needed for history month By Briana Simmons The Standard
African-American Heritage Month has been celebrated in communities across the world since 1926, but some students at Missouri State have complained about opportunities on campus to celebrate AAHM this year. Ebony Young, junior criminology major and vice president of the Multicultural Student Recruitment Team (MSRT), says she is one of those students. “I believe two sets of people are responsible for this,” Young said. “The Multicultural Office on campus that usually helps plan events for each heritage month, and the African-American organizations on our campus, who have not taken the initiative to acknowledge their own history on campus.” Young argues that students have the ability to make changes on campus, but they need the help and support of the university to do so. “We, as students, have the ability to bring forth what we want to see and make it happen, and as far as African-American students, we u See AAHM page 8
2 |
The Standard
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
Obama talks economy, health care, guns in SOTU
Speech expands on campaign issues, platform goals for party By Trevor Mitchell The Standard
President Barack Obama gave his fifth State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress one week ago, focusing primarily on the economy and jobs, with an emphasis on how these issues affect the middle class. But an emotional ending to the address showed that the president is still serious about the issue of gun control as well. Obama was optimistic about the progress of the economy, but reminded the audience that many still struggle to find full-time employment, and incomes have remained stagnant for over a decade. “It is our generation’s task, then, to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth — a rising, thriving middle class,” he said. This tied into his proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour and tie it to the cost of living, which Obama said could mean the difference between scraping by or finally getting ahead. The importance of education to the viability of the job market was also a
major theme, and the president pushed to make higher education more affordable to all. He asked Congress to alter the Higher Education Act to look at affordability and value as factors that determine which colleges receive certain kinds of federal aid. Obama also said that the administration is releasing a College Scorecard to allow students to compare the value of colleges. The president touched on what he viewed as dangerous fixes to the automatic budget cuts known collectively as “the sequester,” such as cutting education and Social Security spending as opposed to defense spending. He implored politicians on both sides to work together to prevent what he called “sudden, harsh, arbitrary cuts,” suggesting Medicare and tax code reform as some possible solutions. The sequester will go into effect March 1 if Congress is unable to agree on a plan to reduce the deficit. The theme of jobs continued as Obama called for an overhaul of aging infrastructure, in both the energy sector and elsewhere, highlighting the almost 70,000 structurally deficient
bridges in America and the jobs that Republican presidential candidate in would be created to make these 2016. improvements. His rebuttal focused on painting Obama also spoke on the impor- Obama’s plans for the country as the tance of both legal and illegal immi- intrusion of big government, saying gration reform, and the plans to exit that his policies would end up hurting Afghanistan by the end of next year. the middle class. The climax of the speech came Rubio did, however, agree that when Obama related the story of higher education needed to be more Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old girl accessible, sharing that he only recentwho performed at his inauguration, ly paid off over $100,000 in student who was shot and loans from his killed a week later time in college. Well into our third century in Chicago, one Rubio is also as a nation, it remains the the son of Cuban mile from Obama’s task of us all, as citizens home. immigrants, a staof these United States, to tus that gives him Along with 31 be the authors of the next a unique position victims of gun viogreat chapter in our lence who accomin a party that is American story. panied members of often silent on the Congress to the subject of immi-Barack Obama, address, Pendlegration reform. President of the United States ton’s parents were He called for a in attendance. “legal immigraObama mentioned them, Gabby Gif- tion system that allows us to attract fords and the towns recently affected and assimilate the world’s best and by gun violence — including New- brightest” while finding a “responsitown and Aurora — in a passionate ble, permanent solution to the problem plea for stricter regulations on guns, of those who are here illegally.” saying “they deserve a simple vote,” Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill yielding an extended round of said in a statement that “we get applause. nowhere without bipartisan comproThe Republican response to the mise, and elected officials have got to president’s speech was given by Flori- give a little, so everyone can get a lot. da Sen. Marco Rubio, who is consid“That’s why I’m personally comered a strong possibility for the mitted to continuing my work with
Continued from page 1
proactive and following certain steps,” Kautzman said. The last hour of the workshop allows a panel of current student veterans to ask questions and get feedback from faculty and staff. Between 2009 and 2010, after the post 9/11 GI bill was enacted, Kautzman said there had been a 43 percent increase in MSU students using the bill. “It’s been a massive amount of new students coming in because of that GI bill,” she said. “It’s really a comprehensive program. It’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.” One of those new students was Neil Harrington, who started at MSU in January 2010 after serving in the Air Force for six years. Harrington served two
Photo courtesy of Neil Harrington
Neil Harrington (right) is a senior broadcast journalism major who was in the Air Force for six years and served two tours in Iraq.
tours in Iraq as a combat tend to wounded soldiers Air Force, Harrington studmedic, where, in a group of brought in by helicopter. ied broadcast journalism at 20 to 30 medics, he would After separating from the MSU and reported for
Republicans and Democrats to cut more spending, clean special goodies out of the tax code, and continue to boost job opportunities.” Joel Paddock, a political science professor at Missouri State University, said the most striking aspect of the president’s speech was that he “continued to stress the progressive themes he put forth in his inaugural address.” “He clearly is trying to make a case for a positive government role in promoting economic development (e.g. investment in infrastructure), the public interest (e.g. protecting the environment) and equality of opportunity (e.g. pre-school education). “However, it is unlikely he will be able to get a substantial part of his agenda through the Republican-controlled House of Representatives,” Paddock said. The themes in this year’s State of the Union have been overarching themes throughout Obama’s first term in office and subsequent campaign. At the conclusion of his speech, Obama called on all American citizens to come together to continue our country’s advancement. “Well into our third century as a nation, it remains the task of us all, as citizens of these United States, to be the authors of the next great chapter in our American story,” he said.
Ozarks News Journal. He said his time in the military taught him to better handle the high-pressure situations of college life. “Meeting deadlines and getting stuff edited is always stressful,” he said. “I just try to embrace that peace.” Harrington said he never had any problems related to the transition from military to civilian culture and that everyone at MSU was supportive. “The veterans services program at Missouri State was extremely helpful in terms of registration,” he said. “Any programs or any benefits of being in the military were always presented either by them or the staff.” Harrington said, compared to other schools, MSU’s veteran program was exceptionally caring. “I’ve had several friends who’ve went off to other universities, and they didn’t
take care of their veterans at all,” he said. “Missouri State was nothing but helpful. It’s incredible.” During the fall 2012 semester, enrollment for Boots to Books was limited to 50 people. Kautzman said she didn’t expect to get that many. Sixty-seven people enrolled for that session, which prompted Veteran Student Services to add a second seminar this semester. The program runs from 2-5 p.m. today, Feb. 19, and registration is free through the Academic Advisement Center’s page on the Missouri State website. Kautzman said she plans on providing at least two sessions every semester, as long as there are new student veterans coming to campus. “It’s just going to continue,” she said. “I don’t see the demand going down anytime soon.”
Last Week’s Sudoku Answers
Feb. 19, 2013
Catholic Church needs change
Pope Benedict XVI was elected April 19, 2005. At this time, I was ruler of my middle school as an eighth grader (or so I thought), most of us didn’t even have a learner’s permit, “Grey’s Anatomy” had been on the air for approximately one month, Lauren Conrad still lived in Laguna Beach, George W. Bush was just a couple months into his second term as president and 50 Cent was so eloquently taking us to the candy shop on our favorite radio stations. Oh, how the times have changed. I’m now a senior in college, (still watching “Grey’s Anatomy”), Lauren Conrad hasn’t been on a reality show in three years, Dubya has been out of office for five years and we’ve upgraded from singing about candy shops to thrift shops (OK, so that’s not really an upgrade, but just go with it). With his resignation announcement on Feb. 11 — which will be effective Feb. 28 — Benedict XVI became the first pope to resign in nearly 600 years. With scandal overshadowing the Catholic Church, membership in the Catholic Church on a steady decline, and issues such as marriage equality and women’s rights in the forefront of political discourse, this could be the perfect opportunity for the Catholic Church to join the 21st century and reach out to members who have felt a disconnect over the years and exorcise its demons. Although I’m no longer a religious person, I was raised Catholic and understand the importance of historical tradi-
Nicolette Martin Columnist tion; I understand that, as my brother so often tells me, if you’re going to identify yourself as a certain religion, you should adhere strictly to those fundamental beliefs. That doesn’t mean, however, that the Catholic Church can’t take this opportunity to find someone who takes their cue from Amy Poehler in “Mean Girls,” and isn’t like a regular pope, but is a cool pope. Benedict XVI once said that gay marriage undermined “the future of humanity itself,” according to a Jan. 9, 2012 Reuters article. Nine U.S. states recognize same-sex marriage, joined most recently by Illinois, and according to a May 8, 2012 Gallup poll, 51 percent of Catholics think same-sex marriage should be legal. I obviously realize that the Church will never fully endorse same-sex marriage, recognize abortion or praise contraceptives, but they can take on an ideology similar to Vice President Joe Biden. “With regard to abortion, I accept my church’s position on abortion as a …
what we call de fide doctrine. Life begins at conception. That’s the church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life,” Biden said at the 2012 vice presidential candidate debate when asked what role his religion (Catholicism) has played in his personal views on abortion. “But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews and ... I just refuse to impose that on others,” he said. In response to a letter from Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori urging Catholics to vote against the Civil Marriage Protection Act, Rev. Richard T. Lawrence of Baltimore’s St. Vincent de Paul Church said that “even if we do not believe that gay marriage ever could or should be allowed in the church, we could live with a provision that allows civil marriage of gay and lesbian couples.” While speaking to his congregation, he concluded, “But could not civil law be allowed to progress where church law cannot go, at least not yet? Personally, I believe that it can and that it should.” The Catholic Church shouldn’t be forced to change the fundamental beliefs or change the rock upon which it’s built in recognizing same-sex marriage, abortion and other social issues as right in the church’s eyes. But the upcoming election of a new pope is an opportunity for the church to practice more social tolerance in a world that is changing with or without it.
Don’t get your knickers in a twist, but on Thursday, Missouri State’s faculty will be meeting to discuss the possibility of unionizing. And while many of us are probably nervous about the idea of our faculty getting “organized,” to quote the great movie “Chicken Run,” it is a conversation worth having if it’s of interest to faculty members. Even though education-related labor unions aren’t often perceived in a positive light by the general public, labor unions in general have done a great deal to advance worker’s rights in our country. They helped pass the Social Security Act in 1935, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970, according to the list of the top 10 accomplishments of labor unions compiled by scholars from Harvard, Yale, Cornell, MIT and the Economic Policy Institute. But with these accomplishments, come drawbacks — something MSU’s faculty needs to keep in mind while discussing the idea of creating a faculty union — like possible conflict with the administration, while students are caught in the middle. MSU is an institution committed to educating people, to providing them with knowledge to better themselves, and society in turn. And to achieve this, MSU needs an excellent faculty equally committed to educating students. As students of the university, we want the faculty to feel valued and to be properly compensated for the great work that they do. We hope that during their discussion on Thursday, faculty members won’t get their knickers in a twist and remember their commitment as educators, above all else.
It’s sad for the Catholic Church 12.5%
New Walmart will harm more than just local businesses
Two weeks ago, the Editorial Board of The Standard wrote a piece on the Walmart protests. Walmart is planning to construct a “Neighborhood Market” (this is a total misnomer; Walmart is a multinational corporation from Arkansas) at the intersection of Campbell and Normal, which is the next street south of Grand. The Standard’s op-ed was utterly misleading. By adequately addressing only one of all the arguments against the construction of another Walmart in Springfield, the writer blatantly ignored other concerns and minimized all other arguments. As last week’s writer penned, it is a valid hypothesis that the Bistro Market downtown and a Neighborhood Market Walmart store will draw different customers. However, the Editorial Board’s argument has nothing to do with traffic. The intersection of Grand and Campbell is already congested, due to its short distance from Parkview High School, MSU, downtown and Bass Pro. A study was done by developers on traffic already existent in the neigh-
Editorial Policy The Standard is the official student-run newspaper of Missouri State University. Student editors and staff members are responsible for all content. The content is not subject to the approval of university officials, and the views expressed do not represent those of the university.
Faculty should keep education in mind
What do you think of Pope Benedict XVI resigning?
Cartoon by Rachel Brown
The Standard
This is the opinion of The Standard’s Editorial Board
Tom Radomski Guest Columnist borhood; it was apparently very misleading, because it was conducted over the winter holiday, when most college students are not in Springfield and Parkview is not in session. Additionally, neighbors do not want additional traffic, noise and car exhaust. Furthermore, some of the local residents will be losing their homes in order for the construction to occur. If you are from Kansas City, St. Louis or another major city, you are well aware that Springfield suffers from acute urban sprawl. Displacing more residents from the urban core means they will most likely have to make longer commutes, and thus, pay more at the pump. This obviously creates even more traffic. A great reason for favoring local
Letters and Guest Columns Letters to the Editor should not exceed 250 words and should include the author’s name, telephone number, address and class standing or position with the university. Anonymous letters will not be published. Guest column submissions are also welcome. The Standard reserves the right to edit all submissions for punctuation, spelling, length and good taste. Letters should be mailed to The Stan-
businesses over the world’s largest retailer is that the money spent stays in the community. I personally consider Price Cutter a large business, but, nevertheless, it is local. Sending Springfield cash south to Bentonville, Ark. does not keep money in the area. Finally, the addition of another Walmart will indubitably hurt local businesses. The allegation that we, as consumers, can simply shop somewhere else is a very utopian solution at best. It is widely accepted in both psychology and economics that people discount future benefits; so while we immediately want to save a few bucks here and there, we cheapen the future value of seeing our neighbors employed, our community alive and our neighborhoods devoid of unwanted traffic. Regardless of that, our own individual actions are only a small fraction when compared to the countless others beyond our control. If this store puts others out of business, what choices will we have? These reasons, and even more, are why it is so important for citizens to work together and defend the Springfield community.
dard, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65897 or e-mailed to Standard@Missouri
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Goodbye, Emperor Who cares Palpatine about the pope 50% anyway? 37.5%
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Feb. 19, 2013
Calendar Tuesday, Feb. 19
Free Hydro Power, 5:15-6:15 p.m., Aquatic Center, free Dance Bear-A-Thon info and pizza night, 7-9:30 p.m., PSU 315B, free
Montana Repertory Theatre: Biloxi Blues, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Juanita K. Hammons Hall, $23 and $13 “Almost, Maine,” 7:30 p.m., Craig Hall Balcony Theatre, $8 (advance purchase with MSU ID), $12, $14
Wednesday, Feb. 20 Bear Definition, 4-5 p.m., Foster Rec Center Studio B, free
Dance Bear-A-Thon Mocktails, 79:30 p.m., PSU 315B, free Guest artist: Todd Graber, tenor, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Ellis Hall 217b, free “Almost, Maine,” 7:30 p.m., Craig Hall Balcony Theatre, $8 (advance purchase with MSU ID), $12, $14 Open Dancing, 8:30-10 p.m., Savoy Ballroom, free
SAC Films Presents: “Wreck It Ralph,” 9 p.m., PSU Theater, free
Thursday, Feb. 21
HIT Cardio, 4-4:50 p.m., Foster Rec Center Studio C, free
Cult Couch Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m., Park Central Branch Library, free
Dance Bear-A-Thon Coffee Night, 7:30-9:30 p.m., PSU, free “Almost, Maine,” 7:30 p.m., Craig Hall Balcony Theatre, $8 (advance purchase with MSU ID), $12, $14
SAC After Hours Presents: ’50s Night, 9 p.m., PSU Food Court, free
Friday, Feb. 22
Dance Bear-A-Thon and SAC’s Rock ‘N Bowl, 9-11 a.m., PSU Level 1, free
Body Barre Dance, 12:10-12:50 p.m., Foster Rec Center Studio B, free
“Almost, Maine,” 7:30 p.m., Craig Hall Balcony Theatre, $8 (advance purchase with MSU ID), $12, $14 SAC Presents: Rock ‘N Bowl, 7:30-10 p.m., PSU Level 1 Game Center, free Friday Flix: “Airplane,” 8 p.m., Gillioz Theatre, $5
Skinny Improv Mainstage, 8-10 p.m., 306 South Ave., $10-$12
Saturday, Feb. 23
MSU Jazz Festival featuring guest artist Jeff Coffin, all day, Juanita K. Hammons Hall, free
MSU Horse Show, 2-6 p.m., Darr Agriculture Center, free
Eli Young Band, 8-10 p.m., Gillioz Theatre, $15
Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD
Senior Brendon Moore (center) teaches freshman Lauren Roy how to make Chinese dumplings during a workshop on Thursday, Feb. 14, in the Siceluff Hall library.
Dumplings for tradition China programs emphasize the importance of cultural foods By Peyson Shields The Standard
When most of us think of Chinese food, we think of fried rice and cashew chicken. Traditional Chinese food, though, is far from Springfield’s take. This past week the Modern Classic Language Department and China Programs celebrated the Chinese New
Year by hosting workshops and events open to all students. One of the events on campus was a traditional Chinese dumpling workshop. “Over 100 people have shown up today. I am very happy with the turnout,” Chinese and Asian culture studies professor Weirong Schaefer,said. Schaefer explained that there are many stories behind
the significance of the dumpling and Chinese New Year, but the main symbolic reference is family. “The Chinese New Year is like a big family reunion. Dumplings are yummy and affordable; families make them and eat them together,” she said. “The most popular dumpling is boiled or steamed. You can put anything in a dumpling such as fish, vegetables or meat.” Schaefer said that dumplings are especially tasty the next day.
f you’re like me, you have clothes stuffed in every drawer and closet in your house. From the Tshirt from summer camp in grade school, to the handknitted sweater your aunt made two Christmases ago that you’ve never even attempted to try on. So how do you make space in your closet this spring?
Sunday, Feb. 24
Lantern Festival, all day, entire campus, free
Horse Show, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Darr Agriculture Center, free
Faculty Recital featuring David Hays and Hye-Jung Hong, 2:303:30 p.m., Ellis Hall 217B, free
“Almost, Maine,” 2:30 p.m., Craig Hall Balcony Theatre, $8 (advance purchase with MSU ID), $12, $14 SAC Films Presents: “Wreck It Ralph,” 9 p.m., PSU Theater, free
Monday, Feb. 25
Etiquette Dinner, 6-8:30 p.m., JQH Arena Prime Overtime Club, $6 per student African American Read In program: “Dream Big,” 7-10 p.m., Library Station 2535 N. Kansas Expwy, free
“Almost, Maine,” 7:30 p.m., Craig Hall Balcony Theatre, $8 (advance purchase with MSU ID), $12, $14
Comedic hypnotist’s show to raise funds for animal groups
Comedian and stage hypnotist Jecobie Roberts is scheduled to perform a clean show for all ages at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at Patton Alley Pub. Doors will open at 1 p.m. Ticket sales and drawing sales will benefit A Parrot’s Perch Rescue and Boxer/Schnauzer Rescue of the Ozarks. Pet food donations are accepted for Republic Paw Pantry. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for ages 12 and under. They are available at Springfield Veterinary Center at 3322 S. Campbell Ave., Sunshine Animal Hospital at 3235 E. Sunshine St. and Allphin Veterinary Clinic in Reeds Spring. For more information, contact Stephani Chambers at or 417-669-9488.
Freshman exercise and movement science major Camryn Eastin was a participant of the workshop. Eastin has been to China twice, so she was familiar with traditional dumplings. “I loved it, and the dumplings are so good,” she said. “This workshop brought back memories.” Also present at the workshop were some of MSU’s China Operations Specialists, Dandan Liu, who is from an u See DUMPLING page 5
Spring closet cleaning: What makes the cut
Skinny Improv Mainstage, 8-10 p.m., $10-$12
Missouri State University Concert Chorale, 2:30-3:30 p.m., First and Calvary Presbyterian Church, free
“You can fry them up, and they are so good that way,” she said. The dumplings made at last Thursday’s workshop were boiled with a pork and cabbage filling, and the workshop created an opportunity to engage students on campus, Schaefer said. She explained how food is significant across cultures and that it is good for students to get involved and interact, not only with their friends, but also with new friends of different cultures.
If you’ve worn an item in the last year it’s a definite keep because with Missouri’s weather it could take a year to wear everything you like. A tip to help you see what clothes you wore throughout the year is to hang hangers backwards in your closet. Each time you take an article of clothing out to wear, replace the hanger in the right direction. After a year, you’ll see what you’ve never worn. But what if you haven’t worn it in the last year? If it’s flattering on your Photo Illustration by Sarah Hiatt/THE STANDARD Cleaning out your closet for the spring season can be an overwhelming task, but body, currently in style and you have plans to wear it choosing what to keep and what to get rid of doesn’t have to be a headache.
Kelsie Nalley Life Writer
soon, keep it for another year, but if it’s still hanging up by spring cleaning next year, get rid of it. For sentimental T-shirts that you no longer wear but can’t bear to throw out, consider having them turned into a T-shirt quilt. It will be something you will have to display forever—without it taking up needed space in your closet.
Sell or donate
If it’s itchy, scratchy or pinches, it’s time to get rid of it. Clothes in your closet that are uncomfortable won’t get worn. If it hasn’t fit in over a year, then it’s most likely not going to fit you this year. That pair of jeans you’ve been saving since
u See SPRING page 8
‘Almost, Maine’ dazzles with comedic love stories
“Almost, Maine” is a small fictional town in the only state in our country bound to but one other, as well as a profoundly thoughtful play written by actor John Cariani. Set for the stage by the Missouri State Department of Theatre and Dance, this quirky observation of love found and lost opened its monthlong run on Valentine’s Day. A comedy steeped in rumination, “Almost, Maine” is a collection of nine short plays, and, while originally written for four actors, can call for up to 19. Fragmented displays of heartbreak and the finding of love with each set change result in a welcome showcase of each promising talent, as the only recurring character simply
Nicholas Simpson Play Reviewer finds himself pensively bookending the beginning and end of each act. Set within Craig Hall’s Balcony Theatre’s itty-bitty thrust stage, production design doesn’t really find its place in a work revolving around the action of the players. A simple streamer hanging before a starlit backdrop takes the form of the Northern Lights in one scene and stony peaks of Mount
Photo courtesy of Missouri State University Photo Services
Junior theatre and acting major Bethany Elfrink and senior theatre studies major Andrew Diveley during the Feb. 14 production of “Almost, Maine.”
Hedgehog in another, leaving only the cast to fill in the blanks. “Almost” quietly explores relationships and what makes and breaks them.
One story shows the camowearing Jimmy reuniting with a past girlfriend at a bar during her bachelorette party, revealing the misspelled tattoo for her on his arm reading
“villian” for the way he drove her away. Another shows a failing marriage with the couple pointed
u See MAINE page 5
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
The Standard | 5
‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ is just like the others, but it’s still going strong
Bam! Crash! Screech! Karman Pow! Those are just a few of the sounds you’ll hear when Bowers watching John McClane’s latMovie est adventure, “A Good Day to Die Hard,” an actionReviewer packed joyride. John McClane (Bruce Willis) travels to Russia to bring home his seemingly delinquent son, Jack (Jai Courtney), only to discover that Jack is a CIA operative. Russian terrorist. With an apparent abunWhen Jack’s mission takes a turn for the worse, father and dance of action movies out son must team up to stop a there, one would think that the
Continued from page 4
toward one another by the forces of the universe. With that being said, Cariani’s tale also makes heavy use of elements of mystical realism. One scene finds two characters returning trash bags full of love given to one another following a breakup, and another scene shows two guys literally falling — as in falling uncontrollably to the ground — in love with each other. “Almost” becomes a place readily believable, as familiar as any small town dotting the map. Everyone knows one another’s business, and therefore, every relationship is far more important than it would have been. Finding a date is easy, because there aren’t really that many options to choose from. Rhonda, Danny, Easton, Gale and Phil all know and care about one another. With only 10 minutes within a scene to shine, something must be said of the
effort given by the student cast. Scenes begin with a given tone and mood, shift drastically and more is called of the actors than is visible from the audience. But they deliver, and a couple shaky performances are understandable in a story that rarely calls for more than two actors on stage at once. What remains from the collection of seemingly unrelated scenes of love being displayed in some way, shape or form, is a startling look at the role love plays in daily life. As the lights dim one final time, and the cast makes its way out onto the stage for its ovation, we as an audience are left with not one story, but many to piece together our own semblance of the place romance takes in the order of the universe. Missouri State’s production of “Almost, Maine” will continue throughout the month of February, and tickets can be purchased online or through the box office in the Plaster Student Union. No greater opportunity for a perfect date can be found on campus.
fifth movie in a franchise from the ’80s is just going to be another cheesy action movie … and it is, but with one key difference: “A Good Day to Die Hard” is actually good. So what has made this cheesy action flick better from all the other cheesy action flicks? I think it’s a combination of things. It’s an already established franchise that’s been consistently popular and has characters that people already care about and know. The original
“Die Hard” is considered one of the best Christmas movies ever. Almost everyone still wants to know what John McClane is up to these days. I also think the writers strive to keep the stories somewhat relevant to our world today, whether it’s good old fashioned money stealing, cyber terrorism or terrorists getting ahold of stolen Soviet nuclear material. Also, the “Die Hard” movies embrace the cheese. They have these ridiculously
complex (and expensive) action sequences with welltimed one-liners that make you laugh, or at least smile. A little bit of heart-to-heart is even thrown in there to soften it up just a bit, but there’s no hugging, because the McClanes aren’t a “hugging family.” Yet, perhaps one of the best things “A Good Day to Die Hard” has over all of the other action movies is John McC … er … I mean Bruce Willis himself. He is one of
the few classic action stars who can pull off the physical stuff and still be convincing with the lighter, more comedic stuff — something Stallone and Schwarzenegger, unfortunately, aren’t very good at. In all honesty, “A Good Day to Die Hard” is just like every other “Die Hard” movie. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. Personally, I think it’s a very good thing, and paying that extra $3 to see it in IMAX was well worth it.
At 23, life changed by diagnosis After a blood drive visit, Rae Lewis Thornton was changed forever By Kelsey Berry The Standard
Rae Lewis Thornton has been living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) for 30 years and AIDS for 21. At the age of 23, she was diagnosed HIVpositive at a blood drive in Washington D.C. After her body was no longer able to defend itself against common bacteria and viruses, she received the AIDS diagnosis. “When I was diagnosed with HIV, it was a different era, and we didn’t know very much about it,” she said. “It was a scary time. But I didn’t really begin to have major health-related or emotional issues until I made the transition to AIDS. That’s when I started to stop and think ‘am I fac-
ing death?’ “And there were a few years when I should have died, but I hung on. God kept me here, new medicines came and I’m still singing my song.” The first reported case of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in the United States was documented in June of 1981, and 1.7 million people in the U.S. are estimated to have been infected since then, according to Of those infected, 619,000 have already died. But Thornton, now 51 years old, is still fighting and leads a life full of accomplishments. Thornton graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northeastern Illinois University and received a Mas-
Diva Living With AIDS
Rae Lewis Thornton will be speaking at Missouri State as part of her Diva Living With AIDS tour.
When: 7 p.m. today, Feb. 19 Where: PSU Theater Cost: None, the event is free and open to the public Website:
Dumpling Continued from page 4
inland region of China, and Peng Zhang, who lived coastally. “The dumplings were made very traditionally, exactly the way we would make them at home,” Liu said.
ter of Divinity Degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in 2003. She was licensed as a minister more than 12 years ago. Prior to her AIDS diagnosis, Thornton was pursuing a political organizing career but retired in 1993 due to her health. Since then, she has dedicated her life to public speaking and educating audiences of all ages about HIV prevention and has been featured on the cover of Essence Magazine, with feature stories in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Wash-
Her favorite dumpling is steamed with a pork and cabbage filling; Zhang’s favorite, however, is a shrimp dumpling. They both explained how sauce is very important in Chinese cooking. The sauce served with the dumplings last Thursday was a ginger soy sauce, made to bring out all the different flavors in the dumplings. “Having a cultural workshop raises awareness for inter-
ington Post and many more. She also received the British Academy Golden Tweet Award in Public Service for 2010 and the 2011 CBS Chicago Most Valuable Blogger in Medical, Health and Fitness. In addition to using social media as a platform to educate and share her daily struggles and words of hope, Thornton said that 75 percent of her public speaking is done on college campuses, and Missouri State University is next on u See DIAGNOSIS page 8
nationality and culture on campus,” Zhang said. He also explained how it is beneficial for the staff, too, to learn about the cultures of the students that they are teaching. Zhang said that, without dumplings, there wouldn’t be a Chinese New Year. “It’s tradition, all about family and making and eating the dumplings,” he said. “They are the main show of a big feast.”
Weekly Crossword © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
ACROSS 1 Eastern European 5 Use a crowbar 8 Resistance measures 12 Chantilly, e.g. 13 Individual 14 Reach 212 degrees, perhaps 15 Microwave, for one 16 Willingness to wait 18 No-goodnik 20 Bit of progress 21 Make a mistake 23 Neither partner 24 New England football team 28 Astronaut Armstrong 31 "This tastes awful!" 32 Wall painting 34 Ram's mate 35 Standard 37 New Jersey city 39 Corn spike 41 Purple shade 42 Sculpture 45 Pale brown monkey 49 Spoke rapid-fire 51 Conflagration 52 Out of the storm 53 - carte 54 Rim 55 Fix 56 Firmament 57 Smell bad DOWN 1 Unkempt one 2 Volcano
outflow 3 Scored 100 on 4 Plywood layer 5 Boy band, e.g. 6 Genetic letters 7 Bigfoot's cousin 8 Fairy king 9 Award recipients 10 Isinglass 11 Coaster 17 Hostel 19 Bleak 22 Knapsack part 24 Play on words 25 Past 26 Menace 27 "- Night Live" 29 Jima preceder 30 Author Deighton 33 Walesa of Poland 36 In a thick tangle, as hair
Last Week’s Puzzle Answers
38 Close-fitting jacket 40 Regret 42 Unwanted email 43 Story 44 Historic
periods 46 Faction 47 Incite 48 Look for 50 Wapiti
Feb. 19, 2013 Check out The Standard Sports on Facebook for the latest updates on MSU athletics. TheStandardSports
Ice Bears exit early from weekend tournament By Tim Godfrey The Standard
The Missouri State Ice Bears suffered an early exit from the Mid-American Collegiate Hockey Association tournament, losing 4-3 against Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville in Webster Groves, Mo., on
Feb. 16. Although the Ice Bears had beaten the SIUE Panthers twice in the regular season, the third meeting was not as enjoyable. MSU, seeded fifth in the MACHA tournament, had not played a game in two weeks. After sweeping Loyola-Chicago in the final
week of their regular season, the Ice Bears were allowed a bye week while the rest of the league was preparing to finish their own regular season. With a bye week comes risk and reward; the reward being the opportunity to rest weary and exhausted bodies, while the risk is losing
the collective momentum and swagger that comes with playing consecutive game weekends. The bye week turned out to be more of a risk than a reward for the Ice Bears. “Our legs weren’t all there,” senior forward Andy Draper said. “It wasn’t a question of our effort, but
you could see it in our legs.” The Ice Bears were going toe-to-toe with SIUE early in the game and even pulled ahead 1-0 after the first period. But as the game progressed, the Panthers were too much for the Ice Bears, pulling off a threeu See HOCKEY page 7
Men’s basketball (8-19, 6-9 MVC) Tuesday, Feb. 12 Missouri State 29 38 - 67 Indiana State 28 37 - 65
Saturday, Feb. 16 Missouri State 22 32 - 54 Southern Illinois 31 31 - 62 Women’s basketball (12-13, 4-9 MVC) Thursday, Feb. 14 Missouri State 30 21 - 51 Creighton 31 36 - 67 Saturday, Feb. 16 Missouri State 28 36 - 64 Drake 38 37 - 75 Women’s Swimming & Diving Sunday, Feb. 17 Conference Champions Ice Hockey (25-5-2, 14-3-1 MACHA Gold) Saturday, Feb. 16 Missouri State 0 3 1- 4 SIUE 1 1 1- 3 Baseball (2-1, 0-0 MVC) Friday, Feb. 15
Missouri State 00200000001-3 Coastal Carolina 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 2
Saturday, Feb. 16 Sam Houston St 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 - 2 Missouri State 10001000x -3 Sunday, Feb. 17 Missouri State 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 - 4 Tulane 20011002x-6 Softball (4-6, 0-0 MVC) Friday, Feb. 15 Boise State 0000000- 0 Missouri State 100023x- 6 Missouri State 0100012- 4 UTSA 010340x- 8 Saturday, Feb. 16 Missouri State 6000200-8 Iowa State 1000203-6 Missouri State 0000000-0 Rutgers 020010x-3 Sunday, Feb. 17 UTSA 00101- 2 Missouri State 0 1 0 6 3 - 10 Lacrosse (2-1) Saturday, Feb. 9 Missouri State 1 2 3 1 - 7 Wisconsin 2 3 9 0 - 14
Calendar Tuesday, Feb. 19
Men’s basketball, 7:05 p.m. at home vs. Northern Iowa
Thursday, Feb. 21
Women’s basketball, 7:05 p.m. at home vs. Southern Illinois
Friday, Feb. 22
Softball, 10 a.m. vs. Boston College in Chattanooga, Tenn. Lacrosse, 10 a.m. vs. St. Johns in St. Louis, Mo.
Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD
Sophomore Merideth Swain (center) leads the women’s swimming team in a pregame cheer on Saturday, Jan. 19, before its meet against Truman State at the Hammons Student Center pool. The team won its sixth consecutive MVC championship this weekend.
Total domination
Women’s team wins sixth consecutive MVC championship By Mike Ursery The Standard
said. “When the lights come on, she’s ready to go.” Freshman Dora Kiss also earned co-MVC Swimmer of the Year during her first year of competition at the NCAA level. “She’s so new to us that there are events we haven’t had a chance to prepare for because she just got here in January,” Collins said. “I’m excited because her next three years are going to be even better. We’re just scratching the surface on where she can be.” Three different swimmers earned NCAA provisional times, which means that they could be considered for the NCAA Championships. Sander and junior Anna Ahlin each had two, and senior Michelle Oishi earned an NCAA “B” cut for the first time in her career. As for the events themselves, the Bears won 11 of them altogether. Kiss notched the first victory in the 500-meter free A-Final (4:52.20), setting her first of three school records. Sander earned the Bears’ second victory in the 200-meter Individual Medley (2:03.18). Her time also set a new school record, as well as a new MVC Championship record. Missouri State closed out the first day of competition when Sander, Senior Andrea Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD Uzcategui, Ahlin and sophomore Roni Janke Engelbrecht competes in a back- Balzam (3:44.30) won the 400-meter Medley stroke event against Truman on Saturday, u See SWIM page 7 Jan. 19, at Hammons Student Center.
Baseball, 6 p.m., vs. Southern Miss in Hattiesburg, Miss.
The Missouri State Women’s Swimming team won its sixth consecutive Missouri Valley Conference championship in commanding fashion this past weekend and is the first team in MVC history to do so. The victory also gives the team 10 conference championships overall; MSU is three behind Southern Illinois for the league lead. “I was extremely impressed with how the women handled the meet,” head coach Dave Collins said. “We had a nice mix of upperclassmen scoring big points for us, and we got great production out of our freshmen.” Missouri State swimmers picked up several different accolades during the conference meet. Collins, in his first full year in the position, won co-MVC Coach of the Year. Junior Renata Sander won MVC Swimmer of the Year for the second year in a row. “She’s probably one of the most intense racers I’ve ever seen. She’s a gamer,” Collins
Ice hockey, 5 p.m., ACHA Central Region Tournament vs. Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville in Chicago, Ill.
Wisconsin barrels over Bears Saturday
Baseball, 1 p.m. vs. Alcorn State in Hattiesburg, Miss.
Softball, 12:15 p.m. vs. Lipscomb in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Saturday, Feb. 23
Track, 9:30 a.m., MVC Indoor Championships in Cedar Falls, Iowa Softball, 10 a.m., vs. Toledo in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Men’s Soccer, 1 p.m., at home vs. Central Arkansas Softball, 2:30 p.m., vs. Tennessee Tech in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Lacrosse, 3 p.m., vs. Emory in St. Louis, Mo. Men’s soccer, 3:15 p.m., at home vs. Southwest Baptist
Men’s basketball, 3:30 p.m., vs. Eastern Michigan in Ypsilanti, Mich.
Women’s basketball, 7:05 p.m., at home vs. Evansville
Sunday, Feb. 24
Track, 9:30 a.m., MVC Indoor Championships in Cedar Falls, Iowa Baseball, 11 a.m., vs. Eastern Illinois in Hattiesburg, Miss.
Softball 11:15 a.m., vs. Chattanooga in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Monday, Feb. 25
Men’s golf, TBA, Washington State/Snowman Getaway in Goodyear, Ariz.
Women’s golf, TBA, Islander Classic in Corpus Chrisiti, Texas
Swimming trivia fact
The Missouri State women’s swimming team is the first team in history to win the Missouri Valley Conference championship six times in a row. The team coasted to its 2013 championship victory this weekend in Carbondale, Ill., for the first conference title under head coach Dave Collins.
Team loses to Division I foe but remains confident about season By Sam Holzer The Standard
The Missouri State men’s lacrosse team ran into some trouble this past Saturday, losing 14-7 in an exhibition game to Wisconsin. Head Coach Dustin Rich’s comments a few days before the game indicated he knew it would be a tough matchup. “They’ll be good, there’s no doubt about it. They’re a Division I team,” Rich said. “So they’re going to be bigger, faster and stronger. And we’ve never played them, so there’s going to be a lot of unknowns.” The team did, however, get their season off to a strong start on Feb. 9 and 10, with wins over Kansas
State and Kansas. MSU demolished Kansas State 28-3 in the opener and squeaked out a closer 12-11 victory against Kansas. Head coach Dustin Rich feels good about the beginning of the season. “I feel like it’s going well,” Rich said. “We’ve got a smaller group of guys, and we’ve really been preaching on fundamentals and work ethic and being dedicated, and I think the games this last weekend were good indicators that we’re progressing in the right direction.” Evan Henningsen/THE STANDARD Junior attacker Cameron Bostwick, who scored 15 Missouri State men’s lacrosse player Jamie Jasper (left) faces off against Carl goals during the first two Pandolfo (right) at practice on the Betty and Bobby Allison Intramural Fields. The team lost this weekend in an exhibition game against Wisconsin. u See LACROSSE page 7
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
The Standard | 7
Bears fail to rally against Tulane Sunday Team wins 2, loses 1 in tournament By Matt Aten The Standard
The Missouri State baseball team opened their season with two wins at the CenturyLink Bobcat Invitational this weekend in San Marcos, Texas before falling Sunday in their final match of the tournament. The Bears were matched up with Texas State to open the tournament on Friday. MSU starter Nick Petree allowed just two hits and three walks while striking out five hitters in five scoreless innings. Texas State’s pitching staff was equally impressive with 15 strikeouts. Starter Kyle Finnegan recorded 11 punch-outs through six innings while giving up two runs on three hits. But thanks to four errors by the Bears’ defense, the Bobcats rallied to erase a 2-0 deficit in the seventh inning, spoiling a win for Petree. Quality pitching continued until the 11th inning when the Bears rallied to take the lead. The rally started with Andy Cheray drawing a walk after battling back from a 1-2
Continued from page 6 goal second period and scoring the game-winning goal with less than two minutes left in the game. The familiar foe proved to be more formidable than the Ice Bears previously thought, which senior defenseman Eric Aldag said hurt MSU. “I think that we took them for granted in this game. We came out flat and we weren’t really ready to go,” Aldag said. “They just outworked us.” Although SIUE did not look any different strategically, head coach Bob Bucher said their effort and hard work proved to be the difference maker in the game. Bucher also said that the loss revealed that MSU’s best may not be good enough to be successful in the postseason and said that his team will need to bring more “to the table.” “SIUE stepped up their game to the playoff world. They increased their intensity and their urgency. We brought to the table the same thing we (have been bringing) to the table all year, which isn’t enough to be suc-
Continued from page 6
Relay. Missouri State carried their momentum from the first day into the second day of competition. Sander and Balzam teamed with sophomore Megan Holthoff and freshman Kate Gately to set a new MVC record (1:42.03) in the 200-meter medley relay. Kiss set her second school record in the 400-meter Individual Medley (4:22.17). Ahlin set an NCAA “B” cut (55.02) en route to winning the 100-meter backstroke for the third consecutive year. The victory sets her up for an opportunity to
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File photo by Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD
Shortstop Eric Cheray makes a tag out at third base during the baseball team’s fall world series last semester. The Bears traveled to San Marcos, Texas, this past weekend for the CenturyLink Bobcat Invitational.
hole with a quality eight-pitch at-bat against Hunter Lemke. Tate Matheny moved Cheray to second with a sacrifice bunt, before Dylan Becker brought him home with a solid single up the middle. Tyler Burgess, who retired the
cessful. If, in fact, that is what we bring to the table, then it is going to be an eyeopening experience for us,” Bucher said. The Ice Bears have not seen the last of SIUE; they will play the Panthers in the first round of the regional tournament Bucher in Chicago, Ill., on Feb. 23. Playing SIUE again doesn’t intimidate the Ice Bears, it gives them hope that they can learn from their mistakes and apply them to their next game. “The fact that they beat us this time is a real eye-opener for next week so we have to come out on Friday and give everything we got,” sophomore forward Jack Ryan said. Aldag mentioned that establishing a strong defense early would send a ripple effect into the offense. “When we have a good defense, that’s what starts our offense; so, once we get that down to where it was (throughout the regular season), then our offense will get back,” Aldag said. Regardless of what the
sweep the event in all four years of MVC competition. Ahlin began the final day by setting her second NCAA “B” cut (1:59.17) in the 200-meter backstroke. This was her third consecutive victory in this event as well. “There’s nothing better than swimming fast. It makes all of these hours I spent training in the year worth it,” Ahlin said. Sander and Oishi (2:13.77) each set an NCAA “B” cut en route to a first place tie in the 200meter breaststroke. “It was really crazy to look up at the board once I was done,” Oishi said. “When I saw that we went that fast, I couldn’t believe it.”
Used laptop/desktopcomputers needed by new non-profit organization. We can format all personal items off for you if needed. Place your classified ad @
final seven hitters of the game, put the finishing touches on the win in the bottom half of the 11th, recording the final out himself. The Bears continued their winning ways against Sam Houston State on Saturday, as starter Cody
Ice Bears need to work on in practice this week, one thing is for sure, Bucher is going to push them — hard. The road to the national tournament goes through Chicago in the regional tournament, and MSU isn’t the only team wanting a chance to fight for the national crown. Aldag, Draper and Ryan all said that the loss to SIUE would ignite a fire underneath the team and motivate them to give everything they have in practice. But just in case the fire from the MACHA loss isn’t hot enough, expect Bucher to be spraying lighter fluid on the motivational flame. When asked what he planned for practice this week, the Ice Bears’ head coach said that he is going to put the players “through the ringer.” “(The team is) going to be so pissed off at me by the time (Feb. 23) comes and we get on the bus to head to Chicago, they won’t want to look at me,” Bucher said, laughing. If all goes according to plan, the Ice Bears will be too busy looking for scoring opportunities and SIUE players to hit to even give Bucher a passing glance. The first round regional tournament game is at 5:30 p.m., Feb. 23, in Chicago, Ill.
Schumacher matched his career high with nine strikeouts over seven innings while scattering six hits and walking one. MSU got on the board early thanks to a shaky start by Sam Houston starter Cody Dickson.
Continued from page 6
games, was also pleased about the team’s play. “I was very impressed about how we came out and stepped up to the challenge of taking on a big school like KU,” he said. Bostwick is confident that the Bears can compete against anyone this season. “I really feel that we can take it to some of the best teams in the nation this year. We’re a hard working team; no one’s going to outrun us in the fourth quarter,” he said. “Just a great group of guys that are willing to put everything out there for each other.” Rich, who served as the defensive coordinator from 2010-2012, feels that defense is the identity of this team. “I’m kind of a defensive-
After walking Dylan Becker to start the game, Dickson unloaded a twoout wild pitch to allow Becker to score the game’s first run. The Bears came up with another two-out rally in the third after Tate Matheny drew a walk, moved to second on a Travis McComack sacrifice and crossed the plate when Keenen Maddox doubled down the left-field line. Dickson put both Becker and McComack on to begin the fifth, and Luke Voit would make the Bearkats pay with an RBI single to center for a 3-0 Bears’ advantage. Sam Houston State finally got to Schumacher on his 109th pitch, thanks to a Ryan O’Hearn RBI single that scored Luke Plucheck. The Bearkats would get to the Bears’ bullpen for another run before Erik Shannahan slammed the door for his first save of the season. Tulane University spoiled the fun on Sunday, handing the Bears their first loss of the season with a 6-4 victory. The Green Wave came through in clutch situations all afternoon, pounding out 14 hits and plating five of their six runs in two-out situations. While Tulane’s offense came up big throughout the day, the Bears’ offense had a hard time capitalizing, leaving 13 men on base. The Bears open play at the Southern Miss Invitational on Friday, Feb. 22, in Hattiesburg, Miss.
First home game?
April 13 against St. Louis, location and time TBA
ly minded coach, and we enjoy being good defensively,” he said. “I think the key to our season has really been ‘can our offense come into their own identity?’ And that’s really been the struggle and the challenge, it’s getting these boys on offense to find who they want to be and how they want to do.” Sophomore defender Dan Funk also sees defense as being a critical part of the team, and feels like they’re improving as a unit. “I feel like our defense is finally clicking,” Funk said. “We had some issues at the beginning of the season. I would say we came together pretty well against KU, halfway through the game. It’s coming together.” Funk, junior attacker
Chris Callaham, and Bostwick are players that fans should watch out for, according to Rich. “Dan Funk is one of the most impressive defensive players I’ve ever watched. Chris Callaham is the guy who basically runs our offense — really talented and moves the ball well, and is a great quarterback on the field,” he said. “And then Cam Bostwick, who’ll finish pretty much every shot we put up for him.” The Bears’ next game is this Friday, Feb. 22, in an exhibition contest against St. Johns at CBC High School in St. Louis. Missouri State doesn’t have a home match until April 13 against St. Louis in a location to be determined.
Kiss set her third school record by winning the 200meter fly. Her time of 1:59.52 also set a new MVC and pool record for the event. This marks the end of the season for the women’s team. Oishi, Sander and Ahlin could have the opportunity to compete at the NCAA Championships, depending how other Division I swimmers across the nation fare in their conference championship meets. “What we’re doing now is tracking what the other conferences are doing to know if our ladies will have a chance,” Collins said. “We’ll get them back in the water to prepare in case they do make it.”
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Spring Continued from page 4 freshman year of high school that you know one day will fit youagain have to go. For items that cost too much to just give away, one option is to sell them. is one website where users can upload
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of shared governance, due process with respect to published university policies, faculty control of curricular matters, protection and expansion of resources used for academic programs, and higher education issues and trends in the state of Missouri. To become unionized, the faculty would negotiate what would eventually become a binding legal contract, according to Christopher Herr, chair of the Faculty Senate and an associate professor of theatre and dance. When a contract is negotiated by a union via collective bargaining, it’s a legally binding contract on both sides, according to Herr. The faculty is currently operating under a faculty handbook, which is not legally binding.
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have not done that,” she said. “However, the university has not provided many, if any, activities for students to attend without planning themselves.” There are several predominantly African-American organizations on Missouri State’s campus, such as Sister Circle, the Association of Black Collegians (ABC), Multicultural Student Recruitment Team (MSRT) and five fraternities and sororities of the National
The Standard
pictures of gently used clothes and accessories straight from their closet to sell online. Plato’s Closet, located at 1258 E. Battlefield Ave., also buys clothing and accessories and will give you cash on the spot. Uptown Cheapskate, located at 1724 E. Battlefield Ave., is another store that will buy your clothing from you. They will exchange your clothes for cash, store credit and they will donate any
Listed as one of the positive changes unionization would bring for faculty in the committee report is, “Collective bargaining agreements are legally binding for both parties, making that contract enforceable.” For there to be a collective bargaining agreement — which means negotiating a binding contract — there must be a vote by the entire faculty to let the union be the sole bargaining agent for collective bargaining, Herr said. Olsen said the Faculty Association’s intent is to continue working over the next few years, educating faculty about what the committee found in the report, including the pros and cons of unionization. “What we eventually want to do is have an election so the union represents the faculty for the purposes of negotiating a binding contract, which is called collective bargaining,” Olsen said.
PanHellenic Council (NPHC). Sister Circle is an organization whose primary focus is building unity among the women of Missouri State’s campus. Through academic excellence, cultural awareness and unified efforts, ABC hopes to develop well-rounded members. MSRT makes efforts to increase recruitment and retention rates for minority students on campus. Missouri State’s NPHC is comprised of five of the nine historically African-American Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities. These organizations provide social activities and
clothes that they don’t buy from you — saving you an extra trip. If something is out of fashion, but is still in good condition, donate it to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army retailers. Once you’ve got your donation/sell pile together, throw a clothing swap party with your friends. It’s a cheap and fun way to get new clothes from other people for free and get rid of the clothes
The Committee to Explore Unionization Report listed 15 pros and 11 cons in the cost/benefit analysis of unionization. The report can be viewed at m. The conclusion of the report states, “The committee members agree unanimously that the benefits of unionization outweigh the drawbacks.” Olsen said he believes that unionization would be a good idea and said the university would run better in a lot of ways if the faculty had a bit more say in the way a lot of the decisions are made. “I would like to see a reallocation of resources back to the core mission of the university,” Olsen said. “We want to do a better job of educating people, and we think this is something that will help us do that.” Herr said one of the disadvantages could be the cost to faculty members, as there
community service throughout the year on campus and in the Springfield area. Senior psychology major Ebony Brown, and member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., feels students should take responsibility for this issue. “I would honor what students say to a certain degree, but I would ask them what they have done to contribute to African-American Heritage Month,” Brown said. “I believe students are not taking the initiative to really research and find out what is going on campus and in the community.” There have been at least four events so far in celebra-
don’t want them to miscalculate, not really thinking about their sex and dating life,” she said. “but preparing for their future and Continued from page 5 really just thinking about all of it combined.” Thornton said college students her list of engagements. tend to like her because she is “It’s a critical age group to candid, transparent and doesn’t bring my message to, because, as sugarcoat anything. they are preparing their future, I “No question is too personal,
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
you no longer wear.
If something in your closet is ripped, stained or damaged beyond repair, it’s time to throw it away. You aren’t going to wear it, and neither is anybody else. Get rid of wire hangers! They ruin your clothes by bending them out of shape. Once you have cleaned out your closet, it’s time to organize all the clothes
are dues for membership. “I think there are perceptions that unions are more responsive to national organizations than local constituencies,” Herr said, “I think those (issues) are the ones that could be identified as potentially being the biggest drawbacks.” As far as broad support for the faculty goes, Herr said it’s hard to tell at this point, since it’s pretty early in the stages. Herr said there would undoubtedly be some adjustments if the faculty were to become unionized. For example, the faculty handbook would be superseded by the contract, so revision of the faculty handbook for Senate would not happen in the same way. Faculty Senate is responsible for overseeing curriculum and being the representative voice of faculty to the administration on academic matters. “If you bring in this entition of African-American Heritage Month, but Brown is encouraging a call to action from students for more events in the future. “I always encourage people to be the change they want to see,” she said. “If you see there is something wrong or lacking, then find out how to get involved and make a difference.” Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. will be participating in MSRT‘s closing ceremony of African-American Heritage Month on Feb. 28, 2013. “We intend on this program to be a night of entertainment, filled with performances by African-American
stupid or silly,” she said. “I don’t come with the message ‘if you have sex like me, you’re going to get AIDS,’ I come with the message that there is a consequence for everything you do, and you better be pretty damn sure you’re willing to deal with them. “I can tell you what my life is like on a day-to-day basis with the hope and prayer that you do
you’re going to keep. Group items by color and clothing type. It will make things easier and quicker to find. Store off-season clothing in storage containers so you have more room in your closet. Ann Bingley Gallops of Reader’s Digest says, “keep your winter clothes dry by putting pieces of chalk into a small cloth bag that you can pack with the clothes you’re storing. The chalk will absorb
ty of the union, they’re going to have some responsibilities and obligations in relationships with the administration as well, which will be very clearly defined in the contract,” Herr said. Figuring out the relationship between Faculty Senate and the union is not an insurmountable problem, Herr said, but he is not certain how it would happen at this point. “I came from a unionized faculty, but the union had been long established,” Herr said. “How the senate and the union would work with each other is something that would have to be sort of figured out.” Missouri State faculty members are being contacted one at a time so they have the chance to discuss their concerns or opinions on unionization. Olsen said 20 percent, or approximately 700 faculty members, have been contacted so far.
student poets, dancers, musicians and actors from campus,” Young said. “We would like to present this to campus as being the closing ceremony for Black History Month; promoting the talents of African-American students on campus while also celebrating our history. We hope to see the campus come out, support and celebrate with us.” Francine Pratt, assistant to the vice president of diversity and inclusion, said she heard some of the same complaints and is working on fixing the problem as well. “I’ve heard the same complaints, and part of that was a
something about your life.” Thornton is scheduled to share her mission of HIV/AIDS education and her story of survival and hope with Missouri State University students from 7-9 p.m. today (Tuesday, Feb. 19) in the Plaster Student Union Theater. “God has got my back, and I know that,” she said. “When you wake up in the morning you’re
all the moisture, keeping your clothes protected.” Once you’ve uncluttered your closet, you will feel accomplished and ready for spring, but don’t wait forever to organize it again. Remember the steps I’ve given you, and clean out your closet once a year. Every time you buy a new item, an old one has to go; this will keep your closet from getting overly cluttered with clothes you don’t need or wear.
There are almost 4,000 faculty and staff members, according to the university’s website. “At this stage, it’s all up in the air,” Olsen said. “We’ve gotten a pretty positive response from about 6570 percent of the faculty we’ve talked to about the issue of collective bargaining.” Olsen said they are making progress, but the process could take more than three years. During the meeting on Feb. 21, which will be held at University Heights Baptist Church from 3:30-5 p.m., faculty will discuss the follow-up process about the one-on-one survey regarding faculty concerns and their attitudes toward collective bargaining, according to Olsen. “We will also have a Q&A afterwards,” Olsen said. “So we’ll see what kind of questions the faculty have.”
transition in leadership,” Pratt said. Pratt said a lot of the planning was already underway when she came into the position, but what was planned already was carried through. “We’ve made a commitment that next year it will be much stronger to the point where we’ve already put together a committee of existing students who have voiced that concern, so they can help develop the program for next year,” Pratt said. For more information about the events coming up at the end the month, check out
still a part of God’s plan, and knowing that I’ve been blessed with the gift of life keeps me going.” For more information on HIV/AIDS awareness and Thornton’s life of public service, visit her official “Rae Lewis Thornton: Diva Living With Aids” website, http://www.raelewis