The Great Southern Star - June 28, 2016

Page 1 TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016 - $1.40


Election time at last

By Brad Lester RATES will rise by 2.5 percent and $20.81 million will be spent on capital works in South Gippsland Shire Council’s budget for 2016-17. While the budget is the first council has formulated under the State Government’s new rate capping policy, Cr Mohya Davies said previous work by council in improving its financial position had set it up well to deal with less rates income. “South Gippsland is envied by other rural councils that are not in the position of being able to deal with the rate cap. Many councils are really struggling,” she said. Continued on Page 3.

Time to vote: after a marathon of campaigning Australia will go to the polls this Saturday, July 2. In the McMillan electorate, voters have a choice of eight candidates with incumbent, the Liberal Party’s Russell Broadbent the frontrunner and Labor candidate Chris Buckingham having been on the hustings for the last 12 months. Federal Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent dropped by Leongatha Primary School last Thursday to check out the students’ Water is Life information sessions. Students at the school had a chance to showcase their knowledge of water quality and pollution. The Star’s election coverage is on pages 4 and 5. • Cr Mohya Davies.

GUILTY Jonas Black convicted on attempted murder charges

By Lucy Johnson THE Turtons Creek man accused of attacking two South Gippsland Shire Council workers was found guilty of attempted murder at the Supreme Court on Friday, June 24.

Mary Poppins opens Friday Page 11

Jonas Black was found guilty of two counts of attempted murder and of perverting the court of justice at the conclusion of a two week trial. Mr Black’s charges relate to an altercation on his property where he attacked Council workers Justin Eades and Matthew Patterson on May 25 of last year. The Council workers were inspecting the property after Mr Black failed to comply with Council’s request to demolish unpermitted buildings on his land.

Mr Black attacked Mr Eades, then Mr Patterson, with a piece of scaffolding pipe before threatening to kill them when they ran from the scene. Mr Patterson sustained lacerations to his head while Mr Eades sustained more substantial damage to his skull, which included concussion. South Gippsland Shire Council chief executive officer Tim Tamlin said his colleagues were relieved by the outcome. “I know I speak on behalf of everyone at Council when I express how relieved I am that the judicial process has come to a conclusion,” he said. “This has been a very difficult period for Matt and Justin and their families. I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our continued good wishes and support.” Mr Black was found guilty of the attacks in which he was believed to have intended to kill both Council

workers. Mr Black’s other charges, for perverting the court of justice, relate to Mr Black’s attempts to dispose of his work boots during the investigation. Mr Black made a number of calls to his girlfriend while in custody last year, during which he asked her to dispose of his work boots while she was on a trip in Melbourne. It is believed Mr Black may have worn the boots while he dug a large hole near his property prior to the attack. Jurors came to the conclusion Mr Black had presumably intended to use the hole as a grave for the victims. The jury delivered its verdict after having heard accounts from the victims, police in attendance and a number of specialised investigators who linked Mr Black’s DNA to objects found at the “grave site”, along other supporting evidence. Court was adjourned on Friday afternoon and a plea hearing has been set for Thursday, August 11.

PAGE 2 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 3

Long Jetty fix a certainty “We will have to have another quick look at the jetty to get the documents up to date to finalise the extent of the treatments needed, then it will be on with the show.” Mr Buckingham said he is looking forward to seeing the jetty rebuilt.

REGARDLESS of whether the Coalition or the Labor Government wins the Federal Election this Saturday, July 2 the Long Jetty funding is assured.



10am - 1pm Jetty wins: from left, South Gippsland Shire Council CEO Tim Tamlin, councillor Kieran Kennedy, McMillan Labor candidate Chris Buckingham, and Port Welshpool Working Group members Cheryl and Vern Suckling were at Port Welshpool on Monday to learn the jetty will be funded by Labor if elected this weekend. to the project. “I was most impressed with the news Mr Buckingham had gone out on his own and chased up funding for the project, it is huge news,” he said. The detailed design work for the restoration process has been completed and council CEO Tim Tamlin said the project is just about shovel ready.

He said plans for the project can now be “kicked into gear”, as it has been rendered imminent by Labor’s announcement. “The first thing we will have to do after the election is get the funding signed off. Council has $1 million to contribute, Gippsland Ports holds the $5 million from the State Government and council will hold the federal funding,” he said.

Rates relief for South Gippsland Continued from page 1. However Cr Andrew McEwen said rates were only at 2.5 percent because the State Government had demanded they be so by capping rate increases at that level. He said council’s prudence had enabled rates to be kept low without cutting services, but rates were still high for low income earners. Capital works highlights included rehabilitating the Long Jetty at Port Welshpool; the road renewal and footpath program; design work for the refurbishment of the Mirboo North pool; improving the Anderson Street entrance to Leongatha; construction of South Road, Poowong, and Hudsons Road, Korumburra South; building of toilets at Sandy Point; Foster streetscape; construction of internal roads at the Korumburra and Leongatha recreation reserves; and a leachate evaporation system at the Koonwarra Landfill. Other projects include painting Leongatha Memorial Hall inside and out, replacing the atrium at Coal Creek, the Karmai Integrated Children’s Centre at Korumburra, pool works, new playgrounds, Council will spend $84,000 on cabin replacement at Long Jetty Caravan Park, and $91,000 on new powerheads and tree removal at Yanakie Caravan Park. Council will spend $70,000 developing detailed designs of dry programs and gymnasium spaces, and a review of warm water programs at South Gippsland SPLASH leisure centre. Other major initiatives are: planning for the future of libraries, developing an arts and culture strat-

egy, a new Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, and preparing for major government reform in home and community care. Cr Jim Fawcett urged ratepayers to recognise their rates funded infrastructure and services in the community. Cr Nigel Hutchinson-Brooks said government reporting requirements of councils were excessive and wasting ratepayers’ funds. “Some councils are not funding the SES and lollypop ladies and men, but we are and the fact we have achieved the position that we are is the result of a lot of work by a lot of people over a four year period,” he said. Council expects to make a surplus of $5.66 million in 2016-17 and not borrow, given in 2014-15

council converted its borrowing into a five year bond that makes the liability non-current until 2019-20. At June 30, 2017, council will have $3.35 million in outstanding borrowings. Average combined garbage and green waste charges will rise by 1.7 percent. Rate capping will result in council losing $37.8 million in rates and charges revenue over 14 years. Mayor Cr Bob Newton said council was proud the municipality will remain in a stable financial position despite rate capping. “With the continuance of rate capping our future will continue to produce difficult financial situations. However council continues to plan carefully for the future and has prepared a budget that is suitable for everyone,” he said.

Cr Hill: chance gone to save earlier CR DON Hill said while South Gippsland Shire Council has capped rates at 2.5 percent this year, he and Cr Andrew McEwen have proposed budgets of 2.49 percent for the last three years. He said they called for flatter management structures at council, shared services and diversifying income, but could not convince fellow councillors to support them. Cr Hill said council staff should settle for a pay rise of 0.5 percent, an called for staffing levels to be reduced, a school camp to be built at Coal Creek Community Park and Museum to increase income,

and the hydrotherapy pool at South Gippsland SPLASH leisure centre removed. “We could bring in $58 million in reduced savings and increase revenue very easily,” Cr Hill said. Council will employ 263.4 fulltime equivalent staff in 2016-17, at a cost of $23.84 million, up by $979,000, which includes an extra staff member, a domestic wastewater plan monitoring officer. Staff costs include mandatory superannuation contributions of 9.5 percent until 2021-22. Cr McEwen called for council to abandon the municipal precinct project in the future, for which he said savings were consuming four percent of rates each year.

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This follows a Labor Party promise to fund the restoration of the ailing Port Welshpool Long Jetty if elected, matching the recent $4.8 million pledge from the Coalition Government. McMillan Labor candidate Chris Buckingham made the announcement to an enthusiastic Port Welshpool crowd yesterday (Monday). “The reason the jetty got this funding is because we have got a contest in McMillan. My objective for the final week leading up to the election is to win the campaign,” he said. “We need to make McMillan marginal again, so that both sides give due care and consideration to this electorate the next time around.” Mr Buckingham said when he received the call from Canberra to support his call for funding; it was difficult to hold back his emotion. He said to know the community will have the jetty rebuilt regardless of result is a “wonderful thing”. “If elected, I look forward to working very closely with the South Gippsland Shire Council to get the job done,” he said. “The restoration of the jetty is significant to the whole of Gippsland. This is a regional asset and will be a regional benefit. “To know people will come from further afield for a fish, or just a stroll fills me with happiness.” Long time Long Jetty proponent Paul Macphail said the whole community was thankful to Labor and Mr Buckingham for committing

PAGE 4 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Boost health, education McDonald: cut spending Border protection LABOR candidate Chris Buckingham supports education and healthcare. “I am passionate in my belief that McMillan needs strong, positive leadership, leadership both in Canberra and close to home,” he said. “We have seen over recent years that there • Labor candidate has been a drift towards Chris Buckingham. McMillan being a safe seat for the Liberal Party and this has cost us dearly. McMillan needs to be a marginal seat. In creating a contest we are providing voters with a real choice to advocate for important things in the community.” Mr Buckingham will advocate for an electorate name change and advocacy for the CSG Free movement, and support funding for education and training while aiming for affordable healthcare for all.

LOWER taxes and reduced government spending are at the top of Liberal Democrat candidate Jim McDonald’s list of policies. The Leongatha man has worked on cattle stations in the Northern Territory and Queensland, and • Liberal Democrat now wants to create candidate Jim Mcmore jobs and slash Donald. taxes for people earning below $40,000. “I wish to support the coal sector and ensure jobs are secure for people in the region. In saying that, I want to remove subsidies for renewable energy,” he said. “As for taxes, there are a lot of people in McMillan who earn under $40,000 a year. They will no longer have to pay any tax. This will mean a massive boost for the local economy.”

THE security of Australia’s borders and concerns for terrorism prompted Longwarry’s Norman Baker to run for The Rise Up Australia party. He wants to “abolish Sharia Law and keep our enemies at bay.” “I am interested in • Rise Up Australia keep Australia Australian. I want to keep our candidate Norman borders safe and deal Baker. with the big terrorist situation,” he said. “Australia was built on Judeo Christian ethics and I think we are slipping away from that. We need a party that is not afraid to take action and be politically incorrect.” The farmer opposes the construction of mosques in McMillan. “We lose freedoms because the terrorists are trying to take it from us,” he said.

Greens’ reject CSG Voice for animals Help for mentally ill GREENS candidate Donna Lancaster has worked with the party behind the scenes and is now opposing coal seam gas exploration in South Gippsland. She appreciates the area’s prime farming land and will oppose fracking’s threat to food • Greens candidate Donna Lancaster. supply. “I am also very concerned about the mining proposals at Mirboo North and surrounds,” she said. With a teaching background, she also wants to take action after witnessing many single parents struggle to cope with cuts made by past governments over the years. If elected, Mrs Lancaster would also be the third woman in the House of Representatives to hail from Gippsland.

POLICIES to abolish live exports and factory farming practices are among Animal Justice Party candidate’s Jennifer McAdam’s priorities. “One of our most significant policies is to establish an indepen- • Animal Justice dent office for animal Party candidate Jenrights protection in nifer McAdam. Victoria and at a federal level,” she said. “Barnaby Joyce is the minister responsible for animal rights and agriculture, which is a massive conflict of interest. It is pretty absurd the person responsible for financial profitability of farming is also responsible for the welfare of those animals.” The Belgrave resident said her biggest priority is the rights and welfare concerns of animals in factory farming. “We are also focused on agricultural businesses. We are definitely not out to put farmers out of work,” she said.

AUSTRALIAN Christian Party candidate Kathleen Ipsen wants to fund assisted accommodation for people suffering from mental health problems and supports a review of the ‘No Jab, No • Australian ChrisPlay’ policy. tian Party candidate “I support freedom Kathleen Ipsen. of choice regarding that legislation which is opposed by so many who question the safety and effectiveness of vaccination,” she said. “I would support the abolishment of the ‘Safe Schools Program’ because it is not an anti-bullying program as claimed but a sexual education program encouraging sexual experimentation and high risk behaviours to children without addressing risks. “I also support the current Marriage Act which offers all children the legal possibility to a father and mother.” The party also rejects negative gearing reform.

per” “Your community newspa

36 McCartin Street, Leongatha 3953 Postal : PO Box 84 LEONGATHA 3953 Telephone : 5662 2294 Fax : 5662 4350 Web : Editor Brad Lester : Advertising Manager Joy Morgan : Find us on Facebook Produced and published by Giles Newspapers Pty Ltd and printed by Latrobe Valley Express, Morwell. Registered business. ACN 006507580 | ABN 61 318 952 541 Print Post 336735 10006 HOUSE1627

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 5

Talk fest: the Corner Inlet Justice Group organised a candidate forum last Wednesday in Fish Creek. In attendance were from left, Donna Lancaster, The Greens; Jim McDonald, Liberal Democrats; MC Peter Philp; Chris Buckingham, Labor; incumbent member, Russell Broadbent, Liberal; and Garry Eastman from the Corner Inlet Justice Group.

Candidates go head to head REFUGEES, marriage equality, penalty rates, internet access and government spending were some of the issues raised at last Wednesday night’s forum for McMillan candidates in Fish Creek, ahead of the federal election this Saturday, July 2. Run by the Corner Inlet Justice Group, four of the eight candidates attended: Donna Lancaster, The Greens; Jim McDonald, Liberal Democrats; Chris Buckingham, Labor; and incumbent member, Russell Broadbent, Liberal. Mr Buckingham said, “We need to put people first. We need to create sustainable jobs and be more generous with one another to make the community stronger.” Mr McDonald wants a balanced budget, public debt reduced and authorities moderated. “The arrogance of our politicians has never been higher. Many people are disgusted at the current attitudes of our political class,” he said. Ms Lancaster said a vote for The Greens was not wasted. “A vote for The Greens is a vote for a third voice,

A focus on families Regional students IF elected in the July 2 election, Family First candidate Nathan Harding said he will for do as his party’s name suggests; put family MEMBER McMillan Rusfirst. Mr Harding moved to the Latrobe Valley in 2004 sell Broadbent has and said he is committed to the area after he chose to welcomed the anbuild a business and start a family in Moe. nouncement of a “I have been active in local community events and church since I established a business here in 2008,” new package of measures that a rehe said. “Over the years I have run men’s programs, and elected Coalition worked with youth and kids. I have a passion to see Government would young men and women equipped with better life skills introduce to assist so that they too can make a contribution to society.” students For the last three years Mr Harding has been in- regional • Member for Mcvolved in the Rotary Club in Moe and is currently the into university.

education boost

Chairman of Rotary International. He sponsors a local golf and football club, as well as Scouts, and strongly supports family values and local community. Nathan has a strong moral compass and hopes to bring a fresh voice to Parliament on behalf of the people of McMillan. “I would like to think I have a strong moral compass and I hope to bring a fresh voice to Parliament on behalf of the people of McMillan,” he said. “Family First’s policies are, as the name suggests, focused on helping Australian families. Our policies have clear goals to help with family businesses, family farms and ensure every family has a job and a house.” Mr Harding said he also hopes to engage with the youth of McMillan and encourage them to become more involved in politics. “This is my first election and I see the need for younger people to be engaged to think about voting and how the decisions made in Government today will ultimately affect their well being tomorrow,” he said. “My main focus will be that I want to implement changes that will benefit working class people, families and local business.” “Voters want a party that will be looking after their interests like families, jobs, small business, and schooling etcetera. If you can deliver those key policies, the voters will be inclined to vote for you.”

Millan Russell The measures are: 1. $83 million to reduce Broadbent. the period students need to be employed under the self supporting criteria from 18 months to 14 months under Youth Allowance and ABSTUDY living allowance for regional and remote students. This will mean that a student is able to meet the relevant earnings criteria to prove independence within one GAP year, as opposed to having to work for longer and delay their university commencement. The longer a student is not engaged in further study after university, the less likely it is that they will re-engage. 2. $24 million for 1,200 new Rural and Regional Enterprise scholarships for undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational education students to undertake STEM studies. 3. $45 million for isolated children’s education, including additional funding for Assistance for Isolated Children’s (AIC) Additional Boarding Allowance. 4. An independent comprehensive review into equity of education access for rural and regional students to seek fresh ideas and fresh thinking to bridge the divide.

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By Sarah Vella

not just the yes/no voice,” she said. When asked about marriage equality, three of the four candidates said they would vote to change the marriage act in the proposed plebiscite, in support of same sex marriage. Mr Broadbent would vote against any changes to the marriage act, as he believed marriage was between a man and a woman. “I think we all need to take a step back and be a little bit more accepting of difference,” Mr Buckingham said. On the subject of refugees, Mr McDonald said the two major parties had “dropped the ball”. “The Liberal Democrats propose an open border solution. Refugees will not be allowed to collect welfare or vote for 10 years,” he said. “It is a much better solution than locking people up.” Ms Lancaster said genuine refugees should be brought to Australia. “We need to shut down the Manus and Nauru detention centres and speed up processing. We want to help,” she said. All four candidates said NBN was a priority for their parties and would like to see it delivered to McMillan as soon as possible.


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PAGE 6 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Budget backs community projects AFTER an extensive consultation process, Bass Coast Shire Council adopted its 2016/17 budget last Wednesday (June 22). The budget was developed with clear direction from community feedback received during the rate cap consultation sessions – most notably asking council to achieve the State Government set rate cap of 2.5 per cent by making operational efficiencies and savings. The budget proposed a $16 million capital works program, including projects such as the Bass Valley Children’s Centre, Cowes revitalisation projects, the Wonthaggi netball court upgrade, the priority bike network, the Thompson Reserve lighting, and black spot programs. CEO Paul Buckley said council considered 349 submissions on the draft budget, and the adopted budget aligns with the revised long term financial plan. The budget proposes to deliver a range of council services and support community assets to the value of more than $76 million, maintain the operation costs of council, limit overall operating costs to a nil increase, and provide the capacity to deliver intergenerational assets and meet the de-

mands of the community. “Council will continue to be a low rating and low spending council, with a continual review process for services provided by council, seeking out efficiencies and assessing the appropriate-

ness of services provided. Council will continue ation. to plan for the future sustainability of the Bass All councillors voted with Cr Rankine, with Coast,” he said. the exception of Cr Phil Wright. Cr Neil Rankine added the unfunded Surf PaMayor Cr Jordan Crugnale said council berade footpath in Inverloch for council consider- lieved the budget met the community’s expectations. “The 2016/17 budget focuses on containing operational spending and ensuring there is sufficient investment in capital works and asset renewal, and we have achieved this by redirecting a larger percentage of rates from operating costs to both capital works and renewal of infrastructure,” she said. “Twenty one per cent of rate income will fund capital works, whilst council will fund 100 per cent of its renewal target for the second year running. “The budget also contains overall operating and employee costs, with no increase from the 2015-16 budget assisted by efficiency savings of $1.9 million.”

Adopted: Bass Coast Shire Council’s deputy mayor Cr Bradley Drew and mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale were delighted to adopt the 2016-17 budget, which includes a $16 million capital works program.

Councillors’ rift widens over road By Brad Lester

THE stoush between South Gippsland Shire councillors Don Hill and Jim Fawcett intensified at last Wednesday’s council meeting. Cr Hill believes he was targeted after not being granted access to his property. He applied to council to open an unmade road reserve south of Giles Street, Mirboo North, to

Smouldering bin ignites caution A SMOULDERING rubbish bin had the Wonthaggi CFA on alert at 9.30pm last Wednesday night. CFA captain Kim O’Connor said it was likely to have been caused by a cigarette butt thrown into the rubbish bin on Wonthaggi’s Graham Street. Only one truck was required at the scene and it was extinguished within minutes.

provide access to landlocked property he recently bought. Main access was previously gained through vacant land on Giles Street, but this land was sold to another buyer. Once the new owner starts building there, Cr Hill will not be able to access • Cr Don Hill. his property, despite needing to for farming. Council officers recommended council open the road reserve to provide access, as per the Local Government Act. But Cr Fawcett said he concerns about the steepness of the land and believed Cr Hill should have told councillors earlier he was the applicant.


Polling places for the 2016 federal election The location of some polling places in your local area may have changed since the previous federal election. To confirm the location of your nearest polling place for the 2016 federal election go to or call 13 23 26. If you can’t make it to a polling place on election day, Saturday 2 July 2016, you may be entitled to vote early either in person or by post. For more information simply visit or call 13 23 26. If you vote more than once it is a criminal offence.

Federal election, Saturday 2 July 2016 |

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Cr Hill said an engineer he engaged to quote Cr Fawcett moved the matter be deferred to the August council meeting to allow another about access works did not believe the land was council officer’s report to consider other too steep. Cr Hill said the block via which access was potential access points, despite the land being previously gained was sold before he had the surrounded by private property. All other councillors, except Cr Andrew opportunity to buy it. He said he advised council of his ownership McEwen, supported him. Cr Hill was absent of the land on the day of the meeting, as from debate. required. Cr Lorraine Brunt felt “The act states that I am not council should sell the land to Cr Hill to avoid ratepayers allowed to discuss my application taking liability for a road and with other councillors. That bridge or culvert that would would be called lobbying and need to be installed. is not allowed. That is why no But Cr Hill was unimpressed other councillors knew of my and wondered why Cr Fawcett application until I declared the did not raise his concerns about appropriate form on the day,” the land in the two weeks before he said. the meeting, when the agenda Cr McEwen told the meeting was available. the road opening should have “Why is it that over the years been approved as a procedural that all road opening applications matter. were approved? Why is that that “One is left with why did this when he (Cr Fawcett) found out not matter until it was identified it was my property that he found that Cr Hill was the applicant?” • Cr Jim Fawcett. it to be problem?” Cr Hill said. he said.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 7

Dialling up: Federal Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent yesterday celebrated the impending activation of a Telstra mobile tower in Dumbalk.

Dumbalk gets mobile green light DUMBALK residents enjoyed a celebratory morning tea yesterday (Monday) as the town awaits the activation of its mobile tower later this week. The Telstra tower is set to be switched on this Thursday at the same time as a tower at Sandy Point. Federal Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent joined in the celebrations with residents at the newly refurbished Dumbalk Community Centre, all of whom agreed the town would be better off with improved reception. “This is a wonderful outcome for the Dumbalk and Sandy Point communities. Under the initial stages of the Round 1 Mobile Blackspot Programme a total of $8.51 million was invested on new or improved mobile

coverage in McMillan,” Mr Broadbent said. “We had 163 black spots nominated by local residents to be eligible for new or improved mobile coverage under the Mobile Black Spot Programme, with an initial announcement that 119 of those mobile black spots would receive coverage. I’m happy to say this number will continue to expand.” “For Dumbalk and Sandy Point, the activation of these towers will alleviate legitimate safety fears felt by some residents. It’s been a long fight, but a fruitful one in the end.” The active cooperation of the industry in the Mobile Black Spots Programme to date has been strong with 499 new or upgraded base stations covering around 3000 black spots already rolled out under Round 1 of the Coalition Government’s programme. This includes

11 new base stations to serve Sandy Point, Dumbalk, Strzelecki, Arawata, Dumbalk North, Mirboo, Mount Eccles, Outtrim, Waratah Bay, Kongwak and Trida. “The Coalition Government understands the importance of mobile coverage in regional and remote areas of Australia. That is why we are committing an additional $60 million on top of the $160 million already invested in mobile black spots, bringing the Coalition’s total investment to $220 million,” Mr Broadbent said. “We have selected these areas of the electorate be-

cause they have been overlooked by mobile network operators due to commercial factors. A re-elected Coalition government will invite mobile network operators to bid for this new funding to provide coverage in the identified locations. “The Coalition is committed to improving mobile coverage along major transport routes, in small communities, as well as addressing unique mobile coverage problems such as areas with high seasonal demand.”

Snow buddies: from left, Mirboo North’s Heather Le Mescam and Wonthaggi’s Jennifer Bals braved the cold to enjoy the snowfall in Mirboo North on Friday afternoon.

Feeling the winter chill SOUTH Gippsland shivered through some of its coldest days this year with temperatures reaching a measly top of 10 degrees Celsius on Friday. Strzelecki Ranges received a dusting of snow while closer to town residents reported sightings of snowfall in Mirboo North at 3pm on Friday, al-

though it didn’t settle on the ground. Wonthaggi felt the cold coastal weather with a top of nine degrees and a low of six while the township also received 10mm of rainfall followed by another 11mm on Saturday. Wilsons Promontory also felt the cold chills with a low of six degrees accompanied by winds gusts of up to 113km per hour.


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PAGE 8 - “THE STAR� Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Council rejects secrecy claim By Brad Lester CR DON Hill believes South Gippsland Shire Council needs to be more transparent but not all of his fellow councillors agree. Cr Hill lodged a notice of motion at last Wednes-

day’s council meeting, calling for “improved governance arrangements and a more open, transparent council process�. He first tabled the motion at the May council meeting, but mayor Cr Bob Newton would not allow the motion to be debated, saying it breached section 48 of council’s Local Law due to being “objectionable in language, nature or intent�.

Although the mayor said he retained the same opinions about the motion, he permitted debate this time, yet still the motion failed to attract the support of enough councillors. The motion called for council to explore: • the livestreaming of council meetings; • implementing a question time for councillors at council meetings “to hold council accountable in open council; and • implementing annual training for mayors/chairs on correct interpretation of the local law and “how to treat councillors equally and fairlyâ€?. Cr Hill’s preamble to the motion said, “At South Gippsland we are making more decisions in closed meetings and limiting the ability of open council to both question decisions and motions that come before councilâ€?.

Cr Jim Fawcett said Cr Hill’s claim governance had been reduced was disrespectful. He noted council was already considering livestreaming and noted question time was removed from council meetings because some councillors were using the sessions to promote their own views. Cr Kieran Kennedy backed Cr Hill, citing a recent meeting at which Cr Fawcett attempted to raise a notice of motion as urgent business – an inappropriate section for such a motion – as proof that governance standards had fallen. Cr Andrew McEwen said there was an “old culture at council� that preferred to make decisions in private. The motion was lost, with only councillors Hill, McEwen and Kennedy supporting it.

Campaign continues: Members of Coal and CSG Free Mirboo North rallied together in Leongatha on Saturday afternoon to send a message to drivers on the South Gippsland Highway. The anti coal seam gas campaigners gathered together on Anderson Street where they decked out cars with Lock the Gate signs and banners. The group has continued rallying after the State Government announced earlier this month it would be extending the CSG moratorium until August.

Celebrate NAIDOC Week

SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council will participate in National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week with a community event that showcases film and music.

This year the theme for NAIDOC Week is Songlines: The Living Narratives of Our Nation which focuses on the dreaming tracks that crisscross Australia and trace the journeys of ancestral spirits as they created the land, animals and lores. The films showcase these Songlines, including The Gunai-Kurnai Journey which was produced to tell the story of the Gunai-Kurnai journey particularly around the development of the Joint Management Plan which encompasses Gunai-Kurnai aspirations. Council and Manna Gum Community House at Foster are hosting the film and music event which will include Boorun’s Canoe, The Gunai-Kurnai Journey, highlights from the Deadly in Gippsland Conference and music from Uncle Herb Patten playing the gum leaves.

The event will assist in the aim of the week to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of indigenous Australians. Council’s community strengthening officer Barbara Look said celebrating NAIDOC Week was important in recognising and celebrating aborigine and islander culture. “NAIDOC Week is a perfect opportunity for us all to take a moment and learn about the aborigine and islander culture that is embedded in our municipality,� she said. “It is fantastic to see the community working alongside council to produce an event that supports this initiative and we would like to give special thanks to the traditional custodians of this land for their assistance and support with this event.� This free event will be held on Thursday, July 7 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the Manna Gum Community House, corner of Station Road and Court Street, Foster. Individuals wishing to RSVP to can contact Barbara Look on 5662 9200 or au.


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Celebrate NAIDOC Week Thursday 7 July, 5.30 - 7:30pm ‘Manna Gum Community House’ Corner Station Road & Court Street, Foster RSVP Barbara Look 5662 9

through film and music

Listen to Uncle Herb Patten playing the gum leaves ! " "


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South Gippsland ShireCouncil

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 9

Artistic style: from left, Nathan Vishniakov, Jimi Hall-Carmichael, Natasha Tran and Jaye Smith were encouraged to show off their creative side as part of the anti graffiti project last Wednesday.

Teens to beautify Wonthaggi By Tayla Kershaw ENDING tagging and encouraging art was the message at the Wonthaggi’s Chisholm TAFE last Wednesday. Year 11 and 12 VCAL students discussed better ways to manage graffiti as a part of a collaborative anti graffiti project with Bass Coast Shire Council, Wonthaggi Police, Wonthaggi Business and Tourism Association and Chisholm Institute. The project included researching graffiti hot spots in the town using cameras and GPS tracking contributed by Drift Media and culminated in a debate from the students, who discussed the

pros and cons of street art and the difference between art and vandalism. “We are working on personal development and building their confidence. We also wanted to bring out their artistic side in a safe and appropriate environment,” VCAL coordinator Kylie Van Steensel said. “The students absolutely loved being part of the project and the level of engagement. They were able to have a voice and an opinion on things that matter to them.” The project was developed to help prevent crime and enhance opportunities for community environment. Ms Van Steensel said students may work on more murals in town to brighten up Wonthaggi.

Probe poor results, council told By Brad Lester SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council should investigate why it received poor results in this year’s Community Satisfaction Survey, Cr Andrew McEwen told council last Wednesday. This year’s survey showed the public believed council’s overall performance had fallen by two points to 47 compared with last year, with people most dissatisfied with council’s community consultation. That rating also fell two points to 47. Council improved its advocacy rating, with that score climbing two points on last year to 47 and council’s decision making rating jumped three points to 47. Cr McEwen said, “We need to put in place a strategy to raise performance.” Cr Mohya Davies, on the other hand, felt the

results should not be overstated, saying council’s core measures were stable, and people were often surveyed at tea time when they were hungry. Respondents praised council for its parks and gardens, councillors and customer service, while suggesting council could address sealed road maintenance and expensive rates. While council’s rating for sealed local roads rose three points, it climbed to just 30. Mayor Cr Bob Newton said, “This is most concerning as 11 of the 17 roads specified by respondents as being poor are State Government roads managed by VicRoads. The top two most cited roads are state highways. “This clearly means that more needs to be done by council and VicRoads in terms of informing the community about who owns and manages what roads.” The customer service rating remained at 65 points while council’s overall direction dropped one point to 43.

PAGE 10 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016



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STUDENTS and families can rejoice with a well deserved break with end of semester holidays having commenced yesterday (Monday). Students will have a two week break before commencing classes for Term 3 on Monday, July 11. LEONGATHA Seniors football coach Beau Vernon will share his inspiring story next Wednesday. Beau will speak of how he manages to achieve his goals in spite of having

Lucy Johnson

Sarah Vella

Tayla Kershaw

Stuart Biggins


COLOURING COMPETITION: Lizzie Dourley of St Joseph’s Primary School, Ko-

Inverloch Preschool held a number of pyjama days last week in celebration of the Winter Solstice. (Pictured) Sam wore his favourite Batman pyjamas and enjoyed a day with his teddy bear as part of the celebrations.

rumburra, and Liam Nielsen, of St Laurence’s Primary School, Leongatha, are the winners of Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s recent Mary ary Poppins themed colouring competition. The winning entries were judged udged by Lyric Life Member and stalwart Glenda Smith. The young students tudents are pictured with Lyric president, Peter Western. Mary Poppins opens on Friday iday night. Bookings can be made by followowing the link on the Lyric website, Tickets are also available at Great Southern Outdoors, 1 Bair Street, Leongatha from Monday to Friday 11am to 3pm.

been diagnosed as a quadriplegic at age 23. His presentation My take on resilience will be held at the Meeniyan Town Hall on Wednesday, June 29 from 7pm. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. THE Mirboo North Playgroup will be holding a market in Mirboo North on Saturday, July 30, with all proceeds going towards the ongoing work of the playgroup in the Mirboo North community.

KORUMBURRA’s dairy farmers can enjoy a relaxed barbeque this Sunday at the Korumburra Showgrounds. The event, organised by local Katie Glassock, will provide farmers with a free lunch and an opportunity to socialise in this otherwise tough time. Food will be free for farmers and the event will commence at 10.30am and run until 2pm. RSVP is a must as of tomorrow (Wednesday, June 29). Call Katie on 0414 414 055 or June on 0429 507 730 to book a place. TARWIN Lower Primary School is look-

ing for a new principal after former principal Sharyne Munday was officially confirmed as the new principal of Newhaven Primary School. Jenni Cox will continue as acting principal at Tarwin Lower until the position is officially filled. KORUMBURRA Primary School’s Senior football team which defeated Leongatha Primary School in the last scoring kick of the game to win through to the grand final of the Woorayl District Primary School against Cowes last Tuesday, June 21. Playing in real football weather at

Wonthaggi the team did its best under the guidance of coach Nick Besley, but on the day were beaten by the better side. It was a great effort and Mr Besley said he was very proud of the boys. CHAIRO Christian School officially announced Anthony Collier as the Leongatha campus’ principal until 2020. Mr Collier has been in the role of acting principal since the beginning of the school year after his predecessor Lisa Dumicich resigned from the position last year. Chairo’s executive principal of all three campuses, Rob

Bray announced he will resign at the end of 2016 after being appointed the principal of Nowra Christian School. Simon Matthews will take on the role next year. BASS Valley Primary School principal Leanne Edwards plans to make the most of her long service leave for Term 3. Mrs Edwards will travel to far north Australia all the way to Cape York while Bree Rutherford will step in as acting principal. Fiona Nicholls will step up as acting assistant principal for the term while continuing to teach Grades 5 and 6, and French.

ROTARIANS: During a busy last two

EXCELLENT EXPERIENCE: Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College students enjoyed a week in the workforce with year 10s taking part in work experience last week. Pictured, Jaive McEwan enjoyed his time at putting together displays at Henrietta’s Leongatha during his time in the shop.

weeks, all of the local Rotary clubs have had their Changeover Dinners and inducted their new presidents for the 2016-17 year. All gathered on Friday evening at the Wonthaggi Golf Club to celebrate the changeover. (Pictured) from left, Rosa Turner of Inverloch, Peter Biggins of Korumburra, assistant district governor Cheryl Glowery, Richard Jones of Foster, district governor Lynne Westland, Don Bruce of Leongatha, Phil Dressing of San Remo and Graeme Sprague of Wonthaggi.

No early votes in Gatha

EARLY voters in Leongatha will have to travel elsewhere to cast their ballots, with no polling booth available in town until the election on July 2.

Voters will have to travel to early voting sites in Wonthaggi, Morwell, Warragul and Pakenham to get in before next Saturday, otherwise voting can be conducted through postal votes which must be registered online. While pre polling booths have been made available in Leongatha for past state elections, the Australian Electoral Commission has never hosted an early voting booth in the town. Leongatha Progress Association president Mary Mackison said not having an early voting booth would present problems for the elderly or immobile population in the area. “I need assistance when I go to the polling booth and in the past I have always voted early because I don’t want to be stuck standing in the crowd,” she said. “Now that there is no early voting in Leongatha this year so many of us will have to go to Wonthaggi. Organ-

ising somebody to accompany me there will prove to be difficult.” “As for registering a postal vote online, many of us are not computer literate so that will not be possible either.” Residents in outlying towns like Foster, Fish Creek, Mirboo North and Meeniyan will also be faced with lengthy travels to cast an early vote. Wonthaggi’s early voting area is being held at the Senior Citizens Centre, 46-50 Murray Street. The booth will be open Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am until 5.30pm, and Wednesday and Friday from 8.30am until 5pm. Residents east of Leongatha may be looking to visit the Morwell early voting booth at 99 Buckley Street. The booth will also be open from 8.30am until 5.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday, and 8.30am until 5pm on Wednesday and Friday. Other early voting booths are located at Uniting Church Hall, 47 James Street, Pakenham and 61 Smith Street, Warragul. All early voting booths have assisted wheelchair access.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 11

Mary Poppins set for flying start TICKETS are still available for the opening night of Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s Mary Poppins, which opens this Friday, July 1, but you had better get in quick. With plenty of life, colour and an upbeat soundtrack, a family outing to Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s major production is the perfect way to spend these wintery nights. Mary Poppins is also well known for its magical aspects. The only way you’ll be the first to find out if Mary will fly is to buy your tickets to opening night.

The gala opening night is set for this Friday, and promises to be a massive event. Not only will audience members be treated to a truly magical show, they will also be welcome to indulge in wine and supper after the show, where they will be able to mingle with the hard working and talented cast and crew. Audience members will also be delighted by the new chairs now installed at Mesley Hall. With the last order of 100 chairs put in place last week, the new chairs will provide comfort for a room of 300 people – perfect for the already sold out matinee shows this Saturday and Sunday.

Step in time: Adrian Darakai is set to wow audiences in his role of Bert in Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s production of Mary Poppins, opening this Friday evening at Mesley Hall. Co director Peter McAlpine said the work of those involved has paid off and the show is looking beautiful. “The set looks just amazing and the costumes are really coming along. We will be finalising those this week,” he said. “The whole show looks so vibrant and the audience will be impressed by how well the children in the show will perform.” There was a full dress rehearsal held on Sunday and further rehearsals this week will have all cast and crew ready for a big opening, with performances over the next three weeks. Tickets are available from Great Southern Learning lessons: from left, Kerryn Lockhart in character as Mary Poppins teaches Michael Banks (Coby Fowles) a lesson in etiquette during Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s Mary Poppins, Outdoors in Leongatha or from Leongatha Lyric Theatre’s website on premiering this Friday.

Wi-fi to boost businesses By Brad Lester FREE wireless internet access could be key to reinvigorating businesses. South Gippsland Shire Council will consider introducing a free wi-fi service to the main service and tourist towns in the shire. The proposal was instigated by councillors Andrew McEwen and Don Hill at last Wednesday’s council meeting, when they called for officers to prepare a report detailing the costs and benefits of introducing a free wi-fi service. “If council resolved to work in partnership with traders and businesses, this would be a landmark event and become a unique selling proposition for our shire that would be attract people to visit and spend money in our towns,” the preamble to their motion stated. Cr McEwen told council, “Our community is

suffering economically at the moment because of the significant downturn in the dairy industry and it is also suffering in the retail sector because people are buying online.” He believed the whole of the shire could be supplied with wi-fi for less than $30,000, with grants possibly further reducing the cost. Cr Nigel Hutchinson-Brooks supported the initiative but suggested council not duplicate wi-fi services already provided. Meeniyan Progress Association and Meeniyan Tourist and Traders Association have introduced free wi-fi in Meeniyan, recording about 31,000 hits in the past 20 months. “People seek out free wi-fi hot spots to access the internet. It is estimated that each person spends $10 to $20 per visit,” the motion preamble stated. “This boosts retail activity by approximately $20,000 to $30,000 a month, which is adding to turnover and the wellbeing of businesses.”

The councillors said the basic cost of equipment would be around $2500 for towns, with repeaters being an additional $250, plus phone lines and around $80 a month for the internet service. Council will receive a report on the matter at the December 2016 council meeting.

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PAGE 12 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Please stand

I FEEL I need to respond to a comment from Ian Nicholas in an article in The Star, June 14, in which Mr Nicholas stated he was considering not running for council again this year, in part because of the difficulties three councillors have had trying to get anything done during the last four years. Whilst I understand his sentiments entirely since I was one of those three councillors trying to implement some new ideas and finding the going tough, I believe it would be unfortunate if potential candidates were put off from standing for council for that reason. Yes, council has been divided on policy during the last four years but the fact some councillors have been able to put forward progressive ideas like below CPI rate rises, no $32 million municipal office, and more transparent governance processes amongst other things, should, I hope, encourage people to consider standing rather than not standing. Why? Well, if we had just one like-minded councillor instead of one of the majority bloc group of councillors, the situation would have been completely different. Those positive ideas would have been implemented. I believe this election will be unique for South Gippsland in that there will be two different groups of policies on offer for ratepayers to consider when choosing who to vote for. Rather than just picking from a number of councillors all saying much the same thing, reduce rates and improve roads, and finding nothing changes once they are elected, this time, voters will be able to choose between the existing majority bloc ideas (or lack of), and councillors/candidates standing for opposing policies. What are those policy differences? The obvious ones are the

majority bloc seems to believe in spending $32 million on a municipal office complex, having more decisions made behind closed doors, and not seriously wishing to reduce expenditures. I believe the main policy difference comes down to the councillors who want to give directions to the CEO (as they should do) and those councillors who wish to acquiesce that role to the CEO. It stands to reason councillors who leave the policy direction to a CEO would not see the need to come up with ideas themselves or agree to make any changes not brought to them by the CEO, and so end up with a rubber stamping mentality. I totally agree with those sentiments from Mr Nicholas. I have found that type of thinking mind numbing but I do have hope quality candidates will stand at the next election and that all candidates put forward the policies they believe in and would implement if elected. Give the ratepayer voters a real choice this election and who knows what things might be possible in the next four years. I urge Mr Nicholas to reconsider his stance. Cr Don Hill, Tarwin Valley Ward, South Gippsland Shire Council.

Leave caravan parks alone I WOULD like state up front that I am a ratepayer for the Shire of South Gippsland and passionate about this issue. What disgraceful behaviour has been exhibited by the shire as it decimated the Yanakie and Long Jetty caravan parks! What about the human face of this disaster? Annuals are suffering emotional and financial hardship after a bitter battle with the callous shire. They have vowed never to

E D I T O R I A L We’re winners already WHATEVER the federal election result this Saturday, the people of McMillan will no doubt emerge with more than what they had before the poll. Both the Coalition and Labor have promised to build the Long Jetty at Port Welshpool, fulfilling a dream long held by the Corner Inlet and broader South Gippsland community. The Coalition has also promised to allocate $25 million to improving the South Gippsland Highway, most notably the long awaited realignment of the notorious Black Spur bends on the highway, between Koonwarra and Meeniyan. The Coalition has also pledged to construct traffic lights at the intersection of Bass Highway and Korumburra-Wonthaggi Road, in Wonthaggi, which has been a busy junction for many years. Although past election results point to a return of the incumbent, the Liberals’ Russell Broadbent this Saturday, each election is three years on from the previous one and changing demographics in the electorate during that period, as well as political decisions made, can alter the electorate’s thinking. Labor candidate Chris Buckingham has dedicated significant effort over a long time to raise the profile of himself and the party, and will no doubt make an impression on the polls. Even if he is not elected, he will make the seat more marginal than what it currently is and that can only be positive for constituents, with no doubt more announcements on the way, albeit closer to the next election in three years’ time.

Letters guidelines ALL letters should be kept to 400 words or less. The Star reserves the right to edit all letters for length and style. Writer’s details, including full name, address and phone number (not for publication), must be included.

Letters to the Editor

return to the South Gippsland Shire. Local businesses in both towns are suffering huge financial losses because lack of tourism. However the shire professed to make tourism a priority. They have no idea of the impact this issue is having on the annuals or the locals. One cruel councillor told a man at Long Jetty he had to remove his ramp on the caravan and said his disabled wife would just have to sleep in the annexe. In a meeting with a couple of annuals from Long Jetty, this same rude councillor spent the whole time texting on his phone and ignoring the couple and their plight. Another councillor also showed an appalling, arrogant attitude during a reconnaissance visit to Waratah Bay Caravan Park. A Yanakie annual was too frightened to speak out. The rudeness, arrogance, disdain and disrespect displayed by this council is deplorable. They are supposed to be representing us! Another major concern as a ratepayer in the shire is that bullying tactics were often employed during this process. Many of the annuals at Long Jetty and Yanakie have sited cases in which they were bullied on many occasions by councillors. People were treated with disdain and no respect by these councillors who behaved in an arrogant manner and with total disregard for their clients, the ratepayers of the South Gippsland Shire who elected them. Some of the caravans at Yanakie and Long Jetty may have needed some modifications but a councillor admitted the shire didn’t have the resources to do the regular checks on the vans. So then is it the annuals’fault if the council has been negligent in its duty? The guidelines for compliance were written as guidelines only, no legislation. All these people are devastated after a two year battle to save their little getaways. Their long term friendships are now severed forever and the halcyon days will never return. The annuals are in shock after the shire implemented the eviction notices. The shire was prepared to spend hundreds of thousands of ratepayers’ dollars to fight this issue in the Supreme Court. As a ratepayer I say they have no right to spend my money in the Supreme Court! The business plan which recommended the acquisition of the

two parks by the shire has not produced any profits yet. The quarterly financial statements often have errors and omissions but excuses flow forth! The shire suggested it would take five years for Yanakie to be viable. How much will it cost ratepayers to run these parks until then? I am suggesting millions of dollars! Waratah Bay Caravan Park is a viable business model and we don’t want the shire making any changes. Hands off Waratah Bay Caravan Park! This council should be concentrating on the 3 Rs: rubbish, roads and rates. Just a little reminder to this arrogant council: ratepayers will have their say at the upcoming elections! Sue Shergold, ratepayer of South Gippsland Shire, annual at Waratah Bay Caravan Park, Mount Eliza.

Time to ditch coal HEY there Russell Broadbent, Wonthaggi is a town in your electorate! When are you going to get down our way and campaign? Or have you decided that you don’t need our votes? You should know of Wonthaggi. It is where we used to rip coal out of the ground at the State Coal Mine. Given your love of coal and the coal industry, I am sure that you are aware of us. We have since moved on and have a small wind farm overlooking the old mines and others just around the coast. Maybe you should think of moving on too. I noticed in the recent campaign debate in Warragul that you commented that, “It’s important that we have this amazing resource, which is our coal, that we built our prosperity on and that we find new ways to use it or more efficient ways to use the coal resource that’s there, because we’re still going to need base load power into the next 20 to 30 years.” Rubbish! The best thing that we can do with coal is leave it in the ground. If we are still using coal in 20 years’ time – or even 10 years’ time – then we are dooming our future generations to a terrible fate on a heating planet. I note that at the same debate that Ms Lancaster (Greens), Mr Buckingham (ALP) and Mr Muir (Australian Motoring Enthusiasts) all threw their support

Email: Post: PO Box 84 Leongatha 3953 Fax: 03 5662 4350

behind finding renewable energy solutions. This is our future, our way forward. We need to work out how we are going to transition the workforce as the filthy power stations close down. We need a representative who will fight to develop new renewable energy industries in the seat of McMillan. We need a representative who is visionary and will take our electorate into the future. What we don’t need is a representative who will just sit and do nothing for the next three years, one who refuses to answer emails or be accountable to his electorate. So Russell Broadbent, it is time to move on, time for you to retire and time for the voters of McMillan to find a representative who will take us into the future prosperously. Glenn Sullivan, Wonthaggi.

Gippsland on show RETURNING to Melbourne Airport, on an international flight following a recent trip interstate, we were most surprised - and delighted - to see a huge sign above the elevators leading down to the baggage collection area, advertising and promoting the milk products produced at the Viplus Dairy in Toora! Wow! What fabulous advertising! We also saw huge promotional photo screens showing various parts of Victoria, including our very own Gippsland, including Phillip Island and Wilsons Prom. How absolutely wonderful! Congratulations to all concerned on these fabulous initiatives. Kathy Whelan OAM and Peter Lee OAM, Agnes.

Standing out: an advertising billboard for Toora’s Viplus Dairy at Melbourne Airport impressed Agnes residents Kathy Whelan OAM and Peter Lee OAM.

Painful council I ATTENDED the meeting of South Gippsland Shire Council on Wednesday, June 22. My faint hope to see at least a small improvement in performance was dashed as soon as the ‘voting bloc’ outvoted – again - the three other councilors on a motion related to council secrecy. I think this type of behaviour is destructive, detrimental to good governance and as such bad news for ratepayers. What I found painful to watch was the backslapping and selfcongratulating in relation to the proposed 2016-17 budget. In my opinion this budget is just a slapped up re-hash of much earlier prepared figures that simply perpetuate, and indeed increase, the extravagant expenditure and exorbitant rates I have the misfortune to experience. I also found it difficult to listen to councillors congratulating themselves on the 2.5 percent rate increase imposed by State Government. And not once, not even a single word related to the fact that any increase is a disaster piling on top of what I consider already disastrously high rates in the first place. Not one single word about cost reduction to help many ratepayers, pensioners in particular, who find it extremely difficult to scrape the money together to pay for rates I consider to be one of the highest in the state. Councillors even congratulated the CEO on his performance which I find disturbing considering all I see is a bloated bureaucracy with far too many fat cats and the like, and high expenditure desperately in need of a substantial haircut. In addition, I found it extremely disturbing to listen to the glossing over of the bad (dis)satisfaction rating this council again was labelled with. This was very painful to watch as I could not discover even a glimpse of ownership by any of the councillors for one of the lowest satisfaction ratings I have come across. Noblesse oblige (privilege entails responsibility) indeed! I hope ratepayers will judge this voting bloc by not voting for any of these six councillors and indeed carefully consider contestants directing preference votes in their direction. Gus Blaauw, Venus Bay.

VOXPOP! VOX Are you interested in the upcoming election?

“No, politics doesn’t interest me.” Kate Hemming, Leongatha.

“No, I don’t know enough about who is running in our local area.” Kathy Campbell, Leongatha.

“Yes, I want Australia to be progressive” Jenni Christensen, Leongatha.

“Yes, it has to stop the negativity that’s surrounding Australia.” Kelvin Smith, Leongatha.


Wake up, Eddie

JUST what is it that you don’t understand Eddie?? I’ve listened with interest this week to the debate surrounding Eddie McGuire and his misguided comments directed at (The Age journalist) Carolyn Wilson. So Eddie doesn’t understand why his comments are a problem. Eddie says “in my mind there is nothing wrong with what I said”. Well Eddie, that is the very heart of the problem. When men like you holding leadership roles in our community think that your words and comments, your intimidation and bullying, your threatening and insensitive gestures and gang mentality towards women are acceptable, then we have a real problem. You think this is joke. Pass it off as friendly banter. Male bonding. A few blokes sitting around having a laugh. Cracking a gag. Then explain your jokes to the families who have lost a loved one to the violent actions of a man. You won’t need to look too far to find such a family. Currently the number stands at more than one per week. Whilst you’re talking to the families Eddie, explain why we live in a community where men’s violence against women is the highest contributor to death or injury for women aged between 15 and 44. If we continue to accept these comments as just friendly banter then we will never make inroads into this problem. Interestingly, when surveyed, only 60 percent of Herald Sun readers thought Eddie’s comments were inappropriate. More disappointing was the view of Jeff Kennett in the same paper when he passed the comments off as a “humorous exchange”. Would the comments have stirred such debate if the subject was a man, he asked? Sorry Jeff, but you’re completely missing the point. They weren’t directed at a man. They were directed at a woman and were meant to be physically intimidating and threatening. Remember the words of Ken Lay – school yard banter can later devolve into sexist jokes and catcalls and sink further to where it becomes sexual assault

and domestic violence. Wake up Eddie. You’ve once again displayed your ignorance and failed in your role as an influential leader in our community. Brian Paynter, Bass MLA.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 13

Letters to the Editor

I urge you to use this election to hit them where it will hurt them most: their hip pockets. It’s time they remembered who they work for. Jim McDonald, Liberal Democrats candidate for McMillan.

Value for money?

MP sings praises

LAST week in Warragul I personally asked McMillan MP Russell Broadbent to advise Flinders MP Greg Hunt that I don’t want his glossy advertising. I encourage others to follow suit. If enough people speak out, maybe we can save a few trees and few dollars of our money next time around. A little publicised fact is that, if a person or party receives more than four percent of the vote they receive over $2.50 per vote. McMillan and Flinders are home to more than 100,000 voters each; that adds up to over half a million dollars of our tax money. Please consider this on the way to the ballot box. Are we getting value for money? Geoff Ellis, Wattle Bank.

IN recent weeks we have seen two significant election commitments from Russell Broadbent and Darren Chester of the Federal Liberal/Nationals Coalition of a $4.8 million contribution to rebuild the Port Welshpool Long Jetty and $25 million to upgrade the South Gippsland Highway, specifically the Black Spur section. I have been bemused by media and social media commentary about these commitments. Things like “another election promise”, “we’ve heard it all before” and “it will never happen”. Russell Broadbent and the Coalition committed funds to the Long Jetty in 2007 and 2010, but on both occasions, failed to win government. There was no election commitment ahead of the 2013 Federal election, just Russell’s determination to keep fighting and a new funding program the Shire could apply to. The State commitment of $5 million to re-open the Jetty was only made once my predecessor, Peter Ryan, came to government in 2010. So what’s the consistent thing here that has seen this project languish? It’s the Labor Party. Labor has never previously made a commitment to the Long Jetty or the people of South Gippsland. With five days to go to the election and enormous local pressure, Labor’s candidate for McMillan has finally made an election commitment . So while Russell Broadbent has been tirelessly campaigning, Labor has barely lifted a finger. It’s time to hold the Labor Party to account for its complete abandonment of South Gippsland. Danny O’Brien MP, Member for Gippsland South.

Seeking your vote AS the major party candidates have wandered around the electorate sprinkling millions of dollars here and there to whomever they think will vote for them, the elephant in the room is being ignored. Our government debt has now topped $281 billion or nearly $42,000 per family. In their voracious appetite for tax dollars, the major parties are also turning on our superannuation system, nibbling away at the very money which is supposed to keep people independent of the government in retirement and ensure our elderly do not become objects of charity in their twilight years. This has to stop. This election you can send a message easily and safely by voting for minor parties above your preferred major party. This accomplishes two goals: it sends a clear message that you are not happy and denies these parties electoral funding. The major parties have had it way too good for way too long.

Time for Shire exit NOW that Britain has voted to Brexit the EU, can I suggest that a similar type of referendum occur in South Gippsland?

In this referendum the South Gippsland Ratepayers would be given the opportunity to SGRexit from the wastefulness and poor management that is associated with both the SGC senior management and the councillors that vote for the variety of proposals that have or will cost increasing amounts of money and inevitably lead to yet higher rates. Many examples come to mind. The caravan parks. The proposed new precinct. The yearly future visions and plans that are changed every year. The blowout in the cost of the Council bureaucracy. The inability to resolve staff issues in a timely manner. And so on. So the referendum question to be put to each ratepayer could be: “Given the succession of exorbitant rate rises that have occurred in the last ten years or so, do you as a ratepayer think that you have received sufficient value for your rates dollar?” If, as I would expect, the majority vote ‘No’, I would hope that those responsible should SGRexit. Gary Napthine, Waratah North.

Tip anger I don’t often come out of the woodwork to comment on the worst Council in Victoria, according to the State Government’s annual Local Government Community Survey. And while I realize that

Email: Post: PO Box 84 Leongatha 3953 Fax: 03 5662 4350

enough has already been written on this aspect of Bass Coast Shire Council, I would still like to vent my feelings on its decision to close the Inverloch tip. With only two months notice to the local community of this momentous decision, it is another example of the worst Council in Victoria going completely mad. There are many ratepayers, who do not receive a weekly garbage collection from BCSC because of distance issues, and who rely on the Inverloch tip to deposit their rubbish for $3 for a medium size garbage bin and, if like me, they also take their recyclables there as well. I was told of the closure of the tip some years ago by one of the influential developers of the land adjacent to the tip. My response was “over my dead body while I am still a Bass Coast Shire councillor”. So the developers have now had their way and yet another vital service has been scuttled by this incompetent and out of control Council. And what about the people living in Cameron Avenue, Wonthaggi, who will now continually have more people going to the Wonthaggi tip from Inverloch, Some of them inadvertently will drop rubbish on their way as they now have to go somewhere to dispose of their weekly rubbish. Shame on you Bass Coast councillors.

And while I am at it, I must raise the issue of the care of the Wonthaggi Town Hall by the present administration. I attended the concert performed by the Bass Coast Chorale on Sunday, June 19 before a packed house. A spokesman for the Chorale, after a most enjoyable afternoon’s entertainment, pointed out they had found the Hall in a disgraceful state and members of the Chorale had to set to and clean it up. Unfortunately this was not an isolated case, they have to clean it up every time they used the facility. Finally, on the subject of Council rates. I have been paying them since 2002 and felt they had increased considerably. So I checked with the Council rates officer. He calculated that my rates had risen by 144 per cent but only since 2004 as earlier records had to be retrieved from archives. But I feel a rise of 144 percent is exorbitant. I am adding my voice to the ever-growing chorus of protesters who will have their say about this Council when the Local Government elections come round in October. Ross Smith, Inverloch, Former MP for Glen Waverley for 17 years and later two-term Bass Coast Councillor until 2012.

PAGE 14 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

People power to shape budget By Brad Lester THE public will have an even greater say over the way South Gippsland Shire Council spends money. Council had planned to implement a community budget process to prepare the 2016-17 budget, but received an inadequate number of nominees to form the panels required. Last Wednesday, council voted to rename the process the Community Capital Works Allocation Project, with the public still to influence how $400,000 is spent in each of Korumburra, Venus Bay, Foster and Mirboo North. Projects will be identified in the four towns using Come on council: Venus Bay Surf Life Saving Club president Craig Watson receives a existing community plans and the long term capital cheque for $1000 from Riverside Craft Shop’s treasurer Pamela Dunstan. Mr Watson is call- works program. ing on South Gippsland Shire Council to reconsider selling the land the shop is on. An online forum will then enable people to choose their preferred project and town meetings will be held in each of the four towns for the public to vote on their top 10 projects. Recommendations will then be put to council THE Venus Bay Surf Life Saving Club to raise revenue by other means, but to close the by December this year for potential inclusion in the is urging South Gippsland Shire Council Riverside Craft Shop is astounding and extremely 2017-18 budget. The council feel they offer no perCr Andrew McEwen felt Venus Bay and Mirboo to not sell land that is home to a craft disappointing. ceived benefit to the community, but this is short- North were already underfunded by council, while shop in Tarwin Lower. sighted and naive.” Korumburra and Foster receive more than their fair The Riverside Craft Shop recently donated

Lifesavers rush to rescue craft shop

Mr Watson said the shop, a group of women who meet to use their skills to sell crafts and raise money for the community, was like a ‘women’s shed’. “They regularly donate money to the surf club which helps us to purchase equipment that saves lives. They donate money to other community groups including CFA, football club and primary school,” he said. “Not only does this group of women provide much needed funds directly for the community, it also gives purpose to many of the local population.” Cr Kieran Kennedy told council last Wednesday the craft ladies also volunteer to take people to medical and other appointments when they do not qualify for community transport.

Ice program funded GIPPSLAND Primary Health Network (PHN) has secured $2.87 million funding for a new strategy to tackle the drug Ice in the region. The funding is to support the delivery of the local program which is aimed at improving treatment, aftercare, education, prevention, support and community engagement. Gippsland PHN Chief Executive Officer, Ms Marianne Shearer welcomed the strategy. “Alcohol and other drugs such as ice are clear is-

sues identified in our recent 2016/17 health needs assessment for the region,” Ms Shearer said. “We will be working closely with Victorian Government, peak bodies, treatment providers, local networks, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, and our community to develop and implement a collaborative, whole of system approach to alcohol and other drug treatment in Gippsland.” Federal Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent announced the funding, stating that the Federal Coalition Government has recognised the urgent need for additional ice programs in the area.

Leongatha Campus CHC43115 CHC30213 CHC40213 CHC50213 SIT20312 SIT31013 SIT30813 SIT40313 SIT50313 SIH20111 SIH30111 CHC33015 CHC43215 CHC53215 CHC43315 CHC53315

Certificate IV Disability Certificate III Education Support Certificate IV Education Support Diploma of School Age Education and Care Certificate II Kitchen Operations Certificate III Catering Operations Certificate III Commercial Cookery Certificate IV Hospitality Diploma of Hospitality Certificate II Hairdressing Certificate III Hairdressing Certificate III Individual Support Certificate IV Alcohol and Other Drugs Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs Certificate IV Mental Health Diploma of Mental Health

Warragul Campus ACM20110 ACM30110 ACM30410 ACM40310 ACM40412 FNS40215 FNS40615 FNS50215 TAE40110 CHC33015 CHC40608 CHC43115

Certificate II Animal Studies Certificate III Animal Studies Certificate III Companion Animal Services Certificate IV Companion Animal Services Certificate IV Veterinary Nursing Certificate IV Bookkeeping Certificate IV Accounting Diploma of Accounting Certificate IV Training and Assessment Certificate III Individual Support Certificate IV Leisure and Health Certificate IV Disability


$1000 to the club, days after being told by council the block of land the shop is on could be sold in the latest round of council’s sales of surplus land. Surf club president Craig Watson urged council to reconsider its intention. “There is a lot of angst in the Tarwin Lower/ Venus Bay community, the second largest rate paying group in the shire, that we are not being treated fairly,” he said. “The funds for the proposed sale of blocks are not being reinvested into the community. We have no town water, no sewerage and limited sealed roads. We are woefully underfunded and being charged exorbitant rates. “We understand that sometimes councils need

share of funding. “What we have got is a massive unequal distribution of rate money back to our communities,” he said. Cr Lorraine Brunt disagreed, saying Mirboo North would receive a refurbished pool. Cr Kieran Kennedy noted a Future of Local Government Conference he attended discussed councils establishing community boards to advise councils on spending. Cr Don Hill said such boards would increase council’s rating in community satisfaction surveys. Last Wednesday’s decision was prompted by a council decision in December 2015 to defer the community budgeting process due to lack of interest and receive a report by June 2016 considering how to undertake a more representative participatory budgeting process for the 2017-18 budget. Council held a lunch with 23 nominees for the community budgeting process in March. Their main concerns were the short timeframe, lack of interest, fear to approach council with their ideas, the selection process and feelings of being over-consulted. The nominees recommended council improve the process by informing the community through full page advertisements in local newspapers, have clear guidelines for the selection panel and distribute a letter specifying how the project would work.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 15

Explore the world by sea WITH the 2016/2017 cruise season fast approaching, Leongatha Travel and Cruise is your local Princess Cruise specialist ensuring their passengers get the best value on these premium journeys. With additional departures scheduled from Melbourne not only for the upcoming cruise season (October 16-April 2017), but also the 2017/2018 season which has just been launched, cruising for Victorians has become easier than ever before. “We have found the cruises from Melbourne have become incredibly popular over the last two years as our clients save not only money on flights but also on time. Passengers start their holiday as soon as they board their floating hotel, simply unpack and unwind” Leongatha

Travel and Cruise owner Jill Carmody said. “The flexibility of a cruising holiday is what makes this type of holiday so appealing to so many, with multiple cabin options to match all budgets and cruises being able to be paid off over time through our agency once the deposits have been paid, when booked in advance.” The ability to unpack once in your luxury stateroom and then visit multiple destinations without having to repack, take transfers and or additional flights along with the inclusive nature of a cruise is why cruising in Australia is the fastest growing holiday option. “Princess Cruises offer a range of ever expanding cruise itineraries with a commitment to excellence from the refurbishment of their ships to an increase in the number of their ships in Australian waters dur-

Private balconies: one of the accommodation options on Princess Cruises is your own balcony with views out to sea and to approaching landmarks and ports.

ing the wave season. After the success of the Golden Princess being home ported in Melbourne last season, Princess Cruises are bringing the Emerald Princess to Australia for the 2016/2017 season,” Mrs Carmody said. “The Emerald Princess will be the largest Princess ship to be based in Australia with a maximum capacity of 3,082 guests on board, 884 balcony staterooms and world class amenities is very exciting for the travel industry and the travelling public.” Having spent the northern summer in Europe she will depart London on September 28 with three stops in Italy before meandering through the Mediterranean on this Four Continents Grand Adventure through the Suez Canal. Following stops in Jordan and the UAE with an overnight in Dubai she will follow the coasts of India, and visit Thailand’s Koh Samui, a popular island with tourists because of its luxury resorts. Indonesia is the last stop before the Emerald Princess hugs the West Australian coast, and on to Melbourne allowing passengers to disembark from their Four Continents Grand Adventure in Melbourne in November 2017. The beautiful Emerald Princess is Princess Cruise’s newest ship to offer cruises from Australia having followed the traditional route taken by many of the ships of old, sailing from England to Australia. Whether you are after a short summer break, an historical ocean voyage or a Grand Adventure contact the friendly team at Leongatha Travel and Cruise to help you find the best cruise option for your next holiday.

Regal voyage: Princess Cruises has liners departing from Sydney, Melbourne and Freemantle this coming cruise season, with special deals available in store at Leongatha Travel and Cruise.

Fit for royalty: The Golden Princess has magnificent interior suites, providing guests with luxury accommodation as they travel the globe. Special travel offers are available at Leongatha Travel and Cruise.



Port Denarau






Tasman Sea



Gisborne Wellington NEW ZEALAND


Akaroa Fiordland National Park Scenic cruising





14 nights

13 nights

Departure date: 5 April 2017

Please see in store for further details.


(Port Chalmers)

Departure date: 18 March 2017

PAGE 16 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016


DO YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT? FEDERAL ELECTION, SATURDAY 2 JULY This year, the way you vote for the Senate has changed and it’s important that you understand how to vote correctly. On election day, you’ll receive two ballot papers: • a green one for the House of Representatives • a large white one for the Senate On the green ballot paper you are voting for a candidate to represent your local area or electorate in the House of Representatives. On the white ballot paper you are voting for representatives of your state or territory in the Senate. Don’t worry if you make a mistake. Just ask for another ballot paper and start again.

Green ballot paper Number every box in the order of your choice.

White ballot paper – you can choose to vote either above or below the line Either vote above the line Number at least 6 boxes for parties or groups, in the order of your choice.





Number the boxes from 1 to 8 in the order of your choice













Senate Ballot Paper

Electoral Division of Division Name







House of Representatives Ballot Paper



You may vote in one of two ways


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names


SURNAME, Given Names





Above the line By numbering at least 6 of these boxes in the order of your choice (with number 1 as your first choice).








OR below the line Number at least 12 boxes for individual candidates, in the order of your choice.












Below the line By numbering at least 12 of these boxes in the order of your choice (with number 1 as your first choice).

SURNAME Given Names


SURNAME Given Names

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SURNAME Given Names

Sample ballot paper





Remember... number every box to make your vote count

Sample ballot paper

Your vote will help shape Australia. Practise voting now at

To learn more 13 23 26

Authorised by the Electoral Commissioner, 50 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra ACT.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 17

Consider it sorted at Office Choice LEONGATHA’S premium office supplies shop has joined the ranks of top franchise Office Choice, with a wide range of products sure to benefit customers in the area. Owner Dean Watchorn said now is the time to get in store and reap the benefits of the end of financial year sale with plenty of promotions exclusive to Office Choice. “We were an Office Smart store but we have done the switch to offer our customers a larger range of great deals,” he said. “We currently have an end of financial year sale on so customers can get some fantastic offers on products to claim back before June 30.” Office Choice’s mission is to provide customers with the best range of products and an unrivalled level of personal service, and to make the supply of stationery and office products as easy as possible. Leongatha’s Office Choice has joined 150 other locations across Australia under the franchise which boasts more than 60,000 products through its extensive catalogue available for order to South Gippsland. “We sell products for every aspect of the office,” Mr Watchorn said. Office Choice offers customers a wide range of stationery, printing products and office furniture suitable for home offices and small businesses. “We sell printers and also supply plenty of inkjet/ laser cartridges and printing supplies. Aside from that we have plenty of office furni- Top choice: from left, Corrie Hemming, Marnie Abernethy and Kate Hemming are some of the dedicated team working to make Office ture including desks, shelves and chairs. We are Choice the right choice for customers in Leongatha. also happy to order in anything our customers require,” Mr Watchorn said Amongst some of the hot products on offer is a ConSet electric sit stand desk with the ability to change heights to suit the user. Leongatha Office Choice also has a range of laminators, scanners, binding, and fax machines to get all administrative and office work done professionally, regardless of where the office is. Office Choice, at the rear of Leongatha Newsagency, is also responsible for providing school books and supplies to students across the region. Under the management of the Watchorn family, the business has been credited as a reliable retailer for all kinds of office supplies. The local business has dedicated itself to employing locals and ensuring South Gippsland homes and businesses are stocked with all office needs. “We are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure our customers get what they need and we will do so with the end of financial year sale,” Mr Watchorn said. “We can order in anything from the catalogues which can be picked up in store now.”

Best in town: from left, Marnie Abernethy and Corrie Hemming test out some of the fantastic range of office furniture in store at Leongatha Office Choice.

Standing strong: Kate Hemming tests out the ConSet electric sit/stand desk available at Leongatha Office Choice.

PAGE 18 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Spotlight on Foster’s future By Brad Lester A COMMUNITY hub in Foster could be overhauled. The building now occupied by Stockyard Gallery, visitor information centre, Foster library and Parks Victoria could be redesigned or the tenants could find alternative accommodation. The tenants’ future needs will be investigated as part of the Foster Community Infrastructure Plan 2016 adopted by South Gippsland Shire Council last Wednesday. The plan also recommends council: • encourage committees of management for council facilities to develop master plans before seeking support for funding from council; • encourage facilities with multiple meeting rooms; • link existing parks and open spaces via path and cycle networks, including linking the Great United in vision: the future of the Stockyard Gallery, library, visitor information centre and Parks Southern Rail Trail with the town centre; • analyse the training needs of volunteers and Victoria complex at Foster was discussed by South Gippsland Shire Council last Wednesday.

From left, gallery president Jan Bell, committee member Walter Birkenbeil, council’s manager of community services Bart Ruyter, mayor Cr Bob Newton, South Gippsland principal librarian Michael Hogan, and gallery exhibition administrator and vice president Annette Walker.

Gallery calls for surety

Library of the future WEST Gippsland Regional Library Corporation has backed South Gippsland Shire Council’s plan for the future of the Foster library. Michael Hogan, principal librarian for South Gippsland libraries, told council last Wednesday the corporation supported council’s Foster Community Infrastructure Plan 2016 that advocates considering the library’s future needs. He said the existing library was restricted in its service delivery due to space limitations. “There is no area for quiet study or for group work by students,” he said. Up to 30 parents and children attend Story-

THE Stockyard Gallery committee hopes to remain within the current complex that also includes Parks Victoria, time sessions but the big crowd limits access for Foster library and the visitor informaother library users. tion centre. Mr Hogan said the current library was in an ideal location and welcomed any proposal to colocate the library with other tenants on a bigger community hub site. Cr Andrew McEwen said the complex now occupied by the library, Stockyard Gallery, visitor information centre and Parks Victoria could be used by a neighbourhood house or University of the Third Age in the future, but council also needed to consider what to do with the government agencies. Cr Jeanette Harding suggested council plan for a new hub that would last for at least 20 years.

Landcare dollars roll in LANDCARE projects have received a $61,300 boost from the Federal Government. McMillan MP Russell Broadbent last week announced successful applicants for funding from the National Landcare Programme Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16 (Small Grants Round). South Gippsland Landcare has been provided $25,300 and the Mardan and Mirboo North Land Care Group $36,000 to manage projects that support agriculture. “Thanks to this support, these successful projects will tackle agricultural weeds and promote sustainable farming,” Mr Broadbent said. “These projects, like others across the country, will help share knowledge and skills across the sector to boost farm productivity and protect the natural resources that our agricultural industries depend on. “The Small Grants Round is an important component of the National Landcare Program, which ultimately delivers on the Coalition Government’s Farming boost: McMillan MP Russell commitment to support profitable returns at the Broadbent has announced $61,300 for Landcare projects in South Gippsland. farmgate.”

establish ongoing training; and • advocate shared promotional activities, such as via websites and newsletters. By 2030, the plan recommends council investigates the development of a community learning hub that could include a library, adult education facilities and the visitor information centre. The draft plan was exhibited for public comment until April 29 this year. Council received six submissions, raising such issues as disabled access and the need for greater promotion of Foster Station Park. “Over the next two decades Foster’s population will gradually increase with the majority of people continuing to be aged 50 years and over,” council’s director development services Bryan Sword said. “Supply of community infrastructure in Foster is considered adequate for the current population but to meet the needs of the community for the next 20 years, forward planning to maximise flexible use of existing facilities and support to volunteers is required.”

Committee member Walter Birkenbeil last Wednesday told South Gippsland Shire Council he was concerned council’s Foster Community Infrastructure Plan 2016 mentioned the library could move to a potentially vacant supermarket in the future and wondered if council had a similar plan for the gallery.

Mr Birkenbeil said council’s future plans for the gallery were vague. “The plan shows no assurance of the gallery’s future in this building,” he said. “The community strongly supported the construction of this building. The building is the called the Stockyard Gallery.” Council’s director of development services Bryan Sword said the gallery committee would continue to be consulted about the complex’s future. The gallery now sources work from 173 artists and craftspeople.

Children, come play EVEN more children will be encouraged to be involved in playgroups and kindergartens, under a municipal early years plan adopted by South Gippsland Shire Council last Wednesday. The plan, Children and Families – A Plan for the Future in South Gippsland 2016-2021, will guide the delivery of children and family services in the shire over the next five years. The plan also aims to: improve pedestrian access to streets around early years services and schools; have playgrounds with facilities catering to all abilities; and increase monitoring of children’s health and development. The plan focuses on partnership between agencies, government, children and families, and the community to improve outcomes for children aged up to eight in the shire.

The plan was informed by a reference group of service providers, representatives from the Department of Education and Training, Department of Health and Human Services, council staff and Cr Mohya Davies.

Fairies, please council FAIRIES are among the wishes of the children of South Gippsland, according to South Gippsland Shire Council’s Municipal Early Years Plan 20162021. The plan lists fairies under ‘Things to support imaginative play’ children would like, along with flying clouds, a penguin and dump truck. Children also desired more rocks, sand at the park, a beach, a tunnel, a bigger slide and a bike trail in Korumburra. As they say, such words could only come from the mouths of babes.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 19

Diamond year for daffodils

SET to celebrate a momentous milestone this August, the Leongatha Daffodil and Floral Show is sure to be in full bloom once again.

Now in its 60th year, the show is rated amongst some of the best horticultural events in the state and further afield on a national plain, drawing visitors to South Gippsland from far and wide to celebrate daffodils in all their glory. This year the show will be hosted by renowned television presenter and writer Stephen Ryan, who will open the ceremony on Thursday, August 25 at Memorial Hall. The Daffodil Show will not be held in conjunction with the National Daffodil Championships and will therefore be held earlier in the flowers’ season for 2016, a preferential time for growers and breeders. Sue Thompson, president of the Leongatha Horticultural Society and secretary of the Victorian Daffodil Society, said she

planned to step down from her managerial role but chose to see the festival through it’s big birthday. “This year marks the festival’s diamond anniversary and Sue has done so much for the event over the years. She deserved to stay on to celebrate her achievements,” fellow horticultural society member Margaret Fox said. The festival will once again comprise of a three day program stacked with events and activities throughout the town. Local green thumbs will also welcome guests into their gates for a series of open gardens across the weekend. “The whole community comes together for this event. We will be working with the local primary schools in a range of activities and local shop owners can once again compete for the shop window competition with a ‘daffodils and diamonds’ theme to commemorate the 60th year,” Ms Thompson said. The Leongatha Daffodil Festival will be followed by a Green Patch event in September with heritage bulbs available.

Flourishing events: from left, Leongatha Horticultural Society’s Sue Thompson and Margaret Fox are preparing for another exciting year with the Leongatha Daffodil Festival booked to bloom in late August.

Don’t miss out on BAS refunds

Cars and tax

After the time limit has ended you can’t amend your BAS, so you may miss being able to claim a refund. Once you’ve lodged your BAS you have four years to make any amendments. This is called the ‘period of review’, which starts on the day you lodge your BAS. You can amend your BAS any number of times during the period of review. There are specific rules about the time limit for claiming GST credits and fuel tax credits. You have four years from when you could have first claimed them. After that, you lose your entitlement to the credits. Claiming your credits as soon as possible makes good sense for your cash flow. If you have missed claiming some credits in the past, it might not be too late to make a claim.

drives). You use the car limit that applies to the year you first use or lease the car. The car limit for 2016-17 is $57,581. Generally, if you purchase a car and the price is more than the car limit, the maximum amount of GST credit you can claim is one-eleventh of the car limit amount. You can’t claim a GST credit for any luxury car tax you pay when you purchase a luxury car, regardless of how much you use the car in carrying on your business. From July 1, 2016 the luxury car tax threshold for luxury cars increased to $64,132. The threshold for fuel efficient luxury cars for 2016-17 remains at $75,526. In general, the value of a car includes the value of any parts, accessories or attachments supplied or imported at the same time as the car.

FROM July 1, 2016 the following car IT’s important you fix mistakes and threshold amounts apply. For tax purposes there’s an upper limit on the cost amend your BAS quickly as time limits you use to work out the depreciation for the business apply. use of your car or station wagon (including four-wheel

PAGE 20 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Quality gear: Vortex Surf Skate and Snow’s Rohan Manhal showcases snow gear available for hire this season.

Gearing up for the slopes VORTEX Surf Skate Snow in Wonthaggi has everything you need to take on the slopes in style. After Friday’s huge dump of snow on the ski fields, the peak snow season is fast approaching, so there’s no better time to hire snow gear for your next adventure. With an extensive range of boots, boards, outerwear, goggles and toboggans in a variety of big name brands catering for men, women and children, you are sure to find what you are looking for. Whilst you have the option to hire gear the day before you leave and return it the day after your trip, Vortex will only charge you for the days you are on the mountain to ensure you get the most out of your time away. Staff are on hand to offer expert advice, not only

on which snow gear would suit you best, but also on the mountains you plan to travel to. They can offer insight into resorts and accommodation options based on personal experience. “We have brochures and information in store or you can come in and have a chat to us,” Vortex’s Rohan Manhal said. “We’ve also been organising trips to Japan for the past six years through an affiliated tour company and have an extensive knowledge of resorts throughout the country.” Vortex also offers waxing and servicing for snow equipment in store to make sure your gear is always performing at its best. Come into Vortex Surf Skate Snow and experience great service and fantastic quality for money.

Lifting local made easy GRAEME Hadow is the only fork lift and scissor lift mechanic east of Dandenong and outside the Latrobe Valley in Gippsland. He runs The Rental Depot on the industrial estate in Korumburra. As an indicator of the health of the local economy, The Rental Depot has sold 30 new or quality used units in the last 12 months, with electricians, tilers, potato farmers and Burra Foods among its customers. During Burra Foods’ last expansion phase, seven different hire companies were employed, the milk products giant showing a strong preference for supporting local businesses. The Rental Depot has a wide range of small to large machinery to suit any job. While a fork or scissor lift can be hired from $80 a day, hire contracts of up to five years which include all servicing and maintenance for a monthly payment, are becoming more popular. The contractors installing the Poowong sewers hired a mini-excavator on a four month contract which is now up to five months. Mr Hadow will travel the basic service zone common for the area, generally around a one hour circumference from the depot and including Yarram, to carry out on site servicing or repairs. “I can be on site within an hour usually,” he said. While a 2.5 tonne fork lift is $30,000 new, a good quality second hand unit will cost around $8500. When it comes to secondhand, Mr Hadow said, “I am only interested in dealing with good used machinery and if I say it is good, it is good. My Dad instilled that in me from a young age: you’re only as good as your word, my boy.”

High tailing: Graeme Hadow, the proprietor of The Rental Depot in Korumburra, said business in the fork lift and scissor lift industry is booming. A new 19 foot scissor lift for use on smooth concrete surfaces and not requiring recertification for 10 years, retails for around $15,000 (used, around $8000). All terrain, off road, scissor lifts are also available.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 21

Want it? Get it from SG Hire WHETHER you want to do it yourself, are a contractor or just someone who needs to get a job done, then Leongatha’s SG Hire may have the equipment you need. Owner John Burke has been operating SG Hire for 10 years and offers a huge range of tools and equipment, large and small, as well as quality customer service. During winter, power outages are commonplace and can wreak havoc on small businesses or dairy farms. John said SG Hire has a range of large diesel powered generators, with the capacity to run anything from a household to a large dairy. “The 30KVA generator would be suitable to back feed a dairy, while the 15KVA machine is quite capable of powering a household,” he said. SG Hire’s large compressors are ideal for running pneumatic breakers for concrete or other materials, or for industrial use. “If a factory has a breakdown, our compressors can provide portable air to enable them to keep working,” John said. Do you have a damaged roof or a tree down that you just can’t reach from the ground? SG Hire has

several cherry pickers, one which doesn’t require a licence to operate. “These machines are ideal to help repair storm damage, trees, roofs or anything else that requires access from above the ground,” John said. “Up to 10.4 metres, operators don’t require a licence; it is purely competency.” SG Hire has a 10.4 metre and a 15 metre cherry picker available for hire. Other equipment useful in the winter months includes hydraulic wood splitters and wood chippers, both of which are available from SG Hire. For the home renovators, SG Hire has a huge range of equipment and tools to make it easier, including floor sanders, grinders and polishers. John said he is happy to help out in emergency situations and for a call out fee, will open up after hours to get people out of trouble. “It is a trying time for everyone at the moment and I couldn’t be happier about the support from the local community,” he said.

Above right, Can you dig it: Mick Horell from SG Hire in Leongatha with one of the many machines available for hire from the locally owned and operated business.

Hire, store at Mirboo North A NEW business at Mirboo North has your storage and hire needs met. Grand Ridge Self-Storage and Hire at 43 Giles Street has storage spaces for lease. The newly built complex consists of 26 units including huge 3.6m by 9.3m units ideal for caravan/ boat storage or business storage solutions, and 3m by 5.3m to 7.3m units perfect for moving house. The units offer a local, secure, hassle free venue at competitive rates for your long and short term storage needs. There is 24 hour video surveillance and full se-

curity fencing to give peace of mind. A massive turning bay provides easy access for trailers and trucks when unloading. The company is developing a website and in the meantime, can be found on Facebook. Storage rates are: $45 per week for a 3.1m by 5.30m unit; $55 per week for a 3m by 7.3m unit; $60 per week for a 3.7m by 7.39m unit; and $65 per week for a 3.6m by 9.39m unit. There is a $22 administration fee also. Contact Stockdale and Leggo Mirboo North on (03) 5668 1300 for more information.

PAGE 22 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Rotary brings out one’s best DON Bruce is pleased he joined the Rotary Club of Leongatha back in 2004. “Once you join Rotary, you come out with a little bit of something that you did not realise you had,” he told the club’s changeover dinner. Mr Bruce is the club’s new president and he plans to support the theme of Rotary International this year, Rotary Serving Humanity. “This is what we have worked so hard to do in this club, at local and international levels,” he said. Key to pursuing that theme is backing the Rotary Foundation in its 100th year of assisting with humanitarian projects, including eradicating polio across the world. Mr Bruce aims to attract younger members and more women, and will introduce a social fundraising event on the third meeting of the month. He took the club’s reins at the changeover dinner at Woorayl Golf Club on Monday, June 20, joined by his new board: president elect for 2017-18 Sue Dutton, secretary Michael Hogan, treasurer Chris McDonald, immediate past president Shirley Seabrook, membership director Colin McKenzie-McHarg, Rotary Foundation director David Panther, community service director Andrew Debenham, fellowship, social and catering director Alan Steenholdt, youth direc-

Ready to serve: Don Bruce (front, centre) is the new president of the Rotary Club of Leongatha. He is surrounded by his new board, back, from left, secretary Michael Hogan, Rotary Foundation director David Panther, membership director Colin McKenzie-McHarg, fellowship, social and catering director Alan Steenholdt and community service director Andrew Debenham. Front, from left, treasurer Chris McDonald, youth director Mary Dortmans, president elect for 2017-18 Sue Dutton and immediate past president Shirley Seabrook. tor Mary Dortmans and public relations director Philip Botte. As outgoing president, Mrs Seabrook paid

tribute to her board and husband Jim Seabrook for ensuring the club enjoyed another successful year.

The club welcomed three new members in Michael Hogan, Alan Steenholdt and Marj Pearson, and sadly lost Cam Abood in late 2015. “Cam was a true gentleman and such a dedicated and helpful member of our club,” Mrs Seabrook said. Mr Botte increased the club’s presence on Facebook and Twitter, while Mary Dortmans oversaw the youth exchange program. Local students Cleo Davidson head to The Netherlands and Hattie Steenholdt went to Denmark. German exchange student Marc Dinger will leave in a few weeks and the club will then welcome Maximilian Sutterluety from Austria. Andrew Debenham is working with a team to develop a major project this year and David Panther coordinated events that raised $5600 for Rotary Foundation towards international projects. The art show and show’n’shine continued to be Rotary events well received by the community. Prestigious Paul Harris Fellowships were issued to Rotarian Graeme Evans for his dedication to Rotary and Carmel Slater for her contribution to local theatre and music. The club gave donations of $25,000 in the past year, including $800 for a safe water project in Nigeria and $1400 for Rotary Centenary House cancer accommodation centre.

Blokes learn new tricks WITH a growing member base and plenty of successful projects on the go, Leongatha Men’s Shed was deserving of funding when McMillan MP Russell Broadbent visited last Wednesday. He stopped by the Horn Street shed to see the shedders’ work and donated $3000 to the growing group to buy new technology. “I love what men’s sheds do for the community and the men here are doing great work,” he said. President Max Wood said the funding would go towards the purchase of two new laptops, a projector and a camera to help members learn how to use modern technology and communicate with their family and friends. “It’s a sad fact of life that most of our members find the ‘new digital technology’ confusing and daunting. As a result they feel they are falling beShed dollars: from left, Max Wood, Greg Humphrey, Fred Bellingham, McMillan MP Rus- hind,” Mr Wood said. “Also, with our sons and daughters and grandsell Broadbent and Ron Campbell celebrate funding for the shed at the Leongatha Men’s children now living a long way away - in some cases Shed on Wednesday. hundreds of kilometres away- a lot of our blokes

Mayor’s message Cr Bob Newton IN A proactive and unique initiative, council will re-shape and re-name the Community Budgeting project to the Community Capital Works Allocation project. The project will provide an opportunity for the Foster, Korumburra, Mirboo North and Venus Bay communities to be actively involved in Ccuncil’s decision making, helping to allocate $400,000 to capital works in each town. This positive outcome is a result of feedback received from the Community Budgeting nominees and is another example of our community consultation processes at work. Council firmly believes that engaging the community through online platforms and town meetings ensures a diverse range of views will be received to achieve a successful outcome. In another new initiative, council introduced a category to its Community Grants Program. The Quick Response Grants category replaces the Councillor Discretionary Fund Program, which formally ceased as a result of new legislation in February this year. It ensures we continue to support community groups and/or individuals with minor funding allocations within a short time frame. The new program allows for grants up to $1,000 from eligible applicants in any one financial year. Applications will be assessed monthly with a total of $30,000 (or $2500 per month) allocated from the 2016-17 Community Grants budget of $300,000. The 2016-17 Community Grants Program opens July 1, 2016. Section 86 committees of management are planning their annual general meetings to celebrate achievements of the previous year and elect new members. Volunteer committees work tirelessly throughout

the year to ensure that a variety of council owned facilities are well maintained for the benefit of the community. They are the engines behind the success of recreation reserves, community halls, art galleries and museums, to name a few. We thank these volunteers for their ongoing passion and commitment. Information about council’s Section 86 committees of management, including the dates of upcoming annual meetings, is available on council’s website and I encourage anyone interested in actively contributing to their community to nominate for a committee. Council is hosting a free public information session for residents interested in understanding more about being a councillor or considering standing for South Gippsland Shire Council in the upcoming elections in October. This session is perfect for those who may find the nomination process daunting. It is incredibly important that as a prospective councillor you understand your roles and responsibilities. I have spent a great part of my working life in local government and have found this is the perfect platform for passionate people interested in making a difference. The South Gippsland Shire Council candidate information session will be held on Monday, July 18 from noon to 2pm at the Council Chamber, Leongatha. It is also exciting to note from our most recent council meeting that we will be exploring the opportunity to implement public wi-fi options across South Gippsland. We have asked for a report to be prepared to equip us with the information with which to make a decision about the viability of such a scheme in South Gippsland.

miss out on so much of what is happening via Facebook and family emails. Being a Facebook user myself, I keep telling the blokes what they are missing out on.” “Between us we have a wealth of knowledge. With this equipment we will host presentations about our areas of expertise and share with other people in the shed.” Leongatha Men’s Shed also has a number of ongoing projects including the construction of wooden toys which have been sent all over Australia and to children overseas. “We make everything from little wooden aeroplanes, to small dollhouses and racing cars,” Mr Wood said. “All of our members get involved and we have organised a production line so everything is done easily. A number of our members have physical or physiological disabilities and this gives them a chance to get involved. They really enjoy it.” Leongatha Men’s Shed has also invited health professionals to conduct men’s health seminars at the shed.

Roads funding stoush LABOR’S Eastern Victoria Region MLC Harriet Shing has been accused of slamming her own government’s failure to maintain safety on Gippsland roads, saying the poor condition of the roads had caused a number of fatalities. The Nationals’ Gippsland South MLA Danny O’Brien said Ms Shing’s recent contribution in parliament highlighted the fact Labor was failing to keep Gippslanders safe. Ms Shing said in parliament on June 7, “I refer to the parlous state of roads in the Eastern Victoria Region and in Gippsland, which have in and of themselves contributed more than their fair share of fatalities, serious injuries and near misses in the area.” Mr O’Brien said the state of country roads, especially those in Gippsland, had gone backwards under Labor. “Here we have a Labor MP saying her own government’s lack of roads spending has caused the loss of life, serious injuries and numerous near-misses. Let’s not forget Labor has been in government now for 13 of the last 17 years,” Mr O’Brien said. “Not only has Labor cut the annual roads maintenance budget by more than 10 per cent, they’ve abolished the Country Roads and Bridges Program, that gave shires like Wellington and South Gippsland $1 million a year to spend on urgent local improvements. “This program delivered a number of works across the region, including bridge upgrades on Agnes River Road, Summers Road near Fish Creek and Goads Road near Dumbalk North.” Ms Shing said Mr O’Brien was simply performing a “cute political trick” as she was doing

Roads upkeep: Gippsland South MLA Gippsland Danny O’Brien is calling for more funding for roads in the region. her job of advocating for her electorate. “Mr O’Brien is more than happy to take the benefit of investment in his own electorate,” she said. “He does not recognise that it was the Coalition Government that slashed the road maintenance and investment budget by 65 percent.”

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 23



Fresh and modern Page 26


PAGE 24 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016



Comfortable home with granny flat T

HIS is a property that covers all the and a fully appointed bathroom. bases.

Situated at the end of a no through road and blessed with wonderful panoramic views of the Tarwin Valley, there’s plenty of serenity here. The home consists of three bedrooms, all with built in robes, an updated bathroom and laundry with an open plan living and combining great kitchen meals and living all enjoying the stunning views. Sitting beside the main residence connected by a covered outdoor living area is fully appointed self contained unit. The unit has great homely feel with ample sized kitchen and living area, good sized bedroom


Welcome home.

Wednesday 12noon - 3pm and Saturday 2pm - 4.30pm or by appointment 5952 2150

This unit has been beautifully fitted out; there are no short cuts here. Externally there is a handy well maintained free standing studio or bungalow, a lock up garage with additional storage area and a small lock up shed. This great package is topped off with quality paving and extensive gardens; it ticks a lot of boxes.

DUMBALK 37 Miller Street Stockdale & Leggo Leongatha 5662 5800


113-115 Parr Street, Leongatha




“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 25



Perfect downsizer S

TEPPING into this cozy two bedroom unit, the first thing you notice is that it is light and airy.

The open plan living area easily accommodates lounge and dining space, with a very useable kitchen and a breakfast bar. The main bedroom, with built in robe, provides a beautiful big window overlooking the lovely manicured garden. Its second bedroom faces into the back yard that is planted out with beautiful citrus trees, lovely lawn and easily maintained garden beds. The north facing aspect allows the afternoon sun to flow through the front window, complementing the fresh, neutral colour scheme.

This unit is unique in that it is the only one on the block; it is close to the shops, in a very private setting, and ready for you to move into to. If you’re set to downsize, and still want your own space, then this one is for you.

LEONGATHA 4 Worthy Street Landmark Harcourts Leongatha Glenys Foster 0477 622 298





PAGE 26 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016



Perfect home, huge block


ITUATED at 11 Clinton Court is a gorgeous four bedroom brick veneer family home.

Everything is fresh, modern and has already been done for you. The kitchen is bright and modern with WIP, stone bench top, double drawer dishwasher, gas cook top and double oven. The kitchen and dining are open plan with your choice of split system reverse cycle or an ambient wood heater.

A separate spacious lounge is off this area. The house has been freshly painted and has new carpet. Set on a 1500m2 block which is a winner with a great outlook at the back and allows plenty of space for the excellent shedding on offer. Outside we have a two car carport, workshop with wood heater and toilet, plus a separate man cave/entertainment space and to top it off a separate little garden shed. All this and set in a lovely quiet court, what more can you ask for.

Substantial home with country charm on 2.5 acres


ET on approximately 2.5 acres amongst established low maintenance gardens and a lush rural aspect, this immaculate four bedroom home offers plenty of space both inside and out.

LEONGATHA 11 Clinton Court Elders Real Estate Leongatha Jean O’Loughlin 0428 571 083





Set back off sealed road frontage, main living rooms of the homestead are north facing, with views to be enjoyed from wrap around verandas and large picture windows throughout. Front or back door entry leads straight into the widest of hallways, which is carpeted and has dado wall panelling. Character continues through into the lounge dining room, complete with cosy solid fuel heater. The kitchen section is partially screened giving privacy, a large handy servery making life easy for dining and entertaining. With a distinct country atmosphere, the kitchen features gas cooking, walk in pantry and plenty of bench space. Three of the bedrooms have generous built in in robes, the fourth ideal as study or single bedroom. A spacious family bathroom, separate toilet and

laundry are centrally located in a small wing off the main hallway. A fantastic four bay shed with power is handy to the home; a new concrete floor having recently been installed. Centrally located between Dumbalk and Meeniyan with its cafes, Lyrebird Arts Council and rail trail, plus proximity to South Gippsland’s beautiful beaches, this lifestyle property with no neighbours close by will not only suit families needing that extra space and freedom, but also those wanting a well maintained country retreat. This is a great opportunity and great buying.

DUMBALK 520 Meeniyan Mirboo North Road Insight Real Estate Leongatha 5662 2220





“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 27



G.J. Gardner Homes welcome new hostess L

ONG time local resident Olivia Thorson has joined the growing team at G.J. Gardner Homes as a display hostess.

Born in Leongatha, Olivia has grown up in the area with her family and now has a beautiful family of her own. She has a passion for building and design, and when the display homes were built she was interesting in the joining the G.J. team. Having built a G.J Gardner Glass sliding doors out to the deck, and plenty home herself a couple of years m in the backyard for the kids to play. of room ago, she has a great appreciation for the process of getting the documentation precise, colour schemes to suit, and importantly in the finish of a new home. The design of a home should Alex Scott and Staff best suit the client’s needs with Leongatha the best use of space, as everyone is different and has differ5662 0922 ent needs. “Energy rating these days has to comply with six star 3 1 2 and the design of the home can make a lot of difference here,” Olivia said. “G.J. Gardner Homes have many plans and designs you can pick up when you pop in.” Olivia can refer you to one of the new home consultants who will work with you on a custom design as well. You can visit Olivia at the G.J. Gardner Homes display at 113 Parr Street, Leongatha, on Wednesday from 12pm to 3pm. She can present to you all the features of the Fitzroy 244 from the gas stone fire, LED strip lighting, Matt Black tapware and light switches, and

Add your finishing touch


HERE’S plenty on offer, and plenty of opportunity to add your own touches to this classic weatherboard home. With a near new 6m x 9m colourbond shed, you’ve got the outside storage sorted. Three generous sized bedrooms, an updated bathroom, large front lounge with a wood heater plus reverse cycle air conditioner and a family sized kitchen feature throughout.


63 Koonwarra Road


Expert advice: new display hostess Olivia Thorson is available to take you through G.J. Gardner Homes’ display home at 113 Parr Street, Leongatha, on Wednesday afternoons. Pete Evans under mounted sinks in the kitchen and butler’s pantry – all of which are very much in vogue at the moment. Not to mention a whole heap of other high quality features and inclusions. The displays are also open on Saturdays between 2pm and 4.30pm, or by appointment on

5952 2150. G.J. Gardner Homes also have a sales office in Wonthaggi and a display centre in Cowes. You will be dealing with a local builder when you build with G.J. Gardner Homes, who will be responsible for your new home from beginning to end.

PAGE 28 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Disability no barrier to speaking up By Stuart Biggins DISABILITY Services Commissioner representative, Clare Walker set the tone at the outset of the South Gippsland Shire Advocacy Forum on Thursday when she described her boss, the commissioner Laurie Harkin, as “a lovely, down to earth man.” Alisha Gilliland from South Gippsland Shire Council said the forum was set up by Ben Corcoran from Morwell based New Wave Gippsland to make sure people with disabilities were confident they were being heard. The forum, held in the Leongatha council chamber, gave advocates feedback about issues concerning people with

disabilities. The audience heard the Disability Services Commissioner was there to listen, for example to complaints. It is written into the constitution of the Disability Services Commissioner that no one can be treated badly for making a complaint. When the audience was asked for examples of what kinds of things might warrant their picking up the phone to call the commissioner, responses were: support staff not listening, feeling you were being coerced, needing more help making a decision and not being happy with an activity or program. The forum was told that when people make a complaint, it was helpful to have a suggestion about how the problem should be fixed.

Advocates: from left, Alisha Gilliland from South Gippsland Shire Council, Clare Walker from the Office of Disability Services Commissioner, Ben Corcoran from New Wave Gippsland, Vanessa Holness from Yooralla and Nick Lawler from Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc. headed the South Gippsland Advocacy Movement Forum, It’s our Right, in Leongatha on Thursday.

Milpara Community House news AN event worth keeping a watch on this week is a BBQ being hosted by the Korumburra Youth Group to support dairy farmers on Sunday, July 3 at the Korumburra Showgrounds as part of Look over the Farm Gate. They are being supported to host this event by the Lions club, the Commonwealth Bank, the Korumburra Business Association, Milpara Community House and many others. Thank you to all concerned. The Emergency Foodbank and Anglicare Victoria emergency relief avail-

able from the house has seen increased demand over the past few weeks and this is the right time to remind folks the Bendigo Bank in Korumburra has started its annual food drive. All donations of food items are delivered to Milpara for the emergency foodbank for distribution and are greatly appreciated. Next time you’re at the supermarket, please pick up an extra item or two and take it into the Bendigo Bank. Every item helps, especially tinned foods, rice, baked beans and the like. Also, if you have a collection of shampoo and conditioner (usually brought home from holidays or visits to motels etc) these items are perfect

to have on hand at the house for distribution. It’s the small things that can really make a difference, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes and other items. We’ve also just got the news that the pre-accredited Local Learn courses offered at Milpara have been approved as part of the Commonwealth jobactive program ‘targeted pre-employment preparation’ to improve job seekers’ employability and foundation skills. This is fantastic news so if you have been out of work for a while, make enquiries with your job search provider. Enjoy the school holidays. Milpara Ideas voiced: from left, Mitch Price, Corran Djuric and David Wilson were will open on Monday, July 11 ready for part of the switched on audience at the South Gippsland Advocacy Movement an exciting term three. Forum in Leongatha on Thursday.

Book celebrates sounds of nature DUMBALK author Mandy Kuhne has released her first book shining a spotlight on Australian wildlife. Noisy Nature is a colourful board book with deeper layers of complexity. “With vivid colours, the original illustrations bring the book beautifully to life,” she said. “Most traditional early language books have farm animals and the sounds they make. These sounds play a very important role in early language development. “Noisy Nature is a fresh perspective in books for early language as it listens to the sounds of the Australian bush, outback and waters. It introduces young learners to some different animals making some new sounds.” Ms Kuhne said animal sounds in the book were carefully selected and in a fun way, encourage children to listen with acuity by using pitch and sound variations. Australian focus: Dumbalk author Mandy Kuhne and her nephew, illustrator Alex Kuhne, “Developed listening ability leads to strong oral language and in turn enhances literacy outcomes for at the launch of the book they created together, Noisy Nature.

Help shape water board SOUTH Gippsland Water is asking the community to shape its future. The corporation is creating a plan setting out proposed service standards, capital and operating expenditure, and the required prices charged to customers for water and wastewater services. The current plan finishes in June 2018 and a new plan is required by the Essential Services Commission, the economic regulator for the Victorian Water Industry. South Gippsland Water managing director Philippe du Plessis said, “Customer and community input will be integral to the planning process, and South Gippsland Water is seeking feedback from individuals, groups, local businesses and industry regarding mat-

ters of significance. “A Pricing Review Advisory Panel is being established to enable the corporation to be well informed of community preferences and concerns regarding service provision and future pricing.” Every element of the business is open for discussion, including customer service standards, business strategies and major projects. There will be opportunities for customers to learn more, have a say and feed into the review process, with a key component being the establishment of an advisory panel. Over the next 12 months, the panel will meet approximately six times and, members will receive a sitting fee and travel reimbursement from home or workplace for

meetings attended. “The panel will be a significant voice in driving the pricing review and the membership will be provided with the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the corporation and the review process,” Mr du Plessis said. “Input from the panel will enable the corporation to be well informed about community preferences and concerns regarding the corporation’s service provision and pricing.” Expressions of interest for panel membership are open until 5pm, Friday, July 8, 2016. For further information or to receive regular up-dates about the Pricing Review visit or contact South Gippsland Water on 1300 851 636.

students later on,” she said. Her nephew Alex Kuhne illustrated the book. “Since he was young Alex has shown ability with drawing. He really enjoyed illustrating a book for little kids,” Ms Kuhne said. The qualified teacher fell in love with the outback when a teaching contract to Alice Springs in the Northern Territory in 1984 sparked her interest in the territory. Her upbringing on a family farm at Dumbalk heightened her observation of seasonal changes and her awareness of nature. As a teacher of the deaf, she understands how critical listening is for spoken language acquisition. In the past, Ms Kuhne has written innovative curriculum material for Northern Territory teachers to develop listening and oral language. The book is available through Ms Kuhne’s website and Leongatha Newsagency. The publication was recently launched at Inverloch and Ms Kuhne is planning a further launch in Darwin in July.

Businesses eye top prize THE search is on again to find businesses excelling as part of Bass Coast Shire Council’s 2016 business awards. Entries into the awards are now open and will close on Monday, July 11, at 5pm. There are six categories in the judged awards: business excellence zero to five employees, business excellence six or more employees, marketing and promotion, new business, environment and sustainability, and good access is good business. There is also a people’s choice section of the awards, which means customers vote for the business in Bass Coast that they believe provides the best products and services. People’s choice closes on August 8. Winners will be announced at the awards presentation dinner on Friday, August 19, at Silverwater Resort, San Remo. To attend the dinner, book tickets online at www.2016 basscoast You can find more information on the 2016 Bass Coast business awards at or contact council’s business development officer Emilie Barkley on 5951 3384 or

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 29

Medical hub Coalition names island funded intersection a priority THE Phillip Island Health and Medical Hub received $500,000 in federal funding to prepare detailed design plans for the new facility.

MOTORISTS on Phillip Island will benefit from a re-elected Coalition Government.

Construction is set to begin early next year. A further $2 million will be transferred to the State Government once the design has been finalised and approved. Flinders MP Greg Hunt said, “Securing a much needed health facility for Phillip Island was my number one priority for the electorate at the last election and it is terrific to see this project now well underway.” Mr Hunt said the state of the art hub would become part of the Wonthaggi Hospital network, and will expand as the demand for health services increases. Bass Coast Health is undergoing a review of its clinical services to identify which services the hub should offer. While the Coalition Government offers $2.5 million to the $6.5 million project, the State Government will provide $2.2 million and the Warley Trust a further $1.1 million. “I particularly want to thank the Phillip Island Health and Medical Action Group and the Phillip Island Progress Association for their hard work on this project,” Mr Hunt said.

The Coalition has pledged $275,000 to build of a new roundabout at Cape Woolamai. “Phillip Island residents have long been concerned with the state of this intersection, which provides a crucial link for residents and tourists to Cape Woolamai,” Flinders MP Greg Hunt said. “Upgrades to the Woolamai Beach and Phillip Island Tourist Road intersection will ensure motorists, pedestrians and cyclists enjoy safer trips on our roads.” Mr Hunt said Phillip Island was shaken by a multi-car collision at the intersection that caused serious injury and delayed traffic for several hours. The intersection has been identified by VicRoads as a priority. Bass Coast Shire Council has also advocated for works there.

Next step: from left, chairman of the Phillip Island Progress Association Steve Fullerton, Phillip Island residents Angus Van der Zwet, Hunter Van der Zwet and Carly Van der Zwet and Flinders MP Greg Hunt are pleased to see progress on the Woolamai Beach and Phillip Island Tourist Road intersection on Phillip Island.

South Gippsland Shire briefs the band, which like many groups in the shire, is facing an ageing membership and pool of volunteers.

The workshop will be held at the Council Chambers, Leongatha on Tuesday, July 19. Session one will be from 2pm to 4pm, and session two from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. For more information and bookings, contact Virginia Stacey on 5662 9852 or email Information about council’s Community Grants program is also available on council’s website.

Vets to be honoured SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council will honour Vietnam veterans at a special event in Leongatha to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in the Vietnam War.

• Cr Nigel Hutchinson-Brooks

Look out for farmers CR NIGEL Hutchinson-Brooks praised the creation of a new group to help dairy farmers in the wake of drought and severe milk price drops. The group brings together agencies that can help the industry and farmers deal with the financial and emotional pressures of the state of the industry. “Different people react in different ways,” Cr HutchinsonBrooks said.

President praised THE new president of South Gippsland Shire Brass Band, Natalie Stewart, was acknowledged for establishing two bands for learners. Cr Nigel Hutchinson-Brooks, also a member of the band, said Ms Stewart was imparting her own musical expertise gained from working in Australia and London. He hoped her initiative would help attract younger musicians to

A commemorative service will be held on Thursday, August 18, at Leongatha Memorial Hall from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The day is also Long Tan Day. The battle saw 108 Anzacs defeat a Viet Cong (North Vietnamese) force estimated to be between 1500 and 2500. The encounter killed 18 Australians and wounded 21 and killed 245 Viet Cong and wounded many more.

Foster road set to open SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council plans to open a road in Foster. Council will declare a road status over council owned land in Wood Court. The move will formalise legal abuttal to adjacent properties. The land now functions as a road reserve but this is not reflected in the land’s legal description. Without a road status, the seven properties do not have legal abuttal to Wood Court, rendering their properties landlocked. Council will now seek community responses to the proposal until July 27.

• CEO Tim Tamlin

Fast money COMMUNITY groups urgently needing money will soon be able to apply for a new grant offered by South Gippsland Shire Council. Council has introduced Quick Response Grants to the 2016-17 Community Grants program, allowing grants of up to $1000 to be given. Applications will be assessed monthly with a total of $2500 per month available from the Community Grants budget of $300,000. Councillors will be able to comment on the applications supported by CEO Tim Tamlin. The new grant aims to fill the void left by the cessation of councillor discretionary funds in February due to new legislation. Council is hosting a workshop for community groups interested in submitting an online community grants application via the SmartyGrants program.

Considering running for council? Then come along SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council will host a free public information session for residents interested in understanding more about being a councillor or considering standing for South Gippsland Shire Council in the upcoming elections in October. Council’s coordinator corporate planning and council business, June Ernst, said standing for council could be daunting for those not certain about what is required or how to nominate and campaign. “This early information session will outline the roles and responsibilities of a councillor, describe the election process and provide useful advice for getting elected,” she said. “I strongly encourage any residents contemplating standing for election to attend this information session. It will certainly provide you with some valuable information from a variety of ex-

perts that will help you in so many ways.” The candidate information session will be held on Monday, July 18 from noon to 2pm at the Council Chamber, Leongatha. Guest speakers will include Bass Coast Shire Council chief executive officer, Paul Buckley, and representatives from the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) who will provide information about the area and advice on who can nominate, how to nominate and what is required of a councillor. A video presentation question and answer session with councillors from various municipalities will assist prospective candidates to gain an understanding of what the public will expect of you as a councillor, time commitments, challenges and rewards. For further information and to register, contact June Ernst on 5662 9200 by Friday, July 15. In keeping with council’s privacy policy, all registrations and enquires will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Abattoir may buy lane land SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council will move to discontinue an unused part of Gardner Lane, Poowong and sell the land to the adjoining landowner, GBP Australia, which operates an abattoir. GBP will use the land to load and unload cattle, which now partially occurs on public road reserve due to the positioning of the buildings. The discontinuance of the portion of unused road would not prevent the continuation of Gardner Lane if it was needed to be open to

public traffic in the future. The purchase price will be no less than the valuation determined by council’s valuer. The public will have until August 3 to comment.

Saving money SOUTH Gippsland Matters, the newsletter of South Gippsland Shire Council, will now only be sent electronically. Council opted to cease sending hard copies after postage prices rose. Leongatha South’s Paul Norton enquired about the cost of the newsletter at the May 25 council meeting.

Longer path A FOOTPATH will be built in Leongatha to link Ogilvy Street with McIndoe Park, but not until the 2017-18 financial year. South Gippsland Shire Council had planned to build a path along the eastern side of Hassett Street from Ogilvy Street to the Hassett Street Preschool but will now extend this path to the park in Turner Street.

Safe move MINOR changes have been made to South Gippsland Shire Council’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy. Alterations were made to wording to make the policy more accessible to the average person.

Tourism change A PUBLIC company charged with promoting tourism in Gippsland is closer to having an amended constitution. Destination Gippsland proposes to increase the minimum of directors from two to seven, implement a new director’s expenses policy and other administrative changes. The alterations were considered and approved by South Gippsland and Bass Coast shire councils at their meetings last week. South Gippsland council CEO Tim Tamlin is the representative of the Gippsland Local Government Network on the Destination Gippsland board.

Find out more about standing for Council Community information session: Monday 18 July 12.00pm - 2.00pm Council Chambers Leongatha To register contact June Ernst on 5662 9200 by Friday 15 July

Proudly supported by:

PAGE 30 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Teens to connect with Poland By Jennifer Bals, work experience ELEVEN students of Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College have been selected alongside two teachers to explore their journey of faith in Poland. These students include, Danielle Martin, Chelsea Tuckett, Ciara Ryan, Jennifer Bals, Hannah Charlton, Lisa Mildenhall, Julia Enter, Ziara Condoluci, Harry McNeil, Kate Brennan and Molly Clark. The European country is home to Saint John Paul II and this is the first time Mary MacKillop CRC is sending students to World Youth Day. The journey is a world wide experience where Catholics come together in pilgrimage to celebrate God. It is also a learning experience to meet pilgrims from all across the world, bonding together and creating life long memories. The eager Year 10 and 11 students are excited to set off, and the school has paid a generous amount of the costs to provide them with the eye opening opportunity. Hannah Charlton is ready to go. “I’m looking forward to experiencing the different culture of Poland, travelling around and meeting new friends. I’m hoping to learn more

Bus trips: from left, Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College’s Matthew van der Veldon, Danielle Martin, Chelsea Tuckett, Ciara Ryan and Jennifer Bals are setting off for a World Youth Day meeting in Poland. about myself and my faith,” she said. The students will begin their 15 day spiritual adventure on July 22, flying out to Warsaw in

Go live, council sultations at several locations so we would have to take the equipment around the municipality,” she said. WATTLE Bank’s Geoff Ellis believes “We’d also need to include closed captions so live streaming Bass Coast hearing impaired residents would have access as well, but it would Shire Council meetings be good for residents to be able to may be the key to improved view the meetings on demand.” community engagement. Mr Ellis suggested council use Mr Ellis said it was difficult microphones to enhance sound for many residents in the shire to quality on video, similar to the migo to Wonthaggi – and in some crophones used by South Gippsland instances Cowes – each month to Shire Council. be involved in council’s decisions, “This would give residents an which leads to a lack of consultainsight into how council functions. tion across the shire. They’d be able to see how council With the National Broadband interacts and would be able to gain Network (NBN) on its way to a better understanding about what Wonthaggi, Mr Ellis said it would the councillors believe and why be beneficial to consider uploading they make certain decisions,” he council meetings to the internet so Tech age: Wattle Bank’s said. Geoff Ellis said live residents could watch online. “It would mean an increased Mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale streaming Bass Coast number of people would be intersaid this was discussed early in Council meetings would ested in what council was doing and the current council’s term, and result in better community there would be more engagement.” council was open to exploring Council’s communication and engagement, as residents different avenues to connect with engagement coordinator Chriscould easily access the residents. tian Stefani said while full meetHowever, Cr Crugnale was un- meetings on their devices. ings could not be viewed online, sure whether the internet would be council had been experimenting with Facebook adequate at each council venue. to reach out to residents and increase engagement “Meetings can go for more than two hours, levels. which is quite lengthy. We also have council con-

By Tayla Kershaw

Poland to take part in the Krakow Connect Pathway and make their way to Krakow for the main event.

This year’s theme, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy”, is a perfect line linking to the reflection on the sixth beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” that shall be the focus point for the event. The celebration is run over one week, July 25 to July 31, beginning with an opening mass followed by catechetical sessions, prayer, afternoon shows, reflection and opportunities for reconciliation. The Pope will make an appearance during the week and deliver his welcome address at a prayer service. Pilgrim Lisa Mildenhall said, “I’m hoping this will be an experience of a lifetime. I’m looking forward to seeing the Pope in person and being surrounded by one million same-minded people in the one place.” Stations of the cross will be presented and students will take part in a 15km walk. On the last night, a sleep out will occur in the fields of Blonia Park, Krakow. The most personal aspect of the activities is the Vigil with the Holy Father. It is a special time of prayer and the atmosphere fills with total concentration but great joy. After this powerful week, the Krakow Connect students will journey to the Wisle Retreat for two nights at the Golebiewski Hotel before returning home to Australia on August 5.

Hair cut for a cause A BRAVE decision by Maddi Campbell will make a difference to the lives of sick children across Australia. The Leongatha Primary School student shaved her head at a school assembly on Friday to raise money for Kids with Cancer. The nine year old raised a whopping $5058 for the foundation through fundraising initiatives over the past three months. “I wanted to help put a smile on kids’ faces and raise money for Kids with Cancer at the Royal Children’s Hospital. I also decided to sell my hair to a wigmaker and the money raised from that will also go to donations,” she said. “I have only had my hair cut twice in my life so it is a big change; it was really long.” Maddi raised money on a GoFundMe page, a lolly jar competition and the sales of hair feathers to students across the school and in the community. Her family also placed donation tins and boxes at businesses around Leongatha, which managed to raise $1770. Another $3280 was raised through the online campaign. Maddi’s teacher Claire Hutchinson said the young student has always been thoughtful and selfless within the school. “Maddi is kind, caring and generous in everything she does,” Ms Hutchinson said in front of the school at assembly. “Maddi suggested the idea to her parents almost a year ago and has committed to fundraising for the past three months.” Leah Grist from Inspiration Hair Design Leon-

Brave shave: Leongatha Primary School’s Maddi Campbell raised more than $5000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital when she shaved her head on Friday. gatha divided Maddi’s hair into 15 ponytails which will be sent to a wigmaker. Friends, teachers and siblings each took a turn in cutting her long locks in front of the school.

Bass Coast Council briefs Children backed CHILDREN are a priority for Bass Coast Shire Council. The Municipal Early Years Plan 20162020 was adopted at council’s meeting last Wednesday. The plan will provide guidance to council for decision making on matters relating to children up to 12 and their families. The plan can be found online at www.

Access to increase in Bass Coast THE Disability Action Plan 20162020 was adopted by Bass Coast Shire Council last Wednesday. This plan was developed with input from 327 people with disability, carers, service providers, business owners and general community members. Initiatives in the plan include safer crossings, beach and foreshore access, paths, street furniture and up to date maps. Deputy mayor Cr Bradley Drew congratulated former chair of the access and inclusion advisory committee Cr Andrew Phillips and current chair Cr Clare Le Serve for this involvement in developing the plan.

“Bass Coast has one of the highest employment rates for people with disability, which is great to see,” Cr Drew said. The plan can be found at www.

Radio supported CR Phil Wright appealed to Bass Coast Shire Council to sign a petition to save community radio. The Federal Budget contained cuts of $1.4 million per annum to funding that keeps community radio broadcasting in five of Australia’s capital cities. “Victoria is blessed with radio transmissions. We have fabulous networks in our shire and nearly every musician begins on community radio,” Cr Wright said. “Community radio operates on a small budget and encourages people to speak out. One of the joys of living in South Gippsland is listening to the footy results and what’s happening in the area.”

No upgrades for Sunset Strip CR Kimberley Brown called for Bass Coast Shire councillors to dismiss road and drainage upgrades along Sunset Strip. Council did, however, approve a con-

cept design for any potential future full or partial upgrades of infrastructure within the estate. Option four, which includes drainage and road improvements for all streets within the estate, was approved. Although some residents would like to see the estate sealed, others would prefer to see it left alone for emotional and financial reasons. “At this time we must not go ahead with the road upgrades because that’s not what the community wants,” Cr Brown said. “The works undertaken to date will not go to waste however. We’ve approved the plans because things may change in the future; people buy and sell properties. Should the community want to come to us in the future seeking any of these upgrades, the plans and the engineering reports are all ready to implement.”

Council saves energy BASS Coast Shire Council commended the positive outcomes of the $4.4 million energy saver study project. This research project was funded by the Federal Government and aimed to identify how low income households could achieve energy efficiency at the best price. It was developed through council’s partnership with South East Councils

Climate Change Alliance, and trialled several approaches to assist low income households. “The project looked at how to make life more comfortable in the home and showed health benefits with some good dollar savings,” Cr Neil Rankine said. “I hope council will develop principles for a more holistic way of doing things.”

Councillor calls for more details BASS Coast Shire Council adopted its instrument of delegation last Wednesday to ensure effective governance. Cr Neil Rankine said he would like to see changes made in the planning area. “We aren’t getting enough information about applications that are coming in,” he said. “It is still necessary and if I am reelected I assure you that I will get these changes.” However, Cr Andrew Phillips said the percentage of council decisions resulting in Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) hearings is low, as is the percentage of council decisions overturned by VCAT. “I think our decisions are relatively good and well informed. However there

would be a cost increase if we were to go to VCAT more often,” he said.

Too wet for the market CR Neil Rankine pitched to Bass Coast Shire Council a new location for local markets. The Wonthaggi Rotary Club could not go ahead with its recent market due to wet conditions in Apex Park. Cr Rankine suggested opening up the top end of McBride Avenue in this situation to allow the market to go ahead in all conditions.

Building dismissed CR Phil Wright moved to refuse a building development in Waikiki Crescent at Smiths Beach. The building’s height would breach seven metres and Cr Wright argued it would not enhance the coastline, was not appropriate for the area. “Where do we stop? We don’t want any more visual bulk on our valuable coast,” he said. Cr Neil Rankine was one of the councillors to vote alongside Cr Wright in refusing the permit, stating he agreed the view was too significant to allow the development to go ahead.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 31

Bass Coast backs healthy lifestyles BASS Coast Shire Council distributed $63,750 worth of grants to community groups last week. Thirty-six recipients were invited to celebrate their success at the Kilcunda Community Hall. Mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale said 10 sport and recreation applications were among those supported. “Two of these projects support new activities, especially aimed at keeping young girls and women active,” she said. “These are the Bass Valley stand up paddle boarding mums and ladies who were granted $2187 to establish stand up paddle boarding at Coronet Bay. “The success of this group with their ‘come and try’ sessions has led them to extend their reach shire wide, with July 16 the next date on the boards.” Cr Crugnale said the Phillip Island Football Club received $1065 to help start an Under 18s youth girls’ team. Success: 36 projects were provided with funding by Bass Coast Shire Council last week. Community groups accepted the grants at an “With the recent announcement of the eight awards evening at the Kilcunda Community Hall. team women’s AFL competition, it won’t be long before there is local representation at the level,” she said. Bass Coast community grants 2016 round two is open for applications up to August 12. More information is available at www. COMMUNITY groups from Hovell Wonthaggi Theatrical Group, $3000 for the Wont- paddle boarding mums and ladies, and $2500 for the haggi Citizens Band, $1117 for the Bass Coast group Glen Alvie Cricket Club.

Hovell ward reaps rewards

ward were big winners in round one of Bass Coast Shire Council’s community grants from 2016.

of fire brigades, $2200 for the Wonthaggi and District Historical Society, $3000 for the Wonthaggi Bowls Club, $1445 for Wonthaggi Kindergarten Inc, Hovell ward received $1250 for Friends of the $1000 for Friends of Harmers Haven, $2000 for the State Coal Mine, two grants of $3500 and $480 for Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club and $817 for the Wonthaggi Power Football Netball Club, $1500 Bass Coast Boardriders. Anderson ward received $608 for the Probus for Bass Coast Community Foundation, $3000 for Club of San Remo, $1800 for the San Remo preschool and three grants of $1200, $750 and $800 for projects at the National Vietnam Veterans Museum. Leadbeater ward received $3000 for the Bass Coast Landcare Network, $1400 for the Bass Valley Community Group, $1738 for the Corinella and District Community Centre, two grants of $1500 and $750 for the Archies Creek Community Hall, $500 for KernARTISTS, $2187 for Bass Valley stand up

McHaffie ward was presented with $1193 for the Phillip Island Community Orchard. Thompson Ward received $1000 for the Phillip Island Indoor Outdoor Soccer Association, $5000 for the Phillip Island Scout Group, $3000 for the Silverleaves Conservation Association, $1065 for the Phillip Island Football Netball Club, and $1200 for the Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo. Townsend Ward received $800 for the Inverloch and District Preschool Association, $3000 for the Inverloch Cricket Club, $270 for the South Gippsland Conservation Society and $4000 for the Rotary Club of Inverloch. All groups were presented their grants at an awards evening at the Kilcunda Community Hall last week.

Party fit for royals in Queen Street Rising stars: from left, Shontelle O’Connor, Bella Kent and Willamina Donohue took part in Evita, staged by Wonthaggi Theatrical Group this year. The group is holding a young actors’ studio.

Young actors take spotlight By Jen Bals, work experience THE Wonthaggi Theatrical Group is holding its beneficial WTGlee Young Actors Studio soon. School students from years 5 to12 are urged to get involved to learn how to express themselves, be creative and learn useful life skills. The program explores the roles involved in producing live performances to allow the expression of new ideas. This five week program will be run by graduates Rory Godbold and Sam Duncan of the Bachelor of Dramatic Arts at the Victorian College of Arts. They are passionate and willing to share their luminous skills with the youth. This year’s WTGlee program will focus on the acting side of the arts, applying improvisation, el-

ements of physical realisation, vocal techniques, fundamental movements and spatial relationships to create a short live performance for their family and friends. In the past there has been programs run on many aspects of the arts. These have all been successful in teaching young students an abounding number of skills. This series is funded by the Bass Coast Shire Council making this event free to all participants. It will be held at the Wonthaggi Theatrical Group building, State Coal Mine, Wonthaggi, every Sunday from the July 24 through to August 21. Years 5 to 8 times are 10am till 12pm, and Year 9 onwards 1pm til 3pm. All students are advised to seize this fantastic opportunity. For further contact and booking contact alex.

Meet for Mahers Landing IF you enjoy boating in Anderson Inlet, Bass Coast Shire Council wants to talk to you. Council is asking the boating community what the user needs are for the Mahers Landing boating facility. When boat launching and retrieval reaches its peak, the Inverloch boat ramp can become too congested. Wind and wave action also make launching and retrieval difficult. Mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale said this can mean boaters look for alternatives, and with Mahers Landing only six kilometres away, it becomes a logical choice.

“Council would like to engage people to help us decide on the appropriate development options for Mahers Landing to facilitate a more user friendly facility,” Cr Crugnale said. “We are holding a community workshop in Inverloch so that we can get your input. We hope to see as many of the interested community as possible, and look forward to working together to guide this important infrastructure development.” The workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 6, from 5pm to 7pm at the Inverloch Community Hub. For more details, contact council’s natural resources officer David Martin on d.martin@, or call 5671 2774 or 1300 BCOAST (226 278).

THE sun shone on Korumburra’s Queen Street for the neighourhood annual get together on the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. The community held a royal tea party at the scout hall. Historian Doug Boston shared his knowledge of past times, treating the gathering to a fascinating talk that led them from the top of the street at the Anglican church to the bottom of the street, where they were astonished to discover a butter factory once stood. Doug’ s entertaining talk uncovered many surprises, including fires, arsonists , gossip, and changes to the social landscape. His research had unearthed street scenes from the early 1900s and he handed laminated photos of these to the group to peruse and marvel at the changes. Today the street mainly features houses, the Anglican church, the scout hall, swimming pool and Coleman Park with its barbecue and children’s play area. He told of how in the past, the street had more churches, halls and buses. There were no mature street trees in evidence in the early photographs but the audience felt the street would have been a great place to live and have fun as it is today. Two guests of honour were Jean Kelly, 96, and Doug Perks, 93. Both of these Queen Streeters continue to live in their own homes and they paid trib-

Regal affair: Sasha Boys and Hamish Boys lap up the fun of Korumburra’s Queen Street party. ute to wonderful neighbours and family who help to make this possible. Also present was six month old Tyler Souter, Queen Street’s youngest resident. This year, as always, Queen Street residents agreed that living in their street in Korumburra gives them a lifestyle fit for a Queen.

Arts prize mooted SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council may introduce a major arts prize. Council last Wednesday voted to consider running a competition for two dimensional artwork created by artists with a link to South Gippsland. The prize will be considered as part of the development of council’s arts strategy and could be tied to other local art shows. Cr Kieran Kennedy initiated the proposal by lodging a notice of motion at last Wednesday’s council meeting, calling for a report on how council could coordinate the prize. His motion preamble noted the region was home

to many talented artists, exhibitions and community run art shows, but there was no shire-wide art show hosted by council focusing on works produced by artists with a connection to South Gippsland. “We don’t have room to feature an exhibition of such high calibre and decent prizemoney to facilitate artwork of such size,” Cr Kennedy said. He noted Leongatha Memorial Hall has inadequate lighting and the Korumburra Art Gallery could be the subject of discussions around its future use. Cr Kennedy noted council spends $22,000 a year on the arts, with much of that going to the Music for the People Concert at Mossvale Park – far less than sporting facilities.

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“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 33

Refugee week recognised CAMPAIGNERS gathered in Wonthaggi on June 20 to raise awareness for World Refugee Week. Members of the South Gippsland Rural Australians for Refugees gathered in the central business district to campaign against the continued activity of detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru. “We were out and about in town to spread the message that all refugees want is a safe place to live,” organiser Jessica Harrison said. “We feel it is our responsibility to take on some of the sheer number of people who are displaced across the world.” Refugee Week kicked off with a screening of the documentary Chasing Asylum at the Leongatha Cinema on the evening of June 19. All proceeds went towards the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre. South Gippsland Rural Australians for Refu-

gees also attended a protest at the Immigration Department in Melbourne later in the week. The theme for Refugee Week from 2015 to 2017 is “with courage let us all combine”, taken from the second verse of Advance Australia Fair. “There are 60 million people displaced in countries overseas and they are not running from their homes for the sake of it,” Ms Harrison said. “Their homes have been blown to smithereens and they are solely looking out for their own welfare and the safety of their families. “We feel the people of Nauru and Manus Island need to be brought to Australia as an urgent priority.” Wonthaggi’s Mitchell House also got involved for the good cause and hosted an afternoon of activities, food and film with funds going to refugee Rally in town: members of the South Gippsland Rural Australians for Refugees were joined by Labor candidate for McMillan Chris Buckingham at a rally in Wonthaggi on June 20. support organisations.

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Farm dams worth the effort A DAM is not just a hole in the ground it is a water storage structure requiring design, survey and construction. To be effective, a dam wall must remain stable during large storm events and the soil must be relatively impermeable to minimise seepage loss. Consent may be required from your local council, and if so, a development, application must be lodged. A poorly sited or constructed dam can be very expensive to build, of little long-term use, and may cause severe land degradation problems. If you are in doubt, seek further advice. What should you consider when looking for a dam site? A dam built in a gully or depression is generally the most favoured, due to its excellent storage to excavation ratio. Steep sites (steeper than 15 per cent slope) should generally be avoided because there is not usually enough suitable soil material to build a sat-

isfactory wall. Ensure there is sufficient suitable soil material for wall construction. Sampling and evaluation of the subsoil is essential to ensure the quality and quantity of soil material. Rock, sand, gravel and soils prone to tunnelling failure are generally unsuitable, unless specialised construction techniques are used. The size of the catchment must be considered when planning dam capacity and spillway size. For instance, in coastal areas a five hectare catchment of moderate slope should provide sufficient catchment area to fill a small dam, say up to 1000 cubic metres capacity. On the other hand, in large catchments it may be difficult to locate and maintain an effective spillway. Dam spillways must be located and designed to handle major storm flows safely. When surplus water flows through the dam spillway, ensure there is a suitable place to return it to its normal flowline without causing erosion. If it is near a property bound-

Dam construction: generally a bulldozer with rippers is the most appropriate machinery for building dams larger than 250 cubic metres in capacity. ary, ensure flows leave the property in the same place that they did before the dam was built.

Construction method Generally a bulldozer with rippers is the most appropriate machinery for building dams larger than 250 cubic metres in capacity. 1. Peg out the dam site

carefully, indicating the location of the proposed excavation, dam wall, top water level and spillway: 2. Clear all vegetation from the area that will be disturbed, ensuring natural vegetation below the spillway outlet and on the inflow areas is not disturbed by machinery, vehicles or livestock.

3. Remove topsoil from the excavation and dam wall site, and stockpile it below the wall for later respreading. 4. Construct a cut-off trench - a trench dug below ground level at least 300mm into the impervious material the embankment will be placed on. Clay from the excavation

must be placed into the trench and compacted, forming a watertight barrier preventing seepage passing under the dam. 5. Build the wall layer by layer. Spread clay evenly in layers no greater than 150mm to obtain adequate compaction. Do not dump or spill clay over the back of the dam wall. Place any unsuitable soil material at the downstream toe of the wall. 6. Don’t place rocks over 75mm in size, logs or trees in the constructed wall. 7. Rock exposed on the floor of the dam during excavation should be covered with impervious clay at least 300mm thick and compacted to control seepage. 8. All excavation should be within the area that will be covered by stored water. If not, all exposed subsoil to be topsoiled and seeded. 9. Construct an earth spillway. This is a channel of sufficient capacity to safely convey surplus flows past the dam wall. A level sill should be constructed in natural ground at the end of the

spillway. 10. At least one metre of freeboard is required. Freeboard is the height from the top of the water level (i.e. spillway level) to the top of the wall. 11. Stockpiled topsoil should be spread over the dam wall and spillway and seeded immediately with grasses to promote stabilising vegetation. For stable soils, the following general minimum spillway sizes are recommended: Trickle pipes; continuous trickle flows kill vegetation, keeps the soil wet and encourages spillway erosion. A small diameter sewer class pipe or stronger (usually 15Omm diameter, but varied according to flow rate) can be built into the end of the dam wall during construction to accommodate trickle flows. The pipe is normally installed with fall in gradient between its inlet and outlet, with the inlet generally 300mm below spillway level. Anti-seepage collars should be fitted to the pipe and the outlet extended to the floor of the downstream flowline.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 35

Care for your cows on tracks By Jakob Malmo, Maffra Veterinary Centre MY best estimate is that around 10 percent of Australia’s dairy cows suffer from lameness each year.

Economically, the results of foot disease are much greater than the treatment costs. Reduced milk yield, lower reproductive performance, increased involuntary cull rates, discarded milk, and the additional labour costs to manage these cows accounts for the largest monetary loss.

If we allow that the total cost of a case of lameness is of around $200 (a figure which has been arrived at independently by a several Australasian groups), this means that the cost of lameness to the Australian dairy industry is around $40 million. Added to this are the animal welfare implica-

Dairy concreting improves safety THE entrance and exit to a dairy yard is often a miserable place. If you have an average herd of 250 cows, it gets trodden on by 1000 hoofs each day and bearing in mind that each cows weighs about 550 to 600kgs, that’s an awful lot of work. It also gets heavily “fertilised”! It is important you trust your concrete specialist because knowing the surfaces you have means ensuring no safety, health or farming operations are negatively impacted. Grooves in concrete lessen the amount of times cows slip, but it can impede water flow across the yard, which in turn means it hampers efficiency and you end up needing more water. Deep grooves take longer to clean and narrow grooves have no effect on grip for cows. Apart from the concreted areas, farm tracks in general are expected to under-

take several tasks: • allow cows to walk from the paddock to other paddocks or the milking shed; and • allows vehicular traffic to move to various parts of the farm. The requirements for these two types of movement may be different. Well-designed and constructed farm tracks will: • reduce the incidence of foot-sore cows and lame cows; • reduce the amount of mud on cows’ udders - this can reduce the need for washing udders at the time of milking and can contribute to improved mastitis control and milk quality; • improve cow movement; and • minimise the amount of track maintenance required. Surfaces used by farm vehicles are generally incompatible with those for cows, and ideally the two should be kept separate.

tions of lameness - lameness is recognised as one of the major animal welfare problems of intensive dairy production. Finally, there is the additional stress on labour and management of having to manage and treat lame cows - this is an additional requirement that is unwelcome in large herds. It has been already pointed out that lameness is multifactorial in its cause factors which have been associated with an increased incidence of lameness in dairy herds include: • poor track maintenance and design; • impatience moving the cows along the track or in the yard; • long periods of time spent on concrete, or cows twisting and turning on concrete yards; • nutritional factors which can predispose to subclinical laminitis which in turn leads to reduced horn quality; and • genetic factors. I have been asked to speak about farm tracks and sore feet, but my purpose in discussing the above is that we all must be sure that we un-

Cow lameness: poor track maintenance and design or impatience moving the cows along the track or in the yard can contribute to hoof problems in cows. derstand that no single factor is likely to be involved when we have a high incidence of lameness in our herds - there are likely to be a number of factors involved. Similarly, a poorly maintained track does not guarantee that you will get a high incidence of lameness. When watching cattle being moved on poorly maintained tracks where the lameness incidence is low, a common obser-

vation is the cows are allowed to move quietly and their own pace - they are not hassled by dogs or by people on motorbikes. In pasture based systems, one of the major factors that has been identified as being associated with an increased incidence of lameness is poor maintenance or condition of farm tracks. As dairy farms become larger, there is increased pressure on tracks, par-

ticularly those near the milking shed. Ideally, the milking shed would be located at a central point on the farm so as to minimise the distance the cows have to walk, but this is not always possible. Many of the farm tracks in use today were designed for herds which were much smaller than the current herd size they are often too narrow, poorly drained and require excessive maintenance.

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Farm tracks worth maintaining AN extra bit of investment now on farm tracks can save a lot of headaches if the winter season is going to be wet, especially during calving time. If you haven’t already considered maintaining your farm track or creating new ones, it is one important consideration. Farm roads and tracks can erode badly in heavy rains and quickly become untrafficable or unsafe. The erosion is usually due to poor design or lack of drain maintenance. Once the track becomes a drain it will quickly scour, with the soil ending up as sediment in drains and waterways. A well designed track is above flood level, follows the contour of the land, has minimal cutting and

filling, and has a slight grade to stop water ponding on the track and creating boggy areas. A slight cross slope encourages drainage and the track should be separated from streams by vegetation buffers to trap any eroding soil. In the long term a longer track over gentler terrain is more stable and requires less maintenance than one with high steep batters that are difficult to stabilise. If you have to have steep batters, fence them off from livestock, include ledges in the batter to break the flow of runoff, and make the batter surface rough to help plants establish. Steep track sections require careful design. Generally 10 degree slope tracks should be the maximum as steeper grades will need special drainage works, and may need hard surfaces. Design for what the soil can handle, not the vehicle. The limits of stable track design are much lower than four wheel drive ability. The choice of track surface depends on the type and volume of traffic that will use the track. Grass cover is best for low use tracks, with gravelling where ruts develop. Frequently used tracks may require metalling. Steep sections of high traffic roads where gravel washes away may need a hardened surface such as bitumen or concrete. Concrete tracks may be required for steep or problem areas. Where tracks cross a watercourse or drainage line they are vulnerable to erosion from the speed and volume of the water from further up the slope. Have robust structures to take the water across or under the track. Culverts are suitable for streams that do not carry much debris as debris can quickly block the culvert and make it ineffective. The culvert must be large enough to accommodate peak flows. Bridges are required where the drainage line is a deep gully or likely to carry large debris. Rain falling on a compacted track will quickly concentrate into erosive streams that scour soil out of the track and make it difficult to negotiate. To avoid this, provide regular cross drains to take the water off the track and disperse it safely on to surrounding land.

Cross drains can be earth banks across the road or recessed half pipes (concrete or steel) where the grade is too steep for vehicles to easily negotiate an earth bank. Earth bank cross drains work best when constructed at a slight angle to the track with a grade of approximately 1:20. Recessed pipes, which hold a smaller volume of water but cannot erode, need to cross the track at a more oblique angle and a steeper grade. The faster flow of water will help to keep the pipe clean. If the grade is too flat, sediment will fill in the pipe so water flows over and down the track. The recessed pipes are likely to need more frequent maintenance than earth banks. Generally it’s best for water to drain off the track to the outside slope. However, where the track is constructed on unconsolidated fill, or the outside bank is more than a metre high, draining to the outside slope may cause rapid erosion. In these situations direct the water to the inside slope and into culverts that cross under the track. Allow space at the drain outlet for water to spread so that it spills across a broad edge, rather directing a concentrated flow. If possible place rocks at the drain outlet to dissipate the energy of the fast flowing drain water. Avoid discharging the drain to a waterway. Direct the water onto dense vegetation such as grass to filter sediment and hold the soil in place. Check all drains at least once a year, and repair and clear where necessary. Most of the damage to roads and tracks happens when a drain fails, through filling in, blockages or banks wearing down. Regular maintenance can help avoid costly large-scale repairs. If you can, avoid driving on the track when the soil is wet. This will help stop wheel ruts forming and reducing the effectiveness of the cross drains. Don’t drive in the same wheel tracks all the time and use lighter vehicles where possible. When working on a track always minimise disturbance to soil and vegetation. Avoid blading soil except where necessary to form the surface. Start revegetation immediately following any soil disturbance while the soil is soft, regardless of the season.

Making tracks: a well designed track is above flood level, follows the contour of the land, has minimal cutting and filling, and has a slight grade to stop water ponding on the track and creating boggy areas.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 37

Hill Earthworks going strong SINCE the early 1950’s, The ‘Hill’ name has been associated with the Earthmoving and Civil Construction industry throughout the South Gippsland and south eastern regions of Victoria. Based in Poowong, 60 years later and with over 90 years combined experience, the third generation company is still going strong, now working for a diverse range of clients varying from major civil construction companies, local government bodies and commercial construction companies to private enterprise and agricultural/ farming operations. Hill Earthworks, now run by Ken Hill and sons Chris and Graeme, has a long history as an earthmoving contractor, within the farm infrastructure and agriculture industries. The business has worked in this industry for more than 50 years. Over this time Hill Earthworks has covered all areas of farming, specialising in water storage/ dam construction, rebuilds and cleanouts, farm

track construction, resheeting and maintenance. Other services include house sites, shed sites, horse arenas, rock deliveries, silage pits, trenching works, erosion control and crossing works. Hill Earthworks not only has the right equipment tree removal jobs but also employ a tree removal specialist to assist in the safe felling of trees. The company has several options for tree removal, large plantation removal, cyprus and pine tree removal and stump removal. The job is finished off with a site cleanup (stack & burn). Hill Earthworks prides itself on having the resources and know how it needs to take on any kind of project its clients may challenge it with. For details about the full range of services contact the company on 5659 2270.

Above right, Tree removal: Hill Earthworks has several options for tree removal and the job can be finished off with a site cleanup (stack & burn).

Maintain your tracks EVEN well constructed farm tracks require regular maintenance if they are continue to function effectively. As cows use tracks, it is common to see manure and track debris being carried onto the edge of the track and preventing water draining away from the track into the purpose constructed drains. It is important this build-up of material at the edge of the farm track be regularly removed so water can drain effectively away from the track. It is important adequate sections of this build-up be removed - simply cutting a few drainage outlets into this build-up does not allow sufficient drainage to occur. The most practical way of removing this material is using a blade on the back of a tractor and ensuring that the bottom wire of the fence is a high enough to allow the blade to be manoeuvred under this wire to remove this ex-

cess material. Sections of this build-up can then be removed, whilst allowing other parts to remain along the edges of the track, holding the edges of the track together. Basically, the drier the track can be kept, the easier it is to maintain. In cases where is necessary to add additional material to the bearing surface of the track, it is important this should be adequately compacted before the cows use the track. Some of the farm track maintenance work, such as metalling, but not rolling, appears misdirected if any real value is to be attained from the money spent. Where small areas of the track start to breakdown, it is important maintenance be carried out at early stage rather than allowing the breakdown to become more extensive, where it will be more difficult to repair and where it will have had more opportunity to cause damage to cows’ feet.

PAGE 38 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fish Creek Quarries backs business MORE than 40 contractors around South Gippsland use the famous Fish Creek rock, a testament to the quality of materials produced at Fish Creek Quarries for use in road and farm track construction.

six in the morning ready to be loaded. With the investment we have and continue to make we handled it easily,” Lindsay Williams said. Despite trying to take time out, Mr Williams has given no indication of retiring just yet. The quarry offers many different grades of materials and also stocks concrete pipes with sizes from 225/9” to 2100/7’ to satisfy all demands, available at low prices. With a pipe yard at Campbellfield in Melbourne, orders can be sent out from there to all parts of Victoria. Call Lindsay on 0428 513 373 or Simon on 0428 372 684. Either of them is always happy to be of assistance.

In the peak season from November through till July, there can be up to six trucks waiting to be loaded; a job undertaken quickly and easily with all the latest in equipment and no less than three loaders available. The business is operated by father and son, Lindsay and Simon Williams from a quarry on the family farm on Meeniyan–Promontory Road, Fish Creek. The company has been serving South Gippsland since 1990. The company supplies material across the region from Yarram in the east, to Phillip Island in the west as well as to Mirboo North. With material supplied from the quarry proving itself to be ideal for dairy farms, Fish Creek Quarries has grown and now employs additional staff at busy times of the year. When in full swing the quarry is a hive of activity with the rock crushed and screened ready for pick-up thanks to the huge investment the business has placed in machinery; like the Precision Screen Scorpian Reclaimer, a no fuss straight forward screen to produce quality road base mate- Ready for screening: Lindsay Williams picrial for tracks and headlands. tured in front of a pile of Fish Creek rock “I remember when the wind farm was being built we had at one point, 12 trucks lined up at ready for screening.

Plenty of capacity: Lindsay Williams of Fish Creek Quarries looks out over part of the family farm where the famous Fish Creek rock is made. Extensive tree planting on the farm has screened the quarry off on all sides. Family business: Simon, left, and his father Lindsay Williams run Fish Creek Quarries.

Farm track construction WHEN designing the layout of farm tracks, care should be taken to avoid right angle bends as these tend to slow cow movement and interfere with general cow flow. Similarly, gateways through which cows must pass, or culverts over which they must cross, must be of sufficient width so as to minimise any disruption with cow flow. Steep gradients reduce the pace of stock movement. Excessive gradients also complicate design and construction of laneways, and increase the cost of construction and maintenance.

The layout of the farm track should be such that trees do not cause shading of the farm track - in such areas drying does not occur and track breakdown is more likely to result The primary engineering function of a road or track is to provide a surface giving good foot and wheel traction over a range of weather conditions. Usually this requires a relatively impermeable surface and transverse crown, so that rainfall is shed (rather than absorbed) from the trafficking surface, as quickly as possible. Table drains, culverts and bridges isolate the road surface from water flows. When the purpose of the track is to carry cows, an additional requirement is that it should not cause damage to the cows’ hooves.

The methods and procedures required to construct adequate farm tracks are generally understood by those involved in roading and earth works. This involves six basic principles: • remove grass and topsoil; • construct a sound base; • provide adequate compaction; • provide a suitable wearing course; • crown the race; and • construct drains. It is the translation of these principles in a practical manner into the farming environment and the obtaining of suitable material locally and at an acceptable price that result in difficulties.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 39

Korumburra Rotary honours duo TWO Korumburra Rotarians were presented with one of Rotary International’s highest honours, a Paul Harris Fellowship, at the club’s changeover dinner last Tuesday, June 21.

Guiding club: from left, the new board of the Rotary Club of Korumburra, treasurer Richard Oldham, youth services director Mardi Abbott, secretary Marilyn Sim, Rotary Foundation director David Child, president Peter Biggins, social director Janine Dorrity, membership director Cindy Nicholas, administration director Mark Holmes and projects director George Auddino. Absent, public relations director Stewart Woods.

George Auddino and Allan Perks were surprised to hear of their nominations. Mr Auddino, in his short time at the club, has been an inspirational leader and motivator. Over many years, Mr Perks has been involved in diverse aspects of the club, always willing to help out when required. Both were given a rousing round of applause before accepting their awards from district governor Merv Williams. Peter Biggins took over as the new president of the Rotary Club of Korumburra at the dinner at the Austral Hotel. President for the last 12 months, Mardi Abbott, spoke of the fun and fraternity involved in the work Rotarians undertook during that time. Details of the $55,450 worth of donations was published, showing support for many local, as well as international projects. Mardi thanked all of the Rotarians for their great voluntary work over the past year in front of an appreciative crowd. Mr Williams inducted Mr Biggins as the new president. In his acceptance speech, Mr Biggins emphasised the club would continue to build relationships with local organisations and assist people. He thanked the club for the privilege to serve as their president for the next 12 months. He introduced his new board, which has an excellent mixture of diversity and talent.

Leading way: the new president of the Ro- Recognising service: Allan Perks accepts Well done: from left, Korumburra Rotary Club’s Mark Holmes and district governor Merv tary Club of Korumburra, Peter Biggins. Williams congratulate George Auddino on his Paul Harris Fellow award. his Paul Harris Fellow award.

Bushfire risk affects town’s growth By Brad Lester RESIDENTIAL growth in bushfire prone areas of Mirboo North will be carefully managed, under a new plan by South Gippsland Shire Council. Council last Wednesday adopted the draft Mirboo North Structure Plan Refresh for community consultation. The plan updates the existing plan prepared in 2004 to guide future land use and development be-

tween 2004 and 2019. Since the 2004 plan was written, there have been changes to planning controls and State Government requirements, including reduced lot sizes in low density residential zones, and changes to bushfire and water catchment controls. The new plan has been refreshed to consider these changes. Cr Nigel Hutchinson-Brooks said the town’s growth was constrained due to bushfire risk and being surrounded by steep land. “The community needs to look at this and decide how it sees its future,” he said.

A council report stated the town had been assessed by fire authorities as having a very high bushfire risk due to being located on a ridge, and the area’s hilly terrain and dense vegetation. A Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) now applies to large areas to the north and north-east of the town, requiring new developments to include bushfire protection measures. The new plan also considers areas prone to erosion and landslip where development is not recommended to occur, particularly to the west and south of the town. Expansion in these areas is also restricted by the

need for new pump stations for sewerage and water, estimated to cost about $2 million in total. Mirboo North is the third largest town in the shire, with 1611 residents in 676 houses, as per the 2011 Census. A council report stated the population was expected to approach 2000 in the next 20 years, with an average of six homes being built each year. The council plan noted growth in the town in the next 20 years would support a bigger supermarket and could result in the growth of the town centre, preferably to the north side of Giles Street.

Penguins Plus wins UN acclaim PHILLIP Island’s new penguin viewing experience at the Penguin Parade has won the category of infrastructure innovation in the United Nations World Environment Day Awards. The national award was accepted by Damian Prendergast, Phillip Island Nature Parks major projects manager, at a ceremony in Melbourne recently. The new Penguins Plus experience won the inaugural award category that recognises excellence in sustainable infrastructure. Phillip Island Nature Parks’ new innovative, sustainable and unique penguin viewing experience, Penguins Plus, provides Australia’s only underground beach viewing opportunity within the world’s largest colony of wild little penguins. “We believe the project demonstrates excelReason to smile: celebrating Penguins Plus’ win in the United Nations World Environment lence as it was motivated by sustainable practice and Day Awards were, from left, Dr Peter Dann, Nature Parks research manager; Shelley Lav- backed by world-leading scientific research, enviender, Nature Parks board; Kay Spierings, Nature Parks board; Damian Prendergast, Nature ronmental management and ecotourism principles,” Parks major projects manager; and board members Dr Danielle Auldist, Andrew Paxton and Phillip Island Nature Parks’ CEO Matthew Jackson said. Kevin Love.

“This project was made possible through a major partnership with RACV who, along with the Penguin Parade, have a long history of providing exceptional experiences and service to Victorians. “It is fitting these two iconic Victorian tourism organisations joined together to create an innovative experience within a natural setting with little impact to the environment and wildlife.” Netta Griffin, RACV director who opened the facility in November 2015, applauded the achievement. “We are honoured to be partnered with Phillip Island Nature Parks for the development of the Penguins Plus viewing platform. This prestigious award illustrates the achievements and benefits that can be gained through community partnership programs,” she said. “Since the partnership announcement we have seen a large number of RACV members visiting this iconic tourist destination. We are also conscious of the environmental impact around the parade and are holding volunteer days to assist maintenance of the environment.”

PAGE 40 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Farming Insight FORRESTERS CALF BUYING MONDAYS ONLY Robert & Sue Clark on 0407 343 272


Look out: Karen Argento from Leongatha and her father Len Hanks from Meeniyan were at the store sale at VLE Leongatha last Thursday, checking out the market and possibly buying.

Quality Stockfeed SUPPLIERS OF: Brewers Grain Brewers Sweet Grain

Protein Meals Grain Mixers

Enegel Dairy Pellets


For all your stockfeed enquiries call Neil Cope on 0429 979 222 or email CAS2200011


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A&A Worm Farm Waste systems Pty Ltd. 5979


National Head Office: Unit 5/2135 Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings Email: Web:

Cows dominate yarding THERE were approximately 1750 export and 300 young cattle penned representing an increase of 580 head week on week.

1 10 2 1

J.B. Drewett, Yinnar D.M. & S.C. Hall, Quaama G. Stewart, Jumbunna East R.G., A.M. & C.A. Reiske, Boolarra

325.0kg 505.0kg 512.5kg 470.0kg

344.6 342.0 341.6 340.0

$1119.95 $1727.10 $1750.70 $1598.00

There was a full field of buyers present and competing in a dearer prime sale while the 1000 cows sold to mixed results. Quality was good in the limited selection of prime while cows made up half of the yarding. Trade cattle lifted 5c to 10c/kg for most. Grown steers improved 20c to 21c while the bullocks gained 11c to 12c/kg. Heavy weight Friesian and crossbred manufacturing steers kicked 15c to 20c/kg. Well finished heavy weight cows held firm while the leaner heavy dairy cows slipped 7c/kg. Lighter weight dairy cows sold 3c to 4c dearer while the heavy weight bulls improved 16c/kg. A handful of well finished vealers reached a top of 346c/kg. Yearling trade steers sold from 330c to 342c/ kg. Yearling heifers to the trade made between 298c and 348c/kg. Grown steers sold between 316c and 358c/kg. Bullocks made from 320c to 353c/kg. Heavy weight Friesian manufacturing steers sold from 262c to 287c with the crossbred portion from 265c to 334c/kg. Most light and medium weight cows made between 192c and 240c/kg. Heavy weight cows sold mostly between 222c and 280c/kg. Heavy weight bulls made from 265c to 305c/kg. The next sale draw - June 29: 1. Alex Scott & Staff, 2. Phelan & Henderson & Co, 3. Elders, 4. Rodwells, 5. SEJ, 6. Landmark.

HEIFERS 1 M. Selling, Sale 2 R.G., A.M. & C.A. Reiske, Boolarra 10 P.J. & J.M. Keily, Yarragon 4 J. Rich & Partners, Walkerville 1 P. Hammond, Ensay 5 W.G. & M.V. Rose, Valencia Creek

385.0kg 460.0kg 385.0kg 338.8kg 385.0kg 521.0kg

348.2 346.6 344.6 339.6 337.6 336.6

$1340.57 $1594.36 $1326.71 $1150.40 $1299.76 $1753.69

COWS 1 R. & P. Davis, Leongatha South 505.0kg 1 N. Albutt/Strzlecki Red, Leongatha Sth 620.0kg 1 R.A. & M.P. Benson, Bena 675.0kg 4 R. & J. Edwards, Fish Creek 610.0kg 1 P. Hammond, Ensay 645.0kg 2 I. & R. Hengstberger, Stony Creek 650.0kg

280.0 275.6 275.6 275.6 275.6 274.6

$1414.00 $1708.72 $1860.30 $1681.16 $1777.62 $1784.90

BULLS 1 O.B. & C.M. Hutchinson, Mardan 1 B. Dungey, Carrajung 1 A. & J. Nicoll, Fish Creek 1 Grassy Spur Farms, Stony Creek 1 R.G. Barnacle, Loch 1 R. Telling, Woodside

304.6 290.6 283.6 280.6 275.6 273.0

$2817.55 $2702.58 $2297.16 $2272.86 $2177.24 $2347.80

Prime Sale - Wednesday, June 22 BULLOCKS 17 C.M. & J.A. Kilgour, Wonthaggi 642.9kg 9 R. & D. Walker, Budgeree 574.4kg 12 Idea Communications, Nth Melbourne 580.8kg 10 P.R. & R.M. Fairey, Whitelaw 643.0kg 1 Ava Nominees, Wonthaggi 585.0kg 11 B.F. & D.M. Summers, Fish Creek 568.6kg STEERS 16 D. Bishoff, Denison 1 W.G. & M.V. Rose, Valencia Creek

358.2 355.6 353.6 353.2 353.2 353.2

$2303.02 $2042.72 $2053.83 $2271.08 $2066.22 $2008.42

542.2kg 352.2 $1909.58 350.0kg 345.6 $1209.60

925.0kg 930.0kg 810.0kg 810.0kg 790.0kg 860.0kg

Store sale market Thursday, June 23 Steers: J. & F. Cooper, 17 x $1860; U. Kratzat, Mirboo North, 12 x $1780; Intercontinental Metals, Leongatha North, 15 x $1690; Harmers Haven Unit Trust, Leongatha South, 9 x $1640; J. Carpinteri, Thorpdale, 6 x $1590; M. & C. Wilson, Poowong, 2 x $1490. Heifers: Harmers Haven Unit Trust, Leongatha South, 11 x $1350; P. Hammond, Ensay, 8 x $1215; W. Heldens, Buffalo, 1 x $1215; R.G., A.M. & C.A. Reiske, Boolarra, 2 x $1180; M.J. Lawless, Driffield, 15 x $1140; B. Hinson, Traralgon, 2 x $1080. Bulls: P. Hanratty, Gurmardale, 1 x $1250. Cows and calves: R. & L. Sutton, Traralgon, 1 x $1580; P. Hanratty, Gurmardale, 3 x $1500; Willowna, 10 x $1500; G. & S. Duran, Korumburra, 1 x $1360; P., D. & T. Vidamour, Toora, 1 x $590; C. Harris, 1 x $570.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 41

Farming Insight

Spargo has seen the highs and lows to be leaving it when it is such good shape. markets which don’t exist anymore. “It is good to be going out on a high, the “I just kept going from there. Years of sercattle prices now are as good as they have ever vice gets you up there,” he said. Throughout his career, Greg has seen the been,” he said. After following his father’s footsteps into the “I have seen lows. I remember one day we highs and lows of the beef industry and is pleased industry, he started at the pig and calf Monday sold 330 head of cattle and the whole sale grossed $3000. That is one of the low lights, when cattle were valueless.” One of the highlights of Greg’s career was being given the honour of selling the last animals at the Korumburra saleyards when they closed. “That was one of the best honours given to me. I was also the first one to sell in the new yards at Korumburra when they put an addition on there,” he said. After nearly five decades in the industry, Greg has seen some pretty big changes which he said have been positive. “The industry itself has progressed so much in so little time. Here we are now undercover and with a soft floor,” he said. “It is so much simpler now. For nearly 27 years we did pre sale weighing, which meant we had to work all day and all night to get ready for the sale. “We did that for far too long, it was a hard time. When I was young, the old blokes would tell me how easy I had it and how hard it was for them. “Now that’s what I am telling the young blokes.” Greg said he is going to miss all of the people Last days: after nearly 50 years as a professional in the livestock industry, Alex Scott and he works with, not just from Alex Scott but all

ALEX Scott and Staff’s livestock manager Greg Spargo is retiring after more than 48 years in the industry.

Staff livestock manager Greg Spargo is calling it a day at the end of the month.

Free bush dance at Meeniyan MEENIYAN will host a free bush dance for members of the farming community and the broader community this Saturday night, July 2.

Popular local folk band ‘Beggs2Differ’ will be performing on the night. South Gippsland shire has donated funds to the event as well projector and screen equipment for a children’s movie. There are free raffle as well with a total prize value over $3,500. “I hope many farmers will take the time out to attend this sponsored event and remember that we are all in this together,” Mrs Hofman said. See the advertisement on page 40 of this week’s Star for all the details.

Backed by the South Gippsland Shire, the UDV and GippsDairy, the event has been organised by Middle Tarwin sharefarmers Esther and Jonathan Hofman. Esther, a 24 year old farmer and local nurse, told The Star “it would be great to have a night with a positive vibe rather than all the negative news and feeling that has been in the community since dairy announcements in April.” “Bush dances are always fun and holding the event in the legendairy capital of Gippsland, Meeniyan, was an easy choice,” Mrs Hofman said. “The night has been organised as a night away from the farm for the whole family, to dance, chat and enjoy some community fellowship.” The event will run from 6.30 to 10pm at the Meeniyan town hall with supper provided by the Meeniyan Red Cross. The venue caters to BYO Beggs to Differ: this hugely popular local and tea/coffee as well as moo milks for the chilfolk and bush band will play at the Meeniyan The Hofman family: Esther and Jonathan dren will be available.

event this Saturday night.

Burra Foods sets base milk price BURRA Foods has announced an opening milk base price range of $4.40 $4.60 per kilo of milk solids for the 2017 financial year. Burra Foods has made the announcement earlier than in recent years to provide its Supply Partners the information they need to assist them in making key commercial decisions for the year ahead. The milk price has been set to be sustainable and realistic with the potential for step-ups as the market dictates with Burra taking the prudent view that FY15 and FY16 ‘no step up’ years are best left in the past. While not immune to the commodity slump, Burra Foods’ business model has proven to be robust enough to avoid following other processors with a Step Down in the FY16 Base Price, providing Burra’s Supply Partners with an additional 12 cents per litre income and cash flow in May and June. The decision not to apply a Step Down has seen Burra Foods inject approx. $5 million into its supply pool and the raw milk supply-chain in Gippsland and is a clear example of Burra’s phi-

losophy for transparency and delivering on one of its six core values – Respect. “The challenging seasonal conditions have meant that the majority of our supply base have experienced lower than expected returns and given these challenges I was determined to ensure that our Supply Partners have as much advance notice and transparency on milk pricing as possible so to prepare for the season ahead. “We are looking forward to seeing the industry return to a ‘base price plus step ups’ pricing structure for the next financial year in stark contrast to FY15 and FY16 where ‘no step up’ years were becoming the industry norm,” said CEO and Managing Director of Burra Foods, Grant Crothers. “We will now work with our supply partners to ensure they have accurate cash flow forecasts to empower them to make the best possible ‘onfarm’ management decisions required,” added Mr Crothers. Burra Foods has taken a bold and proactive approach to the announcement this year and has laid a strong foundation for continued growth over the next financial year and beyond.

Hofman and the children have played a big part in getting this special night on for farmers and the community.

the people at the yards. “I will miss them, I have been seeing many of the every week for many years now, but I have done my time,” he said. Once retired at the end of the month, Greg plans to spend the next 10 to 12 months tending to a 10 acre block which “needs a lot of attention”. Then, once his wife has also retired, an around Australia caravan trip or an overseas holiday are on the cards. Maybe, even both. There will be a retirement party thrown for Greg at the Korumburra Golf Club this Sunday, July 3 from 12pm until late.

PAGE 42 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

public notice

public notice

Expressions of Interest FOR SALE GOVERNMENT MOWING CONTRACTS, PLUS MACHINERY Suit existing mowing contractor Covering South Gippsland

public notice

Advisory Panel – Expression of Interest South Gippsland Water is embarking on a community consultation program that could potentially change the face of the organisation. Every five years the Corporation develops a plan that sets out proposed service standards, capital and operating expenditure, and the required prices charged to customers for the delivery of water and wastewater services. A Pricing Review Advisory Panel is being established to enable the Corporation and its Board of Directors to be well informed of community preferences and concerns. The panel will be a significant voice in driving the Pricing Review, members will be provided with the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the Corporation and the review process (6 meetings over 12 months). To find out more, visit or contact Ros Griggs on 03 5682 0422 Expressions of interest close 5pm Friday 8th July, 2016

situations vacant

SOUTH GIPPSLAND WATER NOTICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS ANNUAL TARIFFS 2016-2017 South Gippsland Water would like to advise customers of the new annual tariffs. WATER SERVICE CHARGE: All serviced areas.

PHONE 0487 722 131


public notice

General Tariff Vacant Land Agreements Concessional

Annual Tariff

Tariff Per Account

$294.00 $294.00 $264.60 $235.80

$98.00 $98.00 $88.20 $78.60

WATER VOLUMETRIC CHARGE: All areas. Applicable from 1st November 2016. $1.75 cents per kilolitre (1,000 litres). WASTE WATER SERVICE CHARGE: All serviced areas.

General Tariff Vacant Land

Annual Tariff

Tariff Per Account

$456.45 $258.30

$152.15 $86.10

Accounts are due: 30th September, 31st January & 31st May each year. If you would like more information, please contact our Customer Service Team on 1300 851 636 or 5682 0444 E:

Email your adverts to The Star

The South Gippsland Citizens Advice Bureau

The Na onal Broadband Network (nbn) is a high speed broadband network designed to reach 100 per cent of Australian premises and provide the communica ons infrastructure to help us stop falling behind in an increasingly online world. nbn is commi ed to delivering leading edge broadband services to all Australians by leveraging the three types of technology available – xed line, xed wireless and satellite, depending on loca on. As part of the xed radio (wireless) component of the Network, nbn is proposing to upgrade the following facili es to provide high quality wireless broadband services to customers in the surrounding locali es: • •

14 Harveys Road, Ruby VIC 3953 ; 920 Meeniyan - Mirboo North Road, Dumbalk VIC 3956

The proposed work will involve the upgrade of transmi ng technology to provide addi onal service capacity, including the replacement and addi on of new antenna devices and ancillary equipment.

Annual General Meeting will be held

TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016 Commencing 11am at the Leongatha RSL downstairs dining room RSVP August 9 for catering purposes 5662 2111


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Submissions can be sent via email to The closing date for submissions is 8 July 2016. For general info on the nbn, email, or visit our website at

Person must have a minimum of Bachelor level qualification, Cups on Cups off course, Chemical User Certificate, qualified in de-horning and castrating using local anesthetic, AI qualified and have a current firearms licence. For more information please contact with your details.


SG SPLASH is seeking a suitably experienced, enthusiastic Programs Coordinator to lead the learn to swim program. Excellent communication skills, passion for the aquatics industry, attention to detail and leadership skills are essential for this position. Please direct CV and cover letter to to apply. APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 8 JULY To learn more, visit us online at:


RE GRADE 3: $24.28 PER HOUR South Gippsland SPLASH is seeking suitably qualified, experienced and enthusiastic lifeguards to join the team. Flexibility in shifts, a strong customer focus and excellent attention to detail are essential. Please direct CV and cover letter to to apply. APPLICATIONS CLOSE SUNDAY 3 JULY To learn more, visit us online at:

Accounts Payable Officer Full-Time Position

nbn regards the proposed installa on as a Low Impact Facility under the Telecommunica ons (Low-Impact Facili es) Determina on 1997. In the circumstances, it does not require planning approval from the South Gippsland Shire Council. Further informa on on this speci c proposal can be obtained from Visionstream by calling 1300 745 210.

DAIRY CATTLE FARMER FULL-TIME DAIRY CATTLE FARM HERD MANAGER position available on a 550 cow dairy farm

public notice

No ca on of Proposed nbn™ Radio Network Base Sta on Facility

situations vacant

situations vacant Fully Qualified

PLUMBER / LABOURER For Inverloch, Wonthaggi and Leongatha region Contact Matt Donohue 0407 044 430

A full-time vacancy exists within our organisation for an Accounts Payable Officer. Typical duties and skills required include: • Accounts payable • Operation of computer software, including Microsoft Excel/Word • Reception duties, in addition responding to enquiries as appropriate • Processing and reconciliation of merchant facilities • Ability to work in a team environment For more information contact Jennifer Bradshaw on (03) 5662 2217 Please forward letter of application in writing and resumé to: PO Box 588, Leongatha, Vic 3953 Or email Applications close 1/7/16

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 43


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Classified advertising closes 12 noon Mondays

situations vacant


for sale

AGISTMENT WANTED Urgent agistment or lease wanted for quiet cows and calves. Long term preferred. Ph: 5668-7234.

FIREWOOD: Split red gum, premium split red gum (small), ironbark hardwood mix. Pick up or delivered. Loaded and sold by weight. Utes, trailers or load your own boot. Ask about our shared delivery cost. 20kg bags to go. EFTPOS available. Open 7 days. Corner Charity Lane & SG Hwy, Foster. 5682-1508.

for sale BLOOD LILIES Red $10 each, 10 root iris $25, Leongatha. Phone Lil 5662-2518. FIREWOOD, redgum & local wood, Ph 0408980-711, A/H 56625175. FIREWOOD - local messmate/stringy bark, cut/split, delivery available. 10 cubic metres $900, 6 cubic metres $600. Ph: 0437176187.

situations vacant

HAY for sale. Top quality vetch oaten straw. Feed test available. For delivered price ring Greg 0429-822544. HAY for sale, lucerne hay, pea hay and barley straw. Contact Joe 0429-138748. HAY - small squares, approx 200, Mardan. Ph: 5664-1320.

CHAINSAWS Positions Vacant

Registered Nurse Gr 2 – Koorooman House 0.84 EFT Limited Tenure from 18/7/16 to 18/1/17 (Job ref # ND0505)

Enrolled Nurse – Koorooman House 0.8 EFT Limited Tenure until Feb 2017 (Job ref # ND0603) Contact: Brenda Satchwell, Nurse Unit Manager. PH: 5667 5553 or kooroomanhouse. Full details, including a position description available at Email applications, quoting reference number to no later than 7th July 2016.

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SLEEPERS, treated pine, 200 x 50 x 2.4 $12.10 each, 200 x 75 x 2.4 $16.75 each, 200 x 75 x 3.0 $ 20.90 each. Free delivery for pack lots. Phone Joe 0417530662.

ANY OLD farm four wheelers, good or bad, 4WDs or trucks. Will pay cash. Phone Matt 0401194601.

HULLS - Lorna. Loved and loving sister and friend of Fred and Cynthia. Dear aunt to Darren, Glenn and Narelle and families. HULLS - Lorna (nee Bellingham). Loved fifth child of Ida and Albert (Bert) Bellingham (dec). Loving sister to Mary (dec), Joan, Evelyn, Phillip, Shirley (dec) and Frederick. HULLS - Lorna. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Kaylene, Neville, Cheryl, Barry and their families. Lorna was sister-in-law to Ken (dec), Rosalind, and aunt to Ian, Bruce, Ross Hulls and families. Farewell Lorna.

A true gentleman, a great role model and a pillar of strength in our family. Thank you for 40 fabulous years. We made a good team. Love you forever - from your Avie.

VAN WAMEL - John. The members of the Meeniyan Progress Association sadly farewell John Van Wamel, our long standing life member. He made outstanding contributions to the Meeniyan community over many years in his usual quiet manner. A true gentleman. Our sympathy to Avril and family.

TIMBER Kiln dried blackwood, silver wattle, cypress, celery top pine, most sizes for furniture and craft, also slabs and structural pine. Ph: 5681-2261.



2 OPPORTUNITES TO JOIN A GROWING EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICE Prom Coast Centres for Children is seeking two Early Childhood professionals to join our committed, enthusiastic and emerging teams in Foster.

(1) Early Childhood Educator (Full Time) As key member of our Education and Care Team, this position will be proactive in developing partnerships with families, while using acquired knowledge, skills and experience to actively participate in the planning, organisation and implementation of Early Years Programs. The Early Childhood Educator will be required to implement a program that is responsive to children’s needs, interests and abilities.

(2) Centre Leader (Full Time) A leadership position, the Centre Leader role is a hands-on Educator and Administration position that will lead and support the education and compliance requirements and responsibilities of the Foster Centre. The Centre Leader drives the vision for children's learning and curriculum and supports each team to collaborate on achieving desired outcomes across all Quality Areas. If you are an experienced educator with a strong work ethic and highly motivated, this is your opportunity to secure your career in a growing Early Childhood service that strives to provide high quality centre based education and care for its children and their families. Applicants are required to address the Key Selection Criteria as outlined in the Position Descriptions and to provide a CV and any other relevant documents. Position Descriptions can be downloaded from our website: http://home. Position enquiries can be made to the Centres Director on 5683 9800. Application Submission: Centres Director 30-32 Pioneer Street, Foster 3960 or by email: Application Closure: Wednesday 13th July 2016

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Education Support Officer Permanent Part Time 5 days per week, 9am - 3.20pm St Joseph’s Primary School Korumburra Our family orientated primary school is seeking an enthusiastic Education Support Officer to join our school community. This is a permanent part time role for the remainder of the school year. Applicants must be fully supportive of the objectives and ethos of Catholic Education. Education Support certificate III or IV and previous experience is preferred. A position description can be obtained by emailing Applications should be made in writing, include the names and contact numbers of three referees and forwarded via email to The Principal, Mrs Michelle Charlton at principal@sjkorumburra. On appointment, the successful applicant will require a current Victorian Police check and a current working with children’s check. Applications close Friday 8th July 5pm.

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Jenny Milkins All areas - 5672 3123

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in memoriam HULANDS - Kevin John. 07.07.1958 - 03.07.2011. To the world he was one, But to us he was the world. Five years without you. Always in our thoughts and hearts. Missing you every day. Sue, Vanessa, Chris, Deanne, Scott and Jess.

TOOTELL - Heath 19.4.87 to 4.7.09 Remembering R b i you iis easy We do so every day It’s emptiness without you That will never go away. We shall remember you always In our own special way Unforgettable that’s what you are Heath. 7 years without you. Love always Mum and dad Jock.

KAPPES - Karl Alfred. 20.4.1936 - 22.06.2016. Cherished husband of Barbara, loved brother of Peter and Merle (Canada), loving father of Richard, Hugo and Heather (NZ), and grandfather of Ryan, Sundara and Grace (NZ). Dearest dad to Nerolie and Sam, Sherian and Ian. Grandad of Aaron, Sarah, Sean, Tony, and Ash, and great grandad of Hayley, Adrian, Elise and Alayna. “Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.” A private cremation was held yesterday 27.06.2016. STEWART - Allan John. Passed away on June 17, 2016. Aged 84 years. Dearly loved husband of Florence (Amy) (dec). Loved father and fatherin-law of Stephen and Perri, Terry and Marie, Debbie and David. Grandpa of Scott and Chloe, Tiffany, Steven and Natalie, Dylan, Dakota and Devin, great Grandpa to Lincoln. Never to be forgotten. Forever in our hearts. Rest in peace with Mum. STEWART - Allan John. Passed away June 17, 84 years. Youngest brother of Colin, brother-in-law of Coral. Uncle of Brian, Peter and Leanne. Rest in peace. STEWART - Allan. Leongatha Golf Club extends sympathy to the Stewart family on the passing of life member Allan. Allan joined Leongatha Golf Club in 1999. We are forever indebted to his extensive volunteer contributions to the maintenance and upkeep of the golf course. VAN WAMEL Johannes Leonardus (John). 11.04.1930 - 26.06.2016. Passed away peacefully at Latrobe Regional Hospital. Adored husband of Avril. Father of Betty, Nick and Kim, beloved stepfather of Alison, Sallie, Bradley, Michelle and all their partners. Cherished grandpa and great grandpa.

Loving father of Michelle, inspiration to Tony and adored grandfather of Meghan and Juno. A true gentleman and role model. We love you Dad and will never forget you. May the great debate continue. Was a wonderful father, a loving grandfather and great grandfather. Love Brad, Tracy, Stephanie, Ben and Paige. We will miss you always.

funerals VAN WAMEL - A Funeral Service to celebrate the life of John Van Wamel will be held at the Meeniyan Town Hall on Friday, July 1, 2016 at 2pm. Private cremation.

Paul & Margaret Beck Proprietors

Caring for our Community, personal dignified service to all areas 5662 2717 Pre-need Funeral Plans available Office and Chapel: 24 Anderson Street, Leongatha MEMBER OF AUSTRALIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION

Scott and Sharon Anderson With care & dignity we serve South Gippsland and Phillip Island Main Office: WONTHAGGI / INVERLOCH 5672 1074 176-178 Graham Street, Wonthaggi 3995 Fax: 5672 1747 email: PHILLIP ISLAND 5952 5171 15 Warley Avenue, Cowes 3922 (by appointment only) Pre-paid & pre-arranged funeral plans available CARING & PERSONAL 24 HOUR SERVICE MEMBER OF AUSTRALIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION

Surf clubs go solar LIFE Saving Clubs across Victoria including Venus Bay, Waratah and Woodside are shifting towards renewable energy ahead of the coming summer. Energy, environment and climate change Minister Lily D’Ambrosio announced grants for 42 life saving clubs for the installation of five kilowatt solar panel systems that would be fitted to their roofs to generate their own renewable power. The $500,000 community renewable solar grants initiative – launched in January this year – helps Victorian communities move towards clean energy.

“We have already seen that these grants make a real difference for life saving clubs and ensure they can spend money where it’s needed most,” Ms D’Ambrosio said. “Our life saving clubs will not only benefit from lower energy costs but also reduce their greenhouse gas emissions each year. “Local communities are at the very forefront of this initiative and will play a vital role ensuring renewable energy is an affordable option.” Gippsland South MLA Danny O’Brien said energy bills represent a large cost burden for clubs in Gippsland.

PAGE 44 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Salvo’s donations dumped By Tayla Kershaw PILES of donations left to ruin in last week’s heavy rainfall had volunteers at Leongatha’s Salvation Army thrift shop feeling heartbroken. Between closing time at 4.30pm on Thursday night and opening at 9am on Friday morning, donations were left scattered around the donation bins and were destroyed by the weather. Volunteer June Calder was dismayed by the discovery. “They’ve clearly come along with a large trailer full of items and just dumped it at the back of our store. Nothing was put in the donation bins,” she said. “It looks disgusting and it’s heartbreaking because the majority of it will now go to the tip. A lot of it looks like it would’ve been a really nice What a mess: Leongatha’s Salvation Army thrift shop volunteer Helen Clapton was dis- donation. heartened to find potential donations dumped at the back of the store on Friday morning. “It’s not a donation anymore. It’s rubbish we Most of the items were damaged in the wet weather. will have to haul to the tip. We will salvage what

POLICE BRIEFS Young burglar A 15 year old boy from Foster has been interviewed and charged with a burglary that occurred in Foster last week. The burglary occurred at a rural farm house where some cash and a mobile phone were stolen. The youth will appear at the Korumburra Children’s Court at a later date.

Speeder caught POLICE intercepted a Foster man who was found speeding near Toora on Friday. The 64 year old was caught at 2.50pm on the South Gippsland Highway where he was spotted travelling 115km/h in a 100km zone. He was issued with an infringement notice for $303 and three demerit points.

Hoddle accident A DRIVER and passenger were trapped in their car after it lost control on Fish Creek-Foster Road on Sunday morning. The driver was travelling north east along the road when they entered a slight right hand bend and failed to negotiate the turn. The car went into the left of the carriageway and travelled through a culvert for approximately 55m. The car then hit a drain over a driveway and was launched 10m before hitting a large tree head on. The passenger eventually escaped the wreckage and raised the alarm while the driver was trapped for four hours. Paramedics rescued the driver who was airlifted to hospital in Melbourne. Police are investigating the cause of the collision.

Accidents THERE have been four fatal accidents in the Bass Coast and South Gippsland police area so far this year which is two more than the same time last year. There have also been 45 serious injury collisions, which is 12 more than the same time last year.

Car thefts cluster FOUR cars were stolen from the San Remo Police area last week. Three out of the four thefts were as a result of keys being left in unattended cars, either in the ignition or on the floor. Cars were stolen from San Remo, Coronet Bay, Newhaven and Cape Woolamai. Police are asking anyone who witnessed suspicious behaviour to contact Crime Stoppers.

Drugs found POLICE found stolen property and an amount of drugs during the search of a property in Cowes last week. Bass Coast Crime Tasking Unit executed a search warrant on Thursday evening where they located a stolen motorbike and an amount of cannabis and ice. A 28 year old man and a 20 year old woman from Cowes were arrested and bailed to appear at Korumburra Magistrates’ Court at a later date.

we can but it isn’t looking good.” Ms Calder said one of the donation bins was 70 per cent empty, while the other was completely empty at the time of the dumping. Although she is not worried about the cost of taking the rubbish to the transfer station, Ms Calder was unhappy about calling in extra volunteers to dedicate their time to clean the area. “We have a volunteer who comes in and takes rubbish to the tip, but he lives on the other side of Inverloch and would usually come here Tuesdays. We can’t leave it here, so it has to be cleaned and removed immediately, which will take us a couple of hours at least,” she said. “We don’t have the facilities needed to properly clean donations that have been left outside. We pride ourselves on providing good quality items in our store so most of this will have to be thrown away. “Just because people are going through a hard time right now, it doesn’t mean they deserve dirty and damaged things.”

Inverloch tip plan binned for now

FOLLOWING an uproar POLICE received reports of a holiday house bur- from the Inverloch community, Bass Coast Shire glary in Venus Bay this week. The house was left unattended from Monday, Council decided to defer June 20 until Saturday, June 25, when the report the closure of the Inverwas made. loch transfer station.

Holiday house burglary

Burglars broke into the house during this time where they slept in the beds and stole food from the fridge. Anyone who witnessed suspicious behaviour in Venus Bay around this time is asked to contact Bass Coast CIU.

Wonthaggi crash POLICE attended an accident in Wonthaggi yesterday where a car mounted the kerb of the road and collided with a road sign. The accident occurred at McKenzie Street at 5.15pm. Police are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed the accident occur, to please contact Senior Constable Neubauer at Wonthaggi Police on 5671 4100

Stolen car captured LEONGATHA Police intercepted a stolen car travelling in town on Thursday evening. Police intercepted the car on Anderson Street at 10.45pm where they arrested an 18 year man and a 19 year old woman, both from Tyabb. Both were interviewed charged with theft of a motor car and handling stolen property and have been bailed to appear at Korumburra Magistrates Court in November.

Inverloch residents and business owners were outraged by the proposed closure as it would mean a lengthier trip to the transfer station in Wonthaggi South and the decision had not been properly discussed with the community. The decision to defer was made at council’s ordinary meeting last Wednesday, and two community sessions were established for July. Big4 Inverloch Holiday Park manager Kate Edwards said it was a great decision, and was glad the community was given a voice. “We want to know why this was raised in the first place. We want to see some transparency

and a of cost analysis,” she said. “I’m pleased to hear there’s going to be more consultation. Putting an ad about the closure in the paper is not good enough. A letter or an email to the major stakeholders is what I would’ve expected.” Council said it was considering closing the station for a number of reasons, including encroachment of residential development on site and its environmental impacts on Screw Creek. Cr Phil Wright agreed further consultation was necessary, but encouraged the community to stop thinking of the closure as a punishment. “There’s precious water and a tourist attraction nearby. It’s not a punishment; it’s about making the environment more liveable and enjoyable. The community should be celebrating,” he said. Mayor Cr Jordan Crugnale said it would be appropriate to

Local slams “unsafe” schools By Lucy Johnson

A FLYER condemned for inciting homophobia and discrimination was distributed across Victoria last week and Drunk driver the man responsible resides in South COWES Police arrested a woman who was found Gippsland. driving five times over the legal limit on June 16. The woman was intercepted by police at 8.15pm in the central business district of Cowes. The 39 year old from Ventnor returned a breath test with a blood alcohol reading of 0.246 per cent. The woman’s licence was immediately suspended and she will face court at a later date. Police wish to thank members of the public who provided information to help notify officers of the dangerous driver.

Cars scratched TWO cars were found damaged after they were left parked in Leongatha earlier this month. The cars were parked on Peart Street opposite the Leongatha Uniting Church between Tuesday, June 7 and Saturday, June 11. The cars were both damaged by a key or sharp object and the paint was scratched. Police are seeking any witnesses to suspicious behaviour in the area at the time.

Lost property A MOBILE phone was handed into the Leongatha Police Station after it was found at the Leongatha Bus Station at Long Street on Friday, June 17.

defer the decision until there had been a waste management discussion. “The decision to defer gives us the opportunity to speak to our community about the recently adopted waste management strategy, background information, factual data and the reasons behind the officers’ recommendations for closure,” she said. “A decision has not been made, and we are very aware that this has gone under the radar of public knowledge.” The community information sessions will be held on July 8 and July 15 from 4pm to 6pm at the Inverloch Hub and will be heard at council again in August. If council accepts the recommendation to close the facility as of September 1, 2017, a detailed plan addressing alternative waste disposal options and transition arrangements will be implemented.

Inverloch resident Patrick Shea claimed responsibility for distributing a flyer which copped flack after it was posted in thousands of letterboxes across the state last week. The brochure tells voters to “Stop Labor and Greens extreme sex education” in its plans to implement Safe Schools if elected. “I have been involved with Australian Family Association and National Civic Council for a long time. We have people who do research and lobbying and so forth and they put the flyer together and made sure it was accurate so I was happy to sign off on it,” Mr Shea said. “I am a passionate believer that the Safe Schools program is not an anti bullying campaign, rather it is about gender ideology. Teachers should be responsible for teaching the three Rs whereas it is a parent’s job to teach their children about the subjects raised [by Safe Schools].” Mr Shea’s flyer made a number of claims, many of which have been called out for inciting homophobia and discrimination. The flyers were distributed to electorate with marginal seats across the state, with the first print sent to the Bendigo electorate last Tuesday. “The flyer has been distributed across electorate that have close margins. We have targeted areas where the Labor Party has a close margin with the Liberals,” Mr Shea said. “The Labor Party and the Greens say they will roll out the Safe Schools Program nationally and

we totally disagree with it. We want to stop them from having that influence in Canberra.” “We do not want children to be told they can decide what gender fits them best. Furthermore we do not want students learning about sexual education, it should be called ‘reproductive education’.” A number of politicians have stated that the flyer provides misleading information to voters in the lead up to the July 2 election. Labor candidate for McMillan Chris Buckingham said the flyer’s claim that Safe Schools promotes the sexualisation of children is false and further discriminates against the LGBTI community. “Unfortunately, there has been a great deal of misinformation about the Safe Schools program and its content. The Safe Schools program is voluntary, with teachers and principals choosing the elements that are age appropriate and meet the needs of their students,” he said. “In 2013 Labor funded the national roll out of Safe Schools in response to shocking rates of bullying, suicide and exclusion impacting upon young LGBTI Australians.” “80 per cent of Australian LGBTI students face verbal abuse and bullying at school. Tragically, research also shows they are six times more likely to die from suicide, and that bullying and exclusion are major factors in suicide attempts.” McMillan candidate for the Greens, Donna Lancaster agreed with Mr Buckingham that the brochure demotes the idea that students should be aware of their gender preference. “In May the Greens committed $32 million to the Safe Schools program over a four year period with a plan to remove discrimination from schools,” she said. “When the community embraces diversity it benefits all of us. People try to silence those who speak out against discrimination and it is just wrong.”

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 45

| SPORT • Soccer

Inverloch vs Leongatha Under 12


THE first round of the annual South Cup tournament saw Leongatha take on Inverloch again this week. It was a slow start for the Lady Knights as both teams stumbled on passes. A neat goal from Kathy Zacharopoulos saw Leongatha one up on the scoreboard at half time. Following Coach Milkins’ encouraging words, Leongatha returned to the pitch with more energy and better passing. A new determination from the offence saw Karlie Blunden sneak an excellent cross into the back top corner of the net. Inverloch were relentless in their defence and managed to stop a number of plays from Leongatha’s midfield. Kaitlyn Hermann was a notable presence in the backline with many successful steals. Izzie Kennedy and Jordan Rintoule also completed some excellent passes on the left wing. Another goal from Kathy saw Leongatha complete the game with a well deserved 3-0 win. Leongatha 3 - Inverloch 0

ON Sunday, Leongatha Knights turned up to Thompsons Reserve for another tussle against the strong Inverloch Stars. Having a few away on holidays this week, we managed to get hold of some Under 11 players to help boost our numbers and they rose to the challenge. Half of the Stars goals were scored in the first half, with some great passing and team work by them. Towards the end of the first half, it was like a light switch got turned on and the Knights really stepped up a gear and began attacking more aggressively. Throughout the day whenever Hayden got possession of the ball he took control of it with some great moves and so many fantastic shots at goal. One bounced off the cross bar it was close. During the first half when the Knights stepped up a gear they managed to squeeze a goal in from a corner; Gerad launched a wicked ball and it managed to curve its way

in whilst allowing the Knights to enjoy a score on the board. Gerad stepped into the goals in the second half and was kept busy but managed to stop many balls being launched his way. In the second half the Knights were able to keep up their determined play, having more attacking moments. Ben, Hayden, Ollie and Pat and Gerad had numerous exciting attempts at goal and so the Stars’ goalie had to be really on the ball. He did an outstanding job protecting their goals. Eddie, Mitch, Charlie and Brayden were kept really busy in the defence line. There was some outstanding work by Mitch and Eddie and well done to Charlie and Brayden who is growing in confidence each week. Without a doubt the Stars have a strong team game and much credit to them all, but our guys/girls did not disgrace themselves. Each player contributed in different ways to make it a great game to watch by the spectators/parents. Inverloch 8 defeated Leongatha 1.

Control: the Knights’ Hayden Clark has plenty of pace on his Inverloch opponent and time to steam forward with a searching ball.

Soccer vision unveiled By Brad Lester A GRAND plan to improve soccer facilities to meet the growing popularity of the sport in South Gippsland has been unveiled. South Gippsland Shire Council last week released the 2016 Draft Soccer Facilities Plan for public comment until August 3. Rising interest in soccer, particularly among females, is driving demand for better facilities. From 2014 to 2015, participation at the four soccer clubs in the shire rose 22 percent, including more than 100 female participants. Cr Mohya Davies said, “Soccer has become very popular and we do not have plan for our soccer enthusiasts so it is appropriate that council put this plan out to the community for consideration.” The shire now hosts the Mirboo North United, Korumburra City, Leongatha Knights and Prom Coast clubs, with all using existing venues originally used for Australian Rules Football and not designed for soccer. Mirboo North trains at the Walter Tuck Recreation Reserve, Korumburra at the Korumburra Recreation Reserve, Leongatha at Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College, and Prom Coast at Arthur Sutherland Reserve, Welshpool. The draft plan proposes to:

• at Mirboo North, improve changerooms, clubrooms and social facilities; • at Korumburra, improve female changerooms, upgrade the pitch and address lighting; • at Leongatha, enhance the training pitch, and improve lighting and goals; and • at Prom Coast, update the second pitch, lighting and car park. Council prepared the plan in consultation with local soccer clubs and will now seek further comment to present to councillors. Council will consider a report on community feedback to the plan at the December 14 council meeting, with a view to adopting the final plan. At this stage, council has no dedicated funding to implement actions from the final plan. A council report stated, “It is anticipated that soccer clubs will fundraise and access council’s Community Grants Program for minor projects. “For larger projects, the soccer clubs can seek council support in securing external funding from programs such as the Sport and Recreation Victoria Community Sports Infrastructure Fund.” The draft plan was prepared with $20,000 council received from the State Government, and was undertaken by Inside Edge Sports and Leisure Planning.

Pitch perfect: fine conditions and, a perfect pitch provided by the Inverloch Stars Soccer Club at Thompson Reserve and quality play with lots of goals score provided a great day for the South Gippsland Soccer Championship.

Newhaven tops the clusters THE South Gippsland Soccer Championship was played off on Tuesday, June 21 at the Thompson Reserve Inverloch. Each team had won its District competition and competed for the opportunity to progress through to the Gippsland Regional Championship. Waratah Cluster (Fish Creek PS, Tarwin Valley PS and Tarwin Lower PS) from the Corner Inlet District, Inverloch Kongwak PS from the Woorayl District and Newhaven C from the South Coast District played in a three team round robin. Great conditions and facilities greeted the teams at the home of the Inverloch Stars Soccer Club. Game 1: Inverloch Kongwak PS versus Waratah Cluster. Inverloch opened the scoring early with a goal at the five minute mark and again at the 12 minute mark. Tighter defence from Waratah restricted goals from IK although they managed to break through for a third goal at the 22nd minute. Waratah attacked hard but was repelled by the organised IK defenders and ultimately Inverloch Kongwak

3 defeated Waratah 0. Game 2: Inverloch Kongwak PS versus Newhaven C. Newhaven opened the scoring early in the game at the third and sixth minute marks but Inverloch replied quickly at the seventh and 11th to even the scores. A late goal in the first half gave Newhaven the lead at half time. Both teams had opportunities but Newhaven C capitalised to a greater degree and defeated Inverloch Kongwak 6-3. Game 3: Newhaven C versus Waratah Cluster. Waratah put its opponents under pressure taking the lead at the five minute mark. Newhaven replied with a goal and the game ebbed and flowed until Waratah’s defence was left open and exploited. Newhaven C 7 defeated Waratah 7. Ladder: Newhaven College/Inverloch Kongwak PS/ Waratah Cluster A big thank you to the Inverloch Stars Soccer Club for assisting with hosting the event. Well done to all the students that participated, a great day for soccer.

• South Gippsland Miners Baseball

Under 13’s win friendly SOUTH Gippsland Miners Under 13’s are still undefeated and unstoppable. In what was technically a forfeited match the teams squared off for a friendly. Under 13 Miners took its record to 10 and 0 against the Morwell Cougar.s The Cougars struggled to find form and the Miners took another win in stride 10-1. Standout batsmen on the day were Bailey Harvey with his second grand slam this season, Corban Davis and Cam Prosser who both recorded doubles. Well done to Oscar Davis who after 13 walks for 15 at bats got his first hit of the season. The Miners stingy defence behind the pitching of Bailey Harvey and Callum Buckland kept the Cougars at bay letting just one run at the end of the game. It was another good outing for the boys who are looking forward to their next game in two weeks against Sale. It could even be the first home match in

Leongatha, fingers crossed we play at Leongatha on July 10 alongside our B and A Grade teams. Stay tuned for more information on our first home match. B GRADE SOUTH GIPPSLAND 4 lt MORWELL 15 In an improved effort this week, our team gave their all with a few stolen bases and runs scored. Jordan Gardner was the highlight with a rather unconvincing stolen base, great stuff Jordan! There was good hitting from Annie Carter, and coach Michael Adams with a gallant effort pitching a full game and supplying the side with an injection of offense when needed. Unfortunately though our lack of preparation showed with multiple errors leading to Morwell scoring 90 percent of its runs, also a mention to Damon Ginnane for a sensational hit to score two of our runs, Go team! As a new club we have to expect it’s going to be a tough year playing against clubs that have been around

for 30 plus years. Skills and understanding of the game are improving and given time and practice opportunities we will be able to turn it around for the future. A GRADE – BYE Interest in our club is growing and the South Gippsland Miners are busy working on its home ground behind Federation Training in Leongatha and hope to play there on July 10. Stay tuned for confirmation and game day details. The club wishes to thank all its current sponsors and are hoping to get other business on board soon so if you or your business thinks you can help a new club and new sport in our region succeed contact sponsorship officer today. With lots still to be done we would greatly appreciate any support you could offer. In addition we are looking for more players to join the roster this year and welcome anyone interested to contact the club via or via our Facebook page.

Jordan Gardner: South Gippsland Miners B Grade player was all smiles after a good catch and achieved an overall good game when the Miners met the Cougars at Morwell on Sunday, June 26.

PAGE 46 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Second pair: Keith Cousens and Carol Waters were the runners up in the Wednesday Social Bowls of pairs played at Inverloch.

Inverloch OUR Social Bowls continues. On Wednesday 16 bowlers braved the windy conditions to compete in two games of pairs. It was the two by four by two format which is a nice change from the regular two by two by two by two. There were two teams that won both games. Runners up on 31 points were Carol Waters and Keith Cousens. Congratulations to the winners, Brian Growse and Rob Howard, who scored 33 points. Raffles were won by Brian Growse, Pat Stoneham and Paul Davis. The sunny conditions on

Mardan Indoor A GOOD turnout this week saw 15 players enjoy a great night of bowls. It was nice to see Ann Plowman return after a short bout of illness and she didn’t take too long to settle back into it. We had enough for four teams albeit one of three players, but that didn’t deter them from having a good go at their opponents. We played two games of ten ends and by the end of the

Sunday brought out 31 bowlers to play two games of 12 ends as fours or triples. There were two teams that claimed victory. On 35 points, the runnersup were Brian Growse, Les Beaumont, George Scott and Norm Hughes. With one point more, the winners were declared as Gail Applin, Pat Stoneham, Thelma Cavanaugh and Joy Brown. Ivy Sheppard, Bob Davis, Norm Hughes and George Scott were the raffle winners. Social Bowls continues throughout the winter season on Wednesday and Sunday starting at 11am. Names in by 10am on the day of play. The next Open Pairs will be held on July 16. night all teams had a win and some close games along the way. You might expect one of the two teams who won in the first round to be the winner at end of the night with two wins but as the results will show it often comes down to a count back, so without further ado here are the results. All teams had a win and a loss and although the eventual winners won their first game they actually lost their second and were declared the win-

TIDES Here is an easy guide to tides in your area. To determine tides for a particular area, add or subtract periods of times as shown below. Earlier Minutes Apollo Bay ...........................25 King Island (Grassy) ...........10 King Island (Surprise Bay)....40 King Island (Franklin) ...........40 Lakes Entrance .................... 170 Lorne ...................................... 20 Mallacoota Inlet.................... 158 Rip Bank ................................ 15 Snowy River Entrance ......... 170 _______________________ Cape Schanck, Flinders, Mornington Ocean Beaches, Seal Rocks, Venus Bay, Waratah Bay, Woolamai ....... nil _________________________ Later Minutes Altona ................................... 195 Barwon Heads Bridge ........... 15 Carrum ................................. 195 Corinella ................................. 68 Cowes Pier............................. 50 Dromana .............................. 195 Frankston ............................. 195 Geelong ............................... 210 Hastings ................................. 66 Hovell Pile ............................ 195 Inverloch Pier ......................... 15 Melbourne ............................ 200 Mornington ........................... 195 Newhaven Jetty ..................... 30 No. 1 West Channel (Annulus)........................... 50 No. 2 South Channel Light .... 70 No. 8 South Channel Light .. 150 Port Albert Pier ...................... 90 Portarlington Pier ................. 190 Portsea Pier ........................... 80 Port Welshpool (Rabbit Island .................... 10 Queenscliffe Pier ................... 30 Rhyll ....................................... 60 Rosebud............................... 195 Rye Pier ............................... 170 St. Leonards Pier ................. 190 Sandringham ....................... 195 Sorrento Pier........................ 130 Stony Point ............................. 40 South Channel Pile Light ..... 190 Swan Island Dock ................ 120 Tooradin ............................... 105 Warneet.................................. 84 Williamstown ........................ 200 Welshpool Pier....................... 90

At Point Lonsdale


29 WED







height (metres)

0555 1127 1814

1.47 0.60 1.60

0006 0658 1217 1900

0.49 1.46 0.68 1.56

0058 0809 1313 1955

0.46 1.47 0.77 1.52

0155 0921 1417 2056

0.43 1.51 0.85 1.49

0301 1030 1530 2204

0.40 1.56 0.88 1.47

0413 1134 1646 2312

0.36 1.63 0.87 1.49

0519 1234 1755

0.32 1.69 0.81

All times shown in 24 hour clock 0001 - 1200..................AM 1201 - 2400..................PM

Top of social ladder: Sunday Social Bowls winners were Gail Applin and Joy Brown with Pat Stoneham and Thelma Cavanaugh missing the photo opportunity.

Bowl winners: from left, Irene Holm, Andrea Thorson, Brian Twite and Tanya Thorson of the Meeniyan Golf Club.


Best couple: winning the pairs in Wednesday Social Bowls at Inverloch were Brian Growse and Rob Howard. If interested in entering put your team names on the sheet in the clubhouse which will have details of the event. Friday night meals return ning team on ends won: Winners: one win, 11 ends were Graeme Trease, Denyse Menzies, Bev Greenwood and Vito Serafino (s). Runners-up win 10 ends: John Chadwick, Ann Plowman and Russell Grady (s). As usual we all enjoyed the evening and look forward to meeting again next Wednesday to do it all again.

South Gippsland Indoor Bias Bowls Association LAST week was the final game of the round and an exciting night all round with some very close games. A nice win to Korumburra Blue saw them slip into second place. Next week we start finals with Foster Fishy’s playing

this week. It is proving to be very popular so if you are interested, please put your name on the blackboard as soon as possible to avoid missing out. Korumburra Blue and Korumburra White playing Mardan Purple. It should be a night not to miss. Game 10 results Korumburra Blue 26 defeated Mardan Purple 20, Buffalo 22 defeated Korumburra White 20, Foster Fishy’s 24 defeated Dumbalk 23. Mardan Gold had the bye. Again a reminder of our annual tournament coming up on Sunday, July 10. And as always, good bowling to all.

SGIBBA Ladder Foster Fishy’s.................38 Korumburra Blue .........28 Korumburra White .......26 Mardan Purple ..............20 Buffalo ............................20 Dumbalk .........................16 Mardan Gold .....................6

+61 +38 +38 +10 -28 -24 -97

MEENIYAN Golf Club had a clear lead in the coveted annual Brian Twite Bowl held at Leongatha Golf Club last Monday. Brian spent many years at Leongatha coaching Juniors in the district, some of whom were amongst the winners. He is now based at Metropolitan Golf Club where he continues to coach and mentor players. Teams travelled from Melbourne and South and West Gippsland to compete in the event. Unfortunately not all teams completed the last few holes due to excessive rain, so

the match committee devised a clever modification which gave all players two points for any uncompleted holes. Many players were grateful for the extra points. Meeniyan’s winning team had a combined score of 88. Brian Twite presented the trophies to Irene Holm 35 points, Andrea Thorson 28 points, and Tanya Thorson 25. When receiving the trophy, Andrea acknowledged the role that Brian had played as her mentor when a Junior golfer. Irene Holm, with the top score for the day, also won the A Grade section. Rachel Evans from Yarra Yarra Golf Club won B Grade

with 32 points and our very own Evelyn Indian had a win in C Grade with 33 points. Fiona Curram from Foster Golf Club was the closest to the pin on the 14th and Joanne Baron from Rossdale Golf Club (and country member at Leongatha Golf Club) was nearest on the 16th. DTL: Toni West 32, Anne Kaiser Yarra Yarra GC 30, Dot Stubbs and Rebecca Thomas 29, Glenda Longshaw Phillip Island GC 29, Delores Harvey Wonthaggi GC 29, Julie Kirk Metropolitan GC 28, Robyn McLeod Rossdale GC 28, Jenny Fleming Traralgon GC 28, Wendy Parker 27, Anna de Bondt 27 and Fiona Curram Foster GC 27 points.

Grade winners: Rachel Evans the B Grade winner from Yarra Yarra GC, Irene Holm the A Grade winner from Meeniyan GC and Evelyn Indian the C Grade winner from Leongatha GC.

Leongatha Small Bore Rifle Club SECTION D results in 2016 TRV 20m Prone Pennant Round 5 Leongatha 481.016 defeated Lilydale/Warburton 449.014; Camberwell/Hawthorn 476.013 (bye); Albury 481.014 defeated Lancefield 475.010; and Brunswick 476.018 defeated MCC B 473.014. The best shooter for Round 5 was Angela Breeze (Leongatha) scoring 100.006 making it two 100s in a row. Round 6 Albury 487.014 defeated MCC B 478.013; Brunswick 475.020 defeated by Lancefield 484.018; Leongatha

486.016 (bye); and Camberwell/Hawthorn 477.010 defeated Lilydale/Warburton 456.006. The best shooter for Round 6 was Daniel Croatta (Leongatha) scoring 100.007 Ladder 20 Leongatha 20 Albury 16 Lancefield 16 Camberwell-Hawthorn 12 Brunswick 8 MCC B 4 Lilydale-Warburton. We shoot Wednesday nights at 8pm at our club rooms which are on the Leongatha Recreation Reserve. For inquiries please call Rob Spratt 5664 2358.

Bugs: from left, Alan Fletcher, Kristen Sanders, Mandy Fletcher, Wendy Wyhoon, Stuart Smith and Jack Sommerville swarmed all over Champions in the Korumburra Volleyball Association A Grade Grand Final last Wednesday night.

Bug swarm to the top KORUMBURRA Volleyball Association Grand Final resulted in a win for Bug 3 – 0 (25:23, 26:24, 25:21) over ill named Champions in A Grade. B Grade team Chargers was also the clear winner over Saints 3 – 0 (25:22, 25:14, 25:18).

Chargers: from left, Mat Vanboven, Tamara Teylor, Shane Pouw, Leah Svehla, John Pouw and Brendan Tomada removed Saints team’s halo in the Korumburra Volleyball B Grade Grand Final last Wednesday night.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 47


Adventure wins at lapathon THE children of St Laurences were out in force with the annual Adventure Lapathon. Obstacles, muddy knees and dirty hands were everywhere you looked. Every single student had their turn at running the course and seeing how many laps they could complete in 30 minutes. For the third year now the students have had new obstacles to climb under and over as they were cheered on by teachers, parents, grandparents and other students. It’s a great fundraiser for the school and one of favourite events in the school year for the children.

Fantastic: from left, Wonthaggi Table Tennis Association’s Jack Donohue, Beau Allamby (captain) and Jack Duff (E6 leading player) with the Peter Mascall Shield won by defeating everything, mostly older teenagers and adults, in their way.

• Wonthaggi Table Tennis

Junior players impress Oh no: Raff discovers many textures like squishy, wet and bouncy make up the lapathon course which is a fundraiser event held annually at St Laurences Primary School in Leongatha.

Hey: Georgia and Abby are neck and neck in the novel Lapathon fundraiser which challenges student to complete as many circuits of the course in 30 minutes as possible.

Jump on court By Jennifer Bals, work experience GET physical and active at your local netball association. The Star spoke to the Leongatha district netball association (LDNA) secretary Emma Smith. “Currently our Under 11s and Under 13s sides both have 11 teams competing, our Under 15s side has six teams, and our Under 17s /C Grade is combined with only four teams competing. We then have an open section where eight teams partake in,” she said. In this league, numbers have been stable within the last few years and have increased slightly this year. They are encouraging for more ages to come down and have a go, creating a bigger and more enjoyable competition for those in the older grades. They want to inspire more boys to give it a go. Emma said; “this year the league has six to eight boys participating.” The LDNA hold two twilight competitions, one in summer and one in autumn, usually there are around 50 ladies competing which is a great result. LDNA urges you to get involved and jump down to the courts for fitness, fun and a social tournament. The Star also spoke to the Wonthaggi and district netball association (W&DNA) president Vicky Donohue who has also noticed a slow rise in their participant levels. “We are encouraging new players to come down to the courts and have a go, and attempting to bring players who

have left to come back and play the association,” she said “The W&DNA have recently changed their age groups to better suit the competition having an 8/9s, 10/11s, Under 13s and a combined Under 15/17s competition.” Vicky added. A call for more ages to come down and fill up the higher grades to create a more stable tournament would be much appreciated. As an association they also run a night netball competition for ages 14 and over, they oldest players being over 60. A spring tournament is also held for girls Year 7, 8 and 9, along with a mixed tournament for boys and girls ages 15 and over. The physical activity data collected in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012) Survey of Children’s Participation in Culture and Leisure Activities, Australia, discovered that netball was the third most predominate sport girls engaged in. Although over the years the strive for this activity has slowly decreased in most circumstances. In 2006, 17.3 per cent of girls were taking part in this game, decreasingly in 2009, 17 per cent were partaking and in 2012, the percentage lowered even further to 16.2. The local netball associations are moving past this decrease and creating a fun community event. Whether you’re older or younger, girl or boy there are many opportunities for you to get involved with your local netball associations.

A SUCCESSION of dedicated and successful Junior players is continuing to compete at the Wonthaggi Table Tennis Association. Juniors’ coach Bruce Harmer has been delighted to see that there has been a progressive number of Juniors turning up with the desire to make it to the top. They have put in the hard work training and competing in tournaments around Victoria and this has seen Wonthaggi players selected to represent Victoria year after year. Two Wonthaggi players, Archie Paxton and Kenzi Gardner, are off to Alice Springs next week to compete in the Australian Junior Table Tennis Championships with thanks to some generous sponsorship from many organisations. Almost half of the Wonthaggi Association’s competitors at the Victorian Country Championships (in Bendigo, June 11 to 13) were Junior players or past Junior players and returned victorious with shields or medals. The most spectacular win was by the E6 team comprising Beau Allamby (10) captain, Jack Duff (11) and Jack Donohue (12). They competed against older teenagers and adults who probably thought they were in for an easy win. The three young boys were undefeated, victorious over every team they played, and won the Peter Mascall Shield. Jack Duff was equal leading player in the section with only one loss over the three days. They pulled out all the stops and earned the admiration of other players and officials alike. Max Duff (14) also won two medals over the three days. More Junior players are enrolling each season and Bruce Harmer is happy to take on any player aged from eight to fourteen years of age. Parent support is essential. The new season starts after the school holidays and coaching is on Thursdays from 6 to 7pm. Just turn up at the Wonthaggi Table Tennis Centre in Korumburra Road next to the netball courts. Phone contacts for Juniors are Bruce on 56 722130 or Nancy on 5674 4628.

On court: Parrots player and Mary MacKillop College Year 10 student Taylah Brown will be heading to Adelaide in August, to play with the School Sports Victoria Under 15 netball team.

At the top: Wonthaggi Table Tennis Table Tennis Association’s Max Duff being presented with his medal for winning the Under 15 Singles.

PAGE 48 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

SPORT | GOLF Leongatha Golf Club A SMALL field of 47 took part in Saturday’s Par Competition in cold but fine weather with the course in great condition considering the rain during the week. Winner of the A Grade event was Terry Lund with a great score +3. B Grade was taken out by Craig Nuske with +1. NTPs were Bryan Sword on the fourth hole, Gene Van Der Zalm on the seventh, Rod Hopcroft on the 14th and Frank Gill on the 16th. DTL balls went down to -3 by countback and were won by Bryan Sword, Bruce Hutton, Gene Van Der Zalm, Nathan Wardle, Andrew Smith, Henry Sedelies, Daniel Peterson, Andrew Westaway, Keith Godridge and Davis Forbes. Tuesday’s Stabrose Competition was won by the team of Bob Birrell, Rob Brown and John Payne with 57 Points. NTPs were Trevor Steer on both the seventh and 14th holes and Peter Buttinger on the 14th. DTL balls were awarded to the teams of Frank Thomas, Bert Borg, Terry Grace and Andy Bassett, Ian Baker, Peter Walsh, and Barry Hughes and Ian Barlow, Neale Gillin, Robert Smith and Peter Horman. Strong winds made good scoring difficult for the 62 golfers who contested Thursday’s Stableford Competition kindly sponsored by local member Jeff Brewer. A Grade was won by Antony Gedye with 34 points, B Grade was taken out by Keith Godridge also with 34 points and Bruce Cathie won C Grade with 32 points. NTPs were Craig Nuske who put his tee shot inside a

metre on the long seventh hole, Jon Smith on the 14th and Colin Martin on the 16th. DTL balls went down to 29 points by countback and were awarded to Ian Barlow, Will Norden, Josh Hall, Leroy Sharrock, Geoff McDonald, Doug Clemann, Joe Lowell, Daniel Ruffin, Peter Walsh, Malcom Gin, Ross McRobert, Craig Nuske, Frank Smedley and Alan Kuhne.

Leongatha ladies A VERY hardy group of 13 women opted to play nine holes last Wednesday, in what turned out to be quite pleasant golfing weather. Toni West won the day with 18 points followed by Melinda Martin 16 points and Shirley Welsford and Jill Steer with 15 points. Saturday, June 25: Winner: Dot Stubbs -5. Down the line: Wendy Parker -6.

Woorayl THE trophies for our medal were provided by Thornton’s Bakery. The medallist and winner of A Grade was Geoff McKinnon with a net 71 (perhaps playing early suits him). B Grade went to Kev Riseley (also an early player) with net 73 and C Grade to Brian Collier with a net 74. Down the line balls to M. Luscombe, T. Sorrell, M. Grist, Da. Dwyer, G. Calder, P. Rayson, Bo Fiek and Ben Wilson. The only nearest the pin to Michael Grist on the 17th. The least putts went to Greg Fennell with 27 on a countback. The ball raffle was ‘Waz Syndicate’. Next week Trent Walters and Tom Ryan will provide the trophies for the fourball which is also the qualifying round of the A.G. Wilson.

Korumburra THERE were 20 players on Saturday, June 25 for a stableford competition, with trophies supplied by Steve Osboldstone. A Grade: (9 hcp) P. Hopkins 36 pts on countback B. Pope 36, J. Solly 33, R. Ludenia 31. B Grade: (17 hcp) G. Wilson 33 pts, J. Wilson 32, N. Spargo 31 (missed out). Nearest the pin: 1st P. Hopkins, 7th B. Pope, 10th R. Gallagher, 13th M. Belvedere. Tuesday’s winner was R. Ludenia 39 pts and Thursday’s winner R. Rees 30 pts.

Mirboo North Golf Club THURSDAY results: Competition: Stableford. June 23: Day winner: Peter Chapman (16) 34 points. DTLs: Ian Evison 33, Chris Long 32 and Josh Robbins 31 C/B. NTP sixth: Mal Payne. Saturday results: Competition: Stableford. June 25: Day winner: Tom Whitelaw (5) 38 points C/B. DTLs: Paul Woodall 38, Simon Duff 36 and Ray Hoskin 35. Second shot NTP first hole: Ian Evison. NTP Fourth: Russell Pentland. Sixth: Chris Bracecamp. 13th: Paul Woodall. 16th: Terry Bradshaw. Next Week is Stroke – Monthly Medal – Count Putts.

Foster golf TUESDAY, June 21: Stableford. Winner: Peter Dight 37

points. NTP: sixth P. Dight and 17th P. Dight. DTL: N. Thompson 31 and F. Tyers 29 c/b. Wednesday, June 22: Stableford. Cancelled due to weather. See change of competition for this Wednesday, June 29. Thursday, June 23: Stableford. Winner: N. Cooper 36 points NTP: sixth N. Cooper and15th R. Prain. DTL: N. Thompson 35, D. Hutchinson 31 and F. Tyers 27c/b. Friday, June 24: Nine holes / Chook Run No golf due to weather. Saturday, June 25: Stableford. Winner: Paul Spencer 37 points. NTP: fourth Norm Cooper, sixth Pat McKay, 13th Pat McKay, 15th Lloyd McKenzie and 17th Paul Spencer. DTL: Lloyd McKenzie 36 points and Stuart Canning 33 points c/b. Nine hole: Trent Price 22 points. Ladies: Barb Britten 23 points.

Wonthaggi OUR nine hole competition had seven players and the winner was R. Hender 15 points. Our 18 hole midweek competition had 10 players and the winner was G. Hewlett 34 points. Balls down the line: Hoots 34, I. Baker 30. Our Saturday competition attracted 52 players and it was a par event. A Grade winner was R.

Cats take the premiership THE 2016 Leongatha Golf Club Super League presentation night was held at the Clubhouse on a wet and windy Friday night (June 24). The teams based event, generously sponsored by the Esplanade Hotel Inverloch.

ran for seven regular season rounds plus semi finals and final and concluded last week. The Cats team were this year’s premiers, defeating the previously undefeated Hawks team, 138 to 131 in the final. Members of the winning Cats team included, Doug Clemann, Wendy Parker, Co-

lin Bear, Coral Gray, Neale Gillin, Ian Barlow, George Missen and Jim Arnott, and each player received a Club voucher. The runners up Hawks team consisted of Jon Smith, Toni West, Joe Lowell, Jan Brownlie, Keith Godridge, Peter Waters, Ian Watson and Paul Luck, and they also re-

Top golfers: from left, Col and Nancy Sperling with winners of the Col and Nancy Sperling male and female best player awards for 2016 Wendy Parker and Peter Waters.

Premiers: from left, George Missen, Ian Barlow, Coral Gray and Wendy Parker were part of the premiership Cats team. Absent: Doug Clemann, Colin Bear, Jim Arnott and Neale Gillin.

ceived club vouchers. Ian Barlow received a voucher from The Esplanade Hotel as winner of the best player of the final win an excellent 38 points. It was Jim Arnott and Colin Bear’s second Premiership in the two years of the running of this event, congratulations to them! Jim tells me that he is available for hire next year! Along with the team awards for the Premiers and runners-up, there was also an individual component for the best male and female players throughout the regular season. This year the club named these awards in honour of our husband and wife dual life members Col and Nancy Sperling who were on hand to make the presentations. A Brownlow Medal style voting system was used to award points for each round, with the Nancy Sperling women’s award going to the consistent Wendy Parker (Cats) who won from Bec Thomas and Marg Griffiths. The Col Sperling men’s award went to men’s captain Peter Waters who won on count back from last year’s winner John Eabry and club president Chris Leaver. A good night was had by all, with special thanks going to our staff for running the night, to the Esplanade Hotel who sponsored the event this year, and to George Missen who oversaw the running of the event. The club aims to run the event earlier next year March to May - to take advantage of the better weather and course conditions.

Vanagtmaal +2, B Grade K. Loughran +3 and C Grade G. Moresco square. Balls down the line: I. Baudonaro +1, J. Sartori +1, S. Sartori sq, J. Wintle sq, R. Yann sq, J. Burke -1, A. Geyer -1, A. Ireland -1. Nearest the pin: 2nd J. Sartori, 8th N. Cook, 13th S. Laing, 17th J. Grenville.

Meeniyan golf WET weather this week saw only 29 brave golfers take to the course. Despite the rain, the course is holding up well with the men playing the front nine twice on Saturday to give the course a chance to recover from the deluge of rain, hail and what some people say snow, the night before. Reg Hannay must be getting younger with a great nine on Tuesday, followed by an unbelievable 43 points on Saturday. Likewise Bruce Betts followed up his Thursday win (35 points) with a ball down the line on Saturday (39 points) despite losing a shot from Thursday. Phil Johnston nearly picked up another hole in one on Thursday with his ball hitting the pin on the 14th and landing about five centimetres away. The club also wants to extend its best wishes to Jimmy

There is a vacancy for a committee position and currently we have three members who are interested in standing. Good luck to those who have shown an interest. The weather is simply awful at the moment with more to come, so we will play preferred lies through the green until further notice.

Have a great week and hopefully I will see you out on the course. If you see some large pine trees coming down we have made a decision to remove some 17 pine trees mainly from holes three, five and nine and this will make our course better and a safer place to play.

Cuzack who is in hospital again. Results for the week: Tuesday, June 21: Stableford. Winner: Daryle Gregg (25) 33 points on a count back from Bo Fink (19). Nearest the pin: Winston Reilly. Best nine: Reg Hannay (28) 17 points. Thursday, June 23: Stableford. Winner: Bruce Betts (35) 35 points. Runner up: Bob McGeary (16) 30 points. Nearest the pin on the second and 14th: Phil Johnston. Best nine: Marilyn McGeary (33) 19 points. Saturday, June 25: Stableford. Sponsor: Terry Hale - the club thanks Terry for his generous sponsorship. Winner: Reg Hannay (29) 43 points. Runner up: Peter Wilson (26) 41 points.

Down the line to Bruce Betts (34) 39 points and Paul Robinson (19) 38 points. Nearest the pin fifth: John Dumont. Members draw: Winston Reilly.

Best nine: Marilyn McGeary and Bruce Betts celebrated a win at the Meeniyan Golf Club on Thursday.

Saturday winner: Reg Hannay starred at Meeniyan’s Golf Club.

Tuesday golf: Daryle Gregg won the Stableford competition.

Magpies’ double May feature He has progressed though the U13’s, U15’s and U18’s to become joint U18’s league Best and Fairest and premiership player in 2015. Marotta played his first Senior game in 2015 and has played every senior game so far this year. He is athletic and his great leap and strong contested marking are a highlight of his football. The May Rising Star plays back or forward, pinch hits in the ruck and on ball and is a very exciting talent much deserving of his nomination. The netball counterpart is Alana McRae who started playing for Dalyston in 2011

and experienced a premiership in her first year at the age of 11. She started as a defender, has mastered the centre court and is a hard working goaler which makes her so difficult to play on. Her success at Dalyston comprises of premierships in U13s in 2011 and 2013 followed by Best and Fairests in 2012 through to 2015 in the age group Alana was in at the time, often playing above her age group. Her individual talent was acknowledged with League Best and Fairest in 2015 as a bottom age player - not an easy achievement with so many talented players across the league. McRae has represented Alberton since 2012 and she also represented the Gippsland Region in 2015. AFL Gippsland’s Rising Star award is sponsored by the Korumburra Sports and Spinal Clinic.

Side strengthener: Michael Marotta is the kind of Junior player that adds such extraordinary depth to the Dalyston football side.

Deserving: Alana McRae is a tough cookie who has mastered much of the court and has an incredible catalogue behind her for one so young.

MAY Football Rising Star nominee Michael Marotta started playing for the Dalyston FNC in 2009 as a top age U11 player.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 49

| SPORT • Cycling

Outrider scrapes home LEONGATHA Cycling Club members had a taste of cold winter weather as they rode the new course from Hallston. The extra elevation at Hallston meant the riders had only eight degrees at the top of the climb at Trida. The riders also had to contend with a shower as they raced down the hill towards Leongatha and the first turn point at Canavans Road. With several riders racing at Bendigo and the track meet in Melbourne, along with school holidays, it was a reduced field for racing. The handicapper sent Damian King away with a handicap of 22 minutes ahead of a quartet on 14 minutes, followed by a five rider bunch on seven minutes. They were chased by a duo on two minutes and the lone scratch rider Brett Franklin. The first part of the race provided a 12 kilometre run, basically downhill, before the turn and the 18 kilometre climb up to Trida. With out and back runs, the riders had two chances to gain a sight on the other riders and gauge their efforts. At the Trida turn with just a 10 kilometre run downhill to the finish it was still Damian King in front by around two minutes from Steve Allen and Lorcan Heneghan from the seven minute bunch. However, just a further minute behind the was Rob Monk (seven minutes), Matt Parkinson and Harrison McLean (two minutes) along with Mark Bensley and Tony Giles from the 14 minutes bunch. It looked like it would be touch and go whether Damian would stay away. However, Damian had sighted them on his return journey and he raced home to win with one

Winners’ group: racing was at Hallston on Saturday with, from left, Steve Allen placed second, Damien King first, Matt Parkinson third and the Junior winner Jack Allen. minute in hand. Steve Allen slipped away from Lorcan on the turn and also powered home with two minutes in hand to claim second from Matt who just outsprinted Harrison for third. Next home in fifth was Rob Monk, then Lorcan, Mark Bensley, Tony Giles, the scratch rider Brett Franklin in ninth the fastest time one hour, eight minutes and five seconds for the 40 kilometres. Rounding out the top ten was Gavin Slavin from the seven minute bunch. With Jack Allen and Kaleb Jans the only Ju-

niors racing, things did not go smoothly. First off Kaleb punctured his tyre in a warm ride – he gashed the tyre and that need a temporary sleeve to get him to the start line. Kaleb had a gap of 30 seconds on Jack at the Trida turn but disaster again struck as the tyre was going down. Jack made the most of Kaleb’s misfortune to chase him down and race home for the win whilst Kaleb made it to the finish on a flat tyre. Next week racing will start at Tarwin Lower for the race out to Walkerville North and return.

• Leongatha badminton

Dom O’Brien cleans up ROUND seven of Leongatha badminton saw some one-sided results starting with the Saints cleaning up the Tigers. Long time club member Dom O’Brien enjoyed his night out comfortably winning his three sets. Steve Johnson was another Saint to impress defeating club president and good mate Frank Dekker very easily. For the Tigers both Glenn Kleeven and Matt Patterson won their singles matches which kept the Tigers off the bottom of the ladder for this week at least. The top team Bombers made short work of bottom side Magpies only losing one set for the night. Jason Richards made a welcome return to the club comfortably winning his three sets and it was good to see another player return in Matthew Oomman and he along with Tracey Ryan had no trouble winning all of their sets. As for the Magpies Nigel Grimes battled hard all night against a quality player, and former club president Alan McEachern managed to win his singles

match against Joel Langstaff to get his team one set for the night. The final match this week was a little closer with second-placed Hawks taking care of the Eagles. Ian Cole was the star for the Hawks fixing up his opponent all night. Arthur Grabham also enjoyed a successful evening, turning back the clock and blowing Shaun Helms all the way back to Nerrena. For the Eagles Brae Byrne tried to lift his team winning two of his three sets, and Mike Timpano battled hard against the odds. This week the club will hold its annual club championships and we encourage all club members to come along and play either singles or doubles. There will be a grade to suit everyone.

Results Round 7: Saints 6/130 d Tigers 2/90, Hawks 6/119 d Eagles 2/96, Bombers 7/144 d Magpies 1/89, Kangaroos - bye.

Ladder Bombers ..........................53 Hawks ..............................48 Saints ...............................35 Eagles ..............................34 Kangaroos ........................26 Tigers ...............................26 Magpies ............................23

Grand final winners: from left, Imogen Donohue, Siobhan Donohue, Max Donohue, Noel Creed, Don Creed and Arthur Grabham.

• Korumburra Bandminton Seniors Grand Final

Yellow dishes out on Red YELLOW got off to a very good start in the Doubles and ended up comfortable winners on the night. There were some excellent sets with three of them going to 15/14. Noel Creed and Robin Provan’s match was the stand out on the night,. Robin led 8-0 on the change of ends before Noel clawed his way back into the set. It was a titanic struggle and little by little Noel came back to win the thriller 15/14. Presentation night was held on Monday, June 20 at the Top Pub in Korumburra where there was an excellent turnout, a great meal and a chance to talk about the season just gone. The summer competition starts after the school holidays with hit ups from Wednesday, July 13 at the Korumburra Secondary College gym from 7.30pm. New players welcome.

Grand final runners-up: from left, Aiden Baumgartner, Robin Provan and Ash Meek. Absent: Maurice Simpson, June Knott and Soibhan Carson.

Section winners: from left, Best Number Three, Ian Cole; Best Number Four, Aiden Baumgartner, Best Number One, Logan Brann; Most Consistent, Don Creed. Absent: Best Number Two, Maurice Simpson; Best Number five, Daniel Green; and Best Number six, Katrina Hodges.

Muddy battle: Kyla Green and Amelia Riseley put the squeeze on a Warragul opponent.

Parrots girls on a roll Continued from page 56. Kyla Green provided an easy forward target, but it was Erin Trewin who would finally break through with a major to stretch the Parrots’ lead. The third quarter started off with an immediate foray into the Parrots’ forward line, Ashlie Giliam converting. Thereafter, with the mud ever thickening, it became a dour struggle between the two sides. The last quarter was punctuated by a number of hard hits by the Parrots who were determined not let their advantage slip away. It was a battle to the end but a fine victory. Leongatha 4.3.27 defeated Warragul 1.1.7

PAGE 50 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Alberton netball Results - Round 13 June 25 A Grade: Dalyston 69 d MDU 32, Fish Creek 63 d DWWWW 27, KorumburraBena 57 d Foster 22, Inverloch-Kongwak 43 d Stony Creek 41, Toora 62 d Kilcunda-Bass 16, Phillip Island 66 d Tarwin 30. B Grade: MDU 55 d Dalyston 34, Fish Creek 81 d DWWWW 7, KorumburraBena 71 d Foster 31, Inverloch-Kongwak 64 d Stony Creek 31, Toora 93 d Kilcunda-Bass 23, Phillip Island 61

d Tarwin 36. C Grade: MDU 38 d Dalyston 36, Korumburra-Bena 61 d Foster 11, InverlochKongwak 42 d Stony Creek 19, Toora 75 d Kilcunda-Bass 4, Tarwin 38 d Phillip Island 36. 17 & Under: Dalyston 43 d MDU 19, Fish Creek 41 d DWWWW 13, KorumburraBena 41 d Foster 20, Inverloch-Kongwak 49 d Stony Creek 24, Toora 33 d Kilcunda-Bass 22, Phillip Island 53 d Tarwin 20. 15 & Under: MDU 38 d

Dalyston 7, Korumburra-Bena 32 d Foster 31, InverlochKongwak 40 d Stony Creek 2, Toora 43 d Kilcunda-Bass 6, Phillip Island 28 d Tarwin 19. 13 & Under: Dalyston 22 d MDU 4, Fish Creek 41 d DWWWW 3, KorumburraBena 14 d Foster 13, Inverloch-Kongwak 50 d Stony Creek 4, Tarwin 17 drew Phillip Island 17.

Ladders A Grade Kor-Bena ....................309.51 50 Dalyston .....................220.77 48

Sharks circle: (far left) Phillip Islan’s wing attack Stephanie Krainer kept the ball from Sharks’ Alyce Truscio during the game at Tarwin on Saturday afternoon.

Gippsland netball Results - Round 10 A Grade: Traralgon 62 d Leongatha 48, Morwell 45 d Wonthaggi Power 38. B Grade: Traralgon 43 d Leongatha 38, Morwell 46 d Wonthaggi Power 45. C Grade: Leongatha 39 drew Traralgon 39, Wonthaggi Power 42 d Morwell 21. Under 17: Traralgon 46 d Leongatha 34, Wonthaggi Power 41 d Morwell 18. Under 15: Traralgon 36 d Leongatha 35, Wonthaggi Power 32 d Morwell 27. Under 13: Leongatha 40 d Traralgon 25, Morwell 23 d Wonthaggi Power 18.

Ladders A Grade Traralgon ...................151.80 Drouin ........................155.43 Morwell ......................141.38 Moe .............................142.55 Leongatha ..................102.01

40 36 32 28 16

Wonthaggi Power ..........96.45 Maffra............................82.45 Sale................................71.18 Bairnsdale .....................64.30 Warragul ........................46.01 B Grade Traralgon ................... 140.11 Maffra ........................ 119.75 Leongatha ..................126.57 Morwell ......................103.56 Moe ............................. 111.27 Drouin .........................102.31 Bairnsdale .....................94.24 Wonthaggi Power ..........87.50 Sale................................80.32 Warragul ........................62.15 C Grade Traralgon ...................137.38 Wonthaggi Power ......148.63 Sale .............................128.85 Moe .............................143.12 Maffra ........................129.71 Leongatha....................109.94 Morwell .........................86.35 Drouin ...........................75.00 Bairnsdale .....................49.64 Warragul ........................46.73 Under 17 Sale .............................173.77 Moe .............................165.06

16 12 12 8 0 36 36 28 28 24 20 12 8 8 0 34 32 32 28 28 18 12 12 4 0 36 36

Drouin ........................146.01 Traralgon ...................121.77 Wonthaggi Power ........99.08 Maffra............................91.85 Bairnsdale .....................82.21 Leongatha......................71.04 Morwell .........................60.26 Warragul ........................ 54.11 Under 15 Wonthaggi Power ......151.48 Maffra ........................166.89 Moe .............................154.58 Traralgon ................... 118.85 Sale .............................109.06 Morwell .........................93.31 Leongatha......................82.05 Bairnsdale ................... 114.15 Drouin ...........................58.64 Warragul ........................32.45 Under 13 Sale .............................259.77 Leongatha ..................137.12 Bairnsdale ..................126.52 Maffra ........................ 113.73 Moe .............................131.38 Wonthaggi Power ..........95.13 Drouin ...........................74.90 Traralgon .......................84.71 Morwell .........................42.89 Warragul ........................42.49

36 24 24 20 10 8 6 0 36 32 32 28 24 16 16 12 4 0 40 28 26 26 24 20 16 12 4 4

LDNA netball results Results - Saturday, June 25 11 & Under Section 1: Parrots 17 d Mirboo North Purple 11, Mt Eccles Purple 10 d Mt Eccles Silver 5, Meeniyan & District 15 d Mirboo North White 6, St Laurence 20 d Town 5. 11 & Under Section 2: Mirboo North 5 drew St Laurence 5, Mt Eccles 23 d Town 1. 13 & Under: St Laurence Maroon 18 d Mt Eccles Blue 2, Meeniyan & District 11 d Mirboo North Purple 6, Town Black 10 drew Mirboo North Gold 10, Mt Eccles Silver 16 d Parrots 13, Town Tangerine 19 d Mt Eccles Purple 7. 15 & Under: Mirboo North 25 d St Laurence 11, Mt

Eccles Blue 19 d Town Green 17, Meeniyan & District 31 d St Laurence Blue 24. 17 & Under / C Grade: St Laurence 59 d Town Tangerine 29, Mt Eccles Navy 49 d Town Black 28. Open: Town Tangerine 34 d Meeniyan & District 27, St Laurence Maroon 39 d Mt Eccles White 38, Town Black 79 d Mirboo North 33, St Laurence Gold 43 d MDU Demons 19.

Ladders After Round 10 13 & Under Mirboo North Gold ........356 St Laurence Maroon ......127 Meeniyan & District ......124 Mirboo North Purple ..... 115 Town Black ......................157 Town Tangerine................127

19 14 14 14 13 13

Mt Eccles Purple .............. 111 Parrots ................................64 Mt Eccles Blue ...................38 St Laurence Yellow ............44 Mt Eccles Silver .................26 15 & Under Meeniyan & District ......157 Mirboo North .................123 St Laurence Blue ............132 St Laurence Maroon ........75 Mt Eccles Blue ...................69 Town Green ........................63 17 & Under / C Grade Mt Eccles Navy ...............147 St Laurence .....................131 Town Black .....................105 Town Tangerine ................52 Open St Laurence Gold ...........163 MDU Demons .................134 Town Black .....................139 Town Tangerine .............. 117 Meeniyan & District ..........77 Mt Eccles White .................80 St Laurence Maroon ...........72 Mirboo North .....................66

11 7 6 5 4 17 15 12 8 8 0 16 12 12 0 16 16 14 14 8 5 5 2

Inv-Kongwak .............186.22 Phillip Island..............153.91 Toora ..........................148.57 Stony Creek ............... 116.84 MDU .............................98.61 Foster.............................78.96 Kil-Bass.........................55.69 Fish Creek .....................66.83 Tarwin ...........................54.26 DWWWW.....................19.44 B Grade Kor-Bena ....................333.45 Foster..........................192.47 Inv-Kongwak .............170.29 Phillip Island..............147.26 Toora ..........................160.58 MDU ...........................143.14 Dalyston ........................93.16 Stony Creek...................91.41 Fish Creek .....................78.18 Tarwin ...........................52.75 Kil-Bass.........................30.76 DWWWW.....................13.73 C Grade Kor-Bena ....................242.92 MDU ...........................161.93 Dalyston .....................157.53 Toora ..........................151.53 Inv-Kongwak .............130.66 Tarwin ........................100.24 Foster.............................88.15 Phillip Island .................94.87 Fish Creek .....................74.22 Stony Creek...................74.01 Kil-Bass.........................31.06 17 & Under Dalyston .....................271.73 Kor-Bena ....................237.05 Inv-Kongwak .............204.22 Phillip Island..............144.81 Fish Creek ..................124.07 MDU ...........................131.68 Foster...........................126.30 Toora .............................53.22 Kil-Bass.........................51.66 Stony Creek...................54.70 Tarwin ...........................51.28 DWWWW.....................23.76 15 & Under Inv-Kongwak .............377.55 MDU ...........................224.64 Kor-Bena ....................196.55 Phillip Island..............147.67 Toora ..........................104.66 Fish Creek ..................102.46 Tarwin ...........................62.83 Foster.............................79.02 Stony Creek...................54.47 Dalyston ........................59.87 Kil-Bass.........................44.68 13 & Under Inv-Kongwak .............561.36 Fish Creek ..................233.54 Kor-Bena ....................280.49 Phillip Island..............240.00 Foster..........................153.85 Tarwin ........................126.29 Dalyston ......................109.45 MDU .............................73.71 Stony Creek...................25.48 Toora .............................33.33 DWWWW.....................13.60

46 40 28 24 24 24 12 8 8 0 52 48 44 36 32 32 22 16 14 8 8 0 52 44 44 40 32 26 22 20 16 12 4 52 48 40 38 34 28 28 14 12 10 8 0

Parrots flutter: from left, Traralgon’s Bridget Kase tries to stop Leongatha’s Kristy O’Loughlin from passing to a teammate in the C Grade game on Saturday.

Parrots netball A Grade

52 44 44 36 32 28 24 18 16 14 4

Traralgon 62 d Leongatha 48 Auction player - Shannon Danckert. Awards: Bairs Hotel - Shannon Danckert, Smiths - Kate McCarthy. It was a slow start for us but ‘boy’ did the girls step it up, an amazing second half. Although the scoresheet didn’t reflect it we held them and I believe beat them in the second half. To Traralgon’s credit they goaled beautifully.

52 44 40 38 36 34 24 20 12 8 4

Traralgon 43 d Leongatha 38 Auction player - Kate Rankin. Awards: South Gippsland Therapy - Kate Rankin, Rusty Windmill Kate Sperling. A hard fought game and we had a few players out this

B Grade

week due to injury and unavailability. Great to see the girls fight hard to the end closing the margin to just five. Let’s work hard towards the next game and bring it home.

C Grade Leongatha 39 drew Traralgon 39 Auction player - Kathy Reid. Awards: Bairs Hotel Kristy O’Loughlin, Evans Petroleum - Ashlee Van Rooy. Great game girls, a well fought out four quarters against the top team. Accurate shooting under pressure. Bring on next week.

Under 17 Traralgon 46 d Leongatha 33 Awards: Baker’s Delight Taylah Brown, RSL - Ashlie Giliam.

Bad luck girls, we started slow but picked it back up in the second half. Even with injuries and sickness we fought hard and didn’t give up.

Under 15 Traralgon 36 d Leongatha 35 Awards: Sports First - Zali Rogers, Baker’s Delight - Ella Lyons. Unlucky girls as it was an amazing team performance and everyone gave their all and fought until the very end.

Under 13 Leongatha 40 d Traralgon 25 Awards: Serafino’s Pizza - Makenzi Gourlay, Baker’s Delight - Belle Grabham. The girls had a great game and worked hard in all positions which resulted in a great win. Well done.

Mirboo North netball Results - Round 10 A Grade Mirboo North 81 d Yallourn-Yallourn North 28. Best: Alice Pratt, Danielle Hilliar. This was a great game to watch with some players playing different positions, you adapted perfectly. Bring on the second half of the season.

D Grade



Mirboo North 40 d Yallourn-Yallourn North 34. Best: Haley Anderson, Kathleen Borschman. A fantastic game by all players. We came together as a team to pull together a win. We will miss you Haley – good luck for Monday from all of us.

Mirboo North 34 d Yallourn-Yallourn North 25. Best: Charlie Chila, Chelsea Loh. Great effort - each week we are playing more as a team which is great to see. Keep up the good work girls.

Mirboo North 45 d Yallourn-Yallourn North 29. Best: Jaime Chila, Mia Renouf. An amazing team effort in a fantastic steady game. Every member of the team applied pressure and made great decisions against a tough opponent.

B Grade Mirboo North 50 d Yallourn-Yallourn North 45. Best: Aleisha Loh, Janet Bradley. We are continuing to start each quarter strongly, well done. Welcome back from injury Janet, it was great to have you back. Another consistent team effort. Yallourn-Yallourn North are always an opposition we need to keep the pressure on and you did that beautifully.

C Grade Mirboo North 35 d Yallourn-Yallourn North 26 Best: Courtney Dyke, Laura Poole. A great team effort today against a steady opposition. Well done everyone.

Great game: Mirboo North’s Aleisha Loh played as key a role as she always does in her team’s massive win over Yallourn Yallourn North.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 51

FOOTBALL | SPORT • Mirboo North v Yallourn-Yallourn North

Tigers outbomb ladder rivals MIRBOO North has replaced Yallourn Yallourn North in second position on the Mid Gippsland ladder after tenaciously defeating the Bombers by 12 points at George Bates Reserve on Saturday. Champion rover, Barrie Burnett, led YYN through a large personalized red and black banner, to commemorate his 250th game for the Bombers. Mirboo North promoted Tom Reiske from the thirds for his first senior appearance and Jeremy Salinger was also added to the line-up, after returning from Bendigo. The lean and mean Tigers carried no calorie consumption overload into the match. Mirboo North was exceptionally well served by playing coach, Clancy Bennett, whose tough front line attack was inspiring, tireless and ruthless. Back-up support came in spades from fellow hard nuts Josh Taylor, Cameron Le Page, Dom Pinneri and Daniel Taylor. Former St Kilda ruckman, Barry Brooks, was productive in the air for the Bombers, but

the lumbering big man was no match for Isaac Abas’ pace, silky skills and athletic prowess at ground level. Mirboo North’s half back flankers Tristan Salerno and Ben Richards, plus last line defenders Luke Palmer, Jake Nash and Dwayne Gunn, had no trouble adapting their hand and foot coordination skills to the extremely muddy conditions. All afternoon, the younger and faster Tigers restricted many of the Bombers’ ball movement options by running down their bigger and slower opponents with solid tackles. Leading MGFL goal kicker, Dean MacDonald, opened impressively with two quick majors for YYN, but thereafter was kept quiet by Nash. YYN’s playing coach, Adam Bailey, kept gathering possessions at will, as he continually roamed unattended from one end of the ground to the other. “Isn’t anyone on this fellow?” was the cry from several anxious Mirboo North supporters. YYN’s effectiveness was nullified when two of its free kicks were reversed by some over enthusiastic ‘JohnnyCome-Lately’ altercations from the Bombers. A goal off the ground by

rangy forward, James Allen, gave the Tigers a seven point advantage at quarter time. With both half back lines repelling most forward thrusts, goals were reduced to a trickle. Finally, Josh Taylor found Allen who passed to Kilgower for his second which put the visitors 13 points clear after 12 minutes of the second term. Shortly before half time, super boot forward, Tom Hutton, roosted two five star 55 metre left footers home for the Bombers in the space of 66 seconds. After defiantly keeping YYN scoreless in the third quarter, Mirboo North took a 13 point lead into the three quarter time huddle, where Bennett told his players to keep attacking at all costs. Kilgower brought up his third after a high mark in the goal square, but things threatened to unravel for the Tigers. Bailey received a free kick that raised the ire of the Tigers and undisciplined loose lips resulted in a 50 metre penalty and an easy goal for the Bombers. Both sides scrapped feverishly for hard earned possessions in pack situations and breaking away from the congestion proved challenging. With pressure mounting, Daniel Taylor went inboard to Salerno, whose pass was

marked and converted by Hudson Kerr from long range, that restored the Tigers’ lead to three goals. Soon after, a sling tackle by Bailey on Kerr was surprisingly rewarded, and another 50 metre penalty for a harsh verbal exclamation, reduced YYN’s deficit to 11 points. The Tigers resolutely refused to wilt and a rushed behind put them two goals clear, deep into time-on. Then, the final siren sound-

Going tribal: Josh Taylor and Hudson Kerr celebrated a valuable goal in a win over Yallourn Yallourn North made narrower after 50 metre penalties for verbal indiscretions almost brought the Tigers’ lead undone. SENIORS Mirboo North 7.8.50 Yallourn-Yall North 6.2.38

THIRDS Mirboo North 5.13.43 Yallourn-Yall North 2.6.18

Mirboo North goals: Z. Kilgower 3, J. Allan 2, J. Blair 1, H. Kerr 1. Mirboo North best: C. Bennett, J. Taylor, T. Salerno, I. Abas, L. Palmer, C. Le Page. Yallourn-Yall North goals: T. Hutton 2, D. MacDonald 2, A. Bailey 2. Yallourn-Yall North best: A. Bailey, B. Brooks, O. Budge, J. Casson, B. Burnett, J. Read.

Mirboo North goals: R. Lowrie 2, B. Rudling 1, C. Rudling 1, J. Hohmann 1. Mirboo North best: K. Wilson, J. Hohmann, C. Rudling, L. Swallow, A. Irwin, E. Parker. Yallourn-Yall North goals: K. Attard 1, J. Abbott 1. Yallourn-Yall North best: N. Ludekens, C. Papanikolaou, S. Pearless, M. Luck, J. Abbott, D. Lougheed.

RESERVES Yallourn-Yall North 10.10.70 Mirboo North 7.3.45

Close contest: Mirboo North hard nut Cam LePage and his opponent fixed on the ball. Both teams were in the match with a chance until the end.

ed for a meritorious win by the exhausted visitors. Reserves MIRBOO North started brilliantly with four goals straight in the opening quarter, but ended up going down to YYN by 25 points. It was another case of the Tigers suffering second term blues when they allowed the Bombers to add 4.2 and reduce their deficit to eight points by the main break. Hopes were high the Ti-

Yallourn-Yall North goals: B. Coates 3, B. Brooks 3, S. Gore 2, D. Ivey 2. Yallourn-Yall North best: L. Little, B. Brooks, D. Price, J. Stevens, G. Pearson, B. Paulet. Mirboo North goals: M. Green 3, M. Stewart 2, B. Weston 1, T. Alexander 1. Mirboo North best: B. Harriage, S. Pratt, B. Palmer, M. Green, Z. Porter, T. Holland.

FOURTHS Mirboo North 8.9.57 Yallourn-Yall North 3.8.26 Mirboo North goals: J. Mason 3, R. Kratzat 2, R. Lowrie 1, A. Irwin 1, C. White 1. Mirboo North best: R. Kratzat, L. Stothart, T. Paterson, C. White, J. Mason, F. Austin. Yallourn-Yall North goals: R. Lacey 2, A. Lowater 1. Yallourn-Yall North best: J. Black, W. Platschinda, S. Dawson, B. Julin, C. Palmer, J. Redman.

ONE of Leongatha’s young gun netballers, Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College student Taylah Brown has been selected in the School Sport Victoria team. Playing in the 15 years and under section, Taylah is one of just 12 girls chosen from across the state, out of over 300 hopefuls. In her first foray into netball at a national level, the Year 10 student will travel to Adelaide on July 30 to take part in five days of competition at the School Sport Australia Championships. “My selection was a big surprise, especially being from the country where we

don’t get the same opportunities metro girls get,” Taylah said. “It will be a really good experience, I am looking forward to it.” Taylah has been playing netball since she was nine years old, the past six years with the Parrots, currently in the Under 17 and A Grade teams. She also plays for the Southern Fusion Netball Club in both the Under 15 and Under 17 teams and is a part of the Eastern Region Netball Academy. Handy in any defence position, Taylah is keen to take netball as far as she can. “I want to give it everything and continue to play at a high level put myself out there. Playing for Australia would be the ultimate goal,” she said. In training with the SSV

team for just over a month, Taylah said it has been great to meet so many new people and learn new skills. “I am enjoying all of the new relationships I have made through it, as well as having new experiences and learning different things from different coaches,” she said. The team trains in Blackburn on Friday nights, for three hours. “It is a bit different to normal training, but it is pretty similar to academy training. We learn new things, go over old things and the whole time I am expanding my knowledge,” Taylah said. In 2015, the Victorian team took out the championships and Taylah is keen to see that happen again this year. “I want to play the best netball I can,” she said.

OTHER MATCHES SENIORS Hill End 9.10.64 d Yarragon 8.10.58 Yinnar 13.13.91 d Trafalgar 1.2.8 Thorpdale 15.7.97 d Boolarra 7.11.53 Newborough 13.17.95 d Morwell East 0.8.8 RESERVES Yarragon 5.7.37 d Hill End 4.12.36 Yinnar 10.16.76 d Trafalgar 5.9.39 Thorpdale 10.10.70 d Boolarra 2.5.17 Newborough 24.12.156 d Morwell East 0.3.3 THIRDS Traralgar 9.7.61 d Yinnar 5.8.38 Thorpdale 19.16.130 d Boolarra 1.1.7 Newborough 15.21.111 d Morwell East 1.3.9 FOURTHS Traralgar 6.9.45 d Yinnar 4.15.39

Kyle Wilson, Jayden Hohmann and Cody Rudling were magnificent contributors for the mighty Tigers. This Saturday, Mirboo North has a bye. Fourths Mirboo North recorded a handy 21 point win over the Bombers with Joel Mason kicking two goals for the winners. The Tigers have a bye this Saturday.

Mid Gippsland League SENIORS LADDER Newborough ......... 220.00 Mirboo North ........ 188.08 Yall-Yall North....... 207.50 Yinnar ................... 164.69 Morwell East......... 107.70 Thorpdale ................ 83.58 Yarragon .................. 73.25 Boolarra ................... 67.04 Trafalgar ................... 42.14 Hill End .................... 40.90

36 32 28 28 26 16 16 8 6 4

RESERVES LADDER Yinnar ................... 324.41..40 Newborough ......... 437.60 36 Yall-Yall North....... 300.33 32 Mirboo North ........ 142.15 24 Yarragon ................. 76.17 16 Thorpdale ................ 73.96 16 Trafalgar ................... 67.67 16 Morwell East ............ 41.64 12 Boolarra ................... 34.31 8 Hill End .................... 23.89 0

THIRDS LADDER Mirboo North ........ 365.40 Yinnar ................... 250.00 Newborough ......... 224.92 Hill End ................. 112.59 Trafalgar ................. 65.33 Yall-Yall North ........ 117.29 Thorpdale ................ 86.13 Morwell East ............ 34.99 Boolarra .................. 19.17

36 32 32 28 24 20 16 8 4

FOURTHS LADDER Newborough ........ 273.10 100 Mirboo North ....... 132.11 75 Trafalgar .............. 138.02 62 Yinnar .................... 57.27 14 Yall-Yall North........ 38.44 0

Leongatha Junior footy CGJFL ladders

Netball champ in the making By Sarah Vella

gers’ momentum was rebuilding when Todd Alexander goaled after a high overhead mark and 50 metre penalty allowed him to bring up Mirboo North’s seventh goal during the third quarter. However, the Bombers remained on a steady course and the Tigers went into free fall after speedy midfielder, Damien McLean, limped into the change rooms. Brent Harriage, Sam Pratt and Brett Palmer were worthy contributors in the atrocious conditions that any fair weather footballer would find uninspiring. Michael Green finished with three goals for the visitors and teammate Mitchell Stewart booted two after returning from injury. Leading players for the Bombers were Lachlan Little, Bradley Brooks and Darcy Price. Thirds Back-to-back reigning premier, Mirboo North, comfortably defeated YYN by 25 points in sometimes rainy and always muddy conditions.

UNDER 10 W Hill & Rovers .....8 L’gatha Green.....6 Mirboo North .....6 Yinnar..............5 Trafalgar...........4 Morwell Royal ...... 4 Moe Blues ............ 4 Morwell Navy ....... 3 Moe Maroons....... 2 Newb Blues .......... 2 Newb Reds........... 1 Yallourn Nth ......... 0

L 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 7 7 7

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CGJFL % % Won 1483 100 641 85 205 85 578 71 89 57 153 50 102 50 118 42 73 28 26 22 23 12 5 0

UNDER 10 Leongatha Green 5.5.35 Newborough Blues 0.0.0 Green goals: M. O’Carroll 2, E. O’Carroll, R. Dal Pozzo, W. Brown. Best: R. Jefferis, J. Brown, K. McGrath, K. Arnason, H. Livingstone, L. Stewart.

UNDER 12 Leongatha Green 10.8.68 Newborough Blues 1.2.8 Green goals: J. Burns 4, T.

UNDER 12 W L’gatha Green.....7 Trafalgar...........5 L’gatha Gold ......6 Hill & Rovers .....5 Mirboo North .....4 New Blues ............ 4 Moe Maroons....... 3 Yinnar .................. 2 Morwell Navy ....... 1 Yallourn Nth ......... 1 Morwell Royal ...... 0

L 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 7

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

% % Won 520 100 225 83 244 75 200 62 162 57 89 57 57 42 90 28 30 16 23 16 26 0

McRae 3, T. Cumming 2, J. Clark, L. Marshman, Z. Scholz, R. Weaver. Green best: L. Marshman, B. McEwan, T. McRae, F. Moon, T. Richards.

Trafalgar 4.3.27 Leongatha Gold 2.0.12 Gold


P. Winmar,



Gold best: H. Martin, Z. Dodge, R. Sturtevant, T. Burt, M. McGannon, J. Matheson.


Top defence: Leongatha netballer Taylah Brown has been selected to play for the School Sport Victoria Under 15 team in the upcoming Australian championships, which will be played in Adelaide.

W Trafalgar...........6 Mirboo North .....7 L’gatha Green.....5 Yinnar..............5 Morwell Navy .....4 L’gatha Gold ......... 5 New Blues ............ 4 New Reds............. 4 Moe Blues ............ 3 Moe Maroons....... 1 Hill & Rovers........ 1 Yallourn Nth ......... 0

L 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8

D 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

% % Won 241 92 252 87 176 78 115 71 183 57 129 55 107 50 97 50 68 37 24 14 55 12 25 0

Leongatha Green 5.7.37 Newborough Blues 6.9.45 Green goals: E. Lamers 2, T. McRae 2, L. Hickey. Best: K. Clarkson, L. Hickey, J. Burns, M. McGrath, K. Brown, R. Kempl.

Trafalgar 4.6.30 Leongatha Gold 3.3.21 Gold goals: F. Materia, J. Wrigley, H. Kewming. Best: J. Friend, C. Riseley, A. Ritchie, J. Wrigley, R. Patterson, A. Battersby.

PAGE 52 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016


• Inverloch-Kongwak v Stony Creek

Sea Eagles continue domination

STONY Creek travelled to Inverloch-Kongwak in what was sure to be a great match after both teams reaped big wins in the weekend before the Round 13 showdown. Meeting on a slippery pitch after heavy rain both teams knew it was going to be a rough game from the get go, with a wind favouring IK in the first and third terms. The home team Sea Eagles got off to a cracking start with the wind in its favour in the first

term. Toby Mahoney kicked the first of his two goals to get IK off the mark early in the quarter while Stony was only allowed one major and one minor in the first 20 minutes. IK led 32 to 7. On-ballers Daniel Reid and Corey Casey were absent from the Sea Eagles and it showed, as the side struggled to work against the wind in the second term. The home team slacked off however in the second quarter only managing to put a major and four points on the board as the

Lions caught up and were in fact level on 42 at half time. IK knuckled down in the third term and worked with the favourable wind to regain its lead, only letting SC put two points on the board in the 20 minutes. Ton McQualter played a strong match and helped get the ball downfield while Andy Soumilas did not let a second slip by without playing 100 per cent. Putting five majors on the board IK pulled ahead 73 to 44 going into the fourth term and did not let the margin affect stamina

and energy in the home stretch. IK worked hard as a team in getting the ball into the forward line, with its efforts paying off at full time, having only let Stony put another two on the board. The final score saw IK victorious on 85 to 58. IK will play KorumburraBena at KB this weekend with uncertainty around whether or not Casey will be returning to play the Round 14 game. The Sea Eagles have hopes that Reid will be able to play but await training on Thursday for confirmation.

Winning the high ball: given the conditions were cold and windy there were a few spectacular marks taken by both sides. Photo courtesy Gerard Bruning-@ Inverloch-Kongwak 13.7.85 Stony Creek 8.10.58 Inverloch-Kongwak Goals: L. McMillan 3, T. Mahoney 2, T. Wyatt 2, M. Billows 1, L. Rankin 1, T. Lomax 1, T. McQualter 1, R. Clark 1, D. Clark 1 Stony Creek Goals: M. Linke 2, J. Byrnes 1, W. Collins 1, K. Baskaya 1, D. Zuidema 1, C. Stone 1, C. Mackie 1 Inverloch-Kongwak Best: A. Soumilas, T. McQualter, R. Clark, C. O’Reilly, D. Houston, B. Hender Stony Creek Best: W. Collins, J. Stone, K. Wille, L. Withers, J. Schelling, A. Logan RESERVES

Inverloch-Kongwak 15.16.106 Stony Creek 2.3.15

Lion cornered: Inverloch-Kongwak got off to the best start of the two sides but while the Lions drew level by half time, the Sea Eagles regained composure to score a convincing, at home win. Photo courtesy Gerard Bruning-@

• Toora v Kilcunda-Bass

Toora outlasts Kilcunda Bass TOORA scraped over the line with a three point win over Kilcunda Bass last weekend. It was a tight competition from the first siren, but Toora was determined to redeem last week’s loss against Foster. Despite the weather during the week, the teams played on a sensational ground at Bass and were able to produce a high scoring game for the spectators. Some injuries from last week had Toora feeling the nerves, as six players were missing from the original starting line. Jarrod Vening and Khyell Morgan stepped up from the Thirds and played in half back, putting up excellent defensive pressure. Toora jumped into play first, scoring two fast goals over Kilcunda Bass. Former AFL Melbourne player Russell Robertson kicked the first goal, followed by

Kyle Holmes. This wasn’t the end of Robertson’s magnificent run; he continued to kick another two goals throughout the game and took many impressive and inspiring marks that had fans in awe. Kilcunda Bass weren’t about to allow Toora to get too far ahead and matched its opponent score, only falling two points behind at the end of the first quarter. Kael Bergles was once again the star of the show, kicking a total of seven goals for Kilcunda Bass throughout the game. Kilcunda Bass upped its defensive pressure in the second quarter and the ball was handled well by both teams. Scores remained even, but Kilcunda Bass had tipped it in its favour, sitting a point in front of Toora by the halftime break. Toora returned to the ground in fit condition and turned the score right around until it looked like the match was theirs.

The third term ended with Toora sitting a comfortable 12 points ahead. This led to an extremely tense fourth quarter that had spectators on the edge of their seats. Kilcunda Bass fought back as much as possible but ultimately fell short, leaving Toora with a triumphant three point win – redemption from its three and four point losses throughout the season. The final score sat with Kilcunda Bass on 85 points to Toora’s 88. The playing coaches from both teams were named best players on the day with Toora’s Jack Weston playing what was described as his best game in his career at Toora and Kilcunda Bass’ Chris Endres working extremely hard in the centre. Toora will face MDU this week, looking for more redemption after losing to the Demons by around three points earlier in the season. Kilcunda Bass will be in for a hard training

week in the lead up to its show down with Dalyston. After beating the reigning premiers by one point in the first game of the season, Kilcunda Bass will need to knuckle down and prepare to take on its rivals.

Toora 13.10.88 Kilcunda-Bass 12.13.85 Toora Goals: R. Robertson 3, K. Holmes 2, L. Manders 2, J. Attard 2, P. Grant 1, J. Griffin 1, J. Weston 1, M. O’Sullivan 1 Kilcunda-Bass Goals: K. Bergles 7, C. Endres 4, J. Dakin 1 Toora Best: J. Weston, J. Attard, B. Scarcella, R. Robertson, J. Griffin, L. Ferguson Kilcunda-Bass Best: C. Endres, K. Bergles, J. Jensen, K. Rigby, D. Wells, J. Burgess RESERVES

Leading Goalkicker: R. Butler 5 IK Best: M. Miller, J. Truman, B. Withers, R. Butler, W. Blundy, E. Storti

SC Best: R. McGrath, B. McKnight, L. Minns, C. Schwennesen, G. Gray, S. Cafarella THIRDS

Inverloch-Kongwak 10.19.79 Stony Creek 0.1.1 Leading Goalkicker: H. McInnes 4 IK Best: O. Toussaint, A. Toussaint, J. Scott, L. Scott, O. Hutton, L. Cairnduff SC Best: K. Newton, A. Stanley, J. Geary, H. Collins, J. Steele-Rockall, D. Williams FOURTHS

Inverloch-Kongwak 11.15.81 Stony Creek 0.2.2 Leading Goalkicker: T. Nash 4 IK Best: J. Bates, T. Simpson, W. Clarkson, E. Purnell, T. Nash, M. Toussaint SC Best: J. Phillips, B. Davey, H. Collins, A. Wright, J. Battersby, A. Lacanaria

A win for all at parkrun INVERLOCH parkrun number 96 might have been chilly but we had some wonderful sunshine, so as far as a winters morning goes, runners were pretty lucky to be out of bed enjoying it. There were 50 parkrunners and walkers, eight of them achieving a personal best. There were also two first timers and Inverloch parkrun hopes to see them back. The top three finishers were Glenn Sullivan (19:16) Peter O’Halloran (19:27) and Jason O’Reilly (20.29). The first female finisher was Louise O’Keefe (21:11). Congratulations to Wendy Green who had run her 50th parkrun on June 4 had a PB of 31:00 and an age grade best of 56.67 percent. Mrs Green has also volunteered five

times. Inverloch parkrun is truly lucky to have a stack of volunteers offering to help but there are always spots to fill. It’s fun to see parkrun from a different angle, training is provided and you always have support. Please get in touch if you are able to help at the event, via our facebook page or email We always love meeting new people so if you’ve ever wondered about coming, please don’t hesitate to come down one Saturday morning at 7.45am. Bring a friend or come by yourself. It really is a great community of people. Some people even come for the occasional free snakes . Today’s full results and a complete event history can be found on the Inverloch parkrun Results Page.

Kilcunda-Bass 13.8.86 Toora 4.7.31 Leading Goalkicker: J. MaurilliPullin 4 KB Best: J. Born, B. Jones, G. Wallace, D. Bettles, S. Watson, K. Condick Toora Best: C. Staley, T. Need, A. Hewson, L. Ireland, A. Benton, T. Crawford THIRDS

Kilcunda-Bass 12.12.84 Toora 1.0.6 Leading Goalkicker: B. Aldwell 3 KB Best: S. Casey, L. Lawrie, M. Whitham, S. Watson, J. Lawrie, B. Aldwell Toora Best: L. Ireland, J. Vening, T. Koolen, K. Morgan, J. Platt, A. Hewson

Volunteers: these people are the life and soul of an event like parkrun which can’t exist without them. From left, Sue, Kirby, Mal, Addie, Kate, Kelly and Glenn.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 53


Pies’ quick catch up DALYSTON stayed at home to take on MDU on Saturday in Round 13 of the season. With both teams fielding strong sides it was sure to be

a nail biter of a game as the Demons came back to redeem themselves from a disappointing loss to IK the week prior. MDU’s Josh Swift kicked the first goal for the game before kicking another three

throughout the match. Getting off to a strong start the Demons refused to let Dalyston into its forward line and as a result lead 27 to 18 at the end of the first term. Glenn Parker scored the first goal

for Dalyston, his sole major for the match. MDU continued its strong defensive tactics in the second term, with the ball controlled in the centre and plodded down into its forward line. Dalyston struggled to gain possession of the ball which was frequently cleared by MDU, helping the team maintain a lead on 44 to 34 at half time. MDU ruckman Michael Smith played a tremendous game and consistently managed to control the ball in centre while Ryan Olden worked in the forward, scoring two majors in the game. Dalyston felt the pressure with key forward Bret Thornton out injured for another game and Kurt Thomas still out of action with a shoulder

injury. MDU’s Tom Corry also played a cracking game and helped the team continue to hold its margin at the close of the third term on 64 to 60. The Demons tired in the last term though as Dalyston dug its heels in and pushed to overtake its visitors. With some late scores from Chris Graham and Matt Rosendale, Dalyston managed a quick comeback and secured a 10 point victory over MDU, with the Pies finishing up on 82. Dalyston will stay at home once again to host Bass in what is sure to be an important game for both sides while MDU will take on Toora with hopes to repeat its win against the side from earlier in the season.

Dalyston 12.10.82 M.D.U. 11.6.72

M.D.U. Best: N. Hillam, M. East, T. Wightman, S. White, J. Bolge, P. Harris THIRDS

Dalyston Goals: C. Graham 3, M. Rosendale 2, T. Osbaldeston 2, B. Fisher 2, P. McKenna 1, L. West 1, G. Parker 1 M.D.U. Goals: J. Swift 4, R. Olden 2, C. Hutcheson 1, J. Laskey 1, B. Dillon 1, M. Olden 1, J. McMillan 1 Dalyston Best: C. Graham, C. Tait, K. Kirk, D. Wylie, M. Rosendale, S. Coldebella M.D.U. Best: R. Olden, J. McMillan, C. Hutcheson, T. Corry, J. Laskey, B. Dillon RESERVES

Dalyston 8.11.59 M.D.U. 4.4.28

Game on: Dalyston’s Joseph Alexander looked like a dive-bombing magpie launched to stifle Callum Hutcheson’s pass.

Leading Goalkicker: M. Schreck 4 Dal Best: M. McCoy, M. Schreck, J. Legione, A. Powell, D. Pruysers, C. Loughridge

Dalyston 10.10.70 M.D.U. 3.0.18 Leading Goalkicker: D. Dight 6 Dal Best: T. Robinson, C. Magro, D. Dight, L. Legione, C. Loughridge, J. Waite M.D.U. Best: C. Dyke, S. Hanrahan, M. Darmanin, M. Newton, J. Yates, D. Thorson FOURTHS

Dalyston 20.14.134 M.D.U. 0.0.0 Leading Goalkicker: C. Ohalloran 8 Dal Best: J. Thomas, M. Robinson, L. Ion, J. Vuyst, W. Forsyth, L. Burns M.D.U. Best: S. Benra, M. Gammon, S. Pearce, L. Smith, D. Mancarella, M. Hoober

Manoeuvre: Dalyston star Brad Fisher played that close to his MDU opponent Jakob Laskey that in football parlance he ‘wore him like a jacket.’

• Tarwin v Phillip Island

Straight shot lands Bulldog victory PHILLIP Island travelled down the highway to take on the Tarwin Sharks with both teams keen to take the points. The weather was kind with minimal wind and the ground in perfect condition. Tarwin started the game kicking to the town end but it was Philip Island that got the first goal through Jake Weir. Tarwin retaliated and evened the score with Matt Swenson kicking a great goal


with the pressure fierce from both teams. Centre clearances were even with great contested play. Nathan McRae and Hayden Moore had a great battle in the ruck creating play and allowing the onballers to clear the ball out giving the forwards every opportunity. Sharks finished the quarter with four goals with Philip Island three goals. The second quarter proved to be a battle of the two forwards with Tarwin’s Swenson kicking two goals while Philip Island’s Runnalls kicked Philip Island’s three goals for the quarter. Inaccurate kicking for the Island kept the Sharks in the

game and supporters from both sides sitting on the edge of their seats. The third quarter started with Philip Island getting the jump to extend its lead with Runnalls getting the first goal. Hayden Moore went forward for the Island and started to become a handful for the Sharks backline while Nathan McRae took full advantage and the Sharks began to win the clearances allowing Ben Ellen and Paul Hinkley to team up to set up many forward thrusts. Both teams played on at every opportunity to create a fast brand of football trying to open up the game but the pressure from both teams made it difficult to get on top.

Sharks and Bulldogs ended the quarter with three goals apiece leaving the last quarter an eleven point deficit for the Sharks to bridge. The last quarter showed desperation from both clubs wanting to win the football but Tarwin started the quarter better and chipped away at Philip Island’s lead to levelling the score. The pressure was intense towards the end of the quarter as bodies were thrown at the ball to win the lead. The ball went from end to end and both back lines were holding up against pressure football to clear the ball out of danger. With one minute to go Philip Island made one last desperate forward entry and Hayden Moore capped

THIS WEEKEND ALBERTON Round 14: July 2 Kilcunda-Bass v Dalyston Stony Creek v Phillip Island Fish Creek v Tarwin MDU v Toora Kor-Bena v I-K DWWWW v Foster

MID GIPPSLAND Round 11: July 2 Mirboo North v Yarragon Newborough v Yinnar Boolarra v Hill End Trafalgar v Yall-Yall Nth Morwell East v Thorpdale

Nail biter: the Bulldogs kept in front of Tarwin but while Simon Seddon outpaced Peter Houston, his team was chased down by the Sharks. Tarwin was denied at least the draw when the Bulldogs Hayden Moore kicked truly in the game’s dying moments.

GIPPSLAND Round 11: July 2 Sale v Morwell Warragul v Drouin (Sun) Bairnsdale v Maffra Trafalgon v Moe Wonthaggi v Leongatha (Sun)

ELLINBANK Round 12: July 2 Koo Wee Rup v Cora Lynn (Sun) Neerim South v Poowong Buln Buln v Dusties Lang Lang v Ellinbank Nar Nar Goon v Nyora Catani v Bunyip Garfield v Nilma Darnum Longwarry - bye

Caught: Ricky O’Loughlin tried desperately to get rid of the ball as the Sharks kept coming from every angle and were close to causing an upset.

off a great game to mark and kick truly. That man Moore kept the Island well in front with his fourth two minutes into the last quarter. Tarwin hit back and hit back hard adding three unanswered majors to all of a sudden have the scoreboard all level at 75 a piece with the Island having 25 scoring shots and Tarwin just 15.

Runnalls took a strong mark on the boundary and as time ticked away his attempt on goal fell short and dropped into the hands of Hayden Moore. Moore sent his shot straight through the middle and gave the Island a nail bitting six point victory. The Island heads off to Stony Creek next week to tackle the sixth placed Kangaroos.

Phillip Island 11.15.81 Tarwin 12.3.75 Phillip Island Goals: H. Moore 5, B. Runnalls 4, J. Weir 1, S. Seddon 1 Tarwin Goals: M. Swenson 3, J. Kilsby 2, B. Slater 2, T. Williamson 2, H. Farrell 1, R. Davey 1, B. Ellen 1 Phillip Island Best: H. Moore, S. Seddon, J. Taylor, D. Larsson, B. Kimber, J. Darcy Tarwin Best: L. Thwaites, N. McRae, B. Ellen, P. Hinkley, B. Slater, D. De Luca RESERVES

Phillip Island 19.19.133 Tarwin 2.3.15 Leading Goalkicker: J. Nicolaci 6 PI Best: J. Nicolaci, L. Cleeland, M. Feehan, A. Redmond, C. McPhillips, D. Clarke Tar Best: J. Bell, R. Boscombe-Hill, J. Carmody, A. Chadwick, B. MeadAmeri, P. O’Meara

PAGE 54 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016


• Fish Creek v Allies

Classy Kangaroos dispatch Allies THE CREAM often rises to the top and it was definitely the case when the Allies took on Fish Creek on Saturday. The home side put up a strong case all day, but in the end the class of the Kangaroos was too strong for the homes side. Battling admirably, the Allies started beautifully, working through the middle of the ground and using teammates to link up

as if second nature. The visitors battled with the conditions, at least initially, struggling to make peace with the muddy wings. The first quarter was even, if not for a few more Fish Creek entries that resulted in them kicking three more behinds and holding that lead going into the first change. The second quarter was much the same with Fish Creek owning the football and working hard for its

three goals. Back the other way, the Allies were able to slip a couple of goals over the back and really shake the confidence of the Kangaroos. Ash Snooks led the way for his side in the middle, but going back the other way the Allies’ Justin Marriott was equally effective. The on-baller gave his side countless opportunities and his teammates capitalised and kept the

margin to five behinds at the major break. Fish Creek’s coach Greg Hoskin had a stern word with his side at halftime, mentioning that the wins would not just come for his side, and that far more hard work was required. The Kangaroos responded although their output did not match their efforts as again wasteful kicking crippled their onball dominance. Ryan McGannon was

effective down back, marking strongly and distributing the ball well. He was not alone, with plenty of his fellow backmen following suit. The third quarter followed much like the first two, if not for the Allies’ dominance. Allies managed to grab the upper hand in the midfield and made the most of their good work. As if to mirror the first half, Fishy’s goals came from slips over the back and it was forced to work hard to halt Allies’ attacks. At three quarter time, and with neither team able to grab a firm hand on the

lead, frustrations boiled over. A slight scuffle turned into a fracas with players coming from everywhere to protect and defend their teammates. The umpires did a great job of dispersing the players, however, the intensity stayed with the game into the last quarter. For the Creeks’s sake, however, the increased spotlight did them well. They dominated the final term through the air and with ball in hand. In the end, Fish Creek’s class won out and it earned the visitors another win to take confidence into a future finals meeting.

Below, Runaway: Brent Cooper shows his Allies opponent a clean pair of heels Fishy too strong for spirited Allies

Fish Creek 11.16.82 Allies 8.4.52 Fish Creek Goals: M. Taylor 4, J. Buckland 1, G. Park 1, J. Smith 1, T. Fusinato 1, T. Hooker 1, T. Cameron 1, T. Manne 1 Allies Goals: J. Phillips 2, B. Kruse 1, J. Marriott 1, H. Egerton 1, B. Mason 1, S. Buttigieg-Clarke 1, B. Nolan 1 Fish Creek Best: A. Snooks, T. Cameron, J. Smith, B. Cooper, M. Taylor, L. Pratt Allies Best: M. Sigeti, B. Mayers, J. Zahra, D. Atkins, D. Batson, N. Pollock RESERVES

Fish Creek 13.7.85 Allies 7.6.48 Leading Goalkicker: A. Bright 5 Fishy Best: A. Bright, B. Graham, J. Danckert, J. Potter, T. Redpath, W. Lomax Allies Best: L. Anedda, A. Peebles, L. Sketcher, J. Henderson, J. McGrath, K. Hanning FOURTHS

Fish Creek 14.10.94 Allies 0.0.0 Leading Goalkicker: J. Standfield 5 Fishy Best: J. Standfield, A. Wilson, D. Tracy, O. Schnoor, Z. Clark, B. Hams Allies Best: H. Hoppner, K. Vicino, L. Maher, T. Mattern, D. O’Keefe, C. Craddock

Re-routed: Gareth Park tackles Allies Nick Pollock while Travis Manne comes in to assist.

• Foster v Korumburra-Bena

Tigers eat away at Giants IT was yet another apparent thumping for KorumburraBena by fifth placed Foster. The Tigers have lost some of their roar in the past few weeks and accordingly they have slipped from the top of the ladder and Giants might have looked upon them as a possible chance for their first victory of the year. With a team that consists of several players who have returned from retirement to help out, and several at the other end of the spectrum so young they look at times in danger amongst those bigger bodied men, a win this year might be living above the fans’ expectations. Everyone wants it to happen and there are often signs everytime the team takes to the ground that the winning days aren’t too far off. If it wasn’t for the unrelenting hard work of defenders like Besley, Edwards and Walker the size of the winning margin would be much greater. These three are a staunch defensive unit. The midfield too with Ben Fitzpatrick and Luke

Van Rooye is a vital force for Giants. It is the lack of key, positional forwards that is the side’s downfall right now and this will change soon enough. With a gun full forward supported by centre half backman Jess Hill and by a few of those young bloods emerging from their Junior days to become fully fledged Seniors, the Giants will be Giants in more than just name. Korumburra-Bena with forward players with a forward set up will change the competition. The Tigers with great dynamos in the midfield like Matthew Clark all over the ground, swamped Giants in the end. The Giant defenders contained the score but at the other end of the ground the Tigers took advantage of mistakes made by their opponents rather than dominating the game. Foster was just plain good and even right across the ground and from one end to other. The scoreboard doesn’t make it look thus, but the game was quite even up until half time. From there on the fit-

ter bigger bodied Tigers took control of stoppages and yes, it’s true, they ran away with the game. Next week Korumburra-Bena will have another tough assignment against Inverloch-Kongwak but will hold out hope for a victory the following round – Round 15 after the bye, for a victory over Toora. Next week Foster plays DWWW.

Good sports signs GIPPSLAND South MLA Danny O’Brien toured the electorate last Monday to promote good sportsmanship amongst players, parents, coaches and spectators. Mr O’Brien delivered the new signs to a number of sports clubs including the Woodside District Football Netball Club, Welshpool Basketball Association, Toora

Football Netball Club and Stony Creek Football Netball Club. Mr O’Brien said it was important that young players felt comfortable to participate in local sport for a number of reasons, including the health and social benefits. Mr O’Brien will deliver the remainder of the signs to clubs that placed an order over the coming weeks.

Foster 16.15.111 Korumburra-Bena 3.2.20 Foster Goals: M. Cooke 3, D. Granger 2, J. Hanlon 2, S. Chaseling 2, M. Comben 2, N. Connellan 1, B. Tagg 1, J. Toner 1, M. Clark 1, C. VanDyke 1 Korumburra-Bena Goals: B. Fitzpatrick 1, P. Whelan 1, D. Robbins 1 Foster Best: S. Chaseling, B. Tagg, M. Cooke, D. Granger, R. Moor, B. Bowden Korumburra-Bena Best: B. Fitzpatrick, S. Edwards, M. Kennewell, N. Besley, L. Van Rooye, J. Hill RESERVES

Korumburra-Bena 5.6.36 Foster 4.4.28 Leading Goalkickers: B. Schulz 2, C. Barker 2 KB Best: B. Schulz, S. Paterson, P. Kyle, N. Allen, J. Whiteside, J. Kyle Fos Best: A. Grylls, R. Prain, J. Prain, K. Bohn, N. Clarke, M. Brickle FOURTHS

Korumburra-Bena 13.16.94 Foster 4.1.25 Leading Goalkicker: J. Hill 3 KB Best: L. Fievez, K. Lia, R. Pattison, J. Douglas, T. Whiteside, T. Newton Fos Best: L. Wake, J. Thornell, R. Angwin, K. Davy, B. Prain, L. Lidstone

Pies sign: from left, Toora Football Netball Club’s Julia Allott and Gippsland South MLA Danny O’Brien stand with the new good sportsmanship sign at the club’s netball courts.

Stony sign: Gippsland South MLA Danny O’Brien and Stony Creek Football Netball Club’s vice president, Bill Pratt at the club’s home ground with the new sign.

“THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - PAGE 55

FOOTBALL | SPORT Hemmed in: surrounded by Traralgon players, Leongatha’s Rhett Kelly looks for a way through the heavy traffic.




Leongatha .. 10 0 0 310.64 40 Maffra.........8 2 0 141.65 32 Traralgon .....6 4 0 136.72 24 Won Power ...5 5 0 92.49 20 Warragul .....5 5 0 90.86 20 Moe................4 6 0 87.80 16 Bairnsdale ......4 6 0 73.77 16 Drouin ............3 6 1 80.73 14 Morwell ..........2 7 1 66.40 10 Sale ................2 8 0 70.44 8 GOALKICKERS C. Dunne (Leongatha) ......... (0) 42 A. Hillberg (Leongatha) ....... (1) 28 B. Fowler (Warragul) ........... (0) 25 M. Bennett (Maffra)............. (2) 24 L. Stockdale (Traralgon) ...... (2) 22 Z. Vernon (Leongatha) ........ (2) 22 T. Harley (Won Pwr) ............ (5) 21 K. Mutke (Moe) ................... (0) 20 T. Johnston (Traralgon) ....... (1) 19 B. Hughes (Drouin) ............. (5) 19 J. Gooch (Sale) ................... (2) 19 M. Rennie (Warragul).......... (4) 19


• Leongatha v Traralgon

Hard slog falls Parrots’ way IN heavy conditions at Leongatha, the Parrots found a way to win after being challenged all the way by Traralgon. In a battle of the defences, Leongatha got up by just three points, winning 6.5.41 to Traralgon’s 5.8.38 in a good contest under trying conditions. Traralgon had chances to win the game and had a lot of balls in the forward line in the last quarter. When the Maroons kicked an early goal in the last term the signs for the Parrots weren’t great; Leongatha needed three goals to win. They had only booted three goals in the first three quarters so it was a tall order. With a quick reply to Brock Davidson and then another to Zac Vernon the Leongatha crowd started to find voice.

Another to Vernon to give Leongatha the lead later in the quarter meant it was now Traralgon which had to lift. They pressured the Leongatha backmen but the likes of Sean Westaway, Aaron Coyle and Joel Sinclair held firm. At the 26 minute mark Traralgon marked 35 metres out and a goal would have secured a Maroons victory but his shot went wide. Leongatha went forward very late in the quarter and with an open forward line it was Josh Hopkins who ran onto the ball and he was running into what was a certain goal when the siren sounded. Earlier in the game it was a battle of the defences. Aaron Hillberg, who presented well all day, booted the only Leongatha goal for the opening quarter. Traralgon’s Jackson Hall was having a big influence on the game and patrolled the half backline, dominating his

position. Ben Willis was battling hard in the ruck against Traralgon’s Ben Amberg. The second term saw only one goal apiece as scores were locked at 2.4.16 at half time. The Leongatha oval was holding up well considering the rain and already three matches being played on the deck, with still plenty of grass on the ground. Leongatha switched things around a bit after half time throwing Chris Verboon up forward. Hayden Browne after dominating down back also spent some time in the middle. The Parrots also had someone watching the dangerous Jackson Hall. Shem Hawking was outstanding for Leongatha for four quarters and ran the game out fully. Josh Hopkins too performed well despite copping a heavy hit.

In the third term Traralgon inched ahead with two goals to Leongatha’s one and it was Traralgon now 4.7.31 to Leongatha 3.5.23 at the last change. Tom Marriott began to lift in the last quarter and he and other Leongatha players started to run and with it goals began to flow; the Parrots running the game out well after having the week’s rest. But the game could have swung either way and it happened to be Leongatha the strongest in the end with probably another goal to be scored until the siren denied Leongatha of a very late goal. These two sides have a few changes to make and it won’t be the same sides that run out should these two again meet in finals; with the grand final to be played at Moe. Leongatha won three out of four football games this week; the Reserves keeping its unbeaten run intact, the Under

16’s winning while the Under 18’s lost by a few goals. The Parrots head to Wonthaggi for a Sunday game this

week and expect an equally challenging game with the Power having strung together a couple of wins.

SENIORS Leongatha 6.5.41 d Traralgon 5.8.38

UNDER 18 Traralgon 9.2.56 Leongatha 5.9.39

Leongatha goals: B. Davidson 2, Z. Vernon 2, T. Olden 1, A. Hillberg 1. Traralgon goals: L. Stockdale 2, D. Loprese 2, T. Johnston 1. Leongatha best: Z. Vernon, H. Browne, D. Houghton, B. Willis, S. Hawking, A. Hillberg. Traralgon best: J. Hall, R. Hildebrand, T. Forrest, M. Northe, T. Northe, B. Amberg.

Traralgon goals: K. Duncan 1, L. Di Ciero 1, R. Livingstone 1, H. Willaton 1, M. Walker 1, M. Williams 1, J. Twite 1, W. Gaudion 1, D. Barnes 1. Leongatha goals: K. Cooper 2, J. Dunn 1, N. Trotto 1, J. Patullo 1 Traralgon best: B. Aurish, M. Williams, J. Twite, K. Duncan, R. Livingstone, W. Gaudion. Leongatha best: K. Patterson, K. Cooper, H. McGannon, T. Sauvarin, S. Forrester, W. Graeme.

RESERVES Leongatha 9.9.63 d Traralgon 3.2.20

UNDER 16 Leongatha 9.4.58 d Traralgon 3.5.23

Leongatha goals: C. Johnston 3, P. McGrath 2, J. Pellicano 2, G. Fleming 1, B. Fitzgerald 1. Traralgon goals: C. Dunn 1, B. Duve 1, T. Mustoe 1. Leongatha best: J. Hickey, B. Fitzgerald, M. Chalmers, P. McGrath, J. Tomada, C. Johnston. Traralgon best: D. Pearce, S. Brooks, T. Mustoe, B. Duve, J. McMahon, J. Bishop.

Leongatha goals: J. van der Pligt 3, M. McKay 1, L. O’Neill 1, J. Hastings 1, W. Littlejohn 1, C. Olden 1, D. Garnham 1. Traralgon goals: J. Van Iwaarden 1, H. Neocleous 1, B. Cheetham 1. Leongatha best: B. Hastings, J. Lamers, L. Scott, B. Motton, B. Patterson, M. McGannon. Traralgon best: T. Hourigan, T. O’Brien, J. Cashmore, H. Leslie, R. Evans, A. Grant.

• Morwell v Wonthaggi

Wonthaggi Power wins four straight AFTER defeating Morwell in a tight contest on Saturday, the Power has now won four games in a row, a confidence boost as it plays the undefeated Leongatha this Sunday at Wonthaggi. Played on Sunday in good playing conditions home side Morwell turned around a slow start to press the more fancied visitors from Wonthaggi with the result in the balance right up until the final siren. A big home crowd enjoying the sunshine and warmer conditions turned out to cheer on the Tigers who have been languishing near the bottom of the ladder this season. With Morwell using this season to rebuild their stocks and taking the opportunity to blood some of its talented juniors Wonthaggi would start obvious favourites to win this contest. Power, after a slow start to the season, had put together

three wins in a row and were again playing with the passion and confidence of previous seasons but were wary of the Tigers at home so this would always be an entertaining match. The game was a tight contest from the start with both sides keen to test out the other with strong tackling. Scoring was difficult as the ball moved rapidly from the midfield to the half forward lines and both defences were well on top. Michael Kelly, Aiden Lindsay, Joel Liddle and Aloysio Ferriera were damaging for Power around the packs while Byron Dryden, Tom Motlop and Ben Eddy were busy in defence. For the Tigers coach Joel Soutar, Riley Hogarth, Max Linton and Josh Piper were leading the way and the game was making little progress on the scoreboard. Troy Harley got Power’s first goal but Morwell responded with a great snap from Daniel Hutchison. Motlop running forward got Power’s next and Kelly helped himself

to another to break the strong Tiger defence. When key forward Adam Cook marked and goaled Wonthaggi had broken the shackles and was looking dangerous. Cook goaled again twice more but missed several other chances to extend the visitors lead. Power had dominated the second half of this quarter and looked to be well in control. But Morwell didn’t panic. The Tigers set themselves to work hard and keep up the pressure on its opponents. The team was rewarded immediately with a good goal after a great run through the centre where Tyler Hillier was waiting to finish the job. Suddenly the pressure was on Power as the Tigers were playing more competitively. A 50 metre penalty gave Morwell another goal through Ryan Hearn and there was a lot to like about the way they were going about the game. Josh Scott got another and they had crept within reach of Power. It was now game on. Harley got one back for the visitors following a 50m

penalty to give them a handy three goal lead at half time. Hillier gave Morwell the best start of the second half with his second goal for the day and they were lifting. Harley scored another off the ground to even up the scoring this quarter. Lindsay, Ferriera, Kelly and Liddle continued to do well but Morwell just kept coming. They were prepared to run the ball wide and back themselves in the contest. Cook goaled again after another strong mark. The difference between the two sides was the dominance of the marking of Power and the cleaner delivery of the ball. Hillier goaled again for Morwell as the game continued to tighten up. Devon Soutar goaled and Morwell had again outscored the visitors for the quarter and more importantly were well within reach, down only by three points at the orange break. It would now take a huge effort for Power to bring home the four points as Morwell was playing the better, more confident football. The crowd

were enjoying the game and sensed it would go down to the line. First goal again to Morwell through Hutchison and suddenly it was in front for the first time. Power responded with its best passage of play, a long run down the wing finishing with a goal to youngster Pat Ryan. This lifted the spirits as Harley who had been great up forward goaled again. Not to be outdone Morwell gaoled through Daniel Musil. It was a shootout on the scoreboard as both sides pressed hard. Morwell goaled again, Power responded through Ferriera, and Harley and finally a goal to the Tigers Hearn. Power had finished strongly again when challenged, a good sign and Morwell will take heart out of this game. With this group of talented youngsters they are well on the way to building a very strong foundation for the future. The competition is very even this season which is a

healthy sign for the League. Wonthaggi responded well when challenged and will need to be at their best when they host great rivals, the undefeated Leongatha Parrots next Sunday at Wonthaggi. This will be an Indigenous celebration round with a number of special activities, both clubs wearing their indigenous designed jumpers and a medal has been struck for the best player in the game. This will be a great day out. Morwell will travel to Sale in what also promises to be an entertaining contest.

SENIORS Wonthaggi Power 14.6.90 d Morwell 12.11.83 Wonthaggi Power goals: T. Harley 5, A. Cook 4, A. Ferreira 2, P. Ryan 1, T. Motlop 1, M. Kelly 1. Morwell goals: D. Hutchison 3, T. Hillier 3, R. Hearn 2, D. Musil 1, M. Linton 1, D. Soutar 1, J. Scott 1. Wonthaggi Power best: T. Harley, A. Lindsay, A. Ferreira, B. Dryden, A. Cook, J. Liddle. Morwell best: J. Soutar, R. Hogarth, D. Musil, M. Linton, J. Piper, Z. Anderson.


Leongatha ....9 0 0 362.39 Maffra.........6 3 0 254.60 Traralgon .....6 3 0 171.21 Won Power ...5 3 0 168.55 Moe ...........5 4 0 112.50 Drouin ............4 4 0 100.23 Warragul ........2 7 0 31.03 Morwell ..........1 7 0 47.06 Sale ................1 8 0 20.93 Bairnsdale ......0 0 0 0.00 GOALKICKERS


36 24 24 20 20 16 8 4 4 0

J. Pellicano (Leongatha) ..... (2) 25 A. Burgiel (Maffra) .............. (4) 15 P. Yates (Moe) ..................... (5) 15 T. Mustoe (Traralgon) .......... (1) 14 C. Johnston (Leongatha)..... (3) 14 J. Ginnane (Leongatha) ....... (0) 12 A. Gould (Moe) ................... (4) 12 A. Haymes (Drouin) ............ (0) 12 N. Quenault (Traralgon)....... (0) 11 J. Chessells (Moe) .............. (1) 10 J. Bennett (Maffra) .............. (0) 10


Bairnsdale ...9 Traralgon .....8 Moe ...........6 Maffra.........6 Leongatha ....5 Morwell ..........2 Sale ................2 Warragul ........1 Drouin ............0 Won Power ....0

0 1 3 3 4 5 7 8 8 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0


348.46 307.20 252.65 204.32 187.35 32.74 34.38 22.83 29.20 0.00


36 32 24 24 20 10 8 4 2 0

GOALKICKERS L. Di Ciero (Traralgon)......... (1) 32 B. Bosman (Moe) ................ (7) 21 L. Farrell (Moe) ................... (4) 20 A. McLaren (Bairnsdale) ..... (2) 18 R. Livingstone (Traralgon) .. (1) 17 A. McKenzie (Maffra) .......... (1) 17 N. Pruscino (Bairnsdale) ..... (3) 16 L. Carman (Maffra) ............. (4) 15 J. Reeves (Maffra)............... (1) 15 K. Cooper (Leongatha) ........ (2) 14


Moe ...........9 Traralgon .....8 Leongatha ....8 Bairnsdale ...7 Sale ...........6 Maffra ............4 Warragul ........3 Drouin ............2 Morwell ..........1 Won Power ....1

1 2 2 2 4 6 7 8 9 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



514.14 448.94 247.71 169.02 111.29 70.55 58.88 47.60 20.28 19.80

36 32 32 32 24 16 12 8 4 4

GOALKICKERS J. Van Iwaarden (Trar)......... (1) 43 T. Baldi (Moe)...................... (2) 22 O. Henry (Maffra) ................ (2) 19 H. Neocleous (Traralgon) .... (1) 18 G. Cocksedge (Moe) ........... (4) 18 B. White (Traralgon) ............ (0) 18 J. Hastings (Leongatha) ...... (1) 16 C. Mein (Bairnsdale) ........... (0) 16 J. Wykes (Bairnsdale) ......... (2) 14 J. Ziino (Sale) ...................... (0) 14

PAGE 56 - “THE STAR” Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Parrots girls on a roll

THE Leongatha Youth Girls football team had its second straight win of the season on Sunday at the muddy Warragul oval. New to the side, Ashlie Giliam - sister to Stacey had an immediate impact. Alice Howard was at her blistering best, while Lisa Whiteside showed great attack on the ball. Kaitlyn Casbolt soon kicked a goal to give the girls an edge over their opponents. The speedy Erin Trewin was excellent playing a vital alongside the formidable Stacey Giliam. When Keely Price kicked another goal, the Parrots seemed in for a big day. The girls continued their assault in the second quarter, with strong tackling from Hayley Geary and Amelia Riseley. Continued on page 49.

Hard fought: a determined Kaitlyn Casbolt goes to ground with a Warragul opponent. After a hard fought match in heavy conditions the Leongatha Youth Girls football team was victorious over Warragul. The girls were all smiles they left the ground after their 20 point win.

Clubs reject violence FOOTBALL and netball players banded together in solidarity on Saturday to share their mission to put an end to violence against women and children.

Leongatha played Traralgon at the Parrots’ home ground over the weekend where players and supporters donned orange wristbands as part of its Orange Day campaign. The initiative, lead by the United Nations, occurs on the 25th of every month and aims to raise awareness of domestic violence and drive social change. The match was timely in the football community, with Orange Day recognised just a week after Collingwood Football Club president Eddie Maguire and others including Sam Newman, fell into hot water for inexcusable and provocative comments aimed at journalist Caroline Wilson. All players donned orange bands while further No place in my world: wearing orange armbands, from left, Parrots’ A Grade netball captain Laura Higgins, Seniors captain Chris Verafield a netball match between Boisdale-Briago- boom, Claire Stanley from Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assult, and Traralgon A Grade netball captain Kate French and Seniors’ caplong and Lucknow also recognised the initiative. tain Jackson Hall joined forces to show their support for the Say No to Family Violence Day round on the weekend.

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