FSL recruitment plans continue for fall 2020 ZOE BROWN @zoe_zoebrown While some schools hold fraternity and sorority recruitment the week before classes begin, Missouri State’s FSL recruitment starts the Thursday of the first week of classes. This year, it will be held Thursday, August 20 through Monday, August 24.
Sorority Recruitment
Junior marketing major Katie Sulzner, vice president of recruitment for Alpha Chi Omega sorority, said she enjoys the MSU recruitment process because it helps potential new members ease into college life before recruitment week. “You have the opportunity to adjust to those bigger things first, like moving in and welcome events,” Sulzner said. “That Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday you get to tackle your schedule and then recruitment starts.” Junior interior design major Sarah Kantra, president of Alpha Chi Omega, agrees with Sulzner and said this timeline helps students learn time management. Kantra said recruitment week can help students see the time commitment of balancing class, homework, and sorority meetings and events. “It gives you a little bit of a preview of what your semester is going to look like if you do join a sorority,” Kantra said. Through recruitment week, each day gets
increasingly more formal, according to Sulzner. The first two days are the most casual and serve as an introduction to all the chapters on campus. Day 1 and 2 events begin at 4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday. The third day, deeper conversations begin between chapters and potential new members to see if their values align. Taking place on Saturday, this is called sisterhood and philanthropy day. Sunday is preference day, where potential new members begin to choose which houses they feel best represent their values. Monday is the culmination of sorority recruitment week, known as bid day. On this final day, houses formally invite potential new members to join their chapter. “Everyone is just so excited for bid day and welcoming home new girls,” Kantra said. Sulzner echoed the same excitement. “Leading up to bid day, the whole time you’re working to find these girls that are going to lift up the chapter so everyone is so excited because you have no idea what’s going to happen and who’s going to join,” Sulzner said. “It’s just a crazy rush of energy.” Sulzner recommends that potential new members check out the various chapter’s websites before going through recruitment so they can familiarize themselves with the different sororities on campus. Optional letters of recommendation from sorority alumni can be used while going through
File Photo by Kaitlyn Stratman/ THE STANDARD
Students celebrate bid day in fall 2019 by taking a selfie.