As I write this column, COVID has once again reared its ugly head. The world is being warned about a new potentially more contagious Omicron variant of the Coronavirus. Governments around the world are imposing restrictions on travel from nations in Southern Africa. The stock market reacted to the news as well, as the Dow Jones dropped more than 900 points. Unfortunately, we probably need to get used to the fact there will be large numbers of variants appearing globally over the coming months and years.
donation to one of the legal services agencies in South Dakota (East River Legal Services, Dakota Plains Legal Services, Access to Justice, Inc.) or volunteer to take on or co-chair a pro bono case.
I recently attended the rivalry football game between SDSU and USD in the Dakota Dome. I enjoyed the pregame tailgating with a mixture of Coyote and Jackrabbit fans. There was plenty of good-natured ribbing between these friendly foes. The outcome of the game was not what I was hoping for, but it was a spectacular, although Over the last 20 months, the legal profession has faced improbable, finish. After the game, many of the extraordinary challenges. Nonetheless, our Bar proved tailgaters moved the party to Carey’s where the goodto be a resourceful and resilient organization. Going natured fun between Coyote and Jack fans continued. forward, we must learn from our recent experiences All in all, no matter the outcome, it was a good day and and draw on them to overcome the challenges ahead. I reminded me how great it is to call South Dakota home. am confident we will continue to find innovative ways to meet these challenges and, as a result, we will be a It is very easy to get caught up in the daily anxieties of the stronger organization and better lawyers. world. These days, there is plenty to be anxious about. As we begin the Christmas season, however, perhaps it Brent Thompson, Executive Director of East River Legal makes sense to step back for a moment to refocus, relax Services, recently circulated a communication among and recharge. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Bar members citing the good works accomplished by Christmas season and a happy and peaceful New Year! ERLS in 2020. Despite the outstanding work of ERLS, Brent reminded us there remains a critical justice gap Over the next several months, I will continue to in our state. In fact, South Dakota ranks dead last in introduce you to the members of the Bar Commission. the nation for ensuring access to justice according to the This month features Brent Kempema (Sixth Circuit), National Center for Access to Justice at Fordham Law Stacy Johnson (Fifth Circuit), and Marilyn Trefz (First School 2021. Brent’s communication is a compelling Circuit). reminder of our ethical obligation as officers of the court to remedy this crisis. Please consider making a