The 2021 legislative session recently ended. As always, it was a busy session with multiple issues. The State Bar had four priorities going into the 2021 legislative session. Those priorities were to:
without the assistance of many, including all the lawyers who are currently serving in the legislature. Special thanks must be given to Senator Michael Diedrich and Representative Mike Stevens who were prime sponsors of SB 75, Senator Timothy Johns and Representative 1. Correct an incorrect statutory reference in the Mike Stevens as prime sponsors of SB 95, Senator Lee Uniform Limited Liability Company Act; Schoenbeck and Representative Steven Haugaard as 2. Effectuate legislation to provide immunity for prime sponsors of SB 139, and Senator Jean Hunhoff assisting lawyers and judges in getting help for who spearheaded the effort to obtain a transfer of substance abuse, addictions, and mental illness; $250,000 to the CEAC through the appropriations 3. Assist the Unified Judicial System in obtaining an process and SB 64. increase in salaries for Justices and Judges; and 4. Obtain a transfer of some of the one-time money In addition to the legislators that supported the Bar’s available this fiscal year to the Commission on legislative priorities, the Bar is grateful for the support Equal Access to Our Courts (“CEAC”) for the and assistance of Chief Justice Steven Jensen, State benefit of legal services in South Dakota. Court Administrator Greg Sattizahn, and our contract lobbyists, Lindsey Riter-Rapp and Bob Riter, during the All four of those priorities were met with the 2021 legislative session. passage of: Thanks to the entire bar staff for their efforts during • SB 75 – An Act to correct an error in a statutory session. Andy Fergel and Beth Overmoe had primary cross-reference within the Uniform Limited responsibility for the lobbying efforts. This month I Liability Company Act; highlight Andy. Many of our members already know • SB 95 - An Act to provide protection for him but hopefully the interview will provide a little actions assisting an impaired lawyer or judge; more information about our Executive Director. • SB 139 – An Act to increase the base salary for certain judges; Andy has worked for the State Bar for three years. Here • SB 64 – An Act to revise the General is my conversation with Andy. Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2021; and • SB 195 – An Act to appropriate money for the TERRY: First, why did you apply for a position with the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, State Bar and what keeps you here? and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest Andy: I applied to be Executive Director of the State on the public debt, and for common schools. Bar of South Dakota because I am proud to be a lawyer and wanted the opportunity to partner with The passage of these Bills would not have been possible the Bar’s member attorneys, the Bar Commission,