TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016 - $1.40
Inverloch house Beat the destroyed E freeze Page 3
Page 16 & 17
Snappy Kroks delight WORLD renowned a cappella singing group the Harvard Krokodiloes from the USA returned to Phillip Island and entertained hundreds on the weekend at Newhaven College for two special performances on Saturday and Sunday nights. Newhaven College hosted the only Kroks performance in the State and during the concert the 12 strong group sang many favourites including I’ve Got You Under My Skin, Cherie Amour and the traditional, heart warming Scottish song Loch Lomond. College director of music Kirk Skinner said it was just amazing to have the Krokodiloes return to the college and is looking for a third visit during their world tour next year.
Snap happy: Newhaven College male choir members joined the Harvard Krokodiloes on stage at the college on the weekend during the famous a cappella group’s world tour from left student Finn Donohue (front), Wonthaggi, Krok general manager and bass Peter Wu, student Byron Scothern, Wattle Bank, Krok tenor Maxwell Leverson, Krok tour manager and tenor Arvind Narayanan and students Mack Williams, The Gurdies, Jack McDonald, Leongatha and Angus Bradford, Phillip Island.
PERFORMING arts in Leongatha is scaling new heights with Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s show Mary Poppins being hailed as the best ever show performed by the group following its finale on Saturday.
No sooner has the curtain come down on this blockbuster than Lyric has announced it will stage the big hit American musical, Hairspray in 2017. Continued on page 6.
PAGE 2 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 3
Stop the squabble
No chance: despite the hard work of several fire crews, this house was completely destroyed.
Cr Fawcett hit once by panel decision By Tony Giles STOP the infighting and get on with the job of running the shire, South Gippsland Shire mayor Cr Bob Newton has urged his fellow councillors. This comes after a councillor conduct panel decision found Cr Jim Fawcett had breached the code when he told Cr Jeanette Harding in mid- 2015 he would not support her in respect to matters affecting her ward with the intent of inducing her to change her vote. The determination of the panel is contained in the agenda for the South Gippsland Shire council meeting due for Wednesday, July 27. Cr Fawcett faced four other allegations made by Cr Don Hill, some relating to breach of confidentiality and others alleging ongoing bullying to Cr Hill however these matters were all dismissed. In the Mayor’s Message in this week’s Star Cr Newton said he would “like to draw a line in the sand when it comes to how we manage ourselves as representatives of this community.” “We have three months remaining in our term and I call on my colleagues to demonstrate the goodwill and trust that we’d like to see in all future councils, not the strife and bitterness that has divided this council over the last few months.” Ratepayers who have attended some of the council meetings in the past 12 months have left appalled by the behaviour of some of the councillors. It appears the mayor’s instruction may have already fallen on deaf ears; with hardly the ink dry on the panel report Cr Hill has already issued 6,000 newsletters which have made claims likely to be disputed by Cr Fawcett. Cr Hill told The Star because his original complaint included the comments that “Cr Fawcett threatened and bullied the mayor between June 10 and June 24, 2015” had been substantiated by the panel then these words were appropriate. However these aren’t the words used in the panel’s findings; all it concluded was that he had breached clause 2.2c and 3.1b of the code when he said he would not support Cr Harding’s votes in her ward.
But in his just released Tarwin Valley Ward newsletter, Cr Hill says, under the heading of Dear Ratepayers of South Gippsland “it is very disappointing that certain elements on council appear to take their obligations as a councillor to include bullying and coercion as part of their tactics to ensure victory in council votes.” Cr Fawcett denied he was a bully and said the issue of bullying comes under a different clause and this was not part of the breaches which have been alleged by Cr Hill. The matter of bullying alleged in the fifth matter was dismissed, he said. Asked whether he would appeal the decision by the panel or take any legal advice as to Cr Hill’s assertions, Cr Fawcett said he needed some more time to consider it. Cr Fawcett had not read or seen the newsletter at the time of the press interview. In a public statement issued by Cr Fawcett, which appears in full on page 12, he said he accepted the substantiated breach in that it “requires a councillor to treat other councillors with respect, having due regard to their opinions, beliefs, rights and responsibilities even when disagreeing with their views or decision.” The panel has determined that for the breach “Cr Fawcett stands reprimanded for his conduct towards Cr.Harding.” This panel hearing has cost in the vicinity of $11,000 to council. Added to the $30,000 which is believed to have been the cost of the first panel hearing against Cr Hill, the shire has spent at least $40,000 of ratepayers funds, money which would be better spent on services. Cr Hill told The Star that because Cr Fawcett was found guilty on allegation 3 that this provided proof Cr Fawcett and four other councillors had formed a voting bloc, an accusation again denied by Cr Fawcett when it was put to him by The Star. “In many instances we have voted together but in many others we haven’t; you just need to look at council minutes to see what the voting patterns are,” Cr Fawcett said. Cr Don Hill has appealed to VCAT the panel decision which went against him, relating to him being disrespectful to councillors and council staff and misleading the community; a claim he staunchly refutes.
Fire causes devastating loss A HOUSE fire in Inverloch resulted in the devastating loss of a home and a family pet last Tuesday. Inverloch, Pound Creek and Wonthaggi CFA units attended the blaze on Inverloch-Kongwak Road at 5.28pm; however by the time emergency services arrived a majority of the house was destroyed. Inverloch captain Allan Williamson said 30 firefighters attended the scene and did all they could do minimise the damage. “The weatherboard house was completely alight when we arrived and it is now unliveable with about three quarters of the building destroyed. All units responded really quickly to the fire but it looks as though the house will probably be demolished at this point,” he said. It is believed the fire started when the sole occupant of the home, a 32 year old Inverloch man, left a wood fire unattended in his living room. “It appears as though the man left the door to his fireplace ajar and one of the logs rolled out and the house caught fire,” Mr Williamson said. “The man had been in another room when the fire started. He came into the lounge to find in alight and fled the property.” Upon escaping the property, the man realised his dog was still inside and ran back in to save him. The man was held back by flames and sustained burns to his arms in the attempted rescue. “We recommend that in the case of a fire, do not return to the building under any circumstances. Wait for emergency services to attend the scene,” Mr Williamson said. “We also ask people to ensure their smoke detectors are working.” The man was taken to Wonthaggi Hospital for treatment of his burns. Emergency services found the dog deceased after the fire was extinguished.
Leongatha Chemist on Duty
THIS SUNDAY 10am - 1pm
PAGE 4 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Chairo’s new principal steps up LEONGATHA’S Chairo Christian School has a new leader to oversee its growth over the next four years. But it’s more like business as usual as acting principal for the last six months Anthony Collier has accepted an offer to take on the four year term as principal of the Horn Street campus. Mr Collier’s predecessor Lisa Dumicich took up the role of e-Learning coordinator for all three campuses last year at the conclusion of her term. “I have really enjoyed my time as acting principal this year so when the board offered me the position I happily accepted,” Mr Collier said. “I have loved becoming a part of the community here. Both my boys attend school here and my family lives locally. We love it here.” Mr Collier said he hopes to see the Prep to Year 10 school grow over the next four years and offer students a comprehensive and nurturing Christian education. “We had 14 Preps enrolled this year which is a spike in recent years and we are hoping to see larger numbers join us in the future.” “We are really focused on helping the school grow and of course improving our students’ education outcomes,” he said. “We want our teachers to gain skills and training too.” Chairo has also worked to implement community service tasks into the curriculum with students learning about Christian and community values in the process. “We have students doing fundraisers, com-
Role model: Chairo Christian School acting principal Anthony Collier has accepted the role of principal of the Leongatha campus for the next four years. He is surrounded by some of the students during recess from left, Chad Cornehls, Shoshanah Bishop, Sophie Lunn, Oscar Davis, Rebecca Caarels, Samantha Morter, Elsie Steenholdt and Leah-Rose Williams Hunt. munity barbecues and visiting Woorayl Lodge to meet with residents,” Mr Collier said. “Many have worked on gardening for the elderly and the children have loved it. They have shown real enthusiasm for their work.” The school is focused on including all students in its curriculum while providing education
with Christian values. “We have both Christian and non Christian families enrolled with us and I think that is because parents find peace of mind knowing their child is nurtured and encouraged to thrive. They like the idea that God loves all children,” Mr Collier said. “We really value working in partnership with
parents and families because it has been proven when families are involved in their child’s education it will improve their learning outcomes.” Chairo Christian School’s Come and Try Prep Day is fast approaching and parents are welcome to attend the school on Tuesday, July 26 for an insight into the program.
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“Inverloch Family Dental has always been designed to ensure families get the very best dental care they can, and our friendly team has always made sure a family trip to the dentist is fun,” Dr Jung said. “And now it’s more affordable than ever, so we’re really excited to continue playing an important role in the oral health of young growing families.” Book in as a family and save! Check out these special family rates for routine check ups and clean, gum care: 1st child: Great value at $100. 2nd child: Enjoys a low rate of $70 – (Save $30) 3rd child: Is seen with at the shiny price of $50 – (Save $80) 4th child: Is welcomed with a family super special $40 rate- (Overall Family Saving $140!) (By the way, if are you covered by health insur-
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per” a sp ew n y it n u m m co r ou Y “
36 McCartin Street, Leongatha 3953 Postal : PO Box 84 LEONGATHA 3953 Telephone : 5662 2294 Fax : 5662 4350 Web : www.thestar.com.au Editor Brad Lester : news@thestar.com.au Advertising Manager Joy Morgan : advertising@thestar.com.au Find us on Facebook Produced and published by Giles Newspapers Pty Ltd and printed by Latrobe Valley Express, Morwell. Registered business. ACN 006507580 | ABN 61 318 952 541 Print Post 336735 10006 HOUSE1627
“THE STAR� Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 5
Desal water never needed While drought was suffered by Victorians during the recent summer season, Ms Vening said there needed to be a string of dry seasons before resorting WONTHAGGI’S Aileen Vening has told to activating the plant. The Star the State Government’s order of “There are many reasons why developing the de50 gigalitres from the Wonthaggi desali- salination plant was a bad idea – why it will never be a good idea,� she said. nation plant was not justified. “It compromises biodiversity and the health of Aileen has even gone a step further saying it may our ocean. It’s a political gesture with no benefits to never be needed. Bass Coast. Melbourne didn’t have water restrictions Melbourne’s water capacity is currently at 60.9 at all at the time the order was put in. percent – 7.5 percent lower than the same time last “The system has played on fear. They played year. on the fear that Melbourne would run out of water. The State Government confirmed it would not I don’t think anything would’ve stopped this order cancel its order, as it will go some way to replacing going ahead.� the decrease in storage levels experienced over the Melbourne Water general manager integrated last few years without creating a significant impact planning Chris Williams said Melbourne’s water on customer costs – an additional $12 per household storages experienced a downward trend over the water bill in the metropolitan area will be the result. past two years, including extremely low inflows in 2015 – lower than the average during the millennium drought. “These conditions over the past summer dried out the soil in the catchments, which means we will need average or above average rain over an extended period to start to help Melbourne’s storage levels recover significantly,� he said. “The desalination plant is part of Melbourne’s integrated and flexible water supply system, which helps support our city and the region through challenges like population growth, extended drought, climate change and natural disasters.� “Storage levels don’t always rise when it rains. Just like a sponge, dry catchment soils absorb available moisture to support vegetation, leaving little or none to run off into reservoirs.� Storage levels rose by just 0.6 percent in June, as even though catchment rainfall was only 1.4 percent below average, stream flow into Melbourne’s four major harvesting storages was 21.8 percent below average. Although the State Government has claimed the desalination plant a necessity, many Bass Coast residents are adamant it was never a welcomed development. When the desalination was first proposed, there Water waste: Wonthaggi’s Aileen Vening claimed there was no justification for the 50 were many protests and public meetings to stop the gigalitre order from the Wonthaggi desalina- development from going ahead. People were arrested and convictions were recorded in attempt to preserve tion plant and people should be better edu- the coastline, and when it went ahead anyway people cated about water saving. were left feeling angry and betrayed.
By Tayla Kershaw
“If it had been in a marginal electorate, this would never have happened. They never would’ve put in Portsea or Torquay. I think we are regarded as a less educated, poorer community and the system took advantage of that,� she said. In terms of climate change, Ms Vening said the use of the desalination plant will not be a critical factor, but will certainly factor into the greenhouse emissions in the state. Ms Vening said the order could’ve been avoided if people were better educated about water saving. “People need to learn to be more conscientious when it comes to water. Encouraging people to use more water is an inappropriate philosophy that will end up costing us more,� she said. “The desalination plant – just sitting there as is – is a cost to taxpayers. I assume it costs more when an order is put in. It’s all about the big picture and who is really benefiting. This development was never about the little people. It’s about big corporations. There’s no measurable benefit to Wonthaggi.�
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Standing their ground: Bass Coast residents were part of many protests on the desalination plant site and in Melbourne in an attempt to stop the plant from going ahead.
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PAGE 6 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Tip produces more of the same DISGRUNTLED residents converged for Bass Coast Shire Council’s second information session on Friday at Inverloch to discuss the proposed closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station. Ratepayers were fed more of the same with the meeting part of the night wound up at 5.20pm with a number of questions still needing to be answered. The meeting continued on in a less formal basis as an information session; while some residents remained others decided they’d had enough and went home. Mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale joined manager sustainable environment Deirdre Griepsma and general manager sustainable development and growth Allison Jones in facilitating the information session which intended to provide residents with answers to their concerns of the proposed closure. “Friday’s was the second of two information sessions which came about to answer the questions of the community. The public was given an opportunity to discuss the proposal of the transfer station which is due for closure in September 2017,” Cr Crugnale said. Council deferred the original submission to close the transfer station at its last meeting and will come to a decision at its August meeting following the series of public consultation workshops. “Council chose to defer the decision until August to give the community a chance to talk with us and so that we could answer any questions or concerns,” Ms Jones said. Many members of the public took the opportunity to voice their disagreement with the submission and gave many reasons as to why they felt the trans-
Voicing concern: from left, Kevin Griffin and Peter Dalmau both took to the floor during Bass Coast Shire Council’s Inverloch Transfer Station information session on Friday where they both stated they did not want the station to close. fer station should remain open. Inverloch resident Kevin Griffin came forth once again to state his concerns in a crowd of angry ratepayers who took jabs at Council for its “poor communication” and “irresponsible conduct”. “Council did not keep the meeting open at its first information session despite the fact many residents had not yet had their questions answered,” he said.
“Again on Friday, Council wanted to close the meeting prior to the proposed 6pm before all questions were asked.” Council chose to stop taking questions from the entire floor at 5.20pm and split off so more residents could address questions to the five officers present in smaller group conversations. Ross Smith told The Star “the mayor lost control and either did not know the answers or just got tired
of constant criticism but she closed the meeting at 5.10pm in the midst of a series of questions from Kevin Griffin. He has been deeply involved in researching this vexed issue.” “I am sure Bass Coast councillors have a death wish about their future as so called representatives of their communities,” Mr Smith said. Inverloch’s Allan Peter questioned the environmental factors which have lead to the potential closure of the transfer station. “Who tested the water quality at Little Screw Creek and deemed it polluted?” he asked. “I worked with Water Watch for six years and tested the water there and I never saw a problem between 2000 and 2006. Little Screw Creek is perfect.” Wattle Bank resident Peter Dalmau agreed with Mr Peter and said there was no sign of pollution in the transfer station’s surrounding environment, despite concerns from Council. “There is no significant pollution coming out of the transfer station,” he said. “There is no smell or odour. Furthermore, Inverloch is the largest town in South Gippsland and we deserve our station.” Resident Chris Howard disputed Mr Peter and Mr Dalmau’s claims the station does not produce pollution. “If the Environmental Protection Agency came here I think it would find significant changes to the quality of water at Little Screw Creek,” he said. “There have been significant changes to farming up stream as well as increased rainfall. That and the old tip would surely be filled with asbestos because Inverloch was primarily built on asbestos 45 years ago. It is not wrapped to regulation.”
Leongatha pushes for performing arts centre Continued from page 1. Taking on her first ever directing role for Lyric Inverloch’s Louise Adkins will bring a wealth of experience having performed in shows for Lyric and Wonthaggi Theatrical Group and in demand as a singing and dancing teacher. Hairspray is an American musical featuring 1960s style dance music and downtown rhythm and blues.
The cultural feast does not stop there either with The Great Southern Star Eisteddfod set to hit the Mesley Hall next month where hundreds of young dancers will compete from across Gippsland and Melbourne. With the wealth of talent in Leongatha and the town providing a vibrant hub for education the push now is for a dedicated performing arts centre. For many years Leongatha has been overlooked
for funding for a purpose built theatre with funding going to Warragul, Wonthaggi and the latest Traralgon, meanwhile Leongatha is crying out for its own performing arts centre. While Wonthaggi is looking for funding to revamp its theatre Leongatha has had to make do with Mesley Hall in the Leongatha Secondary College grounds. Seen as the traditional home of Lyric Theatre, Mesley Hall has seen many award winning productions staged by the local company for more than 50 years but increasingly the task of staging big musicals is becoming more difficult and obviously would be a lot easier with a purpose built centre. Talking to The Star last week Mary Poppins co-director and Lyric committee member Peter McAlpine, still on a huge high after the success of Lyric’s latest blockbuster musical that was a complete sell out, said the dream has always been to see a purpose built performing arts centre established in Leongatha. An option being explored by a small sub-committee would be the development of Mesley Hall which Mr McAlpine said would require a huge injection of government funding. “Mesley has been Lyric’s home for so long but it really does need major funding for extension works that would see the stage size increased as we had to add an extra five metres to the stage for Mary Poppins, just to accommodate the 70 strong cast. “We need to extend out the back so we can get sets in from the back, as at this stage we can only bring everything in from the front foyer and this just isn’t practical. “We need a bigger stage and wing area as these are way too small and the orchestra pit needs to be extended, as for Mary Poppins the orchestra was crammed into a small space and it is always very hot for the musicians, not exactly ideal. “It would be great to have Mesley set up as a theatre permanently so we didn’t have to pack up the chairs and tiered flooring after every show.” Mr McAlpine said Lyric has worked hard for many years raising money to build better facilities for performers and the audience that has seen the coffers just about dry after the huge $70,000 expenditure for new chairs for the tiered floor, of which only about $23,000 was grant money and took the group about 20 years of saving to achieve “The chairs were a must to add to the comfort of the audience as we were losing numbers due to the uncomfortable chairs. So this has been a big improvement along with new carpets and curtains for Mesley and we have had great feedback from people saying how comfortable the chairs are and the whole theatre experience is more enjoyable. But Mr McAlpine said it is getting harder and harder designing sets to fit the small Mesley area and to keep people safe, certainly no mean feat with a huge production like Mary Poppins, thankfully handled to perfection by award winning set designer Colin Mitchell. “If we had better facilities it would be a lot easier to stage productions, we could stage more shows and the performers and audience would be a lot more
comfortable,” Mr McAlpine said. He said a new centre or improved facility would not only benefit Lyric theatre but dance schools for concerts and the schools would be able to use it for performances and wouldn’t have to travel to Wonthaggi like Mary MacKillop College had to do for its Fame Junior musical. The newly returned Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent was disappointed he had to turn down an invitation to attend the fabulous Mary Poppins musical due to election commitments but told The Star last Friday, “I think having an arts centre for Leongatha is a great idea, and I encourage the South Gippsland Shire Council to make an application under the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund.” Mr McAlpine said, “The actors, production team, orchestra are crying out for something even half decent”. A strong campaigner for better performing arts facilities in Leongatha South Gippsland Shire councillor Nigel Hutchinson-Brooks said, “My wife and I and the grand children were at the opening night of Mary Poppins, and it was a quite outstanding production. “A dedicated Performing Arts Centre (PAC) for Leongatha is certainly a great aspirational goal, and it may happen at some time, “ he said. “I am on the Board of a medium sized Melbourne private school that has just started building a new PAC with seating for 750. The cost fully fitted out will be a touch under $14 million. In that case the project has the full support of all the school’s stakeholders. So I am in touch with the issues around the idea of a PAC, but I am not sure a majority of our population would put one near the top of a priority list, as much as I would like to see it. “On returning to Council in 2012 I was appointed the Council’s representative on the Leongatha Education Precinct (LEP), and I had the aim of getting a major upgrade to Mesley Hall through in this term of Council. Unfortunately this has not happened, and not without trying hard. “The issue is that I have not been able to find any one person in the Education Department who can make any decisions. If the land was Crown Land it would be relatively easy, but because the Department controls the land there are multiple people with a finger in the pie. “The Leongatha Secondary College do not want the day to day management of the hall, but it still wants to have the use of the ‘home economics’ room, and use of the hall for exams. Trying to find a corporate structure that can take responsibility for the hall, and have the ability to borrow or seek funding from various agencies has proved elusive, and frankly I have found the issue most frustrating. I believe enormous improvements could be made to the hall, extending the stage out the back and on the sides and new changing rooms underneath could be accomplished for a fraction of the cost of a new purpose made facility - say around $1.5 million. If I am returned to Council at the October elections, I will seek to be appointed to the LEP Board again to have another go at knocking heads together at the Education Department!
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 7
Fired up for change A LACK of leadership stemming from the current Bass Coast Shire Council has brought a Bunurong candidate to the forefront. Fed up with rate hikes and community projects going by the wayside, Inverloch’s Mohan de Run will stand in this October’s council election. Living permanently in Inverloch for the past six years – and spending time in his Inverloch holiday home for six years prior – Mr de Run has had plenty of insight into council and his local community. “I’ve been largely involved with the council for the past three years. You become involved when things start to niggle the people around you. If you are not happy, you must do something about it,” he said. Mr de Run said there were five core issues he would like to see addressed by council – financial transparency, governance, wasting money, equitable representation and accountability – and that he had the skill set to bridge the disconnection between council and the community. “There’s something amiss with council’s current method of communication and there’s a lack of un- Bunurong ward: Inverloch’s Mohan de Run derstanding coming from the community,” he said. will stand for the upcoming Bass Coast Shire “Local government is the voice of the people, and
Council election in October.
Three councillors re-enter election race THREE current Bass Coast Shire councillors have indicated they will be fighting to keep their positions on council during the election in October. Cr Phil Wright said he would continue his 11 year streak, as there is a great deal of work to do to implement the many strategies the current council has developed. Developing Wonthaggi as a regional growth centre as a way to enable Inverloch and Phillip Island to control undesirable growth and ensure the economic benefits of the natural assets are achieved is on his list of priorities. Cr Neil Rankine said one term gives a councillor good grounding on how things work and how to achieve goals. With plenty of ideas still up his sleeve, Cr Rankine would like the opportunity to continue to improve the shire. “I’m proud I’m representing the residents and ratepayers of the Bass Coast Shire, and always beings available and keen to represent all views at the council table,” he said. “The goals we’ve put in place through a long term financial plan are important to keep focusing on. We need to keep looking for more efficiencies so we can bring forward some of the projects in the plan.” Cr Rankine said with a steady hand on the tiller, the nearly $4.5 million of ongoing efficiencies council has found playing out to the end of next year’s budget, and operational costs being kept close to or below inflation will leave them in a great place to see significant renewal and new projects in the coming years.
“I’m also looking forward to finally being in a position to plan properly for our future and protect the environment,” he said. Cr Clare Le Serve said she was encouraged to stand again by local residents and the people she has worked with while on council. “If I were to be re-elected at the next council election, I would continue to strongly advocate for increased government funding for major infrastructure and programs across Bass Coast. I believe we should be analysing the effects of any cost shifting by government and what affect it has on the budget and ultimately the financial impost on ratepayers,” she said. “I will continue to look for efficiencies within the organisation, and continue on with the service reviews and the implementation of the 10 year financial plan. “There is more strategic planning works that need to be completed. I will continue to support and represent the local communities across Bass Coast fairly.” Cr Andrew Phillips has declared he will not return to council for the next term. “I will not have the time to put into the job. The birth of my second child has given me two children under two, and my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer a little while ago,” he said. “Therefore, my family commitments will not allow the adequate time and effort to be put into such an important and demanding job.” Mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale, deputy mayor Cr Bradley Drew and Cr Kimberley Brown did not respond to The Star before going to print.
the community’s needs must be addressed. “Council must also be mindful about how money is spent, and unfortunately there’s been a poor distribution of revenue.” Mr de Run said he was shocked to see rates were still high, despite the rate cap, and believed the community was not getting value for money. “I championed the petition for the rate cap. There’s a cost of living that the government seems to forget,” he said. “You can’t be milking ratepayers faster than they can earn their money if you aren’t delivering.” As a retired company owner and director, Mr de Run has 31 years of experience in finance management. “I’ve worked with several multinational and Australian companies in general management, specialising in logistics and training. I’ve had to work with multimillion budgets, deliver efficiencies and improve service delivery,” he said. “I am passionate about making sure the retirees and pensioners are well catered for and small businesses and youth are well catered for.” Mr de Run said there was a distinct lack of leisure activities available to people in Bass Coast, and if you aren’t interested in sport there’s not much left for people to do. “I believe the Wonthaggi Aquatic and Leisure Centre is an important project and could incorporate other facilities to meet the needs of the wider com-
Thinking of becoming a Bass Coast councillor? WITH the council elections fast approaching, it is time for the community to consider what its desired outcomes are for the Bass Coast Shire. This time there will be three wards – down from seven – with the population almost equally divided into the Bunurong ward comprising Cape Paterson, Inverloch Pound Creek, Wonthaggi and North Wonthaggi, Westernport ward comprising South Dudley, Dalyston, San Remo and Waterline community from Lang Lang to Wattlebank, and the Island ward covering just Phillip Island. Equitable representation – a concern of many citizens of Bass Coast in the past – now becomes a reality, with each ward having three councillors to advocate for and advance the expectations of their constituents. The Local Government Act is framed to ensure councils deliver to community expectations and needs by exercising wise management over the revenue received. The diversity of ideas and expectations within the community, coupled with the stringent parameters of the Local Government Act, does not make the task easy. However, could it be managed better? When an election is held, candidates must thoroughly question
their capacity to undertake the role and responsibilities of a councillor. The community must know what the prospective councillors stand for and what special experience and abilities they can bring to enhance the effectiveness of decision making and the quality of the services delivered to the community; only then will community satisfaction be recorded at a level at the top end of the scale. Councillors are responsible for making the policy settings for the council, in line with the community needs. The council management is then compelled to steer the operational activities towards those policy settings and are held accountable for their performance. The community has many needs which must first be heard. These can be filtered, consolidated, costed and if reasonable, delivered in the short to medium tern within the council plan and budget, or if not immediately affordable but necessary, included in the long term strategic plan. Enthusiasm and drive are good prerequisites for prospective councillors but it is also essential they possess the skill sets to be good communicators, negotiators, innovative thinkers and have an above average understanding of money management and the Local Government Act.
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munity,” he said. “At the moment, there is 15 percent of revenue going into capital works. This is too little. Our reserve is down so low we can’t obtain grants. I would like to see capital works go up closer to 25 percent.” Mr de Run said nine councillors will go some way to deliver better representation across the shire and more direction. “The community needs to be sure the councillors they choose are good leaders, articulated, good negotiators, good thinkers and most importantly they need to be able to manage the budget and priorities,” he said. “I believe I can make a difference, deliver strong outcomes and better serve the needs of the community. Councillors cannot be frightened to lead. They are the voice of the people.” Mr de Run said he believed he had met likeminded people he would be pleased to see elected to council, including Bruce Kent, who is running for the Westernport ward. “The leisure centre is important. I’m pleased to see council has shown its support for the Cape Paterson Life Saving Club building and the Surf Parade footpath is underway. I think there is a necessity for more childcare. I know one childcare centre was approved in Inverloch and one was not, but I believe there is room for one more in an appropriate location,” he said. Mr de Run’s campaign has started, and will be engaging in plenty of street talk in the lead up to the oncoming election.
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By Tayla Kershaw
PAGE 8 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Hall full of laughs RESIDENTS gathered for a night of fun at Meeniyan Stony Creek CFA’s annual comedy night on Friday.
With all funds going to assist the fire fighting unit the town came out in full support to see a big program of comedy. “There were plenty of laughs to be had over two
hours packed of comedy and everybody involved had a great time,” first lieutenant Justin Griffin said. “Everybody who came put in to support the CFA
Humorous guests: from left, Ciaran Lyons, Lawrence Mooney and Ben Darsow provided the laughs at Meeniyan Stony Creek CFA’s annual comedy night on Friday.
which was great and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.” Lawrence Mooney, the host of Dirty Laundry Live, joined international performer Ben Darsow and Triple J radio announcer Ciaran Lyons for the evening at Meeniyan Hall and said they were happy to make the trip. “We really enjoy coming out to the country to put on shows and it is especially great when it is for a good cause like the CFA,” Mr Darsow said. Meeniyan Stony Creek CFA wished to thank its major sponsors Brown Wigg, Meeniyan IGA and Foster Garden Supplies for making the event possible. “We had great support from local community groups in attendance which was great to see,” Mr Griffin said. The CFA raffled off firewood, chainsaws and lambs to raise extra funds however a total has not yet been tallied.
Flutes to sing in Mardan APPRECIATORS of wonderful music can indulge in the soundly delights of flautist Christine Ross’ upcoming Winter Warmer Recital Series at Scotts Pioneer Church. The Korumburra musician has decades of professional experience and recently showcased her talents in Newhaven College’s Into the Woods, Wonthaggi Theatre Company’s Evita and Lyric Theatre’s Mary Poppins. “I have been in the area for years teaching flute at Newhaven College and I formerly worked with the South Gippsland Music Program before I chose to return to performing recently,” she said. “I have come back to do solo flute music with some beautiful accompanying musicians to provide some quality musical entertainment for the region.” Ms Ross is no stranger to the stage, with an extensive repertoire boasting performances at bush dances, big
Sweet songs: Christine Ross is set to mesmerise audiences with her flute recital at Scotts Pioneer Church on Saturday, July 23 and August 27. band shows, dance events and jazz clubs. The first of her series, on Saturday, July 23, will see Ms Ross accompanied by Daniel Moldrich, who will perform some classical pieces from Beethoven and Chopin before Maria Rosa Gatto shares some of her contemporary voice repertoire from her Year 12 studies. “Guests at my last recital said they were taken to a different place by my music, which is lovely. I have a desire for people to come out and appreciate some beautiful music,” Ms Ross said. “There is a wonderful variety of performances in both recitals and guests can receive an early bird discount if they wish to attend both. It is a
well balanced program and it is a great opportunity for residents to forget the cold, dreary weather and enjoy some quality music.” The second recital, on Saturday, August 27, also features the talents of the Wonthaggi U3A Choir and Year 12 flute repertoire from local Anabelle Clarkson, also accompanied by Cheryl Connor. “It is a thrill to get out and play, especially in such a beautiful venue,” Ms Ross said. “It is definitely worth taking the trip out to Mardan to enjoy the afternoon.” Tickets are available at the door or by calling 5655 2275 and cost $25 for adults and $20 for concession. Early bird rates for both shows are discounted at $40 for adults and $30 for concession. The recital commences at 2pm and will be followed by a sumptuous afternoon tea with cakes and beverages.
Mainly Music postponed THE Mainly Music program run by Leongatha’s Salvation Army has been postponed but will return for Term 4. A number of mothers expressed disappointment to The Star because when they arrived at the program last week they found out it wasn’t on. One mother, who didn’t want to be named, said her daughter is devastated the program was halted, if only for a short time. “For us, it was an opportunity to get out of the house and be social and to not have it there is really hard for a stay at home mum,” she said. “When we first went along, both my son and daughter would just sit on my knee quietly. Since then they have really come out of their shell. “They love to dance and sing and the song, movement and play have been beautiful discoveries for them.” The mother said they were informed of the program’s postponement through a letter in the mail. “People are crying, it is that big a thing for people.” In a letter to parents the Salvation Army’s Lieutenant Glenn Smith said “After consultation with Mainly Music Australia, The Salvation Army Headquarters and local corps leadership, it has been decided that Mainly Music needs to be put into recess until we can meet the program’s partnership arrangement.” “Unfortunately the program has moved away from the values and culture that comes with the Mainly Music brand and has reached such size that it is not maintainable with the number of team members available. Meeting the program’s partnership arrangement will not only ensure the continued running of the program but also the safety of our participants families. Once we meet this agreement Mainly Music will recommence. We are hopeful that this will be Term 4 2016.” Lt. Smith said they tried to contact every family individually and some 146 families were contacted however there were many more others we couldn’t reach and for that we apologise. When asked what values and cultures were not being adhered to Lt Smith refered The Star to Mainly Music but he did say the program wasn’t overtly Christian but did want to support and provide love to all families present. Lt. Smith said when the program was ready to start again he would contact this newspaper with details.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 9
From droughts to flooding rains RECORDINGS of more than 60mm of rain so far in July have helped many South Gippsland farms, long suffering drier than average conditions. Minor flooding in parts of the region is well and truly on the way down now as the water flows down stream. The Calder’s farm in Meeniyan suffered some flooding, as a result of an overflowing Tarwin River. Tim Calder said it was pretty normal for this time of year, particularly after receiving around 62mm of rain in a short period of time. “This would have to be one of the most drought proof places around. It handles the flooding well,” he said. Alex Moon from Yanakie said the recent rain has done wonders for his farm and most of his dams are now full. Many farmers in the Yanakie area had been pumping water from a spring, due to persistent dry conditions over the past few years. Mr Moon said they were able to stop pumping at the end of June. He said since the start of July, runoff has been filling dams, something which hasn’t happened in the area for at least two years. “We are very happy about that and I think everybody is in the same position. This is a normal South Gippsland winter,” he said. Yanakie is one of the few places in South Gippsland that actually grows grass during the winter, as it doesn’t get quite as cold as other parts of the region. Mr Moon said while the grass is growing now, it is a bit slower than usual, due most likely to the dry conditions leading up to winter. “We are hoping to have a good spring. The ground is wet enough now to create a very good growing season,” he said.
High tide: Meeniyan dairy farmer Tim Calder said flooding is not unexpected on his family’s property, due to both the east and west branches of the Tarwin River flowing through it.
Crossing a step closer “It will also make it easier and safer for us THE proposed school crossing in front of the Fish Creek and District Primary School has when we take excursions into the town,” he said. “Putting in a permanent crossing will free up a moved a step closer, with VicRoads approvlot of space for the buses as they drop off and pick ing a plan for the project. up students.” The South Gippsland Shire Council will use the approved plans to make a submission to the TAC in August. The school’s acting principal Dale Banks said the new crossing, if approved, will provide a much safer place for students and parents to cross the busy highway. He said the crossing is really needed, as a lot of trucks and tourist traffic use the highway and there is limited visibility when crossing the road.
Keep us safe: Fish Creek and District Primary School students Freya Liepa, Lara Stefani, Emily Wilson and Alice Cashin are keen to see a crossing for their school.
Quicker turnaround for readers LIBRARY members can soon enjoy faster borrowing, with the introduction of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in libraries across the West Gippsland region. The RFID technology will replace the current barcode system with a microchipped tag to identify books, magazines, DVDs and CDs. Following a tender process, the West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation award-
ed the contract for the project to Geelong based company FE Technologies. The tagging process is set to begin in the next month and is expected to take up to three months to complete Chair of the West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation Councillor Mikaela Power said RFID technology would bring with it a range of benefits for members and staff. “Thousands of books, DVDs, CDs and magazines are borrowed and returned in our libraries
each week. The RFID technology will allow library staff to check out up to five items at once, freeing up more time to assist with enquiries and facilitate programs. “RFID will make the returns process more efficient, as unlike barcodes, the RFID tags don’t need to be sighted for the system to read the information about the specific item. Library staff can look forward to spending less time in the back room sorting returned items and more time with the community,” said Cr Power.
Email your stories news@thestar.com.au
PAGE 10 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
COLUMN 7 col7@thestar.com.au
LIKE everywhere else the PokemonGO game has hit Leongatha with plenty of children, and adults too, converging near the post office where there were plenty of “critters” to be collected as well as replenishing the Pokiballs and collecting eggs. Be careful as you walk around the
streets and watch the traffic and pedestrians. THE ArtSpace at Mirboo North will be celebrating its first birthday this Friday, July 22. The not-for-profit group is currently displaying the work of 30 artists and craftspeople
Saving the planet: pop into The Star office on McCartin Street to donate old cartridges to Planet Ark. The environmentally conscious organisation is recycling cartridges to minimise pollution and reduce landfill. Pictured, The Star’s Leonie Smith has already donated the office’s old cartridges to be recycled into new plastic office products.
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and is very excited to be celebrating the one year milestone. Come along and join the group from 7pm-9pm this Friday with live music, art on display, wearable art, a catwalk show and drinks and nibbles. LOCH Primary School’s student representative council is busy collecting ideas for the redesign of the school’s Secret Garden. VCAL students from Elisabeth Murdoch College are joining in for a massive couple of days to dig paths, build structures, plant trees and spread mulch. YOU don’t have to be able to sew to help create Boomerang Bags. Boomerang bags are a community movement to replace single use plastic bags with reusable cloth bags made from recycled material. Australians use nearly four billion plastic bags each year and throw out most of them. If not sewing, you can contribute by collecting material, cutting out bags using templates provided or ironing. Donations of material can be left at the Inverloch Community House or Mitchell House in Wonthaggi. You could participate by working from home or joining the volunteer group. For more details, contact Aileen Vening on 0408 726 717, or email veninga@dcsi.net.auy Lifeline Gippsland in partnership with Ruralco is delivering a free session for the local community to learn more about recognising and responding to someone who might be in crisis. The session will be held tonight, Tuesday, July 19 from 6pm at the Dakers Centre, corner Smith and Watt Streets, Leongatha and will conclude at about 8.30pm. For more information or to book a spot call Claire Davis on 5136 3500. CONSTRUCTION of the Inverloch’s Surf Parade footpath was delayed due to the weather. Scheduled to start last Wednesday, low temperatures and high rainfall caused the postponement. Works picked up again yesterday (Monday, July 18) with a prestart meeting, documentations and fencing around the site. Physical works at the site will start on Thursday with the removal of vegetation and preparation for piling work, weather permitting. There is only one day left to nominate for this year’s Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards; closing date is Wednesday, July 20. Make sure you don’t miss the opportunity of acknowledging someone well deserving in one of
Lucy Johnson
Sarah Vella
the following categories: Regional Development Victoria Leadership and Innovation Award, Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award, Parks Victoria Environmental Sustainability Award, Federation Training Gippsland Regional Achiever Award, MOA Benchmarking Community Service in Aged Care Award, South West TAFE and Deakin University South West Regional Achiever Award, Ricoh Australia Customer Service Award, Life Activities Clubs Victoria and Henry Carus and Associates Senior Achievement Award, Regional Development Victoria Business Achievement Award, Prime Super Community Group of the Year Award, Great prizes are up for grabs with either $2000 from Bank of Melbourne or air time packages on PRIME7 for each category winner. To submit a nomination, simply go online www.awardsaustralia.com select Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards and then ‘Nominate Now’. SAINT Peter’s Opportunity Shop in Leongatha has just allocated some $25,000 to needy groups or charities as a result of fundraising through the shop for the six month period till the end of June. The following groups have benefited as a result of the amzing work the volunteers continue to give: Fruit for Breakfast-primary school, Venus Bay, Waratah Bay and Inverloch Surf Life Saving clubs, SES Leongatha, Motor Neurone, Leongatha MS Society, Yooralla, Prostate Cancer, Days for Girls, Alukura Young Women’s Community Health Programme, St Peter’s Parish council and the Bishop of Gippsland Winter Appeal.
Tayla Kershaw
Stuart Biggins
SCOTTS Pioneer Church is hosting a concert featuring local artists Michael Hollaway, David Panther, Alex Clark, Barry Harms and others including Community Singing at its Ecumenical Pleasant Sunday afternoon on July 31, from 2pm, at 12.30pm Mardan Road, Mardan South. Afternoon tea will be served an everyone is welcome. Pictured are two of the artists, Michael Hollaway, left, and David Panther.
MARION Ryan, a short time resident of Leongatha, is heading off to Melbourne. In this brief stay in town Marion has been impressed by the welcome she has had and friends she has made. “I thank Stephen and Naomi of the Bakery Cafe who so beautifully hosted an afternoon tea on my behalf for my jolly neighbours of Somerset Court, Leongatha where I have been leasing for the past year. Marion thanks these exceptional neighbours for their welcome, their friendliness, their chats and the laughs they have had - as well as celebrating her application for a Senior’s Card (60 at last) - and farewell as I move to Melbourne. Stephen and Naomi got into the spirit of things with marvellous decorations and a delicious cake. Marion Ryan is pictured with her multi-celebration cake.
Life membership: Inverloch sub-branch member Edward (Ted) Cross, pictured second from left, received a big surprise at the regular sub-branch happy hour recently when he was presented with an RSL Life Membership. It was presented to him by sub-branch president Trevor Scott. Mr Cross joined the RSL in 1966 and has actively served as treasurer for 22 years, as a member of the daily flag raising group roster for 28 years, has been in charge of hall hire and maintenance and an enthusiastic appeals volunteer and bar steward. For many years, Ted has also organised the local Anzac Day Dawn Services and has been a competent sound technician for the Australia, Anzac and Remembrance Day services. Ted is surrounded by some of the sub-branch members, family and friends. Congratulations Ted, on 50 years of service.
“THE STAR� Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 11
Fishy welcomes new faces FISH Creek and District Primary School welcomed a new acting principal Dale Banks in May, a former student of the school.
Welcome: Tilly Halfpenny had her first day of school at Fish Creek and District Primary School last Wednesday, as the new science teacher. She is showing students Oscar Bright and Chelsea Delbridge how to use a microscope.
Mr Banks comes to the school with a background of working with disengaged youth. “I was working in the Latrobe Valley with students going through the court system and helping them to re-engage with education,� he said. “Prior to that, I was working with students in Grade 5 and 6 who had been expelled. It is a bit of a change of pace at Fish Creek,� he said. Mr Banks said he was keen to return to Fish Creek as a way to get more experience and work with the close knit community. He said the school had faced some disruption in the past and he hopes to provide a bit of stability
and will remain in the acting principal position until at least the end of the year. “I have loved it so far. It has been great getting to know the families and the students are fantastic here. I haven’t had the chance to work with an entire community before,� he said. “Fish Creek is a very community orientated school.� Mr Banks said his aim is to keep things going along smoothly at the school. “We have been working on grounds infrastructure. We have a new fence around the basketball court, new outdoor blinds for the junior area to create an outdoor learning space and a new retaining wall around the sandpit,� he said. “We are working with the local kindergarten on our transition program. We want to continue our good relationship with the kindergarten and we are
Fresh faces: from left, Fish Creek and District Primary School students Julia Stefani, Isla Sands-Morris, Leticia Prosser and Alistair Buckland with acting principal Dale Banks. making that a focus for the rest of the year. “We want to make the transition as smooth as possible for the students coming to the school from kindergarten.�
Another new teacher has joined the team at Fish Creek three days a week for the rest of the year. Tilly Halfpenny is a graduate teacher and will be teaching science and
other subjects while at the school. “It is such a lovely community, the students are fabulous and the staff are really friendly and supportive,� she said.
• Phillip Bellingham
• Leslie Walker
• Charles Dicker
A Star is born • Fred Beard
Leongatha remembers Fromelles
ZARA Shai-Elizabeth Mabilia was born on July 6 at the Leongatha Hospital, the third daughter for Jesse Mabilia and Gemma Smith of Inverloch. Zara is a baby sister for almost five year old twins Ella and Lucie. KRUZ Binyon was born at Bass Coast Health, Wonthaggi on July 5 to Maria and Glen Binyon of Cape Woolamai. Kruz is a new brother for Hunter, 5 and Chase, 3.
WHAT was arguably one of the worst battles in Australian Military History involving loss of lives in a 24 hour period is defined by the July 19 and 20 Battle of Fromelles.
Please spare a thought today and tomorrow (July 19 and 20) for the men from Leongatha and District who lost their lives as a result of the Battle of Fromelles 100 years ago. Like the rest of the country it hit the Leongatha area hard. The battle took place in France in the vicinity of the
small village of the same name. Lost at the actual battle • Phillip Bellingham aged 30, of Boorool, 59th Battalion. • Jack Edneyaged 23, of Leongatha, 59th Battalion. • Timothy Halloranaged 33, of Wooreen, 59th Battalion.
• Jack Edney
• Tim Halloran
• John Phelan
• Otto Kiellerupaged 20, formerly of Allambee and Leongatha, 59th Battalion • John Francis Phelanaged 18, of Mt Eccles, 59th Battalion. • Thomas Russellaged 22, of Leongatha, 59th, Battalion • Leslie Walkeraged 22, of Leongatha, 59th Battalion. Lost after the battle • Fred Beard, aged 24, of Fairbank, 59th Battalion, died of wounds 30/7/16. • Charles Dicker, aged 23, of Mardan, 60th Battalion died of wounds 21/7/16. • Alan Russell, aged 19, of Leongatha, 59th Battalion, died of wounds 21/7/16 Reports of some of the deaths reached Leongatha in August 1916 but some were considered missing in action for over a year.
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PAGE 12 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Film support
AS one of the attendees of the Bass Coast Fine Film Club screenings, it has been brought to my attention that it is in a rather dire situation. The hard working projectionist / manager/ ticket seller/organiser / theatre liaison Keith Stevens has resigned due to the frustration of other events such as security checks, cleanouts and other productions muscling their way into plans after he has announced the dates of preplanned films. This causes him a great deal of embarrassment as he has to rework and re-announce the events. He has become fed up with this recurring situation and has resigned. Many people are currently trying to get him to reconsider, as his efforts are much appreciated and his ever present smile makes him a delight to be around. Without him the ever growing community built around fine films and friendship will crumble and be discontinued.
Letters to the Editor
As I write this letter, I wish for all who read it to show their support in whichever way they can, so this much loved and much needed man may reconsider his decision. Xavier Gerrard, Korumburra.
It’s time we woke up and put it back to how it was. Paul Diggers, Director of Common Sense, Wonthaggi.
What happened to peace and quiet
What would you do with a spare half a million dollars?
UPON reaching the Wonthaggi Library with the intention to study I was blasted by sound from the percussion given by the children in there. Forgive me if I remember a time when libraries were solely intended for quiet study. It seems this has been put in the past and libraries these days replastered as ‘community workshops’ which is another word for noise factories. Is it too hard to have somewhere still where things can be nice and quiet? When did the change from a communal centre of information and education become a movie rental and video game arcade?
Pitch for performance ON the back of a sell out, make or break Mary Poppins musical Leongatha Lyric Theatre has big ideas for the future with planning already under way for its Hairspray musical announced for 2017 and a push to see major funding for a dedicated performing arts centre in the town. Since forming in 1965 this proud local theatre company has had to make do with the antiquated Mesley Hall facility for its productions. Not only that it has worked hard to raise funds to purchase land and establish a storage and works shed and rehearsal studio in the town. After years of unsuccessful lobbying for an arts centre to be built in Leongatha, Lyric set to and invested thousands upgrading facilities at Mesley Hall, the old Leongatha High School assembly hall with new seating, curtains and tiered flooring. Basically the local company has now exhausted its funds and thankfully Mary Poppins was a huge success so Lyric lives to see another day-for now! But that just isn’t good enough for a town that is a hub for the performing arts with Lyric, most of the schools in the education hub and dance schools all staging major productions, many being forced to head to the Wonthaggi theatre to stage their outstanding shows. So Leongatha is missing out with no dedicated theatre and major funding is being sought to see at the very least the Mesley Hall upgraded to provide a home for this town’s rich performing arts scene. Other Gippsland companies have their hand out for more funding but Leongatha has been overlooked for too long –so local councillors and politicians we are calling on you to –Show us the money!
Councils under fire RATEPAYERS are entitled to be fed up with councillors from both the Bass Coast and South Gippsland Shire councils. For many the October elections can’t come quick enough. In the Bass Coast Shire the handling of recent issues like the closure of the Inverloch tip and the closure of the Wonthaggi Information Centre have been appalling. Yes, councillors and council officers did attend the second of the Inverloch tip closure meetings on Friday night however by closing the meeting early and not allowing some ratepayers to be heard was no way to conduct a meeting. Does the council not want to hear what the vast majority of people are indicating; that they don’t want their tip to close or are they just willing to close the door and go home once the questions get a little too tough. It is time the Bass Coast councillors get into the real world; instead of hiding behind the weighty “media unit” and start researching a bit about the topic before being embarrassed with lack of answers at public meetings. Until they can engage correctly with the public they will have a monopoly on the “worst shire in Victoria” award. In South Gippsland, people have had enough of the infighting amongst councillors. Two panel hearings and $40,000 later we have finally heard the result of hearings against both Cr Don Hill and Cr Jim Fawcett. Some of the council meetings of late have been appalling and the squabbles that have occurred, let alone the waste of money in panel hearings, is not the way to run an effective council. As the mayor said it’s time to draw a line in the sand and get on with business; with elections coming up ratepayers will be looking at some improved conduct over the coming months.
Letter guidelines: all letters should be kept to 400 words or less. The Star reserves the right to edit all letters for length and style. Writer’s details, including full name, address and phone number (not for publication), must be included.
Another grand plan? Buy a house perhaps or maybe setup your children - as a recent federal treasurer suggested - with homes of their own. Now here is a story of what our own South Gippsland Council did with a spare half a million dollars, starting way back in the year 2010. First step employ a strategic planner for three years. Then engage two planning consultancy firms. Then form a steering committee of senior council staff, two councillors and representatives from the consultancy firms. Step 2: work hard for three years across the entire shire and after drafts, public consultations, blah blah, and produce a grandly titled “Housing and Settlement Strategy”. Step 3: submit the strategy to a council meeting for approval. Outcome of the meeting was that the Council directed council officers to seek approval from the Victorian Planning Minister. This was in 2013. I would like to talk about the next step but nothing has happened for the last three years. Basically this grand strategy has been left on a metaphoric shelf. Many inquiries to the shire by an number of ratepayers directly affected by this strategy has drawn the usual excuses – not enough staff, other priorities and the best excuse of all – We now have a new Victorian Planning Minister who probably won’t approve many aspects of the Housing and Settlement strategy. Sad isn’t it! Sadder still about who has to pick up the half a million dollar cost for this strategic plan. Shire Planning staff are now about to take the plan back off the metaphoric shelf and start working on preparing a submission for the Planning Minister. This is some three years after the directive from the Council Meeting back in 2013 and a full six years since the process started. Now my question is naturally who is responsible? Councillors normally take the blame for any waste of ratepayer’s money. Maybe a little blame can be attributed here for not following up on the directive from the council meeting back in 2010. But no, in my opinion, the responsibility here lies with council’s own staff and in particular the planning management staff at the council. Seriously how can the words, planning, and strategy, be used by a department
that practises neither. Maybe there is someone in the shire who is thinking of running in the upcoming elections who will bring the excess and waste of the South Gippsland to account. Maybe there will be more than one, and maybe these people will look beyond the bickering and disagreements that fragment the council at the moment. And then, just maybe, they will bring the management of the shire to account for some of the ludicrous decisions and waste that all of us have to bear through the downright extortion of funds, in the guise of annual rates, to pay for
Email: letters@thestar.com.au Post: PO Box 84 Leongatha 3953 Fax: 03 5662 4350
the ongoing waste that council officers preside over. Michael Buckingham Nyora
Up the creek IF our CEO and councillors are trying to tell us that closing the Inverloch Transfer Station is purely an environmental issue and not a financial one could they please explain why all the housing development near the transfer station is on the banks of Screw Creek? As this will cause major environmental damage to the creek that will also extend into the inlet, with
seepage of all the domestic products weed killers, fertilisers, etc. Ending the bird life and sea life in the creek. I feel the decision to close the transfer station is only a financial one because what they have already done to Screw Creek is yet another council stuff up. As the last four years has been a Bass Coast council disaster, I think we will have a new set of councillors after the October elections so the council should not be making any decisions this close to them being voted out. Robert Scott Inverloch
Public Statement – Cr James Fawcett I make this statement in response to the release today of a panel hearing dealing with a number of complaints made by Dr D. Hill against myself. The Panel Determination is reported in the agenda for the council meeting to be held on July 27, 2016. This is the second of two panel hearings held during this term of council. The first panel hearing results were released in April 2016 when Cr Hill was found to have breached, in particular, clauses 2.2b and 3.2a of the Councillor Code of Conduct. Those clauses require a councillor to act honestly and avoid statements or actions that will or are likely to mislead or deceive a person and being honest in all dealings with the community, with other councillors and with council staff.
Cr Hill has appealed that decision to VCAT. The second panel hearing has dismissed four of five complaints made by Cr Hill against me and found one substantiated. I have been found to have breached clauses 2.2c and 3.1b of the Councillor Code of Conduct. Those clauses require a councillor to treat other councillors with respect having due regard to their opinions, beliefs, rights and responsibilities even when disagreeing with their views or decisions. I have been reprimanded for attempting to induce Cr Harding to change her vote on a matter before council. I am disappointed that I was unable to resolve the matter directly with Cr Harding as once Cr Hill lodged the complaint there was no opportunity for mediation to occur between myself and Cr Harding. I would like to say I regret that
my behaviour during a brief private conversation regarding her vote caused her undue distress and unreservedly apologise. I have spoken to Cr Harding who has accepted my apology. Cr Harding also said she would like to make it clear she did not lodge this complaint and would have preferred to have addressed the matter directly with me. Common sense should have prevailed. This was not possible because of the action taken by Cr Hill. I am pleased the panel has seen fit to reject all other complaints made by Cr Hill concerning my behaviour and actions towards him. They found the claims unsubstantiated and not credible. Cr. James D. Fawcett. I Jeanette Harding confirm the comments attributed to me in the second last paragraph of this statement. Cr. Jeanette Harding
Do you think Bass Coast Shire Council is operating effectively?
“No, it’s got no idea about cost efficiency. We’ve seen a waste of money in consultancy and it’s of concern to me that there has been more operations expenditure and limited capital works expenditure.” John Swarbrick, Rhyll.
“No, I don’t. I believe it’s highly ineffective; an example of this is the Inverloch Transfer Station meeting. There have been many areas where council has upset the community, such as the special charge schemes in Cape Paterson and Sunset Strip. There are other projects that deserve council attention, such as footpaths.” Kevin Griffin, Wonthaggi.
“No. I think there are a number of issues in Inverloch particularly that Council is failing to address. I have lived in Bass Coast since 1981 and I am aware of problems which threaten the leafy, beachy town that people love Inverloch for.” Peter Dalmau, Wattle Bank.
Future preps visit class PROSPECTIVE prep students at Leongatha Primary School had a fantastic time at their first orientation day on Friday. The kindergarten children visited the prep centre on Ogilvy Street and met their future teachers for a range of activities for the afternoon. Prep coordinator Ebony Best said the day was a huge success and few children shed a tear when leaving their parents for the classroom.
“Friday’s was the first of six Step Into Prep programs. We will hold one per month for the rest of the year to help the future students to become acquainted with the school,” the said. “They all settled in really well on their first day. They were all really excited to go to class for the first time.” “The program gives children a chance to meet their teachers, get to know the buildings, their future classmates and what it is like to be in a classroom.”
Fun and games: from left, Jemma, Lacey and Lucy enjoyed playing together at Leongatha Primary School’s first Step Into Prep day last Friday.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 13
Letters to the Editor
Democracy denied
HAVING attended the two recent Inverloch community meetings to hear Council’s attempt to justify their recommendation to close the Inverloch transfer station, I am both heartened and disappointed. I am heartened because the community has told Council in very clear and certain language that it does not want the transfer station closed. At each meeting community members asked many valid questions, and offered a variety of alternatives that Council has not previously considered. Our current councillors now have no alternative but to vote to reject the closure of the transfer station. Should they do otherwise, they will be flying in the face of the community’s will. And yet whilst I am heartened by the community’s clear expression of it’s wishes, at the same time I am disappointed, because of what took place during the second community session. What I observed at that second meeting was nothing less than an abject suppression of democracy by a local government representative. And most alarmingly of all, that suppression of democracy was perpetrated by none less than the current mayor of Bass Coast Shire, Cr Crugnale. As the community questions drew to a finale, I attempted to point out to the mayor, and to the assembled community members, pretty much what I’ve stated above i.e. councillors now have no choice but to reject the recommendation. However, Cr Crugnale refused to let me speak. Several community members urged her to continue the discussion so that I could be heard. However, Cr Crugnale refused to allow it.
Email: letters@thestar.com.au Post: PO Box 84 Leongatha 3953 Fax: 03 5662 4350
Then another community member called for a show of hands for me to be heard. The result was as near to a unanimous show of hands as you could get. But Cr Crugnale was determined that I not be heard. The gathering was aghast when the mayor then made a comment about the gathering descending into a mob, before she walked away to a distant corner of the room, effectively shutting down further community discussion. I am alarmed at this undemocratic behavior being displayed by an elected representative of our community. Such behavior is Orwellian in its authoritarianism. At the first community meeting former Cr Ross Smith described Council’s behavior as akin to that of a dictatorship. Having witnessed and been subjected to this outrageous suppression of democracy, I am now in full agreement with Cr Smith. But, regardless of the petulance displayed by Cr Crugnale, I would like to thank the many community members who approached me after the meeting to express their encouragement and support of my efforts to bring more accountability to Council. Later this month I’ll be hosting a public meeting that will outline various issues that are causing widespread concern among our community. The meeting will be held on Saturday, July 30, commencing at 2pm. The venue is the Kirrak Room at the Wonthaggi Workmen’s Club, 75 Graham Street, Wonthaggi. I look forward to seeing you there. Kevin Griffin, Wonthaggi
Helping hands in medicine FAMILY Doctor Week recognises the valuable work done by doctors who provide priceless aid to people of all ages in the community. Long Street Family Medicine’s Dr Fred Edwards treats patients in Leongatha’s clinic and in Churchill, where he established the first medical practice of Medical and Aged Care Group in 1993. Dr Edwards is focused on providing care to the rural community by training doctors to handle a diverse range of cases for patients of all ages. “I am the clinical director and have been responsible for overseeing the training and conduct of junior doctors to ensure they get into senior roles in medicine,” he said. “I am what is called the supervisor liaison officer for the eastern Victoria region of general practice training and I ensure family doctors across the region are delivering the best practices of medicine.” Having worked in family medicine in country Victoria, Dr Edwards said a wide knowledge base for medicine is required to help all patients. “As general practitioners we require a wide range of skills,” he said. “My particular interests are in farmers’ health, mental health and industrial medicine. Family medicine in particular is very interesting and I am passionate about training well equipped doctors in that area.” Dr Edwards has worked with the dedicated team at Long Street since it was first established and said
the bulk billing clinic is an integral part of healthcare in the community. “In areas like South Gippsland it can be hard for patients to gain access to specialists so we have to be able to deal with all problems presented to us,” he said. “We care for people irrespective of age, sex, nationality and ethnicity and ensure they are getting the best possible medical care they can.” The Boolarra resident also farms Angus beef and said he has an understanding of the farming industry and the pressures to make a dollar in tough times. “Being a farmer myself, I believe it has enabled me to keep in good contact with my patients who are farmers because I can speak the language,” he said. Dr Edwards is also member of the Barrier Breakers for mental health advocacy. “This is partly why I am so interested in farmers’ health. I am passionate about mental health advocacy and I think it is so important to advocate for mental health awareness in times like these,” he said. “In times of difficulty it is important to remember there are resources available in town. Long Street Family Medicine is a bulk billing clinic and we will remain so to ensure our patients can always receive assistance.”
Above right, Long Street support: Dr Fred Edwards attends to his patient Jeff at Leongatha’s Long Street Family Medicine during Family Doctor Week.
Weighing in for Korumburra Hospital KORUMBURRA Hospital patients will benefit from a new weighing chair, donated last week by Heart Support Australia. The South Gippsland branch of Heart Support Australia purchased the $1600 chair and presented it to the Bridge Street hospital on Thursday. “The chair is donated in memory of our late former president Bill Chivers. Bill was in Korumburra Hospital at the beginning of the year and was unable to stand to be weighed,” South Gippsland Heart Support director John Grenon said. “We wanted to purchase and present a chair so future patients can be weighed without trauma.” The electronic scale requires patients to simply sit in the chair to get an accurate recording of weight for various medical purposes. “We have donated in excess of $40,000 to the Korumburra Hospital over the years with the presentation of cheques and donations of various pieces of equipment,” Mr Grenon said. “We have 45 local members of the Heart Support branch and we give to a number of heart and cardiac related programs. We also
Weight donation: from left, Heart Support South Gippsland treasurer John Kurrle, Loraine Chivers, director John Grenon, president Bill Ross, Korumburra Hospital acting nurse unit manager Glenis Lemasurier and occupational therapist Antoinette McHarg at the presentation of the new weighing chair last Thursday. give to Ambulance Victoria.” South Gippsland president Bill Ross said he was happy to see the presentation of new equipment to the local health service. “I am very pleased to present the electronic scales to the hospital and I hope they will benefit patients for years to come,” he said. Acting nurse unit manager Glenis Lemasurier said Heart Support Australia has been a long time supporter of Gippsland
Southern Health Service. “We have received a lot of support from Heart Support and from various other community organisations over the years and we are very appreciative of it,” she said. “For instance, we are upgrading our cardiac monitoring systems which have been funded by community groups to the sum of $40,000, which is fantastic. We are sincerely grateful.”
PAGE 14 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Sweet grains of nostalgia and friends to scrumptious platters of cheeses, olives, dips, biscuits and delicious fresh baguettes, all washed down with some decent wine. Now that is living! But then comes the back to work blues when you have drag yourself out of bed on the Monday morning and for most that means really early and oh, “Do we dare, jump on the scales?” “Do I want to be depressed all day?” Okay here goes.....”Oh no where with Helen Bowering did those extra kilos comes from?” More to the point, “Can I really be THE children have been bothered getting them off?” Let’s put that decision off back at school for a week we can get ourselves lookand after the fun and until ing our business best, get the games the holidays bring, poached eggs on the stove and they also bring for many the porridge dare I say, in the microwave and the school lunches added kilos. There is no doubting, it is a made and packed. Now it’s reality check time. whole lot of fun letting down your hair and sharing the fish and chips “Yes I will get rid of those kilos, I with the family, dining out on am determined!” So armed with a your favourite pizza and treating trusty band of support from family and friends who have decided to yourself take the 5:2 weight loss challenge it is off to work Monday with only a poached egg and a quarter slice of toast for breakfast and a packed lunch comprising a miniscule can of tuna, a handful of spinach leaves and a tomato. By 3pm I am feeling faint and have to stop myself eyeing off the nuts at my colleagues desk! “No I can do this.” Dinner was pretty good and hearty, being a Vegetable and Bean Chilli and that was washed down with a cup of Camomile tea. “And yes I sneaked in a Ginger Snap, only one.” But that meant instead of No harm: dunking of the occasional biscuit only having 500 in the cup of tea or coffee is still a favourite. calories I con-
sumed about 638. Oh well I will do better on my next fast day! The 5:2 diet involves five days of the week normal eating days and only two days of restricted calories to 500 for women and 600 for men per day. There are no requirements about which foods to eat, but rather when you should eat them. You can choose whichever two days of the week you prefer, as long as there is at least one nonfasting day in between. I have decided to fast on Mondays and Wednesdays and eat normally for the rest of the week and I am definitely not giving up a couple of glasses of wine on the weekend and the best thing is you don’t have to give up your favourite treats altogether. But it’s important to emphasise eating normally does not mean you can eat literally anything. If you binge on junk food, then you probably won’t lose any weight, and may even gain weight. It is funny sitting around the coffee table at work and sharing all our weight loss stories and what works and what doesn’t, only to have one of our male colleagues break out the Jam Fancies for morning tea. Diet talk was quickly taken over by shared memories of all our favourite biscuits, going back to Iced VoVos, Tic Tocs, and the very tea dunkerable Scotch Fingers, Nice, Butternut Snaps and even the humble Marie Biscuit. Do you remember going to the local grocer and asking for a bag of broken biscuits? We were trying to work out how much that bag of treasure cost back in the dim, dark ages. Was it 20 or 50 cents? Those sweet grains of nostalgia are lovely to share but best kept as memories or for special treats and not on your 5:2 fast days. So there you can still have your cake, (in this case your biscuit) and eat it too!
Milpara - Korumburra’s Community House WHAT a cold start to term three it’s been. Please let us know if you haven’t received a Term 3 program and would like one. We have some great activities on offer and would hate for you to miss out. Our evening Jewellery Beading recommenced Monday night, they’ll alternate fortnightly with an afternoon class on Tuesdays. Wednesday July 19 we hope to start our Computer For Beginners afternoon class and MS Word and MS Excel evening classes. Next Tuesday July 27 Computers Beyond Basics should start also. If you haven’t booked but would like to attend please call us on 5655 2524. Meditation has so many great benefits and can easily become part of your routine. To help get you started
we have a five week course Meditation For Beginners, commencing on Thursday, July 21. For those who’d like to delve deeper Louise offers a weekly Wednesday night group, suitable for intermediates. Weekly Intermediate Tai Chi and Beginner Yoga classes are also on offer. We’re having a Mandala Art Workshop on Saturday July 30. Mandalas are fun to create, beautiful to look at and can be used for self-expression, spiritual transformation, and healing and personal growth.So why not give it a try? At our Warhammer Introduction it was suggested we have a hobby painting day. So we have scheduled one. It will be held On Saturday July 23. No models? No problem we have some you can paint or BYO. For more information call 5655 2524.
Craft for cancer: from left members of the Clickety Click knitting and crocheting group from Tarwin Lower and Venus Bay Anda Everitt, Anne McIntyre, founder Joan Harloff, Helen Ohia, Mary Hartshorn, Liz Martin enjoy creating gifts for Peter MacCallum Cancer patients.
Knitting for a cause CLICKETY Click crafters from Tarwin jackets, small jumpers and sleeping bags Lower and Venus Bay have just sent off to the new Peter MacCallum Cancer a beautiful array of hand crafted scarves, Centre this month. The Clickety Click knitting and crocheting beanies, throw rugs, footy socks, baby
group was formed by Joan Harloff who started making throw rugs for Peter MacCallum Cancer patients both old and new in 2002. Members of the group have been meeting weekly on Tuesdays from 1pm - 3pm at Venus Bay Community Centre for the past four years to knit and crochet together for Peter MacCallum Cancer patients. New members are always welcome to join the group and be part of the knitters club or if you Woolly gifts: donations of wool from com- would like to donate a ball of wool or yarn or domunity residents and local organisations are nate $2.50 for balls to be purchased then please put to good use by the Clickety Click group. contact Joan on 5663 7474 for further details.
Mayor’s message Cr Bob Newton FOR the second time in my term as mayor I am disappointed to be responding to an adverse finding against a member of Council. An independent Councillor Conduct Panel has found one of the five accusations made against Cr Fawcett to be substantiated. The panel found Cr Fawcett breached the code of conduct in his dealings with Cr Harding in June last year. In my role as mayor I have spoken to both Cr Harding and Cr Fawcett about this issue. I am satisfied they have resolved the matter. Cr Fawcett has offered Cr Harding an unreserved apology, which Cr Harding has accepted. Given this and the fact the Councillor Conduct panel dismissed the four other allegations raised by Cr Hill against Cr Fawcett, I would like to draw a line in the sand when it comes to how we manage ourselves as representatives of this community. We have three months remaining in our term and I call on my colleagues to demonstrate the sort of goodwill and trust we’d like to see in all future Councils, not the strife and bitterness that has divided this Council over the last few months. I set this challenge to my eight fellow councillors: let us be exemplars to this community. I don’t care what personal animus needs to be managed: manage it. We have a limited opportunity to demonstrate to our community that both as individuals and as a group we have been worthy holders of the office of councillor. I will view any future poor behaviour by councillors as an affront to me and to the office I hold. Speaking of challenges, the recent severe weather hit South Gippsland hard. It certainly increased the workload for depot staff. With some roads still closed due to flooding, crews have been working around the clock to support residents and clean debris. This work has taken priority and I ask people to be patient if they require the services of our depot crews for other issues. With snow
13.8 million read a print newspaper in the last four weeks.
Source: emma™, conducted by Iposos MediaCT, people 14+ for the 12 months ending November 2015.
falling on the ranges, I encourage all to remain vigilant and safe whilst driving, and check in on your friends and neighbours, especially the elderly. If your home experienced flood damage, please contact our Environmental Health team which is on hand to help. I would like to remind you the Community Grants presentation will occur this Wednesday, July 20 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, Leongatha. The event, originally planned for Wednesday, July 6, was rescheduled for safety reasons due to the inclement weather and the potential for flash flooding. I am proud to say Council will be presenting over $137,000 in community grants. The program gives volunteer groups a unique opportunity to further extend their services to the wider community that may not have been possible without additional funding. My family and I went along to the recent performance of Mary Poppins at Mesley Hall in Leongatha – what a show! An absolute credit to everyone involved. Lyric Theatre is renowned for its stunning productions and this was no exception. Finally, on behalf of councillors and Council staff, I would like to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Blair Donaldson, who passed away on Wednesday, July 6. Blair has been an active and passionate member of Council’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (AIAC) for over a decade, and his willingness to share his experience and provide Council with practical advice has made a significant contribution to the wider South Gippsland community. Blair was committed to being a voice for social inclusion in all its forms. He had to work hard to overcome many challenges in his own life and in doing so he realised that his understanding of the system could help him help others. He was an eloquent voice for selfadvocacy and self-determination before they became buzzwords. In his work on the AIAC, Blair was insightful, made sure everyone got a say and suffered no fools gladly. We will miss Blair and forever be grateful for his help.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 15
Beef back to the top BEEF prices have rebounded after they slipped slightly last week as demand for good quality, finished cattle continues to increase. Last Wednesday’s prime sale at VLE Leongatha saw prices jump by up to 25 cent per kilogram with competition increasing as the sale progressed. There was a full field of buyers present, competing in a dearer market with the aid of strong interstate support for heavy export
lines. Landmark livestock coordinator Eddie Hams said the sale reached record prices. He said despite being in the clutches of winter, numbers are staying high with around 1500 in the pens, a decrease of just over 600 head week-on-week. “Cows were dear, bullocks were very dear and trade cattle also were very dear,” he said. Quality was mixed at the sale with a smaller selection of grown steers and bull-
Tarwin Lower Red Cross DUE to the weather attendance was down for our meeting this month. We arranged to have a fruit and veggie raffle on election day but because of security reasons we were to sit outside the hall in the weather so it was cancelled. An Op-Shop fashion parade was held at Venus Bay Community Centre starting with morning tea. We had four great models, Pat Wighton, Lilly Farrar, Sue
Flere and Ruth Chilver. We all had plenty of laughs and great day. Sales and raffles raised money for Red Cross to go to the Tonga Disability Support Project. Special thanks to Alyson from VBCC for setting up centre and for the gift voucher for a raffle. Our next meeting is the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, August 2. Please note meeting time is 11am followed by fish and chips for lunch and everyone is welcome.
ocks while the cow offering held very few lines showing any finish. “We have had some very good quality cattle over the last few weeks, but after this cold snap the quality may drop off a little bit,” Mr Hams said. For store cattle, interest from feedlots and local farmers keen to restock after recent rain are also driving up prices. Mr Hams said the demand for cattle, for both the domestic and export market was remaining strong. “Feedlot operators are pushing prices up for store cattle at the present moment. They are putting plenty of cattle into lots, because they are lacking supply, that is the greatest thing,” he said. “All of the abattoirs are working because they have got to keep their numbers up, although most of them are not killing as many days per week at the moment.” Mr Hams said a new abattoir has opened at Trafalgar and is buying cows regularly from VLE Leongatha. “That is one good for thing for dairy farmers. They are fortunate at the moment because the beef job is so good,” he said.
Come back: Landmark livestock coordinator Eddie Hams said beef prices are staying high, driven by high demand from both the domestic and export market.
Early treatment music to one’s ears catch the warning signs early and provide the support you need for a better quality of life. Multiple studies indicate hearing loss can be linked to the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Frank R. Lin, PhD, conducted a study commonly About Bass Coast Hearing, located in Wonthag- cited by medical professionals on the topic of heargi’s Plaza Walk Arcade on Murray Street, can help ing loss and cognitive decline. The study observed 1984 adults with a mean age of 77 years over the course of six years, tracking the progression of their hearing loss in relation to their cognitive function. Dr Lin concluded there is little doubt hearing loss is a factor in loss of mental acuity in older adults. The study also indicated the more severe the hearing loss, the greater the likelihood of developing a cognitive disorder, and the steeper the decline in mental function. Even subjects with mild hearing loss were found more likely to experience cognitive failures. Those with hearing impairments lost more than an additional cubic centimetre of brain matter annually and experienced greater shrinkage of tissue in the structures responsible for processing sound and speech. The atrophy affected the middle and inferior temporal gyri, which play key roles in memory and sensory integration. Similar damage to these regions can be seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Early diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss slows the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. As evidence continues to mount that hearing loss is a contributing factor in the development of Preventative care: About Bass Coast Hear- dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, it is imperative ing audiometrist Braden Bentley will pro- to inform people of the profound consequences of vide quality care and treat hearing problems ignoring their hearing loss. People with hearing loss on average wait seven appropriately to help prevent other issues years from when they are diagnosed to seek treatlater in life. ment, even though the sooner hearing loss is detected
SENIORS with hearing loss are significantly more likely to develop dementia over time than those who retain their hearing.
and treatment begins, the more hearing ability can be preserved. Considering early diagnosis and medical intervention slows the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease; it is more important than ever for people to get their hearing loss treated sooner rather than later. Treatment with hearing aids not only helps improve a patient’s hearing, they may be the key to preventing brain atrophy and cognitive dysfunction.
PAGE 16 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Snow and hail hit region REPORTS of snow and hail abounded in South Gippsland last Wednesday morning as the coldest of the fronts hit the region. Snow was reported in Inverloch, Fish Creek, Mirboo North, the Strzelecki’s and Wonthaggi although in some regions what fell was actually hail and not snow. Emergency services urged drivers to take extra caution after a car hit black ice, causing a car to run off the road in Lance Creek. For most though it was time to rev up the heater, stay indoors and read a book, watch the Tour de France, the footy Snowman making: at Foster North looking out over Corner or catch the latest series on the ABC, Barracuda.
Best snowman: the children were excited and there was enough snow or hail to build plenty of snowmen, including on this post in Leongatha.
White blanket: the layer of hail at the lookout on top of the Foster hill at Hoddle could easily have been excused for snow. At Mount Best it apparently was falling as snow.
Inlet, there was enough hail to make a pretty decent snowman.
Chilly start: Tarwin Lower too woke up to a blanket of white as shown by this resident’s photo sent to The Star’s Facebook page.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 17
Chainsaw season is here THE winter’s hit hard and the wood fire has been working non-stop. Suddenly that large amount of wood you have stockpiled over the autumn is now looking is little thin in the shed. It’s time to get the chainsaw out again, hook on the trailer and head out into the scrub again for more supplies. But what sort of chainsaw is right for the job? Is the timber green or dry, hardwood or softwood? This is a very important consideration to take into account. Green, softwood timber is much easier to cut than dry, hardwood timber like ironbark. The harder the timber the larger the chainsaw and the bigger the chain pitch you need to get the job done. Smaller, living trees with softwood like pine or palm trees can be cut with a smaller chainsaw and smaller chain pitch. Firewood often consists of hardwood timber and should be cut using a medium to larger chainsaw. How often will you be using the chainsaw? Are you only using it for occasional pruning and felling of small trees or will you be using it often to cut firewood and fell larger trees. It is recommended you purchase a smaller, light-
Ask for advice: call in and talk to Jim Welsh and the team at Marriotts Motorcycles and Power Equipment in Leongatha and they’ll help you choose the right chainsaw for your needs.
weight chainsaw for pruning jobs around the house and the occasional felling of small trees. Regular cutting of firewood, fencing and felling of larger trees requires a more powerful, heavy duty chainsaw. Remember, there is nothing worse than trying to use an underpowered chainsaw to cut firewood or fell a tree. Buy the right size chainsaw for your requirements, if unsure always buy the model up from what you think you need. A more powerful chainsaw can be used for smaller jobs, it will just do them faster! What size of bar length do you require? Most customers always ask for a larger bar with their chainsaw, it is however very important to consider the longer the bar, the more power the chainsaw will need to have to drive the longer chain through the timber. As a general rule of thumb you should divide the diameter of the tree you wish to cut by 1.5 to calculate the length of bar you require. A tree 20″ in diameter should be fine to fell with a 14″ or 16″ bar. Manufacturers always fit the bar which they consider best suits the power of the chainsaw. If you require a larger bar than that which comes standard with the chainsaw, we recommend you purchase a bigger chainsaw. What should your chainsaw weigh? Weight is a very important factor to consider before purchasing a chainsaw. The cheapest chainsaw is not always the lightest chainsaw. Make sure you pick up the chainsaw and lift it up and down a few times. Hold the chainsaw with your arms outstretched to properly assess the weight of the chainsaw. How powerful does the chainsaw need to be to meet your requirements? Power is measured in kilowatts (kW) not cubic centimeters (cc). Engine size is measured in cubic centimeters, a larger cc engine does not always equate to more power. When comparing chainsaws be sure to look at the kilowatt rating rather than the cc rating. Make sure the chainsaw you purchase has enough power to get the job done. When comparing chainsaws always compare based on kW rating not cc rating. What safety equipment do you require for example chaps, a helmet, earmuffs and gloves? It goes without saying that a chainsaw is a dangerous piece of equipment. We always strongly recommend you consider purchasing some basic safety equipment for use with a chainsaw. When operating a chainsaw it is recommend that at the very least you wear ear muffs, cut resistant gloves, long pants and closed shoes. It is also recommended you use chainsaw chaps or trousers. These will protect your legs if you accidentally slip or cut your pants. Remember a chainsaw does not cut cleanly, it leaves a jagged cut which is hard to stitch and will leave a permanent scar. Helmets should also be worn to protect your head from falling branches. Try never to work with a chainsaw above shoulder height.
Stonemans keeps your refrigeration running IF you work in the farming or commercial sector and use refrigeration, then it’s important to have your equipment serviced regularly to ensure the optimum performance. This is where Gippsland business Stoneman’s Refrigeration steps in. Whether it is refrigeration for restaurants or industrial plants, keeping up with maintenance is key to avoiding costly repairs and replacements in the future. Meanwhile, if you’re part of the dairy sector, you’ll know how important it is to have fully functioning cooling systems to keep your produce fresh and your production efficient. If a breakdown occurs, it is crucial to have someone you trust to repair or replace equipment quickly, so you don’t lose stock or sales. Alternatively, you may want to improve the heating or cooling system you have at home or office – whatever your needs, the team at Stoneman’s Refrigeration will make sure you get the right equipment for the best value. Established in 1960, Stoneman’s Refrigeration specialises in the installation and servicing of air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, and milk vats. With customers throughout the commercial and industrial sectors, servicing West and South Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley through to Sale, Stoneman’s offer expert services at affordable prices. As a family owned business based in Trafalgar, it has over 50 years’ experience within the trade and guarantee an excellent standard of service on all jobs. Its qualified tradesmen provide a reliable and professional service in air condition-
Farmer’s friend: if you’re part of the dairy sector, you’ll know how important it is to have fully functioning cooling systems to keep your produce fresh and your production efficient. ing and commercial refrigeration, as well as work within the dairy sector. When you come to Stoneman’s Refrigeration, its team will handle all sales, installations, preventative maintenance programmes, servicing, and design. All bases are covered. For further enquiries call 5633 1355.
PAGE 18 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Show us the roads money THE Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien has called on the Melbourne Labor Government to provide matching funding for roads following the re-election of the Federal Coalition Government. Mr O’Brien said the Federal Coalition had made significant commitments for South Gippsland roads on the basis it would be matched by the State. “My Federal colleague and Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Darren Chester has committed $25 million for the South Gippsland Highway and $5 million for the Hyland Highway between Traralgon and Yarram contingent on matching grants from the state,” Mr O’Brien said. “This funding has been reallocated from money earmarked for the nowscrapped East West Link project with The Nationals ensuring a significant proportion of this money was delivered to rural areas. “The State has agreed in principle to match the funding put forward by the Commonwealth and I expect the Roads Minister Luke Donnellan to now match the funding for these important road upgrades in my electorate.” Mr O’Brien said much of the South Gippsland Highway funding would go
towards the realignment of the Black Spur section, between Koonwarra and Meeniyan, one of the most dangerous parts of the highway. “This project is costed at $51 million and the Federal commitment is an absolute gift for Luke Donnellan who would otherwise have been faced with funding the entire project himself,” Mr O’Brien said. “With The Nationals insisting on a share of the Port of Melbourne lease sale proceeds going back to regional road and rail projects, Luke Donnellan will soon have up to have $700 million at his disposal. Therefore there is no excuse not to provide the funding. “I am also hopeful that between the two levels of government we can deliver both the Black Spur realignment as well as road improvements and an overtaking lane between Foster and Welshpool. “Likewise, the $5 million for the Hyland Highway should easily pay for sealing of road shoulders, widening of the road and an additional overtaking lane when matched by the State. “Roads are the biggest issue in my electorate and the South Gippsland and Hyland highways are in urgent need of additional funding. Labor has no excuse not to match these commitments. “Already I’ve called in Parliament for this funding to be delivered and with the Federal Coalition’s reelection now confirmed, we need the Melbourne Labor Government to deliver its share.”
Roads winner: The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien is calling on the Melbourne Labor Government to show it cares for country motorists and match federal funding that will improve safety and see many local roads upgraded. Mr O’Brien is pictured here on the Hyland Highway with Federal Minister for Roads Darren Chester.
Towards Zero aims at saving lives EVERY two hours someone is killed or hospitalised in a road crash across Victoria. In 2015, 252 people died as a result of road trauma. Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety this year launched Towards Zero 2016-2020 with the goal of reducing road deaths to below 200 by 2020. The approach also seeks to reduce serious injuries by 15 percent, which impacted 4951 people in 201415. The $1 billon investment aims to save lives across the state as part of Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. Victorians are four times more likely to be killed on country roads where the speeds are higher and any mistake can have deadly consequences. A $340 million investment will address known crash black spots on more than 2500 kilometres of rural and regional roads across the state. Twenty high risk rural roads with significant crash histories have already been prioritised under the pack-
age, including the Hume Freeway/Highway (between Thomastown and Wodonga), Calder Freeway (between Keilor Park and Bendigo) and Geelong-Bacchus Marsh Road (between Geelong and Bacchus Marsh). On these three roads alone, 42 people have lost their lives and 358 people have been seriously injured in the past five years. The installation of 330km of flexible barriers on high risk, high volume 100km/hour roads is expected to reduce run-off road and head-on crashes by up to 85 per cent on these sections. The Federal Government and the Member for Gippsland South are now appealing for the state to match the $25 Million announced by the Coalition recently in the election to safeguard danger spots on the South Gippsland Highway. On popular motorcycle routes, additional protection will be added to make the barriers safer for motorcyclists. The government will allocate $60 million towards road safety improvements in metropolitan Melbourne to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries that happen in local streets and at main intersections.
In recent years, around 20 percent of drivers killed in road crashes had a blood alcohol content equal to or greater than 0.05. As part of the strategy, all drink drivers caught over the limit will be required to drive vehicles fitted with alcohol interlocks. It also builds on the government’s work to reduce drink and drug driving with 10 new booze buses and roadside drug testing expanded to 100,000 tests a year. It is expected to increase the number of motorists required to use alcohol interlocks from 10,700 to 13,300 per year. The government will take the lead in promoting vehicle technology in a push to get safer vehicles on Victorian roads. From 2018, all government vehicles must have a five star ANCAP rating and may, in addition, include safety measures such as auto-emergency braking, advisory speed alerting technology, lane departure warning or lane keep assist. This will help to ensure these become standard features, available on the wider market as these vehicles circulate out of the government fleet. The $146 million Young Driver Safety Pack-
age is made up of a suite of initiatives, including the road safety education complex, practical safe driving program, L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program, free licence scheme, community grants, a communication fund and student forums. Along with the loss of life, physical trauma and the emotional and health impacts, road trauma in Victoria is estimated to cost more than $3 billion per year. Mr Andrew said, “There will never be an acceptable number of deaths on our roads. But an ambitious target and an aggressive strategy will help save lives. “Road trauma has taken too many lives, and left too many families heartbroken. We need a radical change in our approach.” Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said, “We’ve come a long way in reducing road trauma, but we won’t continue to see a reduction in deaths and serious injuries without a fundamental change to our approach. “The increasing number of fatalities on our roads is alarming. Reducing the toll to below 200 within five years is the most ambitious road safety target in Victoria’s history.”
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 19
Top notch townhouses Page Page 20 20
PAGE 20 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Quality lifestyle living IF you have been thinking of downsizing but don’t want to compromise your creature comforts, these great sized townhouses up to 24sqm under roof will be just the thing. The townhouses are ideally positioned on a flat block just a short walk to IGA and Aldi while being in a very private and secluded location. These homes ooze quality throughout with ducted heating and cooling, double glazed windows, Bosch appliances, bamboo flooring, huge kitchen with heaps of storage, good laundry storage and classy fully appointed bathroom and ensuite. The huge open plan living includes kitchen, dining and living areas which open up onto the north facing alfresco entertainment area. There are three bedrooms with the large master having a spacious ensuite and walk in robe; to complement this package is the double garage with auto panel lift and direct access into the home for comfortable all weather access. We think people have been crying out for a low maintenance home with all the mod cons and with that bit extra in quality and comfort. All paths and landscaping are included, just move in and enjoy.
Welcome home.
Wednesday 12noon - 3pm and Saturday 2pm - 4.30pm or by appointment 5952 2150 113-115 Parr Street, Leongatha
LEONGATHA 37 Young Street Stockdale & Leggo Leongatha 5662 5800
Winter dwelling sales holding up IT’S been one of the coldest starts to winter in recent years with snowfalls locally, as well as across the state. As winter sets in, regional agents are reporting the selling season has extended beyond the busy autumn into the cooler months – and not just for chalets and apartments in the mountains. While the number of properties listed for sale can moderate in winter, it can still be an opportune time to put your home on the market. Sellers can capitalise on their homes winter appeal by maximising certain features, such as an open fireplace and location. With fewer homes on the market, selling in winter may also deliver strong buyer in-
terest and sales results. Certainly, prices can be solid in winter months as a number of buyers continue to look for their preferred property. Some coastal locations recording growth in the year to June 30 last year included San Remo on the edge of Phillip Island, up 17.6 per cent to a median of $470,250; Inverloch, further to the east, locally grew 4.5 per cent to $470,375. So unless warm weather will show off the best aspects of your property, speak to your local agent about sales prospects in the coming months. Local agents will also be able to advise on how to best present your home to attract winter buyers and achieve a positive result at this time of year.
Not quite snow: the area may not have seen snow like this but the winter season has seen house sales holding up well.
“THE STAR� Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 21
Perfect land for grazing SET on just over 177 acres this farm has been set up for grazing, being divided into 10 paddocks with water abundant to all via dams, springs and troughs. Fencing throughout the farm is good with all internal fencing being electric, and gates and panels set up to direct stock back to yards. An old dairy has been converted to hold a workshop and U/C cattle crush, with machinery and hay sheds also close by. Strong yards and loading race also form part of the infrastructure. Undulating to rolling country, the farm is currently carrying 80 breeders. The home on the property is a brick veneer containing four bedrooms, one bathroom with north westerly aspects. It offers comfortable country style living, solid fuel heating, RC/AC,
solar hot water, and large verandas. The property is located 40 minutes to Leongatha or Morwell with a school bus stop at the gate.
MIRBOO Contact agent for location SEJ Real Estate Leongatha Peter Bellingham 0418 515 666
$5250 p/a
PAGE 22 - “THE STAR� Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Comfort in Carr Avenue F
ROM start to finish, purchasers will be delighted with the classic exterior, the layout and modern comforts of this home. Important too is the location; this lovely home is set amongst other proud home owners.
On a handy corner block, the floorplan offers a combination of formal and informal living areas; a separate lounge to the front of the home and a spacious north facing family room. Both have added features such as decorative cornices. A large island bench in the kitchen section of the open plan family room separates designated dining from the sitting area. There is direct access from the family room out to a sizable, gable roofed alfresco area. While the master bedroom with ensuite and walk in robe is to the front of the house, a further two bedrooms are conveniently located in a separate wing off the family room. An oversized laundry with plenty of storage and family bathroom can also be found here. Handy internal access from the double garage is through this wing. A study or fourth bedroom opens off the lounge room. As for several rooms in this house, in-built shelving is a welcome extra. Outside, established gardens, a garden shed and plenty of side street access for an extra vehicle and caravan or boat parking is available. All of this on a level block in a popular location.
LEONGATHA 5 Carr Avenue Insight Real Estate Leongatha 5662 2220
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 23
Seven years young and close to CBD B
uilt by a quality local builder and in a top location, this vendor’s genuine reason for selling at a great price is your gain! The home features three bedrooms, master
with ensuite, second bathroom, central kitchen, open plan family room and dining, separate formal lounge, reverse cycle split system, large undercover outdoor entertaining, double carport and secure low maintenance lock up yard. Call today to arrange an inspection.
LEONGATHA 7 Hattam Court Alex Scott and Staff Leongatha 5662 0922
The market can be hot during winter W
HEN hot chocolate is disappearing off the supermarket shelves, and families are rugging up and heading off to the ski fields for holidays, what about selling your home? Tradition tells us winter is a difficult time to sell. Buyers are huddled under blankets, watching TV by an open fire, thinking it too cold to venture to inspect a home. However, while temperatures rise and fall, the reasons for people buying and selling properties continue – job changes, transfers, promotion, pregnancy, marriage and death in the family. Rain, hail or snow, people are always buying and selling houses. There are always people looking to buy, and some regional centres even report that the market during winter can be just as active as any other time of the year. True, nationally less homes sell in the winter, but this can create several advantages for the seller. With less properties on the market, buyers who need to move quickly are more likely to compromise on certain aspects of their preferred home. They are more likely to be genuine buyers, and
with less homes available for sale, they are therefore likely to pay more. As always, presentation and pricing are the key to a quick sale, but what are the specific keys to presenting your property in the best light during the cooler months? If you have a fireplace, make sure it is stoked with firewood, has a clean chimney and is crackling away at inspection time. Light it ahead of time, so the room is at a cosy temperature. If you have airconditioning, crank up the heat so the visitors can experience your home as a warm haven. Because all windows are typically shut for extended periods, sometimes in winter a home can get musty or left with residual cooking smells. Pick a time before inspection to open the windows and maybe turn on ceiling fans, and allow some fresh air in. To create a warm feel, position winter essentials such as blankets, doonas, pillows and quilts tastefully and appropriate throughout your home. Bake a cake or brew coffee just before inspecpathways and other garden surfaces such as pots and tion, to give your home an even warmer feel. Your garden may be a little dull during winter, walls. To understand the best time to sell, look at marso consider adding winter pots of colour to brighten things up. Also, take the time to strip the moss off ket conditions rather than the weather report. As
your Landmark Harcourts consultants will tell you, focus on the market and your ability to present your home to potential sellers, no matter where the mercury is sitting in the temperature gauge.
PAGE 24 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Foster’s new SES leader A RESTRUCTURE of Foster SES has leadership, with newcomer Rachael Niseen some fresh faces take on roles of colson taking lead of the unit. “I took over from former controller Matt Wallis on July 1 with the restructure. Matt is so friendly and personable and he I was really encouraged to give it a go,” Ms Nicolson said. “I first came to Australia for travel, ended up working in Adelaide and staying there for a master’s degree. From there I moved to Sale where I joined SES because I did not know many people from around the area and I saw it as a way to meet new people.” Ms Nicolson then moved to Foster a year ago when she joined the local division and was asked within a month to take on a deputy controller role. One year into the job, the English expatriate has not looked back and was recently promoted to controller. “I am a very academic person and I wanted to gain some practical skills. I have learned heaps of stuff on the job and it is a fantastic challenge,” she said. “Taking on the controller role requires a lot of organisation and strong communication. We work as a team so I need to know the members, their skills and what they are interested in to work at our best.” Alongside Ms Nicolson, David Bartley has taken on the new deputy controller of operations role from Ross West. Luke Cockman has filled Ms Nicolson’s former training officer role and Moz Simpson is taking care of the unit’s finances. “I did not have a strong friend base here so joining SES seemed like a good idea when I moved,” Ms Nicolson said. “It is so nice to feel like you are a part of a little fam-
New leader: Foster SES’s new controller Rachael Nicolson has risen to the challenge in leading the unit of 20 members. ily. Everybody looks out for each other and it is a really nice feeling. If you go visit other units you can see the same thing, they really gel together.” Ms Nicolson said anyone is welcome to join the SES, however a “can do attitude” is a must. “Everybody works really well together as a team. We attend a lot of tree down calls and land search calls so we all do our best to attend jobs whenever possible,” she said. “We have 20 odd members, 13 of whom are active.
They are a dynamic group of all ages. “In the last 12 months I have attended 42 jobs.” Foster SES has a remarkably large response area, with volunteers attending incidents at Wilsons Promontory, Hedley and Port Welshpool, all the way up to Mirboo North and Buffalo. If people are interested in joining SES then we meet at 14 Pioneer Street on Tuesday’s at 7.30pm or can make an enquiry at www.ses.vic.gov.au
Roofing to last BRINGING an old roof back to life can go a long way to making an old house look like new and many home owners know the sad and dilapidated roof is the undoing of the appearance of their house. Run down gables, gutters and fascia boards that leave a house looking tired, when restored and with newly cleaned tiles, give a whole new lease of life to your premium asset. Lia Industries was established in 2011 in the home garage with an old pressure cleaner and a paint pump. Frank Lia said he built his business with four pillars of quality, “Workmanship, materials, safety and service. “My goal from the beginning continues to be providing a roofing service of excellence in every area to ensure my client’s roof is both beautiful and worry free.” Mr Lia had 14 years of experience as a roofing employee behind him and a clear goal to turn his knowledge into a roofing service that would be not only affordable but of the highest possible standard. He is both a registered Dulux roof and roof membrane installer as well as a fully licensed roof plumber. Mr Lia grew up in Leongatha but now lives in Mirboo North with his wife Connie and their three children, Miley, 5, Ruby, 4 and Hendrix, 1. Lia Industries use all new, state of the art equipment to provide the premium quality roof restoration and roof plumbing. Since it began as that home grown company working from the garage a few short years ago, Lia Industries has come of age and no roof is too small or too big. The business has recently expanded with the addition of Adam Magher, a qualified roofer with five years experience. Lia Industries specialise in a premium quality roof res-
Expansion: Frank Lia welcomes Adam Magher, a qualified roofer with over five years experience in the industry. “Adam will be a great addition,” said Mr Lia. toration and roof plumbing service that is backed up with a high standard of care and customer friendly service. Restorations done by Lia Industries are done using care from start to finish, sourcing the best materials, with a material warranty of 10 years. At the end of a Lia Industries restoration a 10 year material warranty is given for the job done and a certificate of compliance for any metal work done, for your insurance and peace of mind. A licensed roof plumber can only give a certificate of compliance and it covers the work done for 15 years. Lia Industries use quality products to both restore the quality of the roof over your head and provide a protective membrane barrier which will make it last long into the future and bring you that all important peace of mind.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 25
Hanging up the hard hat LEONGATHA SES Unit’s trusty controller Tony Lindhard retired from the role this month after leading the group’s operations for almost 13 years. Mr Lindhard first joined Leongatha SES on December 9, 1977 after he moved to town a year prior. “I was originally with the Apex club and we had a guest speaker from Ambulance Victoria come to speak with us about emergency service work. He said a new volunteer group was starting up so I went along and joined a week later,” he said. “A lot has changed for the SES since then and I have learnt so much in my time with the group.” Mr Lindhard is the fifth unit controller since Leongatha’s inception and holds the record for the longest term of leadership. “Our role has grown over the years when other emergency services realised there was a gap in storm responses. So in the end we ended up receiving more work that we ever anticipated,” he said. “Nowadays SES responds to storm and flood damage, and we also assist other emergency services in car accidents, fires and traffic hazards.” In his time as controller, Mr Lindhard saw the introduction of the pager call out system which dramatically reduced response times to accidents and emergencies. “We used to have to call all of the members on the phone in order to alert them to an emergency,” he said. “We also did not have the fancy equipment we
have now when I first joined. There was no such thing as the Jaws of Life. It was a lot more manual handling tools.” Mr Lindhard said other changes to the unit have helped improve volunteerism for the group over the years. “In my time as controller we have had four lots of upgrades both to our equipment and to our building, which has been great for our growing unit. We now have 40 members in Leongatha,” he said. The retiree said being a member of the SES has presented him with various challenges over the years, however working in community assistance has proved to be a rewarding experiGreat job: Leongatha SES Unit controller Tony Lindhard is retiring from his leadership position after ence filled with career highlights. “Some accidents can be very diffi- holding the role for 13 years. cult. Sometimes we see fatalities and it is the worst when we know there is nothing that can be done to help them,” he said. “But at the end of the day I can sleep well knowing I did everything I could to help the community. Everything we do is focused on teamwork and we have a fantastic team here.” Matt Saario, a Leongatha SES member of the past 15 years will take over the controller role at an official handover ceremony at the Leongatha RSL tomorrow evening (Wednesday) from 7pm. Mr Lindhard hopes to complete one more year with the SES before completely calling it quits.
Massive week: it has been a huge week for the Leongatha SES unit that attended plenty of callouts during last Tuesday’s wild weather.
PAGE 26 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 27
Soup for the soul INVERLOCH Community House is keeping locals warm this winter with a soup kitchen running out of the Inverloch Hub.
Food glorious food: from left, Liberty and Iznaya Kennedy tucked into a bowl of soup at the Inverloch Community House soup kitchen last Tuesday.
Held on the second Tuesday of every month, the kitchen provides residents with a hearty gourmet lunch with a mission to bring people out of the home and together in the community. Soup kitchen coordinator Carrie Sullivan said the project, now in its second year, has been successful and enjoyable for all involved. “Once a month during the cold months we come together to cook soup for the community and it has been a great day for both guests and volunteers,” she said. “Every month we have different
community groups come in to help out and it has been fantastic. They really band together and make a day of it.” Foodworks Inverloch provides the Inverloch Community House with vouchers to cover some of the costs while Paul the Pieman donates his bread rolls. Guests got to choose from chicken and vegetable, pumpkin, and lentil and tomato delicacies last week. “July’s was the third soup kitchen for the year and we had plenty of people come in for a bowl of soup. It has definitely grown since it started,” Ms Sullivan said. “We really enjoy taking the opportunity to bring the community together.” The next Inverloch Community House soup kitchen will be held on Tuesday, August 9.
Tasty community work: from left, Carrie Sullivan and June Laycock were behind the counter serving delicious soups at the Inverloch Community House soup kitchen last Tuesday.
PAGE 28 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Farming Insight
Quality counts for Zuidemas By Sarah Vella Healthy herd: Yanakie dairy farmers Deidre and Ashley Zuidema have been recognised in the Australian milk quality awards for the sixth year in a row.
YANAKIE dairy farmers Ashley and Deidre Zuidema have been recognised in the Dairy Australia milk quality awards for the sixth year in a row. The awards recognise farms that have the achieved the best milk quality in Australia based on their annual average bulk milk cell count (BMCC). This year, the Zuidema’s received a gold award for being in the top 100 farms in Australia. The Murray Goulburn supplier’s milk 160 predominantly Friesian cows on 170 acres. Mr Zuidema said having a low BMCC is a good indication the herd is healthy. “To start with, 10 to 15 years ago, we used to sometimes fluctuate above 250,000 cells/ml, so our aim was to stay below that level,” Mr Zuidema said. “Now it happens we are well below it.” The Zuidema’s herd averages around 60,000 to 70,000 cells/ml. When it comes to keeping mastitis incidences down in his herd, Mr Zuidema said good tracks and laneways help. “It is good to not get lots of mud in the shed but sometimes you can’t help that,” he said. “We get our machines serviced every year to replace all the liners and the rubber ware in the shed and I wear gloves when milking, which helps reduce the spread of infection if mastitis is present in the herd.” Mr Zuidema said it is when the cows first calve they are most likely to get mastitis. “If you can prevent it then and for the first month after calving, you are well on the way to preventing mastitis,” he said.
Dairy Australia program development manager - animal health and fertility Erika Oakes said milk quality across Australia was continually improving each year. “This year we have recorded some very low average bulk milk cell counts across Australia,” she said. “There’s many familiar names who have cel-
ebrated high milk quality success for many years which is a real credit to them.” A higher milk cell count generally occurs with mastitis, which in turn impacts milk quality and what products the milk can be used to make. Ms Oakes said while milk quality was constantly improving each year, it was important farmers remained vigilant.
“Controlling mastitis and maintaining milk quality is a constant issue farmers need to remain on top of – they can’t afford to become complacent about it,” she said. “Reducing mastitis on-farm improves cow comfort and welfare, saves time at milking and considerable money in terms of lost milk production and animal treatments.”
Ag scholarships on offer APPLICATIONS are now open for Agribusiness Australia’s annual tertiary education scholarship program.
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For all your stockfeed enquiries call Neil Cope on 0429 979 222 or email neilc@castlegatejames.com.au www.castlegatejames.com.au CAS2200011
FORRESTERS CALF BUYING MONDAYS ONLY Robert & Sue Clark on 0407 343 272
South Gippsland Hwy LEONGATHA Phone: 5662 4033 www.sej.com.au For professional advice and personal attention - Servicing all areas of South Gippsland
REAL ESTATE LEONGATHA..... ........................
FOSTER .........A.H. .....................Mobile
Peter Bellingham....... .............................0418 515 666
Russell Jones ........5682 2227 ................0428 822 801 Andrea Adams ..... .................................0429 822 801
LIVESTOCK LEONGATHA Michael Stevens........5687 1466 ............0418 553 010 Bill Egan ....................5662 3219 ............0418 553 011 Terry Johnston ..........5664 0239 ............0418 561 290 Mario Arestia ............5657 7290 ............0417 600 222 Brian Kyle.................. .............................0427 708 291` Owen Kindellan........ .............................0428 212 311 Nick Lafferty ............. .............................0419 112 573
David Piggin .........5682 1809 ................0418553 016 Neil Park ...............5663 6279 ................0408 515 117 Paul Wilson...........5655 2807 ................0407 865 202 Kane Sparkes........ .................................0427 830 035 Rod Draper........... .................................0427 824 733 James Kyle............ .................................0427 826 491 Jim Pocklington.... .................................0487 501 895
Bruce Petersen ......................................0418 346 907 Dan Cameron .......................................0408 141 611
Paul Phillips ..........5997 8353 ..................0418 553 123 Jim Harvey........... ...................................0408 342 658 STE3810709
The program encourages young Australians to undertake tertiary education in agriculture and is open to all Victorian or Tasmanian students in or starting final year of high school. The scholarship offers the winning recipient $1,000 per annum for three consecutive years of study upon their continuous enrolment in a university agriculture related degree. The recipient will also undertake one week’s work experience alongside a member of Agribusiness Australia to provide the student with practical, hands on experience and valuable real world insights into the workings of Australia’s dynamic agricultural sector. Agribusiness Australia, Chief Executive Officer, Tim Burrow, said the political, media and business dialogue is again focusing on agribusiness with the belief it will be a continued staple for Australia’s prosperity. “Agribusiness in Australia will always be one of this country’s industry pillars,” he said. “This respected scholarship is part of Agribusiness Australia’s key priority of aspiring agribusiness students
into the industry to ensure that agribusiness continues to be a major contributor to the Australian economy. “Over the years we have found that secondary schools have always been very positively disposed to - and enthusiastic about - its scholarship initiative and the quality of applications received is always of an extremely high standard,” Tim said. “With so many worthy recipients out there, we encourage all eligible high school students to embrace the opportunity to have their future studies supported by such a fantastic scholarship program and submit an application for consideration,” he concluded. To be considered for the Agribusiness Australia Scholarship, entrants must: • Be a Victorian or Tasmanian based student currently in or starting final year of high school • Display solid academic performance, leadership qualities and engage in extracurricular or volunteer work • Submit a one to two page application report that will be uploaded to the Agribusiness Australia website for consideration • Commence an agriculture related degree in order to avail of the scholarship. Applications for the program are now open and will close at 5pm on Friday, August 12.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 29
Farming Insight Free movie for farmers STADIUM 4 Cinema and The Great Southern Star are hosting a free screening of new film Hunt for the Wildebeest for the farming community this Sunday. Both organisations got together and decided a free film on a Sunday afternoon would be just the thing to divert farmer’s attention away from the farm for a couple of hours. The screening will take place at the cinema this Sunday, July 24 starting at 12noon. The cinema auditorium where the film will screen comprises 70 seats; so only 70 movie tickets will be available for this special event.
Tickets for the event will need to be solely issued and collected from the Stadium 4 Cinema, Leongatha ticket box (all tickets must be issued via its ticketing software) and are available from today, Tuesday, July 19. It is essential you collect your tickets prior to Sunday’s screening to avoid missing out. Tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis. The film’s running time plus trailers is 110 minutes so will conclude at approximately 1.50pm. Following the screening afternoon tea will be provided in the foyer of the cinema for all guests.
Nine new Fisheries officers THE appointment of nine newly trained Fisheries officers across the state will bring the team looking after Victoria’s fish stocks up to full strength. Farmer’s film: Leongatha Secondary College students, from left, Tegan Werahiko, Jemma Sherriff, Stacey Giliam, Stadium 4 Cinema’s Amanda Norton and Keely Price promote the free movie day for farmers this Sunday.
VLE Leongatha Prime Sale Wednesday, July 13 BULLOCKS 13 Pettitt Pty Ltd, Koorooman 617.7kg 8 Von Pace Pastoral P/L 575.0kg 9 Nutting Pines, Stratford 595.6kg 8 N.W. & M.E. Wight, Hedley 683.8kg 18 O’Loughlin Bros, Meeniyan 674.2kg 7 A. & W.A. Hunter, Kernot 694.3kg
373.6 366.2 364.6 363.6 362.6 362.2
$2307.70 $2105.65 $2171.40 $2486.12 $2444.53 $2514.70
STEERS 6 K.R. Hendrick, Kirrak 1 S.J. & L.E. Berryman, Yarram 8 Burrabardoo, Tarwin 7 G. Fox, Mirboo 10 K. & C. Pope, Jeetho 1 C.E. & M.A. Hams, Korumburra
475.8kg 535.0kg 461.9kg 477.1kg 496.0kg 540.0kg
360.0 358.0 357.6 356.6 356.0 353.6
$1713.00 $1915.30 $1651.67 $1701.49 $1765.76 $1909.44
HEIFERS 1 P. Nimmitybel Co., Jeetho 3 Behmer Pastoral, Leongatha South 1 M.W. & D.E. Reynolds, Yinnar 1 M. Carpinter, Thorpdale 12 D.O. & M.T. Blake, Perry Bridge 9 P.F. & P.A. O’Loughlin, Nerrena
320.0kg 420.0kg 535.0kg 405.0kg 522.1kg 461.1kg
353.6 353.6 352.6 348.6 346.6 346.0
$1131.52 $1485.12 $1886.41 $1411.83 $1809.54 $1595.44
COWS 2 M. & N. Bracecamp, Berrys Creek 492.5kg 290.0 $1428.25 1 J.M. McFee, Cowes 605.0kg 286.6 $1733.93
4 N. Belcher, Woodside 1 C. Delbridge, Doomburrim 5 D.M. & M.F. Chalmers, Leongatha 1 A. Faulkner, Alberton
605.0kg 607.0kg 610.0kg 685.0kg
285.6 285.6 280.0 280.0
$1727.88 $1913.52 $1708.00 $1918.00
BULLS 1 M. Berry, Wonthaggi 1 M.W. & D.E. Reynolds, Yinnar 1 A.J. & L.M. Dunkley, Yarram 1 A.J. & N. Caithness, Koonwarra 1 D.M. & M.F. Chalmers, Leongatha 1 P. & H. Miller, Poowong
945.0kg 480.0kg 780.0kg 820.0kg 945.0kg 695.0kg
307.6 295.6 288.6 280.6 279.6 272.6
$2906.82 $1418.88 $2251.08 $2300.92 $2642.22 $1894.57
Fisheries education and enforcement director, Ian Parks said the new officers would be widely deployed. “One will go to Horsham, one to Portland, three to Yarram, two to Mallacoota and one each to Traralgon and Mornington,” Mr Parks said. “The 10 week training course covered everything from small boat handling to testifying in court. “The training has been a comprehensive program to get the officers ready for their role as education and enforcement authorised officers for Fisheries Victoria. “The nine new officers join an experienced state wide team that is the vital front line in our efforts to ensure the sustainability of Victoria’s fish stocks.”
The recruitment program began in August last year when 315 applications were received and the shortlisted applicants went through a competitive recruitment process involving psychometric testing, first round telephone interviews, face to face interviews and a scenario based assessment centre. Their training has included legal, defensive driving, community education, fisheries management, and an understanding of recreational and commercial fisheries, both inland and marine. Mr Parks said the nine new officers would also help deliver the State Government’s Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to grow participation to one million anglers by 2020. “They will be helping to release trout and native fish grown at our Snobs Creek hatchery, attend community events to promote sustainable fishing and visiting angling clubs to talk about local issues and identify opportunities to improve fishing and angler access.”
PAGE 30 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
public notice
AMENDED TERM 3 PROGRAM Leongatha Community House Inc apologises to readers for errors in its Term 3 Program • • • •
Corrections appear here: Buying and Selling on eBay – course runs Saturday 30th July and Saturday 6th August Intro to Smartphones and Tablets – course runs Saturday 13th and 20th August Beginners Yoga – course cancelled How to Use MyGov – Thursday 18th August 1pm - 3pm (gold coin donation) For the full corrected program visit www.leongathacommunityhouse.org.au or phone 5662 3962
LEONGATHA LYRIC THEATRE INC RAFFLE WINNERS 1st: Shell Williams 2nd: Ronda Castle 3rd: Dawn Rasmussen 4th: Kathy McRae 5th: Agnes van Tiggelen 6th: Adele Morrison 7th: Raelene Hodges
situations vacant
CARLTON Thelma May Friends are respectfully informed that a gathering to celebrate the life of Thelma will be held at the RSL Club Leongatha on Friday, July 29 at 3pm Afternoon tea will be served.
situations vacant
situations vacant
Applications in writing to: Peter Sheerin PO Box 115 Wonthaggi 3995 Email: peter.sheerin@cv-bp.com.au Applications close Friday 29th July 2016
Expression of Interest
Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Physiotherapist Bass Coast Specialist School offers specialised, individual programs to students with an intellectual disability residing in the Shire of Bass Coast. We cater for a diverse range of students with mild to profound learning disabilities with programs developed by experienced special educators and supported by allied health consultants. We are currently seeking expressions of interest from Allied Health professionals who are interested in working in a school environment. The successful candidates will hold a Bachelor degree in their relevant field of service. As our needs are based on enrolments, please note that this is an expression of interest, not one specific vacancy. Please call Christina or Edith on 5672 4474 For further information about our school, please visit our website at www.basscoastss.vic.edu.au
Our Health Independence Program (HIP) is growing to meet the needs of the community and we need enthusiastic, innovative and skilled staff to join us.
The Rural Financial Counselling Service provides assistance to primary producers, fishers, foresters and small rural businesses experiencing financial difficulties. The Executive Officer will lead the implementation of the Rural Financial Counselling Program in Gippsland. This 0.8 EFT position (negotiable) will be responsible for the overall management of the program reporting to a board of management and funding bodies. We are seeking a dynamic person who has business management qualifications (or equivalent) at a tertiary level or substantial and relevant business management experience. The position will be based at one of the service’s current offices in Gippsland and an attractive salary package will be negotiated with the successful applicant depending on qualifications and experience. For a full job description and application requirements please contact the Chair of the Board, Richard Habgood on 0417 530 540 or habgood@dcsi.net.au Applications close Friday 29th July 2016. Supported by the Australian Government and the Victorian Government.
Better health, Better lifestyles, Stronger communities Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS) is one of the largest community health providers in Victoria. We provide professional and career development, salary packaging, an employee assistance program, work life balance and much more.
Gambler’s Help Venue Support Worker (21258) Fixed Term Part time 30.4 hours per fortnight
The Gambler’s Help program provides a comprehensive suite of regional interventions/initiatives that include Therapeutic Counselling and Financial Counselling, Community Education and Venue Support Work (VSW). The Venue Support worker will be responsible for the implementation and coordination of education sessions to a range of venue staff across Gippsland. They will network with key stakeholders and provide the link to Gambler’s Helps Services and Venues. Industry experience is not compulsory but would be highly beneficial. Previous experience delivering training would be desirable. For more information please contact Chris Rush, Manager Primary Prevention on 0438 018 384. Applications close 11pm, Friday 29 July 2016. • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged to apply • For further information and copies of each position description visit our careers page www.lchs.com.au/careers • Applicants must address the Selection Criteria and lodge their application online. • No late or hard copy applications will be accepted.
Call 1800 242 696 or visit www.lchs.com.au
Care Coordinator, Hospital Admission Risk Program Ongoing- 48 Hours per fortnight A client focused person is sought to assist people living with chronic and complex conditions (particularly respiratory conditions and COPD) and their support network to better understand their individual needs, and build their capacity to manage their health conditions. Using a goaldirected care planning model of care and working with the multi-disciplinary team, the aim of this role is to prevent avoidable hospital admissions to BCH.
Care Coordinator, Post-Acute Care (PAC) SHORT -TERM CONTRACT - 24 Hours per fortnight until 30 December 2016 As a PAC Coordinator you will facilitate the safe and timely discharge of people from the acute care setting to home, assessing and determining the clients’ needs and building an appropriate package of community-based supports for their unique circumstances.
Care Coordinator, HIP Team
Executive Officer
situations vacant
situations vacant
Capeview requires the services of a suitably licensed MR truck driver. Experience in HIAB crane operation would be preferred. The position includes deliveries of frames, trusses, windows and doors. The applicant would need to be fit as this position includes some heavy lifting. Some overtime is required also.
situations vacant
public notice
CASUAL Due to exciting developments in the Health Independence Program we require a multi-skilled professional to work across our Post-Acute Care and Hospital Admission Risk Program. These innovative programs are client focused and are aimed at assisting people in the community and preventing avoidable hospital admissions. All positions require excellent communication skills, a commitment to person-centred care and ability to work in a team environment. There is potential for combining roles. These roles seek a Bachelor level health professional with APHRA registration and experience in health service delivery. Experience in the community setting preferred but is not essential. Applications should include your professional resume, covering letter that addresses the Key Selection Criteria within the Position Description, and 2 professional referees. Please address your application to Mairéad Taylor, Acting Team Leader, HIP – email: mairead.taylor@basscoasthealth.org.au Remuneration for these positions is commensurate to experience and qualifications under the relevant industrial agreement. For enquiries or for a position description, please contact Mairéad on 5671 3135. Applications for positions close Tuesday 26th July 2016
Bass Coast Health is seeking applications in regard to several positions available within Community Support Services. Bass Coast Health provides a professional supportive environment for social workers amid 15 funded programs servicing the Bass Coast region. Interested persons are required to indicate their desired positions and preferred EFT allocation. The positions available consist of: • Inpatient Hospital Social Worker 0.8EFT available - this is an ongoing position
• Inpatient Hospital Social Worker 0.21 EFT until 31 January 2017 – maternity leave cover
• Enhanced Intake Social Worker 0.42EFT – Monday & Tuesday – 12 months contract, supported by other program funding • Casual Social Worker Pool The hospital social worker roles require relevant training and/or experience. Enquiries, can be directed to Noel Sibly, Community Support Manager on 03 5671 3278. Position Descriptions are available on the BCH internet www.gha2.net.au/bch. Applications need to include: - a cover letter; a separate statement addressing the selection criteria and a current CV. Applications should be directed to: Noel.Sibly@basscoasthealth.org.au Contact details of two recent professional referees will be required at interview. Applications close 12 noon Wednesday 3rd August 2016
Classified advertising closes 12 noon Mondays
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 31
situations vacant
FARM HAND REQUIRED FOR A 450 COW FARM AT MIDDLE TARWIN Experience in milking, calf rearing and tractor operation a must. Must have current driver’s licence
Contact Mick 0417 821 803
situations vacant PAINTING AND DECORATING APPRENTICESHIP A local business is seeking a hardworking and enthusiastic employee to join their team. If you are interested in establishing yourself in this trade, please contact Dexter on 0438 539 679. Applicants must have a driver’s licence.
for sale
CHAINSAWS We stock the largest range of chainsaws in South Gippsland, including - Stihl, McCulloch and Husqvarna
from $199
Professional repairs and services to all makes of chainsaws. We also have a large range of secondhand chainsaws available.
Creating Connections Case Manager We are seeking a client driven and enthusiastic person to facilitate and support young people in accessing appropriate services such as private rental, legal, financial, counselling, cultural support, education, training, employment, life skills, recreational and social programs, spiritual, mental health, drug and alcohol or other community resources. This is a part time position (22.8 hours per week) located in Leongatha. For further information and position description please visit www.sarmy.org.au/divisions/evd.
MJA Accounting has a full time position at our Leongatha office for an entry level Administration Assistant to join our team of hard working professionals. We are seeking an enthusiastic, versatile and team orientated person to cope with a busy work environment. Your duties will be varied and include: • Filing, scanning and other document management tasks • Preparation of files for client appointments • General office and administration duties as required. Future advancement and promotion will be available for the successful applicant. If you are interested in applying for this role please send through your resumé and covering letter to: Email to: yvonne@mjacpa.com.au Post to: Administration Assistant MJA Accounting Level 1, 16 McCartin Street, Leongatha Vic 3953 Applications close: 1 August 2016
Full Time DENTAL ASSISTANT We are looking for a Dental Assistant to join our team Full Time to help us provide exceptional care for our clients. Experience in the dental industry is preferred, with experience in additional areas of Orthodontics, Implants and Cosmetics would be an added bonus. The successful candidate will be selected based on a broad range of criteria including: • Clinical and sterilisation skills and experience • Greeting and Assisting Clients • Assist in Administration tasks as required. • Ability to work within a team and autonomously • Communication skills on various levels • Ability to understand production goals and requirements • Willingness and adaptability to embrace different concepts in clientele handlings • Punctuality and time management • Strong Initiative • Willingness and Enthusiasm to learn • Positivity and ability to motivate and empower clients/ team members. • Exception client skills and communication • To be empowered and self-motivated. If this sounds like the right position for you, please forward you’re resumé along with a cover letter to info@sgdental.com.au
Youth Services - Gippsland
Cnr Allison & South Gippsland Hwy, LEONGATHA Ph: 5662 2028 L.M.C.T. 2714
DWARF LOP, Blue Butterfly. Beautiful nature and markings, male. 0412-291290. FIREWOOD: Split red gum, premium split red gum (small), ironbark hardwood mix. Pick up or delivered. Loaded and sold by weight. Utes, trailers or load your own boot. Ask about our shared delivery cost. 20kg bags to go. EFTPOS available. Open 7 days. Corner Charity Lane & SG Hwy, Foster. 5682-1508.
situations vacant
Bar, bottleshop and bistro Approx 20-25 hours per week Experience preferred, must be willing to work nights and weekends. Please apply in person
situations vacant
for sale
wanted to buy
FIREWOOD - local messmate/stringy bark, cut/split, delivery available. 10 cubic metres $900, 6 cubic metres $600. Ph: 0437176187.
BULLS for hire or for sale. Friesian, Angus, Hereford, Limo or Jersey. All sound young bulls. Hire or sale. Phone 0447-331762.
ANY OLD farm four wheelers, good or bad, 4WDs or trucks. Will pay cash. Phone Matt 0401194601.
FIREWOOD, redgum & local wood, Ph 0408980-711, A/H 56625175.
HAY for sale. Top quality vetch oaten straw. Feed test available. For delivered price ring Greg 0429-822544. HAY - wheaten, oats, vetch and straw. Top quality, shedded, feed test available. For delivered price call Greg 0429-822544. HAY - 100 square bales, will separate, $11 each. Ph: 5659-2087. HAY - Grass hay, 5x4 netwrapped. Can load, Thorpdale $77. Ph: 0448-863104. PINE MULCH, suitable for calving, farm tracks and gardens. For delivered price call Greg 0429-822544. SEBAGO half price, Thursday 9am Koonwarra cattle sale. SLEEPERS, treated pine, 200 x 50 x 2.4 $12.10 each, 200 x 75 x 2.4 $16.75 each, 200 x 75 x 3.0 $ 20.90 each. Free delivery for pack lots. Phone Joe 0417530662. TEGAR lounge suite, five seater, blue leather, built in Queensland, $420. 5662-3055. TIMBER Kiln dried blackwood, silver wattle, cypress, celery top pine, most sizes for furniture and craft, also slabs and structural pine. Ph: 5681-2261. 5X4 ROLLS Leongatha area, various quality. Call Warren for price 0429-350450.
situations vacant
wanted to rent
Monday, August 1 at the clubrooms commencing at 7.30pm Contact Frank Dekker 5668 5285 GSHS Lyrebird Hospital Auxiliary AGM Monday, July 25, 6.30pm at Leongatha RSL. Queries Lyndy 0409-623650.
garage sales
GARAGE SALE The “STAR” can help you promote your event with our
KIT INCLUDES 5cm x S/C advert (valued at $33.00) • 2 x A4 Garage Sale Signs • Garage Sale Tips (dos and don’ts) • Sheet of Price Stickers • Star Carry Bag
Total package valued at $41 ADVERTISE by calling 5662 5555 or emailing classifieds@thestar.com.au or call in to 36 McCartin Street LEONGATHA to pick up your kit when you place your advertisement GARAGE SALE Saturday, July 23, 8am - 2pm, 3 McPherson Street, Leongatha. Tools, collectables, shed items, books, lots more. All must go.
situations vacant
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TRAINEESHIP Looking for a career in a dynamic industry? Want nationally recognised accreditation, yet stay based in your local region? South Gippsland Water is an equal opportunity employer committed to developing a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees are treated with respect and feel valued and supported. We are currently seeking an enthusiastic trainee to complement our existing Customer Service Team in our Foster office. This is a fixed-term position. Applicants seeking flexible working arrangements are encouraged to apply. Upon completion, the successful applicant will have a nationally recognised qualification in Business Administration. Desired Attributes: • Sound written and verbal communication skills • The ability to provide excellence in customer service • Experience in Microsoft Office Suite and an aptitude for learning new systems and processes • The ability to relate to a diverse range of people. A trainee wage is applicable. All training costs will be covered by South Gippsland Water. A position description and further information is available at www.sgwater.com.au or by calling Paula Smith 03 5682 0403. Applications close Friday 5th August 2016 Email: psmith@sgwater.com.au Mail: Human Resources Coordinator South Gippsland Water PO Box 102 Foster Vic 3960
Nursing and Aged Care courses to start FEDERATION Training is re-commencing Aged Care and Nursing courses at its Leongatha Campus, after recognising a demand for the course offerings from the local community.
BETWEEN bus driving hours. Available most weekends. Farming experience. Phone Malcolm 0438-329578.
The Aged Care courses are starting in Semester 2 this year, and Nursing starting from Semester 1, next year. The re-commencement of the courses at Leongatha will help meet a growing demand for high quality health and aged care workers, across South Gippsland. The need for qualified workers within the Health and Aged Care sectors will continue to grow as people live longer resulting in the nation experiencing an ageing population. Sheree Wells, education manager at Federation Training’s Leongatha Campus, said given the high demand for Nursing and Aged Care workers, it is expected many Leongatha locals will be interested in the new course offerings. Federation Training’s Leongatha Campus is now taking enrolments for Semester 2 Aged Care courses, and expressions of interest for Nursing, which will commence next year. For more information on courses available at Leongatha, visit www.federationtraining.edu.au.
marriage celebrant
Rate cap’s effect on rates
WANTED TO RENT I am an active pensioner, non smoker, non drinker seeking a cheap house to rent long term around Foster / Fish Creek. Excellent references. Call Robert 0412 352 064
work wanted
PAM HERRALD 5662 2553 0438 097 181
Wendy Rutjens
Weddings ~ Funerals ~ Namings
0429 688 123 e: rutjenswendy@gmail.com
Jenny Milkins All areas - 5672 3123 jenny_milkins@hotmail.com
births KING (Drysdale) Matthew and Della are thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter, Ila Naomi Rose, on July 16 at the Warragul Hospital. We wish to thank the doctors and midwives at both Leongatha and Warragul hospitals. Ila is the first grandchild of Graeme and Roslyn Drysdale of Korumburra and the ninth grandchild of Terry and Rhonda King of Stratford.
in memoriam BROCKLEBANK - Iris Dawn. 23.7.2010 Your presence we miss. Your memory we treasure. Loving you always. Forgetting you never. Bill, Heather and Laurie, Andrew and Chris, Shona and Trevor, Amanda and Pat and families. xxxx
Email your adverts to The Star
SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council would like to remind residents of how the Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates program will affect their upcoming rates notice for 2016/17. A common misconception is that the 2.5 percent rate cap is applied universally to all rate notices. However the rate cap applies to the overall rate revenue collected by Council, not individual properties. Waste Charges (charged by Council) and the Fire Services Property Levy (determined by State Government) are exempt from the rate cap. This year rates notices will also be affected by property revaluations as Council is required by law to review valuations every two years based on market movements and recent sales trends. The overall amount of rates Council receives will not increase but the percentage residents pay of the overall general rates may change if your property has increased or decreased in value. South Gippsland mayor, Cr Bob Newton said it was important for all residents to be aware of how their rates notice is calculated. Any individuals needing more information about their rates can visit Council’s website at www.southgippsland. vic.gov.au/rates.
Paul & Margaret Beck Proprietors
Caring for our Community, personal dignified service to all areas 5662 2717 Pre-need Funeral Plans available Office and Chapel: 24 Anderson Street, Leongatha hfs1@vic.australis.com.au MEMBER OF AUSTRALIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION
ads@thestar.com.au Classified advertising closes 12 noon Mondays
deaths VERBOON Riley Andrew. 28.06.2016 Will always be with us in our hearts and sadly missed. Deepest sympathy from all our family to Andrew, Rebecca, Amber and Lana. From your loving Pop (Bill), your uncles and aunties. xoxo
Scott and Sharon Anderson With care & dignity we serve South Gippsland and Phillip Island Main Office: WONTHAGGI / INVERLOCH 5672 1074 176-178 Graham Street, Wonthaggi 3995 Fax: 5672 1747 email: randm33@bigpond.net.au PHILLIP ISLAND 5952 5171 15 Warley Avenue, Cowes 3922 (by appointment only) Pre-paid & pre-arranged funeral plans available CARING & PERSONAL 24 HOUR SERVICE www.handleyandandersonfunerals.com.au MEMBER OF AUSTRALIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION
PAGE 32 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Long jetty action on the way WITH the Turnbull Coalition returned to government with a 76 seat majority, expectations are the $11 million Port Welshpool Long Jetty restoration will begin as soon as possible. The restoration of the Long Jetty is expected to generate $32 million in total economic impact over the first 10 years of operation and 96 additional jobs during the construction phase with five ongoing jobs. The South Gippsland Shire Council is currently awaiting official confirmation from the Federal Government for the funding towards the Long Jetty. “Due to this there is no further comment on the process at this stage,” council CEO Tim Tamlin said.
Councillor Jeanette Harding said when the time comes to advertise for tenders, she hopes it is done Australia wide. “I will be fighting very hard to make that happen,” she said. “The restoration will not only benefit Port Welshpool and South Gippsland, but all of Gippsland.” Cr Harding said once the jetty has been restored, she would expect to see growth in the surrounding towns. “We have turned a corner, but now the hard work starts,” she said. Port Welshpool Working Group vice president Vern Suckling said the group is looking forward to work on the Long Jetty starting. “We are happy that now the election has been the decided, planning and work can begin as soon as possible,” he said.
Quick fix: proponents of Port Welshpool Long Jetty’s restoration are hoping now a federal government has been decided, swift action will be taken to repair the structure. Mr Suckling said having the jetty restored will create jobs and improve tourism for the regions. Peter Rose from the Port Welshpool General Store said the imminent rehabilitation of the Long Jetty has caused
a lot of excitement within the community from both tourists and locals. “Everyone is waiting in anticipation for the project to start. As long as it is done, it will be something positive for the area, anything done
will create employment,” he said. “The local real estate agent has even reported an influx of enquiries since the announcement of funding was on the news.” Mr Rose said it was good
thing to see both major political parties working for the same outcome prior to the election. “Now it is just a matter of getting it organised, getting the condition assessment done and tenders out so we can see what the plan is,” he said. A spokesperson for Gippsland Ports said the importance of the Long Jetty to the South Gippsland community in supporting regional social and economic values has long been recognised. “Following confirmation of funding, the first steps will include: finalising project implementation management arrangements; developing funding agreements in conjunction with South Gippsland Shire and State and Federal Government funding agencies; carrying out a current condition assessment to inform a review of the scope
Failure to stop
Big brother: Autobarn Leongatha owner Peter McNiven has eyes all over his Michael Place business with security cameras watching the floor at all times.
Caught on camera By Lucy Johnson SECURITY footage has captured a recent spike of shoplifting in store at Autobarn Leongatha. Owner Peter McNiven recently installed new security cameras in the Michael Place
Thief captured: a shoplifter (pictured) was captured stealing $130 worth of products from Autobarn Leongatha on Friday, July 8.
premises after he realised the prevalence of theft from the business. “We have been able to catch quite a few shoplifters in recent months since we installed the cameras,” he said. “We have a better, clearer system now with more camera and we are cracking down.” Mr McNiven said shoplifting has become more of a problem in recent times and estimates his shop has lost over $1500 worth of products in the last 12 months. “It is a shame in a small town like this people feel stealing is necessary,” he said. “We recently found footage of a local business owner in his uniform who was stealing from us and it was really disappointing.” The most recent in the string of shoplifting incidents occurred on Friday, July 8 when a man entered the store and stole $130 worth of goods. Mr McNiven is helping police investigate the matter by supplying the CCTV footage. “It affects me more per-
sonally than it should. Our shop is our second home so it essentially feels as though somebody is coming into my home and stealing,” he said. “Hopefully we will be able to catch more people with our cameras because it is becoming an escalating problem.” Mr McNiven linked the spate of thefts with a drug problem in the area. “I think it is a reflection of growing drug problem in the region. People seem to be a lot more brazen when they are on drugs and they don’t think things through.” Leongatha Police Sgt Dale McCahon said while there are no statistics to support a spike of shoplifting in South Gippsland, it is important for business owners to recognise the risk and be proactive. “Shops with improved security make it harder for shoplifters to steal and have deterred a lot of people from trying to do so,” he said. “That is not to say it is nonexistent, however shopkeepers have improved practices in crime prevention and made it harder for offenders.”
Man wanted: Police are asking the community to help locate Adam Wiese (pictured). The 35 year old male has a warrant out for his arrest. Police believe he may be around the South Gippsland area. If you have any information that will assist police, please send a message through this Facebook page or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Gnomes missing POLICE are investigating a recent spate of garden ornament burglaries in Leongatha. A number of residents have reported lost garden ornaments while others have found property in their garden which does not belong to them. Anyone with information regarding the strange occurrence is asked to contact Leongatha Police.
Cold snap hits home RESIDENTS rugged up when weather forecasts predicted a cold snap in the region last Tuesday and were not disappointed when snow fell in parts of South Gippsland overnight. It was not all snow angels and tobogganing though, the State Emergency Services responded to more than 1000 call outs over the 48 hour period. Leongatha SES attended 34 jobs overnight last Tuesday with two crews operating throughout the evening. “There were a few call outs to homes damaged by trees but fortunately nobody was injured,” Leongatha SES’ outgoing controller Tony Lindhard said.
The same could not be said for a man who rolled his car out at Lance Creek early on Wednesday morning. The man in his 60s was injured at 5.45 when his car hit black ice on the road. The man suffered minor injuries and was transported to Wonthaggi Hospital suffering abdominal pain. Temperatures dropped to a frosty two degrees Celcius on Wednesday in Inverloch as Pound Creek experienced a low of three degrees. Residents captured the morning frost with many areas easily mistaken for snow. Carrajung woke to real snow in the early hours of Wednesday while Wonthaggi and Inverloch received heavy hail around 8.30am. Leongatha also received a tumultuous
downfall of hail which resulted in the cancellation of the ladies golf competition at Leongatha Golf Club. Mirboo North Secondary College and primary school continued to run a regular school day in spite of a predicted snow day however all school buses were cancelled as a safety precaution. The township experienced a power outage for most of Wednesday and outlying areas were affected overnight. Some 241 residents at Mirboo North and surrounds lost power while another 280 in Leongatha South were without electricity for a number of hours. Further afield some 298 Yanakie residents lost power for a majority of Wednesday.
LEONGATHA Police wish to speak to a driver who failed to pull over in an attempted police intercept in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police tried to stop the driver around 2am on Wild Dog Valley Road heading towards Leongatha however the driver refused to stop when police activated the sirens. The uncompliant driver was travelling in a dark coloured Holden commodore sedan. Anyone with further information is asked to contact S/C Roffey at Leongatha Police.
Pokemon stop THE popularity of the new phone app Pokemon Go has raised some serious concerns in relation to distracted drivers and pedestrians. Over the past week, police in the Bass Coast area have received numerous reports from concerned members of the community witnessing vehicles stopping abruptly in the middle of roads and operating their mobile phones whilst driving in order to catch Pokémon and collect game resources. Police would like to remind everyone that it is an offence to use a hand held mobile phone whilst driving, with a $466 fine and 4 demerit points.
Wrong way WONTHAGGI Divisional Van crew got a bit of a shock early Sunday morning when they came across a silver Holden station wagon travelling on the wrong side of the Bass Highway not far from the Bass Caltex service station. Whilst doing a general patrol of the highway the members detected the vehicle travelling at 118 km/h whilst heading south in the North bound lanes at about 5.26 am. When intercepted, the 39 year old female Cowes driver was at a loss to explain how she got onto the wrong side saying that she hadn’t noticed. The driver was issued a number of infringement notices for speeding, careless driving and travelling on the wrong side of a divided road.
Drink driver summonsed WONTHAGGI Police intercepted an unlicenced, drunk driver in San Remo on Saturday morning. Police were patrolling the township around 2.30am when they detected a car travelling at 162km/h in a 60km/h zone.
of required works and developing contract documentation and tendering arrangements,” they said. “Gippsland Ports has dedicated significant resources with State Government support to facilitate and develop initial assessments, evaluations and designs to inform and support decisions on the rehabilitation direction and funding bids.” The rehabilitation will result in a significant reduction in risks associated with the deteriorating condition of the jetty. “Given the condition of the structure, this will not be without significant challenges,” the spokesperson said. “Ports is looking forward to working in partnership with the State and Federal funding agencies and South Gippsland Shire to realise the outcomes of this important project to the South Gippsland community.”
Police intercepted the vehicle and spoke to the 18 year old male P Plater, whose licence had been previously suspended. The Ferny Creek driver underwent a breath test and returned a reading of 0.036. His vehicle was impounded and he will face court at a later date.
Showgrounds break-in THE Korumburra Agricultural and Pastoral Society office at the Korumburra Showgrounds was broken into sometime over Saturday night, July 16. A window was smashed with a rock as offenders gained access and tried to open a small safe with a screwdriver. Despite not stealing any money the thieves stole nine Uniden walkie-talkies valued at around $300. A quantity of soft drink was strewn around the ground near the office. Korumburra Police is seeking any public assistance by ringing with information on 5655 1244.
Hot water theft AT Loch Memorial Reserve a Rinnai 315 Star gas hot water service was stolen sometime on Saturday night, July 16. The unit was unbolted from the wall and is about $1800 in value. If anyone can assist contact Korumburra police 56551244.
Windows smashed KORUMBURRA shopkeepers have again suffered with more windows smashed as a result of someone using a slingshot to propel ball bearings into windows. The latest occurred in Mine Road on Friday night, July 15. There have been four such instances in the past two weeks in Korumburra. On this occasion the ball bearing was lodged in the window. The smashed window was valued at $500. Any information to Korumburra police would be appreciated.
Car burnouts KORUMBURRA police has seen an increase in hoon like behaviour in the area and this will not be tolerated. Police have interviewed and charged two motorists lately after cars were performing burnouts. Charges included careless driving and driving a vehicle with loss of traction. Police have appreciated public assistance and remind them to take note of any registration numbers and inform police.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 33
Sea Eagles flock for reunion PREMIERSHIP players of the past gathered at InverlochKongwak’s home ground during the Sea Eagle’s game against Allies on Saturday to reminisce on the club’s great legacy. Organiser and 1986 premiership coach Peter McCaughan said while a number of former players could not make the reunion, many of the club’s legends returned to the ground to celebrate its premierships from 1966, 1986 and 2006. “A lot of people travel north at this time of year so we had a few gaps,” Mr McCaughan said. “That said, we still had a fantastic turn out and we put a lot of old memorabilia on display to reminisce over some great years at the club.” Tack Beaton, six time best and fairest at IK and three time league best and fairest was one of the legends in attendance to celebrate his 1966 premiership. Current coach Ben Soumilas joined the ranks of some of the club’s greats in hopes of putting his name up with the premiership coaches of the Sea Eagles at the end of this season. Peter Loughran, captain of the 1966 premiership side looked over the club’s history alongside
his former teammates who enjoyed the afternoon over lunch while watching their side dominate the Allies 153 to 68.
Twin thing: from left, Mocca and Alan Parker played for the InverlochKongwak Reserves and Seniors respectively in the 1966 premiership.
30 years on: back, from left, Kev Wilson, Rohan White, Adrian Banks, front, from left, Paul Goss, Danny McCaughan, Peter McCaughan, Tim McCaughan and Andy Burns celebrated 30 years on from their 1986 Premiership Cup win at the Inverloch-Kongwak reunion on Saturday. Legacy ladies: from left, Mary McCaughan, Judy Caughey, Mary Jongebloed and Mary Butcher joined their partners, former IK premiers, at the reunion on Saturday.
League legends: from left, captain and coach of the 1966 premiership side Peter Loughran joined current coach Ben Soumilas and 1973 coach, six time best and fairest player and three time Alberton best and fairest Tack Beaton at the Inverloch-Kongwak reunion on Saturday.
50 years on: back, from left, Tack Beaton, Leon Harris, Mocca Parker, front, from left, David Gow, Alan Parker, Peter Loughran, Steve Snelling and Gordon Beard of the 1966 Premiership Seniors and Reserves celebrated the milestone at the Inverloch-Kongwak reunion on Saturday.
Regatta plans underway for 2017 Waiting for the colours to run THE South Gippsland Yacht Club is planning what it believes will be an outstanding 4th annual Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta event on the Australia Day long weekend in January next year. Along with the support of local businesses, the yachting industry, Bass Coast Shire Council, Inverloch Historical Society and local Rotary and Lions clubs the yacht club has now conducted three very successful Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regattas. Since commencing on Australia Day 2014 the yacht club, supporting organisations, business partners and participants has brought the event to life for sailors whether sailing their wooden
dinghies or displaying them for all to see. The club is introducing a new activity in this coming regatta for those who enjoy cruising in their wooden boats. On Australia Day, Thursday, January 26 you can pack your thermos, scones and teacake and get in your wooden boat with family and friends to sail up the Anderson Inlet and land on a remote beach for an afternoon picnic. On Friday, there will be the display of wooden dinghies on the beach before the Regatta Race which will provide sailors with the opportunity to test their skills on the water in their more traditional boats and on Saturday wooden dinghies will be displayed in the park next to the yacht club with a range of other attraction for sailors and visitors. Everyone will be encouraged to participate in the se-
lection of overall award winners and a program will be posted on the South Gippsland Yacht Club website closer to the event. RACV Inverloch Resort helped create the Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta and will be a major sponsor again in 2017 providing entry awards for eligible boat owners. RACV Resort accommodation to the value of $1,800, $1,200 and $800 will go to the three people bringing their boats, in order, the greatest distance. For more information about entering your boat go to the South Gippsland Yacht Club’s web page at: http://sgycinverloch. com.au/?page_id=904 Our club is a small regional club with a big heart so we would welcome you to spirit your impressive classic timber dinghy out of the garage or shed and head for Inverloch in South Gippsland
Yachts line up: Inverloch’s Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta is proving a great success with exciting plans underway for the fourth event to be staged in January 2017.
for the Australia Day weekend in 2017. Every year, this wonderful regatta not only showcases the history of classic wooden dinghies, on and off the water but also provides the opportunity for current owners and skippers to demonstrate their prowess in restoring, maintaining and sailing these dinghies. Even if a person does not own one of these classic wooden dinghies, they quickly learn to appreciate the workmanship, the timbers used and the foibles of sailing them. For the fourth year in a row the club extends a very warm welcome to all sailors, to come along to celebrate the history of wooden dinghy sailing. Inverloch’s regattas, held on Anderson’s Inlet, were first recorded in Melbourne newspapers in 1893 and have always been a festive occasion for the town. The recent regattas continue to be run along similar lines, embracing the town’s sailing and seaside history as an Australia Day Weekend celebration. For more information about the Inverloch Classic Dinghy Regatta you can watch the 2014 and 2015 videos of the event at the following link. https://vimeo.com/ channels/sgyc Information about Classic Wooden Dinghies and the Regatta can be found at: http:// victorianclassicdinghynetwork.org/past-future-events
EVENT 99 was a picture perfect day for the Inverloch park run at the stump and 70 finishers including five first timers, welcomed the better conditions. Next week we turn 100 so dress to mark the occasion in your brightest flouro. Recipient of the accolade known as parkrunner of the month was Jacqui O’Connell who has completed 82 runs at 21 different events. Jacqui has also volunteered a massive 16 times both at Inverloch and at other runs and does a lot for our parkrun behind the scenes. Parkrun is not just for runners but welcomes walkers, people with prams and even people with dogs on a short leash. Please consider joining us for a coffee or breakfast after parkrun. This is a great way to meet other people after the run so if you have time, please join us next week. This week we had an amazing 38 people go back for coffee. Male placings: Glenn Sullivan 18:49 (28 times in 78 appearances).
Prams are us: we also presented the red 50 shirt to Luke Reddy who has completed all of his 50 parkruns at Inverloch, and nearly all of them pushing a pram is presented with his commemorative shirt by race director Tony O’Connell. Luke has a handy pram affected personal best of 22:34. Bill Barry 19:01 (first to finish on 15 occasions). Jason O’Reilly 19:40. Men’s standings in the annual points competition: G. Sullivan 4032 points, Michael Reddie 3423 and Bill Barry 3237. Female placings: Linsey Boddy was first (fourth overall) 21:02 (six times in eight appearances). Georgia Burns was second
(sixth overall) 21:39 (first to finish on 29 occasions). Heather Sullivan was third (15th overall) 23:41. Women’s standing in the annual points competition: Georgia Burns 3972 points, Heather Sullivan 3864 and Rikki Colec 3336. Today’s full results and a complete event history can be found on the Inverloch parkrun Results Page.
PAGE 34 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
• Wonthaggi table tennis
Jack finally gets his medal ELEVEN year old Jack Duff was finally presented with his E6 Leading Player gold medal from the Victorian Country Championships held in Bendigo last month. Wonthaggi Table Tennis Association president Bruce Harmer presented the medal which Jack did not receive in Bendigo because of a score sheet mix up. Jack’s team (with Beau Allamby and Jack Donohue) went through the three days of the championships undefeated to bring back the shield to Wonthaggi, and Jack lost only one set (to a player from Shepparton).
A Grade commenced last week with three close matches and is looking good for the new season. Social table tennis and Access for All Abilities have both recommenced. New players for Junior Coaching (7 to 14 years) are very welcome and should just turn up at the Wonthaggi Table Tennis Centre on Thursdays from 6pm to 7pm. A Reserve Championships will be held this week followed by the semi finals next Monday. The new seasons for A Reserve and B Grade will be commencing soon and new players are invited to apply. For more information phone Bruce on 56 722130 or Nancy on 56 743628.
Wonthaggi veteran players again excelled at the Victorian Open Table Tennis Veteran Championships in Melbourne on Saturday. Case deBondt won the Over 80 Singles and Doubles and was runner up in the Over 75 Doubles with Melbourne player Jim Furness. Mick Wright won the Over 65 and Over 70 Singles. He also won the Over 70 Mixed Doubles with Melbourne player Pam Tait. Patricia Denier was runner-up in the Over 60 Ladies Doubles and Michael Ede was runner-up in a great Over 70 Singles final to Mick Wright; a great tally of wins for Wonthaggi in a Victorian Open event.
South Gippsland Bridge results INVERLOCH Pairs results for North/South, Friday, July 15. First place went to Faye Rowlands and Pat West, a very experienced and dedicated pair with the strong score of 65.36 percent, way ahead of their nearest rivals and the best score of the week. Second were Matti Shub and Barbara Axten with a very creditable 57.86 percent and third place was won by Greg Nicholson and Jean Barbour with 50.50 percent. The club welcomes Greg back from his journey to the Northern States. East/West: First place was taken by John Sutton and Marie Sands with 56.25 percent, a wonderful result given they have not played many games as a team as yet. Second were the ever solid John Sullivan and Alan Johnston with 55.42 percent and third went to the very consistent and increasing successful team of Viv Westaway and Maureen Stiles with 53.75 percent. Tarwin Lower Pairs results for North/South, Tuesday, July 12: First place was won by Viv Westaway and Maureen Stiles with the lovely score of 60.12 percent - this pair is starting to be a force to be reckoned with. Second were John Sullivan and Alan Johnston with another outstanding performance achieving 57.14 and John Cocking and Colin Cameron, two strong players were third with 53.2. East/West: First, with a very sound 58.93 were Dawn Jolly and Ruth Stevenson. Second with 55.95 were the very consistent team of Norma Hannay and Marj Freeman and the rising stars of recent weeks
TIDES Here is an easy guide to tides in your area. To determine tides for a particular area, add or subtract periods of times as shown below. Earlier Minutes Apollo Bay ...........................25 King Island (Grassy) ...........10 King Island (Surprise Bay)....40 King Island (Franklin) ...........40 Lakes Entrance .................... 170 Lorne ...................................... 20 Mallacoota Inlet.................... 158 Rip Bank ................................ 15 Snowy River Entrance ......... 170 _______________________ Cape Schanck, Flinders, Mornington Ocean Beaches, Seal Rocks, Venus Bay, Waratah Bay, Woolamai ....... nil _________________________ Later Minutes Altona ................................... 195 Barwon Heads Bridge ........... 15 Carrum ................................. 195 Corinella ................................. 68 Cowes Pier............................. 50 Dromana .............................. 195 Frankston ............................. 195 Geelong ............................... 210 Hastings ................................. 66 Hovell Pile ............................ 195 Inverloch Pier ......................... 15 Melbourne ............................ 200 Mornington ........................... 195 Newhaven Jetty ..................... 30 No. 1 West Channel (Annulus)........................... 50 No. 2 South Channel Light .... 70 No. 8 South Channel Light .. 150 Port Albert Pier ...................... 90 Portarlington Pier ................. 190 Portsea Pier ........................... 80 Port Welshpool (Rabbit Island .................... 10 Queenscliffe Pier ................... 30 Rhyll ....................................... 60 Rosebud............................... 195 Rye Pier ............................... 170 St. Leonards Pier ................. 190 Sandringham ....................... 195 Sorrento Pier........................ 130 Stony Point ............................. 40 South Channel Pile Light ..... 190 Swan Island Dock ................ 120 Tooradin ............................... 105 Warneet.................................. 84 Williamstown ........................ 200 Welshpool Pier....................... 90
At Point Lonsdale
20 WED
22 FRI
23 SAT
24 SUN
25 MON
26 TUE
height (metres)
0519 1226 1758
0.47 1.54 0.88
0003 0608 1312 1847
1.38 0.42 1.61 0.80
0057 0652 1355 1931
1.43 0.39 1.66 0.72
0146 0733 1436 2014
1.48 0.37 1.70 0.63
0233 0816 1515 2057
1.52 0.38 1.71 0.56
0319 0900 1554 2139
1.54 0.40 1.71 0.49
0405 0945 1631 2223
1.55 0.45 1.68 0.43
All times shown in 24 hour clock 0001 - 1200..................AM 1201 - 2400..................PM
with third place and 55.36 percent were Malcolm Aeschlimann and Mavis Park. Meeniyan Pairs for Monday, July 11: First place was achieved by Faye Rowlands and Frank Arndt with another outstanding performance scoring 63.89 while secpnd place was achieved by the very consistent team of Brian and Sally Hoskins with 59.03. Third place was won by Kathleen Dowd and Elly McIntyre with the very good score of 57.64.
Bowls reports
Winners: Inverloch Sunday bowls has been a popular pastime for many during the off season and success is on the rink is one of the weekend’s highlights for those that do. From left, Pat Stoneham, Mike Applin, Alan Bolding and Steve Snelling had first hand experience of the winning feeling on Sunday.
Inverloch WEDNESDAY’S Mixed Social Bowls day was cancelled due to unfriendly weather, but 16 pairs played the Open Pairs event on Saturday, in reasonable conditions. The semi finals saw Ron Burge and Shane O’Loughlin play Mick Coram and Geoff Peters, while Carol and Rex Thorn played Mick Bowman and Sarah Ashby in the two
semi finals resulting in wins for Teams Coram and Thorn. The four end final match saw the Thorns victorious. Congratulations to Rex and Carol on a great win. Sunday, May 17 was a perfect bowling day and 30 players enjoyed two 12 end games, playing in threes and fours. Winners with 38 points were Les Beaumont’s team,
Peter Dalmau and Sarina Bonnici. Runners-up with 35 points were Alan Bolding’s team, Mike Applin, Pat Stoneham and Steve Snelling. Friday night this week will be Happy Hour and club member’s lucky number draw worth $80 to the winner, if present, to collect on the night.
• Leongatha badminton
Al turns it on ROUND eight of Leongatha badminton produced many interesting encounters and some excellent matches. Alan McEachern provided numerous highlights on the night playing one of his best matches, by defeating A Reserve singles champion Shaun Helms in their singles battle 15-10, and playing a memorable doubles match with Tim Bright to win their set 23-21. These results initiated the Magpies having a sterling victory that has catapulted them up the ladder. Roger Callister filling in also had a top night and it was great to see Roger back in the hall. Hopefully we can cement a permanent spot for Roger next season. The Tigers pushed the Hawks all the way in this match. Frank Dekker and Glen Kleeven tried hard for the hapless Tigers but the overall depth of the Hawks’ line-up came to the fore as Arthur Grabham, Gary
McGrath and June Knott all had solid matches, but the hero of this contest was badminton fanatic Ian Cole. Ian plays three nights a week and this good form assisted the Hawks to victory. In the final match for review the Kangaroos’ poor season continued, only winning one doubles set for the night. The rest of the sets went to the Saints who are marching all the way to the finals. Jason Richards, Joel Langstaff, Matthew Oomman and Dom O’Brien all played brilliantly and if they keep this form up for the rest of the season a premiership awaits.
Results Magpies 6/128 d Eagles 1/92, Hawks 4/118 d Tigers 3/102, Saints 7/135 d Kangaroos 1/81, Bombers - bye.
Ladder Bombers ..................................58 Hawks ......................................54 Saints .......................................44 Eagles ......................................35 Magpies ....................................31 Tigers .......................................27 Kangaroos ................................26
Leongatha squash LEONGATHA squash started its spring competition on Monday and after a short winter break the players were back with some tough games. Adam Dean took on Clint Newcombe who started off strongly, taking the first game 10-8 then 9-4 and had Adam struggling, but coming off a solid autumn competition Adam has a steady game now and used his powerful forehand to knock Clint off his steady length. Adam drew level with two games each, and with his tail up and confident shot making, he kept the pressure on Clint who chased hard but could not get a run of points, Adam winning three games 39 points, Clint two games 34. John Jones was up against Con Privetera. John has a reliable game using his court cover to intercept the ball and has a good short game and solid boast off the side wall, but was on the back foot from the start losing the first two games. Con on the other hand started well being quick off the mark to drive the ball deep and cutting the ball off early with drop shots to each corner, and avoiding the tin. John would have thought his game was back on track and heading for a win but Con took the chocolates with a tight finish, Con winning three games 33 points, John two games 32 points in a close one. We have just started this squash competition but have positions to fill, so reach us on Facebook or call the club on 0418 998 222 or 0409 613 664 for a hit.
Runners-up: from left, Peter Dalmau, Sarina Bonnici and Les Beaumont tried to look happy enough with second place, but when you compare their smiles with those of the winners it not hard to see how highly winning counts at Inverloch – even at Sunday bowls.
South Gippsland Indoor WE saw the grand final of the Pennant played last week. A slight hiccup with the power supply to the Buffalo Hall on Tuesday night caused a postponement to the following night. With much better weather conditions and electricity, the game was on. An excellent number of spectators ventured out to watch the match between Korumburra Blue and Mardan Purple. The first end went to Mardan Purple then a steady start for Korumburra Blue saw them forge ahead. Around the halfway mark Korumburra Blue had a ten shot lead. Mardan Purple then picked up a couple of good ends with multiple scores closing the gap. With five ends to go the
scores were level. Korumburra Blue worked its way back to get in front with a tight finish eventually winning by two shots. Well done to all on what was a hard fought battle by both teams. Next the club hosts the Association Men’s and Ladies’ Singles event at Dumbalk. The following week SGIBBA’s Presentation Night Tournament will take place, also at Dumbalk. Names in to the secretary by Sunday, July 24 please.
Mardan Indoor WITH Buffalo’s power out on Tuesday the SGIBBA Pennant Grand Final was postponed until Wednesday. As a result there was no social gathering at Mardan Hall last week. There was a great turnout on the night with players from all other clubs coming along to lend their support for the two teams, Mardan Purple and Korumburra Blue.
Korumburra volleyball Results for Round 1 A Grade: Golliwogs d Warriors (2:1) 23:25, 25:18, 18:13; Champions d Bugs (3:0) 25:23, 25:21, 23:16; and Nads d Saints (2:1) 25:20, 20:25, 25:16, 6:8.
B Grade: Orsum d Knights (2:1) 29:27, 25:16, 22:24; Panthers d Albatross (3:0) 25:11, 25:13, 25:21; HELP d Hulls Angels (3:0) 25:11, 25:13, 25:8; and Falcons d Gems (3:0) 25:19, 25:13, 25:15.
In previous games between the two there had never been more than a handful of shots between them, but on both occasions it was Korumburra who emerged the victors. Both teams have faired differently throughout the competition with Korumburra being in the top four for all of the season and Mardan struggling to get up there for a good half or more of Mardan got off to a good start by taking the first end and then took a further eight ends to get back in the points, Korumburra managing to squeeze the points at each end. At 13 to five down Mardan hit its straps and started to claw back one or two at a time until an unfortunate kitty off situation occurred and gave them a four to come right back into the game. From this point on there was never a more than a couple of shots difference as the scores were only 1 or 2 at a time. By the end of he night and with a fair amount of luck going the way of both teams it was Korumburra Blue who emerged as victors for their first Pennant win by just two shots. It was a great nail biting game, a pleasure to be a part of and very entertaining for the spectators who came along.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 35
thestar.com.au • South Gippsland Miner’s Baseball
Close contest for seniors IN the absence of the usual Under 13 baseball match, it was left to the senior teams to bring it home for the Miners; unfortunately both teams fell just short. Under 13’s No local game took place this week as seven of our super talented team took part in the State Winter Championships representing the Latrobe Valley Baseball League, held over two beautiful days, Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17 at Knox. The team had a great first day winning both their games and hanging on throughout day two to secure their spot in the Grand Final against Sunraysia. Unfortunately the boys and girls just couldn’t close it out and Sunraysia took out the Championship 15 – 5 in a thrilling showdown. South Gippsland Miners coach John Long was impressed with the performance and as a club it is looking forward to seeing these natural
talents grow. B Grade South Gippsland 4 lt Churchill 12 The action was on again at the new ground and a very much improved effort it was! Our guys unfortunately got let down by some untimely defensive misses which led to Churchill scoring the bulk of their runs for the day. Surprisingly enough we actually out hit Churchill 5 to 3 but couldn’t quite get the runners home when needed. Brodie Cocks yet again proved to be our shining star with a solid performance on the mound as well as offensively; also putting in tremendous efforts were Damon Ginnane, Jordan Knox and Tasha Cocks with all reaching base as well as making mulptiple key defensive plays to keep us in the hunt. The team of Jordan Gardner at second base and Michael Thomas on first is always a good combination and Annie Carter stepped up to the mound again for her second time as a pitcher. Well done again to our ever improving team.
A Grade South Gippsland 3 lt Churchill 6 Unfortunately our guys couldn’t quite replicate last week’s heroics going down in a close game in which we welcomed our newest member to the club Robert Birnie and boy didn’t he turn up to play! Birnie pitched six innings whilst striking out six; he really showed us he hasn’t lost much in 10 years out of the game. The bats though, they went quiet, leaving runners stranded on base throughout the game whilst making fundamental mistakes throughout, proving to be the costly margin in the end; the boys though did take a lot out of this game! With a massively positive outlook from the guys now being at home for the rest of the season, big things are to come for this talented group, Just wait and see! Make sure you get down to the new ground located at Leongatha Secondary College/Federation Training oval on Nerrena Rd, Leongatha every Sunday from 11am to see all the action.
Under 13’s: well done to our boys pictured with club mascot for the weekend Asher Long getting a piggy back from Bailey Harvey; from left, Mitchell Buckland, Bailey and Asher, Cameron Prosser, Mitchell McGrath, Oscar Davis, Corbin Davis and Ethan Davis.
B Grade: after the dust settled, B Grade coach Michael Adams gathered the players for a debrief to discuss future game play for the weeks to come. Michael is pictured centre with Michael Thomas on his left and Bart Riyter on the right.
A Grade: new player and pitcher on the mound for the South Gippsland Miners A Grade, returning to the game for the first time in 10 years, Rob Birnie had a ripper of a first game and kept the Churchill Braves on its toes during the first half of Sunday’s game.
A cup full of Stars THE Inverloch Stars Reserves team had a fantastic afternoon in Leongatha on Sunday coming back from two nil down to claim its first Gippsland Soccer League (GSL) Reserves Cup. Last year it was the Inverloch Seniors side that made headlines with its penalty shoot out win, but this year the Reserves showed the mettle to take home the Cup after an enthralling afternoon of soccer. Lang Lang came out firing and took the Stars down by two goals at the break, by surprise. Each of the goals was a fine finish which left keeper Parini no chance. Some exciting play by young gun Oscar Price and strong tackling by finals debutant Andrew Bedford showed the watching crowd that the game was far from over. Some astute changes at half time gave the Stars a new formation and placed Parini in a midfield role that allowed him to pull the strings and helped the Stars dominate the second half. Andrew Orr played exceptionally well, keeping things tight in defence, and with Simon Gibson-Goldsmith expertly marshalling Lang Lang’s main striker, it was up to the forwards to make a difference and it didn’t take long. Captain Eli Cousins had put in 100 percent effort throughout and it was his massive long throw that lead to the first Stars goal. With no other option the Lang Lang defender got his head to the throw but was only able to head it in to his own goal. With the pendulum swinging their way the Stars pressed. Andrew Ellis won the ball strongly in midfield, leading to a sublime ball from Parini to put young Aaron Fraser into a scoring position. Aaron showed great poise to deftly chip over the oncoming
keeper to level the scores. Extra time beckoned and the Stars peppered the Lang Lang goal with Adam Bell and Gerson Pacheco coming close to finishing it for Inverloch in normal time. Extra time was over in a flash and it was penalties that would decide the outcome of the match. An unlucky miss gave the Stars the opportunity to take the lead and the ever reliable Parini slotted it home for the Stars. Well taken penalties from Oscar Price and Adam Bell left it to Joe Licciardi to blast the Stars to their first GSL Reserves Cup win. The team was elated by its win which it dedicated to the team’s player coach Alan Starkey who had led them through the campaign. It’s onwards and upwards for the Stars who are now able to focus their attentions on a League and Cup double that is well within their grasp. Under 12 The Inverloch Stars U12 team enjoyed a sound victory in the GSL Cup final at Leongatha on Sunday with an 8-0 victory over Korumburra City. In what was a terrific team effort, Inverloch played a strong match with winners across each line. The Stars dominated possession with most of the match played in the Korumburra half. The constant attack from the Stars forced many corners through the match. The City goal keeper, Pat Morris, was required to make a number of saves as City defended stoutly. Inverloch enjoyed a terrific spread of goal scorers just to emphasis the team effort. On the scoreboard for the Stars were Ben Clements (three), Zack Thorrowgood (two) with one each to Oscar Ward, Toby Challinor and Angus Murdoch.
A moment to savour: the Inverloch Stars Under 12s made it a double in Sunday with their older brothers also running out GSL victors. While the Under 12 won by a huge margin, the Reserves match was decided by a penalty shootout following extra time.
PAGE 36 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
SPORT | GOLF Woorayl THE trophies for our fourball par event were provided by South Gippsland Therapy and it was also the start of our 36 hole championship. Saturday’s winners were Jack Howard and Graeme Winkler with plus nine from Peter Burgess and Ross Winkler. Down the line balls to T. Ryan, T. Lund; Z. Trease, De Dwyer; B. Stubbs, I. Balfour and C. Hall, G. Calder. Nearest the pins to Ian Balfour and Brian Hogan. The ball raffle to No Luck Syndicate. On Sunday Carpet Court provided the trophies, again a fourball par event which went to Brian and Tyler Hogan with plus nine from Zac Trease and Danny Dwyer. Balls to I. Balfour, B. Stubbs; G. Salmon, B. Wilson; G. Young, R. Goodwin/ G. Winkler, J. Howard. Nearest the pins to Jack Howard and Nathan Lovie. The 36 hole handicap winners were Graeme Winkler and Jack Howard, and the scratch winners were Ian Balfour and Brett Stubbs. Next week Col Gillespie will provide the trophies for the American foursomes.
Korumburra THERE were 33 players on Saturday, July 16 for a par (K.B.O.T.) competition, with trophies supplied by Quality Engineering Solutions. A Grade: (11 hcp) T. Fowles +1, P. Johnson -1, P. Hopkins -2, D. Van Rooye -2, M. Wrigley -2. B Grade: (23 hcp) L. White -1, R. Newton -2, R. Gallagher -2. Nearest the pin: 1st R. Gallagher, 7th G. Jones, 10th T. O’Neill, 13th W. Hopkins.
Tuesday’s winner was M. Giles 36 pts and Thursday’s winner was M. Belvedere 34 pts.
Wonthaggi DUE to wet and wild weather there was no midweek competitions. However on Saturday the sun came out and we played a par event with a field of 56 players. A Grade winner was J. French +3, B Grade G. Linguey +1 and C Grade G. Moresco +4. Balls down the line: I. Johnson +3, K. Jamieson +2, R. Vanagtmaal +1, C Hennequin +1, S. Tiziani sq, B. Skinner sq, P. Hanley sq, B. Vanagtmaal sq. Nearest the pins: 2nd E. Vanagtmaal, 8th A. Lowe, 13th M. Johnson, 17th N. Cook. There is a special meeting for all members on Sunday, August 14 at 2pm to discuss our golf club’s future. Have a great week and I am looking forward to an interesting week to say the least.
Mirboo North THURSDAY, July 14 Stableford competition was won by Traralgon’s Taylor Dykstra (12) with 37 points. DTL: John McFarlane 32 and Terry Bradshaw 32. NTP: on the sixth hole, Joe Kus. On Saturday, July 16 the first Stableford playoff of the President’s Trophy was won by Tom Traill (11) 40 points (A Grade) and Stan Evison (20) 38 points (B Grade). DTL: Joe Kus 38, Connor Williams 37, Steve Bickerton 37 and Tom Whitelaw 36. Second shot NTP on the first hole was Simon Duff. NTP on the fourth hole, Eddie Dudek; sixth, Phil Garlick; 13th Connor Wil-
thestar.com.au liams; and 16th Joe Kus. Next week is the second Stableford playoff of the President’s Trophy: Tom Whitelaw versus Doug Taylor, and Steve Bickerton versus Joe Kus.
Leongatha Ladies THERE was no Ladies competition on Wednesday, July 13 due to rain. Let’s hope for better weather next week. On Saturday, July 16, 14 Ladies played in a Stableford event. Wendy Parker continued on her winning ways scoring 32 points with Balls Down the Line going to Anna Debondt 29 points, Geraldine Hastings 29 points and Dot Stubbs 28 points.
Leongatha SIXTY golfers enjoyed a Two Man Ambrose event on Saturday in ideal winter conditions. Narrow winner was the team of Stuart Harry and Greg Welsford with a net score of 63.25. Close behind and runner-up with a score of 63.5 was the team Ian Murchie and Jon Smith. The Super Competition was taken out by the team of Rod Hopcraft and Brett Windsor with 65.5. NTPs were Peter Walsh on the fourth hole, Greg Welsford on the seventh, David Forbes on the 14th and Rod Brown on the 16th. DTL balls went to the teams of Frank Gill and Philippe du Plessis, Rod Hopcraft and Brett Windsor, Barry Stevens and Rod Brown, Geoff Tyson and Gene Van Der Zalm, Daniel Ruffin and Walter Taberner, John Feddersen and Bruce Hutton, and Peter Hobson and Peter Walsh. A small field contested a Stableford round on Tuesday with Geoff McDonald taking the A Grade honours with 35 points.
B Grade was won by Barry Hughes with 37 points. NTPs were Barry Hughes on the fourth hole, John Payne on the seventh and Andrew Smith on the 16th. Balls were awarded to Fred de Bondt, Geoff Maher, Michael Thomas, Norm Hughes, Col Martin and Chris Leaver. On Thursday Greg Welsford had a very good 37 points in difficult conditions to take the A Grade honours. B Grade was taken out by Jim Arnott with 35 points in a countback. NTPs were Chris Leaver on the fourth hole, Peter Walsh on the seventh, Andrew Henley on the 14th and Greg Welsford on the 16th. Balls were awarded to Bruce Hutton, Merv Stubbs, Alan Sperling, Andrew Henley, Geoff Maher, Geoff McDonald, Kevin Castwood, Fred de Bondt, Andrew Smith, Chris Leaver, Denis Wallace and Peter Brownlie.
Foster ON Tuesday 12 a nine hole Stableford was played and won by Dave Hutchinson with18 points. NTP on the fourth was Dave Hutchinson with DTL balls awarded to Kev DaSilviera 16 and Norm Cooper 15. Wednesday 13 was a wash out. Thursday 14 a Stableford event was planed but again there was no golf due to inclement weather. The nine hole Chook Run on Friday 15 was also cancelled due to inclement weather. On Saturday 16 A Grade was won by S. Reid with 40 points and B Grade by T. Price 38 points. NTP: fourth, G. Buckland; sixth, T. Jones; 13th D. Hutchinson; 15th P. McKay; and 17th J.
Simpson. DTL balls awarded to S. Canning, J. Simpson and R. Smith. The Ladies Stableford winner was Pam With-
rights. What’s more, it gives you access to one of the top 100 public access courses in Australia; a beautiful, endlessly changing, endlessly challenging all weather 18 hole golf course in the most magnificent natural bushland setting. One of the club’s most recently acquired assets is John Payne, a PGA Class A Status USA credentialed coach and is about to become also a fully fledged PGA Australian credentialed coach. Mr Payne went to college in the US in his early 20s and after living most of his life in Park City, Utah he has returned home to help foster the next generation of young members at the Leongatha Golf Club.
winners were M. Willder and N. Cooper. Runners-up were D. Williams and K. Flett. Tuesday night is Mexican food night.
Winners’ group: from left, the best on the course at Meeniyan on Thursday 14 were Bob McGeary, Reg Hannay, Nereda Scholte and Daryle Gregg.
• Meeniyan
36 brave the cold THE cold weather could not deter 36 players who took to the Meeniyan course over the week to play Single Stableford competitions. Preferred lies are in place due to the heavy rain of late, however, the course itself is holding up very well indeed with wet areas being dried out between showers by the prevailing winds. Some emergency bridge repairs on the eighth following the storms, enabled the course to remain open for members - a huge thank you to Col Olden and Bob McGeary for their work. The works program throughout the year has also helped with getting air to the course. Saturday saw a head on tussle between in form players Rod Matthews, Daryle Gregg and Paul Robinson, with Rod eventually winning from a three way count back.
Golf’s matchless drive Continued from page 44. Ryan said that improving his handicap is probably best tackled by working on his putting. Mr Hall describes golf as a cradle to grave sport and at its May meeting the board of the golf club agreed to foster the development of the next generation of golfers by subsidising Junior membership. Anyone interested in becoming a Junior member at the course can try for free before making a decision to spend what might be the best bargain, if not the best $59, they have ever spent. The 12 months membership comes with 30 lessons beginning this school term, Term 3, in a maximum class size of eight, insurance, affiliation fee, handicap and playing
eridge and DTL, Gayle Reid. The Nine Hole Competition was won by S. Canning 24 points and Sunday 17 the Mixed Ambrose
There can be no doubt the girls and boys of South Gippsland who dream of one day lifting a trophy in front of a rapturous crowd on a famous golf course somewhere in the world, have a gigantic leg up with not only a wonderful club keen to nurture them, a truly amazing course and a couple of the best coaches going round. A 15 minute drive south of Leongatha, the gates to the club are open and a whole new world awaits them. The Junior membership package on offer now, quite simply, is one of the best around and beats playing Pokemon Go, hands down. The age old saying stands more true today than ever before: you have to be in it to win it.
Practice makes perfect: 15 year old Ryan Thomas spends hours in the practice net at his Leongatha home.
Winston Reilly continued with a very consistent week scoring 36 points on each outing. Tuesday, July 12, Single Stableford winner was Winston Reilly (30) 36 points and the runnerup Will Bullock (15) 34 points. NTP: second hole, Bob McGeary and eighth hole Daryle Gregg. The Best Nine was played by Bruce Betts (33) 20 points. Thursday, July 14, Single Stableford winner was Bob McGeary (16) 42 points and the runnerup Daryle Gregg (24) 38 points. NTP: second hole, John Hyett and eighth hole Bob McGeary. The Best Nine was played by Reg Hannay, 20 points on a count back from Nereda Scholte. Saturday, July 17, Single Stableford winner was Rod Matthews (23) 39 points on a count back from Daryle Gregg (23) and Paul Robinson (18) with Daryle Gregg the runner-up on 39 points. DTL: Paul Robinson 39 points, Phil Hutcheson 37 points and Winston Reilly 36 points. NTP: second hole, Frank Piele and on the Pro Pin 17th Lloyd Heppell. Members’ draw: Tom Wood, not present so will jackpot to next week.
Close game: on a countback, Rod Matthew was the July 17 winner of the Singles Stableford at the Meeniyan Golf Club from Daryle Gregg and Paul Robinson.
Too good: Winston Reilly was the winner of the Singles Stableford event on Tuesday, July 12 with 36 points.
Putting in: Leongatha’s Jack Howard putted a winner in his last hole of the Woorayl golf course recently.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 37
Country boys on top TWO local boys represented Victoria in the Victorian Country Under 16 football team in Geelong and the Gold Coast over two weeks from June 26 to Friday, July 8. Vic Country 11.7 (73) defeated Vic Metro 8.5 (53) at Simonds Stadium on Sunday, June 26. WA 13.15 (93) defeated Vic Country 7.9 (51) at Metricon Stadium on Monday, July 4. SA 15.11 (101) defeated Vic Country 6.9 (45) at Southport on Friday, July 8. Kyle Reid (Leongatha FNC) and Xavier
Duursma (Foster FNC) both made it through to the final 25 players. Kyle Reid was named at fullback in all games and provided a sound performance being named in the best players against WA. Kyle’s defensive spoiling and close checking were his strengths. His kicking accuracy and team work within the defensive structure was excellent. Xavier Duursma played alongside Kyle in defence playing in the back pocket and was named in the best players for the win against Vic Metro. His run and carry and disposal were amongst
his many talents during the carnival. He was eventually moved into the midfield during the last game against the eventual championship winner SA and displayed what a great midfielder he is. Both players enjoyed the experience and are now setting themselves up for selection in the Gippsland Power Under 18s in the future.
Branching out: from left, Kyle Reid and Xavier Duursma launched themselves as representative footballers playing for the Victorian Country Under 16s football team.
• Leongatha Women’s Football
Maffra claims the round THE only game of Round 12 that Leongatha and Maffra ended up playing was a win for Maffra. Efforts by AFL Gippsland to reschedule the fixture by rearranging the split round at the end of the month failed and left the clubs’ Girls’ teams solely in charge of recording a win. Leongatha lost the match by 17 points and the round 1-0 in a see-sawing match on Sunday. With Ashlie Gilliam and Alice Howard driving much of the early attack from the middle and with Keely Price circling the forward line waiting for an opportunity to kick a major, the girls looked a potent force. Seanan Trewin was at her dashing best while Hayley Geary laid one of the tackles of the year.
Hot potato: Ashlie Gilliam and Keely Price converged as a Maffra opponent tried to gain control of the ball.
Eleanor starts Olympic journey ELEANOR Patterson jetted off to London last week to begin her journey to the Olympics in Rio. First stop though is London where Eleanor will compete in a number of events in the Diamond League series.
Following this Eleanor will leave for the Athletics Australia training camp in Florida before flying on to Rio for the Games. Eleanor is fortunate to be accompanied by her coach David Green and the wishes of all of South Gippsland go with Eleanor in her quest for high jump glory.
Brothers in arms: Dalyston’s Brosnan brothers, from left, Flynn and Darcy Brosnan put Ash Zuidema under pressure during Saturday’s match in which the Magpies ran out winners over the Lions. Photo courtesy Gerard Bruning @ fourcornersframing.biz
Against the flow, however, Maffra was able to kick the first goal of the game. The second quarter was more promising for the Parrots with Zoe Michael slotting two goals in quick succession. Kyla Green was brilliant around the middle while Stacey Gilliam was showing her superiority in the aerial contests. The third quarter saw Maffra hit back with an early goal, stretching its lead to four points. Jemma Sherriff, speedy across the ground, lifted the Parrots’ intensity. In the last quarter Maffra was able to sneak two more goals to stretch its lead out to 17 points. Although the Parrots kept threatening, they were unable to convert.
PAGE 38 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Alberton netball Parrots netball Results - Round 15 July 16 A Grade: Dalyston 48 d Stony Creek 26, Foster 42 d MDU 32, Inverloch-
Kongwak 137 d DWWWW 6, Phillip Island 74 d Fish Creek 34, Tarwin 37 d Kilcunda-Bass 28, Korumburra-Bena 48 d Toora 20.
Keeping game: from left, Inverlock-Kongwak’s Kelsey Buxton looked past Allies’ Teyarnie Hanning to pass to a teammate in IK’s big win on Saturday.
B Grade: Dalyston 44 d Stony Creek 35, Foster 65 d MDU 30, InverlochKongwak 98 d DWWWW 8, Phillip Island 44 d Fish Creek 15, Tarwin 62 d Kilcunda-Bass 36, Korumburra-Bena 56 d Toora 32. C Grade: Dalyston 43 d Stony Creek 33, MDU 44 d Foster 23, Phillip Island 47 d Fish Creek 29, Tarwin 61 d Kilcunda-Bass 9, Korumburra-Bena 37 d Toora 35. 17 & Under: Dalyston 54 d Stony Creek 14, MDU 35 d Foster 32, InverlochKongwak 70 d DWWWW 14, Phillip Island 38 d Fish Creek 26, Kilcunda-Bass 31 d Tarwin 28, Korumburra-Bena 53 d Toora 2. 15 & Under: Stony Creek 21 d Dalyston 16, MDU 53 d Foster 16, Phillip Island 36 d Fish Creek 19, Tarwin 42 d KilcundaBass 15, Korumburra-Bena 27 d Toora 15. 13 & Under: Dalyston 30 d Stony Creek 3, Foster 19 d MDU 10, InverlochKongwak 49 d DWWWW 5, Fish Creek 23 d Phillip Island 20, Korumburra-Bena 28 d Toora 7.
Too quick: Stony Creek goal attack Ally Martin was best placed to receive a pass too well targeted for her opposition Gemma Thomas to cut off. Photo courtesy Gerard Bruning-@ fourcornersframing.biz
A Grade
Ladders A Grade Kor-Bena ....................293.97 Dalyston .....................221.09 Inv-Kongwak .............194.46 Phillip Island..............156.51 Toora ..........................138.44 Foster............................95.26 Stony Creek.................107.80 MDU .............................94.46 Fish Creek .....................67.12 Tarwin ...........................58.41 Kil-Bass.........................55.19 DWWWW.....................17.82 B Grade Kor-Bena ....................301.97 Foster..........................216.67 Inv-Kongwak .............173.39 Phillip Island..............152.16 Toora ..........................147.71 MDU ...........................125.74 Dalyston ......................102.61 Stony Creek...................88.49 Tarwin ...........................61.55 Fish Creek .....................75.81 Kil-Bass.........................33.16 DWWWW.....................12.53 C Grade Kor-Bena ....................220.27 Dalyston .....................167.73 MDU ...........................158.84 Toora ..........................138.59 Inv-Kongwak .............128.15 Tarwin ........................ 113.98 Phillip Island ...............103.89 Foster.............................89.09 Fish Creek .....................73.03 Stony Creek...................72.73 Kil-Bass.........................28.52 17 & Under Dalyston .....................292.69 Kor-Bena ....................232.76 Inv-Kongwak .............207.58 Phillip Island..............147.84 Fish Creek .................. 118.27 MDU ...........................132.77 Foster...........................132.32 Kil-Bass.........................50.50 Toora .............................48.28 Stony Creek...................52.48 Tarwin ...........................55.54 DWWWW.....................23.42 15 & Under Inv-Kongwak .............379.75 MDU ...........................223.79 Kor-Bena ....................174.60 Phillip Island..............153.56 Fish Creek ..................105.50 Toora ............................98.20 Tarwin ...........................66.90 Foster.............................77.56 Stony Creek................... 56.11 Dalyston ........................66.47 Kil-Bass.........................43.37 13 & Under Inv-Kongwak ............. 511.11 Fish Creek ..................220.73 Kor-Bena ....................261.74 Foster..........................169.19 Phillip Island..............238.36 Tarwin ........................125.34 Dalyston ......................132.35 MDU .............................80.07 Stony Creek...................22.62 Toora .............................31.97 DWWWW.....................13.49
58 56 50 48 32 32 24 24 12 12 12 0 60 56 48 44 36 32 30 16 16 14 8 0 60 52 52 40 36 34 28 26 16 12 4 60 52 48 46 38 36 32 16 14 10 8 0 60 52 48 44 32 32 28 22 20 18 4
Leongatha 40 d Bairnsdale 20 Auction player: Kasie Rump. Awards: Rusty Windmill - Kasie Rump, Evans Petroleum - Laura Higgins. Another game done ‘n’ dusted with the four points in our pocket. Not the best game of netball to watch but we stayed strong and took the win. Our defence was solid again all game. Well done girls.
B Grade Bairnsdale 54 d Leongatha 50 Auction player: Kate Rankin. Awards: Rusty Windmill - Kate Sperling, Baker’s Delight - Beth Dunn. Bad luck girls. It was a hard fought out game which could have gone either way towards the end. Some great plays down the court, good attacking and some strong defence.
C Grade Leongatha 44 d Bairnsdale 22 Auction player: Kathy Reid. Awards: SportsFirst - Kristy O’Loughlin, Rusty Windmill - Elise Dowling. A good win girls and a well fought out four quarters with nice accurate shooting. Let’s come out strong for Sale.
Defence: Jaclyn Smith started at Goal Defence, but moved to Wing Defence in the third quarter of the Parrots’ B Grade game against Bairnsdale on Saturday. More photos at www.mdphotos.net wanted to win, and we did. We fought it out all the way until the end. Great game. Go Parrots.
Under 17
Under 15
and we made them work extra hard, but in the end we wanted it more. Well done girls, a great win and let’s bring it on next week.
Leongatha 40 d Bairnsdale 37 Awards: Baker’s Delight - Chelsea Hofman, South Gippsland Therapy - Evonne Dekker. This was a game we
Leongatha 30 d Bairnsdale 28 Awards: Serafino’s Luca Riseley, Baker’s Delight - Zali Rogers. It was a tough game girls, we fought hard for the ball
Awards: Bairs - Chloe Brown, Lilly Walker. Tough game girls and we fought hard through the whole game. Better luck next time. Go Parrots.
Under 13
60 52 44 44 42 38 32 24 12 8 4
Gippsland netball scores & ladders Results - Round 13 A Grade: Moe 44 d Wonthaggi Power 42, Traralgon 68 d Sale 41, Morwell 58 d Warragul 28, Drouin 77 d Maffra 30, Leongatha 40 d Bairnsdale 20. B Grade: Bairnsdale 54 d Leongatha 50, Traralgon 57 d Sale 26, Morwell 48 d Warragul 36, Wonthaggi Power 39 d Moe 36, Maffra 48 d Drouin 35. C Grade: Leongatha 44 d Bairnsdale 22, Traralgon 45 d Sale 36, Morwell 35 d Warragul 20, Wonthaggi Power 32 d Moe 31, Maffra 46 d Drouin 21. Under 17: Leongatha 40 d Bairnsdale 37, Sale 45 d Traralgon 40, Morwell 40 d Warragul 33, Moe 44 d Wonthaggi Power 26, Drouin 46 d Maffra 29. Under 15: Leongatha 30 d Bairnsdale 28, Traralgon 39 d Sale 26, Morwell 46 d Warragul 23, Moe 44 d Wonthaggi Power 42, Maffra 62 d Drouin 19. Under 13: Bairnsdale 34 d Leongatha 28, Sale 50 d
Traralgon 24, Morwell 30 d Warragul 18, Moe 33 drew Wonthaggi Power 33, Maffra 38 d Drouin 22
Ladders A Grade Drouin ........................162.28 Traralgon ...................141.14 Moe .............................139.28 Morwell ......................135.86 Wonthaggi Power ........99.49 Leongatha....................105.51 Maffra............................80.51 Bairnsdale .....................69.49 Sale................................69.35 Warragul ........................47.21 B Grade Traralgon ...................147.15 Maffra ........................127.43 Morwell ...................... 111.58 Leongatha ..................124.43 Moe .............................101.27 Drouin ...........................98.41 Bairnsdale .....................93.95 Wonthaggi Power ..........87.91 Sale................................75.66 Warragul ........................64.44 C Grade Traralgon ...................129.88 Wonthaggi Power ......137.22 Maffra ........................135.68 Moe .............................135.56 Sale .............................122.73 Leongatha.................... 114.55 Morwell .........................86.17 Drouin ...........................74.55 Bairnsdale .....................54.83
48 44 40 40 24 20 16 12 12 0 48 44 40 32 24 24 20 16 8 0 42 40 36 36 36 26 16 14 6
Warragul ........................52.82 Under 17 Moe .............................164.74 Drouin ........................149.57 Sale .............................159.94 Wonthaggi Power ......100.71 Traralgon ................... 111.54 Maffra............................88.34 Bairnsdale .....................86.54 Leongatha......................71.78 Morwell .........................62.60 Warragul ........................57.93 Under 15 Moe .............................145.51 Wonthaggi Power ......140.63 Maffra ........................172.32 Traralgon ................... 117.63
4 48 48 46 30 24 20 14 12 10 4 44 44 40 36
Sale .............................105.68 Morwell .........................94.07 Leongatha......................83.01 Bairnsdale ................... 116.22 Drouin ...........................60.66 Warragul ........................35.85 Under 13 Sale .............................260.94 Moe .............................137.46 Bairnsdale ..................129.15 Maffra ........................ 116.71 Leongatha ..................132.98 Drouin ...........................85.49 Wonthaggi Power ..........85.78 Traralgon .......................76.92 Morwell .........................45.33 Warragul ........................41.95
28 20 20 16 8 0 52 34 34 34 32 24 22 12 8 4
LDNA umpires Saturday, July 23 11am: Sue Ritchie, Sharnee Mead-Ameri, Lauren Baudinette, Sam Anderson, Angelique Dunlevie, Tanya Hamilton, Pat Kuhne, Maria Evison, Jemma Caithness, Anita Gourlay, Tinisha Mills, Phil Smith, Maddie Brew. 12pm: Bridget Eldred, Angelique Dunlevie, Jess Arnason, Amy Smith, Lori
McKenzie, Britt Price, Bek Vagg, Sam Anderson, Katrina Spark, Melinda McLennan, Lauren Baudinette, Erin Baudinette. 1pm: Sophie Clarke, Millie Hannon, Phil Smith, Anna Patterson. 2.15pm: Mary Gourlay, Sue Ritchie, Anita Gourlay, Pat Kuhne. Any queries, please contact Erin Baudinette 0448 487 492.
Passing on: Jakohbi Brewer passed the ball to Mt Eccles’ Zara Gardner as St Laurences’ Billy Manicaro went for the ball in the maroons’ win at the Leongatha District Netball Association game on Saturday morning.
LDNA netball results Results - Saturday, June 16 11 & Under Section 1: Town 7 d Mt Eccles Pink 4, St Laurence 17 d Meeniyan & District 3, Mt Eccles Pink 21 d Parrots 3, Mirboo North Purple 28 d Mirboo North White 1. 11 & Under Section 2: Town 4 d St Laurence 3, Mt Eccles 5 drew Mirboo North 5. 13 & Under: Parrots 9 d St Laurence Yellow 6, Town Tangerine 21 d Town Black 19, St Laurence Maroon 27 d Mt Eccles Silver 15, Mirboo North Gold 40 d Mt Eccles Blue 3, Meeniyan & District 15 d Mt Eccles Purple 7. 15 & Under: St Laurence Blue 32 d St Laurence Ma-
roon 25, Meeniyan & District 28 d Mt Eccles Blue 9, Mirboo North 26 d Town Green 13. 17 & Under / C Grade: Town Black 43 d Town Tangerine 30, St Laurence 46 d Mt Eccles Navy 30. Open: MDU Demons 60 d Meeniyan & District 28, Town Black 40 d St Laurence Maroon 33, Mt Eccles White 48 d Mirboo North 38, Town Tangerine 36 d Mt Eccles Gold 32.
Ladders After Round 10 13 & Under Mirboo North Gold .........394.74 St Laurence Maroon .......134.21 Meeniyan & District .......129.73 Mirboo North Purple ...... 114.68 Town Tangerine.................124.19 Town Black .......................143.00
21 17 16 16 15 13
Mt Eccles Purple ............... 103.15 Parrots .................................67.81 Mt Eccles Blue ....................31.25 St Laurence Yellow ............. 45.11 Mt Eccles Silver ..................29.82 15 & Under Meeniyan & District .......165.66 Mirboo North ..................128.73 St Laurence Blue .............131.31 St Laurence Maroon .........75.78 Mt Eccles Blue ....................65.04 Town Green .........................61.48 17 & Under / C Grade Mt Eccles Navy ................134.64 St Laurence ......................133.23 Town Black ......................108.38 Town Tangerine .................53.36 Open MDU Demons ..................140.23 St Laurence Gold ............153.92 Town Black ......................137.40 Town Tangerine ............... 116.67 Meeniyan & District ...........73.03 Mt Eccles White ..................84.83 St Laurence Maroon............72.58 Mirboo North ......................66.78
11 9 6 5 4 19 17 14 8 8 0 16 14 14 0 18 16 16 16 8 7 5 2
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 39
thestar.com.au • Trafalgar v Mirboo North
Ruthless Tigers crush struggling Traf MIRBOO North systematically and ruthlessly thrashed struggling Trafalgar by 132 points at Trafalgar on Saturday. Earlier in the season, the mighty Tigers also convincingly accounted for Trafalgar by 127 points at Tigerland. Coming off an even more demoralising 194 point belting by Thorpdale in the previous round, the Bloods’ worst year in their MGFL history continues to run a depressingly familiar course. Nine Trafalgar premierships from 22 grand finals and 37 seasons in finals since 1969, counted for nothing, as the Tigers coasted to their easy win in sunny conditions on a grassy deck. Overall, the Tigers were superior in four streams: leadership, accountability and focus, talent pipeline and flexibility through the midfield.
SENIORS Mirboo North 23.16.154 Trafalgar 3.4.22 Mirboo North goals: L. Palmer 7, J. Taylor 4, Z. Kilgower 3, D. Pinneri 2, C. Le Page 2, J. Blair 2, T. Salerno 1, D. Taylor 1, H. Kerr 1. Trafalgar goals: M. Robertson 2, T. Leys 1. Mirboo North best: L. Palmer, M. Wightman, H. Kerr, J. Taylor, D. Taylor, D. Pinneri. Trafalgar best: T. Leys, J. Hines, D. Puglia, A. James, J. Noonan, A. Marx.
RESERVES Mirboo North 12.13.85 Trafalgar 10.13.73 Mirboo North goals: P. Aveling 3, S. Rogers 3, M. Green 2, M. Stewart 1, J. Robins 1, N. Gervasi 1, J. Richards 1. Mirboo North best: J. Robins, M. Green, J. Garde, J. Graeme, Z. Porter, B. Stoertebecker. Trafalgar best: H. Malady, D. Brock,
After quarter time, Trafalgar’s quality possessions assessment ratio (QPAR) was dangerously low and triggered multiple back line emergencies. Giant hearted veteran ruckman, Chris De Haas, led the Bloods onto the field through a guard of honor, to celebrate his record 331 Senior games for the club. Although he battled valiantly against the taller and more athletic Isaac Abas at the stoppages, it was hardly a delightful, delicious or delovely day for De Haas. Quick Mirboo North goals to Jacob Blair and playing coach, Clancy Bennett, were later followed by Trafalgar’s first major from Tyson Leys, approaching time-on in the opening quarter. The Bloods’ keenness for battle that included some fast run and carry, plus fearless tackling, allowed them to stay within nine points of the visitors at the first break.
B. Hunt, L. Williams, G. Kneebone, J. Dawson.
THIRDS Mirboo North 7.11.53 Trafalgar 2.6.18 Mirboo North goals: T. Joustra 3, R. Kratzat 2, R. Lowrie 1, C. Rudling 1. Mirboo North best: J. Hohmann, K. Wilson, E. Parker, L. Swallow, C. Rudling, T. Joustra. Trafalgar best: B. Hunt, J. Riddle, D. Connaughton, A. Marx, B. Burgess, C. Beckett.
FOURTHS Trafalgar 2.6.18 Mirboo North 7.11.53 Mirboo North goals: R. Lowrie 2, J. Carnes 1, T. Paterson 1, R. Peter 1, J. Mason 1, R. Kratzat 1. Trafalgar best: J. McGrath, W. Bajada, T. Marslen, T. Stevens, B. Young, J. Moore. Mirboo North best: A. Krausz, A. Irwin, R. Lowrie, L. Oddy, F. Austin, C. White
Unabated domination: Luke Palmer was unstoppable both up high and down low and with seven goals to show for a red hot day on the grassy deck, the Mirboo North vice captain’s performance was unanimously voted the best on ground. As well as Leys, Jamie Hines, Daniel Puglia and Ashley James were fine contributors for the Bloods, who were stringing some quality disposals together. However, one optimistic Trafalgar fan spoke too soon when he remarked, “It looks like the bad days of recent times are behind us.” Mirboo North, with winners on every line and playing adventurous link-up footy, slammed on 7.3 to the Bloods’ 1.1 to give the Tigers a decisive 47 point advantage at the long break. Vice captain, Luke Palmer, who finished the afternoon with seven goals, was unstoppable up high and down low for the Tigers and, along with Josh Taylor and Zac Kilgower, provided many and varied avenues to the big white sticks. Mitchell Wightman was in career best form in the centre for Mirboo North, with his first option handpasses
and foot deliveries frequently creating scoring opportunities for his teammates. Others in red hot form for the Tigers were Hudson Kerr, Daniel Taylor and Dom Pinneri. Mirboo North poured on another six goals in the third quarter, as its domination continued unabated against the hapless Bloods. When a Melbourne-bound passenger train flashed by, no doubt most of the Bloods wished they were on it. To the north, the Baw Baw snowfields must have looked equally appealing for those Trafalgar players unable to gather a kick or take a mark. Former premiership playing coach, Matt Robertson, managed Trafalgar’s only major for the term, but was reported and sin binned following an incident with Tom Reiske on the threequarter time siren. The Tigers’ tempers flared and their resolve to keep the
Bloods goalless in the final quarter increased to fever pitch. With Robertson serving 15 minutes of penance off field and other Bloods tiring after all of their chasing, Mirboo North added eight unanswered goals to its score. Even into time-on, the Tigers were going full bore and refused the Bloods any junk time goals. When Alex Windsor, Wightman, Kerr and Abas combined to find Josh Taylor, the blond onballer curled a 50 metre beauty home at the 23 minute mark.
Reserves Mirboo North recorded a stirring 12 point victory over a Trafalgar side strengthened by several Senior players dropped to the Reserves for disciplinary reasons. The mighty Tigers opened positively when Jamie Robins goaled from a Steven Rogers’ inboard precision pass after 53 seconds of play.
• Leongatha Cycling Club
Riders chase the trophies CLUB racing was held on Sunday morning from Pound Creek with a 9.30 start to racing. For those riding to the start it meant a warm up ride across frosty country side with the thermometer at around zero degrees. The morning did warm up to be pleasantly sunny and race conditions were pretty good. The Senior field raced for the Lex Watt Memorial Trophy whilst the B Grade riders raced for the Watchorn Trophy. The scratch duo of Austin Timmins and Thomas McFarlane had another duo – Harrison McLean and Steve Allen - on three minutes whilst on eight minutes there was a trio – Kevin Feely, Chris Rowe and Leigh Stott. Out on a limit of 12 minutes there were a further three riders – Oliver McLean, Brad Bouquet and Bernadette Fitzgerald. The riders faced two laps of the 24 kilometre circuit. By the time the riders raced round the corner from the Koonwarra Road back onto the Bass Highway, the limit group had lost three minutes of its lead to the chasing trio whilst the back markers had closed up but not as markedly. By the time they reached the same corner on the second
lap the eight minute and 12 minute bunches were together and moving well but they only had around 30 seconds on the backmarker quartet and still had around eight kilometres to race. Perhaps it was the Saturday race for Thomas McFarlane (he competed in the MelbourneBallarat Race) or perhaps it was a little more desperation by the limit riders, but they reached the line about 100 metres ahead of the chasers. In the dash to the line it was the limit trio who out sprinted the middle markers to claim the podium places. Oliver McLean claimed the trophy from Bernadette Fitzgerald and Brad Bouquet. Kevin Feely was fourth, Chris Rowe fifth and Leigh Stott sixth. Harrison McLean led the back markers in for seventh then it was Thomas McFarlane eighth (and with the fastest time 1 hour and 20 minutes). Next in were Steve Allen and then Austin Timmins. The B Grade riders raced up and back on the Pound Creek Road twice for an approximately 17 kilometre race. Thomas Fitzgerald was back from his successful racing at the Eildon Junior Tour and racing from scratch. He was chasing 1.30 minutes to Kaleb Jans whilst out on 3.30 minutes was Zach Stubbs-Teylor, Jack Allen and Gregg Bradshaw.
Less than two minutes later, Michael Green snagged another, before Pat Aveling put through the Tigers’ third at the seven minute mark. Robins, Green and Jake Garde were causing plenty of headaches for their opponents and Joel Graeme was also busy for the visitors. Down back, Zac Porter, together with Todd and Jed Alexander, kept the Bloods at bay with brave play when the pressure was at breaking point. However, Mirboo North’s early dominance was soon reined in by the Bloods and a ding-dong battle saw the Tigers holding a two point lead at the last change. Aveling kicked Mirboo North eight points clear at the start of the last term, but the Bloods refused to relent. Rogers came to the fore with two outstanding contested marks – one down low and the other high overhead – that resulted in crucial goals from long range a couple of minutes apart. Talented thirds’ player, Brayden Hunt, kicked the last
OTHER MATCHES SENIORS Boolarra 12.18.90 d Yarragon 8.10.58 Yinnar 10.13.73 d Thorpdale 5.8.38 Morwell East 11.17.83 d Hill End 8.6.54 Newborough 13.6.84 d Yall-Yall Nth 6.4.40 RESERVES Yarragon 13.13.91 d Boolarra 1.1.7 Yinnar 20.12.132 d Thorpdale 0.2.2 Hill End 10.17.77 d Morwell East 5.9.39 Yall-Yall Nth 7.15.57 d Newborough 6.4.40 THIRDS Yinnar 9.13.67 d Thorpdale 1.5.11 Hill End 21.20.146 d Morwell East 6.5.41 Newborough 10.12.72 d Yall-Yall Nth 4.3.27 FOURTHS Newborough 15.13.103 d Yall-Yall Nth 4.2.26
of his four majors on the siren and reduced Trafalgar’s losing margin to two goals.
Thirds Reigning back-to-back premier, Mirboo North, reversed its seven-point defeat earlier in the season against the Bloods, with a strong 35 point win away from home. Best for the Tigers were, long kicking Jayden Hohmann, Kyle Wilson and Ethan Parker.
Mid Gippsland League SENIORS LADDER Newborough ......... 204.48 Mirboo North ........ 200.90 Yall-Yall North....... 227.50 Yinnar ................... 170.53 Morwell East......... 110.18 Thorpdale .............. 104.99 Boolarra ................... 83.64 Yarragon .................. 62.03 Trafalgar ................... 32.52 Hill End .................... 37.16
48 40 36 36 34 24 16 16 6 4
RESERVES LADDER Yinnar ................... 301.78 Newborough ......... 382.85 Yall-Yall North....... 314.25 Mirboo North ........ 132.62 Thorpdale ............... 71.64 Yarragon .................. 73.58 Trafalgar ................... 63.24 Morwell East ............ 48.43 Boolarra ................... 42.17 Hill End .................... 27.10
48 44 44 32 24 20 16 16 12 4
THIRDS LADDER Mirboo North ........ 327.65 Yinnar ................... 254.95 Hill End ................. 162.94 Newborough ......... 197.27 Yall-Yall North....... 101.62 Thorpdale ................ 93.50 Trafalgar ................... 65.56 Morwell East ............ 36.94 Boolarra .................. 21.20
48 44 40 36 24 24 24 12 4
FOURTHS LADDER Newborough ......... 221.08 Mirboo North ........ 123.16 Trafalgar ............... 145.65 Yinnar ..................... 66.17 Yall-Yall North......... 35.33
80 70 63 33 0
Leongatha Junior footy CGJFL ladders UNDER 10 W Hill & Rovers .....9 L’gatha Green.....8 Mirboo North .....8 Yinnar..............6 Trafalgar...........6 Morwell Royal ...... 4 Moe Maroons....... 4 Moe Blues ............ 4 Morwell Navy ....... 3 Newb Blues .......... 2 Newb Reds........... 1 Yallourn Nth ......... 0
L 0 1 1 3 3 5 5 6 6 8 8 9
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CGJFL % % Won 1244 100 685 88 224 88 518 66 138 66 127 44 105 44 90 40 75 33 23 20 20 11 10 0
Shining: from left, in second place was Bernadette Fitzgerald; the winner of the Lex Watt Memorial Trophy, Oliver McLean; third, Brad Bouquet; and Zach Stubbs-Teylor, the winner of the Watchorn Trophy for Juniors made an impressive winners’ group for the Leongatha Cycling Club held at Pound Creek on Sunday. With no wind to contend with, the limit group used its numbers to keep the pace steady and with a lack of commitment from the back markers it was again a limit rider bunch contesting the Watchorn Trophy. Zach showed his break from racing over the school holidays was no disadvantage as he scored his first win and a trophy as well. A close second went to Greg Bradshaw
whilst Jack Allen was third. Thomas Fitzgerald was fourth but fastest 36.58 whilst Kaleb Jans was fifth. The club was expecting some more riders for the Sunday race however the Saturday morning training bunch ride suffered some mishaps with one rider trying out the Chris Froome position for some downhill descents. Club members are reminded there is a club meet-
ing on Tuesday night at the RSL rooms. Next Saturday also sees the club host the next round of the State Time Trial series at the Outtrim Reserve. Club racing will start at 9am with the State Series at 10am. The afternoon will see members tackle the hill climb dash up Mt Misery. If riders are not racing we can use your help run the racing.
W L’gatha Green.....8 Trafalgar...........7 L’gatha Gold ......7 Hill & Rovers .....6 Mirboo North .....5 Moe Maroons....... 4 New Blues ............ 4 Yinnar .................. 3 Morwell Navy ....... 1 Yallourn Nth ......... 1 Morwell Royal ...... 0
L 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 9
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% % Won 380 100 299 87 285 77 238 66 177 62 81 50 76 50 86 33 26 12 21 12 25 0
L 0 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 6 10
D 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Green goals: N. Occhipinti 1, W. Brown 1. Best: B. McRae, E. O’Carroll, M. O’Carroll, L. Stewart, H. Livingstone, F. Dunn.
UNDER 12 Leongatha Green 12.5.77 Yinnar 7.5.47 Green goals: J. Burns 4, T. McRae 3, R. Weaver 3, T. Hanily 2, J. Clark 1, B. Stewart 1, B. Weston 1, T. Cumming 1. Best: T. Cumming, J. Burns, T. McRae, T. Hanily, R. Weaver
UNDER 14 Leongatha Gold 11.14.80 Newborough Reds 3.2.20 Gold goals: H. Kewming 2, F. Materia 2, J. Dennison 1, A. Battersby 1, N. Beavis 1, J. Wrigley 1, C. James 1, C. Riseley 1, R. Giliam 1, R. Drysdale 1, C. Michael 1. Best: K. Eyers, L. Boyle, R. Drysdale, J. Friend, D. Hanily, C. James.
Leongatha Green 12.4.76 Yinnar 5.7.37
UNDER 14 W Trafalgar...........8 Mirboo North .....8 L’gatha Green.....6 L’gatha Gold ......6 Morwell Navy .....5 Yinnar .................. 5 New Reds............. 5 New Blues ............ 4 Moe Blues ............ 4 Hill & Rovers........ 2 Moe Maroons....... 2 Yallourn Nth ......... 0
UNDER 10 Leongatha Green 2.1.13 Yinnar 0.5.5
% % Won 283 94 262 88 159 72 143 60 167 55 85 55 88 50 89 44 73 40 69 22 30 22 25 0
Green goals: E. Lamers 5, R. Kemp 3, N. Hanily 2, J. Burns 1, R. Weaver 1. Best: N. Hanily, K. Brown, N. Clark, H. Sheedy, R. Weaver, T. Hanily.
PAGE 40 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
• Inverloch-Kongwak v Allies
IK step it up against Allies INVERLOCH-Kongwak showed why they are the 2016 flag favourites with a brilliant display of disciplined football against Allies on Saturday. IK stormed to a 13 goal win. The Allies travelled to Inverloch knowing they had a big job on their hands. Inverloch sitting on top of the AFL ladder produced a very convincing style of football to completely over run the Allies. The weather stayed calm and the oval
Inverloch-Kongwak 23.15.153 Allies 10.8.68 Inverloch-Kongwak Goals: L. McMillan 6, T. Lomax 3, W. Hetherington 2, D. Lawton 2, A. Soumilas 2, D. Reid 2, T. Wyatt 2, J. Clottu 1, D. Clark 1, E. MacPhie 1, M. Miller 1. Allies Goals: B. Nolan 4, S. Buttigieg-Clarke 4, J. Phillips 1, D. Batson 1. Inverloch-Kongwak Best: A. Cross, L. McMillan, W. Hetherington, A. Soumilas, D. Clark, D. Reid. Allies Best: D. Batson, H. Egerton, J. Nolan, J. Marriott, M. Homer, B. Nolan. RESERVES
Inverloch-Kongwak 14.14.98 Allies 4.4.28 Leading Goalkicker: R. Butler 6. IK Best: W. Blundy, D. Newman, R. Butler, S. Buxton, C. Spencer, B. Withers. Allies Best: A. Peebles, L. Sketcher, M. Watson, K. Skarratt, S. Bishop, H. Hoppner. FOURTHS
Inverloch-Kongwak 14.12.96 Allies 2.6.18 Leading Goalkicker: C. McInnes 9. IK Best: C. McInnes, R. Sparkes, T. Nash, A. Box, H. Dawson, G. Burgess. Allies Best: H. Smith, J. Gay, L. Sketcher, A. Dean, H. Hoppner, C. Pettie.
surface was just right for football. The long ground makes teams run and carry the ball and the home side play a rugby style game where the defenders run up to halfback and set up a wall across the oval. When the ball is in its forward half players swap the ball around with slick handball until a player gets clear and has a shot on goal. IK had four goals on the board in smart fashion and whilst Lucas McMillan was the prime target others ran into space for the crumbs. Goals to Hetherington, Soumilas and Reid set the pattern but it was McMillan who gave the Allies the most concern. Late in the quarter strong play in the midfield by Ryan Marriott and Dan Batson chopped off the home sides run and a long kick to space allowed Shaun Buttegieg open space to kick the teams only goals. Term two saw the side put on a clinic as the runners used handball to advantage. Soumilas, Reid and McMillan set up IK’s big lead but again the Allies kept working hard. In defence Egerton, Trent Robertson and Jaden Nolan did a sterling job but the line across the ground by IK was near impenetrable. Late in the term the visitors got the ball deep into attack. A dust up on the wing
saw an IK player sent off and Brandon Nolan made full use of the 50 metre penalty with a timely goal. From the centre bounce Ben Mayers sent the Allies forward and with Anthony Sigeti and Justin Marriott running hard they got the ball to Nolan for second in a minute. By the main break the lead was out to t10 goals but the Allies were still having a red hot go. Nolan started third term with a long goal from the boundary then Buttegieg fired one through from centre half forward. Momentarily the Allies were controlling the ball and whilst IK had its line across the ground in place the Allies were able to kick over that line and find Nolan for another handy goal. Each time the ball came back to the middle, IK would set up the play and by winning the centre bounce through Soumilas and O’Reilly the home quickly piled on two goals to keep the lead intact. The last term produced the best football as the fitness of both teams runners dictated play. Two quick goals to Buttegieg gave the Allies followers some heart but when the game was needed to be won McMillan and Mahoney bobbed up with goals to put the issue beyond doubt. IK deserves the top spot on the ladder and will give the finals run a shake.
Above Losing battle: Allies’ Trent Robertson scrambled for the ball in the second term of the game against IK on Saturday.
Right, Ball up: Inverloch-Kongwak’s ruckman Brad Hender took on Allies’ Brandon Nolan in the Sea Eagles’ home game win on Saturday.
• Foster v MDU
Tigers claw down Demons FOSTER went into Saturday’s game in full force for Round 15 of the season while visiting MDU was already at a disadvantage with half a team off the field.
Might and Tiger power: Foster’s Darren Grainger showed desperation for the ball as he lunged from the pack to gain possession with caution thrown to the wind.
Pinned: MDU’s Matthew Smith tackles Sam Lyon to the ground but in terms of the game’s result, the situation was the other way round with the Demons going down by a massive 126 points to one of the favourites to take the flag, Foster.
Foster was in high spirits, having beaten Allies the week prior to the bye while MDU was looking to redeem itself after a 45 point loss to Toora. From the blare of the first siren Foster was after the win and between the likes of Michael Cooke, Shaun Chaseling and Joel Hanlon the Tigers pounced on the ball, putting a whopping nine goals on the board in the first term. The home team worked like clockwork and refused to let a single Demon near the ball as the game progressed into the second term. MDU reserve Tim Harris came up to play centre half forward alongside fellow reserve Nick Hillan in half forward and while the duo played as best as it could, the Demons failed to place a single score on the board going into half time. Foster, on the other hand, continued its domination and put up another six
goals with the help of Darren Granger, finishing the half well up on 96 to 8. MDU’s weakened team was showing its vulnerability with half its key players out either injured or unavailable on game day. Key forward Thomas McDermott joined the lengthy list of benched players including Michael Olden, Charlie Ampt and Tom Harley. Jack Hughes will unfortunately be benched for the rest of the season with a broken thumb. Cam Harris played his
eighth game for the seniors but may be returning to reserves this weekend, injuries depending. Foster let up a bit in the third term, putting four on the board and taking its score up to a 104 point lead as MDU managed one major and two behind. The final score saw MDU’s four goal total shared equally between Tim Harris, Callum Hutcheson, Hillam and Josh Swift compared to Foster forward Cooke’s six goal victory. Chaseling and Joel Han-
lon shared three goals each with Granger also contributing two to Foster’s enormous 119 point marginal win at full time. Foster finished up on 147 to MDU’s 28, with the Demons scoring two majors in the final term. Olden looks to return this weekend however MDU still looks to be short of some of its best players as it takes on Dalyston this weekend.
Foster 23.9.147 MDU 4.4.28 Foster Goals: M. Cooke 6, J. Hanlon 4, S. Chaseling 4, D. Granger 3, B. Bowden 2, X. Duursma 2, J. Toner 1, M. Clark 1. MDU Goals: C. Hutcheson 1, J. Swift 1, N. Hillam 1, T. Harris 1. Foster Best: M. Clark, S. Chaseling, M. Cooke, B. Bowden, C. VanDyke, B. Tagg. MDU Best: M. Harris, T. Corry, M. Smith, T. Harris, M. Laskey, B. Dillon. RESERVES
MDU 8.8.56 Foster 4.9.33 Leading Goalkicker: L. Cripps 3. MDU Best: S. White, J. Forrester, P. Harris, C. McInnes, J. Hoy, C. Dyke Foster Best: J. Aldersea, T. Van Dyke, M. Campbell, S. Dobson, K. Bohn, L. Cripps. FOURTHS
Foster 13.7.85 MDU 6.3.39
Help: Brenton Arnup is well placed to accept this handball from assailed team mate Ryan Olden with room to run and carry.
Leading Goalkicker: B. Cripps 3. Foster Best: J. Thornell, M. House, A. Ginnane, L. Wake, R. Angwin, L. Rathjen. MDU Best: S. Bright, B. Cantwell, S. Benra, L. Smith, D. Clark, S. Pearce.
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 41
thestar.com.au • Dalyston v Stony Creek
Dalyston’s continued domination DALYSTON stayed at home to play Stony Creek on Saturday after both teams had a victorious Round 14 two weeks prior, before the bye. Term one saw a slow start to the game with the Magpies possessing the ball for a majority of the quarter, putting two majors on the board and four behind due to some inaccurate kicking. Stony
managed to keep up with the play and score a goal too, finishing the term on 7 to Magpies’ 16. Stony’s Kerem Baskaya played another cracking game of footy and managed to score five goals throughout the game, two above Dalyston forward Glen Parker’s hat trick, however Baskaya could not support all of the Lions who began to fall further behind in the second term. Between the efforts of
Parker and Michael Marotta, the Pies managed to put another four goals on the board, once again accompanied by four behind. Dalyston’s defensive forward line maintained its strength and refused to let Stony into its forward 50, only allowing one more goal on the board by half time thanks to Dalyston’s Matt Rosendale’s skilful use of the ball. Both teams came back refreshed after half time
and fought goal for goal in the third term, each putting three on the board. Dalyston lead 64 to 31
going into the last quarter with the likes of Blake Carew and Dean Wylie keeping the Lions at bay.
Stony did not let up until the final siren however as Baskaya continued to dominate the Lions’ scoring. Rick Saunders and Jamie Cann each contributed a major however the Magpies’ early start proved difficult to overtake. Stony managed to score four majors in the final term to Dalyston’s two but it was too late for a comeback, with the home team taking the day with a 20 point victory, totalling 77 on the board. Stony Creek’s loss has kept the Lions stagnant at sixth on the ladder however Dalyston was dropped to fourth thanks to Foster’s tremendous win against MDU.
Dalyston Goals: G. Parker 3, M. Marotta 2, M. Rosendale 1, K. Butler 1, C. Graham 1, B. Fisher 1, D. Brosnan 1, K. Schrape 1. Stony Creek Goals: K. Baskaya 5, J. Cann 1, D. Zuidema 1, J. Byrnes 1, R. Saunders 1. Dalyston Best: M. Rosendale, B. Carew, D. Wylie, M. Marotta, K. Butler, F. Brosnan. Stony Creek Best: A. Logan, R. Saunders, J. Schelling, K. Baskaya, C. Stone, C. Mackie. RESERVES
Dalyston 25.12.162 Stony Creek 0.1.1
In front: Daylston’s Micheal Harris plays in front of his Lions’ opponent, Jake Brydon, which is where Stony Creek stayed for most of the match. Photo courtesy Gerard Bruning-@ fourcornersframing.biz
Leading Goalkicker: M. Schreck 10 Dal Best: M. Schreck, D. Brown, A. Gennaccaro, L. West, A. Wallis, A. Powell. Stony Best: T. Gordon, D. Preston,
Dalyston 10.10.70 Stony Creek 1.1.7 Leading Goalkickers: K. Wright 2, C. Ohalloran 2. Dalyston Best: L. Ion, D. Loughridge, J. Loughridge, W. Forsyth, B. Veenendaal. Stony Best: H. Collins, J. Bright, J. Phillips, C. Cary, D. Williams, B. Martin.
Giants made little The Giants still don’t know the outcome of the appeal it has made against AFL Gippsland decision to exclude it from the new West Gippsland Football League in 2017. With a decision by AFL Victoria which is conducting the review long overdue – rumour is it is expected this week Korumburra Bena’s poor form was undoubtedly a key element of the commission’s decision to leave the club out of the planned stronger league. Losses such as that incurred this weekend are
unlikely to impress those conducting the review and once the decision is made, it is understood the umpire decision is final with no correspondence to be entered into. Results like the one wrought on it by Toora on Saturday (which is one of the teams the hierarchy at the club had its hearts set on conquering) to finally get the monkey off its back, can only be understood as being the performance of a club which has its sights set elsewhere. Coach Dean Hendrikse must be wondering what else he can do. Given the breathing space created by the bye Mr Hendrikse said recently this was a game the Giants had a good chance of
MID GIPPSLAND Round 14: July 23 Thorpdale v Yarragon Yall-Yall Nth v Yinnar Newborough v Boolarra Morwell East v Trafalgar Mirboo North v Hill End
GIPPSLAND Round 14: July 23 Traralgon v Bairnsdale Warragul v Wonthaggi Maffra v Morwell Sale v Leongatha Drouin v Moe
winning. Whatever the decision the Giants are confronted with there is only one way forward and that is anything but looking back. Reportedly the Giants was the only Alberton Football Netball League team not represented at a meeting the week before last to discuss the future of Junior football in the league. The president of Alberton FNL Barry Stride said the league is very excited by decisions that have been taken and the public will be impressed. There is a huge amount of goodwill in the football world towards Korumburra-Bena Football Netball Club and whichever way the decision goes everyone to a man will be wishing
the club’s wheel of fortune makes a well oiled turn in its favour. Everyone knows things come and go in cycles and in a few year’s time it will be another club up against it. People will be heard making the comment, “Remember back a few years ago when it was Korumburra-Bena! Hard to believe it now when they are the true Giants of the competition, but they were at rock bottom.” Russell Robertson the former Melbourne player kicked 13 goals for Toora in his fourth match for the club since his debut in the heritage match against Foster on June 18. That is just shy of half Toora’s whole score.
Toora 22.18.150 Korumburra-Bena 4.5.29 Toora Goals: R. Robertson 13, K. Holmes 3, J. Attard 2, C. Hanratty 1, J. Pintus 1, J. Vening 1, L. Jenkins 1. Korumburra-Bena Goals: W. Jeffs 2, B. Fitzpatrick 1, B. Dorling 1. Toora Best: R. Robertson, J. Attard, B. Scarcella, M. O’Sullivan, K. Holmes, T. Allott. Korumburra-Bena Best: L. Van Rooye, B. Fitzpatrick, W. Jeffs, C. Trewin, J. Hill, B. Dorling. RESERVES
Korumburra-Bena 15.12.102 Toora 6.8.44 Leading Goalkicker: M. Kennewell 5. KB Best: B. Schulz, M. Kennewell, M. Whiteside, J. Harris, H. Bull, T. Sorrell. Toora Best: J. Grant, K. Morgan, C. Hilder, D. Knee, H. Hanratty, N. Nicholls. THIRDS
Korumburra-Bena 12.13.85 Toora 2.3.15 Leading Goalkicker: K. Cosson 5. KB Best: T. Halliday, L. Snooks, H. McNeil, J. Beckwith, J. Grabham, J. Anthony. Toora Best: T. Koolen, L. Ireland, K. Swart, O. Cashmore, A. Hewson, J. Platt.
Phillip Is..... 10 0 1 403.42 Won Power .. 9 1 1 274.88 Inv-K’wak.... 6 5 0 123.58 Corner Inlet .. 6 5 0 100.25 Dalyston ..... 5 7 0 78.59 Kor-Bena .... 2 9 0 69.25 2.74 Kil-Bass.........0 11 0 GOALKICKERS H. Dawson (Inv-K’wak) ...... (0) J. Kilgour (Dalyston) .......... (2) C. Scott (Won Pwr) ............ (1) T. Nash (Inv-K’wak) ............ (0) C. Smith (Won Pwr) ........... (0) J. Lawson (Won Pwr) ........ (1) J. Grace (Phillip Is) ............ (0) N. Anderson (Won Pwr) ..... (2) A. Andreopoulos (Foster) ... (3) K. Fuller (Phillip Is) ............ (0)
42 38 24 24 20 8 0 19 15 14 13 10 9 9 9 9 9
Inv-K’wak.....10 1 0 456.38 Corner Inlet ..9 2 0 259.85 Phillip Is......7 4 0 112.73 Kor-Bena .....6 4 1 171.33 Won Power ...4 6 1 105.26 Kil-Bass ......2 9 0 50.72 1.52 Dalyston ........ 0 12 0 GOALKICKERS Z. Duursma (Foster) ........... (2) J. Cuman (Kor-Bena) ......... (5) T. Kleverkamp (Phillip Is) ... (0) D. Berryman (Foster) ......... (2) J. Butcher (Inv-K’wak) ....... (1) A. Reid (Inv-K’wak) ............ (1) R. Moresco (Won Pwr) ...... (0) O. Dawson (Inv-K’wak) ...... (0) B. Silvester (Inv-K’wak)...... (0) J. Soumilas (Inv-K’wak) ..... (0) J. Willliamson (Won Pwr) .. (0) B. Senior-Gibson (Won P).. (0)
80 46 42 41 38 38 37 37 35 33
60 56 44 40 40 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 53 47 43 35 34 32 27 24 27 24 22 22 22
Round 15: July 23 Ellinbank v Bunyip Neerim South v Nyora Buln Buln v Koo Wee Rup Lang Lang v Nilma Darnum Catani v Cora Lynn Garfield v Nar Nar Goon Longwarry v Dusties Poowong - bye
52 52 48 48 40 32 20 20 20 16 10 2
• Korumburra-Bena v Toora
KORUMBURRABena sank to a new low on the weekend when it lost 4.5.29 to Toora 22.18.150.
Round 16: July 23 Kor-Bena v Foster MDU v Dalyston Tarwin v Fish Creek I-K v Phillip Island Stony Creek v Toora Kilcunda-Bass v DWWWW
Dalyston ..... 15 0 0 709.31 Inv-K’wak.... 14 1 0 371.39 MDU.......... 11 4 0 222.62 Phillip Is..... 10 5 0 195.25 Fish Creek... 10 5 0 191.02 DWWWW .... 6 9 0 71.43 Kil-Bass.........5 10 0 50.93 Kor-Bena .......5 10 0 43.66 Tarwin ...........4 11 0 49.49 Toora ... .........4 11 0 38.67 Foster ............3 12 0 41.68 Stony Creek...3 12 0 39.26 GOALKICKERS A. Bright (Fish Creek) ......... (1) A. Wallis (Dalyston) ........... (5) R. Butler (Inv-K’wak).......... (6) J. Brooker (Dalyston) ......... (2) M. Schreck (Dalyston) ..... (10) J. Maurilli-Pullin (Toora) .... (2) D. Brown (Dalyston) .......... (2) M. Schreck (Dalyston) ..... (16) D. Pruysers (Dalyston) ....... (3) M. Wright (Phillip Is) ......... (2) N. Mathieson (MDU) .......... (0) L. Anderson (Tarwin) ......... (4) A. Kuhne (MDU)................. (2)
T. Zukovskis, A. Scholte, S. Cope, B. McKnight. THIRDS Dalyston 17.8.110 Stony Creek 2.2.14 Leading Goalkicker: A. Busana 7. Dalyston Best: K. Wilson, T. Robinson, L. Legione, C. Magro, C. Loughridge, J. Legione. Stony Best: J. Bright, K. Newton, J. Geary, A. Stanley, H. Funnell, T. O’Connor. FOURTHS
Inv-K’wak.....13 2 0 236.14 Fish Creek....13 2 0 190.58 Foster .........12 3 0 178.14 Dalyston ......12 3 0 172.59 Kil-Bass ......10 5 0 132.14 Stony Creek ..8 7 0 93.41 Toora... .......... 5 10 0 85.14 Phillip Is ........ 5 10 0 86.10 DWWWW ...... 5 10 0 73.85 MDU.............. 4 11 0 74.00 Tarwin ........... 2 12 1 67.91 Kor-Bena ....... 0 14 1 16.46 GOALKICKERS K. Bergles (Kil-Bass) .......... (6) K. Baskaya (Stony Ck) ........ (5) L. McMillan (Inv-K’wak) ..... (6) G. Parker (Dalyston) .......... (3) B. Runnalls (Phillip Is) ....... (0) L. Manders (Toora) ............ (0) J. Swift (MDU) ................... (1) T. Mahoney (Inv-K’wak) ..... (0) J. Hanlon (Foster) .............. (4) T. Wyatt (Inv-K’wak).......... (2) LADDER
Dalyston 11.11.77 Stony Creek 9.3.57
At odds: Dalyston forward Matt Rosendale and Stony Creek backman Ash Zuidema are a study in attack and defend as one aims to pull down the mark for a set shot at goal, while the other is hoping to punch the ball clear. Photo courtesy Gerard Bruning-@ fourcornersframing.biz
40 36 28 26 18 8 0 11 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 6
Inv-K’wak.... 10 Phillip Is..... 9 Fish Creek... 7 Dalyston ..... 8 Kor-Bena .... 6 Kil-Bass ..... 5 Stony Creek...3 MDU..............2 Toora .............0
1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 9 0 9 0 11 0
794.6 317.9 194.6 173.9 91.1 138.6 12.7 36.0 20.3
90 81 70 66 54 45 25 18 0
GOALKICKERS A. Busana (Dalyston) ......... (7) Z. Caughey (Inv-K’wak) ...... (0) C. McInnes (Inv-K’wak)...... (0) T. Officer (Phillip Is) ........... (1) K. Cosson (Kor-Bena) ........ (5) D. Dight (Dalyston) ............ (4) D. Brosnan (Dalyston)........ (0) A. Toussaint (Inv-K’wak) .... (0) H. McInnes (Inv-K’wak) ..... (0) B. Aldwell (Kil-Bass) .......... (0)
33 28 25 25 19 17 15 15 14 14
Fish Creek... 12 Phillip Is..... 11 Inv-K’wak.... 9 Dalyston ..... 7 Kor-Bena .... 6 Kil-Bass ..... 6 DWWWW ......3 Stony Creek...3 Foster ............2 MDU..............1
1 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 9 0 10 0 9 0 11 0
353.6 439.7 343.9 235.5 156.3 196.2 34.8 15.1 52.0 14.5
92 91 75 58 54 50 25 23 18 8
GOALKICKERS C. O’Halloran (Dalyston) .... (2) C. McInnes (Inv-K’wak)...... (9) B. Taylor (Phillip Is)............ (0) L. Howard (Fish Creek) ...... (1) N. Anderson (Phillip Is) ...... (2) L. Alford (Kil-Bass) ............ (0) M. Freeman (Phillip Is)....... (0) W. Lindsay (Kil-Bass) ......... (0) J. Standfield (Fish Ck) ........ (1) L. Sketcher (DWWWW) ..... (1) S. Flanders (Fish Ck) .......... (0)
39 38 27 24 20 19 16 15 14 13 13
PAGE 42 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
• Phillip Island v Fish Creek
Roos hop on hapless Dogs FISH Creek has helped itself to a
handy percentage boosting win away
Dasher: Ash Snooks evades Phillip Island’s Jamie Youle. Fish Creek 18.15.123 Phillip Island 5.7.37 Fish Creek Goals: J. Smith 5, M. Kreymborg 4, T. Cameron 3, T. Manne 2, B. Harfield-Park 1, G. Park 1, B. Cooper 1, T. Hooker 1. Phillip Island Goals: Z. Wagner 1, S. Seddon 1, A. Edwards 1, J. Taylor 1, J. Taylor 1. Fish Creek Best: R. McGannon, J. Smith, C. Macri, J. Hayes, T. Cameron, M. Kreymborg. Phillip Island Best: A. Edwards, S. Seddon, B. Kimber, H. Moore, M. Griffin, W. Van Diemen. RESERVES
Phillip Island 14.17.101 Fish Creek 2.5.17 Leading Goalkicker: B. Van Brummelen 6. PI Best: B. Van Brummelen, B. Field, A. Redmond, H. Shawcross, M. Feehan, C. McPhillips.
FC Best: R. Nicoll, A. Ireland, P. Mueller, J. Danckert, M. Pocklington, H. Buckland. THIRDS
Phillip Island 6.13.49 Fish Creek 5.4.34 Leading Goalkickers: all singles. PI Best: J. Keating, A. Farrell, J. Sanna, L. Sullivan, K. Ross, B. Taylor. FC Best: B. Mitchell, B. Pulham, A. Tracy, B. Stefani, L. Howard, S. McGannon. FOURTHS
Phillip Island 5.8.38 Fish Creek 5.3.33 Leading Goalkickers: N. Anderson 2, W. Semple 2. PI Best: J. Asbury, C. Thompson, Z. Mattock, B. Anderson, T. McMillan, W. Semple. FC Best: J. Stefani, B. Hams, Z. Clark, S. Flanders, E. Clark.
from home against Phillip Island on Saturday. As with its past few games, it was getting the early jump on its opponents that served as the defining factor for the visitors. The Kangaroos dominated play in the first quarter booting five goals to one in the opening term to set the game up. If not for some rusty ball use early on the lead would have been bigger at the first change, however, with a week off in the books it was to be expected. Fish Creek quickly found its groove though and was cutting Phillip Island to ribbons through the middle of the ground. Matthew McGannon was the key to his side early, using his pace and balance to set up many of the Kangaroos’ forward forays. The first change could not come quickly enough for a seemingly surprised Bulldogs defence. Unfortunately for it though the break also came and went quickly and Fish Creek was back out and doing immediately what it does best from the resumption of play in the second term. Tom Cameron and Ethan Park were the key to the visitors’ midfield dominance, roaming the ground and collecting possessions at will. Most of their side’s attack came from deep in defence as the Creek showed its ability to load up and score from anywhere. Defenders Chad Macri and best-on-ground Ryan
McGannon were pillars of strength for their side, whilst also providing some dash from defence. The Island grabbed a few goals back late in the second quarter, but it was still left with an eight goal buffer at the major break. The Bulldogas defence was able to stymie Fish Creek far better in the third term, mostly due to its midfield beginning to have a say at the stoppages. Jamie Youle and Brendan Kimber were their side’s leaders, winning the hard ball and distributing where they could. A few Fish Creek forward entries flattened their confidence, however, as big man Trav Manne took two great marks and slotted goals from both to extend Fish Creek’s lead. He was not alone up forward, with gun recruit Matt Kreymborg booting four and the electric Justin Smith adding five, each one more exciting than the last. With one quarter to go the Kangaroos accepted their coach’s challenge to finish the game off strongly. They kicked four goals to one to run out with an 86 point win and a big confidence booster heading into the last few games of the season. Next week they will take on Tarwin but most eyes have peered ahead to the clash with Inverloch-Kongwak in a few weeks’ time.
Hard ball: Lachie Park shows the strength and power that brought Fish Creek home 86 point winners against an opposition that refused to give in and ran the game out to the end.
Right, Dashing: Justin Smith was fantastic for the Knagaroos on Saturday with five goals to his name.
• Tarwin v Kilcunda Bass
Stakes too high Finals fever four for Panthers KILCUNDA-Bass was welcomed to Shark Park and greeted by superb football conditions. The Sharks were hoping to continue on from where they left off last week and apply pressure from the first ball. Killy-Bass had other thoughts and got on top in the first quarter with some early form from Bergles kicking three first quarter goals and helping KillyBass get six goals. Tarwin started to apply pressure in the contested play but couldn’t stop KillyBass as it surged ahead. Tarwin was without its coach due to injury and really missed his experience as the Sharks only managed to get one goal late in the quarter to be trailing by five goals at quarter time. Both teams re-evaluated at the quarter time break and afterwards football was
played at a quick pace with the Panthers moving the ball on at every opportunity. Killy-Bass got on the score board first with some great passages of play and Jensen getting clear to goal early in the quarter. Bergles again chipped in for a goal but with Brenton Tabers pressure he was starved of opportunities and rebounded the ball out of the backline to gain some breathing space. Tarwin again was slow to get on the scoreboard and gave Killy-Bass a head start but Rob Bracks was roving in the forward line and managed to get two goals and become lively for the Sharks which lifted his team mates. The game began to be a battle of the midfield with McRae and Law battling it out in the ruck trying to give the onballers first use while Tarwin’s Hinkley and The Panthers’ Fitzgerald were in amongst the ball
carriers with constant forward thrusts trying to give forwards every chance, the quarter finished with Bass kicking four goals to Tarwin’s three. The third quarter was very similar to the second quarter with Killy-Bass’s Cochrane getting the first goal and Fitzgerald adding to the score board and playing a great game of football with a high disposal efficiency. McRae lifted for the Sharks as did Ben Ellen creating space and using his speed to deliver the ball forward and John Kilsby getting on the end of a kick and scoring truly to get the Sharks first. The Panthers ended up outscoring the Sharks for the quarter with three goals to two. With Bass leading by 51 points going into the last quarter the Sharks were in a do-or-die position needing to give one hundred percent
to get back into the game. With The Panthers eager to gain percentage to go into the finals the Sharks found the pressure too much with Killy-Bass keeping the Sharks goalless and managing to kick three goals in return. The Kilcunda-Bass Panthers won the game in comfortable fashion by 66 points.
Kilcunda-Bass 16.11.107 Tarwin 6.5.41 Kilcunda-Bass Goals: K. Bergles 6, M. Cochrane 2, R. Fitzgerald 2, K. Rigby 2, D. Wells 1, J. Jensen 1, B. Aldwell 1, S. Braithwaite 1. Tarwin Goals: not submitted. Kilcunda-Bass Best: R. Fitzgerald, S. Braithwaite, D. Mock, C. Endres, M. Cochrane, B. Sibosado. Tarwin Best: not submitted. RESERVES
Kilcunda-Bass 14.9.93 Tarwin 8.13.61 Leading Goalkickers: J. Born 4, L. Anderson 4. KB Best: G. Wallace, J. Born, L. Smith, D. Bettles, A. Brown, J. Lawrie. Tarwin Best: V. Van Dillen, R. Boscombe-Hill, L. Anderson, C. Brown, B. Mead-Ameri, S. Tieman.
weeks away
ARRANGEMENTS for the Alberton Football Netball League finals have been finalised and made public. The league’s 12 clubs have given the venue and catering arrangements their tick of approval. They have also been advised the arrangements can be changed with as little as seven days notice. The president of the Alberton Football Netball League, Barry Stride said, “For example, if Foster and Kilcunda-Bass play each other in the preliminary final and Foster wins, the grand final will not be played at Foster.” He said results from the Reserves down had no bearing on venues but the Senior’s match would not be played at one of the
competing team’s home grounds. Mr Stride told the clubs the arrangements are subject to the weather (and thus ground conditions) and to ladder positions. He said the Alberton executive was also determined there be no favoritism shown towards the clubs remaining in the league. Mr Stride said Alberton would make sure the clubs moving to form the West Gippsland Football Netball League leave with good memories. The finals fixture might look uncomplicated but there are a lot of things that need to be taken into account. With venues and catering determined by a roster, it turns out that five of the six teams involved in finals are also on ground and catering duty. From one year to the next we aim to be fair to all of the clubs as finals mean money.
Date 13/8/16
Final Elimination Final 3v6
Ground Tarwin
14/8/16 20/8/16 21/8/16 27/8/16 3/9/16
Elimination Final 4v5 2nd Semi Final 1v2 1st Semi Final Preliminary Final Grand Final
Dalyston Phillip Island Stony Creek Kilcunda-Bass Foster
Catering Inverloch-Kongwak (Food) Tarwin (Drinks) Dalyston Phillip Island Stony Creek Kilcunda-Bass M.D.U. (Food) Foster (Drinks)
“THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - PAGE 43
thestar.com.au Bodies everywhere: players are desperate for the ball as Leongatha’s Sean Westaway punches from behind as Parrot ruckman Ben Willis backs into a pack. More photos online at www. mdphotos.net
Leongatha .. 12 0 1 323.29 50 Maffra.........9 3 1 143.72 38 Traralgon .....8 5 0 136.44 32 Won Power ...7 6 0 93.29 28 Warragul .....6 7 0 91.96 24 Drouin ............5 7 1 81.59 22 Moe................5 8 0 91.86 20 Sale ................4 9 0 85.23 16 Bairnsdale ......4 9 0 58.61 16 Morwell ..........3 9 1 64.26 14 GOALKICKERS C. Dunne (Leongatha) ....... (10) 53 L. Stockdale (Traralgon) ...... (3) 36 A. Hillberg (Leongatha) ....... (3) 33 Z. Vernon (Leongatha) ........ (7) 33 B. Fowler (Warragul) ........... (3) 32 T. Harley (Won Pwr) ............ (1) 30 M. Bennett (Maffra)............. (1) 29 B. Hughes (Drouin) ............. (3) 28 J. Gooch (Sale) ................... (2) 28 M. Rennie (Warragul).......... (1) 26
• Leongatha g v Bairnsdale
Walk in the park for Parrots LEONGATHA celebrated the return of Cade Maskell, Chris Rump and Pat McGrath with a thumping 205 point win over Bairnsdale on Saturday. In ideal conditions which included a top oval surface and sunny weather, the crowd however was subjected to a very lop-sided match which was never in doubt as the seniors went on a rampage. The Leongatha side was almost the best one fielded for the year and aside from Dale Hoghton, VFL duties with Footscray, and Jason Tomada; the Parrots were an awesome unit across every line. Of the forwards Chris
SENIORS Leongatha 34.17.221 d Bairnsdale 2.4.16 Leongatha goals: C. Dunne 10, Z. Vernon 7, C. Maskell 5, C. Rump 3, A. Hillberg 3, T. Marriott 2, B. Fitzgerald 1, B. Davidson 1, S. Hawking 1, P. McGrath 1. Bairnsdale goals: L. Robinson 2. Leongatha best: T. Marriott, C. Dunne, Z. Vernon, L. Du Mont, L. Bowman, A. Hillberg. Bairnsdale best: T. Bryan, S. Mooney, C. Walsh, T. Hams, A. Nelson, W. Hamilton.
UNDER 18 Bairnsdale 10.7.67 d Leongatha 7.5.47 Bairnsdale goals: B. Bassett 3, A. McLaren 2, D. Grandy 2, Z. Kellow 1, H. Edwards 1, E. East 1. Leongatha goals: N. Trotto 3, W.
Dunne bagged 10 goals for the day which could have easily been several more; Maskell celebrated his return with five goals while Zac Vernon couldn’t be halted either with seven goals. Chris Rump, who was brought in to back up regular ruckman Ben Willis, chipped in with three of his own while Aaron Hillberg took some nice marks and snagged three goals. Quite simply if you weren’t going to get a few kicks for the Parrots on Saturday you didn’t deserve to be out there. In the middle Tom Marriott was likely the best on ground as he picked up possessions at will in a game which was hard to stay motivated. Hayden Browne in the midfield and in defence was
Graeme 2, K. Patterson 1, T. Sauvarin 1. Bairnsdale best: E. East, L. Giove, D. Grandy, J. McNamara, J. Buck, H. Gibbs. Leongatha best: T. Sauvarin, N. Battersby, J. Dunn, K. Cooper, S. Forrester, J. Van der Kolk.
UNDER 16 Leongatha 16.10.106 d Bairnsdale 3.5.23 Leongatha goals: B. Perry 4, B. Patterson 3, K. Reid 3, L. Scott 2, C. Olden 2, B. Motton 1, L. O’Neill 1. Bairnsdale goals: C. Holland 2, B. McKinnon 1. Leongatha best: B. Motton, J. Smith, K. Reid, D. Garnham, B. Patterson, C. Olden. Bairnsdale best: G. Perkins, R. Peters, B. McKinnon, C. Holland, B. Butling, C. Mein.
again very handy while Josh Hopkins on the wing was prominent. Lochie Dumont and Luke Bowman also did some useful things. The defence as usual was a stingy as ever, although with the ball constantly going forward there wasn’t a lot to do; Bairnsdale goalless for three of the four quarters. At half time it was 13.11.89 to Leongatha to Bairnsdale’s 2.0.12. Things only got worse for the visitors as the Parrots piled on another 10 goals in the third to three behinds and another 11 in the last to the Dales’ one behind to complete the onslaught. For those who wisely arrived at the ground earlier there was a lot more interest in the Thirds and Fourths games where Leongatha was up against an undefeated Bairnsdale side in the Thirds and a very strong Red Legs’ Fourths side which pitted second against third on the ladder. In the Thirds Leongatha lead at half time but couldn’t quite finish off the good work, going down to the ladder leaders. The Fourths had a very good win and now go to second as Bairnsdale drop to fourth.
clash between the top two sides will now have to wait until the finals. This is a big loss to the Maffra side in terms of gate takings and for Leongatha it deprives it of a solid workout against a class side. It is believed the decision to drop the match was due to the ground availability. Leongatha journey to Sale this Saturday and play a Magpies side which is very good at home. The Parrots will then be on the road again the following Saturday, this time to Western Park to tackle Warragul.
So the much anticipated
RESERVES Wonthaggi Power 12.11.83 d Moe 10.5.65 Wonthaggi Power goals: M. Ware 3, W. Luke 3, T. Wells 2, J. Waters 1, L. Membrey 1, M. Howell 1, M. Davey 1. Moe goals: A. Gould 3, L. Durkin 2,
UNDER 16 Moe 24.22.166 d Wonthaggi Power 0.1.1 Moe goals: R. Baldi 5, J. Pearson 2, W. Anderson 2, N. Balfour 2, S. Burns 1, J. Lissa 1, G. Cocksedge 1, T. Baldi 1, L. Tumino 1, L. Connolly 1, K. Weir 1, J. Galea 1, R. Henkel 1, T. Tuck 1, B. Maslen 1, R. Taws 1, B. Julin 1. Wonthaggi Power goals: Nil. Moe best: G. Cocksedge, S. Burns, N. Balfour, R. Henkel, R. Baldi, J. Pearson. Wonthaggi Power best: T. Murray, S. Bent, F. Anderson, A. Honeysett, K. Brann, D. McRae.
Bairnsdale..12 0 Traralgon ...11 1 Maffra........ 7 4 Moe .......... 7 4 Leongatha ... 5 5 Morwell .........3 7 Sale ...............3 8 Drouin ...........1 10 Warragul .......1 11 Won Power ...0 3
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
333.61 350.00 176.78 252.74 168.06 34.31 42.37 30.47 23.92 0.00
48 44 30 28 22 14 12 6 4 0
On the left: Luke Bowman gets a handball away on the left hand to evade his Bairnsdale opponent Max Rowe. More photos online at www.mdphotos.net
Wonthaggi’s narrow escape Wonthaggi Power goals: P. Ryan 4, J. Liddle 2, A. Cook 2, B. Mc Lean 1, T. Harley 1, T. Davey 1, S. Bates 1, P. Young 1. Moe goals: M. Engley 5, S. Van Dyk 3, A. Young 2, K. Butler 1, M. Stanlake 1. Wonthaggi Power best: J. Liddle, S. Bray, A. Cook, J. Miles, P. Ryan, A. Lindsay. Moe best: J. Blaser, T. Long, C. Sanbrook, J. Wood, C. Rieniets, M. Engley.
42 36 30 28 24 20 12 8 8 0
GOALKICKERS L. Di Ciero (Traralgon)......... (4) 44 A. McLaren (Bairnsdale) ..... (2) 27 L. Farrell (Moe) ................... (0) 24 B. Bosman (Moe) ................ (0) 23 A. McKenzie (Maffra) .......... (4) 21 R. Livingstone (Traralgon) .. (0) 21 B. Bassett (Bairnsdale) ........ (3) 20 N. Pruscino (Bairnsdale) ..... (0) 20 L. Carman (Maffra) ............. (0) 16 W. Graeme (Leongatha) ...... (2) 15 J. Reeves (Maffra)............... (0) 15
P. Yates 2, R. Horton 2, A. Vesty 1. Wonthaggi Power best: M. Davey, T. Landells, T. Wells, D. Tiziani, W. Joplin, L. Membrey. Moe best: C. Taylor, P. Yates, R. Horton, J. Heslop, M. Parker, C. Mathe
UNDER 18 Leaping high: Bairnsdale’s William Hamilton and Leongatha’s Ben Willis contest the ball-up.
• Moe v Wonthaggi
SENIORS Wonthaggi Power 13.8.86 d Moe 12.12.84
Leongatha ..10 0 1 362.90 Traralgon .... 9 3 0 200.18 Maffra........ 7 3 1 249.86 Won Power .. 7 5 0 144.95 Moe .......... 6 6 0 97.70 Drouin ...........5 6 0 86.69 Morwell .........3 9 0 58.93 Warragul .......2 9 0 33.81 Sale ...............2 10 0 28.86 Bairnsdale .....0 0 0 0.00 GOALKICKERS
J. Pellicano (Leongatha) ..... (0) 29 P. Yates (Moe) ..................... (2) 21 T. Mustoe (Traralgon) .......... (0) 19 N. Quenault (Traralgon)....... (4) 17 A. Burgiel (Maffra) .............. (0) 15 C. Johnston (Leongatha)..... (0) 15 A. Gould (Moe) ................... (3) 15 C. Dunn (Traralgon) ............ (3) 14 R. Loprese (Traralgon) ........ (3) 13 R. Horton (Moe).................. (2) 13
Maffra game dropped There will be no rematch against Maffra the league decided on the weekend.
WONTHAGGI kept its final’s hopes alive when it managed a come from behind win over Moe on Saturday to get home by just two points. The contest had been close all day with Wonthaggi fearful that if it had lost this match they could have slipped out of the top five and let Moe in. As it turned out Wonthaggi’s win has seen it climb to fourth but it needs to keep winning to keep other sides out of finals. The opening quarter was as even as it comes with both sides scoring freely. Pat Ryan was having a good game in front of goals and he helped himself to five crucial goals for the day, being named in Wonthaggi’s best. At quarter time Wonthaggi held sway
5.2 .32 to Moe 5.0.30 The second quarter was equally as tight with just two goals apiece and it was Wonthaggi by the slimmest of margins; 7.3 to 7.2. It was Moe’s quarter in the third and its three goals saw it out to a 14 point lead at the last change; 10.8 to Wonthaggi’s 8.6. It would need a mighty effort by the Power in the last quarter and this it produced. The Power managed to score 5.2 to Moe’s 2.4 to run out narrow winners. Joel Liddle picked up plenty of possessions and two goals to be named Power’s best player with Adam Cook and Shannon Bray completed excellent game as well for Wonthaggi who now have a massive game at home to Traralgon on Saturday, August 6 after this Saturday’s bye.
SENIORS Sale 21.12.138 d Traralgon 17.12.114 Morwell 9.15.69 d Warragul 8.8.56 Drouin 17.10.112 d Maffra 13.9.87 RESERVES Traralgon 14.13.97 d Sale 4.6.30 Morwell 10.13.73 d Warragul 4.6.30 Maffra 12.13.85 d Drouin 6.4.40 UNDER 18 Traralgon 14.13.97 d Sale 1.0.6 Morwell 9.11.65 d Warragul 4.5.29 Maffra 11.11.77 d Drouin 5.3.33 UNDER 16 Traralgon 15.8.98 d Sale 2.0.12 Warragul 19.15.129 d Morwell 0.0.0 Drouin 15.8.98 d Maffra 13.11.89
Moe .........12 1 Leongatha ..10 2 Traralgon ...10 3 Bairnsdale .. 9 3 Sale .......... 8 5 Warragul .......5 8 Maffra ...........4 8 Drouin ...........3 10 Morwell .........1 12 Won Power ...1 11
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
613.76 320.24 418.18 170.75 146.49 74.89 64.10 47.36 14.15 13.22
48 42 40 40 32 20 18 12 4 4
GOALKICKERS J. Van Iwaarden (Trar)......... (4) 51 T. Baldi (Moe)...................... (5) 35 J. Ziino (Sale) ...................... (1) 25 O. Henry (Maffra) ................ (3) 23 H. Neocleous (Traralgon) .... (1) 23 J. Wykes (Bairnsdale) ......... (0) 22 B. White (Traralgon) ............ (1) 21 C. Mein (Bairnsdale) ........... (0) 20 J. Hastings (Leongatha) ...... (0) 20 G. Cocksedge (Moe) ........... (1) 19
PAGE 44 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Driving junior members By Stuart Biggins LEONGATHA Golf Club has embarked on a massive recruitment campaign for junior golfers, realising these youngsters are the club’s future. The club has 40 Junior members, mostly under 10 years old, three of whom play regularly. One of the keenest is 15 year old Ryan Thomas. In Year 9 at Mary MacKillop College, Ryan has been around golf since he was born as both of his parents, Rebecca and Michael, are keen golfers and heavily involved in the club itself; the Thomas family is a golfing family. Ryan said, “I have been holding a club for as long as I could walk. Hearing his mother and father say, “You could be good at this,” has always stuck in his head.
Lofty heights: Ryan Thomas loves that moment when he strikes the ball and tracks it as it sails low through the air and gun barrel straight to land a perfectly placed chip away from the pin.
Top guns: from left, Leongatha Golf Club manager and certified PGA professional Josh Hall, and John Payne. After 31 years in the United States of America Mr Payne, a certified PGA Class A teacher will help shape the club’s, if not even the country’s, future champions. He has a handicap of 14 which is lower than most adults playing the course – and it is falling. According to his brother Lachie, Ryan’s hand-eye coordination is always there, he’s tall and quick and he can hit the ball as far as an adult. “My ball strike is the strongest aspect of my game but teeing off is my
favourite,” Ryan said. The teenager has been coached by the Leongatha golf course general manager and coach Josh Hall, as well as John Payne a certified PGA professional who after 31 years living in the USA is back in Australia and coaching at the club. Continued on page 36.