Two athletes punished for violating t eam r u l es
P a ge 6
Tuesday • August 30, 2011 • Vol. 105 Issue 2
Briefs Tech IT Technology Showcase to be held in Springfield
The second Annual Tech IT Out Technology Showcase & Expo will be held Sept. 1 at the University Plaza Hotel & Convention Center’s Grand Ballroom. The Southwest Missouri Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals will host the showcase from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The event is free to the public and will host education sessions from technology leaders like Google, Microsoft, Dell and SonicWALL. Jack Henry & Associates, St. John’s Joplin (Sisters of Mercy), Prime, Inc. and Missouri State University will present case studies. To find out more information or pre-register, go to or call 417-343-0225.
Junior League of Springfield elects O’Reilly president
The Junior League of Springfield (JLS) elected Brooke O’Reilly as president for the year. O’Reilly has been a member for over nine years and has served as chair of the Administration Committee, Kid’s Count, Isabel’s House Grant Writing Committee and Project Review and Development. JLS has also named six women to its executive board: Pam Leggett-Lutes, president elect; Susie Turner, vice president of communications; Carol Day, vice president of community; Holly Beadle, vice president of finance; Jill Renner-Mowris, vice president of membership; and Elizabeth Byrd, recording secretary. JLS is a women’s organization committed to promoting volunteerism and education and developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
Calendar August 29 to September 5
Student Activities Council 4 to 5 p.m. at Plaster Student Union 313 Spanish Film Night 5 to 7 p.m. at Siceluff Hall 225
Panhellenic Council General Meeting 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Plaster Student Union Residence Hall House Calls 5:15 to 8 p.m. at Blair Shannon Dining Center
Sample Springfield 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at North Mall Welcome Reception for Interim President and his wife 2:30 to 4 p.m. at Plaster Student Union Ballroom College Democrats Meeting 7 to 8 p.m. at Plaster Student Union TBA
Last day to drop first block classes at 50% credit/refund All day Last day to drop full semester classes at 75% credit/refund All day
Labor Day-No classes
ID cards contain sensitive information Steps are being taken to better protect student info Damien M. DiPlacido The Standard
With the constant expansion of technology comes the ever-present fear of crimes like identity theft. Theft of a person’s identity is as real a threat to Missouri State students as it is to anyone. If a student’s Zip Card is scanned through a basic credit card reader, sensitive information like the owner’s Social Security number can possibly be viewed. Obtaining someone’s Social Security number is the first step in stealing an identity. Jim Taylor, Missouri State’s information security officer, is one of several University officials working hard to make the school a safer place for students. “Zip Cards are going to be
retired and replaced with a new card that won’t have the Social Security number or the M-Number on it,” Taylor said. “It’s an older system that needs to be replaced. The process will begin within the next six months.” Unless a student has taken their Zip Card to the card office to be replaced, their Social Security number will still come up when scanned, Taylor said. With newer cards and accounts, the M-Number has replaced the Social Security Number as the student’s account number. “When we update the cards, we’ll be using a different numbering system for ID-ing people,” Taylor said. “It’s more secure. It’s typical of a numbering system for a credit card. It’s not tied to any student information.” In the spring semester of 2012, all students will be required to switch to the new card system, Kent Thomas, Special Assistant to the university’s president said. “What we will have in the end is what they call a Felica card,” Thomas said. “It’s as close to safe and secure as we can get, given the technology available.” Missouri State is fully aware of the problems that can occur when sensitive information is made available to potential identity thieves,
Thomas said. “We understand this issue and we’ve been working for years to try and fix it,” said. Thomas “We’re getting closer with the new ID card sysTaylor tem.” In 2010, the university’s College of Education had a Social Security number data breach, Taylor said. 6,030 names and Social Security numbers were compromised and posted on the web. They were able to be seen on Google. According to Missouri State’s website, the school was informed of the breach on Feb. 22, 2011. Since then, the university has worked with Google to remove the Social Security numbers from public web visibility. The Missouri Data Breach Law, otherwise known as Revised Statute 407.1500, is the law Missouri State followed when the breach occurred in 2010, Taylor said. “That law changed how we use the M-Number,” Taylor said. “It’s relatively safe because you can’t establish credit with it. The only place you can use it to charge anything might be the book store.” Wendell Northrip, the director of
the Zip Card department, urges students to take caution when it comes to carrying their Zip Cards. “I use mine to get in and out of the building,” Northrip said. “Students should carry their cards in their pocket and not their wallet.” Several additional topics Taylor said he wants students to be aware of are smart phone security and protection of their personal profiles on social networking sites like Facebook. Over the summer Taylor gave a smart phone security presentation to S.O.A.R. students. “To a lot of students, particularly incoming freshmen, that smart phone is their life,” Taylor said. “They have everything on it. It’s really easy to put too much information on a social networking site. Be prudent about Facebook and use the security features.” Missouri State has a Red Flag Committee in place to notice any suspicious behavior that would signal an identity theft. The Red Flag Committee’s policy is posted on the school’s website, Taylor said. For additional information on computer information security, students can check out Wells Fargo’s personal security tips list posted at //
CHIP program offers health education to MSU Students will use program next year By Benjamin Peters The Standard
Missouri State University is introducing a new program this week to improve people’s health. The program, the Coronary Health Improvement Project or CHIP, is designed to help people reduce risk factors by making healthier life choices. Food choices play an important role in health issues today, due to the rich diet and lack of exercise in the U.S. A 2010 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows 34 percent of adults in Missouri are obese. With the introduction of CHIP, Missouri State University is taking steps to fight back. The program’s goal is to help people lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar levels by eating healthier and exercising. By using the methods taught, the program hopes to help people become healthier and also prevent diseases, heart attack and stroke. People who join CHIP will receive lessons and
tips in making better choices for their health. The program provides chefs to teach healthier cooking methods, dietitians to teach lessons in shopping for healthier foods and help for smokers trying to quit. “One way to improve health is to eat more fruits and vegetables, and get more natural sources of fiber in your diet,” said Sheila Bowen, employee wellness coordinator at Missouri State and coordinator of the CHIP program. The program can also help people lose weight. The program shows clear results, with people losing up to fifteen pounds or more, according to Bowen. “My star pupil lost 26 pounds in eight weeks,” she said. Participant’s blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels also showed significantly lower levels. The program has been adopted by Missouri State with some changes. Rather than taking the course for the normal 17 sessions, the course will last 14. Sessions begin Sept. 19 at Taylor Health and Wellness Center. The sessions meet at 5:15 p.m. every Monday, and for lunch at noon on Wednesdays. The current program is directed toward Missouri State employees and is more of a lecture session than an active session. The cost is $150, but employees have an option through the university that will cover the fee.
Meeting dates for the MSU employee program Wednesday, Aug. 31, 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1, 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7, 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12, 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Sept.14, 5:15 to 5:45 p.m.
If participants complete the course, lower their levels by 5 percent or lose five pounds, they can receive a $50 gift card. Bowen said that a student program is in the works for the spring semester. “It will combine aspects of CHIP and Weight Watchers and be more student focused,” she said. The program should be running when the new recreational center is finished. “95 percent of people who attend the information
Michael Gulledge//THE STANDARD
Sheila Bowen, employee wellness coordinator, leads the informational meeting about the CHIP program. sessions sign up afterwards,” Bowen said. “It’s a lifestyle change, one you have to be ready to take. But when it comes to your life, there’s no reason not to make that change.” Information sessions are being given throughout the next two weeks and can
be signed up for online through For more information on the program, contact Sheila Bowen at, call 417-8364064 or visit CHIP’s website at
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Standard
Subsidized loans no longer an option for grad students
Changes will go into effect in July of next year
By Brittany Forell The Standard
For those planning on making “student” a long-term profession during the lows of this shabby job market, prepare for a cold, hard slap from the Congressional Budget Office. In response to the national deficit, a debt ceiling deal has been made to tighten the nation’s hypothetical belt. Part of the $2.1 trillion revamp of the nation’s
finances includes removing the option of subsidized loans for graduate students to pay for tuition. Congress has also booted a special credit for all students who make 12 months of on-time loan payments. These changes will go into effect July 2012. The subsidized payment option allowed students to pay with loans that do not accrue interest on the principle while the student is still enrolled in school. With the rising cost of higher education, even a low interest rate can significantly increase the student’s debt over the course of their repayment plan. At Missouri State, an average full-time graduate student pays $5,760 per academic year. This adds up to $11,520 for two years of graduate studies. If we assume the student also used loans to pay for their undergraduate degree
while living on campus, there is a possible $58,000 already indebted. On a 10-year repayment plan at a fixed interest rate of 6.8 percent, the student will pay $26,500 in interest alone. However, with removing the subsidized option the student’s loan is accruing interest for the six additional years they were in school. This tacks several thousand to the principle balance owed as interest accrues on interest while the student finishes school. The effects of this lousy economy have persuaded students like Steve Hill and his wife, Monica Hill, to come back to Missouri State in pursuit of graduate degrees, balancing their student loan debt against their increasing value on the job market. “I think this change in financial aid will hinder future applicants because there are not many
government programs to help graduate studies,” said Steve Hill, a graduate assistant pursuing a master’s in cell and molecular biology. “I understand it’s optional schooling, but it is counterintuitive for everyone in the government who talks about educating our workforce while cutting the means that allow it to occur.” While federal spending is a major concern across the country, few expected cuts would directly affect the pockets of students. “I think that government investment in education pays for itself in terms of promoting economic development and fostering other social benefits associated with a more educated citizenry,” said Joel Paddock, a political science professor at Missouri State. “However, the national debt is also a problem that must be addressed by Congress and the president. While federal spending
on higher education should be part of the discussion of cutting non-defense discretionary spending, the proposed savings from cuts in student loans are but a drop in the bucket in the overall budget equation.” Pawan Kahol, the interim dean of the Graduate College, said that he is unsure how the change in financial aid will affect graduate enrollment. “We’ve had record enrollments the last several semesters,” Kahol said. “This semester our opening day enrollment was slightly down, but it totals less than one percent.” However, once the changes to financial aid go into effect in 2012, it is possible that graduate enrollment may be negatively impacted, Kahol said. “Anything that affects our students financially will affect us,” he said. “How much it will affect us, time will only tell.”
Long-range plan in place to improve student experience
Students will be big factor in future success By Dayle Duggins The Standard
“So, what’s your five-year plan?” may be a college student’s most dreaded question. Thankfully, Missouri State has made it easy for us all to avoid this lingering question by creating a long-range plan for our university instead. Titled, “Fulfilling Our Promise,” the plan for 2011 to 2016 was designed to improve the overall student experience at Missouri State.
“You couldn’t have the success of Missouri State without the success of its students,” said Scott Turk, the student body president. “It’s kind of a chain reaction. If students are learning at the right pace, engaging with the university and Turk have a sense of belonging here, they will carry that into the community.” Major goals for students include enhancing undergraduate and graduate programs while creating a more diverse student body. The creators of this plan, a group of 100 faculty, staff and students, hope to see results through the redesigning of courses, tutoring, mentoring and expanding student organizations. Taking pride in MSU is the best way students can help make this plan a success, Turk said.
“Expanding that pride and representing it to the best capabilities one has will really make that institutional impact they are going for with the longrange plan,” he said. Interim President Clif Smart said it is not necesSmart sarily the students’ responsibility to see that the plan is a success. “If we, as administrators, faculty and staff, work on pieces of the plan, students will have a better experience here,” Smart said. “We just want the students to work hard and be engaged in all aspects of the university. And by doing that, many pieces of the plan will fall into place.” While “being engaged” is a hard thing to define, Smart said he hopes students will become more involved in school and take whatever opportunities come their way. Whether this means promising not to skip
any classes, studying abroad or going on an alternative spring break, it is up to each student’s interpretation. One thing Smart has promised is to check on the plan’s progress periodically so these changes are actually made. “It’s good to have a plan to outline what you’re going to be working on and be held accountable for,” he said. After a 17-month process and countless revisions, we have a solid outlook for our future at Missouri State without even lifting a finger. So, the sound of a five-year plan doesn’t sound so terrible, does it? We’re getting an improved education, becoming well-rounded people and studying at an institution that is setting measurable goals that will, in the end, benefit us. To read the entire long-range plan or to find out about some of the changes that you will see during your time here, visit
August 30, 2011
Interim president brings stability to MSU
Since he moved over to the big office this summer, Interim President Clif Smart has been using the word “stability” often. It’s not difficult to understand why. When Smart took over, he was the third person in the office in a year. To settle the potential fears about turnover in the administration, Smart and Frank Einhellig, the interim provost, have been meeting with faculty, staff and students regularly. “Part of it is just being there and having people get to know me and feel comfortable that business as usual will go on,” Smart said. We never could have imagined, before the past year, how important it would be to “just be there.” But that’s where we find ourselves – in a position administrative where uncertainty is the new norm. However, maybe not surprisingly, many students don’t realize it. It’s common for students to not know who the president of the university is, or even that the president has changed twice in
Stephen Herzog Columnist
the past year. “I’m not sure when I was in school that I even knew who the president was,” Smart said. “It may not be critical that every student has met the president, but I think who the president is and who the provost is - together - is important.” Whether or not students realize it, he’s right. We might not know the details of every decision the president makes, but we are affected by many of those decisions, often indirectly. Take your professors, for example. They haven’t received raises in a few years. Smart is trying to give them raises, but the state isn’t providing any extra money to do that. So the answer will have to be to move money around. That might mean not filling open faculty positions, in which case
more lower level classes could be taught by graduate assistants instead of professors. Determining where money is going, and more importantly where it isn’t going, is one of the most important responsibilities of the president. Especially when state funding is limited, the president has to be a fundraiser in the community and a lobbyist in the state government on behalf of the school. Smart will probably be in the interim role for two years. But the job could be his even longer. He hasn’t said if he intends to apply for the job when the search begins, and that’s understandable since he’s only been doing this for a couple months. “I think we’re off to a good start,” he said. “But it is way too premature for me to answer that question. It’s a big job and I’ve got to see if I’m up for it or not, and to see if people respond to my leadership.” It has been very brief, but so far, the results are positive. The Board of Governors, his bosses, seem to be
big fans. “He’s intelligent, and he’s excellent legal counsel,” Board Chairman Gordon Elliot said. “We got to know how he handles problems without making them bigger than they are. We haven’t found anyone who’s not happy with how he’s been doing.” That’s not to say he absolutely has a 100 percent approval rating, but an overwhelming popularity would be a huge boost to his candidacy for the position. Elliott also said the board is comfortable with a long search process, partly because they’re so confident in Smart. He doesn’t have the academic background of past presidents, but that might not be so important. When he took on the interim role, he quickly named Einhellig to the provost’s position, a popular decision both because of Einhellig’s academic experience and Smart’s lack of it. It might seem too simple, but being intelligent and popular can go a long way. In a small sample size, Smart seems to be both.
Returning grad student reflects on change
I came to the shocking realization Friday that I’m a non-trad. That’s right – I said it – a non-trad. I’m not very far-removed, but nonetheless, I’m a non-trad. The revelation came to me as I was awkwardly pushing my stroller along the same paths that I walked just a couple years ago, though with a much different frame (and state) of mind. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in December 2009. To say I was thrilled to say goodbye to Missouri State would have been an understatement – I was more than prepared to tackle the demands of a mere 40hour workweek. But then, as one of my current classmates put it, “life happened.” And there’s no better way to put it. Classes are no longer distracted with daydreams about spending happy hour downtown or anticipating going to work. I don’t pull all-nighters to cram in what I couldn’t accomplish at the bar. Instead, thoughts of my 8month-old daughter distract my focus and my nights are long only when I want to have some “me time” while everyone else sleeps. No longer do I “have to go to class,” but instead I “get to go to class.” For those of you with children at home, you understand. I’ve only been out-of-the-loop for three semesters, but I’d like to comment on some changes, or lack thereof, that I’ve noticed since being back. By far, the best addition is the “vehicle capacity counter system” at Bear Park South. That is freaking awesome. Now, it’s just a matter of find-
Kandice McKee Guest Columnist
ing those open spaces that the meter shows are available. While that was a fantastic investment, the nearly $145,000 spent finding former-president James Cofer was a waste. The first time the university used a search firm resulted in the shortest presidency to date. Maybe they’ll scratch that $90,000 utility next time. I certainly hope so, anyway. It didn’t exactly yield the best results. I may have missed out on the reign of President Cofer, but some things never change, like the always-evolving University Recreation Center. Originally planned to open in McDonald Arena this semester, a stand-alone structure is now running behind schedule. Who would’ve guessed? I wouldn’t be surprised if the new opening date comes and goes without a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Likewise, my disappointment in how the whole project has been brought to fruition isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. And don’t even get me started on the student-fees bracket for this building – what a disaster. Another familiar nuisance is the need for a jacket during class when it’s well above 80 degrees outside. The university may want to consider nudging up the thermostat, not only to
make me (and many others) more comfortable, but it’s also a great way to trim the budget. The Consumer Energy Center estimates energy costs can lower between 1 percent and 3 percent for every degree the thermostat is set above 72 degrees. Maybe that would help give our outstanding faculty and staff those well deserved pay raises, President Smart. Although I don’t agree with this new plan of being a 100 percent smoke-free campus, I’m happy that smoking is now limited to “designated areas” for my own selfish reasons. (As a former smoker, I will admit that the sight of a pack of cigarettes or a smoker fills me with desire and envy.) While I have my doubts on how well the designated-areas thing will work, the idea is nice. So not to leave on a negative note (nothing’s worse than a Debbie Downer), the updates at Plaster Student Union are definitely welcome. When I first began my career as a college student, the PSU had several restaurants that were, well, unique we’ll say – I’d personally never seen a Grill 155 before coming to campus. But I’m willing to bet that most have at least heard of Chick-fil-A. I’m sure these new additions will modernize a critical area of student life while pleasing many on campus. And with that, here’s to a new year with fresh perspectives, a different set of goals, unforeseen setbacks, fulfilling experiences and, hopefully, personal growth. If that’s not a grown-up, non-trad statement, I don’t know what is.
Athletics suspensions raise conduct concerns
This past week in Missouri State athletics has been an interesting one to say the least. Two notable athletes, basketball player Jasmine Malone and football player Trevor Wooden, were both suspended for violations to the MSU Student-Athlete Code of Conduct. Malone is a starting guard and team captain for the Lady Bears. Wooden was slated to be the Bears’ starting quarterback this fall. Malone has been suspended indefinitely due to an arrest that led to a DWI charge. Wooden was suspended for one game due to an undisclosed violation of team rules. These two incidents are black marks on the MSU Athletics Department, which in recent years has been clean for the most part. It’s very disappointing to see our studentathletes being suspended for any reason. The fact of the matter is that our student-athletes are representatives of our university, whether they like it or not, and they need to behave that way. They need to remember that they are constantly going to be in the public eye, especially notable athletes like Malone and Wooden. Not only does it make their teams, the athletics department and the university look bad, but it makes them look bad as individuals. The bottom line is that if you are gifted enough to earn an athletics scholarship to a Division-I school, you need to be responsible enough to not screw it up. Make good decisions. Driving while intoxicated is not a good decision. It’s not hard. You know the rules, so follow them.
Do you have an Opinion? send a letter to the editor or Student Media Center 113
Government not protecting citizens from corporate America
We expect dog-eat-dog out of the trading world. And some people expect cutthroat behavior out of the media. I know there are still journalists trying to protect us, giving us information we’ll need to wrestle our country from the hands of the devil. I’m not talking about the free credit report band. I’m talking about American greed. A newspaper can tell us about all of the fraud and give us all of the evidence, but they can’t arrest bank executives. The Securities and Exchange Commission can. On Oct. 24, 1929 a selling frenzy on Wall Street sent the stock exchange plummeting to the tune of $9 billion in one day. $26 billion were lost by November and the Great Depression followed. By 1932 almost one-quarter of Americans were unemployed and the Senate — unfamiliar and weary of the unpredictable wrath of the market — directed a committee to investigate the buying, selling, borrowing and lending of stocks and securities.
The Standard
The investigation went slowly; bank execs denied record requests and witnesses easily skirted questioning. Fast-forward one year. The investigation was gaining little ground. The scope of the Senate bill was expanded to include private banks and a cunning lawyer named Ferdinand Pecora was put in charge of the investigation. Pecora became famous for his intense questioning, sharp memory and wit, exacting confessions from some of the top “banksters” on Wall Street. One bank chairman for National City Bank admitted to a salary of over $1.2 million in 1929—the average American income was $6,000. The same chairman admitted to selling bad short-term loans and intentionally avoiding taxes, not unlike today. The bank also gave bad advice to investors looking to pull their money out before the 1929 crash, not unlike Enron. My favorite part of Pecora’s team busting these guys: Pecora
sions are also welcome. The Standard reserves the right to edit all submissions for punctuation, spelling, length and good taste. Letters should be mailed to The Standard, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65897 or e-mailed to Standard@Missouri
Editorial Policy The Standard is the official student-run newspaper of Missouri State University. Student editors and staff members are responsible for all content. The views expressed do not represent those of the university. Advertising Policy The Standard will not accept any Letters and Guest Columns advertising that is libelous, proLetters to the Editor should not motes academic dishonesty, vioexceed 250 words and should lates any federal, state or local include the author’s name, telelaws, or encourages discrimination phone number, address and class against any individual or group on standing or position with the univer- the basis of race, sex, age, color, sity. Anonymous letters will not be creed, religion, national origin, sexpublished. Guest column submisual orientation or disability.
Dillan Conn Guest Columnist brought the American people along for the ride. Thanks to both coverage by major newspapers and to interested citizens, people sent letters encouraging the investigation, expressing distrust in the financial system and advocating “drastic” legislation to protect investors. This was the early 1930s. Before Pecora’s investigation was over the Senate passed the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, creating the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC’s website says its mission is to “protect investors, maintain fair, orderly markets,” interpret and create laws and not lie to investors about the
The Standard reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising copy at any time. The Standard encourages responsibility and good taste in advertising. Political advertisements must show clear endorsement, such as “Paid for by (Advertiser).” A sample of all mail-order items must be submitted prior to the publication of the advertisement. Advertising having the appearance of news must have the word “advertisement” printed above. Such ads must be bordered. Clear sponsorship must be shown on each advertisement. Position requests will be honored when possible but are not guaranteed. In case of error or omission, The
actions of the companies’ stock they are betting on. As unsurprising as this is anymore, here it goes: It seems the SEC has been intentionally failing us for at least 15 years. They did nothing in the year 2000 when whistleblower Harry Markopoulos (sound it out) told them Bernie Madoff ran a multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme. Enron whistle-blower Sherron Watkins said she would trust WikiLeaks to do more with information than the SEC. Two weeks ago Rolling Stone’s star political reporter Matt Taibbi broke a big story. The article, “Shredded Justice” has 17,000 Facebook “likes” and fastens a sinister tag to the SEC reputation. Taibbi reported the SEC has been trashing evidence recorded in the past investigations of several financial giants. The National Archives and Records require case files of preliminary investigations should be available for at least 25 years. The SEC
Standard’s liability, if any, will not exceed charge for the space occupied by the error. The Standard is not responsible for typographical errors that do not decrease the value of the advertisement. Liability for any error is limited to the first insertion of the erroneous advertisement. Newspaper Theft Each reader is permitted one copy of the paper per issue. Additional copies may be purchased from The Standard office for 25 cents each. The Standard may waive this fee on a case-by-case basis if extra copies are available. Newspaper theft is a crime. Violators may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
The Standard Physical address: Student Media Center 744 E. Cherry St. Postal address: 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897
has been routinely filing them into the apparently expansive Pulp Deserts of Pertinently Shredded Information World No. 7. Gone forever. The internal investigations guy, inspector general of the SEC, H. David Kotz said he’ll have a report out by September. Also the Department of Justice is investigating Standard and Poor’s for their suspect rating system. Set off by S & P’s downgrade of America’s debt rating, the investigation is targeting the ratings agency’s supposed recession-triggering subprime mortgages from before 2008. The only way the DOJ will win is if they find managers knowingly told analysts to upgrade poor ratings. Pecora showed us Congress used to take their duties seriously. We might find out what the government’s investigation record means to it anymore. I hope some of you economics and accounting majors are excited about being independent financial fraud investigators.
Editor in Chief Jon Poorman 417-836-5272
Photo Editor Michael Gulledge 417-836-5272
Managing Editor Megan Gates 417-836-5390
Advertising Mgr. Sandy King 417-836-5524
News Editor Amanda Hess Phone: (417) 836-5272 417-836-5272 Fax: (417) 836-6738 Sports Editor Standard@Missouri Benjamen Loewnau 417-836-5390 The Standard is pubLife Editor lished Tuesday during Lauren Healey the fall and spring 417-836-5272 semesters.
Faculty Adviser Jack Dimond 417-836-8467
August 30, 2011
August 30 to September 5
Let’s #@%! 9 p.m., Jekyll & Hyde’s, free for 21+, $5 for 18+ (only 100 minors allowed at a time) Quantum Groove 8 p.m., Lindberg’s, free Biggs Live "Where you can be the show" 10 p.m., (Bring your act, instrument or band and be the show.), Ernie Biggs, free
Wednesday SAC Weekly Film: The Hangover Part II 9 p.m., PSU Theater, free
Dug & the Soular Panels 7 to 10 p.m., Patton Alley Pub, free St. Dallas & the Sinners 10 p.m., The Outland, $3 The Trash Angels 7 to 11 p.m., Harlow’s, free
Sample Springfield 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., PSU Patio, free
The Detectives 10:30 p.m., The Outland, $5 for 21+ and $7 for 18+ Trivia Night 7:30 p.m., Patton Alley Pub, free SAC After Hours Presents: DVD Bingo! 9 p.m. to 12 a.m., Robert W. Food Court in PSU, free Dueling Piano Show 8 p.m., Ernie Biggs, free
First Friday Art Walk 6 to 10 p.m., downtown venues, free
Turbo Fruits with Ghost Dance and Black Box Revue DJs 9 p.m., Outland Ballroom, $7 for 18+ Jazz Trio 8 to 10 p.m., The Outland, $3 Pellegrino’s Rock Show 6 to 8 p.m., Patton Alley Pub, free
Springfield Hemp Fest 3 p.m.-1 a.m., Summers at the River, free to all ages, $5 for mainstage area
Q102’s Back to School Homegrown Show with Troy, ALG and Formant 9 p.m., Outland Ballroom, $6 for 21+ and $8 for 18+ Comedy at the Castle 7:30 p.m. for dinner, 8:30 p.m. for show, Pythian Castle, $25 for dinner and show, $15 for show only Weekly Wine Tasting 1 to 4 p.m., Brown Derby Wine Center, free Skinny Improv Mainstage Show 8 p.m., Skinny Improv Theatre, $10 for students and seniors, $12 for general admission
Members of Speakeasy 8 p.m., Ebbet’s Field (Walnut), free
Open mic night 7 to 11 p.m., Harlow’s, free Christian Rock Concert with nine bands and a speaker 6:30 p.m., Remmington’s on Republic Road, $15+ convenience fee
Briefs Let’s #@%!
Missing the electronic, club atmosphere of MAKEOUT!? It’s coming back this Tuesday as Let’s #@%! at Jekyll & Hyde’s (317 Park Central East). The venue will host a free vodka bar from 9 to 10 p.m. each week and there will be no cover for attendees who are over 21. Only the first 100 minors (ages 18-20) will be allowed in the venue at a time. Minors must pay a $5 cover charge. There will be no glowsticks, poi, hoops or light-up toys allowed.
Bryan Adams will perform at the Gillioz
Bryan Adams is coming to perform at the Gillioz Theatre in Springfield on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. This show provides an opportunity to see Adams in a different light than fans are used to: Soloacoustic and intimate. Ticket prices range from $37.50 to $82 depending on which seats you choose. Call 417863-9491 or visit tperformances.asp?evt=85.
It’s All Downtown
In September, will be re-launcing a new website. Check it out for all your downtown event needs.
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
DJ Isaiah “Hayze” Williams concentrates on his next big drop. Hayze performed at Dubfix unexpectedly after Synesthetic canceled.
Dubstep redefines electronic music Monthly Dubfix shows keep crowds dancing, entertain the masses By Nick Simpson The Standard
If there were a glimpse into the everchanging human experience throughout history it would be through the art of the times — particularly music. Music, constantly fueled by its listeners, is a drastic example of the ebbing flow of ideas from person to person, city to city. In the 21st century we have seen an extremely apparent rise in electronic music. One of the most surprising genres to emerge from this underground
world of laptops and lightshows is dubstep. According to, dubstep emerged in south London as early as 1998 in nightclubs and on underground radio stations. It was an evolution of techno and drum’n’bass characterized by its tight production, its focus on progression through ambient sounds, its heavy bass and the overall dark sound that early artists such as Burial, Pinch and Martyn were perfecting. While it took some time, dubstep has slowly found its way to Springfield’s underground music scene, with local artists taking every step necessary to make sure it finds a long-lasting home here.
For local DJs Johan Collins and Francis Rizzudo, that means Dubfix — a massive monthly jam held at Remmington’s Downtown (201 S. Campbell Ave.) with the sole purpose of pounding eardrums with their own beats, as well as featuring the work of a different guest artist each month. This month’s Dubfix was held Saturday, Aug. 27, with guests Deathstar from Tulsa, Okla., and Mexicans With Guns from San Antonio, Texas, playing to a sweaty crowd packed like sardines in the little bar. “Dubfix was an idea Francis and I had,” Collins said. “We’d do a few dubstep tracks at MAKEOUT! when it was at Tonic and people would go nuts about it. A lot of my friends were doing
dubstep nights at different parts of the country. It’s just a big thing right now.” “About five years ago we brought Bassnectar here,” he said. “That was really my first experience with the genre. It was just him doing his thing and it wasn’t that big, but then all these other people started doing it.” Collins and Rizzudo have made names for themselves in the downtown area as DJs for hit parties such as Black Box Revue and MAKEOUT!, but Collins said that Dubfix is by far their most popular party. “Dubfix is definitely our biggest success,” he said. “Seven hundred to eight hundred kids come out each See DUBSTEP, page 5
‘No Sex Please, We’re British’ brings scandalous entertainment The British invaded Springfield’s Contemporary Theatre at the Vandivort Center this past month with a play that addressed relations with Sweden, intrusive mothers-inlaw, bank managers and pornography. Written for the stage by Anthony Mariott and Alistair Foot and directed by David Rice, “No Sex Please, We’re British” tells the story of newlyweds Peter (Nathan McVay) and Frances Hunter (Julia Garland) who order Swedish glassware and are mailed pornography instead. Starting with a shipment of scandalous photos, the accidental orders continue to escalate with dirty
Megan Gates Play Reviewer
films, books and prostitutes sent to the Hunters’ flat above the bank McVay is manager of. To make matters worse, McVay’s mother Eleanor (Meg
Rice) visits, forcing the Hunters to hide all of the pornography around their apartment until they can find a way to get rid of it and stop the shipments. The Hunters were excellently cast with great chemistry between McVay and Garland as they frantically tried to keep the explicit materials hidden from the other actors. McVay completely enveloped his character of a nervous British man absolutely terrified of being caught with pornography, even though he struggled with maintaining his accent at times. Garland in turn was fantastic in her role as the newlywed at odds
with her mother-in-law, sharing looks of loathing with the crowd after Rice would leave the stage and “accidentally” destroying flowers Rice bought for her, drawing huge laughs from the audience. However, the true star of the production was McVay’s business associate Brian Runnicles (Ran Cummings) who helped the Hunters get rid of their pornography. Cummings stole the show with his animated acting, fantastic one-liners and his complete commitment to his character, going so far as to dive through a stage door at one point in See NO SEX, page 8
‘Colombiana’ missing ‘oomph,’ causes audience indifference
“Colombiana” should have been a classic Luc Besson flick, complete with an ass-kicking heroine and lots of action, but instead was a weak shadow of what could have been. Cataleya (Zoe Saldana) is nine when her parents are killed in front of her by a Colombian mob boss. Fleeing to relatives in Chicago, the young Cataleya grows into a stone cold assassin, hunting down those responsible for her parents’ deaths. The writing duo behind “Colombiana,” Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen, are responsible for things such as “The Fifth Element,” “The Transporter” and a little film called “Taken.” I believe it’s safe to say that they have some writing chops and a penchant for action films. Yet something is missing from “Colombiana.” It’s missing its ‘oomph.’ There’s nothing to really draw you into the story, to make you care about what she’s doing. I wasn’t rooting for her to succeed or fail. I was just indifferent. Perhaps it’s because she still had something to lose. Perhaps it’s because she had every single other opportunity to not become this ruthless killer and move on with her life. Yes, it’s tragic that her parents were murdered in front of her, but at the same time her father wasn’t a good guy, he did wet work for the very mob boss who had him killed. Her actions weren’t believable. Why go about it this way? Why, if you are this good, do you have to wait for the media to lure your target out? Why not just go straight to the big guy? It just
Karman Bowers Movie Reviewer
didn’t make a whole lot of sense. If you ignore the lacking story, it was entertaining to a certain degree. When there was action, it was fun and Zoe Saldana pulled off the moves well. She had fun gadgets, guns and tricks even if she did seem to use the same tricks time and time again. I think what was so disappointing for me, being a Luc Besson fan, was that it could have been so much better because he has made much better. What “Colombiana” should have been, and was at a time rumored to originally be, was a long awaited sequel of sorts to the 1994 film “Leon: The Professional” (Jean Reno, Natalie Portman). It should have been Mathilda’s story. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just watch “Leon” and you’ll get it.) In the end, if you’re not a Besson fan and/or you just want to see Zoe Saldana in very little clothing then you’ll probably enjoy it. But if you are a fan, then maybe we should get together and give Natalie a call and see if she’s interested in making “Colombiana” what it should have been.
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
Mother’s Brewing Company gives back to the community.
Mother’s gets new meaning, brings original local brews By Kaycie Surrell The Standard
The Mother’s Brewing Company mission is focused around creating great beer that people will love as well as an amazing atmosphere focused on a successful brewery that gives back to its co-workers and its community. Owner Jeff Schrag has been helping to shape the downtown Springfield community for over 15 years.
His passion for flipping old dilapidated buildings and turning them into productive businesses led him to the Butternut Bakery located on the corner of Grand and old Route 66. You may recognize Schrag’s handiwork from businesses like the Daily Events newspaper, the Wilhoit Plaza, home to The Moxie and Farmers Gastropub, and the Queen City Cycles building. See MOTHER’S, page 5
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Standard
Bella Donna’s sultry singer performs gypsy jazz covers By Kaycie Surrell The Standard
Liz Carney, vocalist for Springfield gypsy jazz band Bella Donna, entrances her audience with the ease she possesses while singing numbers by bands like The Zombies and Billie Holiday. Joined by Matt Guinn on guitar, Mike
Dubstep Continued from page 4
month. It can get pretty insane.” Collins said that advertising for these events has been a surprisingly stress-free experience. “We’ll hang a few posters, but Facebook is a great advertising tool,” he said. “We started Dubfix at the underground warehouse and it just blew up bigger than what we thought it would. We put a lot of time and effort into making good vibes and an awesome experience as opposed to just watching a DJ play.” While he enjoys the ability to perform each night, Collins said the most rewarding aspect of his job is watching people get dirty on the dance floor. “I love watching people just lose themselves to the music,” he said. “Jumping over each other and getting absolutely disgusting on the dance
Continued from page 4
“This is the tenth older building I’ve rehabbed downtown. I’ve done nine of them in Springfield and one in Joplin,” Schrag said. He purchased the Butternut Bakery building on June 3 last year and was able to complete the company’s first grain brew by April 1, making Mother’s the fastest flip he’s completed. Of course, it wasn’t quite as easy as it seems. How does a man that has never worked in the brewing industry become the owner of a brewing company turning out successful and beloved beers like Three Blind Mice and Towhead so quickly after its spring opening? Schrag found an article in Extreme Brewing Magazine in 2008 that sparked what would eventually become Mother’s Brewing Company. “I was 42 years old and I thought ‘I’ve got one more business in me because when I’m 52 I’m not going to want to do this.’ I joined the Brewers
Williamson on stand-up bass and B.J. Lowrance on drums, the four make up the impressive group that plays shows in Springfield, Branson and Eureka Springs, Ark. Their show at Lindberg’s bar on Commercial Street last Thursday was small, as was to be expected of C-Street on a weeknight, but that isn’t to say that the band’s fans weren’t just as devoted as they would have been had
floor. I love when people just lose track of time and don’t even feel like they’re in Springfield; it’s just them and the music. It just amazes me.” Collins said he has spent much of his life in pursuit of the dream of being able to DJ for a living. “I’ve been playing with the idea of DJing since I was 13,” he said. “I was 24 when I bought my first turntable. I had no clue where I’d go with it, I just bought it cause I liked the music and all my friends were doing it. I picked it up pretty quick, and really loved the whole part of people dancing to whatever I was doing. The biggest part of it was bringing something to this town that hadn’t really been here before. Electronic, indie and dance rock hadn’t really been a part of Springfield. So that’s when Black Box (Revue) started.” Collins said he played his first show at a friends’house party but landed his first real show at the Boogie. “I didn’t give up,” he said. “I’m
Association in January and I almost bought the building right down the street. It was the same price, but about one-fourth the size,” Schrag said. Lucky for us, he didn’t buy that building. Instead, he kept coming back to the old Butternut factory and an exemplary business model. “Brew all your own beer, don’t contract it out, have a great a big facility so when you want to expand you have room to do so, and while I love all the different crazy specialty beers and was very tempted over and over again just to do specialty beers, I think you have to have the everyday beer on the shelf.” The seemingly everyday beer has been wildly successful with their American Blonde, Towhead making up about 45 percent to 50 percent of their beer sales. It is the first beer they made and a stylistic mash-up of flavors, bringing together a smooth Midwest wheat and a crisp hoppy finish. The brewery currently offers three year-round beers: Towhead, Three Blind Mice and the Lil’ Helper. They also offer Sandi Wheat and an Old School Oktoberfest beer that has
there been more of them. The casualty of the show may have been what gave it its charm. The band sat at the oldest bar in Springfield drinking gin and tonics and joking with one another before starting a set with Jolie Holland covers like “Old Fashioned Morphine.” Carney and Guinn have been playing together for a little over two years now,
from New Orleans and watched them go from zero to hero in like five years with their party atmosphere. So I took this knowledge and started throwing parties in Springfield. It was just something to do to be different. We didn’t want to play at Icon or at all these Top 40 bars. It’s a challenge because a lot of people like that stuff.” Collins said he’s toyed with the idea of recording or touring one day, but that Springfield is very much his home. “I might get into production one day,” he said. “I’m just really focused on Springfield right now. I want to bring some bigger stuff. We’re doing that Bassnectar show but I want to start bringing bigger things to this town.” Collins and Rizzudo’s previous dance party project, MAKEOUT!, was a huge success each Tuesday night. The final night was Tuesday Aug. 16, and while they are sad to see it go, the duo already have bigger and brighter plans for their Tuesday
become extremely popular since its release. None of this would have been possible, of course, without the help of the Mother’s team. A close-knit group of about 13 employees makes up the Mother’s family. “For example, Brian Allen, the Brewmaster, and I went out and talked and finally he said, ‘Look, either you’re going to hire me or I’m going to go do something else, quit talking to me about it,’” Schrag said. When Schrag interviewed Nathan Traw, a recent Missouri State graduate, he was impressed by Traw’s knowledge of the biology involved with brewing beer and his ideas for a lab. “I had talked to a couple other people and Nathan sat down and told me how the lab should be set up, it was: ‘Here’s the stuff you need to do, here’s the research papers I’ve read, here’s some crazy extreme stuff people are doing with yeast and biology and here’s how I think you can do that too,’” Schrag said. And of course the Mother’s team wouldn’t be complete without a
though you would think it had been many more by the comfort they share on stage. “My classical guitar teacher was like ‘you should get together with Matt,’ so we practiced a couple times and he asked me if I could sing and then we sang together and decided to do a jazz band,” Carney said.
evenings. “MAKEOUT! did exactly what we wanted it to do,” Collins said. “We started it to get 18-and-up kids in there. We were trying to push electronic music into the mainstream and get kids to realize that you could mix up Top 40 songs and make something great from it. We went for two years and had three different venue changes.” While MAKEOUT! is over, Collins is gearing up for Let’s #@%!, a weekly dance party to be held at Jeckyll and Hyde’s at 317 Park Central East Tuesday night beginning Aug. 30. Only 100 minors will be allowed in the bar at all times throughout the night, but there will be a free vodka bar until 10 p.m. each evening, as well as $1 PBRs and Coors bottles all night. “We’re gonna play a lot of stuff we don’t normally play,” Collins said. “We’re going to play a little dubstep, some ‘90s and ‘80s party jams, some Top 40 remixes. Everything on the radio is really sort of house music these
mother of their own on board. Kelly Spencer, another Missouri State alumna, is the Mother’s Brewery administrator. Mother’s lives up to its goal of supporting the community by giving back to local farmers. Jeremy Wicks is in charge of the marketing department and can be found on Saturday afternoons giving tours to Mother’s many fans. He explained that leftover grain, called spent grain, is given to local farmers for use as cow food. “We save it in these blue barrels and have a list of farmers that we call and they come pick it up for free. All we ask in return is that they come pick it up and haul it off and return our barrels,” Wick said. “It’s a great way for us to give back to the community and since we’re working with local farmers, all those foods are coming right back to us.” Mother’s has plans of doing more with the community soon and often holds parties and gatherings in the backyard of the brewery. “We had a Mother’s Day party out back, with an all-ages music show with alcohol and I think it was one of
See BELLA DONNA, page 8
days. So it’s going to be a good time. We haven’t really been this excited about something like this in a long time.” Despite the plans for Let’s #@%!, their focus on Dubfix remains, and the two plan on putting on many great parties throughout the year. “I don’t think dubstep is going anywhere anytime soon,” he said. “So if you like to party, rage hard and lose yourself in the music and want to experience something absolutely insane right in your backyard, you don’t have to go to Kansas City or St. Louis anymore,” he said. “It’s going to be a hell of a ride this school year. Get off your ass and come out and have a good time.” In the meantime, dubstep giant Bassnectar will be playing Saturday, Sept. 27 at the Shrine Mosque in a much-anticipated concert event. The show is 18+ only and tickets are on sale now at
the first ones this community has had and now they’re going to have beer on the square for Oktoberfest,” Schrag said. Mother’s is teaming up with Springfield’s annual Taste of Springfield and Oktoberfest for a celebration on the square. There will be beer, bands and food. Ben Miller Band, The Detectives and many more will be playing so mark your calendars. Sooner than that, enjoy Buses at the Brewery. Air-cooled Volkswagen buses are encouraged to claim a spot Oct. 8 for brewery tours, drinks in the tasting room and good times. Tickets are $10 the day of the event and $6 for pre-registration. Every paid entry will receive a sweet pint glass and a goodie bag full of cool stuff. Mother’s tasting room is open Wednesday through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 12 to 5 p.m. Drop by to taste the magic of Mother’s for yourself. Mother’s beer is also available at the campus Brown Derby location and, as of Monday, at Walmart, Price Cutter, Mama Jean’s Natural Market and many other locations in Southwest Missouri.
August 30, 2011
Scorebox Wooden suspended for season opener
Men’s Soccer Saturday, August 27 Belmont Missouri State Women’s Soccer Friday, August 26 UT-Martin Missouri State Sunday, August 28 Vanderbilt Missouri State Field Hockey Saturday, August 27 Sacred Heart Missouri State Sunday, August 28 SLU Missouri State Volleyball Friday, August 26 Oral Roberts Missouri State Saturday, August 27 SMU Missouri State Oklahoma Missouri State
1 1-2 1 0-1
0 1-1 1 1-2 1 0-1 0 2-2
1 3-4 5 3-8
By Jon Poorman The Standard
Missouri State’s starting quarterback Trevor Wooden has been suspended for the football team’s season opener due to a violation of team rules, head football coach Terry Allen announced last Thursday. MSU Director of Athletics Kyle Moats said Thursday after-
noon that the violation occurred in the spring and was an isolated incident. Moats would not specify where the incident took place, but did say Wooden it was not a legal matter. Wooden’s starting spot for the first game will be filled by either
redshirt freshman Mitchell Jenkins or true freshman Kierra Harris. The Bears play Arkansas on Sept. 3 in Fayetteville, Ark. Allen said Wooden would continue practicing with the team and have the chance to earn back his starting spot for the Bears’ second game against Eastern Kentucky on Sept. 10. See WOODEN, page 7
3 0-3 1 1-2
1 3 0 3 3 1
Calendar August 30 to September 5
Thursday Men’s Soccer at home vs. Tulsa, 7 p.m.
Women’s Soccer at home vs. Kansas, 7 p.m.
Volleyball away at University of San Diego Invit. vs. UC Riverside, 7 p.m.
Saturday Football away at Arkansas, 6 p.m.
Volleyball away at University of San Diego Invit. vs. Northeastern, 2 p.m. Volleyball away at University of San Diego Invit. vs. San Diego, 9 p.m.
Men’s Soccer away at Memphis, 7 p.m.
Women’s Soccer away at Oklahoma, 7 p.m. Field Hockey away at Indiana, noon
Briefs Baseball Bear earns summer honors
The Missouri Valley Conference Freshman of the Year for baseball, Nick Petree was named the MINK League top prospect. Petree was named top prospect on Aug. 25 after a summer where he posted a 3-0 0.27 earned run average. To accompany his perfect record, Petree added 33 strikeouts in 26 total innings. Petree was also named a Freshman All-American by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association and Collegiate Baseball.
Bears land on the valley honor roll
Ten Track and Field Bears earned Missouri Vally Conference academic honors following the 2010-11 season. To be named to the MVC Honor Roll the athlete must record a minimum grade point average of 3.2 with a minimum of 12 credit hours. The Bears to earn the honor includes Terry Phillips, Kelsey McCowen, Kimsue Grant, Katie Mulloy, Katelynn Geier, Jessica Dantin, Ariel Butzine, Jordan Bond and Sydney Peavy. Terry Phillips received a higher honor, the MVC President’s Council Academic Excellence Award. To receive this award a minimum grade point average of 3.8 is required. McCowen and Grant earned the MVC Commissioner’s Academic Excellence Award. A minimum grade point average of 3.5 for the previous two semesters is needed to receive this award. The ten Bears to receive these honors join 1,500 other athletes that were named to the MVC honor roll.
Opener at Arkansas officially sold out
Missouri State has reached their ticket capacity for the football team’s season opener at Arkansas. The 600 tickets alloted to Missouri State have officially been sold out for this Saturday.
Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Close to half of the field hockey team played with or against each other during high school in St.Louis.
Former foes unite Rivals from St. Louis area now teammates at Missouri State By Kyle Boaz The Standard
In sports, a rivalry can be an eternal thing. Others’ rivalries are forgotten as new chapters begin. The latter is the case with the Bear’s field hockey team. About half of the team is from the St. Louis area, where the girls squared off against each other in high school. Eleven of the team’s 24 players hail from St. Louis or the surrounding area. The schools that the girls competed for in high school include: RosatiKain, Lafayette, Fort Zumwalt West, Marquette, Cor Jesu and St. Joseph’s. Certain match-ups in high school brought extra attention. “Cor Jesu versus St. Joe’s and Nernix Hall versus Ursuline are big ones,” said Catrina Schmidt, a sophomore forward and Cor Jesu graduate. “Lafayette vs. Marquette,” said Hilary Lawless, a sophomore forward and Lafayette graduate. “It was always a big game against private schools.”
Although they might not have played for the same school, club teams in the St. Louis area allowed the girls to compete on the same teams as players from rival schools. “A lot of us played on the same club team,” Schmidt said. The two main women’s field hockey clubs in St. Louis are AIM and Gateway, Schmidt said. Even though they competed against each other in high school, the St. Louis natives are still on the same page as their teammates now that they are at MSU. “It was easier in the beginning because (you would) know how they played,” Schmidt said. “Eventually, the whole team was on the same page.” The former rivalries fall by the wayside due to current team loyalty. “It was more like we knew each other already,” said Chelsea Medlock, a junior defender and Lafayette graduate. The unity was there all along, and the family feeling was universal between every player once they
These field hockey players are from the St. Louis area: Cor Jesu - Catrina Schmidt, Lori Sinclair Fort Zumwalt - Kelsey Lomax Lafayette - Hillary Lawless, Chelsey Medlock Marquette - Abbey Heller, Marisa Hendel Rosati-Kain - Claire Troll St. Joseph’s - Lauren Lewandowski Ursuline - Gina Brahm, Maggie Tayon
arrived at MSU. “The team gelled in like the first week, couple of days,” Lawless said and Medlock agreed. “We had to break out of our shells,” Heller added. The team gives off a positive energy that feels like family. They are constantly joking around and laughing with each other. If there was ever bad blood between any of these players, it has been purified at MSU. “We’re all just like one big group,” Medlock said. The girls aren’t allowed to wear high school apparel to practice. This
See ST. LOUIS, page 7
Senior captain Malone suspended By John Cook The Standard
According to a statement released by Missouri State last Tuesday, Lady Bears basketball player Jasmine Malone has been suspended indefinitely. Malone was arrested after being involved in a car accident in the parking lot of the Greene County Jail on June 17, 2011. She was charged with a Class B misdemeanor DWI in early August.
Women’s basketball head coach Nyla Milleson had this to say about the situation: “We are aware of the situation that occurred over the summer Malone involving Jasmine Malone and have decided to suspend her indefinitely pending the completion of the investigation,” Milleson said. “We will continue to
support and help Jasmine in any way we can through this process.” Since the two-year captain’s case is still going through legal process, she was not available to comment on the matter. Malone, a senior guard from San Antonio, averaged 9.9 points and 5.2 rebounds and started all 33 games she played in last season. Last year Malone helped the Bears to a 24-11 record, sending MSU to the WNIT for the second year in a row.
Long road swing waits for Bears at start of season By Harrison Keegan The Standard
The Missouri State football team was a perfect 5-0 at Plaster Sports Complex last season. The Bears entered the off-season knowing they wanted to continue their home winning streak, but unfortunately they will have to wait until Oct. 1 to suit up in front of the home crowd. The Bears open the season with four straight road games including a trip to face No. 15 Arkansas on Sept. 3 and a date with the third-ranked Oregon Ducks on Sept. 17. Head coach Terry Allen said the Bears are eager to play at home, but they will just have to persevere. “That’s an emotional test, there’s no question about it,” Allen said. “We’re usually pretty good here at Plaster (Sports Complex) and we won them all here last year. We’d like to play some sooner, but the schedule guys didn’t put it that way so now here we are and we’ll have to get through it.” The Bears would certainly rather play at home, but there’s something to be said for road trips. Not only do the players get to miss classes on Fridays, but sometimes road trips take them right back home. Senior linebacker David Ingram and sophomore nose tackle Eric Pearce are both from Arkansas, and they said they couldn’t wait to take on their home state team. “Living there, it was kind of born into me to be a Razorbacks fan,” Pearce said. “It’s just awesome to get the chance to play against them.” Ingram said that he would have a lot of family members in the stands. He also has a lot of friends that go to Arkansas, so he is excited to play in front of them. “I actually have a lot of family that are Razorbacks fans so I told them that if they’re coming to the game they have to wear Bears gear,” Ingram said. Even if Ingram gets his family decked out in maroon and white, Bears fans figure to be a minority at Razorback Stadium on Saturday. And if going into a hostile environment against a top-15 team isn’t hard enough, the Bears will have to do it without their starting quarterback. Redshirt sophomore quarterback Trevor Wooden will miss the season opener while he serves a one-game suspension for violating team rules in the spring. Coach Allen has yet to announce whether the starter will be redshirt freshman Mitchell Jenkins or true freshman Kierra Harris. No matter who starts at quarterback, a lot of pressure will be on MSU’s talented stable of running backs led by seniors Chris Douglas (1,081 rushing yards last season) and Stephen Johnston (779 rushing yards). However, Allen said the Bears would not be one dimensional against the Razorbacks. “We’re a spread-you-out, throw it type of offense,” Allen said. “We have to be able to throw the ball successfully to set up the run, so it’s half a dozen of one and six of the other.” While the Bears would certainly rather run out of the tunnel at the Plaster Sports Complex sometime before October, they are determined to not let it get to them. Pearce said that the only thing on the players‘ minds is preparing for Arkansas, and they’ll be ready. “Better believe it,” he said. “We’re working our butts off.”
Musukuma brings change to cross country team By Colleen Hamilton The Standard
The Missouri State crosscountry team welcomed Alick Musukuma as the new head coach this year after he spent 12 years coaching at Oral Roberts University. Musukuma was hired over the summer after MSU Athletics decided not to renew the contract of former coach Gregg Hipp. Musukuma will also assist the MSU track and field team in the spring. Musukuma has an impressive background, coaching 28 NCAA qualifiers in track and field, 13 All-Americans and three Olympians. Senior Terry Phillips said the team was not given much infor-
mation over the summer about their new coach. “The main thing we did this summer was make sure the whole team was on the same page so that whoever came in, we would be ready to go,” she said. Junior Emily Beaver said the team focused on togetherness during the summer. “We set up a blog, made sure to call people all the time, check on each other’s training and make sure we were all preparing for the season with the right mindset,” she said. After waiting all summer to find out who would replace Hipp, the girls finally began training with Musukuma. “The first week was kind of hard, but now the whole family is here and things are looking
good,” Musukuma said. Phillips said that Musukuma is still trying to get to know the team, and they are still trying to get to know him after training with him for only a couple of weeks. “We faced a lot of adversity this summer but the group we have is still pretty strong as long as we stick together,” she said. Musukuma said it can be hard for athletes to go through a coaching change. “Change can be good, and change can be bad,” he said. “We always try to find the positives.” Musukuma’s first goal as the head coach is to get his athletes healthy for the season. Phillips said that would be the key to their
See COACH, page 7
Evan Henningsen/THE STANDARD
Musukuma brings experience.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Standard
Last-minute heartbreak leads to Bears’ demise Men’s soccer loses at home By Harrison Keegan The Standard
The Missouri State men’s soccer team lost a 2-1 heartbreaker to the Belmont Bruins in their home opener Saturday night, giving up the winning goal with 17 seconds left. The Bears dominated the game from a statistical standpoint, outshooting the Bruins 19-5, but they managed only one goal. “It’s very tough when you think you should win,” senior midfielder/defender Tom Vania said. “It’s gut-wrenching at the end. It’s hard to describe, but it’s just not good.” The Bruins got on the board first, 22 minutes in, when Alex Jenison collected a long pass over the Bears defense and drilled a shot past MSU goalie Trevor Spangenberg. It was the first goal that the Bears have given up in 2011 after pitching shutouts in their three preseason games. The Bears responded 13 minutes later when Vania collected a corner kick from sophomore midfielder Dan Williams and found sophomore midfielder/forward Jared Gain in
Coach Continued from page 6
success. “The biggest thing for our team is just staying healthy,” she said. When talking about his expectations for the season, Musukuma said the biggest goal was to perform well at the Missouri Valley Conference Championship. “If we can reach October 30, the MVC Championship, and (we) are 100 percent, then the other teams better watch out,” he said. Phillips expressed confidence in the team’s ability
St.Louis Continued from page 6
rule shows that the current name on the jersey is more important than past uniforms. This team doesn’t spend time dwelling in the past, but instead they focus on what’s in the future. Recalling past rivals is
front of the goal. Gain knocked the ball down past Belmont goalie Lou Manning. “We have a lot of set plays that we do for corner kicks and that was one that we work on a lot,” Vania said. Both defenses stepped it up after that, and it looked like the game was headed for overtime when Belmont forward Brandon Tarr headed a high cross into the MSU goal with 17 seconds on the clock. “They hit a back post ball,” Vania said. “We did good challenging the first one, but when it went back across I think one of our guys lost his mark and they capitalized on it.” The Bruins’ strategy was to pack it in with a bend-but-don’t-break defense and then attack the Bears on counters. Bears coach Jon Leamy gave credit to Belmont for taking advantage of a couple of the team’s miscues. “We felt like we were down there knocking on their door with chances but we didn’t put it home,” Leamy said. “They were opportunistic on some counters, and the two or three opportunities that we gave them, they took advantage of.” The Bears were unbeaten at Plaster Sports Complex last season (5-0-2) and Gain said the team was surprised by Saturday’s outcome.
Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Men’s soccer team allows tiebreaking goal during last minute of the home opener against Belmont. “We didn’t think we were going to lose this game,” he said. “We had a lot of pride going into it, so it’s a tough loss.” One of the big question marks for the Bears this season is at goalie. Last season they had the Missouri Valley Conference Goalkeeper of the Year Alex Riggs, but this season’s starter, Spangenberg, is rela-
to perform well at the MVC Championship after finishing in third place last season. “I think we can do some damage at conference,” she said. Beaver also said she expects big things from the team when they take on the rest of the MVC. “The girls are a year older and have a year more experience racing, so I think we can all improve on the positions from last year and really be a force to be reckoned with at conference,” she said. The Bears will begin their season at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Missouri Southern Stampede in Joplin, Mo.
tively untested. Saturday night, he allowed goals on both shots on goal he faced. Leamy said that he could take a lot of positives away from Saturday’s game, like the combinations and the opportunities that the Bears were able to produce. Thursday night the Bears host Tulsa so they can’t afford to dwell on this loss for
too long, and Leamy said they wouldn’t. “You let it go,” he said. “Soccer is a strange game sometimes but this team will respond, there’s no doubt about it.” The Bears play their next game at home at 7 p.m. on Thursday night against Tulsa at Plaster Sports Complex.
Photos by Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Last Weekʼs Sudoku Answers
just a memory. The team has their sights on their upcoming schedule. The Bears began their season this past weekend in St. Louis with an 8-4 win against Sacred Heart on Saturday and a 3-2 loss to Saint Louis University on Sunday. The next game for the Bears will be at noon on Sunday, Sept. 4 against Indiana in Bloomington, Ind.
a leader on this team, and I let my teammates down,” Wooden said in a statement. “I have great respect for this program Continued from page 6 and the university, and I won’t “More is expected of me as let them down again.”
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AVAILABLE 8/1/11: 1BR FURNISHED APARTMENT. 840 S. Kimbrough, $350/month, $350 deposit, utilities included.
1237 S. CRUTCHER, 2 BR, 1BA house, 1 year lease, $525/mo, $395/deposit. All new carpet, large back yard, deck, W/D hookup.
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The Missouri State Lady Bear basketball program will be holding open tryouts on September 7th at 4:30 in the West Gym of Hammons Student Center. Anyone interested in participating in the tryouts will need to arrive at 4:15 in the Womenʼs Basketball Office in Hammons Student Center to fill out appropriate paperwork. If you have any questions, please call the womenʼs basketball office at 836-4136.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Standard
Triathlons provide challenge Freshman has goal to begin club for student triathletes By Lori Scheetz The Standard
Freshman Michael Schwartz knows competitive fitness. Having completed eight triathlons, Schwartz will begin the new school year with the additional goal of starting a triathlon club. Schwartz was an avid swimmer in high school, but after a while he started to look for a new way to stay fit. "I became interested in triathlons my junior year of high school," Schwartz said. "Swimming was becoming monotonous, so I started looking for a challenge." Schwartz found that challenge in triathlons. A triathlon consists of swimming, cycling and running. There are several different triathlon competitions ranging from the Sprint to the Ironman, depending on the distance. Schwartz has competed in six Sprints and two Olympic
No Sex
triathlons, the latest of which was on July 30, 2011. Schwartz earned second place overall in his age group. "I just completed the Olympic competition in Springfield, Ill. this summer,” he said. “My time was 2:47:12. This competition is a .9 mile swim, 24.8 mile bike and 6.2 mile run.” Since Schwartz was alone in preparing for this past summer’s Olympic competition, the extensive training proved to be lonely at times, but also challenging, he said. “Training was definitely lonely at times, but I realized I had to find ways to push myself because no one was looking,” Schwartz said. “My first triathlon experience was such an unspeakable moment, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Everyone just needs to try one to understand how hard it really is.” Schwartz said he has an upcoming meeting with the Office of Student Engagement to discuss the parameters for the club he is hoping to have named the MSU Tri-Bears. Anyone interested in more information on becoming involved may contact Schwartz at
Continued from page 4
the show, resulting in thunderous applause from the crowd. The first act of the production was suitable for most audiences; however, the second act featured a surprising burlesque performance by a stripper (Bethany Ziskind) that would not be appropriate for a younger audience. The production also had many sexual innuendos, such as references to Kama Sutra and male performance
Bella Donna Continued from page 5
Carney also plays with a techno band, Kids and Chemicals, alongside her brother Patrick. Bella Donna expects to have an album out by October but have no real deadline set. They seem more
in the bedroom, that could have been offensive to younger audience members. Overall, “No Sex Please, We’re British” was another great Contemporary Theatre production with highly entertaining moments of gut-busting laughter and one I would highly recommend if you’re in need of a slightly scandalous night on the town. To find out information about future shows at the Contemporary Theatre at the Vandivort Center, visit their website, or call the box office at 417-831-8001.
focused on playing while they can and making enough money to pay the bills and getting a few free drinks here and there. They will be playing at Patton Alley Pub Sept. 10 and at the Outland Sept. 17. I recommend checking them out if you like Florence and the Machine, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals or Leon Redbone.
Bears volleyball team explains formations
Learn volleyball from the Bears to understand what you’re watching at the next game By John Cook The Standard
Volleyball is a simple sport to many, but to others it couldn’t be more complicated. Going over the entire set of rules, formations and positions is nearly impossible. That’s why we’re going to break down the game as you will see it when the Bears play this season. We will call this Volleyball 101. The first thing that will pop out to you when looking at the Bears formation is that one player will be wearing a different colored jersey than the rest. Missouri State volleyball Head Coach Melissa Stokes said that this is a position recently added to
the game. “You’ll notice the different colored jersey,” Stokes said. “This is known as the libero. It’s a position that was added to volleyball in 2002. The libero can come in and out of the game at any time and only plays in the back row.” A few rules to keep in mind for the libero is that this person cannot attack the ball above the height of the net, and may not serve, block or attempt a block. The libero is a defensive specialist position, whose main goal is to dig the ball when the opponent serves or attacks the ball over the net. “Each set you’re allowed 12 substitutions,” Stokes said. “The good thing about libero is that they don’t count in those substitutions.” The next thing you’ll want to know about the Bears this season is their 5-1 formation. Last year the Bears used a 6-2. Sophomore Carly Thomas explained how the 5-1 works. “The key to the 5-1 is having a setter who’s good at attacking,” she said. “In the 5-1, one person sets the ball and triggers the serveand-receive offense. If the setter is in the front row, she has two frontrow teammates to set to. If she’s in
the back row, she has three frontrow teammates to set to.” The main difference between a 5-1 and 6-2 is that a 5-1 has one designated setter, while the 6-2 has two designated setters. “I’m confident in both our setters, Carly (Thomas) and MaryJo Kolze,” Stokes said. “Because of the formation we run, they end up being the key to the offense.” Games are played with best of five sets, with the goal in each set being to reach 25 points for the win. “The scoring system is pretty simple with the exception of a few cases,” sophomore Christine McCartney said. “The only time I think the fans get confused is when the set goes past 25 points. In the rare case that a game’s tied at like 24-24, you have to win by two points, so the score might end up being something like 26-24.” McCartney plays outside hitter, the position on the court that tends to get the most kills in a match. In a perfect world, the opponent would serve it over the net, the libero would dig the ball to Thomas, who would set McCartney, and McCartney would spike the ball over the net for a Bears
Volleyball can be a challenging and confusing game if you don’t understand the dynamics of the sport. point. If you’re still lost as to how volleyball is played, the Internet has countless websites that explain every rule in detail. Also, watching
the Bears live can help you understand further. Missouri State’s first home game is at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 8 at the Hammons Student Center against Kansas State.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Standard
‘You Belong Downtown’ sparks student interest By Lauren Healey The Standard
The Office of Student Engagement concluded their opening weekend events with “You Belong Downtown” on Saturday Aug. 27 from 3 to 7 p.m. with shuttles running from the Bear Paw to downtown. Students were to get their “You Belong Downtown” passport stamped at five of the 12 participating venues. No purchase was necessary to get a stamp on the passports, but the passports boasted coupons for each of the locations. After having their passport stamped five times, students could turn them in at any of the participating locations to be entered in a drawing to win a Downtown Prize Package worth over $200. Participating locations were: Bistro Market, The Coffee Ethic, Staxx, The Cup, Boca Mocha, 3House Boutique, Gelato Mio, Mudhouse, Vintage Vice, Aviary Café & Creperie, 1984 Arcade and Good Girl Art. Devin Derham, owner of the 1984 Arcade, said about 25 people visited the arcade to have their passports stamped but no one had used the 2-for-1 entry coupon by 6 p.m. “This was successful to a degree,” he said. “It will be more successful if people come back, but today they just got their passport stamped and left.” Jacob Tweedle, a waiter and night manager at the Aviary Café & Creperie, said he thought “You Belong Downtown” was a cool idea. “It’s a good way to get people into shops downtown and increase revenue,” he said. “About a dozen people have been through for a stamp, but no one has bought anything yet.”
Mariah Steele, a freshman business major, said she nearly gave up on the “You Belong Downtown” event because she couldn’t find any of the stores. “There was a map on the back of the passport but it didn’t have markings where the stores were at so I got a little discouraged,” she said. “I also thought I had to spend money at the places to get the stamp, but I found out I didn’t so I’m trying again. I tried Gelato Mio yesterday and it was incredible. I’d never had Italian ice cream like that before. I’m headed to The Cup next because I’ve never had a gourmet cupcake and I’m dying to try one.” Jeff Kessinger, a team member at The Cup, said that about 30 people came through to have their passports stamped. “Most people used the coupon, if not for a cupcake then for a coffee,” he said. “ We sold a lot of drinks, probably because of the heat.” Ashley Bishop, a junior accounting major, said she used her coupon at The Cup, but nowhere else that she had been. “I really like the atmosphere of The Cup,” she said. “And the cupcakes are just amazing. I chose the Triple Key Lime.” Good Girl Art, which shares a door with The Cup, had about 30 people stamp their passports as well, according to Anne Almirall, assistant manager. “Only two people have bought something,” she said. “But we’ve had a lot of people who had never been in, which is always nice. A lot of college students will see it’s a fun place and will want to come back.” Yishuang (Nova) Yang, a junior finance major, and Muyang (Claire) Guo, a sophomore accounting major, said they love Good Girl Art. “They have tremendous artwork
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
“You Belong Downtown” gave businesses more traffic flow and students a reason to explore new shops they might have not visited otherwise. and cute jewelry,” Muyang said. “Because we’re new we don’t have furniture and absolutely love a chair in (Good Girl Art).” Cassi Foster, owner of 3House, said she was impressed by the turnout of “You Belong Downtown.” “About 30 to 40 people have come in, and only one person bought something,” she said. “Just the traffic alone has been nice. Every little bit helps and the girls who came in at least took a look around and said they liked the place. It’s nice people are responding to (“You Belong Downtown”) because sometimes
things like that are put together and it never really comes around. It’s nice people are participating.” The drawing to decide the winner will be Wednesday, Aug. 31. Grand Prize: Downtown Prize Package valued at over $200 includes: Clutch from Staxx Mug from The Cup + 4 Free Cupcakes $15 Gift Card to The Coffee Ethic $15 Gift Card to Mudhouse $25 Gift Card to Good Girl Art $25 Gift Card to 3House Botique $25 Gift Card to Bistro Market
$25 Gift Card to Boca Mocha $10 Gift Card to Aviary Cafe & Creperie $10 Gift Card to Vintage Vice $5 Gift Card to Gelato Mio 6 Free Passes to 1984 Arcade Also, students who participated have the chance to win the following additional 10 consolation prizes: 4 free passes to 1984 Arcade $10 Gift Card to Coffee Ethic $25 Gift Card to Bistro Market $5 Gift Card to Vintage Vice (3 Available) $25 Gift Card to Bocha Mocha $5 Gift Card to Gelato Mio (3 Available).
The Standard
Tuesday, August 30, 2011